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"Diagnosis Autism: Now What?"
"Receiving an Autism diagnosis for your child is a stressful and oftentimes overwhelming event. This course will provide you a basic understanding of what an Autism diagnosis means and actionable next steps to take for your child so you can become informed and confident in your path forward.Led by Karli Koning, M.Ed BCBA, the first and only Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) instructor presenting on Udemy, this course will give you access to expert knowledge and actionable advice at a fraction of the price of a regular BCBA consultation. Karli has spent over ten years working directly with children with special needs and their parents in school, in-home, and clinical settings. The information presented is not gleaned from internet research and repackaged by marketing gurus, but rather by the expertise of a real world practitioner in the field of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).In 16 lectures and one hour of video lectures, you will learn a basic understanding of Autism services and interventions, key vocabulary terms, initial steps to take, and goals for your child. In depth instruction is included on various treatments and intervention methods as well as how to choose the right one for your child. You will also receive resources for further investigation.Professional endorsements for Karli:""Since working with Karli, we have been able to see behavior as a function and not an action. We successfully worked as a team to create an environment where our son could find success and everyone could focus on his strengths. He has grown at home and in school, making great gains socially."" - C.T., Parent""Our school was lacking structure during recess time, which allowed for behavioral concerns. Karli was able to help us create a system where everyone was safe and motivated to make good choices. Teachers felt empowered and started making personal connections with students during the less structured times. Positive interactions increased with the focus of what we wanted to see and not the negative."" -TT, Principal If your child has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, you should take this course because you will learn:Where to begin and what comes nextHow to sort through the noiseKey vocabulary termsHow to consider the right servicesWhich interventions are worth pursuing"
Price: 19.99

"Easy Conversational Spanish: Speak Spanish In A Few Days"
"Please note:This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.""Over1,200 peoplefrom95countriesenrolled in my courses (17 Five-Star Reviews)More thanin65 Studentsenrolledon first day of publishingBecame #2 Most RecommendedSpanish Coursein Udemy, first two monthsWhat some customers say about my courses:""I haven't spoken Spanish in 20 years and I'm going to Spain next week. So, this course was excellent to refresh my memory. Manuel uses simple but practical everyday language. Thank you"" - Ginette Collin""The lessons touch on key things that will help you when travelling or speaking to Spanish speaking friends"" - Leslie""Easy to understand/simplified"" - Angela Torrens""Instructor's delivery is clear and engaging. He's very enthusiastic about teaching, and uses creative memory techniques."" - Dahlia Greer""I learned quite a bit in this course...the techniques were actually pretty efficient..."" - Tracey Crumedy What to expect from your course?AtLearnSpanish101we utilise yournaturalabilitytoabsorbnewinformationquicklyby using different memory techniques such asour memory links.Advancedtechniquessuch asProf. C.A. Maces'spaced repetition'havealsobeenapplied so thatyou will not have to rote memorise any ofthevocabularyintroduced.Thiscourse alsoprovides a native speaker of theSpanishlanguage to benefit your listening skills.After personally usingthe techniques delivered to you byLearnSpanish101, the founderwas able to learn: French, German, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Italian and Japanese.After completing thiscourse you too will realise your power to learn languages!Have you ever taken a Spanish course, and then when you want to use the language in a really life situation with someone, you realised you couldn't say muchmore than hello? Well, many language encounter this problem. We have found thatthis initial experience makesyou think you are bad at languagesandLearnSpanish101aimsto change that! We want you to feel good about your ability to learnlanguages!You will learnbuilding blocks ofSpanishthatwill allow to form hundreds ofsentences.We will hold your handthroughout the whole process have you speaking Spanish immediately!Enrolon this course and dont miss out on this easy opportunity to easilylearnSpanish!Othertraditional language learning structures a based on boring, predictableteaching structures that work against the way your brain is truly supposed tolearn. The method used in this course uses an approach totally different fromall others.Thisapproach will keep your brain engaged on the learning processandallowyou to automatically learn languagegrammar rules without realising! Youwill learn the most important tenses in the Spanish language and willbefreedfrom the constraints ofcomplicated grammar!"
Price: 199.99

"Juniper Chassis Clusters (SRX/EX)"
"Course Description Learn how to configure, deploy and manage Juniper Chassis Clusters in small and enterprise networks. Build a high availability network using Juniper SRX & EX platforms. Learn Juniper Chassis clusteringtheory. Deploy Active/Passive and Active/Active cluster networks. Learn about Multihomed & Singlehomed deployments. Learn to interconnect SRX & EX clusters. Powerful knowledge to have for anyone working in IT. This course allows you to learn new skills or improve you current knowledge. You will gain solid understanding on how Juniper Clustering technology works. Use of a live lab with real equipment will allow you to gain good understanding of various concepts. Each theory component is also explained in detail with help of diagrams, slides and voiceover. Content and Overview Suitable for intermediate & beginner users of Junos, this course has 7 hours of content to cover all aspects of Juniper Clustering. You will learn everything from fundamental theory to advanced topologydesigns that you can deploy yourself with ease. Each chapter teaches a new concept and closes with a live lab in which we use Juniper CLI to configure what was learned. Starting with basic introduction we will learn what clustering is and how it can be of benefit to us. We will move on to learn about essential component of our cluster such as Redundancy Groups, Reth Interfaces, Fabric/Control links & Priority. With the basics mastered, we will move on to Juniper Cluster failover and learn how to configure our cluster to provide redundancy under failure conditions. We will also look into Link Aggregation to further improve redundancy and throughput. We will also cover EX Virtual Chassis, which is another Juniper clustering technology for switching platforms. Towards the end of our course we will finish up with real life topologies with aim to teach you how to deploy your cluster in a real enterprise environment. We will talk about security, NAT, FBF, BGP, static routing, Z-traffic & various other components. In the topology section of the course you will have access to all configuration files which you can use as a reference. You will also have access to diagrams and slides."
Price: 64.99

