"C#:Crea servicios Web API y WCF consume en App Web y Movil" |
"Crea Servicios Web WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) y Web API desde Windows Form y ASP.NET MVC con conexin a un motor de base de datos SQL Server, y aprende a interoperar entre diferentes aplicaciones . Publica tu servicio en tu IIS Express y llmalo desde tu aplicacin o desde el browser y consumelo ."
Price: 24.99 |
"C# LinQ de cero hasta crear un Sistema de Reserva para Cine" |
"Crees que conectarte a una base de datos es realmente difcil? Que para hacer inserciones , actualizaciones y eliminaciones desde nuestra aplicacin a una base de datos se necesitan escribir un montn de lineas de cdigo?. Pues , NO , aqu aprenders a realizar operaciones a una base de datos en unas cuentas lineas gracias a la increble magia de LinQ. Realizaras un listado desde una base de datos en solo 2 LINEAS !!!!. Si como lo leste en 2 LINEAS!! . Al igual que las operaciones de insercin , actualizacin y eliminacin . Que esperas para aprender LinQ?. Toma este curso ya y aprende a como interactuar con una base de datos y por su fuera poco a realizar un proyecto del mundo real. Sin mas te explico que aprenderemos en este curso:Que aprendere en este curso?En este curso aprenderemos LinQ de cero , hacer consultas a distintas fuentes de datos como arreglos, listas y Base de Datos.Aprenderemos clausulas como Where , Order by , Select , Join entre otras para ordenar , filtrar y mostrar cierta informacin . Tambin haremos transformaciones a una fuente de datos . Aprenderemos como conectarnos con LinQ a una base de datos SQL Server , y realizar consultas , inserciones , actualizaciones , eliminaciones , mantenimientos y transacciones . Por ltimo terminaremos desarrollando un proyecto real que es un sistema de reserva para cine , en el cual aplicaremos todo lo que hemos aprendido durante el curso . Este proyecto se desarrollara con Windows Form."
Price: 24.99 |
"C# Asp.Net MVC Entity FrameWork- Razor -Bootstrap-Javascript" |
"Aprende a crear aplicaciones web con C# desde cero , entendiendo desde los conceptos bsicos hasta los mas avanzados , usando Entity FrameWork para conectarnos y realizar operaciones con una base de datos . Evoluciona tus aplicaciones de escritorio y convirtelo a una web para que pueda llegar a mas usuarios en todo el mundo . Entre los temas que veremos estn , listados , filtrados , mantenimientos , reportes ,autorizacin , autenticacin , envi de correos entre otros."
Price: 24.99 |
"C# Asp.Net MVC ( Ajax + Json +Bootstrap + JavaScript)" |
"Aprende a desarrollar aplicaciones web , si vienes del mundo de aplicaciones windows form , es hora que conviertas tu aplicacin a una web para que miles de usuarios puedan accederlo desde un browser y as llegue a mas personas en el mundo. Ademas aprenders como aplicar las libreras mas populares en el mercado JQuery y Boostrap para el desarrollo de aplicaciones , y si no conoces , aqu aprenders de cero a utilizarlo."
