"Marketing Automation with Mautic: Build your first funnel." |
"What is this course about?The Mautic Masterclass will help you create an automated marketing funnel for a digital product or service business using Mautic - a free open source software tool that includes all the features you need to create the complete funnelWhat materials are included?The course is composed of video of me explaining the concepts, then applying them by building a short marketing funnel, live on screen, where you can follow every last click.How long will it take to complete?The course includes 1.5 hours of video, broken down into 18 easy-to-follow stepsOn top of that all you need to do is write the text for your emails and sales pages to suit your own product.Why take the course?The Mautic Masterclass will give you a rapid introduction to marketing funnels and marketing automation, and help you apply that knowledge immediately to promote your own business idea."
Price: 34.99 |
"Inspire to Boost Sales: How to Write a Compelling Case Study" |
"Case studies are a powerful tool in any marketing strategy. They tell the story of what you do to help others or how your product improves lives. A good case study demonstrates the value and benefit you bring to your customers in an engaging way, rather than simply relating a set of dull facts and figures.Told well, a case study helps potential customers imagine your product or service in action. They can see themselves benefiting from using your company, and will be inspired to buy from you as a result.But too many case studies or stories as I prefer to call them are uninspiring. They are too long, too short, or dont tell us anything of real value. Sometimes, they are full of jargon and management speak (think phrases like innovative solutions, blue-sky thinking or leverage).This is usually because the people who write them are too busy concentrating on their own jobs to worry about learning how to craft a story. Does this sound like you?The good news is you can learn how to write a compelling case study in a relatively short time. Like anything, it takes a lot of practice to become really good. But with a little effort and training you can write something that is ten times better than 90% of case studies out there on the Internet. And that will definitely help you win more business, so its a worthwhile investment.Learning by doingThis course takes you through the process of creating a really good case study. Ill give you tips on everything from how to write an amazing opening, to making sure you get good testimonials to include when writing about results.I believe very much in learning by doing, so this course is designed to be practical. At each stage of the writing process, Ill be asking you to reflect on what you have learned and put it into practice.By the end, youll have a case study that is ready for you to put online and start wowing your customers!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Der Weg zum professionellen Softwareentwickler" |
"Prolog:Ich hatte mich verirrt. Ich hatte studiert und mich danach hochmotiviert auf den Weg gemacht, um ein wirklich guter Softwareentwickler zu werden, verschlang Fachbcher (einige gute, viele schlechte), las Fachzeitschriften, besuchte UserGroups und lernte alles, was im Trend lag. Trotzdem wurde das Entwickeln im Alltag immer wieder zur Qual. Fr jede erdenkliche Situation suchte ich mir das passende Framework und lernte es. Ich verstrickte mich in Abhngigkeiten und verzettelte mich in Sonderfllen. Das frustrierte und war bei weitem nicht das, was ich mir unter guter und leichter Softwareentwicklung vorstellte. Irgendwann dmmerte es mir. Ich fing an zu begreifen, was mir intuitiv schon lnger klar war: man muss nicht immer mehr lernen um Profi zu werden man muss das Richtige lernen und vor allen Dingen das Mindset eines Profis entwickeln.Der Weg zum professionellen Softwareentwickler ist ein Reisefhrer durch das aufregende Gebiet der modernen, agilen und pragmatischen Softwareentwicklung, und zugleich die Quintessenz dessen, was ich auf meinem Weg und den Irrwegen gelernt habe. Gemeinsam werden wir uns die Gebiete der Softwareentwicklung anschauen, die wirklich sehenswert sind. Wir lernen Techniken kennen, die es wert sind gelernt zu werden. Wir passieren Smpfe und dorniges Unterholz, die wir nach einer kleinen Warnung jeweils links liegen lassen.Es werden in diesem Kurs nicht nur kleine Einblicke inverschiedensten Techniken gegeben, sondern eine Haltung vermittelt, die einen professionellen Entwickler ausmachen.Meine Motivation ist es dir diese Irrwege zu ersparen. Ich mchte dir einen Weg aufzeigen, wie du als Softwareentwickler erfolgreich sein und gleichzeitig Spa und Leichtigkeit haben kannst. Dies wnsche ich Dir von Herzen.Thorsten DiekhofThemen die behandelt werden:Dreyfus-ModellArchitekturdokumentationClean CodeSoftwarecraftsmanshipRefactoringPrinzipien und Praktiken der objektorientierten SoftwareentwicklungEntwurfsmuster / DesignpatternTestgetriebene Entwicklung / TDDSoftwaredesignAgile Softwareentwicklung / SCRUMPersnlichkeit eines ProfisIntuition als WerkzeugBewusstes LernenSMARTMethode"
Price: 94.99 |
"Angular 2 - Leren en begrijpen" |
"Angular 2 - Leren en begrijpenAngular 2 is de opvolger van AngularJS. Behalve de naam, is er maar weinig dat de twee frameworks met elkaar gemeen hebben. Angular 2 heeft een totaal nieuwe syntaxis voor zowel front-end als backend. In deze cursus leer jewerken met de nieuwe, op componenten gebaseerde manier om webapplicaties te programmeren. Jemaakt kennis met de vernieuwde wijze van databinding, services, observables, routing en andere belangrijke Angular 2-concepten. Daarnaast leer je omgaanmet bijkomende tools en programmeertalen zoals Node.js, TypeScript en ECMAScript 2015. Tot de behandelde onderwerpen behoren:Kennismaken met Angular 2.De ontwikkelomgeving inrichten.Hello World in Angular 2 - jeeerste componentDatabinding op allerlei manieren.Datavoorziening met services.Asynchrone services - gegevens ophalen uit databases.Werken met RxJS en observables.Angular-applicaties als boomstructuur van componenten.Routing in Angular 2-apps.Meer over Angular 2 - blik op de toekomst."