"Design Patterns With C# (Real World Samples)"
"When we work on software projects, sometimes the things can be start to be weird. Some codes mightbe written again. Duplicated code blocks and copy - paste code methods can take a place in projects.Some codes might be written at first to show demos and same codes could be the base of your framework. Finally development can be harder than you start. Dreams can be finished at the beginning of you project.Let's learn some methods to develop new strategies. Desing Patterns can help you to solve a problem. You can create an algoritm to break the lock. We will talk about what are the design patters and why we should use them, then how can we implement a pattern into your complicated codes. Think about that all developers are speaking same language and you have a flexible arcthiecture which is written by SOLIDprinciples.Every new design pattern willgive you another window to look out and every window will open a new vision. I hope this course will be your first step for new visions.Are you getting excited when you think your project maintenance? Then think about the cool ways and solve your problems in known options. We will keep in touch during your course time.At the end of module you can download the course code files. And there is a surprise for you. We will develop an application framework using Design Patterns. At that last section you will see how to start up a project and what you need at first. I hope you will enjoy us and you will gain many things from this course"
Price: 29.99

"Create & Monetize Your Facebook Messenger Bot like a Pro"
"in this course you will learn how to build your first awesome messenger bot that connects withFoursquare and gives users travelling advises on preferred location directly in theirFacebook messenger app!You will also have knowledge on how you can monetize and promote your bot.This course is a great starting point for you to start working with bots and getting into thatnew and soon-competitive market. Just imagine, Facebook Messenger has over 900 million users! How great would it be to develop something that will help the engagement between it's users?This course includes video and article lectures. We have also included a full code for you, so instead of having to re-type everything that I show you from the screen, you will be able to work with the live code, play with it, edit it and upload it to your server (or even sell it!).Messenger bots are still very new to this world. While this course was being recorded, Messenger bot coding structure has changed twice. So keep an eye on this course as we will make sure all lectures are updated with an up-to-date material.Why you should take this course?Because Facebook Messenger bots (and other platform bots) will be a part of nearest future. Have you heard Facebook's plans? They want to have everything to take place within Messenger app:people to order flight tickets, buy clothes, groceries etc. If you are a developer or just a person who wants to be in touch with the technology world - this course is a must for you."
Price: 34.99

"Aura-Schutz im Alltag fr sensitive Menschen"
"Kennst du das ausdeinem Alltag auch?Du bist in einer Gruppe von Menschen undpltzlich fhlst du dich erschpft, ausgelaugt und mde? Dann gehrst duvermutlich auch zu den feinfhligen, sensitiven Menschen, die vielmehr wahrnehmen, als sie oft selber denken. Genau fr dichsoll dieser Kurs sein! Hier lernst du, wie du dich in deinem Alltagabgrenzt und wie du dir Verhaltensweisen aneignen kannst, die direinen leichteren Umgang mit deiner Feinfhligkeit geben knnen. In diesem Kursmachen wir dafr verschiedenen Meditationen. Daneben zeige ich dir,wie du dich mithilfe von Meditationen & bungenEngelaufgestiegenen Meister undGeistfhrerntherischen lenRuchermischungenMudras und Handbewegungenschtzen kannst. Wir wollen aber auchdarber reden, WIESO wir so viel wahrnehmen und was diese sensitiveSeite gerade DIR zeigen will. Das Ziel dieses Kurses ist es, dass dudeine Sensitivitt annehmen und schtzen kannst und sie nicht mehrals Belastung empfinden musst. Natrlich haben wirin diesem Kurs die Mglichkeit, uns direkt auszutauschen. Wir habeneinen Bereich fr Fragen und Antworten, den du gerne regen benutzen darfst."
Price: 79.99

"Comeando a Programar em Java"
"Aprenda neste curso todos os conceitos, recursose prticas utilizadas da linguagem Java atravs de explicaes em cdigos comentados em todas as aulas. Os contedos das vdeo aulas foram baseadas emexemplos do cotidiano nos desenvolvimentos e tambm emmuitasdvidas verificadas com o estudantes que estavam iniciando na linguagem e tinham dificuldade de entender tais conceitos e prticas adotadas nodesenvolvimento real."
Price: 69.99

