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"Desenvolvimento de interfaces com o Shiny para a linguagem R"
"A linguagem de programao R uma das linguagens mais relevantes da atualidade e amplamente utilizada nas reas de aprendizado de mquina e anlise de dados. E foi pensando nesse ltimo tpico que resolvi desenvolver esse curso para falar do Shiny. O Shiny uma biblioteca do R que nos permite criar dashboards para anlise e visualizao de dados. Uma das grandes caractersticas dessa biblioteca que com a finalizao do desenvolvimento os projetos podem ser publicados de forma gratuita nos servidores do Shiny.IO e ficam disponveis na web para todo o mundo.Para fazer a programao utilizaremos a linguagem de programao R, com isso vamos poder utilizar todos os recursos da biblioteca e desenvolver interfaces para ilustrarem as nossas anlises, tendo disponvel para isso recursos HTML, CSS e o framework Bootstrap. Para aprender a utilizar todas as funcionalidades o nosso curso ser dividido da seguinte forma:Como estruturar nossas pginas;Como fazer a entrada e sada dos dados;Como estilizar nossas pginas com CSS e Bootstrap;Como hospedar as dashboards no servidor.Visto os tpicos acima poderemos, por exemplo, estruturar nossa pgina utilizando a linguagem HTML dentro do R e estilizar utilizando CSS e Bootstrap. Feito isso, podemos adicionar um boto de upload de arquivo e com base nos dados gerar interfaces com grficos, tabelas e imagens. Tudo isso feito a partir do seu navegador, sem a necessidade de executar o script com o RStudio, uma vez que podemos hospedar os nossos aplicativos."
Price: 19.99

"Kitesurfing 101 - Learn How to Kitesurf/Kiteboard"
"During this course you will learn very necessary basics of Kitesurfing. We will talk about the theory of the wind and tides. You will learn how a kite is constructed and what it takes to drive one with focus on safety. We will discuss the gear that is needed to kitesurf and will look into different options of buying vs renting it. After taking this course you will be very well prepared for an actual kitesurfing session with an instructor on the water."
Price: 199.99

"How To Rap For Beginners"
"This course will teach you how to rap with examples and practical step-by-step tutorials. Get into the technical details fast, no time wasting on the power of positive thinking. Youll get the technical breakdown, and you can get creative with your own style from there. Go through multiple exercises so you can learn hands-on. That is the best way to get better. To practice. But these exercises and examples will help you practice in the right way.Actionable lessonsMultis and internal rhymesPunchlines and wordplayActual exercises and examplesCouplets, quatrains, bars and BPMRhyme schemesRap structureWorks on mobile 100%Free DownloadsRap Voice TrainingFreestyle foreverCraft ridiculous flows over any beatGain confidence in your voice.. Not just when rappingPut your message out to the worldTransform others through your storyGet more respect on Youtube or Soundcloud.Collab with the artists and producers you want to work withIncrease self-confidenceRelease stress, tension - writing raps is almost like journaling everyday. Writing the truth down really can help you understand yourself. No joke on this one, this is a real effect after writing consistently.Become your own version of hip hop by breaking rules on purpose. Knowing the fundamentals and technical skills is the first step.Youll find conversation easier, words coming to mind quicker, its a weird advantage rappers have, and why rappers seem so witty. Its because we think of words and wordplay and require instant recall in milliseconds.Who am I? What makes me qualified to teach anyone how to rap?I put my last 17 years into picking apart rap and hip hop lyrics. This is everything I know.I write about how to rap, and have published over 25,000 words digging into the technical details of writing good rap lyrics.Templates, Worksheets, Examples, Exercises, Tutorials, Walkthroughs, and advanced techniques.Its dope when you check your songs on Youtube, and people are taking the time to listen and leave a comment.Dig Deep into the technical details of rap.BONUSESFillable worksheet PDFs - Step-by-stepFAQIs this worth the money?100%. The confidence, technical skills and overall transformation will be worth 10x more. What do I need to get started?Absolutely nothing. Everything you need is in your own head."
Price: 19.99

"Colorimetria capilar"
"Esse curso vai ajudar profissionais e tambm quem esta iniciando na profisso de cabeleireiro ou Colorista, nesse curso o aluno vai conseguir ler as cores, transformas cores e assim fazendo a diferena no atendimento, deixando de se s mais um no mercado da Beleza. O mercado hoje muito competitivo no podemos ficar para trs e esperar o tempo passar."
Price: 39.99

