"Modelado Publicitario 3D: Modela tu producto con 3ds Max." |
"Este curso trata los temas de modelado inorgnico aplicado a la creacin de un producto publicitario para produccin, utilizando Autodesk 3ds max como programa base para crear el modelo 3d y Photoshop como programa secundario; cada clase trae consigo los archivos fuente y archivos complementarios,para que el alumno pueda estudiar con mas detalle y detenimiento la creacin del producto 3d.En el transcurso de este curso se usar terminologa basada en el entorno del diseo grfico enfocado al modelado 3d.El alumno tendr a su disposicin120 minutos de clases en vdeo en donde obtendr la instruccin necesaria para la creacin de objetos inorgnicos enfocados a la publicidad.Este curso esta dividido en seis secciones en las cuales se encuentran las clases correspondientes al tema de cada seccin, siendo stas: Modelado, texturizado, iluminacin, render y ejemplo de uso del producto publicitario.Lo mas importante que debes saber sobre este curso es que encontraras una tcnica practica para la creacion de un producto publicitario, utilizando las herramientas que trae consigo3ds max;encontraras que el flujo de trabajo es de fcil asimilacin y de una amplia aplicabilidad en cualquier proyecto dedicado al modelado de productos publicitarios 3D."
Price: 19.99 |
"Desarrolla tu Marca Personal con un Blog en 2020" |
"Independientemente de si ests buscando trabajo o ya tienes uno, un blog te puede ayudar a mejorar tu carrera profesional. Si ests en la bsqueda de empleo de manera activa, un blog es el mejor curriculum que puedes tener. Hablar de tus conocimientos y experiencias laborales en un blog puede aportar muchsimo valor en un proceso de seleccin y puede marcar la diferencia entre un candidato y otro. El mostrarte como experto en tu especialidad con un blog, te puede dar muchas ms oportunidades para conseguir ese puesto de trabajo que tanto deseas.En el caso de que ya tengas un puesto de trabajo, un blog te puede ayudar a posicionarte mejor dentro de la empresa, y optar a puestos ms acordes con tus preferencias, gustos y expectativas.Tener un blog es la mejor manera de desarrollarte como profesional. Un blog es tu mejor carta de presentacin en internet. Todo el mundo podr conocer tus puntos fuertes de tal manera que generars muchas oportunidades laborales y de negocio.Adems, puedes llegar a un gran nmero de personas, es un escaparate abierto al mundo en el que puedes trasmitir y compartir tus conocimientos y pasiones.Un blog es una herramienta muy potente para crear marca personal y definir tu identidad digital. La reputacin online se construye a travs de tu presencia en Internet y con un blog tienes la oportunidad de crear la presencia que t quieras.Si eres autnomo o tienes una empresa, un blog te puede servir para dar a conocer tus servicios, productos y hasta venderlos a travs del mismo.Pero sin duda, el mayor potencial de un Blog est en convertirlo en tu propio negocio generando clientes e ingresos de manera constante y dndote una libertad que con los medios tradicionales no podras tener."
Price: 199.99 |
"First Steps to Advanced Excel" |
"Learn and boost up your Excel skills to advanced level in functions, formulas, macros and VBA that will asist you for your all taks with numbers, with data.Grow Your Competencies in Most Used Data Processing SoftwareUsage of Excel Toolbar FunctionsAdvanced Level FormulasBuilding MacorsCreating, Modifying VBAExpose Capabilities of Excel and Reveal Your PerformanceExcel is the most used data processing software both in proffesional and academic life. Analyze the data and results lead us to make decisions more proper and beneficial. Fast and accurate analysis bring us right decisions in conditions.Contents and OverviewThis course contains 28 Lectures and 1,5 hours of content, most is secreencasting also presentations, and documents to study.In Functions and Formulas Sections, you will learn how to use Excel skills better and other several ways to reach the result. Macro and VBA will give you totally a new ways to accomplish your tasks. More flexiable, reliable and automated.This course is for intermediate excel users, who want to improve his knowledge to advanced level. Also, advanced users are welcome to refresh their minds. New Excelers can learn much about what Excel is possible to fulfill, and i am sure that this course will encourage them to learn and use ExcelYou have some tasks which takes too much time, work load and possible errors, you will not to worry about those after this course."
Price: 19.99 |
"LER EXCEL Makro, VBA & Az Bilinenler" |
"EXCEL'i yeniden renin ve EXCEL'inizi gelitirin. Bilgisayar banda verilerle, rakamlarlailgili her trl iinizde size yardmc olan EXCEL'in levleri, Formlleri, Makro ve VBA zellikleri hakknda bildiklerinizi LER EXCEL'e tayn.En Sk Kullanlan Veri leme Yazlmnda Yeterliliklerinizi ne karnAra ubuklarlevleri Kullanmleri Seviye EXCELFormlleriMAKRO OluturmaVisual Basic Dilini renmeVBA (Visual Basic for Applications)Uygulamalar Yaratma ve DzenlemeYeteneklerinizi Ortaya karn ve Performansnz GsterinEXCEL, profesyonel ve akademik hayatta en ok kullanlan veri ileme yazlmdr. Yaplananalizler ve elde edilen sonularla, daha doru ve aklc kararlar vermemize olanak salar. Hzl, Gvenilir ve Hatasz ktlar siziher trl durumda doru kararlara ynlendirecektir.erik ve Genel BakBu kurs, ounluu ekran grntlerinden oluan videolar, sunumlar ve belgeler ieren28 dersten olumaktadr.EXCEL levleri veFormlleri blmlerinde, sonulara ulamak iin EXCEL'in nasl daha etkin kullanlabileceiileistenilensonulara ulalabilecek eitli ve etkili yollar yer almaktadr. MAKRO ve VBA blmleri ise, veri ilemlerinizi gerekletirentamamen yeni,gvenilir ve otomatikletirilebilenyollardan bahedilmektedir.Bu kurs, veri ilemebilgisini LER EXCEL seviyesine karmak isteyen orta seviyedeki kullanclar iin hazrlanmtr. Ayn zamanda bilgilerini tazelemek isteyen her kullanc dersleri takip edebilir. Bunlarn yan sra, yeni EXCEL kullanclar dadersleriizledike EXCEL'in neler yapabildiini grecek ve EXCEL'i almak ve renmek iin daha hevesli olacaklardr.Sizin de oumuz gibi ok zaman alan, iyk oluturan ve olas hatalara ak veri ileri, grevleribulunmakta. Bu kursu bitirdiiniz zaman, bu iler kafanzda birer dert olmaktan kacak ve bir ka tu ile halledebileceiniz iler haline dnecektir."
