"Fundamentos del Anlisis de Puntos de Funcin" |
"La tcnica del Anlisis de Puntos de Funcin es considerada la principal herramienta para la medicin funcional de los productos de software y procesos involucrados en su desarrollo. Esta comprende conceptos que pueden ser entendidos tanto por el desarrollador como por los usuarios. Consecuentemente, la cuantificacin de la produccin pasa a ser expresada en trminos significativos para ambas partes.Dentro de las principales aplicaciones de la tcnica empleada en la industria de software se destacan:Estimacin de proyectos de desarrollo y mantenimiento de software.Medicin y remuneracin de contratos de desarrollo y mantenimiento de software.Soporte en la generacin de indicadores para iniciativas de mejoras de procesos de software.El objetivo del curso es presentar los fundamentos de la tcnica de Puntos de Funcin, los pasos y reglas de su proceso de medicin, as como ilustrar sus principales usos dentro de la industria del software (en especial estimaciones de proyectos y contratos de desarrollo y mantenimiento de sistemas)."
Price: 19.99 |
"Penny Stocks Trading 101" |
"This course is designed for every beginner trader willing to learn how to trade penny stocks.If you are wondering where to start you can stop searching the internet for missing pieces.Penny Stocks Trading 101 course delivers simply packaged trading education lectures for every beginner trader.LEARNTECHNICAL & FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSISREADING FINANCIAL STATEMENTSTRADINGSTRATEGIES for PENNYSTOCKSTRADE MANAGEMENTRISK & MONEY MANAGEMENTand MORE!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Programa Yakibilidade - Culinria Japonesa" |
"Programa Yakibilidade - A Culinria Japonesa DescomplicadaO Programa Yakibilidade um programa completo de ensino da culinria japonesa e chinesa com pratos quentes que todo mundo adora. Vamos te ensinar a preparar desde um Yakissoba bem diferenciado at pratos tradicionais da culinria japonesa que voc ainda no conhece como o Okonomiyaki, a panqueca japonesa que uma delcia, passando pelo frango frito ao estilo japons, o Karaagu e o Frango Xadrez que muito popular na culinria chinesa. Alm destes pratos maravilhosos, vamos te ensinar a base da culinria japonesa como o Teishoku completo e muitos outros pratos deliciosos que voc no pode deixar de aprender a preparar. Imagina voc sua famlia conseguindo fazer pratos asiticos que voc nunca imaginou que seria possvel aprender.Para quem pensa em abrir um Delivery de Comida Japonesa ou Chinesa, o Programa Yakibilidade foi criado pensando tambm em ensinar as principais receitas mais rentveis para o seu negcio baseado em receitas oficiais de grandes franquias de comida asitica.Um novo curso dos criadores do Sushibilidade, o melhor Curso de Sushi Online que existe. Descubra novos sabores e novas experincias gastronmicas com o melhor da culinria asitica."
