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"Passives Einkommen mit Digistore - Digistore24 fr Anfnger"
"SONDERAKTION: Mit dem Code BONUS20 bekommst du diesen und meine anderen Kurse fr den aktuell besten Preis. Der Code ist zeitlich limitiert. Wenn du also erfolgreich werden mchtest und dabei auch noch den besten Preis haben willst, dann schreibe dich gerne in diesen Kurs ein.Wie sich meine Teilnehmer ein hohes Passives Einkommen mit einer Plattform namens Digistore24 aufbauen... Digistore24 ist auch einer meiner Haupteinnahmequellen und fr ein Online-Business unverzichtbar. Willst du dir ebenfalls dein eigenes Internetprojekt aufbauen? Dein eigenes Produkt erstellen oder als Affiliate andere, fremde Produkte vermarkten? Dann schreib dich in diesen Digistore24 Basiskurs.Hier lernst du:wie du dir ein passives Einkommen mit Digistore24 aufbaustwie du sowohl mit fremden Produkten, als auch mit eigenen Produkten Geld verdienst.wie du OHNE Programmierkenntnisse oder Vorwissen noch heute starten kannst.wie du die Plattform Digistore24 fr deine Online-Projekte verwendest.wie du die typischen Anfngerfehler vermeidest.wie du eigene digitale Marketing Strategien findest und fr dich nutzt.Du willst das Hamsterrad endlich verlassen, finanzielle frei werden und das mit einem vernnftigen System? Dann schreib dich in diesen Digistore24 Basiskurs ein.Wir sehen uns bei der ersten Lektion,dein Leon Dawi"
Price: 94.99

"SONDERAKTION: Mit dem Code BONUS20 bekommst du diesen und meine anderen Kurse fr den aktuell besten Preis. Der Code ist zeitlich limitiert. Wenn du also erfolgreich werden mchtest und dabei auch noch den besten Preis haben willst, dann schreibe dich gerne in diesen Kurs ein.""Die mchtigsten 5 NLP Manipulationstechniken"" Du willst die Kunst des Manipulierens verstehen und dich vor ungewollter Beeinflussung deiner Mitmenschen schtzen? Dann bist du bei meiner NLP-Technik-Serie genau richtig...In diesem Videokurs zeige ich dir, wie du dich gezielt vor folgenden manipulativen Situationen schtzt:wenn andere dich mit ihren Gedanken, ihrer Stimme und ihrer Krpersprache manipulieren wollen.wenn dich andere bewusst in eine Richtung/Ecke lenken mchten.wenn du herausfinden willst, was der andere gerade denkt oder fhlt und seine Manipulation abwehrst.wenn du die Manipulation erfolgreich auflsen mchtest.wenn du in jeder Situation Herr der Lage bleiben willst und du dich nicht manipulieren lsst.wenn andere deine Sympathie gewinnen mchten, um es auszunutzen.WICHTIG: Du lernst, wie ein Manipulator denkt und wie du dich erfolgreich vor ihm schtzen kannst.Mchtest du die mchtigsten NLP Manipulationen kennen lernen?Dann freue ich mich auf dich in der ersten LektionDein Leon Dawi"
Price: 74.99

"Schwarze Rhetorik: 20 Psychologie Manipulationstechniken"
"SONDERAKTION: Mit dem Code BONUS20 bekommst du diesen und meine anderen Kurse fr den aktuell besten Preis. Der Code ist zeitlich limitiert. Wenn du also erfolgreich werden mchtest und dabei auch noch den besten Preis haben willst, dann schreibe dich gerne in diesen Kurs ein.""Wie du Manipulationen abwehrst und dich vor den 20 mchtigsten Manipulationstechniken schtzen kannst."" Ich zeige dir, wie du jeden Manipulator auffliegen lsst...Egal, ob beim Date, im Beruf oder im Alltag. Diese Techniken verwendet ein Manipulator gezielt, um seinen Willen durchzusetzen. Kein Nein mehr. Keine Zurckweisung. Keine Ablehnung. Erfolgschance? Sehr hoch, es sei den du kennst die Struktur der Techniken, die ich dir in diesem Kurs zeigen mchte. ""Gefahr erkannt, Gefahr gebannt"", gib unmoralischen Manipulationen keine Chance...In diesem Videokurs zeige ich dir:wie du dich davor schtzt, wenn andere Mitmenschen dich kontrollieren & lenken mchten.wie andere dich verfhren & bewusst steuern wollen.wie ein Manipulator seine Krpersprache, seine Stimme und seine Gedanken erfolgreich zum Manipulieren einsetzt und du dich davor schtzen kannst.wie du nicht mehr Opfer von Manipulation wirst.wie du dich erfolgreich gegen Manipulationen wehren kannst.ber 20 sehr interessante Manipulationstechniken warten in diesem Videokurs auf dich. Es lohnt sich...Lass dich nicht lnger manipulieren...Lass uns gleich mit den ersten Techniken beginnen.Wir sehen uns bei der ersten Lektion.Dein Leon Dawi"
Price: 94.99

"Amazon eBook Business - Bestseller eBooks schreiben"
"SONDERAKTION: Mit dem Code BONUS20 bekommst du diesen und meine anderen Kurse fr den aktuell besten Preis. Der Code ist zeitlich limitiert. Wenn du also erfolgreich werden mchtest und dabei auch noch den besten Preis haben willst, dann schreibe dich gerne in diesen Kurs ein.Passives Einkommen aufbauen mit deinem eigenen Ratgeber? Wie es meine Teilnehmer schaffen ihren Leidenschaften zu folgen, hochwertige Ratgeber zu schreiben und sich ein weiteres finanzielles Standbein aufbauen... Dieser Videokurs zeigt dir, wie das funktioniert:In diesem Kurs lernst du unter Anderem, wie du:mit dem Schreiben eines Ratgebers passives Einkommen aufbauen kannst.einen hochwertigen Ratgeber schreibst, der anderen Menschen weiterhilft.zielgruppenorientiert schreibst.deinen Ratgeber perfekt aufbaust und gestaltest.deine Konkurrenz gnadenlos mit hochwertigen Inhalten abhngst.dir eine Leserschaft aufbaust, die dich als Autor/in lieben wird.deinen Ratgeber inhaltlich einzigartig und nicht kopierbar machst.Dieser Kurs enthlt die 20 goldenen Techniken, wie auch du den perfekten Ratgeber schreiben kannst.Mit meinem ersten eBook-Kurs auf Udemy landete ich in krzester Zeit einen absoluten Bestseller. Bereits jetzt verdienen die ersten Teilnehmer ein passives Einkommen mit ihren eigenen Bchern... mchtest du dazu gehren?Du brauchst weder ein Schreibtalent, Designerfahrung oder bermig viel Startkapital...Fang noch heute damit an, dir ein finanzielles Standbein mit Ratgebern aufzubauen.Egal, ob du wenig Zeit, einen Vollzeitjob oder andere Verpflichtungen hast, in diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du dir schnell und effektiv (sogar nebenbei) ein Portfolio aus verschiedenen eBooks erstellen kannst.Klick jetzt auf den ""JETZT-KAUFEN-BUTTON"" und fange noch heute damit an deinen ersten Ratgeber zu schreiben.Wir sehen uns bei der ersten Lektion.-----------------------Das sagen andere Teilnehmer ber meine Kurse:<< Leon Dawi ist einer meiner Lieblings-Dozenten, der genau den Mehrwert bietet, den ich brauche. 5 STERNE! >><< Der Dozent hat mich mit seiner lebendigen und interessanten Art berzeugt - Mittlerweile habe ich von ihm mehr als 10 Kurse belegt und bin sehr zufrieden. >><< Leon ist der vielseitigste Dozent hier auf udemy, den ich kenne. Ganz egal, ob Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Finanzieller Freiheit, Marketing oder Karriere - Hier finde ich immer einen knackigen Kurs, der mir weiterhilft. >>-----------------------"
Price: 74.99