Price: 24.99 |
"Angular 2 & Foundation for Apps 2017 : Build 3 web Apps" |
"NOTE:This is the latest Course Updated in January 2017.Hi,Thanks for checking out my course!!Foundationfor Apps enables designers and developers to easily create multi-view web apps that look and feel like native apps and provide a seamless experience across all devices.Foundationfor Apps is an open-source framework created by ZURB, a design agency in California. It is the first front-end framework created for developing fully responsive web apps. And this course is based on the latest version.The purpose: Make websites beautiful without a lot of work. This course walks you through some of Foundation's core features that produce beautiful websites with a little effort.It contains almost all of the CSS styling you will need for a website and a lot of cool jQuery tools to extend your website. It also allows you to make your website responsive so it can be viewed on mobile designs.In this course,we'll teach you how to build three total different apps that connect to major rich-media services: An application that plays audio tracks from SoundCloud, an application to view and search images from Instagram and an application that watch YouTube videos.Wewill alsoshow you how to take a simple Angular 1 app and to upgrade it to use Angular 2. You'll see how each concept and structure in Angular 1 translates to the new version. After viewing this course, you'll have a better understanding of how to migrate your apps to Angular 2.Let's get started!!"
Price: 199.99 |
"AngularJS Foundation: From 0 to Hero" |
"Note:Course fully updated in April 2017. Learn all of thecoreskills of AngularJS and see how it enhances web development in the future.No matteryoure a beginner building your own website, or a professional seeking an edge on how to learn better app building, this AngularJS courseis a great investment of 20minutes to learn the best practices of creating apps from aveteran software engineerand aAngularJS expert every day.What is AngularJS?AngularJSis a JavaScript MVC framework developed by Google that lets you build well structured, easily testable, and maintainable front-end applications.Nowadays,AngularJS continues to trend upward in the number of available jobs (which typically pay verywell) and the number of applications being built.If you havent tried AngularJS yet, youre missing out. The framework consists of a tightly integrated toolset that will help you build well structured, rich client-side applications in a modular fashionwith less code and more flexibility.A community of individuals and corporations maintained this open-source web application framework to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications.Our course is designed to make it easy for everyone to master AngularJS. It has been divided in to following main sections :Hello AngularJSBuilding ModulesControllersViewsServicesDirectivesThis amazing Course will help you quickly master all the difficult concepts and will the learning will be a breeze.Let's get started."
Price: 19.99 |
"Machine Learning: Data Analysis 2017" |
"Note:Machine Learning typically data analyst are some of the most expensive and coveted professionals around today.Data analysts enjoy one of the top-paying jobs, with an average salary of $140,000 according to Glassdoor.That's just the average! And it's the future.Machine Learning is very important in Data mining. Also,machine Learning is a growing field. and itis widely used when searching the web, placing ads, credit scoring, stock trading and for many other applications.Ubiquitous examples of machine learning are Googles web search, spam filters and self-driving cars.Machine learning as it relates to artificial intelligence is an exciting field that focuses on developing complex programs that enable computers to teach themselves to grow.Our course is designed to make it easy for everyone to master machine learning. It has been divided in to following main sections :Introduction to machine learningHadoopData Flow SystemsBig dataThis amazing Course will help you quickly master all the difficult concepts and will the learning will be a breeze.Let's get started."
Price: 199.99 |
"Workplace Stress Relief: Short-Form Mindfulness Program" |
"This unique at-work mindfulness course provides daily short-form video training and reminder support for step-by-step boosting engagement, enjoyment, wellness, creativity, and leadership qualities. Our entertaining and relaxing video guidance provides you with a direct experience of high mindfulness - helping you develop permanent habits of mindful success in your work. Each workday for 6 weeks, you spend just 3 minutes immersed in a special video experience that brightens your mood and uplifts your spirit. Using our WizeWell Focus Phrases, you can also enjoy this short uplift experience throughout your work day. Numerous Bonus video programs are also included for further exploration and benefit. The course is taught by John Selby, a noted psychologist and innovator of stress-reducing mindfulness training. After the initial 6 week daily training, you can also repeat the course and go steadily deeper : this is a lifetime guide to enjoying a more mindful and fulfilling work experience."
Price: 19.99 |
"Basic Excel Shortcuts For 11 Everyday Tasks: Get 65% Faster" |
"Get faster at Excel in an hour with the author of the best-selling Excel Shortcut Bible (available on Amazon)!Learn 16 basic Excel shortcuts for 11 everyday tasks: Save, Copy, Paste, Cut, Undo, Redo, Bold, Italics, Underline, Find and Replace.Don't just learn theshortcuts. Also learn how to memorize them -- and some clever tricks to make Excel show you what the shortcuts are in case you forget.If you're an Excel beginner and want to become more productive, this is the course. Instructions are easy to follow, and assume you are only a beginner in Excel.There are 9 lectures and no exercises. Simply start using the shortcuts at work!"
Price: 19.99 |
"5 effektive Schritte fr ein frisches Aussehen" |
"Mit meinem Kurs:Dein Frisches Aussehen - Die effektive5-Punkte-Methode - mit dem Kursgebe ichals rztin einfache Anwendungen fr ein frischesAussehenan die Hand. In 5 Minuten knnt ihr meine Methodeberall-zu Hause, im Bro auf Reisen-,jederzeitanwenden. Meine Klienten habennach 3 Monatendas Komplimentbekommen, dass sie10 Jahre jnger aussehen.Ihr knnt direkt beim Schauen des Videos loslegen und anschlieend die bungen selbstndig durchfhren. Was ihr dazu braucht: eure Hnde und am besten das eigene Gesicht.Dieser Kurs ist fr Personen, die gezielt eine praktische Methode suchen, die sie ganz einfach und in weniger als 5 Minuten durchfhren knnen: um ein gesundes Aussehen und besseresWohlbefinden zu bekommen, um geschwollene Gesichtspartien zu mindern, um Kopfschmerzen und Verspannungen zu lindern.Meine Kurse sind nach der 5-Regel aufgebaut, d.h. alle Erluterungen und Techniken zeige ich an meinem Gesicht direkt vor der Kamera. Den Inhalt habe ich so zusammengestellt, dass es ohne medizinische Grundkenntnisse sehr gut verstndlich ist. Die Lehr-Videos wurden mit einem professionellen Kamerateam inhoherQualitt gedreht.Fr diejenigen, die eine natrliche Gesichtspflege ohne Chemie und Konservierung mchten, gibt es eine Lektionber wertvolle Natur-le fr eine gesundeGesichtspflege. Zudem gibt es dieausfhrliche Dokumentation:der 5-Punkte-Methode und eine medizinische Beschreibung wertvoller Natur-le fr die jeweiligenHauttypen."
