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"Global Spanish Pronunciation & Accent"
"Learn how to speak with a real Spanish Pronunciation after studying these video lessons with guidance on how to talk to the talk in Spanish.Made for English speakers, this is for those with any doubts about the accents in the Spanish world. After completing this Spanish course for beginners, you will be able to see any words and pronounce them perfectly without even having heard them before!"
Price: 19.99

"Essential Spanish phrases for your vacation"
"You should take this course if you want to speak better Spanish when you go on holiday. Easy step-by-step essentials for how to cope better on vacation. If you want to travel to a Spanish-speaking country, such as Spain, Mexico or one from South America, this course can help you to get by practically during your stay. The course consists of lectures which are annotated with Spanish phrases to help you see the spellings and hear the sounds of new vocabulary. There is also a quiz activity using cognates to launch your vocabulary in no-time, without studying. The course is short enough to complete in less than an hour and gives you everything you need to manage your vacation from arrival in the airport to the day of departure. The structure progresses through transport, hotel, eating, drinking and relaxing at the pool/beach. Topics covered include:Checking in at the hotelAsking for directionsAsking for taxis and talking to 'taxistas'Eating out, how to order food as you like it, being polite, paying the billOrdering drinks, ordering for your partner/familyTalking to new people, meeting and greetingMaking small, light conversationTips about who to practice with, for freeTips about understanding menus, tapaterasAsking for information, asking what people think and how they feel"
Price: 19.99

"Planejar para Conquistar"
"Esse curso tem como objetivo apresentar uma metodologia, atravs de vdeo aulas, que te possibilitar definir seus sonhos e metas, e elaborar um plano de ao efetivo para conquistar os resultados que voc deseja, seja na esfera pessoal ou profissional.O curso foi preparado com todo cuidado para atender tanto pessoas que j possuem alguma experincia no tema quanto pessoas que apenas demonstram interesse, mas sem experincia.Espero que voc aproveite e aplique a metodologia em sua vida pessoal e profissional, pois tenho certeza que a mesma capaz de te ajudar a conquistar seus sonhos!"
Price: 19.99

"Your Purpose is the Key to True Success & Happiness"
"My goal for this course is to give you the scientific principles and techniques that I have personally used to empower myself and my clients. I want to help you identify what is most important to you, and then give you the tools that you need to build an inspiring life around doing what you love!Still unsure if this course has been designed with you in mind, then consider the following:Have you ever been frustrated by your lack of progress?Have you ever wondered why you cant stay focused?Have you ever wished that you could turn your hobby into a career?Are you tired of trying to do what everyone else says you should do?Have you ever wondered why some people succeed and others don't?Have you ever taken the time to get clear on what is really most important to you?If any of these questions resonated with you, then I am confident thatthis course will be of value to you! Having worked with different types of individuals across all industries, including students, entrepreneurs, teachers, executives and parents I have certainty in the fact that each and every one of us have the capacity to live a successful and fulfilled life.By the end of this course you will be able to:Determine what is trulymost importantto youIdentify the keydriversinfluencing your behaviorIdentify what you would reallyloveto achieve in lifeIdentify the difference between whatyouwould love to do, and whatothersexpect of you to doIncrease yourproductivityandfulfillmentat workTake the first step towards building abusinessaround yourpassionIdentify the most important factor influencing your ability to build long termwealthLearn how to to setgoalsthat are authentic (aligned with who you really are, and therefore much more likely of being achievedI truly believe that the only barriers which exist are those that we create in our own minds, and in this course we are going to go about dissolving those barriers, and in so doing, give you the tools you need to live purposefully.This course includes over 3 hours of video content, a series of interesting quizzes and a number PDF exercises to ensure you gain a thorough understanding of who youtruly areand how you can use yourunique geniusto lead a purposeful and fulfilling life! I really look forward to working with you and hope that you take this opportunity to complete our course onFinding Your Purpose.I have dedicated my life to helping others find and express their unique purpose, and I know that if you give yourself permission and put in the time and effort required, the vision you have for yourself and the impact you can make on those around you, will increase exponentially!See you inside!"
Price: 24.99

"Ancient Greek Phonetics"
"In this course you will learn how to make an Ancient Greek text in the Attic dialect come alive. You probably know the various lengths of the vowels in theory for example, but how do they really differ? Maybe you also know in theory the rhythm of a poem (you can make out the prosody etc), but how do the syllables add up in practice? Reading it aloud and with the right sound and length of the symbols makes all the difference.If you want to understand deeply the Ancient Greek texts, or to perform them, this is the right course for you, as it is the only available method.I will lead you through:the length and the sound of the vowelsthe sound of the diphthongsthe influence of the accentsthe aspiratethe sound of all the consonantsThere are a lot of examples and all the material is in downloadable pdf forms.You must already be familiar with the Greek alphabet, not so much with the language though: if you don't know the words of the examples you can always find them in a dictionary. This is not a course for learning the Ancient Greek language, but only about the sound of it.The course includes:an introduction where you learn a few things about the history of the Attic dialect and about the sources of our informationthe sound and the length of the vowelsthe 3 forms of accentsthe aspiratethe sound of the diphthongsall the consonantsan epilogue"
Price: 94.99

