"Learn Arabic language(Zero to Hero Part 1)" |
"welcome to our course Arabic zero to hero you are going to learn Arabic alphabet, how to pronounce them correctly and how to get them together to make a word,Arabic zero to hero are not that hard and you are going to realize that during your studying.i hope you apply and practising the course."
Price: 29.99 |
"Curso de Carreira Profissional: Como Passar Numa Entrevista" |
"Seja bem-vindo ao Curso de Carreira Profissional: Como Passar Numa Entrevista.O material est dividido em 17 captulos, onde abordaremos temas como a preparao Antes do Currculo, como elaborar um Currculo + Lista de Referncias + Certificados, como preparar para conseguir agendar uma Entrevista, como portar-se numa Dinmica e como realizar o Acompanhamento Aps a Entrevista.Voc ter ao final um captulo sobre dicas de Produtividade para organizar a gesto de seu tempo.Apresentarei Referncias Bibliogrficas e Portais de Contedo e Informaes.Ao longo do curso apresentarei temas relacionados a comportamento e conhecimento tcnico, ou seja, como construir uma boa relao entre habilidades comportamentais e habilidades tcnicas."
Price: 39.99 |
"Lgica Contbil e Partidas Dobradas" |
"Para uma boa aprendizagem preciso ter uma boa base. O curso online de Lgica Contbil e Partidas Dobradas um curso de introduo contabilidade que ir ajuda-lo no seu entendimento para os prximos assuntos contbeis. Aprenda sobre: Estrutura Conceitual Bsica, Equao Patrimonial e Regime de Caixa x Competncia. Todo o material em vdeo e anexos foi pensado para que voc obtenha sucesso ao responder as questes de provas de concurso."
Price: 39.99 |
"Contabilidade Bsica - II" |
"Este curso tem por objetivo ensinar os mecanismos de apurao de resultados e a contabilizao de compra e vendas de estoques de mercadorias, bem como preparar uma Demonstrao do resultado do exerccios nos termos do artigo 187 da Lei 6.404/76. Composto de videoaulas bem como resumos em pdf, legislao aplicvel e lista de exerccios resolvidos."
Price: 39.99 |
"Xfer Serum ile Ses Tasarm'na Giri" |
"ster ses tasarmn renmeye yeni balayan biri olun, ister koleksiyonuna yeni bir synth eklemek isteyen profesyonel bir ses tasarmcs.. Bu kursun size ok faydal olacandan hi phemiz yok.Kursumuz toplam 40 dersten olumaktadr. Bu derslerde, size Serum'un her parametresini tek tek detayl bir ekilde anlatacaz. Her parametrenin nasl kullanldn renmi olacak ve mzik prodksiyon kariyerinizde kullanmak iin bir ton faydal bilgi renmi olacaksnz.zellikle aadakileri ele alacaz:Osilatrler blmnde, aadakilerden yararlanarak ses retmeyi reneceiz ...1) Wavetable sentezleme uygulayarak ses retmemizi salayacak Wavetable Osilatrleri2) Seslerin altna tamamlayc sub sesler retmemizi salayacak Sub Osilatr3) Serum'a samplelar ekleyip, o samplelar almamz salayacak Noise Osilatr.Ses efektleri blmnde, aadakileri kullanarak sesleri ekillendirmeyi reneceiz...1) Voicing & Portamento (Sesleri notalara gre ekillendirme) 2) Filter Blm (Subtractive Synthesis)3) Efektler4) Serum FX VSTSes Modlasyonu blmnde, seslere nasl modlasyon uygulayacamz reneceiz...1) Envelopelar2) LFOlar3) MIDI Note Velocity & MIDI Note Pitch 4) Macro parametreleri5) Mod Wheel & Pitch Bend 6) Modlasyon Matrix SekmesiVe son olarak, leri Dzey blmnde, Serum'da bilmemiz gereken ileri dzey zellikleri reneceiz...1) Global Sekmesi2) Ana Men3) Custom Preset retimi4) Custom Wavetable retimiBu kursu oluturmamzdaki asl ama, size kendi prodksiyonlarnz iin orijinal sesler olutururken, hibir snrlama olmadan, Serum'da zorlanmadan istediiniz sesi retebilmek iin yeterli bilgi salamak.Kursun sonunda, sadece bir Serum uzman olmakla kalmayacak, ayn zamanda hemen hemen her synth'i rahata kullanabilecek ses tasarm bilgisine sahip olacaksnz.Umarz Serum Balang kursumuz size mzik kariyerinizde yardmc olur. Mzik prodksiyon ve ses tasarm almalarnzda baarlar!"
