"Aprenda Arduino com uso de simulador" |
"""Perfeito! Muito bem detalhado e de fcil compreenso pra quem no tem nenhum tipo de conhecimento/experincia no assunto."" - Deisianny Dias Leal ""Muito bem explicado e com calma, no tempo certo."" - Magaiver Machado Fernandes""Bom curso para iniciante, sou tcnico em mecatrnica, comprei o curso para revisar oque eu aprendi. De forma geral apresentou tudo oque props e trouxe contedos muito bem explicados. Alem de ser muito interessante poder testar experimento online, sem necessidade de gastos com matrias. Sinto preparado para meu comeo de Faculdade."" - Daniel Shibata OLiveira""timo curso, mostra exemplos que podem ser aplicados ao mundo real, e o cdigo escrito passo a passo e explicado. Tambm foi mostrado em cada projeto como fazer a ligao dos cabos com o arduino e os componentes."" - Edenilson Fernandes dos Santos""Excelente curso, professor objetivo e claro, mesmo um iniciante sem nenhum conhecimento em programao ou eletrnica, consegui desenvolver competncias e j arrisquei fazer alguns modelos diferentes dos exerccios propostos. J adquiri outro curso do mesmo instrutor."" - Carlos Oliveira""Curso muito bem detalhado, o instrutor explica com bastante detalhes e domnio do assunto."" - Carlos Henrique LatanzaO objetivo deste curso capacitar o aluno no uso de sensores e atuadores com Arduino, utilizando ambiente de simulao. O uso de simulao permite aumentar a curva de aprendizagem e utilizar diversos tipos de componentes sem a necessidade de compr-los. No curso abordado a parte de conexo dos componentes utilizando a placa de prototipagem (protoboard) e o Arduino. Alm disso, abordado a parte de programao do Arduino para ler os sensores e enviar os sinais de comando para os atuadores. O curso tambm permite realizar as conexes diretamente em um protoboard e em um Arduino real (fsico) e o mesmo cdigo fonte utilizado no simulador pode ser copiado para o editor de textos do Arduino fsico e compilado para a sua execuo. Desta forma, possvel participar do curso, tanto utilizando simulador quanto criando os projetos diretamente em um Arduino fsico. Ouso do simulador gratuito."
Price: 84.99 |
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Price: 34.99 |
"International Tax - Royalty and Fee for Technical Services" |
"The Course covers the taxes, that are applicable when a Non resident, who is a tax resident of any country, earns Royalty or Fee for technical Services (FTS) from another country. The course not only educates you on how to interpret this Article relating to the Double taxation avoidance agreement, it also covers what is Royalty/ Fee for technical services, what are the rights of the Source State (India in present course) to tax Royalty or FTS, rate of withholding taxes to be applied in Source State , what would be the implications if excess royalty/ FTS is paid to a related party and several other topics. The Course should take a total of2 hours to complete. This course outlines the process of understanding taxation of Royalty/ FTS on a step by step basis, and is a enabling tool to learn the subject."
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn English in an hour!" |
"Learn English in an Hour! course was designed to help you out with all of your English skills in a different way.You willlearn a lot about English grammar rules,the American accent,listening,speaking,reading and writing Englishskills.You will learn more about English grammar in a really simple way.More exercises will be added to help you understand each section well.Finally,you'll get lots of tips regarding English . If you have any questions,they will be answered .All the materials will be videos,PDFs,and much more.Section one is introduction . Section two, is about the most important English tips .Section three, is English grammar (Present simple,presentcontinuous, presentperfect,present perfect continuous,past simpleandpastcontinuous). Section four is all about the American accent.Section five is about English grammarwriting rules,punctuation,phrasal verbs,idioms,and more.Section six is Bonus.Taking this coursewill help you to be fluent in English grammar rules,English grammar writing rules,English grammar punctuation rules and lots more.Thank you for visiting this page.Good luck."
Price: 34.99 |
"Learn essential American accent rules in an hour!" |
"This course was designed to suit your needs in learningAmericanEnglish pronunciation. It starts with the basic American accentimportant pronunciation rules.Those rules are like the following :voiced sounds,unvoiced sounds,andconsonant sounds rules.To help you more,I've explained some sounds that are silent or pronounced.You'll learn the rules of both.Also, phonetics will be covered in this course ,to help you understand ,how to read a written word by its symbols using an online dictionary or written one.Many topics will be covered in this course, such astonal action preparation,tonal action practice,structural action -major vowels,consonants,connected speech, Intonation, consonant clusters andlinked phrases.At the end of the course,you will get bonus lectures that include the following: intonation,linking sounds,reading techniques and some tips to improve your listening skills.This course is not just videos you will watch but also I will be there for you at all times as much as I can,to answer all of your questions regarding learning English or American accent pronunciation.So,if you want me to give you more examples,I will do so.This course is just the first part of the series of Speak English like an American.Enjoy!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Como Construir Acordes" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a teoria da formao de acordes e como aplic-la na prtica. O curso comea desde o bsico, apresentando as notas musicais, conceitos bsicos de notao musical em cifras e partituras, escalas maiores e menores, intervalos musicais, ciclo das quintas e outros conceitos que permitiro ao aluno construir qualquer acorde em qualquer das 12 tonalidades da msica ocidental. O aluno aprender montar os acordes maiores, menores,com stima e com stima maior. Trechos de msicas populares so utilizados como exemplo de aplicao dos acordes aprendidos.O curso composto de aulas em vdeos, material complementar e exerccios em PDF que podero ser baixados pelo aluno."
