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"Curso de Alemn 2 La Manera Fcil de Aprender Alemn"
"QUIERES APRENDER ALEMN, PERO NO AVANZAS?Entonces nosotros vamos a ayudarte.En este curso, llegars a un nivel intermedio alto (B2) de conversacin en alemn.Aprende todo naturalmente escuchando historias divertidas.El mtodo TPRS (en otras palabras, el mtodo de mini cuentos) y, en particular, la ""tcnica de preguntas y respuestas"" te ayudarn a alcanzar este objetivo fcilmente.Usa ms tu odo para entender tambin a los nativos.Aprende la gramtica hablada con colores.Y practica activamente el contenido en la APP Quizlet.Conctate en tu ordenador, tableta o mvil cuando quieras.Y si tienes dudas puedes dejar un comentario, y nosotros u otros alumnos te ayudarn en un instante. S parte de nuestra familia y as nunca estars solo.Cada curso tiene un certificado final.Pero sobre todo te vas a sentir ms fuerte a la hora de comunicarte.A QU ESPERAS? PRUBALO AHORA GRATIS Y PRONTO HABLARS ALEMN FLUIDO.METAS DEL CURSO:Ser capaz de entender las ideas principales de textos complejos que traten de temas tanto concretos como abstractos, incluso si son de carcter tcnico siempre que estn dentro de su campo de especializacin.Presentar un nivel de vocabulario activo alto.Poder relacionarse con hablantes nativos con un grado suficiente de fluidez y naturalidad de modo que la comunicacin se realice sin esfuerzo por parte de ninguno de los interlocutores. Poder producir textos claros y detallados sobre temas diversos as como defender un punto de vista sobre temas generales indicando los pros y los contras de las distintas opciones.Asimilar una cantidad razonable de aspectos culturales que enmarcan la lengua alemana por lo que puede comprender un nmero considerable de expresiones idiomticas, aunque desconozca, como es lgico, algunas.Comprender a rasgos generales y extrayendo ideas concretas principales cualquier situacin comunicativa.Ser capaz de generar textos de ndole y funcionalidad diversa mostrando la destreza de proporcionar detalles y justificar su pertinencia, la coherencia de la estructura y la adecuacin entre registro y contexto.Aprenders lo siguiente:GRAMTICA:Declinacin del adjetivo Adjetivos comparativos Adverbios locales Adverbios temporales Adverbios Ja-Nein-Doch Adverbios Gern-Lieber Conjunciones coordinantes Conjunciones subordinantes Conjunciones bimembres Partculas interrogativas Preposiciones mixtas Preposiciones locales Preposiciones temporales Pronombres, Determinantes y Artculos Gnero de los sustantivos Sustantivo plural Sustantivo compuesto n-Declinacin Verbos auxiliares Verbos con prefijo separable Verbos con prefijo no separable Verbos con cambio voclico en el radical Verbos transitivos Verbos reflexivos Verbos modales Imperativo Presente Pretrito Imperfecto Participio Pretrito perfecto Pretrito pluscuamperfecto Futuro Subjuntivo - Konjunktiv II La voz pasiva - Vorgangspassiv La voz pasiva - Zustandspassiv Verbos irregulares Cuando utilizar acusativo y cuando dativo La negacin Cundo usar wie/als El uso de Was fr ein-/Welch- Oraciones de intencin um ... zu/damitVOCABULARIO:Mtodos de aprendizaje Actividades de ocio Hostelera Restauracin Colegio Universidad Mdico Entorno laboral Ropa Hogar Comidas y bebidas Ir de compras Animales Viajar El tiempo Medio de transporte En la ciudad Salir de fiesta En la playa Partes del cuerpo Deporte FestivosSi no ests familiarizado con Marco Comn Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas. Aqu hay una breve descripcin:A1 - Principiante completoA2 - Conocimientos principalesB1 - IntermedioB2 - Intermedio altoC1 - Usuario competenteC2 - Maestra / NativosEspero que te inscribas a ese curso y tenerte como uno de mis alumnos(as)."
Price: 129.99

"German Course 1 The Easy Way to Learn German"
"YOU WANT TO LEARN GERMAN, BUT YOU DON'T ADVANCE?Then we are going to help you.With our new method we dropped a bomb on the traditional methods most of the world uses to learn German.In this course, you will reach a basic level (A2) of conversation in German.Learn everything naturally by listening to Ben's story.The TPRS method (in other words, the mini-story method) and, in particular, the ""question and answer technique"" will help you to reach this goal easily.Use your sense of hearing more, that is, develop an ear, and understand native speakers as well.Learn spoken grammar with the images and colors in our funny stories.And actively practice the content using the APP Quizlet.Connect to your computer, tablet or mobile whenever you want.If youre uncertain or have questions, leave a comment. Someone from the 123deutsch team or another student will help you in an instant.As part of our family, you will never be alone.Each course offers a final certification.But above all, you will feel more confident when it comes to communicating.COURSE GOALS:Be fully competent in a German A2 levelMaster the basics of the German languageLearn German grammar and vocabularyLearn the basics of German conversationLearn German pronunciation, speaking and phrase writingBe able to present yourself confidently in GermanBe able to make an appointment in GermanBe able to order food at a restaurant in GermanLearn to count and say numbers in GermanLearn to read and write in GermanGet information about German cultureAll the important vocabulary for beginnersGRAMMAR:The alphabet Conjugation of regular verbs The nominative Numbers Gender rules Plural Irregular verbs Tips on how to learn a language more efficiently Compound words The Word ""es"" Formal greeting The accusative Word order in main sentences Separable and inseparable verbs Modal verbs The dative Negation How to ask questions Conjunctions The imperative Determinant possessive Demonstrative Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns Temporal Adverbs Accusative prepositions Dative prepositions Two-way-prepositions Present Perfect Tense (Perfekt) Introduction to the Simple Past (Prteritum) Introduction to the ComparativeCONVERSATION:Pronunciation rules How to present yourself How to make appointments Using public transportation Looking for Apartments Asking / Giving directions Saying the time and date Doctor's visit How to order food in a restaurantVOCABULARY:Colors Family Body Clothes At Home Food and Beverages Animals Professions Weather Leisure Activities Emotions and Adjectives Countries and LanguagesIf you are not familiar with the Common European Reference for Languages, here is a brief description:A1 - Complete BeginnerA2 - Core KnowledgeB1 - IntermediateB2 - Upper IntermediateC1 - Proficient UserC2 - Mastery / NativesWE HOPE YOU WILL SIGN UP FOR THE COURSE, AND WE WILL BE LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING YOU AS ONE OF OUR STUDENTS."
Price: 99.99

