"Mind Maps - das unverzichtbare Denk- und Kreativittstool!" |
"Creativity is becoming more and more important because product life cycles are becoming shorter and new technologies and business models are spreading faster and faster over the Internet. Therefore, creativity techniques are becoming more and more important, because with this technique, you can gain a lot of thought on a topic and develop better solutions with little effort and time. However, MindMaps lacks an action orientation and I will offer you solutions for this deficit.If you also feel these obstacles:What are Mind Maps?How do Mind Maps work?How do Mind Maps improve personal creativity?How can I use MindMaps to plan my workflow?How do I get into meaningful action with MindMaps?In which topics and applications can Mind Maps be used?Then this course is just the thing for you, because here you will have learned the basic technique of creativity techniques. In addition to the basic effects of the MindMaps, I also show you many practical examples. I also give you the necessary tips to get involved with Mind Maps.At the end of the course you will be able to:You can apply Mind Maps.You can understand the effects of Mind Maps.You can develop creative and innovative solutions.You will see Mind Maps in various and diverse applications and practical examples.What are the prerequisites?You must have a leaf and a pen.What does the course bring me?You can develop creative and innovative solutions using a very simple and time-saving method.You can deal with the deficits of the MindMaps.You can use Mind Maps in many applications such as holiday planning, presentation creation and persuasion. They know why mind maps work.Who is this course aimed at?The course is aimed at students and students who want to develop creative solutions and better presentations.Experienced practitioners can also profit from my course, because I provide solutions for the lack of action orientation of the Mind Maps technique."
Price: 24.99 |
"Einfhrung ins Design Thinking" |
"Design Thinkingwurde erst in den spten 2000 er Jahren in Deutschland eingefhrt,hat aber seitdem eine groe Karriere als Innovationsmethodehingelegt. Die Methode ist zwar komplexer und aufwndiger als vieleandere Innovationsmethoden, aber Sie schafft auch beachtlicheInnovationen und wird in immer mehr Organisationen und Unternehmenangewendet. Zudem verfgt Design Thinking ber eine Nutzer bzw.Kundeneinbindung und damit ein ziemliches Alleinstellungsmerkmalunter den Kreativittstechniken.Wenn Sie es Sieinteressiert :Wie Design Thinking aufgebaut und als Prozessorganisiert ist?Was ist Design Thinking?Wieunterscheidet sich Design Thinking von anderenInnovationsmethoden?Warum funktioniert Design Thinking alsInnovationsmethode?Welche Faktoren beeinflussen eine innovativeLsung?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr Sie,denn hier werden Sie den Prozess des Design Thinkings undgrundlegenden Wirkungsmechanismen des Design Thinkings kennengelernthaben. Zudem werde ich darstellen, wie Innovationen entstehen undwelches Umfeld sich positiv auf Innovationen auswirkt.AmEnde des Kurses werden Sie in der Lage sein,---Den Prozessdes Design Thinking verstanden zu haben.Die Wirkungsweisedieser Innovationsmethode verstanden zu haben.Sie knnenDesign Thinking fr sich einsetzen.Sie knnen dieseInnovationsmethode mit anderen Kreativittstechnikenvergleichen.Welche Voraussetzungen gibt es?Siemssen keine Kenntnisse ber Design Thinking oder eine andereInnovationsmethode haben.Was bringt mir der Kurs?Sieknnen den Prozess des Design Thinkings verstehen undnachvollziehen.Sie wissen welche RahmenbedingungenInnovationen begnstigen.Sie wissen, welche FaktorenInnovationen entstehen lassen.Sie knnen InnovationstypenunterscheidenAn wen richtet sich dieser Kurs?DerKurs richtet sich an Menschen, die sich einfhrend mit DesignThinking beschftigen wollen.Menschen, die Innovationen mitDesign Thinking erzeugen wollen sind hier falsch."
Price: 34.99 |
"Fragen bewusst und wirksam einsetzen" |
"An activating question technique is important to communicate consciously and clearly and with this ability one becomes more successful in the professional and private. With a clever question technique, you will learn how to convince people and find solutions. Within this course, the question technique is combined with elements of mind mapping, so that you learn to use a question technique for a skillful conversation.If you are interested:What role do they play in communication?How to distinguish opening and closing questions?Which functions have questions?How to solve problems with questions?How do you find solutions with a skillful question technique?This course is the right course for you, because you will have learned about different types of questions and functions of an activating question technique. In addition, I will present how you can manage a conversation according to your own goals.At the end of the course you will be able to:The impact of questions in a conversation can assess.Evaluate the functions of questions.You can use questions for your own goals.You can actively control a conversation.What are the prerequisites?You do not need to have any knowledge about an activating question technique.What does the course bring me?You can understand and understand the effect of activating question technology.You know how to get goals through questions in a conversation.You know how to open and close questions.Who is this course aimed at?The course is aimed at people who want to deal with an activating question technique."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Lovingly Set Boundaries with Others Who Hurt You" |
"Are you afraid to confront a toxic person about his or her behaviors?Do you diminish your greatness in fear of being judged by other individuals in your life?Do you light up around some people, while others make you feel like you are drowning in a sea of negativity?Discover the proven methods to attract positive, loving, and inspiring people into your world today.Learn how to raise your self worth and repel the Energy Vampires from your life.Become a Super Communicator and Boundary Setter, EFFORTLESSLY, with this exclusive multi-example online course.This Online Course Is For Those Who Want To Discover: How to Become a Master Communicator.How to Deal with complicated Dynamics.Imagine what your life would look like if you were only surrounded by OPTIMISTIC people!This course is for EVERYONE. We all have negative people around us, from time to time. And those of us who have less, know others who have loads of them! Pass this course on, and help do your part to teach and empower others to communicate clearly. Discover that setting boundaries can be fun and easy, if you have the skills and confidence to do so!"
