"Geld - Glcklich sparen, frei fhlen! Inkl. Checkliste" |
"Geld - Glcklich sparen, frei fhlen! Inkl. ChecklisteZiel des Kurses ist es Dir zu zeigen, wie Du Geld sparst ohne dabei auf Deinen Lebensstandard zu verzichten. Dabei werden wir sowohl ber Deine Einstellungen zu Geld und dessen Umgang sprechen als auch konkrete Beispiele aufzeigen, wo und wie Du konkret die gleiche Leistung bzw. hnliche Qualitt billiger erhltst.Die Checkliste nimmt Dich auch nach dem Kurs noch Schritt fr Schritt an die Hand, bis diese eines Tages in Deinem Unterbewusstsein von alleine abluft.Was ist dieser Kurs nicht:In diesem Kurs erfhrst Du nicht, wie Du Geld geschickt investierst.Was bringt Dir dieser Kurs:Im dem Kurs wirst Du lernen Deine Ausgaben zu reduzieren und Kaufentscheidungen knftig bewusster zu treffen.Deine Einstellung zu Geld und dessen Umgang soll sich dahingehend verndern sukzessiv mit Leichtigkeit zu sparen und sich auch ber den Kontostand hinaus reicher zu fhlen."
Price: 49.99 |
"Forex Pro Trading The Complete Guide To Becoming Profitable" |
"This course was established to guide and help people learn to generate a passive source of income by trading in the Foreign Exchange Market.Our main interest is to prepare our students to achieve their objectives by teaching them the proper strategies to staying profitable consistently. We aim to develop principled Foreign Exchange Traders by providing resources and tools needed to become successful in trading. This particular course will provide you with the basics of"
Price: 199.99 |
"Aprenda a Desenvolver Aplicativos do Zero ao Avanado" |
"O Kodular uma ferramenta online de fcil compreenso que permite ao usurio criar aplicativos completos para android apenas encaixando blocos, de forma lgica, sem a necessidade de digitar nenhuma linha de cdigo. So disponibilizados diversos componentes e de maneira complementar oferecido um material design que possibilita uma interface amigvel aos usurios.Embarque conosco!Voc aprender a desenvolver aplicativos incrveis do zero sem qualquer conhecimento em programao, seguindo:Conceitos bsicos da plataforma de blocosCriar aplicaes simples e avanadasCriar Menus DiversosEntender sobre DesignUtilizar Armazenamento LocalIntegrao com FirebaseCriao de um Chat Utilizando o FirebaseUtilizar o Airtable para Armazenamento de DadosCriar CardViews Puxando as Informaes do AirtableUtilizar o Cloudinary para Armazenar ImagensCriar Slides Dinmicos de ImagensEntender e Integrar o OneSignal Criao de Aplicativos CompletosCriao de Barra de PesquisaCriao do CRUD - Mysql com PHPAplicativos Extras ao Longo do CursoLogin Simples e AvanadosPara quem este curso:Qualquer pessoa, estudante ou profissional de tecnologia, pode criar seus prprios aplicativos e no precisa ser programador, tudo feito visualmente."
Price: 69.99 |
"Testizen GRE Test Series" |
"The Students will have premium GRE Verbal questions to practice along with detailed solution and explanation. Testizen believes in test based approach to learning. The GRE practice tests are designed to help students learn about the type of questions and content they should expect at the actual examination. The Solutions help the test takers to refine their preparation in order to correct their mistakes in the future. Please contact services@testizen.com in case of any questions."
Price: 19.99 |
alabaadcenter |
". . . ."
Price: 49.99 |
fbptnorr |
Price: 79.99 |
"Adobe Illustrator le Uygulamal Logo izme Eitimi" |
"Reklam ajans ve freelance alanlar ya da grafik tasarm ve iletiim rencileri! Adobe Illustrator ile farkl tarzdaki logo izimlerini renerek, kendinizi ve kariyerinizi gelitirmeye hazr msnz? Minimal, 3 boyutlu ya da vintage her tarzdaki logoyu bu kurs sayesinde izebileceksiniz. Eer kariyerinizi nasl gelitireceiniz konusunda kafanz karyor ve neleri renmeniz gerektiinizi bilmiyorsanz, bu kurs tam size gre!"
