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"Build Voice Agent with IBM Watson"
"This course takes you through the complete process of creating and setting up Voice Agent or Voice Bot using watson voice agent service. We explain the architecture of a voice agent and take you through the IBM watson services to explain building of a voice agent. We explain what is SIP trunk and how to configure the SIP trunk in voice agent."
Price: 1280.00

"Chatbots : Building chatbot with Oracle Digital Assistant"
"With the Oracle Digital Assistant service, you can build a chatbot that understands natural-language input and uses machine learning to respond to customers in a way that simulates a conversation between humans.This course will teach how to use Oracle Digital Assistant service to build intelligent chatbots from end to end,Architecture :Users interact with your application through the user interface that you implement. For example, a simple chat window or a mobile app, or facebook messenger, skype or slack.The application sends the user input to the Oracle Digital Assistant service.The application connects to a skill, which is a container for your dialog flow and training data.The service interprets the user input, directs the flow of the conversation and gathers information that it needs.Oracle Digital Assistant uses its NLP model and generates the response associated with user input and sends the response back to the user.The application can interact with your back-end systems based on the user's intent and additional information. For example, answer question, open tickets, update account information, or place orders. There is no limit to what you can do.Industry Requirements :Industry is rapidly moving towards developing chatbots using AI and Machine learning algorithms. Companies don't have time & skills to build their own AI powered NLP engines hence they are using tools that provides cognitive services like Oracle Digital Assistant, IBM Watson Assistant, etc.Oracle Digital Assistant service is one of the leading cognitive service provided by Oracle. Employees who have worked or having knowledge of Oracle Digital Assistant are in demand.This course will guide you from very basic concepts of chatbot and you will have hands on experience of developing chatbot  using Oracle Digital Assistant and you would be able to crack the interviews on Oracle Digital Assistant."
Price: 1280.00

"Build Facebook Messenger Chatbot with IBM Watson Assistant"
"This course takes you through the complete process of creating and setting up a facebook messenger chatbot using watson assistant. We take you through the IBM watson UI to explain building of a chatbot. Further, we help you understand the process of app creation in facebook and integrate the chatbot with facebook messenger."
Price: 1280.00

"Curso taller: Construye un mejor equipo"
"En el presente curso irs de la mano con nosotros para reunir a tu equipo en una actividad sin precedentes para generar sinergias, nuevos objetivos y una nueva meta de equipo que ayudar a los miembros de tu organizacin a mejorar los resultados. Todo esto gracias a la herramienta ""Team charter""."
Price: 345.00

"Creacin de visin con herramienta 5 bold step vision canvas"
"A lo largo de las clases de este curso cambiars tu punto de vista acerca de la creacin de una visin dentro de una organizacin. Se te brindarn las herramientas y consejos necesarios para que, en conjunto con tu equipo nuclear dentro de tu organizacin, empresa o emprendimiento, generen una declaracin de visin contemplando acciones que debes tomar para cumplirla, elementos de apoyo, retos y los temas que la sustentarn."
Price: 345.00

"Crea geniales historias con herramienta storytelling canvas"
"En el presente curso aprenders a estructurar historias efectivas para tu emprendimiento, empresa o negocio a travs de la herramienta ""storytelling canvas"", un mtodo simple y til que te unir en conjunto con tu equipo para adentrarse a un camino lleno de sorpresas. Para cumplir con el objetivo del curso tienes que contar con el material que se te solicitar, as como seguir las instrucciones de cada una de las clases. Te invitamos a este curso para que generes la mejor historia para tu negocio, empresa o emprendimiento y logres atraer ms clientes!"
Price: 270.00

"Crea la experiencia del cliente con Customer Journey Canvas"
"Por medio del presente curso aprenders, en compaa con tu equipo de trabajo a identificar los puntos y momentos clave en los que tus productos o servicios interactan con tus clientes y poder mejorar la experiencia que tienen contigo, as mismo generar su fidelidad y atraccin de futuros clientes. Esta forma de trabajo se basa en lminas, as que te ayudar retar tu creatividad colectiva para crear un mejor negocio."
Price: 345.00

