"Curso Preparatrio para Certificao COBIT 5 Foundation" |
"O COBIT 5 Foundation o primeiro passo na srie de certificaes do ISACA para a rea de governana e gerenciamento corporativo de TI.O propsito da certificao COBIT 5 Foundation confirmar que o candidato tem conhecimento e entendimento suficiente das diretrizes do COBIT 5 para ser capaz de compreender a governana e o gerenciamento da TI corporativa, criar conscincia com seus executivos de negcio e gerenciamento snior de TI e avaliar o estado atual da TI corporativa com objetivo de definir qual aspecto do COBIT 5 seria apropriado implementar.O Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) um framework com foco em Governana de TI, atualmente mantido pelo ISACA, um instituto internacional formado por mais de 180 empresas de TI ao redor do mundo, que administra certificaes de segurana, governana, auditoria e risco internacionalmente reconhecidos. Tambm tem como atividade a publicao de materiais de boas prticas para o mercado de TI.O COBIT formado por um conjunto mundialmente reconhecido de boas prticas e recomendaes de governana de Tecnologia da Informao. Atualmente o framework est em sua quinta verso, contando com uma arquitetura formada por quatro domnios: planejar e organizar, adquirir e implementar, entregar e suportar, monitorar e avaliar. Essa organizao possui uma estrutura funcional formada por processos (34) e pontos de controle (210).Ao final deste curso, voc ter obtido o entendimento de:Os princpios-chave e a terminologia do COBIT 5.Os principais motivadores do desenvolvimento de um modeloOs benefcios para o negcio usando o COBIT 5A arquitetura do produto COBIT 5Os problemas e desafios que afetam as empresasOs 5 princpios-chave do COBIT 5 para governana e gerenciamento da TI corporativaComo os facilitadores de TI do COBIT 5 so governados e gerenciados de maneira holstica para toda a corporaoEntendimento dos conceitos-chave na avaliao de capacidade de processo (process capability assessment) e dos atributos-chave do modelo de avaliao de processo do COBIT 5 (process assessment model)Como os processos do COBIT 5 e o modelo de referncia de processo (process reference model) ajudam a guiar a criao dos 5 princpios e dos 7 facilitadores de governana e gerenciamento."
Price: 384.99 |
"Anime Illustration: Improve your Drawing and Observing!" |
"In this Class I will teach you how to succesfully draw any anime style character through understanding the fundamentals of observational drawing.Beginners from all ages can learn, and even experienced artists will have a great opportunity to improve some of the pitfalls they may be ignoring from their fundamental skills!_________________IMPORTANT I do not own any of the commercial, distribution or creative rights of the Anime characters that appear in this class, they are not being used for commercial purpose, they are only being used as an informative and educational medium to exemplify the class topic. They all belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved CREDITS:Picture from the Intro video belongs to James GilleardMusic from the Intro video & class demostrations belongs to ""Trial & Error""Thank you! All rights reserved to the respective owners"
Price: 199.99 |
"HTML5WebHTML5CSS3JavaScriptAPIHTML5HTML5HTML5 has evolved into Web applications from those that make the traditional home page, games and utilities can now be created easily.The HTML5, CSS3 of design, program of JavaScript, further was also added API that will provide a variety of functions.In this course, the HTML5 as an introduction of, we will introduce you sprinkled with actual coding the ""what can do with HTML5."""
Price: 3000.00 |
WebCSS3 |
Price: 3000.00 |
"WordPress for Writers" |
"Welcome to WordPress for Writers! Everyone knows a website is foundation of a strong author platform and is the first place where existing and potential readers go to find information about you and your books. But you may be wondering how you, a writer, can get one without spending several hundreds or thousands of dollars to hire a web designer.Well, I've got the answer to that question! WordPress makes this process so easy once you finish this course you'll wonder why it to you so long to even try!This course will show you how to do exactly that. I've designed this course to get you to a professional, branded, self-hosted website quickly and without the need for any technical know-how, and at a fraction of what it would cost to hire it out. By the end of this course you will have a professional, branded home-base for your author platform, all without a trace of code!This course is designed for beginners. As long as you understand basic computer usage including things like uploading/downloading, navigating around a web page, right click/left click and so on, you've got the skills needed to design your own website with WordPress. This course makes it fast and easy, so you can get back to what's most important to you: your writing.This course is not appropriate for anyone looking for advanced topics such as creating your own WordPress Theme or the implementation of specific plugins. It is designed for beginners. There is no programming, no HTML, and very little technobabble.There are costs involved in this course beyond the cost of this course. You should plan on spending about $60.00 (USD) in addition to the cost of the course."
Price: 49.99 |
"Introduo a qualidade aeronutica" |
"Este curso voltado apara aqueles que tenham interesse em entender a importncia da certificao de Sistemas de Gesto da Qualidade em empresas do setor aeronutico e como que se faz para conseguir esta certificao.Neste curso introdutrio voc ver um pouco da evoluo da indstria aeronutica e a importncia da padronizao de boas prticas para garantir a qualidade dos avies, permitindo um voo confortvel e seguro. Na primeira aula veremos a evoluo da aviao desde o sculo 18 at os dias atuais. Depois iremos conhecer o IAQG e o seu papel na indstria aeronutica, em seguida veremos as organizaes que regulam a aviao civil no Brasil e no mundo. Voc tambm ver um passo a passo de como implementar e certificar um Sistema de Gesto da Qualidade com base na norma AS9100D e finalmente ver as organizaes certificadoras atuantes no Brasil."