Price: 99.99 |
"3 (python 3 from zero)" |
", 3 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6-"
Price: 19.99 |
"T-SQL For Beginner Data Analysts" |
"In this course we will talk about Structured Query Language - SQL, in particular we will focus on Microsoft's version of it - T-SQL. The language to get data from relational database. We will go through all the parts of the query, we will learn what we can select, from which data we can do that, how can we filter the returned data, use aggregations and many-many other things.If you want to enter the world of data this course is for you. If you want to learn how to get data from database to be able to present it or to work with this data in your app - this course is for you. This course may surprise you by its simplicity and casualty, because this is how I believe things should be taught.During the course you will have a lot of info, a lot of homework and final task where you will have to go through all the material we have covered.The course consists of 8 sections:The Story Begins Here - Introduction To The CourseImagine You Have To Find a Book in a Library - where we talk about Select ClauseWhich Bookshelves I Want to Select books FROM - where we learn how and what to use as our data sourceI've Got My Books, But It's Too Much!!! - Filtering Query Results Some Books Have Similar Info, Can We Put Them Together - Grouping Query ResultsThanks Sir, I've Got The Books I Need, What Can I Do With Them NowFinal ProjectBonus SectionBy the end of the course you will be able to get any data you need from a database and have a solid base knowledge about SQL."
Price: 99.99 |
"LinkedIn para Super Estagirios" |
"O LinkedIn uma das redes sociais mais importantes para quem quer se tornar um Super Estagirio e ela totalmente subexplorada por ns, universitrios.Ela surgiu com propsito de conectar profissionais do mundo todo.Atualmente, conta com mais de 500 milhes de usurios 45 milhes so brasileiros.Agora vamos ao dado mais importante, um em cada trs profissionais possuem uma conta no LinkedIn, e 49% dos tomadores de deciso de empresas usam a rede para propsitos profissionais.Sim, o seu recrutador est no LinkedIn. O seu chefe. O seu cliente....Se voc quer se tornar um Super Estagirio, voc precisa do LinkedIn.Pela plataforma voc consegueSe inscrever em vagas de estgio de forma rpida e fcil;Conhecer pessoas incrveis que vo impulsionar sua carreira;Se comunicar com pessoas famosas, de alta gesto, referncias no mercado de forma acessvel;Ficar por dentro das ltimas novidades do mercado, eventos, cursos, grupos de networking;T preparad@ pra mandar brasa no LinkedIn?Ento se inscreva no curso e simbora!#AUInfinitoealm"
Price: 144.99 |
"Java Programming - For School Kids" |
"For school kids it is hard to follow available online materials which are catered for adults. The span of attention of school kids is small. It is imperative to present a concept in a short and crisp manner to grab that attention. This course does just that. It introduces each concept/feature in a very short video which students can follow along. All basic Java programming concepts are presented. At their age level it is not advisable to start talking about advanced concepts until they are comfortable in programming in a procedural way.If they can master this course materials they will be able to write small applications (calculator, quiz) and will boost their confidence which will enable them to continue learning advanced programming."
Price: 49.99 |
"Learn To Row On The Rowing Machine" |
"In this course i got through the basic rowing technique and tech you how to master it. I also go through common problems that people have when they first learn how to row and i show you how to fix them. It is a well rounded rowing course that will get you rowing quickly and well."
Price: 19.99 |
"Ultimate MT4 Beginner Course! An Introduction To MetaTrader4" |
"MT4 is a platform used by brokers globally. To trade the markets you will be using a platform through a broker. This course will take you from zero to understanding how to use this tool in your stock market trading. This course is a great place to start if you are interested in trading the forex, cryptocurrencies, commodities and the stock market."
Price: 19.99 |
"Super Easy! My 456 Trading Strategy Plus Create Your Own" |
"Learn how to create your own trading strategy in an easy step by step process. Learn and understand risk management, position sizing and risk reward ratio. Learn to be a disciplined and patient trader. Learn how to set a plan and follow it. Be able to keep your day job and do this as well."
Price: 29.99 |
"Your Best Guide To Candlesticks" |
"This course is in easy short lesson sizes. There are many ways to read a chart, the most popular approach is Candlesticks. This is a very extensive guide all about candlesticks. How to find high probability bullish reversal trades. How to find high probability setups for bearish reversals and so much more. You may ask, why learn about Candlesticks? Because they are a tool to offer you an edge in your market analysis. Real examples on real charts."