Price: 44.99 |
"Productive coding with WebStorm" |
"Productive coding with WebStormJetBrains WebStorm is the perfect editor for web developers. It is a full featured IDE that provides all the tools and features for developers in JavaScript, Typescript, NodeJS and of course HTML and CSS.Learn WebStorm or any other JetBrains IDE in one afternoon!This brief training will show you how to best useWebStorm to be as productive as possible. You will learn many useful tricks to work faster. You'llsee all the possibilities to customize the user interface, using keyboard shortcuts andwrite your code superfastby creating and using Live Templates. Alsoyou'll learn how WebStorm supports your workflow and lets you usetools like Gulp, NPM or Github, all without leaving your editor!The courseis specifically intended forWebStorm, but is also extremely valuable for users of other JetBrainseditors likeIntelliJ, PHPStorm, PyCharm and others.This course covers the following topics:Welcome and introductionDownloading and installing WebStormTouring the IDE and setting up your working environmentAdapting the UI to meet your personal needsCoding faster in JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML and CSSUsing build- and workflow tools right from the IDEGit- and Github integrationTesting your RESTful Services with the RESTClientAdding and deleting pluginsOther tips and tricks"
Price: 24.99 |
"Productiviteit met WebStorm" |
"WebStorm, de ideale IDE voor webdevelopersJetBrains WebStorm is de idealeditor voor webdevelopers. Het is een volledig uitgeruste IDE die alle tools en voorzieningen biedt voor ontwikkelaars in JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS en uiteraard HTML en CSS. Deze beknopte training laat zien hoe je WebStorm optimaal inzet om zo productief mogelijk te zijn. Je leert tal van handige trucs om sneller te werken. Je ziet alle mogelijkheden omde user interface aan te passen, sneltoetsen te gebruiken en je code snel te schrijven door Live Templates te maken en gebruiken. Daarnaast leer je hoe WebStorm je workflow ondersteunt als in jouw projecten gebruik wordt gemaakt van tools als Gulp, NPM of andere. De training is specifiek bedoeld voor WebStorm, maar is ook uiterst waardevol voor gebruikers van andere JetBrains-editors zoals IntelliJ, PHPStorm, PyCharmen andere. Tot de behandelde onderwerpen behoren: WebStorm downloaden en installerenDe user interface verkennen en de deelvensters instellenDe user interfaceaanpassen en instellen voor optimaal gebruikSneller coderen met WebStorm in JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML en CSSBuild tools zoals Gulp en NPMoptimaal gebruiken vanuit de IDE.Git- en Github-integratie vanuit WebStormRESTfulWebservices testen met de ingebouwde RESTful Client.Plugins gebruiken,toevoegen en verwijderen"
Price: 24.99 |
"You're Hired: How to Get a Job in Silicon Valley" |
"Update: Join over 8,200students in the Techustler Course Series. You dont want to miss this opportunity in learning practical knowledge in Tech.Main DescriptionWhy is it so difficult to get a job in Silicon Valley?Ive applied to hundreds of job posts with no responses. What am I doing wrong?Im qualified for the job, but no one wants to interview me.My resume is perfect, but recruiters are not contacting me.If this is a problem you are facing in your job search, you are not alone. Millions of people are looking for jobs in the US everyday. More specifically, Silicon Valley is the hottest destination for technology companies with thousands of potential employees looking for a way in. What are the main motivations for working at a Silicon Valley company?The main reason is the pay which can be $100,000 plus at companies, but it's also the ever challenging and changing environment. Another reason is the pace at which these companies innovate is unheard of in any part of the world. This is the reason why Silicon Valley always has a talent war to find the best of the best. Did you know that at some companies like Google, potential applicants exceed 1000? Thats insanely large. How are you supposed to get noticed with a 1000 person applicant pool? This is what I pride myself in teaching you because I have found the way to not only get noticed, but get that high paying job you deserve. With my course You're Hired: How to Get a Job in Silicon Valley, I teach the practical way in getting noticed at your prospective company. I have designed it in a practical way so that when you finish the course you can immediately start getting interviews.This course contains over 20 lectures and 1 hr of content. It's designed for people currently in their job search, or people passively looking for their next opportunity in Silicon Valley or USA. Youll learn the tools needed to get the interview, write email scripts that resonate with the recruiter, build a relationship with the company, build a company funnel engine, and most importantly start getting recognized by the most prestigious companies in the world.""How to get a High Paid Job in Silicon Valley Course StructureThe course follows a familiar structure where in each video I will teach the concepts followed by the student applying the concepts practically. If your goal is get a job in a faster timeline, I suggest applying my method in a shorter timeline. You must be driven and HUSTLE to achieve these positions, but anything is possible today. Environment SetupThis course aims to simulate a live in-person course as much as possible. After you finish each lecture, you should practice and try to re-create the solution on your own. You learn the best by practicing and doing. ProjectsAt the end of the course, you will be asked to complete a job lead engine which you will then use to land your next career.Testimonials from other Techustler Courses and the InstructorGreat set of videos Nick! I really liked the format of the videos with you in the corner of the screen showing us how to use the website. Cool songs you use at the beginning of each video. It really gives off the vibe that your course is hip and up-to-date with modern times. You do a great job of keeping of with the times. Stay modern, but classy at the same time Nick! - PenelopeThe course is amazing so far. I didn't know you could do so much with Slack. I