"Gesetz der Anziehung - ngste berwinden - Erfolg Mindset"
"SONDERAKTION: Mit dem Code BONUS20 bekommst du diesen und meine anderen Kurse fr den aktuell besten Preis. Der Code ist zeitlich limitiert. Wenn du also erfolgreich werden mchtest und dabei auch noch den besten Preis haben willst, dann schreibe dich gerne in diesen Kurs ein.Die Grundlage meines Erfolges ist das Gesetz der Anziehung...Warum es tatschlich nur 1 % der Menschen schaffen, finanziell frei zu werden und das Leben zu fhren, was sie wirklich mchten...Willst du dazugehren? Dan lerne das Gesetz der Anziehung mit diesem Videokurs.Mit dem Gesetz der Anziehungkannst du dein Leben von heute auf morgen verndern.kannst du deine ngste und Sorgen berwinden.kannst du anfangen das Leben zu leben, das du mchtest.kannst du dir ein Mindset des Erfolges aufbauen.kannst du tatschlich ALLES erreichen, was du mchtest.Lerne heute noch die Grundlagen des Gesetzes der Anziehung kennen und verwandel dein Leben in ein Kunstwerk. Das Leben ist ein Ponyhof!Das Leben ist ein Wunschkonzert! Schluss mit negativen Glaubensstzen!Wir sehen uns bei der ersten Lektion,Dein Leon Dawi-----------------------Das sagen andere Teilnehmer ber meine Kurse:<< Leon Dawi ist einer meiner Lieblings-Dozenten, der genau den Mehrwert bietet, den ich brauche. 5 STERNE! >><< Der Dozent hat mich mit seiner lebendigen und interessanten Art berzeugt - Mittlerweile habe ich von ihm mehr als 10 Kurse belegt und bin sehr zufrieden. >><< Leon ist der vielseitigste Dozent hier auf udemy, den ich kenne. Ganz egal, ob Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Finanzieller Freiheit, Marketing oder Karriere - Hier finde ich immer einen knackigen Kurs, der mir weiterhilft. >>-----------------------"
Price: 94.99

"Das Mindset der Gewinner - Erfolgreiche NLP Glaubensstze"
"SONDERAKTION: Mit dem Code BONUS20 bekommst du diesen und meine anderen Kurse fr den aktuell besten Preis. Der Code ist zeitlich limitiert. Wenn du also erfolgreich werden mchtest und dabei auch noch den besten Preis haben willst, dann schreibe dich gerne in diesen Kurs ein.- Du bist, was du glaubst - Lern noch heute, wie du mit den richtigen Glaubensstze, unendliche Flle in dein Leben holst, finanzielle Freiheit erlangst und glckliche Beziehungen fhrst. Dieser Mindset Basiskurs zeigt dir, wie es funktioniert. Hier lernst du:wie du deine bisherigen Glaubensstze erkennen & tiefgehend analysierst.wie du die negativen Glaubensstze erfolgreich auflst und aus deinem Leben verbannst.wie du positive Glaubensstze in deinem Leben verankerst.wie du ein glckliches & erflltes Leben mit einem Gewinnermindset aufbaust.Klingt interessant? Dann sehen wir uns bei der ersten Lektion,dein Leon Dawi-----------------------Das sagen andere Teilnehmer ber meine Kurse:<< Leon Dawi ist einer meiner Lieblings-Dozenten, der genau den Mehrwert bietet, den ich brauche. 5 STERNE! >><< Der Dozent hat mich mit seiner lebendigen und interessanten Art berzeugt - Mittlerweile habe ich von ihm mehr als 10 Kurse belegt und bin sehr zufrieden. >><< Leon ist der vielseitigste Dozent hier auf udemy, den ich kenne. Ganz egal, ob Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Finanzieller Freiheit, Marketing oder Karriere - Hier finde ich immer einen knackigen Kurs, der mir weiterhilft. >>-----------------------"
Price: 99.99

"SONDERAKTION: Mit dem Code BONUS20 bekommst du diesen und meine anderen Kurse fr den aktuell besten Preis. Der Code ist zeitlich limitiert. Wenn du also erfolgreich werden mchtest und dabei auch noch den besten Preis haben willst, dann schreibe dich gerne in diesen Kurs ein.<< Kurz & Prgnant - In nur 3 Schritten zu deiner ersten erfolgreichen Facebook Werbeanzeige >>Ich zeige dir, wie du funktionierende Facebook Werbeanzeigen aufbaust, um mehr Besucher, mehr Verkufe und mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu bekommen. In diesem Videokurs lernst du:wie du auch als kompletter Anfnger deine erste Facebook Werbung schalten kannst.wie du fr deine Strategie das optimale Marketingziel festlegst.wie du die perfekte Zielgruppe findest und verfeinerst.was die perfekte Werbeanzeige ausmacht.wie du deine Produkte, Dienstleistungen & deine Marke erfolgreich auf Facebook verbreitest.wie die 10 goldenen Regeln des Facebook Marketings aussehen.Keine Geldverbrennung. Keine Orientierungslosigkeit. Keine Informationsberlastung. Lass dich nicht mehr von den tausend dubiosen Facebook Marketing Tools und stundenlangen Vortrgen lhmen. Dieser Videokurs zeigt dir, worauf es wirklich ankommt.<<Wie du noch heute deine erste Facebook-Werbung erstellst.>>Wir sehen uns bei der ersten Lektion,Leon Dawi-----------------------Das sagen andere Teilnehmer ber meine Kurse:<< Leon Dawi ist einer meiner Lieblings-Dozenten, der genau den Mehrwert bietet, den ich brauche. 5 STERNE! >><< Der Dozent hat mich mit seiner lebendigen und interessanten Art berzeugt - Mittlerweile habe ich von ihm mehr als 10 Kurse belegt und bin sehr zufrieden. >><< Leon ist der vielseitigste Dozent hier auf udemy, den ich kenne. Ganz egal, ob Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Finanzieller Freiheit, Marketing oder Karriere - Hier finde ich immer einen knackigen Kurs, der mir weiterhilft. >>-----------------------"
Price: 144.99

