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"Unofficial Udemy Student Guide: Courses Free or Dirt Cheap"
"Hi, my name is Brian. I'm not only a Udemy instructor, I'm a student too.In this, the beginning of my fifth year with Udemy, I've managed to acquire over424Udemy courses.Now, you may think that I spent a lot of money acquiring so many courses, but you'd be wrong. You see, I obtained most of my courses for free and the rest at ridiculously low prices through the use of coupon codes.Coupon Codes? What's that?Don't worry, everything is explained in the course.In this course I'll show you how to find the best courses at the best prices and then how to get the most out of each course you take.The course is divided into the following main sections:Evaluating the Udemy Course CatalogNever Pay Full Price for a Udemy CourseGetting the Most Out of Your Udemy CoursesAnd it's all explained in under 2 hours.Note: If you're in a rush, simply scan the lecture descriptions, which are fairly descriptive, and drop in on any lectures that interest you. Udemy course taking tip #1.Note on the 2018 Edition:This course has been newly updated to the 2018 version of the Udemy interface. Additionally, it includes new topics on how to find free courses on Facebook and how to get full and partial course refunds.Meanwhile, the 2015 Edition is fully intact beginning at Section 7:Lecture 34. Please watch one edition or the other (2018 at 2 hours or 2015 at 1) but not both.So, if you're ready to Udemy with the best of us then I'm ready to show you the tricks of the trade.As always, good luck and happy Udemy'ing.---Brian"
Price: 19.99

"Conecta con tus ngeles y redisea tu vida"
"""Conecta contus ngeles y redisea tu vida"" es una gua sencilla que te lleva paso a paso a conectar con estosfieles amigos deluz y crear una relacin diaria con ellos. Nonecesitastener poderes de clarividencia, ni clariaudiencia; cualquiera puede conectar con sus ngeles en cualquier momento de su vida.Al establecer una relacin constante con tus ngeles guardianesempezars a entender tu intuicin y reconocer los mensajes y seales que te estn dando a diario.Conocers al grupo de arcngeles quienes te ayudarn a sanar doloresy cortarataduras que se manifiestan en forma de situaciones difciles en tu vida actual. Al final, sabrs con cul arcngeltrabajar en cada situacin que se te presente.En este curso tambin aprenders a canalizar la energa sanadoradel arcngel Rafael para calmar dolores fsicos y del alma.Al final del curso ycon ayuda de los ngeles, te guiar a entendertu propsito de vida y a crear un plan de accin con metas que te acercarn a crear la vidaque tantoanhelas, llena deamor y armona con todo lo que te rodea.Para lograr estoutilizaremos material audiovisual, presentaciones yhojas de trabajo. Se abrirun mdulo por semana; cada mdulo viene con tareas prcticas que empezars a probar todos los das durante dicha semana y empezar aformar la relacin con tus ngeles."
Price: 49.99

"MQL4 In Depth"
"Show me a man who doesnt like the idea of making money while they eat, sleep or spend time with their families? Yes, were talking about automated trading here, and for this, you need reliable tools that will help you build your trading frameworks. MetaQuotes Language 4 (MQL4) is considered as a must programming language to build trading robots and technical market indicators now and for the future. Developing scripts and function libraries, MQL4 focuses on automating the trading processes and facilitate operational analysis. On top of that, MQL4 uses an extensive source code library for writing trading programs, directly addressing the needs and requirements of todays traders. In this MQL4 tutorial, youll understand what is MQL4 in general, and learn about the various functions incorporated in the language that make it a perfect tool which will change the balance of your or your clients Forex trading accounts.Build trusted automated trading frameworks to avoid hope tradingAutomated trading is yet one more skill that you can learn and improve if you have the patience. Emotional trading or hope trading will not guarantee predictable results. The sad news is that somewhat 8 out of 10 will still rely on hope, which basically means that the rest 2 are getting their money from those 8. You need to learn to build the frameworks you can trust. MQL4 is aimed to do just that. To gain the insight of how Forex trading robots work, and help you leverage the knowledge to make a profit. Thats why you need an MQL4 tutorial to guide you through what you need to learn and provide you with practice opportunities.What can you expect from this MQL4 tutorial?Finding a comprehensive MQL4 tutorial is not an easy task. Most of the questions youll try sorting out online will eventually lead you to the Metatrader website where you can easily get puzzled or lost. The purpose of my course is to make you competent at the essential aspects of the MQL4. Here, youll walk much further from knowing what is MQL4 and what it does. Well progress from the beginner level to more advanced concepts. By the end of the course, you should be able to automate MetaTrader 4 strategies with ease. If you take a look at the topic list of this course, youll see quite a lot of lines. Well study data types, custom indicators, scripts, function libraries to name but a few of the main fields. The important thing here is to learn how to fully automate Forex trading strategies so that you can code for traders.Get the skills for today and years to come!If you trade in financial markets yourself, or if you want to do the coding for other traders to get away from the emotional roller coaster, MQL4 is the skill that you need. With significant upgrades from previous versions, its a must for those who want to build trading bots today and in the future. Reserve your seat in this MQL4 tutorial and get ready to launch your career in the world of money."
Price: 124.99

