"Elocution - learn British Received Pronunciation production" |
"This course is mostly video lectures, so you can pause and rewatch, copying and repeating the sounds as often as you like. This means that you can use this course even if you've never had a voice lesson before! It is aimed at adults with good reading ability of the English language, but who might struggle with pronouncing some of the words they are fully able to read. This can be useful if you're attending an English-speaking workplace or school but struggle to be understood. Throughout the course you will:Learnhow to produce RP soundsPractice good breathing and vocal production techniquesFind links to word lists to create your own practice materialsExperiment with intonation and emphasis in an English mannerI have a clear, friendly English voice. My accent is very slight, you may or may not be able to hear that I grew up in the south of England (Dorset), then moved to Suffolk, then Essex, then Kent, then Suffolk. Generally people find my voice to be quite neutral.You will be able to listen to me explain the sounds and reproduce them easily. The words and sentences are in the resources and you can add to them by following the links. You might have watched other videos and struggled with being able to reproduce the sound yourself, this course will help youto make those sounds yourself. This course isSuitable for complete beginners to work towardschanging their accentGreat for a refresher if you've previouslyhad voice lessonsSo if you are able to read English well, but become easily frustrated when people cannot understand you, try this course to iron out those difficult sounds."
Price: 24.99 |
"Hzl renme Teknikleri - x10 Kat Daha Hzl renin!" |
"altm ve okuduum konular srekli unutuyorum.Defalarca tekrar etmeme ve okumamaramen bir sre sonra bilgiler sanki hi okumamm gibi aklmdan uup gidiyor.Yabanc dil kelimeleri bir trl ezberleyemiyorum.Hafzam hi kuvvetli deil srekli bir eyleri unutuyorum.Yeni tantm kiilerin isimlerini hi aklmda tutamyorum.Sunum yapmak istediimde topluluk karsnda tm bildiklerimi unutuyorum.ime yarayacak bilgileri renmek istiyorum ve bunun iin aba sarf ediyorum ancak bir sre sonra herey uup gidiyor.Ayn eyleri defalarca okuyup ezberlemeye altnz ve bunun iin ok zaman harcadnz. Kimi zaman sabahladnz ve ok strese girdiniz.Peki ya sonu? Belli bir sre sonra altnz konular sanki hi almamsnz gibi uup gittiler.Siz de bu trsorunlardan en az birini yaadysanz doru yerdesiniz nk u ana kadar hi kimse size nasl renmeniz gerektiini retmedi.Hzl renme teknikleri kursu sayesinde bundan byle istediiniz herhangi bir konuda hzl ve kalc renmenin yntemlerini greceksiniz. Kaynak blmnde sunduumuz altrmalar yapp teknikleri gnlk hayatnzda alkanlk haline getirdiinizde hafza gcnzn potansiyelini greceksiniz ve hayatnz deiecek.Hafzanza hkmetmek ve renmeyi renmek istiyorsanz sizi kursumuza bekliyoruz."
Price: 119.99 |
"Algebra Lineal. Matrices y teora de Espacios Vectoriales" |
"Aprendalgebra lineal de una manera prctica, clara y sencilla en corto tiempo.Es un curso intermedio delgebra Lineal que facilitar la aprobacin de cursos universitarios. Este curso le permitirpara afrontar las dificultades de los cursos universitarios ya que los temas se explican de manera clara y evitando complejidades innecesarias.En corto tiempo cubre todos los temas de un curso universitario y sus ayudas se basan en el texto de Algebra linealdel autor.Dirigido a estudiantes universitarios de Ciencias e Ingeniera y Ciencias Econmicas, y administrativasque estn a punto de tomar su primer curso de Algebra Lineal, o recin lo estn iniciandoy a aquellos que sin ser profesionales de estas rama se interesen en ampliar sus conocimientos de Matemtica.En las universidades el Algebra lineal es un tema nuevo ya que los cursos de materias como el clculo tienen mas de 100 aos en el currculo universitario, mientras que en algunas universidades el lgebra lineal no tiene mas de 40 aos como materia universitaria. Por ello generalmente la presentan como una materia abstracta e incomprensible. . Al inscribirse en el curso podr plantear preguntas relacionadas con el tema y participar en las videoconferencias adicionales de ampliacin de conocimientos que se ofrecen a los participantes. El curso cubre los siguientes temas bsicos:1. Las matrices: Operaciones. Propiedades. Ejemplos de aplicacin2. Matriz inversa. Matriz no singular3. Una explicacin completa del mtodo de Gauss y sus aplicaciones incluyendo solucin de problemas de redes elctricas.4. Determinantes y regla de Cramer: Clculo de determinantes por mtodos de reduccin y solucin de sistemas de ecuaciones lineales5. Espacios Vectoriales, bases, cambios de base, matriz de cambio de base, transformaciones lineales.6. Presentacin de un panorama de temas avanzados de algebra linealcubiertos en otros cursos del autor.7. Incluye un estudio de la programacin lineal y ejercicios resueltos por el mtodo SimplexEn los motores de bsqueda este curso se puede conseguir con las siguientes clases y etiquetas: algebra, lineal, matrices, gauss, gauss jordan, solucin, sistemas de ecuaciones, matriz adjunta, regla sarrus, determinantes, Regla Cramer, regla de Kramer,propiedades, leyes, espacios vectoriales, subespacios, independencia lineal, bases, matrices, cambio de base, transformaciones lineales. El texto ""Introduccion al Algebra Lineal en contexto"" queest incluido como recurso en este curso cubre muchos de estos temas. El texto contieneun estudio mas profundo de la teora de valores y vectores propios (eigenvalues y eigenvectors) y la diagonalizacion de matrices.Incluye ayudas tericas y de aplicaciones en formatos PDF, Power Point, JPG, BMP,e hipervnculos a documentos de soporte en la nube que seamplian continuamente.El curso se puede completar comodamente en 4 semanas o menos. El profesor Jos Arturo Barreto es graduado en Matemticas en la Universidad del Valle en Cali, y Master en Matemticas de la Universidad de Texas en Austin. Una de sus especialidades es el Algebra Lineal por lo cual puede responder cualquier tipo de pregunta avanzada y orientarle hacia niveles superioresAgradezco sus mensajes con comentarios y sugerenciasindicandocomo va su desempeo en el curso y solicitando guias y respuestas a las preguntas que usted requiera se amplifiquen en algn tema, sus ventajas y deficiencias y cuales temas de Matemticas desea que sean tratados en este y otros cursos."
