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"Creez votre livre Best Seller"
"Dcouvrez comment gnrer jusqu' 1000/mois en seulement 30 jours en crant un livre numrique sans investir 1 et sans crire un seul mot.VOTRE COACHPatrick Taranto a plus de 25 ans d'exprience dans le coaching. Il a aid des milliers d'tudiants et de professionnels dans leur volution professionnelle sous de multiples formats, tel que des prsentiels, des coaching one to one, des webinaires mais aussi via la cration de livres papier ou numriques.Il est l'auteur de plus de 25 livres dont plusieurs sont des best-seller sur Amazon.Grce ses livres, il a gnr au fil du temps plusieurs centaines d'euros de faon automatique.Patrick est donc la meilleure personne pour vous aider crire un livre rentable simplement afin de gnrer des gains rapidement.- ETAPE 1 -COMMENT TROUVER UNE IDE QUI RAPPORTE VRAIMENT ET RAPIDEMENT6 IDES DE LIVRE HYPER RENTABLETrouver l'ide de votre livre est l'une des principales raisons qui fera votre succs ou non. Afin d'tre sr que votre livre se vende, nous allons lister pour vous nos 6 ides de livres rentables, qui ont fait et feront toujours leurs preuves l'avenir.Vous allez pouvoir choisir une ou plusieurs ides pour crer un ou plusieurs livres rentables.- ETAPE 2 -COMMENT CRER DU CONTENU DE QUALIT SANS ECRIRE UN SEUL MOTVOTRE LIVRE SANS ECRIRE UN SEUL MOTNous allons vous partager nos mthodes pour savoir comment crire un livre simplement et rapidement, comment le structurer, comment trouver l'inspiration, quel contenu noter ... etc . Nous vous partagerons nos 2 astuces peu connues pour possder un livre sans crire un seul mot grce notre mthode gratuite et notre mthode payante.- ETAPE 3 -RE-LECTURE ET CORRECTION DE VOTRE LIVREComment faire relire votre livre gratuitement et recevoir les avis .vos relecteurs  vous proposeront des amliorations, des corrections de fautes d'orthographe et mme des rcritures .- ETAPE 4 -PUBLIEZ VOTRE LIVRE EN 30 JOURS ET GNREZ DU REVENU IMMDIATEMENTNous avons tourn pour vous un tutoriel vido clic par clic qui vous expliquera comment publier votre livre sur Amazon afin qu'il soit visible auprs de millions de clients potentiels gratuitement et sans payer un euro de publicit.Avec l'auto-dition vous recevrez jusqu 70% de bnfice sur la vente de votre livre. Sil est vendu 8, vous recevez 5,6 net dans votre poche.- ETAPE 5 -COMMENT PASSER AU NIVEAU SUPRIEUR ET GNRER UN REVENU 4 CHIFFRES ET +Nous vous partagerons nos astuces de marketeur pour effectuer des promotions afin de vendre votre livre grande chelle et gnrer des gains de grande envergure. BONUS GRATUITS31 ides de livres rentables, pour tre srs de crer un livre qui rapporte Nos outils prfrs pour crer votre livre avec un maximum de simplicit Vous dmarquer de la concurrence et rafler la mise grce un hack peu connu Notre liste de prestataires qualifis pour vous aider crire votre livre Message important : veillez bien respecter les conditions de qualit d'Amazon si vous publiez sur Amazon Kdp"
Price: 199.99

"Atteignez vos objectifs"
"Ce cours vous apprendra pourquoi, comment et jusqu'o se fixer des objectifs quantitatifs et qualitatifs pour vous et votre quipe.Plus que jamais les entreprises ont recours aux objectifs pour se dvelopper. Google, Linkedin, Intel attribue une partie de leur croissance la mise en place d'objectifs et d'indicateurs cls ( mthode OKR) . vous aussi, tirez parti de la puissance des objectifs pour avance dans votre carrire et votre dveloppement professionnel."
Price: 199.99

"Teotihuacan: ""Where Men Become Gods"""
"Are you planning a trip to Teotihuacan in the future? Just curious about this great city's history? Based on accurate and up-to-date information about Teotihuacan, this mini course will satisfy your curiosity and take you from a ""typical tourist"" to a conscious visitor, educated and aware of the Mesoamerican worldview. You will learn to ""read"" Teotihuacan's architecture so that you can understand what they were trying to communicate about their worldviews."
Price: 29.99

"Desafios da Espiritualidade no Mundo Contemporneo"
"Nesse curso os alunos aprendero sobre a natureza da espiritualidade contempornea, sobre os grandes desafios que essa espiritualidade enfrenta num mundo de valores materiais e efmeros, sobre todo movimento realizado para desqualificar a experincia espiritual e, principalmente, sobre os ataques que a Bblia e a literatura sagrada sofrem neste mundo atual.PROFESSOR: EDGARD LEITEEdgard Leite Diretor Executivo do Instituto Realitas, Vice-Presidente e Membro Tiitular da Academia Brasileira de Filosofia (ocupa a cadeira no. 4, Patrono: Alceu Amoroso Lima. Primeiro titular: Antonio Carlos Villaa), Mestre e Doutor em Histria pela Universidade Federal Fluminense e integrante do Conselho Administrativo da Sociedade Internacional de Estudos Jesutas (Paris). Professor de Histria da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,  atuando no seu Programa de Ps-graduao em Histria Poltica, e da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Coordenador do Programa de Estudos Indianos da UERJ, Membro do Conselho Executivo do Centro de Histria e Cultura Judaica, Coordenador do GT Regional Rio de Janeiro de Histria das Religies e das Religiosidades da ANPUH. integrante dos grupos de pesquisa do CNPQ ""Laboratrio de Estudos da Conscincia"" e  ""Memria e Culto na Literatura Bblica"". Diretor de Culto do Grande Templo Israelita do Rio de Janeiro. pesquisador integrado ao Projeto Pombalia (CLEPUL- Universidade de Lisboa).Dedica-se a estudos de Histria, FIlosofia, Metafsica e Teologia."
Price: 39.99