Price: 94.99 |
"Comunicacin - Fundamentos de Liderazgo 1" |
"Una de las caractersticas primordiales de ser un lder, es la capacidad de comunicarnos de maneras eficientes, funcionales y, sobre todo, que construyan relaciones con nuestros colaboradores. La comunicacin no es solamente el ser entendido, es la construccin de canales de confianza, de relaciones positivas y el fundamento primordial en la construccin de equipos de trabajo de alto desempeoEste curso busca primero ensear a los participantes sobre lo que es la comunicacin asertiva, para posteriormente descubrir nuestros propios estilos, los errores que cometemos y, an ms importante, empezar a construir planes de accin para cambiar, colectivamente, nuestra forma de comunicarnos para as crear una verdadera cultura de comunicacin."
Price: 24.99 |
"Administracin del Tiempo - Fundamentos de Liderazgo 2" |
"Conviertete en un Superheroe de la Administracin del Tiempo.Siempre nos quejamos de tener poco tiempo o demasiadas cosas que hacer. Pero ser cierto que nos abruma el trabajo? O es que estamos haciendo algo mal? Es fcil perder el tiempo, en realidad, nuestro cerebro nos engaa constantemente y nos empuja a perder gran cantidad de nuestro tiempo. Desde los mitos del multitasking (polifuncionalidad), hasta nuestra habilidad de dejar todo para maana (procrastinacin), pareciera que estamos condenados a ser poco o nada productivos. Sin embargo, hay muchas cosas que podemos hacer para convertirnos en superhroes de la administracin del tiempo, desde descubrir el cmo caemos en las trampas de nuestro cerebro, hasta utilizar grandes tcnicas como la Organizacin por Bloques y la Matriz de Eisenhower como herramientas para tomar control del ms preciado recurso que tenemos: el tiempo. En este curso descubrirs que ests haciendo mal, qu puedes hacer para mejorar y como convertirte en un mejor lder a travs de la administracin efectiva del tiempo. Este es el curso #2 del diplomado virtual de Fundamentos de Liderazgo, en el que paso a paso descubrirs como transformarte en un gran lder."
Price: 24.99 |
"Hands on, Interactive, Penetration Testing & Ethical Hacking" |
"This course has been designed to fill a hole in the market thatno other course will give you withhands on step by step tutorials that this visual learning experienceprovides. This course allows you to follow,in real time,each stage of the engagement that you cantweak and train your skills from over and over again!You will get the latest tools and techniques using Rapid 7's Superb tool, 'Metasploit', to exploit targets as well as run post exploitation techniques and utilize PowerShell with 'Empire'The course will visually engage with'Empire', a post exploitation tool,usedto harness the power ofPowershell to furtherexploit Microsoft Windows Operating systems where poor configurations and overlooked policy have been deployed.The course will start with an understanding of how to move aroundMetasploit,basic key strokes to get from one section of the framework to another, andtogether,we will exploit our first system, work out what we can and cant do, how to keep it if something goes wrong, and how to leave the session without being tracked. We will learn how to not be seen by Intrusion Detection Systems and Evade Anti-Virus Software used by professional Penetration Testers around the globe. The course will then look at Empire, again we will start with thebasics of moving around, how to gain our sessions known as'agents', escalate our privileges if required and migrate over to the Metasploit framework. Thisgives us the beastof both worlds! You will learn how to beprofessional in your methodology and help you togain a footholdin thefield.I will teach you by visual learning and not simplyspeaking over presentations. Theory is good but this course will get you up and running with little to noknowledge at all. Thisis the course I really wish i had learning Penetration Testing as it answers the questions that are not a simple Google away."
Price: 49.99 |
"The Ultimate PHP with MySQL Developer Course" |
"Course DescriptionCOURSE UP TO DATE(HD & 1080P)Brand new PHP & MySQLcourse!Welcome to this course: The Complete PHP with MySQL Developer Course. Are you looking for a quick and easyway to learnPHP? This is a perfect course to start. In this course,Your professional instructorwillintroduceyou to PHP Programmingthrough crafted exercises and fully worked mini tasks.LEARNING BYDOINGis what this course is all about.There is no limit to what you can do with this knowledge.PHP is one of the most important web programming languages to learn,If you take this course you will start the fantastic process of learning to code which will lead you to a better life. Coding is one of the most in demand skills if you can code you have a job.This course is designed to make it easy for everyone to master PHP & MySQL Database. It has been divided into following main sections :Introduction to PHPBuilding a Sample formSetting Up the Data BaseMySQL AdministratorInserting, Reading, Updating, Deleting DataCreatinga Login systemPHP Authentication and AuthorizationThis amazing Course will help you quickly master all the difficult concepts and will the learning will be a breeze. Let's get started."