"Create an Edge: Guide to your best INTERVIEW"
"Have you ever been on a date with someone that looked really good on paper, but when you meet them in person, he/she was a dud?Just like dates, interviews are more about connections and emotions.The secret isPeople dont get hired based on their knowledge or experience.People get hired based on how they make others FEEL.Ive sat in countless interviews where the candidate looks really good on paper - excellent educational history, years of experience, lots of knowledge or skills in the industry, but when we meet the candidate, they are a dud. FLAT. BORING. UNRELATABLE.So how do you present yourself in an interview so that the interviewers get to know YOU - in 15 minutes or less?!?In my 20+ years of experience in the industry, with a wide variety of job experience, from working in marketing, accounting, banking, as well as in sales, the restaurant business, and most recently in the education sector, I realized that all businesses are seeking the same thing in an ideal candidate: CONNECTION.In this course, I will teach youThe top qualities of an ideal candidateHow to deliver an awesome interview by preparing and practicing frequently asked questionsHow to create your PERSONAL BRAND and showcase it during the interviewThe most important thing you need to say in an interview, but most people do not do: starting with your WHYMaking lasting first impressions"
Price: 19.99

"HERE IS AN ABSOLUTE TRUTH IN FILM-MAKING:THE BIGGER ARE YOUR HOPES, EXPECTATIONS AND AMBITIONS REGARDING YOUR FILM, THE MORE ATTENTION YOU MUST DEVOTE TO YOUR MUSIC LICENSING STRATEGY.Music is one of the most crucial elements in a film. Every film lover know this. However, for filmmakers, music can be the source of major headaches.WHY?Because the act of putting music on a film is not easy, fast, nor it is cheap. It can cost you lots of money and the decisions you must make can affect you and your film for years... and in ways you cannot foresee.THIS COURSE MAKE IT ALL EASY TO UNDERSTAND.MUSIC LICENSING FOR FILMS: WHAT A PRODUCER SHOULD KNOW will explain to you, the entire process of getting the music you want into your film. We are going to explain:What are the types of music rights.Who are all the parties involved in the process.What rights you should pay for.What options you have that can lower the costs of music rights.How the music ecosystem works.What elements can be negotiated.Who you should talk to.Who you should avoid talking to.What elements can influence the price of a license.How bad decisions can hurt your film (and your career)....And so much more.This class will help you navigate the complex world of music licensing for films. If you are a producer, a director or a screenwriter - and you have a project - you know you will want to put music in your film, TV series, video games, web series or any other audiovisual content you may be working on. I will cover all the aspects, elements and steps you must understand and explain to you the whole process.WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE?Because we both know you will be needing music on your film. Even if you are still writing your script, I KNOW YOU HAVE SONGS IN YOUR HEAD THAT YOU WANT ON THAT GREAT SCENE! Well, I will tell you exactly how you should proceed on this and many other cases.LEARN ABOUT HOW THE MUSIC INDUSTRY INTERACTS WITH YOUR FILM.WHY AM I HERE?Because I am a filmmaker just like you and I know - first hand - how the film market can be merciless when it comes to films that have problems with their licensing. In fact, I have seen countless filmmakers go hysterical because they did not think about these issues BEFORE writing, budgeting, production and post. I lost count on how many hours I spent with filmmakers on the phone helping solving the mess they put themselves into.DO NOT LET IT HAPPEN TO YOU!Seriously! Take this course and get a clear understanding on all the things you need to know. I made this course from the book I wrote on the subject - MUSIC LICENSING FOR FILMS: WHAT A PRODUCER SHOULD KNOW.GET AHEAD OF THE GAME!The things you will learn here will give you an edge over other filmmakers and make your live easier. You will able to solve the many complex scenarios a filmmakers faces when it comes to music licensing. I also threw into the class, lots of examples that will help you understand this complex subject in no time.MORE VIDEOS ANSWERING YOUR QUESTIONS!I will be compiling your questions and helpful information on new videos I will keep uploading. ASK ME QUESTIONS!"
Price: 199.99

