"Tcnicas de Venda para Profissionais Liberais e Autnomos" |
"Voc se formou em uma profisso liberal, abriu seu escritrio, consultrio ou clnica, mas a faculdade no te ensinou a capitar clientes. E agora?A dificuldade em construir sua reputao e conseguir clientes o que mais causa evaso nas profisses, ou seja, pessoas que se formam em uma coisa, mas acabam trabalhando em outras coisas. So advogados, nutricionistas, psiclogos, arquitetos, esteticistas, cabeleireiros e outras tantos profissionais que passam por isso.Mas voc pode mudar isso e ter sucesso na sua carreira fazendo o meu curso de Tcnicas de Vendas para Profissionais Liberais.Quando voc trabalha por conta prestando servios, voc o principal responsvel por atrair clientes para voc. E para fazer isso, voc precisa se enxergar como uma empresa, e comear a praticar as mesmas posturas que uma empresa tradicional tem para conquistar clientes.No inteligente confiar apenas no boca a boca e nas indicaes dos amigos. Se voc quer ir alm, voc precisa vender a sua imagem e o seu servio de maneira profissional.Fazer o seu marketing utilizando tcnicas de vendas profissionais, alm de te ajudar a conseguir mais clientes, vai te diferenciar do seu concorrente, potencializando ainda mais seu alcance.Quando encontramos um profissional que, alm de te boa reputao, se vende de maneira inteligente e atrativa, nos tornamos muito mais propensos a contrat-lo.Aposto que depois de saber de tudo isso, voc no tem mais dvidas sobre a importncia desse treinamento, no ?Eu vou te ensinar todas as tcnicas de venda que s os vendedores profissionais conhecem, e voc vai conseguir aplicar no seu dia a dia e captar muitos clientes!E a, est pronto para alavancar seu negcio e se diferenciar dos seus concorrentes?Ento vem comigo!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Instagram : + de followers et de ventes avec l'outil Alfred" |
"Vous allez dcouvrir comment Instagram et l'outil Alfred peuvent faire des miracles pour booster votre business. En moins de 30 minutes vous aurez dj pris en main cet outil et vous serez prt l'utiliser pour amliorer votre notorit, votre visibilit ou mme augmenter vos ventes ! Cet outil est un incontournable."
Price: 19.99 |
"Ecommerce : crez votre boutique Shopify facilement" |
"Vous allez apprendre comment crer trs facilement votre boutique Shopify pour pouvoir vendre en ligne vos produits.Votre boutique pourra accepter les paiement par carte bancaire et par Paypal pour que 99% de vos internautes puissent passer commande avec leurs moyens de paiement favoris.Vous apprendrez galement personnaliser votre boutique, installer des applications pour booster vos ventes, crer des codes de rductions et bien plus encore !"
Price: 44.99 |
"Trade Marketing na prtica: a rea, o mercado e carreira" |
Price: 354.99 |
"Projeto ECG: Aprender eletrocardiograma de maneira rpida." |
"O eletrocardiograma visto de uma maneira muito nebulosa pela maioria dos estudantes da rea da sade e eu vou te falar o porqu: Ele ensinado de uma maneira inadequada nas universidades !So critrios e mais critrios simplesmente Jogados aos estudantes; princpios que no so explicados adequadamente e uma carga emocional negativa herdada de que trata-se de um contedo extenso e difcil. Tudo isso acaba, inexoravelmente, por destruir todo o processo didtico e lgico do aprendizado desse traado que tem tanto a nos dizer.O Projeto ECG veio para mudar isso e te mostrar que ECG no difcil! Olhe como curso foi pensado para voc:Aula 1: O eletrocardiograma normal; Determinao da Frequncia cardaca e do Eixo cardaco;Aula 2: O eletrocardiograma e as hipertrofias de trios e Ventrculos;Aula 3: O eletrocardiograma e o Bloqueio de Ramo Esquerdo, Direito e Divisional;Aula 4: A histria natural do infarto (O que uma Angina Estvel, Angina Instvel, Infarto e Necrose);Aula 5: O eletrocardiograma e o Infarto Agudo do Miocrdio;Aula 6: O Eletrocardiograma e as Bradiarritmias;Aula 7: O Eletrocardiograma e as Taquiarritimias;Aula 8: Miscelneas (Como identificar distrbios do Potssio e do Clcio , Tromboembolismo pulmonar, Marca-passo, Intoxicao por digitlicos...)Aula 9: Casos clnicos e exerccios comentados."