"Martial Arts Ministry for Christian Men"
"This course is a supplement to our book. In this Course we lay out the foundations for starting and maintaining a successful Christian Martial Arts Ministry. If your a Christian and Into Martial Arts this Course may be for You. Have you ever thought about using your Martial Arts talents and abilities for building up the Kingdom of God one Student at a Time? This Course May be for You if You desire to use your Martial Arts skills to help Disciple believers in the Faith. Are You Ready to Get Started Today to Help Shape the Future of Believers in the Faith? Let's get started, Sign up Today - Remember You have a 30 Day No Questions Ask Money Back Guarantee.I look forward to serving you in the near future - I'll See You on the Inside.God Bless"
Price: 49.99

"Come usare Bootstrap per sviluppare un sito web"
"Attualmente Bootstrap semplicemente il framework html pi usato al mondo. Troviamo applicazioni in diversi ambiti, dalle semplici landing page ai CMS pi evoluti.Questo corso perfetto per imparare come utilizzare al meglio questo potente strumento partendo da un veloce ripasso del codice html di base, fondamentale per capire al meglio come bootstrap strutturato."
Price: 19.99

"The Magic of Making Love Daily"
"Life can get hard, people can be unkind and the world can feel cold- but you can still love where you are. So,here are some practical tips and some science on how you can love it more. No matter what happens!Iwant you to be incredibly happy. So happy, that your goal in life is to make other people happy too. It's possible for you to LOVEevery moment of your life no matter what is going on around you. You were made to be a lover of life.Let's take you to the next level of being alive. Fully alive. Vibrant. Fueled. Ready to make a difference all day, every day.This course is about livingbeyond the surface and moving deeper into what makes us feel alive. It's about having vibrant energy and meaningful connections while having fun and feeling connected. This course is about being a lover and leaving the hating to other people!This will give you the energy, science,skills and drive to experience the magic of ""making love daily"". More than justphysical needs, this course is about the many aspects of ""Making Love"" which makeus feelfulfilled and vital. We often get stuck on what we don't have or can't seem to get. This course jump starts ourconnectionswith ourselves and our relationshipsin a meaningful, playful, nurturing and exciting way.In this fun but powerful course, you will learn the many forms of love, aspects of human sexuality, creative sensuality and compassionate communication. Couples or singles can benefit from this course. The materials in this course are built on evidence based research, science, neurochemistry, personal experience, philosophy,ancient ideals and modern technology. It builds on years of creativity and communications practice and knowledge. Making Love Daily requires the communication expertise providedby energetic and empathetic Nadia Ramoutar,Ph. D. She researched and created this course andbroke itdown into bite-size revelations and insightful exercises that will allow you to experience your own revelations and personal joy. This course offers very practical exercise that can be sprinkled into daily routinesto make life altering differences.Take this course because you deserve to be happy and fulfilled. We have all suffered enough already so let's try to learn and move on to greater love, deeper understanding, profound self awareness and an insatiable curiosity about learning to embrace life. Let's get your glowon!"
Price: 34.99

"How to start on Lightroom CC (Thai) PART 1"
"LR PART 1 Adobe Light Room-LR PS - ( File Raw,TIFF,JPG)- LR (Crop, Under Over , WB ) - LR Import export- Import (Raw dng ) (!) - - Survay View Compare View- Sort-Metadata- Stack - Folder LR-- Collection- Quick Develop - Quick Develop- Quick Develop- Studio Quick Develop- Quick Develop-Export"
Price: 1200.00

"How to start on ShutterStock ()"
"Shutter Stock Shutter Stock Shutter Stock shuterstock 1 Shutter Stock 2 Shutter Stock (///)3 - 4 5 Meta data Lightroom6 Shutter Stock7 Titel8 Keywords Clip art ,watermark,nudity,Editorial9 Category 10 Releases11 shutter stock Submit12 App 13 100% set 14 Dashbord15 Approval Status16 set Banner1718 Shutter stock Shutter Stock 2"
Price: 600.00

"How to Lightroom CC (Thai) PART 2 Develop"
"LR Part 2 Adobe Light Room1- Develop Basic Histogram2-under over Exposure3- 2 Tone4- WB5- Contrast vs Clarity //6- Vibrance Saturation Dehaze 7- Item 61 Crop ,sport Removal, red eye8- Item 62 Graduated, radial, brush9- HSL10- Split Tone11- Noise 12- 13-14- 15-16- Preset copy 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- 24- Lr Ps25-Print27- VDO Sideshow"
Price: 1600.00

