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"220-1001 CompTIA A+ Certification Exam: Core 1 Exam"
"Hello, everyone!Prepare yourself to Face the Exam by practicing on examwalk into the Testing Center with confidence after preparing our packageThe Question Numbers can be changed frequently as soon as another version becomes available.PRACTICE EXAM QUESTIONS WITH VERIFIED ANSWERSThis Test is Designed by our IT Specialist to students to pass 220-1001 exam easilyPractice and trial make your official test error free and easy also build confidence or give idea about what type of questions can be make by examiner and how we attempt well This Practice is help you to achieve your IT CertificationMoney Back Guarantee in 30 days""""You belong with champions . There's no stopping you.i wish you the very best in your coming exam""""220-1001 CompTIA A+ Certification Exam: Core 1 ExamTHIS PRACTICE COVERS ALL THE TOPICS"
Price: 19.99

"DP-200 & DP-201 Microsoft Implementing an Azure data exam"
"Hello, everyone!Prepare yourself to Face the Exam by practicing on examwalk into the Testing Center with confidence after preparing our packageThe Question Numbers can be changed frequently as soon as another version becomes available.PRACTICE EXAM QUESTIONS WITH VERIFIED ANSWERSThis Test is Designed by our IT Specialist to students to pass DP-201 exam easilyPractice and trial make your official test error free and easy also build confidence or give idea about what type of questions can be make by examiner and how we attempt well This Practice is help you to achieve your IT CertificationMoney Back Guarantee in 30 days""""You belong with champions . There's no stopping you.i wish you the very best in your coming exam""""DP-200& DP-201 Microsoft Designing an Azure Data Solution ExamTHIS PRACTICE COVERS ALL THE TOPICSImplement data storage solutions (40-45%)Design Azure data storage solutions (40-45%)Design data processing solutions (25-30%)Design for data security and compliance (25-30%)"
Price: 189.99

"220-1002 CompTIA A+ Core 2 Exam"
"Hello, everyone!Prepare yourself to Face the Exam by practicing on examwalk into the Testing Center with confidence after preparing our packageThe Question Numbers can be changed frequently as soon as another version becomes available.PRACTICE EXAM QUESTIONS WITH VERIFIED ANSWERSThis Test is Designed by our IT Specialist to students to pass 220-1002 exam easilyPractice and trial make your official test error free and easy also build confidence or give idea about what type of questions can be make by examiner and how we attempt well This Practice is help you to achieve your IT CertificationMoney Back Guarantee in 30 days""""You belong with champions . There's no stopping you.i wish you the very best in your coming exam""""220-1002 CompTIA A+ Core 2 ExamTHIS PRACTICE COVERS ALL THE TOPICS"
Price: 39.99

"MB-220 Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing Exam"
"Hello, everyone!Prepare yourself to Face the Exam by practising on examwalk into the Testing Center with confidence after preparing our packageThe Question Numbers can be changed frequently as soon as another version becomes available.PRACTICE EXAM QUESTIONS WITH VERIFIED ANSWERSThis Test is Designed by our IT Specialist to students to pass DP-201 exam easilyPractice and trial make your official test error-free and easy also build confidence or give an idea about what type of questions can be made by the examiner and how we attempt well This Practice is to help you to achieve your IT CertificationMoney-Back Guarantee in 30 days""You belong with champions. There's no stopping you. I wish you the very best in your coming exam""DP-200& DP-201 Microsoft Designing an Azure Data Solution ExamTHIS PRACTICE COVERS ALL THE TOPICSConfigure marketing applications (5-10%)Manage segments and lists (10-15%)Create and manage marketing forms and pages (10-15%)Manage leads (10-15%)Create and manage marketing emails (10-15%)Manage customer journeys (15-20%)Manage events and webinars (10-15%)Configure and analyze customer responses (10-15%)"
Price: 39.99