"German Course 2 The Easy Way to Learn German"
"LEARN GERMAN FROM A BASIC LEVEL TO LEVEL B2 WITH AN INNOVATIVE METHOD!In this course, you will reach an intermediate level (B1, B2) of conversation in German.Learn everything naturally by listening to funny stories.The TPRS method (in other words, the mini-story method) and, in particular, the ""question and answer technique"" will help you to reach this goal easily.Use your sense of hearing more, that is, develop an ear, and understand native speakers as well.Learn spoken grammar with the images and colors in our funny stories.And actively practice the content using the APP Quizlet.Connect to your computer, tablet or mobile whenever you want.If youre uncertain or have questions, leave a comment. Someone from the 123deutsch team or another student will help you in an instant.As part of our family, you will never be alone.Each course offers a final certification.But above all, you will feel more confident when it comes to communicating.COURSE GOALS:Be able to understand the main ideas of complex texts dealing with both concrete and abstract subjects, even if they are of a technical nature as long as they are within your field of specialization.A high level of active vocabulary.Be able to interact with native speakers with a sufficient amount of fluency and naturalness so that communication takes place without effort on the part of any of the participants.Be able to create clear and detailed texts on different subjects.Be able to express your point of view on general subjects indicating the pros and cons of the different options.Assimilate a reasonable amount of cultural aspects that frame the German language so you can understand a considerable number of idiomatic expressions.Understand general characteristics and extract main concrete ideas from any communicative situation.Be able to generate texts of a diverse nature and functionality, providing details and justifying their relevance, demonstrating structural and organizational coherence, and using the appropriate register and context.Be fully competent at a German B2 level.Acquire information about German culture.GRAMMAR:Declination of the adjective Comparative of adjectives Local adverbs Temporary adverbs Adverbs Ja-Nein-Doch Adverbs Gern-Lieber Coordinating Conjunctions Subordinate Conjunctions Two-member Conjunctions Question Words Two-Way-Prepositions Local Prepositions Temporary Prepositions Pronouns, Determinants and Articles Gender of Nouns Plural Substantive Compound Substantive n-Declination Auxiliary Verbs Verbs with separable prefix Verbs with inseparable prefix Verbs with vowel change in the radical Transitive Verbs Reflective Verbs Modal Verbs Imperative Present Simple Past Participle Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Conditional - Konjunktiv II The passive voice - Vorgangspassiv The passive voice - Zustandspassiv Irregular Verbs When to use accusative and when to use dative Denial When to use wie/als The use of Was fr ein-/Welch- Intention Sentences um ... zu/damitVOCABULARY:Learning methods Free time activities Hotel Restaurant School University Doctor Work environment Clothes Home Food and drinks Shopping Animals Travel Weather Transportation In town Partying On the beach Parts of the body Sport HolidaysIf you are not familiar with the Common European Reference for Languages, here is a brief description:A1 - Complete BeginnerA2 - Core KnowledgeB1 - IntermediateB2 - Upper IntermediateC1 - Proficient UserC2 - Mastery / NativesWE HOPE YOU WILL SIGN UP FOR THE COURSE, AND WE WILL BE LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING YOU AS ONE OF OUR STUDENTS."
Price: 129.99

"Spanisch Lernen Leicht Gemacht Mit Animierten Videos"
"Unsere Schnell-Lernmethode mit Hilfe von animierten Videos bietet Ihnen alles, was Sie bentigen, um in krzester Zeit effektiv und unkompliziert sich auf Spanisch berall auf der Welt zu unterhalten.Unser Kurs fhrt Sie spielerisch durch alle wichtigen Lebenssituationen. Hier ist einer bersicht aller Themen:Ins Restaurant gehenHobbies und FamilieMit dem Flugzeug reisenEinkaufen gehenAm MorgenIn ein Hotel gehenDen Haushalt machenAm StrandDie ZahlenDie FarbenTiereIn die Schule gehenObst und GemseAdjektiveZum Arzt gehenDas Wetter und die LnderFragen und AntwortenAusgehenEssen und GetrnkeHausrat und PrpositionenWIE FUNKTIONIERT UNSERE METHODE MIT ANIMIERTEN VIDEOS?Im Gegensatz zu anderen Anfngerkursen konzentrieren wir uns mehr auf alltgliche Stze und Ausdrcke, die Sie sofort anwenden knnen, und weniger auf grammatikalische Fachbegriffe und Konzepte. Auerdem bieten wir Ihnen ein interessantes, lustiges und interaktives Lernerlebnis. Dies beschleunigt Ihre Fhigkeit, sofort mit einer Spanisch-Unterhaltung zu beginnen. Darber hinaus knnen Sie alles andere, was Sie lernen, schneller und einfacher aufnehmen.Unser speziell entwickeltes Spanisch-Lernprogramm ermglicht es Ihnen:Sofort anzufangen, Spanisch zu sprechen.Das Vokabular (>1000 Wrter) und die spanischen Konzepte intuitiv aufzunehmen.Stndig zu ben, was Sie lernen, und damit die neuen Konzepte und Vokabeln in Ihr Langzeitgedchtnis einzubinden.Endlich mit Spa zu lernen.Sich die Hilfsmittel zu holen, um Fragen und Ausdrcke in allen mglichen Alltagssituationen zu meistern.WIE FUNKTIONIERT UNSER KURS?Dieser Kurs enthlt Kapitel mit den folgenden Elementen:Ein animiertes Video mit 20 gesprochenen Stzen (inklusive Text und bersetzung) zu Alltagssituationen.Ein Vokabeltrainer, um Alles im Anschluss aktiv zu ben.Und ein Quiz, um zu testen, wie Sie sich geschlagen haben.Fr unseren Kurs bentigen Sie keinen Stift oder Papier, nur die Lust am Lernen! Sie werden nicht aufhren, Spanisch von Anfang bis Ende zu sprechen. Unsere Methode ist perfekt fr Anfnger oder diejenigen, die in der Vergangenheit ein wenig Spanisch gelernt haben und es wieder aufnehmen oder einfach nur ihre Fhigkeiten auffrischen wollen!WAS SAGEN ANDERE KURSTEILNEHMER?Da dieser Kurs neu ist, gibt es noch keine Information. Aber vielleicht sind Sie der erste, um uns Ihr Feedback zu geben. Und bitte vergessen Sie nicht, dass wir alles mit viel Leidenschaft und Hingabe machen. Und jeder positive Kommentar hilft uns weiterzuwachsen und spornt uns an, weiter hart zu arbeiten. Vielen Dank!30 TAGE GELD-ZURCK-GARANTIEDenken Sie daran, dass alle Udemy-Kurse mit einer 30-tgigen Geld-zurck-Garantie angeboten werden.Melden Sie sich an und lernen Sie noch heute Spanisch!Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 29.99