Price: 24.99 |
"Activacin el sistema linftico cara" |
"Este curso es para personas que en 5min quieren refrescar su rostro y su aparienci.Para personas que a causa de una obstruccin linftica sufren de un rostro hinchado.Para quien quiere adoptar un cuidado facial natural y sano con sustancias puras y naturales ydesee prevenir sntomas del jetlag."
Price: 19.99 |
"Ultimate Skin Care: Restore Your Beauty In 5 Minutes" |
"SAYGOODBYETOSWOLLEN EYELIDS, HEADACHE, FATIGUE, & SKIN PROBLEMS!This course is intended at helping you achieve your ultimate health. From getting rid of your current health problems to giving you an amazing skin to have a youthful look! All this can be done through the activation of your lymphatic system!In this course not only do i explain the structure of the lymphatic system in the human body and the effects of lymphatic activation, but also the symptoms of a disturbed functioning of the lymph and how to HEAL & DETOXIFY your lymphatic system for ultimate beauty & health. A PROVEN5 STEP ROUTINE YOU CAN DOANYTIME, ANYWHERE:Im going to show you step by step my proven 5-step-routine that you can use at home, in your office, when you travel, or while watching TV. By going through the videos in this course, youll be able to implement the different exercises presented in it easily and immediately. GETACCESS TOA LIST OFNATURAL HIGH QUALITYSKINCARE OILS:Im going to present you a selection of high-quality oils for a natural face care. On top of that, i explain what you can do through dietary changes to enhance the flow of the lymphatic system.It only takes 5 minutes a day to start your way to a better well-being, a better look and having more vital energy.Please notice that the video-course is synchronized from the original german version into the english version. Dr. Ingeborg Schemitsch by herself narrates the english version."
Price: 19.99 |
"Begin Your Journey Towards Financial Education" |
"My name Carrie Kari, and I am an accredited educator, entrepreneur and business investor. My passion is to prepare young minds to succeed and thrive in the world of academics and business. Today we live in the information age; a very competitive, high tech, knowledge based global economy. Even to survive, let alone thrive, you need to find your inner special ability, that which will allow you create value and contribute to your community. The premise of what I teach is simple: happiness and financial freedom comes from first understanding what you love to do, and to capitalize on it and to create value for others. Understanding how to create value for others is financial education. Financial education is the key survival skill of our generation. I built this course for high school students and young adults who want to learn how they will create value by doing what they love. I also built this course for parents who want to help their child learn these skills and to mentor them for success. Lets get started on what this class will teach you: 1. Your wealth is just a measure of value you create for others. To create value you need to be able to first fuel and fund your ideas and investments: You do this by creating disposable income. This is the money that is left over after all of your expenses are paid for. 2. We will begin by reviewing the 4 paths you can take towards creating disposable income. I will walk you through the pros and cons of each of the 4 paths, so you can find a strategy that works for you. 3. Once you start earning, you will need to understand how to spend your earnings wisely. This is referred to as earnings allocation and I will give you some useful tips on this. 4. Once you have understood the ways in which You can Work for Money, you will need to go to the next major step: Making Money Work For You. This is the power of investing. We will look at the common ways in which people invest and the risks and rewards for each category so YOU can find an investment strategy that works for you. 5. If your ideas are big and you need more money to get started than you can earn, you will need to raise capital. So, in the final section we will learn how to raise capital to fund your investments. What this course will not teach you: 1. This course is not a practical or hands on course that dives deep into how to use tools to make investments. 2. This course is also not an investment strategy course, so we will not look at any particular stocks, bonds, or any other investment vehicles. 3. There will be more courses following this class that will teach you the practical steps. This class is a beginners class that introduces several important key concepts that you need to know in order to get started. Finally remember what this is all about; I want you to not only survive, but also succeed and thrive in this very competitive world. And you can do this by pursuing what you love, understanding how to leverage the power of investment and creating value for others you attain financial freedom. Ok, with that in mind lets get started with the class."
Price: 29.99 |
"Electricity & electronics - Robotics, learn by building" |
"You can open all kinds of doors for advancement in so many careers with a basic understanding of electronics. Think of all of the fields and hobbies that involve electronics to some degree! This ""Robotics: Learn by building"" series of courses focuses on robotics - which itself is a very diverse field that has application in everything from industry, manufacturing, laboratory work, or military, even in home automation. Updated January 1, 2020With over 14,700 students enrolled and more than 7,800 five star ratings, students aged 8 to 60+ have enjoyed the course and projects.In this module 1 course, you will build electronic circuits, actually make some electronic components from scratch and use them in your circuits, learn about electricity, soldering skills, and basic analog electronics. You'll need some basic math skills and that's it! No prior knowledge of electricity of electronics is required, and yet by the end of this course you'll have built functioning electronic circuits like light flashers, sound effects, and controlling the robotics engineer's best friend, the servo motor which is a motor that turns to a specific direction at your command. You will have even connected that servo motor up to read electrical impulses from the muscles in your arm to control the motor bionically. All courses have captions for the hearing impaired.Start through the lessons today to begin your personal education journey towards your goals - a horizon now filled with so many more opportunities because of your new-found knowledge.Course materials:You will need electronic parts and a breadboard, which you can purchase as an accompanying kit (the Analog Electronics Kit) or provide your own. The first section of the course (available for free preview) explains what the tools and parts are and what you will need if you are supplying your own electronic parts. Tools needed: a multimeter, soldering iron and solder, wire, This course is the prerequisite for the module II course which is digital electronics where you will work with a computer-on-a-chip and hook that computer up to the real world. In module III you'll learn robotic drive systems and physics, and gain a wide variety of skills in prototyping so you can actually build your own robots and manufacture your own parts. In module IV, you'll culminate all you've learned so far as you build a 3D printer from scratch, hook it up to a desktop computer and make your own plastic parts. The 3D printer is, in effect, a robot which you can then use to make parts for your other robot designs. In module V you can take your robot design and construction skills to the next level with a hands-on approach to autonomous robotic systems: learning about various sensors to know where you are and what your robot is doing, GPS navigation, basic artificial intelligence, powerful microchips known as FPGA's where you literally design a custom circuit on the chip, vision systems and more."
