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"HANDS ON DOCKER for JAVA Developers"
"This course is a 100% HANDSONcourse for Java Enthusiasts who want to use DOCKERTo Build->Ship->Run Java Apps using Docker and want to learn thru 10+ real world hands on use cases. This course is optimized for the busy professional with real world use cases examples and problem solving. The student registering for the course should be able to dedicate time towards Hands on labs to get a clearer understanding on how to use docker.Docker Version:18.03.1-ce,JDK 8Learn to build real world apps using Java and Docker with Microservices using the Spring framework, JQuery, Bootstrap and much more.... TApart from the theoretical aspect here are the HANDS ON LAB Exercises which will be coveredMICROSERVICES using Docker .Build a Spring MVC and MYSQL RESTFUL MICROSERVICE, Scale a micro service with multiple containersBuild a Proxy Servlet, a filter with a Spring MVC app backed by MYSQL to load balance the requests between containers.Learn what the real world problems are and how Docker attempts to solve real world use cases.Learn to Run WEB Apps on Apache HTTP and NGINX Web servers in Docker as containers.Learn to run Simple Java Programs developed using JDK8 using DockerCreate a sample Spring MVC Web App running with a bootstrap and JQUERY UIand run it using DockerLearn about Docker machines and Docker composeUpload your code to DOCKER HUB and share your Docker images for deployments with peers"
Price: 19.99

"Konfliktmanagement: Konflikte erkennen und erfolgreich lsen"
"Ob Geschftspartner, Chef, Kollege, Nachbar oder Lebenspartner Konflikte sind alltglich. Sie entstehen, ganz gleich, ob beruflich oder privat, aus den unterschiedlichsten Grnden.Verschiedene Meinungen, unterschiedlichen Sichtweisen und Zielsetzungen sowie Missverstndnisse. Doch eines haben alle Konflikte gemeinsam: sie verlassen schnell die sachliche Ebene und enden in einem emotionalen Schlagabtausch, der die Situation oft eskalieren lsst. So weit muss es nicht kommen.Mit den richtigen Kenntnissen, etwas bung und Offenheit fr Ihr Umfeld lassen sich Konfliktsituationen schnell entschrfen. Sie lernen Lsungen vorzubereiten und Kommunikation wieder zu frdern.Das wichtige theoretische, wie praktische Basis-Wissen um in Zukunft als KonfliktmanagerIn agieren zu knnen, vermittelt Ihnen dieser Kurs."
Price: 74.99

"IP Features on Cisco Routers ***English Subtitles***"
"This course will help you understand some behaviors that seems strange or unusual in networking such as hosts that do not use default gateway to communicate with other subnets. Youwill understand how such things happen.You will understand the mechanisms of some of important IP features such as Proxy ARP, IP redirects, IP directed Broadcasts.You will understand the disadvantages and security issues related to these features, the attacks that they allow, and how to mitigate them. This course is focusing on the practical side as much as possible using cisco routers emulated in GNS3."
Price: 19.99

"Tsuboki Japanese Face Massage"
"Tsuboki Face Massage was created by myself to fill a gap in the massage market. I based it on Traditional Japanese Face massage - once the preserve of empresses! - but combined this with techniques that Icreated or discovered during my 30-plus years of working as a massage therapist. The routine begins with a deep neck massage, followed by a detailed face massage with oil. You then work all of the acupressure points on the face, before finishing with some simple lymphatic drainage and grounding.You will learn the background to this wonderful therapy and how it came to be. You will learn the basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so that you have some understanding about why this massage is so powerful and how it works on several levels You will learn when not to massage, or when to adapt the massage to your clients' needs. And you will be able to locate and work on over 40 acupressure points on the face, may of which have rejuvenating and health-giving properties.It is given with the client lying - preferably on a massage table - and with the therapist sitting.You will be taken step by step through all of the techniques with clear, concise videos, which you can replay until you are confident. These are accompanied by PDF files with teaching points and reminders for each technique. Each part can be used by itself, but when you have the complete routine at your fingertips, you have a therapy that is relaxing yet energising, accessible and nurturing.I have been teaching this course in person since 2003; it was the first course I ever created, and had proved extremely popular with students and clients alike.The Udemy platform enables me to reach students via an excellent quality online version.FROM STUDENTS:""Anneis fantastically inspiring! She obviously enjoys teaching and it is a pleasureto learn with her - thank you. A great deal of content delivered superbly. Idid not have any 'brain fog' or sense of overload. "" ""I get a lot of clients that already said my facials were the best ever, and they would never go anywhere else.. so it's been such a delight to add this and get an even more favourable response. The difference on the face before and after is very visible, and for me even more important is the mood and energy change. Thank you again Anne""Vivienne T, facialistFROM STUDENTS about CASE STUDIES:Skin looked glowing.Cheeks looked plumped up. Lookedin a state of bliss and kept repeating how good she felt. I feel very excited about this treatment!Best face massage Ive ever had. I felt a tingling sensation all the way downmy legs to my feetForgot what it was like to truly relax this did it!You will be given a certificate on completion of this course. Because laws vary in different countries and states, it is your responsibility to determine whether you need more training in order to practice professionally. If you are not a qualified therapist, I recommend you only work on healthy people."
Price: 99.99