Price: 24.99 |
"Moving Into Intimacy" |
"AKeyIngredient in a Happy LifeWhen we get a regular dose of intimacy, we feel sweetly connected with life and our relationships. We know a sense of trust and ease. We feel seen and our partnership feels fed with new energy. In the intimate moments, we feel grounded and at peace as our fears drift away.Embark on a course to intimacy. See clearly the roadblocks that stop you. Know the small efforts it takes to get there. Although there is no formula, this course inspires creative new pathways. It provides insight into the mind of an intimate connection and the exciting role that the body and movement play in taking you there.Discover inspiring new creativepathways to the intimacy you desire in your life.Easy to Do Movement ExercisesUnderstand the Doorways andBarriersto IntimacyCreating Spaces for IntimacyIntegrate Ideas into Everyday LifeOpportunities for intimacy are often close at hand but for many couples, it can be elusive. This course will give you the important key elements of physical/emotional intimacy. Whether you are exploring a new relationship or one that is decades old, the innovative movement exercises will inspire new ways of discovering your partner.OverviewWhen we seek intimacy, we embark on a journey. Over time, we slowly move from one mode of consciousness into another. From the more familiar, powerful thinking/doing brain to a more easeful, relaxed mind. We also come into heightened awareness and appreciation of the sensing, feeling body.Before diving into the movement exercises, the course beginswith a series of short lectures that lay the groundwork for success in the rest of the course. These lectures explore topics like the senses, language, and breathing. At certain times, we will engage some senses and not others. We will differentiate between the use language versus sound as we move into intimacy.Once the groundwork is laid, we then explore how best to prepare ourselves and our spaces for the journey. How to begin. How to end. How to gather and share helpful feedback. How to make the best use of the movement material to have the most fun.The movement exercises are the heart of the course. Each section includes video of participants demonstrating the exercises. Note: the demonstrators only met the day of the filming! If they can do it, so can you!Voice over instructions will help guide you. After each exercise, a downloadable list of questions will be provided to help you speak about and learn from your experiences."
Price: 59.99 |
"Chef Fundamentals: A Recipe for Automating Infrastructure" |
"Are you the only Chef in the kitchen? Is your infrastructure suffering from snowflake servers? Are you sick and tired of provisioning machines by hand every time you need to put out a fire? Configuring infrastructure shouldnt be painful, it should be a joy.Chef Fundamentals has been reviewed and approved by the Chef Training team. The Chef team is excited about the partnership with Udemyand looks forward to the development of additional Chef courses.Chef is aplatform for the DevOps workflow, andis usedto automateand manage it all--infrastructure, run-time environments andapplications. Themost enduring and transformative companies use Chef to become fast,efficient, and innovative software-driven organizations.JoinRobin Beck as he automates everything in the only Chef-Certified class on Udemy.Learn to combine resources into recipes, recipes into cookbooks, and transform your infrastructure into code. With Chef well learn to use the power of the Ruby language to eloquently describe the state of a system, whether youre new to automation or have been administeringsystems since 1992. Well learn how to locally configure a server with the Chef Development Kit, then use the power of a Chef Server to distribute your cookbook to one, or a hundred systems.This fundamentals class will cover the basics of infrastructure as code. Start by learning about Chef architecture and the tools included in the ChefDK (Chef Development Kit). Then learn how to use a Chef Server to distribute your cookbooks to multiple servers as you push your application to production."
Price: 89.99 |
"Triunfa en el manejo de tus finanzas" |
"El manejo del dinero, es uno de los pilares ms importantes en la vida de las personas; desde que somos jvenes, pasando a nuestra etapa productiva, y hasta que llegamos a nuestra poca dorada; el optimizar el manejo de nuestras finanzas nos permitir cumplir metas personales. Las estadsticas en educacin financiera en varios pases, tienen cifras que nos pueden sorprender: #SabasQu: Segn los resultados de la prueba internacional de PISA de Alfabetizacin Financiera, 2015, ms del 20% de los estudiantes de Brasil (53%), Chile (38%), Per (48%) y Espaa (25%) no alcanzan el nivel bsico de rendimiento en competencias financieras. En Espaa, segn el Instituto Nacional de Estadstica (2018), los hogares slo ahorran en promedio un 4,9% de su renta. Y de acuerdo a los datos de Global Findex (2017): slo el 54% de los espaoles ahorran en instituciones bancarias, 28% poseen otros mtodos de ahorro y 18% no poseen ahorros. En Chile, segn un estudio de la Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins (2015), revela que el 52,5% de los titulares de Tarjetas de Crdito, desconocen la tasa de inters vigente, as como que el 81,5% dice no saber el valor monetario de la comisin por avance.De acuerdo a un estudio de GoBankingRates en el 2015, el 23% de los americanos tienen menos de 10 mil dlares ahorrados para su retiro, mientras que el 33% tienen menos o nada ahorrado para su poca dorada.En el mundo, segn un estudio de Global Findex en el 2017, 1.700 millones de personas adultas, aun no poseen cuenta bancaria. Y segn nuestro monitor de salud financiera (IFE), alrededor de 49% de los participantes de nuestro taller gastan ms de lo que ganan Es por ello que, si tu reto es mejorar el manejo de tu dinero antes de emprender o invertir en la actualidad, te invitamos a inscribirte en el taller de Finanzas Personales on-line.Dirigido a:Toda persona que desee aprender las herramientas y conceptos necesarios que le permitan organizar sus finanzas personales para tomar decisiones acertadas respecto al manejo de su dinero, en temas como inversiones, emprendimiento, crditos, compra de activos, etc, con la intencin de mejorar la calidad de vida.Objetivos:Proporcionar a cada participante los conocimientos bsicos financieros necesarios para manejar sus finanzas personales.Suministrar las herramientas necesarias para tomar decisiones que les ayuden a alcanzar sus metas financieras (adquisicin de vehculo, vivienda propia, plan de retiro, educacin de los hijos, negocio propio, etc).Lograr en cada participante un cambio de perspectiva sobre el manejo de sus finanzas personales.Orientar e incentivar en la realizacin de un plan financiero personalizado que le permita alcanzar un mayor grado de libertad financiera.Cada mdulo posee la siguiente estructura:Video explicativoEjercicios on-lineQuiz prcticoLecturas complementariasContenido Programtico:Introduccin:Presentacin del taller, explicacin de la metodologa en lnea y de los recursos disponibles en el aula virtual.Mdulo 1: Las finanzas y tu Calidad de VidaConversaremos sobre la importancia de las finanzas personales y cmo est relacionada con nuestra calidad de vidaMdulo 2: Evaluando tus FinanzasEn este mdulo mediante una metodologa sencilla y dos ejercicios prcticos on-line individuales, se explicar a cada participante cmo evaluar y diagnosticar su salud financiera, as cmo conocer los puntos y pasos claves para mejorar. De igual forma en este mdulo se introduce el concepto de activo y pasivo, as como al concepto de activo productivo, para luego explicar el funcionamiento del ciclo virtuoso de la Libertad Financiera.Mdulo 3: El crdito en tu plan financiero.Cada participante aprender cmo funcionan los crditos y reconocer cuando es conveniente financiarse. Como antesala se hablar de los conceptos de inters compuesto e inflacin; luego se mostrar una manera de optimizar y organizar el uso de las Tarjetas de Crdito; esto de cara a que pueda usar el crdito como medio de financiamiento.Mdulo 4: Estrategias de cobertura en finanzas personales.Con la informacin de este mdulo el participante reconocer la importancia de tener un plan de seguros en sus finanzas personales de acuerdo a sus necesidades, lo cual le brindar mayor tranquilidad y calidad de vida.Mdulo 5: La inversin en tus finanzas.Se imparten los principios bsicos para convertirse en un inversionista, especificando qu se debe considerar y cuales pasos seguir antes de colocar dinero en cualquier instrumento o activo productivo que tengamos como opcin. El participante conocer su perfil de inversionista y qu tipo de riesgo asumir a la hora invertir. Se introducirn los conceptos bsicos de diversas opciones de inversin. Mdulo 6: Herramientas para mejorar tus finanzas.En este mdulo se recomienda al participante una serie de herramientas que puede implementar para mejorar el manejo de su dinero. Tambin se explica cmo conformar un fondo de emergencias y cmo estructurar su ecuacin ideal en finanzas."
