"How to Become a Software QA Tester. Roman Savin's Course" |
"""Ive hired many QA engineers, and can vouch for the effectiveness of much of the material here If youre serious about becoming a software tester, I cant think of a better way to start."" Phil Libin, Evernote CEOCourse FAQ1. What is the primary purpose of this course?To help you find a QA job ASAP.2. Do I need to have a computer science degree or QA experience to get a job?Many, if not most, QA engineers came from the fields unrelated to computer science. There are former lawyers, civil engineers, accountants, customer support specialists, teachers, salespeople, etc. who got their QA jobs after taking a class on software testing. BTW, the great option to start QA career is to do internal transfer within your company so many companies have websites, and somebody needs to develop and test them! QA is not rocket science! in fact, our profession is the easiest way to join the software industry. Having said that we want to stress that QA studies and QA work DO require things that not everybody has: attention to details, perseverance, patience, curiosity, and ability to learn new concepts/approaches.3. What this course consists of?a. 45 video lectures PACKED with materials and practical exercises. Lectures 40-45 (inclusively) cover our Job Hunting System designed to help you stay ahead of your competition in the job market.b. 45 homework assignments (PDF file with homework is attached as a Resource to each lecture).c. 45 quizzes.d. Web-based training software SHARELANE.COM.e. Professional Exam for Software QA/Test Engineer (178 questions on QA, Manual Testing, QA automation and software development)e. Templates and examples of QA documents (including first QA resume template) that you can use for your career. We urge you to - execute all practical exercises as you study video lectures.- take all quizzes - complete all homework assignments. Once again, if you want to be ahead of your competition on a junior tester job market, you have to study hard and do all practical exercises, homework, and quizzes. This course is big, comprehensive and its designed to help you get a job ASAP, but youll have to invest your effort and attitude and all good things will come your way.This course is based on a bestselling book by Roman Savin and Ruslan Desyatnikov How to Become a QA Tester in 30 days and on previous Roman Savins books (How to Become a Software Tester and ).4. Would I benefit from this course if Im already employed as a software tester?Many employers have bought this course and its predecessor to refresh knowledge of their test engineers or to convert non-QA employees into QA pros. So, yes, you will.5. Why do you use QA Tester in the name of the course? Aren't QA and Testing different things?The purpose of Quality Assurance is to prevent bugs. The purpose of testing is to find and address bugs that were not prevented. So, while QA and Testing are different things, they both deal with and improve software quality. In the software industry, titles QA, Tester, and QA Tester are used interchangeably.6. Do you guarantee that Ill find a QA job after your course?We cannot guarantee that because it's irresponsible to do so! There are too many variables: job market, students attitude, students intellect, students persistence in learning, students ability to take rejection, etc. etc. But what we CAN guarantee is that youll get TOP QA Education and this course will provide you with all the knowledge needed to start and successfully proceed with your QA/Testing career.7. Some people say that manual QA is no longer needed.Nope! QA automation is a great thing, but it merely does what you program it to do. QA automation has no intelligence of its own. Hence in many cases, e.g., when software has a lot of moving parts, usage of QA automation makes no sense, and the only way to test software is to involve manual testers. We recommend learning manual QA first, then getting a job, then moving to QAautomation.Manual QA engineers will always be needed before AI is self-aware, but in that case, we are in big trouble in anyway :)8. Do you cover QA automation?QAautomation means a broad spectrum of tools, techniques, and approaches. Here is what we'll do in this course:we'll have three lectures about QA automation where you'll learn how to write QA automation correctly and how to find good cases for its usage -- in other words, you'll learn how to work smart with whatever automation tools you'll choose in the future.9. Are there Junior QA jobs? How much can I make from the start?You'll find plenty of junior positions if you know how and where to search -- we will teach you that. As of April 9, 2019, Glassdoor reports that for average Entry Level QA Analyst salary is $56,773/yr in the USA. Not so bad for a start!10. When I look at QA positions, they require at least some experience.Well teach you how to translate your non-QA experience into QA experience, and how to get actual QA experience that you can put into your resume. 11. How is this course different from hundreds of other QA courses, including free ones?- This course was created by PayPal, Evernote, and Chegg alumni Roman Savin. His works on QA/Testing enabled thousands of people around the world to get started with QA career.- This course is about action there is NO DRY THEORY here. We are going to give you the methodologies, approaches, solutions, suggestions, recommendations, ideas, brain positioning and document examples and templates that have immediate IMMEDIATE practical application in any company youll join.- You'll learn QA/Testing and practice your QA skills with innovative web-based training software SHARELANE.COM. In other words, you'll practice while learning, and learn while practicing!- The course videos were produced by professionals in a professional studio on professional equipment. The voice over belongs to professional American narrator.- In addition to basic QA/Testing training, e.g., test case writing or bug filing, youll get familiar with many TECHNICAL things: databases, log files, builds, version control, automation tools, programming practices, website architecture, etc. etc.- In this course, weve also covered work of other participants of the software development life cycle (product managers, coders, DB admins, release engineers, etc.), so you can understand how things work in the software companies, why bugs appear and what can we do to prevent them.Welcome to the course and thanks for choosing us,Roman Savin and QA Mentor team."