"Englisch Lernen Leicht Gemacht Mit Animierten Videos"
"Unsere Schnell-Lernmethode mit Hilfe von animierten Videos bietet Ihnen alles, was Sie bentigen, um in krzester Zeit effektiv und unkompliziert sich auf Englisch berall auf der Welt zu unterhalten.Unser Kurs fhrt Sie spielerisch durch alle wichtigen Lebenssituationen. Hier ist einer bersicht aller Themen:Ins Restaurant gehenHobbies und FamilieMit dem Flugzeug reisenEinkaufen gehenAm MorgenIn ein Hotel gehenDen Haushalt machenAm StrandDie ZahlenDie FarbenTiereIn die Schule gehenObst und GemseAdjektiveZum Arzt gehenDas Wetter und die LnderFragen und AntwortenAusgehenEssen und GetrnkeHausrat und PrpositionenWIE FUNKTIONIERT UNSERE METHODE MIT ANIMIERTEN VIDEOS?Im Gegensatz zu anderen Anfngerkursen konzentrieren wir uns mehr auf alltgliche Stze und Ausdrcke, die Sie sofort anwenden knnen, und weniger auf grammatikalische Fachbegriffe und Konzepte. Auerdem bieten wir Ihnen ein interessantes, lustiges und interaktives Lernerlebnis. Dies beschleunigt Ihre Fhigkeit, sofort mit einer Englisch-Unterhaltung zu beginnen. Darber hinaus knnen Sie alles andere, was Sie lernen, schneller und einfacher aufnehmen.Unser speziell entwickeltes Englisch-Lernprogramm ermglicht es Ihnen:Sofort anzufangen, Englisch zu sprechen.Das Vokabular (mehr als 1000 Wrter) und die englischen Konzepte intuitiv aufzunehmen.Stndig zu ben, was Sie lernen, und damit die neuen Konzepte und Vokabeln in Ihr Langzeitgedchtnis einzubinden.Endlich mit Spa zu lernen.Sich die Hilfsmittel zu holen, um Fragen und Ausdrcke in allen mglichen Alltagssituationen zu meistern.WIE FUNKTIONIERT UNSER KURS?Dieser Kurs enthlt Kapitel mit den folgenden Elementen:Ein animiertes Video mit 20 gesprochenen Stzen (inklusive Text und bersetzung) zu Alltagssituationen.Ein Vokabeltrainer, um Alles im Anschluss aktiv zu ben.Und ein Quiz, um zu testen, wie Sie sich geschlagen haben.Fr unseren Kurs bentigen Sie keinen Stift oder Papier, nur die Lust am Lernen! Sie werden nicht aufhren, Englisch von Anfang bis Ende zu sprechen. Unsere Methode ist perfekt fr Anfnger oder diejenigen, die in der Vergangenheit ein wenig Englisch gelernt haben und es wieder aufnehmen oder einfach nur ihre Fhigkeiten auffrischen wollen!WAS SAGEN ANDERE KURSTEILNEHMER?Da dieser Kurs neu ist, gibt es noch keine Information. Aber vielleicht sind Sie der erste, um uns Ihr Feedback zu geben. Und bitte vergessen Sie nicht, dass wir alles mit viel Leidenschaft und Hingabe machen. Und jeder positive Kommentar hilft uns weiterzuwachsen und spornt uns an, weiter hart zu arbeiten. Vielen Dank!30 TAGE GELD-ZURCK-GARANTIEDenken Sie daran, dass alle Udemy-Kurse mit einer 30-tgigen Geld-zurck-Garantie angeboten werden.Melden Sie sich an und lernen Sie noch heute Englisch!Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 29.99

"Aprender Alemn Fcil Con Vdeos Animados"
"Nuestro mtodo de aprendizaje rpido usando vdeos animados te da todo lo que necesitas para comunicarte efectivamente y fcilmente en alemn en cualquier parte del mundo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.Nuestro curso te guiar a travs de todas las situaciones importantes de la vida de una manera divertida. Aqu hay una breve descripcin de todos los temas:Ir al restauranteHobbies y familiaViajar en avinIr de comprasPor la maanaIr a un hotelHacer las tareas domsticasEn la playaLos nmerosLos coloresAnimalesIr a la escuelaFrutas y verdurasAdjetivosIr al mdicoEl tiempo y los pasesPreguntas y respuestasSalirComida y bebidasCosas de casa y preposicionesCMO FUNCIONA NUESTRO MTODO CON LOS VDEOS ANIMADOS?A diferencia de otros cursos para principiantes, nos enfocamos ms en frases y expresiones cotidianas que puedas usar inmediatamente, y menos en trminos y conceptos gramaticales. Tambin te ofrecemos una experiencia de aprendizaje interesante, divertida e interactiva. Esto acelera tu capacidad de iniciar inmediatamente una conversacin en alemn. Adems, puedes recordar todo lo que aprendas de forma ms rpida y sencilla.Nuestro especial programa de aprendizaje de alemn te permite:Empezar a hablar alemn de inmediato.Aprender el vocabulario (>1000 palabras) y los conceptos de alemn de forma intuitiva.Practicar constantemente lo que ests aprendiendo e incorporar los nuevos conceptos y vocabulario en tu memoria a largo plazo.Por fin aprendiendo con diversin.Obtener las herramientas para dominar las preguntas y expresiones en todo tipo de situaciones cotidianas.CMO FUNCIONA NUESTRO CURSO?Este curso incluye una serie de captulos con los siguientes elementos:Un vdeo animado con 20 frases habladas (incluyendo texto y traduccin) sobre situaciones cotidianas.Una aplicacin para practicar activamente el vocabulario.Un examen para comprobar cmo lo hiciste.No necesitas ni bolgrafo ni papel para nuestro curso, slo el deseo de aprender. No dejars de hablar alemn de principio a fin. Nuestro mtodo es perfecto para principiantes o para aquellos que han aprendido un poco de alemn en el pasado y quieren retomarlo o simplemente refrescar sus habilidades.QU DICEN LOS OTROS ESTUDIANTES?Como este curso es nuevo, an no hay informacin. Pero tal vez seas el primero en darnos tu opinin. Y por favor, no olvides que todo lo hacemos con pasin y dedicacin. Y cada comentario positivo nos ayuda a crecer y nos anima a seguir trabajando duro. Muchsimas gracias!GARANTA DE DEVOLUCIN DE DINERO DE 30 DASRecuerda que todos los cursos de Udemy ofrecen una garanta de devolucin del dinero de 30 das.Inscrbete y aprende alemn hoy mismo!Nos vemos en el curso."
Price: 29.99