Price: 24.99 |
"Maestro en C# en tiempo rcord" |
"Cansado de or que programar es difcil y solo es para genios y matemticos ? . Y de intentar tomar varios cursos de C# y no lograr aprender ni entender NADA . De ir a la universidad e instituto y ver que la secuencia de aprendizaje es incorrecta y ver malos profesores . Pues tranquilo , bienvenido a este curso , dirigido para TODO PBLICO (S todo publico : Abogados , Doctores , Ingenieros , Amas de casa , etc) . Solo necesitas una computadora , y muchas ganas de aprender . No es necesario que sepas absolutamente nada de programacin , ni de conceptos previos. Que aprenderemos en este curso?Aprenderemos programacin visual , haciendo formularios para que el usuario interactue con la aplicacin mediante el uso los controles de entrada y salida que nos proporciona Windows Form. Entenderemos las propiedades y eventos que tienen , ademas de la importancia y la utilidad de usar estructuras de datos para manipular la informacin y mostrarlo en pantalla.*** Vamos mas de 18 horas de curso y aun falta muchas clases por subir (Se grabara aun mas clases en todo Julio) *********"
Price: 19.99 |
"C# + SQL SERVER en Windows Form (ADO.NET , CRUD , Impresin)" |
"Aprenderemos C# con SQL Server utilizando ADO.NET ( la tecnologa mas usada y solicitada en el mercado para conectarse y realizar operaciones con una base de datos) .Veremos como desarrollar 5 CRUD desde cero , que incluye buscar , insertar , actualizar , eliminar. Por si fuera poco veremos como realizar impresiones , ademas de como manejar imgenes y archivos con base de datos , y realizar un preview de los mismos."
Price: 24.99 |
"C# Asp.Net Core con Angular -Desarrolla una SPA (Full Stack)" |
"Cualquier descuento enviar un correo a eli_udemy@hotmail.com .Aprende a desarrollar una Single Page Application (SPA) . Utilizando el framework ms popular javascript que es Angular integrando con Asp. net core . Crearemos componentes , servicios y lo integraremos con Entity FrameWork Core . Desarrollaremos listados , bsquedas , inserciones , actualizaciones , eliminaciones , validaciones , mantenimientos , transacciones , autenticacin , autorizacin y mucho ms. Integraremos con libreras mas populares como bootstrap ."
Price: 24.99 |
"Firebase en la web:Usa servicios de backend desde Javascript" |
"Manejas las tecnologas bsicas web ( HTML , CSS y JavaScript) y crees que aun todava necesitas conocer un lenguaje de backend para convertirte en un desarrollador web de verdad? . Pues te equivocas gracias a firebase y a los servicios que nos proporciona , tu puedes guardar la informacin que el usuario ingresa y almacenarlo en una base de datos llamada Firestore , que esta alojada en la nube y que lo puedes llamar directamente desde javaScript , ademas nos brinda servicios de Storage donde podremos guardar diferentes archivos . Tambin podemos usar el servicio de autenticacin que nos permite que el usuario pueda ingresar a nuestra aplicacin con su cuenta de facebook , twitter , google , github entre otras redes sociales. Tambien podemos subir nuestra aplicacin en el servicio de Hosting que nos da firebase. Entre otros servicios mas que veremos en el curso"
Price: 24.99 |
"Altium Designer ile PCB Tasarm" |
"Altium Designer program ""Savunma Sanayisi"" bata olmak zere, birok alanda younca kullanlmaktadr. Eitim serisinde ""Sfrdan balayarak"" , Altium Designer programnn bir kart tasarlamak iin kullanlabilecek btn zelliklerine deinmeye altk.Kurs sonunda artk hazr sensr ve ilemci kartlar almak yerine, kendi elektronik kartlarnz tasarlayabilecek, fabrikasyon dosyalarn retebileceksiniz. Ayrca reglatrler, haberleme protokolleri ve kullanm ( I2C, SPI, UART...), datasheet okuma gibi teknik konular hakknda da bilgi sahibi olmu olacaksnz.Kurs, PCB hakknda hibir ey bilmiyormusunuz gibi hazrlanm olmakla birlikte, kurs bittii zaman kendi PCB kartnz tasarlayabilecek bylelikle hazr kartlar kullanmaya son vereceksiniz. Eer siz de gerek bir mhendis gibi, kendi kartlarnz basmak istiyorsanz, bu kurs tam size gre!"