"Curso de SEO Completo - Do bsico ao avanado."
"Grade do curso de SEOComo as pessoas buscam?Entendendo os buscadores.Sistemas de classificao.Tcnicas de buscas avanadas.Como fazer um plano de SEO?SEO para trfego, branding e venda.Arquitetura de SEO para novos sites e para sites existentes.Analisar concorrentes.SWOT para SEO.Como selecionar palavras-chave?Domnio X subdomnio X diretrio.Otimizao de urls.Migrao de sites.Idiomas x SEO.Construir popularidade atravs de aes offpage.SEO para redes sociais.Otimizar buscas por vdeos.Otimizar buscas por imagens.Otimizar buscas por notcias.Como medir o resultado de SEO?Etapas: Produzir, lanar, medir e refinar.Ferramentas para SEO.Como gerenciar o trabalho de um profissional ou agncia de SEO?Como estudar SEO?Esse curso de SEO indicado para:Quem quer entender profundamente o que SEO e suas aplicaes.Criar aes de SEO focadas em performance.Entender como gerenciar e cobrar outros profissionais.Saber avaliar o progresso do projeto de SEO.Entender quais tcnicas so permitidas, quais tcnicas so proibidas e quais tcnicas no fazem efeito.Como fazer SEO na prtica.Com o aprendizado do curso, voc ir:Entender como as pessoas buscam produtos ou servios e assim compreender o ponto fundamental para o sucesso das suas aes de SEO.Com a fluncia nas tcnicas de SEO, vrios aspectos e conceitos das aes digitais estaro reforados.A lgica utilizada no curso servir para outras aes de marketing. Pois as anlises estaro pautadas nos conceitos fundamentais de marketing.Mais detalhes sobre o curso de SEO:Tenha acesso por tempo indeterminado a esse curso.Sempre que uma nova atualizao ficar disponvel, voc ter acesso sem nenhum custo.Esse curso de SEO mistura teoria e prtica.Certificado de concluso.Material completo disponvel e atualizado.Planilhas, ebooks, vdeos, sites e todo material de apoio atualizado.Objetivos:Ao final do curso, voc estar habilitado para gerenciar e executar um projeto de SEO completo. Nesse curso nos trabalharemos juntos para identificar, gerenciar e traar aes para seu projeto de SEO com foco em performance.Nesse curso de SEO utilizaremos uma metodologia que mistura teoria e prtica para fortalecer seu aprendizado. Domine SEO de forma rpida e clara. Voc ter todas as bases necessrias para aprofundar seus estudos e aprimorar cada vez mais suas tcnicas.Resumo Geral:Nesse curso online de SEO, voc ir aprender a lgica utilizada pelos buscadores. Entenda esse conceito e melhore seus resultados!Aprenda a gerenciar um projeto de SEO.Reconhea as oportunidades que existem em seus projetos para aumentar seus resultados.Construa seu projeto e execute as aes necessrias para aumentar o ROI.Veja tcnicas e dicas especiais para seus sites.Conhea ferramentas e softwares fundamentais para todo projeto de SEO.Saiba como gerenciar e cobrar resultados.Viso:Realizar a otimizao de sites para os buscadores um processo bvio? Nem tanto! Umas das principais vantagens desse curso de seo online que seu acesso permanece ativo enquanto esse site permanecer no ar. Isso que dizer que voc sempre estar atualizado sobre as novidades e dicas de SEO.Voc aprender ferramentas de SEO como Google Analytics, Google Search Console, como vincular suas campanhas de links patrocinados a seu projeto de SEO e outras.O curso dar a base necessria para gerenciar profissionais de SEO que trabalham na sua equipe ou agncia de SEO terceirizadas. fundamental entender os conceitos, a forma como execut-los e manter-se atualizado para elevar o nvel dos seus colaboradores e pares.Concluso do professor Ricardo Zacho:Projetei esse curso de forma modular. Recomendo que todos, independente do nvel, estudem todos os mdulos pois foram pensados com bastante cuidado e as tarefas prticas ajudam a fixar/desenvolver os conceitos. De qualquer forma voc pode pular um mdulo indo diretamente para o mdulo que voc mais gostaria de aprender e voltar a um mdulo anterior sem problemas.Aproveite o curso! Qualquer dvida, me procure pelas redes sociais.Muito Obrigado,Ricardo Zacho"
Price: 129.99

"Perspectiva de los negocios estadounidenses en Cuba"
"El martes, 24 de mayo de 2016 se lleva cabo la conferenciaPerspectiva de los negocios estadounidenses en Cubaen el Centro Internacional de Mercadeo (Torre II), donde prominentes expertos cubanos presentaronel ambiente de negocios en Cuba luego de los ltimos desarrollos. Los ponentes que participaron fueron:Dr. Juan Triana Cordovi -Economista, Investigador yProfesor del Centro de Estudios de la Economa Cubana de la Universidad de La HabanaDr. Oscar Fernndez -Economista y Profesor Titular, Ex Directordel Centro de Estudios de la Economa Cubana de la Universidad de La Habana"
Price: 49.99

