"8 passos para resolver problemas - Metodolodia 8D" |
"Voc vai ficar fora dessa?? Conhea os 8 passos para resolver problemas/no conformidades em sua empresa e aumente as suas chances de promoo ou conseguir um emprego.No perca esta oportunidade.Sou o prof Ronaldo, com 30 anos de experiencia, e vou passar para voc os 8 passos para soluo de problemas/no conformidades.No fique de fora!!Aguado voc no treinamento.Prof RonaldoEquipe Doutorgesto"
Price: 189.99 |
"ISO 45001:2018 - Interpretao e implantao - Bsico" |
"A ISO 45001 o novo padro ISO para sade e segurana no trabalho (OH&S). Ela visa ajudar as organizaes a repensarem nos seus processos, visando diminuir as doenas ocupacionais bem como os acidentes no trabalho e ajuda a implementar o requisito 7.1.4 Ambiente para a operao dos processos da IATF 16949:2016, determina em sua nota:""Onde a certificao de terceira parte na ISO 45001 (ou equivalente) for reconhecida, esta pode ser usada para demonstrar a conformidade da organizao aos aspectos de segurana pessoal deste requisito.. O novo padro da norma ISO 45001 trar segurana para a linha de frente.""Neste curso bsico voc ter uma boa introduo sobre este novo padro normativo, a ISO 45001.Sou o Prof Ronaldo, com experincia de 30 anos em consultoria, auditoria e treinamento empresarial e docncia, e vou te ensinar, de maneira simples, prtica e objetiva como interpretar e aplicar a nova norma ISO 45001."
Price: 219.99 |
"Die Milchstrae fotografieren lernen fr Anfnger" |
"In diesem Videokurs lernst du die notwendigen Grundlagen, um die Milchstrae zu fotografieren. Die Milchstrae und der Sternenhimmel stellen eine ganz besondere Faszination da und diese lsst sich heutzutage mit den meisten Kameras bereits einfangen.Dabei erklre ich dir, was du alles beachten musst und welches Equipment du dazu bentigst.Ich kann dir die Milchstraenfotografie nur ans Herz legen, da es ein unglaubliches Erlebnis ist, den Sternenhimmel an einem abgelegenen Ort ohne Lichtverschmutzung zu bewundern.Schaue dir gerne den Lehrplan an und berzge dich davon selbst."
Price: 19.99 |
"Einfache Nachbearbeitung von Landschaftsbildern" |
"In diesem Videokurs lernst du einen einfachen Workflow um deine Bilder mit Lightroom und Photoshop nachzubearbeiten. Mir geht es dabei nicht darum, dich zum ""Photoshop Guru"" zu machen, sondern dir mglichst Relevante Dinge fr deine Nachbearbeitung zu zeigen.Ich werde dich nicht mit irgendwelchen theoretischen Funktionen nerven, sondern dir anhand von Praxisbeispielen einen einfachen Workflow zeigen. Prioritt hat bei mir immer die Fotografie und die Nachbearbeitung sollte dabei Nebensache bleiben. Ich mchte dir mit diesem Kurs zeigen, wie du aus deinen Bildern auf dem schnellen Weg mehr machen kannst."
Price: 19.99 |
"Photoshop Basics: Custom app icons in Photoshop" |
"This course is for designers, developers and product managers interested in creating successful mobile app designs using Photoshop.I will be going over the : - basics of Photoshop - several app icon projects, - techniques for styling app icons - and good working practices for making design decisions.In this course, students will be provided with a process to produce and improve designs based on best practices. The course is organized by difficulty level from beginner to more advanced.You will be introduced to a pragmatic approach to exploring and creating mobile app designs and saving time during the design process in Photoshop.Each chapter will focus on one of the general steps needed to design a successful product according to the organization goals and the user needs. To achieve this, the course will provide detailed hands-on pragmatic techniques to design innovative and easy to use products.By the end of the course you will have the skills to successfully create your own beautiful, custom app icon in Photoshop and how to apply best design practices to your design process."