Price: 199.99 |
"Modele seu Processo de Negcio com BPMN no BIZAGI" |
"Uma organizao pode ser vista como uma coleo de processos de negcio integrados para criar valor para seus clientes. Quanto mais a organizao conhece seus processos melhor ela funciona e a maneira de conhecer um processo modelando-o.BPMN a notao padro, de fato, utilizada na modelagem dos processos de uma organizao, com a qual voc pode descrev-los, document-los, criar manuais de procedimentos, capacitar fora de trabalho, realizar melhoria contnua de produtos e servios e automatizar operaes.Aprender BPMN, alm de mudar a maneira como voc v uma organizao, pode ajudar na sua carreira em qualquer rea de uma empresa.Este curso para iniciantes ou para quem j usa o BPMN mas no tem uma base slida nos fundamentos da notao ou nos conceitos de processos de negcio ou de modelagem de processos.Os conceitos so apresentados um de cada vez, medida que se fazem necessrios para a modelagem do Processo Lavar Carro, que assim completamente modelado, passo a passo, desde suas definies iniciais.O curso organizado em 10 aulas distribudas em duas sees:Seo 1) Conceitos de Processos de Negcio e ModelagemAula 1: IntroduoAula 2: Diferenas entre BPM, BPI, BPMS e BPMNAula 3: Conceitos de Processos de Negcio (nome, objetivo, escopo, instncia)Aula 4: Conceitos de Modelagem de Processo de Negcio (As Is, To Be, modelagem descritiva, analtica, automao)Aula 5: Aplicativo para Modelagem de processo de Negcio (download e instalao)Seo 2) Seo de Elementos da Notao BPMN e Modelagem do Processo Lavar CarroAula 6: Principais elementos de BPMN (pools, eventos de incio e de trmino, atividades, fluxos de sequncia)Aula 7: Tipos de atividades de BPMN (tarefas abstratas, manuais, de usurio, automticas, subprocessos, call activities)Aula 8: Gateways condicionais e paralelos (gateway ou-exclusivo e paralelo)Aula 9: Papis do processo (lanes) e outros processos (lanes, black box pools, fluxos de mensagem)Aula 10: Tratamento de dados e artefatos (objetos de dados, depsitos de dados, anotaes, grupos)Todas as aulas incluem uma vdeo-aula. A partir da 2 aula, incluem tambm 5 questes tericas do tipo melhor resposta entre 4 alternativas, para fixao dos conceitos apresentados naquela aula.A partir da 5 aula, quando ser instalado o BIZAGI na sua mquina, haver ainda um exerccio prtico em cada aula com o uso do aplicativo, utilizando os elementos da notao BPMN apresentados naquela aula. A parte prtica no BIZAGI ser explicada e demonstrada por um segundo vdeo em cada aula.Assim, os conhecimentos adquiridos nas aulas sero aplicados gradualmente ao mesmo processo Lavar Carro e, ao final da ltima aula, o modelo do processo estar pronto e voc ter conhecido a sequncia de procedimentos para modelar seus prprios processos de negcio."
