"The ReportLab Toolkit is an Open Source Python library for generating PDFs and graphics.The tutorial is all about How To Create PDFs with Python. Anyway, the premier PDF library in Python is Reportlab. It is not distributed with that standard library, so youll need to download it if you want to run the examples in this tutorial. There will also be at least one example of how to put an image into a PDF, which means youll also need the Pillow package (PIL)."
Price: 19.99 |
"In this video we have discussed the below:what is active directoryWhy active directory is importantwhy system administrator should learn automationwhy it is important to use automation for active directory related taskswhich python library is required for this coursehow to setup the connectivity using pythonhow to perform basic search on active directory using pythonhow to create reports on ad operations using pythonWhat is pyad how to install pyad"
Price: 19.99 |
"Neo4j Graph database Complete Tutorial With Python" |
"In this tutorial we will be discussing about the high level overview of neo4j , and the corresponding query language cypher. NEO4J NEO4J TUTORIAL NEO4J CYPHER NEO4J CYPHER TUTORIAL We discussed about the three major Elements of graph database . Also we have discussed some basic operations like CREATE , MATCH ,DELETE and relationship building between nodes."
Price: 19.99 |
"Python Gui Tutorial Using Tkinter With Complete Project" |
"What is gui & gui based application , what is tkinter, how to install tkinter, how to use different tkinter methods with python to create gui based real world application , api calling and database operations using tkinter & python,how to develop the weather app ,different layout design techniques,api calling ,uses of open weather api , complete end to end project with complete python code."
Price: 19.99 |
"Basic overview of identity & access management ,why identity management is important for organizations.introduction to sailpoint iiq and it's important featurescomplete end to end tutorial of sailpoint iiq components with complete hands on examplesEnd to end workflow and implementations with respect to different iam processes All codes and development guides will be provided in detail."
Price: 19.99 |
"GST is the future of all working individuals who wants to lead a team in finance or accounting roles. Without the working knowledge of GST it has become difficult to get promoted in finance department within an organisation. GST have become the most focussed area for industries because of its complications and new formats.This course is designed for people working with industries either in finance / accounts / tax department who are interested in learning, how to file GST returns for better prospects. This course will empower you with GST return filing and importantly how to arrive at the figure (revenue & tax) which is to be shown under GSTR1.This course will give you the confidence to file GSTR1 return and will give you the food for thought for discussion on GST return aspects within your organisation."
Price: 5760.00 |
"WING TSUNG , JEET KUNE DO , Erste Form - Siu Nim Tao" |
"Sie Nim Tao,die erste Form des Wing Chun / Wing Tsun Systems.Die Grundform in dem man alle Grundtechniken erlernt, das Fundament des Wing Chun / Wing Tsuns Systems,mit der Form beginnt jeder Wing Chun / Wing Tsun Anfnger-Beginner.Siu Nim Tao bedeutet auf Deutsch, kleine Idee Form, der Anfnger soll eine kleine Idee entwickeln was Wing Chun / Wing Tsun ist, aber auch fr Fortgeschrittene ein muss diese Form zu erlernen bzw immer wieder zu ben um seine Fhigkeiten weiter zu entwickeln.Fr jeden Schler und Praktizierender des Wing Chun / Wing Tsun ein muss dieser Onlinekurs."
Price: 19.99 |
"In dem Kurs lernt man die erste Schritte des Trappings, eine spezielle Trainingsmethode aus dem von Bruce Lee entwickelte Kampfkunstkonzept Jeet Kune Do. Die Techniken des Trappings enstammen zu groen Teilen aus dem Wing Chun und sind ein ideales Training um einfache Techniken fr den Einstieg und Abwehr zu erlernen. Haupttechniken des Trapping sind, Pak Sao (drckende Bewegung) und Lap Sao (ziehende Bewegung), zustzlich gibt es noch hilfsbewegungen wie Bong Sao und Tan Sao.Das Trapping, ist ein sehr gutes Training fr jedes Selbstvertdigungssystem, wie Krav Maga, aber auch fr MMA Leute knnen was fr sich herausziehen."