Price: 19.99 |
"JavaScript Programming from A-Z: Learn to Code in JavaScript" |
"JavaScript lies at the root of every modern web application, from social apps like Twitter to browser-based applications like Phaser and Babylon. Web developers are using JavaScript to develop compelling features and improve the user experience.JavaScript is a flexible, complex programming language that you can use to create full-scale applications.This course dives deep into the JavaScript language to show you how to write beautiful and efficient code. It covers everything you need to know from JavaScript fundamentals to advanced topics, including objects, functions and methods. In order to make the learning process quick and easy, this course includes plenty of code examples with complete explanations of how to use it.Whether JavaScript is your first programming language or you are learning it in order to make more complex web pages,, this course is a great place to start.Why wait? Enroll today."
Price: 199.99 |
"Build a Data Analysis Library from Scratch in Python" |
"Build a Data a Data Analysis Library from Scratch in Python targets those that have a desire to immerse themselves in a single, long, and comprehensive project that covers several advanced Python concepts. By the end of the project you will have built a fully-functioning Python library that is able to complete many common data analysis tasks. The library will be titled Pandas Cub and have similar functionality to the popular pandas library.This course focuses on developing software within the massive ecosystem of tools available in Python. There are 40 detailed steps that you must complete in order to finish the project. During each step, you will be tasked with writing some code that adds functionality to the library. In order to complete each step, you must pass the unit-tests that have already been written. Once you pass all the unit tests, the project is complete. The nearly 100 unit tests give you immediate feedback on whether or not your code completes the steps correctly.There are many important concepts that you will learn while building Pandas Cub.Creating a development environment with condaUsing test-driven development to ensure code qualityUsing the Python data model to allow your objects to work seamlessly with builtin Python functions and operatorsBuild a DataFrame class with the following functionality:Select subsets of data with the brackets operatorAggregation methods - sum, min, max, mean, median, etc...Non-aggregation methods such as isna, unique, rename, dropGroup by one or two columns to create pivot tablesSpecific methods for handling string columnsRead in data from a comma-separated value fileA nicely formatted display of the DataFrame in the notebookIt is my experience that many people will learn just enough of a programming language like Python to complete basic tasks, but will not possess the skills to complete larger projects or build entire libraries. This course intends to provide a means for students looking for a challenging and exciting project that will take serious effort and a long time to complete. This course is taught by expert instructor Ted Petrou, author of Pandas Cookbook, Master Data Analysis with Python, and Exercise Python."
Price: 19.99 |
"Master Data Analysis with Python - Essential Pandas Commands" |
"Major Upgrade: June 26, 2019There has been a major upgrade to the material that adds a massive new introduction on setting up a robust data science environment and many expanded explanations throughout. It now contains a beautiful 300+ pdf document with all the material in one place.Master Data Analysis with Python - Essential Pandas Commands provides some of the most comprehensive and rigorous coverage available on how to best use the most essential commands of the DataFrame and Series in the pandas library.This course targets those who have an interest in becoming experts and completely mastering the pandas library for data analysis in a professional environment. The pandas library is easy to misuse and has an abundance of quirks that are not covered well in other courses. Tutorials abound with incorrect or misleading information on how to use pandas properly. This course provides best practices for each command and has 85 exercises to test your ability and reinforce your understanding of the material.This course does not cover all of the pandas library, just a small and fundamental portion of it. If you are looking for a brief introduction of the entire pandas library, this course is not it. It takes many dozens of hours, lots of practice, and rigorous understanding to be successful using pandas for data analysis.This course is the second of the 10 total parts of the Master Data Analysis with Python series. The first course in the series is titled Master Data Analysis with Python - Intro to Pandas and is available for FREE (search on Udemy to find it). This course assumes you have the knowledge from that course.This course is taught by expert instructor Ted Petrou, author of the highly-rated books Master Data Analysis with Python and Pandas Cookbook. Ted has taught over 1,000 hours of live in-person data science courses that use the pandas library."