"Crea tu propuesta de valor con Value Proposition Canvas"
"Por medio de este curso podrs generar, en conjunto con tu equipo la propuesta de valor que se enfocar principalmente en tu cliente y no en tu producto, como generalmente lo hacen las tcnicas de mercadotecnia convencionales. Sigue cada una de las instrucciones y recomendaciones y logrars tener un mejor enfoque y perspectiva de lo que ofreces a tus clientes, de los sufrimientos que alivias y los beneficios que generas."
Price: 345.00

"Entiende el contexto de tu negocio con ""Context Canvas"""
"Por medio del presente curso podrs mapear el contexto general en el que tu negocio te desenvuelve, identificars las tendencias tecnolgicas, demogrficas, reglas y regulaciones, las necesidades de tu cliente, competencia, clima econmico y la competencia de tu empresa, negocio o emprendimiento.  Esto lo logrars trabajando con tu equipo y compartiendo opiniones sobre lo ms importante en su contexto."
Price: 270.00

"Crea tu propio modelo de negocio con Business Model Canvas"
"El presente curso ayudar a tu equipo de trabajo a generar una estructura para tu negocio o idea de emprendimiento, a travs de esta sencilla y estructurada herramienta. Atrvete  a usar metodologas esbeltas que te apoyarn en la generacin de soluciones con un menor uso de recursos. Todas y cada una de las actividades que forman parte de este curso deben ser realizadas en conjunto con tu equipo nuclear de trabajo en tu empresa o idea de emprendimiento."
Price: 345.00

"Herramientas efectivas de ideacin para tu negocio"
"En el presente curso, t, en compaa de tu equipo de trabajo se adentrarn dentro de las tcnicas de ideacin en los negocios, para poder generar cambios que realmente impacten en el futuro de tu negocio o idea de emprendimiento. Con herramientas como la matriz de creatividad, innovacin y el muro de ideas comenzars a ser un genio creativo dentro de la industria en la que tu negocio se lleva a cabo."
Price: 345.00

"Herramientas efectivas de prototipado para tu negocio"
"Con este valioso curso, comenzars a crear prototipos de tus ideas de negocios, basadas en tu criterio de diseo y en las ideas que has generado con tu lmina de visin en 5 pasos, propuesta de valor, modelo de negocio, contexto y herramientas de ideacin, para volverlas realidad y expresarlas en productos y servicios que revolucionarn el mercado en el que te encuentras."
Price: 345.00

"Herramientas efectivas de validacin para tu negocio"
"Con este dinmico curso aprenders a desarrollar tus habilidades para validar tus ideas que han surgido en tu negocio, empresa o emprendimiento de una forma efectiva y sobre todo rpida y econmica. As que comienza a fallar con experimentos de bajo costo y controlados antes de lanzar esa idea que crees que revolucionar el mercado y fallar involucrando grandes inversiones."
Price: 345.00

"Website Development Course For non Coder from Scratch"
"Want to create fast, secure and responsive Website For your new Business or for Clients and that too without coding?In this Course you will Learn how to create 4 page responsive Website with Stunning & Beautiful Homepage, About Us Page, Services Page and Contact Page including Animation from scratch for more appealing And professional feel for Visitors and clientsWe always Thought it was high skill coder behind a attractive website that has knowledge of tons of programming languages. I have created this Compact Course so you will not get bored and can only get to know important topics for your Website Development which will help you to build more user friendly and responsive website for your clients if you are freelancer or for your businessThere is huge competition in market on almost everything but the thing that differentiate others from a professional is that they have their portfolio website that tells thousand words for the seller . That's why there is a huge demand of web developers in the market, but non coders thought that it is not there cup of tea as web development requires tons of programming language. But I created this simple course so you can also develop that stunning looking websites and earn huge"
Price: 1280.00

