"Gnmzde router ve switch gibi network cihazlarnn ynetimi byk kurumlar iin nemli hale gelmitir. Az kaynakla ok i yapmak, mevcut network kaynaklarn en iyi ekilde deerlendirmek iin CCNA NETWORK ETMNE hogeldiniz. Video dersler kapsamnda network temellerinden balayarak (OSI, ARP, DHCP, CABLE TRLER, FZKSEL VE MANTIKSAL TOPOLOJLER, MAC ADRES VB.), kompleks network topolojilerinin konfigurasyonlarn yapabilir hale geleceksiniz. Network dnyasna girmek isteyen, uluslararas apta geerlilii bulunan CCNA sertifikasn alabilmek iin bu esiz eitime katlmanz kariyeriniz iin byk yararlar salayacaktr. Eitim boyunca hem teorik hem uygulamal eitim alacaksnz. Ayrca eitim kapsamndahazrlananslaytlarn tamamna sahip olabileceksiniz. Herkese iyi kurslar dilerim."
Price: 79.99 |
"Network Keif, Bilgi Toplama ve Saldr Eitimi" |
"Network Keif, Bilgi Toplama ve Saldr Eitimiilenetwork zerindeki bilgisayarlar eitli aralar kullanarak kefedecek, bu bilgisayarlar hakknda bilgi toplayacak ve toplanan bilgiler sonras nasl saldr dzenleneceini reneceksiniz. Kurs boyunca derslerhem uygulamal video eitim hem de konu ile ilgili hazrlam olduum zgn dokman zerinden ilenecektir. Kurs ncelikle teorik ardndan uygulamal eitimler ile desteklenmitir. zellikle bilgi ilem ilesiber sular alannda alan ve kendisini bu alanda gelitirmek isteyen herkes bu kurstan byk verim elde edecektir. Herkese iyi almalar dilerim."
Price: 59.99 |
"Windows Server 2012 R2 Pratik Uygulamalar" |
"Dnya apnda en yaygn olarak kullanlan iletim sisteminin hi phesizMicrosoft Windows srmleri bilinen bir gerektir. Bu kadar byk pazar payna sahip bir iletim sisteminin hem client tarafnn hemde server tarafnn zelliklerini detayl ve uygulamal olarak renmek iin hazrsanz bu eitim tam da size gre...Eitim boyunca Windows 8.1 Enterprise ile Windows Server 2012 R2 iletim sistemlerinin yetilerinden ve zelliklerinden bahsedilecektir. Windows Server 2012 R2 tarafnda yer alan roller ncelikle slayt zerinden sonrasnda ise uygulamal olarak Hyper-V sanallatrma platformunda anlatlacaktr.Bu eitim bilgi ilem merkezlerinde sistem departmanlarnda alan ya da kendisini sistemci olarak yetitirmeyi isteyen bireylere hitap etmektedir.Kursun sonunda Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2'nin hi bilmediiniz zellikleri ile tanacak ancak bu zelliklerin kullanmnn ne kadar kolay ama bir o kadar da sper zellikler olduunu gryor olacaksnz. Ayrca Wndows 8.1 Enterprise tarafnda ise can alc zelliklere deinilmitir.Eitimin tm rencilere i hayatnda bir art olarak dneceini syleyerek kursa biran evvel balamanz tavsiye ediyorum.Herkese iyi almalar."
Price: 54.99 |
"Daily Fantasy Sports Basketball Tips and Strategies" |
"Thiscourse will get you prepared for the NBAseason playing DFSbasketball. I focus onteachingyou thedaily fantasy basketballresources and strategies you needto win big cash prizes. Elevenlectures explain to you what contests to enter and how to build the optimal lineup to win the most money. Learn how to use online tools that the daily fantasy experts use to create their lineups and have fun watching your DFSteam in NBAaction.I'll show you a live lineup build and how you can turn just $1 into $1,000 in only eight hours with daily fantasy sports!"
Price: 64.99 |
"Be a Web Design Freelancer with No Coding Experience" |
"Build your own Freelance Web Design Website andportfolio in this course to get clients contacting you about your web design service!Get access toa proven method to start a freelance business from scratch and get 4 paying clients a month using only the free marketing techniques I will show you. Using the paid marketing techniques shown in this course I was able to double that number and get 8 clients in a month.I charge $500 per web design so 8 clients a month equals $4,000 a month that I made being a freelance web designer as a side job, while also continuing my full time position.Build your websites on a free website builder, Wordpress, where this course shows you how to make professional sites with no coding.This course will teach you how to incorporate impressive features on your websites for your clients.Additionally, this course will show you where you can market your business for free and also how you can pay for targeted marketing.Included is: videos showing you all you need to know to create professional websites, how to email and interact with clients, where to market your business to get clients and much more similar content.This course can be completed over three days as it will take some time to set up your freelance business site, build your portfolio, and set up marketing for your business. These tasks will all be covered in this course as I show you how to build themin the video content of this course.The BESTpart is...ANYONECANDOIT!This course makes it very simple to get started with your freelance web design career and turn anyone into a web designer with no coding experienceIf you read down this far, I believe you are ready to take on the challenge of starting your own fun and exciting web design business!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Curso de Adobe Premiere Pro CC" |
"Este cursoest dirigido a personas que, sin ningn conocimiento del programa Adobe Premiere, quieran aprender a utilizar esta herramienta para edicin de vdeo digital, personas que necesiten editar vdeos para presentaciones, vdeospromocional, vdeos corporativos o institucionales, pequeos emprendedores que quieren mercadear su marca en redes sociales o pagina weby tambin para personas aficionadas al mundo de la produccin audiovisual que quieran hacer sus propios montajes de vdeos digitales.Este Curso de adobe premiere nos va a permitir aprender desde lo bsico hasta lo ms avanzado, gracias a la interaccin que permite la plataforma entre el estudiante y el instructor. Las clases son el 95% prctica donde cada uno de los estudiantes ir realizando cada paso que el instructor realice dentro del proyecto.El cursose desarrolla en dos Mdulos (Mdulo #1 y Mdulo #2).Ambos mdulos contienen 10 clases y cada clase se desarrolla Prctica. Dentro de algunas clases hay material de descarga que el instructor ha facilitado para este curso y es con el cual todos los estudiantes estarn trabajando, el objetivo es que al finalizar el primer mdulo todos podamos tener y entregar el mismo trabajo concluido.El curso tiene 6 ejemplos los cuales tendrn que entregar los estudiantes, de esta forma el instructor ir evaluando el trabajo de cada alumno.A finalizar el curso tendrs que haber aprobado con aproximadamente el 90% de aprendizaje."
