"Formao Completa no Mercado Financeiro" |
"O Master in Financial Markets, com mentores como Celson Plcido VP Institucional Proseek e Patrick O Grady Vectis Partners, um programa de mercado financeiro que oferece ao aluno todo o contedo terico e prtico necessrio para quem deseja ter uma carreira no mercado financeiro, com aulas ministradas por profissionais de sucesso no mercado financeiro."
Price: 579.99 |
"Investment Banking: Do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Uma experincia nica de imerso no contedo de mais alto nvel de Investment Banking. O objetivo preparar nossos alunos para desempenhar um papel de relevncia no segmento de Investment Banking por meio da utilizao de: metodologias de estudo e soluo estruturada em casos reais com contedos tcnicos aprofundados fundamentais para o desenvolvimento e alavancagem de carreiras nesse segmento."
Price: 354.99 |
"A Teoria por Trs da Negociao" |
"Curso introdutrio, onde voc ser capaz de compreender a dinmica das negociaes, seu processo e fundamentos, e ir ter contato com as melhores prticas sobre Negociaes e a base cientfica utilizada por empresas de classe mundial. Nesse treinamento voc aprender a se preparar melhor, compreender os interesses por trs das posies do outro negociador, reconhecer seus estilos e estratgias mais adequadas a cada um deles, tratar suas objees, usar o tempo e o poder a seu favor, enfim: Aprender a Arte das Negociaes."
Price: 114.99 |
"Autogesto e Produtividade: Como Otimizar seu Tempo" |
"A procrastinao um obstculo muito difcil de ser superado. Num mundo com cada vez mais distraes, manter o foco se tornou um desafio presente em quase todas as etapas do dia-a-dia.Aprenda tcnicas de autogesto e produtividade visando vencer esse obstculo de maneiro prtica. Seguindo um mtodo testado e validado em grandes corporaes brasileiras, garanta que seu tempo ser melhor aproveitado."
Price: 99.99 |
"Introduo ao Valuation e Mercado de Aes" |
"Programa composto por 4 mdulos dedicados aos domnios mais fundamentais para o aluno que quer dar seus primeiros passos para conhecer o mercado de renda varivel, com o objetivo de ser um profissional do mercado financeiro brasileiro ou de verticais financeiras de empresas. O aluno terminar o programa com satisfatrio domnio sobre como funcionam o mercado de aes, derivativos, bases de anlise tcnica e valuation, como forma de alavancar o inicio de carreira de um jovem profissional."
Price: 189.99 |
"Educao Financeira e Estratgias de Investimento" |
"O curso de Educao Financeira e Estratgias de Investimentos voltado para investidores de todos os perfis. O curso online ministrado por Celson Plcido, que tem mais de 20 anos de mercado financeiro e nos ltimos 10 anos foi estrategista-chefe e scio da XP Investimentos. Celson criou seu curso para a carncia que o brasileiro tem em educao financeira."
Price: 264.99 |
"Autocad prctico para constructores" |
"Curso 100% prctico donde ensearemos el Autocad como herramienta para dibujar planos de arquitectura, estructuras, sanitarias, elctricas. Aprenderemos a laminar y plotear planos correctamente, a. IMPORTANTE: El curso est en plena grabacin y edicin hasta el 30/11/2019 se tendr el 90% de todo el curso. prenderemos slo lo que necesitas y profundizaremos en temas que otros cursos no explican, con puros ejemplos relacionados a proyectos de edificaciones, no disearemos pero daremos recomendaciones y criterios bsicos"
Price: 84.99 |
"Ventas estratgicas para negocios al consumidor" |
"Este curso est dirigido a emprendedores, dueos de negocios pequeos y medianos, trabajadores independientes, marketers que buscan avanzar sus carreras y cualquier interesado en hacer empresas de alto desempeo en ventas.Veremos diez pilares de las ventas estratgicas:Creacin de ofertas potentesServicio al cliente excepcionalAcceso y conveniencia para forjar lealtadSistemas de trabajo para facilitar el crecimiento operacionalPublicidad basada en respuesta directa para vender efectivamente a travs de cualquier medioRelacin entre valor y precio para optimizar tus ofertasEmbudos de conversin para crecer y sistematizar las ventas o parte de ellasCrear una marca potente para distinguir tu negocioEstrategia empresarial para competir y saber por dnde crecerModelos de negocios para maximizar oportunidades de ingresosAccede al curso ya y conoce lo que todo emprendedor debera saber y que pocos ensean para hacer negocios como los mejores y competir de t a t con cualquiera y encuentres tu lugar para ser el mejor."