"Passives Einkommen als Reseller - Online Geld verdienen"
"SONDERAKTION: Mit dem Code BONUS20 bekommst du diesen und meine anderen Kurse fr den aktuell besten Preis. Der Code ist zeitlich limitiert. Wenn du also erfolgreich werden mchtest und dabei auch noch den besten Preis haben willst, dann schreibe dich gerne in diesen Kurs ein.Mehr passives Einkommen neben der Arbeit und von zu Hause aus? Reselling (Weiterverkaufen) macht es mglich... Wie ich mir ein vierstelliges Einkommen durch das Weiterverkaufen von Produkten aufgebaut habe - Dieser Videokurs zeigt dir:wie du dir ein hohes Einkommen aufbauen kannst, in dem du Produkte weiterverkaufst.wie du eigene Ideen fr das Reselling entwickeln kannst.wie du die goldenen Regeln des Resellings erfolgreich anwendest.wie du die grten Anfngerfehler beim Reselling vermeidest.wie du auch ohne groes Startkapital mit dem Resellen anfangen kannst.Ich verrate dir ebenfalls eines meiner erfolgreichsten Reselling-Produkte, welches mir monatlich 1.350 Euro einbringt.Momentan liegt der Fokus der Menschen, die online Geld verdienen mchten, vor allem auf dem Thema Amazon FBA und andere Dropshiping Modelle oder Infoprodukten. Das ist genau unsere Chance im Reselling-Bereich die ersten zu sein, die sogenannten First Mover, die bekanntlich das grte Stck vom Kuchen bekommen.Ich mchte dich auf dem Weg zu einem hochwertigen Reseller begleiten,lass uns gleich loslegen,schreib dich in diesen Kurs ein...noch ist das Potential riesig...Dein Leon Dawi-----------------------Das sagen andere Teilnehmer ber meine Kurse:<< Leon Dawi ist einer meiner Lieblings-Dozenten, der genau den Mehrwert bietet, den ich brauche. 5 STERNE! >><< Der Dozent hat mich mit seiner lebendigen und interessanten Art berzeugt - Mittlerweile habe ich von ihm mehr als 10 Kurse belegt und bin sehr zufrieden. >><< Leon ist der vielseitigste Dozent hier auf udemy, den ich kenne. Ganz egal, ob Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Finanzieller Freiheit, Marketing oder Karriere - Hier finde ich immer einen knackigen Kurs, der mir weiterhilft. >>-----------------------"
Price: 79.99

"Zuckerfrei Leben - Gesund abnehmen. Energie. Glcklich sein."
"SONDERAKTION: Mit dem Code BONUS20 bekommst du diesen und meine anderen Kurse fr den aktuell besten Preis. Der Code ist zeitlich limitiert. Wenn du also erfolgreich werden mchtest und dabei auch noch den besten Preis haben willst, dann schreibe dich gerne in diesen Kurs ein.Mehr Klarheit. Mehr Energie. Mehr Lebensfreude - Wie eine zuckerfreie Ernhrung mein Leben verndert hat... Dieser Videokurs zeigt dir, wie ich es geschafft habe, mich komplett zuckerfrei zu ernhren. Hier lernst Du:wie du ein gesnderes Leben ohne Zucker fhrst.wie du die grten Anfngerfehler bei der zuckerfreien Ernhrung vermeidest.wie du die zuckerfreie ""Dit"" langfristig fr mehr Energie & Lebensfreude anwendest.wie du den Entzug vom Zucker erfolgreich meisterst.wie du dich erfolgreich zuckerfrei ernhrst (Meine besten zuckerfreien Ernhrungssideen)wie du mit den Goldenen Regeln deinen Zuckerkonsum stark reduzierst.was es mit der groen Zuckerlge auf sich hat...Damals hatte ich 20 Kilo bergewicht, eine unreine Haut, keinen Antrieb und war schnell gereizt. Ich fhlte mich wie benebelt und war definitiv nicht zufrieden mit mir... Die zuckerfreie Welt ffnete mir eine neue Tr: Krperliche und geistige Vernderung. Heute wei ich, dass ich nie wieder aufhren werden, zuckerfrei zu leben. Deshalb will ich auch dir zeigen, wie du dein Leben mit einer zuckerfreien Ernhrung positiv vernderst. Ich zeige dir meine besten Strategien und die wichtigsten goldenen Regeln, um gerade in der Anfangszeit deinen Zuckerkonsum stark zu reduzieren.Du wirst sehen, dass du bereits nach wenigen Tagen einen sprbaren Unterschied merkst. Sowohl krperlich, als auch von der geistigen Fitness her. Es lohnt sich definitiv...Schreib dich noch heute in diesen Zuckerfrei-Videokurs ein und geniee die Vernderung.Ich freue mich auf dich,dein Leon Dawi-----------------------Das sagen andere Teilnehmer ber meine Kurse:<< Leon Dawi ist einer meiner Lieblings-Dozenten, der genau den Mehrwert bietet, den ich brauche. 5 STERNE! >><< Der Dozent hat mich mit seiner lebendigen und interessanten Art berzeugt - Mittlerweile habe ich von ihm mehr als 10 Kurse belegt und bin sehr zufrieden. >><< Leon ist der vielseitigste Dozent hier auf udemy, den ich kenne. Ganz egal, ob Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Finanzieller Freiheit, Marketing oder Karriere - Hier finde ich immer einen knackigen Kurs, der mir weiterhilft. >>-----------------------"
Price: 79.99