"Storytelling for Job Interviews"
"YOU HAVE LESS THAN 60 MINUTES TO MAKE AN IMPRESSION IN A JOB INTERVIEW.DONT WASTE TIME STATING ALL THE BORING FACTS FROM YOUR RESUME.Use stories to build trust, credibility and engage with your future employer fast to land your dream job.With exercises and step-by-step instructions, this book will teach you how to tell stories about your personal and professional life to connect with your interviewer and stand out from all the other candidates.Through the use of storytelling, youll demonstrate your capabilities and values, and how valuable an asset you are to any team, organisation and your future employer no matter what stage youre at in your career.THIS COURSEWILL HELP YOU TO: unleash the power of stories the number one skill in business today distinguish yourself from the rest of the interview pack land a job in three interviews or less (not more than 50) define, find, match, construct and prepare your own stories take on tricky questions like: Whats your biggest weakness? use your stories in the first 90 days of your new role and beyond.GABRIELLE DOLAN is an expert in communication and a global thought leader in business storytelling, as well as a highly sought-after keynote speaker and mentor. She is also the best-selling author of Ignite: Real Leadership, Real Talk, Real Results and Hooked: How Leaders Connect, Engage and Inspire with Storytelling."
Price: 49.99

"Immigrant Entrepreneurs"
"Immigrant Entrepreneurs - Erfolgsfaktoren trkischer Unternehmer ist ein Online Kurs mit hauptschlich drei Bereichen, die behandelt werden und die fr viele Jungunternehmer ein Schwierigkeit darstellen: Finanzierung, Mentoring und Networking.Folgende Kurse sind zu finden:1. Vural ger - Erfolgsfaktoren2. Kemal Sahin - Erfolgsfaktoren3. Cengiz Hayati nel - Erfolgsfaktoren4. Finanzierung durch Crowdfunding5. Von der Idee zum Geschftskonzept6. Guide fr Jungunternehmer7. How to pitch?8. Networking9. Networking online10. Mentoring11. Mentoring Interview12. Literatur und Links"
Price: 54.99

"ES6 Javascript Essentials (With Exercise Files)"
"Welcome to ES6 Javascript Essentials! In this course we will go over everything new in ES6. There are two main factors that make this course different than other courses out there going over the same topic.You get exercise files included at no additional cost to you. You will be able to follow along with me throughout the videos, and have the finished code at the end of each vide.Iwill spend more time on the more important featuresso youcan truly master them. Iwant this course to make you an overall better developer. Not just give you an overview on everything new in ES6. In this course, Imake sure we dedicate more time to certain topics where it is necessary.This course is divided up into threemain sections. The first two, are what I consider to be the more important sections. The last section is the nice-to-haves. Things you might not use everyday, but can still be very beneficial to your applications. There is a lot to learn in this course so Iam excited to get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Formation complte la photographie: le guide de la photo"
"Cette formation la photographie en ligne va vous apprendre comment prendre des images spectaculaires et les vendre, que vous utilisiez un smartphone, un compacte, ou un appareil photo reflex numrique. Cette formation de plus de huit heures et demie est conue pour vous enseigner la photographie en long et en large, mme si vous navez que peu ou pas d'exprience en la matire, et vous aider crer des images uniques et remarquables destines la vente. Il existe beaucoup de formations en photographie qui se concentrent sur un genre spcifique ou sur lutilisation de matriel, il est difficile de trouver un cours aussi complet que celui-ci, qui sadresse autant aux dbutants quaux photographes avancs. Ce cours est conu pour les photographes de tous niveaux qui souhaitent amliorer leurs comptences, prendre de magnifiques images, et gagner de l'argent avec leurs photos. Matrisez les techniques de photographie pour crer des images extraordinaires et augmenter vos revenus de photographe indpendant. Comprendre comment fonctionne un appareil photo et quel matriel il vous faudra avoir Matrisez la photographie en mode manuel et ldition/retouche de photos Suivez nos aventures Photo et observez comment nous prenons des photos Utilisez la stabilisation, la composition et l'clairage Apprenez vendre vos photos ou dmarrez une affaire de photographe pro Amliorez vos techniques de photographie, dcrochez des clients, et gagnez plus d'argent Quel que soit votre niveau d'exprience ou le type d'appareil photo que vous utilisez, cette formation ultra-complte est conue pour vous fournir tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour lever vos comptences des niveaux bien suprieurs. Que vous prfriez prendre des photos de nature, danimaux ou de personnes, un bon photographe sait composer sa scne, lclairer, et la retoucher. En affinant ces comptences, vous pouvez vendre vos photos et transformer ainsi votre passion en carrire. Cette formation vous montre comment y arriver. Contrairement d'autres formations en photographie qui ne couvrent que certains aspects de la discipline, ce cours complet vous apprend prendre de magnifiques photos et comment gagner de l'argent en les vendant.Aperu de la formation Cette formation vise enseigner aux photographes ce qu'il faut pour amliorer sa technique et gagner plus d'argent. Vous commencerez par les bases en comprenant comment fonctionne un appareil photo. Vous connatrez les types dappareils photo et les objectifs disponibles, ainsi que l'quipement ncessaire pour accomplir vos objectifs.Vous pourrez ensuite plonger dans les diffrents styles de photographie que vous choisissez dexplorer.Vous en saurez plus sur les rglages de votre appareil photo, y compris comment shooter en mode manuel. Vous saurez quels outils de stabilisation sont disponibles et comment matriser lart de composer et clairer une scne correctement. Vous apprendrez mme comment prendre de superbes photos avec un Smartphone ou une tablette et comment retoucher vos images.Vous serez alors prts vendre vos photos, vous apprendrez crer votre marque personnelle, crer site Web et un album photo, et comment trouver un emploi freelance (indpendant) ou temps plein. Vous en saurez plus sur les licences, lusage loyal, et plus encore. Et si vous voulez vous lancer dans la photographie de mariage, vous apprendrez comment dmarrer votre propre affaire. la fin de cette formation, votre confiance en vos talents de photographe va monter en flche. Vous aurez une connaissance approfondie de votre appareil photo et du reste de lquipement, et vous pourrez les utiliser leur plein potentiel pour prendre des photos inoubliables et commencer une carrire rentable de photographe."
Price: 199.99