Price: 39.99 |
"Mindful and Mighty in 28 Days" |
"Mindful and Mighty in 28 Days is all about helping you to become more knowledgable about food, sleep, and stress while helping to strengthen muscles and bones using yoga basics, yoga core, and yoga heart to keep you healthy today and tomorrow. The course lengths are anywhere from 6 to 27 minutes. Just long enough to get a good workout in on the fitness days and tune in for a short discussion on the rest days."
Price: 39.99 |
"Youtube affiliate marketing" |
", , , , , , , , . , , . , , , ( ) 30 , ."
Price: 24.99 |
"Voc melhor em 30 dias" |
"Programa de exerccios fsicos completo para sair definitivamente do sedentarismo. Voltado para pessoas totalmente sedentrias ou at quem nunca treinou. Inclui o fortalecimento muscular que feito atravs do treinamento funcional. Esta uma metodologia completa de treino que permite treinar em qualquer lugar e sem a necessidade maquinas ou pesos, utilizando o prprio peso corporal e movimentos bsicos do nosso dia a dia. Isso proporciona quebra de rotina e possibilidade de mudar constantemente os locais de treino. Podendo treinar em parques, praas, dentro de casa, no hotel em qualquer local mesmo com espao reduzido. Alm disso, tambm inclui exerccios aerbios para melhorar a sade, perder peso e melhorar o condicionamento fsico. Alongamento geral para melhorar postura, reduzir dores e diminuir o stress.Inclui bnus com: guia sobre a relao de descanso e dormirguia com psiclogo e coach sobre mudana de hbitos e estilo de vidaguia sobre alimentaoe muito mais!"
Price: 54.99 |
"How To Build SAAS Product using Python &NodeJS" |
"Learn NodeJS ,Python (ML+Scrabing) ,Angular JS ,Firebasecourese outline:Install NodeJs ,Install express ,Create hello world Node & Express appInstall python shell , install python ,install Sklearn , install pip (Connect Python with Node JS)Install beautiful soup ,Example scarperDemonstrate Python scraper (syarah) + JsonConnect Firebase with python and execute predictionCreate Angular app and connect to node JS and send data from HTMLReceive data from NodeJS to htmlSolve the arabic language problemCreate new layoutDeploy Node JS python on HerokuDelpy HTML to free Host AwardSpace"
Price: 54.99 |
blockchaininarabic |
", .. :1- :IntroductionOverViewCourse GoalsBlockChain Vs BitcoinSending Money ProblemHigh Fees ProblemBitcoin and Satoshi NakamotoBitcoinDouble Spending ProblemLeadgersPeer2Peer NetworksBlockChain levelsEtheruem BlockChainSmart ContractHyperLedgerBlockChain ChallengesBlockChain SectorsLets review Example 1Lets review Example 22- :BlockChain in HealthCareBlockChain in insuranceBlockChain in Real-EStateBlockChain in SupplyChainBlockChain in Retail and ShipmentBlockChain in IOTBlockChain in BankingBlockChain in FinanceBlockChain in FintechBlockChain in IdentityBlockChain in EnergyBlockChain in Retail and ShopsBlockChain in Legal3- ICO .."
Price: 54.99 |
"Master & Maker: Realiza proyectos con Arduino. De 0 a Maker!" |
"Quieres aprender a ser un maker?Quieres saber todo lo que puedes llegar a hacer con Arduino? Participa en este curso y aprende a realizar cualquier proyecto que se te pase por la cabeza con Arduino. Con este curso aprenders sobre las placas de Arduino, los componentes, los sensores, el mundo analgico y el paso al mundo digital y todo desde un punto de vista practico orientado a proyectos. Con cada seccin irs aprendiendo de forma incremental y realizando proyectos con diferentes objetivos. Cuando llegues a la ltima seccin podrs realizar proyectos grandes con objetivos claros.El enfoque del curso es eminentemente prctico, siguiendo una metodologa estricta de aprendizaje. A travs de la metodologa el alumno podr ir comprobando, mediante la realizacin de ejercicios, como se van adquiriendo los conocimientos necesarios para lograr concluir con xito el curso. Dichos ejercicios sern resueltos por el instructor en sesiones posteriores.En cada seccin se evaluarn los conocimientos que has ido aprendiendo, mientras que en la ltima seccin se te guiar para realizar un proyecto evaluable con nociones de todo lo que se ha ido aprendiendo.Si te gustan los proyectos DIY no lo dudes, hazte maker!"
