"Formao em SketchUp" |
"O SketchUp o software 3D mais utilizado no mundo. Uma ferramenta simples intuitiva e muito poderosa que permite que profissionais possam transformar rapidamente suas idias em projetos 3D e 2D.Este um curso extremamente prtico onde o aluno ver todas as ferramentas que o SkechUp oferece, desenhando uma casa de 2 andares passo a passo com dicas e tcnicas para que seu trabalho seja o mais produtivo possvel."
Price: 204.99 |
"Formao Completa no AutoCAD 2D e 3D" |
"No Curso Formao Completa em AutoCAD o aluno aprender a desenhar em 2D e 3D no AutoCAD, atravs de 4 cursos voc verconceitos prticos, muitos exerccios e projetos completos passo a passo.Este curso vai te preparar para o mercado de trabalho eesta a oportunidade de voc adquirir uma nova profisso."
Price: 579.99 |
"Revit Para Iniciantes" |
"O Revit um software para a arquitetura criado dentro do conceito de Modelagem da Informao da Construo (BIM), que permite ao usurio extrair diversas informaes para a construo do projeto. Pelo fato de ser um programa muito rico em recursos, este curso abordar de uma forma prtica os principais conceitos que o aluno deve saber para criar um projeto completo. Durante o curso o aluno ir desenhar uma casa completa, desde o incio at a sua impresso e criao de imagens fotorrealsticas, utilizando dicas e tcnicas para que o seu trabalho seja o mais produtivo possvel.O Curso Revit Para Iniciantes voltado para quem nunca teve contato com o Revit e tambm para aqueles que desejam se atualizar."
Price: 294.99 |
"SolidWorks Para Iniciantes" |
"O SolidWorkd o lder mundial em software de modelagem slida 3D usado principalmente para a criao de projetos mecnicos, mas tambm utilizado para o design e desenvolvimento de produtos, estruturas metlicas, mveis, entre muitos outros.Neste curso o aluno aprender como desenhar um projeto mecnico completo, aprender como desenhar as peas, realizar a montagem destas peas, detalhar as peas e montagens e realizar a impresso, utilizando dicas e tcnicas prticas para uma melhor produtividade."
Price: 189.99 |
"Total Chi Kung II: Ejercicios Teraputicos Lian Gong" |
"En esta segunda parte del Programa Total Chi Kung, aprenders una serie de 18 ejercicios teraputicos para el bienestar, llamada gimnasia Lian Gong, que los chinos han utilizado por miles de aos.Se dividen en 3 series de 6 ejercicios cada uno, orientados a la parte superior, media y baja de nuestro cuerpo.Movimientos suaves, respiracin consciente y atencin plena a nuestro cuerpo nos permite relajarnosaliviar dolores mejorar la circulacin regular las funciones de los nerviosaumentar la capacidad muscularcontrol cerebral, etc."
Price: 39.99 |
"Impresin 3d de 0 a 100" |
"Hola! Soy Christian Regalado Sarmiento, Diseador Grfico 3d y Analista en Sistemas, te doy la bienvenida al curso Impresin 3d de 0 a 100. La impresin 3d a cambiado el mundo en el que cualquier persona puede hacer realidad algo digital que est en el ordenador, este genial y detallado curso te llevar paso a paso por las diferentes opciones y herramientas desde sus fundamentos hasta el nivel avanzado para que te conviertas en todo un profesional en el rea de la impresin 3d.Al finalizar este curso estars en capacidad de conocer a profundidad la impresin 3d ,realizar ajustes y mejoras en la impresin de tus piezas, realizar y disear modelos en 3d en programas fciles e intuitivos, saber el manejo de formatos de archivos tanto en 2d y en 3d,etc.Amigos me pueden agregar a mi whatsapp para estar en constante comunicacin y poderles brindar cualquier ayuda .+593 0990828374"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Basics Of SAP2000: No Experience Required" |
"Hello Friends.Welcome to the course on SAP2000. This course has been prepared assuming that the students who enroll in this course are completely new to this software. The main purpose of this course is to make the students familiar with the SAP2000 so that they can easily take the higher level courses without having confusions. Basic level of knowledge is given in this course as this course is for complete beginners."