"OOP Object Oriented Programming In PHP 7"
"1st section of thecourse starts with an introduction to object oriented programming. What is OOP? and why we need it ? and what was before OOP?.A little detail about procedural language.We will also learn how to add OOPness in our programming. Then the advantages of object oriented programming.In 2nd sectionwe will discuss the basics of OOP with real life example and then how to map it in objects, classes, properties and method.Then how to create objects and classes in php? How to add properties and methods? How to use them? And at the end of this section we will learn about parameters and return values of a method.3rd section describes the visibility and its three levels. Then why we need to define public, private or protected visibility of properties and methods in a class.4th section describes the concept of constants in classes.5th section describes about data encapsulation. Why we need it? And how to implement it and then the benefits of encapsulation. In 6th section we will discuss about inheritance with real life example. Then how to translate it in classes, properties and methods in php code.What is ISA and HASA relationship and where to use ISA and where to use HASA in classes and objects.7th section describes the problem when a child class needs its own version of parent class method then how overriding of method solves this problem.Then how you can preserve parent class methods functionality while overriding.8th section describes how you can block inheritance and method overriding using final keyword. 9th section describes what is the meaning of abstract in real world, then what is the meaning of abstract classes, why we need i? What are the abstract methods and why we need it?Then we will also discuss how to create abstract classes and methods in php.At the end what are the key points for abstract classes and methods.In 10th section we will discuss what happens when two classes from completely different class hierarchies need some similar behaviour and how interface solve this problem.In 11th section we will discuss what happens when an object is born and when it dies. How we can handle things in both situations using constructor and destructor.How to define and use constructor and destructor using magic methods __construct() and __destruct().12th section describes a situation where we need only one copy of properties and methods for all objects of a class. Static keyword can solve this problem.So we will see how we can create and use static properties and methods without creating an object of a class. In 13th section describes that there are 15 magic methods in php. So we will discuss these magic methods one by one in detail. 14th section is the biggest one in this course. In this we will discuss about errors and exceptions. What supposed to be an error in php? How they happen? What are the different types of errors? .how you can trigger errors by yourself? And what are the logical error?Then we will see how we can report errors when they happen and how you can change error reporting settings in php.ini.We will also learn the 4 ways to deal with errors. Then how to use an error handler and at last how you can log error messages.After errors we will discuss about what may be the risky behavior of your code and how we can use exceptions to handle that risky behaviour.We will see how we can try some risky behaviour then how we can throw an exception if anything wrong happens and how we can catch that exception.Then the detail discussion on exception class in php and the stack trace for the exception.Then how you can make your own custom exceptions by extending phps built in exception class.Why we need to use try with multiple catches and how to re-throw an exception.What happens when there is an uncaught exception in your code.what is an exception handler.Then at the end of this section we will discuss the changes in errors and exceptions in php7.15th section describe how you can autoload classes in your code without using include and require statements. Then the use of autoloader function for this purpose.Then we will discuss to autoload namespace classes in your code using Psr-0 and Psr-4 autoloading standards but before that we will discuss what are the namespaces in php.16th section is about object serialization. Why we need to serialize an object. Then when and how to unserialize it. We will also learn how to do task that are prior to serializing an object using __sleep() magic method.Then how to do task right away after unserializing an object using __wakeup() magic method.17th section is about cloning of an object in which we will discuss two types of cloning that are shallow copy and deep copy.In deep copy cloning we will also discuss about __clone() magic method.Then we will see recursive cloning and then double linking problem in cloning.At the end we will discuss Deep copy cloning using serialization.18th section is about Type hinting. In this we will see how we can use non scalar and scalar data types for type hinting.We will also discuss about strict scalar data types and TypeError exception thats been introduced in php7.In 19th section we will learn two ways of comparing objects. First one is using Comparison operator (==) and 2nd one is using Identity operator (===).20th section is about overloading an object. we will learn How to do property overloading Using __get(), __set(), __isset() and __unset() magic methods. Then how to do method overloading Using __call(), __callStatic() magic methods.21st section describes about traits. First we will discuss deadly diamond of death problem in multiple inheritance. Then single inheritance and its limitations. Then how traits provide multiple inheritance thing in php. Then what will be the precedence order if a parent class and a trait have same method and then what will be the precedence order if a trait and current class have the same method. We will also discuss to use multiple traits and then how to compose a trait from other traits.At the end we will discuss abstract and static trait members and trait properties.22nd section describes late static binding. For this first we will discuss some basic concepts of binding like what is binding, early binding and late binding?Then what is the problem with early binding of self keyword and at the end its solution which is late static binding.23rd section describes object iteration. First we will get some idea about some basic concepts like traverse, iterate and iterate using loops. Then what is object iteration and how you can iterate an object using Iterator Interface and IteratorAggregate Interface ."
Price: 99.99

"Weight Loss Course - Virtual Gastric Band - Lose Weight Fast"
"As seen on Channel 4s How To Lose Weight Well! and Dr Phils The Doctors. Our weight loss successstories have beenseen inThe Mail Online, HuffingtonPost, TheTelegraph, Chat Magazine, Closer and many other publications worldwide.This course is for you if you want or need to lose weight.You will learn how to change any faulty programming or limiting beliefs that are holding you back from getting the weight loss results you are seeking. As you progress through this course you will overcome your emotional eating issues and get yourself off the diet treadmill. This course will teach you how to manage your thinking about food and your eating habits in a completely different way so that you will lose weight and feel better about yourself. Each session covers the conscious habits you need to change and how to make those changes along with a relaxing hypnotherapy session to help you to make those changes easily.There are comprehensive sessions on: *How to use the guidelines that accompany this course.*How to change your faulty programming.*How to overcome your emotional eating behaviour.*How to get rid of your diet mentality. You will do this without having buy special foods or expensive, un-natural meal replacements or having to follow fad diets that leave you feeling hungry and deprived."
Price: 19.99