"Start A Online Amazon Website Business. Learn From a Pro"
"Start a Business -A Fun Credit Information Based BusinessStarting a Business can be tough you need something that can sell. It's that SIMPLE!I don't know if you know this but Credit Repair Information ALWAYS SELLS. This site puts youIn the fortunate position to sell multiple credit repair books on Kindle and Amazon and Ebay. This is PASSIVE INCOME.OK, HERE WE GO....You need to understand what I tell you here. If you don't this site is not for you.1) Information is the best product to sell online.Why you ask?a) No shippingb) No inventoryc) Easily reproducedd) Low to no cost- High mark-upe) the internet is setup for this kind of marketing. Amazon/Kindle/Ebay/Google were built on the platform of information products. (we will talk about this a little later).Think about all these guys selling course's on whatever. It's for a REASON. The only cost is hosting and advertising. Markup is extremely high.There are millions of examples...Ok so hopefully you understand this basic fact.NOW I AM GOING TO TELL YOU THE #1 REASON WHY INFORMATION IS THE BEST PRODUCT.""IT IS YOUR PRODUCT""This is so so so so important. Imagine selling a product on your site that the customer can buyfrom anyone else. You sell T-shirts that customers can get from any other site. These other sites have buying power and can get better wholesale prices. You are the small guy trying to compete.Frankly it's a joke. Try sourcing""sunglasses"" wholesale and creating a site to sell them. You won't even be able to buy them wholesale for what they are being sold at retail because of the buying power of these established guys. These established guys also have thousands of reviews.WITH YOUR OWN INFO PRODUCT BUSINESS, YOU ARE IN CONTROL. THE ONLY DISTRIBUTION IS THROUGH YOU!!!IF YOU UNDERSTAND THIS CONCEPT -READ ONCREDIT REPAIR INFORMATION IS ONE OF THE BEST INFORMATION BASED PRODUCT. IF NOT THE BESTWhy you ask?1) A lot of people are looking for credit repair information.2) People are willing to pay for credit repair information.3) Credit is sooooo important to people when they are denied something. So it is highly valued.4) Secretive in nature.5) Specialized6) Affiliate Friendly-look at the site I have put notes on it to show where the affiliate offers go.This will always be TRUE no matter how many books or apps exist.Now, Let Me Ask You......Have you have heard of people that have had misfortunes and turned them into great opportunities.You know what I mean. The guy living in his car that goes from rags to riches. The guy that perseveres through the tough times and uses his negative experience as the catalyst to something much bigger. In other words, the guy that never gave up and used his bad experience as a positive rather than a negative.This is that moment!........and By the Way Did You Know Amazon Was Started In A Garage?......YOU ARE GOING TO GET FREEDOM!I want to talk about something WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY bigger then bad credit!!!!!!!!....AS BIG AS KING KONG IN FACTHow would you like to pay for everything in CASH!.....How would you like the PERFECT AMAZON PRODUCT!.....Aproduct that youcan start for next to nothing!.....A product that cangenerate you money for life!......And, it just keeps going up and up and up....So, I guess they call it increasing passive income.....FOREVER......I call it blessings from theAMAZONIAN GORILLA.....Yeah you read that right....everyday theAMAZONIAN GORILLAgives me blessings..YOU REMEMBER ALL THE KING KONG MOVIES WHERE THE NATIVES KINDA WORSHIPED THE LARGE GORILLA WHO KEPT THEM SAFE FROM OTHER THINGS ON THE ISLAND.Now, I want you to understand.I DONT REALLY WORSHIP THEAMAZONIAN GORILLA.....andI Don't want you to either. I believe in a real god. By the way, he doesn't mind me joking around about THEAMAZONIAN GORILLAor getting money from an honest product. My real god wants me to be ecstatic about my life..he wants me to be able to provide for all the people I lovehe wants me to have the best of everything..he wants me to see the world he created.. And he or She Wants the same for you tooNow that being said, ........THE AMAZONIAN GORILLA doesn't work in mysterious ways. He just straight up gives you money. Seriously,...... if you set things up right he blesses you with money each and everyday. And always more blessings to comeTheAMAZONIAN GORILLAcalls themRoyaltiesso who beith me to question THEAMAZONIAN GORILLA.So, we will call the blessingsRoyalties..By the way,Royaltieshas become my second favorite word in the English language. My first is a 3 letter word that starts with S, and ends in X. But, I would sayROYALTIESis a really close second. And to be real honest with you, on some big daysROYALTIESmoves up to be my favorite word.Ok,forget the BS. My girlfriend wont ever read this.ROYALTIESis always my favorite word...Because it's my favorite word, I looked it up in thedictionary. Here's what came up:royaltyroilt/nounplural noun:royalties1.people of royal blood or status.""diplomats, heads of state, and royalty shared tables at the banquet""2.a sum of money paid to a patentee for the use of a patent or to an author or composer foreach copy of a book soldor for each public performance of a work.THE AMAZONIAN GORILLA never sleeps eitherHe's always awaketh, searching the jungle for more blessings for me it seems....he sends blessings in the middle of the night....When I get up in the middle of the night to go the bathroom I always check to see how many moreROYALTIEShe has bestowith on thee throughout the makith sleep so I go back to sleep I picture what I will purchase with the new blessings.....and when I wakith in the morning there will surely beith moreROYALTIES.Now I am not telling you to stop going to church or Temple or wherever you go to....but bringing THEAMAZONIAN GORILLAinto your life can really make things great.....And like I said THEAMAZONIAN GORILLAdoesnt work in mysterious ways....he just straight up gives you praying and waiting for some strange miracle....he just gets right to the point and gives you money....THE AMAZONIAN GORILLA ....seems to knowith that its money that I want because it solves most if not all of my problems....Now everyone is looking for the perfect amazon product ....Well you don't have to beStephen Hawkinsto figure it out....YOU JUST READ's publications......Amazon started as a simple book seller.....that's their whole platform....THAT'S WHAT THEY DO...Now that you understand that here is another thing you need to understand about THE AMAZONIAN GORILLA.. he blessith a lot more for some publications then he does for others.Grandpas war stories or your moms recipes are fun and everything....but don't expect to make a lot of money from it.....people just don't buy those types of publications....I mean lets face it.. when was the last time you saw anyone even listening to Grandpa..Now Imagine asking someone to pay to listen to GrandpaIts not exactly a business model you want to be followingBut hey listen after I show you how to do this you will easily be able to setup a book for Grandpa.. This way he can walk around the park and show people he has a bookhe might even make some friends.Now CREDIT REPAIR PUBLICATIONS that's a different thing.....THE Amazonian Gorillagivith many blessings for those publications if its setup right...HERES WHYThis site lets you know the number of searches done for items on AMAZON""merchantwords dot com""Try the word credit Repair 4.7 million searches a month on AmazonNOW THESE SEARCHES ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THAN A SEARCH ON GOOGLE..PEOPLE THAT SEARCH AMAZON ARE DOING SO TO BUY SOMETHING.WHEN THEY SEARCH GOOGLE THEY ARE LOOKING FOR INFORMATIONThink about it have you ever went to Amazon to look for information on dont go I think I want to know about sunglasses or credit repair so I think I will go to Amazon.NO you go to Amazon to BUY sunglasses or a Credit Repair Publication..With Google people are not really there to buy but to gather information about productsLike what the UV protection mean on sunglasses.or Credit Repair to search for all kinds of solutions.This is why every smart person wants a product on Amazon..PEOPLE ARE THERE FOR ONLY ONE REASON..TO BUYThis is why THEAMAZONIAN GORILLAgives so many Blessings(ROYALTIES)to Credit Repair PublicationsPeople are there to BUY publicationsNOW THIS IS IMPORTANTSO I AM GOING TO USE A BIGGER FONTPEOPLE TRUST THE AMAZONIAN GORILLA..THEY LOVE THE AMAZONIAN GORILLAHAVING A PRODUCT ON AMAZON GIVES YOUR PRODUCT INSTANT CREDITBILITYESPECIALLY WHEN AMAZON IS SHIPPING THE PRODUCT.. LIKE PUBLICATIONS..NOW speaking of blessings I must stopith writing to checkith for blessings.....Oh THEAMAZONIAN GORILLAhas blessith with more blessings.....seriously though moreROYALTIESas I was writing....Again THEAMAZONIAN GORILLAworks in a non mysterious way....I wanted more money to solve my problems and he seems to knowith this....NO MYSTERY HERE FOLKS....Another Thing You Should KNOW isAmazon has print centers all over the worldSo if someone orders your information publication in Japanits not shipped from the United States but From a print center in Japanbut the rabbit hole goes deeper than that if someone orders your publication from the east coast of the United States its printed at the closest print center to the order.Also the quantity is printed at ONE unitso Amazon never prints your publication until someone orders one unit. .....Gone are the days when an author had to have a publisher print 50,000 units of a publication and then hope they sell.You never invest a dime in printing your publicationThis massive distribution setup is done from one platform that you controlyou can set your pricing for different countries in minutes and in the local currencyNever in the history of the world has this been possible...........Now with Amazons platform your publication can be sold instantly across the the currency of that set the price for each world most of your publications will be sold in the USA because its a publication on the American credit system....but its kinda fun to see some come in fromEgypt or Madagascar....I have sometimes wondered why people buy them from those areas.... But again who am I to questionithTHE AMAZONIAN GORILLASwisdom to give me more blessings....Also with Amazon you will also be able to distribute to book stores libraries and online retailers.....all within days....So back to why a credit repair publication....well that's an easy one....Good credit repair information presented right ALWAYS repair information has a high perceived value....and credit repair is........EXTREMELYAFFILIATE FRIENDLY....what does that mean?.....Well when your publication is setup the way I am going to show you its actually a money generating funnel with multiple streams of fully understand this lets go back to your moms cook book for a second.So your mom sells a copy of her cook book and shes extremely happy.but what is the affiliate productShe cant really sell the ingredients for her recipes because most likely they are available everywhere.Nobody is going to start buying Oregeno or Pepper from your mom.Credit repair is so so so so affiliate friendly and this is so so so so important.NOW WITH CREDIT REPAIR YOU KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT THE PERSON WHO BOUGHT THE PUBLICATION.THEY HAVE BAD CREDIT..THEY NEED BAD CREDIT PRODUCTS LIKE CREDIT MONITORING BAD CREDIT .CREDIT CARDS ETC.Now think BIGYour publication always sends them to your website that has many offers they needThey trust your publication because they bought it on Amazon and they trust your opinion..NOW not only are you making Publication money but you are makingAFFILIATE MONEYNow let me tell you a quick story aboutAFFILIATE MONEY..To be honest I never really knew the full potential of it until I hate to say it my Ex Wife started meddling with my business. We got a check in the mail for $18.00 from a company called Credit dotcomShe being nosey and always interested in a free checklol said whats this check for?????? I told her its an affiliate check for someone applying for a credit card for people with bad credit..and I told her WHO CARES ITS ONLY $18.00..So she ended up putting affiliate stuff all over the websiteSo fast forward 3 or 4 months later and seriously folks were getting checks for $17,867 $21,657 $19,756 and this is just AFFILIATE MONEY..Now I dont know why I didnt see it..but she did.I thought I knew everything about selling credit repair informationbut somehow I overlooked affiliate stuff..SO ANYWAYS NEVER NEVER NEVER MISS THE AFFILIATE MONEY..EVERI will show you what to put in your publication to maximizeAFFILIATE INCOMENow imagine trying to get a physical product on Amazon.. Try sourcing ""sunglasses"" wholesale and sell them on Amazon. You won't even be able to buy them wholesale for what they are being sold at retail because of the buying power of these established guys. Listen a friend of mine sells a physical product on Amazon. He has a great product with a great markup But his biggest complaint is the problem with reproducing the product.........He manufactures in china and its a constant headachelost shipments manufacturing delays , quality control problemsthe list goes on and on.........With information you have none of these problemsDid you know Amazon also has a SPECIAL PPC advertising platform for publications that is way cheaper than for physical products....NOW HERES SOMETHING REALLY CRAZYNow the natives on the island are worshiping theAMAZONIAN GORILLA..and everything is normal .but have you ever seen a GORILLA I mean lets face it they all kinda look the sameand we are just outsiders watching all this butwhat if the natives were actually worshiping 2 giant gorillas..THEAMAZONIAN GORILLAAND HIS SISTERWHO THEY CALLQUEEN KINDLE(which in the native language means-SHE WHO GIVITH MORE BLESSINGS)ITS LIKE SOME CRAZY PLOT IN A MOVIE.AND LIKE I SAID BEFOREI ASSURE YOU THIS IS A TRUE STORYTHERE REALLY ARE 2 GIANT GORILLASTHE QUEEN KINDLE GORILLA DOES EXISTS..She gives many blessingsROYALTIESalsoand the great part is theAMAZONIAN GORILLAAND THE QUEEN KINDLE GORILLA have split up the islandSo QUEEN KINDLE GORILLA searches a different side of the island to bring you more blessingsShe findsROYALTIESfor your Publications DIGITAL VERSION..Now theQUEEN KINDLE GORILLAis also a GIANT GORILLA but shes also a female so she has some advantages when it comes to finding blessingsRoyalties..There are many but I dont have the time or space to go into one isQUEEN KINDLE GORILLAcan get you blessings even if people dont buy your publication but just read it for FREENO WONDER THE NATIVES GIVE HER AS MUCH RESPECT AS THEY DO FOR THE AMAZONIAN GORILLA.QUEEN KINDLE GORILLAalso never seems to sleepith..She also doesnt work in mysterious ways.She knowith I need money and she givith money.NOTE: Now if you listen to me you are going to have your own credit repair publication on Amazon and Kindle making increasing passive income through royalties and also be collecting affiliate income. You can pass this down to your children and it will generate income for them.You can order a hard copy of your book at cost for a few bucks and let me tell you they look like a book you would buy at an airport lobby. They are fantastic, I was shocked when I first ordered a few to show my friends. Amazon does not skimp on printing these books. Seriously folks I have no idea how they do it.Your friends and family will be AMAZED.YOUR PICTURE IS GOING TO BE ON THE BACK OF YOUR PUBLICATION!!!So, ok here is where we get down to the VISIONGet My Course Here For a VERY LIMITED TIME...This Course is PRICELESS"
Price: 199.99

