"Build Modern Websites Quick With HTML,CSS and Bootstrap" |
"Learn to makewebsites with justthe basics of HTML,CSS and Bootstrap to design good looking fully functional webpages that your users will love!Discoverthe advantages of usingBootstrap and why itis the most popular Front end framework being used online today. Bootstrap helpsyou create amazing fully responsive websites quick and easily. Save your self the hassle of designing webpages from scratch and start learning Bootstrap instead!.Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end web framework for designing websites and web applications. This course will help you learn to use Bootstrap within your web projects for more rapid development. Discoverhow you can use HTML, CSS and Bootstrap together to build wonderful web sites!First we learn the basics of HTML and everything you will need to create your websites. We will explore how to create headers, paragraphs, lists, images, iframes, links, tables, forms and more! After mastering HTML you will learn how to make your webpages look great with a bit of design.After HTML we start with the basics of CSSby learning how to implement, classes, ids, colors, fonts, styling text, aligning text, styling links, backgrounds, margins and much more. After learning the basics of CSS we dive right into BootStrap.Learn about adding Bootstraps grid system, navigation bar, forms, tables, modals, alerts, scroll spy, glyphicons, and buttons.Bootstrap isdesigned for everyone, everywhere. Once you start using it you will see why itsthe most popular HTML andCSSframework for developing responsive, mobile friendlyprojects on the web. Bootstrap is ready for allskill levels and ready for anyone. Your websitesand projects of all sizes will work acrossmultiple screens sizes perfectly with Bootstrap.Bootstrap is easy to implement so get started now!Upon completing this course you will be able to create fully functionally websites that look greaton both desktop and mobile."
Price: 19.99 |
"Comece a anunciar no Facebook Ads em 150 minutos" |
"Com as informaes do curso e sua dedicao para executar o passo a passo das aulas, em menos de 7 dias voc consegue concluir o curso eanunciar com excelncia no Facebook e no InstagramProjetamos um curso que explica desde a base da ferramenta para os mais leigos at configuraes avanadas para fazer campanhas de alta converso com os recursos mais profissionais da plataforma. um curso que nasceu a partir da expertise de mais de 4 anos da Consultoria Diff Comunicao. O curso ministrado por nossos consultores sniors e especialistas em marketing digital, todos com mais de 3 mil horas de prticas e consultorias na rea. Esse curso j foi testado e aplicado por todos os nossos clientes e te ajudar a entender quais estratgias funcionam melhor para atrair seguidores, visitantes e leads e quais erros evitar para no perder dinheiro com campanhas no otimizadas. Voc tambm aprender as melhores prticas do mercado, usadas em campanhas que convertem para grandes marcas como Magazine Luiza, Netshoes e Saraiva"
Price: 39.99 |
"Guide to delicious homemade pizza dough from your kitchen" |
"Are you tired ofconsuming greasy and nasty pizza from name brands and supermarkets?If so,start creatingyour own delicious and healthy homemade pizza dough from scratch today from the convenience of your kitchen.This course will teach an easy and effective way to makehomemade pizza on a budget.Making homemade pizza dough can be a frustrating experience and most people tend to give up after a couple of failed attempts.My goal is to providea step by step guide to making delicious homemade pizza dough from the convenience ofyour kitchen and on a budget. This courseis designed to teach a simple and easy to follow guideto making homemade pizza doughfrom scratch.The detailed video instructions and recipes in this course will guide youthroughthe entire pizza makingprocess and teach you howto create, assemble, and bake delicious homemadepizza from the convenience of your kitchen.In this course, we will go over the basic kitchen equipment and supplies. We willalsolearn an easy and delicious way to make yourpizza dough and tomato sauce. Additionally, we will also discuss how to shape and pre-bake your pizza dough. Last but not least, we will follow step-by-step howassemble your pizza to ensure you become a success pizza maker from the convenience of your kitchen.Making homemade pizza dough from scratch should be in everyone's bucket list and will completely change the way you experience pizza. Take the time to invite family and friends over to impress them with your new skills!I look forward to having you in my course.Note: I am fully committed to helping you succeed during your pizza making process to ensure you have a great time baking pizza from the convenience of your kitchen.Bruno Santilli"
Price: 19.99 |
"Erfolg mit digitalen Produkten - Passives Einkommen aufbauen" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Unternehmer/Innen, welche sicherfolgreichepassiveEinkommensstrmemit digitalen Produkten aufbauen wollen.In diesem Kurs lernst Du die Vorteile digitaler Produkte kennen - wie Du zahlreiche Produktideen generieren, diese Anhand echter Nachfragewerte berprfstund somit das 'Bauchgefhl' auen vor lassen wirst.Starte jetzt und erstelle Dein erstes digitales Produkt unter Anleitung dieses Kurses und gehe die ersten Schritt hin zu erfolgreichem passivem Einkommen."
Price: 64.99 |
"Webinare - Geld verdienen mit Webinaren" |
"Lerne wie Du erfolgreiche Webinare erstellst und abhltst:- lerne das Erfolgskonzept von Webinaren und die richtige Struktur kennen- lerne welche Software Du einsetzen solltest, um erfolgreich zu sein- lerne wie Du mit automatisierten Webinaren Geld verdienst- BONUS: ich zeige Dir wie Du erfolgreiche Follow-Up-Sequenzen erstellst, damit Dein Produkt nicht in Vergessenheit gert und Du trotzdem noch Dein Produkt verkaufst, obwohl der Kunde vielleicht schon verloren schien."