Price: 19.99 |
"KRAV MAGA Kompakt Selbstverteidigung fr Mdchen und Frauen" |
"Extra entwickelte Krav Maga Selbstverteidigung fr Mdchen und junge Frauen, sehr Kompakt und Speziell gegen Sexuelle Belstigungen ausgerichtet.Kompakt deswegen da in Extremen Situation, wie zb Sexuelle Belstigung oder Bedrohung der krperlichen Unversehrtheit, ein Tunneleffekt im Kopf entsteht man sieht den Wald vor lauter Bumen nicht mehr, dementsprechend muss eine Selbstverteidigung auf diesen Umstand eingehen und nur wenige Techniken werden unter diesen umstnden funktionieren, weniger ist mehr , ist die Devise.Dewegen werden in dem Videokurs nur mit wenigen Techniken gearbeitet, die immer wieder unter verschiedenen Umstnden ausgefhrt werden.KRAV MAGA Kompakt Selbstverteidigung fr Frauen."
Price: 19.99 |
"WING CHUN, JEET KUNE DO, Chi Sao, komplette erste Sektion" |
"In dem Kurs lernst die erste Sektion des Chi Sao eine spezielle Trainingsmethode aus dem Wing Chun / Wing Tsung System.Das Chi Sao, ist die Seele, der innere Kern, der Leim des Wing Chun (WC) / Wing Tsung (WT), ohne Chi Sao kein Wing Chun / Wing Tsung,im Chi Sao erlent man die ganzen Skills des Wing Chuns man entwickelt Reflexe und intuitiv die richtigen Abwehr und Angriffstechniken. Es gibt insgesamt 7 regulre Chi Sao Sektionen, dann noch 5 Biu Tze Sektionen und 10 Holzpuppen Sektionen, die erste ist aber die wichtigste da sie die Basis darstellt, das Fundament, die Wurzel, dementsprechend sollte die ganz genau und Przise gelernt werden,in der ersten Sektion werden die Grundtechniken erlernt, die auch fr die spteren Sektionen gebraucht werden.Wichtig, die Sektionen sind keine in Stein gemeielte Gesetze, wenn man die Sektion beherscht sollte man Kreativ werden und aus der Sektion eigene Techniken basteln und in der freien Anwendung zb Chi Sao Combat oder Freikampf Trainieren.Ich wnsche Dir viel Spa beim KursKursleiterPetrit SelmanoskiGrnder und Leiter Kampfkunstschulen Nord (KSN)"
Price: 24.99 |
"Learn effective self-defense techniques from the Krav Maga system, fast, dynamic, direct, compact. Simple techniques for everyone, whether women or men, defencetechniques against punches, push attacks, neck grip, double neck grip, headlock, back attack, kick attack, swinging punch.Do not be a victim, learn Krav Maga one of the most effective selfdefence system. Stay tuned for more extrem selfdefence online course here on udemy on my channel."
Price: 19.99 |
"KRAV MAGA Kompakte Selbstverteidigung, fr Jeden" |
"In dem Kurs geht es um einer der effektivsten Selbstverteidigungssysteme, dem Krav Maga, ein Selbstverteidgungsystem das in Isreal entwickelt wurde, fr die Spezialkommandos.In dem Kurs werden sehr einfache Techniken fr Standardsituationen vermittelt, zb Abwehr gegen, Halsgriff, von hinten Umklammern, Schwitzkasten, gerade Schlge, runde Schlge, Kicks und einiges mehr.Der Kurs ist speziell entwickelt fr Anfnger und Quereinsteiger aus anderen Kampfknsten, aber auch fortgeschrittende aus dem Krav Maga knnen sich neue Techniken rausziehen.Wichtig, zuerst es langsam zu machen und die Techniken immer wieder ben, um das gelernte zu vertiefen und zu festigen.Fr das Training wird ein Partner bentigt."
Price: 19.99 |
"WING CHUN, WING TSUNG dritte Form, Biu Tze" |
"Bei dem Kurs geht es um die dritte Form des Wing Chun / Wing Tsun, die Biu Tze Form.Die dritte Form ist recht Anspruchsvoll und es ist hilfreich wenn man die erste und zweite Form schon gemacht hat bzw beherschtEs wird Unterrichtet alle Stze der Form mit Erluterungen, Erklrungen und Anwendungen.In der Form lernt man die gefhrlichen und fortgeschrittenen Techniken des Wing Chun / Wing Tsun, Fingerstiche, Handkanten, Ellbogen sowie lernt man die spezielle Biomechanik des Wing Chun / Wing Tsun, man lernt wie man die krperliche Kraft Kromprimiert und die Biomechanik des Wing Chun richtig anwendet.Fr jeden echten Wing Chun treibenden ein Muss diese Form zu erlernen."