Price: 189.99 |
HR |
": , Google Calendar , ; - , Google Sheets CRM; - , ; , , ; ; - , , . , , ; , ; , ; CRM, . free-. , , ."
Price: 24.99 |
"Excelncia no Atendimento ao Cliente" |
"Maior parte das pessoas e empresas acham que prestam um bom atendimento ao seu cliente, mas quando perguntando ao cliente ele no diz o mesmo. Pensando nisso desenvolvemos um curso pratico e dinmico, onde aprenderemos de uma maneira simples modos de prestar o melhor atendimento aos olhos do clientes."
Price: 24.99 |
"Spring Boot, Oauth2, MongoDB Atlas e Angular 7/8" |
"VISO FUNCIONAL:Neste projeto voc vai aprender a construir login, recuperar senha, cadastro de usurio e validao de acesso atravs de token enviado para o e-mail do solicitante com validade de 24hs. Tela para visualizar a lista de usurio, editar e excluir usurio com pop up de confirmao.VISO TCNICA - BACK END:Para isto ns vamos criar uma API Rest usando Java com Spring Boot e banco de dados MongoDB no mLab/MongoDB Atlas. Vamos usar um envio de email com SMTP da Google, autenticao e autorizao com Spring Security Oauth2, e implantao na nuvem usando a plataforma Heroku. Vamos aprender tambm tratamento de excees, uso adequado do protocolo HTTP no padro REST, segurana, CORS, e muito mais.Verso: Spring Boot 2.1.x VISO TCNICA - FRONT END:Alm do back end, tambm vamos desenvolver o front end utilizando o Angular 7/8. Vamos explorar a arquitetura MVC do Angular, os componentes, navegao, interceptors, local storage, tratamento de erros. Vamos cobrir tambm todo processo de build da aplicao e publicao do app no Heroku.Verso: Angular 7/8METODOLOGIA:Tudo que fizermos ser explicado em detalhes, com materiais de apoio para te ajudar a acompanhar e revisar tudo que foi feito em cada aula. BNUS:O curso ainda possui vrios outros contedos. Possui um captulo, mostrando na teoria e prtica como usar a API da Swagger para gerar documentao da API automaticamente a partir do projeto e automatizar o processo de gerao e atualizao da documentao."
Price: 39.99 |
"Self-Confidence: Develop Bulletproof Confidence for Success" |
"In this Course, Learn the Exact Steps and Brain Rewiring Strategies I followed to COMPLETELY change my life by improving my confidence exponentially.I expanded my relationships, my health, and my businesses by using these same strategies that you will learn inside this course which allowed me to walk the world with: Certainty Courage Confidence Fearlessness Not Caring What Other People Think Magnetism SuccessI used to be a shy little kid who couldn't raise his hand to answer a question that I already knew the EXACT answer to.I avoided interactions with people and sabotaged many relationships with many amazing people because of my lack of self-confidence and self-worth.I still remember vividly a time when my Coach for the basketball team asked me to switch shirts with a fellow teammate of mine and, me being the shy skinny kid, went to the corner to change my shirt because I was too afraid and insecure of myself.But guess what?I changed.I rewired my brain.I rewired my brain for unstoppable confidence.Now people always ask me how I am able to do the things that I am able to do and how I always make it seem effortless.Everything comes back to Confidence and I have decided to share my strategies with you to rewire your brain into believing, feeling, acting, and actually being more confident so that you can succeed in all areas of your life and reach your true potential.That's what I wanted, and I'm sure you want that too.Join me Inside!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Examen simulacro interactivo UNAM" |
"Quieres ser parte de la UNAM y necesitas prepararte para el examen?En CPI-UNAM hemos diseado para t pruebas con un gran parecido al examen que presentaras, ayudndote a evaluar tus conocimientos.Cmo funciona?El curso costa de 2 exmenes diagnsticos a partir de reactivos que, en nuestra experiencia como docentes, aparecen en la prueba oficial.Realizaras cada uno de los exmenes, los cuales, uno a uno, irn dndote un resultado aproximado al puntaje real; ayudndote a saber cules son las reas en la que debes poner mayor atencin y/o esfuerzo, as cuando te sientas listo podrs presentar la siguiente prueba hasta completarlas.Aprovecha estos exmenes de simulacin para que puedas cumplir tu meta!"
