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"Integration Ultimate Method for function of different type"
"In this course, i have prepared lecture for various type of function which are not solved by ordinaryintegration methods, course is described as1 Integration of rational function having linear numerator and denominator2 Integration of rational exponential function3 Integration of function having exponential and cosine function as product of both.4 Integration of function having exponential and sin function as product5 Integration of sin power 4 x6 Integration of cos power 4 x7 Integration of tan power 4 x"
Price: 19.99

"This organic chemistry course is meant for students looking to take the MCAT.This course is perfect for college organic chemistry students of all levels and anyone who wants to ace MCAT organic chemistry. This course takes you through all of the major topics of organic chemistry that you need for the MCAT. You will get lot practice questions on each topic. You will learn almost everything you need to know about the MCAT organic chemistry course."
Price: 19.99

"Advanced Organic Chemistry - Reactions And Mechanism"
"In this course I have attempted to give equal weight to the three fundamental aspects of the study of organic chemistry : Reactions , mechanism and structure.This course provides a deeper understanding of the reactivity and properties of organic compounds. Stereo-chemical features including conformation and stereo-electronic effects; Aromatic compounds , carboxylic acids and aldehydes and ketones are explained in detail."
Price: 24.99

"Constructing a Website With Google Sites"
"This course will explain all the steps necessary to create, build, and publish a professional looking website with Google Sites. You can use Sites to create a teacher web page or have your students create their own web pages about topics they are learning about in class. Having a teacher website is a great way to communicate with staff, students, parents, and the community. When students use Google Sites, they are learning 21st century skills and communicating globally all over the world."
Price: 19.99

"Data Science R: Manipule, visualize dados com R"
"Aprenda a programar em R pelo pacote ""tidyverse"". Voc ir aprender os principios do R e, por exemplos, como manipular um conjunto de dados, extrair as informaes que voce quer. Como visualizar seus dados de maneira PROFISSIONAL do R, pelos pacotes dplyr e ggplot2Aprender sobre os principais grficos em estatstica para representar os dados, como: Grfico de disperso, grfico de barras, histograma etcSer um curso que aborda, de forma geral e resumida,assuntos complexos e que merecem horas e horas de estudo."
Price: 159.99

"Formao SERIES TEMPORAIS no R (parte 1/4): Visualizao"
"Aprenda nessa senquencia de cursos de formao em sries temporais tcnicas para: visualizar, modelar e prever os seus dados! Conceitos importantes como de rudos brancos, passeios aleatrios e muito mais! Nesse pacote de cursos, iremos abordar 4 partes em sequncia: Visualizao dos dados, Modelagem ARIMA, Previses estatstica e estudos de casos para colocar em prtica. No primeiro curso (Visualizao de dados) aprenda como analisar visualmente no R com um conjunto disponibilizado, as principais ferramentas para entender seus dados. Plote grficos de sries temporais univariadas e multivariadas!No segundo curso (Modelagem ARIMA) voc ver os principais conceitos de series temporais: Estacionaridade, tendncia e modelos (WN, RW, AR, MA, ARMA...) assim como estima-los e prever.No terceiro curso (Previses) vamos abordar diversas formas de previses estatsticas em sries temporais!No quarto curso (Estudo de caso) colocaremos tudo em prtica! Para que voc no saia da formao apenas como um ouvinte, mas tambm como algum que sabe VISUALIZAR, MODELAR E PREVER os dados no R!"
Price: 144.99

"Formao SERIES TEMPORAIS no R (parte 2/4): Modelagem ARIMA"
"Aprenda nessa senquencia de cursos de formao em sries temporais tcnicas para: visualizar, modelar e prever os seus dados! Conceitos importantes como de rudos brancos, passeios aleatrios e muito mais! Nesse pacote de cursos, iremos abordar 4 partes em sequncia: Visualizao dos dados, Modelagem ARIMA, Previses estatstica e estudos de casos para colocar em prtica. No primeiro curso (Visualizao de dados) aprenda como analisar visualmente no R com um conjunto disponibilizado, as principais ferramentas para entender seus dados. Plote grficos de sries temporais univariadas e multivariadas!No segundo curso (Modelagem ARIMA) voc ver os principais conceitos de series temporais: Estacionaridade, tendncia e modelos (WN, RW, AR, MA, ARMA...) assim como estima-los e prever.No terceiro curso (Previses) vamos abordar diversas formas de previses estatsticas em sries temporais!No quarto curso (Estudo de caso) colocaremos tudo em prtica! Para que voc no saia da formao apenas como um ouvinte, mas tambm como algum que sabe VISUALIZAR, MODELAR E PREVER os dados no R!"
Price: 219.99