"Tecnologia e Expanso da Conscincia"
"Percebe as Pessoas como Protagonistas e Agentes de Transformao. Se sustenta em anlises comparadas da abordagem da fsica clssica e da fsica quntica para sustentar aproximaes entre aspectos de uma viso espiritualista uma aproximao com as perspectivas qunticas.Visita emergncias da tecnologia, sobretudo redes, e as possibilidades de novas percepes e novos avanos no estudo da conscinciaProfessor: Antonio Carlos RittoPs-Doutorado pela COPPE-UFRJ em 2003, em Histria da Cincia e das Tcnicas e das Epistemologias, Doutor em Informtica (PUC-RJ, 1994), Especialista em Didtica do Ensino Superior (UGF, 1985) e Mestre em Informtica (UFPe, 1980). Bacharel em Matemtica - UFPe 1977. Trabalhou na Chesf - Companhia Hidroeltrica do So Francisco - de 1967 a 1979 onde integrou a equipe de Tecnologia da Informao e em Furnas Centrais Eltricas S.A. de 1979 a 2006 onde integrou o Corpo Gerencial na rea de Gesto Corporativa. Professor da UERJ desde 1984 onde leciona na rea de Cincia da Computao. Professor do Programa de Ps Graduao de Polticas Pblicas e Formao Humana. Coordena o Frum de Tecnologia e Sociedade da UERJ, e o Projeto Estudos da Conscincia. Integra o Departamento de Inovao da UERJ onde coordena o Escritrio de Gerncia de Projetos da UERJ."
Price: 39.99

"A arte e a cincia da meditao segundo a Bhagavad Gt"
"Inicialmente, os inscritos sero introduzidos s bases tericas sobre as quais se funda a nascente cincia da meditao. Apesar da extensa literatura disponvel sobre meditao, pouco se discute sobre as suas fontes primrias. Em seguida, eles tero acesso Gtopadea, ou seja, ao ensinamento sobre a arte da Meditao, que aparece sob a forma de uma alegoria no texto da Bhagavad Git. Finalmente, os participantes do curso sero convidados a refletir sobre o modelo pedaggico da Bhagavad Gt e o seu carter universalista e espiritualista.Rubens Turci praticante de Meditao desde 1974, quando aprendeu a tcnica de Meditao Pura (uddha Dhyna) diretamente de Sri Vajera, introdutor das prticas de meditao na Amrica Latina nos idos de 1920. Filsofo, Engenheiro e Socilogo, especialista em Cincia da Meditao e no Perodo pico da ndia, atuando nas interfaces da Filosofia e do Sagrado com o Meio Ambiente e o Ambiente Corporativo. Engenheiro Qumico pelo Instituto Mau de Tecnologia (1976-81), possui Ps-Doutorado em Cultura da ndia pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2009-11). PhD em Social Sciences / Religious Studies pela McMaster University (2001-07), com diploma revalidado como Doutor em Filosofia pela UFRJ (2009), onde tambm obteve o Mestrado em Filosofia (1998-00), o Bacharelado e a Licenciatura em Filosofia (1992-97). Membro do Conselho Acadmico do Programa de Estudos Indianos da Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (2013-), Ex-Pesquisador Associado do Ncleo de Estudos em Religies e Filosofias da ndia (NERFI) do Programa de Ps-Graduao em Cincia da Religio da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (2012-15), Ex-Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa em Religies e Filosofias da ndia do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (2010-15), Ex-Pesquisador Associado do Laboratrio de Gesto da Comunicao e da Cultura das Organizaes da Faculdade de Administrao e Cincias Contbeis da UFRJ (2008-11) e Ex-Pesquisador Associado do Ncleo de Estudos Transdisciplinares de Comunicao e Conscincia da Escola de Comunicao da UFRJ (2006-07). Tem experincia no ambiente empresarial (Rhodia, CEBRACE e Monsanto) e tambm acadmico, nas reas de ensino (McMaster University, Universidade Tiradentes), pesquisa (NERFi/UFJF) e extenso (FACC-UFRJ). Dedica-se, atualmente, ao desenvolvimento do Corao da Terra: Ncleo Interdisciplinar de Estudos Avanados em Filosofia, Espiritualidade e Cincia da Meditao, que tem por objetivos: (1) adaptar sociedade os resultados acadmicos em torno da Cincia da Meditao, fruto da investigao sistemtica da pluralidade de tradies religiosas e filosficas que se desenvolveram no subcontinente indiano, particularmente aquelas cujas fontes embrionrias so o Mahabharata e a Bhagavad-Gita e (2) oferecer servios de consultoria e mentoria nas reas de Meditao Corporativa, Qumica Ambiental, Meio Ambiente e Ambiente Corporativo."
Price: 39.99

"Teorias clssicas de relaes internacionais"
"Neste curso voc aprender conceitos, elementos e fundamentos bsicos acerca dos dois principais sistemas tericos de Relaes Internacionais: o Idealismo e o Realismo. Este curso direcionado a todos aqueles que se interessam pelos estudos internacionais, sem qualquer tipo de pr-requisito. Nosso pblico alvo so estudantes e estudiosos das Relaes Internacionais ou qualquer um que se interesse em compreender a dinmica do Cenrio Internacional de nossos dias."
Price: 39.99