Price: 64.99 |
"Les Bases du Kung-Fu Traditionnel" |
"Le cours sera divis en trois parties principales :- Vue sur le plan du cours.- L'chauffementmusculaire basiquepour chauffer les muscles.Travail des postures puis travail des blocages.Puis travail des coups de poings et coups de pieds.- Comprhension dupremier tao de Chang Quan.Les difficults principales vont se concentrer dans le respect des postures et de la mmorisation de ces dernires.Passionn de Kung fu traditionnel ? N'hsitez plus ! Inscrivez vous au cours !"
Price: 19.99 |
"Furniture Design by example I" |
"This course is the first in a series aimed towards Architects, Designers and Animators.Here you will develop your skill set in both 3 D studio max and V ray.You will enhance your ability to createimpressive models and presentationrenders.The hands on method will help you learn by example; nothing is skippedeven the mistakes that I made.First we will go through extra material to speed up our work.Second we will model the furniture piece.Third we will create mapping coordinates which will speed our work later on.Fourth we texturethe piece using the Slate editor.Fifth we will create an environment and render our high quality image.The Second phase of the course takes a different rout:First we will modify our material with ease.Second we will modify the object and its purpose of use.Third we will create a whole new object to practice the new acquired skills.By the end of the courseyou should be able to model any similar piece with much ease and save loadsof time,this will build up to increase your skills and revenue."
Price: 19.99 |
"Mehr erledigt bekommen! Schluss mit Aufschieberitis!" |
"Hallo und herzlich Willkommen,schn, dass Du da bist!Kennst Du das Gefhl, dass Du vor deiner To Do Liste sitzt und einfach gar keine Lust hast?Oder du eine Hausarbeitschreiben oder fr eine Klausur lernen sollst und Dir dann einfllt, dass Du unbedingt mal wieder Deine Fenster putzen solltest?Kennst Du den Gedanken, dass Du dir vorkommst heute Abend noch unbedingt etwas zu erledigen, sobald du nach Hause kommst und dann aber auf dem Sofa versackst?Wenn Dir diese Szenarien und Gefhle nicht ganz unbekannt sind und Du gerne aufhren mchtest mit dieser ""Aufschieberitis"", dann ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr Dich.Dieser Kurs hilft Dir dabei produktiver zu sein und effizienter Dinge zu erledigen.Wir sprechen ber Techniken, Tipps und Tricks, die einfach und effizientsind. Fr eine erfolgreiche Vernderung ist es jedoch notwendig, dass Du die Dinge auch umsetzt.Wir sprechen ber Dinge wie:Die KraftDeiner GedankenKeine Angst vor groen ProjektenTo Do ListenWie Du den Druck rausnehmen kannstHast Du Angst vor Erfolg?Wie du den Spa dabei findestPausenAusreden &MotivationKalender-ManagementWie Dich einein Sparringpartner untersttzen kannDein ArbeitsplatzZeitfresserLerne Dich selbst kennenVerpflichte Dich selbstRealittscheckKlingt das spannend fr Dich?Dann freue ich mich Dich im Kurs zu sehen :-)Es gibt auch ein paar kostenlose Videos, die Du dir anschauen kannst, um einmal in den Kurs ""herein zu schnuppern"".Ich freue mich auf Dich,Stephanie************************************************************************************************************************Was andere ber diesen Kurs sagen:*****Danke fr diesen ganzheitlichen und gut strukturierten Kurs! Besonders gut gefallen hat mir der Teil, wie man grere Projekte angehen kann. Die Dozentin beschreibt hier nicht nur, wie man groe Ziele in kleinere Einheiten unterteilt und sich dadurch immer wieder motiviert, sondern auch, wie wichtig das Warum und die Vision dahinter ist. Auch die Techniken, einzelne Teilschritte zu visualisieren, sowie sich einen Sparringspartner zu suchen, waren fr mich sehr wertvoll. Wer Angst vor groen Projekten und Deadlines hat, produktiver werden mchte oder immer wieder mit Aufschieberitis kmpft, dem kann ich diesen Kurs sehr empfehlen!*****Trainerin hat Erfahrung mit dem Kursinhalt****hilfreiche Tipps; die Ausfhrlichkeit mit vielen Wiederholungen hlt jedoch wieder etwas auf. Einiges habe ich mir beschleunigt angesehen und immer wieder vorgespult. Oft wre weniger mehr gewesen."
Price: 69.99 |
"Increase your Productivity! Efficiency Tips from a German!" |
"Hello and a very warm welcome,lovely to see you here!Do you know this feeling when you are sitting just right in front of your to do list and can't be bothered to get started?Or the feeling of having to do so many chores at home and it feels overwhelming and annoying?Or the feeling when you have to study for an exam or write a paper and suddenly you feel an urge to tidy your whole room and clean your windows? Have you ever thought""I'll so productive when I come home from work and will do X, Yand Z"" - and as soon as you came home and only sat down on the sofa for a second ... you couldn't bother to do ANYTHING?If any of these scenarios and feelingssoundfamiliar to you and you would like to stop procrastinating and finally get things done, than this course is exactly what you are looking for.I'm originally a German, living in London, and as you might know we Germans love efficiency. So, I created this course to help you become more productive and get things done efficiently.What are you going to learn?We are going to cover Techniques, Tipps and Hacks, that are easyand efficient. For a successful transformation however, it is important that you are whole-hearted use and apply these techniques.We will be covering things like:The Power of Your ThoughtsHow to Not be Scared of Big ProjectsTo Do ListsHow to Reduce the PressureBeingScared of SuccessHow to Enjoy the JourneyBreaksExcuses &MotivationCalendar ManagementHow a Sparringspartner can support youTime VampiresGet to know yourselfCommitReality CheckDoes this sounds interesting to you?Well, than Ilook forward to seeing you in the course :-)Of course there will be also some free preview lectures, which you can check out upfront to make sure this course is what you expect.Ia looking forward to meeting you virtually in the course.Thanks,Stephanie************************************************************************************************************************What others sayabout this course:*****Great course, I feel really motivated to be more efficient and productivity after this. All I need is to be persistent. bye bye procrastination.*****It's a useful and well done course.*****thanks for the useful tips.****The course is good in general and worth listening I gave 4 because 4.5 and 5 I give only for really awsome, huge courses that present complex material. Audio could have better quality and it would be great if more videos would have written recap of most important things."