"Success Tips for Women in Business - 5 Practical Steps"
"Have you wondered why some of your male colleagues seem to be getting ahead - getting the interesting projects and promotions? Maybe you've been very successful in the past but you're feeling stuck and you don't know why.This course can help you understand what might be holding you back. By following the 5 Practical Success Tips, you can get better results at work, enjoy your job more and be more successful. You'lllearn practical information with specific actions based on what's worked with hundreds of other successful women at Fortune 1000 companies.Join us today, to learn what you can do to be more successful."
Price: 29.99

"Salary Negotiation for Women: How To Ask For A Raise At Work"
"If you want to ask for a raise at work, then this course is for you. You'll learn practical steps you can take that will make it easier to ask and respond positively. We'll cover what you can do to feel more confident and how you could turn a NO into a YES. This program will cover the real issues that business women face when they try to negotiate for more money. Students will learn what can hold them back and what they can do about it. We'll also cover salary negotiation mistakes that women make and how to avoid them."
Price: 49.99

"How to Create Your Dream Life"
"How to Create Your Dream Life is an 8-module course designed to help you stop settling for an average life and start dreaming of and living the amazing life of your dreams!If you are tired of just getting by, living a mediocre life, and you have an intuitive feeling that you were born for a life of excitement and abundance, this course is for you!It's time to stop settling for average and letting life happen. It's time to start happening to your life and living the life of your choosing--the life of your dreams!"
Price: 49.99

"Simula el futuro de tus negocios: Invierte con mas sabidura"
"Cuando se trata de tomar decisiones acerca de inversiones, los analistas, gerentes y empresariohacenuso de las matemticas y de las finanzas.Bsicamente proyectan un flujo de caja de los negocios posiblesa invertir y obtienen indicadores de factibilidad,por ejemplo, comoel Valor Presente Neto (VPN).Ahora bien, es oportuno considerar que por naturaleza propia de los sistemas, existe multiplicidad de fuentes de incertidumbre que intervienen en la efectividad de un modelo como el flujo de caja y los indicadores derivados de l, pues recordemos que estos modelosson la representacin de un fenmeno econmico. Como dijoPlinio el Viejo En estos temas la nica certeza es que nada es cierto.Entonces, un flujo de caja proyectado se construye bajo premisas o supuestos que reflejan un resultado determinstico es un modelo poco vanguardista y hasta poco realista.Este curso, se constituye en un esfuerzo por aplicar estudios de anlisis de incertidumbre y anlisis de sensibilidad a los modelos que utilizamos para tomar decisiones econmicas en la cual estn involucrados nuestros ahorros o un prstamos que hay que devolver a la institucin financiera acreedora.En dos palabras este curso consiste en hacer AS y AI a los anlisis de inversiones.En primer lugar se trata de entender e identificar caracteres o variables inciertas en este tipo de problemas de inversin. Por otra parte,se plantea una perspectiva probabilstica para modelar la incertidumbre presente en este tipo de decisiones.En tercer lugar se propaga la incertidumbre a lo largo del modelo mediante simulacin de monte carlo.Y por ltimo se analizan los resultados y se recomiendan las decisiones pertinentes as comolas medidas de mitigacin de riesgos y deasignacin eficiente de recursos.Qu es lo que ocurre en la vida real? Los seres humanos nos caracterizamos por dos tipos de comportamiento:Losadversos al riesgo: aquellos quenunca toma decisiones, siempre se van por lo seguro prefieren unazona de confort.Lospropensos al riesgo: viven tomando decisiones con los ojos cerrados apostando a todo sin medir las consecuencias.Ninguna de las dos posiciones extremas son buenas, lo mas importante es conocer nuestro apetito al riesgo y ponerle apellido a nuestra decisin de inversin cuantificando el riesgo de esta. Por ejemplo, acepto comprar un pequeo restaurante que tienen una probabilidad mayor al 70% de que dicha inversin sea rentable.Utilizaremos el software@Risk palisade y se requiere tener conocimientos previos de estadstica y finanzas. De igual manera abordaremos un repaso de ambas reas de conocimiento.Bienvenidos a hacer magia con simulacin para tomar decisiones de inversin!Juan Carlos Ruiz"
Price: 39.99

"Home staging, decorar para vender"
"Eres una inmobiliaria y quieres vender ms y al mejor precio, adems de acotar plazos? Eres interiorista, decorador, y quieres ampliar tu cartera de servicios? Te gusta la decoracin y quieres dar un giro a tu situacin laboral? Tienes una casa a la venta desde hace mucho tiempo y no consigues vender?Aprende todo lo que necesitas saber sobre decoracin, ordenacin y grandes espacios con nuestro video curso de Home Staging, impartido por Joana Aranda, autora del primer libro de Home Staging en espaol.El curso de ms de 3 horas de duracin, incluye el primer libro de Home Staging en espaol en formato descargable, y se compone por 35 dinmicos tutoriales, respectivamente, para que evoluciones al ritmo que consideres apropiado. nete a la inciativa Home Staging!"
Price: 69.99