Price: 99.99 |
"Digital Electronics: Robotics, learn by building module II" |
"Building on the knowledge you gained in the Analog Electronics module opens even more doors to diverse careers and hobbies. Think about how many industries / businesses / hobbies that involve computers or computer control. Even automobiles are chock full of digital electronics now. All of this involves digital electronics, and you want in on it today. In this module 2 course, you will build digital electronic circuits, use and program microcontrollers like the PIC and Arduino, and connect to the real world with them. You'll need a good understanding of basic electronics (i.e., you've completed the Robotics: Learn by building, module I), some basic math skills, a computer, and that's it! With over 6,300 students enrolled and more than 4,000 five star ratings, students aged 8 to 60+ have enjoyed the course and its projects.No prior knowledge of digital electronics or programming is required, and yet by the end of this course you'll have built functioning digital electronic circuits like a digital memory, and programmed microcontrollers which are basically a computer on a microchip. You will connect these to the real world for home automation and of course, controlling your robots. All courses have captions for the hearing impaired.Course materials:You will need the analog electronic parts and a breadboard, which you can purchase as an accompanying kit (i.e., the Analog Electronics Kit from module I) or provide your own.You will also need the digital electronics kit which again you can purchase as an accompanying kit or provide your own parts. The first lesson is a walk-through of what is in the kit and acts as a parts list for this module.This series of ""Robotics: Learn by building"" modules has an end-goal focus on the diverse field of robotics. In module I we learned the basics of electricity and electronics. In this module II you further develop your knowledge and skills to include digital electronics and practice your skills on real-life digital components. This course is the prerequisite for the module III course where you'll learn robotic drive systems and physics, and gain a wide variety of skills in prototyping so you can actually build your own robots and manufacture your own parts. In module IV, you'll culminate all you've learned so far as you build a 3D printer from scratch, hook it up to a desktop computer and make your own plastic parts. The 3D printer is, in effect, a robot which you can then use to make parts for your other robot designs. In module V you can take your robot design and construction skills to the next level with a hands-on approach to autonomous robotic systems: learning about various sensors to know where you are and what your robot is doing, GPS navigation, basic artificial intelligence, powerful microchips known as FPGA's where you literally design a custom circuit on the chip, vision systems and more.Lesson overview:In this course we'll be covering:What is digital?Binary & Hexadecimal system and ASCIIAnalog to digital and digital to analog conversionLogic gates and you'll make your own RAMDigital Addressing/demultiplexingMicroprocessors & microcontrollers - what are they?Programming & using PIC microcontrollers to:-display information on an LCD display-Read both digital and analog inputs-PWM control a DC motor and servo motor-Read keypad matrixes-control LED displays-writing to flash memory on board for remote systemsWhat is Arduino?-using Arduino for all of the PIC projects above, as well as using full-colour TFT touch screensBuilding our mobile robotGiving our mobile robot a ""brain""Ultrasonics and ultrasonic radar / external sensingProgrammable IR remoteand more!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Your BIG Book Deal: Sell Your Book Idea to a Major Publisher" |
"There are five major publishers in the United States, known as ""The Big Five.""I'vewritten for all five of them, including several books that landed six-figure deals. Now I'm excitedtoteachyou how to sell a nonfiction book to a major publisher.Learn How to Sell Your Big Book IdeaDid you know that you don't have to write a book before you sell it to a publisher? In fact, publishers and agents don't even want you to write the whole thing. They want to be involved in the process, so what they want from you first is a document called a book proposal. We'll go over all the ins and outs of vetting your idea and then writing an amazing book proposal, including...How to analyze your idea to make sure it's good enough and big enough to land with a major publisherHow to determine if you need a coauthor, ghostwriter, or other collaboratorChecking out your competition to make sure there's a market for it and see how you can differentiate your bookHow to write an overview that grabs attentionThe ""author platform"" and how you can build and improve yours before the book dealHow to write an effective book outlineShowing publishers you're ready to promoteTips for your sample chaptersWhy Take This Course?This is a rare opportunity to take a course with an author who's really ""done it all""-- I've had 30books published, with three more on the way. They range from biographies and memoirs to true crime, reference, business and leadership, self-help, health, psychology, inspirational, and children's educational.Along the way, I've worked with multiple top agents and publishers, so I have a wide-ranging knowledge base about what sells and what doesn't, and what works in a book proposal. Plus, I'm one of those weirdos who actually likes writing book proposals. With any luck, I'm going to teach you how to like the process, too. It's pretty exciting to watch an idea take shape!Course DetailsYou don't need anything to start this course except the desire to write a nonfiction book. If you have a strong idea for one, great. If not, you may find the inspiration for it here.This course is taught by video lecture and handouts."
Price: 44.99 |
"Piano From Zero To Pro - Beginner Essentials To The Piano" |
"This Piano Course is in the TOP 10 for ""How To Play Piano"" in Udemy's search engine!Do you want to play all your favorite songs on the piano and be the center of attention?Do you struggle from days to months to learn only ONE new song?Have you considered learning how to play piano but don't know WHERE to start?Everyone starts somewhere, and this course is the first step for you!Hi, I am Amos, owner of Amosdoll Music on YouTube with over 400,000+ subscribers and over 100,000,000 view counts where I have played over 1000+ completely new songs by ear within the time frame of a year.Nowadays, you can find piano teachers everywhere (I swear there is a least 1 every street here in Australia), but very little amount of teachers can truly teach how to play any song by ear, let alone DO it for themselves.However, I am for one that ""preach what I teach"" as I can play ANY completely new song that I haven't heard before by ear in modern day music ranging from video game songs, English/Chinese billboard songs, Kpop, movie soundtracks (and everything that you could think of) simply with my series of methods in LISTENING, and implementing melodic/harmonic/rhythmic improvisational techniques to learn ANY song within 10-20 minutes! Wouldn't you love to do that too?Playing by ear doesn't just come instantly in a snap of the fingers (those is all lies if others promote you that).Before learning how to do that, you are firstly required to understand the core foundations of music... (just like how you wouldn't learn how to do the 100m sprint before learning how to walk as a baby)Because without these foundations, nothing would make sense in my other courses, and that is why many people guess and check the keys (which is the wrong way!!).This ""BEGINNERS"" course provides ALL my tricks, foundation knowledge and essentials in music theory and form needed before achieving all this awesome mastery.For people who are completely new to music, this course strongly secures all your foundations.For people who know a little knowledge already, this course fills in all the holes and gaps you are missing. So come and join the other1000 students from over 70 countries and take this musical journey with me!"
