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"ISO 27001: Interpretacin y pautas para su implementacin"
"La implementacin de un sistema de gestin de seguridad de la informacin en el presente contexto digital que vivimos hoy en da resulta de suma importacin, esto lo podemos observar en el informe de riesgos del 2018 del foro econmico mundial donde las amenazas de ciber ataques y fraudes ocupan el tercer y cuarto puesto respectivamente en lo relacionado a la probabilidad de ocurrencia, esto mismo lo podemos confirmar viendo las ltimas amenazas mundiales de los ltimos aos como los ltimos ciber ataques o fraudes a las entidades bancarias.As mismo, muchas organizaciones tienen la necesidad legal, regulatoria o contractual de implementar un sistema de gestin de seguridad de la informacin ya sea para cumplir con normas tcnicas dictadas por el estado, sector industrial o en caso tengan la necesidad de invertir en la bolsa de valores.Cualquiera que sea su motivacin la implementacin de un sistema de gestin de seguridad de la informacin se basa en el estndar internacional ISO/IEC 27001:2013, en ese sentido este curso est compuesto por tres partes:En la primera parte veremos un poco de introduccin, revisaremos que es la ISO y la serie de familia referida a la seguridad de la informacin, pasando por un poco de contexto mundial y revisando algunos conceptos generales.En la segunda parte revisaremos y entenderemos cada uno de los requerimientos para poder establecer, implementar, mantener y mejorar un sistema de gestin de seguridad de la informacin, el cual cumple con el ciclo de mejora continua establecido por Deming, que est compuesto por las etapas de planificar, hacer, verificar y actuar con el objetivo de alcanzar la mejora continua en cada iteracin.En la tercera parte revisaremos los controles que estn descritos en el anexo A y que referencian a la ISO/IEC 27002:2013 que deben ser implementados en la medida que sea aplicable para reducir la probabilidad e impacto de los riesgos de seguridad de la informacin, en total existen 114 controles descritos en este anexo A los cuales estn agrupados en 14 grupos y 35 sub grupos.Finalmente, tendremos un pequeo examen sobre los puntos revisados en las sesiones y un material de trabajo adicional el cual les ayudara a determinar el nivel de cumplimiento del estndar durante la implementacin, mantenimiento y mejora del sistema de gestin de seguridad de la informacin, as como preparar la declaracin de aplicabilidad que revisaremos en las sesiones de la clase.Al finalizar el curso usted podr adquirir conocimientos solidos sobre cada requerimiento de la ISO/IEC 27001:2013 y control de la ISO/IEC 27002:2013, entre los principales objetivos que alcanzaras con este curso tenemos:Comprender y adquirir los conocimientos de cada uno de los requerimientos del sistema de gestin de seguridad de la informacin y de los controles establecidos en el anexo A.Dominar estos conceptos y tambin las pautas para saber cmo realizar la implementacin y auditoria de cada uno de los requisitos y de los controlesFinalmente contar con las capacidades y conocimientos para asesor a las organizaciones en la implementacin y mantenimiento de un sistema de gestin de seguridad de la informacin."
Price: 59.99

"Tcnicas esenciales de maquillaje"
"Aprenders, en orden, los pasos de tu maquillaje; preparar la piel, integrar los productos, aplicar las tcnicas y las herramientas adecuadas para lograr un look de maquillaje duradero y de acabado natural.Te explicar de manera sencilla y completa cada paso y podrs ponerlos en prctica tanto para ocasiones especiales como para diarioTambien podrs conocer mejor las brochas del kit bsico y los productos imprescindibles."
Price: 29.99