"Scratch-ocuklar ve Yetikinler in Kodlama Dersleri"
"Scratch her yatan insana hitap ediyor. Scratch, kendi oyununuzu, animasyonlarnz ve hikayelerinizi oluturmanza olanak salayacak, Bilgisayar kodlama ve programlama mantn renmenize yardmc olacaktr. Bu kurs ile birlikte Scratch uygulamasn kullanmay renecek, ksa bir sre ierisinde kendi oyunlarnz yapmaya balayacaksnz. ocuklarnzn bilgisayar banda daha faydal ve gelecee dnk yararl ilerle uramasn, anlama ve kavrama kapasitelerini gelitirmelerini istiyorsanz bu ders tam da size gre."
Price: 49.99

"Learn How To Explode Leads Using Messenger Marketing"
"Say Goodbye to Cold Calling, Direct Mail, Email Marketing, Zillow & Everything Else.Automate Your Lead Generation & Lead Follow Up Without Being Tech Savvy Or Breaking The Bank!Facebook Messenger has become the #1 Place To Connect With New Prospects & fill your pipeline. You can either be an early adopter & stay ahead of your competition or perpetually fall behind.In this course you will learn how to scale your business without being a tech wizard or having to break the bank hiring a bot specialist or inside sales agent.HERE'S WHAT'S INSIDE...Step-By-Step Installation TUTORIAL that's going to help you quickly connect your Messenger Bot so that you can have leads coming in 24/7 on autopilot like clockwork!9-Part Messenger Marketing MASTERY COURSE designed to help realtors massively scale their business. It unveils key Messenger Bot & Facebook Ad strategies that are ultimately going to help you grow your pipeline, lower your prospecting time & costs.Real Estate Messenger BOT TEMPLATE that you can use to qualify and follow up with your database. The Template is the core of your Messenger Marketing system. You can easily edit the Template.BONUS Materials which includes high-converting Facebook Ad Templates that you can simply copy, a detailed Content Marketing Blueprint & a downloadable ""First-Time Home Buyer's Guide"" eBook.BENEFITS OF MESSENGER MARKETING...Responds To Buyers  Sellers Instantly!Our complex buyer & seller drip campaigns instantly respond to your prospects letting them know that you are there for them. Follow up messages & value tips let them know you are the local expert, making sure you stay Top Of Mind.Done For Your Follow Up!Our template is easily imported into your ManyChat account. You wont need to spend months building your real estate Messenger bot. With a few clicks your sequences will be setup & personalized to your business.No Monthly Fees!Some companies charge $1,000+ per month to set you up with their real estate chatbot. Theyll lock you into a contract & when youre done you get nothing. With our own program you have full control over your ManyChat account. ManyChat does charge a small monthly fee of $10.All-In-One Tool!Messenger Bot enables you to manage your marketing needs all from a single dashboard. No more Google Ads, Mailchimp, Clickfunnels, Zillow, etc. Streamline your workflow and cut out the fluff in your business.JOIN NOW TO GET INSTANT ACCESS!"
Price: 99.99

"- Google Classroom"
"Google. Google Classroom Google Drive , , .eGoogle Classroom (LMS) , ."
Price: 79.99

"- Word"
"- Word. . . ."
Price: 79.99

"Trke'den ngilizce'ye eviri Teknikleri-1"
"Trke'den ngilizce'ye eviri teknikleri kursumuzun ilk setidir. Kurs ieriinde ORTAseviye 'de Trke cmlelerin ngilizce'ye nasl evrilecei uygulamal olarak anlatlmaktadr. Toplam 3 setten oluan eitimin ilk setidir setin geriye kalan SET-2 ve SET-3 eitimleri ileri dzeyden olumaktadr. Bu kurs paketimiz SET-1 'i takip edebilmek iin en az orta seviye (A2' yi tamamlam olmak) ngilizce bilgisine ihtiyacnz vardr."
Price: 109.99