Price: 99.99 |
"Mudar de Carreira. Por onde comear." |
"Descrio do cursoSe voc est insatisfeito com a sua carreira e disposto a abrir mo de sua zona de conforto rumo si mesmo, este curso foi desenvolvido especialmente para voc.As respostas que voc busca, j esto com voc.Comprometa-se consigo mesmo, conecte-se com seus talentos e abra-se para o novo.A questo principal no esperar que algum te apresente ao trabalho dos sonhos e sim que voc esteja disposto a construir uma carreira saudvel e prspera a partir da sua essncia e da sua verdade.Instrutor: ANA VALRIA WILGESCoach de Vida e Carreira certificada pela SBC como Personal & Professional, Graduada em Comunicao Social, Ps Graduada (MBA) em Marketing e Certificada como Analista de Inteligncia Emocional HRT-iE pela Ativar Pessoas/Projetos. Utiliza a Astrologia como ferramenta de auto-conhecimento. Palestrante, Facilitadora de Treinamentos de Desenvolvimento Humano e Escritora. Recentemente lanou o seu 1 ebook Vocao, Chamado da Alma.Contedo do cursoVdeo-aulasTextos para reforar o contedo apresentado em vdeoExerccio prticoDicas de Leitura para inspirar a sua busca por si mesmo nesta transio de carreiraAcesso ao curso por tempo indeterminadoO curso est estruturado em 5 sees:1. Zona de Conforto. Aguentar ou mudar?2. Autoconhecimento. A base da mudana.3.Por onde comear a mudana?4. Reconecte-se com o seu propsito.5. Da teoria prtica.DETALHES COMPLETOS:Quais as exigncias?Nenhuma.O que serei capaz de fazer depois deste curso?Ampliar a mente para perceber a importncia de desapegar da zona de conforto.Descobrir mais a respeito de mim mesmo para que possa seguir rumo mudana de carreira com maior motivao e segurana.Identificar-se com seus valores e talentos.Compreender a importncia de estabelecer uma conexo mais verdadeira e autntica rumo ao seu propsito, com base no seu comprometimento consigo mesmo.Seguir as dicas para entrar em ao de acordo com seu perfil e propsito.Qual o pblico-alvo?Profissionais insatisfeitos/desmotivados com a carreira.Profissionais em busca de uma nova carreira.Profissionais em fase de transio de carreira.Profissionais em busca de si mesmos.Profissionais que querem sair da sua zona de conforto, mas, que no tem ideia por onde comear para mudar de carreira.* Imagem do Curso: StockSnap por Pixabay"
Price: 84.99 |
"Curso MySQL desde cero" |
"En este curso aprenders desde la teora fundamental de las bases de datos, hasta aprender a usar el gestor de MySQL,para crear un modelo relacional, manipular susdatos y hacer consultas en la misma,an si no tienes conocimientos previos, de una forma prctica y eficaz.Por lo que si quieres adentrarte al mundo de las bases de datos, este es un curso ideal para que comiences a familiarizarte ya que se te explicar de una forma muy intuitiva y no te parezca difcil.Se incluyen ejercicios para que practiquescon lo que irs aprendiendo en el curso, ya que hay que recordar que: La prctica hace al maestro."
Price: 570.00 |
"Chrome Extensions: Beginners Guide to Building & Publishing" |
"Get paid by businesses who require a Chrome Extension. Or build your own Chrome Extension and sell it on the GoogleChrome Store.Learn to Build, Test and Publish Your Own GoogleChrome ExtensionLearn the codeRecognise what elements need to be includedLearn how to test your Chrome ExtensionFind out how and where to publish to the Chrome StoreIdesigned this course to be easily understood by web developers at any level, including beginners. However, to get the most from this course, I would expect you to have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Ihave not included any complicated terminology so as long as you have the basic understanding of front-end web languages, you will be able to follow along with the development of the Chrome Extension that you will be building.Included in this course are the images and icons Ihave used in the lectures but you are free to use your own.This course is about an hour long. The lectures contain everything you need to know in a step-by-step format to build and publish your own Chrome Extension, whilst remaining concise and to the point.At the end of this course, you will be a fully-fledged Google Chrome Extension developer. Not only will you know how tobuild a Chrome Extension, but how to test, how to implement on your local browser and how to publish to the Chrome Store.In the next hour,you will have the knowledge to make moneyfrom your own Extension. Enroltoday!"
