"Dance cardio workout: beginner's course (basic steps)" |
"This course is meant for people who love dancing, fitness or anything to do with moving the body. From my own experience as a dance and fitness instructor I have seen people with zero experience coming into my class and feeling overwhelmed by the amount of steps used in dance/fitness classes. This course is all about helping those people get confident in doing the basic steps you need to join a dance/fitness class, either online or at your local gym or dance school. I will guide you through all the basic steps you need at a low pace so it is easy to follow, low-key level and of course a lot of fun!Every class consists of an explanation of a step and a practice run of that step. Each section ends with a small routine on music which we will do together. At the end of the entire course you will do an entire dance/fitness routine on music. And of course there is always the challenge for the people who feel up for it!This course is meant for you to feel good about yourself, grow more confidence, learn something new and of course having fun moving your body to music."
Price: 29.99 |
"20-minute HIIT metabolism boost workouts" |
"This 20-minute workouts are for daily use and perfect for when you have a busy schedule, but you DO want to have that workout every day. The workouts consist of HIIT exercises making your heart-rate go up and therefore giving your metabolism an extreme boost. Metabolism boost means that you use a lot of energy and as a result burn a lot of calories in a short period of time due to the high intensity of the exercises. HIIT means high intensity interval training. When I started the course to become a personal trainer, the first question the trainer asked is was: ''How long do you think you need to move to boost your metabolism?''. From the classroom came answers like: ''One hour! An hour and a half! 45 minutes!''. The answer was only 20 minutes! Whether it's going for a walk, jog, cycle, dance or fitness, 20 minutes a day is enough to boost your metabolism!In these workouts we do ten exercises where we are 45 seconds on and 15 seconds off in an active rest. We repeat those exercises making it a 20-minute workout. Every exercise is given with a modification for beginner, intermediate or advanced, so it doesn't matter what level you are! So if you are a busy person, whether you are a working mom, an entrepreneur or a student, but you do want to have a good and efficient workout in your day, this is the course for you!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Metaphysics 101" |
"Whether you are among the many seasoned professionals who have entered the field of metaphysics and related subjects to help people improve their lives, or one of those individuals just considering a career in fields such as metaphysically-oriented counseling, life coaching, holistic wellness, or teaching youll find that this curriculum is unsurpassed in helping you achieve your goals.The difference that this curriculum can make in your life, your metaphysical career, and above all, your ability to help people improve their lives, is without an equal in todays world."
Price: 29.99 |
"Meditation and Metaphysics Volume one" |
"This course provides an in depth and practical study on how to establish positive new patterns in your life, the power of mediation practices, the benefits of Activity Visualization, Metaphysical Mind Science and a complete daily mental rebirth treatment all directed towards giving you Prosperity in every aspect of consciousnesses ."
Price: 29.99 |
"HTML e CSS: O Incio (incluindo 3 Projetos)" |
"Neste curso quem nunca programou sequer uma linha de cdigo conseguir realizar projetos web!O curso cobre os principais conceitos de HTML e CSS, refora a utilizao de tags e regras de CSS no mundo real, ou seja, voc ter alm da explicao terica uma experincia de como a programao web funciona no mercado de trabalho.Voc j programa e acha que o contedo curso bsico? Lembre-se que voc e eu construiremos 3 projetos do absoluto zero; eu vou compartilhar tcnicas que j utilizei e ainda utilizo no meu dia a dia como desenvolvedor, vamos construir tudo seguindo as boas prticas para um cdigo escalvel, limpo e de fcil manuteno. :DEsse curso pra voc se:Nunca escreveu uma linha de cdigo;Quer aprimorar os conhecimentos em HTML/CSS;Quer entrar no mundo da programao web;Quer entender como funciona o desenvolvimento web no mercado de trabalho;Quer construir projetos web;Obs: realmente no h pessoas que no podem fazer esse curso, minha proposta que: se voc que nunca escreveu cdigo na vida entre para esta rea e que quem j trabalha ou j escreveu um pouco de HTML e CSS eleve seus conhecimentos para o ambiente profissional.E alm disso, meu compromisso com voc explicar o mesmo assunto em vrios ngulos diferentes para que voc assimile os contedos e no fique apenas copiando cdigo.Se ento isso que voc procura, te espero no curso para escrevermos os cdigos juntos! :)"