"HERE'S AN ABSOLUTE TRUTH ABOUT FILMMAKING:IF YOU WANT TO FINANCE YOUR FILM, YOU MUST BURST THROUGH THE THRESHOLD OF INDIFFERENCE.The film market is saturated with too many films. There's simply too much noise. Development is the key to creating and communicating a project that will leave no one indifferent. Indifference is your enemy. You and your project are bound together. Because of that, you must produce all the tools that will help you prepare the most effective project.This course will give you the best tools and help you get a 360 view of your project, yourself as a filmmaker and all your financing options. WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT THIS COURSE?What I did here was to organize a great deal of my own knowledge and experience in a systematic way that will save you time and go straight to the point. Every class comes packed with things you must know and do in order to develop the best project and present the strongest case for real investors - all kinds of them.WHY TAKE THIS COURSE?There is plenty of training about directing, screenwriting, cinematography, editing, and other creative areas. In fact, in most film schools, forums and websites, there's plenty of great people who are masters in those crafts. However, film financing is a trickier subject. Conferences are good, but for the most part, it's just rich people talking about their amazing work (laughs). Rarely you'll find a bulk of knowledge that has been organized specifically for learning purposes. That's what I did.WHY DID I DO IT?First, because I used all this myself and got my own film made (so it works). Second because I work with other filmmakers, helping them develop/write their projects (horror is my thing). I've been mentoring filmmakers for some time and noticed most of them are not fully aware of the complexity of film financing. I also teach film production, marketing and financing in Europe, and I want my students to have the best start possible. So, this is what you'll find here:Development - I call this ""The Filmmaker's Personal War"" and we'll go over all the stuff you can do to present a killer project.Financing during development: all the tasks you must do through.Meeting the financers: let's discuss all the forms of financing available to films, so you can see what options are best suited for yourself and your project.Let's look at different financing plans, so you can see for yourself how everything is put together.Let's discuss recoupment orders, recoupment waterfall and how it all works.Approaching a business plan for a film production company: films are a different breed of animal. every film is a prototype that will never enter mass production. That's why you should approach a business plan carefully.As we go, we'll talk about pitching, packaging, presentation tools, intellectual property, development hell, and much more!By the end of this course, I'm sure you you'll be a stronger filmmaker with projects that are more robust. I hope you will use this knowledge in your own projects.HAVE A WONDERFUL CAREER!"
Price: 199.99

"The Emerging Leader"
"The transition from an individual contributor to a manager is one of the biggest challenges most leaders will face in their career.It's a challenge that will result in a 30 - 50 per cent drop in performance by 50 - 70 per cent of new managers.Its a challenge that will leave many feeling overwhelmed and alone.The Emerging Leader is a tried and tested program that has been running in organisations around the world for over a decade. We've taken the best leadership models and made them easy to understand and apply.The program is now available in a digital format.What's included, you ask?Besides getting some much-needed support and learning how to become more effective as a leader, you get all of the following:5 x Learning Units filled with videos on the topics outlined in the Curriculum5 x Downloadable Learner's Toolkits; detailed guides to the content covered4 x Downloadable Ready Reference; double-sided printouts to laminate for easy reference5 x Downloadable Action Planning templates to help you apply what you learn4 x Downloadable Self Assessments to help increase awareness1 x Downloadable 180 Degree Survey on your approach to leadership1 x Certificate of Completion"
Price: 149.99

"Geldanlage Schritt fr Schritt selber gestalten"
"Anleger sind genervt von wenig Ertrag und zu geringer Wissensvermittlung zum Thema Geldanlage. Viele kennen die Vielzahl der Mglichkeiten kaum, um sie effektiv ausschpfen zu knnen.Das alles werden Sie in diesem Kurs lernen: historisches zum Thema Geld, Grundlagen der Geldanlage, Anlagen in Wertpapieren, Pflichten, Rechte und Gesetze, persnliche Risikoeinstufung, Recherche und Informationsbeschaffung, PraxisaufgabenViel Spa beim Kurs - fr Fragen stehe ich Ihnen gerne auch per Email zur Verfgung."
Price: 199.99