Price: 69.99 |
"Simply Productive." |
"Why should you care about procrastination? Have you ever wondered why you're not more effective in life. Does it seem like you're spinning your wheels a lot? Not getting as much done as other people? Not being successful in other people? Not as happy as other people? Take your life and your time and put them on steroids.Learn to take back your time.Discover how to get started with projects.Program your brain to be more effective.Destroy the time wasters in your life.Like it or not, in today's world we simply need to get things done, and when we don't not just our business lives suffer but our personal lives suffer as well.How will one course make a difference?We will look at the reasons why you procrastinate.We will look at all the time wasters that affect your life.You'll learn how to break free of the slavery of your schedule.You will see how to be the best person you are...only more so.And we'll take a look at the tools available to kill your procrastination and to be more effective.Your life...only better.You can be more successful.You can be more effective.You can take what you learn and literally change your life.Once you know the problem and the solution you can achieve more than you ever thought possible.At the end of this course, you will have everything you need to kill your procrastination. In this course, I'll teach you to take back control of your life and your timeNow do it.I'll provide you with everything you need. All you need to do is act on it. I believe in you and know you will.Your life...only better."
Price: 194.99 |
"Improve your English with TOEFL Speaking Success" |
"Hows your English? For many English language learners, speaking is the hardest part. You can read and write in English at school in your native country. You can listen to actors in American movies at home. Speaking, on the other hand, requires you to engage with another person from another culture, and that can be scary. Do you want to travel, go to university abroad or further your career? English dominates your world. Its inescapable. If you want to travel abroad, you need to be able to speak English. If you want to study at a top-notch university, you must be fluent in English. If you want to gain a leg up in the job market, English competency is a must. Whats the TOEFL exam? The TOEFL, Test of English as a Foreign Language, is an academic proficiency exam designed to determine whether international students are competent enough in English to enroll in American college courses. There are four sections in the TOEFL exam: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing. This courses focuses solely on the speaking section. Why should I take the TOEFL exam?Concrete proof of English competenceTOEFL AND IELTS are the two most widely-accepted English proficiency examsMore than 9,000 colleges, universities and agencies in over 130 countries accept TOEFL scoresTOEFL scores can also help you earn scholarships, visas and teaching certificates Course Overview In this course, Ill walk you through every single part of the TOEFL speaking section. Together, we will review and analyze each of the six speaking questions. I will model answers and show you all the necessary elements you need to include in your response on test day. Besides teaching about the content of the exam, I also focus on you, the English language learner. Our goal should not just be to improve our TOEFL speaking score, but to become more competent English speakers in general. For you to speak English with more confidence, well talk about mindset, culture, personal values and emotional connection. By the end of this course, you will have gained a deeper understanding of the structure of academic English, American culture, your personal values and the power of a growth mindset."
Price: 39.99 |
"31 Creativity Exercises: Spark Creative Thinking Workshop" |
"Have you lost your motivation for creativity? Are you wanting to come up with new creative thinking ideas?Creativity is not just for artists, anyone can boost their creative thinking through writing, drawing and different design thinking perspectives.Creativity helps you to enrich your daily life, makes problem-solving easier and even has therapeutic qualities on your mental well-being. After completing this course you will have sharpened your creative thinking skills and be able to draw upon your creativity, no matter where you.WHAT OTHER STUDENTS HAVE SAID:""This course was amazing! There were so many examples and exercises to help with creativity. Tatiana was very encouraging throughout the entire course and offering additional help/practice if needed. She did an excellent job of giving definitions and additional resources to assist with creativity. I can't wait to see future courses that Tatiana has to offer."" ~NicoleBENEFITS OF ENROLLING IN THIS COURSE:Eliminate your creativity blocksHands-on exercises to help your creative thinking skillsChannel into your creativity no matter where you areMove past any frustration or stress in creativityBe inspired through the different creativity results that are shared for each exerciseImprove your creative thinking skillsADDITIONAL BONUSES INCLUDED:A guided meditation for creativityDownloadable PDF resourcesHow to start your own creative thinking room in your homeTips to enhance your creativityTips to encourage creativity in kidsHow nature can provide creative thinking inspirationHow to easily problem solve with creativityI want you to gain knowledge and hands-on experience as fast as possible. The best part is that not only do I walk you through the exercises but I complete the exercise with you and share my results at the end to keep you moving forward creatively.WHAT PAST CREATIVE STUDENTS HAVE SAID:""Not only thinking outside the box, stepping out as well.....great creative exercises in this course."" ~Timm""Amazing course just what I was looking for when it came to giving me more hands on exercises to help improve my creative thinking and creativity. If you like exercises where you can draw, sculpt and write then you'll like these exercises like I did."" ~KaylaImagine the feeling of knowing just what to do when you feel creatively stuck. These exercises will make you more mentally flexible, challenge your perception and give you inspiration to channel your inner creativity today! Enroll today and let's get started!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Dog Paw Art Training: Painting Class with Fun Dog Games" |
"Dogs don't live a long time compared to humans, so why not create an abstract paw painting with your dog that you can cherish forever? This course is not only focused on creating your unique dog paw painting with your dog through positive dog training techniques but also on creating a stronger bond with your dog through the different exercises inside this course.This is the most unique and fun workshop for you and your dog on Udemy. Over 4,000 students have already enrolled in this workshop to give them something new to create with their dog!INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUND:Tatiana has over 13 years of professional experience in the dog field from working as a groomer's assistant, a dog trainer, dedicating three years at a veterinary clinic to now successfully running her own dog boarding and dog walking business. Students know that with her comprehensive knowledge and experience with all dog breeds mixed with her inventive creativity that this paw painting workshop will deliver what it promises!WHAT STUDENTS HAVE SAID: ""That was fun. Clear explanations provided. I was just looking for some more ideas to teach my dog something and this one is great. In fact, you get the whole pack of new things with the course as it contains a bonus content at the end as well."" -Katarzyna ""Very easy to follow.. lots of great info also on dogs.. :) So i recommend this course if you want to do something fun with your dog <3"" -Ann-KristenTHE MAIN SECTIONS IN THIS COURSE:1. Supplies and dog training steps needed to get your dog comfortable with paint.2. Creating your abstract dog paw painting with my favorite and easy method. *This course will show one easy method of creating dog paw print art on canvas.3. Different exercises to bond with your dog that will make dog training even easier.ADDITIONAL BONUSES WITH THIS COURSE:Responsive instructor that answers all your questions in the Q&A section30 Day Money Back Guarantee if this course wasn't the right fit for youLifetime access to all future updates to this courseFollow along with live video demonstrationsPAST STUDENT REVIEWS: ""An amazing course! Im actually excited to put this to the test! Thanks!"" -HassanEnroll today and get started creating a fun masterpiece painting with your dog!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Effective Meetings: Boost Meeting Productivity & Creativity" |