"Escrita Criativa Md. Literatura (COMPLETO)"
"Em primeiro lugar, o Curso de Escrita Criativa est no seu 4 ano. Ele foi construdo e muito bem pensado com o intuito de promover um ambiente que possa favorecer estmulos substanciais para novos escritores. Em segundo lugar, Feito para jornalistas, advogados, professores, terapeutas, mdicos, vendedores, funcionrios pblicos, etc. que procuram pensar e escrever fora da caixa. Voc, posteriormente, pode assistir os vdeos testemunhais de alguns de nossos participantes de cursos anteriores. Aproveite e faa esse curso e aprenda a Escrever a partir de uma Experincia fantstica, ldica e 100% vivencial."
Price: 84.99

"Curso voltado para o aprendizado das tcnicas de Redao dissertativa. Tcnicas essas que foram exploradas e extradas da Tipologia textual, da Lingustica textual e de outras diversas Cincias lingusticas que abordam a textualidade. Neste sentido, esse curso est fundamentado na Discursividade e na Anlise do Discurso. O aluno tem em cada Mdulo encontrar: Teoria + Material de apoio em PDF afim de assistir s aulas QUANDO e ONDE quiser podendo voltar ao contedo e praticar na sua prpria velocidade. E ainda, tem sua disposio um CANAL ABERTO com o professor do curso, podendo sanar dvidas, fazer perguntas e apontamento sobre qualquer rea da Lngua Portuguesa (Gramtica, Texto, Literatura) ou mesmo de contedo explorado nas aulas."
Price: 84.99

"Google Docs & Google Sheets for Beginners"
"Master Google Docs & Sheets, as well as supplemental Apps in the G Suite including Google Drive and Slides,and learn to use these tools to improve your business, market yourself as a professional, and collaborate effectively on cloud based projects.Over 1000 students are enrolled in this course to date,highlighting the demand for excellence in the area of G Suite, Google Drive, and cloud based software and competition in general. With more companies headed to G Suite's solutions everyday, being an expert in these apps has become a necessity for professionals. Major corporations and even Universities have been making the transition from local network drives office software to Google Drive and the G Suite apps. This has driven the demand for extensive training on G Suite.This course is designed to teach you to use Google Docs & Sheets as well as Google Driveto their maximum potential for personal use or forwithin your organization. We will cover the basics of constructing documents within each of the apps, and to do so we will be using mock Business Plans, P&L Statements, and Balance Sheets so that you can gain business application for each of these. Though, if you're just learning for personal use or school, these exercises will teach you to master the apps for whatever use you have as well. We will also learn to collaborate effectively within each app using the tools that Google provides us with. This is an excellent course for anyone from an individual just looking to become proficient, to the entrepreneur looking for more effective and efficient business solutions, to someone who works within a large organization that has moved to using Google Apps exclusively, as many have, and just needs to catch up.In this course, you will:Learn to use Google Sheets as effectively as you use Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet solutionsMaster FormulasPut together complex P&Ls, Balance Sheets, and other forms that you use Spreadsheet solutions forUse Tables, Charts, Forms, and Sorting toolsLearn Spreadsheet Terminology & ShortcutsUse Templates, Images, and Hyperlinks to polish your Spreadsheet DocumentsSort & Interpret Data EffectivelyLearn to use Google Docs as effectively as you use Microsoft Word or other word processing softwareBuild professional documents using Google Docs, to include Business Proposals, Executive Summaries, and learn to locate thousands of templates on Docs to save yourself time, and make your Business stand outMaster the Formatting Tools of Google DocsUse Images, Tables, and other Tools to Polish your Google DocsLearn to use Google Docs & Sheets to collaborate effectively within your business or organization, as well as on external projects.Google Apps afford businesses a wide variety of resources that wouldotherwise be rather costly. Consider, for example, what you pay for office suite software on every company computer, and then the storage space you have to maintain on both local drives and servers. Google Apps provides a free, cloud based office suite, and up to 30GB of free storage per user. Storage can also be increased as needed at very affordable rates. As of this course posting, you can get an extra 100GB for $1.99 per month, a full TB for $9.99 per month, or you can switch to unlimited storage with G Suite for Business at $10/month per user.Why wait? Enroll in this course risk free, and start to Master Docs & Sheets TODAY!"
Price: 94.99

"Formation la gestion des rseaux sociaux - les bases"
"Que vais-je apprendre ?-> Comment grer son compte Google+-> Comment grer sa page d'entreprise Facebook-> Comment grer son compte Twitter-> Comment grer sa page d'entreprise LinkedIn-> Comment crer des campagnes de pub sur les rseaux sociaux-> Comment augmenter sa visibilit sur les rseaux sociauxMieux vendre?Retenez bien ceci: 89% des gens consultent des avis en ligne avant dacheter. Le web nest pas un concurrent, mais un complment pour votre activit. Et si vous dmarrez une nouvelle activit en ligne ou un commerce local, vous saurez pourquoi, o et comment tre prsent.On vous lexplique.Le temps cest de largent!Et cest encore plus vrai en matire de formation! Avec notre formation en ligne, vous suivez les cours quand et o vous le voulez sur PC, tablette ou Smartphone. Une leon dure entre 5 et 10 minutes. Vous apprenez votre rythme.Apprendre pour mieux vendre.Nous vous apprendrons toutes les bases pour tre prsent partout de manire intelligente. 100% de nos tudiants pensaient savoir comment faire et pourtant 100% de nos tudiants ont appris des techniques quils ne connaissaient pas avec nos cours.Du concret, rien que du concret.Chaque vido rpond une seule question.Tout dabord lAgent Smith vous prsente les concepts, ensuite nous vous montrons directement, avec des captures dcrans, comment passer au concret. Cest simple et approuv par nos tudiants. Par exemple vous apprendrez en 1/4h comment tre prsent sur Facebook."
Price: 159.99