"Mnnlichkeit & Testosteron natrlich steigern - ALPHATIER!"
"SONDERAKTION: Mit dem Code BONUS20 bekommst du diesen und meine anderen Kurse fr den aktuell besten Preis. Der Code ist zeitlich limitiert. Wenn du also erfolgreich werden mchtest und dabei auch noch den besten Preis haben willst, dann schreibe dich gerne in diesen Kurs ein.Mehr Antrieb. Mehr Motivation. Mehr Mnnlichkeit - Wie du dein Testosteron natrlich steigerst. Ich zeige dir meine effektivsten Techniken, wie ich es von einem 20 Kilo bergewichtigen, demotivierten und unselbstbewussten Jungen zu einem durchtrainierten und erfolgreichen Mann geschafft habe. Eines meiner Hauptgeheimnisse: Mein Testosteron auf natrliche Art und Weise steigern. Klingt das interessant? Dann erfhrst du in diesem Videokurs:wie du dein Testosteron mit verschiedenen natrlichen Techniken steigern kannst.wie du dein Selbstbewusstsein erhhst.was die grten 5 Testosteron-Killer sind.wie du den grten Feind deines Testosterons besiegen kannst.wie du mit einem erhhten Testosteronspiegel mehr Muskel aufbauen kannst.wie du dein Leben positiv vernderst, indem du dein Testosteron natrlich steigerst.Lass mich dich auf deinem Weg begleiten. Ich zeige dir gleich mehrere Strategien, wie ich es damals geschafft habe, meinen Testosteronspiegel natrlich zu erhhen. Sowohl die krperlichen, als auch die geistigen Ergebnisse waren unglaublich.Wir sehen uns bei der ersten LektionDein Leon Dawi-----------------------Das sagen andere Teilnehmer ber meine Kurse:<< Leon Dawi ist einer meiner Lieblings-Dozenten, der genau den Mehrwert bietet, den ich brauche. 5 STERNE! >><< Der Dozent hat mich mit seiner lebendigen und interessanten Art berzeugt - Mittlerweile habe ich von ihm mehr als 10 Kurse belegt und bin sehr zufrieden. >><< Leon ist der vielseitigste Dozent hier auf udemy, den ich kenne. Ganz egal, ob Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Finanzieller Freiheit, Marketing oder Karriere - Hier finde ich immer einen knackigen Kurs, der mir weiterhilft. >>-----------------------"
Price: 79.99

"Get Gritty: How to Become a Confident Cowgirl"
"What could you achieve with your horse if you were more confident?Would you like to feel calm, confident, and in control when you ride?Would you like to explore new trails with your horse?Would you like to compete with your horse and know that you are performing at your best?Would you like to enjoy the time you spend with your horse?What is regaining your confidence worth?Don't wait.You deserve to feel confident with your horse.You deserve to enjoy riding your horse, not dread it!What is not regaining your confidence costing you?Are you missing out on trail rides with your friends?Are you putting off going to the shows that you really want to compete at?Are you paying thousands of dollars a year for a horse that just sits in the pasture?What is regaining your confidence worth to you?Confidence.Horsewomen I work with list lack of confidence as the biggest barrier to achieving their dreams.Horse activities that were once your dream, your passion, are no longer fun. When you don't feel confident, you might experience sweaty palms, upset stomach, shortness of breath, intense fear and anxiety. For those of you that show your horse, it certainly becomes difficult to perform at your best! For some horsewomen it becomes so terrible that they no longer want to ride.You may have been told to just get over it, it is all in your head, and to just get back on the horse. Or that all fear is caused by a lack of knowledge, so to fix it you just need to take more lessons. You may have even tried many different things to get your confidence back, but nothing seems to help.If this is you, don't despair. It doesn't have to be this way!In this Get Gritty Coaching Course, we will work to cultivate your trust in your self, your horse, and your unique horsemanship journey so that you can ride with complete confidence. The mental skills and techniques taught in this course are the key to overcoming fear, anxiety and nervousness so that you can enjoy your horse again!Take back control of your horsemanship journey. You have the ability to go after your dreams. Trust yourself, and step into the saddle. It is time to get gritty!"
Price: 129.99

"Godot 3: Curso de Desenvolvimento de Jogos"
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender como desenvolver jogos utilizando Godot e sua prpria linguagem:GDScript. Comearemos aprendendo como utilizar a linguagem at chegarmos ao mdulo final onde veremos como exportar e publicar nossos jogos. Dessa maneira, voc ir aprender no s como desenvolver jogos, mas tambm a compartilh-los.Godot um motor de jogos de cdigo aberto que nos possibilita criar jogos 2D e 3D, exportando eles para Web, Linux, Windows, OSX, Android a iOS com o mesmo cdigo!Desde que foi publicada em cdigo aberto, a engine no para de crescer a cada dia - e por esse motivo - nunca houve uma hora melhor para aprender a utiliz-la.Esse curso baseado em projetos, dessa maneira voc no ir apenas aprender funcionalidades proporcionadas pra ns pela Godot, mas tambm como aplic-las em jogos completos. No final de quase todos os mdulos, teremos desafios para que voc consiga resolver problemas sozinho e aplicar o que voc aplicou durante os outros mdulos.Todo o cdigo dos projetos criados nas aulas so abertos e podem ser encontrados no github. Isso possibilita que voc possa comparar o cdigo com o seu caso voc fique preso em algum problema, e at mesmo usar os projetos do curso como base para seus prprios jogos.Todos os recursos que usaremos para o desenvolvimento dos jogos so proporcionados, assim voc no precisa gastar tempo procurando por eles ou criando-os.Entre agora!"
Price: 49.99

Price: 12000.00

"Percusion: Independencia Rtmica Para Principiantes."
"En este curso, el alumno podranllevar a la practica ejercicios de independencia ritmica, haciendo uso de sus extremidades de una manera poco comn. Esto les dara la oportunidad de introducirse a un mundo ritmico poco pensado pero necesario para desarrollarse en el mundo de la multipercusion.El Curso esta pensando para ejecutarse con dos extremidades, enfocandose y dejando como base dos instrumentos o superficies (el cajon y pandero/shaker), estos son elementos que pueden ser intercambiables dependiendo del instrumento que tenga el alumno."
Price: 19.99