Price: 199.99 |
"Astrology Charts - How YOU can Benefit from Astrology Today" |
"Have you ever wondered how Astrology can actually be useful?In this course, students will learn how to use astrology to benefit their every day life with theory as well as Horoscope chart applications Isn't Astrology just 'woo-woo' pseudoscience?This course addresses why many believe Astrology is an unhelpful pseudoscience, and how you can still leverage the power of astrology to make more informed decisions about your lifeWho should take this course?If you see yourself as an infinite source being here for a purpose, this course was designed especially with you in mind!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Data Engineering on Google Cloud platform" |
"Google Cloud platform is catching up and a lot of companies have already started moving their infrastructure to GCP . This course provides the most practical solutions to real world use cases in terms of data engineering on Cloud . This course is designed keeping in mind end to end lifecycle of a typical Big data ETL project both batch processing and real time streaming and analytics . Considering the most important components of any batch processing or streaming jobs , this course covers Writing ETL jobs using Pyspark from scratchStorage components on GCP (GCS & Dataproc HDFS) Loading Data into Data-warehousing tool on GCP (BigQuery)Handling/Writing Data Orchestration and dependencies using Apache Airflow(Google Composer) in Python from scratch Batch Data ingestion using Sqoop , CloudSql and Apache Airflow Real Time data streaming and analytics using the latest API , Spark Structured Streaming with PythonMicro batching using PySpark streaming & Hive on Dataproc The coding tutorials and the problem statements in this course are extremely comprehensive and will surely give one enough confidence to take up new challenges in the Big Data / Hadoop Ecosystem on cloud and start approaching problem statements & job interviews without inhibition . Most importantly , this course makes use of Linux Ubuntu 18.02 as a local operating system.Though most of the codes are run and triggered on Cloud , this course expects one to be experienced enough to be able to set up Google SDKs , python and a GCP Account by themselves on their local machines because the local operating system does not matter in order to succeed in this course . P.S : 88BA1461141F3A2A6E2D for half price ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Automao Industrial em Ambiente Virtual" |
"O curso de Automao Industrial em Ambiente Virtual, foi desenvolvido utilizando os mais sofisticados softwares da rea da automao industrial, onde voc aprendera a programar os mais variados processos industriais utilizando trs softwares leves e de fcil aquisio, o Factory I/O, CodeSys e Elipse SCADA.O Factory I/O o simulador de processos industriais em 3D, com vinte cenas prontas, alm da possibilidade de edio e criao de novas cenas, utilizando diversos dispositivos industriais como: motores eltricos, atuadores pneumticos, vlvulas proporcionais, sensores pticos, capacitivo, indutivo e de viso, botes, sirenes, sinaleiros, enfim inmeros dispositivos, com a possibilidade de comunicao com CLP fsico ou simuladores de CLP. O CodeSys o software de programao de CLP, utilizado por diversos fabricantes de CLP pelo mundo como Festo, Eaton, Wago entre outras com a possibilidade de comunicao com a Rapberry PI. um software que garantira a experincia da programao de CLP na linguagem Ladder uma das linguagens mais utilizadas em todo o mundo. E com ele voc ira programar as mais diversas cenas do Factory IO, garantido uma experincia fantstica em programao utilizando os mais diversos blocos para o controle de sinais analgicos e digitais. O Elipse SCADA o software de superviso de todo o nosso processo, com ele desenvolveremos telas para a monitorao das nossas variveis do processo em tempo real com a simulao do Factory e do CodeSys. USE O CUPOM DE DESCONTO E GARANTA O MENOR PREO!CDIGO: ZUMBIDOSPALMARES VALIDADE: 24/11/2019"
Price: 159.99 |
"Data Analysis: Easy Tabular & Graphical Displays in Excel" |