"Aprender Ingls Fcil Con Vdeos Animados"
"Nuestro mtodo de aprendizaje rpido usando vdeos animados te da todo lo que necesitas para comunicarte efectivamente y fcilmente en ingls en cualquier parte del mundo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.Nuestro curso te guiar a travs de todas las situaciones importantes de la vida de una manera divertida. Aqu hay una breve descripcin de todos los temas:Ir al restauranteHobbies y familiaViajar en avinIr de comprasPor la maanaIr a un hotelHacer las tareas domsticasEn la playaLos nmerosLos coloresAnimalesIr a la escuelaFrutas y verdurasAdjetivosIr al mdicoEl tiempo y los pasesPreguntas y respuestasSalirComida y bebidasCosas de casa y preposicionesCMO FUNCIONA NUESTRO MTODO CON LOS VDEOS ANIMADOS?A diferencia de otros cursos para principiantes, nos enfocamos ms en frases y expresiones cotidianas que puedas usar inmediatamente, y menos en trminos y conceptos gramaticales. Tambin te ofrecemos una experiencia de aprendizaje interesante, divertida e interactiva. Esto acelera tu capacidad de iniciar inmediatamente una conversacin en ingls. Adems, puedes recordar todo lo que aprendas de forma ms rpida y sencilla.Nuestro especial programa de aprendizaje de ingls te permite:Empezar a hablar ingls de inmediato.Aprender el vocabulario (>1000 palabras) y los conceptos de ingls de forma intuitiva.Practicar constantemente lo que ests aprendiendo e incorporar los nuevos conceptos y vocabulario en tu memoria a largo plazo.Por fin aprendiendo con diversin.Obtener las herramientas para dominar las preguntas y expresiones en todo tipo de situaciones cotidianas.CMO FUNCIONA NUESTRO CURSO?Este curso incluye una serie de captulos con los siguientes elementos:Un vdeo animado con 20 frases habladas (incluyendo texto y traduccin) sobre situaciones cotidianas.Una aplicacin para practicar activamente el vocabulario.Un examen para comprobar cmo lo hiciste.No necesitas ni bolgrafo ni papel para nuestro curso, slo el deseo de aprender. No dejars de hablar ingls de principio a fin. Nuestro mtodo es perfecto para principiantes o para aquellos que han aprendido un poco de ingls en el pasado y quieren retomarlo o simplemente refrescar sus habilidades.QU DICEN LOS OTROS ESTUDIANTES?Como este curso es nuevo, an no hay informacin. Pero tal vez seas el primero en darnos tu opinin. Y por favor, no olvides que todo lo hacemos con pasin y dedicacin. Y cada comentario positivo nos ayuda a crecer y nos anima a seguir trabajando duro. Muchsimas gracias!GARANTA DE DEVOLUCIN DE DINERO DE 30 DASRecuerda que todos los cursos de Udemy ofrecen una garanta de devolucin del dinero de 30 das.Inscrbete y aprende ingls hoy mismo!Nos vemos en el curso."
Price: 29.99

"Learn German Easily With Animated Videos"
"Our fast learning method using animated videos gives you the tools you need to communicate effectively and naturally with German speakers anywhere in the world in the fastest time possible.Our course will be mostly spoken in Spanish and will guide you through all important life situations in a playful way. Here is an overview of all topics:Going to the restaurantHobbies and familyTravelling by planeGoing shoppingIn the morningGoing to a hotelDoing the choresAt the beachNumbersColoursAnimalsGoing to schoolFruits and vegetablesAdjectivesGoing to the doctorThe weather and countriesQuestions and answersGoing outFood and drinksAt home and prepositionsHOW DOES OUR METHOD WITH ANIMATED VIDEOS WORK?Unlike other beginner courses for German, we focus more on everyday phrases and sentences that you can start using immediately and less on grammar lingo and concepts combined with an interesting, fun, and interactive experience. This accelerates your ability to start conversing in German instantly and equips you to absorb everything else you learn more quickly and easily.Our specially designed German learning program allows you to:Start speaking German right away.Absorb the vocabulary (more than 1000 words) and German concepts intuitively.Constantly practice what you learn, committing new concepts and vocabulary to your long-term memory.Have fun while learning.Get the tools to ask questions confidently and form phrases in all sorts of day-to-day situations.HOW DOES OUR COURSE WORK?This course contains chapters with the following elements:An animated video with 20 spoken sentences (including text and translation) on everyday situations.A vocabulary trainer to actively practice everything afterwards.And a quiz to test how you did.WHAT ARE OTHER STUDENTS SAYING?Since this course is new, there is no information yet. You may be the first to give us your feedback. Please don't forget that we do everything with passion and dedication. Every positive comment helps us to grow and encourages us to continue working hard. Thank you very much!30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEERemember, all Udemy courses come with a 30-day money back guarantee.Sign up and learn German today!See you inside the course!"
Price: 29.99

"Learn Spanish Easily With Animated Videos"
"Our fast learning method using animated videos gives you the tools you need to communicate effectively and naturally with Spanish speakers anywhere in the world in the fastest time possible.Our course will be mostly spoken in Spanish and will guide you through all important life situations in a playful way. Here is an overview of all topics:Going to the restaurantHobbies and familyTravelling by planeGoing shoppingIn the morningGoing to a hotelDoing the choresAt the beachNumbersColoursAnimalsGoing to schoolFruits and vegetablesAdjectivesGoing to the doctorThe weather and countriesQuestions and answersGoing outFood and drinksAt home and prepositionsHOW DOES OUR METHOD WITH ANIMATED VIDEOS WORK?Unlike other beginner courses for Spanish, we focus more on everyday phrases and sentences that you can start using immediately and less on grammar lingo and concepts combined with an interesting, fun, and interactive experience. This accelerates your ability to start conversing in Spanish instantly and equips you to absorb everything else you learn more quickly and easily.Our specially designed Spanish learning program allows you to:Start speaking Spanish right away.Absorb the vocabulary (more than 1000 words) and Spanish concepts intuitively.Constantly practice what you learn, committing new concepts and vocabulary to your long-term memory.Have fun while learning.Get the tools to ask questions confidently and form phrases in all sorts of day-to-day situations.HOW DOES OUR COURSE WORK?This course contains chapters with the following elements:An animated video with 20 spoken sentences (including text and translation) on everyday situations.A vocabulary trainer to actively practice everything afterwards.And a quiz to test how you did.WHAT ARE OTHER STUDENTS SAYING?Since this course is new, there is no information yet. You may be the first to give us your feedback. Please don't forget that we do everything with passion and dedication. Every positive comment helps us to grow and encourages us to continue working hard. Thank you very much!30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEERemember, all Udemy courses come with a 30-day money back guarantee.Sign up and learn Spanish today!See you inside the course!"
Price: 29.99