Price: 19.99 |
"MATLAB App Designing: The ultimate Guide for MATLAB Apps" |
"Basic Course DescriptionThe First segmentofthe courseis on creating apps in MATLABusing itsgraphical user interfaceutility calledGUIDE. The GUIDE provides essential graphical components for converting your code into a meaningful software. The graphical components include radion buttons, tables, check boxes, sliders and many others.The main motivation for adding this segment is theobservation that students and people put alot of effort in writing the code but little on its appearance. By completing this segmentof creating apps in GUIDE, you will easily transform your code into awell understood piece of software that the users will find useful to interact with. The segmentcontains2+hours of recorded lectures. Every lecture contains a demonstration of the concepts and the codes are included with the course. The following is the outline of the courseSegment 1: Basics of the GUIDESegment 2:Linking the Code with GUISegment 3:Advance Techniques for GUIDESegment 4:Sample Projects with GUIDESegment 5:More Useful Tricks and Examples with GUIDEAt the end of this segment,You should be able to work with graphical user interface controls such as text boxes, buttons, check boxes and others to make GUI for your code.You area confident user of the MATLAB utility calledGUIDE for making GUI for your programs.You will be able to create your GUI's. If you have any problem I will help you.You will get complete source codes of lectures._____________________________________________________________________The Second segmentof the courseis on creating apps in MATLABusing itsgraphical user interfaceutility calledApp Designer. The App Designer is next generation tool for creating and designing apps in MATLAB. The App Designercontains many new design components that areabsent in the conventional app designingtool calledGUIDE. The essential beauty of App Designer is the integration ofthe two task of coding and designing in creating apps. It makes this possible with its neweditor. Thissegment is designed so that a MATLAB programmer can easilytransform his code to a beautiful User Interface and app.The following are the outlines of the segmentSegment 1: Basics of App DesignerSegment 2: Tips and Tricks for Effective use of App DesignerSegment 3: Coding GUI'sSegment 4:Advance TechniquesSegment 5: Sample Projects with App DesignerAt the end of this segment,You should be able to work with graphical user interface controls such as text boxes, buttons, check boxes and others to make GUI for your code.You area confident user of the MATLAButility calledApp Designerfor making GUI for your programs.You will be able to create your GUI's. If you have any problem I will help you.You will get complete source codes of lectures._____________________________________________________________________What am I going to get from this course?At the end of the course you be a confident user of the MATLAButility called GUIDE and App Designerfor making GUI'S and appsfor your programs.You should be able to work with graphical user interface controls such as text boxes, buttons, check boxes and others to make GUI's and appsfor your code._____________________________________________________________________What is the target audience? Researchers,Entrepreneurs,Instructors and Teachers,College Students,Engineers,Programmers,Simulators___________________________________________________________________________Student Testimonials!This is the second Udemy class on Matlab I've taken. Already, a couple important concepts have been discussed that weren't discussed in the previous course. I'm glad the instructor is comparing Matlab to Excel, which is the tool I've been using and have been frustrated with. This course is a little more advanced than the previous course I took. As an engineer, I'm delighted it covers complex numbers, derivatives, and integrals. I'm also glad it covers the GUI creation. None of those topics were covered in the more basic introduction I first took.Jeff PhilipsGreat information and not talking too much, basically he is very concise and so you cover a good amount of content quickly and without getting fed up!Oamar KanjiThe course is amazing and covers so much. I love the updates. Course delivers more then advertised. Thank you!Josh NicassioStudent Testimonials! who are also instructors in the MATLAB category""Concepts are explained very well, Keep it up Sir...!!!""Engr Muhammad Absar Ul Haq instructor of course ""Matlab keystone skills for Mathematics (Matrices & Arrays)""___________________________________________________________________________Your Benefits and Advantages:You receiveknowledge from a Ph.D. in Computer sciencewith over 10 years of teaching and 15 years of programmingexperience and another decade of experience in using MATLABThe instructor has6 courses on udemy on MATLABincluding abest seller course.The overall rating in these courses are (4.5/5)This course includeOne complete portionon creating apps inMATLAB Guide.One complete portion oncreating apps in MATLAB App Designer.If you do not find the course useful, you are covered with30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!You havelifetime access to the course.You haveinstant and free access to any updatesi add to the course.You have access to allQuestions anddiscussionsinitiated by other students.You will receivemy supportregarding any issues related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFreely available lecturesfor a quick insight.___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Time is limited andEvery second of every day is valuable...I am excited to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Dr. Nouman Azam___________________________________________________________________________"
Price: 119.99 |
"Coaching Bundle: Guitar for Music Educators: Part 2" |
"***This course is only available for purchase for Singaporeans as part of a SkillsFuture coaching bundle.Enrolling in this course without purchasing the entire""Guitar for Music Educators"" bundlewill not provide you access to the offline coaching bundle.***This coaching bundle provides learners with the support to deep learn the pedagogy behind guitar instruction. Spread over 8 sessions, learners have the opportunities to practise and role play how to teach guitar skills correctly. More importantly, this course is blended with the online course laying out the basic competencies for learners to acquire before the coaching begins."