"Interested in learning statistics from a real-university stats professor?Looking to improve your data analysis skills using Excel?Seeking to improve your statistics skills for your upcoming college course?Look no further! Hi! I am a stats professor with 10 years experience teaching at the university level. I have designed this course for students who are interested in learning how to use excel to generate descriptive statistics for categorical and quantitative data sets. This is a college level course work, made easy and designed for all skills levels. This course is open to anyone interested in learning about statistics! In this course, I have broken down the course into sections and included many video examples which are easy to follow. This college level statistics knowledge is most beneficial to undergraduate students as well as pre-MBA students, struggling or working with data analysis. This course is also open to any professional who is interested in learning basic concepts of descriptive statistics and has a keen interest in summarizing, analyzing data sets and creating data visualizations in excel. This course is broken down into multiple sections and with easy to follow statistics in excel training videos. No prior knowledge of statistics necessary! In this course we will first differentiate between Categorical and Quantitative variables and then learn to identify real-life data examples of both variables by examining real-life data sources. Next, we will learn how to summarize categorical and quantitative variable data in excel using frequency, relative frequency, percent frequency distributions (tables) and graphical displays (bar chart, pie chart, histogram). Later in the course, we will learn how to construct cross-tabulations using two variables and learn how to summarize (pivot tables, scatter diagram, trendline, side-by-side chart, stacked bar chart) in Excel. Data sets are provided to allow students to practice along with the video training. This 24 lecture course includes video explanations of everything from Frequency distribution and Scatter plots, and it includes more than easy to follow video examples to help you test your understanding and knowledge along the way. Descriptive Statistics in Excel is organized into the following sections:Categorical VariableSummarizing Categorical Variable Data in ExcelQuantitative VariableSummarizing Categorical Variable Data in ExcelCross Tabulation Using Two VariablesSummarizing Data for Two Variables in ExcelWho this course is for:Since knowledge of basic statistics is required for almost all college majors. This course is for current undergraduate students as well as pre-MBA students. This course also functions as a prep course for recent high school graduates who will be attending college soon. It helps students prepare for their statistics course, hence increasing their chances of doing well in the course and increasing their GPA.This course is also open for anyone who wants to study descriptive statistics, runs a business and is interested in creating data visualizations in excel after being away from school for a while.Students of Machine Learning, Data Science, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering , as Statistics is the prerequisite course to Machine Learning, Data Science, Computer Science and Electrical EngineeringA Warm Welcome to Everyone! Let's learn how to Analyze Data in Excel NOW :)"
Price: 129.99 |
"Concise Italian Grammar - Course A" |
"NEWLECTURESUPLOADED EVERYWEEK! Learn the Italian grammar in a concise and visually appealing way. By the end of this course you will be able to correctly use some of the most important grammatical structures: nouns, articles, adjectives, pronouns and the most important indicative tenses. The course includes practice exercises, quizzes, Q&A and downloadable material that you can keep as reference. This course has been adopted as educational resource by the Italian Canadian Cultural Association in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada."
Price: 34.99 |
"Houdini Game Tutorial - Procedural Fence for Unity" |
"Here is what we will learn in this tutorial :First we will focus on how to place the poles and planksThen how to place the doorAnd we'll see how to export it as a digital asset and create some parameters To follow this tutorial you'll need to be familiar with Houdini interface.You will have access the video tutorial (40mins length), the final HDA (compatible with both Unity and Unreal) and a custom package for Unity with the same 3D files used in the tutorial."
Price: 19.99 |
"Houdini Game Tutorial - Procedural Farm House for Unity" |
"Here is what we will learn in this tutorial :First we will see how to install and use the Houdini Engine for Unitywe will begin to build our house with simple boxWe will create input to replace all the boxes by real asset in UnityWe will create procedural UVs and assign Unity materialsAnd we will add even more details to the houseTo follow this tutorial you'll need to be familiar with Houdini interface.You will have access the video tutorial (120mins length), the HDA File and a custom package for Unity with the same 3D files used in the tutorial."