Price: 4800.00

"Price Action Trading Master Class [3.5 Hours]"
"Are you tired of constant losses in the market?And you have started loosing confidence on all those complicated indicators?And you struggling to find ideal entry and exit points in the market?You even find it difficult to spot trends in the market and often catch the trends when its too late.If answers to all these questions is big ""YES"", then this course is a perfect solution for you.Huh? What is a Price Action Trading?Price Action Trading is the discipline of making allof your trading decisions based on the actual price movement on the chart, asopposed to using lagging indicators for entry and exit.This course is applicable to Stocks, Forex, Commodities and even to Crypto Currencies.Last Updated : August 2018What students are saying: 5 Star, ""Very informative and well structured course. I now feel that I understand price action much more and looking forward to putting into practise some of the information that I have learned. ""- Matthew Dean 5 Star,""The instructor first lays a strong foundation and then build upon with good strategies ""- Neha Kumari5 Star,""Learned price action in simple, easy and engaging manner. ""- Punam5 Star,""This is a good match for me. I am looking forward to learning the whole concept. ""- Steve Horn This course is must for for both aspiring and professional traders who want to obtain deeper knowledge of what is called the Naked Trading that is trading based on simple price action.This course teaches the insider knowledge to Price Action Trading. We do NOT promise that you will turn richovernight. We do not make ridiculous and falseclaims (like those you see in other courses and Online Advertisements)that you will make 5000$ per trading session.This course WILL, however, offer you myyears of experience in stock market. You will understand the pitfalls and keys to succeed in price action trading and stock market. You will be saved fromhundreds of mistakes Imade in my Trading Journey.So whether you want to generate some side income by trading stocks or if you want to make trading your only source of income (like our Traders), then this course is for you.Course Structure-1) Price Action Trading Introduction.2) What is Price Action Trading?3) Advantages of Price Action Trading.4) Long And Short Positions.5) Order Types.6) Candle Sticks Intro ( With reference to Price Action).7) How to Identify Market Trends?8) Mastering Trend lines.9) Support and Resistances.10 Pin Bars.11) Confluences- Important Price Action Concept.12) Pin Bar Trading Setup.13) Inside Bar Trading Setup.14) Railway Track Price Action Trading Setup"
Price: 104.99

"Fibonacci Trading MasterClass"
"Most indicators are lagging indicators and work on past price action. In this course you will learn an important tool in trading called FibonacciThe Fibonacci retracement is used to forecast levels which the price is very likely to correct itself during a trend and hence usually used as entry levels. If you are missing this important tool in your trading then welcome to this Fibonacci trading Masterclass where you will learn this important tool from beginner to experienced level in a step by step manner. This course is perfect for -Traders who want to add Fibonacci in their trading tools set.Those who want to stop guessing and risking their hard earned capital on sub standard trade setups and strategies.Traders who want to anticipate quality trade setupsTraders who want to find market turning points that others dont see.Those Who wants to follow simple set rules and directions. Course Structure-Fibonacci IntroductionWho was Fibonacci?Fibonacci sequence and Golden Ratio[OPTIONAL Lecture] Fibonacci Ratios in NatureHow Fibonacci Ratios are derived?Swing Highs and LowsFibonacci Retracements IntroHow to run Fibonacci retracement levels?Should price touch the Fibonacci Retracement levels?Simplest form of Fibonacci tradingIs Fibonacci the holy grail of tradingFibonacci ExtensionsHow Fibonacci extensions are calculated?Fibonacci Reverse ExtensionsFibonacci ProjectionsLogic behind Fibonacci Projections LevelsHow to run Fibonacci ProjectionsProjection Example 1- Lupin StockProjections Example 2- USD/CADProjection Example 3- EUR/USDProjection LimitationsFibonacci Trader TypesWhat is Fibonacci Convergence?How Fibonacci Convergence works?Fibonacci Convergence TipsHow to run Correct Multiple Fibonacci Retracements ( Fibonacci Clusters)Step By step Fibonacci Convergence example-EUR/USDStep By step Fibonacci Convergence example-SPY-ETFFibonacci Convergence Trading setupFibonacci- RSI Trading Setup"
Price: 99.99

"Exchange Rate Arithmetic (With Intro to Derivatives)"
"This course is primarily intended as an introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of Exchange Rate Arithmetic for anyone interested in how the exchange rates work and other intricacies involved with Exchange Rates. This course is ideal for the students taking various examinations of the Institute of Bankers.With many case studies included in this course which will prove useful to many who are actually engaged in this interesting branch of International Banking.If you are new to this field then this course is a perfect starting point. The course is taught in simplest language with example given at each and every point.Topics Covered in this course-What is Foreign Exchange?Different FOREX participants.Currency Pairs.Appreciation and Depreciation of currency.Types of FOREX transactions.Direct/ Indirect Quote.Bid/ Ask Rate.Two Way Quotation Method.Cross Currency rate mechanism.Discounts and Premiums.Factors determining Exchange rates.Various Foreign Currency accounts.What are Derivatives?Types of Derivatives- Forward Contracts, Futures, Options, Currency Swaps.Case Studies on Exchange Rate Arithmetic, Futures, Options."
Price: 99.99

"Amazon AlexaSkill"
"AIAmazonAIAlexaAIAmazon EchoAmazonAIAlexaAI20183"
Price: 10800.00

"Project Management for Non-Project Managers"
"This coursecontains everything you need to achieve a good understanding of the Project Management Fundamentals.It isaccredited for andcovers thecompetencies required to achieve the APM - PFQ Project Fundamentals Qualification (SCQF Level6 - Globally Recognised Qualification).4 modules with associated interactive lessonsInnovative and engagingvideos for each lessonNotes to support each lesson and references to APM SyllabusPracticetestdirectly aligned to the APM syllabusTasks and exercises to consolidate the learningExtensive Exam Approaches module to support the ""Objective Testing"" Fundamentals exam.This course is also eligible for 8CPD/PDUpoints.It is specifically designed with Non-Project Managers in mindCourse ContentProject management and the operating environmentProject lifecycleManagement structures by which projects operateProject management planningScope managementScheduling and resource managementRisk management and issue managementProject quality managementCommunicationLeadership and teamworkFAQsWhat knowledge & tools are required?Familiarity with projects and project management is useful but not essential.Who should take this course?Anyone interested in learning about and applying best practice approaches to managing their projects or aspiring for a successful career in project management. This is an accredited course and prepares you for an APM - PFQ Project Management Qualification, if you wish to achieve a certification.What will students achieve or be able to do after taking your course?a) Describe a project's context, project success criteria, benefits and its relationship with project management.b) Carry out a stakeholder analysis and describe ways in which they can be managed.c) Describe ways in which projects can be monitored and controlled.d) Correctly identify the roles involved in project management.e) Carry out a work breakdown of a project as a first component of planning.f) Support and contribute to a successful project outcome.g) Prepare for the APM Project Fundamentals Qualification (PFQ) exam.h) Eligible for 8 Category - C PDUs or CPDs"
Price: 99.99