Price: 29.99 |
"WING CHUN , WING TSUN , zweite Form, Cham Kiu" |
"Cham Kiu,die zweite von drei Waffenlosen Formen des Wing Chun.Die Cham Kiu knnte man als zwischenform ansehen, zwischen der Anfngerform Siu Nim Tao und Meisterform Biu Tze, man knnte auch sagen, die Cham Kiu ist die Form der Mittelstufe, die Form der praktizerenden Wing Chun Leuten die keine Anfnger mehr sind.In der Form lernt man Fingerstiche, Handkantenschlge, Wendungen und Schritte sowie die ersten Tritte.Wer die Cham Kiu Form beherscht geht einen grossen Schritt nach vorne zum Meister und zum tieferen Verstndnisses des Wing Chun, ein muss fr jeden Wing Chun Schler/Schlerin.Auch fr Jeet Kune Do Anhnger sehr zu empfehlen, da Bruce Lee sehr viel Ideen und Techniken aus dem Wing Chun in das Jeet Kune Do eingebaut hat."
Price: 24.99 |
"KRAV MAGA Messerabwehr Techniken, Knife Defence" |
"Messerangriffe nehmen massiv zu, in diesem Krav Maga Kurs werden mglichkeiten und Konzepte gezeigt wie man einen Messerangriff abwehren kann.Ein Messerangriff ist der schlimmste Supergau, das ultimative worst case Szenario, die tradtionellen Kampfkunstsysteme haben keine realistischen brauchbaren Lsungen fr diese Situation, da diese alten System berwiegend mit starren veralteten Techniken arbeiten, Messerangriffe sind aber fast immer dynamisch, wie die meisten Angriffe auf der Strasse bzw in der Realitt.Der Kurs zeigt einen Einblick in die Krav Maga Messerabwehr, direkt, schnell, explosiv, speziell fr Einsteiger konzipiert.Lernen Sie, fr sich und Ihre Familie, mglichkeiten der Abwehr von Messerangriffen und BedrohungenAchtung, wichtiger HinweisMesserangriffe die von Kennern der Materie, sind kaum abwehrbar, im Onlinekurs werden Techniken und Konzepte vorgestellt gegen einfache Bedrohungen und amateurhaft ausgefhrte Angriffe, weitere Erluterungen dazu finden Sie im Onlinekurs."
Price: 24.99 |
"Photoshop'ta Kat Plan Boyama Seti" |
"Bu kurs ierisinde zel sektrde alanlar iin ya da renciler iin hizmet vereceiniz mterinize nasl mimari sunumunuzu gelitirebilirsiniz ondan bahsediyor olacam. Mimari grselletirme eitim teknikleri hakknda genel bilgilerin dnda mterinize sunacanz grsellerin nasl daha etkili olmasndan bahsediyor olacam. Ayrca kat planlar nasl boyanmaya balanmal? Hangi programlar kullanmalyz? ileyeceimiz texture'leri nasl oluturabiliriz?. Desen kaplama ilemlerini nasl yapabiliriz?Nasl bir sralama izleyebiliriz?En ksa zamanda bir kat plan boyama ilemini nasl yapabiliriz?2D byk bir plan kiti ve temel kitler cretsiz olarak verilecektir.Ayrca bu eitimde yaplan grntnn eki olacak ve ierisinde kullanlan tm Texture ve kaynak dosyalar dahildir."