Price: 119.99 |
"How To Find Real Fans For Your Music On Social Media" |
"One of the major pain points facing independent music artists in this digital era is how do I find fans?. I often meet talented artists struggling to grow a fanbase. Record labels have collapsed and artists are rapidly becoming reliant on streaming algorithms paying pennies on the dollar.Artists that dont have digital marketing and sales savvy are being left behind.Even worse many feel that these skills are out of their reach which is far from the truth.This course is part of the solution.By the end of this course you will learn:Step-by-step instruction on how to create music video rollouts on FacebookStep-by-step instruction on how to create real fans on autopilotStep-by-step instruction on how to create targeted audiences to find fans that like your kind of music on social mediaWe know theres a lot of fake gurus out there. So to prove our strategy works we included a live case study for the course. You get to see exactly how within 30 days we scaled an acapella Hip Hop music video to:100K+ Facebook views20% increase in Spotify listeners400+ new social followers1K+ unique clicks to the artist's website800+ post shares18,000 Ad Lift Recall (18K people remembered the video 2 days after watching it upon polling)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Mais de 90% do que voc faz por isso...Aprenda a identificar os principais motivos e caractersticas que levam voc e as pessoas ao seu redor a terem determinados padres de comportamento e, assim, melhore imediatamente seus relacionamentos e performance no campo pessoal e profissional. Treinamento baseado na metodologia SOAR, desenvolvida pela Florida Christian University (FCU)."
Price: 69.99 |
2010-kav |
"2010201320102010201320 MOS"
Price: 6000.00 |
"Autodesk Revit Arquitectura 2019: Curso Definitivo" |
"En el ""Curso definitivo de Revit Arquitectura"" encontrars 98 clases sintetizadas y dedicadas 100% a Revit Arquitectura, donde aprenders todo lo referente al programa, adems de ciertos elementos estructurales como Plintos, Pilares, Vigas y Sistemas de vigas. El surso se divide en dos secciones, la primera dedicada al desglose de cada herramienta que nos brinda REVIT, explicando su uso y con archivos de prctica, para su mejor entendimiento y puesta en prctica. Y una segunda parte, dedicada al modelado de un PROYECTO BIM, con la metodologa adecuada para que el programa logre una cuantificacin precisa de cantidades de obra y por ende, ahorro de tiempo y dinero."