"Scratch ile Herkes in Temel Kodlama"
"Eitimin AmacBu eitim kodlamaya ilk kez balayacaklar, bilgisayar programlamann temel kavramlar vekodlama konularnda balang seviyesinde bilgi ve deneyim sahibi yapmak, Arduino,Processing, AppInventor, gibi daha ileri seviye programlama ortamlarna, oyun kodlama verobotik kodlama eitimlerine devam etmek iin gereken temel bilgi ve deneyimi kazandrmayamalamaktadr.Eitim eriiEitim ierii kodlamaya ilk kez balayacaklar iin hazrlanmtr.Kodlama ortam olarakkullanlan Scratch programnn anlatmnn ardndan, temel kodlama yaplar olan algoritma,deikenler, dngsel / tekrarl yaplar, karar verme yaplar, listeler ve etkileim konularrneklerle detayl olarak incelenmektedir.Blm 1: Temel SeviyeScratch Arayzne GiriHareket BloklarGrnm BloklarSes BloklarOlay BloklarKontrol BloklarAlglama BloklarOperatr BloklarDeikenlerListe BloklarKoordinat SistemiKendi Blounu OluturmaKostm, Dekor ve SesBlm 2: Kodlama rnekleriRastgelelik ve HareketRastgelelik ve Karar verme YaplarKlavye ile Etkileim ve HareketKlavye ile Etkileim ve SesDeikenlerListe Yaplarndan Veri OkumaListe Yaplarna Veri EklemeBalon Patlatma OyunuKlavye Etkileimi ve AnimasyonKazanmlarBu eitimleri baar ile tamamlayanlar, bilgisayar programlama yaplar hakknda temel bilgi vedeneyim sahibi olur. Arduino, Processing ve AppInventor gibi daha ileri seviye programlamaortamlarna, oyun kodlama ve robotik kodlama eitimlerine devam etmek iin gereken temelbilgi ve tecrbeyi kazanr.Eitim SreciEitimler toplam 180 dakikalk 23 adet videodan olumaktadr ve 24 saatlik rgn (snf ii)eitim mfredatn kapsamaktadr."
Price: 49.99

"California Consumer Privacy Act"
"In June of 2018, California enacted the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Since then there has been a lot of confusion regarding the application of the CCPA. The goal for this course is to remove the mystery behind the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and explain the law in a simplified fashion. CCPA has been hailed the U.S. version of the EUGeneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this course draws some parallels and provides some background on the events leading up to the enactment of the CCPA. Additionally, in this course we will walk through building a CCPA compliance program. This course can be taken by anyone with any level of privacy knowledge or experience."
Price: 29.99

"Urban Self-Defense Fighting Method by Hondo"
"USFM is where the wisdom of ancient martial arts meets the demands of the modern era to create a system of fighting perfectly suited for the busy lives of ordinary people like you and me. Drawing upon concepts from martial classics like ""The Book of Five Rings"" by Miyomoto Musashi and ""The Art of War""by Sun Tzu, USFMallows anyone, regardless of their experience level to gain combat skills that are effective in any environment."
Price: 99.99

"Meditation and Visualization for Martial Arts"
"This course is designed to give you a solid foundation and understanding of meditation and visualization techniques in relation to martial training and practice. Through this course you'll learn how to train your mind to focus and control stray and distracting thoughts, as well as how to apply visualization techniques to get the most out of your training. The goal of this series is to impart to you the secrets of how to use your mind to develop and control your natural power to become a virtually unstoppable force."
Price: 29.99

"Test Your Knowledge : Business Analysis - CBAP Module 1"
"The following course contains two separate sets of practice tests. Each test contains a set of 45 questions which are required to be completed within a time of 79 minutes.All the questions in these tests are pertaining to the material contained in the Chapter 3 of the BABOK V3 guide for CBAP aspirants. Therefore it is recommended that you take these only after a thorough reading and internalization of the said chapter in the BABOK V3 guide.The questions are of the multiple choice, single answer types and are embedded with direct questions, scenario type questions and case study type questions. There is only one correct answer for each question.For the case study type questions, the questions are available at the end of the case study text.A score of 90 percent is required to consider one's proficiency as a master of this chapter.Note : - The actual CBAP Level 3 certification examination may contain around 16 or 17 questions from this chapter 3 (Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring). Here is an opportunity to evaluate your knowledge with 5 times that number of questions, so that you may be prepared to respond effectively and accurately on the actual certification examination."
Price: 19.99

"Apache cordova: De cero a la tienda / Phonegap"
"Este curso prentende llevar el conocimiento a personas que se encuentren iniciando en esta tecnologa mvil, se ensear a como preparar la computadora para la creacin de aplicaciones hbridas, ayuda a comprender la estructura bsica de un proyecto cordova y finaliza el aprendizaje lanzanzando la aplicacion en la tienda de apps para que se ofrezca al mundo."
Price: 24.99

"Big Data & Hadoop Training - 24 Hrs - Learnoa Certification"
"Big Data is one of the most sought after technologies in the market in todays age. Almost every large company you might want to work at uses Hadoop in some or the other way, including Amazon, Ebay, Facebook and Google! And it's not just technology companies that need Hadoop; even the New York Times uses Hadoop for processing images. Landing up with a career in the field of big data will be fulfilling your career expectations. Professionals who are working in this field can expect a very impressive salary, even newbies in this field can expect a comparatively heavy paycheck.Average Salary of Big Data Hadoop Developers is approximately $104,556 or approximately Rs. 73, 18,920 per annum (Indeed salary data).Big Data Hadoop Training program from Learnoa is designed to make you a certified Big Data practitioner by providing you with the detailed explanations for all the Big Data concepts and extensive hands-on training on Big Data concepts and Hadoop Ecosystem. This training program will prove to be a breakthrough in your career in the field of Big Data.If you're a project manager who just wants to learn the buzzwords, there are sessions about the activities in the training that require no programming knowledge. If you're comfortable with command lines, we'll show you how to work with them too. And if you're a programmer, we'll challenge you with writing real scripts on a Hadoop system using Scala, Pig and Python. We will also get you well acquainted with Hive, HBase, MapReduce, etc. which will make you an expert in the field.Using concepts as well as hands-on examples and case-studies, this training will give you enough knowledge and experience to be able to know about real-time problems and solutions with more than 20 hours of training from experts in the industryWhat else you will get?Along with the training content, you will also get everything which is applicable from the following on this program:- Codes Snippets- Sample Programs- Informational PPTs- Installation and Configuration Guidelines- Class Notes- Interview Questions- How-Tos- Useful links- Case studies- Real-life examples"
Price: 7360.00

"DevOps Engineer Training - 31 Hours - Learnoa Certification"
"Learn how to automate your infrastructure!According to CA, 80% of Global Fortune 500 organizations are expected to adopt DevOps by this year end. Many companies are adopting DevOps as a mainstream strategical tool and hence the number of job opportunities for DevOps engineers are increasing day by day. As per indeed listings the number of jobs for DevOps profile has been increased by 75% from last year.Average salary for a DevOps professional is approximately $122,256 per annum or approximately Rs. 85, 57,920 per annum (Indeed Salary Data).The DevOps Certification Training by Learnoa will make you ready for a bright career in DevOps, the fast-growing field that acts as a bridge between Development and Operations, and hence the name Dev+Ops. You will become an expert in the aspects of Continuous Development, Continuous Testing, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Integration, and Continuous Delivery.You will be trained on various DevOps tools such as Git, Puppet, Chef, Jenkins, Ansible, Vagrant, Nagios, etc. which are used to achieve all the above. This training also introduces Docker to beginners using really simple and easy to understand language and real-time case studies, and then demonstrate its use to create, deploy and run applications using containers.This training will include DevOps instruments which fit into at least one of the key parts of the software development and delivery process like Code, Build, Test, Package, Release, Configure, and Monitor.What else you will get?Along with the training content, you will also get everything which is applicable from the following on this program:- Codes Snippets- Sample Programs- Informational PPTs- Installation and Configuration Guidelines- Class Notes- Interview Questions- How-Tos- Useful links- Case studies- Real-life examples"
Price: 7360.00