"ngilizce'den Trke'ye eviri Teknikleri-1"
"ngilizce'den Trke'ye eviri teknikleri set-1 kursumuzda toplam 100 cmlenin detayl evirisini bulacaksnz . Bu evirilerde ayn zamanda kelimelerin doru telaffuzunuda reneceksiniz. Bu kursumuzu takip edebilmeniz iin en azndan A2 seviyeyi tamamlam olmanz gerekmektedir. Kurs ieriimizde her bir cmlenin detayl evirisi, kelimelerin doru okunuu, ngilizce gramer mant, Trkeye en gzel evirinin nasl yaplaca anlatlmaktadr."
Price: 109.99

"Trke'den ngilizce'ye eviri teknikleri-2"
"Set-1 kursumuzun devam niteliinde olan Set-2 kurs ieriimizde toplam 100 adet orta ve ileri seviye cmlenin detyal eviri dersleri bulunmaktadr. Bu derslerde ngilizceye eviride bak anz deitirecek nemli teknikler bulacaksnz ve yaplan bol uygulamalarla bu teknikleri ok daha iyi kavrayacaksnz. Bu kursu takip edebilmeniz iin ngilizce'de en azndan orta seviye (b1) dzeyini tamamlam olmanz veya bir nceki set-1 kursumuzu bitirmi olmanz gerekmektedir."
Price: 109.99

"ngilizce'den Trke'ye eviri teknikleri-2"
"Bu kursumuzda orta ve ileri seviye cmlelerin eviri teknikleri, yeni kelimeler , yeni yaplar, doru telaffuz ekilleri eitimini bulacaksnz. Daha ncesinde set-1 kursumuzu tamamlamanz tavsiye ederiz bylelikle daha bir btnlkle eitiminiz ilerleyecektir. Bu set ierisindeki eviri almalaryla artk kendinize daha gvenir bir ekilde ngilizce cmleleri evirir ve yorumlar hale geleceksiniz. Herkese baarlar."
Price: 109.99

"Hzlca ngilizce renmek isteyenler buraya..Gereksiz detaylardan uzak iin mantn reten bir anlatmla HIZLI NGLZCE SET-1 kursumuz sizlerle. Bu kursumuz sfr seviyesinden orta seviyeye ngilizce retiyor; hemde hzlca. Ders sonralarnda PDF olarak size verilen altrmalarn videolu tek tek zmn de bulacamz kursumuz size ok ey katacak. Konulara entegre olan okuma kelime ve telaffuz almalaryla doru ngilizceyi reneceksiniz."
Price: 109.99

"Orta seviyeye yakn ngilizce biliyorsunuz ve gereksiz detaylara taklmadan ngilizcenizi ileri dzeye tamak istiyorsunuz; o zaman bu kurs tam size gre. Gereksiz detaylara girilmeden anlatlan gramer konular ve ardndan bol okuma, telaffuz, kelime almas ile ok zaman kaybetmeden ileri seviyeye ulaacaksnz; tm derslerin ierikleri, altrmalar, ve ekstra kelime ve okuma almas PDF dokmanlarda iinize ok yarayacak. ok dnmeyin bu kurs tam size gre."
Price: 109.99

"ngilizce SINAVLARDA (YDS-YKdil-YDT-TOEFL-IELTS) en sk kullanlan ORTA VE LER dzey kelimeleri zenle setik; anlamlarna uygun ierikteki cmlelerde rneklendirerek bu cmleleri evirdik; kelimelerin doru telaffuzlarna zellikle dikkat gsterdik; kelimeleri bol tekrar ederek videolara devam ettik; ayrca bol PDF altrma ekledik ve sonuta keyifle takip edeceinizi dndmz bir ierik oluturduk. BONUS olarak eklediimiz videolarmzda READING paralar ierisinde rendiimiz kelimleri ve daha fazlasn tekrar ettik 15, 5 saatlik kursumuzda yaklak 3.000 adet kelimeyi kalc olarak retmeyi hedefledik. Kursumuzu tercih eden tm dostlarmza imdiden ok teekkrler."
Price: 109.99

