"Master the Python interview (special banks & startups)" |
"Welcome to Master the Python Interview!This is the most comprehensive course online to help you master the Python Interview, and get your next dream job!This course will teach you everything you need to know to land your nextPython role, including:real interview questions and how to answer themreal coding exercisesand how to solvethemnon-technical interview questions that help you demonstrate your experience as a professional Pythondeveloperplenty of quizzes that will cement your knowledgeadvanced comments for more senior developersAchieve your career goals and get a fantastic Pythonjob by enrolling in this course!"
Price: 24.99 |
"COBOL curso completo: Empieza a programar Ya!" |
"Sabas que segn anlisis de Compuware,actualmente se utilizams de 220 mil millones de lneas de cdigo COBOL a las que se suman anualmente 5,000 millones?Deseas aprender COBOL de una manera fcil y guiada?Bienvenido al CursoLenguaje de Programacin COBOL!!En este Curso aprendersa programar, paso a paso, eneste poderoso lenguaje de programacin.Todo programaCOBOL se compone de 4 Divisiones, veremos al mximo detalle cada una de stas.Realizaremos programas donde utilicemos: Archivos Secuenciales, Archivos Indexados, Tablas y sentencias deSQL, Reportes, Uso de Tablas internas, Uso del SORT, etc.Veremos todo una seccin relativa a la Programacin Estructurada y con esta tcnica desarrollaremos nuestros programasNos enfocaremos al COBOL que se usa en el Mainframe de IBM, sin embargo podrs realizar tus programas en cualquier otro equipo.Utilizaremos en PCel mismo editor que se usa en el Mainframe de IBM.Tendremos la opcin de compilar y ejecutaren lnea (en una Pagina Web)nuestros programas COBOL.Te dir como descargar el Software gratuito para compilar y ejecutar tus programas COBOLen ambiente PC-WindowsTe recomiendo que respetes la secuencia que tieneel Programa del Curso y de esta forma lo aproveches al mximo.Porque estoy compartiendo este Cursocontigo?Los especialistas actuales que conocen COBOLtienen entre 50 y 65aos, por lo que estn a punto de jubilarse. Ahora los jvenes profesionalestendrn que dar continuidad al trabajo que venan desempeando todos aquellos especialistas COBOL. Sin embargo, la generacin ms joven tiende a tener poca o ninguna experiencia con los equiposMainframe ya que se ha centrado ms en la informacin distribuida, la Web y las tecnologas mviles. Existe un riesgo de tener unaprdida de capital intelectual y una falta de experiencia para los equipos de TI en las muchas empresas que aun manejan esta tecnologa.Deseo que este Curso sea de granutilidad para los jvenesprofesionales que estn conscientes del gran mercado que aun existe en el uso de los Mainframes y que con su talentocontribuyan al crecimientos de las reas de TI."
Price: 1920.00 |
"Write over divorce: banish the pain with a pen!" |
"Write Over Divorceand reclaim your happiness If you have been divorced and you cant quite get over it, this is the course for you. Its a practical course which requires you to spend about 20 minutes every day writing in specific ways. If you study every day, it will take about three weeks. I know what its like any relationship break-up is painful! Its also a huge disruption to your life. Here are some of the signs that you are ready to do this course. You hear yourself saying the same things over and over again, and you dont like what you hear.You are annoyed with yourself for still feeling bitter or sad.You want to gain control over your own thoughts and feelings.You want your life to make sense again, and you know that you deserve to be happy.I created this course as a do-it-yourself cure for that difficult post-divorce state of mind. Here's what we'll cover. How to finally purge yourself of bad thoughts and feelings. How to reframe reality and start seeing your own story from different points of view. How to revitalise your entire life with optimism and happiness. Ready? Ill be with you every step of the way. OK, lets go! What are the requirements? A computer with internet connection A pen and paper No skill in writing required! What am I going to get from this course? This course could change your view of lifewith numerous benefits. By the end of the course, you'll know exactly how to stop those bad thoughts that go round and round in your mind. Youll be able to move on from your divorce or breakup with a positive but realistic approach to life. Youll have mastered the technique of expressive writing, which you can use to ease the pain of any future emotional upheavals. You will have ways of viewingyour experience more clearly, as part of a big picture. Youll have a portfolio of writing techniques that you can use whenever you feel stuck or pessimistic or sad. What is the target audience? You, if you are having trouble getting over a relationship breakup. You, if you catch yourself obsessing about past events."
