"Selenium WebDriver From Foundation to Framework [In Arabic]" |
" Test Automation from Foundation to Framework Test Automation Udemy Test Automation using Selenium WebDriver(test automation) (test automation) Selenium WebDriver TestNG Framework Assertions Vodafone Cash Etisalat Cash CIB WalletEasyPay - Egyptian Post Office Build a strong foundation in Java and object-oriented programming with this tutorial for beginners.Java Development Kit InstallationClasses, and ObjectsTypes and OperatorsAccess Modifiers Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)Arrays List and Linked ListLoops and ConditionalsBuild a strong framework in Selenium WebDriver with this tutorial for beginners.Selenium WebDriver Setup.Finding ad inspect web elements using different browsers.Write your first Selenium script using Selenium WebDriver 3.0 and different browsers.Working with Maven Projects.Selenium Design Patterns.Selenium Grid and Parallel Testing.Data-Driven Test.Behavior Driven Development.Headless Testing.Running your script on Cloud Using Sauce Labs.Running your scripts with Jenkins CI server and GitHub. Automated tests using selenium and java object oriented programming Test Automation "
Price: 59.99 |
"Starting a business while a student!" |
".. ."
Price: 29.99 |
"SpriteKit Einfhrung - Spieleentwicklung fr iOS mit Swift 3" |
"Lege mit diesem Kurs den Grundstein fr die Spieleentwicklung auf dem iPhone und iPad.Wovon handelt der Kurs?In diesem Kurs zeige ich diralles berdas Framework SpriteKit. Damitkannst du Spiele fr das iPhone und iPad entwickeln. SpriteKit bietet dafr viele verschiedene Klassen an um 2D Spiele zu entwickeln. Du lernst nicht nur die Klassen selbst kennen, sondern ich erklre dir den Aufbau und was im Hintergrund von SpriteKit passiert. Du erhltst neben dem Praktischen auch die Theorie um zu verstehen was du dort machst.Wie ist der Kurs aufgebaut?In den ersten Lektionen erklre ich dir den allgemeinen Aufbau von SpriteKit. Ich zeige dir wie eine einzelne Szene in einem Spiel aufgebaut ist. Auch lernst duwie Elemente z.B. Spielfiguren allgemein in einer Szene platziert werden. Dies hat den Hintergrund, dass duverstehst warum jetzt das Element auf dieser Position platziert ist.Im weiteren Kapitelerklre ich dir die Klassen aus SpriteKitausfhrlich. Dies wird mit Anschaulicher Bildmaterial untersttzt. Unteranderem die Klasse SKSpriteNode mit welcher man Bilder / Grafiken in das Spiel einbauen kann. Auch wirst du sehen wie man Lichter in ein Spiel einbauen kann mit Hilfe der Klasse SKLightNode.Zum Abschluss des Kurses wirst du zwei Spiele programmieren. Diese Beispiele sollen dir helfen das gelernte nochmals zu vertiefen. Nach diesen zwei Spielen wirst du in der Lage sein, deine eigenen Spiele zu entwickeln.An wenn richtet sich der Kurs genau?Du beherrschst die Grundlagen der Programmiersprache Swift und mchtest jetzt den nchsten Schritt machen. Ich selbst stand damals vor der Entscheidung. Nachdem ich Swift gelernt habe und dies fast ausschlielich in Playgrounds,begann ich damit SpriteKit zu lernen. Dies hatte mir so viel Spa gemacht weil man Ergebnisse sah, ich war in der Lage eigene Spiele zu programmieren. Um dir den langen Weg vom lesen der Apple Dokumentation zu ersparen habe ich daraufhin diesen Kurs erstellt. Ich mchte dir auf eine anschauliche und einfach Weise zeigen wie man Spiele entwickeln kann.Mchtest du etwas anderes erstellen als Playgrounds oder einenTaschenrechner,dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtig fr dich.Eigene Spiele entwickeln zu knnen, klingt das nicht cool?Also worauf wartest du :). Ich freue mich Dich bald Begren zu drfen."
Price: 29.99 |
"SpriteKit Introduction - iOS Game Development with Swift 3" |
"Lay the foundation for game development on the iPhone and iPad with this course.What is the course about?In this course you will learn thethe framework SpriteKit. With SpriteKit you can develop your own 2D games for the iPhone und iPad.I going to explain some theoryand some practice examplessothat you knowa lot more about SpriteKit after this course. Also there will also be graphicsfor better understanding. How is the course structured?Inthe firstsection you learn the theoryabout SpriteKit so you get deeper insight how SpriteKit works. I will show you somegraphics for better understanding.At the second Section I will explain how physics in SpriteKit work.Itisthe most important thingin SpriteKit, if you know how this works you can make collisions between players.In the third section I show you a game from scratch it is ja full space-shooter game.Also Iexplain during the development what I did and why. There will also be graphicsfor better understanding.Who should buy this course?This course is for everyone who will develop games for the iPhone and iPad. Maybe you know a little about SpriteKit but you don't understand what you do. So I will teach you how to use SpriteKit and why you have to do this or this. I will at the end that you unterstand what you did. I hate course where you only do copy & paste but understand nothing.Being able to develop own games does not sound cool?So what are you waiting for :). I am gladto welcome you soon."