"Learn to Make Polymer Clay Jewelry"
"The course is suitable for all crafty people who would like to start making their own jewelry. It is a beginners course and it doesn't require any previous experience with working with polymer clay or jewelry making.Next to the basics, the student will learn creative techniques how to make their jewelry unique. Everything is shown step by step, the student can try it next to playing the course. It will take one or two days to complete the course, but few more weeks of practice for the best results. The course is covering:basic principles of working with polymer claybasic techniques of creating polymer clay jewelry several ways of embellishing the jewelrytips and ideas for next projectsBecause it is a beginners course, it was designed to require minimal initial investment. We are using just tools which are really necessary and if it is possible, we always try to choose regular household tools which most people have at home. In the end the student will have good overview of possibilities and ability to continue by combining these methods according to own creativity. This hobby will become an unlimited supply of gifts for friends and family, some more crafty people can even start selling their products and earn some money as well!"
Price: 34.99

"Shiatsu - Japanese Massage"
"This is a unique course.Yes, unique because it will get you back in touch with thehuman connection-something weseemto havelost in our busy lives. Just think about when was the last time you spent some time exclusively with your partner, your best friend or one of your family members. Long time ago right? Special moments are now rare but they are still the most important thing we have in life. I hope you are with me here Shiatsu is a Japanese massage technique done through clothing; it is one of the most relaxing experiences out there,thanks to its firm but gentle pressure, its delicate and calmmovements and its stretches. Learning the basics of Zen Shiatsu is very easy, even if you think you are not a massage person. All you need is some time to watch these videos and the right state of mind. If you can take five minutes to fully relax before treating your friends, you will both have an amazing experience. You dont need any previous experience in massage; well start from the ABC of Shiatsu. You just need to find somebody who wants to be spoiled. It is a journey of personal improvement and knowledge about the body. We will learn together how to work on: The back The neck The arms and hands The shoulders The Sacrum The legs and The feet We will start by understanding what is pressure in the context of Shiatsu and how we can apply it. We will then learn how to set up a room for our treatments, the parts of our own body we use to deliver our pressure and the shape that our body needs to have to deliver an effective pressure. Once we understand the basics thoroughly, we will finally work on a person. We will start applying pressure to the back, which is the safest place to start. Step by step, we will work on all the parts of the body. This course will get you in touch with the fascinating world of anatomy while teaching you a lot about your body as well. You will discover that everybody's body is different and moves in a different way. Very interesting, I can assure you. We will treat people using our hands, our fingers, our elbows and even our knees, all without messy oils, with the minimum requirement of space and preparation. The idea is to help people relax but also to have fun, keep it light-hearted. That way, youll get the best out of it. At the end of it, you will be able to apply an hour of Shiatsu massage to your loved ones and make them feel special. I love treating people myself but treating my dear ones is another level of satisfaction. Youll see what I mean. See you in the course. Till then. Paolo"
Price: 39.99

"Massaggio Shiatsu"
"Questo un corso unico. S, unico perch ci da lopportunit di ritrovare il contatto umano - qualcosa che in tanti casi abbiamo perso nelle nostre vite sempre di corsa. Basta pensare a quando stata l'ultima volta che hai speso un po'di tempo esclusivamente con il tuo partner, il tuo migliore amico o uno dei tuoi familiari. Parecchio tempo fa, giusto? I momenti speciali sono ormai rari ma sono ancora la cosa pi importante che abbiamo nella vita. Spero di averti daccordo con me qui... Lo Shiatsu una tecnica di massaggio giapponese fattaattraverso i vestiti. una delle esperienze pi rilassanti tra i tanti tipi di massaggi, grazie alla suapressione intensa ma gentile, i suoimovimenti delicati e la sua cadenza estremamente tranquillizzante.Imparare le basi dello Zen Shiatsu molto facile, anche se pensi di non essere una persona da massaggi. Tutto ci che serve un pizzico di tempo per guardare questi video e tanta voglia di imparare. Shiatsu esclusivamente una questione di connessione tra due persone. Con queste poche lezioni e un po di tempo da dedicare a una persona speciale potrai riconquistare quello che alla base della natura umana, la condivisione. Non hai bisogno di nessuna esperienza precedente in massaggi; inizieremo dallABC dello Shiatsu. Hai solo bisogno di trovare qualcuno che vuole essere viziato.Impareremo insieme come lavorare su: La schiena Il collo Le braccia e le mani Le spalle Losso sacro Le gambe e i piedi Inizieremo da capire che cosa la pressione nel contesto dello Shiatsu e come applicarla in maniera corretta. Impareremo poi come preparare una stanza per fare shiatsu, le parti del nostro corpo che usiamo per dare la nostra pressione e la posizione che il nostro corpo deveavere per applicare una pressione efficace. Una volta che abbiamo capito a fondo le basi, potremo finalmente lavorare su una persona. Inizieremo applicando la nostra pressione sulla schiena, che il posto pi sicuro per iniziare. Passo dopo passo, lavoreremo su tutte le parti del corpo. Questo corso ci metter in contatto con l'affascinante mondo dellanatomia umana. Scoprirai come il corpo di ognuno diverso e si muove in un modo diverso. Nel frattempo scoprirai, perch no, qualcosa di nuovo pure del tuo corpo. Molto interessante, te lo posso assicurare. Faremo Shiatsu ai nostri famigliari e ai nostri amici utilizzando le mani, le dita, i nostri gomiti e persino le nostre ginocchia. Il tutto senza olii vari o lettini da massaggio. Solo serve un minimo di spazio per far stendere una parsona a terra (su materassini e coperte ovviamente) e qualche minuto di preparazione. L'idea quella di aiutare i nostri cari a rilassarsi, ma anche di divertirci con loro. Quindi prendi questo corso a cuor leggero e vedrai che ne otterrai il meglio. Alla fine del corso, sarai in grado di fare un'ora di massaggio Shiatsu ai tuoi cari e farli sentire speciali. Mi piace fare shiatsu alle persone, ai miei clienti, ma fare shiatsu ai miei amici ed alla mia famiglia un altro livello di soddisfazione. Vedraicosa intendo. Ci vediamo al corso. Love Paolo"
Price: 199.99