Price: 39.99 |
"Ruby on Rails 5: Building real world apps for newbies" |
"Do you call yourself an entrepreneur?Have you always wanted to have your own startup? Or maybe you want to work in one but have no idea where to start?Do you have a great idea and know you can make it possible if only you could get some funding. But you need to show a working prototype to your potential investors?Then this Ruby on Rails 5 course for building real world applications is for you. My name is Vishay Bhatia, and I'll be your instructor for the course.I am a self taught rails developer. Just like you I too was a newbie not too long ago. So I know how confusing and intimidating the initial steps can be when you have decided to take on learning to code for yourself. That is why this course is laid out in the most simple way possible. I don't use complicated tech principles to get my point across.What you will learn in this course:Intro to Ruby in about 15 minutesTrello clone - A project management app with a TO DO , DOING DONE list to track the progress of your tasks.Digital Bookstore- A 2-sided marketplace where you will learn step by step, how to build a web platform where people can exchange goods or services.Also learn to use stripe for payment processing and how to host images for your application using AWS.We'll start the course by walking through the application architecture, this will teach you the concepts you will need to understand the file structure and how the MVC structure in rails works.We will learn on how to add styling to our app using the latest Bootstrap 4 framework.Since the application we're building is a real world app I'll constantly be adding to the course material with new features.What ever you can dream about building, you can do so with Rails and I will show you how.By the end of this course you will know what is happening under the hood of any rails application.My goal is to turn you from a coding newbie to a coding ninja.So join this course and take your first step of building your ideas into reality.Please feel free to review the course curriculum and I look forward to going through the material with you on your development journey"
Price: 34.99 |
"Die Online-Zauberschule Kartentricks lernen vom Profi!" |
"In diesem einmaligen Kurs lernst du die Grundgriffe fr die Kartenzauberkunst. Mische ein Spiel, hebe es ab und die Anordnung hat sich dennoch nicht relevant gendert. Zeige Kartentricks, wie sie sonst nur von Profis gezeigt werden.Die Kunststcke und Techniken werden von einem Profi gezeigt und erklrt. Einige Kunststcke sind relativ leicht vorzufhren, andere bentigen etwas bung. Psychologische Feinheiten und technische Finessen erlauben es, dass du aus Sicht der Zuschauer wahre Wunder zeigen kannst."
Price: 94.99 |
"Classical Guitar Course for Adults Level 1" |
"Classical Guitar Course for Adults"" Level 1Is designed to give you a solid base in your development as a classical guitarist. I will teach you from scratch how to play classical guitar There are two lines which will be going simultaneouslyGuitar Playing, It includes the mechanical level of the performing and the implementation of the gained knowledge and skills by exercises etudes and pieces, which are developed and selected in a way that introduces to you the new things gradually and smoothly. Music theory I will teach you how to read music notation. The music theory presented in this course is strongly related with your classical guitar playing the materials are designed to help you understand and to support the music you perform with theoretical knowledge as much as possible, The theory that you will learn is in sync with your guitar playing."
Price: 74.99 |
"How To Transform Your Business With Zapier Automation" |
"Isaved over $50,000 per year in my business by using Zapier, and maybe you can too.When Zapier came along, it introduced a revolutionary way of connecting apps that was accessible, affordable, and simple for anyone to do. I started using Zapier, and I was hooked.In this course, Icover a huge amount of content and features that may not be touched on in other courses.If you're after a way to connect your business apps in a simple, powerful way, this is for you.If you are a startup, an entrepreneur, a small business, or even part of a big company, you can save money and time by using this product.You'll learn the fundamentals of setting up Zapier, as well as extending yourself into some intermediate functionality. Even if you know how to use Zapier, there is bound to be some new material that you may not have been exposed to before.At the end of the course, the Capstone Project will bring everything together in an assignment that relates to your business. As a special bonus, I'll offer you free feedback and guidance on your assignment Zap to help you on your journey."