Price: 99.99 |
"HTML5 e CSS3: Tcnicas Avanadas (Com Flexbox e 3 Projetos)" |
"Aps este curso voc estar apto a utilizar o que h de mais novo no HTML5, CSS3 e tambm flexbox.Porm no para por a, alm da teoria teremos trs projetos prticos que voc poder exercitar o contedo aprendido no curso, ento vamos criar juntos um site primeiramente para treinar HTML5 e CSS3, depois o segundo projeto vai trabalhar com o flexbox, vamos aprender quando utilizar o flexbox num projeto web e por fim teremos o ltimo projeto com o intuito de simular uma aplicao web conhecida por todos ns, neste caso eu escolhi o WhatsApp Web.Esse curso pra voc se:Quer aprimorar os conhecimentos em HTML/CSS;Quer aprender flexbox da maneira correta e aplicar num projeto do cotidiano de um programador;Quer entrar no mundo da programao web;Quer entender como funciona o desenvolvimento web no mercado de trabalho;Quer construir projetos web;Obs: realmente no h pessoas que no podem fazer esse curso, minha proposta que: se voc que nunca escreveu cdigo na vida entre para esta rea e que quem j trabalha ou j escreveu um pouco de HTML e CSS eleve seus conhecimentos para o ambiente profissional, porm se voc j tem algum conhecimento em HTML/CSS a absoro de contedos ser mais rpida.E alm disso, meu compromisso com voc explicar o mesmo assunto em vrios ngulos diferentes para que voc assimile os contedos e no fique apenas copiando cdigo.Se ento isso que voc procura, te espero no curso para escrevermos os cdigos juntos! :)"
Price: 129.99 |
"Linux para Desenvolvedores (c/ terminal, Shell, Apache e +)" |
"Linux um dos sistemas operacionais mais utilizados no mercado de trabalho por desenvolvedores e tambm na rea web, isso porque os servidores na sua maioria das vezes so feitos com o Sistema Operacional Linux, e Ubuntu uma das distribuies mais utilizadas tambm por sua curva de aprendizado ser rpida e tambm satisfazer a maioria dos requisitos dos programadores (esta a distribuio que utilizaremos no curso).Neste curso voc vai aprender Linux na distribuio Ubuntu, ou seja, voc estar preparado para encarar este desafio no seu emprego ou futuro emprego.Um desenvolvedor que sabe utilizar o Linux muito mais requisitado pelas empresas, pois ele vai conseguir resolver vrios problemas:Configurar seu ambiente de desenvolvimento;Verificar os servidores de produo (logs);Configurar ambientes de produo;Definir os requisitos de infraestrutura com o time de DevOps de igual para igual;E claro que desenvolvi este curso exatamente para o 'mundo empresarial', no perdi tempo em assuntos desnecessrios ou enchendo linguia, vou direto ao ponto nos tpicos que realmente interessam e claro com muita prtica envolvida, eles so:Linux fundamental (principais conceitos e comandos mais utilizados);Gerenciamento de diretrios e arquivos;Gerenciamento de pacotes/aplicativos (instalao, remoo, atualizao e etc...);Buscar por arquivos/diretrios e dentro de arquivos;Editores de textos mais utilizados;Gerenciamento de usurios e grupos;Gerenciamento de permisses;Gerenciamento bsico de redes;Compactao de arquivos e diretrios;Instalao de um ambiente LAMP (Linux, Windows, MySQL e Apache);Alm disso entre os mdulos dou vrias dicas importantes, que vo facilitar sua vida no Linux, aumentar sua produtividade, descobrir comandos importantes e muito mais... =)E o mais importante: como os comandos so todos prticos as vezes eles podem no fazer muito sentido, por isso fiz aulas de teoria para explicar conceitos indispensveis e tambm envolver voc em um contexto que os comandos faam sentido.E todo esse meu cuidado extra com a produo deste curso faz ele abranger tanto iniciantes como programadores j com certa experincia, pois tudo explicado em detalhes e com aplicaes prticas.Meu compromisso fazer voc sair do absoluto 0 e at o fim voc estar confiante utilizando Linux e o terminal!"