"Formao SERIES TEMPORAIS no R (parte 3/4): Previses"
"Sries Temporais um assunto que est por toda parte, de questes financeiras como analisar o preo das aes at estudar o comportamento do fluxo de um rio! Isto , dados que variam ao longo do tempo esto por toda parte!Aprenda nessa senquencia de cursos de formao em sries temporais tcnicas para: visualizar, modelar e prever os seus dados! Conceitos importantes como de rudos brancos, passeios aleatrios e muito mais! Nesse pacote de cursos, iremos abordar 4 partes em sequncia: Visualizao dos dados, Modelagem ARIMA, Previses estatstica e estudos de casos para colocar em prtica. No primeiro curso (Visualizao de dados) aprenda como analisar visualmente no R com um conjunto disponibilizado, as principais ferramentas para entender seus dados. Plote grficos de sries temporais univariadas e multivariadas!No segundo curso (Modelagem ARIMA) voc ver os principais conceitos de series temporais: Estacionaridade, tendncia e modelos (WN, RW, AR, MA, ARMA...) assim como estima-los e prever.No terceiro curso (Previses) vamos abordar diversas formas de previses estatsticas em sries temporais!No quarto curso (Estudo de caso) colocaremos tudo em prtica! Para que voc no saia da formao apenas como um ouvinte, mas tambm como algum que sabe VISUALIZAR, MODELAR E PREVER os dados no R!"
Price: 219.99

"Sries Temporais um assunto que est por toda parte, de questes financeiras como analisar o preo das aes at estudar o comportamento do fluxo de um rio! Isto , dados que variam ao longo do tempo esto por toda parte! Aprenda nessa senquencia de cursos de formao em sries temporais tcnicas para: visualizar, modelar e prever os seus dados! Conceitos importantes como de rudos brancos, passeios aleatrios e muito mais! Nesse pacote de cursos, iremos abordar 4 partes em sequncia: Visualizao dos dados, Modelagem ARIMA, Previses estatstica e estudos de casos para colocar em prtica. No primeiro curso (Visualizao de dados) aprenda como analisar visualmente no R com um conjunto disponibilizado, as principais ferramentas para entender seus dados. Plote grficos de sries temporais univariadas e multivariadas! No segundo curso (Modelagem ARIMA) voc ver os principais conceitos de series temporais: Estacionaridade, tendncia e modelos (WN, RW, AR, MA, ARMA...) assim como estima-los e prever. No terceiro curso (Previses) vamosabordardiversas formas de previses estatsticas em sries temporais! No quarto curso (Estudo de caso) colocaremos tudo em prtica! Para que voc no saia da formao apenas como um ouvinte, mas tambm como algum que sabe VISUALIZAR, MODELAR E PREVER os dados no R!"
Price: 129.99

"Aprenda Machine Learning com o TITANIC no R"
"J pensou em aplicar machine learning a um banco de dados famoso como o do Titanic? Aprenda o conceito e ferramentas importantes do machine learning como rvore de deciso e florestas aleatrias com o conjunto de dados mais famoso das competies de machine learning: Titanic!Tenho certeza que vai gostar desse curso rpido que convido voc a participar, e caso no goste, vc pode pedir devoluo do dinheiro. O que acha?Caso queira conhecer mais sobre o R, Data Science e Machine Learning, convido voc tambm a olhar meus outros cursos no meu perfil de instrutor."
Price: 129.99

"Anlise de dados: Domine a manipulao de dados no R"
"Neste curso, voc aprender como executar tcnicas sofisticadas com o dplyr para realizar sua manipulao de dados com R. Primeiro voc dominar os cinco verbos de manipulao de dados R com dplyr: selecione, mude, filtre, organize e resuma. Em seguida, voc aprender como voc pode encadear suas operaes dplyr usando o operador pipe do pacote magrittr. Na seo final, o foco est em praticar como subconjunto seus dados usando a funo group_by.Com tudo isso, voc estar familiarizado com ferramentas de manipulao de dados e tcnicas que permitiro manipular dados com eficincia."
Price: 309.99