Price: 29.99 |
"Enhance Your Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Adventures" |
"Are your Dungeons & Dragons adventures getting dull? Do you want to add new elements that impress your players? If so, this is the course for you. Decades of DM experience (handling wildly different age groups and unique play styles)were focused into this course. You will gain not only new adventure ideas, but strategies for sparking inspiration and developing entire story arcs. Only a beginner level of D&D is required to understand the course material. All levels of Dungeon Masters, including those who have never run a game before, can profit from the experience imparted in this course. Exciting new ways to present your ideas will be covered. By the time you've finished this course you'll be equipped with the tools and tricks to make adventures that will make players excited for the next game. We'll get right to the heart of the key aspects to running an exciting adventure, including:- developing immersive storylines- running battles with a digital battle map- enhancing any encounter with the perfect music- crafting customized player handouts and items for your campaign- adding visuals that will make your game easier to run and vastly more impressive- and more!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Direct Sales Training Course for Beginners" |
"Direct salescan seem very intimidating if you aren't prepared- but it doesn't have to be.This directsales training course for beginners will teachyou how to sell a product to a customer in just 5 easy steps! Don't wastethousands on sales opportunities that have no chance to generate revenue. Instead, train yourself or your staff to sell!Tina and Liz will teach you the 5 easy steps to having successful directsales conversations at...tradeshows andtrade fairsexhibits and exhibitionssales eventsfestivals, fairs, home shows, farmer's marketsbooths, stands, pop-up stores and shopsand morePerfect for those responsible for booth staff training ortrade show sales training,trade show marketing professionals, face to face selling beginners,directsales novices, event planners, marketing managers, startup and small business owners. This directsales trainingcourse for beginners is designed to make face to face sellingeasy, fun and repeatable. With...direct sales training videoslots of role-playing scenariosmemorable characters such as 'Pretzel Guy, 'Fancy Water Guy,' Ms. Right, Mr. Maybe and Draculainteractive quizzes"
Price: 39.99 |
"Dibujo e ilustracin. Tcnicas para potenciar tu creatividad" |
"Curso completo de ilustracin, apoyado por un amplio manual audiovisual con el que aprenders las tcnicas y trucos necesarios para realizar ilustraciones de calidad, as como multiplicar exponencialmente tu potencial creativo. Un viaje estimulante para descubrir tus posibilidades grficas y tu capacidad de comunicacin a travs de la ilustracin.La Estructura del curso consta de 4 secciones dividas en lecciones:1- Seccin: Introduccin. Ilustrar es dar luz al pensamiento2- Seccin: Elementos y fundamentos a la hora de ilustrar3- Seccin: Tcnicas y trucos de ilustracin. Desarrollo de la inspiracin visual.4- Seccin: Despedida, conclusiones y cierreEn este curso aprenderntanto losprincipiantes como una herramienta de iniciacin como losprofesionales como herramienta de renovacin de tcnicas.Los estudiantes adquirirn el conocimiento y la confianza para abordar ilustraciones de gran calidad y contenido esttico."
Price: 79.99 |
"Vietnamese 101: Beginner level." |
"Travelling or living in Vietnam? Looking for a comprehensive, easy way to communicate with local people in Vietnamese? Then you just get to the right place!Taking this course, you will master how to have a fluent conversation with local people and...- Sound natural, pronouncing all the tones correctly- Making questions and answering them- Expressing your opinion- and understanding even the most colloquial expressions, and some slang too!Of course, we will also cover the most important and daily-used vocabulary, the pronouns, and culture-related facts. At the end of this course, you will certainly be able to express yourself very well in Vietnamese!I am a Vietnamese native speaker, with northern accent, and Vietnamese language teacher for more than 5 years. Students from many countries all around the world (Australia, United States, Germany, Spain, China, among others) have achieved high-intermediate to advanced levels after learning the contents that I collected in this course for you!Trust me, Vietnamese people LOOOOVE it when you can speak their language. All the smiles, handshakes, laughs and beautiful friendship you can make with Vietnamese people for being able to speak this language is more than enough to enroll in this course, which is unique and hasa great value!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Easy everyday Vietnamese: A quick phrasebook." |
"So, you already have a decent level ofVietnamese. What's next? You have beenspending several months learning the language, having learneda lot of vocabulary,but itstill feels like you are making no progress at all. You bought a lot of learning materials, loads of books and learning apps, but still have difficulties saying what you really want to say? Sometimes you heard local Vietnamese people talking with each other or with you, using some slang and you can't make out what it means? If it's what you feel, you've come to the right place. As you already know,informalspoken language is radicallydifferent from the formalwritten version of it. This 2-hour course is built with a focus on themost colloquial partof Vietnamese, something that rarely shows up on textbooks. It covers phrases used in different situations such asencouraging, calming someone;expressing both joy, excitement as well asdoubts and hesitation;showing agreement and disagreement... The last part of the course also lists out somemost common slang/proverbsused widely by local people, so that you can understand what they really mean! Have fun!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Muscle Building Video Trainer - 12 Weeks of Full Workouts" |