Price: 194.99 |
"Learn Data Visualization Techniques with Python" |
"Data is everywhere and everything is data! Do you want to create more attractive charts and make sense of your data? This course is perfect for you to master interactive data visualization with python.Python is a tool that lets you simply and effectively create high-quality data visualizations. In this course, you'll learn the point of installing and setting up a Python environment for data manipulation and visualization all the way to 3D animations using Python libraries. You will start by learning about the basics of data visualization, including types of charts, common pitfalls and good practices in data visualization, and data sources. At the end of this course, we will teach you about matplotlib, including how to use matplotlib in the Jupyter Notebook, matplotlib styles, and subplots and small multiples.Once you have completed this course,, you will have unlocked the mystery behind successful data visualizations."
Price: 194.99 |
"HTML & CSS: Eigene Webseiten erstellen" |
"BRANDNEUERKURS!!!In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie man mit den SprachenHTMLund CSS eigene Webseiten, die fr jedes Gert geeignet sind,erstellen kann. Am Schluss wirst du in der Lage sein, deine eigene Webseite zu schreibenund sogar zu verffentlichen.Wir beginnen mit den Sprachbasics von HTML5 und CSS3. Danach werden wir uns anhand von 3 Beispielwebseiten mehr in die beiden Sprachen vertiefen. Zum Schluss gibt es das ""Megaprojekt"". Diese Webseite wird responsive und fr die Verffentlichung bereit sein. HTML und CSS stecken hinter jeder Webseite. Auch wenn du keine Lust hast, deine Webseiten selber zu entwickeln, sondern mit Wordpress oder anderen Programmen zusammenzusetzen, wirst du frher oder spter auf diese beiden Sprachen stossen. Also istdieser Kurs das Richtige fr dich, wenn du lernen willst, wie man seine eigenen Webseiten erstellen kann. Egal, auf welchem Weg."
Price: 29.99 |
"Learn Basics Of Adobe Illustrator" |
"Check out my Facebook page for Discount. Bode OgbeAdobe Illustrator is one of the most powerful vector-based programs in the world. It is the industry standard for creating beautiful logos, packaging design, artwork and more recently website layouts.I have been using Illustrator for over 5 years and I designed this class to focus only on the specific things you need to learn to get up and running with Illustrator quickly. Within the first few classes you will already have what you need to open Illustrator and start working. This isn't going to be one of those boring classes where we walk through every single tool and your mind starts to drift. There are plenty of classes out there that will show you every bell and whistle included with Illustrator. But let's be honest, nobody needs to know everything to be a professional graphic designer. By walking you through, you would be able to use the tools to bring your vision to life.Do I need to know how to draw to use Illustrator? No! I am a mediocre artist at best. Of course it doesn't hurt to be able to draw, but most of the graphic designers I know are bad to terrible artists. Some of the things we cover:Learning the InterfaceCreating shapesWays to create complex shapes with the Shape Builder tool.Stokes and fills Practical use of effects and the appearance panel. Creating cool 3D effects for texts and logos.I know it is frustrating to try and learn a new program, and my goal is to show you exactly what you need. We won't waste time on tools and parts of Illustrator you don't really need to know. Just like Photoshop, Illustrator is a program that has added lots of new tools. But in the process of adding things, it has also held onto a lot of the older tools that are now obsolete (like the Pathfinder tool).I am looking forward to get you ready and become a professional graphics designer."
Price: 29.99 |
"Advanced Features in Adobe Illustrator" |
"Adobe Illustrator is one of the most powerful vector-based programs in the world. It is the industry standard for creating beautiful logos, packaging design, artwork and more recently website layouts.I have been using Illustrator for over 5 years and I designed this class to focus only on the advanced featuresyou need to learn.Do I need to know how to draw to use Illustrator?No! I am a mediocre artist at best. Of course it doesn't hurt to be able to draw, but most of the graphic designers I know are bad to terrible artists.Some of the things we cover:Learning Advanced FeaturesManipulating ShapesStokes and fillsCreating cool 3D effects for texts and logos.I am looking forward to get you ready and become a professional graphics designer."