"Make your meetings more productive, full of creative energy, creativity, and efficiency!>> This course has over 35 lectures to help take your meetings to the next level! Use the strategies in this course in any businesses or organization, big or small. LEAD PRODUCTIVE MEETINGSYou will learn how to set meetings goals and organize the meeting flow before it starts. After this course, you will know exactly what to do before the meeting starts, how to effectively open the meetings, how to make it run on schedule and not go off topic, and how to ensure that it achieves its goals.LEAD CREATIVE MEETINGSAfter this meeting productivity and course, you will be able to pinpoint the areas in your meetings that need more organization. You will also know how to give your meeting that creativity boost that it's been missing. For these creative group exercises, you have to have an open mind and be able to relax so it is understandable that not every form of meeting whether it's business-related or a specific gathering with more serious undertones will be able to utilize the nature of these creativity exercises.This meetings course gives you the knowledge and tools to start having more productive and valuable meetings that generate new ideas and stay on track for success.ALEX GENADINIK'S BACKGROUNDAlex has extensive experience in the business world. He shares his knowledge on how to take your meeting productivity to the next level and breaks down different types of meetings. Alex explains the main goal of each type of meeting, and what it should accomplish. He wants your meetings to be effective, have a purpose, and achieve max results.TATIANA AMBROSE'S BACKGROUNDTatiana, on the other hand, believes that when a group of people are gathered is the perfect time to utilize creativity and creative thinking. Creativity can be used in any form of gathering, be it in business, organizations, schools, classes or one on one meetings that do not have a serious subject to discuss at hand. Why not use creativity to come up with new ideas and/or problem-solve creatively when you are among other people?Mixing Alex's business insights with Tatiana's upbeat creative exercises that can be used in any setting and in any community and helps you tackle any form of meetings.In this class you will:Build a stronger team by increasing the productivity and creativity in your meetingsStart encouraging creativity in your meetingsLearn 7 different types of meetings and how to make each type a successBe able to use incentives to boost creativity in any group settingGet everyone refocused on the meeting goals when it starts getting off trackPut into practice over ten different way to boost creativity by bouncing ideas off each otherUnderstand the importance and purpose of a facilitator for your meetingsKeep introductory meetings with anyone new on trackMeetings happen on a daily, weekly, and even monthly basis. You will never stop having meetings. That's why our goal is to make your meetings as productive and full of creativity as possible for the rest of your career and LIFE. This meetings course will always be up to date and is checked every 24 hours to answer any questions and/or provide any additional help to any students in regards to productivity and creativity>> Click the enroll button above to take this course right now because with Udemy's 30-day, money-back guarantee you have absolutely zero to lose if you decide this course is not for you!Meetings are not supposed to be boring, dreadful or pointless so enroll today and start having meetings that stimulate your creativity and productivity!MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThe meeting productivity course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you succeed just like I've done for thousands of my other students. Invest in your future. Sign up today and learn to lead more effective meetings which move your organization further forward."
Price: 199.99 |
"Dog Care Owner Training For A Happy, Healthy Dog & Puppy" |
"This course was specifically created for dog owners or dog pet professionals who want to be armed with information in order to ensure they give their dog the best quality of life. This course will teach you what to be aware of when it comes to your dog and how to intelligently identify problem areas before it's too late.INSTRUCTORBACKGROUND:Tatiana has over 13 years of experiencein the dog field from working as a groomer's assistant, a dog trainer, dedicating 3 years at a veterinary clinic and now successfully running her owndog boarding, & dog walking business. Her clients know that with her comprehensive knowledge and experience around all breeds that they can be worry-free while out of town.Nicole is a licensed veterinary technician with over 20 years of experience around different animals that will be joining Tatiana inside this course. Nicole will give you more insight into what can harm your dog and laying the foundation for understanding different parasites and preventions better.With the years of experience combined, Tatiana Ambrose and Nicole Brown will lead you through this course with real photos AND live demonstrations to give you a well-rounded look into the veterinary side of things with actionable, practical and safe steps you can follow along with your dog.WHATPASTDOGOWNERSSAIDABOUTTHISCOURSE: ""Professional, yet easily understood. Very complete and excellent sharings with video demonstrations on most general care. Ifeel this education is a great review for experienced dog owners as well as novice or first timers. It really made me sit up and take notice of several tasks that I have forgotten to do or don't do in a timely manner to keep my dogs healthy and prevent chronic disease."" -Bill ""A good course for dog owners to understand the medical side of owning a dog and what can hurt them. I'm liking it."" -PaulENROLLINTHISCOURSE TOLEARN:* Learn to trim black or white nails on puppies and dogs * Have the essentials on hand if you need to bathe your dog at home * Learn what your dog's ears are telling you and how to clean their ears at home* Step by step demonstrations on introducing a dog tooth brush to your dog* Understand dental disease stages* Deep insight into flea infestations and tick diseases* Heat stroke prevention (how to prevent it and supplies to have on hand)ADDITIONALBONUSESINTHISCOURSE:* Responsive instructors to answer any questions in the Q&A section of this course* 30 Day Money Back Guarantee if this course is not a good fit* Lifetime access to all future updates to this course * Learn how to dremel your dog's nails* Downloadable PDF resources* Downloadable PDF worksheets* My top recommended dog toys after testing them out* Learn how to give your dog medication easier ***This course is not to replace any professionaladvice from veterinarians,groomers, etc.but instead created toprovide knowledge for every dog owner to make them more aware of their dog's well-being.Always contact a professional in your area if you have questions,concerns or an emergency.***WHATPASTSTUDENTSHAVESAIDABOUTTHISCOURSE: ""Some very helpful hints and information provided for those of us with dogs. I like that the instructors actually showed how to do some things and real images of what some of the topics of the videos were about. It was much better than just talking and showing words on a slide. Also owners were asked to check a few things on their dogs whilst progressing through the course. A good reminder, as I hadn't checked for ear hair for a while :) The instructors provide easy to understand information and they do know what they are talking about.""-Annie ""I have two dogs at home and whatever I've learnt in this course really helped me care for my dogs better. Great course to take!"" -DexterWith this course, we know that you'll be more equipped to detect signs of possible danger for your dog or puppy before it's too late."