Price: 249.99 |
"NPM da instalao a publicao (Node Package Manager)" |
"O npm (Node Package Manager) um gerenciador de pacotes, que serve para fazer o download de libs, frameworks e pacotes do mundo JavaScript. Alm disso podemos criar os nossos pacotes e disponibilizar para os outros devs fazerem uso dele.Neste curso voc vai aprender a utilizao bsica e avanada do npm, ou seja, os comandos que um programador utiliza no dia a dia para construir seus projetos com ajuda do gerenciador (instalao, atualizao e remoo de pacotes). E na parte avanada voc aprender a resolver problemas mais complexos, que exigem um conhecimento maior da ferramenta, como: cache, versionamento semntico, diferenciao de ambientes e muito mais.Para fechar com chave de ouro, teremos uma seo onde vamos construir um mdulo do zero a publicao, assim como grandes bibliotecas como: React, Vue, Angular foram criadas, ns criaremos a nossa.Alm de claro eu te guiar por todo o ciclo de desenvolvimento de um pacote, atualizao dele, construo de scripts de teste, documentao e claro testes reais com o download do prprio mdulo direto do site do npm, como se fosse uma outra biblioteca de grande porte e testaremos ele num projeto separado.Alm disso o curso aborda alguns assuntos correlacionados ao npm, como: Node.js, JSON, JavaScript e mais. Pois acredito que voc tambm deve ter uma noo destas outras partes que formam o package manager.Aps este curso voc estar apto a: utilizar o npm com maestria, resolver problemas mais complexos no npm e criar seus prprios pacotes.Meu compromisso com voc fazer voc se sentir seguro para trabalhar nessa ferramenta e utilizar todas suas funcionalidades."
Price: 249.99 |
"Sublime Text: Produtividade Absoluta (melhore seu cdigo!)" |
"Neste curso voc elevar a sua produtividade com Sublime Text a um alto nvel de excelncia.Separei os atalhos mais eficientes e tambm as extenses/plugins mais famosas e que realmente tem uma utilidade no dia a dia de um programador, ou seja, resolvem problemas reais. Estas escolhas foram feitas com base na minha trajetria e carreira em TI e tambm opines de programadores que considero muito bons.Ento fiz uma curadoria/filtro com uma barra elevada, s entraram os melhores, para inserir neste curso e tambm mostrar quais as formas ou cases de utilizao de cada um, ento voc no apenas vai ganhar nomes de plugins ou atalhos no Sublime, mas sim parte da minha experincia em programao.O que torna este curso muito interessante, pois voc ter abordagens reais e saber onde aplicar cada um dos conhecimentos ensinados.Alm disso utilizei uma metodologia de didtica interessante, onde separo os conceitos em aulas, no misturando muitos assuntos e nem enrolando desnecessriamente os vdeos, o foco claro: objetividade e produtividade.T interessado?! Se matricule no curso que eu te espero nas aulas! :D"
Price: 249.99 |
"Photoshop Enfocado a la Eliminacin de Defectos" |
"En este curso aprenderemos a editar fotografas en photoshop.Nos enfocaremos ms que nada a la eliminacin de defectos pero tambin aprenderemos otras cosas y a utilizar una gran variedad de herramientas.El 95% del curso es prctico y el otro 5% es teora.No hace falta tener conocimientos en el tema, solo una computadora, photoshop, el curso y las ganas de aprender."