"INSTAGRAM: Trucos Prcticos para las Historias de Instagram"
"Instagram es una plataforma en la cual reina el contenido con alto nivel esttico y si no quieres estar a la sombra de los dems, tienes que estar al tanto y masterizarlos ltimos trucos que estn usando los lderes en Instagram.Los ltimos reportes que estn saliendo sobre las tendencias en Instagram, dicen que los usuarios de esta plataforma consumencada vezms y ms el contenido de lashistorias de Instagram (Instastories).Es por eso que he creado este curso.Durante los ltimos 3 aos he aprendido muchos trucosque me han hecho elevar la calidad demi contenido a otro nivel. Al mismo modo he encontrado trucosde los que nadie hablapara poder alcanzar a una audiencia ms amplia y targeteada por medio delashistorias de Instagram (Instastories).Y es precisamente esto lo que quiero ensearles en este curso.Les voy a ensear trucos para que sushistorias de Instagram (Instastories) se destaquen dentro de los otros millones y millones de historias que se suben da a da.Y por qu es importante aprender estos trucos?Al final de este curso entenders:Cmo entregar tu mensaje a una audiencia ms grande, targeteandolos porinteresesy locaciones.Podrs crear diseos que hagan ver tu cuenta/marca mucho ms profesional y moderna.Tu audiencia te va a ver como un lder gracias a la esttica de tu contenido.Vas a poder crear contenido de alta calidad y creatividad que va a llamar la atencin de tu audiencia.Tu perfil se ver ms consistente, profesional y esttico despus de crear tus historias destacadasConocers 2 plataformas y 1 aplicacingratuitacon las cuales vas a poder disear rpidamente y sin esfuerzo contenido de alta calidad.Conocers 2aplicaciones gratuitas ms con las cuales podrscrear videos con texto animado sin esfuerzo y en poco tiempoAumentars el engagement de tu audiencia por medio de tushistorias de Instagram (Instastories)Estos trucos tambin te ayudarn a: impresionar a tu audiencia, hacer que te destaquesde tucompetencia y que tu perfil se vea ms profesional--Si durante el curso tienes alguna duda, me la puedes dejar en la seccin de preguntas y respuestas!As que no lo pienses ms, dale click al botn que dice ""Comprar Ahora"", nos vemos dentro del curso!Estoy ac disponible para ayudarte en el proceso."
Price: 59.99

"PSD to HTML Conversion - Step by Step for Beginners"
"Have you ever found it difficult to convert a PSD or JPEGdesign into a webpage? Many people just struggle in doing it and there is no shortcuts to this. One has to code it properly using HTML and CSS and this tutorial is just about that. By the end of this tutorial you will be able to convert any PSD or JPEGdesign into a proper webpage. This tutorial is meant for beginners and uses a step by step approach. However, you should have basic understanding of HTML & CSS before you take up this tutorial."
Price: 19.99

"Simple tricks for animations in css with Examples"
"Animation is the thing using which you can make your web pages eye catchy. If you have basic knowledge of HTML and CSS thenmaking animation will be very easy for you. In this course you will also learn about font styles and how to use material colors. Combination of material colors, stylish fonts and animations will perfectlymake your website fascinating. So if you want to make your website attractive and eye catchy then you will be watching correct video.Covers:1)ApplyingFont style and animation on text.2)Applying mouse hover effect on text and button.3)Applying animation for text rotation.4)Applying animation for text typewriting5)Applying styles and animations on button"
Price: 19.99

"Responsive Navigation Overlay Menu Bar in CSS with Example"
"Menu bar is the important part which comes at the very first in the web page.If you have basic knowledge of HTML,CSS and very little bit of JS then you will easily understand and can design menu bars by your own. In this course youwill get to learn about responsiveness of menu bars and different styles of it. You will get learn about some animations also. So if you want to learn some different and attractive menu bars then do watch this tutorial.Covers:1)Responsive overlay hamburger menu bar2)Transparent navigation menu bar3)Animation over menu links for submenus4)Solid to transparent menu bar on scroll down"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Modern Responsive Web Design with Example Step by Step"
"If you are looking for a course which exactly explains about creating a stunning website (single page) with a live example, then this one is for you. Not only you will be able to create a similar single page responsive website but you can also create any layout for that matter using the principles taught in this course. Unlike other courses, this uses a practical approach exactly showing the steps involved in creating a modern stunning website.Many courses just explain the various tags in HTML and various properties of CSS, without going into detail about practical problems which arise while creating a website. This course will certainly take care of that. Further, you can also get back to me whenever required with your queries regarding this course."
Price: 24.99