"DON'T JUSTLEARNEXERCISES, LEARNHOWTOWORKOUT!Follow along to every workout in my 12 Week Transformation program. There are so many small details far beyond basic exercise instruction and those details are what seperate people that continually progress and stay consistent, to those who never seem to find their feet.What weve created is a unique training method and program that will allow you to be the best you, in every aspect of life. It is the ultimate foundation that your whole world will rest on.Its strength power and athleticism. Its happiness, its creation, its who you are meant to be. WHATAREYOURSTRUGGLESIm always flat and unmotivatedThere is too much information out thereI feel deterred by other peopleEven when Im in shape, Im unhappyI lack confidenceI am too busy workingThroughout our in depth videos, you will receive dozens of mindset strengthening cues to address what ever your struggles may be.As part of the course you willreceive.Full Workout Videos - get to see the intensity and the technique every single workout.Big 3 - Finally learn how to Deadlift, Squat and Bench correctly.Private Coaching Group - Ongoing Q+ANutrition Bonuses"
Price: 74.99 |
"Meditation: Fitting it into your lifestyle" |
"Meditation is easy to do. But hard to understand.This course sets the foundationfor a solid, consistent,meditation practice for daily use. It helps you understand the basics of an every daymeditation practice on a fundamental level.It's here to help you gain an understanding that is consistent and comprehensive to a single, easy, meditation technique.You'll get the details on how to meditate anywhere. With this technique, and how it is taught, we can meditate on a bus, at our office, at the dinner table with the kids running around. This course is to help you to learn meditation for your life. It's a course that helps you fit meditation into your lifestyle.This guide helps you avoid endless searching for meditation videos that can help you relax. It helps you understand your own technique, so you're not confused by all of the advice about meditation practice.This course isn't going to turn you into a monk. I wouldn't teach it if it did. This course is going to help you deal with stress better, and help you gain some much needed perspective in your life.It will help you learn to find little moments of happiness throughout the day. Self-sufficient happiness, that doesn't depend on anything (or anyone) else. You learn anability, through consistent meditation practice, to find happiness and confidence in yourself.This course is about hardware. All of the great thoughts,self-help books, spirituality and philosophy in the world can't help you if you still have bad mental habits. Just in the same way the most perfect software or app will be useless (or damaging)toan ancient machine.Consistentmeditation, everyday, trains the mind new mental habits. It upgrades the hardware, so you can run the software of the life you want to lead.So jump on in I'm promise I'll take care of you as best as I can. And let's get you into the basicfundamentals of a daily meditation practice."
Price: 19.99 |
"Greatest Story Ever Stolen" |
"ABOUTAccording to our ancestors of the ancient Nile Valley civilizationsWho are we?What is our main purpose in life?At the end of the book, one will have a better understanding of the spirituality of the very first civilizations of the world and their journey in life to understand the cosmic universe in order for self-improvement.Venture into the zodiac created by the ancient Nile Valley inhabitants and its influence in the Holy Bible, church, and religion.TOPICSSpirituality /Astronomy /Astrology /ReligionWHY?To have a better understanding of who you are, where you been in order to influence whereyou go.STRUCTUREInformative videopresentation.Materials Included - The universe.Target Audience -AllDuration - 3hours"
Price: 19.99 |
"Attract Great Candidates By Creating A Stand Out Job Advert" |
"If youre struggling to get the right candidates applyingfor your job, it could be time to overhaul your job advert. Be honest. If you sawyour advert on an online job site, would it excite you enough to apply? During this course, you will learn how to write a job advertthat your ideal candidates wont be able to resistWrite opening lines that will make them want toread moreDescribe the job in a way that makes it come tolifeCall out to the applicants you want by focusingon what really mattersGive the right candidates a compelling reason toapplyCreate A Job Advert That Is Ready To Post Before The End OfThis Course Training can be a waste of time unless you take actionI designed this course, not just to train you how to createa compelling job advert, but to walk you through the process so you have acompleted advert ready to post by the end.The course is made upof 15 lectures. We kick off by looking at what we can learn froman advertising formula that has worked for decades. We delve deeper intoresearch telling us exactly what job hunters want to know about companiesbefore they apply. We then cover the sixessentials needed to capture the attention of those perfect applicants.Armed with this knowledge, and some outstanding examplesfrom companies that get this right, we then build our job advert section bysection. In the accompanying workbook, we walk through thetransformation of a dull job advert into something that shines. You will be guided, step by step, on how todo this whether you are bringing an old, lacklustre job advert to life orstarting from scratch."
Price: 24.99 |
"Strategies of Building Great Teams" |
"OVER 400 STUDENTS HAVE TAKEN & SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED THIS COURSE. JOIN THEM!Learn some simple yet powerful steps for Building Great Teams. If you aspire to become a Business Leader Tomorrow, it always starts with People. This course talks about the steps needed to deal with People, not Roles. At the end of this course, you will learn about 5 steps of building a great teamTeam Building Activitiesare no jargons, but simple actionsWhy do you build great teamsHow does a great team look likeIf you follow the steps suggested, you can increase your chances of Success as a Leader. Most importantly, you definitely can DO IT.So Managers, Leaders, Aspiring Managers, Ones who love People Management, take this course and learn these 5 simple steps for a Better Success Rate in Building great teams."
