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"Mobile Photography: beautiful educational story"
"During the courseyou will learn how to work with the frame composition, how to choose the best shooting angle. We will show you how to create a perfect portraits, how to use special equipment and what is the most convenient soft for producing an images. We will inspire you for the new discoveries of unique and amazing places for shooting and at the end, you will become a wizard that can create and capture magic all around you with your mobile phone.We think that Instagram and Mobile photography are the best and at the same time the easiest ways to translate information, feelings and emotions. This is a great opportunity to tell about yourself, about your job, about your journey, about everything that you care about."
Price: 99.99

"Cerveja Artesanal"
"Curso introdutrio de produo de cerveja artesanal. Visa habilitar os participantes a produzirem sua prpria cerveja utilizando equipamentos de simples manuseio e de baixo custo. A produo pode ser feita at no prprio fogo da cozinha. No existem pr-requisitos para aprender. Apenas vontade e apreciao pela bebida.Programao: 1) Ingredientes gua Malte Lpulo Fermento 2) Receita Aplicao dos ingredientes na formulao de uma receita. Uso de software cervejeiro 3) Produo Moagem Macerao Clarificao Fervura Fermentao Maturao Envase"
Price: 174.99

"Affiliate Marketing + SEO: Amazon Affiliate Marketing"
"Affiliate Marketing & SEO For Amazon AffiliatesWhat You GET In this Course: 3 Best Courses  Learn Affiliate Marketing  Learn Advanced SEO Learn Copywriting (Write High Converting Salesletters) Premium SEO Tools paid by me, FREE to use for YOU Premium WordPress Themes(48) Fully Licensed and Updatable  New Content Added Every Other MonthWhere else would you find such value? Only us!!!!Come with me on a journey to Online marketing wealthThis strategy could be monetized worldwide (no matter where you are: USA, Canada, UK, India, Germany, France, Poland, Egypt, Morocco , Vietnam, Japan, Australia or even Columbia, anywhere)Have you heard of my ""Easy First Page Ranking on Google"" that is monetized blue billion ways? And you don't need any complicated technical knowledge to rank on the first page of Google and get a ton of free traffic from that which would bring sales on Affiliate and CPA offers I've been making a steady income from Affiliate programs, CPA offers and different other monetization ways every day (huge competition in online marketing never scared me, I show how to beat your competitors) since I started to experiment with what REALLY works.My experiments have really paid off ... and those that worked are now revealed here for the very first time.I now make minimum $50 every day, $350 every week, $1,500 every month - and that is just minimum guaranteed money, I am not talking about additional money that I get every month I scale it up And that's not just one freak day! That's every day, day after day after day.Since I started my online marketing journey 7 years ago, when I was a teenager, I hustled my way through trying to make any money online, because I badly needed some steady income, so I would prove my parents and stop depending on them.First, I didn't know how to create a website, and  back then, there was not any YouTube tutorial on how to go about this, plus I didn't know how to drive free traffic for my affiliate offers even if I had a website. After some hustle work here and there, I figured how I could kill two birds with one stone and finally start making steady money putting everyday less and less time on work. So, I know these experiments now work - all my earnings are shown in the free preview in Lectures, look below!Every  technique which I reveal in this course is easy to put into place in minutes - and can give you fast returns.Nothing is kept secret - I reveal all I know ... and as I test even more things, those that are successful are added to the course - at no extra cost to you! This is a course that will continue to grow and grow.As well as the Udemy 30 day guarantee, you have my promise that you will be wowed and delighted by what you'll learn in the next 2 hours ... and you'll be kicking yourself if you already started Online Marketing and have been missing out on hidden potential earnings.What this course is not:I do not cover items that are freely available on Google and YouTube. I present you with real evidence of what works to get traffic which turn into affiliate, CPA or your own product sales which turn into repeat sales.I will not ""look at niche"" and ""tell you what to do"". I don't know your market or your capabilities - and it would be reckless of me to advise you. But, if you want my personal ""insider"" information - remember by now I make more than $200 a day. I've tried so many things within my 7 years in online marketing, I just have done every hard work for you and you only have to follow the things I say which are proven to work(and I now work for no more than two a day) - you need to get this course now ... right this minute.Every minute you delay is actually COSTING you money ....Enroll now!"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Power BI Intermediate"
"This course follows on from my earlier course 'Learn Microsoft Power BI'. The skills you learn on this course will give you the tools to manipulate data at different levels in order to create the insight you want. You'll be able to create insight with calculations and develop highly formatted dashboards suitable for publication.Acquire the Skills to be a Data Ninja Learn how to:Write SQL to query databasesClean dirty data to get it ready for modellingCreate data models that unlock insights from multiple data tablesEnrich the model with DAX calculationsCommunicate insights byCreating executive level dashboards Power BI is a new tool that empowers you to be a master of data rather than a servant of it.Previously these skills were limited to experts but with the modern software the technical barrier has been lowered to such an extent that most people are capable of producing and sharing dashboards.The prerequisites I have areStudents must be data literate. Excel users will have no problem learning Power BI. I'm assuming you've completed my earlier course 'Learn Microsoft Power BI'.SQL or BI developers probably won't get a lot from this course apart from DAX Calculations and Dashboard skills. The type of terminology used on this course includes, Tables, Rows, Fields, Joins, Relationships, Models, Calculations, Filtering, Visualizations.The course is taught using screencasts, slides.The files I use on the course are available for you to download. As long as you install SQL server with the sample databases you'll be able to follow along.It can take between 2.5 and 3 hours to take this course.There are over 2.5 hours of screencasts.The course is structured using key learning points, allowing you to build upon skills as you progress through the course. At the end of the course you'll have the skills to manipulate data to suit the requirements for complex dashboards.The skills you'll gain on this course will help boost your career as you'll be seen as a powerful steward of data.Power BI is becoming increasingly in demand in organisations of all sorts of sizes. Take advantage of this opportunity today and hit that enroll button."
Price: 19.99