Price: 64.99 |
"Actualize IDEAS into Profit Lean Startup Marketing" |
"Learn to take ideas from your head and turn them into marketable, profitable products, services and brands. Lean Startup Marketing teaches step-by-step process (not marketing theory). Actualize your ideas with the Ready-Aim-Fire Marketing Method of product and lean startup launches.A Powerful Tool for Actualizing IdeasEntrepreneurs, mompreneurs, retirees, developers, solopreneurs and business pros anyone wanting to start their own gig, Lean Startup Marketing will teach you the complete process of actualizing your ideas into apps, products, service and startups for profit. Don't have an idea you want to develop now, but thinking you may down the line? No problem! Learn the RAF marketing process and you'll be able to plug in ANY IDEA into the methodology (kind of like an math equation ; ). Overview of Course ContentThink you have a great business idea? Find out before you build it, (or make your offering marketable if already developed), through the process of PRODUCTIZATION!Actualizing ideas is time consuming, and often expensive, and frankly, unwise, until you determine if anyone will find value in what you've conceived. Productization is the process of projecting 'market fit,' to assess if you have a sellable concept before developing and producing it. Productization is also used to turn a developed product or service into a marketable offering of value, and increase sales on all your marketing efforts for that offering.Productization is marketing practice, not theory, the step-by-step process of becoming intimate with your potential offering. Creating something that a substantial number of people will likely want, requires a thorough understanding of what you plan to sell. Whether marketing an idea, or a product in development, or more effectively branding and marketing an existing offering, Productization provides an infrastructure for lean product development.In this interactive workshop, you will learn to identify the features and benefits of the offering you envision, assess your competition, discover how to iterate your idea to make it uniquely valuable, and conceives future offerings and markets to sell to. You'll produce Productization lists that will function as a dynamic source of copy content, filled with keywords and phrases all related to your offering, to use in your advertising and marketing efforts. You will also construct an elevator pitch to chat up your venture, as well as determine how your offering will make money. MBA to novice, PRODUCTIZATION will teach you all the marketing youll ever need to know. Learn the process of identifying the Features and Benefits your IDEA offers. Construct an Elevator Pitch for your IDEA, and refine it over the course of the class. Define benefits and solutions your offering provides (entertainment; real goods and/or services). Turn your idea into a product, service, and/or startup that offers a solution to the largest audience possible. Discover potential target markets and customers that have a need for your product or service. Perform Competitive Analysis on direct and indirect competition in your product/service space. Highlight and create Differentiators that separate your offering from competitors. Explore Profit Models applicable to your product or service. Identify Horizontal and Vertical markets for current offering, as well as future iterations (1.5, 2.0) of your product or service.Set up your business for success, at launch and beyond. Learn the process of Productization, and youll be able to plug ANY IDEA, product in development, or actualized offering into the methodology to create offerings of value, and effectively market them for profit.After the completion of W1-Productization, you'll begin Workshop 2--BRANDING (must be purchased separately), and in workbook form. You'll Take Aim at your potential audience. You'll learn to develop branding for your offering, including startup and product names, brand identities, and taglines. Lectures drill down into design fundamentals, from color theory to layering; grid-system layout; responsive UI/UX design, including a review of online technology from webhosts to CMS systems. You'll begin a professional quality image library, and learn how to create stunning visual content, websites, targeted videos, landing pages, e-blasts and more at little to no cost. Explore the latest content marketing techniques, including SEO/SEM best practices. Productization and Branding complete, you're ready to Fire Launch your branded offering to your targeted markets in Workshop 3--LAUNCH. Delve deep into product and lean startup launching of websites, print and PPC advertising, email campaigns and social media marketing (SMM) strategies. Learn Copywriting techniques for captivating headlines, and content marketing that SELLS your offerings. Print media basics, and soliciting PR are reviewed, as is using analytics to increase ROI. Securing venture capital (VC), or crowd-source funding for your new venture completes the RAF marketing model. By the last video lecture of this course you'll be able to turn virtually any idea into a markeable product or service of value, and sell it directly, or launch your first offering of many as a startup for profit."