Price: 99.99 |
"How to make Visually Appealing and Powerful Presentations" |
"Over 450 Students can't be wrong.See what students are saying about this courseIt's a great course. Covers the topics in depth but still quick and simple. In just one hour, I learned so much about presentations that I am confident about making the right impact in my future presentations. Thanks a ton! - PKWow! I always struggled with presentations but now I know why and how can I improve my presentations. Awesome course, great content and brilliantly delivered - ReetThe course shares some cool concepts. Didn't know there were so much theory about typography and it impacted a presentation so much. Even the color theory is easy to understand. - Reshma JosephBrilliant course! Very well structured, designed and delivered. Very useful and practical tips to enhance my presentations. - ManinderStudents, Executives,Professionals,Corporates,EntrepreneursIt's a brilliant opportunity to showcase yourself as an expert or a leader by creating great looking PresentationsGet the visibility and march ahead with these visual tricks to make a wow presentation.Still, a vast majority fails to convert this opportunity - simply because they just could not get their presentation right. This is a compilation of years of knowledge, observation, studies and designed a quick and simple guide which you can use to - Create Visually Appealing andPowerful Presentations using Powerpoint or KeynoteLearn how to use clear and crisp message in your Powerpoint/Keynote presentation,Learn how to structure andpresent your message in your slidedeck.Learn touse differentvisual design elements like images, icons, shapes, colors etc effectively in your slide deckLearn to make the right impact and wow your audience with your deck.How is the course structured?Common Mistakes - to avoid while creating Presentations. Powerpoint or Keynote is not the culprit.How to Create Powerful Presentations - How to tightly structure and present the messageColor Theory - How to choose and use colors to great effectImagery - How to use images to amplify the impactTypography - How to choose which fonts to use, mix and on what basisIcons - How and when to use iconsData Presentation - How to present data correctlyKey Takeaways - Points to rememberSocial Proof:Top Rated Udemy Course on PresentationsOver 450+ satisfied studentsQuick, yet comprehensive, guide withHD content optimized for mobile viewing - all in 1 hour.Course Completion Certificate30 Days money back guarantee - No questions asked!Install Udemy App and Download all Lectures for Offline viewingAbove all -'Lightning speed'response time and support to your queries.Jump in to learn, be an expert in creating visually appealing and compelling presentations using these simple techniquesand surge ahead!"
Price: 74.99 |
"Radio Programming Director Guide" |
"Radio is a personal medium...a one-to-one medium.Surprised? Notice how you consume radio the next time you put one on. And that's what pulled me tothis medium. Even after the advent of CD players,Satellite radio, MP3 players, Cloud based music services, radio continues to connect with its ardent followers and enthral them. Radio Programming is more an art than science.And this course can safely be viewed as a 'radio art' appreciation course.I am not here to teach radio, cause I don't think creativity or originality can be taught.The idea is to be open to experiences and let real life experiencesguide your creativity on-air.This course is about harnessing these 'life lessons' and put in Radio.So, who is this course for?- If you are on-air talent, promo producer or voice talent and one day hope to run the programming team in an FM/AM musicstation, then this course is perfect for you.- Also, If youre an ardent Radio medium fan and listener, then this course will help you understand -- How the content strategies are created in a station --Why do you hear the songs youhear, --Why the radio jockey talks the way she does, -- Why the news is succinct, --Whythe new hitsongs are repeated, --How 'clocks' are used for radio programmingetc.This course does not ride on the back of technical language or difficult terminology...making it a fun and interesting course, no matter what your professionalbackground.My intention isto armyou with knowledge andtaking you throughintricacies of radio so that one day you arerunning the creative dept. of a music station."
Price: 19.99 |
"The No-Fail Strategy For Creating Irresistible Blog Content" |
"Struggling to blog about a meaningful topic?Suffering from writers block when writing a post? Not sure how to make your blog post better than others? Whatever your motivation to create more engaging blog posts, youve come to the right place to get started on your journey. Blog Writing Strategy: How To Write Better Blog Posts is a focused blogging course, which aims on helping you solve writers block and write that all important meaningful content. This is a short, effective, and practical course that will take you from not being able to generate meaningful blog post ideas, to writing engaging blog posts for your audience. Nothing is kept a secret. I reveal my personal blogging strategy to you, that has helped me over the course of my blogging career in creating engaging content. This course is designed for anyone getting started on their blogging journey, and has a strong focus on those who struggle with creating and promoting engaging blog posts. So if youve been suffering from writers block, or arent getting any viewers onto your blog, youre in the right place."
Price: 19.99 |
"Bloggers Blueprint: Launch Your Blog With The Right Strategy" |
"Before you enrol on this course, I want to personally welcome you as your sole instructor. My name is Angelo, and Im the instructor who will be leading you through this course.I want to highlight the specific things well be covering in this course, that way you fully understand right from the get go, exactly what you'll achieve by enrolling.Accurately pinpoint what specific niche you will start blogging in.Maximizing your blogs conversion rate, and monetizing your content.How to craft engaging content for your blog.Those are the key aspects we're going to cover tin this course!I look forward to seeing you in this course,where well jump into all of the nitty gritty this course has to offer you."