"Masaje Shiatsu, Masaje Japones"
"Este es un curso nico. S, nico porque nos da la oportunidad de redescubrir el contacto humano - algo que en muchos casos que hemos perdido en nuestras vidas siempre de prisa. Te baste con pensar en cundo fue la ltima vez que pasaste un poco de tiempo en exclusiva con tu pareja, tu mejor amigo o un miembro de tu familia. Hace mucho tiempo, verdad? Los momentos especiales son raros pero siguen siendo lo ms importante que tenemos en la vida. Espero de tenerte de acuerdo conmigo aqu... El Shiatsu es una tcnica de masaje japonsa hecha a travs de la ropa. Es una de las experiencias ms relajantes de los muchos tipos de masajes que hay por all. Esto gracias a su presin intensa pero suave, sus movimientos calmosy su cadencia extremadamente placentera. Aprender los fundamentos del Zen Shiatsu es muy fcil, incluso si piensas que no eres una persona ideal para dar masajes. Todo lo que necesitas es un poco de tiempo para mirarestos videos y mucha gana de aprender. El Shiatsu es esclusivemente una cuestin de conexin entre dos personas. Con estas pocas lecciones y un poco de tiempo para dedicar a una persona especial puedes recuperar lo que es la base de la naturaleza humana, el compartir. No necesitas ninguna experiencia previa en masajes; vamos a comenzar el ABC de Shiatsu. Slo tiene que encontrar a alguien que quiera ser mimado :) Vamos a aprender a trabajar juntos en: La espalda El cuello Los brazos y las manos Los hombros El sacro Las piernas y los pies Vamos a empezar a entender lo que es la presin en el contexto de Shiatsu y cmo aplicarla correctamente. A continuacin, vamos a aprender a preparar una habitacin para hacer shiatsu, las partes de nuestro cuerpo que utilizamos para dar nuestra presin y la posicin que nuestro cuerpo debe tener para aplicar una presin efectiva. Una vez que hemos entendido lo bsico, por fin podemos trabajar en una persona. Vamos a empezar por la aplicacin de nuestra presin sobre su espalda, que es el lugar ms seguro para empezar. Paso a paso, vamos a trabajar en todas las partes del cuerpo. Este curso nos pondr en contacto con el fascinante mundo de la anatoma humana. Vas a ver cmo el cuerpo de cada uno es diferente y se mueve de manera diferente. Mientras tanto, por qu no, vas talvez a aprender algo nuevo de tu cuerpo. Es muy interesante, te lo puedo asegurar. Haremos Shiatsu a nuestra familia y nuestros amigos mediante el uso de las manos, dedos, codos y hasta nuestras rodillas. Todo esto sin aceites o mesas de masaje. Sirve slo un mnimo de espacio para poner una parsona al suelo (obviamente sobre colchoncitos, futn o mantas) y unos minutos de preparacin. La idea es ayudar a nuestros seres queridos a relajarse, sino tambin para divertirnos con ellos. As que toma este curso ligeramente y ver que obtendras el mejor. Al final del curso, seras capaz de hacer una hora de masaje Shiatsu a tus seres queridos y hacer que se sientan especiales. Me gusta hacer shiatsu a la gente, a mis clientes, pero hacer shiatsu a mis amigos y mi familia es otro nivel de satisfaccin. Vas a ver lo que quiero decir. Nos vemos en el curso. Muchas gracias por la atencin por ahora. Paolo"
Price: 199.99

"Shiatsu - Massagem para a famlia"
"Este um curso nico. Sim, nico porque nos d a oportunidade de reencontrar o contato humano - algo que, em muitos casos, perdemos em nossas vidas sempre com pressa.So pode pensar sobre quando foi a ltima vez que voc passou um pouco de tempo apenas com seu parceiro, seu melhor amigo ou um de sua famlia. H muito tempo atrs, certo? Os momentos especiais so agora raros, mas ainda so a coisa mais importante que temos na vida. Espero ter voc concordante comigo aqui ...Shiatsu uma tcnica de massagem japonesa feita atravs da roupa. uma das experincias mais relaxantes dos muitos tipos de massagens la fora. Isto graas sua intensa, mas suave presso, o seus movimentos armonicos e sua cadncia extremamente calmante.Aprender o bsico do Zen Shiatsu muito fcil, mesmo se voc acha que no uma pessoa para fazer massagem. Tudo que voc precisa ter de um pouco de tempo para assistir a essos vdeos e o desejo de aprender.Shiatsu exclusivamente uma questo de conexo entre duas pessoas. Com estas poucas aulas e um pouco de tempo para se dedicar a algum especial, voc pode recuperar o que a base da natureza humana, o compartilhar.Voc no precisa ter nenhuma experincia anterior em massagens; vamos comear desde o ABC de Shiatsu. Voc s precisa encontrar algum que quer ser paparicado J.Vamos aprender a trabalhar juntos em: As costas O pescoo Os braos e as mos Os ombros O sacro As pernas os psVamos comear a entender o que a presso no contexto de Shiatsu e como aplic-la corretamente.Depois, vamos aprender a preparar um quarto para fazer shiatsu, as partes do nosso corpo que usamos para dar a nossa presso e a posio que o nosso corpo necessita para aplicar presso eficaz. Uma vez que entendemos o bsico, podemos finalmente trabalhar em uma pessoa. Vamos comear com aplicar nossa presso nas suas costas, que o lugar mais seguro para comear. Passo a passo, vamos trabalhar em todas as partes do corpo.Este curso ir colocar-nos em contacto com o fascinante mundo da anatomia humana. Voc vai v como o corpo de cada um diferente e se move de uma maneira diferente. No mesmo tempo, voc pode descobrir, algo novo tambm do seu corpo. muito interessante, eu lhe garanto. Vamos fazer Shiatsu nossa famlia e ao nossos amigos, usando as mos, os dedos, os cotovelos e at mesmo os nossos joelhos. Tudo sem vrios leos ou mesas de massagem. Nos serve apenas um mnimo de espao para colocar um parsona para o cho (obviamente em esteiras e cobertores) e alguns minutos de preparao.A ideia ajudar nossos queridos a se relaxar, mas tambm para nos divertir com eles. Ento vai fazer este curso alegremente e voc vai ver que vai conseguir o melhor.Ao final do curso, voc ser capaz de fazer uma hora de massagem Shiatsu para seus entes queridos e faz-los sentir especial. Eu gosto de fazer shiatsu ao povo, aos meus clientes, mas fazer shiatsu para os meus amigos e minha famlia outro nvel de satisfao. Voc vai ver o que quero dizer.Nos vemos no curso. Nao deixe o samba morrer ;)Paolo (o Italiano com o coraao Bahiano)"
Price: 199.99

