"Primer Design For Polymerase Chain Reaction-Tips & Tricks" |
"In this course you will learn:The basic concepts of the standardpolymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique.The criteria required to design aDNA primer for PCR.The onlineprograms we usually useto design a DNA primer.Tips for troubleshooting gel electrophoresis results.Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) You will learn in this section:Steps involved in the PCR (PCR cycling): denaturation, annealing, extensionComponents of the PCR reaction: DNA template, DNA polymerase, dNTPs, forward primer and reverse primer.PCR amplification program.Exponential amplification.The size difference between the PCR amplification products of the first, second, and third cycle.Criteria for PCR primer designYou will learn in this section a detailed explanation of thePCR primer design criteria and how they affect the primer sensitivity andstabilityincluding; primer length, primermelting temperature, primerannealing temperature, GC% of the primer, GC-clamp, cross homology and primer secondary structure.Tools and methodsIn this section you will learn how to:Retrieve a Gene Sequence form NCBI, and Determine the Exact Location for Each Exon on the Chromosome Using Graphics.Compare Different mRNA Transcripts and Select One to Evaluate a Gene Expression in Novel Cells.Understand Primer3 Setting.Calculate Primer Self-Complementarity Score.Check for Primer Cross Homology Using BLAT.Evaluate Primers Depending on Delta G.Gel Electrophoresis Troubleshooting In this section you will findtips for successful gelelectrophoresis. It includesall the possible problems you may encounter, and suggest you a solution for each problem."
Price: 29.99 |
"Walking With The Archangels" |
"Archangels enhance the quality of your life. Throughout thiscourse you will learn how to establish a personal relationship with each one and in doing so create a better way of being in theworld.Just by doing the lectures,written exercises and meditations you will naturally increase yourvibration makingspiritual messagesmoreclear and accessible.You will know what your spiritualgifts are and how to trust them.There are twelve lessons to this course and I advise taking them weekly so that you can spend time with each of the Archangels in order to gain that deep connection and understanding. However you may do it more quickly if you decide. Let your intuition guide you.The Archangels are non denominational and are equal opportunity helpers. This is a very personal journey. It doesn't matterwhere you come from or whereyou're going,the archangels can help you do it better and with more joy. Every person, from every walk of life, and from every spiritualbelief, canbenefit from their help and guidance in life.The archangels have the ultimate big picture and willput you on your path smoothly and with confidence."
Price: 24.99 |
"Dcouvrez Sketchup Make 2016" |
"Bienvenue Dcouvrez SketchUp Make 2016.Cette formation vous permet d'avoir une approche facile de ce fabuleux logiciel de cration 3d. J'ai conu ce cours pour que les dbutants soient l'aise et prennent en main l'ensemble des outils de dessin et de manipulation des objets sans peine.L'objectif est de dcouvrir l'ensemble des fonctionnalits de Sketchup avec des fichiers sources pour avoir des exemples concrets sur ce que l'on peut faire avec cet outil.A l'issue de ce cours vous connatrez la plupart des fonctions du logiciel, et serez capable de dessiner en plan et en 3d pour pater vos amis."
Price: 39.99 |
"Speak Thai from Day One - A Complete Beginner's Course" |
"Learning a new language can be overwhelming when you are not familiar with the new structure and the sound of the language. This course is designed for beginners who has ZERO knowledge in Thai. I will help you start off with the right amount of information and the right method so you have a strong foundation, then you can reach your learning goal faster.The course covers everything that you need to know to start speaking Thai. At the end of the course, you will be able to:Speak Thai using basic greetings and expressions.Make the right pronunciation so you are understood by Thai people. Understand the basic principle of Thai script and how words are created. Have real Thai conversations using simple sentence structures. Expand your vocabulary list and get to speak more Thai in the future!This method will boost your CONFIDENCE and help you REACH FLUENCY FASTER. Although there is no shortcut in learning a new language, but you can learn better by having the right system that works for you. It takes time and effort to become good at a new language, just like anything in life. You won't be speaking Thai fluently right away but I promise you that you will understand the basics and how to plan your study to make language learning an easy and fun process for yourself. I will be guiding you through the whole process from the beginning to the end. The course will cover: The common problems new beginners face and how to avoid them. Thai pronunciation and how to learn tones. The basic of Thai script explained in a simple way. Basic greetings and expressions. How to create simple sentences and expand your vocabulary as you move forward. And of course, you can ask any questions along the way. Are you excited to learn Thai? Lets get started now! "
Price: 79.99 |
"Curso Completo de Como Escrever Bem" |
"Este curso oauxiliar amelhorara qualidade de seus textos antes mesmo de comear a escrever, o que possvel quando voc dedica boa parte de sua ateno ao planejamento e boa orientao das suas ideias. Como diria W. Clement Stones, Pense primeiro e o trabalho j estar feito pela metade."".Conhecendo melhor a natureza da escrita em relao a outras formas de comunicao, voc poder prevenir alguns problemas comumente encontrados em muitos textos. Ao fazer esse curso, voc identificar melhor as variveis que incidem tanto sobre o processo de produo de um texto como sobre a compreenso desse texto por parte do seu leitor. Com mais de 80 minutos distribudos em 40 vdeos rpidos e diretos ao ponto, o curso est estruturado em trs partes:Parte I: Consideraes Geraisnfase, entre outros pontos, na importncia de escrever bem e as oportunidades para quem o faz, especialmente nos dias de hoje. Parte II: Aspectos da EscritaContedo abrangendo a escrita convencional e algumas de suas caractersticas, como clareza, sntese, fluidez e suspenso. Parte III: WebwritingDiferenas da escrita convencional para a escrita na Web e ferramentas para escrever bem online. Os conceitos apresentados no curso so seguidos de exemplos de fcil compreenso e embasados em obras de estudiosos tanto dentro como fora da rea da escrita, ampliando sua utilidade para escritores de nveis diversos, em especial os iniciantes e os intermedirios. Alm do contedo em vdeos, o aluno ter acesso tambm a um documento contendo todas as referncias apresentadas no curso, com links para acesso online a livros, textos complementares e outras informaes."