"Histria concisa da Etipia"
"A Etipia historicamente se constituiu como um universo a meio do caminho entre as sociedades mediterrnicas, centro-africanas e do entorno ndico, conjugando caractersticas provenientes de todas estas partes, mas as refundindo de modo muito original. Assim sendo, trata-se de um caso muito bom para se (re)pensar alguns clichs muito arraigados em nosso senso comum sobre o que so, por exemplo, a histria da frica, do cristianismo e das relaes entre cristos e muulmanos. Ao invs de ser encarada como ponto de fuga e uma exceo extica, sua trajetria histrica, assim como as repercusses desta na poltica e no imaginrio, eventualmente bem para alm de suas fronteiras, ajudam-nos a pensar criticamente nossas prprias ideias, muito expandido nosso horizonte reflexivo. Ela merece, portanto, ser objeto de alguma ateno.Isto considerado, este curso tem por objetivo apresentar uma introduo concisa histria desta nao, tratando de forma no extensiva de algumas das principais questes a ela referentes, como um estmulo curiosidade dos alunos tambm no sentido de estudos e discusses posteriores.Sobre o professorAlfredo Cruz Doutor em Histria Poltica pelo Programa de Ps-Graduao em Histria da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (PPGH/UERJ, 2015-2019), Mestre em Histria no Programa de Ps-Graduao em Histria da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (PPGH/UNIRIO, 2011-2013), e Bacharel e Licenciado em Histria na Pontifcia Universidade Catlica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio, 2005-2009). coordenador associado do GT de Histria das Religies e Religiosidades da ANPUH-Rio (2019- ), membro da Associao Brasileira de Histria das Religies (ABHR) e do Ncleo de Pesquisa Histrica do Instituto de Pesquisa e Memria Pretos Novos (NPH/IPN). Foi pesquisador bolsista de Iniciao Cientfica (2007-2009) e de Projeto de Capacitao Institucional (2010-2014) da Coordenao de Histria da Cincia do Museu de Astronomia e Cincias Afins (CHC-MAST/MCTI), pesquisador colaborador do Grupo de Pesquisa em Antropologia da Devoo (GPAD-PPGAS/MN-UFRJ) e do do Ncleo de Estudos de Cristianismos no Oriente (NECO/GT de Histria das Religies e das Religiosidades da ANPUH-Rio)."
Price: 39.99

"Dead by Daylight - Survivor course"
"Are you a beginner survivor player in Dead by Daylight? Never reached the high ranks? The Dead by Daylight Survivor course is great for anyone that falls under that category. Survivor mains ANDkiller mains can benefit from this, as killer mains can learn what survivors want to do and how they play. Not only do I talk about survivors, I also give you a killer's perspective, as to be a great survivor player you must also understand killer, learning both sides will massively help your gameplay, and in this course I have done my absolute best to relay everything that I know about this game. By the end of the course you'll be able to play and carry yourself throughout any game and versus any killer if you learn all of the things in this course and you practice it."
Price: 29.99

"Woodworking: Table Saw Essentials"
"Its hard to imagine a woodworking shop that doesnt include a table saw. Whether youre rough cutting stock to size, taking it to its final dimensions, or doing the joinery required for your woodworking project, a table saw has you covered. This instructional video course, produced in conjunction with the Woodworkers Guild of America, provides you with must-have information for setting up and safely using your table saw.STARTING OUTYour table saw wont be much good to you if you dont have it set up correctly. Youve got to check the alignment of the blade to the miter gauge slot and the rip fence, and make sure the saw is cutting at 90-degrees. Well show you high- and low-tech methods, so you can choose the approach that works best for you.Its important to use the right tool for the job, and this is very true of table saw blades. Alternate top bevel, triple chip grind, flat top grind, hook angle, tooth count.what does it all mean? What differentiates a rip blade from a crosscut blade? Youll learn exactly what you need to know to make certain youre always putting the right blade on the saw.SAFETYRipping, crosscutting, or cutting dadoes, you need to make sure youre safe. This course provides you with safety rules for the table saw, and shows you where to stand, how to position your hands, and how to stay out of harms way.TECHNIQUESWith the saw properly set up and safety techniques at your fingertips, youre ready to get to work. Woodworkers Guild of America Instructor George Vondriska will teach you how to rip and crosscut, set up a stackable dado head, cut rabbets, and even how to cut non-ferrous metal; essential techniques for getting the most out of your saw.In addition to the detailed video instruction youll receive, this course provides you with some downloadable resources and helpful information to print and keep, including: A detailed Class Guide you can follow and use as a reminder for the key points of the class instruction; and a resources document that will help you find the products and elements youll see in the course."
Price: 49.99