Price: 189.99 |
"Audio professionale per video di qualit" |
"Questo corso mira all'acquisizione di nozioni teorico-pratiche relative al mondo dell'audio professionale e applicabili nel settore della produzione di contenuti video e multimediali.Il corso e, infatti, adatto non solo ai musicisti che vogliono capirne di piu delle tecniche di registrazione e di pulizia delle loro tracce audio ma anche (e soprattutto) ai videomakers, giornalisti e creatori di contenuti per il web che, per vari motivi, si trovano sempre a doversi improvvisare tecnici audio e a dover recuperare in post tracce audio sempre al limite della distorsione, della confusione, del caos.Per una maggiore facilita di comprensione degli argomenti trattati ho deciso di suddividere il tutto in due macro aree. Nella prima affronteremo insieme tutta la parte teorica riguardante le basi dell'acustica e dell'elettronica (ovviamente relativa al mondo audio) oltre alle differenti tipologie di microfoni e le relative possibilita di impiego, mentre nella seconda metteremo in pratica tutte le tecniche relative alla fase di acquisizione, editing e restauro delle tracce audio.Per quanto riguarda la parte relativa ai software utilizzati in ambito professionale ho pensato di analizzare quelli che piu utilizzo nel mio lavoro di filmmaker. Il primo e, ovviamente, quello che rappresenta uno standard in tutte le produzioni professionali: ProTools. Studieremo l'interfaccia grafica, gli shortcut e tutti gli aspetti necessari all'editing, il missaggio o il restauro delle nostre tracce audio. A ProTools, pero, ho deciso di affiancare anche una delle workstation audio gratuite che reputo la migliore alternativa al blasonato software di casa Avid: ovviamente stiamo parlando di Reaper.Grazie a questo corso capirai finalmente la differenza che un audio di qualita puo fare.Bisogna, infatti, considerare l'audio allo stesso livello del video, spesso addirittura bisogna dargli priorita, e questo perche un buon audio puo rendere anche molto interessante un video mediocre. Ma puoi dire lo stesso del contrario?"
Price: 199.99 |
"In this course I will explain the theoretical bases of Acoustics. Thanks to these simple lessons you will have a technical and theoretical background to deal with any type of audio production. This first part is dedicated to the theory of sound. Discover the other lessons to complete your course of study and start working in the field of professional audio!"
Price: 19.99 |
"In this course I will explain the path and the various types of audio signal. Thanks to these simple lessons you will have a technical and theoretical background to deal with any type of audio production. This second part is dedicated to the audio signal. Discover the other lessons to complete your course of study and start working in the field of professional audio!"
Price: 19.99 |
"In this course I will explain the Dynamics Processors used in Professional Audio Productions and all about the miking world. Thanks to these simple lessons you will have a technical and theoretical background to deal with any type of audio production. This part of the curriculum is dedicated to the outboards used in music and video enviroments. Discover the other lessons to complete your course of study and start working in the field of professional audio!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Overcoming Fear To Activate The Law Of Attraction" |
"Be honest... how many of you out there have tried and tried over and over to utilize the amazing Law Of Attraction yet have seen no results whatsoever? How many of you are tired of seeing all of the LOA guru's manifest their desires one after another, yet you can't seem to make anything happen for yourself?I use to be in this exact spot! I watched The Secret, listened to hours of AbrahamHicks audio, yet I couldn't figure out how to activate the Law Of Attraction in my life.After a couple more years of research and studying I finally found out the TRUTH!I found out the reason the Law Of Attraction was not working for me and it was all because I was living in FEAR and I didn't even know it!The truth is, as long as we are up high up on the vibrational spiral and feeling good the Law Of Attraction is constantly responding to us and sending us incredible thoughts and million dollar ideas... We are just unconsciously shutting them out because deep down we are afraid to move forward!I put together this course in hopes to share with you exactly what I've learned about putting fear to rest once and for all and allowing only good things to flow to you! It all comes down to finding what irrational fears exists inside you.. and then putting it to rest once and for all!Heres what you get:The Complete ""LOA Overcoming Fear"" Video Coursea 45 minute audio/video course that teaches everything you need to know about overcoming fear and obstacles that are unconsciously blocking theLaw Of Attraction from truly working in your life.""LOA Overcoming Fear"" Powerpoint Presentation for easy access for note-taking and review you will receive the entire Powerpoint Presentation for your own records.Best Fear Busting