Price: 19.99 |
"Gesto de estoques para pequenas e mdias empresas" |
"Neste curso, voc vai entender como dimensionar e ficar ciente dos vrios aspectos que pode influenciar o tamanho de seu estoque. Abordaremos tambm, sobre a formao de estoques obsoletos e de como evit-los.O nosso foco principal para o Setor Automotivo, com nfase em Distribuidores de Peas, Oficinas, Aplicadores e Concessionrias. "
Price: 69.99 |
"Face Reading Secrets For Successful Relationships" |
"6 Videos Reveal The KnowledgeThe Secrets to face reading revealedA comprehensive over view of what face reading is all about to Successful Relationships:1) Learn what's behind a pleasant smile and nice words.2) Identify people who are the best matches for developing a loving, long-lasting relationship.3) Connect on a deeper level in your personal relationships.4) The Secrets to face reading revealed.A comprehensive over view of what face reading is all about.5) Identify people who are the best match based on Profile which reveals a persons temperament.6) Learn the 12 Face forms, their personalities and compatibility among each other."
Price: 44.99 |
"The Complete C Course" |
"Are you aiming to start your career in programming?This course is designed to give you all the skills that you need to start your career in programming. By the end of this course you will understand C extremely and you will get an intelligent problem solving skills. Perhaps you have looked at the size of the course and are feeling a little overwhelmed at the prospect of finding time to complete it. Maybe you are wondering if you need to go through it all?This course is designed as one stop shop for C. Here I have provided the concepts of C in full details. Will this course give me problem solving skills ?Yes it will. Throughout the course, a huge number of problems are solved with proper explanation for what is done and lot of practice exercises are provided for you to practice.Why should you take this course?This is the only course to start your journey with programming. Once you complete this course, you will be a skilled computer programmer. After this course your basics of programming languages will be clear, as a result of that you will not feel any difficulty to learn advanced programming languages like C, Java, C# or Python.What if I have questions?As if this course wasnt complete enough, I offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week (whereas many instructors answer just once per week, or not at all).This means youll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With my hand-holding guidance, youll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.Ready to get started?Enroll now using the Enroll button on the right, and get started on your way to learn C Programming."
Price: 19.99 |
"Salesforce Lightning Administrator Certification ADX201" |
"Looking for a concise course to help you pass Salesforce admin certificate?Looking to learn the new Salesforce lightning platform?The Salesforce lightning Admin certification course is for students who are interested in acquiring the Salesforce Admin certificate and to Learn salesforce lightning platform. The course will take you through various customization's possible in salesforce lightning. The course also covers how to implement some of the commonly used business scenarios in lightning so that students can have a hands-on experience of some real business use cases.The course is made very concisely keeping in mind that all the relevant information is covered. The salesforce admin course will help new admins as well the existing admins who are transitioning from classic to lightning to navigate and change the user interface of Salesforce as well as configure the platform as per the business needs. Each and every topic is covered in very engaging and interesting manner. This course is not a power-point presentation but its a complete hands -on course so you can learn by doing.This course has over 5.5 hours of video content. At the end of course you will have knowledge and hands on experience on lightning platform which is needed to take up the Salesforce certifications ADX201. I am updating and will keep adding new content in this course regularly. Happy Learning!!"
Price: 9280.00 |
"Salesforce Lightning Report Builder & Dashboards" |
"WANT TO LEARN HOW TO BUILD REPORTS & DASHBOARDS IN SALESFORCE LIGHTNING? Looking to learn the new Salesforce lightning platform?Salesforce Lightning Report Builder & Dashboards course is for students who are interested to learn the new Lightning report builder and dashboards and also those who want to acquire the Salesforce Admin certificate and to Learn salesforce lightning platform. The course will take you through various customization's possible when building reports with salesforce lightning report builder and will teach you how to create reports from basic to more complex reports. The course also covers the fetching and displaying complex data reports using some common business scenarios in lightning so that students can have a hands-on experience of some real business use cases.After completing this course, you'll be able to:Use the drag-and-drop report builder.Use the value of using filters, cross filters, and filter logic.Create a tabular/summary/matrix/joined report.Created visually interactive dashboards.Create complex reports by using groupings and formulas.The course is made very concisely keeping in mind that all the relevant information regarding salesforce lightning report builder and dashboards is covered. The Salesforce Lightning Report Builder & Dashboards course will help new admins as well the existing admins who are transitioning from classic to lightning to navigate and create interactive dashboards and reports on the platform as per the business needs. Each and every topic is covered in very engaging and interesting manner. This course is not a power-point presentation but its a complete hands -on course so you can learn by doing.This course has over 3 hours of video content. At the end of course you will have knowledge and hands on experience on lightning platform and the new report builder which is needed to take up the Salesforce certifications ADX201. I am updating and will keep adding new content in this course regularly.Happy Learning!!"