"Microsoft Excel - Excel Power Query & Get & Transform Data"
"This is the Ultimate Microsoft Excel Data Cleansing course which has over 60 short and precise tutorials. This course was created by the No1 ranked Excel course creator (John Michaloudis) and an Excel Book Author (Bryan Hong)!The course covers all of Excel's must-know features for importing, cleaning up and transforming messy data that gets downloaded from an external data source or an Excel file.In the first part of the course you will learn the various ""Data Cleansing"" techniques using Power Query or Get & Transform - as its name changed in Excel 2019 and Office 365.  We will show you how to:Clean & transform lots of data quicklyImport data from various external sources, folders & Excel workbooksConsolidate data with easeSort & Filter dataMerge dataJoin dataData shaping & flat filesAuto cleanup your dataM Functions------------In the second part of the course you will learn ""Data Cleansing"" techniques using various Excel features such as:Text FunctionLogical and Lookup FunctionsText to ColumnsFind & Remove DuplicatesConditional FormattingFind & ReplaceGo to SpecialSort & Filter--------------No matter if you are a Beginner or an Advanced user of Excel, you are sure to benefit from this course which goes through every single analytical tool that is available in Microsoft Excel. The course is designed for Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 or 2019 and Office 365. There are 21 different chapters so you can work on your weaknesses and enhance your strengths. Each chapter was designed to improve your Excel skills with extra time saving Tips and real life examples.In no time you will be able to clean lots of data and report it in a quick and interactive way, learn how to work with various transformation Formulas, create consolidated monthly reports with the press of a button, WOW your boss with stunning Excel visuals and get noticed by top management & prospective employers! The course is just over 4 hours long so you can become an awesome analyst and advanced Excel user within 1 day! ----------In this course there are FREE downloadable Excel workbooks for each tutorials in their Start & Finished state so you can follow along & practice what you learn.  There is also a SPECIAL BONUS video section which shares special Excel techniques taught by an Excel Book Author!We have collectively been helping over 50,000 Udemy students further their professional careers by teaching them Excel the easiest and most comfortable way. These tutorials will give you career-building skills that you can use to become better and more EFFICIENT and FASTER at your job!---------- If you really want to stand out from your colleagues and improve your professional development to achieve greater opportunities like promotions, a higher salary, knowledge that you can take to another job, etc....then this course is for YOU!You'll have lifetime online access to watch the videos whenever you like, and there's a Q&A forum right here on Udemy where you can post questions - and we will answer them personally within the day!We are so confident that you will get lots of value from this course that you can take it for the full 30 days, download all the workbooks, watch all the videos and apply it to your work to see the results. If you're not 100% satisfied, we will be more than happy to refund the full purchase amount!So go ahead and learn from the following in depth Excel subjects and click the TAKE THIS COURSE button, top right, NOW... every hour you delay is delaying your professional progress ..."
Price: 199.99

"Logic Pro X Training for Music Producers"
"Thank you for  all the students that private message me. The goal is to get you trained so ask questions and I'll answer! Lots of people use logic but not many can make amazing sounding music. Join now to learn with Lazyboi the producer and ask questions while he helps guide you along the way!The Logic Pro X Accelerated Training :Are you trying to learn how to use Logic Pro, but not looking forward to trying to figure out how it all works? Do you want to learn as fast as possible so that you can get to the real fun and make music? Are you a beatmaker that is struggling getting a decent workflow and constantly interrupting your creative process because you just started using Logic Pro X? Have you had plenty of late nights trying to produce your own songs and find it challenging and time consuming?What this course is about:I'm finally offering my production courses in Ableton and Logic Pro X, revealing all my secrets that producers don't want you to know. In this course you will get a fundamental understanding of how to use Logic Pro with MY custom workflow techniques that will guarantee results!I designed this course to be really easy to digest. It goes through the entire process of making a song and then Mastering it for the world to hear, but with the focus of being a bootcamp for Logic Pro X! You will learn the FASTEST way to get your musical ideas out! No more searching online for your answers, because my course lays it all out for you! Not to mention that you will have access to contact me in our class chat for questions, feedback on your music, advice and more!And the best part... if you need more clarification, examples or want to dig a little deeper, then you can request it in our chat. I'm totally open to creating more videos that you may want to see and adding it to the course! The 3 ways to learn Music Production:On your own with trial and error... which could take years!Enroll in a music program and spend thousands of dollars only to learn from people that aren't in the music industry nor do they make the music you like. Or learn from someone else who has spent years with the biggest producers in the industry, learning all the tips and tricks to make your music sound BIG and stand out!So if your serious about investing in your career then this course is for you!What are the requirements?No experience is neededWhat am I going to get from this course?Learn as FAST as possible and start making music today!You will learn the basic skills of mixing your track with Logic's pluginsYou will learn the basic skills of Mastering your track with Logic's pluginsYou will learn how to quickly arrange your trackLearn time saving workflow tips that have been passed down to me from the greatest Producers over the last 15 years!Learn how to use Logic Pro X, the software that countless Hits have been made fromTake the first step towards starting your careerThe Logic session I created so that you can see exactly how I achieved my resultsAs a student and joining my community, you will get discounts to my other courses and EXCLUSIVE hangouts as they become available. Learn how to use in-the-box plugins to start a record and finish it for radioUnderstand how to quickly structure a songHave the opportunity to learn from and ask questions from a Major label producerWhat is the target audience?Beginners wanting to learn music production or Producers wanting to learn how to quickly learn Logic Pro XWhat are the requirements?A copy of Logic Pro 9 or X is required by Logic Pro X is recommended.The willingness to learn a great skill that can create careers!"
Price: 19.99

