"Panadera bsica" |
"En este curso aprenders las bases de la panadera, que funcin tienen los principales ingredientes y cmo debes manipularlos para obtener los mejores resultados en cualquier producto de panadera que elabores, as como diferentes tcnicas de amasado.Se elaboran 3 diferentes panes: Conchas mexicanas, Pan tipo rol de canela y Pan de molde para sandwiches 100% integral."
Price: 270.00 |
"Consiente a tu familia con postres extraordinarios" |
"Mdulo 1 : IntroduccinMdulo 2: Alfajores de Maicena - Aprenders a elaborar y saborizar la masa para darle ese toque ctrico; conocers una tcnica para cortar la masa y que te queden del mismo grosor. Conocers los tips para hornear y decorar con coco rallado; y tambin aprenders a elaborar el delicioso dulce de leche, caracterstico de los alfajores.Mdulo 3: Alfajores Marplatenses - Originarios de Mar de Plata, hechos a base de una galleta de chocolate con un toque de mandarina, rellenos de dulce de leche y cubiertos de chocolate. Aprenders a elaborar y saborizar la masa; tips para hornear, aprenders a cubrir con chocolate y la tcnica de ""rayar"" para la decoracin.Mdulo 4: Cheesecake - Aprenders a elaborar una base de almendras, la cual podrs utilizar para elaborar cualquier pay. Conocers una tcnica para hornear cheesecakes, cmo hacer el caramelo, as como el montaje y la decoracin.Mdulo 5: Pavlova - En este mdulo aprenders la tcnica para preparar merengues. Descubrirs cmo elaborar una ganache y una crema de chocolate blanco para rellenar; as como una tcnica para que no se humedezcan los merengues y se conserven en esa textura ms tiempo.Mdulo 6: Macarons - Continuando con la elaboracin de merengues, conocers una tcnica infalible para preparar paso a paso los macarons; desde preparar el merengue, formar, saborizar, hornear, rellenar y decorar. Se elaboran 3 diferentes sabores, los cuales te servirn para rellenar otro tipo de preparaciones como galletas o pasteles.Mdulo 7: Brownies - Aprenders a elaborar unos deliciosos brownies de chocolate, con su consistencia y sabor ideal; y con varias opciones para decorar.Mdulo 8: Mousse de Chocolate - Aprenders una versin de mousse de chocolate con un sabor exquisito, su textura suave de espuma; y con la ventaja de que no se elabora con huevo crudo. Te encantar tambin aprender como hacer decoraciones muy lindas con chocolate.Mdulo 9: Tiramis - Un clsico de la pastelera italiana, elaborado con soletas y una combinacin perfecta de caf y queso mascarpone. Aprenders paso a paso su elaboracin; as como tis para decorar y conservar .Mdulo 10: Eclairs - Conocers la tcnica doble coccin que se requiere para elaborar los deliciosos eclairs y profiteroles. Aprenders a elaborar la clsica Crema pastelera y Crema Chantilly, y con ello diferentes formas de montaje y decoracin.Mdulo 11: Pastel pera - Y por ltimo, el consentido de muchas personas, un clsico de la pastelera francesa; a base de varias capas combinando diferentes texturas y sabores. Aprenders a elaborar el bizcocho de almendras, un buttercream de caf, ganache de chocolate, cobertura de chocolate; as como decorar y escribir sobre el pastel .Mdulo 12: Recetario Galletas y Macarons"
Price: 1320.00 |
"Tcnicas de Invaso em Redes Sem-Fios (Wi-Fi Hacking)" |
"Este curso vem apresentar ao participante um cenrio atualizado da segurana em ambientes de redes wi-fi, domstico ou corporativo, atravs de diversos processos utilizados para violao de acesso em redes sem-fios. Visa apresentar as principais tcnicas utilizadas no hacking de redes wlan, a fim de instruir o participante a conhecer e aplicar boas prticas e dicas para manter-se protegido em seu dia-a-dia.A invaso de redes sem-fios tm suas particularidades e caracterstica prprias, bem distintas das usadas em redes cabeadas. O objetivo deste curso demonstrar muitas das vulnerabilidades que podem ser encontradas e as tcnicas e ferramentas para identific-las e explor-las.Os materiais complementares tambm so parte importante do processo, ajudando a reforar os fundamentos tericos necessrios para entender melhor as aes realizadas durante as aulas prticas.Estarei disponvel no decorrer do curso para qualquer eventual dvida na sesso de alunos e voc ter acesso vitalcio a este curso com certificado incluindo todas as atualizaes que este treinamento vier a ter no futuro.Te espero nas aulas!"