Price: 49.99 |
"Autocad 2020: Sfrdan Yze Basit Anlatm" |
"Herkese merhabalar ben Kubilay BIYIKLI. Bu eitim seti Mimarlk ve Mhendislik blmleri iin hazrlanm temel ve orta dzey renim video serilerinden olumaktadr.Tm videolar program ierisindeki sralamaya gre sralanmtr ve bu sra kullanlarak basit bir anlatm ve uygulamalar ile pekitirilmitir.Bu metod sayesinde Autocad programn ilerleyen srelerde de basit bir ekilde anlayacak ve uygulamaya biran nce balayabileceksiniz.Sizleri skmadan ve bunaltmadan program hakknda bilgiler verirken ayn zamanda sizlerden bunu uygulamanz bekliyor olacam.rnek olarak bir ka videoma gz atabilir ve genel dersler hakknda bilgi sahibi olabilirsiniz.Ayrca video ierisinde uygulamalar ile alakal tm kaynak dosyalara ulaabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 |
"At the beginning, it is perfectly acceptable to start out learning through trial and error, but it gets to a point where if it's causing you stress and uncertainty, it might be time to consider the other options available to you.Trying over and over again to learn something new but it seems like the more you research and the harder you try, the more confused you are ? Or maybe you have been doing this for a while but don't see any improvement so you are ready to give up ?You know there is something missing but maybe you are too embarrassed to ask for help ? Or have you always wanted to do an in-person class but you don't have time or can't travel ? I do travel to teach, but I can't be everywhere :) And travelling to visit me could be a really expensive hassle. So...this is why I have created my online class at Udemy after numerous request from nail techs around the world who wanted to take my class.ConvenienceYou can experience my personal teaching style from anywhere in the world, at your own convenience in the comfort of your home. Unlike an in-person class, there is no need to spend extra time or money on taking time off work, travelling, accommodation and childcare.Different from free online resourcesWhile there are many resources out there free of charge, which is great believe me but if everything can be learnt free of charge from the web, then nobody has to go to school or invest in further education. As a trained professional, I have invested a lot of time and resources to hone my skills and build credibility. I'm bringing all this to the table to empower you to achieve results. Every technique will be broken into parts and explained with close-up demos. The classes offered on Udemy is a focused training and not just a regular demo video.ResultsBased on my 15 years of experience, I know how to guide you and keep tasks achievable. I will provide you with simple but useful techniques so you can get it done ! Plus you will get lifetime access to all the video recordings so that you can use it whenever you need it compared to an in-person class which usually have a lot of information being compressed into a short amount of time and you cannot re-watch the class, and sometimes even not enough close-ups !This course will take you through step by step on how to create modern designs that are popular in salon works. It will provide you with ideas, variations and working with different gel mediums such as gel polish, gel paint and gels of different consistencies."
Price: 99.99 |
"Complete guide to RPA concepts & Implementation with UiPath" |
"This is the most comprehensive course on Robotic Process Automation(RPA) and this course is for everyone!We have covered all the concepts and the detailed practical steps to learn UiPath and further implement RPA in your organization along with setting up a center of excellence.We have also included all code snippets that you can directly use for your implementations.This course is very modular in design as well. You can pick up from any topic that interests you/ task you want to automate and begin your learning.You might be a beginner with no experience with RPA concepts or an experienced RPA professional. Whether you are a developer, a software test professional, a project manager or a business executive, you will immensely benefit from this course. The course covers the use cases of RPA - the industries where they are being used today and the course also guides you on how you can fit into one of these new age roles that entail RPA implementation in any organization.Further a deep dive into core features of UiPath - the most used tool for RPA implementation in the industry - is covered.Learning these techniques will greatly reduce the burden of manual tasks for you and for your organization!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Fundamentals of Business Taxes" |
"This course is designed to help you, a new business owner, understand and meet your federal and state tax obligations. You'll learn the fundamentals of business taxes. We'll get into what you need to know about Federal Taxes and your new business, detailing what needs to be submitted to the IRS, when it needs to be submitted, and the essentials of completing these tax forms. You'll learn about all the forms such as W2s, W3s, K-1s, 1099s, 941 forms and other small business taxes and tax forms; and how to file and pay your taxes electronically. This course if for anyone no matter what kind of business you have or whether you have employees.By the end of this course, you'll have a good understanding of the government's rules and requirements, as well as how to save time and funds when filing business taxes."
Price: 19.99 |
"Fundamentals of Financial Modeling" |
"Financial modeling is the task of building an abstract representation (a model) of a real world financial situation. It is an abstract numerical scenario of a real-world financial situation used to ascertain the future financial performance by making projections. The user can manipulate the inputs to maintain the quality of a financial model, which will result in accuracy and dependency one can have on the outputs.In this course, you will learn financial modeling of different sectors that can be used in corporate finance, investment banking, commercial banking, and portfolio management. Using Microsoft Excel, we'll cover financial statement models, investment banking models, M&A models, buyout models, and DCF models.This financial modeling course is designed for students and professionals who want to master excel modeling skills."