"How to be an Expert in the Oil & Gas Industry"
"About This CourseOil & Gas supports the very fabric of our modern, connected, switched-on society and has become central to our way of life. From car fuel, to electricity, to petrochemicals and plastics, Oil & Gas as an energy source plays a vital role in our current energy mix. If you're new to the industry or ever wondered how it all works, this is the course for you!Become familiar with the various phases of the Oil and Gas value chain, upstream, midstream and downstream recognize key industry players and understand the lifecycle of an oil and gas field from seismic surveys and geology to drilling engineering and production and all the way through to decommissioning. Whatever your motivation, this course is designed to add value to your learning by delivering an overall picture of how this remarkable industry works with both technical and commercial know-how. With a modern approach to learning, we can ensure that you'll get both accurate and up-to-date knowledge of the oil and gas industry, wherever you are in the world.What's Included?This course consists of 10 modules audio recordings with accompanying annotated presentation material. Each module is divided into a series of short videos designed to optimise your learning experience. You will start by exploring the uses and characteristics of oil & gas as well its history and you will develop a strong understanding of the key players in todays industry. You will move on to look how hydrocarbons are formed below the earth's surface and how these are oil and gas companies use survey methods and seismic techniques to explore these energy resources. Next, you will gain an insight into drilling operations, the production and platform processing involved and the transport, storage and refining of crude oil and natural gas. In the final part of the course you will gain sound knowledge on the decommissioning process of oil and gas installation and acquire an insight into working offshore.10 modules and over 1 hour of content!Module 1: Characteristics of Oil & GasModule 2: History and Structure of the Modern Oil & Gas IndustryModule 3: Formation of Oil and GasModule 4: Exploration Finding Oil & GasModule 5: Drilling OperationsModule 6: Production & Platform ProcessingModule 7: Maximizing RecoveryModule 8: Transport, Storage & RefiningModule 9: DecommissioningModule 10: Working Offshore How Does it Work?The course is broken down into modules, which consists of a detailed presentation accompanied by an audio lecture that takes about 1 hour to complete. Each module is divided into its major topics which are presented with slide annotations. This ensures that the material is easy to digest enhancing your learning experience. Why Take this Course?This course is ideal preparation for newcomers to the industry or anyone who ever wondered how the Oil & Gas sector works. However, anyone working in the oil and gas industry would benefit because the course provides a broader and more-comprehensive overview of the industry than can usually be obtained from on-the-job learning.Now, more than ever, is the time to take this course! The industry faces some challenges and those working in the industry and members of the public need to better understand the complexities of this environment."
Price: 19.99

"Build Ajax Web Apps with Laravel 5.2, Bootstrap and jQuery"
"UPDATEDas of June 2016Learn how to build real life projects using Laravel, one of the most popular PHP framework today. Its has clean and beautiful syntax and make web development a joy.This is a Laravel Practical Training and during this course we are going to build real life Ajax Web Apps with Laravel 5.2, Bootstrap and jQuery:1. Simple Contact Manager Application (Published)In this first project we are going to lean how to do things like:Create new contactEdit and delete existing contactBasic pagination and custom pagination Upload the contact photoFiltering contacts data by selected contact groupSearch the contacts Play with jQuery auto completePerform server side validation by AJAXSaving data with AJAXAuthentication and AuthorizationAnd much more2. AJAX Todo App (Published)In this second project we are going to learn how to:AJAX CRUD for manage Todo ListsAJAX CRUD for manage tasks of a listNested routesAnd much moreThe course will help you learn:How to use php artisan to generate database migration, database seeder, controller, model, policies, RequestHow to use Laravel routingHow to use Query Builder and Eloquent ORMHow to work with Validation and AJAX validationHow to use Laravel Blade Templating Engine"
Price: 99.99

"Computao Grfica para Leigos"
"Durante estas aulas, eu vou te ensinar os princpios e fundamentos da Computao Grfica.Vamos aprender os principais termos e palavras chave da computao e da informtica, antes de partir para a programao ou criao de Jogos, Aplicativos e Softwares.Se voc deseja se tornar um programador de computadores, ou trabalhar com animao grfica, ou produo de jogos e aplicativos, precisa conhecer os primeiros passos e conceitos fundamentais sobre o assunto.O Que Vamos Aprender?Principais Tipos e Formatos de ArquivosPlano CartesianoDiferenas entre 2D e 3DPrincipais Formatos de ImagemEdio de Vdeo no Camtasia StudioEste treinamento vai te ajudar a entender os principais pontos antes de comear a utilizar os softwares profissionais de Computao Grfica e Animao, Programao de Jogos e Aplicativos, Ilustrao ou Modelagem 3D."
Price: 39.99