Price: 144.99 |
"Coaching Bundle: Guitar for Music Educators: Part 1" |
"***This course is only available for purchase for Singaporeans as part of a SkillsFuture coaching bundle.Enrolling in this course without purchasing the entire""Guitar for Music Educators"" bundlewill not provide you access to the offline coaching bundle.***By the end of this coaching course, learners will be able to :1. Personal Strengths & Weaknesses of own Musicianship, Pedagogy & Guitar Teaching Business 2. Focus and clearly articulate on short term and long term goals for guitar students3. Clearly communicate what is expected of guitar students in terms of practice commitment4. Create a Guitar Practice Journal through a recommended Learning Management System or Online Video Exchange System5. Structure learning experience around the song and musical style preferences, learning pace of the students6. Discover the impact of structured student-centered learning system on students and their ensembles, bands, communities. 7. Teach effective guitar strumming rhythmic styles and fingerpicking8. Fix common guitar student posture or playing mistakes9. Teach progressively the song keys of G, D, A, E10. Create his/her own musical symbols, chord charts & lead music sheets as teaching material11. Apply chordal and rhythmic guitar ideas in various songs"
Price: 144.99 |
"Rhythm Music Theory for Music Educators" |
"This course, as the title suggests, is targetted at Music Educatorswho are aiming to impartrhythm music theory more effectively to their beginner or intermediate students.All Exercises used in this course are widely used in contemporary music, all across the world. These exercises are great for all beginner and intermediate students regardless of the musical instrument they play. All audio demonstrations uses various musical instrument sounds to stimulate and sustain the interest of the course participants."
Price: 149.99 |
"Beginners Yoga Workout System For Inflexible People" |
"Introducing a yoga workout system for the rest of us, with modifications for the inflexible. No painful postures. No hymns, chants, or gongs.This is yoga for physical fitness. This is yoga for those who don't normally do yoga. This, is yoga for men.The Seattle Seahawks are doing it, Lebron James was doing iton his way to the championship, and now it's your turn to discover how to use yoga to maximize your fitness goals.Build muscle,lose weight, and sculpt your coreRelieve lower back painEnhance your athletic performance, boost muscle recovery and soothe sore musclesReduce the risk of injury.Oh, and you might relieve a little stress too!Created for men and women of all ages.Our unique take on yoga is designed for those of us cant twist themselves into a pretzel. Its for those of us who have tight muscles and who need modifications they probably wouldnt get in a group class.Its yoga fitness for the rest of us.Its for those of us who dont relate to the typical yoga lifestyle -For those of us that want a great workout without words and phrases like melting heart, and be one with the universe.Its for those of us who have been curious about yoga, but might be hesitant to try it out in a local class.And that just happens to sum up a lot of men.But yoga is for everyone. Its the perfect low impact workout. Ideal for anyone new to fitness. And indispensable for anyone whos working out on the regular.Though weloaded Guyoga with modifications for men, what that really means, is that we loaded it with modifications foranyone who has tight shoulders, tight hamstrings, and for those who may not be able to touch their toes.Whether you areinflexible because youre just getting back into shape, or because yourmuscles are tight from hitting the gym,youll find that with our modifications, absolutely anyone can do yoga in a safe, supportive, and low impact way.Contents overview:4 workouts for every goal and fitness level:Workout 1 Sharpen:This beginners yoga workout focuses on the fundamentals. Slow moving, energizing, and filled with modifications. This full body introduction to yoga is designed to improve your flexibility, your strength, and your control over your body.Workout 2 Strength:Well show you how anyone can use yoga to build strength in a safe, low impact way, even if they are not very flexible. Whether you are a beginner to fitness, or an athlete looking to improve their performance, this is the workout for you.Workout 3 Sweat:A power yoga class for beginners, this faster moving yoga workout draws on dynamic movements to get your muscles burning. This is the type of session youre most likely to see in your local gym or studio!Workout 4 Stretch:Release tension, boost your recovery, and get rid of those sore muscles with this restorative workout. Use it as your cool down after the other workouts, or use it to unwind and de-stress after a long day."
Price: 24.99 |
"Liderana de Alta Performance" |
"O Curso de Liderana de Alta Performance foi elaborado para que o profissional que j exerce a liderana possa atingir resultados de alta performance com suas equipes; e tambm para aquele profissional que quer se tornar um lder de sucesso. As aulas so bem prticas, e oferecem ao aluno as ferramentas necessrias para que ele consiga atingir resultados de excelncia, independente do ramo de atuao."