Price: 54.99 |
"/ Swift5.x~" |
"...2020iPhone&() MacMac---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WEBPythonJavaC++---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Swift....2014AppleiPhoneiPadApple watchAppleSwift2019Swift5"
Price: 16800.00 |
"Dog training - Introduction to Obedience" |
"The videos contained in this course are identical to the ones offered in Jeff's Dog Trainer Certification program. His full program retails for $2499.00. Now, exclusively on Udemy, Jeff is offering his Obedience videos for a ridiculously low price. These videos will provide the fundamentals of obedience training. Whether you are a dog trainer, pet professional or a dog owner, these videos will help you be better equipped to help and train dogs. Also included are a few PDF files to compliment the video tutorials."
Price: 49.99 |
"Performance analysis and troubleshooting in I.T." |
"This course covers all the basics of performance analysis and troubleshooting. It is not OS-specific so it applies to Windows or Unix (or Unix-like) servers. Very little knowledge required as a prerequisite, but a lot the course contains a lot of content. It can be relevant to anyone who is looking for a way to know how to troubleshoot and solve performance problems."
Price: 19.99 |
"ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) Certification" |
"Do you want to advance your software testing skills with ISTQB Certified Tester - Foundation Level (CTFL) Certification? If your answer is YES, then you are at the right place. In this course I have provided everything you need for your ISTQB Foundation Level Certification preparation. 70+ Positive Reviews (4 Star and Above) 1.Marc Gilliatt says ""Amazing course, really helped me understand the fundamentals of software testing.After completion of your ISTQB foundation course, I took the exam and passed, and even greater news, I secured myself a junior QA role. So thank you Sagar, keep up the hard work.""2.Ann Boland says Thorough lectures along with solid sample questions (5 Star)3. Arturo Lozano says Very good course, he provides all the material to pass the Test I just took the test yesterday and I was able to pass the test!! (5 Star)4. Sigaram Nitesh says Very Useful and Mandatory Course For all the People who started preparation for ISTQB for foundation level.....This course will give confidence and create a positive environment for cracking ISTQB Foundation in First Attempt...Now I am in a mission to complete my First step successful in ISTQB...Thanks to the Instructor, Sagar Joshi for making this course...and helping people to Clearing the ISTQB....:) (5 Star) 5. Sanjay Adhikari says I have successfully complete and passed my ISTQB exam. I would like to thank you for the updated course you've provided to us. (5 Star) 6. Analista QA Alejandro Castaares says All is perfect! Thanks very much!!! (5 Star) What is in this course? 1. A complete guide for your ISTQB Foundation Level Certificationpreparation by an ISTQB Complete Advanced Level Certified SoftwareTester 2. I have provided everything you need for your ISTQB Foundation Level certification preparation in this course 3. Complete ISTQB Foundation Level Syllabus Coverage 4. SEVEN full length sample papers to practice and to evaluate your preparation before taking actual ISTQB Foundation Level Certification exam 5. Downloadable and printable Quick Notes for each chapter which will help you to prepare quickly and also these Quick Notes will help for last minute preparation 6. 350+ sample questions throughout the course 7. Active support for all your questions and queries What you Will Learn? 1. Fundamentals of Software Testing What is Software Testing and why Software Testing is required, Seven Testing Principles, Fundamental Test Process 2. Testing Throughout the Software Lifecycle Different Software Development Models, Different Test Levels, Different Test Types and Maintenance Testing 3. Static Testing Static Techniques and Reviews, Review Process, Static Analysis by Tools 4. Test Design techniques Test Development Process, Structure Based or White Box Testing, Specification Based or Black Box Testing, Experience Basted Testing, Choosing appropriate Test Design Technique 5. Test Management Test Organisation, Test Planning, Estimation, Monitoring and Control, Configuration Management, Risk and Testing, Incident Management 6. Tools support Types of Tools, Benefits, Risk and Factors affecting Selection of the Software Testing Tool, Pilot Project In addition to this course you will be able to ask questions at any time using the questions area of the course. I will answer all your queries and doubts.What is ISTQB? The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) is a software testing qualification certification organisation. It was founded in Edinburgh in November 2002, ISTQB is legally registered in Belgium. The ISTQB is responsible for the international qualification scheme called ""ISTQB Certified Tester"". The qualifications are based on a syllabus, and there is a hierarchy of qualifications and guidelines for accreditation and examination. What are ISTQB certifications? ISTQB Foundation Level Certification is the base and where you have to start your ISTQB Certification gurney. After Foundation Level there are Foundation Level extension certifications such as Agile and Model based testing. Also there are Advance and Expert Level Certifications and for which the ISTQB Foundation Level Certification is must. Benefits of ISTQB certification for individuals: 1.Certification represents recognition of a particular individual's professional competence. 2.Prestige for the individual and a competitive advantage over non-certified individuals in the same field. 3.Many companies consider ISTQB certification as a plus point for employees during appraisals. 4.During employee recruitment, many companies prefer certified employees over non certified employees. Benefits of ISTQB certification for Organisations: 1.Establishment of a professional standard for employees in the field of software testing. 2.Assist the employers in making hiring decisions. 3.Highly trained and competent workforce for employers."