"Building an Engaging, Interactive Course in Moodle 2.2 - 3.1"
"By the end of this course, learners will be able to create an interesting, fun and fully interactive course using Moodle, and the course will guide learners through the process of setting up a Moodle website, adding and configuring a new course, adding content, adding multimedia elements and adding fun and engaging learning activities, that will inspire your students!This course is slightly different to other online courses the course content and lessons will be interspersed with the creation of a special exemplar course, where the skills learnt in the course will be used to build a ready made interactive Moodle course, which will be available for download too!I have also added 7 learning activities, so that learners can practice what is being taught in the course, and these learning activities add up to create another exemplar course, which is also downloadable. There will also be topical quizzes at the end of each section to ensure that learners understand the lessons and to reinforce learning.The course is split into 8 sections, and begins with Getting to know Moodle, so what Moodle is,how to navigate around the VLE, and some of the common areas such as the dashboard, and profile settings.Learners will be shown how to create their own Moodle site, via the Moodle cloud, as well as configuring a new course page and explanations of the various Moodle course formats, with their advantages and disadvantages. Adding resources and activities to the Moodle page will also be covered, with activities such as lessons, choices and wikis. Resources such as books, pages, files and lessons will also be looked at.The fina two sections of the course are called Adding Multimedia - teaching learners how to add videos, audio clips and images to the course, and Putting it all Together - a section on making your Moodle course flow and shows learners how to restrict access to learning activities and use activity completion to produce meaningful student engagement reports.Accompanying each video lesson, there will be a downloadable paper guide which learners can print to create their very own Moodle user manual!I introduce each lesson with a description, and follow this up by showing learners how to actually do it for yourself. I actively encourage learners to watch the examples lessons, where examples are shown of all the topics covered within the section. I also encourage participants to use the Moodle Cloud course, that we create at the beginning, to practice the things I teach, and build up their confidence and theirown set of Moodle courses.This course has been developed in Moodle 3.1, however applies to versions 2.2 - 3.1. See SimpleMoodle 3.2+ for a more up to date version of this course.So, If you are an Administrator, Manager, Course Creator, or just a Professional interested in creating online courses, why not sign up today and learn how to make an engaging, interactive course within Moodle 2.2 - 3.1"
Price: 49.99

"Domina Affinity Designer el Adversario de Illustrator"
"Este curso es la introduccinalas herramientas de Affinity Designer dedicado al espacio de trabajo""Draw Persona"".Crearemos 7 ilustracionescon las quepoco a poco nos adentraremosacada una de las herramientas, mientras avanzas enel curso iremos practicandoparadominarlas por completo.Con dostrabajos finalesrepasaremos todo lo aprendido.Veremos: efectos, brochas, vectores, degradados, reflejos, sombras, transparencias,por slo mencionaralgunas de las herramientas que utilizaremos enesta aplicacin de nivel profesional.La intencin del curso es que al final tengas el conocimiento necesario para hacer tus propias ilustraciones y trabajos conresultadosde gama alta."
Price: 29.99

"29 Proven Tips on Buying and Managing Rental Property"
"If you are interestedin getting into the Rental Business, I would like to let my 43+ years of experienceasa landlord help you learn how to begin and succeed.Have you ever thoughtabout owning a rent house? Have you ever thought about enjoying extra income orsaving for retirement, but had no idea where to begin? Did you ever ask yourself,""how profitable an investment would a rent house actually be?"" Maybeyou have planned on buying a rent house or renting a house you already own, butdidn't know where to startto find a renter? You might be afraidarenter would tear your house up, and would like to know how to prevent thatfrom happening. I have good news for you.This 22 lesson coursecontains 29 proven tips on helping you do just this. It has 7 lessons coveringthe purchasing of a rent house, and 12 on finding renters and in managingrental property.You will gain theunderstanding and knowledge that normally comes from years of experience in therental business. This course covers from selecting a rent house location tobookkeeping and filing taxes.Oh, and dont forget to look at the bonuslecture at the end of the course."
Price: 39.99

"Purchasing and Managing Rental Homes"
"If you are interested in getting into the Rental Business, I would like to let my 43+ years experience as a Landlordto help you learn how to begin.Have you ever thought about owning a rent house and enjoying extra income or saving for retirement, but had no idea where to begin? Did you ever ask your self, ""how profitable an investment would a rent house actually be?"" Maybe you have planned on buying or renting a house you already own, but didn't know where to startto find a renter? You might be afraida renter would tear your house up, and would like to know how to prevent that from happening. I have good news for you.This course deals first with answering the question: Why you should invest inrental property? After giving several reasons for doing that, includingreasons for why now is a good time to invest in rentals,I answer themost important question a landlord can ask: How doyou select a good renter? And finallyI look at how you candesign your own writtenrental agreement and how to use it to experience more satisfied tenants.You will gain the understanding that normally comes from years of experience in the rental business. Oh, and dont forget to look at the bonuslecture at the end of the course. Also, for a limited time this course is free."
Price: 19.99

"Screenflow 7 For Beginners -UPDATED"
"In this course you will learn into deptheverythingabout ScreenFlow 6 in a little over anhour!You will learn all about ScreenFlow6usingexercise files and tasks so you will understand the best way!WITHANYFUTUREUPDATESTO SCREENFLOW I WILL UPDATE THIS COURSE WITH ALL OF THE NEW FEATURES FOR FREE!I'm using version 6, it's the newest version and contains many new features:In this course you will learn:How to screen record using ScreenFlowHow to edit your Screen recordingHow to show keyboard strokes and mouse clicksHow to zoom, cut videos and remove background noiseAll the possible ways to exportHow to add captions to your videosThe video is recorded in HD and with a radio production quality microphone.All the lessons have transcripts that will discuss in word what was instructed in the video lectures.Even if you goal isn't to record your screen you can still use this software to edit video! It works great!"
Price: 19.99