"Anti-Aging Face-Yoga"
"In diesem Kurs machen wir bungen aus dem Face-und Gelenkyoga. Dabei bedienen wir uns 4 verschiedener Elemente: Yoga, Massage, Akupressur und Atemlenkung. Unser Kopf hat etwa 45 Muskeln, die wir im Alltag mehr oder weniger benutzen. Die meisten sind direkt verbunden mit der Schulter-und Nackenmuskulatur. Sind wir dort verspannt, verspannen auch unsere Gesichtszge. Umgekehrt gilt das genauso. Beien wir etwa stndig die Zhne zusammen, verspannt damit nicht nur die Kiefermuskulatur sondern eben auch der Nacken. Beim Face-Yoga lernen wir die Gesichtsmuskeln gezielt anzusteuern, anzuspannen und wieder zu entspannen. Wir lernen Akupressurpunkte kennen, die Beschwerden wie Migrne, Druckkopfschmerz u.a. lindern knnen. ber Atembungen erreichen wir das vegetative Nervensystem und knnen es direkt beeinflussen. Regelmssig angewandt kann Face-yoga eine bessere Durchblutung der Haut, Steigerung der Kollagenproduktion, besseren Schlaf und allgemeine Entspannung bewirken. Durchfhren kannst du es wann und wo immer du mchtest, am besten tglich."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Substance Painter basics with project based tutorial"
"This is actually texturing for games using both high poly and low poly 3d models.  And this course is for beginner level or Intermediate level Game Artists. In this course, you will learn how you can texture the most popular M4 rifle with PBR workflow using substance painter. PBR workflow is something widely use in the game industry. So in this course you will learn how you can realistically texture a 3d video game asset."
Price: 29.99

"Learn the basics of Substance Painter - Beginner level"
"This is actually texturing for games. In this course you will learn how you can texture an abandoned vehicle in Substance Painter 2017. You will need to have basic knowledge of Substance Painter to grasp the workflow really fast. You will also learn how you can make a perfect render by setting up lights on Marmoset Toolbag 2. This is actually a video game texturing course by using both high poly and low poly 3d models."
Price: 29.99

"Master Video Game vehicle texturing with Substance Painter"
"he guys,This course is for all levels. In this course you will learn, the basics of Substance Painter and how you can texture a video game 3D vehicle using Substance painter and Photoshop, and also, how you can render the asset in Marmoset Toolbag 3. This is a comprehensive tutorial of substance painter by covering almost every tool in Substance painter, and in the end of the course, I will be sharing a bonus tip for you guys."
Price: 39.99

"Video Game Asset Modelling and Texturing Complete Pipeline"
"This tutorial will show you the lowpoly game asset creation workflow, were you will learn to model and texture a Light Skirmisher Gun Ship (vehicle) with AAA quality. So in this course, you will learn everything you need to know about  3d Game Art pipeline. This course is designed for all levels, beginner to Advanced. I would recommend you to not to skip any part even if you are familiar with Max or Substance Painter. For example, I'm covering about smoothing groups in the basic section of 3ds Max, which is very important to learn in Game Art. Most people don't know about smoothing groups even if they are familiar with Max. So don't skip anywhere, watch till the end."
Price: 49.99

"menjadi ahli Data Analitycs dengan Power BI"
"Pelatihan Power BI ini mengajarkan dasar-dasar penggunaan aplikasi Power BI desktop , mulai dari cara instalasi, mengambil sumber data, menggunakan fungsi DAX basic, hingga mampu membuat visualisasi untuk membuat report.dengan kemampuan dasar ini, minimal peserta sudah bisa mengolah data mentah menjadi visualisasi dengan baik dengan metode pengajaran yang sederhana, memudahkan semua khalayak mampu memahaminya.saran dan kritik sangat saya harapkan agar isi dari materi pelatihan ini selalu menjadi lebih baik"
Price: 280000.00

"Certificao - Coaching Practitioner"
"O que vou Aprender nessa formaoOl seja muito bem-vindo muito bem-vinda ao treinamento Coaching Basic - Practitioner. Nesse treinamento voc aprender os conceitos as tcnicas as ferramentas e tecnologias mais atuais do Coaching mundial. Voc aprender qual a diferena entre coach e coachee, aprender tambm os diferentes tipos de coaching, para negcios, para a vida, Para desenvolver a liderana e executivo. Voc entender as diferenas entre Coaching, consultoria, terapia, psicologia, mentoring e Counseling. Voc compreender a importncia do Coaching atualmente no Brasil e no mundo e perceber o quo valioso esse conhecimento. Voc aprender o ciclo evolutivo de um profissional de coaching, conhecer as ferramentas utilizadas e aps esse curso voc poder atender e praticar de maneira informal com amigos, colegas de trabalho, familiares e qualquer outra pessoa que voc quiser. Voc poder tambm utilizar todo esse aprendizado para ser um melhor comunicador ou comunicadora, poder atender clientes como uma profisso remunerada, poder se tornar verdadeiramente um lder Coach com habilidades avanadas e ser capaz de treinar e desenvolver habilidades essenciais para gerar autonomia em pequenas ou grandes equipes, voc poder utilizar esse conhecimento para ser um lder da sua prpria vida e evoluir em todos os aspectos. Agora, sente-se em uma posio confortvel, redobre a sua ateno e prepare o seu corao pois voc est prestes a se tornar um lder Coach."
Price: 489.99