Price: 99.99 |
"Lengua: ESPAOL; Presentacin de PowerPoint / Preguntas / Tareas / Exmenes de prctica Idioma: INGLS; Cdigo del curso en PearsonVUE: CTAL-TAE;Un ingeniero de automatizacin de pruebas es aquel que tiene un amplio conocimiento de las pruebas en general, y una comprensin en profundidad de la automatizacin de pruebas. Comprender en profundidad la automatizacin de pruebas implica tener un conocimiento de la teora y la prctica de la automatizacin de pruebas para poder realizar un proyecto de diseo, desarrollo y mantenimiento de soluciones de automatizacin de pruebas funcionales.Requisitos previos: El candidato debe disponer de la certificacin Tester Foundation Level y tener suficiente experiencia para ser certificado en el nivel avanzado, que no debe ser inferior a 3 aos en experiencia acadmica, prctica, o de consultora relevante. Copyright International Software Testing Qualifications Board"
Price: 199.99 |
"Level Up Your CSS Animation Skills" |
"Bring animation to your websites and stand out from the rest. By the end of this course you'll have the skills and confidence to build impressive animated landing pages.Through almost 4 hours of high quality video lessons, I'll guide you through building animated hover and button animations, activate animations on scroll, make use of parallax animations, responsive animations and more. Each section includes fully working examples that you can apply to real-world projects. Learn practical skills you can apply to future work.The perfect primer for anyone whos looking to add animations to their websites. It was the perfect balance of theory and practical examples and I recommend it highly.- Andrew Clarke, Author of Hardboiled Web DesignNow is the time to learn CSS animationAs browsers (including mobile) continue to get more powerful, we have more opportunities than ever to bring animation into our designs. At the same time, quality user experience is a massive differentiating factor for web and app-based businesses.Adding the right animation to your designs will help your sites and apps shine and help your apps stand out from the rest.Who this course is forYou want to delight and amaze your visitors, and make your websites stand out from the rest. You want to use animation not just to wow, but also to help make your sites more useful, polished and professional. You're already creating websites but you want to take your knowledge to the next level. This is the course for you. This course will give you the practical tools you need to bring animation to your projects.This is a video course full of real downloadable code examples. You'll be able to take the knowledge, as well as the real working code, to your projects and make sure they stand out.Learn by doingMost courses concentrate only on the theory. In this course well create a practical example landing page, step by step. Over 6 modules of practical, hands-on lessons, well create real examples of animation you can use on your own projects.Help and inspirationNot only do you get a load of practical, useful starting projects in this course, you can also head over to CSSAnimation.rocks for more, and even sign up to a weekly newsletter packed full of tutorials, inspiration and tips for animating on the web.- Donovan"
Price: 199.99 |
"Rapid Sequence Intubation" |
"Are you someone who is not familiar with this process? Perhaps you are new to Critical Care, be that a nurse, doctor, physio or any of the other professions who work in this area. There is no need to be wary of this process as long as you have a good understanding of what is happening. In this series of video lessons I will take you through all the essentials for your understanding."
Price: 19.99 |
"SolidWorks on Steroids: Design products that actually Work!" |
"This course is essentially Solidworks on Steroids! Fully focused on Functional product design using Solidworks. The course covers Sketching, Solid modelling, Assembly level design, Rendering and a lot more tricks to help you work faster professionally.It is fully scripted and content rich so you may have to watch several times to grab it all. If you are in a hurry and need to grab as many concepts in as little time as possible, then it's for you!Here you will learn how to start from scratch and produce life-like renderings of a product ASAP. The content is a combination of engineering theory, Software and Manufacturing know-how, something which you can never get in a usual CAD tutorials!It follows a definite objective based approach and NOT the blind CAD tutorials approach with no head and tail. In this course, we will be designing a Disc Brake assembly and in doing so we will learn sketching, Solid modelling, Assembly design and Rendering.At the end of this course you will not only have a solid foundation in Solidworks but you will also have an impressive CAD assembly to showcase your skills"
Price: 29.99 |
"Singing Bowl FUNdamentals:" |
"Calm the chaos. Mend the mind. Balance the body. Soothe the spirit. That's what BLISSbowls do!!! Have you experienced the healing power of sound and vibration from singing bowls? With a few skills and a metal or crystal singing bowl, you can unleash a healthier, more blissful, resonant life for yourself and others. For thousands of years, cultures around the world have used sound healing and vibrational medicine to treat illness, revitalize the body, and elevate the spirit. Now you can learn potent techniques from International Educator, BLISSbowls innovator, and recognized authority on modern healing methods using singing bowls, Ann Martin. Let's learn to use that singing bowl!Take this FUN entry-level course and learn the secrets to successfully playing, using, and appreciating the singing bowls in lots of different ways. Every section is punctuated with a unique ""BLISSbowls Bonus Video"" offering one-of-a-kind ways to immediately enjoy your bowl. Once you've completed this course, you'll have the confidence and the skills necessary to advance to the next levels of BLISSbowls instruction in meditation or healing techniques with singing bowls! "
Price: 29.99 |
"Day Trading Stocks - Gap Trading" |
"Learn the proprietary strategy Gap Edge Trading uses to align trade ideas with the big money moving the market. The Beginners Gap Course is not purely conceptual, it is a step-by-step system for producing repeatable results. This course includes over eight hours of instructions on how to trade gaps.1) Learn specific rules for when to buy, when to sell and when to stay put.2) Know how to understand, and trade every type of market environment.3) Learn how to properly manage risk so you can succeed over the long run.4) Put all the concepts together so you can trade with objectivity and 100% confidence.5) Learn 8 Gap SetupsSimple Art of Trading - Learn to think like a professional trader, learn how market trends develop, and the best setups in each type of market.You will get a deeper understanding of how candlesticks affect trends, how to use supply and demand and prior price support for your entries."