"Project Management for Millennials"
"This coursecontains everything you need to achieve a good understanding of the Project Management Fundamentals.It isaccredited for andcovers thecompetencies required to achieve the APM - PFQ Project Fundamentals Qualification (SCQF Level6 - Globally Recognised Qualification).4 modules with associated interactive lessonsInnovative and engagingvideos for each lessonNotes to support each lesson and references to APM SyllabusPracticetestdirectly aligned to the APM syllabusTasks and exercises to consolidate the learningExtensive Exam Approaches module to support the ""Objective Testing"" Fundamentals exam.This course is also eligible for 8CPD/PDUpoints.It is specifically designed with Millennials in mindCourse ContentProject management and the operating environmentProject lifecycleManagement structures by which projects operateProject management planningScope managementScheduling and resource managementRisk management and issue managementProject quality managementCommunicationLeadership and teamworkFAQsWhat knowledge & tools are required?Familiarity with projects and project management is useful but not essential.Who should take this course?Anyone interested in learning about and applying best practice approaches to managing their projects or aspiring for a successful career in project management. This is an accredited course and prepares you for an APM - PFQ Project Management Qualification, if you wish to achieve a certification.What will students achieve or be able to do after taking your course?a) Describe a project's context, project success criteria, benefits and its relationship with project management.b) Carry out a stakeholder analysis and describe ways in which they can be managed.c) Describe ways in which projects can be monitored and controlled.d) Correctly identify the roles involved in project management.e) Carry out a work breakdown of a project as a first component of planning.f) Support and contribute to a successful project outcome.g) Prepare for the APM Project Fundamentals Qualification (PFQ) exam.h) Eligible for 8 Category - C PDUs or CPDsWhen you are ready to take the Fundamentals Exam/Qualification, please contact your Learning Service Provider SkillSolve Training ( +44 (0)1202 970910) to arrange your exams."
Price: 99.99

"Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management - Core Finance"
"Say hello to Financial Analysis done right. You'll master sophisticated investment analysis and portfolio management techniques that are rigorously grounded in academic and practitioner literature.Explore and master powerful relationships between stock prices, returns, and risk. Quantify and measure your investment risk, from scratch.Discover what your financial advisor should be doing to manage your portfolio - to manage your investments.Do all of this, and a whole lot more... manually, as well as on Excel and Google Sheets, working with real world data.Theres no prior knowledge required. Well start you from the very basics, and build you to a financial analysis PRO thanks to:5 SECTIONS TO MASTERY (plus, all future updates included).Introduction: Understanding Investment Security Relationships & Estimating ReturnsUnderstanding powerful relationships between risk, return, and price.Intuitively explore the baseline fundamental law of Financial Analysis - The Law of One Price.Calculating stock returns for dividend and non-dividend paying stocks, manually.Downloading and working with real world data, and estimating stock returns on Excel / Google Sheets.Estimating Expected ReturnsEstimating expected returns using the average (mean) method.Estimating expected returns using 'state contingent weighted probabilities'.Estimating expected returns using Asset Pricing Models including the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).You'll learn each approach theoretically AND practically, ensuring you fully understand why the formulas work the way they do, and that you're able to download relevant data and conduct the initial financial analysis by computing expected returns for any stock you want.Understanding and Measuring Risk and RelationshipsEstimating the total risk of a stock.Estimating the market risk of a stock.As a by-product of learning to measure the market risk, you'll also learn how to quantity the relationships between securities - something that will be a focal theme of portfolio management and investment / financial analysis.As with the expected returns, you'll learn to measure risk manually as well as on Excel / Google Sheets. Thanks to a solid understanding of why the equations work the way they do, you'll see how Google Sheets can get things wrong, and what you can do to make sure you conduct financial analysis without incorrect / inaccurate estimates.Measuring Portfolio Risk and ReturnEstimating the return of a 2 asset and multi-asset portfolio.Measuring the risk of a 2 asset and multi-asset portfolio.Discover the 3 factors that influence / impact portfolio risk - 1 of which is more important than the other two combined!Exploring Diversification & OptimisationRisk reduction by diversification.Exploring Optimal Diversification - Number of Securities to HoldOptimising portfolio weights to achieve a target expected return.Minimising your portfolio risk (mathematically) using robust financial analysis techniques.DESIGNED FOR DISTINCTIONWe've used the same tried and tested, proven to work teaching techniques that've helped our clients ace their exams and become chartered certified accountants, get hired by the most renowned investment banks in the world, and indeed, manage their own portfolios. Here's how we'll help you master financial analysis and turn you into an Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management PRO:A Solid FoundationYoull gain a solid foundation of the core fundamentals that drive the entire investment analysis and portfolio management process. These fundamentals are the essence of financial analysis done right.Example WalkthroughsEvery major concept is taught with example question walkthroughs, so you can literally see how we analyse investments and conduct rigorous financial analysis, one step at a time.Loads of Practice QuestionsApply what you learn immediately with 150+ practice questions, all with impeccably detailed solutions.Cheat Sheets & ResourcesMathematical proofs, one page cheat sheets, workable Excel & Google Sheet spreadsheets all included.Say goodbye to information overload.Engage with carefully thought out, clutter-free, and engaging study materials that focus on the 20% finance fundamentals that drive 80% of the results.Easily follow through complex financial analysis concepts with great visuals that dont overdo it.Explore byte-sized lectures that dont cut corners so you receive the right amount of information which will hold you in good stead wherever you go, whatever you move on to do.Watch your confidence grow.Apply what you learn immediately in example question walkthroughs and progressively challenging quizzes with impeccably detailed solutions.Engage with over 150 questions ranging from simple true and false ones to more complex problems that take you outside your comfort zone.Questions are relevant for Ivy League / Russell Group University students studying any core Finance / Financial Analysis course, as well as professionals studying for the ICAEW CFAB, ACA, ACCA, and CFA qualifications.All questions designed in-house, by Russell Group Distinction Tutors.Finally understand why  the math works.Learn why we divide some variables by something, and multiply other variables by something else. Get past the painful approach of memorising countless equations. Not only will we rip apart each equation one variable at a time, well also give you mathematical proofs that show the equations logic one step at a time. Save yourself time and effort by understanding why the equation works the way it does. Then go out and create your own equations, and redefine the way you conduct your own financial analysis.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________We're proud of our students, and inspired by these stories - we decided to share them (unedited) with you...""I have had a great experience with Fervent tutor as I was taught more of the content and less memorizing. I think their timings and their work is professional as the tutor seeks the most efficient and productive way to help the student. I studied accounting with the tutor and it contributed greatly to my knowledge for the exam.""- Abdulaziz, BA (Hons), International Management""Fervent goes above and beyond the call of duty. First, they help you get the basics right and then assist you until you get a firm grip of your module. Fervent provides an extremely professional and patient environment. Doesnt matter how many questions you have or silly you think they are, they encourage all of it. I never would have passed my module rather score a merit in it if it wouldnt have been for Fervent.""- Shambhavi, MSc, Accounting and FinanceFervent provides an exceptional service, the whole process from start to finish was very hands on and supportive during my final year I needed tuition for a governance paper, essentially I was hoping they would do all the work for me but in the long run I got so much more than I bargained for .they changed my entire thought process and maintained a complete professional reserve. Working with me every step of the way, I was encouraged to think critically in achieving my objective and inspired to dig deep. As a result I produced a 2000 word essay (which I had them proof read as well) worthy of a distinction. Thank you for all the help and most importantly thank you for believing in me.- Sean, MSc, Accounting and FinanceThroughout the period of doing my Masters dissertation, I felt agonised from not only researching my specific topic but also writing clearly with no any grammatical errors. Fortunately, I found Fervent which offers efficient and comprehensive services. At first, I just expected my dissertation to be improved in terms of grammar; however, Fervent provided me much more than that. All essential aspects such as formatting, structure, logic, consistency of analysis and critique, strength of arguments are also checked and corrected. One thing that Ive been very grateful is related to my topic details. In addition to pointing out some big mistakes and recommending more accurate and professional alternative solutions, Fervent gave me many more interesting and valuable ideas which helped to develop my content to have stronger arguments and more critical analysis. My tutors suggestions helped me become more analytical in my thought process and in producing a better research paper; my critical thinking skills also saw a considerable improvement. Without Fervent support, I dont believe I could have been awarded an excellent grade for this dissertation. Thank you so much for invaluable help over my hard time.- Duang MSc, Financial Analysis and Fund Management (with CFA)Undoubtedly the gains that I have acquired from the studying with Fervent are plentiful and significantly make me different from what I used to be in terms of my expanded knowledge base, improved English skills (e.g. English-writing), as well as being more confident communicating with English speakers and with the improved ability to think differently and critically for dealing with various types of course works in my study in the university more readily.My tutor is specialized not only in the teaching of Accounting and Finance but also very familiar with the relevant knowledge in the subjects such as Marketing and Management. This is why I trust this person at an initial point along with his kind, friendly and very patient characteristics (e.g. Im always encouraged by my tutor during the session with him, often to hear: if you really want it and then you can do it and will make it with no doubts).Skilled worker ushers in the gate, leads a pious life depending on individual. This is a Chinese old saying which I can still remember vividly because it was what my tutor had told me in my  with him and made me believe an excellent learning outcome and a constructive learning process requires the hardworking from both of us. The record shows we did it. This is another reason I like Fervent as in the session with my tutor you see his hardworking as for the preparation for each session and in making the sessions distinctive from clich-ridden teaching-and-listening classes by exploring the best way and the most suitable set of teaching methods to provide the student with the best value for money.Jiajian BA (Hons), Business and Management"
Price: 179.99