Price: 29.99 |
"Angular JS e REST API no SharePoint" |
"O curso tem como objetivo ensinar como criar pginas de webparts (pginas web em sites) na plataforma Microsoft SharePoint com framework Angular JS que atualmente o mais utilizado em construo web. Em conjunto ir aprender como trabalhar com funo REST para acesso a API SharePoint, acessando informaes de listas em sites ou subsites para exibio em pginas. Aps o curso voc poder atuar com Angular JS tambm em outras tecnologias."
Price: 39.99 |
"How to Start a Profitable Tutoring Business" |
"Hi, I'm FarhatI believe that you can make a good living working from home...and still, have a life. That's why I teach creative people like you to work smarter.SeeI believe status quo is a curse word - especially when it means youve stopped living your life because youre buried under work thats running YOU.I believe you dont have to choose between work and family you can have BOTH and do them WELL.And you know what? This is a mom of 3 talking.I should know.After working really long hours as a teacher for over 5 years. I decided to leave my full-time job and start my own business (designing and printing stickers) from home. However, I have a passion for teaching, and I missed it, so I set up, my second business - a tutoring business.Over the past few years I have tutored over 50 students, helping them achieve amazing results. Here's my favourite testimonial (I had to include one!)""From the first session, I felt more reassured after we went through my past papers to see how I could improve. I was set homework that would really help me to revise over the texts and to learn things that my class at school were not being taught. When it came to my exams, I felt confident as I had been taught to a high standard which improved my grade. I highly recommend Farhat to any student struggling in English.""Evie Yr. 11 studentNow, I coach smart people on how to avoid mistakes and start their own profitable tutoring businesses. Working as a tutor can be a hugely rewarding job and a great way to take control of your own finances. As your own boss, you get to decide how and when you work and when you take time off. I truly believe that If you have knowledge in a particular field then you can start your own successful tutoring business from home.This course is for you if you have your sights set on becoming a private tutor. Whether youre looking to make extra income to supplement another job, or you want to work as a tutor full-time, youll find this course and the downloadable book incredibly useful in getting you started and helping you sustain a successful private tutoring business. With the right approach and the know-how contained within this course, youll have everything you need to start your own tutoring business over the next few weeks.Join me and learn: The #1 strategy I used to turn my tutoring business into a profitable income. The top #3 myths surrounding tutoring. 4 common mistakes that lead to failure. 3 things I wish I knew before I started my own tutoring business. The 5 best kept secrets that no one will tell you about tutoring.New Bonus FeaturesThe whole course in book ""How to Start a Successful Tutoring Business"" for you to download and keep forever!Action Points ChecklistSample advert cheat sheetAdvert ChecklistMy personal terms and conditions that I send to parents, swipe fileList of book publishers I personally use with my studentsTestimonials from Successful Tutors that I have coached...""Farhat gave me fantastic advice and support in helping me to establish a very successful tutoring service in East London."" Zahid ""Farhat's advice on tuition helped provide me with direction and clarity, providing practical solutions on how to manage my current students, and how to advertise myself to gain more."" Aliya""Farhat gave me a step-by-step plan for how to grow my successful tuition business. At one point I had so many clients I had to turn people away!"" Musab""Thank you Farhat for your advice, it allowed me to improve my skills as a tutor which benefited my students immensely!"" Aisha""Farhat has provided me with very good advice on valuing my worth and how to make my time teaching worth it. She is the first person I go to for career advice as well as how to advertise myself because she gives realistic, clear and practical advice on how to move forward."" Iman""I tried to find work as a tutor for a while with no luck, once I started putting the advice from this tutoring course into practice I started seeing results! Thanks Farhat"" . Rahma"
Price: 34.99 |
"Cook 5 Indian Vegetarian Meals in 5 Days" |
"Who Is This Course For?The Cook 5 Vegetarian Meals in 5 Days video course from Farhat Amin is designed for home cooks who want to quickly learn authentic Indian recipes from the comfort of their home.It contains step by step video tutorials that are quick and easy to follow. Your time is limited, so the information is broken down into bite size lectures that can be easily completed in less than an hour. All the recipes are suitable for Vegans, apart from the vegetable kebabs - an egg is used, however that can easily be omitted.The course goes through the steps from understanding Indian spices, to preparing your ingredients, to the exact steps showing you how to make 5 delicious Indian meals, that your friends and family will love.What You Will Accomplish During This CourseStart from scratch and create awesome vegetarian meals that look professional and taste amazing by the end of the course. You'll no longer need to pay for expensive Indian take-aways. After completing the course you will have a repertoire of recipes that you can rustle up in no time. You can accomplish all of this in under a week!"