Price: 54.99 |
"Master Engineering Drawing Part II" |
"This course is all about learning the elements of Technical / Engineering Drawing.A picture is worth a thousand words and an animation is worth a thousand pictures. Andby the end of this course you will realize, how easy it gets to learn stuff by animations. This is not merely a subject to consume, but, its a language which allows engineers across various disciplines to communicate.This course is relevant across all disciplines of Engineering be it Mechanical, Civil, Electrical or Computer Science. This is a mandatory first year course in most of the universities globally. In Part II of Engineering Drawing we will be covering the following topics in depth:1. Projection of Lines2. Traces of Lines3. Projection of Planes4. Auxiliary Planes (Shortcut to Orthographic Projections)"
Price: 3520.00 |
"Estatstica I (para leigos): aprenda fcil e rpido!" |
"""Linguagem simples a frmula para promover o aprendizado"". Prof. MSc. Uanderson Rbula leciona estatstica h uma dcada em aulas presenciais em universidades, com mais de 10.000 alunos instrudos e vai te ajudar a aprender! VOC...Procura um professor experiente que dispe um curso bem didtico, feito com muito carinho e dedicao e que est tendo boa aceitao dos alunos? (veja os comentrios nas avaliaes!). Quer estudar estatstica por meio de uma linguagem fcil, rpida e prtica e com uma sequncia lgica para facilitar a aprendizagem?Deseja fazer um curso diferente dos tradicionais, recheado de exerccios propostos para dar a oportunidade para tentar resolv-los e que so todos resolvidos pelo professor nas vdeo-aulas, passo a passo e num ritmo agradvel?Tem pouca habilidade com matemtica, leigo ou iniciante em estatstica ou deseja revisar os seus contedos? Precisa estudar estatstica para o trabalho, concursos pblicos, ENEM, ENADE, Data Science etc...?Julga que os clculos estatsticos so parecidos, confusos e de difcil interpretao?Deseja aplicar a estatstica em sua vida profissional ou social? ...ento est no LUGAR CERTO, pois este curso foi feito EXCLUSIVAMENTE PENSANDO EM VOC! ESSES SO OS DIFERENCIAIS DESTE CURSO Diferentemente dos tradicionais, este curso ensina a teoria associada prtica, pois dedica 75% da carga horria aos exerccios e apenas 25% para a teoria. So mais de 80 exerccios propostos e com um aumento gradual do nvel de dificuldade, justamente para ajudar o aluno na fixao dos contedos; Todos os exerccios so resolvidos passo a passo e num ritmo agradvel. como se estivesse em uma aula presencial e com um professor com dedicao exclusiva para voc. No tem como no aprender!O curso dispe um livro digital gratuito (em pdf) com toda a teoria discutida nas aulas, alm dos exerccios propostos e todas as resolues comentadas, passo a passo.EU VOU TE ENSINAR DA SEGUINTE MANEIRAVou te explicar a teoria e propor exerccios; Voc vai tentar resolver todos os exerccios propostos;Vou resolver todos os exerccios propostos nas vdeo-aulas, passo a passo! Voc vai acompanhar as aulas com um livro digital gratuito em pdfESSES SO OS CONTEDOS QUE VOC VAI ESTUDAR COMIGOConhecendo curso e o professor Seja bem-vindo (a)!Quem o Prof. MSc. Uanderson Rbula?Como ser o curso? O que voc aprender?Estatstica, tabelas e grficosO que estatstica? Para que serve? Como estudar estatstica com eficincia?Tabelas e grficos. O que so? Para que servem?Tipos de grficos e exerccios propostosResoluo dos exerccios propostos n 1, 2 e 3Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 4, 5, 6 e 7Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 8, 9 e 10Distribuio de frequncia: viso geralDistribuio de frequncia e histogramas (sem classes)Distribuio de frequncia sem classes: frequncia e histogramaDistribuio de frequncia sem classes: tipos de frequnciasAplicaes da distribuio de frequncia e exerccios propostosResoluo dos exerccios propostos n 1, 2 e 3Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 4, 5 e 6Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 7, 8 e 9Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 10 e 11Distribuio de