Price: 19.99 |
"Aprende a cocinar autnticas Tapas Espaolas" |
"Con este curso aprenders a elaborar 4 deliciosas tapas espaolas, sanas y naturales, como son: el pincho de tortillade patatas, la palomita deensaladilla rusa, el cojonudoy la cazuelita y tosta degambas al ajillo. Vers qu fcil resulta cocinarlas! Iremos viendo en cada clase, todos los pasos necesarios, para que las recetas te salgan siempre perfectas. Te vendr muy bien para prepararlas en cualquier reunin familiar o de amigos, para llevrtelas al trabajo, para tomarlas delante de tu ordenador mientras ests haciendo algn curso o para relajarte despus de una jornada de estrs. Si te gusta la cocina tradicional, hecha con cario y con ingredientes naturales, estoy convencida que disfrutars con este curso. Anmate y lleva el sabor y la alegra de Espaa a tu mesa! En resumen, con este curso: Aprenders a cocinar 4 tpicas tapas espaolas Podrs sustituir la comida rpida en tu oficina, por una comida variada y sana que te adems te va a encantar. Quedars como un rey o como una reina, cuando tengas una reunin familiar o de amigos, en la que cada uno aporta un plato. Empezars a aficionarte a la cocina, a disfrutar cocinando. La buena compaa, la buena msica y el buen vino, son los 3 ingredientes que vas a tener que elegir t. Todo lo dems lo tienes aqu. Estoy segura que vas a triunfar con estas tapas. Lleva el sabor y la alegra de Espaa a tu mesa!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Planning Your Work Wardrobe: Dress Without Stress" |
"Does getting dressed for work in the morning leave you feeling stressed and ill-prepared?Have you invested time and money into building a fantastic wardrobe but find yourself wearing the same two or three outfits over and over, neglecting all theotheritems stuffed into your closet?Would you loveto wake up in the morning with a great outfit ready soall you have to do is put it on?I've worked in places with all kinds of dress codes - from the extremely conservative to the extremely relaxed. I've spenttimefollowingstrictguidelines,learned to express my creativity whilst still maintaining authority, and, most impressively,createdcomfortable andsmart outfits incorporating uniform t-shirts!I've received compliments everywhere.I even coped with a two and a half hour commute for three months without losing my mind or my style!I believe that advanced planning bringsadvanced peace of mind. Think how much more prepared you would be for each day with your outfit already taken care of. Imagine what you could do with the time saved. You could exercise, study, learn a new skill, write a couple of hundred words on your novel, have a relaxed breakfast with your family - or just laze around in bed!Join me. Get organised, save time, and set yourself up for success!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Basics of Python & arcpy , the Python library of ESRI ArcGIS" |
"Increase your GIS salary by 50% average.Welcome everyone!This course teaches the essentials of the Python programming language to utilize arcpy, thePython package for the leading GIS software,ArcGIS -ESRI.It is the first Udemy course about Python for arcpy. and itis very affordable compared to other similartrainingcoursesrangingfrom $1,000 - $2,000.If you work in the GIS business world or even your job has some GIS involved, I advice you to go ahead and take this course. It will help you promote in your job and increase your income.GIS is the most integrated field with manybusiness and workdisciplines such as IT, engineering, marketing, and planning. ArcGIS is the most used GISsoftware in the world. To become astrongerGIS professinaland toincrease your salary in the GIS business world by 50% average, you need to learn how to program.Python is one of the most spreading programming languages in the IT world. ArcGIS's arcpy package is dependent on Python. The arcpy package can save you a lot of repeated tasks involved in geospatial data administration and analysis.In this course, I don't assume that you are very familiar with Python. I will start from level zero and teach you what you need from Python in order to utilize arcpy easily. There is a quiz associated with each lecture so you can test yourself.You will learn how to access MXDs and their layers programmatically and also run geospatial analysis tools without opening ArcMap. I am explaining a lot of details in both Python and arcpy so you can really understand andmaster the concepts in practice.Again welcome everyone and I hope you register and learn."
Price: 49.99 |
"CA Bar Exam July 2018 1-Hour Essays: Powerful Strategies." |
"By the end of this course, you will learn to write successful responses to the 1-hour essays.TheIRACapproach is used to organize the lectures. I have decoded the exam and have produced formulas and advanced techniquesthat you can apply. You will see improvements in the key areas of: - Issue spotting. - Discussion of major issues. - Approach tonon-major issues. - knowing when and how to write effective rebuttals. The formulas will help you stay on course to ensure you are targeting the proper areas. Also, practical application exercises are included. Moreover, the hypothetical essay examples are from multi-state subjects (property of the State Bar of California). This means that the course is also helpful to current law students throughout the United States. Here are some of the other concepts you will learn. You will know to perform advanced strategies in these areas:- Timing techniques. - Outlining strategies. - Strategies to writingwith confidence. - Know how to recognizesucker issues (rabbit hole discussions). - Techniques to learning the substantive law. - Techniques to approaching commercial outlines. It is in this coursewhere you will develop effective lawyer-writing skills. This is the beginning of your success on the bar. Lets get started."