"Newton's Laws of Motion"
"In this course students will learn the theory and application of Newtons Laws of Motion. During the course students will learn how to calculate gravitational forces, frictional forces, normal forces, the acceleration that an object undergoes and forces in connecting elements such as ropes. At the end of this course students will achieve an understanding of how to apply Newtons Laws in real life. This course is an excellent course for students preparing for examinations."
Price: 24.99

"In this course students will learn how to implement the 5 techniques of factorization. These are:Common FactorThe Difference between Two SquaresTrinomialsGrouping of TermsSum and Difference of CubesThis course has a number of very tough examples. However these examples are there to convey to learners that the concepts involved in factorization always remain the same. Thus if you understand the concepts you can always work your way to a correct solution."
Price: 24.99

"Histria & Roteiro: Curso Completo de Roteiro e Storytelling"
"Este curso est em desenvolvimento e contm as transmisses das aulas online ao vivo dadas anteriormente (mais informaes - pesquise site historiaeroteiro). medida que editarmos as aulas e filmarmos novos contedos, o preo poder alterar, portanto garanta agora o curso e receba mais contedo no futuro!Ol. Meu nome Thiago Fogaa.Sou roteirista formado em Cinema na FAAP, com um Mestrado em Roteiro na New York Film Academy.Trabalhei em Los Angeles lendo projetos para TV, manuscritos e roteiros para diversas mdias. Junto com Gustavo Amaral, criamos e vendemos nossa srie de animao Hora do Rock, produzida em parceria com a Oca Animation e o canal Gloob que pertence Rede Globo. Atualmente a srie est em streaming pela GloboPlay com 26 episdios de 11 minutos.Alm disso vencemos o edital de desenvolvimento de 2018 com a maior pontuao na categoria de animao infantil seriada.J dou aula de roteiro e storytelling desde 2012 e ensinei mais de 5 mil alunos sobre como escrever, planejar, analisar e revisar histrias.Finalmente estou compartilhando meu conhecimento com o Brasil e o mundo em um curso online, voltado tanto para o iniciante quanto o profissional que j trabalha no mercado e precisa de tcnicas mais atualizadas e eficientes pra enfrentar dia-a-dia corrido do nosso mercado.CONTEDOELEMENTOS DE UMA HISTRIA - Tema, Personagem, Conflito, Trama e Estilo. Psicologia e percepo de histrias. Origem das histrias e histrias no dia a dia. Medos e desejos. nico e universal.TEMA - Tese, anttese, sntese. O que pertence ou no a sua histria. Discusso e carga moral. Orquestrao de personagens e conflitos. Declarao temtica.PERSONAGEM - Fraqueza moral, desejo, motivao, necessidade, histria pregressa, risco emocional, ponto cego, arco de mudana ou inrcia, qualidades e razes de empatia. Estrutura emocional de evoluo ou inrcia do personagem no conflito.CONFLITO - Estrutura de 3 e 4 atos. Estrutura em 8 sequncias. Incidente Incitante, Passagens de Atos, Clmax, Meio-Ponto, Ponto-Baixo, Dilema Moral, obstculos, metas, antagonismo, ambientao, pergunta central, contrapontos, consequncias e concluso.TRAMA - Sequncias, cenas e beats. Inverso e aumento de valores. Estrutura de uma cena e um beat. Meta da cena, conflito, ponto da cena, evoluo de personagem em teste de carter e argumento moral. Orquestrao de cenas e beats em sequncia.PLANEJAMENTO E REVISO - Storyline, Logline, Escaleta, Quadro de Planejamento, Argumento e Lista de Beats. Orquestrao de valores, conflitos, metas e evoluo. Pitch de uma ideia. Venda de ideias. Mercado, registro e expectativas.DILOGO E ESTILO - Subtexto, dilogo como ao, exposio de inteno e informao, presso em conflito, negao, silncio e ponto de vista em carter. Cadncia, ritmo, gramtica coloquial, frases incompletas e interrupes.FORMATAO - Formato Master Scenes internacional. Cabealho de cena, ao, descrio, dilogo, introduo de personagens, transies, texto, planos, flashbacks, sonhos, placas, conversas de telefone, dilogos estrangeiros e capa. Final Draft, Celtx, WriterDuet. O que descrever ou no. Erros comuns. Exemplo roteiro e resultado final."
Price: 579.99