Price: 39.99 |
"Deploy a LAMP stack with Google Cloud Platform" |
"This course will cover the basics of setting up a popular web-server using the notorious Google Cloud Platform. This is intended for beginners and intermediate users as it covers some essentials without getting too nerdy (i.e. all through the command line like a pro!).Basic web terminology will be used throughout the course, but Iwill attempt to provide a basic understanding of each as we progress, although any knowledge of internet protocols will certainly assist you.The course should take you roughly an hour to complete and no more than 2 hours in total, this however does not take into account domain name propagation.The course is structured in the most simplified step-by-step manner to ensure that you get the end result and can repeat it with ease thereafter.Taking this course will provide you with the basics required to get things done with the super awesome Google Cloud Platform."
Price: 19.99 |
"Prticas da Qualidade Total para empresas e profissionais" |
"De forma simples e objetiva as pessoas sero preparadas para utilizao de ferramentas da Qualidade nos processos empresariais.Materiais de apoio como textos e exerccios ajudaro a fixar conceitos.Dividido em mdulos / assuntos facilitam o entendimento.A sequncia exposta sugerida para a implementao com sucesso. Porm, o aluno poder escolher o tema que deseja iniciar sem perda dos elementos essenciais da Qualidade."
Price: 84.99 |
"How to repair your computer in 10 Easy Steps" |
"Learn easy Computer Repair from a professional computer technician from you own computer.12 lectures (1 hour of content) teaching you how to defragment your hard drive, backup your data, remove malware and much more Suitable for the every day computer user and ideal for the DIY's who learn faster when shown.Visual training method, help to speed up your learning and helps you to retain the informationBreaks even the most simple steps down into a easier way of learning."
Price: 124.99 |
"How to Handle Stress" |
"According to the American Stress Institute,the effects of stress is one of the leadingunderlying causesfor most doctor's visits.Stress doesn't only rob you of health - it robs you of living fully, and it robs you of happiness.When you know how to handle stress, especially when you have fun ways to be stress free,you have in your hands one of the most powerful health secrets.This is what this 'how to handle stress' course does: Itgivesyou stress management tips, and shows you what causes stress. It explores how to prevent stress by understanding how your brain either hinders or helps you when it comes to how to deal with stress and anxiety.Whether you needstress reliefin the financial area, your body image area, relationship area, social area or (frankly) any other area, you need to understand howto stop your brain from sabotaging you. If you don't want to be popping stress medication with it's toxic side-effects, then this course will give youalternative stress relief to be stress free. You'll learnsimple ways to beat stress. You will become more peaceful, you will become more efficient and effective, you willknow how to handle stress and be stress free. How do you like to learn? If you love.to be entertained and have funwhile youre learningpractical, yet fun ways to relievestressapplying what you're learningmultiple formats to learn e.g. quizzes, video, audio or in writing?...then you and I are going to get along just awesomely. PS. Forgive me if I can be a bit goofy at times. I like to have fun because ahuge amount of stress comes from taking ourselves waaaaaaytoo seriously. If youre looking for dry and academic then you may want to choose another instructor. But if you're looking for top stress management counseling withsomeone that is serious about taking a science-based approach; only presenting it in a fun way,then I may be your gal.Youre busy, you want changes, and you want them fast. This is stress management for busy people. This course is concise and practical.In this how to handle stress course you will:explore why you are stressed instead of stress free understand how your brain traps, fools and stresses you.get to know the 3 odd brain quirksthat changeeverything.have a handle on how to change your neural wiringunderstand the power ofperception and the stories you live byhave a powerful 4-step approach to living stress freeget 10 tips on how to handle stressWe're going tobanish:paper tiger stress - whilst keeping good stressnot feeling like you are or have enoughlow self-esteemunnecessary anxiety that keeps you up at night.About your teacher: I'm a South African trained Clinical Psychologist, andauthor of 3 books (one featured in O). I've been fortunate enough tohave hadmy views expressed in manymagazines (everythingfrom Reader's Digest to Men's Health),TV and radio. I'm an award-winning speaker who has presented workshops and seminars internationally. I have been invited onto the peer panel for the South African Journal of Psychology as well as the Advisory boards of Shape magazine and the South African Journal for Natural Medicine and SANEP (South African Nutrition Expert Panel) as their consulting psychologist, and Metropolitan Health as a health partner. I'm also a total research junkie. Eversince I discovered medical and psychological journals, Ive been nibble-noshing a steady diet of them. I like to read em, digest em and spit em out in new and interesting ways.What participants have said about my style....""It was a very positive and rich experience. As a psychologist Caris education methods foster a learning that feels like self discovery. I loved the creative homework and activities. The results an improved quality of life.""Julie Robinson - Placerville, CA""I would never have uncovered these sabotage beliefs .I learned so much about my negative attacking traits and how to stop them!""Liz Calvert- Amsterdam""Your coaching taught me (actually you showed me) how to embrace my imperfect being and how to move more freely and with greater self-respect, in this oftentimes very harsh world.""Bee - New York, NYA number of attendees mentioned they would like her presentation to have been longer as she has such a different perspective on things. They felt it was well researched, relaxed and practical, thought-provoking and good advice for the future.FitPregnancy Magazine South Africa"
Price: 49.99 |
"Presentation Skills That Win Construction Contracts" |
"For 30 years,Joe Eganhasbeen an owner of one of the largest construction companies in the nation,The Egan Companies. Over that time, he's successfullynegotiated millions of dollars in construction contracts based on ""the right price, not the low price.""There is a method and skill set that made him successful in a tough bidding industry. Withyears of construction negotiation experience, Joe is here to help you beat your competition at your next presentation with information that is easy to understand and quick to implement.This course onpresentation skills isbased on the tipsoutlined inhisbook,The General Contractor How to be a Great Success or Failure. End the frustration of putting in all the work of responding to a Request For Proposal andputting in countlesshours and dollars drawing up plans, specifications, cost estimates and schedules, only to be beaten by someone else with a superior 30-minute presentation.How do you get to first place? This course will help you understand what to do and what to avoid before, during and after your presentation.You will learn the reasons why contractors do or do not get the contract award. Its not always about price. Instead, success or failure lies in your ability to verbally persuade, use good body language, demonstrate the credibility of your perceived competence and your willingness to have a successful project."