Price: 49.99 |
"Gerenciando as referncias bibliogrficas com Zotero" |
"Ns que trabalhamos na rea acadmica sabemos o chato que bater cabea com os estilos das referncias bibliogrficas e citaes (ABNT, APA u outras). Porm sabemos tambm o importante que gerenciar nossa bibliografia de forma eficiente, sistematizada e rpida sem ter complicaes com os estilos e normas que esto em constante mudana por causa das atualizaes.Da mesma forma, j seja por exigncia da instituio ou revista, precisamos conhecer um software que seja gratuito e eficaz.Zotero um gerenciador bibliogrfico que nos ajudar no processo de elaborao da nossa pesquisa ou publicao independentemente da quantidade de documentos (artigos, livros, captulos, etc) a ser citados.Aprenda a manejar os quatro pilares do gerenciamento bibliogrfico com Zotero: recolher, organizar, citar, sincronizar e obter de forma automtica a lista de referncias bibliogrficas.Voc aprendera da forma mais fcil e bsica a gerenciar sua bibliografia, criar e organizar seu prprio banco de referncias, mudar os estilos em um click e gerar de forma automtica as referncias.Seja mais eficincia e inovador, matricule-se agora e aproveite os descontos e ofertas de lanamento..."
Price: 39.99 |
"Compondo mapas temticos: Introduo aos SIG" |
"As ferramentas geogrficas fazem parte do sistema computacional mais utilizado no mundo acadmico para modelagem da informao espacial, os Sistemas de Informao Geogrfica. Esta ferramenta utilizada em diversas reas, tais como cincias exatas e sociais, j que os estudos precisam serem representados e localizados de forma visual e didtica.Google Earth, QGIS e Maps no so as nicas ferramentas computacionais mas sim as mais utilizadas pelo seu acesso gratuito, e a eficincia se comparar com outros softwares pagos, alm de ter uma interface intuitiva.Neste curso abordaremos os conceitos tericos mais bsicos para a melhor compreenso e aproveitamento das aulas prticas de aplicativos android e softwares dos SIG.Lembrando que no requisito ter conhecimentos prvios sobre os SIG, j que este curso uma introduo terica e pratica ao aplicativo Maps e os softwares Google Earth e QGIS, que so ferramentas dos SIG que se complementam, com o intuito de compor mapas temticos, cientficos e infogrficos.Voc aprendera da forma mais didtica e bsica a compor seus prprios mapas, j que o curso tambm proporcionara uma guia de como baixar data como imagens raster e arquivos shapefile.Seja mais eficiente, matricule-se agora e aproveite os descontos e ofertas de lanamentoVeja nossos outros cursos relacionados..."
Price: 144.99 |
"Preparation Test - ServiceNow Certified Administrator (New)" |
"Last updated on 20th January 2020 for -[ Additions ] - 100+ new and recent exam questions sourced from personal exam experience and team's attempts are appended to this course. My entire team of 9 people passed the exam in January.[ Limited offer ] - New promotional code TECH2020 valid until 26th January 2020Highlight 1. Each question is aligned with real exam and carefully consolidated after a lot of review, self-exam notes and networking. 2. I have added questions from actual exam attempted by self. Assured recent exam attempted questions and areas covering upgrades with newer released ServiceNow versions as Madrid.DescriptionIn this course, students will learn how to administer a ServiceNow instance and prepare for the ServiceNow certified System Administrator exam.This course contains timed practice tests.This Practice Tests Course Is for those preparing for Servicenow Certified Admin Exam and to evaluate Knowledge and check readiness for actual exam clearance in the first Attempt.Questions from all the topics as per the ServiceNow Exam Blueprint are covered in this practice test(s).If you have any questions or genuine concerns about the course content, feel free to connect on nitbabar@gmail.comFAQsQ: What version of ServiceNow does this cover? A: This course is recorded on the New York (2019) releaseQ: Can I pass the exam using only this course as a guide?A: No. Use this exam as a study material and dry run of your preparation for the main exam. For those taking the certification soon, this is a great study resource. This exam will surely review your readiness and help you improve where you lack."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Business Analyst Pro" |
"Based on world class industry practices, with a particular focus on the software industry this will help you advance in your career as a Business Analyst and make a difference in your workplace. Its been designed for anyone starting in the new role as a Business Analyst who doesn't have time to go through a length certification."