Price: 84.99 |
"Live Fit for Life: Holistic Weight Management" |
"It is very easy to gain weight and there is a new trendy diet every week. The problem is, fad diets, strict eating plans and rigorous exercise programs are not a solution. Instead, 9.9% of the people who start a weight loss diet end up weighing more 6 months later. This is because the diet they are following does not allow people to be people. You are not a robot.Every day you are bombarded with temptations to eat and drink things that are not on ""your diet"". Exercise is inconvenient and painful. You know you ""should"" but it is such a bore.You know what is best for you. But, for any number of reasons you are not following through.Let's find what works for you!If you want to regain control of your body, mind and health, let's work on finding a solution that allows you to live your life healthy, fit and free.I won't make unrealistic promises or put you in a box. You know you better than anybody and you can find what works for you. This is where Live Fit for Life comes in. We guide you to the true you that wants to be fit and healthy.We use the Pillars of Three for Good Health: Balanced Nutrition, Smart Activity, and Behavior Replacement Strategy.This program begins with a mindset and nutrition reset. Then we focus on what makes good nutrition and how you can balance your hormones to reduce cravings. The second section covers positive behavior change, and we conclude with smart and efficient activities that will give your body the exercise it needs in as little time as possible.This program is great for diabetics - or those who to not want to be diabetic. By the end of this program you will feel strong, confident, capable, and healthy - for Life. This program will guide you to sustainable good health in a way that won't make you feel like a prisoner.No matter your age, it is not too late to live healthy. Doing the same thing you've been doing will give you the same results.Now is the time to Live Fit for Life."
Price: 24.99 |
"Build an Augmented Reality android app in 1 hour!" |
"Last Update - Jan, 2019Have you always wanted to build amazing Augmented Reality applications but didn't know where to start? May be you did not have any idea as to which skills were important to learn for building Augmented Reality Applications? May be you didn't want to dive too deep but still wanted make at least one Augmented Reality app?What if I told you that, with no previous knowledge at all you can actually build wonderful augmented reality apps starting today in just 1 hour?Reviews""This Augmented Reality course if the best AR course I have ever experienced. The instructor doesn't waste time explaining useless stuff and directly goes to the meat of the concept. It is a good Introduction to Augmented Reality, Unity and Vuforia. I was able to complete my project within an hour without any problems"" - Joe Manda""This is the first course i have taken on Udemy. Learned a lot. Thankyou"" - Damir mahiIn this course we will cover every concept that is important to building Augmented Reality android apps and applications. We will be using the most famous framework for AR applications called Vuforia and integrate it with a game building engine called Unity 3D to making amazing looking Applications. We will cover every step in detail and I will explain why that step is important. By the end of this course creating Augmented Reality Applications will be a piece of cake for you.So, why choose me as an instructor? Why buy this course among all those other courses?When i was a kid i saw this YouTube video on how make a folder invisible on Windows XP. I was so fascinated with this idea. Since then my love for technology has only grown. I understand the people who are passionate about learning new things. We will create this project together from start to finish.So, why wait? If all this sounds great to you, Press on Take this Course and start learning today! 100% money-back guarantee!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Grow Your Business the Right Way" |
"BRAND NEW COURSE: How To Create The Right Strategy To Get Your Business To Where You Want It To Be Growing a business is hard and most dont make it beyond the first few years. You work long hours and weekends, suffer sleepless nights and sacrifice precious time with your loved ones. And you do this often just to keep your head above water. You put your heart and soul into making your business work and youre busy but achieving little. It shouldnt be this way. You KNOW you have a good business and that you could be making the money you want to make in order to give you and your family the lifestyle you deserve. Well, it doesnt have to be this way. Most businesses dont have to fail in their first few years. You can beat the odds and grow a successful business and this course will show you how. Successful entrepreneurs arent successful because theyre lucky or have found some magic secret. Theyre successful because they know where they want to get to and exactly how to get there. THEY HAVE A STRATEGY. At the heart of every successful business there is a coherent strategy that guides it. At the heart of every struggling business there is NOT. Most business owners struggle because they focus simply doing stuff and hoping that some of it will work. Theyre opportunistic and react to anything that might win them a customer or client. They do what they do without really knowing if its going to make a difference. They work hard in their business but dont know where theyre going. They have no destination to aim for and no course to steer their business on. Does this sound familiar? If you want your business to be successful you need a clear destination and you need to set it on the right path to reach this destination. In this course Ill show you how to do both. Ill show you how to spend your precious time focused on doing what you should be doing so that you have the CERTAINTY of knowing that youre doing the right things and the CONTROL needed to keep your business on course. This course will show you how to create the system and show you the steps to go through, to create the right strategy that your business needs in order to grow. This system will keep you on course as your business grows and becomes more complex. Creating the right strategy is fundamental to business success and this system will do just that. In this course you will: Learn how to create and implement the right strategy that will give you the growth you need and get your business to the next level. Discover how to identify and eliminate the weaknesses in your business and the risks and threats to it so that your business stays strong and on course. Know what you need to do in order to build a successful business year on year that gives you the return you deserve. Heres just a sample of what we will cover in this extraordinary course: How to create a clear destination to aim your business at. How to set the right path to get from where you are now to this destination. Carry out a thorough assessment of the strengths and weaknesses in your business and the risks and threats to it and eliminate the things that can knock you off course. How to identify the key priorities to focus your time and effort on. Why knowing how your business flows is vital to success. Create a high-level one-page strategy map that aligns your business flow with your key priorities How to break down this strategy into manageable goals and how to meet them. How to become strategic and not be distracted by shiny objects that will take you off course. How to create connected business that will get to where you want it to be. How to do all this and still sleep well and have a life. Throughout this course you will have access to guides and templates that will help you create the right destination and strategy for reaching it. You will also be able to access tools and further reading that will help you implement what you have learned in this course. This extra help resides in a membership site that I will refer and link to in the course. This site is an exclusive membership site only accessible to those who have invested in this course. To access this site click the link in the course and complete the short form on the registration page. You have invested so much in your business, not least your future. Dont leave it to chance. Dont rely on hope and luck, which is all you have without the right strategy and means to achieve it. Invest in this course, invest in your business and achieve all you want from it."
Price: 199.99 |
"Entrena tu Mente" |
"Te gustara disparar tus resultados financieros?Te gustara ser ms feliz?Te gustaran ambas cosas?En este curso en video logrars comenzar a trabajar en ambas reas, tu felicidad y tu dinero.Profundizars en nuestro SISTEMA DE 3 PASOS para modificar tu mentalidad para trabaje a tu favor y no en contra.Reconocers las creencias peligrosas para sus finanzas y cmo modificarlas para disparar sus resultados.Descubrirs lo que determina tus resultados financieros actuales y futuros.Identificars por qu tomas o no tomas ciertas acciones respecto a tu dinero.Entenders que saber de nmeros no es lo ms importante para tu xito financiero.Podrs cambiar radicalmente tu manera de ver el dinero, y por ende, tus resultados econmicos."