Price: 99.99 |
"Story Editing Masterclass" |
"Like every healthy ecology a story needs to work as a whole, not just the sum of its parts. Does your fiction world have a working ecology? Do its parts work together? Or do its characters overwhelm? Do all parts support each other, or do they each vie for power?How can you see the work afresh?This course will enable you to become a more effective editor of your own fiction work. It will help you visualise a novel/screenplay/story holistically as one grand ecology each element reliant on another. If part of your story doesn't support the life of the whole, out it goes!The Ecology of Novels includes:VideosReading materialsInspirational exercisesCase studiesCharts, spreadsheets, graphsLinks toextraresources (forswats only)Much as a new painter would stroll the Louvre studying the great master painters, as a writer you should be examining the best storytellers. So in this coursewell be ambling through the literary Louvre, paying our respects to creative greats like JRRTolkien, George Lucas, HarperLee,WilliamShakespeareand many more.Plenty of courses teach the basics of story writing.Few teachwriters how to write brilliant and connected prose. Drafting leads to mastery. But only if you knowwhereto look. Led by a Senior Editor with almost 20 years of editing experiencethis course points you in the right direction."
Price: 104.99 |
"Beat The Hacker" |
"Hacking is growing very rapidly, these days hackers haveunrestricted access to our important details such as photos, personal information, bank details and much more. They are keeping a sharp eye on every vulnerable target and no one is safe.Daily thousands of people are facing hacking attacks and loosing they money, jobs, identity and relations and our security agencies are not enough skilled to protect us from them. Catching them is like searching a needle in a haystack.Our little ignorance can get them full access to our important details and before we would know, we would be a target of hacking attempts, so only your awareness can help you to avoid getting hacked.In this course I will teach you how you can use some free to use tools to protect your privacy and other details from hackers,stay secure and protect others too.Later,I will also add how you can recover your infected devices and hacked accounts from hackers."
Price: 34.99 |
"Increase Spectacularly Your Chances to Reach Your Objectives" |
"This course providesunique Eastern/Western strategictools toincrease spectacularlyyour chances to reach your objectives - no matter what they are. You will also be able to install a powerfulpsychological firewall to stop all negative attacks to yourbrain. And feel good instantly -with the snap of the fingers.The high-impact course (+articles/quiz/transcripts) is about handling the good, bad and ugly realities of life and having control over your feelings and reactions, so as not to lose time and energy your precious assets. Some of these realities can be devastating but armed with these simple, rapid and effective tools you can handle the worst of situations."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Confidence Blueprint" |
"Learn to feel good about yourself and unlock your authentic confidence with proven strategies and techniquesNow includes new 63 page downloadable ebook.Discover How To Stand Your Ground Confidently Without Creating Conflict or Jeopardizing Relationships. Learn to Silence Your Inner CriticFind Out How To Stand Up To Difficult People Without Creating ConflictLearn To Say No Gracefully To Unreasonable DemandsBecome Your Own Best FriendLet the real, authentic YOU step forward with confidenceThis course is designed to lead you, step by step, to develop healthy self-esteem because lasting confidence comes from feeling good about yourself. In every step of the way, the focus is on easy, practical exercises you can do to become your own best friend and step forward with confidence. Youll learn how to say no gracefully. In fact, youll get a FREE ebook on ways to say no without causing conflict or offense. Most importantly, youll learn how to silence your harsh inner critic and, instead, treat yourself with love and kindness.The lectures are designed to give you the maximum results in the minimum timewithout being overwhelmed. If you want to go into more depth, there are downloadable pdfsand a free 63 page ebook that provide real world examples. This way you choose how much time you want to commit and how deeply you want to go. OverviewAfter the introductory lecture,Section 1 is all about how to be assertive without creating conflict. Youll learn how to communicate what you want without feeling guilty. Youll learn how to say no skillfully at workor with friends and family. Most importantly, youll learn alittle-known technique to assert yourself calmly if someone is trying tobully or manipulate you.The focus of Section 2 is on developing healthy self-esteem, the root of authentic confidence. Youll find out how healthy self-esteem and confidence depend on each other. And Ill introduce you to theGoodlife Self-Esteem Quiz which will reveal to you exactly how to uncover your authentic confidence. Ill guide you through the results so that you can use the quiz as a powerful self-development tool.Section 3 is about is on how to feel good about yourself. Youll learn how to deal with perfectionism if you feel you are never good enough. Two uplifting loving-kindness exercises will warm your heart and allow you to become your own best friend. In Section 4, youll learn the secret of avoiding conflict. A key piece of this part is the Values Checklist which I'll help you to fill out. The results of your Values Checklist will immediately suggest ways of minimizing conflict.Section 6 is about how to silence your inner critic. Youll learn the Gremlin Technique to stop beating yourself up. In Section 7, youll find your Confidence Toolbox. Youll find out how to use confidence rituals, dynamic affirmations, and anchoring techniques. And youll also learn how to employ your Emotional First-Aid Kit. At the end of every section, youll find a downloadable wrap-up lecture so that you can easily remember the key teachings and exercises."