Price: 19.99 |
"GVA - Gerenciamento do Valor Agregado: Conceitos e Simulados" |
"Este curso apresenta a ferramenta gerenciamento de valor agregado.Este curso permitir que o aluno entenda as variaes de custo, prazo e escopo nos projetos, possa representar graficamente tais variaes e possa entender projees futuras de comportamento de um projeto.O curso est organizado em 5 mdulos, com vdeos, exerccios e materiais para leitura onde o instrutor expe conceitos, ensina a interpretar grficos, resolver frmulas e resolve vrias questessimuladas.As questes simuladas servem para estudo das certificaes PMP, CAPM e PMI-SP do PMI - Project Management Institute.Importante: no objetivo desse curso ensinar ferramentas de cronograma, tais como Microsoft Project, Spider Project, Primavera e outros.Este curso vale 5 PDUs.This course presents the earned value management tool.This course will allow the student to understand the variations of cost, time and scope in the projects, can graph these variations and can understand future projections of a project's behavior.The course is organized in 5 modules, with videos, exercises and materials for reading where the instructor exposes concepts, teaches to interpret graphs, solve formulas and solves several simulated questions.The simulated questions are used to study the PMP, CAPM and PMI-SP certifications of the PMI - Project Management Institute.Important: It is not the purpose of this course to teach schedule tools, such as Microsoft Project, Spider Project, Primavera and others.This course is worth 5 PDUs."
Price: 39.99 |
"Aprende a programar y crea tus programas desde cero" |
"Descripcindel Curso.En este curso tendrs la oportunidad de aprender conceptos bsicos y fundamentales de la programacin desde cero. No debes tener conocimiento previo, solo las ganas de aprender y empezar a entender como los verdaderos programadores crean hermosas aplicaciones, ya sean para Pc's, dispositivos mvileso laweb.Si eres un estudiante que cursa suprimer o segundosemestreen una carrera de tecnologa pero sientes que tus profesores dejaron muchas dudas en el tema de crear algoritmos yestructuras de datos, entonces apntate en este curso: Entender la lgicade la programacines fundamental para ser unprogramadorexitoso.Tendrs disponibilidad 24/7 y durante toda la vida para que puedas descargar y consultar el material en caso de cualquier duda. Puedes ir a tu ritmo, no hay ninguna presin para visualizar las clases o realizar las practicas. El objetivo es claro: aprender los fundamentos de laprogramacinque te den las bases solidas para crear una carrera exitosa en estarea.Te has puesto a pensar porque esos cursos de youtubede 150 o 200 vdeos de aprender java oC#desde cero, no funcionan? O sientes que puedes resolver ciertos problemas pero te sientes limitado cuando te enfrentas con algo real?La respuesta es sencilla: no hay bases solidas. Los verdaderos programadoressaben como elaborar un algoritmo y luego lo traducen a cualquier lenguaje de programacin. La nica forma de aprender un lenguaje de programacin como java, C++ o C# es con practica, pero si tienes los conocimientos slidos en lalgica de programacin,entonces esa curva de aprendizaje es mucho menor y no necesitas ver200 vdeospara empezar a generar algn desarrollo del cual ests orgulloso.El curso consta de 9secciones practicas y 61clases, en las cuales te explicare desde lo mas bsico hasta lo mas complejo sin escatimar en los detalles. Cada seccin esta compuesta por un vdeo de introduccin, clases y practicasen vdeo,un quiz al finalizar la seccin (que podas tomar las veces que lo necesites), cdigos de ejemploy una practica que podrs descargar y realizar en tu casa (yo colocare mi propuesta desolucin para que puedas comparar tus resultados).He visto en la web como cientos de personas dicen que el proceso de aprender a programar es difcil y requiere mucho esfuerzo, as como otros dicen que es fcil y necesitas apretar solo unos botones, bueno.. te digo que ninguno de los dos puntos de vistas son correctos. El proceso de aprender a programar no hay que verlo como algo blanco o negro, yo prefiero algo como ungris. Este curso es solo el primer paso en esa curva de aprendizaje, si eres constante ytienes confianza podrs por fin comprendermuchos de esosotros cursos avanzados que antes no entendas sin importar cuantas veces vieras el vdeo.As que si estas deseoso de empezar a crear software como lo hacen los verdaderos programadores te recomiendo:1. Toma este curso y aprende las bases de la lgica de programacin a travsde laprogramacin estructuradadesde cero.2. Repiteeste curso al menos dos veces, interactua conmigo y con otros estudiantes. Es importante que al finalizar te sientas seguro de lo aprendido y que sientas que erescapaz de resolver problemashaciendo uso de lalgica de programacin.3. Luego aprendeun primer lenguaje de programacin a profundidad.. No importa cual..solo aprende, practicay desarrolla aplicaciones.Te garantizo que con esfuerzo, estudio y dedicacin en pocos meses estars listo para crear y desarrollar software del cual estars orgulloso de mostrar a tus familiares y amigos.Ademas, una vez que aprendas a programar no lo podrs dejar!!!Nos vemos en clase! Te espero :D Miguel"