Price: 49.99 |
"Emprende Con Lean Canvas: Crea tu Plan de Negocio" |
"Lean Canvasha causado sensacin en el mundo de la estrategia y ha transformado el emprendimiento con un sistema fcil y confiable de validacin para pasar de una idea de negocio a un emprendimiento exitoso. Una interesante herramienta que nos ayuda a disear e innovar de forma visual.En este curso aprenders a desarrollar, planificar y validar tus ideas utilizando una metodologa gil y rpida que aumentara significativamente tus posibilidades de crear un producto relevante y alcanzar el xito.Inscribete ahora para comenzar a crear modelo de negocio que ser ledo para ms gente, ser ms fcilmente actualizado y le permiten centrarse en la construccin de su negocio. Que aprenders: Como construir su idea en un modelo de negocio de una pagina Como comprobar si su modelo de negocio vale la pena Como identificar los riegos en su modelo de negocio Como definir, construir y lanzar un producto mnimo viable (MVP)"
Price: 49.99 |
"Referrals: how to genuinely get more (without the BS)" |
"We all want to get referrals right?Yet, despite seeing the boring old question 'How likely is it that you would refer us to a friend?' everywhere, the actual level of referrals has fallen, not risen in recent years.At the same time, 'trad' marketing is becoming ever more ineffective as routes to market proliferate at break neck speed, and customers rely more an more on other people's reviews and opinions.At a time when referrals are needed more than ever, they are getting harder and harder to come by.This course gets rid of the mist and BS around referrals and teaches you how to actually GET significantly more referrals (and develop your reputation on and off line) in a steady and straightforward manner.It's a mix of video, audio and text and is suitable for anyone who genuinely wants REAL progress in this area, from one man bands or aspiring managers to owners and directors of major organisations, these principles are proven to work, and work very well indeed.All audio and text is downloadable, so you can do further study off line, and the whole course is 30 sessions, designed to be completed in small chunks. Why bother? Because this is the marketing of the future: unless you're a major brand, in the age of the empowered customer and transparent market, you need to learn how to do this brilliantly before your competitors do.It's as basic as that."
Price: 44.99 |
"Learn How To Play The Bass Like A Professional" |
"This course is designed for anyone who has a desire to not only learn the bass guitar but become a great musician as a result of following my easy ""how to"" videos. This course will take you from the very basics of the instrument to playing complex bass lines and you can play along and learn at your own pace. Each video is careful constructed so you can understand exactly what each module is offering you as an up and coming musician. This course is 2 hours in length and you can go at your own pace there is no pressure if you feel you are stuck in a particular part of the course simply take you time and go over the modules as many times as you feel is necessary for you to get to grips with the lesson. Music is supposed to be fun and I take great pride in sharing the knowledge I have gained over the years with my students.Thank you for joining me here on this exciting bass Academy Course."
Price: 44.99 |
"Pokmon GO: Explode Your Business" |
"Take this course today and learn how to increase foot traffic to your location, convert that foot traffic into loyal customers and absolutely dominate your local competition.Welcome to Pokemon GO: Explode Your Business!My name is Shawn Flynn, and I am a professional Sales &Marketing coach and trainer. I am also one heck of a Pokemon fan. As soon as I heard about this Pokemon GO app, I knew that we were on the verge of a major movement. The opportunities for local businesses to cash in on this Pokemon GO phenomenonare endless. The time to take action on implementing a winning marketing strategy to do just that is NOW. Any time a major shift rocks the world in the manner that PokemonGO has, you want to be an early adapter, not a late bloomer. The quicker you take action to implement a winning marketing strategy surrounding PokemonGO, the quicker you will start winning over new customers that will make your business location part of their daily routines.This course will teach you to start taking actions immediately so that you can:Implement a winning Pokemon GOmarketing strategyIncrease foot traffic to your local businessCapitalize on that foot traffic with increased sales and revenueLearn the ins and outs of the PokemonGO gameCreate a new customer base of lifelong and loyal fansFurther connect yourself as a positive presence in your city and communityAll you need to bring to this course is a smartphone so that you can download the PokemonGO app and follow along with me, and a hunger to take your local business to new levels of success.The first section of the course is a mini-course in and of itself, where I will teach you how to play the game, so that you can easily communicate with your customers that are showing up to your place of business as a result of your PokemonGOmarketing campaign.The following sections of the course will teach you how to start implementing a winning Pokemon GOmarketing strategy in your store, across your city and all over social media.This course is approximately three hours long, and you will walk away with not only Pokemon GO marketing strategies, but marketing strategies that you will be able to apply in the future when the next big movement hits the market.I look forward to seeing you in the course and cannot wait to hear about your future successes!***DISCLAIMER*** - I am in no way affiliated withNiantic,Nintendo, Pokemon GO or any other company or entity that is related in anyway to Pokemon GO. This course is based entirely on my own take on how to market and monetize this amazing game and culture."