"JavaScript - Curso Completo com 6 Projetos Reais"
"Deseja aprender a Linguagem de Programao mais importante para o ambiente Web hoje em dia? Que tal aprender a criar projetos profissionais como o WhatsApp Clone, enviando mensagens em tempo real, ativando a cmera, tirando foto, acessando o microfone, gravando udio e lendo arquivos PDF, tudo isso usando JavaScript? Ou ser que chegou a hora de elevar o seu conhecimento em JavaScript para alm de alert, console, Ajax e simples validaes? Qualquer que seja a sua motivao voc est no lugar certo.Este o Curso Completo de JavaScript com 6 projetos reais!Primeiro voc aprender sobre a linguagem JavaScript desde o bsico da estrutura, orientao a objetos e recursos avanados, depois como utiliz-la na prtica construindo projetos reais passo a passo com dois especialistas em JavaScript que possuem mais de 10 anos de desenvolvimento Web e JavaScript.Neste curso cobriremos mais de 38 horas de contedo em vdeo dos seguintes tpicos:1) Estrutura da Linguagem JavaScript e como funciona os interpretadores JavaScript. 2) Objetos literais, arrays, Orientao a Objetos no JavaScript, JSON. 3) Trabalhe com cdigos simples, e avanados, e o que existe de mais moderno no JavaScript como Firebase, aplicaes em tempo real usando Socket e descobrindo boas prticas. 4) So 6 projetos que aplicaro o JavaScript na prtica.5) Um site completo com formulrios e administrao com autenticao e grficos.Ao final deste curso voc estar apto a criar aplicaes profissionais em JavaScript, levando suas aplicaes web, sejam sites ou web apps a um nvel profissional. Entender e se tornar um especialista Fullstack em JavaScript assim como o mercado tem procurado hoje em dia.O acesso ao curso vitalcio e no final voc ainda recebe o Certificado Digital de Concluso com a Carga Horria do curso!Te aguardo no curso!"
Price: 579.99

"Matemtica Bsica para Concursos"
"Matemtica Bsica engloba vrios temas cobrados em concursos pblicos, no Enem e nos vestibulares.Nesse curso, retomaremos alguns contedos de Matemtica Bsica de nvel fundamental e mdio com intuito de sanar possveis dficits de aprendizagem que os alunos possam ter sobreesses contedos indispensveis para as disciplinas que envolvem Matemtica em concursos pblicos, Enem, vestibulares e provas de qualquer natureza.Veremos: Resolues de expresses numricas; Fatorao de nmeros inteiros; Aplicao das operaes MMC e MDC na resoluo de problemas; Fraes Resoluo de problemas que envolvam razo e proporo; Potenciao e radiciao; Produtos notveis; O algoritmo de resoluo de regras de trs simples e composta; Resoluo de problemas que envolvam equaes do 1 e 2 grau; Teorema de Pitgoras;"
Price: 64.99

"Curso Completo de PHP 7"
"Procurando se especializarcomo Programador WEB? Ou talvez buscando uma carreira que oferea mais tempo livre e flexibilidade? Sempre teve curiosidade em aprender de uma forma prtica, como programar no lado Back-End?Qualquer que seja sua motivao voc veio ao lugar certo.Este Curso de PHP 7 Completo vai proporcionar em um s lugar tudo o que precisa saber para criar seu prprio website. A equipe de instrutores da Hcodeestar disponvel para responder suas dvida.Neste curso cobriremosos seguintes tpicos:1) Aprenda em um curso completo a linguagemPHP, e sua nova verso 7, aprenda o que mudou em relao ao PHP 5.6 alm de boas prticaseos comandos mais importantes. Mesmo que voc no tenha conhecimento algum e nunca tenha programado, conseguir acompanhar com inmeros exemplos e dicas dos Instrutores que atuam a mais de 10 anos com PHP.2)Aprenda a criar um sistema administrativo de uma loja virtualgerando boleto bancrio.3) Trabalhe comBanco de Dados, Segurana.4) Aprenda a criar um recursos incrveis, utilizandoPHP e MySQL.Ao final deste curso PHP 7 voc estar apto a criar sites modernos e completos, poder se diferenciar no mercado de trabalho e at mesmo comear uma nova carreira de desenvolvedor web.Acesso vitalcio! Te aguardo no curso!"
Price: 489.99