Price: 29.99 |
"Internet of things (IoT) for Beginners: Getting Started" |
"Internet of things (IoT) is one of the most enticing and upcoming technologies. This introduction to Internet of things (IOT) course is for beginners. This IOT introduction course will help you understand basics of Internet of things and applications of Internet of Things (IOT). And will help you getting started in the world of IoT.The course covers the Basics of Internet of Things and various sensors and Components of IoT world. ENVIRONMENT MONITORING SYSTEM using MICRO-PYTHON (Video Demo)BONUS CONTENT: RASPBERRY PI 4 UNBOXING AND INTRODUCTION (Video)Comparison of Various Raspberry Pi models on Various Parameters (Document)"
Price: 19.99 |
"NLP for Self Development, Headache, Phobia & Pain Cures" |
"Coach Abdul Mannan is an expert in getting the best out of the people. Usually in one session ofjust two hours, his clients see their life is changed 180 degrees in the positive direction. Hisexperience with a variety of clients- from students to businessmen, has made him adept in helpinghis clients overcoming their challenges of life.The NLP Training Course is simple & clear with exclusive and time-tested stealth missions and psyche builders throughout each module, you will be applying NLP to your life and reaping the benefits immediately. ENROLL NOW FOR A EASY-TO-FOLLOW AND VERY AFFORDABLE NLP COURSE WITH CONFIDENCE"
Price: 99.99 |
"Masterclass of Realistic Drawing and Shading Human Features" |
"Welcome to the Masterclass of realistic drawing and shading of human portrait and features. You will learn drawing, hatching and shading skills and techniques for photorealism drawing. This ultimate drawing course will show you how to start drawing and create advanced art in the simplest way that will stand up as professional work.This course does not need prior knowledge, and it will take you step by step to learn how to draw and make realistic and hyper-realistic paintings at the end.You will learn general and detailed ways and principles of sketching; we will get to know the tools, materials and techniques of drawing and shading in a new and simple way.This course gives you access to 30 hrs HD tutorial videos in the simplest way possible for you to learn drawing human features. Even you have never drawn before, as long as you follow through this course, you will be able to draw realistic, eyes, nose, lips, face and other features. You will also learn advanced hachure and shading techniques by using tools such as pencil, brush, stump and powders. You will even use your hand and fingers to create a perfect skin texture to achieve the photo-realistic look.You will gain instant access to 62 lectures of the course, which starts with basics; how to draw lines until you learn how to draw a hyper-realistic portrait with easy techniques. We will start using simple lines, circles and oval shapes to guide you through the proportion, size and position of human features. In each chapter you will learn how to draw: Eyes, Nose, Lips, Ears, Eyebrows, Eyelashes, Hair, Full Face, Fingers, Hand, Arm, Legs Next you will learn how to Hachure them with pencil Then you will use the techniques that you have learned in this course. You will learn how to shade them and create realistic features. Then I will guide you how to combine the techniques together and then you are going to learn how to create textures and apply them to your drawings. Eyes are one of the most important parts of human feature drawings; since through eyes, you can show the emotions and make your drawing to stand out. The Eye Chapter of this course will teach you how to draw eyes in the simplest way possible and we will go through many examples. You will also gain access to Demo sections where you can learn and see the combination of different techniques