"Java SE, Java EE (Web) con MySQL - De bsico hasta avanzado"
"Bienvenido al curso ""Java SE, Java EE (Web) con MySQL - De bsico hasta avanzado"", el curso en el que aprenders a programar desde cero con el lenguaje de programacin Java. Comenzaremos aprendiendo las bases del lenguaje de programacin Java (NIVEL BASICO), continuaremos viendo el desarrollo de aplicaciones web (NIVEL INTERMEDIO) yterminars aprendiendo a configurar tu propio servidor Linux Ubuntu Server con Apache Tomcat con tu propio dominio para publicar tus aplicaciones web (NIVEL AVANZADO).Qu incluye el curso?Ms de 40 horas de clases en video donde se explica paso a paso los diferentes temas.Las clases donde se explican los diferentes conceptos son apoyadas con diapositivas para reforzar ms el aprendizaje.En las clases de programacin se proporciona todo el cdigo fuente para que lo puedas utilizar como base para tus propios proyectos.Desarrollo de una aplicacacin web para poner en prctica todos los conceptos aprendidos durante el curso.Soporte por parte del instructor para preguntas o dudas relacionadas con temas del curso, las cuales sern respondidas en menos de 24 Hrs.Porqu estoy compartiendo este curso?En mi primer trabajo como desarrollador de software me pidieron desarrollar una aplicacin web con Java. En aquel tiempo no haba mucha documentacin que me ayudara a avanzar rpido con el desarrollo de esta aplicacin. Me hubiera ayudado muchsimo un curso como este que te estamos compartiendo, sobre todo por como esta estructurado. El curso te explica todos los conceptos que pudieras necesitar en un futuro para crear cualquier tipo de aplicacin web con Java. Por eso estoy compartiendo este curso, para que t avances ms rpido.No esperes ms, comienza a aplicar los conocimientos que ya tienes de Java para crear aplicaciones web dinmicas."
Price: 199.99

"Criando sites com Website X5 Evolution 9"
"Voc j passou pela seguinte situao: Quer criar sites profissionais, mas se desanima com o tamanho do conhecimento necessrio para usar mtodos de desenvolvimento como HTML5, CSS3, Tableless, entre outros? E se eu lhe disser que existe uma ferramenta que lhe oferece todos esses recursos sem a necessidade do conhecimento amplo nesses mtodos? Esta soluo chama-se Website X5, uma poderosa ferramenta que promete e cumpre a criao de sites em HTML 5 e CSS3 em apenas 5 passos.O Website X5 Evolution 9 uma ferramenta espetacular que cria sites incrveis. Os projetos criados na ferramenta esto nos padres web e ainda contam com HTML5 e CSS3.Voc consegue usar templates pr-definidos bem como criar seus prprios templates do zero.Com esta ferramenta, possvel ainda criar pginas seguras, ambientes seguros com senha, criar dropdowns, efeitos de lightbox e tem mais: O sistema ainda permite a criao de uma loja virtual e Blog integrado ao site.Em apenas alguns cliques. Voc ainda gerencia formulrios de contato, gerenciamento de imagens, alertas publicitrios, sites multi-idiomas e muito maisEste curso sem dvidas um grande upgrade em seus conhecimentos."
Price: 99.99