"SAP Successfactors Odata and SFAPI API-How to work with them"
"This course uncovers the SFAPI and ODATA APIs , which are the interoperability mechanism offered by SAP Successfactors.It will show as to how the various aspects of APIs, the endpoint URLs, input / output parameters for the API calls, access permissions , SFAPI and OData APIs, How to executed them , various concepts around effective dated entities, operations like query, update (both variants merge and replace), upsert, delete etc. can be sought out and operated upon.With this course , you will be able to gather the practical knowledge of working with the APIs in depth, a must for any Successfactors consultant, solution architect and for that matter an enviable armor for SAP HCM Successfactors functional consultants.Various use cases are also covered in the course wherein it is practically demonstrated on how the APIs can be called to satisfy the needed objective from the API.The  years of practice and challenges those were encountered while calling the APIs, creating the objects , demystifying various aspects like how to gather the values that a field should take; all have been placed in the course with the sole ideology that a person should be able to start from the scratch and reach the end.Also all the learning is done from the open source tools like SOAP UI and community edition of Postman and there is no need for Boomi / PI like paid tools for this course.Following is the course content:Section 1: Introduction1. IntroductionSection 2: SFAPI : Successfactors SFAPI URI and wsdl2. What is the Data Center URL3. Data Center URL significance4. Gathering Data Center URL5. Gathering Data Center URL continuation6.* Further Steps , SFAPI URL and others7. Formulation of SFAPI URL8. SFAPI wsdl9. SFAPI Enabled?Section 3: Soap UI Set Up10. SOAP UI Download and Install11. SOAP UI Configuration changes, in view of Successfactors' TLS v1.0 disablementSection 4*: Creating an API User ID to make SFAPI call12. Creating an User ID for the SFAPI calls13. Creating User IDs via Option 1(Provisioning)14. Creating API User IDs via Option 2.1 (Successfactors Application UI)15. Creating API User IDs Option 2.2 (Import Employee via SFSF Application UI)Section 5*: Setting the Password for the API User16. Setting the Passwords for the API User IDs created above17. Setting the Password for the API User - Option 1.118. Setting the Password for the API User - Option 1.219. Setting the Password for the API User - Option 220. Setting Password for the User - Option 3 and 421. Considerations when SSO is enabled22. Considerations for SSO - Enabling the loginMethod field23. Making First SFAPI call !Section 6: SFAPI Methods And Parameters24. SFAPI Methods25. Understanding SFAPI wsdl26. Preparation for the Hands ON Sessions on API calls27. Setting API User login exception28. Making the call to SFSF to retrieve the List of the SFAPI SFObjects29. Making the SFAPI Call for Session Management and MetaData Inspection methods30. SFAPI call for Data Query Category (query and queryMore)31. SFAPI call for Data Manipulation Category (upsert call)32. SFAPI Call for Asynchronous OperationsSection 7: OData : Tools to make the OData call33. Postman Set Up34. SOAPUI : Making Rest Calls from SoapUI35. Advanced Rest Client from Chrome36. Chrome/FireFox BrowserSection 8: Odata Basics (with relation to Successfactors Odata service)37. Odata Introduction and Structure Components38. OData Basics : Service Document vs. Service Metadata Document39. OData Basics : Entity Metadata Document-comparison with other documents40. OData Basics : How to gather Service Document , Service and Entity Metadata Docs41. OData Basics : Understanding Service Metadata Document - EntitySets , EntityType42. OData Basics : Understanding Service Metadata Document - AssociationSet and Type43. OData Basics : Understanding Service Metadata Document - Navigation Property44. OData Basics : Understanding Service Metadata Document - Function Imports45. OData Basics : Understanding Entity Metadata DocumentSection 9: OData URI46. OData URI : Introduction and How to gather the service root uri for Odata calls47. OData URI : URI and its components - All components48. OData URI : URI and its components - Resource Path -part I49. OData URI : URI and its components - Resource Path -part II50. OData URI : URI and its components - Query OptionsSection 10: OData Query Options51. OData Query Options: $orderby52. OData Query Options: $top and $skip53. OData Query Options: $top + $skip combined with $orderby54. OData Query Options: $filter - Introduction55. OData Query Options: $filter-supported Logical Operators56. OData Query Options: $filter-supported Arithematic Operators57. OData Query Options: $filter-supported Grouping ,Customized & String