frequncia e histogramas (com classes)Distribuio de frequncia com classes: conceito e construoDistribuio de frequncia com classes: histogramas e exerccios propostosResoluo do exerccio proposto n 1Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 2, 3 e 4Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 5 e 6Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 7 e 8Medidas resumo: viso geralMedidas resumo: mdia simples e mdia ponderadaMdia simples, mdia ponderada e exerccios propostosResoluo dos exerccios propostos n 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 6, 7, 8 e 9Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 10, 11, 12, 13 e 14Medidas resumo: mdia de distribuio de frequncia e histogramasMdia de distribuio de frequncia e histogramas (sem classes)Mdia de distribuio de frequncia e histogramas (com classes) e exerccios propostosResoluo dos exerccios propostos n 1 e 2Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 3 e 4Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 5, 6 e 7Medidas resumo: mediana simples, de distribuio de frequncia e histogramasMediana simples, de distribuio de frequncia e histogramas (sem classes)Mediana de distribuio de frequncia e histogramas (com classes) e exerccios propostosResoluo dos exerccios propostos n 1, 2 e 3Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 4, 5 e 6Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 7, 8 e 9Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 10, 11 e 12Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 13 e 14Medidas resumo: moda simples, de distribuio de frequncia e histogramasModa simples, de distribuio de frequncia e histogramas (sem classes)Moda de distribuio de frequncia e histogramas (com classes) e exerccios propostosResoluo dos exerccios propostos n 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 6, 7, 8 e 9Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 10, 11 e 12Resoluo dos exerccios propostos n 13 e 14 (e uma mensagem final)Uma mensagem final!GOSTOU? ENTO NO DEIXE PARA DEPOIS! INSCREVA-SE AGORA! SE NO GOSTAR, VOC TEM 30 DIAS DE GARANTIA DE DEVOLUO DO SEU DINHEIRO. MAS GARANTO QUE GOSTAR MUITO!Uanderson Rbula professor em universidades da regio Sul Fluminense (RJ), ensina estatstica h dez anos e possui dezenas de artigos, apostilas e livros publicados, entre eles ""Estatstica I e 2 (para leigos): aprenda fcil e rpido!"", disponvel nas livrarias Saraiva e Amazon. Veja tambm o curso ""ESTATSTICA 2: (PARA LEIGOS): APRENDA FCIL E RPIDO!"", disponvel na Udemy."
Price: 39.99 |
official_documents_translation |
"- - ( 1)/Translating Official Documents (Part I) - , - , . - - , , . - . - - ( 1)/Translating Official Documents (Part I) (, , , , ), , ( , ..). , - . - ( 1)/Translating Official Documents (Part I) - ( 2)/Translating Official Documents (Part II), , , . , , . - "" "", Ozon Litres. litres: twilight-fanpire"" , , . , , ( ). . !"""
Price: 34.99 |
"Master (SEO) Search Engine Optimization" |
"You are all excited!You finally completed yourwebsite and its going live on the Internet. Twoweeks goby since its live and you can't find it on any of the search engines. What happened? Did you submit it to the search engines? What did you do to help your website show up in at least the top twenty in Google, Yahoo and Bing?There are literally millions of websites on the Internet, how could yours possibly come up in the top ten or top twenty websites on a search engine? It is possible to tweak your website so it does appear in the top ten or top twenty of a search online. How to tweak your website for great search engine placement is what this class is all about.I will be covering all the tweaks that you can do to help your website reach the top ten to twenty page results in the three major search engines , Google, Bing and Yahoo.Topicsincluded will be:What is SEOSEO vocabularyTitle and meta description tagsAll about keywordsContent is kingFree online servicesto help you analyze your websiteFree software to analyze and improve your website for top placementand more......."
