"E Commerce Website Development In PHP With PDO" |
"About Tools And Features :This Course Is About How To Develop E Commerce Website In PHP With PDOIn This Course We Use Dreamweaver For Codding And Editing Our Script And CodeAnd Google Chrome As a Web Browser And Also We Use Wampserver As A Offline Server.We Use PDO Because PDOAvoid SQL InjectionAnd Give The Extra Security For Our WebsiteIn This Course I Will Show Some Extra Ordinary Features Of PHPWhat We Will Do In This Website :We Will Create This Website Layout From The Scratch.We Will Create A Dynamic Image Slider For HomepageWe Will Create Search EngineWe Will Create An Insert,Update, Delete And DisplayCart ItemsFor Are WebsiteWe Will Create a Paypal Integration And Cash On DeliverySystem For Buying ProductsCreating User Registration And Login SystemCreating Email Confirmation System.Creating Admin Panel For This WebsiteCreating Page View CounterCreating Discount On Product SystemWe Will CreateQuantity Management SystemInsert, Update, Delete And Display Products Dynamically From User Side And Admin PanelInsert, Update, Delete And Display CategoryDynamically From User Side And Admin PanelInsert, Update, Delete And Display Sub CategoryDynamically From User Side And Admin PanelWe Will Display Product By Category Wise And Sub Category Wise.We Will Create Product Sharing Option On Social Media Like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Google+ etc.Content and Overview :This Is 34Hours Of Content And Have 100Lectures. This Is An Perfect Course For Those Student Who Want To learn E Commerce Website In PHP Absolutely From The Scratch Using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT And PHP. If You Are A Beginner Than Don't Worry This Is A Perfect Course For You And Help You A Lot To Improve Your Web Development Skills. This Course Is Also Helpful For You To Create Your Final Year Project In Your University Or College. The Source Code Is Attached in The Last lecture Of This Course."
Price: 59.99 |
"Responsive E Commerce Website Designing Without Bootstrap" |
"This Course Is About How To Create A Fully Responsive E Commerce Website Designing For Any Devices Like Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops Or Desktop ComputersIn This Course We Use HTML5 And CSS3 For Website DesigningIn This Course We Use Dreamweaver For Codding And Google Chrome For See Output Of Our DesigningIn This Course I Will Provide You A Fully Practicals VideosThis Course Is Complete In 20 LecturesIf You Want To Become A Real And Excellent Web Designer Then I Strongly Recommend You To Take This CourseThis Course Is For Those Students Who Want To Interested In Responsive Web Designing."
Price: 29.99 |
"O Contedo deste curso far com que,independente da rea de atuao do ser humano, ele seja capaz de atrair e fidelizar pessoas por meio de uma Personalidade Atraente. Cada pessoatem a sua definio de realizao profissional, para uns :Dinheiro, Fama, Sucesso, Felicidade....Utilizando timo udio, lindas imagens e timos exemplos de pessoas que se destacarampor saber o valor de se ter ENTUSIASMO na vida, espero que ao final desse curso o indivduo tenha a conscincia da importnciadese teruma personalidade atraente,sabendoavaliar e se reprogramar a fim de mudar suas perspectivas com o objetivo de atrair e fidelizar pessoas e conseguir a realizao profissional."
Price: 84.99 |
"Racial Profiling Awareness" |
"Racial profiling isnot solely traced to flashpointincidents involving illegalsearch, seizure, and arrest.It is a pattern and practiceofgenerational behaviors byafew law enforcementofficers who choose to executedutiesnot based on probable cause, but their actual or perceived bias of individuals or a targeted community.A mindsetcloakingitself under the color of law to provoke or incite a person to resist lawful or unlawful enforcement actions.Gain an in-depth understandingby examiningthe rootsof racial profiling from the colonial period of slave patrols to the modern era.Threeprovocative and articulate coursesempowering the reader with thought leadershipon next steps to eradicateracial profiling.This course is designedfor educational purposes only. It is sold or distributed with the understanding that the author/instructor is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional advice. If legal or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought."
Price: 74.99 |
"Performance Management & Progressive Discipline" |
"PerformanceManagement andProgressive Disciplineprovidesreal-world applicationsfor supervisors and managersto train, direct, and supervise the workforce to accomplish agency goals with unprecedented results.An empowering process of aligningpeoplewith decision making authorityto execute day-to-day functions. Demonstrations onobjective processes forcorrectingperformancewithpositive or negative reinforcements consistent withfederal andstate statutes to fit youragency'spolicies.This course is designedfor educational purposes only. It is sold or distributed with the understanding that the author/instructor is not engaged in rendering legal advice. If legal or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.*** This course is approved by the Georgia POST Council for peace officers with an OKEY number to earn one credit hour of training. The student must complete 100% of the course to receive the one-hour of credit."