Price: 199.99 |
"Darbuka Drumming: Learn how to play the Darbuka Dounbek" |
"This course will teach you all the basics of playing the Darbuka Dounbek Goblet drum originating in the Middle East. The drum dates backover 2000 years ago to it's beginnings inBabylon. Learn how to play this fascinating instrument. It has a sharp crisp clear sound that makes you want to dance. Over an hour of videoinstruction by master middle eastern musician Malik Terblizi, hosted by Somesh De Swardt. It's an interactive teaching experience. The course takes place in 5 sections starting right at the beginning of learning the basics until basic rhythms and exercises. Both beginner and intermediate players will have plenty of substance to further their study and playing ability. Take this course if you are interested in learning how to play and improve your technique. Finding teachers for this instrument isn't easy, but with this course you can learn at your own speed and in your own time.Malik Azeri is a master percussionist, vocalist and producer who plays Nagara, Darbouka, Daf, Tombak & Congas. His music is influenced by a variety of Middle-Eastern, South Caucasus and Latin traditions. Since moving to London he has worked with oriental, hip-hop and contemporary dancers and has given master classes and performed in concerts and festivals throughout the country and worldwide. Through an exploration of different ethnic rhythms and fusion music Malik has created a unique personal style through which he hopes to reflect unity in diversity.Many thanks to Malikfor his amazing playing and to Theo at Inclusive Video http://www.inclusivevideo.comfor their production of the video."
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduction to Fixed-Wing Drone Design" |
"Drones will soon be used for agriculture, search and rescue, package delivery, and many missions not even thought up yet. Because drones have to be specially designed for each mission, this means that now is the best time in history to be involved in aircraft design. Today we have the best tools and methods and can design aircraft like never before. Come explore the world of aircraft design and get involved in this exciting industry!In this course, aircraft designers Doug Hunsaker and Sam Weiss give you an overview of fixed-wing drone design. Students will learn the basics of aircraft design with an emphasis on the drone industry needs and missions. Topics include basic sizing for mission requirements, propulsion system selection, design tradeoffs, 3D modeling, airfoil analysis, and some pointers on detailed aerodynamic design.By taking this course, you'll see the world of aircraft design differently and have a deeper understanding of the exciting challenges that await in this burgeoning world of drone design."
Price: 199.99 |
"Modelado 3D Props" |
"Buenas mi nombre es Exer y en este curso ser su instructor, lo que aqu veremos es un curso de modelado de props para games, en este caso crearemos un muro de rocas para plataformas como UE4 o Unity. Utilizaremos tcnicas de modelado principalmente con Zbrush, complementndolo con 3D Max, Photoshop y texturizando con Quixel Suite espero que les guste saludos y nos vemos pronto"
Price: 24.99 |
"Microsoft Excel - Advanced Excel Formulas & Functions" |
"See why this is one of the TOP-RATED Excel courses on Udemy:""One of the best Excel courses I've ever taken. You can see through his videos how passionate he is about Excel. Thanks for this awesome course, and count me in for the next ones!""-Julio Garcia""This is an exceptionally valuable course. The information is vital with examples of best practices from a true Excel expert. Chris Dutton can teach!""-Barbara S.""Chris Dutton is an EXPERT in Excel. He makes comprehensible to the student the complex (sometimes super-complex) nature of the formulas he uses. Everything that is written at the course description, although it may seem pure marketing and publicity at first glance, is indeed true. If I could rate it higher I definitively would. THANKS Chris!""-Bruno Ricardo Silva Pinho__________FULL COURSE DESCRIPTION:__________It's time to show Excel who's boss. Whether you're starting from square one or aspiring to become an absolute Excel power user, you've come to the right place.This course will give you a deep understanding of the advanced Excel formulas and functions that transform Excel from a basic spreadsheet program into a dynamic and powerful analytics tool. While most Excel courses focus on simply what each formula does, I teach through hands-on, contextual examples designed to showcase why these formulas are awesome and how they can be applied in a number of ways. I will not train you to regurgitate functions and formula syntax; I will teach you how to THINK like Excel.__________By the end of the course you'll be writing robust, elegant formulas and functions from scratch, allowing you to:Easily build dynamic tools & Excel dashboards to filter, display and analyze your dataGo rogue and design your own formula-based Excel formatting rulesJoin datasets from multiple sources with Excel's LOOKUP, INDEX & MATCH functionsPull real-time data from APIs directly into Excel (weather, stock quotes, directions, etc.)Manipulate dates, times, text, and arraysAutomate tedious and time-consuming tasks using cell formulas and functions in Excel (no VBA required!)__________We'll dive into a broad range of Excel formulas & functions, including:Lookup/Reference functionsStatistical functionsFormula-based formattingDate & Time functionsLogical operatorsArray formulasText functionsINDIRECT & HYPERLINKWeb scraping with WEBSERVICE & FILTERXML__________What gives you the right to teach this class? Can't I just Google this stuff?I have a genuine passion for Excel that most people reserve for things like kittens, ice cream, and significant others. The only thing I love more than learning Excel is teaching it, and as the founder of Excel Maven and Maven Analytics I've been lucky enough to teach Excel to 200,000+ students across 180+ countries. My teaching style is conversational, authentic and to the point, and I will always communicate complex concepts in a framework that is clear and easy to comprehend.As a full-time analytics consultant and Excel instructor, I cut my teeth using Excel to solve real-world business problems and develop award-winning analytics & data visualization tools for Fortune 500 companies. If you care about creds, I'm a card-carrying MOS Certified Excel Expert and my work has been featured by Microsoft and the New York Times. Ok so I don't actually carry the card, but you get the idea.If you're looking for the ONE course with all of the advanced Excel formulas and functions that you need to know to become an absolute Excel ninja, you've found it.See you in there!