can't wait to build the on-boarding site and start bringing users into my community. I highly recommend this course. - John""He is a crafty problem solver, coming up with clever solutions to solve problems on schedule. When we worked together on a project, he quickly came up with and implemented UI solutions for the app to finish on time."" - Doug""Nick is highly focused and is the type of person who puts in the time and effort to solve a problem while not sacrificing quality. His attention to detail led to his design of a creative and great looking app."" - Christine""Nick's great at guerrilla customer development, he knows how to analyze data and make strong connections to the market. He understands the user flow when solving their problems."" - Taso""It was a highly positive experience working alongside Nick at DigaBlue and with the work ethic he has, I am certain that he will produce great results in his future endeavors."" - Saif""Nick is an aspiring tech entrepreneur with what I would consider a strong passion and desire to learn more and excel in the evolving digital age. He is an experienced programmer with a track record of creating both his own website and various mechanical devices."" - Elliot""Nick taught me so much, and invested a good amount of time being my mentor--teaching me to become a better non-technical leader."" - RohanWhat is the target audience?This course is designed for people with little or no experience in getting a high-paid job. It is for motivated and driven individuals who want to excel in their careers. Next StepsNow it's time to become a Techustler and join me in registering for the course. I cant wait to have you on board!"
Price: 119.99 |
"How to Build Chatbots: From Beginner to Intermediate" |
"Update: Join over 10,600students in the Techustler Course Series. Recently, this course has been updated as of 1/2018 with new content including how todesignchatbots.Have you ever wondered how chat bots are made?Why are chat bots the next big trend?How can I build chat bots that are cool?If you ever wanted to understand the space of Bots or build them yourself, then take my course""How to Build Chat Bots: From Beginner to Intermediate"". Idesigned it in a practical way so that when you finish the content you can immediately put it into use.Now, why should you build bots?Bots are the next big trend according to media journals, silicon valley companies, and web developers. The barrier of entry to build a bot is low enough, but the amount of traction you can get is enormous. This is why startups like Slack have built a billion dollar business around it. Now, we are in the early stages of this trend and in order to stay ahead you must learn a thing or two about bots. More importantly, how to build bots which I teach in this course.This course contains over 20lectures and 1.5 hrs of content. It's designed for beginners to play with new platforms in the bot space.Youll learn the tools needed to build the bots, how the inner workings of bots, how to map a user conversation, and market your bot to your friends.Course StructureThe course follows a familiar structure where in each video I will teach the concepts followed by the student applying the concepts practically. If your goal is to become a better developer, you should understand node.js, server side developmentand how to access certain APIs to build better bots. The course does not go deep into API integration ofbot responses. This means we won't be building complex models, AI driven bots, or multiple API driven bots. That would be for an expert course.Environment SetupThis course aims to simulate a live in-person course as much as possible. After you finish each lecture, you should practice and try the solution on your own. You learn the best by practicing and doing.ProjectsAt the end of each section, you will be asked to complete a botwhich you canthen share with your network or on the Udemy network.Testimonials from other Techustler Courses and the InstructorGreat set of videos Nick! I really liked the format of the videos with you in the corner of the screen showing us how to use the website. Cool songs you use at the beginning of each video. It really gives off the vibe that your course is hip and up-to-date with modern times. You do a great job of keeping of with the times. Stay modern, but classy at the same time Nick! - PenelopeThe course is amazing so far. I didn't know you could do so much with Slack. I can't wait to build the on-boarding site and start bringing users into my community. I highly recommend this course. - John""He is a crafty problem solver, coming up with clever solutions to solve problems on schedule. When we worked together on a project, he quickly came up with and implemented UI solutions for the app to finish on time."" - Doug""Nick is highly focused and is the type of person who puts in the time and effort to solve a problem while not sacrificing quality. His attention to detail led to his design of a creative and great looking app."" - Christine""Nick's great at guerrilla customer development, he knows how to analyze data and make strong connections to the market. He understands the user flow when solving their problems."" - Taso""It was a highly positive experience working alongside Nick at DigaBlue and with the work ethic he has, I am certain that he will produce great results in his future endeavors."" - Saif""Nick is an aspiring tech entrepreneur with what I would consider a strong passion and desire to learn more and excel in the evolving digital age. He is an experienced programmer with a track record of creating both his own website and various mechanical devices."" - Elliot""Nick taught me so much, and invested a good amount of time being my mentor--teaching me to become a better non-technical leader."" - RohanWhat is the target audience?This course is designed for people with little or no experience with chatbot makingand who want to build the next cool product. By the end of the course, youll have valuable skills that will help you be creative and resourcefulin your pursuit of building products(hopefully in the bot space :)Next StepsNow it's time to become a Techustler and join me in registering for the course. I cant wait to have you on board!"