"Mindfulness Meditation & The law of attraction"
"The duration and design of this course is one to help you to completely change your life and to become the person you dream of. I use mindfulness, mediation and the law of attraction and combine them to bring about amazing and quick results. This is a short yet very informative course that is very easy to understand and to put into practice. I will provide you with all the knowledge and tools necessary for a full life transformation."
Price: 29.99

"Neste curso Veremos como trabalhar com operadores avanados do google, veremos como bloquear conteudos, buscas avanadas, usar o google como calculadora, encontrar vulnerabilidades servios e invandindo apenas com o google, iremos aprender tambm alguns segredos que poucos sabem que no google existe.Ser um curso bastante proveitosa e valioso.Torna-se um EXPERT em Google."
Price: 39.99

"ETHICAL HACKING - Web Penetration Testing [ Web hacking ]"
"Invaso no mundo real* O objectivo deste curso ensinar-te a invadir aplicaes websites em site real, no ser necessrio criar lab virtual na tua mquina fsica, evitando assim o consumo desnecessrio de memria ou disco, visto que podemos testar nossos conhecimentos sobre hacking online em plataformas desenvolvidas para este fim.Desenvolva Mente Hacker* Ento neste curso irei guiar-te a pensar como um hacker, ajudar a desenvolver em ti uma mente hacker.* Aprenda a analisar o cdigo fonte de uma pgina para encontrar formas de acessar a rea restrita do site.Direferente de outros cursos* Este curso diferente de outros, no h muito sobre teoria, o objectivo pratico e focado em invadir aplicaes web em servidor que est realmente hospedado na internet.* Direito no Ponto e sem rodeioPorque aprender a invadir website?* Invaso um trabalho divertido, mas em contrapartida existe tempo para estudar e conhecer as tecnologias existente no mercado, caso no saibas o que as tcnicas e como o hacker invade um sistema, dificilmente sabers aonde te protegeres.* Aprendendo a hackear, vai ajudar-te a implementar um sistema melhor de segurana, pois a base ser testares o teu prprio sistema, encontrares as vulnerabiliades e a poderes corrigi-las at que no chegue algum antes de voc para fazer este trabalho e depois gerar prejuzo.* Um Desenvolvedor Web, precisa entender como os hackers agem para saber como proteger a sua aplicao."
Price: 39.99

"3ds Max ve Vray Render ile Batan Sona Mimari Grselletirme"
"Bu eitimimizde 3ds Max ve V-Ray Render' kullanarak Autocad ortamndan alnan bir kat plannn batan sona modelleme yaplarak, materyallerinin ve kaplamalarnn oluturulmas, peyzaj ve evre dzeni ile birlikte render edilmesi anlatlmaktadr. Son aamada ise alnan renderlarn Photoshop kullanlarak post prodksiyon ilemlerinden geirilmesi anlatlmaktadr. Bu 3d eitim de amacmz sizlere batan sona mimari grselletirme nasl yaplr ? Aldnz renderlar son aamaya kadar nasl getirilir bunlar renmeniz amalanmaktadr."
Price: 149.99

"3ds Max ve V-Ray Render ile D Cephe Giydirme Eitimi"
"Bu eitim serimizde sizlere V-Ray Render ile Giydirme Cephe malzemeleri nasl oluturulur reneceksiniz.Ayrca yansmal cam malzemesinin hazrlanmas, kompozit malzemesinin hazrlanmas gibi ana konularda uygulamal olarak reneceksiniz. V-Ray Displacement ile im yapmn, vray proxy ile yksek poligonlu aa modellerinin poligon saysnn azaltlmas nasl yaplr reneceksiniz.Bu eitim serisi zellikle d cephe firmalarnda alan 3d tasarmclar, mimarlar ve bu konuda uzmanlamak isteyen arkadalara hitap etmektedir. Eitim sahnesini indirerek videolarla birlikte uygulama yapmanz bekliyoruz. Uygulama yaptnz almalar sizler iin daha faydal olacaktr."
Price: 119.99