"Fotografa para principiantes"
"Este curso de fotografa est diseado para que puedas aprender las bases de la fotografa digital y a usar las funciones de tu cmara fotogrfica desde la comodidad de tu computadora. El curso est dividido en 16 clases que explican una temtica a la vez en un par de minutos con videos, pequeos textos y presentaciones; siempre con palabras sencillas y ejemplos que nos permitirn utilizar la terminologa de los fotgrafos entendiendo lo que decimos.No slo aprenders las partes ms ""tcnicas"" de la fotografa (como la iluminacin y el balance de blancos), si no que adems entramos en temas ms artsticos como la composicin y la esttica, con pasos fciles y claros que te ayudarn a darle ese toque extra a tus fotografas.Completar el curso no te llevar ms de un par de horas, puesto que cada leccin dura menos de 5 minutos. Sin embargo te doy tips y pequeas prcticas que puedes ir realizando despus de cada leccin para aplicar lo que vemos en la clase y asegurarte de que lo puedes hacer.Si te encanta la fotografa pero an no sabes bien cmo aprovechar tu cmaraEste es el curso para ti!."
Price: 24.99

"Love 301: How to Love Yourself"
"You're bright, talented, motivated, and deserving, but SOMETHING keeps holding you back from the success you logically deserve in finances, romance, and/or life satisfaction. What could it be? I can't say for certain - but I CAN say that learning what it means to love yourself and how to do so more completely is probably the best investment you can make in your happiness and success! I say that with confidence because love = life. Love is nurturing, healing, encouraging, instructive, and supportive. Love conquers fear and all other obstacles. Of course you already know this, but do you know HOW to love yourself more? It's crazy that EVERYBODY knows that love is the answer, that it's the most powerful motivational and liberating force in the universe, yet virtually NOBODY really understands it or how to get more of it. Love 301: How to Love Yourself is the product of 5 years of research on love and how to teach and learn it. It includes stories, explanations, and 6 types of application activities to teach you basic concepts and practices so you can:Do what makes you [the right kind of] happy.Do what's good for you and what makes you grow.Accept yourself and your life exactly as you are and go forward from there. Do what love does, and think and feel what love thinks and feelsGrow more confident, attractive, successful, and abundant. Sign up now to begin your journey toward greater self-love and the many types of success that follow."
Price: 24.99

"Learn ASP.NET Core using MVC 6 and Entity Framework Core 1.0"
"*PLEASE READ BELOWIn this new course, you will learn web application development using the new completely written from scratch framework called ASP.NET Core 1.0using MVC 6 and Entity Framework. This course is available ""AS IS"" and currently not being maintained due to my other commitments at work. Imay add more lectures but not guaranteed.In this course I've tried my bestto make it very simple and easy to grasp new concepts introduced in the .Net Coreversion.Happy Programming!"
Price: 19.99

"Authenticity: How to Achieve It"
"This course is designed to assist those who are desirous of leading a life of healthy self-allegiance and self-fidelity and to developpositive, friendly, inner self-talk. It will assist students in stepping aside from ego-centredness and to arrive at a place ofdeep appreciation for the world around them and to embrace their experiences of it and their own roles within it. The course contains experiential components that will enhance insights and energy, as well as providing clearing and closure tools for beliefs, behaviors and blocks to self-esteem and self-awareness. The course also contains 150very practical existential questions to assist in potential pathways to the palace of personal possibilities and options."
Price: 74.99

"PTSD: Cleaning and Clearing Shock and Trauma"
"PTSD:Cleaning & Clearing Shock & TraumaCourse DescriptionThis course is designed for those who work with trauma/shock survivors or those who are trauma/shock victims themselves and who have not yet found a way to collapse and clear any images/memories and resultant fears, anxieties, depression or addictions as a result of ongoing emotional and physical disturbances. Learn and MasterThis is about helping others or oneself in FINDING FREEDOM from addictions, obsessions, compulsions, fears, phobias, anxieties and trauma. It is an easy guide to understanding the nature of PTSD and potentially quick and simple solutions to releasing the impacts of same.Mastering a skill/technique/toolDiscover the means by which an understanding of the origins, impact and nature of shock and trauma in peoples lives can be dissipated, cleaned and cleared at a pace and in a manner that is safe and healthy for the sufferer.What are the requirements?A desire to learn about the nature of shock and trauma and to discover new, practical, and easy-to-apply tools and techniques for collapsing trauma triggers and reactions.What am I going to get from this course? This course has both academic content and experiential and practical components, with techniques to attain closure. The course contains video and audio lectures as well as resource material, references and links.What is the target audience?Professionals:CounsellorsCliniciansTherapistsCritical Incident Stress DebriefersPsychologistsPsychiatristsMental Health PractitionersTrauma specialistsStudents of Psychology/Psychiatry/CriminologyClients and patients of the above including: Military veteransVictims of crime or abuseVictims of terrorThose who suffer from trauma and shockSufferers who have not sought treatmentSufferers who are getting treatment but have not yet been successful in processing their traumatic histories. Those who have repeated nightmares or images that haunt them.Those who have had emotional, sexual or physical trauma from accidents or deliberate acts of violence or have been witness to same.Those who have had vicarious trauma.Those who have been uncomfortably spotlighted which could include having been bullied.Those with stuck/frozen memories/images.Loved ones who wish to share new possibilities with victims of shock and trauma"
Price: 124.99