"CCA 175 - Spark and Hadoop Developer Certification - Scala"
"CCA 175 Spark and Hadoop Developer is one of the well recognized Big Data certification. This scenario based certification exam demands basic programming using Python or Scala along with Spark and other Big Data technologies.This comprehensive course covers all aspects of the certification using Scala as programming language.Scala FundamentalsCore Spark - Transformations and ActionsSpark SQL and Data FramesFile formatsFlume, Kafka and Spark StreamingApache SqoopExercises will be provided to prepare before attending the certification. Intention of the course is to boost the confidence to attend the certification.All the demos are given on our state of the art Big Data cluster. You can avail one week complementary lab access by filling the form which is provided as part of the welcome message."
Price: 179.99

"HDPCD:Spark using Scala"
"Course cover the overall syllabus of HDPCD:Spark Certification.Scala Fundamentals - Basic Scala programming required using REPLGetting Started with Spark - Different setup options, setup processCore Spark - Transformations and Actions to process the dataData Frames and Spark SQL - Leverage SQLskills on top of Data Frames created from Hive tables or RDDOne week complementary lab accessExercises - A set of self evaluated exercises to test skills for certification purposeAfter the course one will gain enough confidence to give the certification and crack it.All the demos are given on our state of the art Big Data cluster. You can avail one week complementary lab access by filling this form which is provided as part of the welcome message."
Price: 49.99

"How to Plan a Destination Wedding"
"Have you thought about having a destination wedding at some exotic location, but didnt know where to start? Planning a destination wedding is a fun experience. However, it can be a daunting task and the process can take anywhere from 9 months to over a year to plan. We have created an easy to follow step- by- step plan that will help lay the foundation to get you started. Our tips will help avoid any unexpected obstacles on your big day. This video is designed to be easy to use and to help you saving time and money. Included in this video are 17 lessons, in which we discuss budget, wedding preparation, and traveling with groups. Also, as a bonus, you will learn how you can, in less than an hour, build a destination wedding website to communicate with family and guests. We are confident, this video can be applied to almost any destination-wedding scenario. Whether you have the money to spend on a wedding planner or not, our video is full of ideas, tips, hints and other information to make your special day a success.Copyright2016"
Price: 19.99

"Become a More Effective Copy Editor"
"This course, Becomea More Effective Copy Editor, provides tips and tricks for improving the quality and efficiency of editing text. It is designed for people who edit written material, either on a freelance or full-time basis. I have worked as a copy editor for more than twenty years and have completed nearly 200 book-length projects. In the process, Ive made a lot of mistakes, tried a lot of tools, and developed a workflow that is effective, and Id like to pass along to you some of what Ive learned. Note, however, that the course does NOT teach you how to become a copy editor or provide information about the mechanics of editing. Instead, this course focuses on how to use available tools to do your job more effectively. While I usually work on a Mac, Ive done my best throughout to describe comparable software on both Mac and Windows platforms. In some cases, the tools are only available on one platform, as is the case, for instance, with some of the Word add-ons, which are only available for PC. The course is divided into five units. The first looks at tips and tricks for improving your workflow in Microsoft Word. The second emphasizes strategies for improving the quality and efficiency of your editing, highlighting some software packages and other tools. The third focuses on time tracking, creating focus, and increasing productivity. The fourth identifies various tools for working with files. And the final unit looks at a variety of online resources that are available and some tricks for accessing them more quickly. Thanks for joining me; I look forward to working with you in the coming days!"
Price: 44.99

"Learn The Photography Business From A Pro"
"Ready yourself for a rewarding photography career. Set yourself apart from fierce compettion - and I really do mean FIERCE.The photography industry is one of the most challenging, difficult and competitive for start up businesses. The statistics prove it. Today, only 15% of photographers make it to the third year in business. 15% means that 85% of photographers give up their business within two years. The number is staggering.So, you want to be a photographer and enter the business? I want you to succeed and be a part of the 15% who build a business that lasts. You must know now and understand completely, this is a business.There are countless photographers today and the field continues to grow by leaps and bounds. In fact, almost everyone who owns a camera calls themselves a photographer. Don't let this discourage you or put you off.You might feel as if you're in the wilderness - the middle of nowhere - without a clear path to success. This can be both scary and frustrating. You have the camera. You have the skills to create remarkable photographs. But now what? Learn what it takes to not only be a professional but also market yourself and photography effectively. Challenges await you at every corner.I've been a professional travel photographer for many many years. Iknow what works, what to avoid andwho to avoid I will share this plus a whole lot more in a comprehensive, no nonsense way. When just beginning, mentors are important though not always easy to come by in our fast paced world. Join this to the point discussion, participate in constructive exercises and ask many questions along the way. As your online mentor, I am here to help you gain an advantage over the competition and help you be a part of the successful 15%.Know what it takes to be a professional photographer by the end of this course. Do what you love - photography. Follow your passion and be on your way to a rewarding career in photography."
Price: 149.99