Price: 24.99 |
"Boost Your Social Confidence and Connect With Anyone" |
"What if you could be more socially confident, more influential and could instantly connect with anyoneHere's a secret: You can.Don't you shake your head (I can sense your head-shake).Let me ask you 5 questions...Do you want tobe more confident & comfortablewhen you interact with people?To be able to hold conversations with people, even those you never met before without breaking a sweat because you know that they are engaged in what you're saying!Do you want tolearn the art of being influentialand becoming unforgettable? To have an influence and impact on the people around you, knowing that your actually being listened to.Do you want tomake new friendsyou can really connect with? To meet new people and that you can build strong, personal relationships with.Do you want tobe more charismatic& be the most interesting person in the room? To be able to walk into a social situation and be the social butterfly that you've always admired. All of this, while harnessing your natural charisma.Do you want tolearn the art of having great interactionswith people consistently? To never have to worry about the ""right thing"" to say. Knowing that you can consistently have great interactions, while still kicking back with a smile on your face.Did you raise your hand to any (or all) of the above?Good. You are DEFINITELY in the right place.I want you to take a moment and imagine a world where you could...Have a strong impact on the people you meet.Constantly hear back from people you've recently met, who are excited about what you have to say and can't wait to come back for more.Authentically harness your own natural charisma.Instead of using fixed ""social-scripts"" or the boring old ""What do you do... Where are you from..."", you could just be yourself, speak about your interests and be charismatic, in your own way.Speak to anyone and never run out of things to say.You could hold conversations for hours on end, relaxed and assured that no matter who you were speaking to, you would always be able to hold a conversation. Never having to feel that stress and anxiety of ""What do I say next"", ever again.Be confident in social interactions.No matter what social interaction you were in, you just could relax and enjoy yourself. With the anxiety and nervousness just melting away, as you are now confident in just being you.Have an influence on the people around you.Speak you mind, stand up for your opinions and be assured that people around you would actually take notice. In a professional or personal setting, to be assured that other people value what you have to say.Yep. F'real.This is my step-by-step course where I'll guide you on your own path to social success. Strong social skills and the ability to influence others will have a strong impact on the quality of your personal and professional life. So in the next several hours, you will learn a completely new way to think about how you interact with people and learn how to actually have an impact on those around you.Whether you are in dating situations, the business world or social scene, you have to master the impact you have on the world.My goal is to make you....Influential.Memorable.Charismatic.But why should you listen to me?Because I've used what I teach on myself.I went from someone who suffered from crippling social anxiety, was shy and had zero ability to influence to someone with the social confidence to connect with anyone, with no less than a smile on my face.I've spent countless hours researching the science behind confidence and influence and have read more books, articles and peer-reviewed journals than any sane person ever should. Most importantly,I applied what I learnt.Now, I'm here to teach you the methods behind social confidence and influence that have completely changed my life.Here's What My Other Students Have To Say.I feel like I have a super powerafter taking Alistair's course.Hisblend of science and personal development is fricking brilliant. Thank god I found his work!- Vidushi SurvanshiWORTH IT!I'm not even finished but I already can tell that if you really listen, understand and follow the steps and tips in the course,you're going to be able to socialise with anyone for sure!!- Rohan Jackson""Excellent courseto boost your social confidence. The course is full of short videos that get straight to the point. I like the way that each section wasbroken down to cover the science behind it. The story cheat sheet I learnt to build through the course has also made holding conversations so much easier. Highly recommended!""- Michael HeaneyAwesome Course!A very well made course, lots of great video content that definitely communicated the key points across.Well presented and it felt very authentic which made it quite entertaining too. Personally, it was definitely worth it. Myconfidence & ability to hold conversations have increased significantlyand my overallquality of life has also benefitedquite a lot.Big recommendation to anyone considering it!- Adam WardThis course issurprisingly fun and entertaining. Even though I thought that I had great social skills, I bought the course to see if I could improve on my ability to influence others.The course definitely changed my view on social interactionsand with these new skills and techniques, it definitelymakes me feel a whole lot more socially confident!My favorite part is the level of research provided whichmade me feel confident in applying what I learnt in this course. I really appreciate that.- Ryan Chorazik"
Price: 94.99 |
"Project Programme and Portfolio Governance" |
"Build a complete understanding of project, programme and portfolio governance using principles and techniques proven to work across multiple business sectors. Learn how to ensure effective decision making on your organisations projects and programmes. Learn how to establish effective governance for your projects, programmes and portfolios. Understand the principles that underpin effective governance.Develop governance arrangements that provide senior executives with visibility and control.Design governance frameworks that clarify who makes what decisions.Scale governance mechanisms to suit projects with different risk profiles. Governance frameworks that deliver effective decision making for your organisation. Understanding governance is essential for Project Managers, PMO managers and senior executives because all have a strong interest in effective project decision making. Poor governance is recognised as a major cause of project failure so knowing how to structure governance frameworks is a critical skill. Yet very few people understand the principles of good governance. This course will ensure you have the knowledge and understanding to establish effective project, programme and portfolio governance in your organisation. Content and Overview The thirteen lectures and 52 minutes of content in this course are designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the governance of projects, programmes and portfolios. Starting with the very basics of governance, it will help you understand its importance and how it is treated by best practice. It then takes you through the principles that underpin effective governance. Understanding these principles will enable you to address any governance situation. You will also learn how to scale governance arrangements to suit the needs of any organisation or project. It means you will be able to apply effective project, programme and portfolio governance in all circumstances. Upon completing this course, you will have the knowledge and skills to establish efficient and effective governance arrangements for any portfolio, dealing with programmes or projects of any risk level and size. You will understand the principles of effective decision making on projects, programmes and portfolios and will be able to apply those principles in any organisation with whom you work."