Price: 249.99 |
"Become Accounting Master" |
"Object of the course is to enable all students to learn basic accounting,I would try to explain that what is accounting and its objectives, how to post accounting entries and how to prepare trial balance which lead to prepare complete financial statements. if you take this course then you would start posting accounting entries and this course would enable you to prepare complete financial statements of any company and you can pass any accounting examination whether you are student of MBA,ACCA,BBA, Bachelor in commerce or any other accounting examination it would be no problem for you to pass accounting examIf you are working in some company then you can be competent in accounting irrespective of any type of accounting software you are working in like oracle, quick book, Tally ERP 9 etc."
Price: 19.99 |
"8051 Architecture, Assembly and 'C' Programming" |
"Course on 8051 Architecture, Assembly and C language ProgrammingStudents are going to study :Introduction to Microcontroller and Microprocessor o Difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller o Harvard and Von Neumann Architecture o RISC and CISC machines o General Memory organization o How do Microcontroller execute program?Architecture of 8051 o Block diagram explanation o Registers o Internal memory organisation o External Memory InterfacingAssembly Language Programming o Addressing Modes o Assembly Instructions o Assembly Language programs Ports Structure Introduction to Keil software Interfacing of LED to 8051 (Program in assembly and embedded C) Interfacing of Push button switch (Program in assembly and embedded C) Interfacing of LCD (Program in assembly and embedded C) Interfacing of hex key pad (Program in assembly and embedded C)Timers and counters of 8051 o Modes of timers o Delay generation using timers o Counting external events using counter o Writing programs using timer/counter (Program in assembly and embedded C) Interrupts of 8051 o Interrupt structure o Timer delay generation using interrupt (Program in assembly and embedded C)UART block o Serial communication Modes o Serial data transmission (Program in assembly and embedded C) o Serial Data Reception (Program in assembly and embedded C) o Serial data Transmission/Reception using interrupt (Program in assembly and embedded C)Sensors and Actuators Interfacing (Program in assembly and embedded C) o Temperature sensor interfacing o PIR sensor Interfacing o DC motor interfacing o Stepper Motor Interfacing o Servo Motor interfacingProject 1 (Hardware and Program in embedded C)Project 2(Hardware and Program in embedded C)"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Football Formation Asset Allocation. The investing system" |
"Saving sucks! Do you ever feel you work hard all week and have nothing to show for it? Like you have more month at the end of the money rather than the other way around? Then you need this course. This is a simple five step method to get money mindset. Money mindset is where you don't need to think, stress or worry about money ever again. This is because you will know where you are heading financially and that's a big relief. This can all be automated so this is done for you each month. One less thing on the to do list, that never gets done. An investment plan that requires you to be disciplined and stick to a budget is too much work and time to manage. Automate your finances to take the decision out of your hands. Its simple and obvious but many people arent doing this. This means you can spend what you like, when you like, without the guilt of going over budget. The problem is not how much we earn; its how much we spend, ending up with nothing to show for it. When we spend everything we have it causes stress, worry and anxiety. We have a choice. To work all our lives pay cheque to payWere in a different world after the tornado of the financial crisis. Putting money into a bank means getting next to nothing from your savings, maybe youre scared to invest after the financial crisis or simply dont have the time to learn the seemingly complex world of the stock market. The retirement cliff edge is fast approaching as people dont have enough for when they stop working. There is a path you can follow to get to the lifestyle that you desire.The summit does exist and this course will show you the way.This course is different as it uses the latest business practises from financial planning and financial advice to create financial guidance that's right for you. We used a tried and tested formula that has been successful many times before with both my clients and others. In this course you will create a life plan for yourself and your family for today and the future. We will then build an investment portfolio around a football team, so you have a defence, a midfield and an attack to get the results you want out of your life. You will also understand your number, which is the number you need to live on for the rest of your life. Once you under stand you number and how much is enough. This is a big relief to yourself and your finances.Sign up to this brand new course on Udemy today."