"Como colocarle Precio a tu Producto o Servicio"
"Qu esperar de este curso?Una de las cosas ms importantes, y el principal enfoque del mtodo que te propongo, es, que lograras, conocer todos tus gastos, tomando en cuenta algunas cosas, que por lo general, no les damos la importancia que merecen; esto te permitir colocar tu precio con la certeza de que tus gastos estarn cubiertos en l; adems como tendrs completamente caracterizado a tu cliente ideal, sabrs si le estas brindando la calidad que necesita, y tambin, tendrs muy claro cunto estas ganando.Otra de las cosas positivas que te propongo dentro del curso es que lograras conocer de una manera muy profunda tu producto o servicio, conociendo exactamente tus gastos, para llegar al precio sin tanta duda.Al finalizar este curso estars en capacidad de:Colocar el precio correcto a tu producto o servicio, tomando en cuenta:Tus CostosTu Cliente ideal (o cliente objetivo)Tus ganancias deseadas.Tu competenciaConocer tu producto o servicio con mucha ms profundidad.Por qu decid hacer este curso?:Luego de varios emprendimientos, brindando servicios; comenc a notar que a un gran nmero de personas, les es difcil encontrar el precio correcto de su producto o servicio, y esto los haca perder tiempo y dinero.En ese momento decid que era mi deber ayudar a todo el que lo necesitara, (el presente curso surgi como respuesta a esa necesidad), comenc a modificar el mtodo que he utilizado durante mi vida profesional, para hacerlo digerible y sencillo, para que todos podamos utilizarlo; Para m tambin era difcil colocar el precio a mis servicios cuando comenc, por lo que entiendo lo difcil que puede ser al comienzo.Encantado que hayan ledo estas lneas, y que se enganchen en el curso."
Price: 39.99

"Pilates : transforme seu corpo em 20 minutos"
"Construa uma rotina de exerccios e prtica diria em apenas 20 minutos e transforme seu corpo com o Pilates em qualquer lugar e a qualquer hora.Este curso foi especialmente formulado com exerccios de Pilates Solo pois essa uma modalidade que oferece mais dificuldade, exigindo uma conscincia corporal, fora, alongamento e equilbrio propiciando assim excelentes resultados alm de ser possvel fazer em qualquer lugar.Composto de 6 aulas, cada aula apresenta as mais variadas posies do Pilates de forma clara e simples porm bem pensada para que voc ative o corpo todo. Voc pode fazer uma aula por dia da semana ou se tiver mais de vinte minutos poder combinar duas ou mais aulas. Se se sentir preparado poder intensificar ainda mais a prtica imediatamente ou ao longo do tempo ou tambm se voc iniciante aprender como adaptar o exerccio e diminuir a intensidade e aos poucos ir aumentando.O curso comporta alunos de todos os nveis inclusive iniciantes. Se voc nunca praticou comece lendo nosso Guia Bsico de Pilates e assista a introduo. Comece com as adaptaes necessrias para facilitar o exerccio e intensifique com o tempo.Vamos praticar?"
Price: 189.99

"Introduction to Blender 2.79 Animation Tools"
"Introduction to Blender 2.79 Animation Tools is designed to get you familiar with and comfortable using the tools and resources within Blender that you can use for animating. This course begins by covering the process for installing and working within the application. Then, we review the principles of computer animation and take an in-depth look at Blender's animation editors and tools that can be used to create your animation. Finally, we look at methods for using reference audio and video and rendering tests of your work.This course covers:How to download and install BlenderSetting up Blender and customizing the user interface Key concepts of computer animationUsing the 3D View Editor for animationThe Timeline EditorThe Dope Sheet EditorThe Graph EditorThe NLA EditorOther animation tools available in BlenderHow to import audio and video to use as reference Rendering animation footage to review in real timeWhen you're done with this course, you will have a solid understanding of how to use Blender to create your animations!*** This course is based on the current stable release of Blender, version 2.79b. Updates will be made to address the animation tools in Blender 2.80 once that version becomes more stable ***"
Price: 49.99

"Aprende Iriodologia"
"Qu aprenders en este curso?Descubre las MEJORES tcnicas para Aprender directamente como diagnosticar enfermedades con solo observar el iris del ojo.No necesitas mucha inversin.Podrs generar nuevos pacientes.Tendrs un conocimiento a nivel experto en iridologa.Aprenders todos los temas relacionados con la iridologa.Tendrs acompaamiento por un experto en iridologa.Ayudaras a tus padres, hermanos, amigos y familiares a identificar y prevenir enfermedades."
Price: 19.99