"Knots & Hitches for Beginners & Pros"
"Tying knots are essential in daily activities, from tying shoes to more complex rescue practices.This course covers basic rope terminology, parts of the rope, andcomponents of knot and hitches. I'll also be demonstrating 25knots and hitches from a first person's point of view.After completing this course,with practice and some creativity,students will be able to combine different knots and hitches to suit their needs (like strapping a mattress to the roof of their vehicles during a move). Students will also be able to build upon what they've learned here in order to safely descend down treacherous terrain or even rescue a friend in need."
Price: 24.99

"Beginning with mruby"
"Learn basic concepts and techniques that will help you when using mruby with the goal of improving productivity & maintainability.Learn and Build Strong Foundation on MRuby In this Comprehensive Course for Beginners Recognize basic features of the language and its benefitsInstallation on LInuxLearn different methods for executing mruby codeWalk-through sample code and learn how to work with these samples on Linux terminalEmbedding Ruby In Your Applications Ruby is one of the most popular language among web developers today. The idea behind mruby, however, is to apply Ruby among other fields as well, such as in embedded systems. The goal is to enable a large community of programmers and users take advantages of Ruby in a wide range of areas. mruby promises to help improve productivity & maintainability and gives flexibility to end user. In this basic course you will learn why and how to use Ruby in your applications.Content and OverviewI will start from very basic concepts such as language features, advantages, limitations etc. Since we will be working on a Linux system, I will first teach you some basic command usage on Linux terminal. You will learn installation and different methods of executing mruby code along with the pros &cons of each method. Lastly I will give you a basic idea of how to use Ruby in an embedded system application. Once you finish this course, you will have aclear idea of what is mruby and how to use it. While, I write, compile and execute code, you will be able to see this on my terminal and can follow those instruction to work on your own system. Frequently main concepts will be shown on slides so that you can read and remember those concepts. Lecture-1 and 2 cover most important theoretical concepts, so make sure that you understand those concepts very well. Because of the limited scope of the course, I have skipped many concepts and I encourage you togoogle those concepts and enhance your understanding.There are 8 short lectures and each lecture ends with a short quiz. You are encouraged toask questions and have a discussion with fellow participants."
Price: 39.99

"OCA Java SE 7 Programmer (OCAJP) Exam 1ZO-803 Part 1 of 3"
"This course will cover Java SE7 fundamentals and equip the students to find the OCA Java SE7 Programmer certification (IZ0-803) easy to pass. This certification ishard to achieve without proper guide and teaching. I have organised this course from top to bottom approach which will start with variables and end with abstracts, interfaces and exceptions handling in java. By the end of this course, students will not just follow any java App course but would fully understand and easy to follow without looking on google for every single error. Remember,looking for errors to resolve takes hours of your valuable time.This course is designed topoint out key points in order tomake it easy for studentsto pass the exam.OCAcertificate is an achievement that should proud ofand Employers respect the certificationandyou will be better equippedin the interview.The course is organised in a way that youwould easily follow without any extra animation to divert your attention from the course materials.I have put a lot of questions during the lessons and made it clear why a particular question is right or wrong. Those questions are not easy but tricky and misleading and these are exactly the questions which makes you ready for exam.I would strongly recommend that even if you are an experiencedjava programmer and would like to pass the exam IZ0-803 then you have to follow each lesson step by step and would notice that alot of question will be confusing without proper guide-lines and instructions.Please note thatthe complete OCAJP certification course is divided in to 3 parts. Part 1 of 3, Part 2of 3, and Part 3 of 3.This course is Part 1 of 3 which is the first part of the complete OCAJP Exam certification course. All 3 partcourses are live and ready to enrol now."
Price: 19.99

"OCA Java SE 7 Programmer (OCAJP) Exam 1ZO-803 Part 2 of 3"
"This course will cover Java SE7 fundamentals and equip the students to find the OCA Java SE7 Programmer certification (IZ0-803) easy to pass. This certification ishard to achieve without proper guidance. I have organised this course from top to bottom approach which will start with variables and end with abstracts, interfaces and exceptions handling in java.By the end of this course, students will not just follow likeany other java App course without knowing that what is happening at the backgroundbut would fully understand and easy to follow without looking on google for every single error. Remember,looking for errors to resolve, takes hours of your valuable time so, why waste itif you can take this course and learn all about the errors, tricksand know about the java syntax.Trust me not onlyyou will never regret but you will also recommend this course for other to advantage of.This course is designed topoint out key points in order tomake it easy for student and to build a solid foundation in java language syntax."
Price: 54.99