"Start an Amazon Business That Generates Passive Income"
"Start an Amazon Business -ACredit Information Based BusinessStarting a Business can be tough you need something that can sell. It's that SIMPLE!I don't know if you know this but Credit Repair Information ALWAYS SELLS. This site puts youIn the fortunate position to sell multiple credit repair books on Kindle and Amazon and Ebay. This is PASSIVE INCOME.OK, HERE WE GO....You need to understand what I tell you here. If you don't this site is not for you.1) Information is the best product to sell online.Why you ask?a) No shippingb) No inventoryc) Easily reproducedd) Low to no cost- High mark-upe) the internet is setup for this kind of marketing. Amazon/Kindle/Ebay/Google were built on the platform of information products. (we will talk about this a little later).Think about all these guys selling course's on whatever. It's for a REASON. The only cost is hosting and advertising. Markup is extremely high.There are millions of examples...Ok so hopefully you understand this basic fact.NOW I AM GOING TO TELL YOU THE #1 REASON WHY INFORMATION IS THE BEST PRODUCT.""IT IS YOUR PRODUCT""This is so so so so important. Imagine selling a product on your site that the customer can buyfrom anyone else. You sell T-shirts that customers can get from any other site. These other sites have buying power and can get better wholesale prices. You are the small guy trying to compete.Frankly it's a joke. Try sourcing""sunglasses"" wholesale and creating a site to sell them. You won't even be able to buy them wholesale for what they are being sold at retail because of the buying power of these established guys. These established guys also have thousands of reviews.WITH YOUR OWN INFO PRODUCT BUSINESS, YOU ARE IN CONTROL. THE ONLY DISTRIBUTION IS THROUGH YOU!!!IF YOU UNDERSTAND THIS CONCEPT -READ ONCREDIT REPAIR INFORMATION IS ONE OF THE BEST INFORMATION BASED PRODUCT. IF NOT THE BESTWhy you ask?1) A lot of people are looking for credit repair information.2) People are willing to pay for credit repair information.3) Credit is sooooo important to people when they are denied something. So it is highly valued.4) Secretive in nature.5) Specialized6) Affiliate Friendly-look at the site I have put notes on it to show where the affiliate offers go.This will always be TRUE no matter how many books or apps exist.Now, Let Me Ask You......Have you have heard of people that have had misfortunes and turned them into great opportunities.You know what I mean. The guy living in his car that goes from rags to riches. The guy that perseveres through the tough times and uses his negative experience as the catalyst to something much bigger. In other words, the guy that never gave up and used his bad experience as a positive rather than a negative.This is that moment!........and By the Way Did You Know Amazon Was Started In A Garage?......YOU ARE GOING TO GET FREEDOM!I want to talk about something WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY bigger then bad credit!!!!!!!!....AS BIG AS KING KONG IN FACTHow would you like to pay for everything in CASH!.....How would you like the PERFECT AMAZON PRODUCT!.....Aproduct that youcan start for next to nothing!.....A product that cangenerate you money for life!......And, it just keeps going up and up and up....So, I guess they call it increasing passive income.....FOREVER......I call it blessings from theAMAZONIAN GORILLA.....Yeah you read that right....everyday theAMAZONIAN GORILLAgives me blessings..YOU REMEMBER ALL THE KING KONG MOVIES WHERE THE NATIVES KINDA WORSHIPED THE LARGE GORILLA WHO KEPT THEM SAFE FROM OTHER THINGS ON THE ISLAND.Now, I want you to understand.I DONT REALLY WORSHIP THEAMAZONIAN GORILLA.....andI Don't want you to either. I believe in a real god. By the way, he doesn't mind me joking around about THEAMAZONIAN GORILLAor getting money from an honest product. My real god wants me to be ecstatic about my life..he wants me to be able to provide for all the people I lovehe wants me to have the best of everything..he wants me to see the world he created.. And he or She Wants the same for you tooNow that being said, ........THE AMAZONIAN GORILLA doesn't work in mysterious ways. He just straight up gives you money. Seriously,...... if you set things up right he blesses you with money each and everyday. And always more blessings to comeTheAMAZONIAN GORILLAcalls themRoyaltiesso who beith me to question THEAMAZONIAN GORILLA.So, we will call the blessingsRoyalties..By the way,Royaltieshas become my second favorite word in the English language. My first is a 3 letter word that starts with S, and ends in X. But, I would sayROYALTIESis a really close second. And to be real honest with you, on some big daysROYALTIESmoves up to be my favorite word.Ok,forget the BS. My girlfriend wont ever read this.ROYALTIESis always my favorite word...Because it's my favorite word, I looked it up in thedictionary. Here's what came up:royaltyroilt/nounplural noun:royalties1.people of royal blood or status.""diplomats, heads of state, and royalty shared tables at the banquet""2.a sum of money paid to a patentee for the use of a patent or to an author or composer foreach copy of a book soldor for each public performance of a work.THE AMAZONIAN GORILLA never sleeps eitherHe's always awaketh, searching the jungle for more blessings for me it seems....he sends blessings in the middle of the night....When I get up in the middle of the night to go the bathroom I always check to see how many moreROYALTIEShe has bestowith on thee throughout the makith sleep so I go back to sleep I picture what I will purchase with the new blessings.....and when I wakith in the morning there will surely beith moreROYALTIES.Now I am not telling you to stop going to church or Temple or wherever you go to....but bringing THEAMAZONIAN GORILLAinto your life can really make things great.....And like I said THEAMAZONIAN GORILLAdoesnt work in mysterious ways....he just straight up gives you praying and waiting for some strange miracle....he just gets right to the point and gives you money....THE AMAZONIAN GORILLA ....seems to knowith that its money that I want because it solves most if not all of my problems....Now everyone is looking for the perfect amazon product ....Well you don't have to beStephen Hawkinsto figure it out....YOU JUST READ's publications......Amazon started as a simple book seller.....that's their whole platform....THAT'S WHAT THEY DO...Now that you understand that here is another thing you need to understand about THE AMAZONIAN GORILLA.. he blessith a lot more for some publications then he does for others.Grandpas war stories or your moms recipes are fun and everything....but don't expect to make a lot of money from it.....people just don't buy those types of publications....I mean lets face it.. when was the last time you saw anyone even listening to Grandpa..Now Imagine asking someone to pay to listen to GrandpaIts not exactly a business model you want to be followingBut hey listen after I show you how to do this you will easily be able to setup a book for Grandpa.. This way he can walk around the park and show people he has a bookhe might even make some friends.Now CREDIT REPAIR PUBLICATIONS that's a different thing.....THE Amazonian Gorillagivith many blessings for those publications if its setup right...HERES WHYThis site lets you know the number of searches done for items on AMAZON""merchantwords dot com""Try the word credit Repair 4.7 million searches a month on AmazonNOW THESE SEARCHES ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THAN A SEARCH ON GOOGLE..PEOPLE THAT SEARCH AMAZON ARE DOING SO TO BUY SOMETHING.WHEN THEY SEARCH GOOGLE THEY ARE LOOKING FOR INFORMATIONThink about it have you ever went to Amazon to look for information on dont go I think I want to know about sunglasses or credit repair so I think I will go to Amazon.NO you go to Amazon to BUY sunglasses or a Credit Repair Publication..With Google people are not really there to buy but to gather information about productsLike what the UV protection mean on sunglasses.or Credit Repair to search for all kinds of solutions.This is why every smart person wants a product on Amazon..PEOPLE ARE THERE FOR ONLY ONE REASON..TO BUYThis is why THEAMAZONIAN GORILLAgives so many Blessings(ROYALTIES)to Credit Repair PublicationsPeople are there to BUY publicationsNOW THIS IS IMPORTANTSO I AM GOING TO USE A BIGGER FONTPEOPLE TRUST THE AMAZONIAN GORILLA..THEY LOVE THE AMAZONIAN GORILLAHAVING A PRODUCT ON AMAZON GIVES YOUR PRODUCT INSTANT CREDITBILITYESPECIALLY WHEN AMAZON IS SHIPPING THE PRODUCT.. LIKE PUBLICATIONS..NOW speaking of blessings I must stopith writing to checkith for blessings.....Oh THEAMAZONIAN GORILLAhas blessith with more blessings.....seriously though moreROYALTIESas I was writing....Again THEAMAZONIAN GORILLAworks in a non mysterious way....I wanted more money to solve my problems and he seems to knowith this....NO MYSTERY HERE FOLKS....Another Thing You Should KNOW isAmazon has print centers all over the worldSo if someone orders your information publication in Japanits not shipped from the United States but From a print center in Japanbut the rabbit hole goes deeper than that if someone orders your publication from the east coast of the United States its printed at the closest print center to the order.Also the quantity is printed at ONE unitso Amazon never prints your publication until someone orders one unit. .....Gone are the days when an author had to have a publisher print 50,000 units of a publication and then hope they sell.You never invest a dime in printing your publicationThis massive distribution setup is done from one platform that you controlyou can set your pricing for different countries in minutes and in the local currencyNever in the history of the world has this been possible...........Now with Amazons platform your publication can be sold instantly across the the currency of that set the price for each world most of your publications will be sold in the USA because its a publication on the American credit system....but its kinda fun to see some come in fromEgypt or Madagascar....I have sometimes wondered why people buy them from those areas.... But again who am I to questionithTHE AMAZONIAN GORILLASwisdom to give me more blessings....Also with Amazon you will also be able to distribute to book stores libraries and online retailers.....all within days....So back to why a credit repair publication....well that's an easy one....Good credit repair information presented right ALWAYS repair information has a high perceived value....and credit repair is........EXTREMELYAFFILIATE FRIENDLY....what does that mean?.....Well when your publication is setup the way I am going to show you its actually a money generating funnel with multiple streams of fully understand this lets go back to your moms cook book for a second.So your mom sells a copy of her cook book and shes extremely happy.but what is the affiliate productShe cant really sell the ingredients for her recipes because most likely they are available everywhere.Nobody is going to start buying Oregeno or Pepper from your mom.Credit repair is so so so so affiliate friendly and this is so so so so important.NOW WITH CREDIT REPAIR YOU KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT THE PERSON WHO BOUGHT THE PUBLICATION.THEY HAVE BAD CREDIT..THEY NEED BAD CREDIT PRODUCTS LIKE CREDIT MONITORING BAD CREDIT .CREDIT CARDS ETC.Now think BIGYour publication always sends them to your website that has many offers they needThey trust your publication because they bought it on Amazon and they trust your opinion..NOW not only are you making Publication money but you are makingAFFILIATE MONEYNow let me tell you a quick story aboutAFFILIATE MONEY..To be honest I never really knew the full potential of it until I hate to say it my Ex Wife started meddling with my business. We got a check in the mail for $18.00 from a company called Credit dotcomShe being nosey and always interested in a free checklol said whats this check for?????? I told her its an affiliate check for someone applying for a credit card for people with bad credit..and I told her WHO CARES ITS ONLY $18.00..So she ended up putting affiliate stuff all over the websiteSo fast forward 3 or 4 months later and seriously folks were getting checks for $17,867 $21,657 $19,756 and this is just AFFILIATE MONEY..Now I dont know why I didnt see it..but she did.I thought I knew everything about selling credit repair informationbut somehow I overlooked affiliate stuff..SO ANYWAYS NEVER NEVER NEVER MISS THE AFFILIATE MONEY..EVERI will show you what to put in your publication to maximizeAFFILIATE INCOMENow imagine trying to get a physical product on Amazon.. Try sourcing ""sunglasses"" wholesale and sell them on Amazon. You won't even be able to buy them wholesale for what they are being sold at retail because of the buying power of these established guys. Listen a friend of mine sells a physical product on Amazon. He has a great product with a great markup But his biggest complaint is the problem with reproducing the product.........He manufactures in china and its a constant headachelost shipments manufacturing delays , quality control problemsthe list goes on and on.........With information you have none of these problemsDid you know Amazon also has a SPECIAL PPC advertising platform for publications that is way cheaper than for physical products....NOW HERES SOMETHING REALLY CRAZYNow the natives on the island are worshiping theAMAZONIAN GORILLA..and everything is normal .but have you ever seen a GORILLA I mean lets face it they all kinda look the sameand we are just outsiders watching all this butwhat if the natives were actually worshiping 2 giant gorillas..THEAMAZONIAN GORILLAAND HIS SISTERWHO THEY CALLQUEEN KINDLE(which in the native language means-SHE WHO GIVITH MORE BLESSINGS)ITS LIKE SOME CRAZY PLOT IN A MOVIE.AND LIKE I SAID BEFOREI ASSURE YOU THIS IS A TRUE STORYTHERE REALLY ARE 2 GIANT GORILLASTHE QUEEN KINDLE GORILLA DOES EXISTS..She gives many blessingsROYALTIESalsoand the great part is theAMAZONIAN GORILLAAND THE QUEEN KINDLE GORILLA have split up the islandSo QUEEN KINDLE GORILLA searches a different side of the island to bring you more blessingsShe findsROYALTIESfor your Publications DIGITAL VERSION..Now theQUEEN KINDLE GORILLAis also a GIANT GORILLA but shes also a female so she has some advantages when it comes to finding blessingsRoyalties..There are many but I dont have the time or space to go into one isQUEEN KINDLE GORILLAcan get you blessings even if people dont buy your publication but just read it for FREENO WONDER THE NATIVES GIVE HER AS MUCH RESPECT AS THEY DO FOR THE AMAZONIAN GORILLA.QUEEN KINDLE GORILLAalso never seems to sleepith..She also doesnt work in mysterious ways.She knowith I need money and she givith money.NOTE: Now if you listen to me you are going to have your own credit repair publication on Amazon and Kindle making increasing passive income through royalties and also be collecting affiliate income. You can pass this down to your children and it will generate income for them.You can order a hard copy of your book at cost for a few bucks and let me tell you they look like a book you would buy at an airport lobby. They are fantastic, I was shocked when I first ordered a few to show my friends. Amazon does not skimp on printing these books. Seriously folks I have no idea how they do it.Your friends and family will be AMAZED.YOUR PICTURE IS GOING TO BE ON THE BACK OF YOUR PUBLICATION!!!So, ok here is where we get down to the VISIONGet My Course Here For a VERY LIMITED TIME...This Course is PRICELESS"
Price: 199.99