"How To DJ With The Numark Party Mix"
"From complete beginner to playing onyour Numark Party Mix using beatmixing, cues, loops, samples & more...You're here because you've got (or are thinking of buying) the amazing Numark Party Mixcontroller and want to know how to play awesome DJ sets on it.I'm here because I make DJ and DJ/producer courses forDigital DJ Tips, the online DJ school of choice for over 18,000 students in 105 countries.Welcome To How To DJ With Your Numark Party Mix...Here at Digital DJ Tips, we train DJs and DJ/producers from beginnerright up to fully pro. Scratch DJs, mobile/wedding DJs, club DJs and music producers have all turned their dreams into full-time careers by following our full curriculum.But we also know that many DJs give up in their first six weeks!They find taking those first steps in digital DJing just too hard... and so their new gear ends up gathering dust under the stairs. Even if they persevere, it can take them months to nail the basics.That's why we've created our ""How To DJ With..."" series.Featuring the same world-class instructors who teach our pro curriculum, these concise and practical courses take you from complete beginner (yes, we mean complete beginner) to being a DJ!You'll masterthe gear, the music, the skills and the features so that you too can pull tricks that will amaze your friends and family, and help you to pack dancefloors right from the very start.What makes this course so different?It doesn't throw jargon and features at you with no explanation of what or why.It doesn't lose sight of the fact that you want to know the important stuff so you can actually play the music you love to other people, fast!And crucially, it doesn't forget what it's like to be a beginner.Get started today and join the thousands of happy students ofDigital DJ Tips- and who knows, it could be your first step to a changed career, fulfilling a lifelong dream...So what does this course cover?You'll learn how to set up your new controller and the supplied Virtual DJ LEsoftwareWe'll teach you how to source, organise and prepare your music, including how to incorporate iTunes into your hardware and software set-upYou'll get the lowdown on how to mix, including auto beatmixing and counting beats, for amazing transitionsAnd finally, we'll show you how to use hot cues, loops, and samples, and even how to manually beatmix, so you can play just like pro DJs.But that's not all! You'll also get:...12 hours of live classroom trainingvia our Digital DJ Tips StudentLive monthly webinars, where you get to ask questions and get instant help with your DJing...PLUS a free download of ""Rock The Dancefloor!"", our best-selling Amazon book on DJing, which hasfive star reviewsSo what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start your DJ journey with your Numark Party Mix now.Over 20videos and four modules you'll learn:How to download and install your softwareHow to connect your controllers, headphones and speakersHow the DJ controller mirrors what you see on your screenHow the browser works for organising your musicHow iTunes integrates with your DJ softwareThe benefits of using playlists to organise your tunesThe best places online to get tracks fromUsing the headphones and crossfader to prepare and execute your first mixUsing ""sync"" to get your mix right every timeThe secret of counting beats for tighter, more pro mixesHow to mix from outro to intro to keep your transitions smoothHow to use hot cuesWhy looping is your best friendUsing EQs for a cleaner mixMixing without synchUsing FXcreativelyUsing the samplerHow to light up the dancefloorWhat else will you get?A friendly, informal community to support you every step of the wayPersonal contact with me, the course tutorLifetime access to course materialsHands-on learning to lock that knowledge inNever waste another minute learning from out-of-date books, or yawn-some, poor quality YouTube videos again!With How To DJ With Your Numark Party Mix, everythings ready to go, in one convenient, mapped-out course.Plus youll get fast, friendly, responsive support by email, Twitter and on the Udemy forums. Or enjoy chatting with our 850,000-strong community on our website and social channels."
Price: 24.99