Price: 29.99 |
"Katzenfutter Kochkurs" |
"Hallo & Miau!Sie wollen fr Ihre Katze selber kochen? Das ist eine hervorragende Idee!Hier sind schonmal 5 gute Grnde fr selbstgekochtes Katzenfutter:1) Sie haben die volle Kontrolle, wissen genau, was drin ist2) Positiver Einfluss auf die Gesundheit Ihrer Katze3) Individuelle Anpassung auf den Zustand Ihrer Katze4) Das Katzenklo sondert deutlich (!) weniger Geruch ab, wenn Sie die Nahrung erst einmal erfolgreich umgestellt haben.5) Kosten und Aufwand sind trotzdem vergleichbar mit hochwertigem Fertigfutter:Die Zubereitung ist mit geringem Aufwand von maximal 1 Stunde pro Woche mglich, die Zutaten knnen Sie weitestgehend mit Ihrem eigenen Einkauf im Supermarkt besorgen.Keine Angst vor hohen Kosten!Fr diese Art der Ernhrung geben Sie in der Regel sogar weniger aus als fr Premium Fertigfutter.Sie wollen wissen, wie? Kein Problem! Im Katzenfutter-Kochkurs lernen Sie in 1,5 Stunden alles, was Sie wissen mssen inklusive Tipps & Tricks zur Umstellung auf das neue Futter! Und das alles, wann Sie wollen und wo Sie wollen.Dieser Kurs befhigt Sie dazu, selbst gesunde Mahlzeiten fr Ihre Katze zuzubereiten. Sie wissen genau, was drin istund riskieren trotzdemkeine Mangelernhrung. Der Lehrplan orientiert sich an der Zusammensetzung der Maus, erklrt die Bestandteile und ihren Nutzen fr die Katze und geht dann auf jeden einzelnen Bestandteil noch einmal detailliert ein. Zu guter Letzt lernen Sie, wie Sie alle Zutaten zusammen bringen und erfahren am Rande auch noch einigentzliche Hinweise fr den Alltag mit und wissenswertes berKatzen.Und noch ein persnliches Wort zur Gestaltung des Kurses:Viele Katzenhalter mchten am liebsten fertige Rezepte haben. Das ist aber eigentlich gar nicht so sinnvoll, denn Sie haben ja vielleicht nicht immer die genauen Zutaten zur Hand (z.B. bei saisonalem Gemse)und mssen trotzdem Futter zubereitenIch gebe diesen Kurs seit 2009. Etliche Teilnehmer haben schon erlernt, was Ihnen gerade bevorsteht. Jeder von ihnen in 2-3 Stundenbei mir im Kursund alle bisherigen Kursteilnehmer haben es am Ende besttigt:Es ist wirklich viel einfacher als man denkt!Und wenn Sie die Zusammenhnge verstanden haben, sind Sie auch viel freier in der Gestaltung immer neuer Leckereien fr Ihre Samtpfote!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Aus einigen aktuellen Bewertungen anderer Teilnehmer:""Der Kochkurs ist klasse! Die Grundlagen werden kompetent, anschaulich und sehr kurzweilig dargeboten. Die pragmatische Vorgehensweise hat mich berzeugt, so da ich mich danach gleich ans Kochen gewagt habe!"""" Der erste Gedanke war: ""Warum soll ich Katzenfutter selbst herstellen, wo es doch eine solch groe Auswahl an Futter in jedem Supermarkt gibt"". Mittlerweile habe ich den Kurs zu mehr als 50% angeschaut und habe bereits jetzt mehr ber die Ernhrung von Katzen gelernt, als ich erwartet habe. Auf Grund der umfassenden Grundlagen, die in dem Kurs vermittelt werden und der Informationen zu Nahrungsergnzungsmitteln (wie z.B. Taurin) wird der Kursteilnehmer in die Lage versetzt sehr viele verschiedene Rezepte selbst zusammenzustellen und so einen abwechslungsreichen Speiseplan fr seine Katzen zusammenzustellen. Und das Ganze ist durchweg mit dem trockenen Humor der Kursleiterin gespickt, so dass es richtig Spa macht, den Kurs anzuschauen. Buchen! Es lohnt sich.... :-)""""Vielen Dank - der Kurs war super - endlich habe ich es verstanden, wie man BARF umsetzen kann :-) Auch wenn es sicher noch ein harter Weg werden wird, meine Tiger von BARF zu berzeugen - aber ich habe wertvolle Tipps erhalten.""""Mir hat der Kochkurs sehr gut gefallen und viel Spa gemacht; ich habe viel gelernt. Constance Bhle vermittelt kompetent und visuell sehr anschaulich, wie man gesundes Katzenfutter einfach herstellen kann. Dieser Kurs ist auch ohne Vorkenntnisse uneingeschrnkt zu empfehlen.""++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Legen Sie jetzt los und stellen Sie das allerbeste Futter fr Ihre Katze selbst her die Gesundheit Ihrer Katze wird es Ihnen danken!"
Price: 59.99 |
"Katzenhaltung ""Starterpaket""" |
"In diesem Kurs lernen Sie alles, was Sie wissen mssen, wenn Sie sich eine Katze anschaffen und verantwortungsvoll haltenwollen - von der Auswahl der Katze, ber alles, was Sie fr die Katze brauchen und vor allem, wie Sie von Anfang an gesundheitlichen und Verhaltensproblemen vorbeugen. Sorgen Sie jetzt fr optimale Bedingungen und/oder einen guten Start in das Leben IhrerKatze/n.Teilnehmer sagten ber den Kurs:""sehr umfangreich, amsant und eine super Einstiegshilfe ... Auch noch dann, wenn man bereits viel darber gelesen und gehrt hat.""""... vermittelt umfassendes Wissen und ist so sowohl fr Anfnger, wie aber auch fr Personen mit lterer Katzenerfahrung zur Auffrischung und zum Erlernen von neuen Erkenntnissen wunderbar geeignet."""