Price: 3200.00 |
"Salesforce Platform App Builder Certification Practice Tests" |
"Want to study for Salesforce platform app builder examination?Need previously asked questions and study material for the test?Salesforce Platform App Builder certification practice tests contains simple questions and answers for those who aspire to clear the app builder examination. The tests contain 60 questions in each section and i will keep on adding new questions from time to time. You can use the practice tests to see where do you stand before taking the exam or to learn the type of questions that are generally been asked in the exams.Its time to put your knowledge to the test and see if you are ready to take the full Platform App Builder Certification Exam.About the Salesforce App builder Exam :Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questionsTime allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutesPassing score: 63%Registration fee: USD 200, plus applicable taxes as required per local lawRetake fee: USD 100, plus applicable taxes as required per local lawDelivery options: Proctored exam delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment. References: No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam.Prerequisite: None; course attendance highly recommended"
Price: 1280.00 |
"The Complete Salesforce Lightning Process Builder Course" |
"Want to learn How to use Salesforce Lightning Process Builder to automate your business requirements ?Salesforce Lightning Process Builder course is for admins/developers who are interested to learn the new Lightning automation tools and also those who want to acquire the Salesforce certification and to Learn salesforce lightning platform. The course will take you through various automation's possible with Process builder and will teach you how to solve from basic to complex business use cases through simple point and click method. The course also covers some common business scenarios in lightning so that students can have a hands-on experience of some real business use cases.After completing this course, you'll be able to:Update fields using Process Builder.Auto Update Child Records using Lightning Process BuilderSend Push app Notifications via salesforce1 mobile app.Email alert using lightning process builderScheduling emailsAuto Create RecordsAuto Post to chatterAuto submit records for approvalInvoking flow with process builderCalling Apex class using Process builderThe course is made very concisely keeping in mind that all the relevant information regarding salesforce lightning Process builder is covered. The Salesforce Lightning Process Builder course will help new admins as well the existing admins who are transitioning from classic to lightning to create automation processes on the platform as per the business needs. Each and every topic is covered in very engaging and interesting manner. This course is not a power-point presentation but its a complete hands -on course so you can learn by doing.At the end of the course you will be able to solve simple to complex business use cases using the Lightning Process Builder. The course will give you knowledge and hands on experience on lightning platform and the Process builder which is needed to take up the Salesforce certifications ADX201 and platform app builder. I am updating and will keep adding new content in this course regularly.Happy Learning!!"
Price: 5760.00 |
"Salesforce Admin 201 Certification Practice Exams" |
"Want to study for Salesforce admin certification examination?Need previously asked questions and study material for the test?Salesforce admin certification practice tests contains simple questions and answers for those who aspire to clear the admin examination. The tests contain 60 questions in each section and i will keep on adding new questions from time to time. You can use the practice tests to see where do you stand before taking the exam or to learn the type of questions that are generally been asked in the exams.Its time to put your knowledge to the test and see if you are ready to take the full administrator Certification Exam.About the Salesforce admin Exam :Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questionsTime allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutesPassing score: 63%Registration fee: USD 200, plus applicable taxes as required per local lawRetake fee: USD 100, plus applicable taxes as required per local lawDelivery options: Proctored exam delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment. References: No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam.Prerequisite: None; course attendance highly recommended"
Price: 1280.00 |
"Salesforce Lightning Flow Builder From Basic to Advance" |
"Want to learn How to use Salesforce Lightning flow Builder to automate your business requirements ?Flow Builder replaces Cloud Flow Designer as the default tool for building flows in all Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience orgs. Salesforce Lightning flow Builder course is for admins/developers who are interested to learn the new Lightning flow builder and automation tools. The course will take you through various automation's possible with flows and will teach you how to solve from basic to complex business use cases through simple point and click method. The course also covers some common business scenarios in lightning so that students can have a hands-on experience of some real business use cases.After completing this course, you'll be able to:Update fields using flows.Auto create recordsGet data from users using screensEmail alert using lightning flow builderAuto Post to chatterInvoking flow with process builderCreating complex calculations with flows.Flow ProjectsThe course is made very concisely keeping in mind that all the relevant information regarding salesforce lightning flow builder is covered. The Salesforce Lightning flow Builder course will help in creating various automation processes on the platform. This course is not a power-point presentation but its a complete hands -on course so you can learn by doing.At the end of the course you will be able to solve simple to complex business use cases using the Lightning flow Builder. The course will give you knowledge and hands on experience on lightning platform and the flow builder which is needed to take up the Salesforce platform app builder. I am updating and will keep adding new content in this course regularly.Happy Learning!!"