"Corso Symfony 3 - Il Framework PHP"
"Questo Corso ti mostrer come il Framework costruito e come utilizzare i suoi componenti.Il Corso suddiviso in Ricette, ovvero incasi d'usoPi di 80 video per imparare al meglio uno deiframework piu famosi!Andremoa spiegare i componenti piimportanti e come utilizzarli in casi reali.Ad Esempio-come gestire un form in Ajax - come utilizzare il template engine Twig.- come gestire l'utenti- come gestire le rotte- come gestire i ruoli- e molto altro !Se vuoi avvicinarti a Symfony o vuoi incrementare la tua conoscenza, questo il corso che fa per te."
Price: 19.99

Price: 19.99

"Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Robot: Step by Step"
"Have you always wanted to build a robot, but weren't sure how to get started? This course will take you step-by-step through the build process.Each section of the course includes lessons, assembly videos,sketches and demos. You will be able to show off your new obstacle avoidance robot based on the Arduino Uno by the end of the course.AudienceThis course is for anyone with an interest inArduino and robotics. Students will get to assemble, code and test a functioning obstacle avoiding robot. It is recommended that you write some basic sketches using the Arduino Uno so you become familiar with the platform.What you will learn:How the Arduino Uno worksHow bipolar junction transistors workHow an H-Bridge worksHow the Arduino motor shield worksHow DC motors are constructed and workHow DC motor speed control worksHow servos workHow LEDs and photodiodes workHow infrared and ultrasonic sensors workHow the Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F Distance Measuring Sensor worksHow the Parallax PING Ultrasonic Distance Sensor worksObstacle avoidance algorithmsHow to assemble the robot componentsHow to write sketches to test the drive system, servo, and sensorsWhat am I going to get from this course?You will understand how motor drive system components workYou will be able to build a mobile robot that implements DC motor speed controlYou will understand how IR sensors workYou will understand how ultrasonic sensors workYou will be able to write sketches to test a robot drive system and robot sensorsYou will be able to write sketches to test obstacle avoidance using an IR or ultrasonic sensorYou will be able to modify the robot or build a more advanced one"
Price: 99.99

"Piano for Complete Beginners: Learn your first song today!"
"This introductory course to the Piano is aimed at complete beginners and will teach you everything you need to know to play your first song.By the end of the course you have learned the following:Step By StepHow to label all the notes on the Piano (white and black)Identify reference notesNotes and how they relate to each otherUnderstand MAJOR and MINOR chords (and learn how to work out ANY chord you want)Basic terminology of the PianoRead a chord chartThe correct way to hold your handsUse the pedalPlay your first song with both hands (Let It Be, The Beatles)Learn the tools needed to to play ANY song you want!This course is for the complete beginner. No prior knowledge is needed!Join me in this comprehensive, step-by-step course designed to give you the building blocks and tools to apply what you learn to anything."
Price: 39.99

"Beginner Bass Guitar Course"
"You have to put in the time and effort to play an instrument properly and bass is no different. It is absolutely crucial for us musicians to start from scratch and build up by practicing simple exercises and techniques. Leaving a gap in your technique vocabulary will definitely show up later on, as you develop as a musician. So it is important to take things seriously from day one.This course is designed exactly with that purpose. There are tons of exercises for you to practice. It is you, your bass guitar, and your objective to accomplish for the most part.Even if you are a complete beginner who has never touched a bass before, this will teach you the absolute basics and make you a competent bass player.There are three main parts in this course;ExplanationExercisesLicksFirst, I explain the technique or the subject at hand. Then, I give you loads of exercises for you to master that topic. Finally there are licks for you to play and utilize that subject. Think about them as quizzes.You will get notations and backing tracks for everything I play in this course so you can follow along easily. There are also backing tracks on the lick sections for you to play with.See you on the inside."
Price: 19.99

"Crie Vdeos Promocionais Animados com GoAnimate!"
"Vamos Tornar a sua empresa mais interativa nas Redes Sociais!Neste curso voc ir aprender em menos de 2(duas) horas como criar um vdeo animado, economizando dinheiro que voc gastaria contratando uma empresa ou profissional da rea e o melhor de tudo que voc no precisa de conhecimentos avanados para iniciar, precisa apenas de conhecimentos bsicos de informtica.Tempo para voc ser capaz de dominar toda a ferramenta:2 HorasAlguns tpicos abordados:- Criao de conta.- Utilizao de templates e themas oferecidos pela ferramenta.- Alterao de objetos do cenrio.- Customizao de personagens.- Alterao de msicas de fundo.- Criao de dilogos entre personagens.- Efeitos de cmera.- Animaes de entrada.- Transies entre as apresentaes e muito mais!O que poderei fazer depois do curso?Criar um vdeo animado de sua empresa divulgando produtos e servios, economizando tanto no tempo de aprendizado como no dinheiro , uma vez que voc no precisar contratar uma empresa especializada para fazer o servio."
Price: 99.99

"Estrutura de Dados Com PHP e SPL"
"A Bblioteca Padro do PHPSPL um grande conjunto de funcionalidades que enriquece o PHP exatamente como frameworks, extenses ou classes de terceiros. Suas funcionalidadessodivididas em alguns componentes principais:Data structuresIteratorsInterfacesExceptionsAutoloadingIremos estudar cada uma delas com exemplos simples de entender, ainda vemos muitos programadores php que apesar de utilizar a linguagem no seu dia a dia, desconhece todo o poder dessa biblioteca muitas vezes tendo que reinventar a roda para resolver alguns problemas, muitas vezes esses problemas so resolvidos com algoritmos de baixo desempenho que alm de lentos consomem bastante memria."
Price: 279.99