-Chris (Founder, Excel Maven & Maven Analytics)__________NOTE: Full course includes downloadable resources and Excel project files, homework and course quizzes, lifetime access and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Most lectures compatible with Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel 2019 or Office 365.__________P.S. Looking to master the full Microsoft Excel, Power BI + SQL stack? Search for ""Maven Analytics"" and complete the courses below to become a business intelligence ROCKSTAR: Excel Pro Tips for Power UsersAdvanced Excel Formulas & FunctionsData Visualization with Excel Charts & GraphsData Analysis with Excel PivotTablesExcel Power Query, Power Pivot & DAXUp & Running with Power BI DesktopPublishing to Power BI ServiceSQL Database Analysis for BeginnersAdvanced MySQL for Analytics & Business IntelligenceLooking for the Spanish version of this course? Search for Microsoft Excel - Frmulas y Funciones Avanzadas or Microsoft Excel - Visualizacin de Datos y Grficos en Excel by Maven Analytics and Enrique Ruiz Tapia, with fully translated videos, slides, formulas and Excel datasets!"
Price: 174.99 |
"Microsoft Excel - Data Visualization, Excel Charts & Graphs" |
"Hear why this is one of the TOP-RATED Excel courses on Udemy, and the #1 Excel Data Visualization course:""Absolutely great stuff. I really enjoyed it! Chris is truly a Excel guru. I strongly recommend this course to all users looking to improve their skills with Excel charts & graphs.""-Nirav M.""Excellent from start to finish! I picked up a bunch of Excel data visualization tips that will be useful in the workplace, including some very cool advanced Excel visuals and custom charts & graphs. Loved all of it, and hope I can learn more from this wonderful individual!""-Robert C.""At the first part I just said to myself, ""Wow, Excel is capable of that? It's amazing!"" Then at the second part I told myself ""This guy is doing magic!"", and now I feel like I'm capable of doing the same. I'm definitely buying his other Excel and data visualization courses!""-Judit B.__________ FULL COURSE DESCRIPTION:Ask people what comes to mind when they think of Excel, and odds are they'll say ""spreadsheets"". The truth is, Excel is an incredibly powerful and dynamic data visualization platform for those willing to think beyond rows, columns, and primitive pie charts -- and I'm here to prove it.This course gives you a deep, 100% comprehensive understanding of Excel's latest data visualization tools and techniques. I'll show you when, why, and how to use each Excel chart type, introduce key data visualization best practices, and guide you through interactive, hands-on demos and Excel exercises every step of the way.__________We'll kick things off by exploring each of the 20+ charts & graphs introduced in Excel 2016, including: Bar & Column chartsHistograms & Pareto charts (Office 365, Excel 2016 or Excel 2019)Line charts & trend lines Area chartsPies & DonutsScatter plots & Bubble chartsBox & Whisker charts (Office 365, Excel 2016 or Excel 2019)Tree Maps & Sunbursts (Office 365, Excel 2016 or Excel 2019)Waterfall & Funnel charts (Office 365, Excel 2016 or Excel 2019)Radar & Stock chartsHeat maps, 3-D Surface & contour chartsChloropleths & Geospatial mapsCustom combo charts & graphsSparklinesAnd more...__________From there we'll dive into a series of 12+ advanced Excel demos guaranteed to turn you into an absolute data viz rockstar. These aren't ""textbook"" demos that you can find on Excel YouTube channels; these are projects adapted from actual, award-winning work featured by Microsoft, MIT, and the New York Times. I've built my analytics career around data visualization, and I can help you do the same.We'll cover advanced Excel data viz topics that you won't find anywhere else, including:Custom image overlay chartsAutomation with named ranges and OFFSET/COUNTA functionsScroll & Zoom functionality with Excel form controlsAnimated charts to visualize changes over timeDynamic, custom Excel dashboardsValue-based chart formattingCustom gauge charts & pacing chartsGrid visuals using Excel array formulasWhether you're looking for a quick primer, trying to diversify your Excel skill set, or hoping to step up your Excel data visualization game in a major way, this course is for you.See you there!-Chris (Founder, Excel Maven & Maven Analytics)__________NOTE: Full course includes downloadable resources and Excel project files, homework and course quizzes, lifetime access and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Most lectures compatible with Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel 2019 or Office 365.__________P.S. Looking to master the full Microsoft Excel, Power BI + SQL stack? Search for ""Maven Analytics"" and complete the courses below to become a business intelligence ROCKSTAR: Excel Pro Tips for Power UsersAdvanced Excel Formulas & FunctionsData Visualization with Excel Charts & GraphsData Analysis with Excel PivotTablesExcel Power Query, Power Pivot & DAXUp & Running with Power BI DesktopPublishing to Power BI ServiceSQL Database Analysis for BeginnersAdvanced MySQL for Analytics & Business IntelligenceLooking for the Spanish version of this Excel course? Search for Microsoft Excel - Visualizacin de Datos y Grficos by Chris Dutton and Enrique Ruiz Tapia, with fully translated videos, slides, and Excel datasets!"