Price: 189.99 |
"Highly Effective Sales Calls - The PPROCESS(C)" |
"If your job involves selling, building effective relationships and closing deals over the phone then this is the course for you.I am notgoing to tell you what to do like every other course I amgoing to show you. Too often I have visited sales floors with no atmosphere, no buzz and no sales. You must have seen it? You know, the one where sales consultants are shuffling papers, walking to the water cooler or printing more and more documents to arrange more trips to the photocopier and where the manager is telling everyone what they should be doing instead of leading by example. Basically each one is avoiding doing the things that will make more money and what they are employed to do pick up the phone! It is infuriating maybe you are the one who is dodging the handset? There are many reasons for these avoidance tactics, all of which will be covered in the highly interactive e-learning course. More importantly I will show youthe PPROCESS of a perfect sales call in order to provide the confidence and energy you needto pick up the phone to seal the next deal! This isnt another sales training course. It is one which allowed me to turnover 750,000 during a 12 month period and one where each stage is demonstrated using high quality video tutorials with downloadable resources and examples for you to use back on your desk. I show you what to do and how to do it not telling you what you should be doing'!Whether you are a manager of a sales team, new to sales or considering a change of career, this course will provide an excellent grounding on a tried and tested sales PPROCESS for using on the phone to build sales quickly whilst creating excellent, long standing relationships with clients. Delivered by aleading sales professional, this course is essential for anyone in the sales industry or those considering moving career into this fast paced and rewarding sector. Enrol today!"
Price: 134.99 |
"Yoga para Gestantes" |
"Este curso foi especialmente formulado para oferecer apoio gestante, para que ela possa se conectar com o seu beb de forma segura e positiva, ajudando a transformar a gestao no momento mgico e maravilhosoque ela deve ser.O curso traz dicas contra enjoos e dicas para manter um estado mental positivo durante a gravidez, essencial ao desenvolvimento saudvel do beb nas esferas fsica, mental, emocional e espiritual.Tambm conta com quatro meditaes guiadas e duas prticas de yoga, a primeira mais energtica e a segunda mais relaxante. As aulas, dicas e meditaes seguem os princpios da Shakti Naam Yoga e da Kabbalah Universal."
Price: 99.99 |
"Advanced Sextuplet Chops - Gospel Chops Drumming Masterclass" |
"The best Gospel Chop lessons on the internet!This course consists of 20 lessons explicitly teaching advanced linear sextuplet phrasing. You will learn to play a variety of innovative, challenging and inspiring gospel chop sequences.Theaim of this courseis to demystify the world ofsextuplet gospel chop drummingand provide you with a tool kit of phrases, licks and fills that you can use in your playing.This course is aimed at intermediate/advanced drummers and is unique because there very littletalking.It is suited to drummers who enjoy seeing cleardemonstrations, exercises andtranscriptions. Each lesson follows an innovative lesson structure that makes learning the difficult chop sequences presented easy!7-step lesson structure.1. Demonstration 2. Breaking It Down Phrasing Exercise 3. Putting It Together I Triplet Combination Exercise 4. Putting It together II Sextuplet Combination Exercise 5. Fill Applications I 2 Beat Fills 6. Fill Applications II 1 Bar Fills 7. The Finished ProductAll you have to do is follow the videos and complete the exercises outlined in the PDF's.This course delivers a variety of fun, challenging and inspiring linear sextuplet fills that you can copy, practice and internalise. After you have spent enough time developing your technique and playing these fills, you should be able to improvise freely and create your own patterns and phrases."