Price: 139.99 |
"How to Build a Social Network Without Coding" |
"Update: Join over 8,200students in the Techustler Course Series. You dont want to miss this opportunity in learning practical knowledge in Tech.Creating an online social network is not as hard as you might think.If you have ever used Slack in your team workplace, then you may know just how easy it is to create a social network from scratch with this tool.Slack is a great way to build a social network for your website, company, school, product, project, or any niche community.Slackis a team communication toolthat allows teams to build their company workflow.Users can send messages, make connections with other users, create channels, integrate third party applications, and even communicate with customers.In this course you will learnhow to to setup and configure Slack, how to manage and customize integrations,and customize the usage of your Slack group based on your product, customer service, or business.Who is this course for?I designed this course for marketers and startups who struggle to find new channels to promote their product. This is also for non-technical people who want to learn the ropes in building a viable community. How is the course structured?The course is designed in two sections. The first section is getting your Slack community made. The second is teaching you on-boarding and marketing for your community.What have people said about this course?""Nick is highly focused and is the type of person who puts in the time and effort when teaching. His attention to detail led to a great course."" - Chris Le, AppleEngineer""I never knew you could Slack into a viable business. I learned how to make passive income for my existing business. Thanks Nick."" - AndrewPhilips, Mobile Director at TCSNext StepsNow it's time to become a Techustler and join me in registering for the course. I cant wait to have you on board."
Price: 19.99 |
"Amazon Alexa Development: From Beginner to Intermediate" |
"Update: Join over 8,200students in the Techustler Course Series. You dont want to miss this learning opportunity.Have you ever wondered how Alexa Appsare made?Why is Amazon and Google investing in voice technology?A better question is why haven't you built an Alexa App yet.If you ever wanted to understand the space of Voice Appsor build them yourself, then take my course""Amazon Alexa Development: From Beginner to Intermediate"". Idesigned it in a practical way so that when you finish the content you can immediately put it into use with your Amazon Echo or online counterpart.Now, why should you build Alexa Skills?The biggest industries in technology are surrounded by AI, Bots, and Voice technology. Voice technology I believe will be the new 21st user interface that will not only understand basic commands, but will be so smart to understand anything you tell it. This is why Amazon is making a big bet with Alexa which it plans to generateclose to $11 billion dollars by 2020. They know something about Amazon Echo which is why now is the best time to learn these skills before the mainstream starts developing applications. We all know the story about apps for the smartphones, this is the same thing.This course contains over 50lectures and 1.5hrs of content. It's designed for beginners to play with new platforms in the voicespace.Youll learn the tools needed to build the Alexa Skills, how Alexa Skills work, and publish a skill to Amazon's Alexa store.Course StructureThe course follows a familiar structure where in each video I will teach the concepts followed by a challenge or practice question.If your goal is to become a better developer, you should understand node.js, server side developmentand how to access certain APIs to build better Alexa Skills. The course does not go deep into understanding Node.js but you will understand thearchitectureand ability to publish apps for Alexa.Environment SetupThis course aims to simulate a live in-person course as much as possible. After you finish each lecture, you should practice and try the solution on your own. You learn the best by practicing and doing.ProjectsAt the end of each section, you will be asked to complete the Alexa skillwhich you canthen share with your network or on the Udemy network.Testimonials from other Techustler Courses and the InstructorGreat set of videos Nick! I really liked the format of the videos with you in the corner of the screen showing us how to use the website. Cool songs you use at the beginning of each video. It really gives off the vibe that your course is hip and up-to-date with modern times. You do a great job of keeping of with the times. Stay modern, but classy at the same time Nick! - PenelopeNicholas, very good course on bots! I especially enjoyed that you provided us the opportunity to build bots in a hands-on fashion. Your course sections are very organized and I didn't have to guess to know what I was getting myself into. It is clear you are very knowledgeable as an instructor and have a real connection to your course material. I look forward to taking another course with you! - Rahul""I love the natural progression in this course. You start with the basics and end with building a Facebook Chat Bot. Awesome! Thanks Nick!"" - Doug""Thank you so much Nicholas! The bot course was very informative and helpful for my learning. Keep up the good work!"" - Christine""It was a highly positive experience working alongside Nick at DigaBlue and with the work ethic he has, I am certain that he will produce great results in his future endeavors."" - Saif""Nick is an aspiring tech entrepreneur with what I would consider a strong passion and desire to learn more and excel in the evolving digital age. He is an experienced programmer with a track record of creating both his own website and various mechanical devices."" - Elliot""This is a really good intro course to building simple but useful bots. Nick breaks each lesson up thoughtfully and into parts that are easy to follow and implement straight away. With modern api'sto make bots from simple to highly sophisticated, this course it great for learning all the moving parts. I feel more confident in designing, building and marketing a bot myself now!"" - JasonWhat is the target audience?This course is designed for people with little or no experience in javascript which is needed to make Alexa skills. By the end of the course, youll have valuable skills that will help you be creative and resourcefulin your pursuit of building products(hopefully in the voicespace :)Next StepsNow it's time to become a Techustler and join me in registering for the course. I cant wait to have you on board!"