Price: 79.99 |
"Deal Blackjack like a pro" |
"How to deal Blackjack like a proWhat we will cover in this courseThe Game of Blackjack, 21,how to deal andplay Blackjack ProfessionallySplitting, Doubling and Insurance betsCroupier skills, working withthe cards, shuffling and dealingCutting intothe chips, making change andpayoutsCasino standards, rules and proceduresBlackjack equipment for practiceCasino EmploymentCourse RecommendedIf you have an interest in card games, playing Blackjack for fun or looking to go proInterested in casino games and casinogamingin generalConsidering a career as a croupierin the gaming and hospitalityindustryWould like to know more about casino operationsI will show you how croupiers are trained to dealBlackjack, the skills and practices we learn, the securityprocedures we follow. With over 20 years worldwide casino experience,Ihave a wealth of casino experience to pass on,giving you a unique insight into casino training for dealing Blackjack,and an excellent introduction into apotentially new and exciting line ofemployment in the popular casino market as a Blackjack dealer."
Price: 39.99 |
"Archetypes for Life: Your Pathway to Spiritual Awakening" |
"During this course we will explore your Soul Pathway and the 12 Archetypes you live by. Through exploring these archetypes you are able to gain a deeper understanding of your inner work in order to assist with your ascension as you awaken your soul from within. You will gain clarity on your inner world to enable you to transform your outer world. We will begin by looking at The Soul Pathway as it applies to you and your life, and we will then speak about its integral role in building your character and persona as you awaken to who you are. We will also talk about how The Soul Pathway plays an integral role in assisting you with connecting to your Soul as each and every aspect of who you are. This will help you to identify the archetypes you express in the world and assist you with your Spiritual Growth, Development and AscensionTogether with the program, you will be provided with an Archetypes Assessment which will help you identify your Dominant Archetypes. By identifying your archetypes, you will be able to pin point positive aspects of yourself and potential negative (Shadow) aspects of yourself that are holding you back. Once you have identified your Dominant Archetypes we will explore each of the 12 Archetypes in detail to help you shift your consciousness and make the relevant changes in your life.Finally, we will be speaking about the Archetypes that you will meet on your journey. These archetypes become your support network and assist you with your growth and development. It's key for you to become aware of these archetypes to ensure you are not led astray as you progress on your souls path.This program has been created to help you with your Spiritual Growth, Development and Transformation, whilst helping you to giveback to the world in your own unique way. ""Connect with Your Inner World and Transform Your Outer World to Awaken to Your Soul Pathway""What you will learn:How to Identify Your Dominant ArchetypesPositive Aspects of your Self to enhance your Character.Shadow Aspects of your Persona that are Holding You BackThe Layers of Each Archetype to Assist You with Your Individual TransformationLearn How to Build Your Soul Tribe to Support You on you Path!Join the Program Today and Awaken Your Soul from Within!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Budgeting For Real Life: A Realistic Approach To Money" |
"This course is designed to help you get out of debt, organize your daily budgeting and still have resources left over to experience the joys life has to offer.You will receive the lecture, a printable .pdf workbook to follow as we go through the course together step by step, a written and/or excel budget resource, a bill payment tracker, anda grocery shopping organizer.We will cover everything from changing your mindset about money, to why cash is important and everything else inbetween, while usinga common sense approach.Not only will you come out of this course with a fully customized, complete budget, but you will also have the knowledge on how to save money in key areas of your life. Areas like...buying a car, shopping smart for groceries, cleaning out your closet, health costs and much more.This is a simple to follow course written by a real life, normal, every dayfinance nerd and Life Coachwho has used this exact process to organize her personal finances in a way that has allowed debt repayment and a comfortable life.Are you ready to be the master of your own financial situation?"
Price: 34.99 |
"The Professional Bass Masterclass" |
"Join me and thousands of my wonderful students in your musical journey and learn to play the bass now!This course is edited down to precision to turn you into the bassist you want to be in the shortest time possible!!!This course includes a musicmodule serieswhere you createbass lines -- The Bass Player's Workshop as well as our Riff Trainer for Bass!Become a fully-formed bassist!It is so important to build a solid foundation as you learn to play and as you develop your skills. Don't leave this important first step in your learning to am amateur. I want to show you the best technique.The course uses multiple approaches to understand the geometry of the instrument so you can find those that work best for your individual learning style.Here's what students are saying:""This is an excellent course. I am new to bass and gained a lot of value from this material. The explanations were clear and well presented. Thanks Rajiv.""""Great course, I'm halfway and so far it's great, it's easy to understand, and how good you can get really just depends on how much practice you put in, because the info is all there.""""This guy's amazing. He know his stuff and he's so passionate about his craft. He's a bass player's bass player, if you know what I mean. His obvious command of the instrument lends itself towards his methodical and logical teaching approach. I love the fact that we can utilise this course on Udemy. Imagine what face to face lessons with this guy would cost? ...he's obviously a really nice guy and his style is infectious. I've come back to the bass after many years of playing guitar (yes that's right, I crossed over to the dark side). I've missed the bass, and these lessons are just what the Bass doctor ordered to get me back to speed. Woo hoo!""Course DescriptionThe Professional Bass Masterclass is designed for students of all levels. The course itself is divided into four levels starting with fundamentals, then moving into intermediate and then advanced techniques, knowledge and skill development. Whether you're a beginner, want to fill in gaps in your knowledge, or advance your skills to whole new levels, this course is designed for you.This course brings together into one carefully constructed program knowledge from 20 years experience covering elite music school training, session work, touring work, and advanced master classes as well as performance, production and composition frameworks. This courseis a vast amount of information gathered over decades in this course ready to unlock mastery for the motivated student.This course is a comprehensivesystem for learning to play the bass guitar that brings a broad range of musical information together to teach you the skills to be a musician. If you're looking for bass lessons...great bass lessons...this course has the bass lessons for you.This course is the most effective and efficient way to learn to play the bass. It is also much more than that. This course is designed to make students into great bassists, and also fully formed musicians; to truly understand music, to understand time and harmony and theory and song-craft, to be able to communicate with other musicians of any instrument, to see the big picture.At the end of this course you will be able to understand, play and write great bass lines. You will understand all the functions of the bass and have all the tools to fulfill these functions with your own great bass lines in your own voice. You will be empowered with all the skills and knowledge necessary to hone your craft to become a fully-formed bassist!Build a solid foundation for mastery of the bass guitar with these lessons.Prepare yourself for the world of working musicians with great bass lessons and compelling musical instruction with the Professional Bass Masterclass.These basslessons include:Modes for the Bass Guitar, Walking Bass, Triads, Bass GuitarChords, Bass GuitarScales, Music Theory, Functions of the Bass, Bass GuitarTechniques for the Left and Right Hand, Chord Construction, Bass Arpeggios, Mobile Scales, The Blues Scale, All Five Pentatonic Shapes for the Bass Guitar, String Selection for the Bass Guitar, Time, Time Signatures and Subdivisions, Linear Scales for the Bass Guitar, Keys and Key Signatures, Chord Inversions, Advanced Bass Technique, Advanced Chord Construction and Music Theory, and much, much more."
Price: 199.99 |
"Mastering Daily Stand Ups" |
"In this 45 minute course, you will learn:The basics of a Daily Stand UpWhy running a daily stand up is important to the success of your teamWhat a good daily stand up looks likeHow to get started and setting up your teamRunning a daily stand up with remote teamsHow be successful with a Scrum of ScrumsWays to make the daily stand up funPro tips for mastering the daily stand upIdeal for :Scrum masters, product owners, and team members on an Agile software development team"
Price: 29.99 |
"How To Get A Job In The Video Game Industry" |
"Please note: This course focuses on landing your dream job in the video game industry however the strategies included apply to any creative and technical profession.If you're interested in game development and aspire to have a career making video games, this course will help maximise your chances of finding opportunities, getting interviews and dominating the job application process in order to land your dream job in the video game industry.No matter what role you're interested in (programmer / developer, artist, designer, producer, QA tester and so on) and what experience level you currently have (from ""none"" to ""a lot""), this course takes you through all of the fundamentals (eg. building your resume, writing cover letters, creating a portfolio, crafting your LinkedIn profile) and dozens of insider tips and strategies that 95% of your job-hunting competitors are not (yet) using. The course is perfect for people who are self-taught from taking courses, those who are soon-to-be and recent graduates, people who are switching careers or industry veterans looking for a change or promotion.Why you'll get HUGE VALUE from this program...You'll have the skill to create ""Artifacts"" - the technique which allows you get get interviews even if you have very little or no job experience in the games industry.You'll create your Personal Brand - a critical step in passing employers ""6-second test"", and a brilliant way to make writing resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, emails and connection requests easier and more impactful.You'll become a LinkedIn Master - using this incredibly valuable tool to connect with Decision Makers, make new opportunities, gather important intel and opening doors that would otherwise be tightly shut.You'll learn from real-world Case Studies - job seekers like yourself who followed the teachings in this program got the interviews and job offers they wanted in the video game industry.You'll know exactly how you can Get More Experience on your Resume - its tough to get a job if you have no experience right? This course will show you how anyone can get experience by being smart and offering needed value to teams. See you in the courseBen & RickPS Want to get more skills before you dive-in? Check-out our comprehensive catalog of world-class game development tutorials."
Price: 94.99 |
"Die Basics der digitalen Fotografie" |
"In diesem Fotografiekurs lernst du alle notwendigen Grundlagen, um mit deiner Digitalkamera genau die Fotos aufzunehmen, die du dir immer gewnscht hast!Ich erklre dir Unterschiede in Kameramodellen, Funktionsweisen und die Technik. Du wirst jeden Modus deiner Kamera verstehen und beherrschen, den Zusammenhang der Einstellungsparameter erfassen und diese nutzen um mit bildnerischen Mitteln zu arbeiten.Neben Wissen ber Objektive und Dateiformate, erklre ich dir alles ber mgliches Zubehr und und die richtige Perspektive.Schau dir den Lehrplan und die Vorschau an und berzeuge dich selbst! (:"
Price: 119.99 |
"7 Steps: Your Introduction to Trading" |
"You will receive an introduction to trading by covering 7 progressive steps. By the end, you will understand the market and who you are competing against, how to set up a demo account with the MetaTrader (MT4) platform, along with selecting a broker. You will alsoknow of 18 free online resources to assist you in your trading and analysis, how to calculate risk and also analysis including fundamental, technical and sentimental.The key to trading is developing a high probability strategy with low and managed risk.This course will put you in a position where by you can start learning about strategy and developing your own trading strategies."