Price: 94.99 |
"Patents & Trademarks: Learn the Patent and Trademark Process" |
"In this two part course you will learn about how to Patent your invention or technology and the Trademark process. We'll first start with patents, where you'll get an introduction to patents, including what can be patented, type of patents and the process of patent application.A patent is a right granted to the owner of an invention that prevents others from making, using, importing or selling the invention without that person's permission. Whether you're an individual, a business or part of a corporate team, if you have idea or invention then you need to learn about how patent law can protect it. Protecting a great idea or invention is important.You'll learn all about patents. Learn about the process of obtaining a patent, patent law and the protection of ideas. In addition, students will learn about patent infringement and how to search for existing patents.In the second part of the course we'll go over trademarks. We'll give you an overview of trademark law, explaining the difference between trademarks and other kinds of intellectual property.We'll then demonstrate how to register and renew a trademark, and what to do if your registration is refused. You'll then learn how to deal with others using your trademark, and how to respond to a demand letter stating that you are allegedly infringing on someone's trademark."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Mindset of a Sales Professional" |
"In order to be an effective salesperson, you MUST understand your prospects mindset, as well as your own. How do people process information and make decisions? What makes them take action? Why do people say one thing and then do another? YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THIS IF YOU WANT TO BE A SUCCESSFUL SALESPERSON. Most sales training focuses on the mechanical aspects of selling such as how to establish rapport, how to present features and benefits, and how to use various closing techniques. The type of training may be generic, or it may be tailored to a specific industry or company. While it can be VERY useful, it doesnt always take into account the human element of how people think, and why they do the things that they do. When you combine the knowledge in this program with your existing sales system, your sales will go through the roof!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Optimize Your Ideal Life: Find Balance- Live Life On Purpose" |
"This course is all about Life Optimization - how to get the most out of your life and the time in your day. In it, you will learn how to balance your work time and play time, visualize your ideal life and ideal day, and build motivation to get stuff done. You will also learn how to create safeguards and accountability to keep you on track with your life goals.Find the answer to your productivity problems by learning to level up each aspect of your life bit by bit so you can achieve your goals and accomplish your important projects and tasks.Learn to manage a to do list.Follow through on commitments.Beat procrastination.Leverage technology to get the most out of the best tools out there.Live out your life's purpose each day and create a successful morning and evening routineThe world's top successful leaders use daily morning routines:Tony RobbinsSteve JobsBenjamin FranklinMichelle and Barack ObamaJennifer AnnistonErnest HemmingwayWinston ChurchhillOprah WinfreyTim FerrissYou can join them! You will also learn about daily meditation, EFT tapping, journaling, and other motivation techniques to show and remind you what your life purpose is.Transform Stress to Success: Create change and empower your life by using the 80/20 principle and eliminating wasted time and procrastination. Figure out your main life goals and how to achieve them consistently using the Slight Edge and compounding principles. Master a healthy, happy lifestyle using tools such as Todoist, Google Calendar, Impetus Timers, Beeminder, Voxer, Mint, and Google Inbox.After taking this course, you will know how to structure every day and follow it successfully. You'll be able to break your goals into manageable and achievable tasks with specific times to accomplish them so you don't feel overwhelmed with the ""bigness"" of your life. Live a full, productive life while still enjoying every minute of it. Become inspired to live the life you fully enjoy!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Replace Stress With Clarity&Focus Now: Mindfulness Blueprint" |
"Mindfulness Blueprint consists in a bunch of easy-to-understand techniques & hacks that you could then easily apply in your daily life, to improveyour physical, mental and emotional health. Mindfulness is about being relaxed and present here and now, having peace and clarity and with no or little stress. Once youve done it, you love it and want for more.What youre going to get from this course is efficient proven elements that will help you improve your mindfulness in a few minutes or more, depending on your stress level and on your practice. Practices range from quick fixes to longer but also easy manageable ones. You will be given lots of supplementary resources, such as pdf or check-lists. And if youre thinking you dont have enough time, the strategies mentioned in the course are easy to follow even for people with a very busy lifestyle. If you who want to practice mindfulness for the first time or youwant some extra guidance, Ive done the job for you and Ive researched and triedthe most useful techniques based onviable scientific findings that will help you relieve your stress, gain more clarity and focus and --- as a bonusincrease your energy!This can be a life-changing course for you if implemented well."