Price: 139.99 |
"SAP MM Subcontracting and SAP Batch Management Process" |
"In this course, I have explained the process steps of Subcontracting with sub scenarios like over and under consumption of components during Subcontracting procurement. And also accounting entries during Goods Receipt of Finished product are explained. I provided few doubts session videos along with main course video.I have provided Batch Management Configuration and testing process in this course. Batch determination is explained along with testing of Batch Management functionalities"
Price: 24.99 |
"SAP MM PR and PO Release Procedure" |
"Purchase Requisition Release Procedure Step by Step Configuration with classification includes define characteristics, class and release codes along with multiple strategiesPurchase Requisition Release Procedure TestingPurchase Order Release Procedure Step by Step Configuration with classificationPurchase Order Release Procedure Testing at different approval levelsBusiness requirements of Release ProcedureQ&A session videos on Release ProcedureFew issues related to Release Procedure discussions"
Price: 24.99 |
"SAP MM Consignment and Pipeline Procurement" |
"In this course, one can learn below topics- Configuration Steps for Consignment Process- Testing of Consignment Cycle step by step for End User- Configuration Steps for Pipeline Process- Testing of Pipeline Procurement Cycle step by step for End User- Business Examples for the Procurement Processes- Accounting entries are provided for each goods movement in Consignment and Pipeline Procurement- Invoice Settlement with MRKO Transaction is explained- Few doubts are explained"
Price: 24.99 |
"SAP Intra Company STO process" |
"In this course, one can learn below topics- Intra Company STO without Delivery configuration and step by step testing steps. This process will happen within SAP MM- Intra Company STO with Delivery configuration and step by step testing steps. This process is integrated with SAP SD- Movement types and accounting entries related to Intra STO are explained in this course- Few doubts session videos are provided which cover few questions from STO process along with few other topics of SAP MM"
Price: 24.99 |
"SAP MM Import and RTP Procurement Process" |
"In this course, I have taught below topics which cover configuration and testing - Import Procurement configuration and testing- Accounting Entries of Import Procurement and explanation about different types of condition types- Import Pricing Procedure- Returnable Transport Packaging Procurement Configuration and Testing- Business examples for the procurement- Q&A session on Import Procurement and few other SAP MM topics"
Price: 24.99 |
"SAP MM Pricing Procedure" |
"In this course, below topics are covered. I have explained step by step configuration and testing- SAP MM Pricing Procedure configuration includes Condition type, pricing schema and schema determination etc.- Condition Table and Condition Records- Testing Pricing Procedure with Purchase Order- Business examples for Process- Q&A sessions on Pricing procedure"
Price: 29.99 |
"The Ultimate Yoga Course: Shoulder, Neck & Back Pain Relief" |
"Thanks for downloading and using XUKO x YOGA WITH BRIAN online yoga classes. Yoga is the relationship that is built between the body, the mind and the breath, creating space free from obstacles in your own body to live. Yoga is the inner journey to the source of limitless joy to get you through the working day full of hassles. And because of that, I am here to help you find a release so that you can, comfortably and competently, move your bodies through life. In this Online class: The Ultimate Yoga Course: Shoulder, Neck & Back Pain Relief, I combine creative sequencing, a spirit of strength and fitness. From 10 minutes to 20 minutes, short timing practice to keep you on pace with your busy lifestyle. I hope the class help you thrive in live by nurturing body, mind and soul with yoga, and my hope is that you step off the mat feeling refreshed, nourished and balanced. Cheers for your new journey with Yoga, XUKO x Yoga With Brian."
Price: 19.99 |
"In this course, you will learn logic of the program. The first thing is introduction step. In this step, you will be familiar with main and pull down menus one by one. Then, modeling frame structures and loading of the structure will be introduced basically. In next lectures, designing and modeling of manhole will be introduced. In manhole modeling, you will be introduced creating circles, meshing, loadings and load combinations for shell members. After those lectures, a more complicated building modeling will be designed under earthquake and some other loading types. The last step of the course is the designation of cross section of members. The course offers you the basic properties of the program, however, with the help of those lectures you will obtain logic of the program. Therefore, if you follow the lectures, you can make design and analysis of any type of the structure."
Price: 24.99 |
"In this course, you will learn logic of the program. The first thing is introduction step. In this step, you will be familiar with main and pull down menus one by one. Then, analysis of slope will be introduced basically. In next lectures, slope under pore pressure, water table, dynamic forces, rapid drawdown condition.Probabilistic, sensitivity and water table analysisCreating support for slopesFinite element ground water analysisCreating different surfaces for analysis and introduction to stability calculation methodsCreating tension layer and weak layersRapid Drawdown Analysis"
Price: 24.99 |
"In this course, you will learn logic of the program. The first thing is introduction step. In this step, you will be familiar with main and pull down menus one by one. Then, modeling frame structures and loading of the structure will be introduced basically. In next lectures, designing and modeling of manhole will be introduced. In manhole modeling, you will be introduced creating circles, meshing, loadings and load combinations for shell members. After those lectures, a more complicated building modeling will be designed under earthquake and some other loading types. The last step of the course is the designation of cross section of members. The course offers you the basic properties of the program, however, with the help of those lectures you will obtain logic of the program. Therefore, if you follow the lectures, you can make design and analysis of any type of the structure."