"MB-900 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Exam"
"Hello, everyone!Prepare yourself to Face the Exam by practising on examwalk into the Testing Center with confidence after preparing our packageThe Question Numbers can be changed frequently as soon as another version becomes available.PRACTICE EXAM QUESTIONS WITH VERIFIED ANSWERSThis Test is Designed by our IT Specialist to students to pass MB-900 exam easilyPractice and trial make your official test error-free and easy also build confidence or give an idea about what type of questions can be made by the examiner and how we attempt well This Practice is to help you to achieve your IT CertificationMoney-Back Guarantee in 30 days""You belong with champions. There's no stopping you. I wish you the very best in your coming exam""MB-900 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals ExamTHIS PRACTICE COVERS ALL THE TOPICSUnderstand Dynamics 365 (40-45%)Understand cloud concepts (25-30%)Understand deployments and releases (20-25%)"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe 9A0-351 Adobe Illustrator CC Recertification New Exam"
"Hello, everyone!Prepare yourself to Face the Exam by practising on examwalk into the Testing Center with confidence after preparing our packageThe Question Numbers can be changed frequently as soon as another version becomes available.PRACTICE EXAM QUESTIONS WITH VERIFIED ANSWERSThis Test is Designed by our IT Specialist to students to pass 9A0-351 exam easilyPractice and trial make your official test error-free and easy also build confidence or give an idea about what type of questions can be made by an examiner and how we attempt well This Practice is to help you to achieve your IT CertificationMoney-Back Guarantee in 30 days""You belong with champions. There's no stopping you.I wish you the very best in your coming exam""Adobe 9A0-351 Adobe Illustrator CC Recertification New ExamTHIS PRACTICE COVERS ALL THE TOPICS"
Price: 34.99

"Microsoft PL-900 Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals(beta)"
"Hello, everyone!Prepare yourself to Face the Exam by practising on examwalk into the Testing Center with confidence after preparing our packageThe Question Numbers can be changed frequently as soon as another version becomes available.PRACTICE EXAM QUESTIONS WITH VERIFIED ANSWERSThis Test is Designed by our IT Specialist to students to pass PL-900 exam easilyPractice and trial make your official test error-free and easy also build confidence or give an idea about what type of questions can be made by the examiner and how we attempt well This Practice is to help you to achieve your IT CertificationMoney-Back Guarantee in 30 days""You belong with champions. There's no stopping you. I wish you the very best in your coming exam""MB-900 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals ExamTHIS PRACTICE COVERS ALL THE TOPICSUnderstand the business value of Power Platform (20-25%)Understand the Core Components of Power Platform (25-30%)Demonstrate the business value of Power BI (15-20%)Demonstrate the business value of Power Apps (15-20%)Demonstrate the business value of Microsoft Flow (15-20%)"
Price: 24.99

"Counselling Test"
"Counselling is a skill that is beneficial to any individual, therefore anybody can gain valuable knowledge from this test. This test enables you to revise and prepare for a counselling test but it also offers knowledge of the basis of counselling for those who are interested in studying the topic."
Price: 19.99

"Iniciando no GNS3"
"O Graphic Network Simulator (GNS3) um software de rede que emula o Cisco Router, ASA, etc.Este software, ao contrrio de seu nome, no um simulador mas sim um emulador que se integra a mquinas virtuais e permite simular redes complexas como se voc estivesse trabalhando em uma infraestrutura de redes real.O GNS3 amplamente utilizado na prtica de laboratrios, principalmente para os alunos que esto se preparando para os exames de certificao da Cisco ou cursando faculdade de redes de computadores. Neste curso, voc aprender conceitos bsicos, tais como:Instalar o GNS3 em sistemas operacionais Mac OS, Linux e Windows, Instalar e configurar imagens reais de roteadores cisco, Integrar mquinas virtuais ao GNS3, Configurar NAT, Instalar o GNS3 VM para configurao de appliances, Docker Container ; Instalao IOU L2 (para comutao)."
Price: 39.99