Price: 139.99 |
"Mobile App Design: From Beginner to Intermediate" |
"Update: Join over 8,200students in the Techustler Course Series. You dont want to miss this learning opportunity.Have you ever wondered how those beautiful appsare made?What are the bestpractices and tools currently used by designers?How can I start my career in design?If you ever wanted to understand the space of mobile design, then take my course""Mobile App Design: From Beginner to Intermediate"". I createdit in a practical way so that when you finish the content you can immediately put it to use in your product.Now, why should you design mobile apps?Today, advanced technology needs user friendly interfaces. Developers and non-technical folkswant to make their applications more appealing and easy to use. There is a reason why so many people started to use Apple products, their design is their main product selling point. Going forward, people developing products need to make sure their users have thatgreat experience.Another great reason is lots of companies want to hire designers. This has been a growing trend recently where UI Designers in the US make upwards of $80,000 USD.With this course, I'llteach you the relevanttools to get your product designed well, build out your designer portfolio, andland that next job in design.This course contains over 100lectures and 10hrs of content. It's designed for beginners to play with new software and get a grasp at the recent design trends.Youll learn the tools and best practices needed to be a great designer. I also throw in bonus content on getting a designerjob with techniques and sample emails.Course StructureThe course follows a familiar structure where in each video I will teach the concepts followed by a challenge or practice question.If your goal is to become a better designer, you should understand design principles, other graphics softwares like Photoshopand build out a massive up-to-date portfolio. The course doesgo deep into understanding Sketchbut you will need to get creative to build new UI experiences.Environment SetupThis course aims to simulate a live in-person course as much as possible. After you finish each lecture, you should practice and try the solution on your own. You learn the best by practicing and doing.ProjectsAt the end of each section, you will be asked to quizzes or be given a challenge. When you have finished a challenge you can then post it in the Udemydiscussion board or your online portfolio.Testimonials from other Techustler Courses and the InstructorGreat set of videos Nick! I really liked the format of the videos with you in the corner of the screen showing us how to use the website. Cool songs you use at the beginning of each video. It really gives off the vibe that your course is hip and up-to-date with modern times. You do a great job of keeping of with the times. Stay modern, but classy at the same time Nick! - PenelopeNicholas, very good course on bots! I especially enjoyed that you provided us the opportunity to build bots in a hands-on fashion. Your course sections are very organized and I didn't have to guess to know what I was getting myself into. It is clear you are very knowledgeable as an instructor and have a real connection to your course material. I look forward to taking another course with you! - Rahul""I love the natural progression in this course. You start with the basics and end with building a Facebook Chat Bot. Awesome! Thanks Nick!"" - Doug""Thank you so much Nicholas! The bot course was very informative and helpful for my learning. Keep up the good work!"" - Christine""It was a highly positive experience working alongside Nick at DigaBlue and with the work ethic he has, I am certain that he will produce great results in his future endeavors."" - Saif""Nick is an aspiring tech entrepreneur with what I would consider a strong passion and desire to learn more and excel in the evolving digital age. He is an experienced programmer with a track record of creating both his own website and various mechanical devices."" - Elliot""This is a really good intro course to building simple but useful bots. Nick breaks each lesson up thoughtfully and into parts that are easy to follow and implement straight away. With modern api'sto make bots from simple to highly sophisticated, this course it great for learning all the moving parts. I feel more confident in designing, building and marketing a bot myself now!"" - JasonWhat is the target audience?This course is designed for people with little or no experience in mobile app design. By the end of the course, youll have valuable skills that will help you be creative and resourcefulin designing products:)Next StepsNow it's time to become a Techustler and join me in registering for the course. I cant wait to have you on board!"
Price: 139.99 |
"Simple Welded Connections for Beginners" |
"This course is the perfect introduction to simple fillet welded connections. Simple connections refer to connections in which the resultant force that must be resisted by the connection passes through the center of gravity of the connection. Therefore, each part of the connection is assumed to resist an equal share of the load.Students will learn the basics of fillet welds and see actual worked out examples. Connection design is done according to the AISC Specification for Structural Steel Building, and it will be provided to the students for download.This course consists of 7 lecture videos and 4 example videos. Each example comes with a corresponding Excel spreadsheet for further ease.This course should take about 1-2 weeks to complete."