Price: 270.00 |
"Ejercicios de clculo diferencial para exmenes de admisin" |
"Durante los pruebas que estars resolviendo aprenders a utilizar todas y cada una de las frmulas mas utilizadas en los exmenes de admisin. Una vez que domines la resolucin de las derivadas pasaremos a resolver los problemas de aplicacin. Podrs descargar los formularios y algunos ejemplos de cada una de las formulas."
Price: 270.00 |
"Ejercicios de clculo integral para exmenes de admisin" |
"Durante los pruebas que estars resolviendo aprenders a utilizar todas y cada una de las frmulas mas utilizadas en los exmenes de admisin. Una vez que domines la resolucin de las integrales pasaremos a resolver los problemas de aplicacin. Podrs descargar los formularios y algunos ejemplos de cada una de las formulas."
Price: 270.00 |
"Banco de reactivos tipo examen UNAM (rea I)" |
"Con estos reactivos, que abarcan absolutamente todo el temario del examen, podrs aumentar tu oportunidad de quedarte en la carrera que elijas. Esta dividido en 6 secciones de acuerdo al tema del reactivo. Podrs responder y en caso de fallar tendrs la oportunidad de repasar el tema y volverlo a intentar. Tambin tendrs la oportunidad de ver el enfoque que se le da en cada una de las preguntas en este tipo de exmenes. Los reactivos que hay en estos exmenes no son como los de tu escuela, tienen una manera diferente de abordar los temas y en una pregunta pueden abordad distintos temas, es por eso que debes prepararte muy bien. Estos reactivos te ayudaran prepararte mejor para ese gran reto."
Price: 270.00 |
"Cisco CCNA ICND2 200-105 Practice Tests/Exams" |
"Welcome to my practice test/exam course that will assist in preparing you for the ICND2 exam! Why choose my course:I am highly dedicated to provide you with the best and most preparing practice questions to ensure you earn the CCNA! After taking my practice tests, you'll see which topics you excel at and which you need to work on prior to testing day. If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you so much!The practice tests will cover the Cisco official exam topics:1.0 LAN Switching Technologies2.0 Routing Technologies3.0 WAN Technologies4.0 Infrastructure Services5.0 Infrastructure MaintenanceWho this course is for:These practice exams for those looking to test their Cisco ICND2 200-105 knowledge in preparation for the actual exam. In preparation for technical interviews"
Price: 19.99 |
"Youtube SEO Ninja Course Rank Any Video Quickly In 2019!" |
"What You Will Learn In this Course: Video #1 - Introduction to YouTube SEO Before we jump right in, we want to make sure that you are in the right mindset. So, we will be discussing what you need to put your 100% focus into. In addition to that we will discuss a quick overview of what's inside this video course, so you know exactly what to expect. You'll also get to see everything that you need to be able to get started successfully. Video #2 - Competitive Research The best way to understand how you can rank better is to do a bit of competitive research. This will allow you to see what is working right now and why YouTube may be ranking certain videos over others.Video #3 - Highly Searched Keywords One mistake we see many Youtubers make is making their own title and description. Instead of deciding what you think will work, why not use what is already working? The best way to find highly searched keywords is to look at what is already out there and its free. Video #4 - Your Title and Description Taking what you have gathered in the previous videos, let me show you how to properly create your titles and descriptions. Theres a super easy trick we use to create titles that both convert and rank well. Video #5 - Video File Optimization Did you know that all files contains data that tells YouTube what your video could be about? This is one of the most skipped steps because it is a little technical. But youll learn how so you can get one step ahead of your competitors. Video #6 - Optimizing Your Thumbnails Since our goal is to get more clicks to your YouTube video, we have to rely on attracting your viewers. The thumbnail is the first thing people see as they are scanning to find what interests them the most. You will learn what your Thumbnail should contain and what to do if you dont have any design skills. Video #7 - Video Length Optimization The big question is how long should your video be? Yes, most folks have said to make your videos short and that worked in the past. But what about today? Video #8 - Secret Tip to Outrank Your Competitors In this video, we will cover a secret tip that has worked for us time and time again to outrank your competitors. This is one of the few methods that most people are aware of and itll be another step you have to be ahead. So, grab this video course today and begin optimizing your videos for YouTube the right way. PLUSEXTRABONUSES!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Google Image Search Secrets -" |