Price: 24.99 |
"Make Multilingual WordPress sites - Translate your Website" |
"As a website owner, you are able to reach people anywhere in the world. Despite the fact that some people do not speak nor understand English, the need to buy products and services is the same all over the world. You need to have a multilingual site, to cater for people who prefer to buy in their native languages.In this course, we'll teach you how totranslate your website into any language using one of the most popular WordPress multilingual plugins and let you decide which one fits your requirements."
Price: 74.99 |
"OK 1" |
Price: 2400.00 |
"Zombie Inspiration - Live an awesome life, zombie style" |
"Zombie Inspiration is designed for people who want to be the best person they can be, but who love a laugh along the way. Taking lessons learned from self-improvement and personal developmentbooks, videos and seminars, this course bases those lessons around gross,disgustingzombies, and looks at how things they do can inspire us to become as awesome as possible. Things like setting goals, focusing, giving our all, taking action, standing out and more.A workbook is included as a back-up to the videos, but also is filled with activities, all designed to help you work towards reaching your potential.The course is divided into 10 lectures (and an introduction). Each lecture is split into sections, so that no one section will have you sitting around for too long. The course can be done at your own pace, whether that's barrelling through it in one go, or doing a lecture a day, lecture a week, whatever! Do it at your pace, but make sure you do it!Nothing happens if you don't take action!This course is designed to be a starting point, a kickstart for you to get moving towards your goals, towards living a life you desire. But you can only do it if you take action. If you don't take action, the zombies will bite your face off and then you'll be all gross and that will be the end of that!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Learn German easily and discover Berlin" |
"Learn fast while having fun! The most important way to succeed in learning a new language is to have fun doing it. If you are having a good time while learning, the experience turns out to be both: more enjoyable AND more effective. After thousands of German lessons with all kinds of students through the years, this simple truth has been confirmed over and over again. Thats why my teaching and this course aims to keep the learning efficient by providing a good experience.""Reallyexcellent - well thought-out and consistently interesting; I can't think of abetter way to start off on the road to learning German."" Tom Treadwell""A brilliant and very clever course. I was surprised at how much, and how quickly I learned."" - Rachel WithersWhat`s different about this course?This course cares about HOW you can learn German in an interesting and motivating way! An important aspect for your motivation as a student is that what you learn must be relevant to you. The whole course is based on a story of two people meeting in Berlin. The story is told through conversations reflecting realistic everyday situations. Every section begins with a dialogue and you can always choose between the complete dialogue and a two-part version. All the following lessons within a section deal with basic grammar and useful vocabulary directly related to that dialogue. The grammar is explained in a logical and easy-to-follow way, and is always related to real-life communication in different situations. You can test your own progress during the course with various exercises and the developing story keeps you motivated to discover what happens next. Youll also find some crucial tips how to stay motivated along the way, since this aspect is a central point of this course and my work as a teacher. I`ll give you useful tips for sounding like a native speaker and I encourage you to use your developing speaking skills in other contexts. That way, you`ll be able to communicate spontaneously in German. ""The teacher hooks your attention from the first moment to follow up the story and learn along the way. Clever method and well prepared material, never gets boring :)"" - Patroklos Anagnostou""The dialogues contain creative and interesting uses of easy vocabulary and sentence structures."" - Nora BaloghDiscover Berlin and meet me inside the courseWhile you are learning the language, you`ll get to learn about many must-see-places in Berlin. Besides the locations visited in the story I`ve prepared some exclusive insiders` tips for Berlin visitors to this exciting city. If that sounds interesting to you, please have a look at the course plan and the preview lessons to get a better impression of the course. Once you have become part of the learning community I invite you to write your questions and comments on the course dashboard. Im happy to help and will respond to all your questions promptly.""Thisis a really fun and helpful course! As someone who plans to visit Berlin in the future, the information about the city itself is also really cool!"" - Tristan Mutton"
Price: 99.99 |
"Successful Music Marketing and Branding for Artists/Bands" |
"Lastest update Oct2018Do you want to sell music online and take your music career to the next level?Or perhaps you're already an established artist or musician and want to learn more about various aspects of a music career.Get ready to breakthrough success in NEW ways the music industry will not tell you about!For the first time in history, we are living in a golden era, where musicians can successfully enjoy a career in music without necessarily being signed to a major record label. This is the perfect course to advance your music career further. While it's not a get rich quick scheme and requires a lot of work on your end, applying this principles can get you started getting more fans, gaining more popularity in your niche, and perhaps even increasing your revenue from music.I'll show you thesteps i've taken so far to build a successful career in music, without even touring or signing my music to a major record label.Have you come across a point in your music where:- It's been years, and nothing is getting your music to the next level?- You've been promoting your own shows, dragging fans there, and after your hard work, you're still playing in front of small crowds getting paid next to nothing for your efforts?- You've got potential but a very small fan base across your social media channels?- Don't know where to start, how to start a fan base?