Price: 94.99 |
"The Practice of Enterprise Architecture (Part I)" |
"Part I of the course The Practice of Enterprise Architecture provides a general introduction to the concept of enterprise architecture and other relevant topics. This part discusses the meaning of enterprise architecture, the place and role of enterprise architecture in the overall organizational context, key constituting elements and core mechanisms of an EA practice as well as the business value and benefits of using enterprise architecture in organizations.Part I consists of seven consecutive sections:Section 1 (Introduction) discusses the role of IT in modern organizations, explains the problem of business and IT alignment and introduces the notion of enterprise architecture as a potential solution to this problemSection 2 (The Concept of Enterprise Architecture) explains the general meaning of enterprise architecture, EA practice and EA artifacts as well as the role of architects and architecture functions in organizationsSection 3 (The Role of Enterprise Architecture Practice) discusses the need for enterprise architecture, the benefits of practicing enterprise architecture, the historical origin of modern EA best practices and clarifies what enterprise architecture practice is notSection 4 (Enterprise Architecture and City Planning) explains the key mechanisms of an EA practice and six essential types of EA artifacts based on the close analogy between enterprise architecture and city planning practicesSection 5 (The Dialog Between Business and IT) discusses the typical problems associated with using a business strategy as the basis for IT planning and describes five convenient discussion points for establishing a productive dialog between business and ITSection 6 (Processes of Enterprise Architecture Practice) describes three key processes constituting an EA practice, explains the relationship between these processes and provides a high-level process-centric view of an EA practiceSection 7 (IT Initiatives and Enterprise Architecture) discusses the role of IT initiatives in the context of an EA practice, describes five different types of IT initiatives and explains the flow of these initiatives through the processes of an EA practice"
Price: 79.99 |
"The Practice of Enterprise Architecture (Part II)" |
"Part II of the course The Practice of Enterprise Architecture focuses specifically on EA artifacts as the core elements of an EA practice. This part discusses the most tangible and hard aspects of an EA practice including specific physical documents constituting enterprise architecture, their typical informational contents and representation formats, development and usage as part of an EA practice, practical roles and purposes in the organizational context.Part II consists of eight consecutive sections:Section 8 (The CSVLOD Model of Enterprise Architecture) describes in detail the CSVLOD model of enterprise architecture defining six general types of EA artifacts: Considerations, Standards, Visions, Landscapes, Outlines and DesignsSection 9 (Considerations) discusses Considerations as a general type of EA artifacts and describes in detail popular narrow subtypes of Considerations including Principles, Policies, Conceptual Data Models, Analytical Reports and Direction StatementsSection 10 (Standards) discusses Standards as a general type of EA artifacts and describes in detail popular narrow subtypes of Standards including Technology Reference Models, Guidelines, Patterns, IT Principles and Logical Data ModelsSection 11 (Visions) discusses Visions as a general type of EA artifacts and describes in detail popular narrow subtypes of Visions including Business Capability Models, Roadmaps, Target States, Value Chains and Context DiagramsSection 12 (Landscapes) discusses Landscapes as a general type of EA artifacts and describes in detail popular narrow subtypes of Landscapes including Landscape Diagrams, Inventories, Enterprise System Portfolios and IT RoadmapsSection 13 (Outlines) discusses Outlines as a general type of EA artifacts and describes in detail popular narrow subtypes of Outlines including Solution Overviews, Options Assessments and Initiative ProposalsSection 14 (Designs) discusses Designs as a general type of EA artifacts and describes in detail popular narrow subtypes of Designs including Solution Designs and Preliminary Solution DesignsSection 15 (The CSVLOD Model Revisited) revisits the CSVLOD model of enterprise architecture introduced earlier and provides an advanced discussion of some important aspects of this model including the continuous nature of the classification taxonomy, the mappings of specific EA artifacts and the known exceptions to the model"
Price: 119.99 |
"The Practice of Enterprise Architecture (Part III)" |