"Microsoft .NET Training - 32 Hrs - Learnoa Certification"
"Do you dream of becoming a professional web developer? If yes, then this is the absolutely right resource for you! Learn how to program like a pro using Microsoft .Net Framework.Despite the ever changing world of technology, .Net is said to be here in demand for long since we need always back end services for most of the things we do in an application. Either you build large enterprise applications or mobile applications, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) has become an industry standard to build distributed applications. WCF is also a part of .NET.The average annual salary for a .Net Developer is $91,959 or Rs. 64, 37,130 per annum (Indeed Salary Data).Whether you are completely new to software development, or have already learnt the details, this training will walk you through everything you need to know to become world class .NET developer. The Microsoft .NET Certification Training provided by Learnoa will train you step by step from the absolute details like C# concepts, SQL Sever concepts, jQuery, JavaScript, etc. to the more advanced patterns like LINQ, Entity Framework, MVC, etc. used by seasoned professionals. Take your career to the next level and learn how the top developers can demand bigger salaries! This complete training program will give you in depth knowledge about how the developers can efficiently produce dynamic web pages and applications and help in providing web services.By the end of this training, you will be trained on every concept related to this Microsoft's technology with its relevant examples and case studies and you will be able to make your own full stack web application using the programming language you love on .NET platform.What else you will get?Along with the training content, you will also get everything which is applicable from the following on this program:- Codes Snippets- Sample Programs- Informational PPTs- Installation and Configuration Guidelines- Class Notes- Interview Questions- How-Tos- Useful links- Case studies- Real-life examples"
Price: 6080.00

"ServiceNow Training - 33 hrs - Learnoa Certification"
"Regarded as the most evolving Business Management platform, ServiceNow has a lot to offer to companies from different sizes. With a huge demand, the platform comes with a promising future as well. Its high demand among the business bodies and customized implementation of ServiceNow platform as per the customers need makes it stand apart. ServiceNow developer is among the most significant opportunity served by this platform.Average Salary of ServiceNow Professional is approximately $104,556 or approximately Rs. 73,18,920 per annum (Indeed salary data).ServiceNow online training program from Learnoa covers SaaS and PaaS, Basic Administration, Advanced Administration, Customization, Integrations, Reporting, System Upgrades, Incident Management, Change Management, Problem Management, Knowledge Management, Configuration Management, Content Management among many other concepts. The various concepts have been taught with the help of case studies and real-life examples and scenarios.What else you will get?Along with the training content, you will also get everything which is applicable from the following on this program:- Codes Snippets- Sample Programs- Informational PPTs- Installation and Configuration Guidelines- Class Notes- Interview Questions- How-Tos- Useful links- Case studies- Real-life examples"
Price: 8960.00

"PEGA (PRPC) Training - 20 Hrs - Learnoa Certification"
"PRPC or PEGA Rules Process controller is a business process management tool developed in Java. The tool holds a strong position among the corporations in various sectors like finance, banking & health care. The recent trends suggest that Pega resources are and will be in great demand because the clients using it will and are increasing. The tool is highly adaptable as per the latest changes and evolving time, therefore, holds a huge market share.Average Salary of average salary for Pega ranges from approximately $97,739 or Rs 68,41,730 per year for Developer to approximately $141,621 per or Rs 99,13,470 per year for Software Architect (Indeed Salary Data).The PEGA (PRPC) certification online training program from Learnoa introduces you to various aspects of this tool like user portals, UI & form design, ClassGroup/WorkPool etc. Further, the program even lets you familiar with the creation of the data model and lets you understand UI, Advanced UI, Obj-methods, RDB-methods etc. Advanced concepts of the tool like assigning the work, Validation, Integration Connectors, SLA ( Service Level Agreements), Connecting to external Database, Using Dynamic SQL, Configuring Web Services (SOAP) etc. are also covered be in details in this training program. This training program gives you everything you require to take Pega (PRPC) Certification.What else you will get?Along with the training content, you will also get everything which is applicable from the following on this program:- Codes Snippets- Sample Programs- Informational PPTs- Installation and Configuration Guidelines- Class Notes- Interview Questions- How-Tos- Useful links- Case studies- Real-life examples"
Price: 8960.00

"Workday Training - 24 Hrs - Learnoa Certification"
"Regarded as the most trending HCM tool, Workday is an ocean of opportunities, as it leads directly to the HCM market. It is a web-based ERP software vendor that has the potential of managing human capital as well as economical applications. It happens to be a highly demanded solution. It helps the HR department of companies run effectively. It also carries the management method that sees employee data, time tracking, financial accounting, procurement, and expenses.Average Salary of a Workday Professional is approximately $125,866 or approximately Rs. 88,10,620 per annum (Indeed salary data).Workday online training program from LearnOA is a job oriented program. It will help you clear the interviews or easily getting on board in an ongoing workday project. This training program goes in two phases - Functional and Integration. This functional phase includes the study of core concepts, organizations and their hierarchies in workday, staffing models, Jobs and Positions, Compensation Structures, Security groups, etc. It also covers Defining Business Processes and Handling Transactions in Workday. The Integration phase consists of Developing and scheduling Reports along with advanced field calculations and customization, Core Connectors and Integration Services, EIB (Enterprise Interface Builder), Reports-as-a-service, Workday Studio, its Architecture, Features, Assemblies Components, Basics of WebServices, etc.What else you will get?Along with the training content, you will also get everything which is applicable from the following on this program:- Codes Snippets- Sample Programs- Informational PPTs- Installation and Configuration Guidelines- Class Notes- Interview Questions- How-Tos- Useful links- Case studies- Real-life examples"
Price: 8960.00

"Microsoft Azure Training - 25 Hrs - Learnoa Certification"
"Microsoft Azure is the utmost demanding and fastest growing cloud computing resource in the IT organisations. Vast number of IT professionals are adopting cloud computing facilities. Cloud computing allows transfers information effectively with less efforts.Microsoft Azure certified candidates have huge demands in recent years. Many of the companies are performing all their business processes on virtual machines in public cloud as the cloud technology is expanding rapidly in the IT sector.Average Salary of Cloud Engineer ranges approximately $119,006 to $141,049 per annum.Microsoft Azure Training program from Learnoa is designed to make you a certified Azure practitioner by providing you with the detailed explanations for the Microsoft Cloud. This Training will master you in Azure cloud application and will provide you accelerated grasp on virtual networks, load balancing, network gateways, SQL database, data migration and Azure backup services.This Microsoft Azure training will help you to build services, manage and store applications and deploy in cloud. This training is for a beginner as well as a project manager who wants to get certified. There are sessions on how to create a free Azure account from where you can start your learning and deploying, creating and connecting Virtual Machine (VM). You will get to know about Azure networking, site to site configuration and point to site networking, traffic management, creating virtual network gateways and data migration from on premises to cloud.By the end of this training, you will gain complete knowledge of Microsoft Azure The Microsoft Cloud. This training will also cover the fundamentals of security and integration of Microsoft Azure.What else you will get?Along with the training content, you will also get everything which is applicable from the following on this program:- Codes Snippets- Sample Programs- Informational PPTs- Installation and Configuration Guidelines- Class Notes- Interview Questions- How-Tos- Useful links- Case studies- Real-life examples"
Price: 7360.00