"Aprender a leer en RUSO fcil"
"Aprende lo esencial del ruso con los vdeos y ejercicios, preparados para ti. Si quieres aprender el idioma ruso con un mtodo sencillo y comprensible, ests en el sitio correcto--he desarrollado este mtodo a lo largo de mis 10 aos de experiencia en el aula, y ha funcionado con gente de todo tipo--de altos ejecutivos a estudiantes universitarios.Este curso explica lo esencial de la ortografa y la pronunciacin rusa -y adems, la caligrafa:aqu encontrars vdeo-lecciones con explicaciones sobre la ortografa y para mejorar tu memorizacin tendrs muchos ejercicios muy entretenidos.tambin tendrs oportunidad de aprender la preciosa caligrafa cirilica ta dar unos trucos y reglas para leer aprenders a pronunciar todo lo que pronunciacin es algo que es imposible conseguir en un libro, as que este curso es el medio perfecto para ensearlo.ademas en el curso te doy unos regalos, que te va a permetir moverse por las calles rusas.para practicar el habla rusa vamos a aprender a cantar una famosa cancion rusa Kalinka - malinka"
Price: 24.99

"Das Bewerbungsgesprch: die 30 hufigsten Fragen"
"Die 30 hufigsten Fragen im Vorstellungsgesprch und wie du sie perfekt beantwortest. Wer kennt sie nicht: die kniffligen Fragen im Vorstellungsgesprch? Doch die hufigsten Fragen im Bewerbungsgesprch zu kennen reicht oft nicht aus, um sie klar und vor allem berzeugend beantworten zu knnen. Personalchefs whlen ihre Fragen sorgsam aus, testen damit nicht nur fachlich, sondern vor allem psychologisch die Eignung des Bewerbers. Dr. Markus Rimser ist ein Insider der Recruitingszene, war selbst lange Zeit Personalchef in internationalen Unternehmen und verrt dir Tipps und Tricks fr die erfolgreiche Beantwortung der 30 hufigsten Fragen im Bewerbungsgesprch.In diesem Onlinekurs erfhrst du alles ber die hufigsten Fragen im Vorstellungsgesprch: wie ticken Personalchefs? Nach welchen Kriterien whlen sie ihre Fragen aus? Was sind die psychologischen und organisationsrelevanten Hintergrnde der jeweiligen Fragestellungen? Welche Antworten werden gerne gehrt und vor allem warum? Aufbauend auf den 5 Fragenbereichenpersnliche Kompetenzsoziale Kompetenzfachliche Kompetenzmethodische Kompetenz unddie Passung zum Unternehmen,zeigt dir dieser Videokurs, wie du individuelle und berzeugende Antworten formulierst, dabei an Selbstsicherheit gewinnst und situativ auf die kniffligsten Fragen im Bewerbungsgesprch passende Antworten findest.Du erhltst nicht nur ein Training der 30 hufigsten Fragen, sondern auch ein vertiefendes e-book zu 140 Fragen im Vorstellungsgesprch die perfekte Vorbereitung auf dein Bewerbungsgesprch ist damit garantiert."
Price: 39.99

"Erfolgreich bewerben - das Online Bewerbungstraining"
"Wie viele Bewerbungsschreiben braucht es bis zum Traumjob? Wie viele Bewerber bewerben sich pro ausgeschriebener Stelle? Wie viele Bewerbungsgesprche muss ich bis zu einer Zusage fhren? Hier zeigt der Kurs aktuelle Statistiken vom Arbeitsmarkt. Du lernst, wie man am Arbeitsmarkt erfolgreich nach Stellen sucht, Stellenprofile richtig interpretiert und erfhrst aus erster Hand, wie Personalchefs eingehende Bewerbungsunterlagen sichten.Aufbauend darauf erarbeitest du deine persnlichen, aussagekrftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen, die deine Persnlichkeit, deine Fhigkeiten, Kompetenzen und Ziele optimal darstellen. Auch moderne Formen der Bewerbung wie die Online-Bewerbung oder das individualisierte Bewerbervideo werden erklrt. Den grten Schwerpunkt dieses Bewerbungstrainings bildet die Vorbereitung auf das persnliche Bewerbungsgesprch: Gesprchsstrategien, Kleidung, Etikette und Krpersprache, alle Fragen und perfekte Antworten dafr so gehst du garantiert mit einem guten Gefhl in den neuen Job! Versprochen."
Price: 19.99