"Part III of the course The Practice of Enterprise Architecture provides a high-level discussion of other important aspects of enterprise architecture and an EA practice. This part addresses diverse secondary facets of an EA practice omitted in the previous sections including architects, architecture functions, architecture governance, EA tools and modeling languages, EA-related measurements, initiation and maturity of an EA practice as well as the relationship between an internal EA practice and EA consulting.Part III consists of four consecutive sections:Section 16 (Architects in Enterprise Architecture Practice) discusses the role and skills of architects, common architecture positions often found in organizations, their differences and relationshipSection 17 (Architecture Functions in Organizations) discusses the general role and structure of architecture functions in organizations as well as the roles and different types of architecture governance bodiesSection 18 (Instruments for Enterprise Architecture) discusses specialized modeling languages and software tools for enterprise architecture, templates for EA artifacts, architecture debt and quantitative measurements for an EA practiceSection 19 (The Lifecycle of Enterprise Architecture Practice) discusses the initiation of an EA practice in organizations, maturity of an EA practice and the role of external consultancies in an EA practice"
Price: 59.99 |
"Temelden ileri dzeye betonarme ve elik ieren.bu kurs sayesinde hem tbdy2018 i anlamaya alacaksnz hem de oktan semeli sorular sayesinde pekitirmi olacaksnz. bunun dnda sap2000 program ile betonarme ve elik projenin analizi yaplp detayl bir ekilde analiz yapld. ayrca kursta kullanlan excel ve dkmanlar sayesinde i hayatnzda pratik bir ekilde kullanabileceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 |
"Learn Arabic and middle eastern music" |
"This course is NOT for beginners, please read the requirements before enrolling.Course language: EnglishThe purpose of this course it to understand middle eastern music and learn what makes it different from western music, as well as developing an artistic personality free from any bonds.Middle eastern music is a form of an ancient art, unlike western music, it did not evolve properly because it depended on hearing and was rarely written, which made it extremely difficult to study and relied on practice, but at the same time it kept it in it's original simple form that has so much potential for creativity and can change the way you see art in general, if you've heard the quote ""Learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist"" then that's something we will do a lot.This course will not be just something to watch, I will teach you the tricks and will ask you to practice a lot, you will have to practice and research yourself or you will not go anywhere, so come prepared with a laptop and an enough amount of coffee. I will be using older songs in my examples because the modern middle eastern music is very westernized, and I don't want to teach you something you already know.Feel free to ask any questions, and see you in the class."
Price: 59.99 |
"Strategic Marketing Plan - tools and strategies to master it" |
"At the end of my course, students will be able to create their Marketing Plan from scratch, write a complete Marketing Strategy and confidently starting (or continue) to adapt the knowledge & implement the entire strategy marketing process for their brand.It's going to be a fun ride, with theory, examples & bonus materials."
Price: 99.99 |
"Ethical Hacking for beginners" |
": nmapburpKaliSqlmapniktovirtual box"
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Build And Maintain A Successful Business" |
"All the thing you need to know to start, build and maintain a successful business.1. Know how to start your business 2. Know your market and all the basic you need for starting a business3. How to Market your business in various platforms including facebook and google ads4. How to build a website with great optimization for search engines5. Learn self developments skills that will help you like NLP6. Control the art of selling7. Become a professional business man and sales personAnd many more..."
Price: 199.99 |
"AZ-300 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies practice exams" |
"The AZ-300 exam is an expert level exam which tests candidates for advanced knowledge and experience working with various aspects of Microsoft Azure.This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: deploy and configure infrastructure; implement workloads and security; create and deploy apps; implement authentication and secure data; and develop for the cloud and Azure storage.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 184 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"AZ-203 Microsoft Certified Azure Developer practice exams" |
"This exam measures your knowledge and hands on experience working with Azure technologies including but not limited to:Implement batch jobs by using Azure Batch ServicesCreate containerized solutionsCreate Azure App Service Web AppsCreate Azure App Service mobile appsCreate Azure App Service API appsImplement Azure functionsDevelop solutions that use storage tablesDevelop solutions that use Cosmos DB storageDevelop solutions that use a relational databaseDevelop solutions that use blob storageImplement authenticationImplement access controlImplement secure data solutionsDevelop code to support scalability of apps and servicesIntegrate caching and content delivery within solutionsInstrument solutions to support monitoring and logging*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 226 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"AZ-100: Microsoft Azure Infrastructure and Deployment exams" |