Price: 24.99 |
"The Complete AutoCAD Course" |
"Online video lecturesAll files are available to download250 autocad command list is prepared and show all commands by one byPractise drawings and files are preparedAuto generated closed captioning id different languages (generated by Udemy)Taught by certified AutoCAD professionalNew features of AutoCAD 2018, 2019 and 2020 version includedSelf assessment quizzes and Practice drawings at the end of every section"
Price: 24.99 |
"Ultimate photography course, where beginners become masters" |
"This photography course is aimed at beginners to help them on their photographic journey. Learning the whole of photography in one sitting is impossible, however with this foundation you will be well on your way.This course is aimed at anyone with a digital camera, be it a DSLR, mirrorless, bridge or point and shoot.Owning good equipment is only a small part of photography, without an in depth understanding of the craft, to become a master is near impossible. This course is designed for:-Beginners that have little to no experience and want to become a skilled photographer-People who are brand new to photography all together-Anyone looking to make a career in this fantastic art formYou will learn the basic fundamentals of digital photography in this course, and get plenty of tips along the way. Here's some of what you will learn:-What questions you must ask yourself before purchasing new equipment.-Choosing the right image format and size-How to navigate your cameras menus.-What the three major setting in your camera are. ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed.-How and why you change these settings.-Exposure and exposure compensation.-The basics of how light affects your images.-Some compositional techniques to try.About the instructor:I have been a photographer for the past 15 years, and the last 3 of those I have dedicated to teaching others about this fantastic craft. I work as a photographic guide in South Africa, taking clients on safari and ensuring they nail their once in a lifetime images. I have been published many times in magazines, books and competitions, with the highlight being a finalist in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year awards in 2016."
Price: 1000.00 |
"Java - Internationalisierung und Lokalisierung" |
"Der Kurs beschftigt sich damit, wie Software in Java zu gestalten ist, damit diese mehrsprachig lauffhig ist. Die bersetzten Texte sind hierbei mglichst nicht fest ein zu kodieren, da man so nderungen nur durch erneutes Kompilieren des gesamten Codes wirksam machen knnte. Vielmehr stellt Java Techniken zur Verfgung, um dies genau zu vermeiden und eleganter zu lsen.Wir schauen uns alles an, was ihr zum Thema Internationalisierung und Lokalisierung von Software in Java wissen msst!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Java - Die 10 meistgesehenen Fragen auf Stack Overflow" |
"In diesem Kurs behandeln wir die zehn meistgesehenen Fragen zum Thema Java auf der Programmierplattform schlechthin Stack Overflow durch (Stand: Oktober 2019)Sie decken wesentliche Teile von Java ab und sollten daher von uns allen verstanden und beherrscht werden. Sei es fr Euch zur privaten bung, zur Klausurvorbereitung oder als Training fr ein Bewerbungsgesprch.Ich erklre Euch alles, was ihr zu den jeweiligen Fragen an Hintergrundwissen bentigt, um diese erst zu verstehen und dann beantworten zu knnen. All das Gesagte verdeutliche ich an Codebeispielen, die sowohl im Skript, als auch als kostenlosen Download zu finden sind.Welche Themengebiete erwarten Euch?* Ich erklre Euch was Referenzen auf Objekte sind und wie diese in Java gespeichert werden. Hier betrachten wir v.a. die s.g. null-Referenz und die daraus resultierende NullPointerException.* Ist Java nun ""Call-by-value"" oder doch ""Call-by-reference"", oder etwas beides? Und was versteht man berhaupt unter diesen Begriffen?* Wie vergleiche ich zwei Strings, oder allgemein zwei Objekte, miteinander? Welche Unterscheide gibt es zwischen den beiden Mglichkeiten hierfr? Und was hat der s.g. String-Pool damit zu tun?* Wir lernen verschiedenste Datenstrukturen wie Map, HashMap, Set etc. kennen.* Die Erstellung von Dateien und das Befllen dieser mit Daten mittels FileOutputStream und PrintWriter. * Das Erstellen von Zufallszahlen, auch in Programmen mit mehreren parallelen Threads.* Syntaxvereinfachungen wie der For-Each-Schleife.* u.v.m."