"Amazon FBA How to Build your Own Brand Become a Top Seller"
"How to BuildYour Own Brandon Amazon"" is an online course that shows you the right steps to build a brand and grow that brand not only on Amazon.This course is a guide to start your own private label product, the onlinebusiness that you have been looking for. You will learn techniques to find the best products and suppliers to negotiate like a professional, also I will show you real negotiations and how to avoid common mistakes.One of the difficulties I had in the beginning was the part of managing the product in the Seller Central. Replenish Inventory, Listing the product on Amazon, creating discount coupons or creating ads on Amazon, this is something that at the beginning when you start in this business, maybe you will feel some insecurity, because you are afraid of making mistakes.I'll breakdown every step-by-step to ensure that it will not be a struggle for you.You will not only acquire information and techniques throughout the lessons, my goal is to offer you the right mindset behind this business. For example choosing your product, why choose a particular product to start your business? What should you keep in mind when choosing your products? Or how to approach suppliers so that you get what you want and not just what you see in your supplier's images?You will have the real report of my first product and the difficulties I had, especially in transportation.The Module dedicated to transportation is very valuable and will help you a lot. I speak about the laws, necessary documents and which transport companies are recommended by Amazon and why. You will also learn from my transportation experience and you will avoid the common mistakes of the beginning of this business.I want you to create a complete brand with excellent images, videos, website, marketing.All of this you will learn here, but mainly I will teach you what you have to think when you create the images of your product and what feeling will awaken in the customer and how it will affect the decision of the customer to buy one, two or more products.The name of your brand can not be any name, I'll teach you to create a name that connects to your product and that the customer does not forget.With the Website you can create a business parallel to Amazon and you will realize how.Where to find professionals who deal in your logo, images and videos.How to find the best suppliers?You will learn to negotiate with your supplier and the right techniques to create a good relationship.How should you approach your supplier so he can take you seriously? What should you ask your supplier first? The quantities or the prices and why?You will know the tool to calculate your profit margins before you make a decision to move forward with a particular product.We will talk about payments and how you receive your earnings, let's see which countries Amazon can send your money directly to your bank account and if you do not belong to any of these countries, how can you get your money anywhere in the World.In this course I show that keywords are a very important part of this business, teach you to find the best ones for creating your product title and with this, your product can be found more easily by the customers.Teaching to find the most searched keywords by customers related to your product.The title, descriptions and bullets are also very important and we teach the structure for each category always using the keywords most used by customers to find your product.This course aims to teach you how to develop a brand using the Amazon FBA system. A system that allows you to do this business anywhere with the potential to be very lucrative.You will realize that you can also create a business outside of Amazon. With this knowledge, the sky is the limit.You will have support for any questions you may have and also learn from the questions of other students."
Price: 49.99