"This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: manage Azure subscriptions and resources, implement and manage storage, deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs), configure and manage virtual networks, and manage identities.Skills measuredManage Azure subscriptions and resourcesImplement and manage storageDeploy and manage virtual machines (VMs)Configure and manage virtual networksManage identities*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 194 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"70-534 - Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions exams" |
"Microsoft Exam 70-534 is for candidates who are experienced in architecting solutions in Microsoft Azure. Candidates have experience designing cloud and hybrid solutions as well as supporting application lifecycle management.Prepare for Microsoft Exam 70-534--and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of Microsoft Azure solution design and architectureExam Content : Design Azure Resource Manager (ARM) networking (510%)Secure resources (2025%)Design an application storage and data access strategy (510%)Design advanced applications (2025%)Design Azure Web and Mobile Apps (510%)Design a management, monitoring, and business continuity strategy (2025%)Architect an Azure Compute infrastructure (1015%)*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 210 questions ***"
Price: 34.99 |
"AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals practice exams" |
"This exam is designed for candidates looking to demonstrate foundational level knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure. The exam is intended for candidates with non-technical backgrounds, such as those involved in selling or purchasing cloud based solutions and services or who have some involvement with cloud based solutions and services, as well as those with a technical background who have a need to validate their foundational level knowledge around cloud services.*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 86 questions ***"
Price: 24.99 |
"70-533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solution" |
"The 70-533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions exam is one of the two Azure exams required to get your Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) Cloud Platform .This Certification Exam Prep session is designed for people experienced with programming using Azure who are interested in taking the 70-533 (Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions) exam. Attendees of this session can expect to review the topics covered in this exam.Exam Content : Design and Implement Azure App Service Apps (10-15%)Create and Manage Azure Resource Manager Virtual Machines (20-25%)Design and Implement a Storage Strategy (10-15%)Implement Virtual Networks (15-20%)Design and Deploy ARM Templates (10-15%)Manage Azure Security and Recovery Services (25-30%)Manage Azure Operations (5-10%)Manage Azure Identities (5-10%)*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 202 questions ***"
Price: 29.99 |
"Achtsamkeit, Yoga & Meditation 5-Sense Essential Kurs" |
"Ich freue mich sehr, dass Sie sich fr diese spannende und inspirierende Kurs-Reise angemeldet haben. Mit den unterschiedlichen (als 7 Tages kurs/Einheiten und auf Sie abgestimmten 5-SenseEssential bungen knnen Sie flexibelin Ihrem Rhythmus wann, wie und wo Sie wollen Ihre bungen machen, Texte anhren und z.B. Meditationen zum Energietanken oder zum Entspannen genieen. Sind Sie bereit fr die aufregende Online 5-SenseEssential Reise und dem einzigartigen Erlebnis trotz Beruf und Verpflichtungen die Zeit fr sich selbst zu gestalten?Ich habe dieses Programm erstellt, weil ich persnlich sehr von dieser Art lernen profitiert habe und schon Anfang der 90er Jahre in den USA praktiziert habe. Wenn ich etwas leidenschaftliche mag und es fantastisch funktioniert, teile ich es gern.Dieser Kurs umfasst drei Arten von Materialien: schriftlich, Video und Audio. In den schriftlichen Unterlagen werden, theoretische und praktische Informationen kombiniert, hier finden Sie Erklarungen zu den unterschiedlichen bungen und je nachdem fr welchen Kurs Sie sich entschieden haben das passende Material.Die Video- und Audiokomponenten des Kurses sollen dazu dienen, Ihnen eine Abwechslung des Lernens zu bieten. Daruber hinaus finden Sie Selbsteinschatzungen, Journaling-Ubungen und Reflexions-Mglichkeiten, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Praxis zu vertiefen. Wenn Sie tiefer in das Material einsteigen, werden Sie in der Lage sein Ihr eigenes Wohlbefinden, ob krperlich und Seelisch zu steigernMein Ziel ist es, Sie mit meinem Programm zu untersttzen."