Price: 49.99 |
"Android Material Design" |
"Material design is a comprehensive guide for visual, motion, and interaction design across platforms and devices. This course talks about all the important material design specifications, colors, design guidelines, and also using material widgets along with material themes and concepts.Curious about Android Material Design? This is the your final stop where you will get information regarding material design specifications and the related widgets being used with material design themes. The best part of this course is that you will learn to make several complete android demo apps from scratch - two major apps and several small apps - based on material design guidelines. Enhance your application user interface designing skills by implementing all new materialistic features introduced in Android Lollipop 5.0.Styling of Android Application is very important and one of the most critical feature in designing the app. To make this difficult task easy, I have come up with this course of Android Material Design, which begins with the basics of the material design and proceeds with covering some really complicated and most interesting stuffs like Android Material DesignAnimation.We will also dive into the material design support libraryand implement it in our demo applications.The topics we will be covering includes:1. Material Design Themes and ColorsColor PaletteMaterial Design ThemesMaintaining Backward CompatibilityExploring Tinting of Widgets2. Material Design ToolbarPopup Menu or Overflow MenuContextual MenuToolbar Theme Customisation3. Basic components of Android Material DesignFloating Action ButtonSnackbarCoordinator Layout4. Android Material DesignAnimationRipple Effect: Touch FeedbackSlide ActivityTransitionShared Element TransitionExplode Activity TransitionFade TransitionActivity Transition Overlaps5. EditText withFloating LabelImplementing Floating HintsValidation of TextFieldsValidation Error Resolution6. AppbarLayout and CollapsingToolbarLayoutUsing AppBarLayout with Scroll FlagsHow to collapse Image along with CollapsingToolbarLayoutExploring various pin modes7. RecyclerView and CardViewImplementing RecyclerView in various orientationsUsing CardView to create list itemsAdding and Deleting an Item from RecyclerViewRecyclerView AnimationGrid, Staggered Grid Implementations8. Navigation Drawer using NavigationViewInflate menu items in the Navigation Drawer using NavigationViewAdding dividers between the menu itemsGrouping the menu items under one categoryBy the end of this series, you will be mastering the implementation of this features in your androidapp."
Price: 199.99 |
"Mastering in Visualization with R programming" |
"This course is about R programming's feature of visualizing the data. R is a programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing.The R language is widely used among data miners andstatisticiansfor developing statistical software. R has many features like Programming feature, statistical feature and visualizing feature.In this course first we'll focusing towards Basic understanding of R programming and then from very basic to advanced graphics features with use of several packages like ggplot2, plotrix, googleVis etc. In this Course we'll plot different kinds of specialised charts and graphs like bar plots, scatter plots, histograms, pie charts, google maps, wordclouds, boxplot, organizational charts, pictographs, table plot, line graphs, nested barcharts, gantt chart, zoomin plot, fan plots, 3D plots, Radial plots, tree maps, heat maps, area charts, venn diagram and many more."
Price: 199.99 |
"Become a Big Data Hadoop Developer from scratch" |
"Apache Hadoop is an open-source software framework for distributed storage and distributed processing oflarge dataon computer clusters built from commodity hardware.In this course we'll discuss about several important aspects of Hadoop like HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System), MapReduce, Hive, HBase and Pig.First we'll talk about Overview of Big data means what is Big Data, Facts of Big Data, Scenarios, Hadoop cluster architecture. Then we'll move towards HDFS, Components of HDFS and its architecture, NameNode, Secondary NameNode and DataNode.Next module is about MapReduce. In this we'll talk about Map Phase andReduce Phase, Architecture of MapReduce, Combiners and Reducers.Next module is about PIG. In this we'll see what is Apache Pig, its importance, Pig Latin language, and where to avoid Pig.Them we'll talk about HBase, we'll talk about its use cases, general commands in HBase, DDL in HBase, DML in HBase, How to create, delete and integrate table in HBase and lot more.So start learning Hadoop today."