"Rocket Reading: Learn to Read Faster and Comprehend More"
"In this course, you'll learn how to become a faster, more efficient reader and how to get through more reading in less time, while getting more out of it.Wouldnt it be nice to get through books, textbooks or any other type of reading material at a fast pace? And to retain and remember more of what you read? With this speed reading course, you can. In this course, you'll learn simple speed reading techniques that will increase your reading speed 2-3 times faster. This course will not only teach you to read faster, but it will also teach you how to improve your memory, concentration, and understanding what you just read. The techniques taught in this course are quick and easy to learn whether you are a student, business professional or you just want to increase your reading speed for your own personal development.The speed reading techniques taught in this course can be applied to books, computers tablets and any other type of reading material."
Price: 19.99

"Brand Yourself and Your Business Strategically"
"By the end of this course you will have your own Strategic Branding Strategy that will take your ideas to the next level! This course will teach you the 3 Principles of Branding that will assist you in creating a brand that will stand out in your marketplace!Intro to the CourseLearn what branding is in today's marketplace, and gain valuable tools and insight that will assist you in designing your brand using a three-step-formula utilized by popular brands you love. This course is for those who are looking to take charge of their own lives and build a successful brand that can give them financial freedom. You will learn how to strategically take your brand idea to the next level. With my secret Branding for Success Formula, you will learn to design a brand that will be competitive in the marketplace."
Price: 34.99

"Aprende a programar en PHP DESDE CERO"
"PHP es uno de los lenguajes ms populares en la actualidad. Es el lenguaje ms relevante y sencillo para las personas que quieren dedicarse al desarrollo web, del lado del servidor. Es la llave de entrada a numerosas tecnologas y aplicaciones como frameworks o gestores de contenido. Aprender PHP es sencillo para cualquier persona que tenga conocimientos previos de HTML. Solo hace falta saber programar, pero en este curso te lo pondr muy fcil, porque empezaras desde cero.Con este curso aprenders las bases para programar y comenzaras a a realizar sitios y aplicaciones web dinmicas con el lenguaje de programacin de lado servidor ms utilizado en el mundo de la web PHP y el gestor de base de datos MySQL, tambin aprenders a implementar maquetacin con HTML5, CSS3. Espero sea de tu agrado y que disfruten aprendiendo en este curso.Accede a mi sitio web."
Price: 19.99

"Learn How To Make Interactive Prototypes for Mobile Apps"
"This course will help you develop you user experience design and prototyping skills. It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or a professional UX Designer. This course will show you how you can use the 'Keynote' app to produce interactive prototypes within minutes. The Keynote app is much easier to understand and use when compared to other complex tools like Photoshop and Sketch.If you are a mobile app developer, a UI designer or just someone who has an idea for a mobile app and wants to make a prototype then this course is perfect for you."
Price: 19.99