Price: 59.99 |
"Skyrocket your Freelance career!" |
"Have you ever experienced difficulties finding new clients?Have you ever felt you are working really hard but you're not earning enough money?Have you ever felt that it's really hard for you to close the deal with a potential client and to negotiate your terms?If the answer to those questions is YES - it's time for you to make some changes. There is one very big common problem with almost ALL FREELANCERS - they are great in their job, but they are not good enough at sales. In order to be successful and to make really good money you should focus on being a businessperson. This is something we'll help you achieve with our unique course - The Freelance Course.What is included in the courseThe Freelance Course consists of 6 video lectures, each about 30 minutes long on the following topics:1. How to turn a prospect into a paying clientMaking first contactBuilding trustClient profilingPresenting client with an offerEffectively closing the dealCritical steps you need to take after the deal is locked your client onboarding process2. How to negotiate your projects - the real dealDeveloping your negotiation skillsMain principles of negotiating as a freelancerPlanning, preparation and executionNegotiating ratesHandling client objectionsListening to your gut3. Don't just communicate with your clients - amaze them!Building rapport with your clientsInspiring client loyalty and creating repeat customersYour client retention approach4. Key account management - your long - term client relationship strategyWhat exactly is the difference between KAM and Sales?Strategizing for cutting-edge Key Account ManagementHow to be the best Account Manager your clients have ever worked with5. Reactivating past clients - your additional income streamAnalysis of client lossCrafting and improving your strategyBringing the client on board again closing the deal6. Finding new client with close to zero marketing dollarsReferrals How to ask for feedback properly Going for the referral A couple of tips regarding business cardsIncreasing sales for a close to zero marketing budget Storytelling Creating new contacts Nurturing and maintaining relationships Mutual marketing Choosing the right partners Online marketing and sales tricksWhat Other People Say about the course''I learned how to perfect my negotiating skills and communicate more professionally with clients. I highly recommend this course, both for beginning freelancers and for writers who are more experienced.'' - Catherine Writer''I love the course! As a freelancer, a huge part of my job is to market and sell myself and as we all know, marketing and sales are all about psychology and interacting in one way or another with other people. So the information that this course presents you with, is extremely valuable. I highly recommend The Freelance Course!!'' - Segio Sanchez''Amazing course! Very informative and really goes in depth on ways to become the most successful freelancer/business owner possible.'' - Benjamin Delano''This course provided answers to questions I never knew I had about my profession and provided realistic, practical steps that I can take in order to organically grow my business. Many times, courses of this nature offer suggestions that are impossible to actually complete and work on due to their complexity or being out-dated. This course meets you right where you are and provides small steps that will build up to help you achieve BIG goals while building your work ethic and motivation.'' - Rachael Palmer''I learned a lot about different types of customers. If you are a freelancer I recommend taking The Freelance Course to help you along your journey. Not only will you learn a lot but it will help to refreshen things you may have forgotten about.'' - Regina Basile''I absolutely loved the advice found in The Freelance Course and will be using it in the future to promote my freelancing services . Nothing is sugarcoated here in the sense that people who want to promote their business have to really get into the trenches and meet people, generate loyal customers, and do the hard work that it takes to reach them and keep them. At the same time, the way the course is written makes doing such work inspirational and, ultimately, beneficial from a financial perspective. '' - Sal NudoWho this course is for:Beginner Freelancers who want to skyrocket their Freelance careerAnyone interested in becoming a professional FreelancerIntermediate Freelancers who want to increase their revenues"
Price: 49.99 |
"Curso INTENSIVO de AutoCAD desde cero a profesional" |
"S que problemas enfrentas al usar AutoCAD, o simplemente quieres empezar a aprenderlo; he vertido casi 20 aos de experiencia en su uso, te aseguro, al final podrs usar AutoCAD de una manera eficiente y profesional y responder a cualquier problema y resolverlo de inmediato en el programa en dos dimensiones.He diseado este curso para ti, a partir del pensamiento de que tu tiempo vale MAS que el oro, por ello recortamos cualquier pausa innecesaria y evitamos repetir cualquier concepto mas all de lo necesario; se produjo como un curso intensivo, para que de forma breve puedas ser un verdadero profesional en su uso en dos dimensiones; adems tambin en una linea de pensamiento ordenado, en el proceso de aprendizaje a travs de la prctica de los ejercicios, y realizando paso a paso el curso se podrn saber los elementos necesarios para usar el programa eficiente, eficaz y profesionalmente.El curso comienza con lo mas bsico, como el entorno y a travs de ejercicios prcticos se va enseado el uso de cientos de funcionalidades y combinaciones para dibujar, extender, recortar, copiar, imprimir, etctera; hasta concluir haciendo elementos avanzados para que hagas tu propia librera y a futuro todos tus planos se realicen de forma dinmica.El curso est diseado para dibujantes, estudiantes, arquitectos, ingenieros y todo aqul que desee aprender sin limitacin de edad, etnia, estatus o profesin.Tendrs acceso ilimitado y de por vida al curso; podrs utilizarlo en multiplataforma; los videos se pueden ver una y otra vez, hasta estar claros en el concepto, y si queda alguna duda, con gusto la resolver.Bienvenido!"