Price: 149.99 |
"Detective's guide to lie detection and exposing the truth" |
"You ever wonderwhy a conversationdoesn't sit right with you, but you can't put your finger on it?Have you ever been in an importantconversationwhere you hear the words, but feel there is a hidden motive?This course will put the finger on it for you.Whether it is during an employment interview, business deal, sales deal, internal investigation, or aconversation with a loved one,this coursegives you all the tools you need to pinpoint hiddenstress and uncoverdeception. You will learn the most common lying/stress indicators throughverbal and nonverbal behaviors.You will learn how to pinpointdeviationsinstatements someone has made, then elicit more information with different questioning techniques. Armed with 20+ years of experience and the most up-to-date research, along with real life illustrations (photos/videos) you will learn:The most common lying or stress related indicatorsHow to spot verbal deceptive behaviorsHow to detect nonverbal stress behaviors in a split secondWhat goes into a truthful and deceptive statementQuestioning techniques that will expose the most informationConversation management and how to build TRUErapportHow to make rapport easier with a good first impressionThe most up-to-date research in the field of lie detectionFrom real life situations in the media and through my experienceAfter signing up, you will receive a 49 page ebook withextensive information that isnot in the lecturesandyours to keep. Youalso receivea list of all the books, articles, and other information used to create this course. You are asked to take a quiz after each section anda final quiz at the end. Take a look at the bonus section for more information.Enjoy.Audio Version Now AvailableReviews""Great content and structure on an interesting and helpful topic!"" - Wade, StudentAdded bonus:3/29/17 - John McAfee Interview investigation3/31/17 - Audio Version Added"
Price: 29.99 |
"SAP FI Operacin Financiera completa de una empresa." |
"Finanzas es uno de los mdulos ms importantes de SAP y este curso cubre la operacin financiera completa de una empresa. El curso es impartido por Paola Noriega quien cuenta con 16 aos de experiencia en SAP y ha sido consultora de las ms importantes firmas de Consultora SAP en Mxico.Veremos cmo se compone el mdulo de FI y sus sub-mdulos bsicos. Conocers la estructura organizacional dentro de SAP FI y vamos a realizar operaciones dentro de los sub-mdulos de GL, AP, AR y TR. Este curso profundiza en cada uno de los sub-mdulos de FI y analiza a detalle la mayora de las transacciones en dichos mdulo con ejemplos reales. En pocas palabras este curso te muestra el da a da en la vida financiera de la empresa que utiliza SAP y te prepara para hacer frente a la mayora de los retos que enfrenta un Consultor SAP FI."
Price: 1920.00 |
"A Short Introduction to Mindfulness" |
"Mindfulness is becoming more and more popular, due in part to the ability of mindfulness practice toalleviate stress, improve concentration, andincreaseimmune function. This micro-course introduces you to mindfulness, mindfulness-related concepts, and both formal and informalmindfulnesspractices that you would normally be introduced to on longer mindfulness courses, and condenses them into short bite-size lectures. If you take this micro-course,and regularlypractisemindfulness, you willdevelopgreater resilience towardsstress, you will be able toconcentrate with greater focus, you will be able towork withdifficult emotions and feelings,and you will be able tosavour pleasant experiences.This micro-course is ideal for you if you have an interest in mindfulnessbut don't have the timeto commit to a longer mindfulness course at the moment, or can't find a mindfulness course locally. This micro-course is also ideal for you if youhave an interest in mindfulnessandwould like to explore this interest. This course can also be for you if you already practice mindfulnessand would like a fresh perspective on what you may already know.By undertaking this courseyou will develop agrounding in mindfulness, andmindfulness practice, that will give you extra confidence to explore mindfulness practicefurtherand make it a part of your life."