that you have learned step by step.Over the 15 chapters you will learn: You will get familiar with lines and shapes and how to warm up your hand You will get familiar with Pencils, Charcoals, Conte, Drawing Brush and Blending Stump You will learn how to use the techniques and combine them Creating texture Shading Surface Eyes section: Front View Eyes, Side View Eyes, Eye hachure (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced), Eyes Shading, Eyes Demos Nose section: Nose drawing (All sides), Hachure, Shading Lips section: Lips drawing (All sides), Hachure, Shading, Lips Demo Ear section: Ear drawing, Hachure, Shading Hair section: Hair shading techniques, Female Hair, Male Hair Face Section: Face Drawing (Front View, Side View), Hachure and Shading Portrait Demo Hand section: Palm of Hand, back of Hand, Fingers, Hand Shading Arms section: Hachure, Shading Legs section: Hachure, Shading Feet section: Drawing, Hachure, Shading Drawing with Creative Ideas (Cheat sheet, Roundism, Sculpture, Mix Media)No rulers or any other guiding tools needed, you still will be able to draw perfect features even if its your first time of drawing. After drawing the features, I will also show you the advanced hachure and shading techniques to create photorealistic skin tone and other textures that make your drawing to pop out your paper. We dont want you just copy whatever we showed you in this course, but to implement your own creativity and be an artist. By the end of the course, you will be able to draw what you have learned during the course but also apply the techniques, be creative and draw your own version of human features.No matter if you are an art lover, art hobbyist, University student who wants to improve their art portfolio, someone who want to learn some new skills of drawing; artist who wants to learn another medium or even you just occasionally want to make a realistic drawing of your loved ones as a gift to surprise them, you are on the right course. As long as you can write down your name, you can draw. So what are you waiting for, pick up a piece of paper, grab your pencil, enroll the course now, lets start drawing.Feel free to have a look our preview lessons, follow one of the lessons to see how easy it is."
Price: 149.99 |
"Travel, Work, Live your Dreams - The Art of Playing Full Out" |
"Start playing life full out: A simple framework - when you have the choice to say YES to your dreams, take it. Here's a step by step journey to get you out of your head and into action. By the end of this journey you will:Draw out what you want to change in your life and why you want to change itUnderstand what you really want and take the first steps to get there10X your self-confidence and start seeing yourself as the hero that you areSee the possibilities you have, even if you first thought they were impossibleHave systems and principles to guide you when you reach out for your dreams so you're always safe - financially, emotionally, physicallyHave taken massive action towards the life you always wanted to have or the dream that you first felt was just an ideaPlay life full out and know how to experience magic every step of the way, so the journey is worth it as much as the goal itselfGive it a try, see what's possible and move forward with a community of driven individuals to make more out of their lives."
Price: 19.99 |
"Ace the Java Certification: OCA (1Z0-808) exam prep [2020]" |
"This course is a video walkthrough of an assessment test for the Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) Java SE 8 Programmer I exam.I will walk you through 20 common exam-like questions, explaining the common pitfalls and sharing some valuable tips for succeeding passing the OCA - Java SE 8 Programmer I certification and prove your competency to recruiters and employers!"