Operators58. DateTime and DateTimeOffset DataType fields59. OData Query Options: $filter - supported DateTime Operators -Part I60. Time DataType fields61. OData Query Options: $filter-supported DateTime Operators -Part II62. OData Query Options: $filter-supported Numeric Datatypes63. OData Query Options: $filter-supported Boolean Datatype64. OData Query Options: $expand65. OData Query Options: $format66. OData Query Options: $select67. OData Query Options: $inlinecountSection 11: OData API User Permissions68. OData : creating an API user and assigning the passwordSection 12: Effective Dated Entities69. Effective Dated Entities - What are They?70. Effective Dated Entities - How are they defined?71. Effective Dated Entities - The Concept72. Effective Dated Entities - Advanced Concept73. Different Modes in which Data can be entered in Successfactors74. Concept of fromDate, toDate and asOfDate for Effective Dated Entities75. Concept of fromDate, toDate and asOfDate for Advanced Effective Dated Entities76. Initial data entry : Impact on effective dated objects77. Correction Mode data entry : Impact on effective dated objects78. Edit Mode data entry : Impact on effective dated objects79. Insert and Delete Mode data entry :Impact on effective dated objectsSection 13: Effective Dated Entities behavior with Navigation80. Effective Dated Entities behavior with Navigation : Rules81. Effective Dated Entities behavior with Navigation : Advanced navigation conceptsSection 14: Effective Dated Entities : How can they be queried82. Effective Date Entities: multiple parameters available to query 'em83. Effective Dated Entities: Querying involving from/to/asOfDate84. Effective Dated Entities: Querying involving start/endDate85. Effective Dated Entities: Logic system follows when from/to/asOfDate are present86. Effective Dated Entities: lastModifiedOnDateTime parameters Rules87. Effective Dated Entities-filter by lastModifiedDateTime scenarios Part-I88. Effective Dated Entities-filter by lastModifiedDateTime scenarios Part-II89. Effective Dated Entities-filter by lastModifiedDateTime scenarios Part-III90. Effective Date Entities-filter by lastModifiedDateTime - Final AlgorithmSection 15: Effective Date Entities - Behavior with $expand91. Effective Dated Entities behavior with $expand - Rules92. Effective Dated Entities behavior with $expand - Further understanding - partI93. Effective Dated Entities behavior with $expand - Further understanding - partIISection 16: OData APIs : Push Operations94. OData APIs : Push Operations : OverviewSection 17: OData APIs : Push Operations : INSERT95. Section Overview : OData APIs : INSERT96. INSERT : Is the operation supported by entity, required fields, URI, HTTP Verb97. INSERT : Request Body : Are all fields supported for the operation?98. INSERT : Allowable Field Values - Data Types and MaxLength99. INSERT : Allowable Field Values - PickLists100. INSERT : Allowable Field Values - MDF Objects101. INSERT : Allowable Field Values - Navigation Links102. INSERT : Allowable Field Values - OptionId or ExternalCode (PickList values)103. INSERT : Perform Insert on the Entity via OData API104. INSERT : Can Multiple Calls be posted in one OData CallSection 18: OData APIs : Operations on Links105. OData APIs : Links Overview106. OData APIs : Query Operation On Links/Navigation107. OData APIs : Create Operation on Links108. OData APIs : Delete Operation On Links109. OData APIs : Update Operation On LinksSection 19: OData APIs : Push Operations: UPDATE110. UPDATE : Perform Update on the Entity via OData API111. UPDATE : Perform a Replace Operation112. UPDATE : Perform a Merge Operation113. UPDATE : Some additional differences between Replace and Update OperationSection 20: OData APIs : Push Operations : UPSERT114. UPSERT : Introduction and initial call115. UPSERT : Demystifying User and PerPerson relationship - a specific challenge116. UPSERT : Further discussion over Upsert117. UPSERT : processing parameter purgeType (full)118. UPSERT : Which all entities support purgeType=full119. UPSERT : processing parameter purgeType (incremental)120. UPSERT : purgeType behavior with NO_OVERWRITE property of Entity121. UPSERT : Understanding the EmpGlobalAssignment Object122. UPSERT : processing parameter suppressUpdateOfIdenticalData123. UPSERT : processing parameter fileLocale124. UPSERT : Multiple Requests in one call125. UPSERT : Multiple Inline Entity Types in one call -Part 1126. UPSERT : Multiple Inline Entity Types in one call -Part 2127. UPSERT : Avenue for Performance Improvement of Upsert callSection 21: OData APIs : Operation : DELETE128. DELETE : Deleting the entities129. Use Case : Creating and Querying PickList entries130. Use Case : Function Import : Add or remove users from the Static Group"
Price: 199.99