"Complete Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Course"
"As an expert, I will inspire you to thrive at work, which includes quick wins, solid, successful, proven Lean Six Sigma tools that reduce or eliminate overwhelm; by this, you will feel understood, appreciated and accepted at your workplace. By the end of this course, you will be able to support Lean Six Sigma Projects, proactively reduce wastes, use Lean Six Sigmas tools to get to the root cause of a problem.You will also be able to reduce defects in products and /or services promoting world-class customer service! You will learn, have fun and begin to thrive at work again!"
Price: 39.99

"Creating VR Experiences with React 360"
"***************August 2019 Update************New projects: GeometryVRNew projects: TourismVRDiscord community is up and live.*********************************************Get Started With React360 and WebVR!Are you interested in diving into virtual reality? Are you a programmer who wants to explore what WebVR has to offer? Then this course is for you.If you're like me, you've caught a glimpse of virtual reality and the promises it has in store for us in the near future. Now is a great time to dive into this technology and experiment with great ideas. As virtual reality continues to develop, this field of technology is poised to disrupt numerous industries. There is no killer app (yet) for VR which means that its the wild west for anyone who's brave enough to explore unknown territories. Additionally, WebVR has made huge strides and right now is easier than ever to dive in. So what are you waiting for?What to expect from this course?This course will teach you the basics of Facebook's React 360 virtual reality library and how you can  build 360 degree multimedia WebVR applications. You'll be able to build applications from scratch, deploy them to production and be able to view them on desktop and headsets. Additionally, As we progress through the course, I'll teach you more advanced features of React 360 and how you can implement them to create more interesting and intricate projects.The course is structured to create 6 complete projects that showcase the many key features both basic and advanced that react 360 has to offer. The 6 projects are the following:HouseTourVR DynamicSurfacesVR TourismVR CryptoDashboardVRSpringBreakVRGeometryVR It doesn't stop there though! If you purchase this course you can expect new projects and updates monthly. I love to share my ideas, resources, information, and new projects with my students, so you will have exclusive access to all of that including access to the courses Discord channel. RequirementsExperience with Javascript would be helpful but not absolutely necessary. If you know at least one programming language you will do just fine. Additionally, web development experience would be helpful but by no means absolutely necessary. I will walk you through every part of the course.Before you purchase the course, please be aware that this course was developed using a Macbook computer. Therefore, the course is optimized for those platforms. It is possible to follow along with a Windows computer but support will be limited."
Price: 19.99

"Cdigo de tica"
"Sabe-se que o Cdigo de tica um Documento que estabelece normas que orientem as pessoas quanto s suas posturas e atitudes, moralmente aceitas ou toleradas pela empresa ou organizao. bastante comum as pessoas afirmarem, erroneamente, que este aplicado apenas aos colaboradores da empresa. Entretanto, este curso demonstrar que o Cdigo de tica visa manter um padro uniforme de comportamento entre todos os integrantes de uma empresa.Portanto, ele contempla os Scios, Colaboradores, Clientes, Fornecedores e demais agentes que esto ligados direta ou indiretamente com a Empresa.Faremos diversas abordagens, de fcil compreenso, para que possam tornar a empresa mais significativa para os colaboradores e para a sociedade. A proposta do curso reforar o compromisso tico de todos os seus integrantes.Queremos desenvolver em voc o senso de responsabilidade e prioridade, contribuindo com o esforo coletivo.Sendo assim, iremos abordar:- Conceito e Finalidade do Cdigo de tica;- O pontap inicial para sua Elaborao;- Como realizar sua Implantao; e- A criao de procedimentos para seu monitoramento.Neste curso voc vai aprender:I - O Processo de Elaborao:a) O que e qual a finalidade do Cdigo de tica;b) Como inicia-se sua elaborao; ec) Como identificar os valores da empresa.II - Sua Implantao:a) O treinamento;c) O desenvolvimento;III - Seu Acompanhamento/Monitoramento.Por fim, desejamos um excelente curso para todos e informamos que o Professor responsvel por este ser:- Jean Valens Veloso Rodrigues: Advogado graduado em Direito pela Pontifcia Universidade Catlica de Gois (PUCGO). Contador graduado em Cincias Contbeis pela Universidade Catlica Dom Bosco (UCDB). Especialista em Planejamento Tributrio pela Universidade Federal de Gois (UFG). Ps-Graduando em Planejamento Empresarial e Finanas pela Faculdade Venda Novo Imigrante (FAVENI). Docente em nvel superior na Faculdade de Tecnologia Senai de Desenvolvimento Gerencial (FATESG). Instrutor educacional na Venha Saber Marketing e Negcios. Palestrante, Escritor, Educador Financeiro e Investidor."
Price: 69.99