"Its nothing new that Google Image Search is a huge source of traffic of customers who may be interested in your products or services. In fact, over one third of site visitors use Google Image Search. If you do it wrong and simply upload an image onto your website, hoping to get ranked high on Google Image Search, then think again. Here Is What YouWill Be Learning In This Course:Video #1 - Introduction to Image Search Before we jump right in, we want to make sure that you are in the right mindset. So, we will be discussing what you need to put your 100% focus into. In addition to that, we will discuss a quick overview of what's inside this video course, so you know exactly what to expect. You'll also get to see everything that you need to be able to get started successfully. Video #2 7 Steps Checklist Before we even jump in, we need to discuss the 7 steps you need in order to succeed. The best way to understand how you can rank better is to do a bit of competitive research and well be doing that in videos 2-8. This will allow you to see what is working right now and why Google may be ranking certain videos over others. Video #3 Wrapping Content One mistake we see many people make is uploading images to blog posts that have little to do with the content. Instead of deciding what you think will work, why not use what is already working? The best way to find highly searched keywords is to look at what is already out there and its free. Video #4 File Format Did you know that certain file formats are better for websites than others? How do you retain the quality of your image and get the smallest size possible? These are highly debatable, but Google does favor certain ones over others and well discuss why. Video #5 Image Size Image size matters, but it can change depending on your niche. So how do you know what size is good? What size isnt good? Well discuss that in this video. Video #6 - Compression One of the reasons why websites run slow is because of big images. So how do you compress your images without losing quality? What if you already have 1000s of images on your site? Do you have to compress them one by one? That would be a nightmare. Well discuss ways to automate this tedious, boring yet important process. Video #7 File Names Most people skip this one. But the name of your file is in fact important. While yes, you could name it the keyword of your choice its important to do some reverse engineering first which well show you how in this video. Video #8 - ALT In this video, we will cover a secret tip that has worked for us time and time again to outrank your competitors. This is one of the few methods that most people are aware of, but they do it wrong. Video #9 Audit Automation In this video, we will cover a secret tip that has worked for us time and time again to automate this auditing process. Itll also help uncover holes in your website that need to be plugged up that you would normally have overlooked by the naked eye. PLUSEXTRABONUSES!So, grab this video course today and begin optimizing your images the right way!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Pinterest Traffic Hacks -" |
"Its a fact that Pinterest is huge and has tons of prospects waiting to find you. According to Shopify - from their analysis of over 25,000 online stores - they found that the customer who initially comes to Pinterest, via Facebook or Twitter, will spend about twice as much as those who dont. These are just some of the countless amazing statistics from Pinterest. If you're a business, then you'll want to tap into this market. According to new research, Roughly 25% of consumers reported purchasing a product or service after discovering it on Pinterest. Compared to most social media sites, Pinterest decreases the amount of steps users take from discovering something interesting to aconversion. But heres the problem. Most people are marketing on Pinterest WRONG! In fact, you may have tried it and not gotten any results and thought, This doesnt work. However, you have to do it properly and provide what we call, Pin Worthy images. Youre competing against thousands of other images, so how do you survive? What should you put in your images? How should you lay out your funnel? Is there a blueprint or a formula to this madness? All this and more will be answered in this course. Video #1: Introduction While everyone else is pinning their hearts out and wondering why its not converting, youre going to be doing something else. In this video, were going to make sure you have the right mindset, so you can successfully implement this strategy. To goal is to ensure youre not thinking like everyone