- You're feeling stuck and don't know what to focus on first with your music marketing?What makes me qualified to teach you?I've sold over $500,000 worth from my music catalog.I've been blessed not just with a few billboard bestsellers in the past, but now selling my own music, i've managed to establish my music brand and continue to search for opportunities in the music business.I've also worked with so many artists in the past and have learned from their successes and mistakes alike. You can now fast forward your music career from this learning experience and advance your own career!What you'll getI am constantly updating and improving my courses and look forward to feedback in order to do so. I'll guide you every step of the way and you can always reach me by posting a question in the forum or even sending me a direct message.I want to make this the best music marketing course online and hope to see more artists and bands achieve a comparable level of success!Get ready to make money from musicYou could be making thousands of dollars from selling your music online. If music is your passion, make this your gateway to success!By showing you what i consider a successful musician, I wish to encourage you to take the next steps in your career as an artist.Plus, you'll get access to bonus videos with some of the most frequently asked questions i've gotten over the past.With Udemy's 30-day 100%money back guarantee, there is no reason not to enroll immediately. Try it out!Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Yours in music,Ivan"
Price: 199.99 |
"Data Analysis with Pandas and Python" |
"Student Testimonials:The instructor knows the material, and has detailed explanation on every topic he discusses. Has clarity too, and warns students of potential pitfalls. He has a very logical explanation, and it is easy to follow him. I highly recommend this class, and would look into taking a new class from him. - DianaThis is excellent, and I cannot complement the instructor enough. Extremely clear, relevant, and high quality - with helpful practical tips and advice. Would recommend this to anyone wanting to learn pandas. Lessons are well constructed. I'm actually surprised at how well done this is. I don't give many 5 stars, but this has earned it so far. - MichaelThis course is very thorough, clear, and well thought out. This is the best Udemy course I have taken thus far. (This is my third course.) The instruction is excellent! - JamesWelcome to themost comprehensive Pandas courseavailable onUdemy! Anexcellent choice for both beginners and experts looking to expand theirknowledge on one of the most popular Python libraries in the world!Data Analysis withPandas and Python offers19+ hours of in-depth video tutorials on the most powerful data analysis toolkitavailable today. Lessons include:installingsortingfilteringgroupingaggregatingde-duplicatingpivotingmungingdeletingmergingvisualizingand more!Why learn pandas?If you've spent timein a spreadsheet software likeMicrosoft Excel, Apple Numbers, or GoogleSheetsand are eager to take your data analysis skills to the next level,this course is for you!Data Analysis with Pandas and Python introduces you to the popular Pandaslibrary built on top of the Python programming language.Pandas is a powerhouse tool thatallows you to do anything and everything with colossal data sets -- analyzing,organizing,sorting, filtering, pivoting, aggregating, munging, cleaning, calculating, and more!I call it ""Excel onsteroids""!Over the course of more than 19hours, I'll take you step-by-step through Pandas, from installation to visualization! We'll cover hundreds of different methods, attributes, features, and functionalities packed away inside this awesome library.We'll dive into tons of different datasets, short and long, broken and pristine, to demonstrate the incredible versatility and efficiency of this package.Data Analysis with Pandasand Pythonis bundledwith dozens of datasets for you to use.Dive right in and follow along with my lessons to see how easy it is to get started with pandas!Whetheryou're a new data analystor have spent years (*cough* too long *cough*) inExcel, DataAnalysis with pandas and Pythonoffers you an incredible introduction to one of the most powerful data toolkits available today!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Get Credit for Your EIN That's Not Linked to Your SSN" |
"Did you know that your business has its own credit report? This credit report that's linked to your business EIN number is not linked to your consumer credit report or your SSN. Business credit can be obtained without you providing your SSN on the credit application, so your consumer credit quality isn't a factor in approval. And you're not personally liable for the business credit you can obtain. The quality of your business credit will determine if you'll get approved for business loans, the amount you'll be approved for, and the terms you'll pay. Anybody who wants to can see your business credit including your competitors, prospects, and clients, so it's essential you manage your business credit wisely. Not only does business credit seperate your business and personal liability, but it's also one of the only ways you can obtain funding for your business if you have consumer credit issues, don't have collateral, and regardless of your collateral.This course maps out all you'll want and need to know to get credit for your EIN that's not linked to your SSN."
Price: 19.99 |
"Get Sexy! Learn Luscious Lap Dance" |
"Our kick ass, funny, and educational online videos will help you to feel more confident in your body and gain a better understanding of how to turn on your partner through touch, sight and sound. InLap Dance Level 1, you will learn to give a super sexy, oozy, delicious lap dance to your partner.Learn Everything You Need to Perform a Jaw-Dropping Lap Dance Using Sultry StripXpertease Dance Moves.Learn how to position your partnerPickout the best chairSeduce through movementMaster your facial expressionsMaster the art of seduction through movement.Women need to feel comfortable and powerful in their bodies and sexuality. The StripXperteasemoves in the class aresimple yet effective to connectyou to your inner diva.And unlike Pole classes, thismovement directly connects you to your partner. Oneon one, body to body. These moves come directly form the stripclub, combiningmy knowledge from working as an exoticdancer for ten yearsand then teachingfor 12yearsThis class is perfect for adult beginners of any fitness level and any body type. You don't need any dance experience and two left feet can learn dance too!You don't need a partner to learn these moves but it dos help to have a ""body"" to practice on. But with online lessons, you never worry about parking, weather or a sitter for the kids. Using the StripXpertease method of lap danceIwill cover what to do with your hands, and how to position his body onthe chair from his feet to his torso. The perfect chair to use in your lap dance also discussed. Eachmoveis broken down step by step in X different videos. I have also included 2 full run-throughs so that you can seehow to put it all together. If you want to woo your partner or just feel more intouch with our body and sexuality then this is the perfect lesson for you.So what are you waiting for? Close the door and put on your heels. No one will know what we do Behind Closed Doors.."