"Lending Fundamentals and Consumer Credit Assessment"
"This course provides in-depth information on the principles of lending to individuals and the universal aspects of prudent credit assessment.Whether you are in the United States, Europe, Asia or Australia the basic structure of sound lending practice is constant and can be compressed into the 3Cs or 3Ss...Character, Capacity and Collateral, or Stability, Serviceability and Security.These comprehensive tutorials will guide you through the key elements of each ""C"", or ""S"", and provide insight into what a credit assessment or bank officer can do to finely tune their loan decisioning skills.As the regulatory landscape tightens and there is greater focus on banks and financiers to be more responsible lenders, this course will put you ahead of the curve and provide crucial information and what you can do to make prudent credit decisions.This course is suitable for anyone interested in credit risk, whether they want to bolster their careers or simply have an interest in how banks review their own application for credit.The tutorial is complete with a short quiz to test the students knowledge of what they have learned during the course."
Price: 19.99

"Machine Learning y Data Science con Python"
"En este curso se ensean todos los conocimientos necesarios para convertirse en un Data Scientist (Cientfico de Datos). Para ello usaremos el lenguaje de Programacin Python como herramienta, ya que es uno de los lenguajes con ms demanda hoy en dia.En concreto, se tratarn en profundidad los siguientes apartados:- Programacin en Python, donde aprendemos a programar en uno de los lenguajes ms populares hoy en da como es Python.- Anlisis de Datos, donde aprenderemos como realizar un Anlisis Exploratorio de Datos, usando tcnicas estadsticas y de Visualizacin de Datos.- Machine Learning, donde aprenderemos como crear modelos predictivos, evaluarlos y usarlos en un entorno de desarrollo.- Deep Learning, donde nos enfocamos en la creacin de Redes Neuronales.- Web Scraping, donde aprenderemos tcnicas para extraer informacin de pginas web.- Big Data, donde aprenderemos a como procesar datasets de gran tamao asi como entrenar modelos predictivos con ellos."
Price: 99.99

"Kubernetes for developers"
"This goal of this course is to get you started with Kubernetes. Through a practical workshop, you'll learn how to dockerize an app, deploy it to Kubernetes cluster and apply DevOps into it.Agenda:Create ASP.NET Core MVC appAdd Model and Controller for ProductsDemo of the MVC app.cmprojDemo of the MVC appExplaining DockerfileBuild Docker Container for MVC appPush Docker container to Docker HubOverview on setting up KubernetesDeploy Docker container into Kubernetes using DashboardDeploy Docker container using YAML and kubectlCreate and deploy a ServiceCreate and deploy MSSQLConnect web app to DB in Kubernetes using ENVCreate PersistentVolumeConfigMapSecretCreate AKS clusterConnect to AKS Dashboard and kubectlStorageClass to create an Azure DiskUsing LoadBalancer instead of NodePortDeploy PVC to Azure AKSDeploy Secret to Azure AKSDeploy Sql Server container to Azure AKSDeploy the mvc app to Azure AKSRunning the app on AKSPublish project to GithubCreate the CI pipeline using Azure DevOpsCreate the CD pipelineEdit the pipeline to use the newest containerRun the CI-CD pipeline"
Price: 19.99