Price: 59.99 |
"Adobe Spark ve Canva le Sosyal Medya Grselleri Eitimi" |
"ster Facebook, ster nstagram ya da Youtube, sizi popler yapacak grselleri, bu eitim sayesinde oluturmay reneceksiniz. Dier yandan blog yazlarnz iin etkili blog grselleri de oluturmay renerek yazlarnz zenginletireceksiniz. Eitim videolarnn yannda yer alan kaynak ierikleri okuyarak, rendiklerinizi en etkili ekilde kullanacaksnz. Hemen bu eitime kaydolarak ksa srede ve pratik bir ekilde sosyal medya grsellerinizi tasarlamay renin!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Ganhe Dinheiro Dormindo - Gerao de Renda Passiva" |
"Deseja aprender a fazer o dinheiro trabalhar para voc?Gostaria de ser proprietrio de grandes imveis como shoppings, hoteis, escritorios comerciais bem localizados na principais capitais do pas?Ento, este curso para voc!Venha aprender como gerar renda passiva com Fundos Imobilirios.Investir em Fundos Imobilirios a mesma coisa que investir em imveis, mas com um gestor profissional trabalhando para voc. Seu trabalho o de analisar os indicadores, verificar a localizao, conhecer o administrador do fundo e os inquilinos.Destinado para quem deseja construir seu patrimnio, com foco no longo prazo e gerao de renda passiva, este curso foi desenvolvido para seus primeiros passos no mercado de fundos imobilirios, de acordo com a filosofia do buy and hold."
Price: 69.99 |
"Matemtica Financeira Rpido e Fcil - HP12c" |
"Voc gostaria de entender mais sobre clculos de investimentos financeiros? Fazer projees de rentabilidades, calcular parcelas, quanto investir periodicamente para obter valor acumulado no futuro?Destinado para quem deseja aprender na prtica clculos utilizados no mercado financeiro. Com foco em resolues de exerccios prticos sobre investimentos, emprstimos e financiamentos.Em cada mdulo so realizados exerccios de fixao de conceitos. Disponibilizado tambm lista complementar e a programao de taxa equivalente para HP12c."
Price: 144.99 |
"Intro to Psychology" |
"With this course, you will be able to grasp the basic information of psychology. You will learn the history, biology, and so many other aspects of the science. Starting with the history, the course will gradually guide you into biology and perception and continue from there. You will have a wide range of basic knowledge of psychology."
Price: 19.99 |
"Objetivos: guia prctica para su fijacin" |
"Los objetivos se convierten en la piedra angular que soporta las estrategias y estas a su vez, los resultados.Muchas organizaciones fijan tareas o actividades. No se niega su importancia, pero olvidan que la fijacin de objetivos, es la estructura de soporte bsica.Una estructura de soporte requiere: definicin, medicin e instrumentacin."
Price: 19.99 |
toxindetox_chi |
"19TOXINS are the culprits of all diseases. Harmful chemicals can get into your body if you breathe, eat, or drink them or if they are absorbed through your skin. This course explains some links between chemicals and other harmful substances and their possible health effects. People respond to chemical exposures in different ways. Sometimes illness happens only if you are exposed to a harmful substance for a long time."
Price: 19.99 |
slimnotrebound_chi |
"!7--- ,!"
Price: 24.99 |
"How To Fire Someone" |
"In this course you will learn the following:1) How to avoid firing someone from the start by setting clear expectations. 2) Creating the ultimate feedback loop with your team, ensuring total transparency and increased communication3) How to handle and under performing employee4) How to handle a ""bad culture fit"" employee5) How to tell your team"
Price: 19.99 |
"Clear English Pronunciation" |
"Thank you for considering enrollment in my Clear English Pronunciation class! I'm Andrea Giordano, your guide for this 25 video course designed to improve your English speaking skills. We'll accomplish this together as Iwalk you through each and every possible sound in the English language. Together, we will be able to improve your speaking skill dramatically! Throughout these 25 videos, you will see amazing improvements in your pronunciation skills. I'm so confident you will love this course, you can email me directly with any questions before your purchase. Simply email me at andrea@studywithandrea.com.Happy Learning!Andrea"
Price: 49.99 |
"Idioms in Conversation" |
"Tired of not understanding native English speakers?Or maybe you want to sound like a native English speakers!Idioms are extremely difficult to add to your vocabulary, but this course makes it a little easier. In this course, I will walk you through 60 of the most common english idioms. Topics range from animals and weather all the way to love. Happy Learning, Andrea"
Price: 39.99 |
"Resoluo das Questes de Matemtica do ENEM com SUPER dicas" |
"Em cada exerccio mostrado como raciocinar para resolver os problemas e o que a prova espera dos alunos. Possibilitando com isso, que voc seja capaz de pensar por conta prpria e ter independncia para resolver os exerccios. importante saber a teoria por trs do contedo, mas s isso no basta, necessrio treinar e saber resolver todo tipo de questo. a experiencia de ter resolvido umas 200 questes que torna voc realmente bom em matemtica. O curso sempre continuar sendo atualizado com novos vdeos semanalmente.Aproveite e compre enquanto est no incio e mais barato!Quanto antes voc comear seus estudos, melhor!At o ENEM de 2019 j teremos as provas de 2017 e 2018 resolvidas!Bons estudos!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Dreaming with God Workshop" |
"Lisa's unique worksheets, inspiration and guidance will give you the opportunity to thoughtfully and prayerfully engage with the desires God has placed on your heart. In a fun and encouraging environment you will be equipped to successfully create vision and set goals for the season ahead. Through the process of cultivating vision, articulating clear goals, and engaging your faith- you will be positioned to experience the favor, grace, and anointing of God upon your life in a way that will accelerate you into your God-authored destiny.This course has 11 sessions. More than just cutting pages out of a magazine to create a vision board, the Dreaming with God Workshop- is aninvaluabletime of working through guided steps to gain clarity, focus and direction for your life.What's included?Biblical instruction on the vital role of discovering God's dream for your life.A guided process to help you discover, clarify, implement, and accelerate through a God-shaped vision. How to discover the desires God has placed on your heart.Worksheets and instructions for brainstorming about the various areas of life: Health, Finances, Relationships, Career, Ministry, Personal, and Spiritual.Tools to help you map out and navigate your personal God-sized dreams and goals.Specific instructions and helpful printouts to create and complete a meaningful and inspiring vision board.A fun and interactive experience.Tons of encouragement and motivation.Tips and tricks to successful goal setting."