Price: 104.99 |
"OSHA Safety Training: Heat Stress Management Certificate" |
"This course intended to introduce current and future safety professionals to basic heat stress management concepts. This course focuses on management applications and is primarily intended for safety professionals, foremen, and project managers.The course sections are as follows:Section One: Course IntroductionSection Two: Heat Stress PhysicsSection Three: Heat Stress RegulationsSection Four: Heat IllnessesSection Five: Heat Stress Risk FactorsSection Six: Heat Surveys and Exposure AssessmentsSection Seven: Heat Stress ControlSection Eight: Worker Training and EducationSection Nine: Heat Stress ProgramsSection Ten: OSHA Heat Index GuidanceStudents will receive a certificate of completion after completing the course."
Price: 19.99 |
"OSHA Air Contaminants: Silica, Asbestos and Lead Certificate" |
"This course covers the basics of workplace air contaminants with a special emphasis on particulates. The course discusses silica, asbestos, lead, combustible dusts and other contaminants of concern. An introduction that discusses various types of particulate matter forms a foundation for the course and is essential to anyone wishing to do industrial hygiene work."
Price: 19.99 |
"OSHA Safety Training: PPE Management Certificate" |
"This course contains three sections and discusses the essentials of PPE. We discuss the various types of PPE found in the workplace as well as how to peoperly manage PPE to ensure that it is effective. We also included an editable safety program and PPE hazard assessment to help beginning safety professionals manage PPE in their workplaces."
Price: 19.99 |
"Desenho Tcnico para Concursos (Questes Resolvidas)" |
"CONCURTEC - Questes Resolvidas e ComentadasResoluo e Comentrio de 26 Questes de Desenho Tcnico(diversas bancas + militares) + Simulado com 34 Questes (diversas bancas + militares) com GabaritoO curso abrange:Resoluo e comentrio de questes em Vdeo (22) ou Imagem (4);Simulado com gabarito;Auxlio do professor.As aulas sero as resolues e comentrios das 26 questes de Desenho Tcnico, voc aprender os contedos envolvidos em cada delas, como resolv-las e os principais macetes envolvidos. Ao final de extrema importncia que voc faa o simulado (Aula 27), para praticar o que aprendeu."
Price: 39.99 |
"Blockchain Smart Contract & Frontend Programming (EOS EOSIO)" |
"Learn to build a web game that's connected to the blockchain! Following the official Elemental Battles tutorial, this course introduces blockchain communication concepts as we construct an application with a C++ EOSsmart contract and a ReactJS/Redux frontend.This course is appropriate for people with some programming experience, but it does explain basic concepts when needed to make sure no one is left behind. Code starting points and graphic assets are provided along the way. Students will need a macOS, Linux, or Windows 10 Pro computer."
Price: 34.99 |
"Curso Completo GUITAR RIG 5 (Producao e Gravacao)" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido para voc adquirir conhecimento em equipamentos reais que sao simulados pelo programa Guitar Rig 5 dentro do computador In the Box.A ideia e te mostrar passo a passo do bsico ao avanado como voc montar e tirar o melhor proveito do seu do som da sua guitarra, explorando amplificadores, gabinetes, microfones e pedais de efeitos, tudo a sua disposicao, independente do genero musical.No final deste curso, voc estar preparado para desenvolver seu proprio timbre, atraves de conceitos de producao e gravacao de guitarra profissional.Saiba exatamente como utilizar e explorar os equipamentos para tirar um som de arrepiar!Espero voce para trabalharmos! Abracos. Rodrigo Rocha."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de wordpress para Nuevos Emprendedores" |
"En este curso aprenderas a crear un blog paso a paso y en poco tiempo. Aprenderas desde lo mas basico para que no te pierdas de nada.Aprenderas a configurar los ajustes de tu WordPress para que funcione perfectamente, al igual que tambien aprenderas a como crear tus paginas, entradas, menus, widgets, instalar tu tema al igual de como instalar los plugins, proveedor de email marketing e integrar los botones de compartir en redes sociales."
Price: 69.99 |