Price: 39.99 |
"The iOS Developer Course: 17 Hours of HD Content" |
"Don't wait and learn the fundamentals of mobile app development!This course will teach you how to think like a top-notch programmer with Swift and how tobuild dozens ofmobile apps for the App Store.I have over20 years ofexperience inteaching those topics, and I can tell you that by the end of the course, you'll be able to code in Swift and build mobile apps for the App Store.Become a solid iPhone/iPadapp developerLearn howto program with Swift 2.xLearn how touse Xcode 7.xBecome comfortable withiOS 9.xPractice. A lot of it.We will be developing more than 20 appsfrom simple to intermediate to more practical apps. All theproject files, slides andassets are included in the course.I will walk through the entire appbuilding process step by step and make sure you're able to replicateeverything you see.Takea look at thecourse curriculum to see everything that we'll cover together, and the exhaustive list of the apps we'll be building.I can tell you thatby the end ofthis course, you will have full confidence in developing apps for the App Store.You'll be able to start making mobileapps and monetize your skills and knowledge.Let's get started!"
Price: 99.99 |
"2 Hour Genius: Powerful Learning Strategies for Students" |
"THETOP CLASS IN ITS CATEGORY ONUDEMY, AND A BEST-SELLER.JOIN THOUSANDS OF STUDENTS IN THIS HIGHLY-RATED COURSE NOW.Do you wish you could sharpen your focus, quickly learn and remember anything taught in the classroom, and stop stressing? You are NOT alone.Give us just a few hours, and well show you how to learn and remember virtually anything taught in the classroom. There is no required homework or training - you can apply what you learn right away! Need convincing? See below why this is the first and only learning & memory course you'll need to take:EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW: The complete, step-by-step formula to learning and remembering anything in the classroom. We go well beyond helpful hacks and habits.APPLY THE SAME METHODS IN EVERY CLASS: You'll easily master our techniques, and use them in every class for the same, amazing results. DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR STUDENTS: What youll learn is the perfect blend of theory and practice. Every technique has been proven successful in a University environment across different types of learners, and is firmly rooted in neuroscience and psychology.NOT BORING: This course is a high-energy, highly visual conversation, split into several, easily digestible episodes. If you liked the style of The Daily Show with John Stewart, and you want a mind like Einstein, you will LOVE this course.EASY TO DO: Noneed to practice mind-maps, speed reading, or training for weeks to become amemory champion to ace school. It shouldnt be that complicated, and its not!LOW TIME COMMITMENT: Your time is valuable, and youre looking for results now. You can take this course in just a few hours, and start applying what you learn right away.INSTRUCTOR SUPPORT: Instructor Brett Bergen is driven to see his students succeed, and will do everything he can to make sure you master every idea quickly. Have a question? Just ask!"
Price: 94.99 |
"Emotional and Mental Well-Being to Create a More Joyful Life" |
"Our thoughts and emotions can be difficult to deal with at times. Many of us try to ignore or suppress what we are feeling but this can lead to depression, emotional outbursts and the inability to express ourselves in authentic andhealthy ways. Sometimes our thoughts overtake us and we feel we have no control over what our mind is saying to us.This course is designed to help anyone seeking to improve their mental and emotional well-being and ultimately, their life. It will show you how your thoughts and emotions affect your reality and provide you with the means to take this into your own hands.The course contents include guided meditations, exercises and downloadable resources to help you gain a greater awareness of the underlying emotions, beliefs and programs that are holding you back from your greatest life.Upon completion of this course you will have the requisite tools and awareness to live your life with greater happiness, peace and freedom."