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduction to Structural Reinforced Concrete in 1 Hour!" |
"Welcome to the Introduction to Structural Reinforced Concrete in 1 Hour course where you will learn about the fundamental properties of reinforced concrete, one of the most commonly used materials on this planet.My name is Abdul, and I will be leading you through this course. I began my career as a structural engineer in the offshore and subsea oil and gas industry. After 5 years of structural engineering, I have transitioned to developing a platform for engineering content. I am currently the founder of Engineering Examples. See website below.By the end of the course, youll be able to identify the advantages and disadvantages of reinforced concrete, calculate various mechanical properties such as as the tensile and flexural strength of concrete according to the American Concrete Institute Code 318-11, and learn about how steel is used to improve the performance of reinforced concrete. There are 36 lectures within this course. They have been prepared in the most clear and concise manner possible in order to avoid overwhelming students. We start from the basics of what is reinforced concrete all the way to covering how steel is incorporated within a concrete member. Each lecture builds slowly on top of what you have already learned. This course should take 1-2 weeks to complete.This course is ideal for architects, engineers, construction professionals, and anyone else who wants to learn more about reinforced concrete. This course is also great for college or university students looking to work in architecture, engineering, or construction. Feel free to look through the course description and I look forward to seeing you inside."
Price: 19.99 |
"JavaScript Experts - Completo e passo a passo" |
"O curso de JavaScript Expert - Completo e passo a passotem por objetivo principal ensinar todos os passos necessrios que um iniciante na linguagem javascriptprecisa para dominar esta linguagem de programao que est crescendo bastante neste ltimos tempos. Nela voc ter todos os conhecimentos exigidos pelo mercado, do mais elementar ao mais avanados.Uma das grandes caractersticas marcantes deste curso que mesmo que o seu nvel de conhecimento seja zero, ainda assim conseguir compreender e se desenvolver como programador javascript, pois da maneira como ministrado o curso voc ter todas as aulas passo a passo, explicado de forma detalhada, com uma linguagem simples, clara e objetiva. Em todo o instante voc ser apresentado a contedos que de fato contribuiro no seu aprendizado, sem rodeios, sem contedos inteis e acima de tudo muita prtica, pois a juno da teoria e prtica sempre o melhor caminho para fixar o conhecimento.Se voc um designer e sempre que precisa de uma interao para os seus sites pesquisa na internet e no consegue entender os cdigo baixados, aps este curso voc no s conseguir, como ter condies de fazer seus prprios cdigos. pois a linguagem utilizada neste curso muito passo a passo e qualquer pessoa, com qualquer nvel de conhecimento conseguir entender.O curso JavaScript Expert dar a voc um roteiro de estudo e o conduz neste roteiro ensinando e solidificando cada assunto de forma que ao final o seu conhecimento ser bastante profundo e concreto, tendo toda a base que voc precisa para seguir na sua carreira de programador JavaScript.O Curso dividido em quatro partes:Parte 01 - JavaScript como linguagem de programao - aqui voc aprender os conceitos gerais da linguagem javaScriptcomo:VariveisTipos de DadosOperadoresEstruturas de controleEstruturas de repetioEventosFunesObjetosArraysObjeto DateObjeto StringObjeto Number,Expresses Regulares,etcParte 02 - Exerccios para ensinar voc a pensar como programador - Neste ponto voc ir praticar o que aprendeu, resolveremos vrios exerccios aplicando a metodologia em que primeiro se explica todo o raciocnio da questo, fazendo voc pensar e depois se resolve a questo propriamente dito.Parte 03 - JavaScript para manipulao dos elementos da pgina - Nesta ponto voc aprender de forma detalhada tudo que precisar manipular todos os elementos de uma pgina web, Ensinaremos a trabalhar tanto com o BOM quanto o DOM e veremos em detalhes as interfaces, metdos e propriedade dos elementos,como:Janelas (window)URLNavegadorFormulriosListasTabelasInterface nodeEventos, etc.Parte 04 - Exerccios finais - Neste ponto iremos resolver vrios exerccios com exemplos prticos do dia a dia para praticar tudo o que foi aprendido, todos os exerccios resolvidos passo a passo."
Price: 294.99 |
"Curso de Algoritmo: Completo e Passo a Passo" |
"Este curso foi feito para pessoas que no tm NENHUM conhecimento em programao e desejam estud-la. um curso 10 horas, onde iremos apresentar todos os conceitos utilizados em todas as linguagens de programao. O curso passo a passo e composto de teorias e vrios exemplos prticos, fazendo com que o aluno consiga entender de verdade como pensar como um programador."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de Lgica de Programao com PHP" |
"O Curso Completo de Lgica de Programao com PHPaborda todos os assuntos necessrios para quem quer comear estudar PHP e no tem nenhum conhecimento.Ocurso muito passo a passo, a metodologia clara e sempre misturando a teoria com muita prtica, durante os exerccios o aluno tem a chance de aprender a raciocinar como um programador, pois antes da soluo dos problemas sempre ensinamos como pensar na soluo da questo, desta forma, o aluno mesmo consegue resolver os exerccios e com isso aumenta em quase 100% o seu aprendizado.Ocurso foi preparado para que qualquer pessoa consiga entender os princpios bsicos da Lgica de Programao, pois entendemos que a lgica de programao fundamental para entender qualquer linguagem."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de Lgica de Programao com JAVA" |
"O Curso Completo de Lgica de Programao com Java aborda todos os assuntos necessrios para quem quer comear estudar java e no tem nenhum conhecimento.Ocurso muito passo a passo, a metodologia clara e sempre misturando a teoria com muita prtica, durante os exerccios o aluno tem a chance de aprender a raciocinar como um programador, pois antes da soluo dos problemas sempre ensinamos como pensar na soluo da questo, desta forma, o aluno mesmo consegue resolver os exerccios e com isso aumenta em quase 100% o seu aprendizado.Ocurso foi preparado para que qualquer pessoa consiga entender os princpios bsicos da Lgica de Programao, pois entendemos que a lgica de programao fundamental para entender qualquer linguagem."