Price: 149.99 |
"The 10 Golden Rules of Agile" |
"This course describes the TEN most essential considerations to think about when working in an agile way. The theory behind agile is fine - but that is just 'theory' - what do you need to focus on, to get it to work in the real world and make your life a lot easier and more productive? What things are really important? What makes up today's agile best practice? This course is a concise presentation by one of the most influential consultants working in the agile community today. If you want to know what really matters when you are trying to get agile to work, then why not take a look!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Agile Prioritisation with MoSCoW" |
"This course explains what MoSCoW prioritisation is and how it can help you to get your projects in on time without compromising the quality of what you are delivering.An essential part of working in an agile way is the ability to prioritise. This enables a team to protect quality and to hit a deadline. However, there is more than one way to do this and one of the most powerful techniques is only used by a small percentage of the agile community.The terminology of MoSCoW is very easy to pick up, but to be able to apply it correctly takes a little bit of skill and judgement. This course has a series of video lectures presented by Keith Richards who is a thought leader in the agile community.The course is supported by a key exercise that allows you to experience how easy and also how difficult MoSCoW prioritisation can be. There is also a downloadable document that allows you to keep a very simple set of 'at a glance' tips to help you MoSCoW on a day-to-day basis."
Price: 19.99 |
"Render Interiors in Maya and Mental Ray great for Beginners" |
"Get in the Interior mood with this great course on rendering interiors with Maya and Mental RayThis course is aimed at Beginners to Intermediate but all level users might find it of some help!Although modelling and animating interiors is easy enough, of course depending on the complexities! actually lighting and rendering proves to be the hardest thing for users this course has been created to be both easy to remember and simple to instigate.I will be producing another course along the same lines however this will delve much deeper into the lighting and rendering side of Interiors and for that matter exterior arch vis rendering, it will definitely be a challenge even for a seasoned renderer. This course aims to make it much simpler maybe for people that just don't want all the complexities.WHAT DO I GETI am supplying all the source files with this course so you will always have the reference you need, I do suggest you try this on your own!SUPPORTI am here for you send me a message and I will get back to you with an answer, when asking for help it helps me if you supply all the steps and also screenshots of errors, I might even require error logs of the actual files to check.SHOW MEIts always good to see what my students are creating so send me your work, I can even showcase it for you on my website and on social media.GREAT FEEDBACKIf i have helped you please let me know, the one bad thing about online training is I cannot interact with you quite as well so its good for me to know how I have helped you!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Maya 3D Modelling Iconic Designs" |
"Ever wanted to create iconic image? maybe even design your own concept?This course will take you step by step with some of the processes used to create a concept or iconic image using Maya a professional 3D modelling software""In this course we will create an iconic chair by Charles Eames""Maya 3D Modelling Iconic Design overviewWe will look at the following course topics during this course:Selecting good reference imagesCreating planes to model against in MayaBox modelling in Maya, this is the most basic and most used method of modelling within 3D aplicationsNURBS modelling this more complex form of modelling is great for adjusting and fine tuning your geometryGeometry conversion we will show you how to convert NURB surface to Poly SurfacesWe will look at the following Bevelling, Extruding, Merging verticesGeometry selection typesTool preferencesModel cleanupSimple renders from Maya and Mental rayAlthough this course on Modelling is all about modelling at the end I will show you how to render from Maya software renderer and Mental ray.I hope you enjoy this first course from us on Maya, stay tuned for many other great courses presented on Udemy from UK ONLINE TRAINING CENTRE."