Price: 8000.00 |
"Salesforce Integration : Data Loader Command Line Interface" |
"Want to learn how to integrate with Salesforce using Data loader Command Line Interface (CLI).Data Loader is a client application for the bulk import or export of data. Use it to insert, update, delete, or export Salesforce records.You can use Data Loader in two different ways:User interfaceWhen you use the user interface, you work interactively to specify the configuration parameters, CSV files used for import and export, and the field mappings that map the field names in your import file with the field names in Salesforce.Command line (Windows only)When you use the command line, you specify the configuration, data sources, mappings, and actions in files. This enables you to set up Data Loader for automated processing.After completing this course, you'll be able to perform Bulk data Jobs using Salesforce data loader Command line and you can integrate other databases with your salesforce org.The course is made very concisely keeping in mind that all the relevant information regarding salesforce CLI is covered. The Salesforce CLI course will help in creating various automation processes on the platform. This course is not a power-point presentation but its a complete hands -on course so you can learn by doing.At the end of the course you will be able to solve complex business integration use cases using the data loader command line. The course will give you knowledge and hands on experience on Salesforce data loader and CLI which is needed to integrate and schedule batch jobs from salesforce. I am updating and will keep adding new content in this course regularly.Happy Learning!!"
Price: 8000.00 |
"Tutorial Dasar Adobe Illustrator!" |
"Sekilas tentang Adobe IllustratorAdobe Illustrator merupakan software desain grafis berbasis vector paling canggih untuk saat ini dan merupakan standard software yang digunakan para professional desain grafis.Pada kursus ini, kamu akan belajar dan mengenal tentang software Adobe Illustrator. Mulai dari penjelasan tentang tool2 di Ai hingga penggunaan dari tool itu sendiri.Kenapa harus Belajar Adobe Illustrator?Terintegrasi dengan produk Adobe yang lain.Pilihan yang tepat untuk menggambar illustrasi dan kartun.Dapat menangani file berukuran besar.Mampu menampilkan grafis print out dengan baik.Merupakan standard software yang digunakan para professional desain grafis."
Price: 280000.00 |
"Impara i segreti per sostenere un colloquio vincente!" |
"Questo corso volto all'interesse di chi sta per sostenere un colloquio di lavoro. Un colloquio di lavoro un invito da parte di un potenziale datore di lavoro che interessato a conoscere e valutare un candidato, sia sul fronte personale che professionale. I colloqui di lavoro non sono mai identici al 100%, ma hanno comunque alcune caratteristiche in comune: conoscendole, aumenterai le probabilit di non sbagliare e diventerai un vero esperto su come affrontare un colloquio."