else. Youll get an idea of what tools youll need as well. Video #2: The Platform Before we get started, its crucial that were on the same page. Youre excited about learning how to use Pinterest to get traffic, but to ensure your success is high we want to make sure youre hitting the bullseye or at least close to it. Part of understanding how to get traffic from Pinterest and convert it, is understanding how it ticks. How its different from others is crucial and is a much-overlooked part of the process. Video#3: Quality Is Key Once you understand how Pinterest works and what type of people go to it, well talk about the images that you add to these boards. Its obvious that youll be competing with 1000s of other businesses or individuals, so your images and other visual content must be extremely high quality. But how do you go about creating these high-quality images? What if you dont have the funds to hire a graphic designer? Where do you go? What do you do? Video#4: Congruency When it comes to creating a funnel that generates traffic and converts it into sales, it comes down to congruency. This is an overlooked concept and you need to understand how to apply it in your funnel. So, in this video, well cover each step of the funnel and what you need to do, step by step. Video#5: Visual Real Estate Matters No, were not talking about houses here, but virtual real estate. In short, the size of your image matters a lot. Youre going to discover the secret image type and shape that converts the best. Video#6: An Attractive Pin Once you understand the best converting shape in Video #5, youre going to learn how to apply that to real life. Youre going to learn what tools you need to create a very attractive pin that will turn ugly and boring content into eye-catching pin worthy content. Video #7: The Anatomy As were talking about images, Im sure youre asking: Ok, what exactly am I supposed to put inside the graphic? Is there a blueprint or a formula? Yes, there is and thats what were going to cover in this video. Video #8: Reverse Engineering Hack Now that you understand the formula, how do you go about getting ideas on what images to use? In this video, well reveal a hack that you can use to find trending pins in your niche and reverse engineer it to find your competitors secret sauce. Video #9: Pin Automation Congrats, youve completed the course! Pinning lots of high quality images is crucial and you want to schedule their release as much as possible. But how do you do that when youre sleeping or on a vacation? Well discuss some tools thats worked well for us that will automate this tedious and time consuming process."
Price: 19.99 |
"Facebook Ad Tracking Secrets" |
"Its a fact that - Facebook Ads can be very profitable for your business. But its also a way to lose a lot of money if you dont do it right. What I mean is... Theres a lot of courses out there on ads but they assume you know how to setup the Facebook Pixel and implement the tracking within your funnel. The reality is there are standard events that track certain steps thru the funnel. Placing the same pixel code without any changes on all your pages wont do you any good. In short - How do you know when people visit your site, your shopping cart, and when they make a purchase? How do track when someone becomes a lead? Or perhaps they visit but dont purchase right away? How do you make ads to target those people? Without the proper pixel tracking in place, you would not know. This is why most people lose when it comes to paid traffic. Here Is what you will learn in this course:Video #1: Introduction to FB Tracking Have you ever wondered why your Facebook ads dont convert? The reason why is that most people do not train their Facebook pixel correctly. In this video, we will discuss what that means and why that is important. You will also be given a quick overview of the course itself and what you need to get started. Video #2: Business Manager Setup Before you create your Facebook pixel, lets discuss why you need to have a business manager. Theres a big reason why Facebook created the business manager and why you need to centralize access to all of your pages, your pixels, your ad accounts, and much more. Video #3: Create a Facebook Pixel Now, its time to show you how to create a Facebook pixel. Did you know that you can create several pixels per account? The big question is should you create a pixel for your whole business? Or should you create several different pixels? This is something that most people do not think about and they do it incorrectly. In fact, doing this wrong will give you horrible results. Video #4: Standard Events Overview Before I give you some practical application and real life examples, its important to understand why standard events are important and how they can tell