"3ds Max ve V-Ray Render ile Gereki D Mekan Eitimi 1"
"Hogeldiniz ! Bu eitim serimizde, V-Ray Render ile gereki d mekan nasl render edilir bunlar reneceiz. Eitim serimizde d mekanda kaplama klandrma ve render konularna deindikten sonra Photoshop'ta renderlar dzenleyeceiz. Bu eitim serimizde yine Gamma 1 de altk. Derse balamadan Gamma/LUT u kapatmay unutmayn. Frame Buffer kullandnz zaman Frame Buffer penceresindeki sRGB butonuna basp Gamma 1 alabilirsiniz. Eitim serimizin son dersinde V-Ray 3.6 ile gncelleme videosu eklenmitir. Bylelikle V-Ray 2.4 ile hazrlanan bu set V-Ray 3.6 ile render ayarlar nasl olmas gerekii konusunda sizlere yardmc olacaktr."
Price: 99.99

"V-Ray Render le Gereki Mekan Modelleme ve Render"
"Bu eitim serimizde bir i mekan sahnesini referans alarak batan sona modelleyip sonrasnda kaplama/materyal oluturup klarn ekleyip son aamada da render alacaz. Referans grselimiz ikea'ya ait bir i mekan sahnesi. Bu grselde bulunan tm modelleri aslna uygun llerde modelleyip render alacaz. Bu sette amacmz 3ds max ile modellemenin detaylarn grmek. Editable poly tekniklerini tanyarak ve aralar kullanarak modeller ortaya karmak. Tabi ki son aamada yine V-Ray render ile sahnemizin kaplama ve materyallerini ekleyip render alacaz."
Price: 59.99

"3ds Max ve V-Ray Render ile Gkdelen Render Eitimi"
"Bu eitim serimizde bir gkdelen sahnesini batan sona kaplama k render ve photoshop ayarlar reniyoruz. Iklandrma da gece ve gndz aydnlatmann tekniklerinden bir tanesini reniyoruz. Amacmz bu tarz byk projelerde klandrma ilemleri nasl yaplr bunu grmek. Bu sette ayrca yine photoshop ile post prodksiyonun nemini derste reniyoruz. Bu seti uygulayabilmeniz iin en azndan orta seviyede 3ds max ve vray bilgisi gerekmektedir."
Price: 119.99

"3ds Max ve V-Ray Render ile Villa Render Eitimi"
"Bu eitim serimiz bir villa modelinin grselletirilmesini reneceiz. Bu eitimi uygulayabilmek iin temel dzeyde 3ds max ve V-Ray render bilgisi gerekmektedir. Gece ve gndz klandrmas yaplan sahnenin daha sonradan photoshop'ta dzenlenmesi anlatlmtr. Photoshop blm iinde temel dzey de Photoshop bilgisi gerekmektedir. Eitim de amacmz sizlere hzl ve gzel bir ekilde render alnmas ve sonradan photoshop'ta dzenlenmesi anlatlmtr. Bu seriyi uyguladktan sonra mutlaka dier eitimlerimizede gz atn ve ayrca mutlaka kendi sahneniz zerinden uygulama yapmay unutmayn. yi dersler"
Price: 59.99

"V-Ray Render ile Gereki Mekan Eitimi"
"V-Ray Render ile Gereki Mekan Grselletirme Eitimi ile bir i mekann tm ayarlarn reniyoruz. Amacmz bir i mekan sahnesinin batan sona materyal ve kaplamalarn hazrlayp, sonrasnda gece ve gndz aydnlatmalarn yaptktan sonra render almaktr. Render sonrasnda da yine her zaman olduu gibi Photoshop'ta post prodksiyon eitimi anlatlmaktadr. Bu eitim serisi temel dzeyde 3ds Max, V-Ray Render ve Photoshop eitimi gerekmektedir."
Price: 59.99

"Widow Tetra Fish Breeding.."
"Hi friends, myself ram parui. Today i am am going to tell you about ornamental fish, ornamental fish culturing is one of the most profitable business in the world. Today i am going to tell you how to breed widow tetra fish. Widow tetra fish culturing is economical and easy. This fish is best for planted aquariums. In this tank, widow fishes roam in a group beautifully, so that people attact by this easily. For this, today widow tetra fish demand is very high. I have told you the caring and breeding process in this video. I would suggest that, you guys listen to my voice carefully, so that you can do it without any problem. I have told in my video how to culture this fish in aquariums or tanks. If you guys with me, then i will post many more fish breeding process videos."
Price: 19.99