"AngularJS et Node.js Guide Complet"
"Bienvenuedans cette formation complte sur AngularJS et Node.js par la pratique !Cette formation a pour vocation de vous apprendre raliser une application web complte. Elle s'articule autour de 2 technologies:AngularJS, pour la partie clienteNode.js, pour la partie serveurVous apprendrez utiliser ces deux technologies conjointement ou sparment dans le cadre de la ralisation complte d'une application de webmail (dossiers, affichage des mails, recherche, tri, lecture d'un mail, criture d'un mail, envoi et rception de vritables mails).La difficult sera croissante mais nous commencerons par des choses trs simples, pour que tous puissent suivre cette formation au mieux. Il sera en revanche ncessaire de connaitre les rudiments du web (d'avoir des notions d'HTML et de JavaScript).Tous les chapitres sont enregistrs enHD 1080ppour que vouspuissieztout voir clairementpendant le cours (vous pouvez regarder lespreviews gratuits).Je rpondrai personnellement vosquestions vous en avez, et je fournirai autantd'aide que possiblepour vousaider apprendre AngularJS et Node.js de manire pratique et efficace.Si vous voulezoptimiser votretempsetapprendre AngularJS et Node.js, cliquez surSuivre ce coursen haut droite.C'est parti !"
Price: 99.99

"Presentation Essentials - Beyond Slide Design"
"This course was designed to primarily provide tips beyond slide design. Speakers often spend hours preparing their slides and then encounter problems when they present because of basic but important computer settings, projector settings or improper connections to projectors. This short course will take less than an hour and will cover these important settings as well as a few slide building tips related to a smooth presentation rather than graphic design tips. The course has been designed for anyone who has to give a presentation and wants to make sure to cover some of the basics to ensure no technical slip-ups occur.Topics include:Know your connectionsKnow these computer settingsKnow these projector settingsKnow these design tips"
Price: 19.99

"C# .NET Regular Expressions, Projects and Solutions"
"***NEWPREVIEW VIDEOS: All lectures in Section 2 are now available for preview!Check itout! NEW:Project 4 Network Configuration Parser added to the course***Learning Regular Expression with .Net is a hands-on course thatteaches you everything you need to know about Regular Expression.Regular Expression is a powerful text processing tool for log mining,data parsing,cleanup and preparation.Its power and flexibility allows you to accomplish a lot with very few lines of code. Over 60% of the effort in big data projects is spent on data cleanup and preparation.Data can come from variety of sources including internal databases, log files, sensor generateddata, Twitter, Facebookand so forth. Having access to powerfulregular expression tool will open up lot of opportunities for you on how you lookat your data and what can you do with it.This course contains over 25+ hands-on exercises, practical tips, quizzes and four projects to apply the new skillsyou learned in this class. In the first project, we will be extracting useful information fromunstructuredtext datafrom Robocopy tool,in the second project we will be on working onlargedata setgenerated by Sensorsand inthe third project we will look in to Health Care Systems that deal withElectronic Medical Records. ***NEW***Fourth project addedon parsing Network Interface Configuration.These exercises will demonstrate that with regular expression you can implement complex parsing with only a few lines of code.As a bonus, you will receive an Interactive Tool for learning regular expression faster. Sourcecode for the tool is included.This course uses free Visual Studio Community Edition tool for development and exercise.This is anall video lecturewith quizzes,full source code,downloadable list of data andpatterns used."
Price: 99.99

"2020 Python Regular Expressions (Regex) with Projects"
"*** UPDATE: NOV-2019.  Subtitle/Closed Caption is now available for the course!  I  spent several hours cleaning up the closed caption text to provide you with high quality closed caption.***Welcome to Python Regular Expressions Course!In just a couple of hours, you will master regular expression language and learn internals of the regular expression engineYou will apply your new skills with four hands-on real-world projectsYou will gain solid understanding on type of performance issues regex can run into, and techniques to address them As part of resources in this course, you will get a high-quality quick reference guide, an interactive tool, all the source code and downloadable slidesWhy Learn Regular Expressions?Very often, the data that we need is not readily accessible or useful.    Data preparation and clean-up is often one of the most time-consuming activities in a software automation project.   Instead of spending time writing code for all this, you can specify data patterns of interest and let regular expression engine do the work for youRegular Expression is cross-platform and you can learn the concepts once and use it in multiple programming languages and environmentLooking forward to seeing you in the course!God Speed!"
Price: 99.99