"Hzl ngilizce serimizin 3. ve sonuncu kursu. Gramer konular iinde nemli olan advanced noktalara temas edilen ayrca dil renmede asl nemli olan OKUMA ve ANLAMA almalaryla desteklenen ok keyif alacanz umduumuz bir kurs. Eer seviyeniz en az b2 dzeyse direk olarak bu kurstan balayabilirsiniz; fakat seviyeniz daha dkse set-2 kursumuzu tamamlayarak bu kursa gei yapmanz ok daha faydal olacaktr. Eer en batan sona bir hazrlk yapmak istiyorsanz bu 3 seri sizi en temel seviyeden ileri dzeye tayacaktr."
Price: 119.99

"IELTS WRITING kursumuz ngilizce seviyesi en az (B1-B2) dzeyinde olanlar iin hazrlanm IELTS snavnn bu alann detayl tantan, yazma kalplarn veren, analiz ederek reten bir kurs; ayrca kurs sonunda 10 adet bonus WRITING CHECK yaplm videolarmzla sk yaplan hatalar dzelterek sizi hedefe ulatracak bir ynteme sahip. PDF dokmanlarla desteklenen kursumuza hepinizi bekliyoruz."
Price: 299.99

"YKdil, YDS, YKSdil gibi snavlara hazrlanyorsanz; bu kurs ok iinize yarayacak. Son YKdil snav ncesi yapm olduumuz ONLINE-CANLI soru zm derslerinin kaytlarn ve BONUS olarak eklediimiz SINAV GRAMER konu anlatmn bulacaksnz; Videolarmz UDEMY iin zel ekilmi videolar deildir canl ders kaytlarndan olumaktadr. Yapmanz gereken tek ey kahvenizi alp ilk videodan itibaren evden , iten dilediiniz yerden sadece izlemek. Bylelikle soru trlerine kar bak anz deiecek; BU KURSUMUZU TAKP EDEBLMEK N EN AZ ORTA SEVYE NGLZCE bilginiz olmas gerekmektedir."
Price: 309.99

"Programowanie obiektowe w Python Zadania + Rozwizania"
"W kursie szczegowo przedstawiam podstawowe zagadnienia programowania obiektowego. Pokazuj, w jaki sposb mona wykorzysta te koncepcje w jzyku programowania Python. Python, w porwnaniu do innych jzykw (Java, C#) posiada wasny sposb przedstawiania pewnych koncepcji np. polimorfizm, co dla osb nieprogramujcych w Pythonie moe by do nietypowe.Znajomo programowania obiektowego jest kluczowa, w przypadku starania si o pozycj Junior Developera. Dlatego na koniec kursu przygotowaem dla Ciebie list 10 pyta, ktre mog pojawi si na rozmowie o prac. Kade pytania posiada rwnie przykadow odpowied.Kurs podzieliem na 6 rozdziaw. W kadym rozdziale przedstawiam teori danego zagadnienia oraz przykad jego implementacji w Pythonie. Dodatkowo na koniec kadego rozdziau przygotowaem dla Ciebie zadanie domowe wraz z przykadowym rozwizaniem.Tematyka kursu:Czym jest klasa oraz obiekt? Pola, metody, konstruktorHermetyzacja - gettery oraz settery (@property)Dziedziczenie, dziedziczenie wielokrotne oraz MROMetody specjalne (magiczne) w klasach@classmethod oraz @staticmethodPolimorfizm w Pythonie. Duck typing, interfejsy oraz klasa i metoda abstrakcyjnaJeeli chcesz pozna w jaki sposb programowanie obiektowe wykorzystywane jest w Pythonie to myl, e jestem w stanie Ci pomc :)"
Price: 369.99

"Customer Service Development"
"This course will help you understand how to navigate a sale using the buying cycle. How to overcome objections and deal with first impressions. This course can help you understand how to lead a sale, progress in your current retail role and understand great customer service. Learn how to exceed the customers expectations, use the correct terminology and build a sale. "
Price: 19.99