Price: 39.99 |
"Estudando Arrays, Strings e Data no Java" |
"Este curso foi feito para pessoas que querem aprofundar os seus conhecimentos na linguagem java. Vamos estudar em detalhes os principais classes e mtodos para manipulao de Arrays, Strings e tambm Data.Como metodologia usamos o mtodo gora de ensino que tem com principal pilar, a mxima de que: ""Para voc dominar um assunto completamente, a melhor forma dividir um assunto macro e assuntos menores"" e por isso estudaremos todos os detalhes de arrays, strings e datas.Estes assunto so de extrema importncia e utilizados em praticamente qualquer programa feito em java.Sempre mesclamos o contedo em teoria e prtica para facilitar a fixao e o seu aprendizado, tambm utilizamos a tcnica de ajudar voc a pensar como programador para melhorar o seu nvel de abstrao na hora de resolver problemas."
Price: 39.99 |
"JQuery Essencial - Para quem quer aprender jquery" |
"O curso de Jquery Essencial foi feito para pessoas que tm dificuldade em entender os princpios do jquery. Com uma linguagem clara esimples voc vai passear por todos os conceitos fundamentais do jQuery, tanto de forma terica como prtica.Todos os assunto foram divididos por categoria para voc aprender mais facilmente, assim como memorizar cada um e ainda servir de um guia de referncia para toda vez que vc precisar lembrar de alguma coisa.Um curso que mudar a forma como voc estuda."
Price: 294.99 |
"Gramtica Experts - completo e passo a passo" |
"O curso de Gramtica Experts -completo e passo a passo tem como objetivo principal ensinar os conceitos bsicos e necessrios para que quer realmente aprender gramtica e tem dificuldade de aprenderou mesmo preguia de organizar todos os assuntos e se aprofundar nele.Todos os assuntos foram organizados separadamente para que voc consiga um melhor aproveitamento e estude com maior eficincia.Praticamente todos os concursos pblico, vestibulares e provas em gerais cobram como principal assunto o conhecimento da gramtica e no curso Gramtica Experts - completo e passo a passo voc conseguir domin-lo e se preparar para tais provas."
Price: 104.99 |
"Basic Russian with Alphabet, Reading, Writing, Flashcards!" |
"First part of the complete course on Russian phonetic, reading, cursive writing andvocabulary for the beginners and advanced language learners. In the following seven lectures you will: Explore the easy scheme for learning Russian alphabet. Exercise cursive writing. (Be aware even if many teachers think that you can skip cursive writing, not knowing it will create problems if you want to advance in your studies.) Develop necessary routine and intuition in reading and pronunciation Russian letters. Learn few Russian words, which you might know from EnglishLearn new vocabulary with flashcards This course deals with the basic concepts of Russian language and you don't need any prior knowledge, or additional materials to take it. by ROU Russian Online University"
Price: 19.99 |
"A1.2 Russian Phonetic, Reading and Cursive Writing" |
"Second part of the complete course on Russian alphabet phonetic, reading and cursive writing for the beginners and advanced language learners. In the following lectures you will: Writing in cursive Pronunciation of vowels and consonants Exercise cursive writing. (Be aware even if many teachers think that you can skip cursive writing, not knowing it will create problems if you want to advance in your studies.) Develop necessary routine and intuition in reading and pronunciation Russian letters. Learn learn few basic phrases, expressions and words. This course deals with the basic concepts of Russian language and you don't need any prior knowledge, or additional materials to take it. by ROU Russian Online University"
Price: 19.99 |
"A1.3 Phonetic and Pronunciation." |
"This course will give you exercise in pronunciation and deepen your knowledge from courses A1.1 and A1.2. It was originally created as an phonetic audio course for beginners. It has proven to be very helpful to improve the speaking and reading competence. Especially it is a good starting point to begin with reading on your own. If you are a basic learner I suggest you to watch videos because it will give you some exercise in reading, recognition of syllables and some feeling where to put emphasis within words. In case you are an advanced learner you can download audio files and listen the tracks few times, don't forget to repeat after me while listening. And dont forget to give me tips how to improve my work. Thank you all Leo"
Price: 19.99 |
"A2.1 Basics of Russian: Vocabulary, Questions and Statements" |
"In this course you will learn to:understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrasesintroduce yourself and others, ask and answer questions about personal details such as where you live, people you know and things you have.interact in a simple way.We will also exerciseWriting in cursivePronunciation Exercise cursive writing. (Be aware even if many teachers think that you can skip cursive writing, not knowing it will create problems if you want to advance in your studies.)Develop necessary routine and intuition in reading and pronunciation Russian letters.Learn learn few basic phrases, expressions and words. This course deals with the basic concepts of Russian language and you don't need any prior knowledge, or additional materials to take it. by ROU Russian Online University"
Price: 19.99 |
"Fly Guide to Brazil Webinar" |
"The Fly Guide to Brazil Webinar is a comprehensive, 16-part web seminar that tells you everything you need to know to plan a trip to the worlds most fabulous country, Brazil. Starting with a general overview of the countrys geography, demographics, history, and culture; you will learn all about the wonderful and enchanting places to see and experience in Brazil; discover all about Brazilian Carnival, music, literature, and film; gain insight into finding the perfect lodging situation; get tricks and tips for maximizing your enjoyment and minimizing foolishness while traveling in Brazil; and youll also learn the basics of Brazilian Portuguese, one of the worlds most beautiful languages.The webinar is divided into six 20-minute video lectures and 10 downloadable single-page PDFs, each offering unique and hard-to-find information about everything from Brazilian pick-up lines to choosing a favorite samba school to finding your countrys embassy in Braslia."