"Success! Project Management Professional PMP Exam Questions"
"I have spent hours and hours putting this course together for you in hopes that it assists you on your path to becoming a Project Management Professional or PMP for short. The PMP certification exam is an extremely difficult exam that requires preparation - how much preparation depends on your prior knowledge and test taking skills. This course focuses on the latter - test taking skills. Here I present you some exams based on the ten knowledge areas of the 5th edition of the Project Management Body of Knowledge or PMBoK by the Project Management Institute (also the administrators of the PMP exam). With each exam, I introduce the topic to you as well as debriefing every single question. Over the ten years I have been instructing PMP certification courses, I have discovered that many of my students are very good at taking tests, while others struggle. And since taking an exam is required in order to become a project management professional, I felt that there are a lot of people out there that could benefit from my advice and the content I have curated over the years. The exams I authored and have chosen to use in this course come from a large collection of exam questions I have written, used, edited, amended, updated, and discussed in my PMP preparation courses throughout the years. I tried to pick out a few of my favorites, a few that I know that some past students have struggled with, and others simply to round out a topic. I avoided the easy questions or the ones relying on strict memorization of PMI terms and concepts. Instead, I felt that you would benefit more from those PMP styled questions that really make you think or at least present the content in a more contextual setting, story, or situation. From time to time, I do throw a generic question meant to test your knowledge on a term or concept, but for most of the questions I pulled out ones that requires you to consider some of the concepts a little deeper and/or see how you might face the concept in a somewhat realistic scenario. Obviously, these situations I have to create for you in only a few sentences, while still giving you enough information to adequately answer the questions without giving away too much or having you know non-PMP specific content (e.g. knowledge from a certain industry or project"
Price: 194.99

"Introduction to Oil and Gas Drilling"
"Drilling for oil and gas is one of the most dynamic and exciting professions in the world. A career in the drilling industry allows world wide travelandcan berewarding professionally, personally andfinancially!There are tremendous opportunitiesfor individuals that are able to develop an expertise and gain experience in the field. The challenge can be finding and taking advantage of those opportunities! This course will provide students with the knowledge they need to become more competitive while seeking employment or starting their career.In this course we will review the entire process of drilling oil and gas wells. The course was designed to progressively build and develop the students knowledge. We start off by focusing on the different types of drilling rigs and which applications they are most suited for. Once a general knowledge of the rigs is acquired we will focus on the rig systems that allow wells to be drilled. Following the rig systems we begin to focus on petroleum geology. We review the characteristics of petroleum reservoirs and how they are formed. We then review the pressures encountered while drilling and how this affects the drilling operations. The components of the drill string including bottom hole assembly will be discussed in detail. We will focus on common components of the drill string in strait and direction wells. Bit selection will also be an important topic covered. At the end of this course you will be able to talk confidently about the drilling process in an interview, with co-workers or in general conversation with friends."
Price: 39.99

"Creating an Anime Character in Blender 2.0: Modeling"
"In this slightly more in depth series we take a look at some of the basic functions in Blender and cover a wide array of topics. Such as modeling, sculpting, texturing, rigging, rendering, and animating an Anime character from the background sketch to the fully fleshed out model. This is a full package that normally would be sold in three parts, however you can learn literally everything you need to know to get started making your very own character in Blender."
Price: 59.99

"Blender 3d: Creating an Anime Style Character in Blender"
"So basically what this course is is a series for people who want to learn how to make a character in blender from a reference image. This is fundamental in character modeling. Weather it be for games or a film modeling a character from a reference image is usually how the job gets done. In this course I will go over getting started in blender, then I jump right into modeling, afterwards we rig and pose the character. This course I about quickly learning the modeling and rigging process for character creation in blender. Lots of courses teach you about the modeling basics but never really show you how to put something (in this case someone) together. This is what I do in this course.Just so that you are familiar the terms I will be using in this series are as follows:Extrude (E) : The process of taking existing geometry and extending it to form new shapes. Rotate (R) : The process of rotating geometry in blender. Scale (S) : The Process of resizing geometry in blender. Grab (G): The process of moving geometry in blender. Select (Right Click): The process of selecting Geometry in Blender. To select more than one object or piece of geometry hold shift while right clicking. Object Mode: The default mode in blender. Edit Mode: Once and object is selected in object mode ( note that the object must be geometry, not lights or cameras) hit the tab button on your key board and the you will have entered Edit Mode. Rigging: The process of adding bones to a mesh to enable it to be animated through the bones. Weight Painting: Setting the amount of influence a bone or a vertex group has on an object.The Materials needed are a computer or a laptop preferably with a number pad.If you follow this course in its entirety it should take a few weeks to a month to complete. But its well worth the wait.You should take this course if you want to finally learn how to make characters in blender for your own use. If you have a model sheet that you would like to see come to life then take this course."
Price: 24.99