Price: 199.99 |
"Live Your Purpose" |
"Pursuing your purpose, is one of the most valuable things you can ever do.By the end of the course you'll have a clear Personal Purpose Statement and declaration of intent, covering what's most important to you and the impact you would like in the world.What would itmean to...LiveYour Purpose,Be Your BestSelf, andLead a Life You Love?This course is designed to bring together years of research and millions of pounds worth of learning, into a simpleenjoyablestep by step process, with clear outcomes to achieve your goals.5 StepPersonal Transformation Programme:What, Who, Why?PastPresentFutureSetting Your Intentions, Activating Your DreamsThis is a journey of exploration whereeach step builds upon the last and moves your forwards, growing momentum to achieve maximum results. You will haveaccess to a full range of resources, to progress you closer to living the life of your dreams.Module 1: Whats your purpose, whoisyour authentic self, and why do you do what you do? We will look at how wecan powerfully programme our mind for success. We will establish the foundations of your values, key characteristics andpreferredlife balance, exploring what matters most to you.Module 2: Past. Rediscovering what you were born to do and letting go of anylimiting beliefs, we may have learnt as a child that could be preventing us from being our full potential as a adult. By the end of this module you will know where you came from in order to know where you are going. Module 3: Present: Its been said, 'if you dont know your lifes purpose, then you havent been asked the right questions' - this will change all of that. Empowering questions to get clear on your lifes purpose, passions and people, whats your niche and how can you best serve your tribe.Module 4: Future: This is where we bring your dreams to life, activated through our senses, to send a clear instruction to our unconscious mind andsetthe destination of our dreams. This is a proven success strategy that works from a scientific, spiritual, medical or business leadership perspective.Module 5: Setting your intentions, activating your dreams Make your dreams a reality and create a life you love for lasting change.Interactive exercises, activities and worksheets will guide you through the journey, building a complete picture with clearactions and outcomes. You will successfully complete the course with your very own Personal Purpose Statement and a declaration of intent. Youcan use this mini-manifestoin your marketing, branding or just for personal reference, to guide you to the life of your dreams.What Would it Mean to You to LiveonPurpose? To Know Your Why? To Be Your Best?If youre ready to be your best sense of self and lead a life you love, then please join me on this course. I look forward to connecting with you and hope you enjoy the journeyto:Live Your Purpose."
Price: 114.99 |
"Learn SASS: from beginner to expert" |
"This course is about becoming an expert in SASS. SASS is a preprocessor language of CSS. It makes it much easier and faster to write and is becoming more and more important in a professional environment. However, not a lot of people actually know how to use SASS, so this is the first step to put yourself ahead of the rest.This course will take you from a total beginner to an experienced expert in a small amount of time, and will show you how to use all features of SASS as well as give you exercises so you can practise everything you've learned."
Price: 199.99 |
"Alleviate Stress & Boost Your Immune System" |
"OverviewIn this course you will learn how your body responds to stress and anxiety and how you can use a practical approach to achieve all of the following benefits:instantly stop the stress response and regain your composurecharge your energy levels to prepare for the day or in advanceof a stressful situationre-charge your energy levels after a stressful situationimprove your ability to respond intelligently and coherently under pressureStealth mode:apply the technique without letting on that you are applying itenhance your immune system, improve your outlook on lifeThe technique taught in this three week course is based on research and findings published in prestigious magazines such as Harvard Business Review as well as peer-reviewed scientific journals. Similar techniques are taught and applied by organizations such as Alberta Health Services, United States military branches, andFlorida Department of Children &Families to name a few.Course Format and ApproachThe course is designed to be completed in three weeks with a practical exercise to be completed each week to anchor the concepts. Worksheets and Study Aids are available for download as well. (Please note:This course was originally built to be delivered via e-mail over a three week period - any reference to receiving materials via e-mail should be ignored as these are available through download as part of this course)About Your InstructorShamir S. Ladhani, is an international speaker, a Certified HeartMath Coach/Trainerand a professional engineer. He is a former vice-president of a fast-paced and dynamic energy corporation and is no stranger to managingstress. He now educates students, adults and professionals on managing stress and maintaining composure under pressure."
Price: 94.99 |
"Losing weight & Feeling Great" |
"Losing Weight & Feeling great is about Eating Good Food,Sheddingoff the extra pounds... And, Nurturing our Heart & Soul in the process!Here's Exactly What You'll Get:21 days healthy meal plans based onwhole foods that promote weight loss and are offered at your regular grocery store.Recipe book with yummy easy-to-prepare whole food recipesFood swap list, so if you didn't like something I suggested you can just replace it with another equivalent food of your choiceFood journal to hold yourself accountableWeekly grocery list so you can plan ahead and prepare for your weekEducational resources that will help you clean up your kitchen, deal with cravings, choose the right food, determine portion size and read the labelTHE BEST PART: Losing weight & Feeling Great program is not only about your body... It teaches you a holistic approach to diet taking care of your Body, Mind, Heart & Soul... In the program, you will alsolearn the 3 spiritual rules of healthy eating, you'll learn how to craft your positive affirmation and how to tune into your emotions, manage your stress, identify your triggers and set your boundaries."