Price: 59.99 |
"Crashkurs Katzenerziehung" |
"Sie mssen es sich nicht gefallen lassen, wenn Ihre Katze Ihr Sofa zerkratzt, Sie nachts aufweckt oder Ihr Essen stiehlt! Lernen Sie jetzt, wie Sie Ihrer Katze eine katzengerechte Hausordnung beibringen im Crashkurs Katzenerziehung!Dieser Kurs ist ein Ausschnitt aus dem gesamtheitlichen Kurs ""Katzenhaltung Starterpaket"", in dem Katzenanfnger alles rund um die Katzenhaltung lernen vom Futter ber das Katzenklo bis hin zur Erziehung.In diesem Crashkurs geht es nur um die Inhalte zum Thema Verhalten. Sie lernen:wie Sie die Krpersprache und Lautsprache Ihrer Katze deuten und verstehen knnen wie Sie das neu gewonnene ""Katzensprech"" dazu nutzen knnen, Ihrer Katze zu zeigen, was Sie von ihr wollen oder eben nicht wollen.Aktuelle Teilnehmerbewertungen uern sich positiv:""Kurz und knackig mit den wichtigsten Infos und Hilfesttzen! Top!""""Im entspannten Plauderton bekommt der Katzenhalter einen Einblick in die Kommunikation zwischen Katze und Mensch und erhlt grundlegende Tipps zur Erziehung seines Stubentigers.""Jetzt loslegen!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Crashkurs Katzen(fertig)futter" |
"Hallo & Miau!Stehen Sie auch manchmal vor dem Katzenfutterregal und fragen sich, welches Futter nun eigentlich wirklich gut ist und welches nur teuer? Lernen Sie jetzt ganz schnell im Crashkurs Katzen(fertig)futter, wie Sie industrielle Futter markenunabhngig bewerten und echte Qualitt von teuren Markennamen unterscheiden knnen.Dieser Kurs ist ein Ausschnitt aus dem gesamtheitlichen Kurs ""Katzenhaltung Starterpaket"", in dem Katzenanfnger alles rund um die Katzenhaltung lernen vom Futter ber das Katzenklo bis hin zur Erziehung.In diesem Crashkurs geht es nur um die Inhalte zum Thema Futter. Sie lernen,wie Sie Futteretiketten lesen undbeurteilen knnen. Bewerten Sie eigenstndig die Qualitt von Fertigfutter,um selbst entscheiden zu knnen.Auerdem:Informationen zu Napf,Futtermengen,Futterzeiten,Trinkwasser undgeeigneten Trinkstellen.Legen Sie jetzt los und seien Sie schon bei Ihrem nchsten Besuch am Katzenfutterregal viel sicherer bei der Auswahl der Gesundheit Ihrer Katze zuliebe!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Your Amazing Brain: The Essentials" |
"Ineight richly illustrated presentations, you will move from coarseanatomy into neural networks and all the way down to the genes withinyour neurons. You will be astounded at how all the parts andprocesses work together to create mind.Buildinga complete picture of the brain, we look at the essential elements ofbrain function, moving from the comparatively large to the verysmall. Surprises lurk around every corner. Each presentation beginswith a leading thought for you to ponder while viewing thevideo. Afterwards, you can explore additional resources, test andextend your understanding with application questions.Youwill learn about:Anatomy: the major players in brain functioningBlood supply: its intimate interplay with brain cellsNeural networks and clusters: the mind comes to lifeNeurons and glia: the brain's worker beesBrainwaves: Masses of neurons working togetherNeurotransmitters: Magic molecules that make neuronal communicationpossibleGenetics: An active third level of organizationManipulating the brain: New frontiers of chemical, electrical,magnetic, and optical interventions plus bio- and neurofeedbackto improve brain functioning"
Price: 19.99 |
"Master Guitar In 90 Days: Step-By-Step Lessons For Beginners" |
"This course offers beginner guitar lessons for students who want to learn guitar from the ground up and progress quickly to an intermediate and advanced level. Well take you from absolute square one and give you a comprehensive understanding of the guitar as we cover chords, scales, soloing, power chords, fingerpicking, strumming, rhythm and much more. Were also going to keep it fun by constantly adding to your song repertoire with practical and engaging song examples from classic rock to country, blues, modern, alternative and more. Our expert guitar instructors will encourage and motivate you while helping you develop good habits and a solid foundation. Youll receive an in-depth daily guitar lesson from a team of 8 different teachers throughout the course, each bringing their own personal insight and experience to the table. In addition, youll have a practice guide with an overview of what material to practice each day after the lesson has concluded. This course is an accelerated 90-Day program that will take you from barely being able to play air guitar, to having a comprehensive and versatile skill set across multiple genres of music! Not every student will be able to complete the course in 90 days, and thats okay. There is enough material in this program to substitute 1 year or more of private guitar lessons. We encourage students to master the material presented in each lesson before moving on. Your dedication and hard work will pay off, we promise! "
Price: 199.99 |
"Curso Completo: Desarrollo Responsive + Proyectos Prcticos" |