"AJAX: PHP assncrono com Javascript"
"AJAX uma tecnologia que permite o acesso assncrono entre usurio e o sistema de banco de dados. Para isso, ele executa por trs das conexes, a linguagem PHP.Neste curso voc ver no apenas JavaScript & MySQL, mas tambm AJAX e PHP. JavaScript uma linguagem de programao front-end. MySQL um dos sistemas de gerenciamento de bancos de dados mais utilizados em todo mundo. Matricule-se j!"
Price: 39.99

"Banco de Dados MySQL"
"MySQL um dos sistemas de gerenciamento de bancos de dados mais utilizados em todo mundo. Este curso ir lhe ensinar a criar bancos de dados, atualizar tabelas, fazer buscas em bases de dados, e muito mais. Aprenda a utilizar a ferramenta MySQL Workbench e a controlar bancos de dados em seu browser usando o PHPMyAdmin. Matricule-se j!"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de programao com Perl para Bioinformtica"
"Perl uma linguagem de programao de alto nvel, de tipagem dinmica, que foi desenvolvida para manipulao de strings. Perl apresenta recursos que facilitam a manipulao de textos, o que faz dela uma linguagem ideal para o desenvolvimento rpido de scripts e para realizao de diversas tarefas. Neste curso voc aprender os fundamentos da linguagem Perl."
Price: 39.99

"Introduo linguagem JavaScript"
"JavaScript umalinguagem de programaofront-end, isto , uma linguagem que interpretada diretamente no cliente (navegador). Nos ltimos anos, JavaScript vem se destacando como a linguagem preferida entre todos os programadores web, por isso to importante estud-la. Neste curso, voc aprender os conceitos bsicos da linguagem JavaScript. Matricule-se j!"
Price: 39.99

"Learn Pump Operation work"
"The course Pump Station work is for those who want to learn about the Pump ,Types of pump ,Rotodynamic centrifugal Pump, valve and job Responsibility when operation the pumps .In this course I explain Pump and types of pump ,who pump work valve and what to do when operation the pump ,Its a career oriented course .This course is design for All level but specially those who want to build there career in mechanical ,chemical and any industry level.As we know All the industrial having pump and It is the essential part of the operation. Enjoy this course and learn about the pump It very helpful for building your career in any industry ."
Price: 34.99

"Keto Diet For Beginners- Understand The Keto Diet"
"KETOMADESIMPLE!KETODONERIGHT! REVIEWS""This course contained a lot of information that is important to know before starting the Ketogenic diet. The recipes are delicious and simple to make. Overall this book is very helpful to the success of your diet.""-Dzimm""This is an amazing video Course for those considering the Keto diet! It is informative, comprehensive and contains practical tools (and recipes) to help you be successful on the Keto eating journey. I highly recommend this as a must get as you get started!""-TS""These videos is great for beginners. Well formatted and easy to follow. I especially liked the information on how the diet is helpful for many medical conditions..""-Brett Sakoff""Very informative! I've been doing Keto for about 4 months for weight loss and haven't lost that much weight. This helps me see where I have been going wrong a tweak things and keep on track.""- TeresaKeto aka Ketosis has seen tremendous growth in popularity recently for it's amazing results. Ketosis has been helping countless peopleBURNFAT, BUILDMUSCLE, IMPROVEENERGY, INCREASETHEIRFOCUS, and REJUVENATETHEIRHEALTH!What if I told you that they were able to achieve these amazing benefits while eating the foods that they LOVE!Ketosis is a state in whichyour body is burning FATas it's primarily fuel source and if done properly can actually burn your own fat stores to fuel massive weight loss. Not only that but it has been shown to improve athletic performance, brain function, and energy.The problem ismany people are unaware of the proper strategies and tools needed to flip the switchon their metabolism for fat burning. This is leading many people attempting the ketogenic diet to make some critical mistakes that are preventing them from experiencing the full benefits of ketosis.In this course, you'll learn how to getall the benefits of ketosis with as little bumps in the road and mistakesas possible. You'll also learn:How to maximize the benefits of ketosis and avoid the top 3 mistakes!How to use ketosis for fat loss!How to combine ketosis with intermittent fasting for rapid and powerful ketosis!Hacks for beating the Keto Flu and making the transition a breeze!How to track and measure your progress along the wayGetRecipes, Workouts, and Guidesto get the maximum benefitTheKeto Diet For Beginnersalso comes with aFREEFASTINGGUIDE and FREERECIPES"
Price: 19.99

"Learn how to sing 9 traditional Irish songs"
"Irish traditional singing is an untrained art. It was and is a celebration of culture and the tradition of story-telling.In this course, you will be encouraged to find your voice and interpret traditional ballads. It was the tradition at an Irish session that most people sang, whether they had a good voice or not. While they sang, the others listened or joined in, if it was that type of song. We seem to have lost a lot of that confidence and the patience to listen to each other. This course aims to help you find the confidence to learn and sing a song or if you can do that already, to explore an alternative genre.You will also gain insights into the way of life in Old Ireland assome common themes and eventsare sung about in each ballad. Before each balladis sung, I will explain background details of each song so you can gain a deeper understanding of it and therefore, learn how to best interpret the song.As well as breaking down the first verse of each song to learn the air, you will also get the chance to practice some techniques such as phrasing, variation and ornamentation. We also take a look at lilting and how the tempo of the song can affect techniques.You will have the chance to practice each song along with me, as each video has captions and also to practice the techniques that are shown to you throughout,Irish traditional singing is a rare art-form and has many uniquecharacteristics. Comhaltas Ceoltir ireann, the biggest promoter of Irish Traditional Music runs competitions each year, called Fleadh Cheoil, where musicians, singers and dancers can compete against each other in different age-categories, with a view to winning an All-Ireland title in their competition. I have won titles at this level and you may be interested in competing as Comhaltas has many branches internationally - so some of these songs might suit you for such competitions.Maybe, you just want to set yourself a challenge to learn a song or to gain deeper understanding of this particular type of singing. You may also be interested in the historical details of the songs. Whatever your motivation is, this is a unique opportunity to learn something interesting and challenging."
Price: 89.99