Price: 44.99 |
"Photoshop para principiantes: De cero a experto!" |
"Aprende a utilizar Adobe Photoshop a travs de ejemplos prcticos.Un curso de Photoshop prctico, en vdeo estructurado de forma progresiva, comenzando con los conceptos bsicos imprescindibles para utilizar el programa, adentrndose prontamente en realizaciones prcticas que harn ms ameno y rpido el aprendizaje.Esto lo convierte en el curso ideal tanto para quien no tiene conocimiento alguno sobre Photoshop y desea aprender a realizar fotomontajes, efectosy cualquier otro tipo de manipulacin de imgenes, como para quien ya cuenta con un manejo bsico del programa y desea aumentar sus conocimientos y habilidades.Si quieressaber como usarPhotoshop y no deseas largas explicaciones tericas, sino adentrarte rpidamente en el retoque digital de imgenes y fotomontajes, este es el curso ideal para ti.//----------------------------------------------------//Algunos comentarios de los estudiantes:""Fantstico, para un principiante esta de lujo, ya que permite manejar las herramientas una a una y practicar de manera idnea, as se puede llegar al objetivo real y desarrollar las habilidades para ser un gran profesional. EXCELENTE! Hctor, muchas gracias.""Wolgan Rivadeneira""Curso maravilloso.""Luis Romero Expsito""El curso me parece muy bueno si no sabes nada de Photoshop, el maestro te lleva a buen ritmo con explicaciones sencillas y prcticas.""Faviola Reyes""Es muy claro y pausado, ideal para comenzar. Me encant, aprend mucho. Gracias""Veronica Nass""Explica de manera clara y precisa, tiene buen vocabulario y es un ritmo que se puede seguir bien sin tener que pausar el vdeo ni teniendo que adelantarlo por ser aburrido, es una buena experiencia para aprender cosas nuevas o mejorar algunas tcnicas.""Nicolas Meneses Irrribarra""Muchas gracias Hctor. El curso me encant. Muy bien explicado, muy accesible. Se nota la experiencia del instructor. Felicidades!!""Leticia Villasana Bentez""Muy bueno, soy nuevo en Photoshop y entend todo, bien explicado y al punto. Los ejemplos excelentes. Altamente recomendado.""Vicente Hernandez""El curso es excelente, est todo explicado al detalle, realmente est diseado para aprender de cero, me ha gustado mucho. La forma de explicar es clara y sencilla. Super recomendado.""Kevin Alejandro Garcia Quintero//----------------------------------------------------//Mediante prcticas clases en vdeo aprenders a realizar un fotomontaje aislando una persona y objetos de un documento y agregndolos en otro, eliminar el fondo de una fotografa y cambiarlo por otro, blanquear el globo ocular, cambiar el color de los ojos, cambiar el color del cabello, blanquear los dientes, eliminar personas y objetos, agregar cabellera a un personaje calvo, aadir cabello en zonas calvas o ralas, modificar el tamao de la nariz, disimular la celulitis, agregar y eliminar un tatuaje, cambiar el color de los labios, eliminar o disimular puntos negros, comedones y otras imperfecciones del cutis, disimular arrugas y alisar la piel, realizar la famosa piel de porcelana, maquillar un rostro, adelgazar, reducir cintura, piernas, brazos, abdomen, caderas, aumentar busto, crear una sonrisa, crear textos con imgenes de fondo, transformar una imagen en colores en una imagen en blanco y negro con sectores de color, cambiar el color de un automvil, eliminar las dominantes de color, corregir imgenes muy oscuras y muy claras rpidamente, etc.No teestoy ofreciendo un simpletutorial de Photoshop, ni una mezcolanzade tutoriales, sino un curso de Photoshop completo, estructurado como tal desde los conceptos bsicos hasta las realizaciones prcticas ms complejas.Por tratarse de un curso de Photoshop online, podrs acceder a l desde cualquier dispositivo (pc, Mac, tablet, celular, TV, etc.) con conexin a Internet... donde y cuando te resulte ms cmodo.No estars solo, yo estar para ayudarte, para responder tus dudas, como una suerte de tutor online.Aprenders como usar Photoshop, realizar efectos, aplicar filtros, hacer fotomontajes, retocar imgenes, realizar correcciones tonales, etc.Al finalizar el curso podrs manejarte con soltura y confianza con Adobe Photoshop.El curso incluye las imgenes JPG, PNG y GIF para realizar las prcticas."