Price: 99.99 |
"Angular 8 : Dvelopper votre premire application (2020)" |
"Alors comme ca, vous souhaitez vous former au developpement d'applications Webavec ladernire versiond'Angular ?Vous aussi vous revez de construire des sites webdynamiques, qui reagissent immediatement aux moindres interactions de vos utilisateurs,avec une performance optimale ? Eh, ca tombe bien, vous etes au bon endroit !Nous vivons une epoque excitante pour le developpement Web avec JavaScript. Il y aune multitude de nouveaux Frameworks disponibles, et encore une autre multitude qui eclosjour apres jour. Nous allons voir pourquoi vous devez faire le pari de vous lancer avecAngular, et ce que vous allez pouvoir faire avec ce petit bijou, sorti tout droit de la tete desingenieurs de Google.Cette nouvelle version d'Angular est une reecriture complete de la premiere versiond'Angular, nommee AngularJS. C'est donc une bonne nouvelle pour ceux qui neconnaitraient pas cette version d'Angular, ou qui en auraient juste entendu parler : pasbesoin de connaitre AngularJS, vous pouvez vous lancer dans l'apprentissage d'Angular desmaintenant !Pour etreclair,Angular designe le ""nouvel"" Angular (version 2 etsuperieure), et AngularJS designe la version 1 du Framework. Ce sont ces appellations quej'utiliserai dans le cours.Si vous tes bloqu, sachez qu'il y a une correction de code complte la fin de chaque chapitre, et queje rpondrai rapidement (de manire trs sympathique) tous vos messages. Je n'oublie personne, vous avez ma parole ! ;DAngular est l'un des frameworksfrontend les plus modernes, les plus performants et les plus puissants que vous pouvez apprendre ce jour. Il vous permet de crer des applications web performantesqui offrent une excellenteexpriences utilisateur ! Tous les principes fondamentaux dont vous avez besoin pour commencer dvelopper des applications Angular sont prsents dans ce cours.Je ferai votre veille Angular votre place. Ds qu'il y a une nouveaut sur Angular intressante, je vous prviendrai via les annonces Udemy.Plus besoin de passer des heures sur Internet pour chercher les denires nouveauts par vous-mme ! :DAchetezce cours MAINTENANTet apprenez Angular quand vous voulez ensuite.L'accs au cours est garanti vie, et le contenu sera toujours jour!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Introduo Ethical Hacker" |
"Bem-vindo ao curso sobre Hacking tico! Neste curso, voc comear como um iniciante sobre testes de penetrao ou hacking. A primeira coisa que voc vai aprender algumas informaes bsicas sobre hacking tico e os diferentes campos em testes de penetrao.Eu, Afonso Alves, traduzi este curso do Zaid Sabih por que um curso de qualidade e por que tem um pblico bem considervel. Sintam-se a vontade para perguntar e dar opinies.Este curso focado no lado prtico do teste de penetrao sem negligenciar a teoria por trs de cada ataque. Antes de entrar em testes de penetrao, voc aprender primeiro configurar um laboratrio e instalar o software necessrio para testar a penetrao na sua prpria mquina. Todos os ataques explicados neste curso so lanados contra dispositivos reais no meu laboratrio.O curso estruturado de uma maneira que ir lev-lo atravs do bsico de linux, sistemas de computador, redes e como os dispositivos se comunicam uns com os outros. Vamos comear por falar sobre como podemos explorar esses sistemas para realizar uma srie de ataques poderosos. Este curso o levar de um iniciante a um nvel mais avanado - pelo tempo que voc terminar, voc ter conhecimento sobre a maioria dos campos de teste de penetrao.No final de cada seo, voc aprender como detectar, prevenir e proteger seu sistema e voc mesmo contra esses ataques.Todos os ataques neste curso so ataques prticos que funcionam contra qualquer dispositivo de computador, ou seja: no importa se o dispositivo um telefone, tablet, laptop, etc Cada ataque explicado de forma simples - primeiro voc vai aprender o Teoria por trs de cada ataque e, em seguida, voc vai aprender como realizar o ataque usando Kali Linux.NOTA: Este curso criado apenas para fins educacionais e todos os ataques so lanados no meu prprio laboratrio ou contra dispositivos que tenho permisso para testar.NOTA: Este curso totalmente um produto da Zaid Sabih e nenhuma outra organizao est associada a ele ou a um exame de certificao. Embora, voc receber uma Certificao de Concluso de Curso da Udemy, alm de que NO H NENHUMA OUTRA ORGANIZAO ENVOLVIDA.Texto do Zaid do curso original:Welcome to my comprehensive course on Ethical Hacking!In this course, you will start as abeginnerwith no previous knowledge about penetration testing orhacking. The first thing you will learn is somebasic informationabout ethical hackingand the different fields in penetration testing. This course is focused on thepractical side ofpenetrationtesting without neglecting the theory behind each attack. Before jumping into penetration testing, youwill first learn how toset up a lab and install needed softwareto practice penetration testing on your own machine. All the attacks explained in this course are launched against real devices in my lab. The course is structured in a way that will take you through the basics of linux, computer systems, networks andhow devices communicate with each other. We will start by talking about how we can exploit these systems to carry out a number of powerful attacks. This course will take youfrom a beginner to a more advanced level --by the time you finish, you will have knowledge about most penetration testing fields. The course is divided into four main sections: 1.Network Penetration Testing -This section will teach you how to test the security of networks, both wired and wireless. First, you will learn how networks work, basic network terminology and how devices communicate with each other. Then it will branch into three sub sections: Pre-connection:in this section, we still don't know much about penetration testing -- all we have is a computer witha wireless card. You will learn howgatherinformationabout the networks and computers around you and launch a number of attacks without a password, such as controlling the connections around you (ie:deny/allow any device from connecting to any network). You will also learn how tocreate a fake accesspoint,attract users to connect to it and capture any important information they enter. Gaining Access: Now that you have gathered information aboutthe networks around you and found your target, you will learn how to crack the key and gain access to your target network.In this section you will learn anumber of methods to crack WEP/WPA/WPA2encryption. Post Connection: Now you have the key to your target network and you can connect to it. In this section you will learn a number ofpowerful attacksthat can be launched against the network and connected clients. These attacks will allow you to gainaccess to any account accessed by any deviceconnected to your network andread all the traffic used by these devices(images, videos, audio, passwords ...etc). 