Price: 174.99 |
"Microsoft Excel - Data Analysis with Excel Pivot Tables" |
"Hear why this is one of the TOP-RATED Excel courses on Udemy, and the #1 Excel Pivot Table course:""This is a great Excel course. You can feel confident putting these skills on your resume, and the lectures are in-depth and easy to follow. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to not just LEARN Excel Pivot Tables, but become a true Pivot Table EXPERT""-Monique C.""Chris provides clear, detailed explanations and shows how to use Excel Pivot Tables to extract hidden details and facts using raw, real-life data sets in Excel. The quizzes and homework reinforce the lessons and the course layout makes it easy to go back to sections that need revision. This course is exactly what I was looking for to master Excel Pivot Tables. Thanks, Chris!""-Paul M.""One of the very best Excel classes I've taken - great instructor, awesome production, very comprehensive and exceptionally useful. I have added other Excel and Pivot Table courses from Chris & Maven Analytics and look forward to viewing them as well.""-Ernie A.__________ FULL COURSE DESCRIPTION:Excel Pivot Tables are an absolutely essential tool for anyone working with data in Excel.Pivots allow you to quickly explore and analyze raw data in Excel, revealing powerful insights and trends otherwise buried in the noise. In other words, they give you answers. Whether you're exploring product sales, analyzing which marketing tactics drove the strongest conversion rates, or wondering how condo prices have trended over the past 10 years, Excel Pivot Tables provide fast, accurate and intuitive solutions to even the most complicated analytics questions.This course gives you a deep, 100% comprehensive understanding of Excel Pivot Tables and Excel Pivot Charts. I'll show you when, why, and how to use Excel Pivot Tables, introduce advanced sorting, filtering, and calculation tools, and guide you through interactive, hands-on demos and Excel exercises every step of the way.__________We'll start by covering everything you need to know to get up and running with Excel Pivot Tables, including:Raw data structure in ExcelPivot Table layouts & stylesDesign & formatting optionsSorting, filtering, & grouping toolsCalculated fields, items & valuesPivot Charts, slicers & timelinesInteractive Excel dashboards__________We'll then explore and analyze Excel datasets from a number of real-world case studies, including:San Diego burrito ratingsShark attack records from 1900-2016Facebook Post data from Spartan RaceMajor League Baseball team statisticsSan Francisco employee salariesDaily stock market dataIMDb movie ratingsApple Store mobile app ratingsWine ratings and descriptions__________Whether you're looking for a quick Excel Pivot Table primer, trying to diversify your Excel skill set, or hoping to step up your analytics game in a major way, you've come to the right place. In today's increasingly data-driven world, analytics skills are in short supply and incredibly high demand, and those with the ability to transform data into insight are leading the charge. Enroll today and start your journey to becoming an Excel analytics pro!See you there!-Chris (Founder, Excel Maven & Maven Analytics)__________NOTE: Full course includes downloadable resources and Excel project files, homework and course quizzes, lifetime access and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Most lectures compatible with Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel 2019 or Office 365.__________P.S. Looking to master the full Microsoft Excel, Power BI + SQL stack? Search for ""Maven Analytics"" and complete the courses below to become a business intelligence ROCKSTAR: Excel Pro Tips for Power UsersAdvanced Excel Formulas & FunctionsData Visualization with Excel Charts & GraphsData Analysis with Excel PivotTablesExcel Power Query, Power Pivot & DAXUp & Running with Power BI DesktopPublishing to Power BI ServiceSQL Database Analysis for BeginnersAdvanced MySQL for Analytics & Business Intelligence*** Course access includes Excel project files, quizzes & homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor support, LIFETIME access and a 100% money-back guarantee!***"
Price: 174.99 |
"Cooking Asian Delicacies Made Easy" |
"Bored of Western food?Try out this course to learn to cook some simple yet delicious Asian delicacies namely; Bird's Eye Chilli Fried Rice, Thosai, Dhal Curry, Date Fritters, Layered Cake, Marie Fudge Cake, and Sour Plum Popsicles.You (literally) got to see it to believe it!This course is a really simple step-by-step tutorial that is easy to follow along. Prepare your tummy for some awesome meal. Or at least, impress people with your Asian-food cooking skill.People of all background are invited to take up this course to experience some mouth-watering dishes, pastries and desserts that will not disappoint.I personally ask you for your time to be spent with me to get to know more about some of our Asian delicacies we have been enjoying.Join this course now and let me know what you think about it later.Cheers,Hafiz"
Price: 19.99 |
"Trick Photography and Special Effects" |