"SEO para Wordpress; gua completa de configuracin"
"En este curso aprenders las bases del SEO para Wordpress: la creacin de palabras clave y como configurar de principio a fin tu sitio para SEO.Si ests viendo este curso es por que tienes un sitio web que deseas posicionar orgnicamente. Tal vez has buscado en diferentes lugares siguiendo diferentes consejos y no logras que tu sitio est en los primeros lugares de bsqueda.O tal vez solo quieres aprender ms del SEO.Por qu estoy calificado para ensear este curso?Soy Javier Cantero, Director Creativo de Trazo Publicidad, somos un despacho especializado en diseo editorial, desarrollo web, redes sociales y posicionamiento SEO.Tengo mas de 20 aos dedicado al diseo, desarrollo de marcas, diseo editorial y en lo ltimos 10 aos me he especializado en desarrollo web de sitios WORDPRESS creando temas a medida para nuestros clientes en Mxico y EU y por supuesto posicionamiento SEO.Hemos desarrollado sitios como el portal de turismo del municipio de Quertaro, o buscadores con una gran posicionamiento como la Gua inmobiliaria Vida y Estilo.Si tienes un negocio, quieres posicionarlo en google y encuentras demasiada informacin dispersa del tema, este es el curso para ti.Existen muchos cursos en materia de seo o de wordpress pero en curso particular encontrars todas las tcnicas para configurar de principio a fin tu sitio web para que est preparado para el SEO.Que vas a aprender:Primero te dar una introducci a que es el Seo y que no esCuales son las tcnicas de whitehat y blackhatY qu opina google de las tcnicas de seoPosteriormente te enseare a que evalues de forma gratuita el SEO de tu sitio web y la velocidad de carga del mismo, y como hacerlo en diferentes portales en linea.Qu hacer con esos resultados y podras descargar un formato para que puedas llevar apuntes.Aprenders a como dar de alta tu sitio web en Google analitycs y Google search console.Como utilizar el Google keyword planner, y profundisaremos en una tcnica para obtener palabras clave que de verdad funcionen para tu sitio web.En este punto profundizamos en el curso y te enseare a instalar y configurar todos los plugins necesarios para optimizar tu sitio para SEO, desde yoast seo, sumome y otros mas.Pasado este punto configuraremos tu sitio para que sea muy veloz y cumpla con los requerimientos mas rigurosos. Usaremos plugins como el w3 cache y veremos su configuracin a profundidad.Una vez que tengamos configurado completamente pasaremos a escribir nuestra primer entrada y haremos su optimizacin.En este punto volveremos a evaluar el seo y la velocidad de nuestro sitio.Todo lo anterior lo haremos sobre un sitio real as que podrs ver los cambios.Al final te dar tips de como mandar tus entradas a agregadores de noticias.Como veras este curso va mucho mas all de simplemente configurar algunos plugins, abordamos a profundidad el tema de SEO; la creacin de palabras clave y como dejar a punto cualquier sitio.Espero de verdad que aprendan mucho con este curso.Adelante y mucha suerte posicionando tu sitio!"
Price: 1395.00

"Draw a realistic Fantail using pencil"
"Have you ever wanted to make a realistic drawing of a bird?This course will teach you all of the steps you need to follow to make a freehand drawing of a beautiful New Zealand bird, the Fantail. We will be using a range of pencils and other drawing materials to produce this drawing. We will cover the following sections in this course:1. Preparing for the course by selecting your tools and photograph2. Sketching the Fantail's proportions and features3. Adding tone to make the drawing appear more three dimensional4. Adding fine layers of tone to start to understand light and contrast5. Adding texture to bring out the beautiful feathers of the Fantail6, Adding fine details to make Fantail appear more realisticBy taking this course you will develop a strong understanding of the drawing skills and techniques needed to draw a realistic looking bird. This knowledge can then be applied to any bird or animal you choose to draw."
Price: 19.99

"VDO Open Water DM (Dive Master) VDO ** Scuba Buddy"
Price: 4000.00

"Project Management Success: Learn by Managing 5 Projects"
"This practical course will improve your project management skills. You'll learn how the ""hands on"" approach can make you a better project manager. Learning by doing improves the learning process. It's also more engaging and fun. SandboxModel is a PMI Global REP. Learn and practice the most important project management skills in this comprehensive experiential course. Project Management Overview Scope ManagementHuman ResourcesScheduling and Time ManagementResource ManagementBudgeting and Cost ManagementProject Monitor and ControlRisk ManagementLean Project Management and Lean EnablersIntegration Management Content and Overview Ever wonder how successful project managers constantly achieve great results? They are experienced in the tools and techniques of project management. Einstein said that the only source of knowledge is experience."" The course includes ten units. Each unit covers a different project management area of knowledge and includes three parts: theory, walkthrough and a quiz/exercise. The exercises are done withthe award winning PTB simulator, developed at the Technion Institute of Technology. In this part you will simulate managing a project in the simulator while applying the theory. You will gain practical experience and learn how to complete successful projects. At the end of the course you will be able to use project management tools and techniques to deliver and manage projects that accomplish the goals and satisfy stakeholders. *The PMI Registered Education Provider logo is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc."
Price: 184.99