Affirmationsa list of some of the best affirmations for you to mediate to and/or recite in your every day life to start destroying the fear that is keeping all the things you want from coming into your life!This Video Course includes topics likeLaw Of Attraction 101 RECAP3 pillars of fear that are holding you backWhy you should only be feeling fear when you are about to dieHow to suspend limiting and negative beliefs about yourselfReplacing contradictory thoughts with confident thoughtsThe entire reason you exist on earthHow to become a limitless being in order to be, do, or have anything you desireSome of this stuff does require some practice and not everyone is guaranteed to succeed unless you put some effort into it, but Ive learned the hard way how to make the Law Of Attraction truly work in my life and I feel confident that this course will give you the information you need to overcome fear and start making the Law Of Attraction work for you!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Targeted Goal Mastery- The Power Process + 3 Bonus Modules!" |
"Welcome To Targeted Goal Mastery, where you will uncover the secret underlying mental processes that are currently stoping you from being as truly great as you can be! Goal setting, and performance success regarding new goal development and establishing your compelling vision, require specific mental processes that will be broken down step by step in this course. Here you will learn specific techniques incorporating Success Performance Psychology, Recent Neuroscience applications, Neuro-Linguistic Programing, and two powerful implementations for reprogramming your unconscious mind - Auto Suggestion & Self Hypnosis, as well as Guided imagery & Visualization for peak performance in an actual session that produces instant relaxation, stress release, and increased mental focus where you will then be paced through a performance enhancing visualization practice that will increase your efficacy, abilities, and empower you towards your new goals and vision. These are skills that you can start implementing immediately in your everyday life for positive character, and behavior alteration. In targeted goal mastery we will take a deep dive Into the first foundational element of any personal achievement, BELIEFS and the power that we allow them to hold over us and our behavior. We will perform a very in-depth values elicitation process to identify and codify the core personal values you currently hold as true for you. You will also learn how to adopt new beliefs and values in a systematic process that literally causes Neural plasticity (basically rewiring your brains neuronal connections) if there needs to be changes to create new neuronal paths allowing you to move past those unconscious blocks and achieve success! You will learn an advanced version of the ""Smart goals"" System.You will learn how to match those goals for congruency with your values. You will learn and create your own Autosuggestion/Self Hypnosis recording Bonus #1You will learn a unique and effectual progressive relaxation exercise to use in your every day life for an immediate stress release response, as well as preparing yourself for your autosuggestion and visualization practice sessions. Bonus #2You will learn and go through a guided imagery visualization session for peak performance enhancement and character alteration. Bonus #3We will practice and perform these powerful mental strategies for performance enhancement and success in your goal achievement in this course."
Price: 179.99 |
"Render de Producto 3ds Max Fotorrealismo para tus ideas" |
"En este curso aprenders desde 0 el uso y manejo del programa 3d Studio Max para obtener unos renders con un acabado profesional que podrs usar tanto para presentar tu producto como verlo en diferentes escenas. Aprenders a realizar render de estudio, render de claroscuro y render de producto en interior. Enfocado a emprendedores, diseadores, artistas y publicistas que desean llevar sus diseos al siguiente nivel de realidad."
Price: 24.99 |
ubchvqsk |
"10 - , , 40 ( 10 -12 , ) , , , 10 ( ) , , , , , , "
Price: 79.99 |
"MarketUP - O sistema de gesto gratuito para o seu negcio" |
"O MarketUP um Sistema de Gesto 100% gratuito que poder usado para diversos tipos de negcios. A proposta deste curso que voc saiba o que realmente essencial para iniciar o uso do sistema e assim aplicar rapidamente em seu negcio. Alm disso, so dadas diversas orientaes sobre empreendedorismo que vo alm do sistema. Neste curso, explico diversos termos tcnicos que a maioria no conhece, tornando a aprendizagem ainda mais fcil. Sem uso do ""tecniqus""."
Price: 39.99 |
"How to coach in the workplace" |
"Want to be the best manager your team has ever had? Master one remarkable skill... How To Coach!Youll discover how to become a coach leader who can inspire others and help them gain autonomy and confidence with thought provoking questions. We cover concepts that will help you increase performance and how using it will significantly improve your management abilities and raise your credibility as an innovative coach leader."
Price: 39.99 |
"Wellness for Women Self-Development Course" |
"Hi my name is Fiona George. Welcome to the Wellness for Women's Self-Development Course.I am an art therapist, crystal practitioner, artist, tutor and author.I am passionate to share knowledge of artwork, crystals and spiritual growth with women.We all have creativity within us. Showing you how to release it through artwork. Focusing on the mind, body and soul to ensure that you have a healthly balance. I have been using crystals for over 30years, working with the crystals and the chakra's for the past five years.Within this course you will learn self-development, meditation, creative journaling, crystals healing, essential Oils, archangels, music and artwork.The seven chakra's follow the colors of the rainbow. Each Chakra colour has an Crystal colour associated with it.ROOT CHAKRA: Colour - Red, Crystal -Red JasperSACRAL CHAKRA: Colour - Orange, Crystal - Tiger's EyeSOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA: Colour - Yellow, Crystal - CitrineHEART CHAKRA: Colour - Green, Crystal - JadeTHROAT CHAKRA: Colour - Blue, Crystal - TurquoiseTHIRD EYE CHAKRA: Colour - Indigo, Crystal - AmethystCROWN CHAKRA: Colour - Violet-White, Crystal - Clear Quartz"
Price: 79.99 |
"Complete Chinese Grammar Course - from HSK 1 ~ 6 16.5 hours" |
"This Chinese Grammar Course is designed for all Level 1 6 Chinese learners. It contains a full collection of all HSK 1 6 grammar points. Unlike other video lessons, this Mandarin Chinese course not only summarizes each grammar point, but also clears some common confusion over key grammar rules. All the Chinese lessons are hosted by the professional Chinese teachers who provide concise and clear lessons with plenty of examples. This Chinese language course is idea for every Chinese learner! Choose your level, choose your problem areas - start revising, start studying."
Price: 59.99 |
jibun-business |
Price: 24000.00 |
"Anestesia Local em Odontologia - Conceitos Prticos" |
"Masterize uma habilidade que o ajudar durante toda sua carreira profissional. O domnio da anestesiologia odontolgica est fundamentada em 5 pilares: 1 - Dominar o armamentrio & instrumental; 2 - Conhecer as solues anestsicas; 3 - Ter confiana em determinar a dose mxima; 4 - Conhecer todas as tcnicas anestsicas, entendo a internao com um plexo e no como nervos isolados; 5 - Saber reconhecer e lidar com complicaes sistmicas e locais. Nesse curso esses 5 pilares so abordados de forma didtica e direta, com conceitos prticos, apresentados por quem vivem o que ensina - na prtica."
Price: 579.99 |
"SAP Smartforms" |
"Enviar, visualizar e imprimir documentos en formatos personalizados, son tareas cotidianas para cualquier mdulo de SAP que manejemos, independientemente de la empresa que nos encontremos necesitaremos emitir una confirmacin de recepcin de materiales, enviar un aviso de pago o imprimir una factura. Para cumplir ese tipo de tarea, SAP R3 pone a nuestra disposicin tres herramientas de generacin de formularios: Sapscripts, Smartforms y Adobe Forms.En este curso nos centraremos en todo lo referente a los Smartforms. Abordaremos, desde la creacin del programa impresor, pasando por la personalizacin del formulario y su mantenimiento hasta las distintas formas que tenemos para el envo.Al finalizar las lecciones, tendrs el conocimiento para:Crear y personalizar un formulario con todos sus elementos.Crear y mantener textos e imgenes dinmicas asociados a un formulario.Hacer debug al cdigo de un smartform.Crear formularios con grficos estadsticos, imgenes y cdigos de barra.Enviar formularios adjuntos en correos directamente desde SAP.Generar smartforms en diferentes formatos.El contenido de los videos se encuentra disponible en archivos PDF adjuntos a cada clase.Incluye videos y recursos para instalacin de SAPlocal (Mini SAP)."
Price: 19.99 |
"Kubernetes y docker en AWS desde cero" |
"Con este curso adems de repasar un poco de docker, aprenders a gestionar e instalar desde cero un cluster de kubernetes en AWS, tanto usando las herrmientas nativas de AWS como herramientas de terceros como KOPS.El curso est orientado a administradores de sistemas con al menos un ao de experiencia en sistemas y linux y conocimientos bsicos de docker ."
Price: 19.99 |
"2020 Mobile App Marketing & App Store Optimization ASO" |
"HIGHEST-RATED APP MARKETING COURSE ON UDEMY! ________________________________________________________________""These lessons are clear and Straight to the point! He really knows the app market and how to be successful! I Already feel i know what my strategy will be for my business."" - Derrick Dandin""Wow amazing course! Great flow, not a discombobulated mess like some of the other app courses. Taking copious notes!"" - Matt Menster""As a mobile app developer, I can create amazing apps, but I had no idea how to market the app. Darius really know what he's doing. He walks you step by step so that you know what you are doing. Highly recommend."" - Lubomir Klucka""I really was not expecting to learn so much about app marketing! Darius is definitely knowledgeable on the topic, and I cannot wait to use all the tools he talked about and to apply all the strategies he explained!"" - Vess Gueorguieva________________________________________________________________This course is designed for people who are in the process of launching an app or have already done so and want to get more users in order to generate more revenue with ASO. I'm not just a theoretical teacher, I am currently growing a massive app business AND consulting other people who are launching their apps and want to get more quality users. My consulting rate is too high if you're just starting out which is why I have created this affordable course. What you can expect: 1. I will give you the 2019 strategies and trends that are moving the app business right now.2. I will show you step-by-step as I launch a new app and offer an over-the-shoulder view of everything I am doing and how you can do the same3. You will get me personally to give you a free audit of your app set-up, strategy, ASO, acquisition, pricing, monetisation and more. Bonus: 1. How to get featured on the App Store or Play Store (it's not as easy as filling out the /promo form)2. How to get influencers for free and get free promotion3. How to raise capital for your app if you want to create a ""real"" company, not just a lifestyle business Why this course is different: 1. We are going to be REVENUE-FOCUSED with ASO. It's easy to get a lot of install (that are worthless in dollar value), but we will dive deep into strategies, techniques and tips on generating AND growing your revenue. 2. This is the most up-to-date course. it was all recorded in 2019 and I go back at least once a week to update the content and record new videos based on the latest strategies that work. 3. This is the most comprehensive course about app marketing you will find online. I have recorded everything I know from my 8+ years of app marketing experience. REMEMBER: there is a 30-day money back guarantee. No risk. You can go through the entire course and if you don't like it, simply get your money back. No questions asked."
Price: 199.99 |
"2020 Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads Social marketing" |
"Do you want to make money with Facebook Ads and Instagram ads? I will show you step-by-step exactly how I create profitable Facebook and Instagram ads for any product or service.My system for success is easily replicable by anyone armed with the knowledge in this course. Maybe youve never created ads before. Or maybe you tried, but youre not getting the results you want. Im here to help.My name is Darius. Im a serial entrepreneur, startup co-founder and a marketer with more than 8 years of experience. Im also the creator of the highest-rated marketing course here on Udemy.Currently, Im profitably spending thousands of dollars per day in ad-spend. During my career, Ive spent more than a million dollars in advertising and I cant wait to share with you every secret Ive learned.With these insights, I was able to launch new products, build a business in Silicon Valley, advertise my consulting services and fulfill my lifetime dream of becoming a digital nomad.I live in a new country every month and absolutely love the lifestyle I designed. I just came back from the US and next up I will stay in Portugal as I learn to surf. I was even invited to become a keynote speaker at conferences and share my Facebook marketing insights.Any ordinary person, like you and me, can make Facebook and Instagram ads work. At the end of the day, you deserve to live your ultimate life, without slaving away at a boring 9-5 job you hate. For me, it about having the time, money and freedom to enjoy this one life we were given.By the end of this course, you will have the confidence to advertise any product or service.If you have an idea for a product, Section 5 will show you how to test that idea and bring it to reality without wasting your money with traffic campaigns.Here I will also walk you through building a personal brand or becoming an affiliate marketer.In section 7 you will learn to advertise any mobile app with app-install campaigns.In section 8 I will show you how to sell any physical or digital product with conversion campaigns.If you dont have your own product, in section 9 I will show you how to become a consultant and help others grow their business while charging $100 / hour right from the beginning, as I did. This single chapter alone is worth thousands of dollars.In Section 10 I will teach you to create amazing content even if youre not a very creative person so you can become a content producer.If you are an employee in a company, section 11 will teach you how to optimize and scale ads for business.I have designed the course to take complete beginners with zero experience and progress into the most advanced strategies and growth hacks that I am using today. Were going to cover all the important aspects without wasting your time. Youll learn aboutGrowing your Facebook pages and Instagram profilesSetting up your first campaignTargeting the perfect audienceRetargeting ideal customers with Facebook PixelThe new secret feature of poll adsAll types of creatives like videos, images, carousel, slideshows, dynamic adsUsing micro-influencersAutomation tools to free up your timeand so much moreThe ideal student for this course is anyone who wants to sell products or services online. You dont need a huge budget, you can start with $5.It doesnt matter which country youre based in, how old or young you are. There are no requirements to join this course. The only thing you need is a willingness to learn.Everything in this course is completely up to date. I come back here almost every single day, answer your questions, participate in Q&A and update the lessons.As always, I have a 100%, 30-day money-back guarantee so there is zero risk and no reason to hesitate. Right now in 2019 Facebook and Instagram ads are the most effective advertising platform in the world.At first, it can seem overwhelming, but once you get it, my system for success is easy and replicable. This is the right time to take advantage of the huge opportunity that Facebook has created for us. Next up, enroll in the course and lets get you started."
Price: 199.99 |
thetennisschool |
". 10 , . , , . , ."
Price: 94.99 |
"Python 3.7 Eitim Seti" |
"Python 3.7 Eitimine Ho Geldiniz.Bu kursta ok ksa srede sfrdan bir programlama dili reneceksiniz ve programlamann mantn anlayp yeni dillere kap aabileceksiniz.Hzl bir ekilde Python renmek istiyorsanz bu kursu karmayn!Kurs Boyunca Neler reneceksiniz ?Neden Python ?Pythonda Nesneler ve Veri YaplarKoullu Durumlar KullanmaDng fadelerini KullanmaFonksiyon ve Metod YazmaHata Yakalama Bloklarn KullanmaDosyalama lemleriVeri Taban lemleri ve SQLite VeritabanVeri Taban Taraycs KullanmaNesne Tabanl Programlama (OOP)Kurs Boyunca sorularnz soru&cevap ksmndan sorabilirsiniz.Elimden geldiince bunlara cevap vermeye alacam.Kursa Yeni erikler-Konular Eklenmeye Devam Edecektir.."
Price: 179.99 |
"Master Machine Learning , Deep Learning with Python" |
"Let me begin by telling secrets of mastery of machine learning. # Secret 1 - The overall secret is machine learning is to know what not to learn. Given the amount of information in machine learning it is important to focus on important concepts and not get distracted.#Secret 2 - The requirement of maths and statistics is very shallow. In general people think that to master machine learning one needs to know lot of maths and statistics. That is not true. When it comes to applying machine learning, the knowledge of maths and statistics is limited. The way to think about this to compare with knowledge of database indexes. You need to master the best practices of using database indexes. You don't need to know how databases indexes algorithms work. The same holds for machine learning concepts.#Secret 3 - The key skill to master machine learning is fine tuning. Any experienced ML expert will tell you that the maximum time that goes in taking machine learning problems to production is optimisation. Hence ,is important to understand terms like overfitting ,underfitting sensitivity, specificity, precision, ROC, AUC. The course spends lot of time on these key fundamental concepts. Also the likes of Google and Amazon are producing tools like AutoML where the requirement of coding is close to zero. But what is still required are the fundamental concepts. The world of tomorrow of data science is less of coding but more key concepts.A journey of thousand miles begins with first step. You always wanted to learn machine learning but many factors stopped you - fear of Maths , Statistics , the complexity of subject. Today is the day to break away from those fears. Enrol in the machine learning course and see for yourself that mastering machine learning can be simplified. Following are topics the course covers. The course uses Google Python notebooks. You see the code results immediately.Fundamentals of machine learning - Cost Functions, Labelled and Unlabelled data, Feature weights, Training and Testing Cross Validation.Feature Engineering - Normalization, StandardizationLinear RegressionClassification - Concepts about True Positive, True Negative, Sensitivity, Specificity, Precision, ROC, AUC, Confusion MatrixKNN - AlgorithmOverFitting and UnderFittingRegularizationDecision Trees - Entropy, Information GainBagging and BoostingUnsupervised Learning - K-MeansDeep Learning - Weights, Bias, Epochs, Gradient Descent,Batch, Stochastic Gradient Descent , Mini BatchAppendix course on Numpy and Pandas have also been added.Following are essential points before taking the courseA good knowledge of Python, Numpy and Pandas is required. Please don't proceed with the course unless you master it.You need to be patient. Please be prepared to spend two to four months to digest these concepts if you are completely new to machine learning."
Price: 24.99 |
cronis_bst |
""" "" Cronis computer science. , , , , , . , . - . , . - !"
Price: 34.99 |
". Big O" |
", , . "" . Big O"" , , , , , , . , 15 , Google, Facebook, Amazon. . . . - ! Cronis Computer Science. : !"
Price: 99.99 |
"Algorithms Complexity and Big O Notation" |
"To develop effective code, each developer needs to know how to evaluate the complexity of the algorithms.The course ""Big O Notation. Algorithms Complexity Evaluation."" in simple language explains the mathematics behind the complexity of algorithms, cases of complexity, the complexity of recursion, strings, amortized analysis and space complexity. In addition we solve 15 examples, some of which are found in interviews on Google, Facebook, Amazon.We have reworked many books and articles to the most effective for perception and understanding form. As a result this course is independent by its nature and does not require studying of any additional materials. Basic programming skills is the only requirement to understand the course!Important note: you can always pause the video and process into every aspect of the material in detail!"
Price: 99.99 |
binary_system |
"-, -, blockchain, . , , . :"
Price: 99.99 |
"PMP 6th Edition Questions & Answers" |
"PMI changing their style of questions rapidly, these question have been designed to set the student mind on the right way of answering the questions in the exam. The most important PMP exam prep activity is to answer as many questions as you possibly can to PASS with confident. My advice to you is read pmbok twice before attempting the exam to make use of the question. understand the relationship between knowledge areas then do the exam. Do not memorize the answers it will damage your understanding. exam have been divided into 4 parts each part contain 50 Q. try to Get 85/100 in each part to ensure that you digest all type of questions."
Price: 19.99 |
"CompTIA SY0-501 Questions & Answers" |
"CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 is the Globally Known Security Certificate.CompTIA Security+ Certification clearly show the existence foundational IT security knowledge. Security+ certification proves an IT security professional's competency in topics such as system security, risk management, network infrastructure, access control and organizational security. CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Questions & Answers will help you to understand the type of questions that you will face in the Exam. Passing the Security + Exam is the Jumpstart in your Cyber Security Career.DOMAIN PERCENTAGE OF EXAMINATION Threats, Attacks and Vulnerabilities 21% Technologies and Tools 22% Architecture and Design 15% Identity and Access Management 16% Risk Management 14% Cryptography and PKI 12%Total 100%"
Price: 19.99 |