Price: 44.99 |
"Start to Finish Facebook Lead Advertisements That Convert" |
"By the end of this course you will know how to generate leads from Facebook by setting up, designing and tracking amazing Facebook Lead Generation Ads.The NEW easy and simple way to grow your email list, get validated leads and grow your database directly from Facebook. Get access to user details and remove any barriers from converting Facebook fans.You will learn:Why Facebook Lead Generation Ads are key to your email marketing successHow to navigate Power Editor to set up your AdsCreate your first campaign and targetthe right audienceDesign Facebook Ads that convertAccess and contact your new leads automaticallyReport on your success and reshape your ads based on audience reactions"
Price: 19.99 |
"Healthcare Kaizen: Continuous Improvement for Everyone" |
"This material will be presented as a combination of:Webinar-style presentationInstructor videoOnline reading and prepInteraction with the instructor and other studentsJoin speaker, author, and consultant Mark Grabanfor an introductory online class to learn and practice methods from his book,Healthcare Kaizen: Engaging Front-Line Staff in Sustainable Continuous Improvements.You might have heard about other healthcare organizations that are using Lean improvement practices. In particular, many health systems are using Rapid Improvement Events (aka Rapid Process Improvement Workshops) as a way of driving change. However, a growing number of organizations are also embracing daily Kaizen or a process to facilitate small, meaningful changes as an ongoing continuous improvement methodology. If your organization has not yet started going Lean, then daily Kaizen is a great way to get started before making the leap into larger events.This class will give you the introduction you need to confidently get started with this methodology. You'll get tips and lessons learned from organizations that have successfully created a culture of continuous improvement."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Google Maps JavaScript API" |
"Learn Google Maps JavaScriptAPI course providesa jump start for beginners and the complete guide for GIS professionals of using Google Maps JSAPI.Course coversMap and Controls.Shapes andGeometries.Overlays(Markers, Raster ...etc.)Data Layers (JSON, KML ... Etc.)Events and Behaviors.API Services.Practice Projects.In this course we'll practicetogether, every mappingconceptwith SampleCode as well as practice projects.By the end of the course, you will be able to build completeweb mapping applications using Google Maps."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn esri ArcGIS Online (essentials)" |
"At the end of the course, you will be able to author andpublishweb maps, also you will be able to create ready-to-use web mapping applications.In thiscourse you with a jump start of using ArcGIS Online, the course covers creating and maintaining:ArcGIS Online Public AccountArcGIS Online Organizational AccountArcGISOnline Developer AccountYou will graspessential topics contain the main functions of ArcGIS Online so you will know the ArcGIScapabilities of:Make and share beautiful mapsUsinga suite of basemaps, high-resolution imagery, anddemographic dataUsing ArcGIScloud-based servicesCreating a Web-Mapping-Appsusing ready-to-use apps and templatesAdministrating ArcGIS Online subscription and organizational account"
Price: 24.99 |
"Software Testing: Reporting Bugs Like a Pro Using Bugzilla" |
"""Software Testing: Reporting Bugs Like a Pro Using Bugzilla"" has one purpose, to help you write better bugs reports which will get fixed! Whether you're completely new to software testing or experienced tester, there's something in this course for you.While first chapter explains defect life-cycle, second chapter explains how to use most widely used bug tracking system - Bugzilla.Third chapter is about process of finding and reporting bugs, and tips for writing great bug reports which will get fixed!Experience my way on how to write bug reports like a Pro, as if you and I talk one-to-one. Most importantly, you will see WHY certain elements of bug reporting are more important than the others. This willspeed up your LEARNING CURVE up exponentially.Be prepared for a one hour of video tutorial packed full of information. Watch it once ... twice ... as many times as you want and I guarantee you'll learn more each and every time!"
Price: 34.99 |