Price: 409.99 |
"Eagle Cad ile PCB Tasarm" |
"Merhaba arkadalar,Eagle Cad ile PCB Tasarm kursu ile birlikte, daha nce hi PCB kelimesini duymam olsanz dahi, sfrdan balayarak kendi PCB devrenizi tasarlayabilecek, bunu ister kendiniz PDF ktsn alarak , isterseniz de gerber dosyalarn rettirip bastrabileceksiniz.Eitim batan sona kadar ok fazla komponent iermeyen ok basit bir projeyi gerekletirerek ilerlemektedir. Mesela ktphanenin nasl oluturulacan izah etmektense, basit bir projede kendi ktphanelerimizi oluturarak anlattm ki, daha kalc ve aklayc olsun.Hatta bunu o kadar basit bir devre ile anlattm ki, (hepinizin bildii ve belkide kulland kadar basit bir devre) ayrntlara taklmadan, Eagle programn kullanmaya odaklanabilelim diye.ok ok kompleks bir devre ile bir programn kullanln izah etmek, hem izleyicinin dikkatini datr hem de aamalar aras geilerde balant kurulmasn gletirir.Zaten ok kompleks bir devre de tasarlansa, yaplan aamalar ayn olacak hibir deiiklik yok!Bu yzden ok basit bir devre ile, Eagle programnn PCB tasarlamak iin gerekli btn zelliklerini bu eitim serisinde kullanm olduk.Kurs, PCB hakknda hibir ey bilmiyormusunuz gibi hazrlanm olmakla birlikte, kurs bittii zaman kendi PCB kartnz tasarlayabilecek dzeye gelecek, bylelikle hazr kartlar kullanmaya son vereceksiniz.Eer siz de gerek bir mhendis gibi, kendi kartlarnz basmak istiyorsanz, bu kurs tam size gre!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Investindo em aes" |
"O curso Investindo em Aes foi desenvolvido especialmente para atender a demanda de investidores iniciantes que querem aprender a investir em aes de forma prtica, segura e com bons resultados.Contedo 100% focado em praticidade e aplicao.Em 1 dia de estudos voc vai saber o passo a passo para investir em aes e ter bons resultados.Ao investir em aes, voc far parte dos menos de 0,5% da populao que investem em Bolsa de Valores.E com certeza, voc ter uma vida muito mais prspera."
Price: 39.99 |
"Criando sua Prpria Srie - Do Roteiro Publicao" |
"Neste curso, vamos falar sobre os vrios elementos que compem uma srie, como personagens, tempo, espao e dilogos, alm de visualizar a estrutura bsica de um roteiro e aprender um pouco sobre o funcionamento da indstria de entretenimento no Brasil. As aulas tero vrios exemplos prticos de sries e animaes atuais e exerccios para que voc possa praticar e testar se absorveu todo o contedo."
Price: 39.99 |
"Retirement Lifestyle Planning Basics" |
"Explore the basics of what we like to call Retirement Lifestyle Planning. Adding ""lifestyle"" means you'll learn more than just about money. You'll explore many other aspects of your retirement planning including travel, volunteering, spending more time with loved ones and more. If you're ready to take control of your future and live the life you deserve, then give us a try!"