Price: 199.99 |
"Fruit Crafting: How To Make A Watermelon Arrangement" |
"Are you tired of not knowing what to bring to a special get together or how to show someone special you care about them? Get amazing ideas and follow along in this ""Crafting with Fruit Workshop!This is the fruit carving course you need if you love fruit and want to get hands-on and creative with cutting and carving fruit! Inside this course, there are two different watermelon carving designs we practice, the ""Tropical Watermelon Bowl"" and the ""Peacock Bowl.""This is course is for BEGINNERS who don't have any experience in creating watermelon fruit bowls but would love easy follow steps to break it all down for them so you too can have an amazing fruit bowl. By the end of this course, you will learn how to take various fruit and transform them into a jaw-dropping watermelon fruit bowl that can hold anything. FRUIT BOWL ARRANGEMENTS ARE GREAT FOR:PartiesHolding Fruit Salad or Fruit PunchPicnicsBirthdaysBaby ShowerThank You GiftAnniversariesCongratulationsI'm SorryJust Because (seriously, these fruit bowl arrangements are very versatile!)This watermelon fruit bowl can be a family project or turned into an adult drink for a party. Your imagination is key to making this watermelon fruit arrangement come to life. INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUND:Tatiana is an award-winning creative artist who loves to give an extra special touch to all of her gifts. In this workshop, she wanted to share the essential skills needed to create a magical pineapple tree or even a peacock watermelon fruit bowl. She has personally used her watermelon fruit bowls for family gatherings and as a 'just because' gift to her loved ones.WHAT PAST STUDENTS HAVE SAID: ""I really enjoyed this unusual course. Tatiana has a very soothing voice and great tips that I will definitely use. Thank you to both of you! I was smiling all the way :D"" -EvaSKILLS YOU WILL LEARN:Cut and shape your watermelon into a bowlLearn to carve lettersCarve a peacock head and wingsAttach fruit to your watermelon bowlADDITIONAL BONUSES THAT COME WITH THIS COURSE:Different uses for your leftover fruitLifetime access to all updates to this course30 Day Money Back Guarantee if you're not satisfied with this courseA responsive instructor that will answer any questions in the Q&A section of this coursePAST STUDENT REVIEWS: ""Great, Great course, for arranging the watermelon fruit. I like the demonstration of the course, not just readymade or pre-production ready elements for the project. Thanks, Ms. Ambrose and Mr. Jeff for designing a great course, It's fun. Highly recommend this course who love family gathering and enjoy tropical fruit not ugly box juices which give you nothing but upset your stomach."" -FaisalEnroll today and craft your very own tropical watermelon fruit bowl!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Skillshare Online Course Creation: Teaching on Skillshare" |
"Have you checked out the Skillshare platform and now are nervous, unsure or completely confused about how to publish your first class on Skillshare? Did you know your Skillshare account can get a strike if your published class has poor audio and video quality?I had a very long learning curve when it came to the proper audio and lighting for my classes and now want to share not only what equipmentI use for my class but also give you comparisons so you can decide for yourself what you want your next class to look and sound like.I do not use superexpensive recording equipment, I would say it is average priced but I am very happy with my setup. Iwant you to learn from this class and decide for yourself what equipment you want to test out or what equipment you like. *All of this equipment is Udemy approved as well! I understand the struggle of starting out on a new platform and trying to build an online presence, that is why I created this course. Learnfrom me today, a Skillshare teacher that receives a monthly payout from Skillshare, teachesover 2,300 studentswith 49 published classes on Skillshare!INSTRUCTORBACKGROUND:My name is Tatiana Ambrose and I'm an award-winning creative artist who loves to teach about creativity. I have been making online videos since 2009. I joined Udemy in April 2016 and then joined Skillshare in May 2016. Skillshare is an online community mainly geared towards creativity and learning different arts & crafts. So if you have an artistic skill to teach, starting on Skillshare is a must.PASTSTUDENTREVIEWS: ""I really like the presentation. Tatiana totally understands my fears and she makes me feel confident that I can make my own SkillShare class. I'm really happy that I found this course. Thanks so much!"" -MaryWITHTHISCOURSEYOUWILLLEARN:What is holding you back from publishing your first class on SkillshareHow to plan ahead but not so much you get stuck in planning modeWhy all the creative people on Skillshare should start teaching this monthWhat your first creativeclass idea should and shouldn't be geared towardsHow the2017 payment model affects new SkillshareteachersHow to get a guaranteed payment from Skillshare the following month after publishing your first classThe most frequently asked questions I have received from my students so you won't have to be confused or left guessing on the Skillshare platformADDITIONALBONUSESINTHISCOURSE:30 Day Money Back Guarantee if you don't love the courseResponsive instructor to answer all of your questions in the Q&A section of this courseLifetime access to all future course updatesSupplemental links, pages and resources WHATPASTSTUDENTSHAVESAID: ""This is a very good course for anyone having trouble getting started with creating an online course. It is motivating and answered many more questions than I had about how to get started on SkillShare. I like the over the shoulder step by step walk through in setting up and publishing a course. Great video and audio production."" -BillDon't delay your creative skills another day, start getting paid for it by enrolling in this course today!"
Price: 89.99 |
"Learn The Five Principles To Sales Success" |
"Learning to think, behave, collaborate, inspire, sell and do business like a Go-Giver is not only a nicer, more fulfilling and more purposeful way to live life and conduct business, its also a very financially profitable way as well. Go-Givers really do sell more, and so can you.Business success comes down to sales success. Its where the rubber meets the road. However, traditional sales techniques, approaches and mindsets are not enough. Rather its about understanding and respecting human nature. This is what determines what people think, say and do. This is also what determines whether you are successful or not.You must be able to communicate your value through every interaction with your potential customers and clientsevery single time. Fortunately, when you operate from the correct premise, this is totally and absolutely predictable.Ultimately, the laws that govern success in sales are the laws that govern successful relationships, partnerships, alliances, friendships and marriages. Selling is not at its core a business transaction; it is first and foremost the forging of a human connection. Understanding selling means understanding how people work. That's what this uniquecourse is all about."