Price: 99.99 |
"Crea una presentacin que inspire a la accin." |
"30 millones de presentaciones se hacen cada da con PowerPoint, y el 90 % son un autntico aburrimiento! Todos se quejan, y nadie hace nada por cambiar eso. Con este curso enganchars a tu audiencia desde el inicio y evitars aburrirles con tanto PowerPoint.La gran mayora de cursos de hablar en pblico se enfocan en aadir habilidades como lo que tienes que hacer con las mano, tu posicin del cuerpo, tu mirada, el tono de voz, o tu postura. Es decir, en usar tcnicas para fingir en lugar de ser tu mismo. No te preocupes tanto utilizar tcnicas para ser perfecto porque, a quin prefieres, a un presentador perfecto o a uno real?Desde el ao 1993 me invitan a impartir conferencias y talleres por todo el mundo, desde China o India hasta Latino-amrica o Espaa; y lo que he aprendido es que el pblico de todo estos pases desea emocionarse, quieren que les hagas rer, que les hagas llorar; y no que les lean las transparencias de PowerPoint.Con este curso vas a enganchar a tu audiencia desde el inicio. Este curso te da las claves para que puedas incitar a tu audiencia a la accin. Lo he dividido en 4 mdulos: 1. Por dnde empiezo2. Cmo construyo mi discurso3. Cmo se presenta 4. Cinco tips para usar el PowerPoint para emocionar y no para aburrir"
Price: 149.99 |
"Fire Fighting System design ( basic )" |
"Many type of fire fighting systems base on occupancy and application,in our fire fighting design course deal with almost common system ( water system ). fire fighting design course divided to main three category 1- sprinkler 2-stand pipe3-fire pumpEach one from the above three category take you from began to next level of system acknowledgment.in sprinkler system you need to know different type of sprinkler system,1- how you can select write sprinkler 2-type of piping ,fitting used in sprinkler system3-distribution of sprinkler 4-pipe sizing 5- hydraulic calculationThe same in stand pipe system you shall know:1- type of stand pipe 2-distribution of stand pipe3-hydraulic calculation 4-combined system calculation fire pump, pump room and tank 1- type of fire pump2- all pump hook up 3-component of pump room ( pumps & piping )4- control and operating seance of ( jockey pump & main pump ) 5-sizing the pump room piping 6-tank size 7-tank piping ( filling , over flow & vent )"
Price: 19.99 |
"Number Systems: Master of numbers conversion in 2020" |
"LAST UPDATE: June 2017This is an introductory course on digital systems and computer science area. There are no pre-requisities for this course. If you are looking to get acquainted with the concept of number systems that are use for computer language, this is the right course for you. Justneed a computer and i will explainstep by step, from the simple concepteven the most complex operations. After each module you have a quiz to test your knowledge acquired. At the end of this course, you should be comfortable making conversion between different system numbers (integer and fractional),makingaddition and subtractionwith different bases and use engineering functions in Excel to convert numbers to different bases.Increase yourknowledge to the next level.This course isintended for students who want to obtain CISCO certifications that involve binary and hexadecimal numbering concepts, and other courses that involve numbers using different bases.What are the requirements?Pleasure to learn and motivationPen or pencil to make the Quiz exercises and take notesLeave the rest with meWhat am I going to get from this course?28lectures and 1.5 hours of content and 48 quizzes to test your skills!What is the target audience?Students in the area of computer sciencewith little or no notions of numbersystems. This course is also suitable for students/peoplewith more advanced skillswho want to deepen their knowledge."
Price: 49.99 |
"The Busy Mom's Complete Guide to Healthy Breakfast" |
"Motherhood comes with it's fair share of challenges, and hectic mornings areone of them.While fueling your body in the morning is critical to get throughyour busy day, it's easier said than done!This course aims to help you overcome the morning challenges us mothers face,by providing you with the skillsto plan andpreparequick breakfast meals that arehealthy,balanced, and can work for thewhole family.Master the Art of HealthyBreakfast in this Hands On CourseIdentifythe nutritionalcomponents (and food sources)of a balanced mealGain the skills to prepare quick breakfast mealsLearn how to modify recipes to meet you and your family's specific needsEstablish a morning routine and make it a habitCreate a meal and prep planIn thiscourse, you willprepare 5breakfast meals through hands-on cookingdemos, and you will be able tomodify therecipes to meet your specific needs. You will receive downloadable worksheets andrecipes,as well asBONUS meal prep andplanningworksheets. By the end of the course, you will be able to implement a stress-free morning routine, and ahealthybreakfastplanthat works for you and the entire famiy!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Anti Money Laundering & Countering of Terrorist Financing" |
"Quick Video explaining concepts of AML/CFT in a simplified manner.Authorof thiscourse is Sachin Rao (CAMS-FCI) has worked with Complyfin DWC LLC ., and the voiceover artist isMr.Jim Cosens , a professional voice over artist based in USA has provided the voiceover services for thiscourse on Anti Money Laundering and Countering of Terrorist Financing.A must course for every professional in today's world, learn about What is (AML)Anti-Money Laundering, Various stages of Money Laundering and how criminal organizations disguise & converttheir dirty money into clean money to avoid detection from regulatory bodies, learn about (CFT)Countering Financing of Terrorism,identify key differences between the flow of (ML)Money Laundering and (TF)Terrorist Financing methods and keepyourself and your organization protected from Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Abuse. Understand the importanceof (KYC) Know Your Customer & (KYCC) Know Your Customer's Customer requirements , learn about compliance requirements for individual/personal customers and corporate customers, Learn about UBO's(Ultimate Beneficial Owners) and what supporting documents areto be collected based oninternational best practices .Learn on how to identify and write suspicious activity and transaction reports, effectively learn about identifying suspicious activities of customers andreportproactively toassist regulatory bodies. understand who is a PEP/FPEP (politically Exposed Persons/Foreign Politically Exposed Persons) and when & howto conductEDD(Enhanced Due Diligence). This course will help you manage Regulatory Expectations proactively and secure your profession, your organization& businessesfrom the Risk of Money Laundering & Terrorist Financingabuse.A Robust Compliance AML/CFTRegime for a secure Tomorrow....