Price: 19.99 |
"AWeber Mastery: impara l'email marketing con AWeber" |
"Guadagna pi denaro inviando ai tuoi iscritti Messaggimirati,puntuali e pertinenti in base alle azioni intrapresePadroneggia Aweber e fai esplodere il tuo R.O.I.L'e-mail il canale dove le persone si aspettano di ricevere offerte commerciali e che ancora oggi garantisce il maggior R.O.I. (return of investment)In tutti i miei business mi sono reso conto dell'importanza della centralit del cliente. Diversi test hanno dimostrato che, nonostante le novit sul mercato (BOT messenger - What'supp marketing), l'e-mail rimane ancora il canale di comunicazione che pi converte i prospects in customers.Per questo ho deciso di creare questo corso!!Ti insegner come padroneggiare il sistema CRM di AWeber per costruire sistemi di automazione che ti faranno vivere senza pensieri , lasciandoti la possibilit di concentrarti su quello che veramente importante nelle tue attivit di marketing."
Price: 99.99 |
"Learning How To Be A Software Developer" |
"In this videos I describe the various things that one needs to know about in other to become a software developer.I covered topics such as:The Industry OverviewIn this part, I covered topics such as:-Main activities-Market Sector-Current Industry TrendThe logistics of learning how to codeIn this lecture, I covered the items one need to have to effectively learn the trade. These include:- Your Computer set up - Your Development Environment - Your Internet - Your Study Materials - Your Support Web Sites - Your Source ControlThe career pathIn this lecture, I talked about some of the career path one can decide to go for. These include: - UI / UX Designer - Front Developer - Back End Developer - Database Developer - DevOps EngineerHow to get a jobIn this lecture, I talked about the following: - Your CV - Your GitHub Account - Your LinkedIn Profile - Where to look for Job"
Price: 199.99 |
"Front End Component Architecture (React and Angular)" |
"My name is Ebenezer Ogbu, and I am a full stack developer which means that I developer both front end application and back end applicationWhen it comes to front end applications, I notice that much thought is not always given to developing the components that we implement in our applications. Which means that we do not fully utilise the full power of most of our front-end frameworks, including React, Angular, and Vue.This gap has led me into developing this video, which takes you through the process of identifying components from the UI UX design and any requirements documents and then implementing those components in our applications.In this training, I covered the principles of identifying, naming, and numbering the components using mind map.After identifying, naming and transferring the detail to a mind map, I moved into implementing the components in our applications.First, we started off implementing the components in a react application. I showed how to layout the folder to enable us to implement our component architecture and then showed how to create the individual components in our module.Then I showed how to implement the same components in Angular."
Price: 199.99 |
"Web Application Technology Stack" |
"In this course, I talked about the various technologies that one would encounter in the web application development industry.I gave an overview of the various technology stacks and then zeroed down on the back end and front-end technology stack. I started with the Front-End Tech Stack, where I gave a theoretical background of the various front-end tech stacks. This was followed up with designing a simple user interface that would be implemented during the practical section. In the practical section, I used the user interface design we developed to implement a simple front-end application that shows in practical terms how all the various technologies- HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT fits together within an application and shows how you structure those technologies within your application. Coming to the Back-End Tech Stack, I applied the same approach. I gave a theoretical overview of why we have a Back End system, and then discussed the various back end technology stacks. This was followed up with designing a simple user interface that will be implemented in the practical part of the Back-End Tech Stack. For the practical section, I used the interface design developed above to implement an Asp.Net Core application using C# to demonstrate and show how to use the various Back End Tech Stack. The course is intended for Beginner Level software developers that want to understand the various technology stacks in use in the industry."
Price: 199.99 |
"Fullstack Asp.Net Core MVC and C# Bootcamp With Real Project" |
"DescriptionThis is a no holds barred, action-packed, Full Stack Asp.Net Core MVC and C# Web Development Course. The course covers everything you need to get up to speed with full-stack development in Asp.Net Core and C#. To demonstrate My Confidence About This Course, I have created a CV that contains all the Concepts that I covered, and the Projects I have executed in this course. You can Take This Course and Start Looking for Job Immediately using the CV I have prepared.Your prospective employer wants you to come on board and start building applications for them straight away. That is what I did in this course. To provide the knowledge that will allow you to go straight into the industry and start working immediately. With over 140 Lectures that cover Four Crash Courses and Two Solid Real-World Projects, I did not leave any stone unturned!!Basically, the whole course can be grouped into Three Main Themes:Introduction to Web ApplicationsWhere I introduced how web applications work and how Asp.Net Core MVC implements web applicationsThe Crash CoursesWhere I provided short but comprehensive mini-courses on HTML, CSS, SASS, and JavaScriptThe Real World ProjectsWhere I built Two SOLID Real-World Projects. The type of Projects that you will be working on when you get into the industry."