"Melt & Pour Soap Making Home Business Marketing Starter Kit"
"This Is A Basic Home Business For Beginners Marketing Course. Want to learn how to do marketing for a low startup cost melt and pour soap making home business? In this course you'll learn how to create melt and pour soap bars and hand soaps, make a business plan, and market your products. In this course we will focus on how to do marketing for your home business. The design and creation of melt and pour soap from soap base while very important will be second to the actual home business marketing information in this course. This class is for anyone interested in learning how to do marketing for a low startup cost home business. This course covers how to use melt and pour soap base to create melt and pour soap. This course do not cover hot process, cold process, nor manufacturing soap base. Soap base can be acquired by purchasing either online or at your local hobby store."
Price: 19.99

"Basics Of Flat Design Illustrations In Canva"
"Discover how to create the prevalent basic flat design illustrations that are on social media posts, blog posts, video thumbnails and more! During this course you'll create create a coffee cup. a stack of memos, and a cell phone. This Is A Basic Graphic Design For Beginners Using Free Software Course. Throughout this course you'll learn to:Create a thumbnail image for videosCreate an image for social media postsLearn the basics of using CanvaLearn about composition, color design, and layout in flat imageryNo prior knowledge or experience is requiredWe have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked! Disclaimer: Primary color models will not be taught in this course but will be taught in a future course that will focus primarily on color models."
Price: 19.99

"Canva Flat Design Masterclass: Guide To Flat Design In Canva"
"You will discover how to create the prevalent flat design images that are on social media posts, blog posts, video thumbnails and more! This course is designed to assist you in learning the basics of flat design in Canva for use in social media, video, and more. During this course you'll learn to create an office space complete with a desk, computer, lamp, printer, and wall decor with additional examples provided to get you started. This flat design illustrations in Canva course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of flat design, even if you have little to no experience with it. We have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked!"
Price: 19.99

"Basics Of Stop Motion Animation Using Canva And OpenShot"
"You will discover how to create basic stop motion animations in Canva And OpenShot. This course is designed to assist you in learning the basics of stop motion animations in Canva And OpenShot for use in social media, video, and more.  This basic stop motion animation course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of basic stop motion animation, even if you have little to no experience with it. This Is A Basic Animation For Beginners Using Free Software Course. Throughout this course you'll learn to:Create a basic stop motion animation videoNo prior knowledge or experience is requiredCan't wait to see you in the course!We have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked!"
Price: 19.99

"Stop Motion Object Animation Using Davinci Resolve & Bandlab"
"This course is designed to assist you in learning the basics of stop motion object animations in Davinci Resolve and Bandlab for use in social media, video, and more. This basic stop motion object animation course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of basic stop motion object animations, even if you have little to no experience with it. This Is A Basic Animation For Beginners Using Free Software Course. Throughout this course you'll learn to:Create a basic stop motion object animation videoNo prior knowledge or experience is requiredCan't wait to see you in the course!"
Price: 19.99

"Color Theory Basics: Learning Color Theory With Adobe Color"
"This Is A Basic General Knowledge For Beginners Course. Do you want a greater understand how each color affects your audience? Discover how to use color theory concepts with Adobe Color to create a deeper and richer experience for your audience. In this course you will learn how to apply color theory concepts to your media, graphics, art, and other projects. This course is designed to be detailed but to the point. We will cover all the information that you need to get started using color theory concepts in your work today."
Price: 19.99

"Intro To Adobe Color, Spark, & Photoshop Express Editor"
"Do you want to edit an image, make a video, or a create website for your business or a client? Do you want a greater understand of how to use Adobe's free software tools - Adobe Color, Adobe Spark, & Photoshop Express Editor? Discover how to use Adobe's free software tools to create more and better projects for your business or clients. In this course you will learn how to use Adobe Color, Adobe Spark, & Photoshop Express Editor. We will cover all the information that you need to get started using Adobe's free software tools in your work today. This Is A Basic Graphic Design For Beginners Using Free Software Course."
Price: 19.99

"Beginner's Guide To Creating Basic Logos With Free Software"
"Do you want to create a basic logo for your home/small business or do you just need some simple branding? Don't want to spend money or time learning complex expense software? Looking for the simple answers to just get a basic logo? Discover how to create basic logos with Canva, Ucraft, Vectr, Design Evo, & Free logo design. This course is designed for complete beginners and will cover only the information that you need to start making basic logos. This Is A Basic Logo Design For Beginners Using Free Software Course. We will cover only the very basics of logo design and mainly focus on the actual creation of a simple logo."
Price: 19.99