Price: 19.99 |
"Java - Exceptions und Assertions" |
"Thema des Kurses sind Exceptions (checked oder unchecked), Errors und Assertions!Wann treten Ausnahmen und Fehler auf, wie sind sie zu vermeiden? Sind sie doch aufgetreten, wie behandelt man sie am besten? Java kennt hier verschiedene Methoden und Anstze, deren Verstndnis elementar fr einen jeden Programmierer ist!Daher war es mir wichtig einen allumfassenden Kurs zu diesem so essentiellen Themengebiet zu erstellen.Die Gliederung des Kurses:1. Ausnahmen und Fehler1.1 Ausnahmen: Checked und Unchecked Exceptions1.2 Klassenhierarchie1.3 Fehler: Errors1.4 API Exceptions selbst verwenden2. Try-Statement2.1 Try-catch-Statement2.2 Try-finally-Statement2.3 Mehrere catch-Blcke2.4 Catch-Blcke kombinieren2.5 Was Java noch fehlt im Falle von Ausnahmen3. Try-with-resource-Statement4. Suppressed Exceptions5. Chained Exceptions6. Rethrowing Exceptions7. Assertions"
Price: 19.99 |
"Generische Programmierung in Java" |
"In diesem Kurs erklre ich Dir alles, was Du zur generischen Programmierung in Java wissen und kennen musst.Wir lernen kennen:* Was generische Programmierung (auf engl. Generics) berhaupt sind und wie sie in Java aussehen* Wie sah Java vor der Einfhrung dieser Technik aus?* Namenskonventionen* Generische Klassen* Generische Schnittstellen* Generische Methoden* RawTypes* Kompilierung von Genrics, Stichwort Typauslschung* Wildcard - ?* Typparameter T vs. Wildcard ?* Beschrnkte Generics* * Unbeschrnkte Wildcards und Typparaemter* * Nach oben beschrnkte Wildcards und Typparaemter* * Nach unten beschrnkte Wildcards"
Price: 19.99 |
"Funktionale Programmierung in Java" |
"Dieser Kurs behandelt alle Themen der Funktionalen Programmierung, wie sie mit Version 8 Einzug in Java erhielt.Die Integration dieser Konzepte stellte eine der wesentlichsten Spracherweiterungen in der Geschichte von Java dar. Insofern war es mir wichtig, hierber auch einen Kurs zu machen.Die Gliederung des Kurses:1. Einfhrung2. Was ist funktionale Programmierung?3. Functional Interfaces3.1 Die Annotation @FunctionalInterface3.2 Built-In Functional Interfaces3.3 Erweiterung bestehender API-Klassen4. Lambda Ausdrcke4.1 Syntax4.2 Lambdas beim Kompilieren4.3 Verwendung uerer Variablen in Lambdas5. Methoden-Referenzen"
Price: 19.99 |
"Learn Supply Chain Management" |
"India face a 47% deficit in the supply of good supply chain managers. With the booming E-Commerce domain in India, the availability of supply chain managers with knowledge of logistics are far and few in between. This course is designed to help you jumpstart your career or fast track your career in this domain. If you are a commerce graduate in your final year, or a young professional in the industry working for technology based logistics and supply chain companies like amazon, Swiggy or any such organization, this course is just right for you. Start learning the fundamentals, theory, practice &analytics of supply chain management in the digital era.This course is created in partnership with a subject matter expert from the industry - 'Nachiketas Waychal'. He is a Supply chain management professional with a demonstrated history of working in various functions of FMCG industry such as logistics, manufacturing, network planning, demand forecasting, customer service and quality. Skilled in programming, process automation, optimizer model development, AutoCAD, Manufacturing Engineering, ANSYS, and Lean Manufacturing. Operations professional with a strong inclination towards teaching and academics.He is currently a Ph.D. Scholar at the Indian Institute of Management - Ahmedabad."
Price: 3520.00 |