"Quieres aprender a desarrollar sitios web amigables a dispositivos mviles (Responsive)? En este curso aprenders a desarrollar sitios web completamente adaptables a los diferentes dispositivos mviles, conocers la tecnologa y las tcnicas usadas para la creacin de interfaces web utilizando HTML 5 y los Media Queries de CSS 3. A da de hoy es necesario desarrollar sitios que se adapten a los diferentes dispositivos mviles y sus resoluciones para una mejor experiencia de usuario Con este curso aprenders a crear interfaces web modernas y de gran calidad. El curso es completamente prctico. Crearemos 4 proyectos desde cero que incluyen un formulario responsive, un men de 3 niveles, un sitio de consultora y por ltimo un sitio completo utilizando el framework Bootstrap Para este curso no es necesario tener conocimientos en HTML y CSS ya que se incluyen dos captulos donde se ensean los fundamentos bsicos de estos. Al finalizar el curso tendrs los conocimientos prcticos para desarrollar cualquier sitio que desees, ya sea utilizando las tecnologas nativas de HTML 5 Y CSS 3 o utilizando el framework Bootstrap Dirigido a personas que quieran aprender de manera prctica como desarrollar sitios web modernos que se vean bien en cualquier pantalla y resolucin. No importa si eres un profesional o si empiezas desde cero este curso est orientado a todas las personas. Qu incluye el curso? Ms de 5 horas de videos explicados en detalle4 Proyectos prcticos Acceso a los archivos fuente del curso para que los puedas descargar y usar en tus proyectosGaranta de 30 das.Aprenders: Como crear sitios adaptables a dispositivos mvilesLos Fundamentos bsicos de HTML 5 y CSS - 3Como crear la estructura de un documento HTMLComo dar estilos al sitio web con CSS - 3Como utilizar los Media Queries para hacer un sitio responsiveComo crear un formulario y un men de 3 niveles completamente responsiveComo crear un sitio web completo utilizando HTML 5 y CSS - 3 Media QueriesA trabajar con el Framework BootstrapA crear un sitio web completo utilizando el Framework BootstrapAcerca de m Trabajo desde hace 12 aos en las reas del Diseo y Desarrollo Web, Visualizacin 3D.Amplia experiencia trabajando para diferentes empresas de la regin como Londonred Hosting, Instituto de Cultura de Pereira, Fenalco Risaralda, entre otras.En mi tiempo libre tambin trabajo en el Desarrollo de Video Juegos, Aplicaciones Mviles y Diseo Grfico.Apasionado y siempre actualizado ennuevas tecnologas.Creador y administrador de numerosos proyectos para empresas del pas y tambin en el exterior.Mis tutoriales tiene un enfoque 100% prctico ya que considero que es la mejor forma de aprender. El que ve hacer las cosas las aprende, pero el que las hace las aprende dos veces."
Price: 24.99 |
"Die digitale Grnderszene - Grnden leicht gemacht" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich analle Entrepreneurship-Interessiertenund zielt darauf ab, diesen das ntige Grundgerst zum Unternehmertum zu vermitteln, um hufige Fehler zu vermeiden und sein StartUp so richtig ins Rollen zu bringen.Digitale Grnderszene Und Das Leben Eines EntrepreneursDu wirst durch die Teilnahmedie einzigartige Mglichkeit bekommen von dem WisseneinesGrnders und mittlerweile auch Investors, der beide Seiten sehr gut kennt, zu profitieren.Erlebe, was einen erfolgreichen Grnder ausmachtLerne das Grundgerst um erfolgreich zu grndenLerne verschiedene, aktuelle Geschftsmodelle kennenLerne verschiedene Strategien und ihre mglichenAuswirkungen kennenVerinnerliche Tipps, um Investoren zu beeindruckenGrnden War Noch Nie So LeichtVor einpaar Jahren war auch ich an dem Punkt, an dem Du Dich gerade befindest. Die Entscheidung den Wegals Grnder einzuschlagenund damit womglich seinen alten Beruf hinter sich zulassen,ist oftmalsnicht leicht. Ich habe den Weg als Entrepreneur gewhltund diese Entscheidung seitdem keinenTagbereut.Daher ermutige ich Dich ebensoeinfachzu startenund indas Abenteuer StartUp einzutauchen."
Price: 29.99 |
"Learn to Scrimshaw, Even if You Cannot Draw!" |
"Learn to scrimshaw, even if you can't draw! The Whalemen of the 19thcentury were not artists on a pleasure cruise, they were sailors and laborers on rolling seas in harsh conditions, far from home often for years. When they werent swabbing the decks or mending sails, they would spend their idle time with primitive tools and supplies creating useful devices from pie crimpers to complex swifts, then sell them when they reached home or a port. The captains of the ships would often have a barrel or two of whale teeth and would hand them out to sailors so theyd occupy their time with something other than fighting or gambling. Using the skin of sharks to sand and polish the teeth, then using their knives or sailing needles, they would set about creating their works of art, rubbing in lamp black to reveal their work. Today, the art of scrimshaw is carried on by dedicated artists and craftspersons using 21st century tools and materials: iron needles replaced by tungsten scribes, whale teeth replaced by natural and man-made substances, and the catalogs replaced by images from the internet. From the start of these lessons, you will learn how the whalemen fashioned their timeless scrimshaw. Thanks to modern tools and materials available, you'll also learn:The best ways to sand your material to achieve a mirror-like finishHow to fashion and sharpen your own scribing toolHow to seal your material so ink won't go where you don't want itWhere to find your tools and materials (many are local!)How to draw stylized subjects freehandShading using stippling and scribed linesA list of possible scrimshaw projects for gifts, keepsakes and moreLearn to scrimshaw as the whalemen did using eco-friendly materials and 21st century tools to create your own timeless art."