"Data Science with R Training - 25Hrs - Learnoa Certification"
"Data science is no less than an evolutionary step in fields that relate to more than one branch of knowledge like the business analysis that consolidates computer science, insights, and modelling. To take total advantage of these opportunities, you need an organised training with educational modules that are according to current industry prerequisites and best practices.Other than solid theoretical understanding, you have to take a learn from different genuine projects that utilise several tools from different orders to accumulate an information set, process and get bits of knowledge from the information set, get valuable information from the set, and decipher it for essential decision-making purposes.Average salary for a DevOps professional is approximately $128,372 per year or approximately Rs. 650,000 per annum (Indeed Salary Data).Data science is an ""idea to bind together insights, data analysis and their related strategies"" to ""comprehend and investigate real wonders"" with information. Data Science training program utilises procedures and hypotheses that are drawn from numerous fields inside the expansive territories of maths, statistics, data science, and software engineering from the sub-spaces of AI, classification, information mining, & databases. The Data Science certification training program empowers you to acquire information of the whole life cycle of Data Science, investigate and picture diverse informational collections, distinctive Machine Learning Algorithms like Decision Trees, K-Means Clustering, Naive Bayes and Random Forest.With the help of Learnos Data Scientist training program, you will be able to gain access to high-quality eLearning content, a community which is moderated by experts, simulation exams, and other resources that will make sure that you follow the right path and become a data scientist.What else you will get?Along with the training content, you will also get everything which is applicable from the following on this program:- Codes Snippets- Sample Programs- Informational PPTs- Installation and Configuration Guidelines- Class Notes- Interview Questions- How-Tos- Useful links- Case studies- Real-life examples"
Price: 7360.00

"Business Analyst Training - 17 Hrs - Learnoa Certification"
"Irrespective of business domain process/system, every organization needs a Business Analyst. The scope for Business Analysts is tremendous, as they deal with a broad term IMPROVING BUSINESS WITH OR WITHOUT TECHNOLOGY. Any work within that spectrum is termed as Business Analysis. It could apply in improving a small process within a department or implementing a regulatory framework across the industry or determining the requirements for developing a product.Average Salary of Business Analysts is approximately $78,249 or approximately Rs. 54,77,430 per annum.This online training program develops keen insight on business data and its related information. As an analyst, you will act as a liaison who understands the structure, policies, and operations of an organization. Recommending effective solutions to the organization to achieve its goals is the primary task. The Business Analyst Certification Training from Learnoa will take you from the very basic concepts like Role of a Business Analyst, Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and its models, IIBA, etc. and then takes to the implementation parts like Strategy Analysis, Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring, Requirements Analysis and Design Definition, Requirements Life Cycle Management, Solution Evaluation, etc to make you a pro in this field. This training program also holds all the techniques like Brainstorming, Business Rules Analysis, Data Dictionary, Data Flow Diagrams, Data Modelling, Decision Analysis, Document Analysis etc. which are shown practically with the help of case studies and real-life business examples.What else you will get?Along with the training content, you will also get everything which is applicable from the following on this program:- Codes Snippets- Sample Programs- Informational PPTs- Installation and Configuration Guidelines- Class Notes- Interview Questions- How-Tos- Useful links- Case studies- Real-life examples"
Price: 6080.00

"JAVA(Comprehensive) Training - 25Hrs - Learnoa Certification"
"The usability of JAVA is extremely high because of its WRITE ONCE, RUN ANYWHERE property. Also, all its development tools, as well as the environment (JRE & JDK) used to develop Java apps, are free of cost.Peoples Popularity of Programming Language index, which ranks languages according to popularity, says Python, JavaScript, R, and Swift are gaining attraction in India though Java. Government projects like Digital India and Demonetization are said to give rise to the demand for Java developers in every company which is going digital.Average Salary of Java developers is approximately $122,235 or INR 85, 56,450 per annum.JAVA certification training program from Learnoa follows an exclusive practical approach to render a real-time experience of JAVA development. From programming fundamentals (Data Types, Arrays, Operators and Flow Control statements if, else, switch, while, do while, for and for each, etc.) to advanced concepts like JDBC, Servlets, JSP, Database connectivity, Struts, Hibernate, Spring, Web Services, etc, the program covers all the major aspects.The training program ends with a project which will cover almost all the major concepts and their implementation of development using Java that you would have learned during this training program.What else you will get?Along with the training content, you will also get everything which is applicable from the following on this program:- Codes Snippets- Sample Programs- Informational PPTs- Installation and Configuration Guidelines- Class Notes- Interview Questions- How-Tos- Useful links- Case studies- Real-life examples"
Price: 6080.00

"SalesForce Training - 23 Hrs - Learnoa Certification"
"Salesforce improves businesses for organizations by a significant amount, which is why it is in high demand. Every organization looks forward to improving its business, and in this way, Salesforce is the most popular CRM tools around the globe. Salesforce professionals who have the expertise of its tools and the platform has a very bright future in the industry.Average Salary of a Salesforce Admin is approximately $88,226 per annum or approximately Rs. 61,75,820 per annum and that of a Salesforce Developer is approximately $114,171 per annum or approximately Rs. 79,91,970 per annum.This Salesforce training program by LearnOA is divided into two parts: Salesforce Administration and Salesforce Development. Using the highly effective Salesforce certification training program, you can most certainly learn as well as master the concepts that are needed to become a Salesforce Administrator and a Salesforce Platform App builder. These concepts will help you in ace both the certifications. The Salesforce training offered by our highly experienced trainers lets you learn the ways to configure Salesforce, thus, allowing you to collect, analyze and receive all the essential information which is related to the customer base. By using the fundamentals of Salesforce, you will easily be able to understand how to develop Salesforce online application along with the deployment of next-gen cloud apps. By achieving hands-on learning, you can ensure your job success along with the theoretical knowledge that is required to pass Salesforce certification exams for becoming a Salesforce administrator and a Salesforce developer.What else you will get?Along with the training content, you will also get everything which is applicable from the following on this program:- Codes Snippets- Sample Programs- Informational PPTs- Installation and Configuration Guidelines- Class Notes- Interview Questions- How-Tos- Useful links- Case studies- Real-life examples"
Price: 7360.00