Price: 59.99 |
"Interactive Introduction to Anthropology" |
"In this course, students will be able to explore the four subfields of anthropology (biological/physical, archaeology, linguistics & cultural anthropology)and how each relates to their life. The course consists of 5 modules, each including:- Video/Powerpoint lectures- Subfield handout highlighting the primary concepts of each module-Additional exercises to apply anthropology (critical thinking questions, TED talks, and applied exercise)-End of module quiz to test their knowledgeThe goal of this course is to introduce students to anthropology and allow the information to be applied to their life. This course is informative and fun, and a good option for anyone interested in learning the basics of the four subfield approach to anthropology!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Learn How to Improvise on Guitar in 30 Days" |
"Want to learn how to improvise on guitar in 30 days or less?This course is the most comprehensive and effective beginner online guitar course on improvisation.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Follow the videos in order and I guarantee you will be able to start improvising on the spot, 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, no questions asked!33 Lectures/Videos with PDF Attachments3 ""Extra Content"" Lectures6 hours of videoFREE Backing tracks in all key signaturesQuizzes to test your progress A discussion forum where you can post questions and videos or recordings of yourself playing, to which you will receive individual feedback and tuition.It's available on a PC, MAC, iPad, iPhone and Android------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With this course, with one lesson a day, you will achieve amazing results and you will be able to create beautiful solos on the spot in 30 days or less, whether you have never improvised before or you already improvise but are confused about certain things such as theory, what scales to use and techniques, and you need help to take you to the next level.This course is designed to guide you through three simple steps, a system that I developed years ago and that I still teach all of my students today, with great results.Here are the three steps:KNOW IN WHICH KEY YOU ARE GIVEN ANY CHORD PROGRESSIONKNOW WHAT SCALES YOU CAN PLAY ON THAT CHORD PROGRESSIONHOW TO USE THOSE SCALES TO IMPROVISE!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here is what people had to say about this course:""The course is designed to be thorough, and to guide the learner to see progress daily - and it works. I am having a lot of fun following this course and cannot recommend it highly enough."" - Adam Smedley""I enjoyed the course and Filippo's teaching style. There is clear and logical explanation of the required music theory, followed by techniques for creative improvisation. This course fulfils the objectives stated in the course content, and I am enjoying practising the techniques learned. Highly recommended if this is of interest."" - Jon Cartoon""Genuine? Helpful? Actually gives me a real place to start practicing?! So much yes."" - Kyle Loyd""Fantastic course. So well done, Filippo. Great instruction. Very clear. Some ""lights"" really went on for me as a result of this course. I feel more confident with my leads and now have better command of the fretboard. To any potential students: if you are on the fence about taking this course, give it a shot. You'll be happy you did."" - Mark Allen""Not being a complete beginner I still found this course very useful as it resolved some questions I had about music theory and improvisation. Also, Filippo strikes me as a very music passionate person and I would love seeing some other courses. P.S. Backing tracks are a huge bonus"" - Ognjen Mii""This is by far the best online Guitar class Ive ever taken. Well worth the investment. I have always been a good rhythm guitarist but was stuck in the pentatonic rut and didnt understand chord theory and scales until now. I hope you create more courses! Im telling all my friends who play guitar to buy this course! Thank you!"" - Bob Bean----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who is this course for? Both acoustic and electric guitarists who want to learn a simple system to start improvising in any key signatureMusicians who aim to freely express themselves on their instrumentBeginners with little or no knowledge of scales and music theoryIntermediate players who are confused about theory, scales and techniquesGuitar players who want to move freely across the fretboard-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My name is Filippo Dall'Asta and I am a professional guitar player based in London, where I have been gigging and teaching guitar for the past 7 years. I have been playing guitar for 17 years now and I have studied music in Italy, Germany, India and England.In my music career I did a lot of research on improvisation and I found a lot of good courses and information on the internet, but I could never find any courses that have a proper system to guide beginners to understand the theory behind it, learn what scales to use and start improvising all in one. All I could find was scattered information here and there, either very very basic or very advanced. So I thought I needed to put a course together that would cover all those aspects, so that any beginner could start improvising in no time and enjoy the freedom of expression that comes with it, without having to waste countless hours collecting fragmented information here and there on the internet.I know out there there are thousands of videos and courses on improvisation but on this course you will get all the information that you would normally find separately on several courses, all boiled down into one.You will see, improvising is very easy once you learn a couple of key elements and it doesn't take much time at all to get started.This course is very interactive and fun, you are going to learn a lot and play a lot as well. There are quizzes, backing tracks in all key signatures to practice and jam on, and you can post questions and videos or recordings of yourself playing, to which you will receive individual feedback and tuition.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I genuinely believe this is an excellent course. I have worked on it 10 hours a week for 13 months. However, I am aware of the fact that it might not be for everybody... That's why I offer 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, no questions asked... so you have got nothing to lose!I am really happy and excited to have you on board, so let's get started today! "
Price: 199.99 |
"Real Estate School of Sales" |
"When taking this course you benefit from my 21years in the real estate profession. The majority of agents quit the real estate sale profession within 24 months of starting. In this course I teach you all the things to watch out for and to glean on to make a strong start int real estate sales and how to last the distance!My sessions offered are comprehensive and tackle the day to day challenges of starting out and working through the basic you would not normally be informed about. Included in the course is my top performing prospecting letter which works really well even in the modern internet age.My course offers you 17lesson topics covering everything you need to know to launch your career. Take this course if you want to have a career that starts strong and you want to make a long term career in the industry with points you will remember for years to come."