"Trick Photography & Special Effects (2nd Edition) - Your complete instructional guide on taking breathtaking special effects shots and cool images your friends won't believe... It comes with over 270 pages of instruction and contains over 300 creative photographs created by some of the most talented photographic artists worldwide. Inside the course, you will learn things like...How to create stunning special effects images that other people simply won't even understand - they'll think you've spent hours with Photoshop, but in reality they're just regular photos...How to create images of objects that appear to levitate in mid-airHow to use laser pens, flashlights, fire torches, external flash units, LED strips, and other household items to create spectacular light painting effectsHow to use infra-red light to enhance colorHow to capture beautiful High Dynamic Range nature or landscape shots with amazing detailHow to capture bubble images with fantastic swirling rainbow colorHow to create amazing 360 degree panoramic shots The secret behind stitching and stacking multiple light paintings togetherHow to manipulate shadows to create various illusionsHow to use Layer Masks in Adobe Photoshop software to create complex photomanipulationsHow to put ""the invisible man"" into your picturesHow to freeze motion and take crystal clear high-speed photographsHow to take 3D images with your cameraHow to capture amazing star and star trail shots at nightWhy your flatbed scanner is the key to some of the coolest, wackiest pictures you've ever seenBonus: Advice on flashes and how how to use them to beautifully light up your subjectBonus: Advice and recommendations for filters and Photoshop plug-insBonus: How to market stock photographs and art photographs in order to sell them for profitBonus: General advice on adjusting camera settings so you can take a great photo using any camera in any situationand much more...This amazing guide will show you exactly how to break through the ranks of ""ordinary"" photographers and become the person who takes shots that amaze everybody.This course is broken down into three modules:Module 1: Light Painting and Long Exposure EffectsModule 2: Trick Photography and Special EffectsModule 3: Photoshop Projects (Requires Adobe Photoshop)"
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn Video Marketing" |
"In this course, you'll get access to a ton of video lessons, creative assets, resources, publications and more. All produced by an award-winning video marketing team to help you make better videos faster.Nail Your Scripts and Strategy!Start your video marketing journey the RIGHT way! Master your video marketing strategy in 3 straightforward steps and discover the simple techniques to becoming a great script writer. No more struggling to think up video ideas either! Discover our simple methods for making better video faster! Shoot Your Videos Like A ProStart shooting video like a pro. Learn film-making hacks from professional directors and camera crew and never capture amateur footage again. Understand how camera, light & sound works and why you dont need to spend a fortune on kit to get professional looking footage.Editing Made EasyUncover the formula for video editing and improve your edits in seconds. Get to grips with the key concepts of video editing and remove all creative and technical barriers. Follow expert editors in step-by-step video editing walkthroughs and never again struggle with editing software or amateur looking edits.Video SEO MasterySupercharge your online video presence. Learn the proper way to get started on YouTube and how Video SEO can easily transform your videos. Stop struggling with retention and conversion and learn how to maximise your video content across social media."
Price: 99.99 |
"Cmo orientar a Jvenes Utilizando Coaching con PNL" |
"Mi realidad indica que los jvenes estn entrando al mundo de las drogas, delincuencia, prostitucin, vidas desordenadas vida sin sentido. Los adultos (padres, profesores, profesionales, pares y mas) tienen dificultad de interaccin con estos jvenes por falta de conocimiento, pues ya las estructuras mentales de estos jvenes en riesgo son arraigadas. La poca capacidad de persuasin sobre ellos; es un causal de pocos resultados en sus procesos formativos.Este curso esta dirigido a ti si eres profesional de la salud, padre, profesor, directores acadmico o solo si deseas mejorar tu interaccin con los jvenes e impactar sus vidas. No existe manera de lograr inclinar la voluntad de un joven si los argumentos no nacen desde su interior. De est forma examinamos en este curso varias herramientas y estrategias para lograr tener una mayor probabilidad de impacto sobre ellos. Para lograr realmente evidenciar cambios.La intencin de este curso es dar a conocer realidades del comportamiento humano deseamos con este curso que encuentres soluciones prcticas para formar nios, adolescentes y jvenes. Adems que adquieras capacitacin y conocimiento prctico de novedosas estrategias de orientacin para intervenir en ellos.A travs del material que vamos a poner a tu disposicin, obtendrs conocimiento sobre el comportamiento humano y visin prctica para aplicar ese conocimiento. Tambin, te familiarizars con nuevos materiales de orientacin juvenil y conocers nuevas formas de pensar en el mbito de formacin de seres humanos; adems, te familiarizaras con el desarrollo de habilidades en relacin a guiar nios, adolescentes y jovenes.En nuestra experiencia personal en trabajo grupal e individual de ms de 20 aos y como especialistas en comportamiento, hemos elaborado una respuesta rpida y efectiva de intervenir en un chico. Compartimos aqu materia prima para ser ms efectivo tu rol, as que no pierdas la posibilidad de conocer y capacitarte con estrategias novedosas de intervencin, sal del nivel terico como nica interpretacin de tu profesin.Aprovecha esta gran oportunidad de aprender cmo obtener resultados efectivos en la interaccin con un nio, adolescente o joven.En la infancia el ser humano forma su personalidad aproximadamente hasta los 7 aos y hasta su etapa de juventud podemos participar de la estructuracin/consolidacin de su idea del mundo y su mentalidad. Son precisamente estas etapas los mejores momentos para influenciar al joven y ensearle la percepcin de una vida llena de posibilidades.Es el momento oportuno de utilizar herramientas como la PNL, la Neurociencia, la Inteligencia Emocional, el Coaching, el mundo del corazn y ms... para mostrarle al joven su potencial, su capacidad para crear la vida que desea manejando sus procesos mentales y su habilidad para crear el mundo segn una sana interpretacin. Es una buena poca para edificar y fortalecer su ser estableciendo un fundamento slido para una vida preventiva ante las dificultades de su entorno; adems de solidificar este periodo de formacin de personalidad con las caractersticas propias de la edad."