"Selenium Training - 15 Hrs - Learnoa Certification"
"For any venture, organizations are quickly slanting towards open source testing tools that will empower them to chop down the expense and efforts that are included in manual testing. Selenium is one such open source automated testing tool that is utilized for websites. Execution speed, performance and program cooperation of Selenium are quicker than some other tools of automation.The test bundles, the methods of Selenium accessible for unattended execution, and the test script can be created in any language that is supported by Selenium, thus, making it the most wanted automation testing tool.What's more, distinctive working frameworks are supported by Selenium along with various programming languages, for example, Pearl, Python, PHP, Ruby, C#, .NET, and Java; and different programs, subsequently making Selenium the leading tool of automation.Average salary for a Selenium Automation Engineer is approximately $81,405 per annum or approximately Rs. 56,98,350.Load Runner, Web Software Quality Assurance (QA), GUI Test Automation, Automated Testing, and Black Box Testing are among the highly paid skills that are associated with this job.The practical training program by LearnOA for Selenium will help you in learning about Selenium 3.3 along with its different components like Selenium WebDriver, Selenium IDE, and Selenium GRID. The training will help you understand the process of setting up the environment which will make you ready to start using the technology (Selenium) for testing the web apps on different browsers. Furthermore, the training program lets you gain experience of working with Selenium WebDriver by using various frameworks like Data Driven, Module Driven, Keyword Driven, & Hybrid.Moreover, the learner will become more aware of the Page Object Model (POM) design pattern which helps in maintaining the readability as well as reusability of the automation scripts. It is this course that lest you get introduced with the POM s concept and learn more ways to implement Page Factory & Page Classes that help you with the optimization of executing automation scripts.Our training program even allows you to gain knowledge on different third-party tools like TestNG, Sikuli, Jenkins, and AutoIT which you can optimally use to perform various tasks in browsers, for instance, utilizing flash applications or Windows-based UI elements.What else you will get?Along with the training content, you will also get everything which is applicable from the following on this program:- Codes Snippets- Sample Programs- Informational PPTs- Installation and Configuration Guidelines- Class Notes- Interview Questions- How-Tos- Useful links- Case studies- Real-life examples"
Price: 7360.00

"Android App Development - 19 Hrs - Learnoa Certification"
"With more than 1 billion Android gadgets already present around the globe, Android has become one of the best job opportunities for developers.As Android keeps on developing past phones, it will end up being the minds behind undetectable, universal cloud cloud-connected computing. The aptitudes you learn in this program will enable you to manufacture marvelous applications for cell phones and tablets today and impel you towards opportunities in Android's future.After you finish this program, You'll be able to comprehend the difficulties related with producing for the mobile environment (and the ways to overcome them), figure out how to assemble an incredible user experience for Android gadgets, and apply this learning to your projects.Average Salary of is approximately $126,851 per year or approximately Rs 88,79,570 per annum.With the help of this online training program, you indeed can become a certified Android app developer. Through this program, our expert trainers will make you understand the basics of Android Studio and the integrated development environment (IDE) that are supported by Google to built Android apps and includes activities, user interfaces, layouts, controls, services, multimedia APIs, Content Provider, etc. After that, once you have gained the necessary knowledge, you will be provided with information related to the more advanced concepts like wireless connectivity, Android Wear App development, syncing to cloud, and Google Play. This training program will help you acquire all the necessary prowess and experience in Android app development.What else you will get?Along with the training content, you will also get everything which is applicable from the following on this program:- Codes Snippets- Sample Programs- Informational PPTs- Installation and Configuration Guidelines- Class Notes- Interview Questions- How-Tos- Useful links- Case studies- Real-life examples"
Price: 7360.00

"Angular 7 Training - 14 Hrs - Learnoa Certification"
"There are various benefits of taking this training for both the employers and developers. Angular 7 is the most demanding framework in the whole web market and has many good opportunities for certified Angular 7 candidates with handsome salary.Average Salary of Angular 7 Developer is approximately $109,728 per annum or approximately Rs. 48, 58,872 per annum.Angular 7 training from LearnOA is designed to master the concepts of Angular 7 and to create complex dynamic web applications. This training is designed for modern developers. This training will help you to build production applications with high performance and responsiveness. Angular 7 is powerful enough to develop extremely complicated applications.In this training program you will be introduced to the latest version of Angular i.e. Angular 7. Then you will explore more on core concepts of Angular 7 and its architecture. You will also learn Angular CLI, Angular features, and best practices. This training will also include basic introduction of Angular 5 and Angular 6. You will also learn about Angular application setup, typescript programming and its demonstration, data binding, component interactions, injection services, developer tools, bootstrap etc. You will also get familiar with Angular testing and routing in Angular.What else you will get?Along with the training content, you will also get everything which is applicable from the following on this program:- Codes Snippets- Sample Programs- Informational PPTs- Installation and Configuration Guidelines- Class Notes- Interview Questions- How-Tos- Useful links- Case studies- Real-life examples"
Price: 7360.00

"Power BI Training - 16 Hrs - Learnoa Certification"
"Power BI training program provides assistance to Business Intelligence Manager, Business Analysts, Project Managers, Statisticians & Analysts, and Data scientists with visualization and sharing the insights from the organization's data. With self-service intelligence capabilities, it provides interactive visualizations where end users are allowed to create reports and dashboards on their own. There is no need to depend on any information from the database administrator or technology staff.As a matter of fact, all Fortune 1000 organizations are utilizing information examination to streamline their business, acquire contract and accomplish better incomes to such an extent that very soon, the IT business will see a noteworthy increment in climb of procuring of information examination professionals. Hence, the scope for Power BI experts will be huge. Also, Microsoft's Power BI is something that is financially savvy making it a better choice that other tools in the market. Thus, Power BI experts will be profoundly popular.Average Salary of Power BI expert is approximately $95,220 or approximately Rs. 66, 65,400 per annum.Power BI online training program by Learnoa is really an exciting product. The program comes with a great scope where it lets you take on the data that you have been already working with, thus, helping the businesses make that data resourceful.This training will take you through the components and options in Power BI tool and with teach you how to work with different data sources such as Excel, SQL Server, OData feed, etc. You will be able to know more regarding the Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) and, Reports Development with various formatting options and Data Visualization options. Then it will introduce SSAS Tabular along with teaching about Live Connections, SQL Server Agent and Scheduling the processing of model. Then comes the most important concept, which is Data Analysis Experssions (DAX), which this programs covers in much detail.This training program explains the concepts with the help of various case studies and real-life examples, so as to make learners relate the concepts to real-world scenarios, and hence understand better. The training program ends with a project which covers almost all major aspects learnt in the training along with the implementation part.What else you will get?Along with the training content, you will also get everything which is applicable from the following on this program:- Codes Snippets- Sample Programs- Informational PPTs- Installation and Configuration Guidelines- Class Notes- Interview Questions- How-Tos- Useful links- Case studies- Real-life examples"
Price: 7360.00