"Play the 24 Most Common Chords: Piano Building Blocks"
"Playing the piano doesn't need to be complicated. All you need is to learn the building blocks.Get ready to learn the basic building blocks of all music: chords.Experienced instructor Nathan Lawrence guides you step by step through the process of learning to play piano by chord. Many online piano methods teach you what you need to know, but in an impersonal way. You might be able to see the piano and what to play, but theres no human being there to make it feel like youre learning in a personal lesson setting. Thats why this course has a fundamentally different approach. Every lesson is taught with a simultaneous view of both your teacher and the keyboard, as if youre looking in a mirror. Piano Building Blocks uses one-of-a-kind, shape-based approach to chord learning. All 24 major and minor chords are taught in intuitive groups by hand position shape, with basic descriptions like mountain or valley to help you remember how to place your hand. This course focuses on right hand, root position chords and covers every major and minor chord. It also gives you tips on what to do to improvise with your left hand. You'll get a small sneak preview of content that youll learn in future courseslike chord inversions and more complex chords such as diminished, augmented, or 7th chords.Youll be able to play simple versions of the vast majority of popular songs after learning these 24 building blocks.The only way to reach your goal is to take the first step.Sign up today!Keywords: piano lessons, piano courses, piano improvisation, piano lessons for beginners, piano lessons for intermediate players, piano lessons for beginners made easy, piano lessons for absolute beginners, piano lessons for adult beginners, piano lessons for beginner, piano courses with closed caption, course piano, piano-course, piano chords, chords on piano, chords piano, learn piano chords, just chords piano, play piano using chords, learn piano by ear"
Price: 149.99

"Learn New Chord Positions on Keyboard: Piano Building Blocks"
"In our firstcourse, Piano Building Blocks: ""Learn the 24 Most Common Chords"", we learned the 24 most common chords -the building blocks of all music. Most popular music can beplayed using those 24 common chords.In time, though, playing only the basic version of each chordcanbecome repetitive or dull. Youbegin to notice that what you're playing isn't as interesting as what you hear professionals play.Chord inversions are the solution. By rearrangingthe order of the notes in the chordsyou play, all of a sudden you open up a huge palette of colors and textures at your disposal. Not only that, but chord inversions make it easier to play smoothly between chord changes, eliminating awkward pauses as you leap from chord to chord.Why wait?Sign up now! If you're not already currently using inversion techniques, theywill completely revolutionize your piano playing!Also, don't forget tosign up for our other courses:* Piano Building Blocks: ""Learn the 24 Most Common Chords"" - This foundationalcourseexplainsstandard major and minorpianochords in detail, designed with beginners in mind. If you find you don't understand something in this video, join the ""24 Most Common Chords"" course and anyconfusion will clear right up.* Piano Building Blocks:""Learn Chord Additions & Variations"" - This course is full of tricks and tips that go beyond standard major and minor chords. It explains what more unusual chord symbols mean, such as C2, Csus, Cdim., etc. In this course, you'll learn how to play those chords and incorporate them into your playing more often.Keywords: piano lessons, piano courses, piano improvisation,piano lessons for intermediate players,piano lessons for adult beginners,piano courses with closed caption, course piano, piano-course, piano chords, chords on piano, chords piano, learn piano chords, just chords piano, play piano using chords, learn piano by ear, chord progressions, chord progression"
Price: 99.99

"Master the 24 Most Common Chords: Piano Building Blocks"
"Playing the piano doesn't need to be complicated. All you need is to learn the building blocks.Get ready to learn thebasic building blocks of all music: chords.Experienced instructor Nathan Lawrence guides you step by step through the process of learning to play piano by chord. Many online piano methods teach you what you need to know, but in an impersonal way. You might be able to see the piano and what to play, but theres no human being there to make it feel like youre learning in a personal lesson setting. Thats why this course has a fundamentally different approach. Every lesson is taught with a simultaneous view of both your teacher and the keyboard, as if youre looking in a mirror.Piano Building Blocks usesone-of-a-kind, shape-based approachto chord learning. All 24 major and minor chords are taught in intuitive groups by hand position shape, with memorabledescriptions like mountain or valley to help you remember how to place your hand.This complete course includes:- The24 Most Common Chords (one of the highest rated piano courses on Udemy, included free)- Chord Additions & Variations- Chord Inversions (parts 1 & 2)The only way to reach your goal is to take the first step.Sign up today!--------------------------------------------------------------Hear what people are saying:""I loved the course. You are a great teacher and I found your shape-based way of teaching chords to be really helpful to me. I now understand how chords are constructed which is amazing as I never thought I would learn it so easily. This will help me with both my piano playing and guitar playing. I have started writing songs so this knowledge will help me to bring more variation into my compositions. Your course was brilliantly done. Thank you so very much for doing it."" - AmandaKeywords: piano lessons, piano courses, piano improvisation, piano lessons for beginners, piano lessons for intermediate players, piano lessons for beginners made easy, piano lessons for absolute beginners, piano lessons for adult beginners, piano lessons for beginner, piano courses with closed caption, course piano, piano-course, piano chords, chords on piano, chords piano, learn piano chords, just chords piano, play piano using chords, learn piano by ear"
Price: 199.99