"Woodworking: Fundamentals of Cabinet Making"
"Master cabinet making, and you open the door to many projects; cabinets for your shop or kitchen, bathroom vanities, book cases, dressers and more. The construction methods used on all of these projects are very similar. This woodworking course provides every detail you need to build quality cabinets in your shop.Cabinet making projects may appear daunting, but are easy if you break them down into manageable steps, using a logical approach for the building process. This video instruction, produced in conjunction with the Woodworkers Guild of America, teaches you how to do that, and provides the following key information:Designing attractive cabinetsChoosing the best materialManaging large sheetsDado and rabbet joineryDimensioning a face frame, perfectlyFace frame joinery techniquesCalculating door dimensionsCope and stile joints on cabinet doorsAccenting cabinets with caps and mouldingIts the small things that make Fundamentals of Cabinet Making beneficial, with detailed attention paid to each step of the process. Youll learn to accurately (and easily) set up a stackable dado head, the best table saw blade for cutting sheet goods, face frame tricks, how to make doors on a router table, and more. All core skills that you need to take on cabinet making projects in your shop.Woodworkers Guild of America Instructor George Vondriska brings many years of residential and commercial cabinet making experience to your Fundamentals of Cabinet Making course. He has, over the years, developed many tips and techniques that streamline the cabinet making process, and hes ready to teach you all his tricks. From shop-made jigs to measuring without using a ruler, George has lots of great experience that hell share with you in this course.In addition to step-by-step video instruction, this course provides you with some downloadable resources and helpful information, including: A detailed woodworking drawing for the cabinet youll build in your own shop while following along with Georges techniques; source references for any specialized tools used; and a printable Class Guide as a reminder for key steps."
Price: 49.99

"Woodworking: Router Table Essentials"
"A router table adds a LOT to the shop. With the amazingly diverse availability of router bit profiles, there are many different things you can do on a router table; from edge profiling to joinery. Thanks to the high rpm of a router motor, the cut quality is great, typically requiring very little sanding. Woodworkers Guild of America Instructor, George Vondriska teaches this video Course and will give you many important tips and fundamentals helping you to get the most out of your router table. SafetyThe same attribute that provides great cut quality can make routers intimidating to operate. Typically running at over 20,000 revolutions per minute, things can go wrong quickly if youre not using a router correctly. This Course covers a variety of must-have safety tips including how to properly secure the bit in the collet, determining feed direction, setting up for multiple passes, and how to use feather boards and push pads. Buying AdviceThere are lots of routers available in the marketplace. This Course will educate you regarding the best type of router to use in a table, and well look at the advantages router lifts bring to router tables. MaintenanceWhile the router table itself requires little more than good housekeeping, router bits are another story. A dull or dirty bit will be unsafe to use, and will cut poorly. Well show you how to determine if a bit needs to be sharpened, how to do the sharpening in your own shop, and how to clean a pitch-covered router bit. TechniquesDadoes, rabbets, slot cuttingthese are just some of the woodworking techniques youll learn in this Course. Well show you short cuts that will make set up easier and more repeatable, so you can reduce set up time and increase accuracy.There are over 100 minutes of hands-on video instruction in this Course produced with Woodworkers Guild of America. In addition to the detailed video help youll receive, this Course provides you with downloadable resources and helpful information to print and keep, including: A detailed Guide you can follow and use as a reminder for the key points of the course instruction; a Speed Chart to help you determine the best speed to run your bits; and a resources document that will give you information on the products youll see in the Course."
Price: 49.99

"Woodworking: Hand-Held Router Techniques"
"Hand-held routers are incredibly versatile. Used properly, they can add detail to an edge, create rock solid joints, add decorative details, and more. There are many keys to successful and safe router use, and were proud to bring you a broad selection of router know-how in this course that was produced in conjunction with Woodworkers Guild of America.Start With The BasicsWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of plunge and fixed base routers? When installing a router bit, just how much of the shank should be in the collet? Is it better to use 1/4 or 1/2 shank router bits? How do you know what the correct (and safe) feed direction is? Woodworkers Guild of America Instructor George Vondriska starts by answering these questions, and so much more. This will significantly increase your confidence level when using a hand-held router. Well also provide you with buying advice that will help you make good choices on future router purchases.Make The CutThere are definitely right and wrong approaches when using a router. Well talk about what not to do, and provide you with the correct techniques that will help you achieve the best results with your router. In addition to general router skills, youll learn some great tricks that will simplify setting your router bits to a precise depth, every time.Specific SkillsOnce youre comfortable with setting up and using your router for basic cuts, well increase your router vocabulary by teaching you some more advanced skills. These can be used to simplify the work you do on your woodworking projects, make your projects look better and more professional, and add interesting decorative elements.There are over 90 minutes of hands-on video instruction in this course. In addition to the detailed video help youll receive, this course provides you with some downloadable resources and helpful information to print and keep, including: A detailed Guide you can follow and use as a reminder for the key points of the course instruction; a Speed Chart to help you determine the best speed to run your bits; and a resources document that will give you information on the products youll see in the course."
Price: 49.99

"Woodworking: Fundamentals of Furniture Making"
"Tables, chairs and other forms of furniture rely heavily on mortise and tenon joinery, which is at the heart of this Fundamentals of Furniture Making Course. From scaling the joinery to suit your project to producing a perfectly fitting joint, youll learn the mortise and tenon joint inside and out, along with other great tips for making rock solid furniture.Additionally, furniture projects often require solid wood tops, made using edge-to-edge glue ups. Learn the tricks behind jointing perfect edges, getting great color and grain matches in your top, and allowing solid wood tops to expand and contract seasonally.The Course video instruction, produced in conjunction with Woodworkers Guild of America, is very detailed, leaving no steps out of the process. In this Course youll learn about:Project designEdge-to-edge glue ups for strength and beautyMortise and tenon joineryTapering legsAdding decorative accents to furniture projectsWoodworkers Guild of America Instructor George Vondriska, is a firm believer in the adage that form should follow function, and hell show you how to add simple details to furniture that take it from boring to beautiful. For example, a simple router bit makes a significant difference in the look of the table rails. Undercutting the edge of the top gives it a lighter look. A slight taper on the legs reduces their bulk. Fundamentals of Furniture Making provides video instruction that makes each of these details easy to do.In addition to step-to-step video instruction, this Course provides you with downloadable resources and helpful information, including: A complete printable Guide, that is a woodworking plan for the table youll build in your own shop while following along with Georges techniques; and source references for any specialized tools used."
Price: 49.99