Price: 29.99 |
"O curso publique seu livro umaferramenta estratgica paraautores interessados em compartilhar contedo,expandir pblico e lucrar com as vendas, especialmente vendas online. O cursoauxiliaempreendedores e autores a expandir seuspblicos enegcios. Totalmente visual e dinmico traz alternativas de publicao gratuitas e dicas prticas de como executar cada parte do processo.Ocompromisso do curso com a disseminao deconhecimento, contedo e expanso dos pblicos e, consequentemente, dos ganhos do autor. Atravs do ensino e do conhecimento denovas alternativas, autores se tornam cada vez maiscapazes de seguirseus sonhos e manterum bom padro de vida.Por issoum curso mo na massa como esse te ajuda a entender o processo, publicarumlivro de acordo com as suas possibilidades eparticularidades da suaobra!"
Price: 69.99 |
"Google Analytics: A Beginner's Guide" |
"I created this course, because too many businesses and businesses owners have told me that they have Google Analytics, but they just don't use it. When asked, the reasons are usually, ""too complicated,"" ""not sure what to look for"" or ""I just don't understand.""That is so unfortunate, because Google Analytics contains information that can make an immediate impact in growing your business! The difficult part is finding information to help you set it up properly, understand the interface and how to read the reports.Inthis course, I'm going to use a lecture format, but with dozens ofGoogle Analytics screen capturestohelp you navigate alongside as I teach you how:Customize Google Analytics to work specifically for your business.Dominate the terminology Evaluate reportsbased on your questionsSegment, contrast and compareFind easy ""wins"" to improve your websiteTrack revenueAssess thevalue of your contentI'll also teach you how to think differently about analytics. I'll also teach you theskills necessaryto analyze and identify problem areas or opportunities to grow your business.In my 20+ years of experience in Digital Marketing, nothing makes as big an impact as utilizing analytics to find problems or drive increased revenue to your business."
Price: 29.99 |
"How to Fix Common Branding Mistakes, for Graphic Designers" |
"In this course, we willbe discussing the three mostcommon mistakes designers make with branding that sabotage your work before you even get started. Well show you how to think about branding and present it to clients on a broader business level, so youll gain their enthusiastic support and understanding of its value. We will also be discussing how to talk about and sell branding in a non-salesy manner.Taking this course will show you howcharge what your branding work isreally worth so you willnever give away your strategy work (as a cost of doing business) again.This course is structured in 9 sections, covering the most common branding mistakes and how to fix them.You will be able to complete this course in under two hours."
Price: 34.99 |
"Programming in Mathematica" |
"In this course, we're going to teach you how to use the powerful graphics and animation tools available in Mathematica for prototyping ideas and visualizing data.While Mathematica has many built in functions for doing really amazing things, we feel that a good understanding of how to code frees you to be able to make just about anything. And so our focus in this course is programming using the Wolfram Language. To get you started off quickly, we will jump right in with plotting and animating, data and mathematical functions. After that, we will get into the nitty gritty details of programming with the Wolfram Language.In each lecture, we will introduce new concepts, and demonstrate use cases with interesting examples. You can download the lecture notebook and follow along with us, as the best way to learn to program is to get as much practice as possible.Each lecture is alsoaccompanied by an exercise notebook. These notebooks provide a bunch of problems for you to work on and will really help to internalize the new material. You will get the most out of this course if you do all of the exercises.Periodically, well have projects for you to work on. These project are often challenging and will test your ingenuity, but will alsoteach you how to program and solve real problems with Mathematica. Our projects include:Programming and visualizing the oscillations of a simple pendulumThe evolution of cellular automataSierpinskis carpetSimple simulation of an evolution modelWe feel that this course will best serve college level students, graduate students, and maybe even professors, since Mathematica is great for producing publication quality graphics. However, even if you are not an academic, you will benefit from taking this course.We look forward to teaching this course and we hope you enjoy it. See you at the next lecture!"
Price: 99.99 |
"From Excel Pivot Table to Power BI" |
"ObjectivesLearn a new way ofgathering data and creatinginteractive dashboards using the new,free tool - Power BI Desktop. It is independent of Excel and therefore easierto use. Microsoft is enhancing this tool actively. This is the future ofanalytics and visualization. Start from scratch and then learn the entirelifecycle with Dr. Nitin Paranjape, who has been an Office MVP for 12 years and Microsoft Regional Directorsince 2015.PreparationYou will need tocreate asubscription for Power BI free version and download the latest versionof Power BI Desktop.Instructions will be provided. In this course, I am using a version available in Feb2016.Whoshould take this courseAnyone who currentlyworks with data and generates reports will benefit from this course. The courseis designed to be jargon free and easy to grasp. Even if you are an expert, youwill be surprised at the simplicity and effectiveness of Dr. Nitin's approach.No knowledge of Excel or any other programming language or database isnecessary. There is a module which introduces you to all the technical conceptsyou need to know in order to benefit from the course. DifficultyLevel 200Topics covered:- Power BI - the concepts-Preparing data for Analysis in Power BI-Creating a cohesive database-Working with dates-Creating reports-Working with DAX-Natural language Q&A-Facebook Analytics-Integration with Excel"
Price: 49.99 |
"Excel Pivot Tables - the Second Honeymoon" |
"Why is this course called the ""second honeymoon""?Simple. Many of us have been using Pivots for decades. We think we already know Pivot Table. But trust me, there is vast amount ofunexplored stuff - waiting to be exploited. This is course is for those who have used Pivots and attended other Pivot Courses.This is not a click here, go there type of course. It provokes you to think, learn and apply the knowledge to your own work or business.If you do not know Pivot tables, don't worry. This course starts from scratch and helps you become a master Pivot analyst. Those who already know PivotTables are in for a surprise. For example, do you know that the raw data must be an Excel table before you create a Pivot Table?Most probably, you will ask me a question: ""What is an Excel table?""Try out the free preview videos and you will notice the difference instantly."