Price: 39.99 |
"Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP Technical with Oracle SOA & Java" |
"What's this course about?Learn Oracle Fusion Cloud Financials Technical and dive deeper into it. Understand the Technical components of Oracle Fusion Financials Cloud, the Migration and Integrations strategies, Reporting tools, Workflows, Customizations and Automations!What do you expect end of this course?By the end of the course, you will be equipped with all the knowledge of Oracle Fusion Financials Cloud Technical Components - Migrations and Integrations both Inbound and Outbound and how to automate the manual processes of these, clear understanding of Reporting capabilities available at Fusion Cloud, Workflows and customizations! And you will be ready for your next assignment! :-)A detailed list with the course content can be found below.Who's teaching you in this course?My name is Raja Dutta and I have my partner Leena, We are both Fusion Cloud, PaaS and Fusion Middlware Consultant and we are passionate about helping more people to learn Fusion Cloud Technologies. This is our first course at Udemy and we had lot of fun in preparing this course! Hope you too will have fun learning this course!It's our goal to get you started with Oracle Fusion Financials Cloud Technical as soon as possible and ensure your success. I want everyone to get benefited out of this course and to us, helping others is the best way of learning. So Let's Learn together!Is this course for you?This course is for you if ..... you want to upskill with Fusion Cloud Financials Technical skills.. you know coding preferably Java and SOA.. you have idea on ERP and Package solutionsWhat's inside the course?Fusion Financials Cloud Basics - Basics of Cloud Computing, Fusion Cloud Architecture & Product Families, Integration Strategies & Reporting Tools, OERFusion Cloud Security - Overview of Fusion Cloud Security, Overview of Security at Financials, Security ConsoleMigrations & Inbound Integrations - File Based Data Import (FBDI), FBDI Automation using Oracle SOA Suite and Java, Inbound SOAP Web Services, ADFdi Spreadsheet Data Loader,Import File using UCM Web ServiceOutbound Integrations - BI Publisher Reporting (BIP), BIP Automation using Oracle SOA Suite and Java, Outbound SOAP Web Services, Export File using UCM Web Service, Financial Extracts, Automation of Financial ExtractsReporting Tools - BI Publisher (BIP), Parameterized BI Report, Export Report Output, BIP Bursting, Secure BIP ReportReporting Tools - Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI), OTBI Analysis, Dashboards, Drill Down Report in OTBI, Use OTBI Analysis in BIP, Secure OTBI ReportESS Jobs - ESS Job Status, Job Submission and Scheduling, Create Custom ESS Job, Paramterize ESS Job, LOV with Lookup and Value Sets, Secure ESS JobExtensions & Customizations - Sandboxes, Create Infolet, Customize Standard Fusion UI/Page, Change Logo, Add Banner, Integrate External Application, Overview of Application Composer, Migrate CustomizationsBPM Workflows - All About BPM Workflows, Approval Rules, Approval Groups...and much more!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Designing Massive Mech in 3D Coat" |
"This is an in-depth tutorial about designing a complicated robot inside 3DCoat. Starting from a rough 3D sketch towards a heavy posable assembly. Special attention is paid towards making proper joints for different parts of the model.While there are whole 44 video chapters majority are very quick 3-5 minute tool explanation. There are also timelapses sped up to 4x realtime speed for lengthy parts of the tutorial.I've been using 3D Coat on an everyday basis for the last 2 years and I talk extensively about utilizing the software at its best being at the same time aware of the bugs and common issues.This tutorial also includes a promo code for my photo pack of an amazing Gundam Robot statue in Tokyo. It served as an original inspiration and reference for the tutorial. You can find the code in the project files attached to the first lecture, along with the hotkey list, robot model. The photo pack can be found on Fotoref website."