Price: 44.99 |
"Como lograr objetivos organizacionales de forma eficiente" |
"Si tienes el deseo de mejorar profesionalmente, generar ahorros y utilidad para tu empresa, este curso es ideal para ti, con esta iniciativa podrs crecer y mejorar en lo que sea que hagas, aprenders los conceptos generales de la Calidad y los Principios de ISO, tendrs la seguridad y capacidad de liderar un proyecto de implementacin en tu empresa de un Sistema de Gestin de la Calidad o un proyecto de mejora continua, o un proyecto de certificacin tipo ISO9000, porque tendrs los conocimientos y herramientas para hacer un excelente trabajo. Si tu empresa tiene problemas de crecimiento, se han hecho inversiones en publicidad, se han bajado los precios, y aun as no hay incremento en clientes, no se genera un crecimiento y rentabilidad; es que talvez se estn ejecutando las acciones equivocadas, con este curso aprenders a ver todos los aspectos que hay que considerar para lograr una gestin de calidad integral y producir mejores resultados.A travs del tiempo las empresas han enfrentado los problemas de calidad desde diferentes enfoques, el problema de algunas radica que solo trazan estrategias para el corto plazo, no ven ms all de sus necesidades inmediatas, la planeacin de este tipo no les permite obtener niveles ptimos de calidad y por lo tanto su rentabilidad es baja. Las tcnicas que aprenders son aplicables a cualquier tipo de empresa y tamao, industrial, de servicios o gubernamentales.Conocers Los Fundamentos de la Calidad y Los principios de la Calidad segn ISO, y la manera de cmo ponerlos en prctica, para que de forma inmediata empieces a generar una nueva cultura organizacional, buscando la excelencia, generando crecimiento, acciones que podrn incluso significar el permanecer o no en el mercado. El programa general a seguir se divide en cinco secciones: Seccin 1 Veras Porque es importante la Calidad y Fundamentos. Seccin 2 Veras Los 8 Principios de la Calidad para el xito empresarial. Seccin 3 Veras La Documentacin y los Manuales de Procedimientos Seccin 4 Veras Lo que implica una Gestin por valores. Seccin 5 Veras algunas Estrategias de mejora segn expertos. Invierte en tu preparacin profesional, no lo dudes, inscribirte y tomar este curso ser una excelente decisin. Si an no lo has hecho, inscrbete ya! Si ya te inscribiste, te felicito, la forma ms noble de crecer, mejorar y ayudar a los dems es preparndose!!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Hair and Paint FX with Maya for Beginners" |
"Tired of using polygonal hair for your 3D characters? Then this course is for you! With Maya nHair and Paint FX Hair create believable, dynamic hair for your animated characters with ease as well as create an nCacheand learning how to render Paint FX using Mental ray for Maya 2016.Take the next step to making your animations look much more convincing with the use of animated nHair simulations. Learn how to quickly solve any technical issues you may encounter when creating your nHair or Paint FX.Create eyelashes & eyebrowsin minutes with Paint FX hair as well as receive monthly Bonus tutorials for new Hair styles and Paint FX techniques free."
Price: 24.99 |
"SAP Simple Finance Course" |
"Simple Financeon HANA is the latest iteration of the HANA in-memory technology. Atechnology that has already improved analytics and reporting significantly. SAPSimple Finance replaces the classical / traditional financial applications inyour ERP Systems by introducing SAP Simple Finance, which comes with a simplerdata model. Topics include overview of SAP S4 Hana, S4 Hana Deployment andArchitecture, SAP Simple Finance, Central Finance in SAP Simple Finance, GeneralLedger and Cost Elements, Integrated Business Planning Finance (IBPF), Cash Management,Standard vs Appendix Ledgers, New Asset Accounting, Controlling, ASAP Methodologyand much more. We will also take a look a various project phases andcustomization of Ledgers, Asset Accounting New, Controlling, General Ledgers,various other Master Data settings and much more!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Financial Accounting Plus Excel and SAP Crash Course." |
"This course provides an introduction to financial accounting. Topics include an overview of financial accounting, transaction analysis, and accounting entries; double-entry accounting systems; merchandising and inventory; internal control, cash, and receivables; long-lived assets and current liabilities; financial reporting concepts and accounting for partnerships; corporations; long-term liabilities; cash flow statement; investments; and financial statements analysis.At the end of the course, you will be able to fully understand fundamentals of Financial Accounting, use of Excel in Accounting and role of modern ERP system such as SAP."
Price: 19.99 |
"Play Violin and Fiddle for beginners - it's fun - Course 1" |
"This course teaches students the first steps in learning how to play the violin. So if you've just got a new violin and don't know where to start it's the perfect beginners course for you.The course videos last less than an hour but you can expect to have to practice each individual lesson repeatedly to get good results. Everybody learns at a different pace so it's important that you just work through the course steadily at you own individual speed.The course starts right at the beginning and teaches you hold to hold the violin and bow. How to identify the different parts of the violin. How to tune the strings correctly. How to position the bow on the strings and make simple bowing movements. Then a 3 finger pattern is demonstrated so that you can play different notes correctly. Finally all the newly learned techniques are combined and you will be taught how to play three simple traditional tunes. There's no fluff in this course and technical jargon and music theory has been kept to a minimum, I have concentrated on teaching good practical techniques and tried to make them as enjoyable and fun to learn as I can.I believe that everyone has the ability to learn an instrument if they have the right mental attitude and are prepared to put a bit of work in. So if you if you fancy learning the violin join me now and I'll have you playing a simple tune in a matter of a few hours!."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Fundamentals of Drawing" |
"Barrington Barbers art books have sold over 4 million copies round the world, and work on one guiding principle that anyone can draw!With a little persistence and desire, you too can learn the fundamentals of drawing which have guided artists for centuries in this handy video course. Join Barrington on a set of exercises and watch a master at work. From mapping out the basic form of an apple to eventually creating a realistic portrait, youll pick up the techniques which will shape your entire drawing career. You can then go on to apply these to any subject of your choice, gaining independence as an artist. Youll also cover areas such as perspective, composition, landscapes and still life.A tailored PDF guide accompanies each section, with salient tips thatll stick with you as an artist.So grab your pencil and paper lets master The Fundamentals of Drawing!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Memorize anything you want in your daily life" |
"The world today is moving extremely fast; and to cope with it, we need to adapt our thoughts and techniquesAllow me to introduce myself; I am Aerospace engineer, I came to Canada to get my Masters and PhD degrees in strategic planning and leadership, and I'm currently studying and working at the same time.Since I was a kid, I've been suffering to remember things, things had to be repeated for me so that I can memorize them, and the funny thing is that I found out later that most people suffer from the same problem. So I started to study the subject in an early stage, and I attended many courses and read a lot of books, and I improved ideas that existed before, then I applied them first in my studying, where the results were amazing, my school mates study a month before the test and it takes me only 3 days to study for subjects that needs memorizing. After I graduated, I applied these techniques in my daily life; in my lectures, meetings with non-profit organizations and in summarizing books that I read. It is a technique that can be lived by, and it is easy, even for children, to learn.You are going to learn in this material how to memorize at least 20 information when you hear them for the first time. Wow, it is going to be amazing!! Definitely, with our exaggeration, you will memorize them respectively and you will be able to recall information easily. As you will learn how to develop your list of information in case it is increased up to 100 items and perhaps more.As we are going to learn by using real examples that guide how to use this technique in our daily life, and how it helped me in arranging my time and making it more efficient.Without any doubt you will improve your imagination and creativity dramatically."
Price: 49.99 |
"Introduction to Mahabharata" |
"This course takes you through the broad outline of the epic story of Mahabharata, giving you a brief and broad introduction of this important work. We will then concentrate on a few of the major characters and what lessons we can learn from them that we can apply to our day to day lives and businesses. Knowing a little bit about the story would help but you will be provided with a brief summary of the story, the family tree of the characters and explanations of the characters which you can download, so if you've never read/seen/heard this story before you'll easily catch up."
Price: 24.99 |
"Project Management Crash Course with PMLC" |
"In order to qualify for the PMP credential, one must achieve 4500 to 7500 working hours leading projects. That is equal to having3 to 5 years of workexperience!Surpass others in the field by learning the key tools and techniques while you prepare for your PMP exam.If you are already a skilled certified practitioner this course offers a wonderful refresher to ensure you are capturing all areas of project management successfully, I know I found it useful to review this material from time to time over my career.This course will get you on the right path by going through the methodology and teaching you what tools you need and how to use them, when to engage your team, how to prepare your schedule, how to create a high-level budget versus a low-level project budget. This courseon the Project Management Life Cycleprovides a thorough overview of the fundamentals of managing a project from its idealization through to the completion of the project.We walk through each phase of the Project Management Life Cycle, identifying the activities within the Concept, Definition, Planning, Implementation and Close-out phases, and I explain how to use the tools and provide you with the knowledge required to manage a project from beginning to end.This course dives into the major deliverables of each phase and explains how to use the tools to complete a Business Case, Project Plan, Project Schedule, Implementation Plan, and lessons learned documents to enable you for success on your projects.I will discuss the techniques I use that has helped me be successful and well respected within my career! Don't wait any longer enrol now and get started in Project Management."
Price: 199.99 |
"Homeschool Decision Basics" |
"Home School Decision Basics covers topics a parent or guardian may need knowledge of to start home schooling their children. Many parents would like to home school their children but do not know what is involved. This course goes through curriculum choices, patience requirements, money, scheduling, rewards of home schooling and the time factor. 1.Curriculum choices shows different curriculum for family size and how to do it yourself if you want.2. Patience will be tried when you are teaching your children. Techniques on how to deal with situations, sick days and reward systems will be discussed.3. Money- how much does home schooling cost? What items are necessary to home school? This will be answered in one of the lectures.4. Scheduling- Different methods of scheduling based on your family will be discussed. Photos will be shown to show techniques our family used through trial and error.5. Rewards of home schooling including famous home schoolers.6. Time- How much time is necessary to home school? I discuss the time factor of teaching, scheduling and legal time requirements in the United States.Home schooling is a fun life style choice and can be a rewarding family adventure. When you are finished with the course you will have an informed opinion of what is involved and hopefully based on the examples I have shown you will want to join the millions who do home school."
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprenda a Fazer Centenas de Sites Visualmente Sem Cdigos" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a fazer e manter seu site, da sua empresa ou dos seus clientes com o Site Pro.Voc vai aprender a usar todos os recursos desta ferramenta para criar muito rapidamente sites a partir do zero, sem precisar instalar nada no seu computador ou ter conhecimentos tcnicos em programao ou webdesign.Voc vai me acompanhar em mais de 40aulas e aprender a explorar tudo o que o Site Pro tem a oferecer.As sees e aulas deste curso foram organizadas de modo que voc possa faze-lo no seu ritmo e na ordem que achar melhor, pulando contedos que voc j domine.Se voc no tem conhecimentos tcnicos e de webdesign mas deseja criar e manter seu site ou da sua empresa, ou se deseja aprender novas habilidades para abrir um negcio de criao e manuteno de sites, este o curso ideal para voc."
Price: 39.99 |
"Comedy for Beginners: How to Hit Your Funny Bone" |
"Based on the Best Selling book in Amazon, this step by step comedy writer's class is for the budding stand-up comedian to develop fresh original material and craft it into great performance. Become clear on what your comedy special powers are. Edit and secretly test your material. Craft your set into a streamlined performance, and become a better comic out of the gate! Now You can get rid of your writer's block!How can your elbows anatomy can help you grow your funny?Learn to write to your own sense of humor, perform, and assess yourself. Now you have an edge in entering the comedy world! Hitting Your Funny Bone is a class to get you over mimicking others and lead you to hilarity. Its about finding your own unique humor, and making it a whole lot bigger! If you dont have a lot of time, thats ok! This class gives you exercises that are easy and you can accomplish at your own pace.This Workshop is a 6 week class where you will:Cultivate raw material using YOUR unique passion and humorHone that material into a hilarious format that is accessible to your audienceOrganize your bits into a larger setLearn tips for memorization and stage presenceWork with others on developing your actParticipate in an open micLearn performance assessment skillsPerform in your ownshow and killed 'em!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Complete Instagram Domination Course: How I Got 50,000 fans!" |
"Update:I have updated the course to show you how to use Instagram Stories, a game changing update that Instagram Introduced on the2nd August 2016 to enable users to share moments with their fans.Over 5700students have already enrolled! Make sure you dont miss out on the magic that is enabling students to create high growth accounts onInstagram - see my free preview for proof!Course updated for August2016----------COMPLETEINSTAGRAM DOMINATION COURSE- CURRENTASOF AUGUST2016Instagram is currently the hottestSocial Network on the planet, and has becomethe perfect place to market your business, YouTube channel, website, online course, webinar to hundreds of new customers every day. There are 400 million Instagram users, and by using these freetechniques, you will be able toattract your ideal customers and truly dominate Instagram.5700+ FellowStudents Can't Be Wrong!""I purchased this course not really knowing what to expect , except false promises, and was totally surprised by this concept - it delivered INSTANT returns! You can really get started right away with no money up front... and there's potential to MAKE money! It's newbie friendly too because of the step-by-step instructions - you just can't go wrong if you implement it. And best of all... there are so many ways to build upon these methods and use it for whatever purpose, as you can see in the many examples given! I'm going to stop talking now before I spill all the beans... Mike, thank you so much for this brilliant course!"" - 5 Stars (Frank S)""I was able to get a discounted copy of this ""Instagram Domination"" course and was blown away!!! I have tried getting my Instagram account off the ground in the past, but my results have been dismal, to say the least. The ""magic tricks"" detailed in this course, along with the examples shown are golden! Mike does a great job showing you how to make it easy to implement with no money needed. Definitely an amazing find!""- 5 stars (Jerry)""Great course! The superman clearly knows his subject! I have already applied a few of his advice tricks, like Tagsforlikes and already grew my account... Keep up the good work!"" - 5stars (Jean-Luc)""Really good course with excellent content. Lectures are a good length and there isn't repetition or excessive demos! My followers has shot up already and i will definitely continue with these techniques! Excellent."" - 5 stars (Gemma)""I was already an instagram user, but now I am more knowledgable for my brand/business. Thank you!""- 5 stars(Stef)From the desk of Michael Suppo: I am so excited to be bringing this course to you. It isperfect for small businesses owners in any niche - from recruitment to dentistry, affiliates,product sellers,and Youtubersstruggling to get off the mark.This course will teach you thesecrethacks that only the viral accountson Instagram are using and the other 400m users are not!The growth hacks in this coursewill bring you traffic, mailing listopt-ins, YouTube subscribers, customers and money. You don't need to spend any money to get to 25k followers in 3 months.So join 5700+ students who are benefitting from thissecret sauce!You can have your own niche up and running TODAY, right after going through this course - and be earning immediately!Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now ...every hour you delay is costing you money and customers!+++++++++++++++++++++++WHATYOUWILLGET:Full, free lifetime accessAll future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for freeUnconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guaranteeSEE HOW I GET:Hundreds of YouTube Subscribersand views from Instagram traffic.Hundreds of Users to my iPhone App from Instagram.26,000+ followers inside 3 monthsExposure for my businessesSEEHOWOTHERBIGINSTAGRAMACCOUNTS:Make millions of pounds by using their account the correct wayBuild large audiences and huge mailing lists using Instagram effectivelyUtilise secrets that make them highly followable accounts!Today, you can start to make money, gain customers, andbuild exposurewith Instagram, with no expensewhatsoever - andZERO social mediaexperience!Your initial goal is an easy 8,000 followersevery month.All you will need is a smartphone where you can download Instagram- I show you how to make your pictures look amazing and professional which willturn your accountintoanimmediate success.Based on my huge success so far, I will give you a step by step guide on how Imanaged to make a very popular from scratch!Whether you already have an Instagram accountor not, you can build a popular page with just30 minutes of totalwork a day, or 4hours a week.You'll learnHow to set up your account effectively and for success.What types of accounts grow the quickest, and why.How to choose a Username which attracts followers while you sleepHow to actually make money and gain sales via your accountPosting and content strategies that do not failUsing apps to make your content look like it was professionally designedTechniques for using your bio to get customers for any purposeHow to search and use optimal hashtagsHow to be seen above your competitorsHow to gain hundreds of followers a dayand much, much more!Well done ifyou've read this far! Thank you!In Module 4 there will be some techniques on how to become viral and this does involve some expenditure. But Iwill show you a technique on how to recoup that expenditure back tenfold!You can have your own niche up and running today, right after going through this course - and be earning immediately!Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now ...every hour you delay is costing you money and customers!SuppomanYour Superhero on Udemy"