"Woodworking: Bandsaw Essentials"
"From tight curves to large sweeping curves, thin stock to thick timbers, bandsaws can handle it all. Equipped with the right blade, and correctly set up, the versatility of a bandsaw is amazing. This course, brought to you in conjunction with Woodworkers Guild of America, will provide you with the information you need to get the most out of your bandsaw, use it safely, and make it a go-to tool in your shop.What A Bandsaw OffersWhat makes bandsaws so great? Lots of things. They have a significant thickness capacity, with most saws able to cut 6 or more. The kerf of a bandsaw blade is quite small, so theres very little waste going up the dust chute. Combined with the ability to cut curves or dead straight lines, a bandsaw can be one amazing machine.Set UpMany woodworkers consider their bandsaw only a coarse, rough cutting tool because they never learned to set it up correctly. Its critical that the blade tracks correctly on the tires, the tires are clean, the guide blocks and thrust bearing are correctly set. Each of these aspects has a cumulative effect on how well (or how poorly) and bandsaw performs. Woodworkers Guild of America instructor George Vondriska takes you step-by-step through set up to make sure you get it right.Using The SawIn addition to being able to correctly set up the saw, we want to make sure youre using it properly and safely. Our tips on controlling and steering the material will help make your cuts more accurate. And well simplify the set up required for resawing.In total, youll get over 115 minutes of hands-on video instruction in this course. In addition to the detailed video help youll receive, we have included downloadable resources and helpful information to print and keep, including: a detailed Guide you can follow and use as a reminder for the key points of the course instruction; and a resources document that will give you information on the products youll see in the course, including a handy Blade Radius Chart."
Price: 49.99

"Woodworking: Setting Up and Using Jointers & Planers"
"Jointers and planers are similar, but not identical. Each machine has a different function, but both machines are extremely useful when it comes to creating precisely machined boards in your shop.Additionally, buying your lumber rough sawn and doing you own jointing and planing can save you a lot of money!In broad strokes, jointers are the perfect tool for flattening faces and creating edges that are smooth, straight and square. Planers provide two parallel faces, and guarantee that every board you machine is exactly the same thickness.This course, brought to you in conjunction with Woodworkers Guild of America, will help you double check your machines to make sure theyre correctly set up. This includes knife changes on both the jointer and planer, with techniques provided for perfectly setting the jointer knives. Youll learn how to lubricate and maintain your jointer and planer for optimum performance. Youll also learn:How to read wood grain for proper feed direction to avoid tear outTricks for getting the jointer fence perfectly squareLow tech tips for setting jointer knivesJointer and planer safetyWhat materials can and cant be jointed and planedHow to eliminate jointer snipeSafe and proper techniques for face jointingUsing the jointer to cut rabbetsJointing tapersLeveling planer infeed and outfeed tablesHow to reduce or eliminate planer snipePlaning extremely thin stockUsing your planer to clean up sawn edgesThis course will help make sure you get the most out of your jointer and planer by helping you properly set the machines, and safely use them to their full potential."
Price: 49.99

"Paint a cat in watercolor."
"This Watercolor Workshop is a course designed for beginner and intermediate artists wishing to explore and improve watercolor wet in wet painting techniques. This workshop will show you step by step how to paint a fluffy cat with watercolor. You will learn how to use wet in wet technique to create a very unique piece of art. The workshop covers explanation about supplies, cat's face proportions and the way of using the paper without stretching of taping it.If you are a beginner or intermediate in painting animals in watercolor, wondering about new tips and tricks in wet in wet technique then this course is for you. And if you already paint fluffy animals, but you want to know how to make it easy and become more expressive, then this course will help you to do that."
Price: 119.99

"Das ZIEL deines Lebens FINDEN und ERREICHEN!"
"Werde JETZT GLCKLICH Viele Menschen wissen nicht, dass sie fr ihr Glck lediglich ein Ziel im Leben brauchen. Wenn du mir nicht glaubst, dann glaube Albert Einstein: ""Wenn du ein glckliches Leben willst, verbinde es mit einem Ziel, nicht aber mit Menschen oder Dingen."". Und wie du dein Leben mit einem Ziel verbinden kannst, erklre ich dir in meinem Kurs.Mein Name ist David Allen und ich bin Life Coach und habe mich durch meine Ausbildung und Erfahrungen im Leben auf die Bereiche ngste lsen und Ziele erreichen konzentriert und spezialisiert. Durch meine lange Coaching-Erfahrung, habe ich diesen Videokurs dann erstellen knnen. Dieser Videokurs ist fr alle, die nicht genau wissen, was sie vom Leben wollen, oder fr die, die zwar wissen was sie wollen, doch nicht wissen, wie sie es bekommen. Wenn du dich jetzt angesprochen fhlst, dann mchte ich dir ans Herz legen, dein Leben heute in die Richtung zu lenken, die es verdient hat. Es wird dir genau erklrt, warum Ziele so wichtig sind und warum du so besonders wrst, wenn du ein Ziel httest, auerdem wie du das Ziel deines Lebens finden kannst und dann auch erreichen kannst, um so endlich glcklich zu werden Der Kurs beinhaltet drei Kapitel. In dem ersten lernst du ausfhrlich, warum Ziele wichtig sind, im zweiten, wie du deine Leidenschaft und das dazugehrige Ziel findest und im dritten (das ist das Kernstck des Kurses), wird ber 11 Lektionen erklrt, wie du dein Ziel erreichst. Der Kurs hat 21 Lektionen und geht ungefhr 8 Stunden. Es gibt eine 30-tgige Geldzurckgarantie und ein 100% Rabattgutschein auf ein einstndiges Coaching bei mir, so wie ein 30% Rabattgutschein auf mein Ultimate-Premium-Coaching-Packet (4XCoaching + Dauerbetreuung + Entwicklungsaufgaben). Jede Lektion ist auch in MP3 vorhanden, auerdem kannst du jede Lektion als Video und als Audio herunterladen, damit du dich auch bei schlechtem Internet entwickeln kannst. Bei Interesse oder weiteren Fragen, kannst du dich gerne bei mir melden.Viel Spa beim Entwickeln :)Dein CoachDavid Allen :)"
Price: 34.99

"I segreti di Google Amazon e McDonalds per pagare meno tasse"
"In questo corso imparerai come utilizzare per la tua impresa le strategie di ottimizzazione fiscale utilizzate da giganti come Google, Amazon, Apple, McDonalds, Ikea ecc.Questo un corso per Imprenditori non un corso ""accademico"". Troverai esempi pratici e strategie da utilizzare immediatamente e concretamente nel tuo Business.Il corso fruibile immediatamente Online, sul tuo pc, smartphone o tablet. Non devi prenderti giorni di ferie per venire a seguirlo in qualche hotel in giro per l'Italia.Il Corso a vita e periodicamente aggiornato con nuove lezioni.Una volta terminato il corso, se vuoi applicare queste strategie al tuo Business contattaci all'indirizzo per prenotare una Consulenza Strategica dove analizzeremo nel dettaglio la tua attivit e le possibili di adattare queste strategie alla tua impresa"
Price: 19.99

"Turn Your Transition into Triumph"
"Welcome to our training. It has very specific and fun structure of a 7 day Challenge. This Challenge is created and guided by Asha Mankowska, MA,Esq. based on her best-selling book: Ignite Your Life: It's Not Over, Until IWin!!! She is an Internationally Renowned Business, Executive Coach, Branding Expert, Bestselling Author and Harvard Keynote Speaker who has been recognized by Forbes Magazine as one of the Top Business and Career coaches in America. She was also honored as a Thought Leader & and Woman of Influence in Hollywood.MAIN OBJECTIVE:To transform & CATAPULT your life, business, finances, health, wealth and anything you'd like to take to the next level in 7 steps. Most recommended approach: 1. Access each day first thing in the morning. Dedicate about 25 min each morning. 2. Watch & listen to the video.3. Finish all the exercises/ homework for that day. 4. Submit under the videos or write it down in the notepad. 5. Start implementing it DAILY. 6. Enjoy the New You Every Single Day. 7. Review your homework/ exercise in the evening and possibly add something new.8. And most important one:ENJOY!"
Price: 199.99

"API 580 3rd Edition Exam Prep"
"API welcomes highly specialized inspectors, engineers, other professionals across the entire petrochemical industry to obtain the API 580 Risk Based Inspection certification as a validation of their profound knowledge of Risked Based Inspection (RBI).RBI has quickly become one of the industrys premiere instruments and preferred methods of inspection. The API 580 certification will add significant value to your professional credentials, demonstrating to your employers and clients that you have obtained a high level of proficiency and understanding in this very important field.API 580 Exam Prep is 119 questions based on the Third Edition February 2016."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Bsico de Programacin Neuro-Lingstica (PNL)"
"Un curso en donde aprenders paso a paso a como Reprogramar tu Mente Inconsciente para alcanzar tus metas, objetivos y el xito en todo lo que te lo propongas en la vida.Aprenders cual es: El Patrn Central Del xitoTotalmente podrs establecer en tu cerebro los Patrones de la Excelencia de la misma manera que lo hacen los triunfadores. Temario: Clase 1: Qu es la Programacin Neuro-Lingstica PNL?.. Veremos una introduccin a la PNL. Conoceremos sus orgenes y los diferentes aportes que ha hecho a la mejora del comportamiento humano en general. Clase 2: Qu es la Mente Inconsciente?.. En esta clase aprenders a como reprogramar tu mente inconsciente y cmo utilizarla a nuestro favor para lograr alcanzar todas nuestras metas, objetivos y el xito en nuestra vidas.. Clase 3: Qu son los Sistemas de Representacin Canales de Comunicacin?.. Aprenders ciertas habilidades del lenguaje verbal y lenguaje corporal para tener una mayor comunicacin con las dems personas.Clase 4: Qu son las Anclas Anclajes en la PNL?. Aprenders a identificar los 3 tipos de anclajes en PNL para utilizarlos a tu favor y a crearlos y activarlos para obtener resultados positivos.Aprenders a Cmo instalar anclajes de recursos. Aprenders la Tcnica colapso de anclajes. (esta tcnica es muy efectiva para eliminar todo tipos de miedos, fobias, ataques de pnico, ansiedad, desmotivacin, autosabotaje, negatividad, apata, ect).Clase 5: Qu es el Mdelo de Precisin Metamodelo?. En esta clase aprenders una herramienta con efectiva para como establecer y fijar todas tus metas y objetivos con precisin para alcanzarlas con xito.Clase 6: Qu es Calibrar Calibracin en PNL?.. Aprenders ciertas tcnicas para observar alas personas extraordinarias y exitosas en una determinada rea de la vida y modelar sus talentos, habilidades y hbitos para tener los mismos resultados.Clase 7: Qu es Rapport en PNL?.. Aprenders tcnicas muy poderosas de persuasin para crear ms confianza, empata y lograr una mayor comunicacin con las dems personas en la comunicacin."
Price: 54.99

"Google Ads Para Bienes Races - Capta Propiedades Desde Casa"
"Hola! y bienvenido a tu curso. Te saludo a t, querido asesor inmobiliario o agencia de bienes races. Debido al estrs que yo sufra por no tener los resultados al momento de captar propiedades en venta, decid optimizar mis conocimientos y disear este curso que en realidad se traduce a exclusivas para vender casas. Vamos de la mano a aprender la herramienta de Google Ads desde cero para que captes exclusivas desde la comodidad de tu casa y que te ahorres tiempo y combustible al ir a peinar la zona; y que te olvides del estrs de hacer llamadas en fro. A partir de este curso las personas que quieran vender su casa o departamento van a acudir a t As es!Incluso, una vez aprendiendo puedes crear campaas para captar personas que quieran rentar sus inmuebles.Mi nombres es Alex Del ngelm soy experto en marketing digital y he trabajado con marcas muy grandes y reconocidas como lo son Amazon y Amazon Prime Video, Tiendas Oxxo, Smart Fit, Sport City, Tec de monterrey, Panasonic, por mencionar algunas. Nos vemos en el curso."
Price: 2445.00

"Comic Books: Shading"
"Have you ever looked at some comic books and said ""WOW"", look at this characters, they are so cool. And so, you go deeply and see the shading of them and see that it's very unique. Yes, we're speaking about comic hatching. Comic books usually have a good play of contrast, and the characters have a very specific shading on it's body, and this is one of the thinks that makes 'em so cool. And so, have you ever Think on doing this Kind of stuff? Well, If you answered Yes, welcome, and If you said no, welcome too.Here in our Shading in comic book Style we are going to learn many basic tools that will make possible and easy for doing this kind of stuff we see in the comic books, The character shading. But keep in mind that what you're going to learn here Its going to have It's use in many different areas of drawing, and some, in all. So, I hope you have the most of the course, and let's put our hands in the mass!"
Price: 199.99

"AppSheet Tutorial de Cadastro de Cliente em portugus-br"
"Aprenda o Passo a Passo para criar um bom cadastro de clientes para seu negcio atravs dos aplicativos AppSheet. Voc aprender as boas prticas de criao de planilhas no google Drive, para otimizao do seu tempo na criao do aplicativo. Ainda, identificar qual o perfil de cadastro que mais se adapta ao seu negcio e como configur-lo em seus aplicativos AppSheet."
Price: 309.99

"Songwriting for Impact + Valuable Lyrics"
"Emmy-nominated songwriter and international recording artist Alexander Star teaches you how to write HIT songs by tapping into your own life experiences.Star teaches tricks to eliminating writer's block, finding your personal voice, and developing your own unique style of songwriting.""Writing hit songs is easy - it's all about using your feelings to make good music. I want Goldwriter PRO to help people find creative value in the often overlooked aspects of everyday life and to confidently write lyrics that matter to them. I also want my clients to be able to put song ideas together that will stand out amongst the millions of other writers making music."" - Alexander Star"
Price: 174.99

Price: 24000.00

"Make Money From Content Locking CPA Step by Step"
"In this course you will learn only one specific method of online earning.This is content locking CPA. Because content locking CPA is the very easiest way make money from online. This course main goal is you can earn minimum $1500 to $3000+ every month. This course will give you complete guidance step by step.You will get $25 in this course from my referral link. So you will get this course completely free.Everyday 30 minutes is more than enough for content locking CPA. Within one week you can complete this course. After complete this course. You can start earning. No need any experience. Everything you will learn in this course. Content is most important for content locking CPA. So how to create content, how to promote your content, how to generate unlimited auto targeted traffic and how to get unlimited lead all everything. You will learn in this course. So if you are interested to make money from online this is the right course for you."
Price: 199.99

"Deep Learning A-Z"
"*** Kickstarter ***IBM WatsonDeepmindAlphaGoGo - --- Deep Learning A-Z---Deep Learning A-Z1.2....**3. (Boltzmann Machine) Netflix(Stacked Autoencoder)**4.Deep Learning A-Z5.48--- ---TensorflowPytorchTensorFlowGmailTensorflowAirBnbAirbusEbayIntelUberPyTorchNvidiaPyTorchTwitterSaleforceFacebookTensorflowPyTorch1--- ---Theano TensorflowKeras TheanoTensorflowKeras--- ---Scikit-learn k-(k-Fold Cross Validation) PythonNumpyMatplotlibPandas--- ---Deep Learning AZDeep Learning A-ZDeep Learning AZ--- ---#1 ID6#2 - Hadelin#3 (RNN)RNNLSTMRNN#4 MarketsMarkets202133192 - #5 & 6 AmazonNetflix - NetflixNetflix1551Deep Belief Networks(Boltzmann Machine)5(AutoEncoders)Netflix--- ---Kirill & Hadelin"
Price: 199.99