"2020 AWS SageMaker, AI and Machine Learning - With Python"
"Learn about cloud based machine learning algorithms, how to integrate with your applications and Certification Prep*** UPDATE JAN-2020 Timed Practice Test and additional lectures for Exam Preparation added For  Practice Test, look for the section: 2020 Practice Exam - AWS Certified Machine Learning SpecialtyFor exam overview, gap analysis and preparation strategy, look for 2020 - Overview - AWS Machine Learning Specialty Exam****** UPDATE DEC-2019  Third update for this month!!! AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Exam Overview and Preparation Strategies lectures added to the course!  Timed Practice Exam is coming soon!Also added, two new lectures that gives an overview of all SageMaker Built-in Algorithms, Frameworks and Bring-Your-Own Algorithm SupportsLook for lectures starting with 2020****** UPDATE DEC-2019.  In the  Neural Network and Deep Learning section, we will look at  the core concepts behind neural networks, why deep learning is popular these days, different network architectures and hands-on labs to build models using Keras, TensorFlow, Apache MxNet: 2020 Deep Learning and Neural Networks****** UPDATE DEC-2019.  New reference architecture section with hands-on lab that demonstrates how to build a data lake solution using AWS Services and the best practices: 2020 AWS S3 Data Lake Architecture. This topic covers essential services and how they work together for a cohesive solution.  Covers critical topics like S3, Athena, Glue, Kinesis, Security, Optimization, Monitoring and more.****** UPDATE NOV-2019. AWS Artificial Intelligence material is now live!Within a few minutes, you will learn about algorithms for sophisticated facial recognition systems, sentiment analysis, conversational interfaces with speech and text and much more.****** UPDATE OCT-2019. New XGBoost Lectures, Labs, do-it-yourself exercises, quizzes, Autoscaling, high availability,  Monitoring, security, and lots of good stuff*** UPDATE MAY-2019.  1. Model endpoint integration with hands-on-labs for (Direct Client, Microservice, API Gateway).  2. Hyperparameter Tuning - Learn how to automatically tune hyperparameters ****** UPDATE MARCH-12-2019.  I came to know that new accounts are not able to use AWSML Service.  AWS is asking new users to use SageMaker Service. I have restructured the course to start with SageMaker Lectures First.  Machine Learning Service Lectures are still available in the later parts of the course.  Newly updated sections start with 2019 prefix.All source code for SageMaker Course is now available on GithubThe new house keeping lectures cover all the steps for setting up code from GitHub.****** SageMaker Lectures -  DeepAR - Time Series Forecasting, XGBoost - Gradient Boosted Tree algorithm in-depth with hands-on.  XGBoost has won several competitions and is a very popular Regression and Classification Algorithm, Factorization Machine based Recommender Systems and PCA for dimensionality reduction ***BenefitsThere are several courses on Machine Learning and AI. What is unique about this course?Here are the top reasons:1. Cloud-based machine learning keeps you focused on the current best practices.2. In this course, you will learn the most useful algorithms.  Dont waste your time sifting through mountains of techniques that are in the wild4. Cloud-based service is straightforward to integrate with your application and has support for a wide variety of programming languages.5. Whether you have small data or big data, the elastic nature of the AWS cloud allows you to handle them all.6. There is also No upfront cost or commitment Pay only for what you need and useHands-on LabsIn this course, you will learn with hands-on labs and work on exciting and challenging problemsWhat exactly will you learn in this course?Here are the things that you will learn in this course:AWS SageMaker* You will learn how to deploy a Notebook instance on the AWS Cloud.* You will gain insight into algorithms provided by SageMaker service* Learn how to train, optimize and deploy your modelsAI ServicesIn the AI Services section of this course,* You will learn about a set of pre-trained services that you can directly integrate with your application.* Within a few minutes, you can build image and video analysis applications like face recognition* You can develop solutions for natural language processing, like finding sentiment, text translation, and conversational chatbots.Integration* Learning algorithms is one part of the story - You need to know how to integrate the trained models in your application.* You will learn how to host your models, scale on-demand, handle failures* Provide a clean interface for the applications using Lambda and API GatewayData Lake* Data management is one of the most complex and time-consuming activities when working on machine learning projects.* With AWS, you have a variety of powerful tools for ingesting, cataloging, transforming, securing, visualization of your data assets.* We will build a data lake solution in this course.Machine Learning Certification* If you are planning to get AWS Machine Learning Specialty Certification, you will find all the resources that you need to pass the exam in this course.* Timed Practice Exam and QuizzesSource Code* The source code for this course available on Git and that ensures you always get the latest codeIdeal Student* The ideal student for this course is willing to learn, participate in the course Q&A forum when you need help, and you need to be comfortable coding in Python.AuthorMy name is Chandra Lingam, and I am the instructor for this course.I have over 50,000 thousand studentsI spend a considerable amount of time keeping myself up-to-date and teach cloud technologies from the basics.I have the following AWS Certifications: Solutions Architect, Developer, SysOps, Solutions Architect Professional, Machine Learning Specialty.I am looking forward to meeting you.Thank you!"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete YouTube SEO Course"
"SEO(Search Engine Optimization) is one of the most powerful ways to get laser targeted FREE traffic to your website so you can promote your product or service.And gettingvideos ranked in the search engines are even more powerful than ranking just a website because videos give you the platform to engage, interact and build rapport with your audience, traffic and visitors.Now, while videos are actually much easier and much faster to get ranked than traditional websites, unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation out there taught by people who really don't know what they're talking about, which only adds to the confusion and makes ranking videos easily and predictably seem like a complete mystery.Luckily in this course you're going to learn the exact steps needed to get a video ranked in Google and YouTube's search engines.This is so easy even a beginner can do this - even if you don't consider yourself great with video or super techy.What you will learn inside can help you if you're either...- Building up an authority YouTube channel- Launchjacking videos to win affiliate contests- Branding yourself as an authority or THEauthority in your niche- Trying to dominate the SERPs for specific keywords related to your network marketing or business opportunity...and much more!!!The course is broken down into two short simple parts...- How to rank regular YouTube videos (A to Z) and- How to use YouTube live event videos to rank literally in minutesBoth have their advantages and disadvantages.So, if you're ready to master search engine optimization for YouTube videos click the ENROLLbutton now and I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 74.99