2.Gaining Access -In this section you will learn two main approaches togain full control over anycomputer system: Server Side Attacks: In this approach you will learn how togain full accessto computer systemswithout the need for user interaction. You will learn how to gather information about a target computer system such as itsoperating system,open ports, installed services anddiscover weaknesses and vulnerabilities. You will also learnhow toexploitthese weaknesses to gain full control over the target. Finally you willlearn how to generate different types ofreportsfor your discoveries. Client Side Attacks -If the target system does not contain any weaknesses then the only way to gain access to it is by interacting with the user.In this approach you will learn how to launch a number of powerful attacks to fool the target user and get them to install abackdoor on their device. This is done bycreating fake updatesand serving them to the user or bybackdoornig downloadedfileson the fly. You will also learn how togather information about the target personand usesocial engineeringto deliver abackdoor to them as an image or any other file type. 3.Post Exploitation -In this section you will learn how to interact with the systems you compromised so far. Youlllearnhow to access the file system (read/write/upload/execute),maintain your access,spyon the target and evenuse the target computer as a pivot to hack other computer systems. 4.Web Application Penetration Testing -In this section you will learnhow websites work. Then you will learn how togather informationabout your target website, such as website owner, server location, used technologies and much more. You will also learn how todiscover and exploit a number of dangerous vulnerabilities such as SQL injections,XSS vulnerabilities,etc. At the end of each section you willlearn how todetect, prevent and secure your system and yourself fromthese attacks. All the attacks in this course arepractical attacksthatwork against any computer device, ie: it does not matter if the device is a phone, tablet, laptop, etc. Each attack is explained in a simple way -- first you willlearn the theory behind each attack and then you will learn how to carry out the attack using Kali Linux. NOTE: This course is created for educational purposes only andall the attacks are launched in my own lab or against devices that I have permission to test. NOTE: This course is totally a product of Zaid Sabih and no otherorganizationis associated with it or a certification exam. Although, you will receive a Course Completion Certification from Udemy, apart from that NO OTHER ORGANIZATION IS INVOLVED."
Price: 69.99 |
"Como Melhorar a Comunicao e o Relacionamento com seu Filho" |
"Ensinaremos a interpretar o que de fato nossos filhos querem dizer com o que esto falando e agindo, entenderemos os sentimentos envolvidos e aprenderemos a tambm nos expressar melhor de forma a desenvolv-los emocionalmente mais fortes, flexveis e felizes.Curso 100% online, com disponibilidade imediata e durao de aproximadamente 2 horas, baseado em exemplos prticos da vida real, com explicaes e recursos de como os pais podem lidar em cada caso. Os ensinamentos so inspirados nos trabalhos dos autores de Best Sellers, como os Doutores Daniel Siegel, Carol Dweck, Faber e Mazlish, Marshal Rosenberg, entre outros.Quem ir me orientar?Adri DayanPsicloga pela UNIP; Psicodrama Clnico e Pedaggico GETEP; Atendimento em Orientao Familiar e Psicoterapia Breve Sedes Sapientiae; Arte terapia Joia Eliezer; Atendimento psicopedaggico clnico e institucional Instituto Pieron; Atualizaes em educao pr-escolar CEPRE; Mais de 30 anos de experincia Clnica e Orientao Educacional; Tradutora dos livros e introdutora no Brasil dos Cursos: Como Falar para seu Filho Ouvir e Como Ouvir para seu Filho Falar, Irmos Sem Rivalidade, Como Falar para seu Aluno Aprender; Coordenadora do Curso para casais, do Gottman Institute: S com voc"".Elizabeth Wajnryt Psicloga - PUC/SP; Psicanalista - Instituto Sedes Sapientiae de SP; Mais de 30 anos de experincia clnica de consultrio atuando em Compulso Alimentar, Psicoterapia de Casais, Orientao de Pais e Mindfulness; Autora do livro E Foram Magros e Felizes para Sempre- As Portas de Sada da Compulso de Comer; Tradutora dos livros e introdutora no Brasil dos Cursos: Como Falar para seu Filho Ouvir e Como Ouvir para seu Filho Falar, Irmos Sem Rivalidade, Como Falar para seu Aluno Aprender."
Price: 219.99 |
"Email Marketing: Sales Automation for E-commerce" |
"What to SendSo while creating this programme I spent a lot time talking to e-commerce owners and service based businesses, trying to understand what theyre sticking points were.Firstly there was the issue of what emails to send.In this programme Im going to give 10 automated campaign frameworks that have multiple touch points.All of these frameworks will allow you to stay in front of your customer for longer.What to writeIm going to cover a number of ways to consistently have something to say and never run out of ideas.While I cant give you the exact words to use, these exercises are a collection of ideas and questions that you can fill out to help you draw the most content out of your business and always have something to say to add value.GoalsUltimately when youve completed this programme youll have a full suite of 10 automated campaigns to send out.These will easily fill up the entire year for your list.Promoting business and selling your products on autopilot.Youll always know what to say, what emails to send and a framework for when to send them.Ok, so now were ready to get started, So lets dive into the first module."