Price: 24.99 |
"Como Disear Circuitos Impresos Desde Cero" |
"En este curso aprenders las bses del diseo de circuitos impresos donde a travs de un proyecto real disearemos el pcb de una fuente variable para protoboard, que ser un proyecto til para nuestro taller de electrnica. Aprenderemos los conceptos de voltaje, corriente, resistencia, potencia y energa y los implementaremos en nuestro proyecto, adicionalmente conocers los diferentes componentes electrnicos y conocers como se conectan entre s para llevar a cabo las diferentes funciones de nuestro proyecto. Conoceremos los divertos mtodos de fabricacin de pcbs y aprenders sobre los diversos software de diseo electrnico que exiten en el mercado, finalmente profundizaremos en el uso de la herramienta EasyEda la cual emplearemos principalmente en el desarrollo del diseo del circuito impreso, veremos como se realizan los diagramas esquemticos de un proyecto electrnico y pasaremos a ver los trucos y tips del ruteo de las pistas del pcb, finalizando con el envo a fabricacin de la tarjeta electrnica a China."
Price: 49.99 |
"Service Manager - Minicurso" |
"Curso bsico de Microsoft System Center Service ManagerNeste curso veremos as partes de Instalao, Roles (Funes), Gerenciamento de Solicitao, Gerenciamento de Configurao, Gerenciamento de Mudanas e Gerenciamento de Conhecimento, Authoring Tool, alguns comandos powershell e algumas dicas de troubleshooting, e vou indicar tb algumas referncias. Trata-se de uma viso geral do produto."
Price: 39.99 |
"Excel Bsico Completo" |
"Curso de Excel Bsico completo em 5 vdeo aulas, de forma rpida e com exerccios. Aprenda como utilizar as frmulas de SOMA, MDIA, SE, formatar planilhas, criar grficos, entre outras ferramentas indispensveis para o uso profissional do Excel. Tudo isso em apenas 5 lies em vdeo, de forma rpida e prtica."
Price: 39.99 |
"Wild Sex 101: Your Guide to the Biology of Animal Sex" |
"In this course we will take a wonderful ride across the animal kingdom, examining the various sexual strategies along the way. The strange, amazing, horrifying and downright dangerous! This course isn't meant to be exhaustive, but it highlights many examples that Ithink are interesting and compelling for many different reasons. As much as Ilove to talk about all the fun details and trivia facts you will have upon completing this course, I am more interested in appealing to your inner scientist. I've included 'thinking questions' at the end of each lecture syllabus, which give you a chance to challenge yourself and your understanding of the material...let me know how it goes for you!"
Price: 24.99 |
"IB English B Paper One: Crash Course" |
"Youve been studying English for years. Vocabulary, verb tenses, prepositionsits taken perseverance and dedication. You know English.But do you know the IB's English B Paper One test? Its an exam designed to challenge even the highest level English speakers.In this Crash Course, you will learn strategies you need to fully understand the test. You will learn the hints, tips, and signals in the test and how to handle them when answering the different question types.After taking the course, you will be full of confidence when entering the testing room because youve done all that you can to earn your highest mark."
Price: 19.99 |
"Writing Your Way to University" |
"This is a writing course designed to help students who have not yet started university. I'm looking for special students--students who are motivated. The students who take this course are high-achievers, and they know that they need to improve their writing skills if they are to reach their goals at university. This course offers basic writing skills, techniques, and structures to a student, and it will lay a foundation on which successful university research writing can take off from. The course will be challenging. It's not a course in which a student only watches videos. This is a course for doing. Students will write at least two drafts of an assignment for each lesson. Lessons include descriptive writing, narrative writing, compare and contrast, and persuasive speech writing.To become better at any skill, one must practice, and I think that is the best piece of this course: it offers many opportunities for practicing the skill of writing."
Price: 34.99 |
"Apache Maven - Temelden Bala Hzl lerle" |
"Java Programclarnn mutlaka renmesi gereken bir kurs!Apache Maven, Java dnyasnda en popler build ve proje ynetim aralarndan biridir. Bu kursumuzda Maven ile ilgili tm temel konseptleri hem teorik hem de uygulamal olarak hzlca reneceiz.Maven' indirecek ve kuracaksnz.Maven'n tm konseptlerini reneceksiniz.Proje Nesne Modelini (POM) reneceksiniz.Super POM ve detaylarn reneceksiniz.Maven kullanarak proje oluturacak ve build edeceksiniz.Komut satrndan Maven' nasl kullanacanz reneceksiniz.Maven'n varsaylan ayarlarn nasl deitirebileceinizi reneceksiniz.IDE'lerin Maven entegrasyonunu ve ne gibi zellikler sunduunu reneceksiniz.Eclipse, Spring STS, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans ile Maven projesi ynetmeyi reneceksiniz.Gereksinimlerimiz nelerdir?Java, IDE, Maven (Tm kurulumlar detayl bir ekilde anlatld.)En temel seviye de Java ve XML bilgisi, ancak art deil.Kurs sonunda neler elde edeceim?Szlemelerin ayarlamalardan nce gelmesini (CoC) ve Maven yapsn reneceksiniz.Maven ile ilgili temel tm konseptleri reneceksiniz.rendiklerinizi ve proje build yetkinliklerinizi projelerinizde kullanabiliyor olacaksnz.Maven kullanarak Java uygulamalar gelitirebileceksiniz.Kurs boyunca yapacanz uygulamalar ile gerek bir Maven deneyimi kazanacaksnz."