"Motivation: A Beginner's Guide to Introspective Thinking"
"Motivation depletion occurs when you lose that burning fire that used to push you to strive for more; the fire that allowed you to see opportunities where others only saw obstacles; the same burning fire that spurred you to achieve goals that no one, but yourself, believed you could achieve. If this resonates with you, then will greatly enjoy this course. If you are looking for effective ways to feed your fire so that you can accomplish greater goals in life, be it personal or professional, then click on the take this course"" link at the top right of this page right NOW! Let's embark on the path to success together. ***************************************************************************************30-Day Money Back Guarantee - Risk-Free!****************************************************************************************Udemy has an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! I will stress this as well and stand behind this course, if you feel that you have gained NO VALUE at all within 30 days, I will personally guarantee you a Refund!"
Price: 94.99

"ClickBank Marketing Secrets"
"Are you eager to succeed with ClickBank?Are you motivated by lucrative affiliate marketing earnings?The only obstacle in your way is the lack of knowledge and guidance in making ClickBank and affiliate marketing work for you. If you are looking for insights into how to make money online as a ClickBank affiliate, then this course is for you!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Imagine going about your daily routine while ClickBank sales compound on a regular basis.You do not need to be an expert in internet marketing to make this dream a reality. In this course, you will find everything you need to assist you in getting started fast towards seeing real results.***************************************************************************************30-Day Money Back Guarantee - Risk-Free!****************************************************************************************Udemy has an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! I will stress this as well and stand behind this course."
Price: 149.99

"The Disciplined Mind"
"Self-discipline is the ability to do things that you would rather avoid. These are necessary things. These are things that can take your life to the next level. Things that can set you up for greater success in life. If you want to make positive changes in your life and achieve your long-term goals, there is no better way of going about it than learning how to develop an unstoppable self-discipline mindset. A mindset that will motivate you to continue striving for success no matter the obstacle standing in your way. Within this course, you will learn all the skills you need to become more self-disciplined and ready to pursue your long-term goals and aspirations."
Price: 189.99

"Adopting a Gluten Free Lifestyle"
"This course is about a simple, yet significant lifestyle change. This course is about empowering you to live a healthier life. You will learn about the real effects of consuming gluten. You will learn about Celiac disease, simple ways to change your diet to cut out gluten, and how to conquer obstacles standing in the way of a healthier you. Welcome to the beginning of your gluten free lifestyle!"
Price: 39.99

"Instagram Marketing Secrets"
"Instagram has over 1 billion active users which is an insane number when you consider there are only 7.53 billion people in the world.In addition, 60% of all adults and 25 million businesses around the world use the internet on a daily basis.This is a gigantic audience that is constantly growing!As such, Instagram is a tool that will allow you to build brand awareness and brand loyalty in a manner that other channels just cant match.Instagram should be considered an absolute focus for any marketing strategy, but it becomes even more powerful when you combine it with a general marketing plan that incorporates other platforms and forms of media.In essence, Instagram could well be the missing piece of the puzzle for your online marketing strategy.Instagram is a small time investment for an exponential customer return!In this video course you will learn how to maximize the potential of Instagram as a marketing tool.By the end of this course, you will have developed valuable skills that will help you instantly grow your Instagram audience, create a strong brand for your Instagram account, and implement strategies for maximizing your overall Instagram content and consistency.We look forward to seeing you inside this unique, straight-to-the-point course that is chock-full with weird, but effective strategies to exponentially grow your Instagram account."
Price: 114.99