Price: 149.99 |
"Photoshop: Organizacin de eventos y decoracin de fiestas" |
"Aprende a utilizar Adobe Photoshop realizando t mismo el cotilln para una fiesta temtica.Este curso de Photoshop en vdeo estdiseado para todos aquellos que se dedican o quieran dedicarse a la organizacin o decoracin de eventos sociales. Tambin est recomendado para quienes deseen aprender a usar Adobe Photoshop,de una forma fcil, rpida ydesde la perspectiva de tematizar un evento.//----------------------------------------------------//Algunos comentarios de los estudiantes:""Excelente curso me encanta, de no saber nada de PS he aprendido mucho de una manera muy divertida, buena la explicacin clara y sencilla y sin mucho rodeo.""Anlluly Teran""Hay cosas que ignoraba y me siento como en un saln de clase real.""Meli leyva""Muy bien explicado, con lenguaje comn y sin palabras ""raras"". Se aprende mucho y de manera sencilla.""Gustavo Rodriguez""Excelente curso muy bien explicado.""Juan Carlos""Me gusta que todo lo explica paso a paso.""Ramon de la Rosa//----------------------------------------------------//Cuando termines el curso vas a tener los conocimientos necesarios para utilizar Adobe Photoshop, y realizar toda la grfica necesaria para tematizar cualquier tipo de evento social muy fcilmente:QuinceaerasBodasCumpleaosEventos religiosos (Bautismos, Comuniones, Bar/Bat Mitzvah etc.)Baby ShowersAniversariosEventos CorporativosEventos EspecialesEl curso est estructurado de forma progresiva, comenzando con los conceptos bsicos imprescindibles para utilizar el programa, adentrndose prontamente en las realizaciones prcticas que harn ms ameno y rpido el aprendizaje.Esto lo convierte en el curso ideal tanto para quien no tiene conocimiento alguno sobre Photoshop y desea aprender a realizar el cotilln y grficas de un evento temtico, como para quien ya cuenta con un manejo bsico del programa y desea aumentar sus conocimientos y habilidades.Si quieres utilizar Photoshop y no deseas largas explicaciones tericas, sino adentrarte rpidamente en lo que te interesa, este es el curso ideal para ti.Mediante vdeo-clases prcticas aprenders a usar Adobe Photoshop realizando las grficas personalizadas de un evento: Invitaciones, sobres, tarjetas, toppers, wrappers para cupcakes, posavasos, stickers, etiquetas para botellas, cubre vasos, sorbetes, etiquetas de men para mesas, etiquetas para chocolatines, guirnaldas, cajitas, etc. No es un simpletutorial de Photoshop, ni una mezcolanzade tutoriales, sino un curso de Photoshop completo, estructurado como tal desde los conceptos bsicos hasta las realizaciones prcticas.Por tratarse de un curso de Photoshop online, podrs acceder a l desde cualquier dispositivo (pc, Mac, tablet, celular, TV, etc.) con conexin a Internet... donde y cuando te resulte ms cmodo.No estars solo, yo estar para ayudarte, para responder tus dudas, como una suerte de tutor online.Aprenders como usar Photoshop realizando t mismo el cotilln de una fiesta temtica.Al finalizar el curso podrs manejarte con soltura y confianza con Adobe Photoshop. El curso incluye las imgenes (JPG, PNG y GIF) y fuentetipogrfica para realizar las prcticas."
Price: 149.99 |
"Mega Persuasion & Marketing Strategies - 21 Cognitive Biases" |
"This course is a complete persuasion techniques for entrepreneurs which include 21 cognitive biases. I'm going to show you exactly what are these techniques, where and how you can use them and the reward for you will be more sales, more opportunities in your carrier, more customers and a powerful business foundation.What some customers say about my courses :- George: Excellent overall information. Very quick and concise breakdown of all 21 of the cognitive biases. I enjoyed going through the course and will be sure to watch it a few times a year. My company will thank me for it.- David: Good refresher, one of those subjects area that should be revisited on a regular basis, plan to watch the course again and again.- Enzo: Great and powerful course, one of the most powerful course in Udemy. This will definitely and specifically sky rocket your business or career even relationships to the next levels that you want.- Saeed: Nice course, perfect presentation very simple language and examples. I really enjoyed and gain excellent information , the instructor was perfect."
Price: 194.99 |
"Introduction to 3Ds Max" |
"Hey guys , in this course we will learn everything important to know about 3Ds max to be able to work with this software and control it . we will learn about most of the useful tools which you need to learn before you can start working on a project like creating a model , improvement and so on . we will work on understanding the basic principles of 3Ds max like how to create something , how to edit it or how to move it , how to control our view portsand lots of other stuff .You also should keep this in mind that this is the first course of a series . The second course of these series is about 3d modeling with 3Ds max which by the end of that course you will become a professional in creating 3d models , any 3d model . and the 3rd course of the series is 3D rendering with key shot which it is super powerful software for 3D rendering also very quick and realistic renders ."
Price: 64.99 |
"3D Modeling from zero to Professional with 3D Max" |
"In this course we will start to create a very high quality and realistic 3D model from zero with 3ds max. we will start with a simple box and little by little we will improve it to get our final result . In each lesson i will explain some tools which are useful for 3d modeling and also we will continue with practicing on our model . We will cover most of the different wayswhich we can use to create a 3d model so by the end of the course you will be able to create almost any 3d model you can imagine . I have used these techniques in many different projects over the past several years . also i will teach you how you have to think to be able to create the best quality model and also i will explain about different mistakes you may make while working as 3d designer . so hopefully by the end of this course you will be able to find projects for 3d modeling and make money . During this course we will practice a lot so you don't need any more practice to become ready , this course include around 5 hours of practicing and repeating those techniques over and over till it sits on your mind ."
Price: 164.99 |
"3D Rendering with Keyshot" |
"In this course we will learn almost everything about Keyshot and after that we will practice . The first part is introduction to Keyshot which i will explain every single element in this software and also like our other courses while learning we will practice a little to understand it better . The second part is about practicing on an actual 3d model , we will create material , assign textures , work on lighting , camera and finally rendering . so by the end of this course you will be able to create high quality and realistic renders from any model you have in a very short period of time ."