Price: 29.99 |
"Connect Salesforce Campaigns to Marketing Cloud Journey's" |
"In this course, you will learn 4 things:- How to Score Leads in Salesforce- How to Put those leads into a Salesforce Campaign- How to Map that Salesforce Campaign to a Marketing Cloud Journey- How to Configure a Marketing Cloud Journey Entry SourceLearning these skills will allow you to visually qualify the best leads with a star rating system in Salesforce. With this star rating system, you can inject the most qualified leads into a Salesforce Campaign that YOU create.And then you can have all emails and marketing materials FULLY AUTOMATED in order to send Personalized and Company-Branded information to customers at the exact time it needs to reach their inboxes."
Price: 19.99 |
"Health Education Systems Incorporated (HESI) admission tests" |
"HESI Practice Tests are an ideal way to prepare for your upcoming HESI A2 exam. In order to get into your chosen Nursing School, you will need to score well on the HESI.The HESI exam is only administered by computer. It is commonly used by nursing schools but can be used for different purposes. Some use it as an entrance exam while others use it as an exit exam to help determine the likelihood of passing the NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination) exam. No matter how or why its given, the format is the same.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 286 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"National Council Licensure Exam for Practical Nurses SET 1" |
"The National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN exam) is administered by individual State Boards of Nursing. The NCLEX-PN is often referred to as ""The Boards"" or ""State Boards."" The NCLEX-PN has only one purpose: To determine if it is safe for you to begin practice as an entry-level practical/vocational nurse.These boards have a mandate to protect the public from unsafe and ineffective nursing care, and each is responsible for regulating the practice of nursing in its respective state.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 560 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"National Council Licensure Exam for Practical Nurses SET 2" |
"The National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN exam) is administered by individual State Boards of Nursing. The NCLEX-PN is often referred to as ""The Boards"" or ""State Boards."" The NCLEX-PN has only one purpose: To determine if it is safe for you to begin practice as an entry-level practical/vocational nurse.These boards have a mandate to protect the public from unsafe and ineffective nursing care, and each is responsible for regulating the practice of nursing in its respective state.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 395 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 |
"MACE: Medication Aide Certification Practice Exams" |
"The MACE is a national medication aide certification exam typically administered to nurse aides who choose to receive additional training to become certified medication aides.Once certified, these medication aides serve an important role in hospitals and long-term care facilities by helping distribute medications and monitoring for adverse reactions.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 307 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"ACSM Certified Personal Trainer practice exams" |
"Are you passionate about your personal health and fitness, and want to impact others by empowering them to learn, practice, and live out a healthier lifestyle? ACSM Certified Personal Trainers (ACSM-CPT) are at the front line of the health fitness movement and use research-based techniques to help people of all fitness levels reach their personal fitness goals.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 208 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 |
"ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-CEP)" |
"The ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-CEP) is an allied health professional with a minimum of a bachelors degree in exercise science or equivalent and 1,200 hours of clinical hands-on experience or a masters degree in clinical exercise physiology and 600 hours of hands-on clinical experience. ACSM-CEPs utilize prescribed exercise, basic health behavior interventions and promote physical activity for individuals with chronic diseases or conditions; examples include, but are not limited to, individuals with cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, orthopedic, musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, neoplastic, immunologic and hematologic diseases. The ACSM-CEP provides primary and secondary prevention strategies designed to improve, maintain or attenuate declines in fitness and health in populations ranging from children to older adults.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 176 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 |
"Network Management (AHM530) practice exams" |
"Exam content : The scope and organization of the network management function in health plansNetwork strategies for access, quality, and cost-effectivenessThe process for network provider selectionEssential elements of a contractual relationship between health plans and providersThe primary responsibilities and obligations of health plans and providers under a provider contractHow health plans select, contract with, and compensate specialists and healthcare facilitiesSpecial requirements that affect network management for Medicare, Medicaid, and workers compensation networksHow health plans ensure their provider networks remain adequate to meet member needs*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 122 questions ***"
Price: 19.99 |
"Healthcare Management An Introduction (AHM250) exams" |
"Exam content : The evolution of health care delivery and financing in the United States from prepaid plans to ACOsBasic concepts of health plansHow to distinguish among HMOs, PPOs, POSs, and managed indemnityWhere HSAs and HRAs fit into todays consumer centric environmentDifferent types of provider organizationsThe importance of network structure and management in delivering quality healthcare.The interplay of information technology with essential functions of health plan operationsConcepts of rating, underwriting, and claims administration in health plan environmentsImportant legislative and regulatory issues affecting the health plan industry including the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the 21st Century Cures ActThe role of government-sponsored programs including Medicare and Medicaid in providing coverage to large segments of the population*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 217 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |