"Finding an Internship / job in France" |
"This course was made to help foreign students and job seekers who want or who already are in France,land a job or an internship, it is a detailed course to be followed fully, giving general to specific information on what you should do if you're ever planning on coming to work and live in France !"
Price: 99.99 |
"Design de Produtos e Moblias em 3dsmax. Do zero ao Ps." |
"Apresentao:O curso: Design de Produtos e Moblias em 3dsmax. Do zero ao Ps um treinamento bsico para quem quer aprender a modelar, texturizar no 3dsmax 2017, com nfase em moblias e produtos e renderizar no VRay 3.4.O Curso possui 58 aulas, com modelagem, texturizao, materiais e renderizao em VRay 3.4. Sempre na ltima aula de cada projeto, existe a ps-produo no Photoshop.Mveis Sob Medida e Produtos:Um curso bsico de Mveis e produtos sob medida para quem quer entrar na rea de design de produtos, desta forma, todos os produtos e moblias desenvolvidos no mesmo so encontrados a venda em lojas. No existem produtos fictcios.Iluminao de EstdioOs produtos sero desenvolvidos em uma cena com iluminao de Studio e sombras suaves. Desta forma voc poder utilizar essa cena para desenvolver seus prprios produtos.A cena j estar toda configura e pronta apenas para inserir os produtos nela.Materiais e TexturasSero desenvolvidas todas as configuraes de materiais dos produtos apresentados. Junto com dezenas de aulas sobre conceitos de desenvolvimento de materiais e texturas sem emendas. Nenhuma configurao retirada da internet, todas sero desenvolvidas durante o curso.Ps Produo no PhotoshopAps modelagem, texturizao e renderizao, cada produto ser salvo de uma maneira especifica para a imagem poder ser tratada no Photoshop. Os produtos desenvolvidos tem como ltima aula a ps produo, onde a imagem corrigida para a entrega final ao cliente"
Price: 39.99 |
"3DSMax para quem tem medo de 3DSMax" |
"Aprenda neste curso rpido e direto as ferramentas bsicas do 3dsmax. Para quem no tem nenhum conhecimento no programa. Aulas rpidas e diretas. Sem enrolao. A mdia das aulas so de 2 minutos. Explicando claramente o que faz cada ferramenta sem deixar margem a duvidas. Aprenda Sem Sair de Casa e Sem Pagar Mensalidade. Curso Completo e gratuito."
Price: 39.99 |
Awakenings-Online |
"Introductory course to the path of enlightenment. Release your inner Light-Worker and build self awareness. This course is for beginners, it will have all the information you need to start your new journey towards being a Light-Worker. This is the first course in a progressive series of spiritually awakening programs."
Price: 69.99 |
"Urgncia e Emergncia - Direto ao Ponto" |
"Desenvolvemos esse curso para profissionais que tem pouco tempo disponvel na rotina, sem enrolao apresentamos os principais e mais importantes pontos do atendimento de urgncia de forma objetiva e direta.Alm disso, o contedo todo adaptado para voc conseguir estudar pelo seu celular!!!! O curso composto de vdeo aulas explicativas.CONTEDO* Introduo;* Aspectos Legais;* Segurana do Paciente;* Segurana do Profissional;* Parada Cardiorrespiratria;* Avaliao de Sinais Vitais;* Estado de Mal Sbito;* Dor Torcica;* Sincope;* Crise Convulsiva;* Obstruo de Vias Areas;* Ferimentos;* Fraturas;* Hemorragias;* Queimaduras;"
Price: 54.99 |
Trigonometry |
"Here's a small practice test to check how much know someone for trigonometry. In the first practice test has 4 questions which are testing your level in basic rules of trigonometry. In the second practice test has 4 questions again and is testing your ability to find the appropriate formula for the function given. You have 10 minutes per practise test and you have to have the half questions to pass the tests. Good luck!"
Price: 19.99 |
"ALGERIAN COUSCOUS :traditional recipe easy to make & healthy" |
"Do you have an idea about Algerian Cuisine ? , do you have the chance to taste one of the most popular recipe in Algeria? have you think how you can prepare it ?Do you want to learn how to cook a delicious Algerian Couscous recipe by the traditional and healthy way ?Now its your right place.You'll know the benefits of the Algerian food as it is one of the healthiest food in the Mideterranean basin. It contains very little fat but a variety of ingredients, specially vegetables and spices. You'll have a detailed explanation of the most famous dishes through simple videos ;-Couscous By the end, you'll be able to prepare these dishes by yourself and enjoy the Algerian cuisine with friends and family"
Price: 49.99 |
"Build a High Converting Shopify Dropshipping Store - 90 Mins" |
"Introduction... Shopify! The easiest way to build a Shopify Dropshipping eCommerce store in 90 minutes or less without any coding experience.Online retail and eCommerce is growing quickly. In the 4 day span of Black Friday to Cyber Monday in 2018 the eCommerce market broke an all-time high of recorded sales equaling a total of $7.9 billion. Yep, you read that correctly. Not to mention this was an industry increase of 19.3% from 2017.The road to creating a Shopify Dropshipping store can seem difficult and confusing if you don't know the proper tools to use. Without previous experience in web designing and vast knowledge about CSS and HTML coding, many people worry that they will not be able to start their own store without paying hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars for a professional to do it for them.Have NO fear! If youre thinking of creating your own Shopify Dropshipping store and dont know how to do, it then this course is the perfect solution for you.In this course we will go over the following:Creating a Shopify accountProperly setting up all of the back-end technical settings (Payment Processing, Checkout Procedures, Shipping Rates, Taxes, Privacy Policy, Refund Policy, Terms of Service and much more)Install and source products from OberloImport products directly to your Shopify Dropshipping storeEdit product information, descriptions and pricingBuilding out a high converting front end to your Shopify Dropshipping StoreEditing store navigation menus on your Shopify DropshippingConnecting a domain to your store (LIVE SITE)Remember, this course is only available online, you won't find it anywhere else. Take advantage of this special offer while it lasts.There's a 30-day no-risk money back guarantee so say ""yes"" now, enroll today and decide later!"
Price: 79.99 |
"Diseo de Webs y Blogs Profesionales de 0 a 100." |
"Crea y Disea tu propia Web, Blog o Tienda Online de forma fcil y profesional.Aprende a proteger contra ataques de hacker, hacer copias de seguridad y otras opciones.Posiciona tu Web en Google y usa las redes sociales para atraer trfico y visitas a tu webHaz que tu pgina Web salga en las primeras posiciones de Google."
Price: 29.99 |
"Curso Emprendimiento ""Emprender y triunfar en el intento""" |
"Cuando pensamos en emprender, encontramos mucha informacin acerca los consejos habituales de cmo HACER empresa, basados en aspectos acadmicos de investigaciones de mercado, planes de negocio, estrategias de mercadeo y ventas, flujos de caja Lo que nadie nos dice es que para obtener resultados exitosos en la vida es tan importante el HACER como el SER, por eso este entrenamiento se enfoca en cmo SER un excelente empresario. En l se propone una travesa prctica, sencilla y muy entretenida para saber abordar el mundo que existe detrs del gran proyecto de crear empresa, explicando cmo hacerlo de la manera correcta, utilizando todo nuestro potencial interior y encontrando el equilibrio en todos los aspectos de la vida para saber enfrentar los retos del emprendimiento, sus frustraciones y as triunfar en el intento. T puedes ser un gran empresario y siguiendo a conciencia esta gua, el xito ser inevitable."
Price: 19.99 |
"Discover Your Life Purpose" |
"My life purpose is to enable people to discover and live their life purpose, and I am living this purpose day in day out. So one day, someone shared with me about his work and how he feels about it, and at the end of his story, he asked me:""So Mr. Ali, what is my life purpose?""People who know you deep enough might have an idea about your purpose. Furthermore, if they knowledge about what life purpose is and how to discover it, they might even guide you to discover it. Ultimately, to really know whether a particular purpose is yours or not, the only person who can truly answer with full certainty, is you. Because your life purpose belongs to you. That is why its your purpose.To discover your life purpose, the most important person you need to ask, is you. To be more specific, you means your heart. This discovery process requires you to connect more with your heart, your true feeling, rather than your logic. This doesnt mean you dont use any logic at all, of course. But relying only on your logic will not get you to discover your life purpose.Your logic has been shaped by the influence of other peoples ideas and opinions. You consciously and, especially subconsciously, learn and absorb them. So regardless what are the ideas or opinions, your logic is not purely you. But what you truly feel, in your heart, is truly you. If you only rely on your logic to discover your life purpose, it will come up to you with questions like How am I going to do it?, How will I get the money?, Whos going to help me?, and so on. They are all valid and very logical questions to ask. But first of all, you havent gained that clarity yet about your life purpose, so asking about how to do it is, again irrelevant, and even misguiding.15 years ago I applied for a position in my organization, and asked my friend to wish me luck, to which he responded:""No, I won't.""Still surprised with his response, and even before I could say anything back, he continued:""I do wish you to get the position. But I won't wish you luck. Because what's the point of getting it just because of luck. I wish you to get the job because you earn it. Because you truly prepare for it.""As I stood there quietly, trying to sink his message as deep as possible, he continued:""And when you got the job, I won't wish you luck either. Because what's the point of succeeding in the job just because of luck. I wish you to face tremendous challenges in that job, and I wish you to overcome them, maybe all of them or maybe not. But I wish you to gain valuable lessons that accelerate your growth and wisdom as a person. That would be the best you can get from it. So I wish you the best, Ali.""Wishing is good. It's important. But it's not enough and you know it. A special life takes a special effort. A special journey.In this course, well guide you step by step to get more clarity about your life purpose, to start your special journey, starting from asking deep inside yourself and walking your own path, to use more of your heart than your logic."
Price: 179.99 |
"Hacking Your Negative Emotional Habits" |
"Happiness is a value that we all want to experience as often as possible. Everybody wants a happy life, yet only a tiny fraction of this planet's population are actually living it. Why?Grab a basketball and shoot the ball from the three point line. After one or many tries, the ball finally goes in. You have now experienced making a shot from the three point line. But because you've experienced it, doesn't make you a master in making 3 point shot. Not unless you keep learning the knowledge and continue practicing the shot in different situations and environments.Well, just because you have experienced the feeling of happiness, it doesn't make you a master in living a happy life either. Not unless you keep learning the knowledge and continue practicing happiness in different situations and environments.So, don't be like most people who just assume they know the (real) reason why they're happy. There are knowledge and science about happiness. Study it and be smart about it.Understand happiness not as something that you get, but as as a skill you need to do and continuously learn and practice. After you learn the theory of making a 3 point shot, how do you actually become a master at it? Yes, you guessed it. Practice, practice and practice.But you don't become a master if you only practice when there's no one there guarding you. You need to continuously upgrade the level of challenge. You need to practice with people guarding you, then with the crowd against, then when score is tight, and on with more challenging environment.To become a master in living a happy life, the key is practicing this skill when your environment is more challenging than before. That's your golden opportunity to practice living a happy life.One of the important skill is managing your emotional habits. Part of creating your happy life involves removing things that drain you, and that includes your negative emotional habits. Like it or not, negative habits are bad for you mentally, physically, emotionally and even socially in some cases. Furthermore, this skill includes building new and more empowering habits.In this course, well guide you step by step to eliminate negativity and live more positive life, starting from fully understanding about emotions, asking deep inside yourself and practicing to your own daily life path.Remember, it's not getting a happy life. It's living a happy life.Happy practicing, and practice it happily."
Price: 124.99 |
"UX Design College Class taught by a University UX Instructor" |
"Learn User ResearchLearn how to set goalsCreate User interview ScriptsHow to Synthesize Research InsightsWrite Problem StatementsCreate Customer Journey MapsUse UX sketching FrameworksCreate Wireframes using adobe XD and examples of good and not good wireframe designsHow to do user testing and user testing synthesisHow do create a design systemHow do apply visual design to your wireframeBest practices when creating a design resumeLearn to outline on how to create good UX case studyDownload all the files you see in the videos including the Adobe XD design files"
Price: 159.99 |
"Learn Figma - Design & Prototype a Mobile UI/UX Experience" |
"In this class, I have created a figma file for you to download and I will walk you through step-by-step, how to create a fully-functional prototype using the design tool Figma. Here is the class agenda:Intro to Figma design tool & file walkthroughHow to design a login & signup experienceHow to design a shopping experienceHow to design checkout experienceHow to design profile & order history screensHow to create & use a component libraryHow to create & share a clickable prototype + smart animate and other transition effectsHow to invite others & collaboration in figmaHow to export UI assets & inspect code for engineeringFigma keyboard short cutsHow to use figma plugins & GUI KitsHow to create comments & review comments in figmaFinal thoughts & going forward"
Price: 59.99 |
"Diseo de redes - Basado en CCDA" |
"Este Curso de basado en Cisco CCDA, est orientado a analistas de redes y comunicaciones, administradores de redes, ingenieros de diseo de redes, ingenieros de sistemas y personas interesadas en el diseo de redes.El propsito de este curso es entregar a los estudiantes las directrices, conocimiento y habilidades globales necesarios para lograr un nivel de competencia general para el diseo de red.Audio y Video mejorado, en comparacin con el curso de inicio, ademas de entregar ms horas de contenido claves para entender el diseo de las redes a mediana escala y redes enterprise. CCDA (Cisco Certified Design Associate)Introduccion:La certificacion CCDA (Cisco Certified Design Associate) indica un profundo conocimiento en el diseo de redes dentro de lo que es conocido como Cisco Internetwork Infrastructure. Los profesionales certificados en CCDA pueden disear infraestructuras de redes mediente routers y switches abarcando redes LAN, WAN y servicios de acceso remoto para negocios y empresas.Este curso busca que ustedes adquieran la base para luego profundizar y poder interiorizarse ms aun con los temas de Diseo de Redes, y luego idealmente buscar que los estudiantes aspiren a rendir el examen de certificacin 200-310, previa exhaustiva y seria preparacin.Este curso la idea es cada mes ( It's alive ...) agregar contenido e ir agregando cada vez ms informacin relevante, en relacin a lo que es el diseo de redes, en este caso basado en tecnologas y directrices de CISCO."
Price: 19.99 |
"Practical demonstrations and lectures of CCNA Routing & Switching. Students will acquire more than enough knowledge upon completion. its advised that students should practice all the labs before attempting exams and prepare with moc questions to experience the real exam environment. Labs are demonstrated using Cisco's simulator Packet Tracer. But you can also use GNS3 or IOU kind of tools for more understanding (contact me for any help on this). The students can contact me for any support on the lab setup and more explanations if necessary."
Price: 19.99 |
"Ayurveda Secret Marma Therapy Massage/Self Healing Course" |
"Among the hidden sciences (Gupta Vidya) of India, Marma science is the most important.Marmas are not superficial landmarks on the body surface but these are deep-seated important physio-anatomical structures. Far more powerful than any Acupressure, Acupuncture, Tapping points. Marma Therapy is a Science that was preserved and associated largely as a support to martial arts and warfare can now be used and applied for normal healing on a wide range of physical and mental diseases as a result of research and application, since 1993, of this little known branch of Ayurveda. Marma science and therapy, based on re-energizing vital points in the body, this course releases it from its hidden status as Gupta Vidya, known in a limited way to a few practitioners.Marma science and marma therapy is an untouched chapter of Indian Surgery. With the exploration of marma science the whole scenario of Indian Surgery may change in multidimensional approaches.Marma therapy is the original point system of healing in the body. As it spread out of India, it influenced the development of Chinese acupuncture and Kung fu. Its origins are South India within a martial arts tradition known as Kalaripayattu. It was utilized to defend kingdoms during times when expertise in hand-to-hand combat was the mark of a great warrior. These ancient warriors understood subtle energy, and they used their knowledge to disable or kill an opponent.Marma therapy is an ancient Indian practice whose focus is the manipulation of subtle energy (prana) in the body for the purposes of supporting the healing process. Marma therapy is based on the utilization of 107 points in the body which are considered to be access points to body, mind, and consciousness. Knowledge of Marma allows the practitioner to influence the flow of prana through both the gross and subtle bodies for the purposes of restoring health and peace of mind.To simplify you can think of Marma Therapy as acupuncture without needles.Marma science is the combination of scientific attitude and religious practices by the mediation of experiential philosophy and is part of the human beings' long experience in day to day life for the achievement of mortal and immortal gains.In scientific, mortal state, nothing can be absolutely provided because the scientific results are predicated on assumptions.Marma science is an instant, permanent, natural, non-invasive way of healing today, because it succeeds in conserving many of the highest moral values of its adherents.It promotes calmness; self control, self healing, realization and happiness and does much to prevent sufferings and sorrow."
Price: 199.99 |
"Pyramid Energy Healing Certificate Course" |
"The pyramid has been a sacred shape for thousands of years, dating back to ancient Egypt, where Egyptians believed it represented the descending rays of the sun. They believed pyramids were powerful for spiritual initiation and symbolized mans inner quest. The pyramids power is considered to have supernatural or paranormal properties.This is a step by step system to help anyone learn Pyramid Energy Healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet. This course will give you a deep understanding of how to harness Pyramid energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to make and use Pyramids for self use and using for your clients of family/friends with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire and educate you ---- in my own unique style. Pyramid Energy is breathtaking , ancient, supernatural and WORKS.We all have this extraordinary healing potential - and at this CRAZY time on earth, it is essential that we tap into this life giving energy and use it for the betterment of humanity.If you have done Reiki, Pranic Healing, Crystal Healing or any other Energy Healing and want to take your practice deeper, this is a perfect compliment that will deepen your understanding and give you a more creative approach to heal your clients. I invite you in to this course which I have slaved and prayed and blazed over."
Price: 199.99 |
"Magnet Healing Therapy Course" |
"Get attracted to the idea of healing using a magnetUntil recently, scientists thought that humans were biochemical beings, however there are many who now believe that we are electromagnetic creatures. This assumption opens up a lot of doors as recently magnetic therapy has resurfaced to help treat physical impairments like spinal cord injury (SCI), multiple sclerosis (MS), and post polio syndrome. If are looking for an alternative treatment for some form of physical impairment you have come to the right place. This Certified Diploma in Magnetic Therapy course will help you by teaching how to use magnets in the healing arts.From this diploma level course, you will initially get a basic idea about magnetic healing and learn about the different features of magnets. You will explore how magnets help in healing your bodies and relieve pain. Discover how to put magnets to work and the conditions that can be treated using magnets. Finally you will also learn to relive your stress using these amazing solutions.Now stop wondering why you were attracted to this course, just take a peek inside to see and discover the solution to your health problems.Many illnesses can be cured and prevented by the use of magnets, It is a simple, safe and effective treatment. Magnet Therapy is based on the principle that illnesses are the result of an imbalance between various electromagnetic forces present within the body, and treatment restores the natural balance of forces. This course is designed to help students achieve the detailed overview of therapeutic magnets. What could be safer than curing Ill bodies with the help of therapeutic magnets. Magnet therapy is the most effective treatment. In this course you will learn how magnets can help in curing our bodies. Students will discover a large number of effects on magnetic force on the body. This course will help you learn how magnets can you relief the pain in the body. You will also be taught about the advantages of magnet therapy."
Price: 199.99 |
"Most Powerful Ancient SunMeditation Certification+ MP3 Audio" |
"Life exists on planet earth because of the sun. Worshipping the sun has been a daily practice in many cultures. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Sandhya Vandanam (worshipping the sun at sunrise and sunset) is very auspicious and good for the body and the mind. The sages and preceptors have advised us to meditate during the morning and evening. The Sun Meditation taught by Dr. Himani Vashishta is very simple, yet very soothing and Powerful and energizes the whole body and calms the mind. This meditation is done in the morning when the sun is rising.This meditation technique is taken From Bhavishya Puran- A 5000 Years old Hindu Text .Directly Harness Sun Prana (Life Energy).Power Of this meditation can be understood by the fact that some of Sun Meditation practitioners in India, can live whole life without food & Water. Though I wouldn't recommend this.Powerful Sun Mantra Chanting included, that gives incredible results and power.Energy Level that you have never felt before.This meditation gives you immense worldly power too, other than spiritual development. Those who quickly want to rise in career, want to have name, fame or be at very higher position or in politics or want to be a public figure this meditation is the key.Healers & Psychics must opt for this course.This meditation gives you immense worldly power too, other than spiritual development. Those who quickly want to rise in career, want to have name, fame or be at very higher position or in politics or want to be a public figure this meditation is the key.Healers & Psychics must opt for this course.Bring intuitive knowledge, deep understanding, strong spirituality, and an enhanced sense of awe.Enable spiritual growth and one experiences connection with the higher or universal Consciousness. Also, one can feel deep serenity and joy because one is able to trust in the universe and live with gratitude and peace.Higher Consciousness - Zero Stress, Anxiety, WorryRazor-Sharp Intuition - Harness The Wisdom WithinAlign with the Law of Attraction - Manifest the Life you DesireTo know whats Out There - Look Inwards: Knowing The Best PathA simple technique to release sadness and fear and to bring compassion and love into your life.Finding emotional balanceEnhancing your ability in heart-centred activitiesForgiving people who have harmed youLetting go of negativity Experience Sun Meditation by Yogini Dr. Himani Vashishta."
Price: 99.99 |
"Astral Projection, Out Of Body Experience & Lucid Dreaming" |
"This is a COMPLETE &Very Comprehensive Astral Projection, OBE and lucid dreaming course from Beginner to Expert.Do you want to Astral Project?Do you want to visit your own Akashic Records?Do you want to visit other worlds and meet with amazing beings?Do you want to leave your physical body and reach absolute bliss?If you have answered ""yes"" to any of these questions, then this course is for you.I am Author Dr. Himani Vashishta, and I have authored book on Astral Projection, OBE and Lucid Dreaming and done many seminars and workshops to teach the aspirants. I am a natural Astral Projectionist and Lucid Dreamer. I have been Lucid Dreaming and Astral Traveling consciously my entire life. Thanks to Astral Projection, I am who am I today! You will find out that I created this course from my personal experience. I am going to explain everything in a way you can relate, as I will be basing this entire course on my own experiences and learning, as well as a lot of literature through books, discussion forums and blogs way and giving it my personal touch.Most people waste 1/3 of their entire life ignoring their sleep completely when this is one of the deepest and most potent opportunities to explore your mind while having direct benefits on your real life with practical applications such as:Doubling Your Confidence for stressful situations or even dates with ""Lucid Dream Mock Rehearsals""Improving Language Skills by practicing - I used this while learning Russian in my dream with ""babushkas and black bears in deep Siberia""Preparing for Job Interviews by running through questions and feeling the realness of the stress during your lucid dreamEnvisioning Conducting Difficult Presentations so you can feel more confident during the real thingDuring this course, you will learn all about Astral Projection:Guided Astral Projection Session Hypnosis Videos using various Astral Techniques. The works of the Astral Body and the Astral Realm.To debunk all unnecessary and mistaken myths about astral projection.How to reach a profound state of mental and physical relaxation, required for Astral Projection.How to exit your physical body will simple visualization techniques and without any additional aids.I will share the wonders about astral projection, just in case you are still not convinced about traveling astrally.This course is complete and direct. You will love this course, I can assure you. If you follow all tips and bits of advice from this course, I can assure you; you will be astral traveling in no time.The Astral Plane awaits! Get out from your body NOW!!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Jewelry Design & Making Video Course/ Step-by-Step Lessons" |
"Do you like jewelry? Want to make your own jewelry? Or make a jewelry present for that special someone in your life?Then this is the perfect creative jewelry class for you! I have been creating art since I was little and have been teaching online since 2009 with various craft tutorials. I am always challenging all my students to personalize each craft using their creativity.These earrings, anklets, pendants, necklaces jewelry tutorials can be personalized in many different ways for that special someone as a gift or a simple jewelry accessory for your next outfit.Enroll now and let's make your unique jewelry today!Class ProjectsSea Shell Jewelry TutorialsIndian Traditional Jewelry TutorialsQuilling/Quill & Paper Jewelry TutorialsMacrame Jewelry Making LecturesPom-Pom & Tassel Jewelry Designing Tutorials"
Price: 199.99 |
"Ayurveda Panchkarma - Full Body Detox - Ayurvedic Massage" |
"Ayurveda is an elegant system of healing, first described around 5,000 years ago in ancient Vedic texts as comprehensive teachings on preserving and maintaining health. The fact that this ancient medicine is still in use today is a testament to the wisdom it holds when it comes to understanding the human potential to achieve a happy and wholesome life.Panchakarma Rejuvenating DetoxPanchakarma is a Sanskrit word that means five actions or five treatments. This is a process used to clean the body of toxic materials left by disease, poor nutrition and environmental toxins. Normally the body has the innate ability to efficiently process and remove these waste materials, including the vitiated doshas. However, due to ones repeated dietary indiscretions, poor exercise patterns, lifestyle, and genetic predisposition, the digestive enzymes, metabolic co-factors, hormones, and agnis which regulate the bodys internal homeostasis become disorganized. This can lead to the accumulation and spread of toxins throughout the physiology resulting in disease. This waste matter is called ama in Ayurveda. Ama is a foul-smelling, sticky, harmful substance that needs to be completely evacuated from the body.Panchakarma will remove the excess doshas and correct imbalances in them as well as eliminate the harmful ama out of your system through the bodys own organs and channels of elimination (colon, sweat glands, lungs, bladder, urinary tract, stomach, intestines, etc). Panchakarma purifies the tissues at a very deep level.It is a very pleasurable experience that is tailored to individual needs and may involve:Daily warm oil massage (abhyanga)Herbal steam therapy (swedana)Lymphatic massageHerbal enemas (basti)Nasal administrations (nasya)Other special treatmentsPanchakarma TreatmentsThe descriptions that follow cover the variety of therapies that may be performed during a Panchakarma series and represent the actual treatments used in this ancient art of life extension. Two Ayurvedic therapists working in synchronicity perform many of them. Two, three, and sometimes four of these therapies are linked together during the course of one days treatments.AbhyangaAn individually prepared herbal-oil massage designed to deeply penetrate the skin, relax the mind-body, break up impurities, and stimulate both arterial and lymphatic circulation. It enhances the ability of nutrients to reach starved cells and allows for the removal of stagnant waste. The desired result is a heightened state of awareness that will direct the internal healing system of the body.ShirodharaA warm, gentle and methodic pouring of herbalized oil over the forehead, synchronizing brain waves and profoundly coordinating and calming the mind, body, and spirit.GarshanaA dry lymphatic skin brushing with either a wool or silk glove. This enhances circulation and cleanses the skin so that subsequent oil and herbal treatments can penetrate deeply into freshly cleansed pores.SwedanaAn herbalized steam bath, during which the head and the heart are kept cool (an important difference in Ayurvedic steam treatments) while the body is heated to remove mental, emotional and physical toxins lodged deeply within the tissues. The cool head and heart provide a sense of calm and openness while the therapeutic steam over the entire body can penetrate and cleanse deeply, without overheating and causing stress to the body.UdvartanaA deeply penetrating herbal paste lymphatic massage. This powerful exfoliating treatment will magically restore your natural radiance. It conditions the skin while releasing stagnant lymphatic toxins from the body.Five Senses TherapyThis treatment combines the therapeutic effect of all five senses working in harmony. Sound therapies are specific Vedic hymns and mantras recommended for each imbalance. Touch therapy enlivens specific vital points on the body called marma points. Taste therapy uses certain herbal medicines. Sight uses Ayurvedic color therapy, and smell is accessed with combinations of rare aromatics. The effect harmonizes all of the senses to bring ones awareness to the source of thought and feeling within the heart.BastiAn herbal enema specially prepared to pull toxins out of the colon. This is the final stage of each daily Panchakarma treatment. The freshly loosened impurities from each day of treatment are flushed out of the body via the effects of the basti. The basti also transports Ayurvedic medicines into the blood and tissues in order to transform the memory of damaged and toxic cells. It is considered one of the most important and most powerful aspects of the Panchakarma treatment.NasyaIndividually prescribed herbs and oil drops, inhaled through the nose, which clear the sinuses of excessive mucus. It is also an important therapy when medicating the central nervous system. This treatment combats the deep dryness that exists at the root of many respiratory and allergic conditions.Shiro-Abhyanga-NasyaA luxurious combination of a deep head/neck/shoulder massage and facial lymphatic massage, followed by deep inhalation of therapeutic aromatic steam, and a nasal and sinus nasya with herbalized nose drops. This popular treatment is an invaluable tool to balancing most head, neck and respiratory disorders.Pinda SwedanaA deep cleansing treatment using rice cooked in milk and herbs that is massaged into the tissues and joints. The treatment is deeply relaxing and rejuvenating as well as powerfully detoxifying."
Price: 199.99 |
"Adobe Premiere Pro for Fresh Video Editors" |
"Hi, my name is Rudy Nugteren. I'm a videographer and editor, who loves producing videos for people and myself. If you are someone who wants to become a video editor, this course is for you. In this course, you will learn different techniques to edit like a pro! Let's dive deep into Premiere Pro and create video content together!"
Price: 24.99 |
"6 Business Basics for Sustainable Growth" |
"Set your business up for sustainable growthDoes this sound like you?You're in business, but you feel like you're guessing and hoping for the best, with no clear strategy.You know there are key areas you should be keeping track of, but need some guidance and direction to sit down and plan it out.You want someone to tell you THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED, so you're not always scrambling and Googling things when they come up.You want to be prepared and ahead so you can create a business that supports and works with YOUR lifestyle - not the other way around.This masterclass will walk you through the 6 areas of business to set a strong foundation for sustainable growth and set your business up to scale!We'll cover:StrategyAccounting & FinancePeopleMarketingSalesOperations ManagementYou'll also receive BONUS material:A 15-page Business Plan template & instructions to fill it outSeriously, it's time to STOP scrambling and guessing if you want your business to grow and support your lifestyle.This masterclass, '6 Business Basics for Sustainable Growth' is here to teach you everything that I've learned, what I've learned from business coaches & mentors, and things I wish I knew when starting."
Price: 29.99 |
"Learn Xero Payroll - The Complete Training Course" |
"** This course uses the Australian version of Xero payroll however many concepts apply to payroll in all countries **My ""Xero Payroll Course"" is a course I wish was available when I had to learn how to use Xero payroll.In this course, we use the demo company to see how to correctly set up your payroll setting before we cover the many tasks you will do when running the payroll for your business.Because we use the demo company, you can practice your skills in real time as you watch each lesson. That way, you can learn by doing, which is why this course does not have many interactive exercises. In reality, the whole course is one big interactive exercise!After we finish the payroll settings, we go through the process of adding an employee to payroll.We then look at how to manage leave applications and how to manage timesheets for your casual staff.At various stages, we also look through the My Payroll portal where your employees can go to see their payslips, submit timesheets and apply for leave.Finally, we cover some important topics such as end of financial year reporting and how to pay out unused annual leave.By the end of the course you should have the confidence and know-how to set up and run the payroll in your Xero account."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learn Xero Bank Accounts - The Complete Training Course" |
"** This course uses the Australian version of Xero however most concepts apply in all countries **I wish my ""Learn Xero Bank Accounts"" course was available when I had to learn how to use Xero. Instead, I had to learn how to set up and manage bank accounts in Xero the hard way.In this course, we use the demo company to see how to correctly set up bank accounts in Xero before we cover the many tasks you will do to manage the bank accounts in Xero for your business.Because we use the demo company, you can practise your skills in real time as you watch each lesson. That way, you can learn by doing, which is why this course does not have any assignments.In reality, the whole course is one big interactive exercise!In the beginning, we learn how to navigate the bank accounts section of Xero.Then, we take a look at how to add bank accounts and PayPal accounts.We also learn how to set up automatic bank feeds and how to manually import bank transactions.Finally, we learn all the different ways Xero allows us to reconcile bank account lines. We also look at a few ways to fix up any reconciliation mistakes we make.By the end of the course you should have the confidence and know-how to set up and manage bank accounts in your Xero file."
Price: 69.99 |
"Personal Budgeting System That Works - Google Sheets" |
"In this course, you will use our Personal Budget Model to easily create a comprehensive cash flow budget for your household.** No Spreadsheet Skills Required. We Have Made The Budget Model In Google Sheets For You **We have kept our budget model as simple as possible so you will not be overwhelmed and confused.By the end of the course, you will see exactly what money is coming into and going out of your life so you can easily see where you need to make improvements.********In the beginning, we take a tour of the budget model so you can become familiar with each section.Then, we take a look at how the Cash In and Cash Out tabs work.You will then learn how to easily see on average how much you spend on variable costs such as food and petrol.We also create categories for your cash outflows, such as Entertainment and Loans, so you can see more easily where your money is going.Towards the end, we take a look at your net cash flow position to see whether it is in good shape.Finally, we talk about how you can use the budget model on a continual basis and how you can work out how long it will take you to achieve your savings goal.********By the end of the course you should have the confidence and know-how to set up a household budget and adjust it until you get to your ideal net cash flow position."
Price: 49.99 |
"Accounting 101 - Learn the Basic Principles the Right Way" |
"*** Accounting is easy to learn when taught the right way. Weve got your covered! ***Is this course for you?Our course on accounting basics is perfect if you:Want to do the accounts for your own businessAre tired of being confused by your accountantNeed a refresher course on accounting fundamentalsHope to start a career in accounting or financeAlready work in finance and want to learn new skillsWhat you will get out of this courseEven if you know nothing about accounting you will finish this course with the confidence to:Read financial reportsDo the books for your own business; orGo on to learn more about accountingWhy this is the best course on accounting basicsAccounting is a huge subject so we have carefully selected the best topics to include in an introduction to accounting course. We then teach them in the right order so you can start from the basics and build on your new knowledge bit by bit.By the end of this course you will understand:Debits and creditsWhat the double entry system is and why it is importantThe nature and true business definition of the five types of accounts:AssetsLiabilitiesOwners equityExpensesRevenuesHow to use T accounts to help with your accountingThe importance of using accounting and bookkeeping softwareHow to create and understand balance sheetsHow to create and understand profit and loss statementsHow to create and post journal entriesHow to use a trial balance to check your accountsThe eight steps of the accounting cycle and where the lessons you have learned in this course fit into the cycleAbout your instructorHi , Im Mark Cunningham and I am a qualified accountant. I have worked for businesses and government organisations of all shapes and sizes both at home and overseas. I really enjoy teaching what I know to people like you who are looking to expand their knowledge. I look forward to teaching you through my Udemy courses. Please feel free to ask me questions at any time while you are completing this course as Im always happy to help."
Price: 44.99 |
"Xero Invoicing and Sales - The Complete Training Course" |
"** This course uses the Australian version of Xero however most concepts apply in all countries **I wish my ""Xero Invoicing and Sales"" course was available when I had to learn how to use Xero. Instead, I had to learn how to set up and manage invoices in Xero the hard way.In this course, we use the demo company to see how to correctly set up invoicing and sales in Xero before we cover the many tasks you will do to manage the invoices in Xero for your business.Because we use the demo company, you can practise your skills in real time as you watch each lesson. That way, you can learn by doing, which is why this course does not have any assignments.In reality, the whole course is one big interactive exercise!We cover a lot of topics in this course, including:Taking a look at the main sales and invoices screens in Xero.How to create your first invoice.How to create repeating invoices.How to set up invoice settings including branding themes with logos and payment services like PayPal and Stripe.How contacts and invoices interact and how you can manage your customer contacts.The invoice approval process and how to set approval permissions for your Xero users.Emailing invoices to clients and attaching files to invoices in Xero and to emails.Credit notes and how to apply them in full or in part to invoices.How to create quotes and how to create an invoice out of a quote after the client approves it.How to reconcile invoice payments in your bank feed in Xero.We also take a tour of the reports Xero offer for sales and invoicing, such as aged receivables.By the end of the course you should have the confidence and know-how to set up and manage sales and invoices in your Xero file."
Price: 69.99 |