Price: 34.99 |
beginnermamaeigo |
Price: 9600.00 |
"70-243 Admin and Deploying System Center 2012 Config Manager" |
"**************************************************************70-243 Administering and Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager**************************************************************Exam content : Design and plan System Center Configuration Manager infrastructure (1015%)Manage operating system deployment (OSD) (1015%)Deploy applications and software updates (1015%)Manage compliance settings (1015%)Manage sites (1015%)Manage clients (1015%)Manage inventory (1015%)Manage reports and queries (1015%)*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 112 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 |
"70-410 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 exams" |
"A certification can strengthen your degree, and maybe even improve your income.Exam content : Install and configure servers (1520%)Configure server roles and features (1520%)Configure Hyper-V (1520%)Deploy and configure core network services (1520%)Install and administer Active Directory (1520%)Create and manage Group Policy (1520%)*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 469 questions ***"
Price: 39.99 |
"70-411 Administering Windows Server 2012 practice exams" |
"This MCSA 70-411, Administering Windows Server 2012 exam is part 2 of a 3 exams that test your skills necessary to administer a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure in an enterprise environment. Once you pass the exam, others will know you posses the ability to administer the tasks required to maintain a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure, such as user and group management, data security, and network access. Passing this exam along with the other two exams confirms that a candidate has the skills and knowledge necessary for implementing, managing, maintaining, and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment.This exam covers six main sections which include:MCSA 70-411 Sections Deploy, manage and maintain servers 15% to 20% Configure file and print services 15% to 20%Configure network services and access 15% to 20%Configure a Network Policy Server (NPS) infrastructure 10% to 15%Configure and manage Active Directory 10% to 15% Configure and manage Group Policy 15% to 20%*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 225 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"English Vocabulary - Hack the Code! Level 1" |
"The English language contains over 1 million words! Wouldn't it be great if there was some secret formula, a system, that would help you learn vocabulary without memorizing words? There is! All English words have a ROOT, and many have one or more PREFIXES and one or more SUFFIXES. In this course you'll learn some of the most frequently used prefixes and suffixes by attaching them to simple words that you already know. That will make it easy to understand how the meaning, spelling, or part of speech is changed when you add that prefix or suffix. Each unit focuses on one topic and has two teaching videos - a simple one and an optional one with more complex academic information about the particular prefix, suffix, or spelling change. You then get to do five activities on that topic. These are in PDFs that can be done online (if your browser allows it) or printed and done by hand. When you've completed the course you'll have a thorough understanding of how these prefixes and suffixes work with all words, from simple to advanced vocabulary!"
Price: 29.99 |
"The ""How to Guide"" to Becoming an Online English Teacher" |
"Hello Everyone! Welcome to the How to Guide to Becoming an Online English Teacher Course: Your Step by Step Guide! You are so welcome here :)I have been teaching English online for 2 years now and in that time I have taught for 3 different online schools based in Thailand, China and Europe. I have also taught English in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Poland, Ukraine, Italy, Russia, Turkey & India through 3 different create a profile sites. This wasn't always my life though! About 2,5 years ago I left my corporate gig in private banking for one of South Africa's biggest and most prestigious Private & Corporate Banks. I wasn't satisfied with my career and where it was going. I was in search of something a little less suffocating and far more fulfilling. I stumbled upon online English teaching and it has since changed my life.I didn't have any know how whatsoever when I decided to start dabbling in this arena. BUT through trial and error I found myself succeeding. Online English teaching is a very specific market, with very specific requirements and I made it even more niche for myself by choosing to only teach adults. This only made the journey more difficult. But me being a persistent spirit I did just that... I persisted. And even with the wrong skin tone and a visual deficiency and distortion I was able to land gig after gig!So how did I do it?A lot of my friends and heck...even strangers who find out I teach online all want to know ""how do I get started?"" ""How does it work?""...Hence this course! Whether you are looking to teach English online as a full time gig so that you can travel or whether you'd like to use it as a side hustle THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU! For more...watch the welcome video! And...Enjoy! Learn through examples and practical lessons!"
Price: 19.99 |