"Build Self Confidence Today!"
"Self confidence and self esteem are fundamental in every aspect of our lives, yet so millions of people around the world struggle everyday with low self confidence and self esteem. I designed this course for people who are interested in building their self confidence and self esteem through actionable steps and strategies that were developed by understanding how confident and successful people operate. By observing celebrities, professional athletes, actors/actresses, entrepreneurs, and successful business people, we are better able in determining the factors that lead to self confidence and high self esteem. Within this course, you will learn all the skills you need to exponentially boost your self confidence and self esteem through proven strategies and actionable steps. We look forward to having you onboard and we are grateful for the opportunity to share this information with you."
Price: 124.99

"Ingls para Negcios (Business English)"
"Aprenda as expresses essenciais em ingls mais usadas no contexto de negcios.Esse curso ir te dar vocabulrio, expresses e estruturas super teis para que voc possa aplicar imediatamente no seu dia a dia e no contato com falantes da lngua inglesa.Neste curso eu explico as expresses e frases que voc precisa para ter xito em falar e ser compreendido nas situaes mais comuns no trabalho: - comunicao rotineira (e-mails, videochamada, telefone e mensagem de texto)- apresentao pessoal & comercial- negociao- insights lingusticos culturaisEu sou fluente em 4 idiomas e tenho usado ingls nos negcios em diferentes ramos e segmentos de mercado h mais de 9 anos.Esse curso compila um pouco da minha experincia ao trazer os vocbulos e situaes que j passei na vida real. Ento um curso realmente muito prtico e, com certeza, ser de utilidade para voc!Aproveite e bom curso!"
Price: 149.99

"How to Start Your Online Business"
"In this course I will be teaching you everything you need to know about starting a business. More specifically, an online business.I will give you all of the tools you need to start making an income on the products you decide to sell.You will learn the following basic business practices:How to write a business planRegistering your businessSourcing productsHow to create your websiteCreate a logo + website graphicsDevise a marketing planCongrats on taking your first step to becoming a business owner!"
Price: 19.99

"The Key Success Drivers"
"""THEKEYSUCCESSDRIVERS"" CourseIn this, my latest course and first on Udemy I will help you get clear about your goals and values and help you design the action steps needed to take you to your dream life. The Core units include:1. Dream - Whats your dream?2. Set Goals - Lets set them together!3. Believe - Believe you can achieve them!4. Action - Make a plan and Take action! 5. Lead - You are the leader. Its time to lead. Duration: 1 hour It contains exercises to reinforce the lessons and includes music and visual affects to enhance your enjoyment as I guide you towards your better future. Get a pen and pad and be prepared to plan out your future and lead the life you have always hoped for. This is an awesome course to get you back on track and help you take your life to the next level.Register now and lets get started. See you inside!Warmest regardsKingsley"
Price: 199.99