Price: 194.99 |
"Complete Facebook Live Course: How I Reach 1,000,000+ People" |
"Update:I am now reaching over 1,000,000 people a day with Facebook Live for free. Facebook Live has transformed my page and turned into a channel that is better than my YouTube channel. Ihave over 200,000 page fans andIam talking to them twice a day in my Live streams. With Facebook Live,Ihave beengettingup to 1000 comments in a stream!When do you ever see 1000 comments on a Facebook Post, unless it's a viral page with millions of fans?In the latest update Ishare with you the exact way Iam receiving a reach of1 million!This is a game changer... and you can be in on the action.It's a secret I hope you WILLNOTSHARE outside of this course!Over 7000 students have already enrolled! Make sure you dont miss out on this hot new Live Streaming app which is taking over the internet!Course updated on 28July2016**********************FACEBOOKLIVE COURSE:HOWIREACH1,000,000+ PEOPLEDAILYIN2016!***BRANDNEWAND COMPLETE UDEMY COURSE***If youwant to be successfulwithFacebook Live, Facebook's hot new free Live Streaming app,you shouldlovethis Udemy course! I want you to take aserious look at this incredible business-building tool to your marketing arsenal.You will be giventechniquesandstrategiesthatwill turn your Live Streaming broadcasts into a channel that will attract viewers and fans. Take this course todayto get the best results withFacebookLive Streaming!This is a golden time to get streaming with Facebook Live. The era of live video has just begun.Now, Iknow there is a massive elephant in the room.You are probably scared of hitting the""Go Live""button!Most people are scared out of their witsto talk on video, let alone on LIVEvideo! Ipersonally found it daunting at first!But once Igot my first one out of the way, Ifound it a LOTof fun! Ihave been building loyal audiences onboth Facebook and Periscope. However, Facebook Live allows you to connect your brand with the 1.7billion people that are on Facebook, and Facebook are giving Live users a place atthe top of fan's timelines. That means a ton of organic traffic is just waiting for you to collect and convert!In this course, Igive you the confidence, ideas and structure to be able to stream live video on Facebook. In addition, Igive you the tips as to how to create a channel on Facebook that rivals YouTube. I want to help you move in the right direction!You maynot find a better course on Udemy that gives you better value for money, and you probably won't find another Facebook Live course on the Internet for this price.Facebook Live was initially released to a selection of users back in August 2015, and ithas only just been released as a service to the general public. Now is the time to start broadcasting your expertise, whether it is how to grow a successfulniche business or how to apply make up properly.To become a student, find the blue ""take this course"" button or the ""start free preview"" button above to enroll. You risk nothing byenrolling because of the 30 day no questions asked refund policy. 98% of students do not request a refund which then just leaves your time.You will see how the great Live Streamers utilise the techniques and strategies Idiscussto capture organic Facebooktraffic, leaving their competitors hung out to dry, and now you can join them.You will see how Imanaged to get 1 million people reached organically in a Live Stream, which is something Iwould find impossible on YouTube.If you want confidence to useFacebook Live, this course is for you.If you want togrow your customer baseon Facebook Live, this course is for you.If you wantthe best techniques to connect with 1.7 billion customers, this course is for you.It doesn't matter what your niche is, Ihave you covered. I will even show you how to add thumbnails, which is something no other course on Udemy does!Thank you for learning more about my courseand I hope that the informationI share with you when you are enrolled in the course will prove valuable! Click onTAKE THIS COURSEnow to get started!"
Price: 144.99 |
"YouTube Thumbnails - How I Got 116k Subs & 11,000,000+ Views" |
"Update:I now have 116,000+subscribers of my YouTube Channel and 11 million views of my videos, and a big part of that is having inspired people to click on my thumbnail!I also show step-by-step how you can maximise the viral potential of your video by placing a simple and super-cheap Google Ad on it. If you monetise your video, you should gain back the money you spent quickly!Over7000 students have already enrolled! Make sure you dont miss out on the magic that is making them more successful on Youtube - see my free preview for proof!Course updated for January 2017--------**UPTODATE YOUTUBEUDEMY COURSE***JOIN 7000+STUDENTS WHOWANTTO MASSIVELY INCREASE THEIR YOUTUBE VIEWS- AND DO IT EASILY AND IMMEDIATELY!- AND FOR FREE!- AND WITH NO GRAPHICS EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE!No keyword or search engine optimisation in the world will help you if you aremissing the number 1 ingredient.YouTube thumbnails and graphics are what differentiatesyour videos from everybody else's.Yetover 90% of YouTube thumbnails fail.Toattract attention.To get views.To get subscribers.To make money.And unless you create your thumbnails100% accurately, you willfailtoo!But how do you do these graphics quickly, cheaply, above all effectively - and preferably for free?In thiscomprehensivegraphicscourse,I give you the ability tomake thumbnails and graphics that will get hundreds of thousands of views, andI also show youhow to do it for free.Youdo not need to be a graphic artist or designer, nor do you needPhotoshop. All tools that you need for creating epic thumbnails can be obtained for free.Your thumbnail is what makes your video stand out amongst all the dozens of other videos when people go to YouTube.As long asyou create the thumbnail the correct way, adhering toYouTube's extensive rules and guidelines, your video will stand out on the page amongstothers andyou will snap upthe views,subscribers and income from your competitors.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++PROTIP:YouTubealways sendstraffic to videos that are successful and you can only be successful if your thumbnail stands out from the crowd.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++You will see how the great YouTubers utilise the art of eye-catching thumbnails to capture all the traffic, leaving their competitors hung out to dry, and now you can join them.With billions of the videos on YouTube these days it'sthe only distinguishing featurethat you can make to potential viewers.If you wantmore views on YouTube, this course is for you.If you wantmore subscribers on YouTube, this course is for you.If you wantmore earnings on YouTube, this course is for you.It doesn't matter what your niche is, Ihave you covered. Ishow you how to do all of this for free, and it only takes minutes to do."