Price: 154.99 |
"Turn Your Dreams Into Reality" |
"This course is all about helping you rediscover the power of your mind in creating your personal reality. There is no magic or voodoo involved, just your beliefs, attitudes, expectations, and most importantly, your choices. These are all interlinked and if you dont recognize these factors in your life, you will continue to achieve the same results in your life. If youre feeling frustrated, unhappy, desperate, broke, or hopeless, the good news is you can change your life. You just have to be ready for it and you just have to have the proper framework, and it all boils down to your mind. Wouldnt you like to live your life to its fullest potential?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Haus-/Abschlussarbeit sofort optimieren!" |
"Hier geht es um die Optimierung deiner Haus-, Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit. Du gehrst zur Zielgruppe des Kurses, wenn du berlicherweise Hausarbeitsnoten von 2,0 oder schwcher erhltst. Die Inhalte sind eine schnelle Soforthilfe! Du bekommst 14 Tipps in ca. 20 Minuten Videozeit, die du dann selbst direkt in wenigen Minuten umsetzen kannst. Als Vorauswissen reicht es aus, wenn du in der Vergangenheit zumindest eine Hausarbeit selbst angefertigt hast. Die Videolektionen zeigen berwiegend Text, bei dem dir Probleme und die zugehrigen Lsungen aufgezeigt werden. Zunchst werfen wir einen Blick in eine Mustergliederung, dann verbessern wir den Haupttext und zum Ende natrlich den Schluteil der Musterarbeit. Du verbesserst durch den Kurs die Struktur, das Aussehen und den Inhalt deiner Arbeit. Deine Note kann sich dadurch sehr stark aufbessern. Viel Hilfe fr wenige Euro.Viel Erfolg wnscht dirHardy Landmann, M.A.Landmann-Seminare"
Price: 89.99 |
"How to Relax and Destress Without Drinking Alcohol" |
"Do you use alcohol as a way to unwind and relax?Does your social life revolve around alcohol?Do you want to quit drinking alcohol but youre at a loss for what to do next, how to replace the alcohol in your life? Do you find yourself irresistibly drawn back to your old way of life?Successfully quitting drinking alcohol is something you do in a moment. What takes time is dealing with the alcohol lifestyle that youve built up around your alcohol drinking over many years.Take alcohol out but follow the same lifestyle and youll fail to stop because you fail to eliminate the drinking triggers.Hang Loose Without Booze is about finding that preferred lifestyle.In this course you will learn:How to relax, have fun, and manage your stress levels. How to alter your nutrition to positively affect your moods.How to quickly loosen-up your body and mind. How to radically alter your thinking about stress and relaxation. How to easily lift your moods and keep them naturally elevated.How to do all this without poisoning your body with drugs."
Price: 49.99 |
"Massage 2.0 - Intuitive Massage" |
"The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervenor Bill O'Brien In today's modern culture we live in contexts where many suffer from a lack of connection, intimacy and touch.On a planet of 7 billion humans we are more disconnected than ever.As the same time, the ancient art of massage has existed for thousands of years, not only through specific massage traditions but also in our DNA.We as human beings, have an extraordinary innate and intuitive knowledge and understanding of the body. We know how to cause pain and we know to create pleasure.This course is about learning how to move past our insecurities and lack of confidence when it comes to massage andunravellingour natural wisdom when it comes to the body.Of course skill and theory are important but this course is not about that. It is about connecting to yourself as a foundation of connecting with others, about using your own body to understand massage on a deeper level. How to deconstruct our limiting ideas about massage and to look at massage culture as a whole.Fundamentally this course is not just about learning how to give pleasure but it has a deeper social emphasis of moving from a culture of stress and disconnection to a culture of intimacy, friendship, communityand love. Massage is one of the most powerful ways to do this.I hope you enjoy this course <3Testimonials""I loved this course! I found the approach so unique and intuitive, as well as simple to follow. Tissione is a natural teacher - his voice is soothing and calm, his words articulate, and his message empowering and encouraging. I feel much more confident in how I massageas a result of this course.""Deborah Newton, Lawyer, United Kingdom""This course is very useful even for someone who works professionally with massage, like me. The lessons are taught in a very simple and accessible way and are very deep! It changed completely how I work and nowI get a completely different experiences and results. This course taught me important principles about how to humanize my work, not letting it become automatic and numb"".Raphaela Simoes, Massage Therapist and Yoga Instructor, Brazil""Ifeel like I've just saved myself a year of time, and a tonne ofmoney. Highly recommend this if you want to learn about massage butdon't know where to start.""NiallMcKeever, Athlete, Ireland""An amazing course! I am not aiming to become a professional masseuse, so it was refreshing to bypass any in-detail theory of muscle groups, technique or kinesiology, and actually concentrate on how to give massages to my loved ones that de-stress and feel good! I loved the approach of using meditation and exercises to tune into my own feelings and emotions first to gain a deeper connection to the needs of those that I actually give massages to. Highly recommended!""Kaisu Koskela, PhD Student, FinlandCourse Summary:There isnoneedto:- Pay forlong massagescourseswhich are oftensuper expensive- Learn lots ofcomplicated theoryand concepts- Collectcertificate after certificatein order to be 'qualified' to touch another body.The purpose of this course is to help you:1 - Learn the core massage secrets which other courses leave out2 - Avoid learning unnecessary theory and learn the essentials2 -Bemore connectedto yourbody andlessstressed3- Sharemoreintimacywith your loved onesIn this course youwill learnsimple, effectiveandcounter-intuitiveways to learn massage, which will help you to upgrade your massage skills.There are a combination of videos which outline the basic principles and simpleexercisesto practice at home.The course is short and simple and can beeasily integrated to other massage teachingsas well as being more than enough to set you on your way to becoming a pro.Course video contentusesa clear audio and screen-castpresentationstyle so that the course is easy to follow and beautiful to look at.About The TeacherHiI'mTissione, and welcome to the course!Icreated this course because most people in modern society arestressedand in need of genuine connection and touch.However,I feelfrustrated that learningmassage is oftenunnecessarily complicated, costly and time consuming.Butit doesn't have to be that way. My purpose with this course is toshow anyone how they can learnquickly and easilywhat I've spent thepast fifteen years working on.Since a young age Ifound Ihad a natural sensitivity and intuition for massage, starting to massage members of my family from as young as 6 years old.Idecidedto develop my skills further by learning from variouscourses, books andteachers, but almost all of them were missing thecrucial elements which came naturally to me.After received hundreds ofmassages fromaround the world, Ican tell what separates the best massages from the average ones.Iwill show you how anyone can reconnect with this natural sensitivity to the body.For the past 5 years Ihave spent significant amount of time in Thailand learning about the mind as well as the body, being trained to lead meditation by Buddhist monks, which gave me a deeper understanding of stress and the body.So this course also integrates the importance of the mind when it comes to massage and the 'internal' states necessary to give incredible and transformationalmassages.Counter-intuitively,massage hacking is not about learning special techniques and theories- it's about connecting deeply with yourself first.Ilook forward to seeing you in the course!Much Love!TissioneIllustrations byEna Sadikovic."
Price: 99.99 |