"Simple Copywriting Secrets: How to Write Killer Sales Copy"
"Learn to create outstanding sales copy in less than an hour! In a writing workshop of just 43 minutes, this copywriting course walks you through the four key elements of writing powerful sales copy, divided into four sections:The copywriting brief, where you ask all the relevant questions for your sales copyThe features and benefits part, which is the basis of your headline and body textsHow to create attention-grabbing headlinesHow to create an irresistible call to action to seal the dealThe neatly packed tutorials show you STEP BY STEP how to get readers to take action with whatever it is youre selling or promoting a product, service, idea, business, or brand.As promised, Ive made it as short and sweet as possible, so that I wont waste any of your valuable time: Ill be brief and pithy, and well dive straight in.How is this course different? This course consists of 14 lectures, but I'm not going to do much lecturing. Instead, we're going to do a lot of writing together as that's by far the best way for you to learn nothing is as efficient as a hands-on training session where YOU get to try out these techniques yourself and see how they work. That's why this course is as close as it gets to a real writing workshop.To break down this simple strategy, each lesson includes useful examples and exercises (all the worksheet documents are available both as PDF and RTF files). At the end of this class, well draw all the key elements together by using a template included in the resources. And that's how you get to create your own piece of sales copy, which can be an e-mail, a brochure, a sales page for your website anything where compelling copy is needed.And best of all: you can use and reuse this simple method as a starting point to write super-convincing copy whenever you need and get going faster than ever before.How will you benefit?The more you practise these techniques, the more confident, professional and powerful your writing becomes thats the simple truth. By putting the lessons into action you will see how this method will develop into a mindset and will eventually become an inherent part of your creative process.When you start applying this quick and easy framework of the four key elements, it can make a huge difference in how efficient your writing is and how it gets the reader to do what you want them to do. Who should take this class and why?This class is ideal for beginners. If youve just started your own business and plan to do your own copy for your marketing materials but dont quite know where to start, this course IS definitely for you.And if youre seriously planning to become a great copywriter, there are many excellent copywriting courses here that go more in depth, and I warmly recommend you to take as many classes as you possibly can the amount of expertise in this community is over the top.But sometimes getting started with something new may feel a bit overwhelming and even daunting, and thats where this quick and compact class comes to help. And Im here to help you overcome that insecurity and get started.If youve been doing copywriting for some time already, this course is a great way for you to sharpen up your writing process and make it a whole lot easier.And remember, even though this is a course about copywriting, it addresses some of the most cutting-edge principles that apply to persuasive writing in all its forms. ""Simple Copywriting Secrets: How to Write Killer Sales Copy"" gives you the exact tools and techniques you need to get your words noticed in ANY kind of writing you do whether it's a blog article, a sales pitch to your potential new client, an email to your colleagues, a cover letter to a recruiter, a press release to catch a busy editors attention, or your whole website content from start to finish.What students have said after taking this course?Here are some of the 5-star reviews this course has received from a bunch of lovely students: After taking this class I feel empowered. The techniques give me a foundation to write sales copy for my business. Thank You If you need a quick and easy-to-apply framework for writing persuasively, this course is for you."" ""It is really good and simple way to start writing Sales copy, A small business owner can write an effective sales copy in minutes.""  ""The course was lovely. Direct, Informative and to the point. Glad I took it.""  ""Excellent class for anyone interested in copywriting. This class has lots of useful tips for writing."" Gets gripping as we reach more than 60% of course. Its when we see dots joining and a masterpiece taking shape. Thank you for your simple ideas for powerful Copywriting. The included resources were very helpful. ""I like how it is straight to the point. She is a great teacher. I would buy Her lessons anytime. Thank you!"" ""Copy writing was clearly a big mystery for me, since this course has really opened my eyes. I did't realize that e.g. social media posts are copy writing. The teacher seemed professional and has a calm voice, which I like. I feel like this course gave me a lot more, than I first expected. Thank you!"" ""Love your no-nonsense style and hands-on approach. Quick results for me! Thank you!"" A great course for copywriting beginners and also for those in need of fresh ideas. A clearly structured step-by-step course with a lot of rehearsals for the student. Nice examples to enlighten every aspect of the key elements of copywriting. Highly recommended! Very clear and understandable presentation. Good and informative examples. This is very useful course for anyone doing any writing works (for example articles, social media, web sites, ...) Great class! The instructor gave me some really good tools to get started in writing compelling adsSo why not jump on board, too, and start seeing some immediate and spectacular results in your writing already today?The simplest secret about copywriting?In my opinion, that would be: You don't have to try to learn everything about copywriting to start writing striking copy right away.Like said, there are of course plenty of great copywriting courses out there (and many of them right here) that are very thorough in nature. You should definitely sign up for them if you have a lot of time in your hands and you really want to dig deeper into what copywriting actually is and how it works.But what if you dont have that much time and you really want to get started NOW?If only there was someone who could tell you how to do it and just show you even the simplest techniquesWell, guess what. Im here for you for that very purpose.Thats why Im sharing with you a very focused approach to the four vital ingredients of copywriting, which practically every copywriting course will touch upon.But my approach is different in that Im going to use just one company as my example client throughout this course, to illustrate how I plan and write my sales copy for them.Do you need help with the assignments?If theres anything youd like to ask about the lectures or the assignments, please let me know. You can either send me a direct message or use the QA section for any queries you might have Im here for you and ready to help every step of the way. Ready to get started? When you purchase this course, it's yours for keeps. You are free from the pressure of having to complete it by a certain deadline: there is no expiration date for taking it. You can watch the videos and have a go at the writing assignments at your own pace, whenever it suits you best. Some students prefer to follow the course through in one swell swoop (as it's only 43 minutes), but you can definitely slice it up into smaller bits if you like: maybe a few minutes at lunch break, or when you've put the kids to bed, or when you're taking the bus home just follow a routine that works best for you. And if for any reason you feel like this course is not for you, after all, dont worry: you have a full 30-day money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose."
Price: 79.99