Price: 199.99 |
"Start a Profitable Affiliate Marketing Business [Blueprint]" |
"These days everyone wants to be financially free, but the most people are not.Either because they'rerunning in the wrong direction orthey are justtoo lazy.Some of them are also trying to reach theirfinancial freedom with Affiliate Marketing - but they don't succeed. Why?Their marketing isn't good enough, their website is boring and bad structured,they chose a bad affiliate program or they're trying to sell it to the wrong people.And this is exactly what this course will teach you - how to do good marketing (free as well as paid), create a modern website, choose the propertarget group and start making a passive income by creating a newsletter and automatingallprocesses of Affiliate Marketing!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Start Using Wireshark to Hack like a Pro" |
"This course will cover the process for conducting protocol analysis. This will serve as a foundation for the skill required for a number of different types of careers. Protocol analysis is the technique of analyzing what is or has taken place on a network. This is used by Security Operations Center analysts as well as network forensics investigators.We will take static capture files that you will be provided and show you how to analyze them within the Wireshark tool. You will learn ways to quickly identify anything that is abnormal within a network packet capture. This will provide you with the initial skills for intrusion analysis, and also malware tracking and monitoring.-The course prepares the student for understanding network protocol analysis -After the course youwill have the initial skills for security or hacking classes- Anyone who wants to understand the foundation of security skills and have knowledge for analyzing network traffic as well as potential intrusions will benefit from this course.- This course is for beginners or people interested in learning about hacking and don't know where to start."
Price: 39.99 |
"A Guide On How To Market Yourself as a Makeup Artist" |
"You're here because you want to be a successful makeup artist, right?Great idea, my friend.Average makeup artists make over $300 per day. Great makeup artists can make $5,000+ per day. And money isn't the only reason to be a makeup artist. It is an important job that helps people look and feel their best to go on camera, for their wedding, or even just to go out.What makes me qualified to teach you?My name is Melissa and I've been a professional makeup artist since 2010. I've made a full time income working on commercial sets, photoshoots, fashion shows, weddings and more. I've learned a lot about the industry and what makes some makeup artists succeed more than others. I'm here to give that knowledge to you with the hopes that your makeup business will grow exponentially.My Promise to YouI'llbe here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.I want to make this the best course on being a successful makeup artist. So if there is any way I can improve this course, just tell me and I'll make it happen."
Price: 19.99 |
"Basic Chinese Study Pinyin Program for Beginners" |
"Pinyin is the core phonetic system that represents the sound of Chinese characters, hanzi. It provides an essential tool for total beginners to start to speak Chinese without knowing the characters and a very important tool for typing Chinese on computers and smart phones. It is extremely important foranyone who just start to learn Chineseto master Pinyin.This course provides everything about Pinyin, from Initials, Finals, Syllables and Tones. It helps you develop the skills to use Pinyin easily and set up a solid foundation for your future Chinese study."
Price: 74.99 |
"Adobe Illustrator para Arquitectura" |
"Este es un curso de Adobe Illustrator para arquitectos, diseadores de interiores, proyectistas, estudiantes de arquitectura y estudios de proyectos que quieran aumentar la calidad grfica de la representacin de sus proyectos de arquitectura, tanto de exterior como de interior, interiorismo, paisajismo, landscape, urban design and masterplanning, etc. Hoy da los proyectos se muestran al futuro propietario a travs de imgenes y la arquitectura se vende a los clientes a travs de imgenes. No olvidemos la importancia creciente de la imagen durante todo el siglo XX, y las dos primeras dcadas del siglo XXI el control y diseo de imgenes sigue creciendo y sigue siendo clave para llamar la atencin de nuestros clientes potenciales. Y sobre todo ser importante para el diseador tener un control total sobre sus imgenes, lminas, paneles de arquitectura, etc que han sido creados para los concursos de arquitectura, ya sea para la administracin pblica o concursos promovidos por iniciativas privadas. Los estudiantes universitarios de arquitectura, interiorismo, patrimonio y otras carreras, en sus ltimos aos de universidad participan en numerosos concursos. Esto es una prctica que se extiende a lo largo de toda la vida profesional de arquitectos y diseadores de espacios. En este mbito, Adobe Illustrator es una de las herramientas ms potentes del mercado que conviene conocer, tanto si eres trabajador por cuenta propia y quieres que tus proyectos sean ms atractivos; como si eres trabajador por cuenta ajena y en los procesos de seleccin te piden conocer este software para optar a un empleo o una mejora de empleo dentro de la empresa."
Price: 149.99 |
"EDIFICIUS: modelado BIM con renderizado en tiempo real" |
"Con este curso descubrirs las ventajas de disear en BIMintegrandola arquitectura, elclculo estructural, elpresupuesto y elRenderizado en Tiempo Real (imgenes y vdeos) de tu proyecto de edificacin. Iniciate y da los primeros pasos enEDIFICIUS, un software BIM con motor de render entiempo real, desarrollado por ACCA software, la empresa italianalder en su pas y la opcin BIM ms econmica del mercado. Adems descubrirs que EDIFICIUS se integra conotros software del mercado: SketchUp, Lumion, y exportando a IFC con cualquier otro software BIM del mercado. Todo esto podrs realizar con EDIFICIUS:1.Desarrollo en BIMdel modelo arquitectnico con integracin 100% con SketchUp si lo deseas.2. Renderizado de imgenes y videosentiempo real con el RTBIMde Edificius.3. Mediciones dinmicas en BIMy Presupuestoen tiempo real,de manera integrada ybidireccional."
Price: 99.99 |