"Understanding Macroeconomics for University and Business"
"People generally have a hard time understanding macroeconomics, but after 7 years of teaching this course at university level, I have mastered the best ways of explaining its concepts for students to be able to understand them and relate them to the real world.This course is ideal for university students who are struggling to make sense of their textbooks and lectures, and will allow them to get better grades. This course is also ideal for professionals and citizens who want to better understand the economic concepts they deal with in work and daily life, such as inflation, unemployment, monetary policy, and fiscal policy. This course will help you understand questions such as: Why does the government engage in expansionary fiscal policy? What is the motivation behind reducing taxes? What are the implications of a drop in interest rates? What determines the money supply? After taking this course, you will be able to better understand how macroeconomic events impact your life, and can make better-informed decisions.The course is composed of 12 lectures, totaling 2 hours and 40 minutesof video. Each lecture will come with detailed lecture notes that emphasize and explain the main ideas. There will also be several practice problems for students to complete. For best results, students are urged to read the notes, watch the video, re-read the notes, and then solve the practice problems."
Price: 29.99

"Smashing Photoshop CC/CS"
"Adobe Photoshop is synonymous with high quality, visual design either for web, print of digital deployment.This course has been constructed with the end in mind. You'll be guided through the basics using video as the key delivery method. Learn the core elements in simple easy to follow lectures that are straight to the point.Your journey will include:Full tool bar overview with individual demonstrationsSpecific challenges to test your new found knowledgeAn in depth look at the most important elements of Adobe Photoshop such as Layers and Masks. Understanding these is more than half the battle.So what are you waiting for?!sign up before you change your mind"
Price: 19.99

"Become an Excel Shortcuts Power User: The Power of Shortcuts"
"A singletechniqueis all you need to increase your workflowspeed forever. How about a bunch of them?Have you ever spent long frustratinghours on excel repeating a certain task simply because you don't know any other way?What if Itold you the shortcut techniquesare simple enough so you could develop them yourself if you understand how excel works!This course teaches WOWtips andtricks that makes you the Go-To personwhenyour boss and co-workers need to finish work faster in excel!Enroll now and get The Ultimate Power of Shortcuts in Excel to FINISHMOREINLESSTIME!I have more materialloaded with tips and tricks coming up very soon! STAYTUNED!"
Price: 199.99

"Rapid & Effective Russian Learning with Charming Instructors"
"Reach conversational Russian fluency with gorgeous and talented Russian women Rapid & Effective Russian Instruction is an educational course of professionally produced video lessons. We create engaging lessons from scratch, then make them entertaining for our students with our beautiful Russian presenters. Why the Rapid & Effective Russian Instruction approach works better: Our lessons are designed by a team of experienced linguists and educators for maximum utility.Dont waste time on unimportant bits and boring details. Hit the ground running with exactly what you need. The videos are instructed by trained models, actresses, and performers who have perfected their pronunciation and delivery.Keep focus and engagement high as you listen to these gorgeous women present Russian rules and vocabulary in a way that is impossible with traditional learning. Your learning will be reinforced with exercises that get to the heart of the most useful elements of speaking Russian.See for yourself how quickly you are progressing, and never miss an important principle. Get live support and feedback from our in-house team of teachers for those areas where you still need help.Use your new skills with real native speakers, and get your questions answered before they become issues. Did you know? Most Russian language programs are boring and repetitive. They dont teach you the practical elements that will get you speaking as quickly as possible. Students lose interest and struggle with the complicated grammar rules and new vocabulary. We created Rapid & Effective Russian Instruction to solve this by creating lessons that give you only what you need right now, and nothing else to distract you. And because Russian women areknown for theirbeauty, learning directly from such stunning women is proven to increase attention and heighten your retention. Get started on the fast and easy path to conversational fluency by learning with our Russian girls today."
Price: 19.99

"Business Analysis: Become a Business Analyst"
"Business Analysis is one of the most rapidly growing areas in the world. Due to their skills and ability to drastically improve an organisation there is a huge demand for Business Analysts in all industries and sectors.Do you want to work in Business Analysis or become a Business Analyst or just learn about the fundamentals of Business Analysis?Then join me, a holder of boththe International Institute of Business Analysis's Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) and the British Computer Society's International Diploma in Business Analysis, in this course to teach you about Business Analysis andthe role of the Business Analyst.This course on Business Analysiswill show you the role and responsibilities of a Business Analyst along with details on the Business Change Lifecycle and the Holistic Business System.The course will teach you the responsibilities of a Business Analyst such as:Investigating the business situation,Identifying and evaluating options for improvement,Defining requirements, andImplementation and beyond. This course is an introduction to the Business Analyst role and how it fits into the bigger picture of Business Analysis andthe business change lifecycle.Sign up now to start learning one of the fastest growing disciplines in the world and arm yourself with knowledge of theindemand role of a Business Analyst!"
Price: 99.99