"Essential Chinese Grammar - HSK 1"
"This course is designed for those who want to take the exam of HSK1 and have already learned 30~50 hours or mastered 150 Chinese words (not characters). This course contains essential grammar of HSK1 and help you get a clearer concept of Chinese grammar. Each video is 5~15 minutes long so you could finish one during a coffee break. All videos are presented in Chinese with English subtitles because we believe the key to learning a language is to maximize your language exposure. The instructors speak in Chinese at an appropriate speed so you can follow along."
Price: 24.99

"Essential Chinese Grammar - HSK 2"
"This course is designed for those who want to take the exam of HSK2 and have already learned 60~80 hours or mastered 300 Chinese words (not characters). This course contains essential grammar of HSK2 and help you get a clearer concept of Chinese grammar.Each video is 5-10 minutes long so you could finish one during a coffee break. All videos are presented in Chinese with English subtitles because we believe the key to learning a language is to maximize your language exposure. The instructors speak in Chinese at an appropriate speed so you can follow along."
Price: 24.99

"Shell Script: Do Bsico ao Profissional"
"Se voc um administrador Linux ou um estudante Linux e quer aprender a automatizar tarefas e escrever programas estruturados na linguagem ShellScript, voc est no lugar certo!Primeiro, eu quero pedir para voc esquecer essa coisa de script. Este curso, vai te ensinar na prtica a pensar, estruturar e arquitetar seus prprios programas em Shell Script. Isto mesmo, programas!Ao final deste curso voc no vai somente aprender a automatizar tarefas, mas pensar como um programador ShellScript e usar os melhores recursos que esta linguagem tem para lhe oferecer, para criar os seus prprios programas, que contaro com estruturao, boa documentao, versionamento, fcil manuteno, boas prticas, boa leitura e muito mais.Eu projetei este curso da maneira mais didtica possvel, onde voc ir aprender na seguinte ordem:Introduo: Uma introduo ao Shell Script, instalao de ferramentas de desenvolvimento, uso de variveis, condicionais e laos.Estruturao de Cdigo: Desde o comeo da nossa aventura em Shell Script, voc ir aprender a criar um cabealho bem documentado, fazer comentrios dentro do cdigo da forma correta, melhor forma de endentao de cdigo e quebra de comandos.Chaves: Neste mdulo veremos como a organizao de funes utilizando o padro de chaves (ou flags) ir nos ajudar a organizar o cdigo.Debug: Voc ir aprender trs formas diferentes que fazer o debug de cdigo em ShellScript.Colorindo: Aqui, daremos vida aos nossos programas, adicionando diferentes cores e dando uma melhor sensao ao usurio.Expresses Regulares: Teremos tambm um mdulo inteiro dedicado somente para Expresses Regulares, que a ferramenta base que define os bons programadores e os mal programadores. Quem sabe Expresses Regulares, consegue escrever muito menos cdigo e otimiza-lo muito mais.Extrao de Dados da Internet: Aprenderemos a extrair dados de pginas Web e usar essas informaes no nosso programa.Banco de Dados: J pensou em criar um banco de dados usando um arquivo .txt? Faremos isso na prtica em um programa de gerenciamento de usurios.Interface grfica: No sei se voc sabe, mas possvel adicionar uma interface grfica ao seu programa em Shell Script. Vamos transformar o nosso programa de banco de dados do modo texto, para a interface grfica, melhorando a experincia do usurio.Mdulo Bnus: Neste mdulo, vou te dar as minhas melhores dicas pessoais para estruturao de cdigo, melhoria na performance, evitar futuros erros no programa, e diversas outras coisas! Alm disso, voc vai aprender a colocar seus projetos no GitHub.Lembrando tambm que, a cada mdulo, voc ter exerccios prticos para executar e treinar a sua lgica, utilizando os conhecimentos desenvolvidos ao longo do curso. Ademais, voc ter materiais complementares no formato PDF, onde ser possvel consultar os contedos mais ""complexos"" que voc ir aprender, como:todos os tipos de validaes usando If, lista de expresses regulares, lista das cores para personalizar seu programa, diferentes opes para a interface grfica.Eu vou estar aqui, para te ajudar em qualquer dvida que voc tiver. Inclusive, para te dar o melhor caminho para voc criar seus prprios programas.E a, pronto para comear essa jornada?"
Price: 294.99