"How To Maximise Preschoolers' Early Math Skills"
"Youre probably in the habit of measuring your preschoolers growth by checking his or her height and weight, but how can you measure your childs development in other areas, such asnumbers and counting early math skills?When you hear a child reciting perfectly the numerical scale:''1,2,3...10'' you think he is good at basic math, right?Flash news! Simply counting does not imply a true understanding of the concept of the number. It needsmore than that!It's very important for parents and teachersto understand the difference between CONCEPTUAL LEARNING and SKILL DEVELOPMENT. Did you know that: Number sense skills can influence the children success in and out of school and it is the base children NEED to succeed in elementary school and beyond!This course is helpful for parents,grandparents, teachers, babysitters, nannies and any educator working with children between 3 and 7 years old, or more-if with learning difficulties. Teachers ( nannies, care givers, educators) can use this as a methodology guide when teaching number sense skills, as well as for inspirational activities.My name is Georgia Sas and I have about 10 years of professional studies in teaching children and psychology. As a former early childhood educator, kindergarten teacher and author of many child-oriented products, I have encountered many children with no healthy relationship with math or no relationship at all. This is not just affecting their math results, but also their general SUCCESS IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL. I am not saying that, studies say it. We, as adults, we hate math because we have been taught the wrong way. We were never taught howmath conceptsrelates to each other and with everyday life, not talking about making math look fun.This is the reason I created this course, my mission, my WHY: TO HELP YOU HELP YOUR CHILDREN BECOME BETTER THEN YOU! The course includes TIPS&TRICKS when teaching, positive&negative VERBAL REWARD system, in-details described NUMBER SENSE COMPONENTS (quantification, subitizing, one-to-one correspondance, number reprezentation, addition, subtraction and many more), STEP BY STEP guide for teaching 1-10 NUMERICAL SCALE, activity EXAMPLES, DOWNLOADABLE WORKSHEETS, GAMES, PRACTICAL ACTIVITIES, diy materials and many more. Ive integrated the best methodology of teaching NUMBER SENSE SKILLS with psychological tips, parenting advices, diy activities, inspirational games and many more.After attending this course, youll understand your childs learning steps, how it contributes to his general development, how to teach him step by step, how to evaluate the results of your teaching method, how to analyze the results and how to be creative by doing yourself activities and educational games.You can involve your kid in this handmade activity. It will stimulate his artistic abilities, will improve your connection with him by working together on a project, will allow you both express your imagination by changing and personalizing your crafts. Students from more then 100 countries have taken this course and love it: ""Georgiana is clearly a very skilled expert in education! I absolutely recommend her course..!"" PLUS, during 2019 this course will be doubled in content. Surprize! So, there are a lot of benefits for both your child and youso lets give it the proper importance! If youre readywe can start!:) To your success, Georgia"
Price: 94.99

"Windows 10: In Depth Workshop"
"Have you ever wanted to know more about Windows 10?Does it bother you that it takes a long time to find what you are looking for in the newest version of Windows? Do you want to know everything you can do with WIndows?In this course I will train you to use Windows 10. Every aspect of Windows 10 is covered in depth. I will show you the new desktop the start menu. Iwill show you how to use the new browser Edge. I will train you on how to setup Cortana the new personal assistant software. I will go over all the built in applications and show you how to add or remove your own applications. I will show you how to backup and restore windows. I will go in depth on all the windows settings and Windows personalization settings. I will show you how to create and connect to your own in home network and share files and printers."
Price: 49.99

"Optimizing Windows 10 Workshop"
"Is your computer slower than when you first purchased it. Would you like to have a faster browser or get rid of unwanted software?This training guides you step by step to install updated drivers to improve performance. Iwill show you how to scan your computer for Viruses and Malware and show you where to get free programs to protect your computer. Iwill show you how to optimize your browser and network connection. Iwill also show you how you can keep your hard drive running at peak performance. Iwill train you how to setup Cortana so Windows and your computer will listen to you. Iwill also show you where programs can hide that will effect your performance. Finally Iwill cover maintenance tasks that will help keep your computer running great for years."
Price: 34.99

"Going on an African Photo Safari"
"Learn how to go on an African Photo Safari, with details aboutChoosing a safariDetailed travel planningPackingKeeping all your batteries chargedCamera gear and lensesComparing telephoto lenses for full frame, APS-C, and Micro Four ThirdsPhotography techniques: RAW files, exposure adjustments, HDR, croppingLearn about different types of safaris. Review the instructors actual trip schedule and costs.Learn how to benefitfrom the instructor's mistakes."
Price: 24.99

"Singen ohne Grenzen"
"======Grenzenlos singen - entdecke deine Stimme und probiere dich aus!======Ich zeige dir die Basis, die du brauchst, um dich beimSingen frei auszudrcken.Die Basis beinhaltet zum einen die richtige Atmung, die dir hilft deine Tne lang und konstant auszuhalten. Zum anderen zeige ich dir Einsingbungen, mit denen du die richtigen Muskelgruppen in deinem Stimmapparataktivierst.Anhand von nachvollziehbaren Grafiken, Klangbeispielen und bungen lernst du die Vielfalt deinerStimmekennen!Der Haupt Augenmerk des Kurses liegt auf den vier Stimmtypen.Du entdeckstdieKopf-, Misch-, Brust- und Kehlkopfstimme und erlebst, wie diese Stimmtypen dirneue Stimmhorizonte erffnen.Neben Einsingbungen, die dir helfen die Stimmtypen zu verinnerlichen,zeig ich dir wie du siepraktisch an deinen Liedern umsetzt.Hast du Lust zu singen? Dann sei dabei! Freu mich darauf dir die Schlssel zum grenzenlosen Singen zu berreichen!"
Price: 64.99

"Learn Business English Terms & Accent Fast - Native Teacher"
"Learn Business English Terms& Accent Fast -NativeTeacherThis course is intended for intermediate and advanced of English speakers who want to improve their business English, diction and accent. You will learn to correctly use all key language skills - speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar in a professional setting such as work or business. In addition, you will significantly improve your vocabulary and learn commonly used business English phrases and idioms.You will learn to communicate using a native English accent in a professional setting. The course is made up of videos with a talking headand completing optional exercises.Improved diction,accent and pronunciationImprove communication with native English speakingworkcolleagues and clientsImprove communication in business meetings and at work etcLearn how to communicate in English spoken interviewsImprove pronunciation, vocabulary,grammar, speaking andlisteningImproved use and understandingof Business Englishterms and idioms"
Price: 19.99

"Convert Your Home to VoIP and Save Money"
"Are you tired of paying hundreds of dollars a year for your land line telephone service? Have you tried searching the Internet for something cheaper, only to find thousands of options and have no idea which is the best? Are you ready to cut the telephone company cord? In this training course, you will be shownstep by step how to convert your home or small business to VoIP and save money. Included in this course are step by step videos and pictures showing every step of the way. The pictures were taken during the actual installation so they will reflect exactly what needs to be done. This course is designed for beginners who have little or no previous VoIP experience. This course was specifically designed to be easy to follow, with the success of the student in mind.Throughout this course, the student will learn what hardware is needed, how to configure the hardware, how to configure a VoIP carrier account, register a phone number to a VoIP carrier, place inbound and outbound calls, configure several calling features such as Call Forwarding, Voicemail to Email, Scheduling, Callback, and many more. The student will also learn how to configure 911 emergency services, and what to watch out for in regards to VoIP and 911. The student will also learn how to keep their existing phone number.This course is not an advanced course on the SIP protocol. This course was designed for the beginner. If you are looking for an advanced SIP course, then this course is not for you. If you are a beginner, have no VoIP experience, and just want to learn how to save money on your phone bill, then this course is for you!!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Start a Business in 30 Days with Shaa Wasmund MBE"
"Im an entrepreneur, public speaker and the author of #1 bestselling books Stop Talking, Start Doing and Do Less, Get More. In 2015 I was awarded an MBE for Services to Business and Entrepreneurship and was recently named one of the UKs Top 20 Influential Entrepreneurs by The Sunday Times. Born in the US and raised in the UK, I studied at the London School of Economics before becoming the only female boxing promoter in the UK, representing World Champion Chris Eubank and working with the infamous Don King before starting my own PR company helping grow the Dyson brand from around Sir James Dysons kitchen table. I was part of the founding team at Deckchairwith Sir Bob Geldof and started one of the first social networks, MyKindaPlace, eventually selling it to BSkyB. Next I headed up investment fund Bright Station Ventures before starting the award-winning Smarta, UKs #1 website for small businesses. At Smarta we helped more than 12 million people into business and grew an active online community of over 500,000 small businesses. Ill help you unlock your full potential: to build a better business; stop trading time for money; make serious money online and be free to live how you choose. Ill show you how to take the skills, knowledge and expertise you already have; to use the smartcuts Ive mastered to become a recognised expert in your field, create epic digital products and sell them to 100,000s of people; grow a digital audience and mailing list of raving fans around your true passion; and create an authentic personal brand to create demand and charge a premium for what you do. If youre looking for practical, results-orientated breakthroughs in a fun, compassionate but no-nonsense environment, come say hi."
Price: 29.99