Price: 44.99 |
"Scrum for Entrepreneurs - Project management agile mastery" |
"This course is about a system which help you to work a lot faster in a lot shorter time , increase your working quality , be more efficient and make a lot less mistakes . S o we can say what exactly you need to get one step closer to your goal and becoming successful .Learn and master the most successful working system in this Comprehensive CourseWork faster and smarter in shorter timeIncrease working quality and more positive feedback from customerAvoiding mistakes which bring failureHow to create a great teamManaging and leading your team toward your goalsLots of exercises to practice what we learnTake away at the end of each chapter for reviewLearning from the experience of the most successful peopleA Great System Which Change The Way You Work For EverScrum is a great working system developed by Jeff Sutherland , John Scumniotales and Jeff McKenna in the early 1990s . Using this system can improve the way you work completely , in many different ways . You can use this system in a team or even as an individual . If you look at the most successful companies you will see that most of them are using scrum like Sam Walton , one of the most successful self-made billionaires in the history which he used a similar system in Walmart , he was calling over the shoulder system .In this course not only we will learn everything about scrum but also we will learn important experience from the most successful people with a lot of exercises .Contents and OverviewThis course contain over 50 lectures of content and exercises . It's designed for anyone who wishes to get to their goals in their carrier and become successful .A system which will change and improve everything in the way you work.In this course you will learn how you have to work faster and smarter . How to create a great team and how to lead them toward your goals . Beside all these you will learn what are the mistakes people make while working which is the difference of success and failure .You'll learn how to find the problems before they appear in your business and how to solve them before they hurt your business and projects . How to look at your problems , how to calculate them , how to find a solution and how to make the best decision in the minimum time possible .You'll learn how to manage every workday and to use what principles to increase the efficiency of yourself and your team .Also you will learn how to estimate the exact time of your project and the speed you and your team are working.And, finally, you'll learn about a lot of mistakes that most of the people are making without knowing them , mistakes which make you slow , decrease your working quality , lead you to make bad decisions and mistakes which are the difference of becoming successful or failure .By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills in increasing the speed of any working process in any company (lots of companies need scrum masters to help them in their working process and you can apply for it) , create your own team , manage and lead a group of people toward your goals and increasing the efficiency in yourself and your team .In addition to all these there are several bonuses from the experience of the most successful people which knowing them is very important and useful for the success of your business and also in your personal life . "
Price: 194.99 |
"3D VR/AR" |
"*******VR/AR ******* 50% ! 'VRAR50' 40 .********************************************************* . , . (VR) (AR) (Unity)3D , . 3D . , C# . . VR, AR ."
Price: 79.99 |
"How to Value Art - A Step by Step Guide for All Abilities" |
"Whether youre looking to get rid of that old painting thats been hanging around in your attic, or you are an artist looking to sell your work, this is the course for you.This is a clear, concise and comprehensive series of modules that will take you through the Sherlock Technique my step-by-step process to valuing your art. My style is casual and clear. I dont believe in using a lot of complex language as I want the joy of buying and selling art to be accessible to all.You dont even need to leave the house to complete the course. All the course materials can be downloaded for you to print out and you will need to have your painting in front of you to inspect it as you move through the modules. I recommend you give yourself a morning/afternoon to complete the whole course if you are doing it all in one go."
Price: 39.99 |
"Negotiations for Small Business Owners" |
"Negotiating is probably one of the most under-trained skills among business owners. Most of us know what we know about negotiating because weve been knocked around a bit at the negotiating table, but we dont really know what the tactics are, why they work, or how to counter them. This course will take you through over 20 negotiating tactics as well as the preparation and the mindset you need to have to negotiate more profitable deals for your business. Business owners negotiate multiple situations every week whether its a situation with an employee or a contract with a client or vendor. This course will walk you through how to look at a negotiation from the beginning so that youre in the proper frame of mine. Then youll learn how create a game plan for each negotiation that you enter. Youll learn everything from getting your counterparts story and why thats important to how to deal with issues like deadlock. Youll know the rules for negotiating over phone or through email. Philip will cover situations that include quickie one-off deals to long-term contracts. Youll know what tolook out for when it comes to closing the deal and some of the sticky issues that come up when the actual contract lands on your desk. Negotiating doesnt have to be a dreaded, tiring process. It can actually be fun! After taking the Negotiations Training for Small Business Owners course youll feel knowledgeable and confident going into every negotiation. The people you negotiate with will gain a new respect for you not just as a negotiator but as a savvy business person."