you what is happening within your funnel. Video #5: Email Opt In Funnel Events The first real life practical example is a simple email opt-in funnel. This consists of a landing page that asks people to fill out their name and email address in exchange for something for free. In this video, youre going to learn how to know how many people visited your opt-in page and how many filled out the form. Or how many people visited the page, but did not fill out the form. Video #6: Abandoned Cart Funnel Events The next funnel is crucial if you are selling your product and have people abandoning the cart. Lets say for example that 100 people visit your site, and 10 people are interested in purchasing. So, they click the add to cart button but never purchase the product. Without the proper tracking, you would never know this information, and this is exactly how most business owners run their businesses. Youll learn how to properly set this up in this video. Video #7: Purchase Funnel Events Next up, you have the purchase funnel which is similar to the previous video. However, we will take it one step further. This allows you to see who came to your sales page and purchased versus who came to your sales page and did not purchase. This will allow you to re-target them at a later date. Or perhaps you want to run an ad solely to people who purchased? This is for you! Video #8: Lead Form Funnel A lot of consulting or service based businesses utilize this funnel. Basically, it consists of getting people to a page for the intent to fill out a form. Perhaps you want to get them to schedule an appointment so that you can sell to them at a later date. Video #9: How to Test Your Pixel Is Active Once you have installed new pixels throughout your funnel, the big question is - how do you know if it is working? How do you know if those standard event pixels were placed properly? More on that in this video. So, grab this video course today and begin setting up your Facebook ad pixel tracking the right way!"
Price: 19.99 |
"HTML + CSS" |
"dribbble HTML CSS"
Price: 39.99 |
PS |
Price: 19.99 |
"Film fonu, Bir Film Nasl ekilir? Bir Fikir Nasl Satlr?" |
"Uzun zamandr zerinde altm hzl, gereksiz bilgilerden arndrlm ve her an bilgi ieren bu eitim setini sizlerin huzuruna karyorum, Hogeldiniz!Bu eitim serisi ile;Kursun amalarndan birisi en ksa srede gerekli btn bilgileri vermektir yani uzun zaman harcamanz gerekmeden istediinizi alacaksnz.Kendi filminizi ekebilirsiniz.Projeniz iin kaynak(bte) bulabilirsiniz.Bir projenin ilk aamasndan son aamasna uzanan bir yolculua kacaksnz.Fikir veya senaryonuzu nasl gelitirebileceinizi ve hayata geirebileceinizi greceksiniz.Bir fikir veya senaryo nasl proje haline getirilir, bunu greceksiniz.Fikir veya senaryonuzu nasl satacanz greceksiniz. Satmak yerine gerekletirmek isterseniz, nasl fon bulunur ve fon kaynaklar nasl ikna olur bunu greceksiniz.Eksiksiz bir Gelitirme ve Yapm ncesi aamas greceksiniz.Sizi skmadan en ksa srede btn gerekli bilgileri aktaryorum. Ek kaynak linkler ve video iindeki dokmanlarla da eksikleri giderdim. htiyalarnz dorultusunda kendinize gre oluturabilirsiniz, her trl yapmda ok iinize yaracaktr.Videolarn iinde yer yer notlar bulunmakta yinede anlalmayan bir nokta olursa her zaman sorularnz bekliyorum.Bonus okuma ksmnda baz blmlerin geniletilmi halini verdim.Bu eitim setinin videolarn indirip kopyalayanlar, ekran kayd alanlar veya korsan ekilde baka kiilere izletenler hakknda dava alacaktr."
Price: 49.99 |
"Medical Devices Quality Management System - ISO 13485:2016" |
"The ISO 13485:2016 standard specifies requirements for the Medical Device Development and Quality Management System (QMS) that should be used by medical device-related companies. Having a proper QMS in place is essential for medical device-related companies. Global regulatory requirements emphasise this and make it mandatory for such standards to be adhered to by companies worldwide. With this need for implementation, comes a need for understanding of the requirements.The purpose of this course is to clarify the application of ISO 13485:2016 standards for medical device companies and development of the medical device. In this course, we will walk through the ISO 13485:2016 standard to: Clarify on the conceptsShow how it relates to business processesElaborate on the practical applicationYou can learn what the requirements are, and be aware of best practice guidelines that are beneficial to your operations. Furthermore, you can begin preparing your relevant set of documents (Quality Manual, SOPs, etc) for immediate implementation of your SOPs. Understand and implement a best-practice Quality Management System as per requirements for the medical industry. Get the information you need to design, coordinate and improve your company's QMS as per ISO 13485:2016."