Price: 149.99 |
"Proaktywny Biznes" |
"Ten praktycznykurs maza zadanie uwiadomi uczestnikowiwiele zjawisk zachodzcych w dzisiejszym wiecie biznesu, majcych niebagatelne znaczenie we wspczesnych relacjach midzyludzkich jak i dla wasnej motywacji. Pozwala zdiagnozowa i pozby si samoograniczajcych przekona, tak aby nasze nowe przekonaniabyy trampolinami do sukcesu.W treci kursu uczestnik znajdzie szereg przydatnych przykadw i historii z ycia wzitych. Autorka dzieli si zarwno wasn pul dowiadcze jak i przytacza najlepsze branowe przykady."
Price: 19.99 |
"Drone Flying Academy for Beginners: Mavic Pro" |
"Are you total beginner to drones? Do you want to start aerial journey, buy your first drone, but you do not know how? Not sure if spending +1000 USDor more for DJI Mavic PRO is a right choice?Save time, money and energy following Marta on her aerial journey from total beginner to drone owner and confident operator. Find the answers to your questions or ask the actors your own - they are drones fans.You can join us whenever you want to. Our drones can wait for you. Organize your activities, go for aerial adventure, learn and practice from basic exercises the world of drones to more advanced lectures. Gradually develop your skills, knowledge and experience of flying and master your: ""How To Fly a Drone?""Discover the potential of DJI Mavic Pro, that is the best Value/Money in a Drone World!Do not worry, we'll guide you step by step and you can follow Marta, who starts the same journey to the drone world as well. The course is interactive. You can simply follow her real-life exaples and get out the most from the course for yourself. Here is what you will learn on this course:This course will improve your drone skills, knowledge and experience of aerial photography and videography to the upper level, so make your decision, jump right now and get fantastic outcome fast!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Tajemniczy Klient w Brany Beauty" |
"Kurs przyblia kulisy weryfikacji jakoci usug wykonywanych przez Twj salon oczami zewntrznego, bezstronnego obserwatora.Autorka sama wielokrotnie weryfikowaa w ten sposb jako usug i wanie teraz odsania nam kulisy takiej usugi. Zwraca uwag na kluczowe kwestie, wane zagadnienia podczas przeprowadzania tego badania.Po zapoznaniu si z treci, zyskasz niezbdne informacje do przeprowadzenia badania jakoci wiadczonych usug wanie poprzez zatrudnienie Tajemniczego Klienta.Zatem jeli naprawd zaley Ci na jakoci wiadczonych usug ichcesz pozna tajniki poprawnego przeprowadzenia tej czynnoci, ten kurs jest wanie dla Ciebie.Zachcam z caego sercaTatiana Galiska"
Price: 19.99 |
"Ten kurs daje wacicielom salonw oraz ich menaderom konkretne wskazwki, jakich bdw unika w zarzdzaniu swoim salonem oraz jego personelem.Nie ma dwch takich samych firm, natomiast problemy, z ktrymi borykaj si waciciele biznesw s bardzo podobne.Kady profesjonalnie zarzdzany salon zawsze posiada gotowy system, ktry rozwizuje kluczowe problemy maego, rozwijajcego si biznesu. A w efekcie ""ukada"" firm. Nie mam miejsca w nim na przypadkowo, co wpywa na atmosfer w salonie. Przekada si to na pracownikw a przede wszystkim odczuj to klienci."