Price: 209.99 |
"MCSD 70-483 C# - 5 Real Simulation Practice Tests" |
"These MCSD 70-483 C# Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions and provide you with interactive, question-level feedback.In this course, I will prepare you for what it is like to take the MCSD 70-483 C# Certification Exam. With 2 full-length practice exams with 50 unique questions and each of which is timed at 120 minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence.All questions are based on the Exam Objectives for the MCSD 70-483 C# exam for all 4 domains of the exam (Create and use types, Managing program flow, Implementing data access, Debugging application and implementation of security), so you can take and pass the actual MCSD 70-483 C# Certification Exam with confidence!You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 75% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money.You will receive your total final score, along with a detailed explanation and feedback on every question in our database, telling you exactly why each answer is correct, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further.This course is constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the MCSD 70-483 C# exam, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 194.99 |
"Master Elliott Wave Theory & Apply it By Building C# Apps" |
"*** TOOLS, TEMPLATES, GUIDELINES AND EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR ELLIOTT WAVE THEORY IS HERE ***This course is a resource to educate the public about the main elements of the Elliott Wave Theory and how to apply it in trading markets.Elliott Wave Theory is a method of technical analysis that looks for redcurrant long-term price patterns related to persistent changes in investor sentiment and psychology. The theory identifies waves identified as impulse waves that set up a pattern and corrective waves that oppose the larger trend.In this course you will see various financial patterns trading examples shared with you as part of this course will convince you on this and demonstrate to you the power of technical analysis.This course is structured into 4 sections:Introduction to wave theory: Where we introduce you to elliott wave theoryImpulse Waves: Where we explain the various patterns that represent trending marketsCorrective Waves: Where we explain the various patterns associated with correctionsElliott Wave Rules & Guidelines. These concepts will help you in correctly identify various patterns & set price targets for practical financial trading.You wiil also get support to answer all your questions quickly.Remember this course comes with 'LIFETIME ACCESS' giving you an amazing ongoing reference resource in Elliott Wave Theory.With COURSE CERTIFICATE for Elliott Wave Theory included!"
Price: 194.99 |
"MCSA 70-480 - 4 Real Simulation Practice Tests" |
"These MCSA 70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions and provide you with interactive, question-level feedback.In this course, I will prepare you for what it is like to take the MCSA 70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Certification Exam. With 2 full-length practice exams with 40 unique questions and each of which is timed at 60 minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence.All questions are based on the Exam Objectives for the MCSA 70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 exam for all 4 domains of the exam (Implement and Manipulate Document Structures and Objects, Implement Program Flow, Access and Secure Data and Use CSS3 in Applications), so you can take and pass the actual MCSA 70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Certification Exam with confidence!You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 75% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money.You will receive your total final score, along with a detailed explanation and feedback on every question in our database, telling you exactly why each answer is correct, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further.This course is constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the MCSA 70-480 Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 exam!"