Price: 79.99 |
"event manager" |
": event-, , PR , , PR HR, , . , , . . event-. , . . : , . ,"
Price: 19.99 |
"Pokemon GO for beginners" |
"Pokemon GO burst onto the scene and has since become global hit!If you have just started to play or want to begin playing this is definitely the course for you!If you have been playing a while and want some advance tips and tricks, you would also benefit from taking this course!This course will cover a wide range of topic including:An introduction to the game and how to get startedExplaining what each of the items in your bag meanHow to catch PokemonExplaining your Pokemon's Combat PowerPokestopsPokemon GymsHow to save your Battery when playingand much more!Some advance tips and tricks include:How to properly use your Lucky EggPro tips on Hatching more Pokemon EggsApps to assist you during the gameWho should take this course?If you have an interest in Pokemon GO whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, everyone will benefit. This course will walk you through from the very beginning to help you get started on the right foot. If you have been playing Pokemon GO for a while and you still don't feel you have all the tips and tricks, this course will help you!Join other Pokemon GO players nationwide!Pokemon GO is basically a huge social community in which players help each other succeed. Once you start playing you will understand how many players there are playing this game! Become part of the action and community today!So do you want to start learning how to play Pokemon GO?Are you ready to become a part of a world-wide Pokemon community?Great! Well Enroll in the course today and stop delaying your Pokemon catching potential!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Google Admob, Analytics, and In App Purchases in Swift" |
"Are you an iOS developer and have a passion for making apps?Are you looking to make a little money on the side from your apps by installing ads and offering In App Purchases?If so this course is for you!In this course we will be going over:How to setup and install Google AnalyticsHow to setup and install Google AdmobHow to setup and install In App PurchasesThis course uses Apple development language Swift to implement these features.If you are a beginner Swift programmer or an experienced one and are looking to add Google Analytics, Google Admob, and In App Purchases into your app than this is the course for you!Start having your passion of making app start paying off for you!Stop delaying and enroll in the course now!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Professional Retouching - Learn the essentials of Photoshop" |
"Between Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+, almost three billion people are active socialmedia users. So how can you leverage them to your business? The answer is simple by creatinginteresting and engaging social media graphics. Well-designed graphics are essential for socialmedia success.Do you want to ramp up your next social media campaign by adding beautifully designed graphics?Do you want to be expert in designing using Adobe Photoshop CC?If you have answered YES to above questions, then you are at the right place.This is a hands-on course to master retouching & designing using Photoshop. Learn professionalretouching and Photoshop essentials from the expert designers.In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you, insights about the most efficient ways touse Photoshop to enhance your photographs, portraits, banners etc. This course will focus on gettingthe most out of Photoshop. We'll begin by taking a quick tour of the Photoshop interface, anddiscover how to customize it to meet our needs. You will be able to easily create professional lookingdesigns for any portraits and/or banners for any social media platform or even for personalphotography.We'll discuss how to efficiently work with multiple documents, and talk about basic imagingessentials such as what is raw image and what is JPEG image, and how to open and use them, lightsand all options of editing images, work with multiple images and file types, and use various methodsof image enhancement, including multiple layering and layer mask, making some wonderful andrealistic brush, using action and work with liquefy, combine several images together etc.If you're an interested in Photoshop and simply want to learn more about various techniques, Ads,retouch, makeup and designing, this course is for you!Why I should take this course?My goal is to have you making professional results as soon as possible.All the support files are included for this course, so you can follow the course by doing hands-onYou will learn different retouching techniques using PhotoshopYou will know about what is raw images, how to edit those and the difference between raw image and a JPEG imagesAlso, you will learn combine and masking several images, how to work with layers, how toedit lights, different color effects, making several amazing brushes etc.Editing and fixing face and style in portrait, the different makeup techniques and tricks for marketing and fashion designingYou will learn how to create stunning, effective and professional social media advertising bannersYou have 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this courseThis is the course that could change your life.Learning and getting hands-on on Photoshop opens many doors for your career. There are lot ofcareer opportunities in designing retouching, and editing portraits, photos, banners, etc for stunningand amazing improvements. Learning Photoshop skills will also help you to increase your earnings. An investment in your career is an investment in yourself. Don't procrastinate. There is no time likethe present to take charge of your career. Take your career to the next level by learning PhotoshopEssentials today!You have 30 days money back guarantee!!!And remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course andyou have a 30 days money back guarantee if you don't like the course becauseof any reason. So,what are you thinking aboutgo ahead and click on enroll now button.See you insidethe course!!!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Google Analytics For Sales Hacking - Secrets Revealed" |
"Google Analytics For Sales Hacking - Secrets Revealedis a digitalcourse that you should not miss in your career.You might know about Google Analytics Features and use those in daily work but I am sure what you're going to learn is the ultimate formula and insights you need to remember to drive your successful digital career.This course focuses on solving the two most important questions to be answered byany digital marketers:1. What is the best ROIof a digital campaign?2. How to double and triple that ROI using data?Every lecture will walk you through most relevant and precisereports and insights in order to answer those two questions and unlock the key to sales hacking and eventually business success.It's said thatGoogle Analytics is a very powerful yet sometimes underused tool in the data driven world due to its ""excessive yet complicated"" features.After taking this course, you willhave no moretroubles of using Google Analytics Killer Features but to enjoy and fully utilize them."
Price: 24.99 |