Price: 199.99 |
"Finanas Pessoais para Autnomos: Adeus Descontrole!" |
"Vamos ser sinceros: Organizar as finanas pessoais j difcil para quem possui um salrio fixo e recorrente. Porm, quando voc um freelancer, profissional liberal, autnomo, ou possui um cargo comissionado, o salrio no existe. A sua renda mensal varia todos os meses, e organizar as finanas pessoais torna-se uma tarefa ainda mais difcil.Ter uma remunerao varivel uma verdadeira armadilha. Como voc muitas vezes no sabe nem quanto dinheiro ter no prximo ms, fica muito difcil fazer um planejamento financeiro pessoal a longo prazo. Os conselhos tradicionais de manter um oramento mensal, guarde X % do seu salrio todos os meses, no so suficientes para equilibrar as suas finanas pessoais.O curso Adeus Descontrole: Finanas Pessoais para Autnomos foi criado para preencher esta lacuna. O curso ensinar como criar um planejamento financeiro e um oramento domstico mensal mesmo sem ter um salrio fixo todos os meses.O objetivo principal deste curso ensinar pessoas que no possuem um salrio fixo e dependem de ganhos variveis vindos, na maioria dos casos, de vrios fontes diferentes a conseguir criar um planejamento a longo prazo para o seu dinheiro, aprendendo a lidar com essa variao na renda mensal e colocar suas finanas pessoaisnos trilhos.Alm disso, o curso tambm possui uma seo dedicada exclusivamente aos investimentos. Saia do zero e aprenda quais so os tipos de investimentos, seus prazos, custos e rentabilidade e descubra como escolher a melhor opo para cada objetivo financeiro.Com um bom planejamento financeiro, voc conseguir:Ter maistranquilidade financeira, e com isso maior qualidade de vida;Pagar suas dvidas;Realizar sonhos de consumo;Colocar suas contas em dia;Criar reservas financeiras para assegurar seu patrimnio;Lidar melhor com sazonalidades e com meses de baixa sem afetar seu padro de vida;Ter mais autonomia para tomar decises na sua vida profissional sem alterar as finanas pessoais;Investir de maneira correta e planejar sua aposentadoria.O cursoAdeus Descontrole: Finanas Pessoais para Autnomos contm uma srie de videoaulas, artigos e links para facilitar a sua jornada no mundoda educao financeira.Ao final do curso, voc ser capaz de realizar um diagnstico financeiro e criar umoramento mensalbaseado na sua realidade financeira, alm de estabelecer um plano de ao para criar suas reservas financeiras elidar com as variaes na renda mensalsem grandes impactos no seu padro de vida. Por fim, voc aprender o bsico sobre investimentos, suficiente para comear a planejar a sua aposentadoria e investir suas reservas de maneira inteligente, alm de conhecer estratgias para ganhar uma renda extra mensal com o mercado financeiro.Ocurso no indicado paraprofissionais que possuem salrio fixo, pois todas as estratgias ensinadas so baseadas na variao da renda mensal. Alm disso, o curso tambm no indicado para pessoas queprocuramuma soluo pronta e mgica para seus problemas financeiros. As aulas e atividades dependem da sua fora de vontade do alunopara colocar tudo em prtica, e a sua dedicao para criar bons hbitos financeirosconforme orientado nas aulas."
Price: 324.99 |
"Como Investir no Tesouro Direto para Iniciantes [2020]" |
"O cursoComo Investirno Tesouro Direto para Iniciantes ensinar o passo-a-passo para sair da poupana e investir em ttulos do Tesouro Nacional. Este investimento atualmente o mais seguro do pas, com rentabilidades superiores poupana e aos planos de Previdncia Privada.Pela sua alta segurana e facilidade para investir ( possvel investir com apenas R$ 30,00), o Tesouro Direto ideal para quem est comeando no mundo dos investimentos, ou para quem possui pouco dinheiro para investir. possvel realizar aplicaes mensais ou peridicas, e escolher o prazo e a taxa mais adequadas aos seus objetivos.O objetivo principal que o investidor iniciante consiga, ao final do curso, entender tudo o que preciso para alcanar seus objetivos financeiros com o Tesouro Direto, atravs de um passo-a-passo com exemplos reais e prticos.Vantagens em Investir no Tesouro Direto:Investimento mnimo de R$ 30,00 ou 1% do valor do ttulo;Variedade de prazos para o resgate;Flexibilidade nos investimentos: ttulos com vrios prazos, taxas e rentabilidades diferentes;Existem ttulos que protegem da inflao;Baixas taxas de administrao;Imposto de Renda cobrado somente sobre o rendimento do investimento, e apenas no resgate dos ttulos;Liquidez diria - possvel comprar e vender em todos os dias teis;Permite aplicaes mensais; possvel fazer tudo pela internet.Neste curso, voc aprender os conceitos bsicos sobre o Tesouro Direto e o mercado financeiro, as diferenas entre os ttulos e como escolher o mais adequado para o seu dinheiro. Alm disso, voc tambm encontrar um passo-a-passo explicativo, em vdeo, sobre como comprar e vender os ttulos. Todo o contedo didtico e explicado em linguagem simples, intuitiva e direta.A grande vantagem de realizar um curso online pela Udemy a garantia da qualidade do contedo. Os instrutores passam por um rigoroso processo de aprovao antes do curso ser publicado. Ao realizar este curso, voc ter acesso a um contedo de qualidade, didtico e focado, com tudo o que voc precisa saber para investir no Tesouro Direto concentrado em um nico local!O curso contm uma srie de videoaulas, artigos e links para facilitar a sua jornada no mundo dos investimentos. Ao final do curso, voc ser capaz de escolher por conta prpria os melhores ttulos para investir, e realizar as operaes de compra e venda de maneira segura e inteligente. Ao longo do tempo, a alta rentabilidade do Tesouro Direto far seu dinheiro se multiplicar, e voc ser capaz de planejar seu futuro e realizar seus sonhos mais rapidamente graas ao poder dos juros compostos."
Price: 189.99 |