Price: 19.99 |
"OPNsense: Firewall UTM open source" |
"Neste treinamento voc ir aprender como proteger sua rede e seus usurios de diversas ameaas com o Firewall verdadeiramente open source que mais tem funcionalidades na atualidade podendo ser comparado as melhores solues de Firewall UTM e NFGW (de prxima gerao) comerciais do mercado.Iremos ver desde as funcionalidades mais bsicas, como criar regras, NATs, VPNs, Captive Portal, Proxy com integrao com Active Directory e Antivrus, passando por configurao e conceitos de alta disponibilidade (HA), indo at filtro por aplicaes (Layer7) utilizando criptografia (SSL) de forma transparente.Matricule-se j, incremente seus conhecimentos e comece hoje mesmo a proteger sua rede de forma profissional e completa!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Devenez Motion Designer Atelier Cratif" |
"Dans ce cours complet, vous deviendrez un vrai motion designer. Que vous soyez totalement novice ou en partie form, vous matriserez les 3 logiciels : Adobe After Effects CCAdobe Illustrator CCCinema 4DTout au long de cette formation, vous apprendrez des mthodes et des astuces indites ! Comme par exemple transformer votre dessin en 3D en 1 seul clic ! L'objectif de cette formation est de vous apprendre l'art du Motion Design (animer des dessins, objets 3D, etc...) travers un atelier pratique : ""Raliser une Game Boy 3D anime"" .Depuis quelques annes, le Motion Design a conquis les multimdias notamment la tlvision et l'internet. On en retrouve de plus en plus sur des sites web, vidos, rseaux sociaux, missions, gnrique, etc... Il est donc crucial de matriser cet art pour suivre les nouvelles tendances...Si vous voulez prendre en main After Effects, Illustrator et Cinema 4D le plus rapidement et efficacement possible, cette formation est fate pour vous ! la fin de cette formation, vous serez compltement autonome et efficace. Vous n'aurez qu' exprimer votre imagination pour dfinir les tendances de demain. Ralisateur, votre formateur est expert sur les logiciels After Effects, Illustrator et Cinema 4D. Il a travaill avec plus d'une dizaine d'entreprises et ralis des formations pour After Effects. Il est notamment le premier avoir invent un Lens Flare dynamique avec seulement After Effects. "
Price: 59.99 |
"The Personal Finance Toolkit for Beginners" |
"This course is a personal finance and investing course for beginners. You will not need any prior investing or financial knowledge to complete this course. In this course, we will go over the most common types of investments and the different characteristics of each one, such as the benefits, risks & the integration into a well rounded portfolio. For each investment, we will walk you through detailed examples and a step by step guide of how to buy, sell and trade the different securities. By the end of this course, you will be equipped with a full do-it yourself approach to investing while understanding the risks and trad-offs of each investment in order to achieve your financial goals."
Price: 29.99 |
"eker Detoks'u :steklerini Azalt ve Alkanlklar Deitir" |
"""Beyaz zehir"" diye tabir edilen ekeri kullanmay brakma yollarn, bilimsel bilgiler ve altrmalar nda irdelediimiz kursumuza hogeldiniz. eker denilince akla beyaz toz gelse de hangi gdalardaki ekerin bizleri eker tketmeye ynelttiini renince bilin dzeyiniz artacak. Kursan edindiiniz farkndalk ve bilgiler alkanlklarnz deitirmede size yardmc olacak. Ayrca farkl attrmalk tariflerini paylatmz kursumuzda ekersiz ama olduka lezzetli attrmalk tariflerini renmi olacaksnz"
Price: 49.99 |
"Data Analysis 101 With Python" |
"Welcome!This course focuses on performing basic data analysis tasks on a text file of sales history of a retailer (fictional data), provided in comma delimited text file. We will take a look at reading in data, cleansing data, and aggregation data in Python. If you are looking to dip your toes in data and analytics field or enhance your Python skills as a beginner, this is a perfect course for you!"
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Analyze Football (Soccer) - Basics" |
"Welcome to your course ""How to Analyze Football (Soccer) - Basics"". Whether you are a coach, a player, or even a football lover, this course is for you! Analyzing football isn't and shouldn't be exclusive to football analysts. Whether you want it or not, you are analyzing football while coaching your team, while playing a game, or even while watching it. The question isn't should I analyze football? but it is How to Analyze football?At the end of this course, you will be able to analyze football games correctly. You will understand football deeply in order to improve your performance.This Course is composed of 4 sections:In the first section, you are going to know me (the instructor), the roadmap of the course, and the structural logic of the course.In the second section, you are going to answer the question Why Analyzing football? In the third section, you are going to gain some knowledge about the basics of football analysis.In the fourth and last section, you are going to discover some resources and receive a piece of advice to help you in your journey analyzing football.Shortly talking, this course will change your filter through which you see Football (Soccer), and give you some basics and resources to get started in football analysis."
Price: 44.99 |