Price: 19.99 |
"Drone Flying Academy: Mavic AIR - Great Small Drone" |
"Are you new in the world of drones? Do you want to start aerial journey? Not sure if spending +1000 USDor more for drone equipment is a right choiceDJIMavic AIR is one of the best drone options for very first drone.It is small, compact but it hides great potential, and we are going to unveil the possibilities during this course. Almost perfect drone.Save time, money and energy following Rafal and become a confident aircraft operator, master of aerial photography and videography. Find the answers to your questions or ask the instructor your own.You can join me whenever you want to and shape your drone operator skills. . Organize your activities, learn and practice from basic exercises to more advanced lectures. Do not worry, I'll guide you and you can follow me step by step.The course is interactive. You can simply follow the real-life aerial exaples and get out the most from the drone course for yourself. Here is what you will learn on this course:This course will improve your drone skills, knowledge and aerial experience to the upper level, so make your decision, jump right now and get fantastic outcome fast!"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Setup Home Film Studio" |
"Usually we get used to some decent standards when it comes to video productions. But when it comes to producing good quality content, that's a whole different story.In the course we are going to follow instructors in their journey to improve the quality of their video content. In this course we'll provide the answer to the question, what a decent quality video should look and sound like. You'll learn how to achieve better audio and video and also how to actually solve basic problems so that you can optimise yourown videos.Whether you have some experience or you are newbie in the video market, this course will help you achieve very nice and decent quality video productions. We include some examples, as well as challenges to make sure you're practicing your new skills.We also share some of our own experiences in a section where we recorded 5 podcasts.By the end of this course you'llhave learned exactly what videos should look and sound like, and you'll have learned valuable skills that will help you achieve perfection in your own videos.Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99 |
"DIY Drone Footage Post-production" |
"Are you total beginner to drones? Do you want to start aerial journey but you do not know how?Not sure if spending +1000 USDor more for drone equipment is a right choice?Save time, money and energy following Marta on her journey from total beginner to drone owner and confident operator. Find the answers to your questions or ask the actors your own.This Courserefers to the PostproductionProces, how to edit and create a short films. What are important factors and what are the main points.Good Luck!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Warsztat DJI GO 4, czyli Instrukcja Obsugi Drona" |
"Jeeli pasjonuje Ci latanie dronami, wydae spore pienidze na swojego nowego towarzysza przygody i chciaby w peni wykorzysta moliwoci aplikacji DJI GO 4.0, ten warsztat jest odpowiedzi na Twoje oczekiwania. Krok po kroku poznasz struktur aplikacji, ustawienia, optymaln form korzystania z aplikacji, czsto pojawiajce si komunikaty. Warsztat zawiera take czci bonusowe, czyli omwienia elementw dodatkowych np; DJI Assistant 2.0, Drone Radar, Litchi. Warsztat stanowi odpowied na wielokrotnie zadawane pytania, szereg zagadnie i wtpliwoci poruszanych przez operatorw bezzaogowcw podczas uytkowania swoich maszyn. Autor w sposb przejrzysty wprowadza Ci w tajniki aplikacji, krok po kroku.Ten kurs zawiera szerokie spektrum wiedzy i dowiadcze dotyczcelatania dronami DJI.Moesz miao korzysta z dowiadcze innychzwizanychz kadym etapem wtajemniczenia, od podstaw poprzez omwienie poszczeglnych elementw menu, ustawie, komunikatw, inteligentnych trybw lotu,a po bardziej zaawansowane techniki lotu, fotografowania i filmowania.Kurs systematycznie bdzie si poszerza o biece informacje i nagrane nowe materiay dydaktyczne.Materia zosta przygotowany w taki sposb, aby kady otwarty na rozwj uytkownik mg z niego wynie co dla siebie.W miar jak technologia bdzie si rozwijaa, na bieco kurs zostanie aktualizowany.Zapraszam bardzo serdecznie, Autor"
Price: 19.99 |
"Drone Workshop: Discover and Fly with Drone App DJI GO 4" |
"This Drone Operating App - DJI GO 4 workshop describes the variety of functions andsettings within the DJI GO 4 App for drone operation, which can be used as a remote controller connection with a mobile device for the DJI Spark and Mavic AiR or Mavic Pro or in connection with a Remote Controller for the DJI Spark, Mavic AiR, Phantom 4 Series, Inspire , Mavic 2 or Mavic Pro. Overall, the Application DJI GO is the gateway to your drones settings, so its essential to understand what the settings do and how do they work.Please, be aware, that this DJI GO 4 workshop is based onthe Phantom 4 Pro, Mavic, Spark, and Inspire 2. Due to various functions of the drone, some of the screenshots of DJI GO 4 show settings that are available to specific aircrafts only."