Price: 139.99 |
"Internal audit on Medical Device QMS - ISO 13485:2016" |
"Internal audit on Medical Device QMS - ISO 13485:2016 is another course created by Stendard Academy to help you gain the skills, and learn how to be an internal auditor for the ISO 13485:2016 standard.In the course, we will cover the general principles of auditing, and walk through all the clauses in this standard, to provide a holistic picture of how audits are and can be performed. This will be done as part of a comprehensive mock audit, performed according to an audit checklist we crafted to thoroughly assess each line in the standard.The ISO 13485:2016 standard specifies requirements for the Medical Device Development and Quality Management System (QMS). It is an essential standard for medical device development companies. Besides being a common regulatory requirement, this standard, when adhered to, provides a Quality Management framework that supports quality products and processes.You may already have a good understanding of the ISO 13485:2016 standard. However, performing an audit according to the standard is a different matter, with the rigour expected.Learning these principles and knowing the documents and records required will be useful should you be in a position that requires you to be prepared for external audits, as similar principles apply.This course has been broken down into:General concepts and principles of auditingEstablishing and preparing for the auditPerforming the audit (How to conduct a mock audit based on compiled checklist?)Reporting the audit resultsPost-audit activities and CAPA planningFor the purpose of this course, we have also compiled a checklist that we would base our mock audit on. This checklist was put together by our team at Stendard in accordance to ISO 13485:2016. The full checklist is available and you will note that we synced it with requirements according to US FDA 21 CFR Part 820 as well. You can download the Audit Checklist.pdf in Section 3.2. and adapt it for your own organisation's usage. Your journey to successfully conducting an internal audit based on requirements of ISO 13485:2016 for Medical Device Development and QMS is only clicks away. We welcome onboard the Stendard Academy, we put quality at the centre of your business and make it easier!"
Price: 149.99 |
"GMP - Good Manufacturing Practice for Food (Awareness)" |
"Good Manufacturing Practices for Food Manufacturing, or GMP for short, is a fundamental topic for all companies in the food industry. While most relevant for companies involved in the actual manufacturing process, many of the points raised apply to distribution and logistics companies too.As a consumer, you probably can see the importance of how effective hygiene control is needed at every point of the food chain. GMP helps to assure that companies account for it.You might wonder: I am a food manufacturing company and want to start planning my GMP. How can I know the applicable requirements for me?If you are new to food manufacturing and looking to understand in-depth requirements of good manufacturing practices, this course would be a welcome treat for your very first step towards your compliance journey.Now, lets dive in! See you inside the course!"
Price: 129.99 |
"The Making of our Modern World - Part 1" |
"This course tackles some of the major themes of modernity. How did the Industrial Revolution change our world and how did our awesome powers of creation turn into the mass destruction of two world wars? How did the role of governments shift and what influence did grand theories like liberalism and communism have on our understanding of society?The lectures in this series will be followed up by part 2, which will tackle the Cold War, decolonisation and the advent of neoliberalism & globalisation."
Price: 19.99 |
"Trump & Kim Summit in Hanoi" |
"In six short videos, I contextualize the current Trump-Kim summit in Hanoi, Vietnam. We dive into some history and rather than answering all the questions, the viewer is encouraged to look further into some of the themes explored. Themes we cover are the end of WW2, Cold War in Asia, Chinese revolution, Korean War and American War in Vietnam. Finally, we look at the present."
Price: 19.99 |
"Can Humanity Beat Climate Change?" |
"Humanity is facing a climate emergency. On the one hand we have the science, which tells us major changes are required to keep our planet habitable, on the other hand we have politicians and fossil fuels companies who downplay this scenario, whilst reaping huge profits off their destructive practices. Can we change course? And if we can, what are some of the routes we can take?"
Price: 19.99 |