*We strongly recommend studentslooking forward for higher , advancedand professional studies in the field of AML/CFT should considerjoining ACAMS, as earning CAMS designation is considered as theglobal gold standard in AML certifications.Disclaimer "" we are not associated with any institutions or academy or organizations likes ACAMS etc, our recommendations are to be considered as personal suggestions only based on our personal pastexperienceswithout assuming any liabilitiesof whatsoever nature or manner"""
Price: 44.99 |
"Meditate for Stress" |
"Vivid Belief therapy presents a course on Stress Management with Abbie Siegmann. My goal in our session isto teach you Meditation practices, Hypnotherapy, and Neuro linguistics programming techniques.In this course,belief is everything and with that comes positive change.Learn aboutthe innerworkings of the mind and how to change your outcome toincludemore desirable behaviors. Included in this course are facts about stress and anxiety support, advice on how to curb your personal behavior, and change outcomes.You have to be willing to work for yourresults and try new thingsina positivemanner. Be ready toaccess morecontrol and gain results with hypnosis."
Price: 94.99 |
"The Last Cover Letter" |
"Hello Friends,Are you struggling to get new clients for your current business? Is online and newspaper advertising are hurting your budget? Then you have come to the right place. I am going to cover following industries in the series of ten chapters. Each Section is divided into two parts A and B.Section A: How the industry is formatted? How to become an expert in your field?Section B: How to get new clients? How to reach your target audience? Ow to convert your communication into business? Some of the techniques are turnaround ones in which customers will come after you instead of you running behind them. Some of your business may be for higher end population; I will teach you how to find and reach to the affluent neighborhood of your city.I have covered following chapters, but you can use this idea to virtually any business.(1) Bookkeeping(2) Greeting cards/ Jeweler business(3) Medical Billing and Coding(4) Travel Industry(5) How to become a local tour guide?(6) Food industry(7) Juicing Business(8) Photography(9) Social Media Specialist ( Yes ! there is a business by using FB, Twitter )(10) meetupYou will learn hardcore techniques of getting new customers, some of them are little tough but I promise you its worth listening and trying !!!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn to Read Music" |
"This course is in in-depth journey through all the things that are present in a musical score. It will help you to understand the confusing mass of dots, lines, and words that are used. Together we will be to understand how you can engage more with the written notes, so that you can find newer, more interesting ways to express yourself through music.Understand and engage with written music with the information you will gain from this course.Learn how to read the actual notesUnderstand how to read the rhythmsRecognize the wordsthat are used for speed, loudness, etc.Find out what the composer wanted to piece to sound likeLearn how to add your own personality to the pieces that you playMany composers and musicians choose to use musical notation to put their ideas down on paper. They have been doing this for hundreds of years, and for them, their music has endured past their death in its written form. Great musicians such as Mozart, Beethoven and Chopinhave left their legacy in the form of pages of written music. Anybody that wishes to pursue a career in music would greatly benefit from knowing how to read.Unlike other courses, which just help you to find certain notes on particular instruments, this course is designed to cover more of the music in more detail. You will finish the course with not only the ability to recognize notes, but also speed (called tempo), loudness (called dynamics), rhythms, and the expressive, emotive content of the written notes.You will begin with learning about what each of the notes are called and how we write them in musical notation. We then proceed to look into rhythms, starting with very basic rhythms, going into more advanced examples. In each of these sections you will see numerous examples you guide you through the process.From this basis you will start learning about things like tempo(speed) and dynamics (loudness). We will also see what other things composers use to tell you (the performer) what to do. From this, we look at a few real-life examples of musical notation, and you will see how all of the things we learnt about so far are used. The most incredible thing you will see is that most music uses the same things to say many different things.We end up with a brief discussion of different ways of writing music, which may help you to see how any types of music can be written down.Upon completing the course, you will receive a certificate of completion from the instructor, you will be welcome to submit topics that you want to be covered in more detail, and the doors to the fascinating world of music will be opened up to you."
Price: 19.99 |