Price: 144.99 |
"The Complete Periscope Broadcasting & Marketing Course 2017" |
"If youwant to be successfulwithPeriscope,Twitter'shot Live Streaming app,you shouldlovethis Udemy course! I want you to consider adding this incredible business-building tool to your marketing arsenal.You will be giventechniquesandstrategiesthatwill turn your Live Streaming broadcasts into a channel that will attract viewers and fans. You will see first hand how Ihave managed to create a 1,000,000 likes channel, and how YOUcan too!If you wantconfidence to usePeriscope, this course is for you.If you wanttogrow your customer baseon Periscope, this course is for you.If you wantthe best techniques to connect with 20+million customers, this course is for you.This is a golden era for Live Video, which is changing the face of the whole Video Medium. The era of live video has just begun.You haveprobably heardstory after story about how businesses are using live video toget new customers and converting them into sales, and think you should be too(Answer: YES!You should!).Now, Iknow there is a massive elephant in the room.You are probably scared of hitting the""Start Broadcast""button!Most people are scared out of their witsto talk on video, let alone on LIVEvideo! Ipersonally found it daunting at first!But once Igot my first one out of the way, Ifound it a LOTof fun! Ihave been building loyal audiences onboth Facebook Liveand Periscope.Ishow you how to overcome your fears and just have fun!In this course, Igive you the confidence, ideas and structure to be able to stream live video on Periscope. I want to help you move in the right direction!To become a student, find the blue ""take this course"" button or the ""start free preview"" button above to enroll. You risk nothing byenrolling because of the 30 day no questions asked refund policy. 98% of students do not request a refund which then just leaves your time.You will see how Imanaged to get 1.2M likes on my Periscope channeland how you can use Periscope to bring your brand to life and engage the millions of current users today.It doesn't matter what your niche is, Ihave you covered.Thank you for learning more about my courseand I hope that the informationI share with you when you are enrolled in the course will prove valuable! Click onTAKE THIS COURSEnow to get started!"
Price: 144.99 |
"The Complete Twitter Course 2017: Get 200k+ Fans in 6 Months" |
"*********************************************TESTIMONIALS**********************************************5 Star Review by B. MaddoxAs usual, Suppoman delivers great tips and strategies with high energy, enthusiasm and wit! Getting promising results from his Instagram course, and thanks to this course, I'm expecting more success with Twitter too!5 Star Review by Jeff GilbertThis is a very informative course on how to promote anything using twitter. He uses an application which I didn't know about, which in of itself gives a strong aha moment. I was aware of another system for promotion but this has features the other system doesn't have. The instructor has great energy and the information in the course gets you to start doing and achieving right away. Strongly recommend this course.The Complete Twitter Course 2017 - How To Get 200,000 Followers In 6 Months!***BRANDNEWAND COMPLETE UDEMY COURSE***If you want to build ahuge fanbase on Twitter, and learn to engage them with effective Tweets, you maylovethis Udemy Course!Twitter is the 3rd most usedSocial Network on the planet!It is a medium used by 310million active users, who are searching for people to follow based on their content.Watch the first preview lectureto see proof that I have got230,000+ people to follow me on Twitterin the six months of work! If you use the easy tips, that anyone at any level can useyou toocan be looking at this follower counton your own accountafter taking this course!Boost your sales, traffic, mailing list and subscribersbydirecting yourfollowers to your online sources with asimpleandmagicalautomation tip!Stepaway from having only 50-200 followers and learn how to truly dominate Twitter and spread your influence throughout the globe! Ihad less than100 followers for a long time!With these techniquesIworked out how to VIRALize my account and get Udemy Sales andstudents, YouTube subscribers, App downloads and website hits.Learn how to set up your Twitter account the right way, equip it with free analytics andoptimise itfor maximum effectin this course.You will be able to get followers, likes, retweets and engagement with these tips on how to create different types of content such as pictures, video, GIFS as well as witty and to-the-point status.For this course you will be usingmega-effectivethird-party tools such as Statusbrew andHootSuite to make your life easy! You will also see how you canutiliseFiverr to create a side-business that runs alongside your main sales activity!Act now and click 'Take this Course'!Getlifetime accessto theprofit-making tips and strategiesthat Ihave packed into this no-fluff course,backed by a 30 day money back guarantee!"
Price: 144.99 |