Price: 19.99 |
"10 Sekretw Jak Zjedna Sobie Ludzi i Zbudowa Zaufanie" |
"Kady sekret zawarty w tym kursie wyda Ci si oczywisty. Masz przecie w sobie tzw. mdro yciow, ktra tkwi gboko w Twojej podwiadomoci. Przecie Ty to wiesz! Komunikujemy si od rana do wieczora i poprzez rne formy. Kady to robi.Ale najwiksz sztuk jest wydoby t mdro i zacz j stosowa w dziaaniu. A to nie jest juz jakie atwe i oczywiste. Pomidzy wiedzie a robi czasem jest przepa.W tym kursie zachcam Ci do szczerego i autentycznego podejcia do drugiego czowieka, a przede wszystkim do samego siebie.Jak ""dogadzasz si sam ze sob"" , to zmieni si wiele, inni to poczuj. Zatem zapraszam Cie do poznania 10 sekretw, no bo kt nie chciaby by czowiekiem nietuzinkowym?, mie grono przyjaci? zaufanie innych ? oraz umie zjedna sobie ludzi?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Carefree Introvert - Get Influence at Meetings" |
"Did you ever walk away from a meeting thinking:I should have said something. Now Ihave no influence on the decision. Well, I have no confidence to speak up. This is all because I am an introvert.You can change that. Actually, it is an advantage to be an introvert at meetings.In this course I will teach you have to turn that around.How can I know?I used not to say anything at any meeting. Because I was shy, scared of what other thought of me, and introverted.I also saw how employees contributing at meetings succeeded in their career.I wanted to learn that skill.Today my main task is attending meetings, influencing, and making decisions.Ican teach you to achieve the same."
Price: 99.99 |
"5 Courses - Master AWS, Analytics, Machine Learning, Bigdata" |
"5 courses pack including below topics. #CourseLecturesDuration (hh:mm:ss)1AWS - Cloud Services2705:38:02 Elastic Beanstalk, ELB, ECS, EKS, Dynamo DB, Migration Hub 2AWS - Data Analytics1002:38:08AWS Analytics and Data Lakes, Amazon Athena - Interactive query service, Amazon CloudSearch - Managed search service, Amazon Elasticsearch Service, Amazon Kinesis - Data Streams, Amazon Redshift - Data warehousingAmazon QuickSight - Business Analytics Intelligence Service, Amazon Data Pipeline - Automate data movement, AWS Glue Managed ETL Service 3BigData and Hadoop framework1401:20:13Big data introduction, history, technologies, characteristics and ApplicationsData Lake, Data science and Data scientistHadoop introduction, HDFS-Overview, Hadoop Architecture, assumptions and goalsDemo-Hadoop install - sw download verify integrity, Java ssh configure, Hadoop access by browser 4Machine Learning00:32:19Introduction, Algorithms, Softwares 5AWS Machine Learning1402:06:00Bigdata and AWS, Hadoop on Amazon Elastic Map Reduce - EMR, Amazon EMR, Amazon EMR Architecutre, TensorFlow - Open source Machine Learning framework, Amazon SageMaker - TensorFlow Part 1 & 2, AWS Deep Learning AMIs, AWS Translate - Natual language translation, Amazon Polly - turn text to speech, Apache MXNet - Deep learning frameworkTOTAL < 68 Lectures >12hours 15min"
Price: 199.99 |
"Florida Drivers Permit Practice Test" |
"Did you know that 35% of people fail the state drivers permit test?This test includes most Common Question Found in the Florida Drivers Permit Test.This practice test has 40 questions. To better prepare you, we have set the passing score off 100%This practice test will help you prepare and pass the actual drivers permit test.This test includes road signs and multiple choice questions."