Price: 49.99 |
"Life Vs Adobe Photoshop" |
"In this course Life Vs Photoshop we will create the impossible, well without genetic modifications!Watch as I teach you how to use Photoshop to create a Beowl a cross between an owl and Bear, a mythical creature of days gone by...During this Photoshop course you will gain invaluable insight into tip and trick tools and procedures for producing your very own hybrid.Photoshop is the go to program of choice for all digital creation, in this course you will be amazed at how easy it is to get started using Photoshop.So what are you waiting for sign up and get creative, in this fun action packed tutorial."
Price: 49.99 |
"Maya 3D Modelling and Rendering Iconic Designs - Extended" |
"Welcome to this course on 3D Modelling and Rendering this course is Jam Packed with features!. The course is an extended version of my course ""Maya 3D Modelling Iconic Designs"" it covers everything on that course and more showing many other tips and trick and techniques for both Modelling and Rendering!Who this course for?Anyone who need to learn quickly how to use MayaAnyone who want to learn great easy techniques for rendering with MayaBeginners and Intermediates who want to be 3D GurusThis course features lots of techniques and rendering you will find most courses don't show you how to get from step 1 to step 10 we do!Experts training future experts...See you in the lectures, have fun and learn.All the bestUK ONLINE TRAINING CENTRE"
Price: 49.99 |
"Pixelogic ZBrush Creating a Book Cover Graphic - World Book" |
"Learn a variety of techniques to achieve a fantastic illustration for a book cover, during this course we will use basic as well as advanced techniques to create WORLD BOOK a book art cover.We will model exclusively in Zbrush and produce all our render passes straight out of Pixelogic Zbrush finally compositing our passes together within Photoshop.This course is for anyone who is interested in advancing to digital sculpting, you maybe using another 3D application or you maybe a graphic designer who want to migrate there skills over to the 3D realm!This course is packed with features and tips and is fun! at the end we will have produced an awesome sculpt!What are we going to learn?We will start off producing our text inside Illustrator and Photoshop this will be custom text based on a fontOnce completed we will export out text ready for ZBrushInside Zbrush I will teach you tons of techniques to produce the final sculptLets now export our render passes and composite it together within PhotoshopWhos it for?This course has been designed for beginners to advanced usersEnjoy this course brought to you by:UK ONLINE TRAINING CENTRE"
Price: 49.99 |
"Die YouTube-Formel: Erfolgreichen YouTube-Kanal aufbauen!" |
"Lerne von einem YouTuber, wie auch du deinen Kanal erfolgreich machst!Hast du dich schon immer gefragt, warum es dein Kanal nicht schafft erfolgreich zu werden und keine neuen Abonnenten hinzukommen? Dir fehlten einige Regeln und Gesetze, welche auf YouTube funktionieren. Doch dieYouTube-Formel bringt dich vom Finden einer Idee, demEntwickeln einesnachhaltigen Konzepts, zur Vermittlung von Kamerawissen, ber die optimierte Produktion und Video-Optimierung auf YouTube, sodass auch dein Kanal erfolgreich wird.PlanungDu entwickelst dein Konzept anhand meiner Best Practices und erfhrst, wie du dich gegen die Konkurrenz behaupten und Einzigartig sein kannstUmsetzungIm Abschnitt zur Umsetzung zeige ich Dir einfache Wege entweder mit deinem Smartphone, oder mit Kameras zu arbeiten, zu schneiden und optimale Videos zu kreieren.Erfolg & OptimierungSchlielich wirst du lernen, wie Videos auf YouTube gefunden werden, was die perfekten Titel, Beschreibungen, Tags und Thumbnails sind und wie du sie richtig einsetzt,um die ersten Zuschauer zu gewinnen und eine Community aufzubauen.Geld verdienenSchlussendlich verrate ich dir zustzliche meine Tricks, wie du gutesGeld mit deinem Kanal verdienen kannst.Was biete ich dir?Hochwertige Videos mit angenehmer Moderation und guten GrafikenEine Komplettanleitung fr Einsteiger und BeginnerProfi-Tipps aus eigener ErfahrungExklusives WissenIch mchte dir mit diesem Kurs nicht nur exklusives Wissen vermitteln, sondern auch motivieren selbst zu starten. Der Kurs ist perfekt, um den Stein ins Rollen zu bringen, sodass sich dein Kanalwachstum kaum mehr aufhalten lassen sollte.Du solltest jetztdie geheime YouTube-Formel enthllen, wenn du schon immer von deinem eigenem erfolgreichenYouTube-Kanal getrumt hast, mit welchem du neben Anerkennung, Likes und Abonnenten auch Einnahmen erzielen kannst."
Price: 59.99 |