Price: 19.99 |
"Customer Intelligence and Analytics for Omni-Channel" |
"Marketing departments have moved to a more customer-centric way of engaging customers. The organization of the marketing department has shifted from purely a brand, product or channel focus to a stronger role of being the faithful steward of the customer relationship. Marketers have finally recognized the importance and power of shaping customer interactions and the necessity of creating value for their customers. To meet this challenge, marketers require a better understanding of customer interactions. This applied course helps the marketing, CRM, Sales and Analytics professional develop existing and transformational skills and competencies needed to compete in a more customer-centric digital age. A strategic intelligence framework will link competencies in customer insights, advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, scenario planning, digital and social media, business intelligence and experimentation together to drive a more relevant Omni-Channel experience for the customer. This is a strategy course with a detailed discussion of the ""how-to"" and execution elements of setting up a digital and analytics nervous system for a firm but emphasizes an overall understanding of the people, processes, and technologies required to build a data-driven customer intelligence function. The course discusses the types of analytics, data science, AI, and Martech from a managerial/user and consumer perspective but is not a computational math or statistical methods course or a programming course in these disciplines. The goal is to help marketers, analysts and executives build multi-disciplinary skills, allowing them to connect the dots and be stronger practitioners overall. "
Price: 199.99 |
"Cisco SDWAN Viptela Design" |
"In recent years, software-defined wide-area networking (SD-WAN) solutions have evolved to address the challenges and limitations of traditional WAN networks. SD-WAN is part of a broader technology of software-defined networking (SDN).In this video series, Raliegh Jones (CCIE #37264) introduces you to the infrastructure, terminology, configuration and design methodology behind building Cisco SD-WAN solutions."
Price: 99.99 |
"Healthy Living with Diabetes" |
"The Diabetes Project shows all the elements necessary for taking control of your lifestyle and creating a heart healthy diet. This course will show the student healthy foods, healthy snacks and the myth of a Diabetic Diet. This course, for Type 1 diabetics and Type 2 diabetics alike, make understanding how foods impact one's blood sugar a major focus of living successfully with diabetes. Tips and information for supermarket shopping launches the Diabetes Project's series of courses for healthy living with diabetes. In our first course the student will master navigating the supermarket while learning what makes food for diabetics simply a healthy food lifestyle. While many foods can be considered ""Food for Diabetics"", our course will teach the difference between healthy foods and foods that are best to avoid. Students will acquire the necessary knowledge to fully understand the impact that foods have on the blood sugar of people with diabetes. This course gives the knowledge necessary to incorporate smart food choices into a healthy lifestyle. The course does not dictate rules of good diabetes control but rather imparts the information that allow people to make choices that enable them to better manage their diabetes."
Price: 19.99 |
"Tablosuz ( Div ) tasarm site yapm ve basit veritaban" |
"Dreamweaver kullanarak basit ve temel dzeyde html site tasarm ve bu tasarmn dreamweaver ablon yapsna dntrlmesivedeVisual Studio kullanarak ayn html yapy Master Page'ye dntrme vezerinde basit veritaban ilemleri yapabilmeyi salayacaz.renciler temel dzeyde html yapsn renebileceklerDreamweaver ile basit web tasarm yapabileceklerDreamweaver ablon yapsn kullanabileceklerHtml yapdaki bir yapy ablon'a dntrebileceklerVisual Studio ile basit html yapda hazrlanm bir tasarm zerinde deiiklikler yapabileceklerHtml yapdaki bir yapy MasterPage'e dntrebileceklerAccessDataSource ve Griedview yaplarn kullanarak Access veritabanna bilgi ekleyebileceklerAccessDataSource ve Griedview yaplarn kullanarak Access veritabanndan bilgi listeleme, dzenleme, silme ilemlerini yapabilecekler"
Price: 49.99 |