Price: 39.99 |
"History of English Literature" |
"History of English Literature is an attempt to showcase the initial stages of development of English literature and language through different ages. The Era of Chaucer was a remarkable age where English poetry and literature as whole flourished and developed. Post Chaucer period witnessed a deluge of poets and intellectuals who left their lasting impressions on peoples mind."
Price: 19.99 |
"Computer Fundamentals and Learning" |
"The course Computer Fundamentals and Basic is intended to present the basic knowledge of computer in a simple way. The best part about the course is that it deals with both hardware and software as well. Simple language with the help of sketch presentation has been used to supplement the learning process. All in all its the most simple and easy way of understanding computer."
Price: 19.99 |
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Price: 1800.00 |
24EASY- |
"? SEO Youtube ? FB .. SEO.-1-1.:1-2.:51-3.:.-Easy2-1.2-2.2-3.SOP.-80%?3-1.3-2.3-3. .-Blog4-1.4-2. .-5-1.5-2.5-3.5-4..- 6-1 6-2.-7-1.7-2..-8-1. 8-2. .-9-1.9-2..-10-1.10-2..-11-1.11-2. ;-12-1 12-21.2.3. 4.Michael Hou () 500"
Price: 5400.00 |
"PicsArt Full Guide: Zero To Hero In Photo Editing & Retouch" |
"Yes!!!!! You think like me , I also feel like Photoshop is complicated . But If I Tell you , that you can even edit or retouch your photos better than Photoshop that too easily in a minute or two and most importantly in your smartphone . Yes you have clicked on the right course. This course will help you be a pro in editing and retouching photograph from PicsArt( a photo editing app) ........Requirements:-1- A Smartphone (Android, iOS) .2- No prior knowledge required.You will learn the following from this course:-1-People after purchasing this course would be able to edit their photographs from their smartphones like a pro.2-Edit photographs like Photoshop from your mobile phone.3- Learn the secrets for retouching a photograph.4-Learn How to make professional Youtube Thumbnails.5- Learn how to erase and replace background.6- Know the process of creating a professional logo.If you want to edit and retouch photographs from your smart phone like a pro in a short period of time , this course is perfect one for you.Enroll Now!!!!!Sincerely Your Instructor-Dhabaleshwar Das"
Price: 199.99 |
"Graphic Design Bootcamp with CorelDraw Part 1" |
"If you want make yourself as successful Graphic designer and CorelDraw Expert You can join to learn this courseHere are some topics that will be taught in this course.Getting Started with CorelDraw 1. Introduction CorelDraw2. Starting with CorelDraw Understanding Corel Draw Tools1. Pick Tools and Freehand Pick Tool2. Shape Tools3. Smudge Brush Tool and Roughen Brush Tool4. Free Transform Tool5. Smear Tool and Twirl tool6. Attract tool and Repel tool7. Crop Tool and Knife Tool8. Eraser Tool and Virtual Segment Delete Tool9. Zoom Tool And Pan Tool10. Freehand Tool11. Bezier Tool12. Artistic Media Tool13. Pen Tool14. B-Spline Tool15. Polyline Tool16. Smart Fill And Smart Drawing 17. Ellipse, Polygon, Star, Complex Star, Graph Paper and Spiral Tool and shapes18. Text Tool (Artistic Text and Paragraph text)19. Blend Tool20. Contour and Distort Tool21. Drop Shadow Tool 22. Transparency Tool23. Color Eyedropper tool24. Outline Pen tool25. Uniform Fill and Fountain Fill Tool26. Texture Fill27. Interactive Fill28. Mash FillUnderstanding CorelDraw Basic1. Save File, Export To jpg, pdf and import image2. Object Position3. Align and Distribute Object4. Object order 5. Group, ungroup Object and Lock, unlock Object6. Distributing object Same Space 7. Undo and Redo and Repeat Object8. Insert page and insert page number9. Fit text path10. Weld Object 11. Trim Object12. Intersect, Simplify, Front minus Back, Back Minus Front Object13. Power clip objectCorelDraw Project1. Brochure Design 2. Business card Design"
Price: 19.99 |