Price: 194.99 |
"CBSA Certified Blockchain Solution Architect Practice Exams" |
"*** These CBSA Certified Blockchain Solution Architect Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions and provide you with interactive, question-level feedback. ***In this course, I will prepare you for what it is like to take the CBSA Certified Blockchain Solution Architect Certification Exam. With 3 full-length practice exams with 70 unique questions and each of which is timed at 90 minutes, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence.All questions are based on the Exam Objectives for the CBSA Certified Blockchain Solution Architect Practice Exams for all CBSA domains of the exam, so you can take and pass the actual CBSA Certified Blockchain Solution Architect Certification Exam with confidence!You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 90% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money.You will receive your total final score, along with a detailed explanation and feedback on every question in our database, telling you exactly why each answer is correct, so you can pinpoint the areas in which you need to improve and study further.A person who holds this certification demonstrates their ability to:Architect blockchain solutionsWork effectively with blockchain engineers and technical leadersChoose appropriate blockchain systems for various use casesWork effectively with both public and permissioned blockchain systemsThis exam will prove that a student completely understands how to:The difference between proof of work, proof of stake, and other proof systems and why they existWhy cryptocurrency is needed on certain types of blockchainsThe difference between public, private, and permissioned blockchainsHow blocks are written to the blockchainWhere cryptography fits into blockchain and the most commonly used systemsCommon use cases for public blockchainsCommon use cases for private & permissioned blockchainsWhat is needed to launch your own blockchainCommon problems & considerations in working with public blockchainsAwareness and of and the tech behind common blockchainWhen is mining needed and when it is notByzantine Fault ToleranceConsensus among blockchainsWhat is hashingHow addresses, public keys, and private keys workWhat is a smart contractSecurity in blockchainBrief history of blockchainThe programming languages of the most common blockchainsCommon testing and deployment practices for blockchains and blockchain-based appsThis course is constantly updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the CBSA Certified Blockchain Solution Architect Certification Exam!"
Price: 19.99 |
"IOT enabled hydroponics indoor automated system" |
"IOT enabled Hydroponics indoor automated system using Raspberry Pi 3b+ is an intermediate course on the newly launched Raspberry Pi 3b+. The course is ideal for those who want to grow their own plants in the hydroponic system . This course will take your intermediate coding skills to the next level. You will learn how to program the sensors to measure temperature, humidity and pH. Going forward you will learn how to program each hardware required for system. Once you are done with it, we will proceed to integrating the hardware and software. In this, you will learn how to build the system from the ground up and control it remotely using the Raspberry Pi. You will also learn how to integrate with the IoT platform and control the entire system remotely. You will have a dashboard where you can visualize the data in the form of a graph, table, gauge meter, etc. Apart from that, you can also control the mist machine by turning ON and OFF through a virtual switch on your dashboard. This will be a fun project, and you will learn to program for Internet of Things."
Price: 19.99 |
"Machine learning and artificial intelligence in hydroponics" |
"You're passionate about machine learning! You're passionate about growing plants through machine learning! You're passionate about hydroponics !IF YES THEN ""This course is for you""In this course you'll learn Basic of hydroponics How to grow plants in hydroponics How to collect data from hydroponics Simple Machine learning techniques How to predict the growth of the plant By enrolling in this course you will have the opportunity to learn how to combine hydroponics and artificial intelligence system.You will learn 3 main machine learning techniques like RegressionClassificationClusteringA wonderful insights are waiting for you . At the end of the course anyone can able to create their own machine learning model and one can use various environmental variables to predict growth via patterns and visualization."
Price: 19.99 |
"ServiceNow ITSM - CIS Madrid DELTA Practice Test" |
"If you have the previous ServiceNow ITSM CIS Certification, this course will help you prepare for the ServiceNow ITSM - CIS Madrid DELTA Exam. The practice test questions are based on the Madrid Release Notes and product documentation that describe the updates to products and features. This course will help you prepare for the ServiceNow Certified System Administrator - Madrid DELTA Exam."
Price: 29.99 |
"Certified System Administrator-Madrid DELTA Practice Test" |
"If you have the previous ServiceNow Certified System Administrator, this course will help you prepare for the ServiceNow Certified System Administrator - Madrid DELTA Exam. The practice test questions are based on the Madrid Release Notes and product documentation that describe the updates to products and features. This course will help you prepare for the ServiceNow Certified System Administrator - Madrid DELTA Exam."
Price: 29.99 |
"Madrid Delta CIS CSM-Madrid DELTA Practice Test" |
"If you have the previous ServiceNow CIS-Customer Service Management(CSM), this course will help you prepare for the ServiceNow CIS-CSM- Madrid DELTA Exam. The practice test questions are based on the Madrid Release Notes and product documentation that describe the updates to products and features. This course will help you prepare for the ServiceNow Certified System Administrator - Madrid DELTA Exam."
Price: 19.99 |
"Certified System Admin - New York(NY) DELTA Practice Test" |
"If you have the previous ServiceNow Certified System Administrator, this course will help you prepare for the ServiceNow Certified System Administrator - New York DELTA Exam. The practice test questions are based on the New York Release Notes and product documentation that describe the updates to products and features. This course will help you prepare for the ServiceNow Certified System Administrator - New York DELTA Exam. For the New York release, the Delta Exams will only be available from September 19, 2019 until December 18, 2019."
Price: 24.99 |