"HIT Yoga for Mamas"
"Fitness, re-imagined with roots in the ancient yoga practices. Led by Jennifer Dixon EYRT 500 and Authorized Ashtanga Yoga TeacherIn this online video course, you'll have access to 4 quick tutorials and ""how-tos""covering the basic yoga poses and drills found throughout this course. Each introductory video breaks down these poses and shows you drills that you can perform on your own or in addition to the full length sequences. The introductory videos help to insure you are properly performing some of the most basic poses. Yoga is safe, but, like any other exercise, if you do not perform them with proper form and technique, it can lead to injury. Jennifer wants to help keep you safe and practicing well into your 80s. Once you feel comfortable with the tutorials, you have OPTIONS! In this course, you have 4 full length sequences that are 30, 40, and (2) 60 minutes long. If time is your limiting factor, the 30 minute heart opening sequence is PERFECT. It is the most gentle out of all the full length sequences and is sure to leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the day! The 40 and 60 minute sequences are tough! They are designed to challenge you, and strengthen all those ""mommy""areas like tummy, glutes, legs and arms. These are designed to challenge you so breaks are expected and encouraged.Finally, you have access to 4 different drills / quick workouts that are targeting your abs, to help build your core and the center of your gravity back. Being a mama is hard work, don't you think it would be better if you were centered and strong in that center?The goal for this course is to keep you challenged and engaged and coming back to your mat again and again.Disclaimer:Be Sure to get your medical professionals permission before starting this or any other exercise program."
Price: 54.99

Price: 5400.00

"1: 2: 3:4436524 4: 5: 6 7: 8: 9: 10: 11:mixhost_JIN_JIN 12: 13:7 14:_"
Price: 3600.00

"Growing Great Seedlings"
"A workshop for those of you wishing to reconnect to the natural world and those of you wanting ensure your daily actions regenerate life on earth. Contains over 2 hours in videos, a generous database with design plans and all the references needed to enable you to grow high quality seedlings and have a deep understanding of the significance that lies in growing your own seedlings. This workshop shows you how to work with the ""laws of nature"" in order to step into a powerful regenerative process in your own backyard. The understandings and skills Kay Baxter has built over many years of working this field are now available in a affordable and easy to access online workshop.Episode 1 - Introduction - You will:Understand the benefits of growing your own seedlingsUnderstand the natural process of coevolution, and the benefits of working with the laws of nature.Know how home gardeners can work in a regenerative way to create a resilient, strong and healthy future for us all.Know the importance of working with the genetics and environment.Be able to choose seeds to achieve the best outcome.Understand the environment great seedlings require.Episode 2 - MaterialsYou will know everything you need to grow great seedlings, without plastic and using simple and affordable things we can make ourselves.Episode 3 - Planting Seedlings - You will:Know how to make your own seed raising mix, using your own materials or bought materials.Learn the different ways seeds can be planted, and how to decide which method to use.Learn how to sow seedlings to be pricked out later, and how to sow scatter sown seeds that go directly into garden when ready.Episode 4 - Observation - You will:Know how to handle seedlings.Be able to understand the relationship between plant roots and microbes.Be able to tell if the seedlings roots are exuding sugars.Know how to tell when seedlings are ready to be pricked out, or planted into the garden if scatter sown.Understand why it is critical to prick out and transplant at the optimal time.Learn how to direct sow seeds into garden.Learn one of the creative ways to germinate seeds early without a greenhouse.Episode 5 - Observation pt. 2 - You will:Learn about different options for seed raising mixes.Understand that our job is to provide the seedlings with what they need in order to photosynthesise efficiently, so they can start growing nutrient dense food, sequester carbon and grow soil.Know how to create a regenerative system.Know how to mark seed trays to get accurate spacings between seedlings.Learn how to prick out seedlings in 3 steps.Be able to know when and why roots need pruning.Learn how to make microbe food to boost your seedling (recipe included in database)Episode 6 - Observation pt. 3You will know what a great seedling is.You will be able to understand the importance of hardening seedlings off before transplanting into garden."
Price: 79.99

"Growing Great Compost"
"A workshop for those of you wishing to reconnect to the natural world and those of you wanting to ensure your daily actions contribute to a regenerative process for life on earth.Includes over 2 hours in videos, the Koanga Composting Booklet and a generous database with design plans and all the references needed to enable you to make compost capable of growing soil, nutrient dense food and reversing climate change.The understandings and skills Kay Baxter has built over many years of working in this field are now available in a affordable and easy to access online workshop.Episode 1 - IntroductionHear Kays compost story, failures and success.Learn about why bought fertiliser is not a sustainable or regenerative option for medium term or long term.Learn about Koangas goals for composting.Learn how humus slowly builds naturally in the forest at air temperature.Learn how to speed up our soil building potential by making compost and working with heat.Understand the laws of nature (principles of science) around making successful compost.Understand why metabolic and structural carbon make up 90% of the volume of a Koanga Best Practice compost heap and what the characteristics of these carbon forms are.Learn how different carbon forms affect our compost making process.Understand why making a compost heap with material that comes from your own garden will almost inevitably be recycling deficiencies, and why that does not build soil.Learn why it is critical to add minerals if we wish to grow soil and nutrient dense food.Understand which minerals are missing in most NZ soils and where to find themEpisode 2 - Koangas HeapWatch the Koanga Garden Crew make a heap in the Thorny Croft seed garden, using the principles you learned in the first episode.See how we build a heap from beginning to end using Environmental Fertilisers minerals as our added minerals to build soil and high BRIX seeds.See the quantities of minerals added for this size compost heap.Understand that building amazing compost is something anyone can do.Episode 3 - The Design ProcessKnow the appropriate amount of compost to apply to your garden beds.Understand how compost made with different ratios of Nitrogen and Carbon affect the quantity of humus produced.Learn the difference in quality and quantity of production made possible with different Carbon and Nitrogen ratios.Learn to design your gardens to ensure you are able to produce the amount of compost you require to be building soil and growing high quality vegetables.Learn what compost crops are and how much carbon is in the various crops so that you can make informed choices.Learn about how big your garden needs to be in order to produce enough carbon for your compost to be building your garden soil.Learn what to do if you have a small garden that is not big enough to produce all the carbon you need to make a minimum size compost heap.Episode 4 - MaterialsWatch Bob and Kay collecting and making the ingredients for a compost heap on their house site using only locally sourced materials to provide the minerals required.Learn how each input is chosen and what it will offer to the compost heap, and what other options might be.Inputs include bone and shell ash, biochar, seaweed, clay, comfrey, alfalfa, and carbon from the garden including corn, chia and buckwheat.Episode 5 - Kays Compost Watch Kay and Vitor making a compost heap using the above inputs in Kays garden (including large corn stalks) with no chopping or machinery involved.Receive lots of confidence and reinforcement that we can all do this easily in our own gardens and get excellent results if we follow the principles learned in Ep. 1Episode 6 - ObservationLearn the importance of building a relationship with your living alchemical compost heap and how to do that, using all of your senses. Observation skills.Understand the usefulness of recording information about your compost heap using the form provided in the database.Reinforce that achieving our compost goals is dependant on following the pattern language described in Ep. 1Learn ways to manage your compost to a successful end result and what to do if you end up with an anaerobic heap, or a heap that gets too hot.Understand the three stage that a compost heap goes trough.Learn how to regulate the moisture levels in your heapUnderstand what happens if the compost heap heats up too much or if it doesnt heat up at allEpisode 7 - Chicken CompostLearn that there are other ways of making compost but that the laws of nature around building humus still holdIn this episode you will watch Kay creating a situation for her chickens to make compost in the chicken houseLearn the key things to keep in mind to ensure this method is capable of being useful in the garden or forest garden"
Price: 79.99

"Dein Traumkrper mit der ""Twinergy"" Methode"
"Dieser Kurs bildet die Basis fr krperlichen und mentalen Erfolg.Folgendes wirst du von Coach Robert lernen:- Ernhrungsbasics & Makroverteilung- Training und Alltag strukturieren- Supplemente richtig einsetzenFolgendes wirst du von Coach Daniel lernen:- Selbstbild & Mindset- Ziele setzen- Fokus und Flow+ Hier lernst du 10 Schritte, um dein Leben zu verndern1. Ziel aufschreiben2. Den ganzen Mll entsorgen oder verschenken Hauptsache weg3. Kalorien berechnen4. Supplemente bestellen5. Einkaufen gehen (siehe Einkaufsliste)6. Starte mit Training und Ernhrung7. Ziel tglich vor Augen halten (Bilder, Sprche, Visualisieren, Emotionen usw.)8. Arbeite an deinem Selbstbild9. bernimm Verantwortung fr dein Leben10. Egal was passiert, du bleibst immer dran. Aufgeben ist keine Option. WORK YOUR ASS OFF"
Price: 49.99