Price: 199.99 |
"Fullstack Django and Python Bootcamp With Real Life Projects" |
"DescriptionThis is a no holds barred, action packed, Full Stack Django Web Development Course. To demonstrate My Confidence About This Course, I have created a CV that contains all the Concepts that I covered, and the Projects I have executed in this course. You can Take This Course and Start Looking for Job Immediately using the CV I have prepared.Your prospective employer wants you to come on-board and start building applications for them straight away. That is what I did in this course. To provide the knowledge that will allow you go straight into the industry and start working immediately. With over 170 Lectures that covers Five Crash Courses, and Two Solid Real-World Projects, I did not leave any stone unturned!!Basically, the whole course can be grouped into Three Main Themes:Introduction to web ApplicationsWhere I introduced how web applications work and how Django implements web applicationsThe Crash CoursesWhere I provided short but comprehensive mini courses on HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript and PythonSince, the course is a Full Stack (Front End and Back End) development course, the crash courses on HTML, CSS, SASS and JavaScript provide you with the knowledge to work on the Front End, while the Python Crash Course provides you with the knowledge Back End LanguageThe Real World ProjectsWhere I built Two SOLID Real-World Projects. The type of Projects that you will be working on when you get into the industry."
Price: 199.99 |
"Fullstack Flask and Python Bootcamp With Real Life Projects" |
"This is a no holds barred, action packed, Full Stack Flask Web Development Course. To demonstrate My Confidence About This Course, I have created a CV that contains all the Concepts that I covered, and the Projects I have executed in this course. You can Take This Course and Start Looking for Job Immediately using the CV I have prepared.Your prospective employer wants you to come onboard and start building applications for them straight away. That is what I did in this course. To provide the knowledge that will allow you go straight into the industry and start working immediately. With over 160 Lectures that covers Five Crash Courses, and Two Solid Real-World Projects, I did not leave any stone unturned!!Basically, the whole course can be grouped into Three Main Themes:Introduction to web ApplicationsWhere I introduced how web applications work and how Flask implements web applicationsThe Crash CoursesWhere I provided short but comprehensive mini courses on HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript and PythonSince, the course is a Full Stack (Front End and Back End) development course, the crash courses on HTML, CSS, SASS and JavaScript provide you with the knowledge to work on the Front End, while the Python Crash Course provides you with the knowledge Back End LanguageThe Real World ProjectsWhere I built Two SOLID Real-World Projects. The type of Projects that you will be working on when you get into the industry."
Price: 199.99 |
"Complete React, Redux and GraphQL BootCamp With Real Project" |
"This is a no holds barred, action packed course, titled Complete React, Redux and GraphQL BootCamp With Real Project, the course takes you through all you need to start building production ready web application using React, Redux, and GraphQL. To demonstrate My Confidence about This Course, I have created a CV that contains all the Concepts that I covered, and the Projects I have executed in this course. You can Take This Course and Start Looking for Job Immediately using the CV I have prepared.Your prospective employer wants you to come onboard and start building applications for them straight away. That is what I did in this course. To provide the knowledge that will allow you go straight into the industry and start working immediately. With over 160 Lectures, I did not leave any stone unturned!!Basically, the whole course can be grouped into Three Main Themes:Understanding Front End ApplicationsWhere I showed how front end applications work, and you to implement front end apps in React.The Crash CoursesWhere I provided short but comprehensive mini-courses on HTML, CSS, SASS, and JavaScriptThe Real World ProjectsWhere I built Two SOLID Real-World React and Redux Projects. The type of Projects that you will be working on when you get into the industry."
Price: 199.99 |