"Applying Business Analysis Tools: PESTLE, CAGE, 7S, P-5Force"
"Learn a rich Portfolio of Business Analysis Tools, includingSMART Goals, PESTLE Analysis, CAGE Model, 7S Framework, Porter's Five Forces, Multi-Criteria Analysis (bonus). These professional strategic and tacticalTools and analytic methods will enable youto carry out effective Business Analysis on your Business or your Client's. Examples,Case Studies and PracticeActivities areused accordinglyto help youdevelop Key Business Analysis Skills.Your success will be attributed to assessing your business from the perspective that is most appropriate and lead you tomaking decisions quickly, objectively, effectively and efficiently in a logical, structured manner: you will be taught just that in this course!The Strategic Tools and the Analytic Methods you will learn through the Course are often used by Professionals such as Consultants and Analysts - who are welcome to join the Course to consolidate their skills. However, the step-by-step approach adopted here makes the Course accessible to ALL and easy to use by EACH and everyone.You need to complete all the lectures - including the Practice Activities - to develop the full Analytical Skills based onSMART Goals, PESTLE Analysis, CAGE Model, 7S Framework, Porter's Five Forces,Multi-Criteria Analysis (bonus). But, you do not need any prior knowledge of these Tools or onBusiness Analysis.Reach over Now, click the button and ""Take the Course"". You will master the Set of Business Analysis Models, Frameworks,Tools & Methods (SMART Goals, PESTLE, CAGE, 7S, Porter's Five Forces, Multi-Criteria)which harnessfundamental skills that will accompany you for life: a first class investment, no doubt!"
Price: 194.99

"Social Media Hacking - Grow Your Following"
"You need help with social media, right?You're in the right place. In this course,you'll learn tips, tricks, strategies, and tools to grow your social media presence.Why should you take this course from us?150,000+ Studentshave enrolled in our 60+ Courses!Over 5,000 Five Star Reviews!Comprehensive Social Media course covering YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter & WordpressHave a look at our curriculum & preview lectures to see the value of this course!Social Media is an extremely powerful tool. As a matter of fact, as a manager, freelancer or entrepreneur, regardless whether you do business online or offline, if you're not high on Social Media you are going to lose out.Here are some of the results that we have achieved on Social Media thus far:YouTube: Over 20,000 subscribersforVideoSchoolOnlineTwitter: 2,000+ Twitter followersLinkedIn: Over 1,000 connections & dozens of successful meetings with entrepreneursFacebook: A combined 5,000 fans on our 2 Facebook PagesUdemy: 150,000+ students enrolled in our 60+ coursesThings haven't always been this way and we didn't stumble over a magic pill that made all these people follow us. This has been the result of consistent hard work. However, this doesn't mean that we didn't work efficiently - in fact this is what we aim to teach you in this course.We'restrong believers in the 80:20 principle - you don't need to master every aspecton Facebook or YouTube in order to get results. You just need to know the 20%of actions most people use to generate 80% of their results, the so-calledHACKS.Here what you'll learn in this course:Youtube Traffic Hacks: Boost interactions, skyrocket your views and increase your subscribe rate 3 times!LinkedIn Influencer Blueprint: Create a superstar Profile & network with top entrepreneurs and influencers in your fieldTwitter & Facebook Roadmaps: Get 1,000s of followers by perfecting a tweeting strategy and creating a magnetic Facebook Fan PageAs abonus, you will also get:An entire section on Wordpress Hacks for more websitetraffic and increased conversionsAn entire section on3rd Party Tools that you can use in order to be more efficient &automate your Social Media StrategyNumerous Case Studies & PDFsWith the Udemy 30-day Money back guarantee and ourstrong background, enrolling in this course is a no-brainer. Have a look at ourcurriculum and preview lectures and join us in unlocking your Social Mediapotential!"
Price: 94.99

"acoreanate topik curso 2 online korean clase coreano"
"Con nosotros hablaras Coreano en menos tiempo de lo que crees adems de poder obtener una certificacin del idioma avalada internacionalmente por medio del, ( TOPIK Examen de Aptitud del Idioma Coreano).los cursos del idioma coreano se enfocaran en la formacin de competencias y habilidades para los alumnos que cursen el idioma, y as obtener el certificado TOPIK.Nuestro programa de aprendizaje del IDIOMA est diseado para conducirte a la certificacin internacional a travs del TOPIK "Test Of Proficiency In Korean" () en todos sus nivelesSe trata del idioma coreano en nivel basicoEste curso consiste en 20 cursos"
Price: 89.99

"acoreanate clase de coreano 3 online para topik"
"En este curso vamos a ver sobre Como se conjuga la forma causal de verbos y la conjugacin en futuro , cmo y cundo se utiliza partcula , Como se dice la oracin imperativa en coreano, Condicional de Si, Tener que hacer algo, Forma de negar oracin, poder hacer algo, ya que, hacer propuestas, para hacer propuesta, entonces, o sea y as que Nuestro programa de aprendizaje del IDIOMA est diseado para conducirte a la certificacin internacional a travs del TOPIK ""Test Of Proficiency In Korean"" () en todos sus nivelesSe trata del idioma coreano en nivel basicoEste curso consiste en 20 cursos"
Price: 89.99

"acoreanate topik curso 4"
"En este curso 4 vamos a ver sobre Como se conjuga la forma causal de verbos y la conjugacin en pasado , cmo y cundo se utiliza partcula cada vez, Como se dice la oracin negativa, todava, pero, y llegar a ser para que platique bien con coreanos a travs de estudiar este curso 4 .Nuestro programa de aprendizaje del IDIOMA est diseado para conducirte a la certificacin internacional a travs del TOPIK "Test Of Proficiency In Korean" () en todos sus nivelesSe trata del idioma coreano en nivel basicoEste curso consiste en 20 cursos"
Price: 89.99