"Connection Strings MS Access (ADODB & DAO Series-5)"
"Learn how to work with recordsets using ADODB Library. This is my first time I am unveiling the ADODB technology . My all previous series were on DAO.Not just ADODB methodology but side by side we are also making the code in DAO so that we can a good comparisonsTalking about connections strings you go and use when you work with other ACCCESS Database which is on your computer or may be on server.Types of DAO recordset cursor types like dbforward only, dbsnapshot only, dbdynamic etcAlso how to set up the security set up and create a login page for users."
Price: 1280.00

"Excel VBA Connecting Powerpoint Application Series-13"
"Discussing about the connectivity of excel with powerpoint in this advance series using Excel VBA.How to export table data from excel to powerpoint application.How to export charts from excel sheets to powerpoint.Taking a deep dive into power-point classes like Presentation class, Slide class and shapes class. Understanding the power-point object hierarchy.Real time projects discussion with you to give you live exposure of working with Power-point.Understanding the concept of Early Binding and Late Binding methods or techniquesLive Projects for you - Fully automated and high level automation. This course will have my email support as well."
Price: 1600.00

"Excel VBA Introduction Hindi Students - Series1"
"What is VBA ,Why it is needed in excel ?What automation we can bring in excel using Macros.Introduction to Macro editor . Full in depth tutorialIn-depth discussion on Variables. Their types,and life of a variable.Public, Global, Local variable types.How to connect macros with each other using call worddata types of variables like long ,integer,string,single ,byte etcAll types of Loops Discussion - For next ,Do while loops with practical examplesWhat are collection loops. - Their basics and practical use. How and where they should be used,For each worksheet, for each workbook, for each cell loopsOnline Support forever for you"
Price: 1920.00

"What are arrayswhy we use them, How we declare itstatic and dynamic arraysuse of vlookup and arrays togethermulti dimensional arraysredim statements, preserve functionlbound and ubound functionsVBA Inbuilt functionsUser defined functions - their role and points to keep in mindwhat questions can be asked in interview regarding arrays and functionsFunction and arrays together - great project discussions for youWhat are message box and input box. Their use in practical lifeError handlers - On error resume next - On error goto err with resume and resume next statementsProjects on error handlers for youmy online support - to assist you in questions and doubts"
Price: 1280.00

"MS Access Table and Queries Series 1"
"This course is talking about MS ACCESS TABLES and QUERIES in detail. Program is for those students who want to learn ms access and take their knowledge to new heights.What are the Tables- Their use, how to design them.Why we use the Tables- Import and Export the data from external sources like text file, excel file, csv files and other sources like ms access itself.Use of saving import and export steps Validation and rules concept while designing the Tables - in depth discussionSelect query with so many different examples including the SQL statement of sameUpdate - Delete- Append- cross tab- Make Table - update - drop query - all action and select queries are discussed with examplesUse of operators like in , not in, <>, wild characters (*,?) , between,> ,< signs How to use query wizard to find out unmatched records or duplicate records .How to use Group option in queries. Use of Sub- queries.Project discussion in the end so that what we have learn can be easily understood .How it works in real life.I am available for any type of query or doubt if you have. All the best."
Price: 1280.00

"Excel VBA Connect with MS Access Series-14"
"Learn about ADO Library. Active x data object library useHow to set up connection with access if located on server or local machine using excel VBAWhat are recordsets in ms access using excel vbaHow to run loops in access tablesHow to use SQL Commands like select statement, update ,delete and insertHow to edit or change specific record in ms access creating user formsSignificance of recordset cursor lock type - read-only and optimisticbatchA powerful project for you . This will make you super awesome because it is going to give real learning as to how what we have learnt so far can be used in making projects. Let us learn how we can make a break time scheduler for our team wherein they go on break and come back from break -their duration gets recorded and supervisors using this tool can see who is adhering and who is not adhering."
Price: 1280.00

"MS Access - Sub Queries JOINS Functions Series2"
"This course talks about different types of Joins like inner, left, right,outer or fullwe talk about live situations and how to deal with them using joins or sub querieswe talk about use of IIF function in access query how to use IIF in IFF which is called nested IFF functionDeal with all date functions like dateserial, date,month,year,dateadd,datediff etchow we can use text functions , upper, lower functions. MID LEFT RIGHThow as a beginner we use the access query zoom option and wizard to find out the functions if they exist or nothow to use functions using wizard and what are the things one should keep in mind while using them"
Price: 1280.00