"Living Abroad Successfully"
"Do you wish you could live abroad? Where would you go? What would you do once you got there? Whether your dream is to escape your current life, become a digital nomad, explore new career paths or just enjoy life elsewhere, this course is for you.Living Abroad can be either an amazing experience for your to enjoy, or a real disaster. To avoid the pitfalls, this course is designed to take you through every step of your journey. You will learn about everything there is to consider and all you need to do is apply thatto your own situation. This course is has a flow of lectures in a chronological order, made easy for you to follow. Starting with you, your decision, the planning process, the actual move, to setting in, adjusting and enjoying your stay abroad.This course is designed and inspired bya combination of own experiences, research, numerous expat interviews and the book I wrote.Throughout this course you will receive checklists, activities, pdfs and more resources to make is super easy for you and answer any questions you may have.Outcome of moving abroad:Moving abroad is a journey full of opportunities and challenges that will strengthen you as a person, often unconsciously. You become more flexible, more adaptable to various situations, your intercultural knowledge will expand, and with every new interaction, youll build new relationships. The amount of confidence you gain can be incredible and will provide you with extra benefits to all areas of life.Between all the people Ive met out in the world, I dont know anyone who has regretted moving abroad, but I know plenty who have regretted staying behind. So, I'll see you inside where you candiscover which road you will take! Enjoy your journey."
Price: 49.99

"How to Say ""No"" to Family"
"Learn how to say no to family when you have your own needs to care for AND feel more relaxed as a result. Develop the important communication skill of saying no while building closer relationships with family at the same time. Build 3 critical skills for self-awareness Recognize your auto-pilot behavior versus authentic needs, or longings Learn how to make conscious choices and take responsibility for them Eliminate fear, stress, anxiety (barriers) to saying no Discover relief and relaxation in your new ability to say no and keep family connections positive A life-changing communication skill for honest family relationships, relaxation and personal fulfillment Learning how to say no can be a life-changing due to its applicability in all kinds of circumstances. Starting with your own family members is important, because these can be the trickiest of situations (due to old, hard-to-change patterns). Once you grow awareness of the barriers that prevent you from saying no when you really want to, new possibilities of choice and freedom open up. And learning how to get to know your own needs allows you to be more honest, authentic WHILE building developing closer family connections. This all enables you to lead a more fulfilled life. . . something we all want. Content and OverviewThis lifehack course was developed to be easily understood and possible to apply immediately by anyone ready for personal growth and who cares about keeping family connections positive, while expressing honestly and authentically. For so many of us, this is really new. It was for us, and because we are benefiting daily from our experiences, we are eager to share with you our knowledge, personal examples, tools and templates, and space for your own practice. Through this course of X lectures and X hours of content, you will build new communication skills that enable you to say no with far more ease and relaxation. You will build three critical skills for self-awareness, involving your thoughts, emotions and longings. This is the first step toward freedom of choice and moving out of your auto-pilot behavior. Once you are clear about your choice to say no to a request or expectations, you will have learned how to express that in a connecting way your yes to yourself or your personal needs, or longings. Along the way, you will learn how to deal with and even eliminate fear, stress, anxietythe barriers that prevent you from saying your authentic no. Lastly, you will learn how to deal with the reaction you receive after a family member hears you say no to them. This is a critical part of contributing to a positive interaction with mutual understanding. In the process, you can anticipate to discover relief and relaxation in your new ability to say no and keep family connections positive. Complete with downloadable exercises and PDF resources, this course will enable you to immediately start applying your new skills in daily interactions with family members (as well as the many other people making requests to you). You will find more ease in being genuinely honestsaying no when you do not have a full yeswhile also caring for important family relationships in your life."
Price: 24.99

"Nichtraucher Kurs"
"Dieser Raucher Kurs richtet sich an alle die nicht lnger ein Sklave der Zigaretten sein wollen, an alle die es schon einmal probiert haben nicht mehr zu rauchen es aber nicht geschafft haben und auch an diejenigen, die sich schon lngst aufgegeben haben.Wenn Sie schon immer wissen wollten, wie es andere Menschen geschafft haben, von einem Tag auf den Anderen mit dem rauchen aufzuhren, dann ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr Sie.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie spielerisch und ohne mhe WIEDER ein genussvollesLeben ohne Zigaretten zu fhren.Ohne Fachchinesisch und komplizierte Biologie sondern mit viel Begeisterung und einfachen logischen Beispielen werden Sie lernen Ihre Freiheit weider zurck zubekommen."
Price: 44.99

"In 5 Schritten zum Seminar-Konzept"
"Ob du nur hin und wieder ein Seminar halten oder hauptberuflich Seminarleiterin bzw. Seminarleiter werden willst: Dieser Kurs fhrt dich Schritt fr Schritt, ausgehend von deinen Ideen, hin zu deinem fertigen Seminar-Konzept.Als Begleitmaterial findest du im Kurs Handouts undFormulare. Die Formularehelfen dir dabei, strukturiert, konzentriert undaufbauendvorzugehen - und dabei nichts zu vergessen. Ich gebe dir neben den Anleitungen fr das Arbeiten mitden Formularenviele ntzliche Hinweise und Tipps fr deine Seminargestaltung. Zustzlich verrate ich dir jene Zeitmanagement-Methode, die ich selbstanwende, um in minimaler Zeit maximale Ergebnisse zu erhalten.Ich freue mich, dich mit diesemKurs auf dem Weg zu deinem Seminar-Konzeptzu begleiten. Wenn Fragen dabei auftauchen, dann sende mir einfach eine Nachricht.Und wenn du mit deinem Konzept fertig bist, dann kannst du es gerne an mich senden und ich gebe dir mein Feedback dazu."
Price: 79.99

"Learning Computer Programming for Absolute Beginners"
"This is aprogrammingcoursefor theabsolutebeginner.If you want to get intogamedevelopmentand havezeroknowledgeaboutcodingthen this course is for you.NOTE:Join our private Facebook and WhatsApp group for additional support throughout the course.We'll start from the ground up.In the first section -Prepping, I'll take you throughsettingupandworkingwith thedevelopmentenvironment.Then, we'll go into theprogrammingfundamentals-Programming 101 and 102. At the end of these two sections, we'll be able to develop our first game, theRock-Paper-Scissors.And in the end, we'll enter the world ofObject-Oriented Programming (OOP)-Object-Oriented Programming 101 and 102.We'll see how tostructureandimplementaprogram, using theOOP principals. Throughout these sections, we'll work in a new game calledConsole Dungeons.Throughout the course, you'll havequizzesandpractical exercisestotestandevaluateyourprogress.I'm sure that developing console games is not your goal. But, this course is all about building astrong programming foundation.Developing simple games for the console, allow us to focus on thecoreknowledgeat the beginning. This will allow a smoothertransitionto morecomplexprojectson a propergame engine.This course was designed as anintroductory programming course for the Unity 3d engine.C#is one of the languages used in Unity 3d andMonoDevelopis its default IDE.However, please note that we won't address anything specific to the Unity 3d engine.This is just a stepping one.But, even if you don't intend to proceed into Unity, this course will enable you to havefun, implementingyourownconsolegames.Throughout the course these are the games we'll develop:Rock-Paper-Scissors;Odds and Evens;Tic-Tac-Toe;Console Dungeons;So, are you ready to develop some games?I'll see you in the first lecture."
Price: 19.99

"Mediao e Conciliao Luz do NCPC"
"O NCPC nos desafia construo de uma cultura mais pacificadora, na qual as partes tenham oportunidade de, como protagonistas de seus direitos, ajudarem a lapidar a soluo considerada mais adequada soluo do seu conflito. O operador do Direito tem um papel de expressiva importncia neste cenrio, de sua atuao dependendo o sucesso ou no do desafio idealizado. Disso decorre a relevncia da sua constante capacitao nesta temtica, aprimorando-se em relao ao aprendizado j difundido na fase de formao acadmica. Justamente na conexo da teoria com a prtica vivenciada no contexto forense que reside o diferencial deste curso, o qual compreende amplas reflexes sobre a matria, permeadas de elementos normativos extrados da atual legislao vigente, recentemente alterada (especialmente com o novo Cdigo de Processo Civil - Lei n. 13.105, de 16 de maro de 2015). No curso, trataremos sobre a mediao/conciliao e o papel do Poder Judicirio, discorreremos sobre as diretrizes e princpios norteadores da mediao/conciliao e explicaremos os principais dispositivos do NCPC relacionados, direta ou indiretamente, matria. Alm disso, refletiremos sobre o papel desempenhado pelo mediador/conciliador e explicaremos a tcnica desenvolvida na sesso de mediao/conciliao (inclusive quanto elaborao da ata). Por fim, abordaremos os mandamentos do mediador/conciliador, elaborados pela prpria instrutora, fazendo, com isso, a um s tempo breve reviso do contedo e potencial incentivo para que tal aprimoramento seja uma constante na vida dos que se sensibilizaram diante de to magno objetivo. E mais: foi criada uma sesso para tratar sobre o papel do Advogado em relao mediao/conciliao, nela constando dicas valiosas consecuo do melhor resultado possvel em relao almejada pacificao. Como se percebe, este curso direcionado a voc que pretende desenvolver ainda mais suas habilidades pacificadoras em prol da soluo dos conflitos por estas vias no adversariais to prestigiadas constitudas pela mediao e a conciliao no mbito do processo civil. Por tudo isso, sinta-se convidado a participar e a refletir sobre to importantes temas, desafiando-se a desenvolver um novo olhar, marcado pela to reivindicada humanizao. "
Price: 114.99

"Confident Presentation Skills"
"OverviewHate giving presentations? Of course you do - they're pressure situations. You need a range of tried and tested techniques to define what you'll be doing, create something inspiring and then deliver it in a way that grabs your audience's attention while alsoconveyingauthority and confidence.Master the techniques for delivering compelling,stress-free presentations.How to research your audience and venue to minimise risk.The best ways to writerich, engaging material with a solid structure.Techniques to deliver it with style and confidence.DeliverEvery Presentationwith ConfidenceGreat speakers are not born, they're made.Presenting confidently may seem to be something that 'other people are good at',but it's a skill which is learnt, and this course has simple techniqueswhich will enableyou to achieve thisgoal.The terror of standing upto speakin front of a group of people is completely normal, but you can overcome it with these straightforward steps.I like to keep things as simple as possible, and I've kept to the rule of three to make things as easily understood as possible.Each section features aten minute video,followed by a 5 minute narrated PowerPoint video,and finished with a questionnaire document togenerate thevitalinformationfor your presentation.I alsolike my training to be fun,unique and completely honest.I found that sittingin a field of barley was the perfectenvironment to deliver my lectures in this course because it fits my approach to speaking."
Price: 29.99

"React JS"
"jQuery jQuery React JS JavaScript jQuery jQuery React JS DOM jQuery React JSReact JS jQuery React JSAPI Ajax React JSnodenpm node npm JavaScript JavaScript HTML CSS JavaScript React JS React JSReact JSReactJS"
Price: 4800.00

"50 New Ways to Buy a Car"
"How to Insure a Great Car Buying Experience. Hi, Im Gordon Wright, A Friend in the Car Business. Regardless of whether youre an experienced car buyer or doing this for the first time, its an infrequent activity and that means we could all use a friend in the car business. I have structured this Udemy course into 5 Sections with 50 short bite-size video lectures covering the most important tips and pieces of advice that I have been able to put together based on a decade in the car business helping thousands of car buyers and car shoppers to navigate this important purchase decision and process.We start off with a short Introduction and then proceed to a series of tips and advice under the section:Before Visiting a Car Dealership - What You Need to Know. Its possible to get some of the process accomplished prior to visiting the dealership and even connect with a salesperson that you can audition before leaving your home. Making sure you understand what you need and what you want before heading off to the dealership is critical to avoidscams and ripoffs that are all too common, even now.Then we move to What Happens at the Dealership so you are prepared to manage your way through your own buying process instead of the well-crafted sales process the dealership prefers. This part of the buying activity is where you must know what to expect so you dont get de-railed by the dealership agenda.Then well consider Some Thoughts on Buying a Used Car in the next section. This is a viable option for many people that has its own rules and potential pitfalls. Then, we will talk about creating A Great Delivery and Ownership Experience. Ill suggest some things you can do to get your ownership started on the right foot. Along the way, I have provided some bonus resources you can use as well as short quizzes and questionnaires to help keep you focussed.How your car purchase project turns out will be much improved by learning and understanding how the game works."
Price: 19.99

"Imagine and Create an ideal Career using LinkedIn"
"Everyone wants to be in control of their life, however, often our immediate environment or society doesnt really foster enough opportunities for us. This course would show you a world outside your world, and you would be amazed to see how easy it is to access it! It would open possibilities for you, which you would never have thought about till now, but suddenly they would seem possible. All this just by using a tool called LinkedIn, because it is a 'marketplace of people' who are ready and willing to share their stories, learnings and dreams with you! When it worked for me, I became a fan of LinkedIn, and have been sharing this knowledge ever since!"
Price: 1280.00

"Online Thai Cooking with Nom's kitchen"
"Thai food is popular in many countries around the world,because it is characterized by taste and flavor. Nowadays, there is a wide variety of Thai food courses viavarious media. The export of Thai food ingredients abroad make foreigners who loveThai food can cook itin their own country. This course is aimed at teachingthe Thai cuisine which is distinctivemethod from adelicious recipes oftherestaurants in Thailand.These recipes are also favorite amongThai people and foreigners who live inorcome to Thailand .The menus in this courseare also not difficult to do, and can be cooked with the normal cookwares that every house has. This course is taught in English. The instructor is Chef Nom who has long experience in Thai cooking. But because she can'tspeak English fluently, so she has to havean assistant to speak English on behalf of her.contents and overview The course consists of 7 lectures (6 Thai menus)is designed for anyone , regardless of experience level,who love Thai cooking even just want to try Thai cooking (beginners) or want to apply these recipesin Thai restaurants. In this course you will learn about the ingredients of Thai food .You will know the way to prepare the ingredients andthe benefits of them used in cooking. You'll then learn how to cook Thai food, some useful tips for delicious cooking. When you finishthis course ,You'll have skill and knowledge for Thai cooking. You can cook Thai food (with real Thai flavor) at your home or with friends .If you oftenpractice cookingthese Thaimenus until you become good at cooking,you may use these knowledgeand skill to open yourThai restaurant."
Price: 600.00