"Home Business Basic Sales & Marketing Tools"
"In this course we will focus mainly sales and marketing for your home business. This class is for anyone interested in learning about some of the basic sales & marketing tools for a home business. This Is A Basic Home Business Sales & Marketing For Beginners Course. Please see this Basic Home Business Sales & Marketing For Beginners Course as just a starting point in your Sales & Marketing journey. Go out, learn more, and level up your skills."
Price: 19.99

"Intro To Basic Video Creation"
"In this course we will focus mainly tools for basic video creation. This class is for anyone interested in learning about basic video creation. This Is A Basic Video Creation For Beginners Course Using Free Software. Please see this Basic Video Creation For Beginners Course Using Free Software as just a starting point in your video creation journey. Go out, learn more, and level up your skills."
Price: 19.99

"Photo Editing With Free Software"
"Do you want to edit an image for your business or a client? Discover how to use Free Software to create better images for your business or clients. This course is designed to be quick and to the point covering only the information that you need to get started using photo editing in your work today. This Is A Basic Photo Editing For Beginners Using Free Software Course."
Price: 19.99

"Skillshare Course Marketing"
"As a Skillshare instructor you spend alot of time planning, creating, and marketing your courses. One of the must frustrating things is trying to find places to effectively advertise your Skillshare courses to gain new students. Some groups have very strict rules while others are not effective at bring you new students. Finding good places to advertise my Skillshare courses has been a struggle for me and I wanted to share how, where, and what I have been doing to advertise my Skillshare courses.The goal of the course is to help new Skillshare instructors avoid some the bumps I had getting started. I will review social media groups and online forums that allow Skillshare course advertising. This Is A Basic Marketing For Beginners Course.This course includes a detailed spreadsheet outlining all the information we discuss in the course. This tool will help you get your marketing efforts started faster and serve as a resource for your future advertising.I hope you will gain from a desire to share your knowledge with your fellow Skillshare instructors and people who are interested in becoming Skillshare instructors through this course. Helping to create a better community for all of us. Join me in this course and let's get starting learning and building success."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction To The Basics Of Melt & Pour Soap"
"Want to learn the basics of creating melt and pour soap? In this course you'll learn how to create fun and unique melt and pour soaps with step by step instructions. We will be creating the following different types of melt and pour soap in this course:Multi colorReconstitutedClear with embedded botanical"
Price: 19.99

"Excel Basics: Sharpen the Tools"
"Efficient Excel ensures you have a blueprint for what you want to achieve, and the right process and tools to deliver value and drive action. It combines deep problem solving wisdom with cutting-edge Excel craft.We offer:A clear process that helps you to approach unstructured problems and get work done efficiently.Navigation design for different learning styles - whether you want to learn by listening or watching, our high quality videos use audio and visual cues to reinforce learning."
Price: 29.99

"Angular for Beginners"
"Angular is a platform for building mobile and desktop web applications. This tutorial is designed for software programmers who want to learn the basics of Angular and its programming concepts in a simple and easy manner. This tutorial will give you enough understanding on the various functionalities of Angular with suitable examples."
Price: 1280.00

Price: 24000.00

"How to Create Futuristic HUDs in After Effects"
"Hello and welcome!In this course, we will learn how to make a Futuristic HUDs animations in After Effects. I will be making these HUD elements from scratch with no plugins and we will do it all in after effects.You will learn how to create different HUD elements:Tracking ScreenData ProcessingRadarCircular HUDThe videos are made as clear as possible, so that even a person who has never worked in After Effects could make a project. You create the project, do A, do B, do B - ready.You can practice at a comfortable pace and communicate directly with the instructor"
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop Rapid Run-Through (Basics required)"
"Some basic understanding of Photoshop will be required to fully understand and follow this course.We will perform a very quick run through of:Photoshop overview basicsExtraction tools and methods using:Magic WandPolygonal LassoPen ToolQuick MaskGeneral photo enhancement.Resizing, cropping and rotating.You may be required to pause the video at times to read on-screen annotations."
Price: 19.99