Price: 44.99 |
"Fiverr: Psychology of Fiverr Freelance Business Success" |
"Student comments:This teacher is amazing, he has the knowledge I was looking for. Thanks! -Wasim""I highly recommend this course! I was interested in the possibility of starting my own online side business but was intimidated. Ron does the most amazing job with this course, breaking all down into very practical steps along with the necessary attitude/thinking process needed to become successful. What felt daunting to me now feels absolutely within my capacity to create, and I feel a whole new world has been opened up to me to create additional income with my business. Thank you, Ron!"" -Bonnie Pfeiffer"" Ron has great, clear information on how to experience greater work satisfaction & greater independence with Fiverr. (Phyllis O.)Do You Want to:Earn money workingfrom home?Replace a crummyjob?Start a newbusiness -while keeping yourday job?Get paid to dowhatyoulove?This insider'sview ofFiverr givesyouanedge! Make money fast and increase your happiness!FreelanceSuccess depends on attitude. Only this classhelps youbuildawinning attitude designed for Fiverr.I discovered that many Fiverrs do earn more moneyfrom home, but are stillnot anyhappier overall! Plan your work carefullybefore choosing.Handouts, Questionnaires, & Quizzes make it easy!Builda homebusiness--that makes money--and increases your life satisfaction!I earned thousands of dollars doing work I loved andI'll help you do the same. First, identifymoney-makingservicesyou would enjoy delivering. Then,I'll help you get off to a greatstart forming a gig at Fiverr!Start todaytoearnjob-free income at Fiverr. Richly illustrated videoshelp you design work you would enjoy doing! Take Control of Your Finances andShape the work that shapes your life!I'll show you short-cuts to attracting and retaining customers (the keyto growingyour income!)You can earn moneyandsatisfaction at Fiverr in as little as one day!Go step-by-step with downloadable PDF worksheets I guide you visually through each step ofsettingup your first Gig at Fiverr Start earningextra incomeandpersonal satisfaction at Fiverr. Freelance work putsyouin charge. Traditionally, you must make yourself conform to the demands of the job. With freelance work available from home -with zerostartup costs at Fiverr -you can shape your work to suit yourself!With freelance,youare the boss. You choose the work! Fiver lets you set the hours, the services,and thestandards you offer.Fiverrisa bustlingmarketplace with a hugeaudience waving credit cards in the air and buying daily. Fiverr provides the customers.I earned thousands of dollars, part-time, with no advertising of my own and you can too.Fiverr is big business that makes starting your ownsmallbusiness easier than ever!Learn""Job Crafting"" andShape your work to match your desires and skills.Joseph Campbell said that many people climb a ladder only to find it is against the wrong wall! Get the beginning right, then add effort.Earn moneyandincrease your satisfaction. These lessons apply to other freelance sites as well.Fiverr empowers you to start a small business and follow your dreams without having to rent a storefront, hire employees, get business licenses or even have a dollar in the bank. In addition to myyears of freelancing experience with Fiverr, Iamapsychologist and an artist, so you'll get insightsthat matterand also artisticimages and videos. (Notthe'singleplain slide' type class!)This class will pay for itself with your first Fiverr job. Let's get started improving your income and your life withFiverr.Enroll today and benefit fromUdemy's 30 day, no-questions-asked, money-backguarantee. With nothing to lose, Start your nextexciting life step now! (Not sure? View some Previews; Lesson 8 is highly recommended)"
Price: 99.99 |
"Viral Quiz Marketing: Easily Create Online Quizzes That Sell" |
"Update 27/05/17: 5000 HQroyalty free categorizedimages added (available for download)- my gift for the students of my course. Use them in your quizzes or blog posts.******************************************************************************************* According to the data from Kissmetrics, quizzes are the most shared type of content on social media sites. Viral quizzes like ""What career should you actually have?"" and ""What city should you actually live in?"" have resulted inover 4.8 million shares andover 2.8 million shares respectively! Other types of popularcontent (how-to articles,list posts,videos, infographics,giveaways) just pale in comparison to suchviral quizzes that were made by theknowledgeable quiz creators!How can you leverage this amazing power of viralquizzesfor your marketing andbusiness? How can you learn to create quizzes that areseemingly simple andentertaining for the audience and,yet, wisely planned for virality and with your business goals in mind?Let me give you a little background.Apart from my other marketingprojects,I've been specificallystudying viral online quizzes for more than 2 years now, experimenting and finding what actuallyworks for the quizviralityand what doesn't. I've helped different businesses develop by using viral quizzes as apowerful tool to driveviral traffic, get more customers and significantly increase sales.My clients were amazed by the results they were getting in their businesses, and many of them asked me to dissect boththe process of creating viral quizzes and the psychological principles that make a quiz viral. This made mesystematize my ""knowledge and wisdom"" of creating viral quizzes, and, later, come up with this course.So, in this 3-hour course you're going to learn:how to understand and successfully usethe psychological principlesbehind everyviral quiz;quiz types and what businesses they should be used for;the purposes of using viralquizzes;how to come up with quiz topics, titles, questions and outcomes for your viral quizzes in different businesses orniches;how to choose the right images for your quizzes to maximize virality;how to easily create 5types of quizzes that look professional and stunningfor your website, blog or your clients' websites;and more!In thespecial sections of my courseI'll show you how to create a complete Personality Quiz in the ""Make money online"" niche and how to create a superviral Facebook Quiz for promoting physical products!I encourage you to enroll in my course titled ""Viral Quiz Marketing: Easily Create Online Quizzes that Sell""!I'll be glad to have you as my student, and I look forward to sharing with you everything I know about making viral quizzes!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Programmer les microcontrleurs par logiciels gratuits(Niv1)" |
"Oui, On suivant cette formation vous allez apprendre programmer les microcontrleurs sans avoir apprendre des langages compliqus comme l'assembleur, langage C ou autres. Nous allons utiliser la programmation graphique pour programmer des microcontrleurs de la famille PIC16F. Dans cette formation vous allez voir: le logiciel de programmation graphique des microcontrleurs PIC, La boucle, Les entres et les sorties, les temporisations et utiliser un logiciel gratuit pour la simulation."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn to Make Sales Videos on a Shoestring in under 1 Hour" |
"This course is designed for business people and start-ups who need to promote their business on a very tight budget. You don't need tech skills or a huge budget to produce quality sales and explainer videos to promote your goods and services. You can use Microsoft's PowerPoint (which you will either have or can get for 7 per month for the entire Office suite) and free audio software called Audacity. In addition even this course is Free The course consists of 9 modules. You will learn; Why you should use PowerPoint to make your sales videos. How to navigate the PowerPoint layout and some pro hacks to increase your productivity. What an Explainer Video is. How to create your own Explainer video using PowerPoint text and image animations. How to download, install and get started with Audacity. How to synchronise your audio and visuals. Where you can take your new found skills when you complete the course. You will complete the entire course in less than 1 hour and will be ready to make your own sales videos. There is a complete PowerPoint template (including animations) so you all you need to do is put in your text and graphics to have your own video up and making money in no time. So why wait? Sign up now and I look forward to seeing you on the inside."
Price: 19.99 |
"Career Dynamics: Five Step Approach to Career Change Success" |
"Are You Prepared for the New Employment reality 2017 ?The traditional career model that we have known for decades has changed dramatically. These changes affect you and it is important to fully understand and adapt to those changes so that you can benefit in your future career path.Are you contemplating or in the process of a Career Change?Are you looking for help and guidance in your future career path?Are you looking for a proven and effective Career Change Approach?This course is for you.Do you want to know how to achieve your career goals? Career success is clearly identifying your goals; assessing your strengths and weaknesses; identifying what is needed to be done; creating your own Career Roadmap, then executing to achieve your goals. The Five Step Approach to Career Success will provide you tools, strategies and techniques to aid you in your journey - a clear concise template for your future career path.The Five Step Approach to Career Change Success - Summary Step One: WHAT DO YOU WANT Clearly identify your future career goals a career vision statementStep Two: WHERE ARE YOU NOW Evaluate your present situation and identifyyour strengths and weaknessesStep Three: WHAT YOU NEED TO HAVE Identify and evaluate the tools, skills and techniques required to achieve your goals Step Four: HOW TO GET THERE Create a plan of action a Career Roadmap goal/task scheduling Step Five: WHAT YOU NEED TO DO Execute the action planand create your personal branding profileThe Five Step Approach architecture can help whether, you are contemplating a career change that is a re-focus /a kick start or a major re-invent. The Approach allows such flexibility for you to decide the degree you wish to adapt or change your career path and then provides the tools and techniques to create the structure that will give you the Career Roadmap of your choice.The Five Step approach will provide you with a template and a career strategy to navigate these new employment waters, to focus on the tools and techniques provided to create a clear Career Roadmap.This high quality,dynamic course, consists of overtwo and a half hoursof video lectures, power points,worksheets, personal and practical experiences, targeted to focus you on acareer action plan for today'scareer employment landscape. The end result will be that you will have apersonalizedCareer Roadmap, based on your goals that will allow you to achieve career change success."
Price: 94.99 |
"A Beginners Guide to Microsoft-Powerpoint in 30 minutes" |
"In this course I have tried to make students up and running in workflow of Ms-Powerpointwhithout going through any lengthy or complexprocess of learning students will experience quick easy and comprehensive teaching approach .This course will alsoenable students to get more benefit from other available training resources like they have a lot of information available all over the internet butfor getting benefit from all that information it is essential to have good understanding of basics, which they will get through this course.By following all lessons students will be able to quickly start working on their presentation projects, from planing to designing and sharing it with others."
Price: 19.99 |
"A Beginners Guide to Photoshop in Urdu / Hindi" |
"This course is for Photoshop beginners. It will start from very basics and will go up to the level where you can handleall kinds of projects with clear understanding of work environment, tools, resolution, color modes, layers and other essential concepts.After doing this course you need not to do any other course of this level.This course will take you up to thatlevel after which you can easily work in Photoshop and canuse all online available free trainingresources to further enhance your skills inPhotoshop. You can also contact us for your questions while doingthis course ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Legal English Language Certificate (LELC) Level 2 - CPD" |
"Attention to all fellow enthusiastic law students, professional lawyers, contract managers, legal executivesandbusiness students.Do you want to improve your knowledge oflegal terminologyand do you wantto understand how to use these termscorrectly?Do you want to improve your legal drafting skills? but youdont know where to start?Well dont worry, you are in the right place!This course is ideal for you and it will set you inthe right path to improvingyou legal writing skills and helpingyoubuild your knowledge of legal terminology.Buy only from this 'Udemy' website as other websites do not provide you with directhelpfrom English lawyers nor do they provide you withthecertificate.Learn how to writeletters, emails, memoranda, affidavits & addendums from aprofessional lawyer!As a professional lawyer or a law student, it is very important to understand legal terminology which is used in many legal documents.Writing letters correctlyis a keyskill for any lawyerand this course provides you with tips on how to structure your sentences correctly;it provides you withan understanding of the use of the'active voice' as opposed to the 'passive voice' and the use of neutral gender.Draftinglegal documents requires skilland knowledge. Not only do you need to understand first the reasons for drafting the legal document but also how to structure the legal document in a such away which will be bindingand have legal effect.This course starts by providing you with a complete understanding of how to structure your sentences correctly and by the end of the courseyou will also become more confident and know how to structure and draft asimple letter, a detailed advice letter, an email, amemorandum, anaffidavit and anaddendum.The course also provides you with an overview of a shareholders agreement and its purpose and importance to companiesThe course comprises of a number ofquizzes and exercises which will help you understand your progress.The course also comprises of 3 assignment(s) and we will mark these assignments andprovide you with feedback!To become moreproficient in yourdrafting skills requires a lot of study and practice. After taking this course, you will able write simple, conciseletters and legal documents professionally.Why I should take this course?Learning from Lawyers in Fun!This course is delivered by qualified lawyers who practice the law. The course provides tutor support from a practising lawyer. Yasmine Lupin is a practising solicitor at 'Lupins Law', London and also is the Director of LCATEYou will receive a Legal English Language Level2 Certificate from LCATEon successful completion of the course which is optional (afurther fee ispayable)Remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and in the event that you do not like the course you have a30 days money back guarantee.So, what are you thinking? Go ahead and click on Enrol buttonNow button.Take a look at the course!You have life-time access to this course and a 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this courseYou will receive a Legal English Language Level2 Certificate from LCATEon successful completion of the course which is optional (afurther fee ispayable)This course constitutes 'CPD'A number of quizzes and assignments which will help youunderstand your progressUnderstand the importance of being consistent when drafting legal documentsYou will be able to professionally draftanaffidavit, anaddendum and understand the purpose and contents of a shareholders agreementYou will understand the importance of drafting emails and memoranda correctlyYou will able to structure simple letters and understand how to structuredetailed advice letters in a professional mannerYou will also understand the importance ofcorrect punctuation and when to useshall, will, must and mayYou will understand how to structure your sentences correctly; understand the importance of theactive voice and the use ofpreciseverbsWith over 1 hourof videos and around 17 lectures, you will improve your knowledge oflegal terminologyand this course will help you improve your legal drafting skillsLCATE Certificate guaranteed on succesful completion- which is optionalTUTOR SUPPORT PROVIDEDYes, we can help you further if you require any further help.FURTHERFEEFOROFFICIALCERTIFICATEFor the official LCATE- Legal English Online Certificate Level 2 - contact LCATEvia info@lcate.co.uk and pay an additional 15 for your certificate."
Price: 94.99 |
"Learn Dynamic Photography Composition" |
"Photography is about the frame you put around an image, yet the story does not end there. Your photo goes beyond the frame, through a kind of intuition. It captures the gesture of a particular moment and conveys a message through careful targeting and emphasis of certain key features. It says ""Look! This is special.""To make your photography special you need to understand composition, which IS the essence of photography. Yes, exposure, aperture and ISO are important, but it is the composition of your photos that will make people take notice of your images and remember them.When you create a composition there are countless possibilities. Learn how to make certain decisions creatively and with accuracy. There are nine key elements utilisedto achievestunning photo composition and I take you through them - step by step. You'll have plenty of practice and plenty ofopportunities for constructive feedback. And, I've simplified the content of the course so there are no fancy photography terms to remember.If you are looking to improve your photography from Good to WOW, then join me for a creative photography journey."
Price: 34.99 |
"The Complete Guide to Forex Trading" |
"TheComplete Guide to Forex Tradingcoursewill teach you everything you need to know about trading the forex markets.In this course I will begin by covering the basics such as what is forex trading, currency names, market hours, forex terminology, types of orders, etc.This course features robust, in-depth fundamental and technical analysis sections:In the fundamental analysis section, you will learn the main fundamental factors that move currency prices including GDP (Gross Domestic Product), CPI(Consumer Price Index), central banks, interest rates. and geopolitical events.In thetechnical analysis section, you will learn the main technical indicators used by technical analysts including moving averages, support &resistance, relative strength index, MACD, stochastics, Bollinger bands, Fibonacci, etc.Both sections demonstrate how to make successful trades using fundamental and technical analysis.Lastly, this course covers risk management best practices so you can maximize your success over the long run!As always, you will receive lifetime access for this course, I plan to add additional content going forward (which you will receive for free), you have a30-day money back guarantee no questions asked, and I will answer any questions you post on Udemy if you need help!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Linux Administration Through Practical Examples" |
"Mihai says: ""This course actually gets you some clues, which you would not know by the 1st touch. Carmen Balan is a great instructor when it comes about to explaining advanced working habits.""Teodor says""The instructor was explaining the information in a good and structured way. There are practical examples, and it's very good that I can download the PDF materials and exercises! A little bit slower would be good, but overall it was a very good course""Petru says ""By far one of themost useful course on Linuxenvironment.The instructor is extremely prepared. I'll recommended with all my heart.""Eddie says""Although I know 99% of what I have seen so far it has all beenexplained and taught very well.Excellent material for a newbie.""This Linuxcourse was designed to share my experience as a system administrator throughpractical examples and scenarios.If you would like to start a career in Linux or simply improve your knowledge, this course is for you.Throughout the course, I will show you many of the tasks you would encounter when administeringa Linux server.Since being a system administrator, I know you might need to deal with more than only one Linux distribution,what Iteach in this course, applies to many of them. Iknow that the best way to learn something is by actually doing it, so I created this course by showing how to accomplish the tasks rather than just explaining how to do them in theory. Moreover, along with the video lectures, you will also find exercises to help youimprove your hands-on experience. You will benefit for freefrom any new lectures and updates on the course.Keep in mind that ifyou arenot happy with the course, you can ask for a refund and take advantage of30-Day Money-Back Guarantee."
Price: 194.99 |
"Database Analysis and Design Using SQL 2014 - for Beginners" |
"SQL is the cornerstone of all #relational database operations. The ability to write the SQL language is essential for those who develop database applications and web applications. This course provides a solid foundation of the #SQL programming language that enables students to build, #query and Manipulate #databases. Working will be in SQL 2014 databases throughout this course.I designed this course to be easily understood by beginners . At the end of this course students will be able to install SQL 2014 environment on their PC's, knowledge of concepts for databases and #relationships, dealing with Microsoft management studio , creating databases,#backup,#scripting the databases. Also the ability to write quires and to manage #tables data in databases."
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduccin a Pro Tools" |
"Pro Tools es el standard mundial en sistemas de grabacin, edicin y mezcla multitrack de audio profesional.En la actualidad, los sistemas Pro Tools han dejado de sernicamenteuna opcin vlida solo para estudios de muy alta gama, ya que Avid, en su adaptacin permanente a las nuevas tendencias, y acompaando el crecimiento de los nuevos project, y home studios, ha desarrollado sistemas alternativos, que cubren todas las necesidades, tanto del msico, como el productor, o el mismo ingeniero de grabacin.Este curso te permitir conocerlas principales herramientas de este programa y as poder empezar arealizar tus primeras producciones. De igual manera este curso te ser deutilidad tanto si cuentas con las versiones 8, 9, 10, 11 y 12 de Pro Tools.No son necesarios conocimientos previos, solo disponibilidad y las ganas de aprender."
Price: 34.99 |
"Neuroeducacin: Emociones y Aprendizaje" |
"Seguro que ya has odo hablar del trmino Neuroeducacin, verdad? Si no ests familiarizado con este trmino, te explico que laneuroeducacines una nueva visin de la enseanza que aprovecha los conocimientos sobre cmo funciona el cerebro integrados con lapsicologa, la sociologa y la medicinapara tratar de mejorar elproceso de aprendizaje, sacando el mximo partido a nuestras capacidades.Mi nombre es Beln Pieiro, soy profesora de Educacin Infantil y tras realizarelMster de Neuropsicologa y Educacinquiero compartir contigo los principales conocimientos que he adquirido en l, para que tanto padres como educadores puedan beneficiarse de los recientes descubrimientos de neuroeducacin infantil y utilizar esta herramienta en la educacin de los nios.Desde hace aos trabajo tratando de mejorar la calidad de la educacin, tanto en los centros escolares, como en casa.Por eso, he decidido crear mi primer videocurso on-line:Neuroeducacin: Emociones y Aprendizaje,a travs de la plataforma Udemy, donde te ensear todo lo que necesitas para introducir la neuroeducacin en el aula si eres docente y en casa como padre o madre.Cmo saber si este curso es para ti?Si intentas crecer cada da como persona, para convertirte en el mejor ejemplo para tus nios.Si sientes que tu labor como madre/padre/educador es la que conlleva ms responsabilidad en tu vida, pero tambin la que te aporta las mayores satisfacciones.Si crees que la educacin tradicional tiene ciertas carencias que debemos suplir.Si quieres que tus hijos sean personas resolutivas, felices y con una buena autoestima.Si sabes que la Educacin Emocional y Social aporta herramientas que nos ayudan en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida.Entonces ven a formar parte de la comunidadde Neuroeducacin: Emociones y aprendizaje."
Price: 119.99 |
"Forex - Learn to enter the market like the big players!" |
"Thanks for looking at my third course . One question I alwaysasked myself when Ifirst started trading was why do I always get the direction wrong? Truth be told, I mostly got the direction right based on my analysis, but it was everything else I learned and bolted onthat made me fail.This approach to trading will improve your trading years ahead of time and allow you to become the profitable trader you deserve to be! - CHIPPCAPITAL -"
Price: 199.99 |
"Waste Not Broke Not" |
"Do you own a car? There's money in there! You probably spend around 10K per year owning your car - get some of that money back using some of thefun and easy opportunities described in this course!This course is crammed full of original ideas that will help you identify your carexpenses and make money using your car,inways that fityour lifestyle and desired effort level. All youneed to beginis an open mind and a willingness to use what you've got in new and exciting ways!Did you know you could drive yourself to the airport (saving ontaxis there and back) park for free during your trip (more savings) and earn money renting your car out while you're away(cha-ching!)? All this would require 5 minutes of your time to set up, and no cashinvestment.*If that's exciting, think about the fact that you could potentially earn $400 a monthdoing the same stuff you do everyday, right now. We'll teach you the tricks and help you weighthe pros and cons of a variety of opportunities.We'll alsoprovide interactive tools (calculator spreadsheets and more) to help you make the best choices for your circumstances.Whether you're lazy and want to do minimal work or are willing to put hours in behind the wheel, we've got options for you. Maybe you'd like to start your own smallbusiness? We'll tell you how.Take on a few of our simpler ideas or dive in and make big changes - either way,you'll find this course is worth its weight in gold. Turn that car into cash!Waste not, broke not!* You must live in a location where this particular service is offered. If it's not, our course offersplenty of other options you can explore."
Price: 24.99 |
"Become a Successful Product Reviewer on YouTube" |
"What are the benefits of making honest and simpleproduct review videos on YouTube?Get free product review samplesMake income from affiliate linksMake income from selling product review samples after review is completeThis course covers everything that you need to know to get started as a product reviewer on YouTube. The course focuses on what you need to do to get companies to send you free product samples to review. This course also shows you strategies to make additional income from your videos. I have personally done everything that I teach in this course. I know what works and what doesn't work, which is why this course has already helped thousands of people."
Price: 199.99 |
"Website erstellen - Wordpress Kurs fr Anfnger" |
"Ganz einfach zur eigenen WordpressWebsite!Wordpress ist wahrscheinlich das bekannteste Content-Management System, wenn es darum geht eine eigene Website mglichst schnell und einfach zu erstellen. Dabei bietet es gleichzeitig einen enormen Funktionsumfang. MitWordpress kann man erfolgreich Homepages, Blogs, Onlineshops und vieles mehr bauen!Ganz egal fr welchen Zweck du deine Website einmal verwenden mchtest, in diesem Kurs gebe ich dir das Werkzeug dafr indie Hand!Die Kerninhalte dieses Kurses sind:Domain registrieren und Datenbanken erstellenWordpress erfolgreich auf deinem Webspace installierenGrundeinrichtung von WordpressWebdesign in Wordpress anhand eines kostenlosen ThemesStrukturanpassungen von Header, Body & FooterGrundlagen von css und html erlernenSeiteninhalte erstellen und als Seiten oder Beitrge verffentlichenFunktionsumfang von Wordpress durch Plugins erweiternSicherheit, Anti-Spam und Backups in WordpressBesonders wichtig zu erwhnen ist hierbei, dass dieser Kurs, bis auf das Webhosting, fr dich keine weiteren Kosten bereit hlt. Ich habe bewusst ein vllig kostenfreies Theme gewhlt um dir den Einstieg in Wordpress mglichst einfach zu machen.Support & HilfestellungSollte der Kurs weitere Fragen bei dir aufkommen lassen, gibt es immer die Mglichkeit spezifische Fragen unter jeder Lektion zu stellen. Diese werdeninnerhalb von 24 Stunden beantwortet!Ganz egal was fr ein Webprojekt du mit deiner Wordpress Website verfolgst,wnsche ichdir viel Erfolg und Spa bei der Umsetzung!Ich freue mich, dich als Kursteilnehmer begren zu drfen und danke dir fr deine Untersttzung!Euer Moritz Reich"
Price: 19.99 |
"Python Testing with Green" |
"Ever wonder why some projects seem able to make huge changes and still ship promptly, while others collapse under the weight of their own code? Testing isthe difference!Effective tests enable you to add features quickly, refactor your code without fear, and ship new releases without bignewbugs.Make Your Project Successful by Writing Meaningful TestsLayout your test packages and modules correctlyOrganize your tests effectivelyLearn the tools in the unittest moduleRun your test with Green, a powerful new test runnerWrite meaningful tests that enable quick refactoringLearn the difference between unit and integration testsUse advanced tips and tricks to get the most out of your tests.Python Testing with GreenTests are just a way of writing code that uses your project and makes sure that it really does what you think it does! We'll learn the best way to write tests and some common problems and pitfalls that you should avoid. This course is designed as a practical reference for Python programmers who have real code that they would like to start testing, or test more effectively. I providereal runnable examples that you can type in yourself or download from the resources section.The beginnersection requires zero prior testing knowledge. I teachthe fundamental basics of testing Python code including how to run your tests the ""traditional"" way as well as with the high-performance Green test runner. After completing this section, you will be able to write tests and run them.The intermediate section teaches you how to write meaningful tests, and coversevery aspect of the Python ""unittest"" module that you will use in daily life. Upon completing this section, you will know more than most Python programmers about how to test your code.In the advanced section I go over how to mock unit tests,integration testing, advanced usage of the Green test runner, and some tips and tricks for getting the most out of your testing. Only an elite few gain this level of knowledge on their own. After completing this section, you will be a master of Python testing."
Price: 49.99 |