Price: 74.99 |
"Compstat Analytics" |
"With the nextgeneration of millennial recruits coming into the law enforcement profession, administratorsmust not onlybecome adapt to the millennials unique perspective about work, but hold theline of accountabilityon their performance.Compstat Analytics-Let the Numbers Do the Talkingprovidesreal-world advice for law enforcement managerson how to manage operations based upon predictive data.A transparent processofholding managers and front line personnel accountable for measurable performanceresults. This courseintroducesbest practices identified inpublications by Law & Order and The PoliceChief.*** This course is approved by the Georgia POST Council for peace officers with an OKEY number to earn one credit hour of training. The student must complete 100% of the course to receive the one-hour of credit."
Price: 74.99 |
"Transforming Your Leadership Style" |
"With the nextgeneration of recruits coming into the law enforcement profession, administratorsmust not onlybecome adapt to the millennials unique perspective about work, but hold theline of accountabilityon their performance.Mentoring the Millennialsprovidesreal-world advice for law enforcement managerson how to facilitate committed partnershipsbetween generations in the law enforcement culture. A focus on building a pipeline of leadership for the continuity of law enforcement operations.The course introduces best practices consistent with the publicationHarvard BusinessReview article- What Millennials Want from Work, Charted Across the World.*** This course is approved by the Georgia POST Council for peace officers with an OKEY number to earn one credit hour of training. The student must complete 100% of the course to receive the one-hour of credit."
Price: 74.99 |
"Adobe Creative Cloud" |
"Adobe Creative CloudAfter Effects, Premiere ProPhotoshopIllustratorAudition""""AdobeAdobeAdobeAdobe1009"
Price: 15000.00 |
iMindMap11 |
Price: 15000.00 |
": airbnb308" |
Price: 15000.00 |
10Web |
"DMFAXSNS20QUESTBTRFBetter Than Risk Free Guarantee2011%CVR11%2020"
Price: 15000.00 |
blog-monetize |
"SEOUSPUnique Selling Proposition3...3CCompetitorCompanyCustomer2SEO1231 - - 3"
Price: 15000.00 |
product-launch-formula |
"210ver 4.0PPCSEO8""""1101001,000OK"
Price: 15000.00 |
-DRM |
Price: 24000.00 |
"- DRM" |
"02006DRMver.12100 -- 22XX2"
Price: 15000.00 |
affiliater |
Price: 24000.00 |
product-launch-japan |
"--- #01 16200561200761200961--- #02 --- #03 --- #04 --- #05 +"
Price: 15000.00 |
drm-direct-response-marketing |
"--- ## 88% something missing---- ## ---- ## USPUnique Selling PropositionBTRFBetter Than Risk Free---- ## something missingsomething filled---- ## USPUSP1step01step02step03USPstep04step05step06"
Price: 24000.00 |
subscription |
"96%XX-- #01 -- #02 5W1HwhyhowDM-- #03 -- #04 #12"
Price: 15000.00 |
autoresponder |
Price: 15000.00 |
"TOEIC 2102016" |
Price: 24000.00 |
stepmail-marketing |
"2017817---ACTION STEP(1)CVR(2)(3)1BOX"
Price: 24000.00 |
infopreneur |
Price: 24000.00 |
american-marketing |
Price: 15000.00 |
develop-strategy |
Price: 15000.00 |
3TOEIC800 |
"Part5.6TOEICTOEIC800Part3.4Part7(or Part2)Part2(or Part7)Part5.6Part1800Part3.49Part3.4Part3.4TOEIC1. 1202. TOEIC600"
Price: 2400.00 |
6TOEIC960 |
Price: 3000.00 |
TOEIC800() |
"TOEIC180TOEICTOEICTOEIC8001. TOEIC2. TOEIC3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TOEIC8. TOEIC9. TOEIC10.TOEIC11.TOEIC()12.TOEIC13.14.TOEIC90015.TOEIC16.(Part3Part4)17.TOEIC18.19.Part5Part620.21.Part122.TOEIC800()"
Price: 24.99 |
keyword-select |
Price: 24000.00 |
coaching-affiliate |
"XCoach And Four 4Coacn"
Price: 24000.00 |