"Animaker per Video Animati"
"Il corso ha l'obiettivo di darti le basi per realizzare video animati 2D con un software web based. Un video animato conquista l'attenzione e permette di condividere contenuti web con maggior impatto sugli utenti. Si tratta di uno strumento di comunicazione efficace e adattabile. Alla fine del corso potrai iniziare il tuo primo progetto, realizzare animazioni ed esportare e pubblicare il tuo video animato."
Price: 44.99

"Asbestos Management"
"How to develop and maintain an effective management system, ensuring your legal compliance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. We will discuss asbestos basics right the way through to in depth Asbestos Management Procedures. This course also offers many useful templates and documents for you to download and use straight away."
Price: 124.99

"Learn to use the Pen Tool in Affinity Designer"
"In this course, you are going to learn to USE THE PEN TOOL FOR GOOD, with 3 different methods I prepared for you, so by the end of the course, you will be able to control it in such a way you won't be frustrated by it anymore.I prepared the course in such a way that, if one method does not feel good to you, you will still have two additional methods to find your way and finish the exercises and final project. However, I am pretty sure that, with just a bit of practice, you will master the 3 very soon, and combine them in your designs.Youll learn about segments, bezier curves, the pen tool, nodes and the node tool. You will also learn how to combine them to get the most out of their powerful possibilities, and master the most important and pivotal tools in vector drawing. For this, we will do some easy to follow exercises, to finally end up creating a more complex one, focusing in how to use the pen tool and a few more tools we will see in the course.We will use Affinity Designer, but once youve learned how to use it, youll have a much easier grasp on any other pen tool on a different software, since, even though each one has their own particularities, in essence, they are very similar.This class is for anyone wanting to learn how to draw with vectors, especially beginners, but also those who having some knowledge, still dont have a good understanding on how the pen tool works and what are the logics behind it."
Price: 34.99

"Cartoonize your Pet - Easily!"
"This class is aimed to anyone wanting to learn how to translate real life creatures into a fun cute cartoon style and interested in exploring the steps that will make you achieve it in a professional way. No previous experience in this topic is needed, and, even though I target it to intermediate level, you might be also able to follow along if you are a newbie if you know how to use the basic tools, such as the pen tool and basic masking. I will be using Affinity Designer, but if you use any other vector software, it shouldnt be a problem for you to achieve the same results. This is not a course on how to use the software, but a course on how to achieve a given result. By the end of the class, youll be able to draw your pet, or any animal of your choice in a cute flat fresh style. Maybe you want to create it just for the fun of it, or maybe you want to use it to create a T-shirt, or a sticker, or maybe to use it as an asset for a game. You will have your drawing done in no time by following this very simple methods you will see in this class.Skills youll learnHow to choose a good referenceHow to translate it into a cartoon style sketchHow to vectorise your sketchHow to add color to your sketch"
Price: 34.99

"Realistic Vector Art Principles (Affinity,Adobe Illustrator)"
"In this class we are going to learn the principles, techniques, methods and mindset involved in the creation of highly realistic vector graphics. This is a project oriented class, where the student will follow along together with me in order to create the final project which is a full vector realistic car (Porsche 911). I used Affinity Designer for this class, although the  principles, methods and techniques are the same for any other vector software, so it's up to the student to use this or any other software. It is aimed for intermediate users who have familiarity with layers, masking, effects, transparencies, gradients and boolean operations (subtract, add, combine, intersect, divide)."
Price: 69.99

"Huawei HCIP-Storage Certification Practice Exams"
"*******************************************************************HCIP-Storage-CCSSHuawei Certified ICT Professional-Constructing Cloud Storage SolutionH13-622*******************************************************************The HCIP-Storage-CCSS exam covers OceanStor 9000 and FusionStorage product technologies. Such as: product software architecture, hardware architecture, basic and advanced features (Info series), Object storage service, network and capacity planning, hardware and software installation, maintenance and troubleshooting, FusionStorage operation guide, etc.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 310 questions ***"
Price: 34.99