Price: 49.99 |
"Understanding Information and Communication Technology (ICT)" |
"Foundation This course is the first part of a comprehensive introduction to ICT, Information and Communication Technology, covering what you will need to know as you prepare for the exams. This course will take you through all the necessary stages.Section 1:Types and components of computer systems IntroductionWhat isICT?Identify main components of computer systems.Hardware and Software.Identify internal hardware such as:MotherboardCPURAM ROMInternal storage devices(HDD)/(SSD)sound cardvideo cardIdentify external hardware such as:Input devicesOutput devicesSecondary storage devices Information Processing CycleSoftware:Identify different types of software.Operating systemUtility programsCompilerLinkersDevice DriverHCI- Human-Computer Interface:Identify Types of computer systemSection 2: Impact of emerging technologies Artificial intelligence ( A.I)Vision EnhancementBio-metricsRoboticsQuantum CryptographyComputer Assisted Translation (CAT)3D and Holographic ImagingVirtual Reality.Section 3:Types of Input DevicesManual input KeyboardsPointing devicesInputting Images:Inputting Sound & MusicDirect input systemsMagnetic ink character recognition (MICR)Optical mark recognition (OMR)Optical character recognition (OCR)Radio Frequency ID Reader (RFID)Magnetic stripe readersChip-and-PINreadersBarcode readersSensors Temperature sensorsPressure sensorsLight sensorsMoisturepH(potential of Hydrogen)Section4:Types of Output DevicesMonitorsPrintersPlotters3D PrintersSpeakersControl DeviceSection5: DatabasesWhat is Database?Types of DatabaseDatabase structureUsing Database and DBMSData Validation and Verification.Section 6: Expert SystemWhat is an expert system?The main parts of expert systems. How Do Expert Systems Work? How such a system would be created. Examples of their uses.Section7: ICT ApplicationsAn overview of ICT Applications, and the ways in which ICT is used in our lives:COMMUNICATION APPLICATIONS,Publicity and corporate image publications BANKING APPLICATIONS, RETAIL INDUSTRY, RECOGNITION SYSTEMS,MONITORING AND TRACKING SYSTEMS,SATELLITE SYSTEMS."
Price: 49.99 |
"Finanzas para Toma de Decisiones y Evaluacin de Proyectos" |
"El foco de este curso es la toma de decisiones empresariales, en particular aquellas que involucran unanuevainversin, por ejemplo:Se est usando el equipo y/o el proceso adecuado?Se cuenta con la capacidad de produccin necesaria para satisfacer la demanda?Podemos reducir costos manteniendo la calidad?Estamos ofreciendo una gama de servicios o productos acorde al mercado?Qu inversiones se requieren en cada casoy cul es la mejor fuente de financiamiento?Esa nuevainversin es buenasicumplecon los requisitos tradicionales de rentabilidad (valor presente neto positivo, por ejemplo),lo cual a su vezsignifica que,en el largo plazo,tendrun impacto favorable en los estados financieros de la empresa, contribuyendo as a incrementar su valor de mercado. Por lo anterior, es necesario entender tantola metodologa de evaluacin de proyectos, comoel significado delos reportes financieros de la empresa.Elcurso se divide en dos partes:En la primera se estudianlasbasesde los estados financieros, su interpretacin y su utilidad en la toma de decisiones empresariales usando razones financieras; en la segundase estudian las bases de la evaluacin de nuevas inversiones, partiendo de conceptos tales como valor del dinero en el tiempo e inters compuesto y usandoejemplos aplicados asituaciones especficas, como elreemplazo de equipo.En la ltima seccin se cubren aspectos bsicos del anlisis de riesgo;un anlisis detallado deeste importante tema se deja para un curso ms avanzado.Completar este curso toma en promedio 30 horas."
Price: 39.99 |
"The Step By Step Guide To Your Own Subscription Box Business" |
"This course is perfect for anybody who:Wants to start a small businessHas an entrepreneurial spiritSeeks passive incomeYou will learn:Great ways to find a niche How to research your competitionHow to partner with suppliersWays to reach customers who are interested in your productSocial media marketing What is important when running a subscription box businessHow to scale your business into six figuresYou will get:12 lectures with actionable tipsExamples to use when starting your own businessThe confidence needed to pursue your ownentrepreneurial dreamsWhat you need to complete this course:We suggest having around fifty dollars to pay for a prototype box, logo and other startup essentialsA desire to have a profitable businessHow is the course structured?There are four sections of the course, each designed around the timing of developing a subscription box businessThroughout the sections there will be tasks that you can carry out to smooth over the process of getting your company off the groundBy finishing this course you will have all the basic principles and essential systems needed to run your own business"
Price: 19.99 |