Price: 59.99 |
"Excel 2013 Basics" |
"This course assumes the learner has no prior knowledge of MS Excel and basic understanding of computer concepts. It contains 7 modules which cover the following areas1. Introduction Describes what is Excel and provides some detail about the major capabilities of the program2. Becoming Familiar with the Interface Teaches where to find the features of the program; describes how to execute the features as quickly as possible; breaks down the spreadsheet into parts and explains each part3. Modifying a Worksheet Teaches how to move data from one place to another, insert / delete columns / rows, hide / unhide columns / rows, search information, make hundreds of changes in seconds, and tips for quick navigation in large files; enter data, like months of the year, days of the week, or any sequence very quickly4. Performing Calculations A description of what is a function and what is a formula, as well as when to use each; create basic functions; create basic formulas5. Working with Formats Definition of formats; change the look and feel of text inside the cells and cell background color; display numbers as currency, with multiple decimal places, enter phone numbers and SSN without having to type the hyphens; take control of the lines you can draw to make the spreadsheets look as professional as possible6. Printing Fundamentals ensure no all headers appear in all pages, not just the first one; avoid wasting paper by fitting all data inside every page;7. Managing Workbooks Shows how to protect a Workbook with password, prevent changes to the Workbook structure; create files to use in computers with older versions of Excel"
Price: 19.99 |
"Blender 2.8: Introduo a Animao 2.5D vol.1" |
"Voc est preparado para aprender uma das tcnicas mais poderosas que os Grande studios de animao usa ?Ento seja muito bem-vindo ao curso de introduo a Animao 2.5d Neste curso voc vai aprender a criar um personagem 2.5d, e fazer configuraes avanadas que podem ser usadas em vrios personagens, sejam eles 2D ou 3D.Eu vou te ajudar a dar o primeiro passo de forma prtica e rpida, para que voc aprenda muito mais em menos tempo. Sem enrrolaoSem mimi mimiDessa forma voc vai ter o mximo de tempo, para colocar em prtica tudo o que aprendeu."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de Entrevista de Emprego e Desenvolvimento Pessoal" |
"Esse curso visa preparar pessoas para Entrevistas de Emprego, desenvolver e potencializar seus pontos fortes, diminuir a tenso, entender a dinmica da Entrevista, conhecer tcnicas comportamentais, e mudana de Mindset, hbitos e posturas. O desenvolvimento pessoal o ponto inicial de nosso curso, uma mudana de Minddset, onde priorizamos o autoconhecimento e a explorao do Eu interior, onde os sentidos e percepes do dia a dia do seu ser e existir deixam de se conflitar e juntos poderem co-criar um mundo de ideias em um novo universo de realidade."
Price: 39.99 |
"Java for Students" |
"This course teaches the basics of Java from variables to objects by using games. It'll not only give you all the knowledge you need to be top of your class, but also give you some valuable and fun resources to keep learning with. Coding is supposed to be fun, and this course aims to show you how."
Price: 69.99 |
"Storytelling in the Digital Age - 1 Hour Super Course!" |
"It doesn't matter what storytelling medium you're trying to improve, if you aren't taking into account how digital media has compressed our consumption habits, then your skills may need an update. STORYTELLING IN THE DIGITAL AGE takes into consideration how audiences have come to expect their stories -- and data proves it. And it doesn't matter if your storytelling isn't ultimately being featured on a digital platform. I've created podcasts, overseen hundreds of projects for digital platforms as well as feature length documentaries. I used these same methods to train my staff at digital media empire Uproxx and helped win numerous studio awards for excellence in story telling. Whether you work in digital, are trying to write a book, finish a screenplay, or speak in public better, this course is designed to increase your engagement, help connect with audiences, and leave them captivated through your stories. It's only an hour long, so it's by no means comprehensive, but I've found it only takes an hour to communicate the main strengths that apply to all storytelling. These simple methods have helped me sell ideas, create work that's won film festivals, earn Emmy nominations, and secure Netflix distribution for the work I've made. This course will be different than any course you may have taken on storytelling -- for starters:I promise this course can make you a better storyteller in under an hour. Note: I said ""better"" - that might mean just one lesson resonates with you, or a new way of understanding tension helps in your storytelling - I don't promise you'll be able to write COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO after watching this, but I do believe it will make you even just a little bit better. I've learned to condense a lot of practical tools in a short amount of time. It doesn't matter if you're someone who doesn't consider themselves creative. I've used this course at universities to impart storytelling tools to find greater success. Why should I care about being a better storyteller? Being an effective storyteller increases your ability to connect with others. Whether among your friends, your coworkers, or those you want in your circle, you can inspire and draw the world in with a great story. It also shifts your perspective on how you experience and enjoy the world, creating rich memories that benefit you for the rest of your life. No matter where you're starting from and can help in the following storytelling mediums: Filmmaking & videography - editing, directing, screenwritingBranded video contentPodcast creationCreative writing & screenwritingPitching & selling ideas Presenting Toasts & Speeches Public speaking Interviewing & making a good first impressionThis course is for anyone, no matter where you're starting from. Being better on first dates (seriously! do it through story!) I'm a passionate storyteller and my aim is to help improve your ability to connect and inspire in the quickest amount of time. Thank you for checking out the course!Captions offered in English, Spanish and more soon!"
Price: 49.99 |
"Pizza Making - Bake The Best Pizzas At Home!" |
"Bake up the best Pizzas at home!Learn the things necessary to make great pizza!Follow the step by step directions.Learn to make a napoli sauce for your pizza bases.Download the resources in the course and print it out for easy reference.Have a dinner party and invite your friends over to impress all of them with an amazing home made pizza!Be the pizza king at home and in your social circle.This pizza is made using both sourdough and commercial yeast, bringing the best of both to make the best pizza crust possible without the fancy equipment.You will learn to make your own sourdough starter in the course to, but there is a variation for using just commercial yeast. So if you don't have a sourdough starter, you can still make up an amazing pizza!We will talk about pizza sauce with a physical demonstration aswell as pizza toppings.Come on and join me and ... make the best pizza ever!Who this course is for:Anyone with basic kitchen skills can bake pizza.This course is for beginners through advanced bakers who want to learn to make an awesome pizza."
Price: 204.99 |
"Passport to Communication Skills" |
"This course is a specially designed and devised online course for the young learners who have completed their schooling and ready to take off for university education. Passport to Communication Skills An Online Certificate Course will help the learners in enhancing their communication skills at both personal and professional levels. This course will prepare the learners in mastering the language of leadership using the most effective learning platform of 21st century."
Price: 19.99 |
"productivity hacks: live your life in your way." |
"hello,if you want to destroy your goals,if you want to grow out of procrastination,--------------- then, i would like present this course that will make your life faster, easier and more livable.you will get to learn different hacks which i personally used, and you will get a sharp jump in your progress.for more info, pls watch intro of our course."
Price: 99.99 |
"Revit Architecture Certified Professional 2019" |
"Familiarize type of question ask in Exam100% chances if you learn all exercise in this courseExam Exercise type of Question on Collaboration, Documentations, Elements and Families, Modeling and Views.Instruction base Exercise, Read one by one and solve it in Revit and Finally input your Answer in Box or Mark It on Images."
Price: 24.99 |
"Interior Design - Housing" |
"Become familiar with basic residential architectural styles found in the United States.Understand how changes in society were connected to changes in housing styles.Identify specific design details associated with each architectural style.Trace a brief history of manufactured housing from the early 1900s to the present.Learn how housing norms filter life style influences on housing choices.Identify the six housing norms and give examples of each.Understand how spatial relationships are used in our homes to impact behaviors of residents and guests.Discover the importance of personalizing space and the importance of home as a symbol of self.Understand conditions that produce moisture and air contamination and how to control them.Discover that furnishings and the use of chemicals also affect indoor air quality.Identify how life style choices impact the home environment.Identify national associations that support components of the housing industry.Understand issues currently facing segments of the housing industry.Build a vocabulary of terms used in the housing industry.Discover the pros, cons and compromises of community development regulations.Identify factors that influence neighborhood satisfaction.Become familiar with several types of intentional neighborhoods that are common within communities today."