"Building Database Web App PHP OOP PDO AJAX MySQL"
"There's no need for me to write too much here. Doing something you love doesn't make you a teacher and showing people what you are doing doesn't make you a teacher either. Teaching is an art, teaching is a profession. There're lots of videos out there but only few will teach you. I'm a teacher.  I want to teach you to understand and do things by yourself. This course goes straight to the point. If you want to learn how to use PHP, AJAX, OOP and PDO to build a Web Application (Database), then, I recommend this course. You will learn and understand how to use: PHP to build web applications  OOP to create methods (functions) to save you lots of code typing (Don't Repeat Yourself - DRY).AJAX to post data and display data from a database without refreshing your page or browser.PHP Data Object (PDO) to establish very secured connections to database servers and avoid SQL Injections. We shall be creating a real application to get you the practical knowledge on your finger tips.This course is for anyone from beginners to  IT Professionals who want to jump start and skip all the too many confusing explanations to go right into the real world of Web Programming with PHP. Don't make the mistakes I made, You cannot learn everything in PHP, even the developers of PHP don't know everything because it's a community of contributors. What you need to know is to master the important concepts that will give you the confident to build your own apps. And as soon as you get to that level of confidence you will start learning and adding to you skills all the time and that is exactly what we shall be doing in this course. I have been teaching since I was 17 yrs. My recent teaching experience was at a college level. I have a teaching methodology that works when it comes to programming; I explain the concepts, teach you how to use it, and I show you when to use it.   Some Comments From Jaiyaramakrishnan Mahendranthis course was subscribed to give it to a 6th grader to learn php, as introduction to computers and website development, the student feels absolutely comfortable with the lectures because concepts are heavily emphasized in this course followed by syntax of the language, well done author, i wish my son can learn something during this summer break and starts web development as a skill From  Tjasa FlisI loved this course! The instructor really takes the time to explain everything in detail. And also by repeating himself I remembered what he said and was able to wrote my own code by the end of the course, so I really learnt a lot! Also when I had any questions the instructor answered promptly and clearly!"
Price: 19.99

"Understanding Advance PHP Techniques with OOP AJAX MySQL"
"Do you want to follow someone to make a project or you want to learn,understand and create your own projects?Do you want to be taught how to program web applications in PHP from concept to finishing? Do you want explanations to why, how and when to get things done? I believe your answers are; You want tolearn,understand and create your own projects, you want to know""HOW TO""and YES,youwant to be taught with explanations. This course builds on your basic PHP knowledge. If you are a beginner to PHP or have not yet built or foundthe Confidence to tackle simple, complicated useful PHP Techniques then this course is for you.This course is structured to help you take up projects from its inception to finishingwith respect to PHP Web Application Development. We are going to take up this coursewithall seriousness and we are going to use project management methodology to tackle it.You will learn to take up projects from inception to finishingYou will learn PHP PDO AJAX MySQL OOPYou will learn how to use API such asPaypal to process and Verify Payments with PDTYou will learn how to make dynamic search such has google search with additional criteriaYou will learn how to use Open Source Classes such as PHPMailer to send HTLM Messages with FileAttachmentsYou will learn Pagination and how to process multiple forms on a single pageYou will learn to convertExcel work sheet to ausable sql file for Online DatabasesYou will learn and build Admin Dashboard, ClientMemberships and PrivilegesThe concepts you will learn from this course will enable youbuild and work with CMS projects, eCommerce Apps, Directory Apps and any PHP build system out there so that you can start making money as a freelancer or a full time employer.We shall learn how to successfully manage projects using Project Management methodology with Project Planning Concepts and Gannt Chart.You need basic PHP for this course. I have both free and professional course where I explained the basics of PHP OOP AJAX PDO and MySQL. Kindly take that course or any Basic PHP course out there before you take this course.Thank You."
Price: 19.99

"REST API WebService Automation Testing-ReadyAPI-SoapuiNG PRO"
"Complete A to Z course for learning the REST API Web-Service Automation testing from basics to advanced concepts.**ONLY COURSE IN UDEMY PROVIDES OFFLINE REST API WEB-SERVICE CONNECTED TO DATABASE FOR LEARNING PURPOSE. HELPS IN BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF API & DB CONNECTIVITY **Hand Written explanation for best understanding.About me : I have been working in IT-Software Testing industry from last 15 years and i have put all those experience and industry standard knowledge into this course. The course filled with industry standard testing approach, implementation and examples. Welcome to REST API Web-Service Automation tutorial. Currently API is a booming technology it exists everywhere like Social media, Mobile platform, cloud computing etc,. Now its a good opportunity to make promising career in API testing.This course below topics and moreWhat are the API & WebservicesHow to Test the Webservices using Soap UI and ReadyAPIAdvanced Groovy Scripting ConceptsUnderstanding Couchbase Database interaction with REST APIHow to Automate the Webservices Testcases in Soap UI with GroovyDifferences btween Soap UI and SoapUING Pro and ReadyAPISoap UI NG Pro and ReadyAPI FeaturesWhat is Rest APITesting RESTful APIDesigning JSON path expressionCustom HTML report generation for test case executionDesigning smoke and Regression test case frameworkSwaggerMock Service using dedicated ServiceV pro module. This comprehensive course cover. REST API web-service manual testing using popular soap ui tool And Automation testing using next generation SOAPUI NG PRO Ready API.This course even covers groovy scripting from basics to advanced coding, which is mandatory to design and develop industry standard automation scripts.The SPECIALthing about this course is, you will get two industry standard downloadable REST API web-service connected to different database which can be executed on your own system without need of internet. You will know how API web-service interacts with back-end database.This course even covers Couch-base database used by REST API Web-serviceThis course covers building Mock Services using ServiceV module within ReadyAPI toolYou don't need to depend on free online API Web services available on internet for learning purpose.This course is for someone who want make good career in API testing.You don't need to have previous programming skills as course cover from basics. You will learn to develop customized HTML test report after test execution.I value your time, So course is medium paced and on-to the point without much dragging to avoid boredom. By the end of this course:You will know how to design and develop test case to test API web-service both Manual and automationtesting methodologies.You will be able to confidently and independently write advanced groovy script to develop robust automationscripts.You will be having REST API web-service knowledge equivalent to industry standard experienced tester.You will able to attend API Web-service automation testing job interview and successfully pass through to secure job Take a look at the course description to get detailed information about course coverage. Enroll now and will see you insideHappy LearningSubhash Chandra"
Price: 99.99