"Create Mobile Apps For Business With Ionic and Firebase"
"Hi,Thanks for checking for my course. We are looking at what is important to configure Ionic Framework on your Windows, Linux or Mac and develop visually great applications with minimal amounts of code and design skills necessary.Ionic is a powerful framework that helps you build native look and feel iOS and Android apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and Javascript. It's based on two-way data binding and AngularJS for powerful templating.We will be using Firebase as our backend for our application and the positive side of that is that we are able to upload and save data in our application.The back-end Firebase is a perfect complement to Ionic.Unlike other services where you have to constantly keep refreshing and loading the data. Firebase helps you build a very efficient network with seamless networking integration.With Ionic the dream of using web technology to build mobile apps is finally here. It won't a second-class option, it's the future of mobile app development.Let's get started!"
Price: 39.99

"Cmo aprovechar Facebook para tu pequeo negocio"
"Qu vas a aprender en este curso? En este curso vas a conocer algunos fundamentos bsicos en el uso de Facebook para promocionar y vender productos de tu pequeo negocio como son: La creacin de una pgina de negocio local en FacebookLa planificacin y creacin de campaas de publicidad en Facebook El seguimiento y anlisis de los resultados de estas campaas. A quin est dirigido este curso? Este curso est destinado a personas que tienen un pequeo negocio y quieren aprovechar las posibilidades que ofrece Facebook para promocionar sus productos y su marca a travs de anuncios en Facebook. El curso est pensado en especial para dueos de negocios que venden productos reales (si, de esos que te traen los servicios de mensajera), Est destinado a principiantes que tengan un manejo y conocimientos bsicos de usuario en Facebook y ganas de aprender a moverse por el administrador de anuncios de Facebook (Facebook Ads) para vender sus productos a nuevos clientes.Qu nivel de especializacin ofrece este curso?Este curso es para principiantes y por tanto transmite conocimientos muy bsicos con un lenguaje llano sin muchos tecnicismos. Presupone una cierta soltura con el manejo de redes sociales e internet a nivel de usuario.El curso contiene en algunas clases partes generalistas y bastante bsicas sobre los fundamentos de facebook. Qu necesitas para poder seguir y aprovechar este curso? Cuenta personal en FacebookConexin a internet Cmo est estructurado el curso?Este curso est estructurado en secciones y captulos que contienen teora y prctica. Se trata de un curso vivo, que crecer gradualmente con nuevos captulos, actualizaciones de material y recursos, adaptndose a los cambios tanto en Facebook como en la dinmica del curso. Por tanto va a estar acompaado de una parte prctica cada vez ms amplia a medida que el curso evoluciona."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo optimizar tu web con SEO semntico"
"Este curso sirve para aprender los fundamentos del marcado semntico para SEO y aplicarlos a una web.Elcurso trata sobre la optimizacin semntica de sitios web y de blogs en Wordpress. El marcado semntico se ha convertido en un elemento crucial de la optimizacin OnPage enSEO y es importante conocer sus principios bsicos y saber aplicarlos a una web.El alumno aprender por una parte los principales conceptos de lo que se llama la web semntica, vistos desde una perspectiva prctica de SEO.Tambin aprendercmo optimizar una web esttica en html con datos estructurados para mejorar el SEO de la pgina ycmo optimizar un blog de Wordpress con datos estructurados. As mismo encontrar unos captulos sobre los errores ms comunes y su solucin.Este curso se puede seguir fcilmente, siempre y cuando se disponga de una conexin a internet y se tenga acceso a una web con permisos de edicin en el cdigo fuente.El curso incluye algunos PDFs de referencia y contiene clases tericas para entender la temtica y clases prcticas para aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos. Incluye ejemplos reales de pginas web y algunos ejercicios prcticos.El curso dura unas cuatro horas en total, aunque no hay lmite de tiempo para seguirlo.La estructura se divide en una pequea introduccin en la temtica, seguida de varias secciones prcticas con ejemplos para cada tipo de casustica."
Price: 49.99

"Kivy Bootcamp : Build 15 Project"
"Welcome In Build 15 Simple Project With Kivy , I Will Build 15 Project With Kivy To Make You Able To Build Your Own Applications Or Games Easily ..All You NeedIs JustSome Python Basics And Some Kivy Basics (Recommended : Learn Kivy From Scratch) , In This Course I Will Learn You Hoe To Add Some Animations In Your Applications , Treat With Pop Up , Some Advanced Topics In Layout Management , Scroll View And Some Other Advanced Lessons And Projects Which Will Enable You Yo Make Any ApplicationsOr Games You Want .Wait My New Courses For More Projects With Python And Kivy , Do Not Forget To Give Me Your Feedback About The Course"
Price: 24.99