Price: 19.99 |
"Facebook Ad Tracking" |
"Facebook Ads can be very profitable for your business. But its also a way to lose a lot of money if you dont do it right.Theres a lot of courses out there on ads but they assume you know how to setup the Facebook Pixel and implement the tracking within your funnel. The reality is there are standard events that track certain steps thru the funnel.Placing the same pixel code without any changes on all your pages wont do you any good.In this specific video training course, you will learn what you need to do to install your Facebook Ad Pixel tracking to get results.Topics covered:Introduction to FB TrackingBusiness Manager SetupCreate a Facebook PixelStandard Events OverviewEmail Opt In Funnel EventsAbandoned Cart Funnel EventsPurchase Funnel EventsLead Form FunnelHow to Test Your Pixel Is Active"
Price: 49.99 |
"Youtube SEO: How to Optimize Your Videos to Rank#1" |
"Video marketing is one of the easiest ways to get highly targeted traffic, but you have to do it right.The problem is that ranking on YouTube isnt as easy as it was back in 2005, or even 2019.On top of that, there are tons and tons of different marketing strategies out there online. Many of these work and many of them have faded away.Methods have changed and so has YouTubes algorithm.Understanding what keywords are in demand and how to properly optimize your video BEFORE you make it live is what will help YouTube know where to categorize your video.With this step by step course you will learn the most updated SEO strategies that you must do before you make your YouTube videos live.Topics covered:Introduction to YouTube SEOCompetitive ResearchYour Title and DescriptionVideo File OptimizationYour ThumbnailVideo LengthSecret Tip to Outrank Your Competitors"
Price: 49.99 |
"Video Teaser: How to Build Video Teasers That Sell" |
"Learn how to build video teasers that sell your video products!Its a fact that selling information in the form of video courses is very profitable.Theres so much demand for different topics and there are so many problems that need solutions.So perhaps you created your very own video course, or you bought private label rights to a video course and you have no idea how to sell it.With this 10-part video series you will learn how to build teaser videos to sell your teaser courses!Topics covered:Why Teaser Videos?Teaser Examples - Part 1 and 2To-Do ItemsBrainstorm Your Teaser OutlineCreating Your Teaser OutlineVideo SoftwareVideo Course SnippetsCreating Your Teaser Video"
Price: 49.99 |
"Google Image: Rank#1 On Google Image Search" |
"Google Image Search is a huge source of traffic of customers who may be interested in your products or services.Over one third of site visitors use Google Image Search. If you do it wrong and simply upload an image onto your website, hoping to get ranked high on Google Image Search it won't ve as effective.Understanding what keywords are in demand and how to properly optimize your image BEFORE you make it live is what will help Google know where to categorize your image.Methods have changed and so has the algorithm.In this video course you will learn the most updated SEO strategies that you must do before you make your images live.Topics covered:Introduction to Image Search7 Steps ChecklistWrapping ContentFile FormatImage SizeCompressionFile NamesALTAudit Automation"
Price: 49.99 |
"Starting With Facebook Ads Successfully" |
"Facebook Ads can be very profitable for your business. But its also a way to lose a lot of money if you dont do it right.In this specific video training course, you will learn what you need to do to setup your Facebook Ads properly.You will learn to find data about what your audience wants and what is the best way you should approach them.You will also learn how to make sure your ads appeal to the right person, how do you use the right text, the right image and much more!Introduction to FB AdsPaid Traffic MindsetWho Are You Targeting?FB InsightsCreating an Avatar ProfileImportant Ad RulesThe PixelAd Campaigns"
Price: 49.99 |
"Discover How to Increase Engagement On Your WordPress Site" |
"Getting your customers to interact with you is crucial. The more they engage - the more they will come to know, like, and trust you.There are several different things you will learn to create a fantastic experience for your visitors.Topics covered:Introduction and Quick OverviewHow fast does your site load? And how to check.How to speed up your WordPress site - pluginsHow to speed up via Web HostingEngagement Boost Hack 1Engagement Boost Hack 2Engagement Boost Hack 3Turning Engagement into Subscribers"
Price: 49.99 |
"Wordpress Website Security" |
"This specific training course was designed to help you understand how to secure and protect your valuable WordPress site.In a recent study done by Sucuri, around 90% of all the hacked content management systems that they investigated and helped fix in 2018 were WordPress sites.If you rely on your website for your business - whether that means for marketing purposes, business operations, or anything important - protecting your asset is crucial.It's essential to be proactive.Topics covered:Introduction to WP SecurityBackdoorsWordPress HostingProtect WP-AdminDifferent Security Plugins2-Step Authorization PluginsProtect FilesPassword Protection"
Price: 49.99 |