"Engenharia para concursos - Provas Resolvidas"
"ATENO! Novas provas no Site:Prova de Engenharia do CGE CE 2019Prova de Engenharia do MPC PA 2019Prova de Engenharia do TCE RO 2019h t t p s : // provasdeengenharia . com . br /produtosCurso de Engenharia para concursos - Provas Resolvidas.So diversas provas de Engenharia Resolvidas com questes comentadas, que possuem, em sua grande maioria, referncias bibliogrficas, imagens e links para auxiliar a compreenso da matria.Provas j disponveis:d r o p b o x com/s/rpx0gvtsqtvvxwr/ resolvida do Tribunal de Contas da Unio (CESPE 2011)Cargo: Cargo 02 - Auditor Federal de Controle Externo - Auditoria de Obras PblicasBanca Realizadora: CESPEAno:2011Matrias abordadas: Obras planejamento, normas, fiscalizao e legislao.Link com preview da prova:Prova resolvida do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Esprito Santo - TCE/ESCargo 4: Auditor de Controle Externo rea: Engenharia CivilBanca Realizadora: CESPEAno: 2012Matrias abordadas: Obras PblicasLink com preview da prova:Prova resolvida do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de RondniaCARGO 6: Auditor de controle externo Especialidade: engenharia civilBanca Realizadora: CESPEAno:2013Matrias abordadas: Auditoria Governamental, Administrao Financeira e Oramentria e Engenharia civil.Link com preview da prova:Prova resolvida do Tribunal de Contas dos Municpios do Estado da Bahia (CESPE 2018)Cargo: Auditor Estadual de InfraestruturaBanca Realizadora: CESPEAno:2018Matrias abordadas: Anlise da informao e Obras planejamento, normas, fiscalizao e legislao.Parte de Engenharia CivilProva resolvida da Controladoria e ouvidoria geral do estado do Cear (CGE/CE)Cargo: Auditor Estadual de InfraestruturaCARGO 2: AUDITOR DE CONTROLE INTERNO REA DE AUDITORIA CAMPO DE ATUAO OBRAS PBLICASBanca Realizadora: CEBRASPEAno:2019Matrias abordadas: Obras PblicasColeo Normas Tcnicas Comentadas Concurso BRB Eng. Segurana do TrabalhoSo 11 Normas Tcnicas comentadas com 36 questes do IADES para o concurso de ENGENHEIRO DE SEGURANA DO TRABALHO do BRBNormas regulamentadoras relativas a segurana e medicina do trabalho.Nmero de Questes - IADESNR-03 - Embargo e Interdio.NR-08 - Edificaes.NR-10 - Instalaes e Servios de Eletricidade.NR-11 -Transporte, Movimentao, Armazenagem e Manuseio de Materiais.NR-12 - Mquinas e Equipamentos.NR-16 - Atividades e Operaes Perigosas. (periculosidade e insalubridade)NR-05 Atividades e operaes insalubres (Contedo Extra)NR-17 - Adaptao das condies de trabalho.NR-35 -Trabalho em Altura.NR-06 EPI (Contedo Extra)NR-18 Condi Meio Emb. Trab. Ind Const (Contedo Extra)Link com as NRs 03, 08 e 10:NR-03 - Embargo e Interdio.NR-08 - Edificaes.NR-10 - Instalaes e Servios de Eletricidade.d r o p b o x com/s/o8wtqvom2rvc401/NR%20BRB%20%28AMOSTRA%29.pdf?dl=0"
Price: 39.99

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