Price: 159.99 |
"Beginner Guitar Masterclass: Basic Chord Changing" |
" In this masterclass you will be learning and playing along with a Berklee School Of Music Graduate in every single one of my chord changing drills. I will teach you how to hold your pic and then a beginner finger exercise to help strengthen your fingers. Next, we go thru all the basic chord shapes and how to play them and strum them correctly for a week or 2and then we start playing with all the play-along chord drills. The chord drills will start with helping you to be able to change between 2 chords using whole notes, half-notes and quarter notes with a metronome, for example: G to Em, Am to G, Em to C etc. at 60 BPM and then 70 BPM. Practice these drills for a week or 2 and then start practicing changing between 4 chords using whole notes, half and quarter notes all at 60 and 70 BPM's. Practice those 4 chord lines for 2 to 4 weeks with the play-along drills. By now you should be changing pretty good between the chords and ready to learn your 1st strum. The 1st strum I teach you is definitely played in a lot of songs and its a great way to get used to strumming up and down. I will teach you how to play the strum using 1 chord with a metronome so you can easily play-along and get the strum down. Then in each chord drill you will learn to play the strum between 2 chords until you are comfortable enough to start changing between 4 chords using different tempos. By the end of this masterclass you will have your basic chords mastered and you will be able to play basic songs in time. This masterclass covers the first 2 to 4 months of lessons that I teach privately to my students in Atlanta Ga. This Masterclass will get you thru at least 2 to 4 months of lessons, it will help you get your fingers moving and learning the basic chords and help you to be able to change from chord to chord and give you what it takes to be able to play basic songs.In Your Beginner Guitar Masterclass you will learn:1. The parts of the guitar.2. Strings3. How to hold the Pick.4. What a Whole note, half note and quarter note are, how to count them and how to play them with a metronome.5. How to play your first finger exercise.6. Learn The Basic Chords.7. How to change from one chord to another using whole notes, half notes and quarter notes with the metronome.8. All examples are play along, so I teach you how to use the metronome and you play along with me!9. By the end of the course you will be surprised how many fun songs you can play, just with the basic chords."
Price: 84.99 |
"Guitar Practice Skills: Learn Your Pentatonic Scales" |
"Master all 5 forms of the Am pentatonic scales using our play-along scale drills. Its like having a private teacher to play with you every time you practice. Start out at 60 BPM's using quarter notes and by the end of the course you will be able to play up to 200 BPM""s with 8th notes.This video is Beginner to Intermediate!If you are intermediate and know how to play all 5 forms and know how to use the metronome then jump right in with whatever tempo works for you.Scales are a very important part of learning the guitar. The Minor pentatonic scale is one of the most common scales in music and can be heard in many different styles including: Rock, motown, blues, funk, folk, country, bluegrass, jazz, jam and definitely pop. You will be learning the Am pentatonic scale in this series. IF YOU HAVE NO EXPERIENCE WITH PLAYING SCALES THIS IS THE FIRST ONE TO LEARN! Included for download are the PDF's of all 5 forms across the guitar neck. I go thru each form with you in the Am Pentatonic scale intro video but please take advantage of the PDF's and download the scale forms. This will get you thru all 5 forms of the scale in 1 key.Directions are as follows:1. Download the PDF of the scale forms and then watch the Am Pentatonic Scale Intro Video.2. Learn and memorize the 5 different scale forms for Am pentatonic.3. Practice the scale forms for 10 to 15 mins a day ( or as much time as you can spare) for 2 weeks working on playing slowly and evenly until you can play the scale somewhat smoothly.4. If you are a beginner I recommend you watch my First Lesson Beginner Section Part I video program which in the first 5 chapters in that program I talk about the finger exercise and how to use the metronome.4. Once you are ready, the 2nd video starts you with a metronome at 60 beats per minute with quarter notes. I count us in 1 measue "" 1 2 3 4 "" and you will play Form I with me and I will count us in for each form and play each one 2 times in a row.5. Practice with 60 BPM""S at least 2 weeks or until you feel you have it consistent and strong enough to move to the 3rd video which is 70 BPMS. Play with 70 BPMS until you can play solid and go to 80, 90, 100 all the way to 140, then we will cut back to 60 and learn how to play 8th notes, from there you continue to work on each video as the tempos go in increments of 10 and go all the way to 200.Artists that use the minor pentatonic scale include: Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Slash, Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyd, Allman Brothers, James Brown, Black Keys, Childish Gambino, Janes Addiction, Pearl Jam, Parliment, Talking Heads, Black Sabbath and just about everybody else."
Price: 49.99 |
"Guitar Practice Skills- Am Pentatonic Scales Sequence #1" |
"Now that you have mastered your Am Pentatonic Scales, lets learn a pentatonic sequence. This is the first one I always teach in my private lessons. The sequences will increase your melodic sense of the pentatonic scales and also further your finger strength and control. It will also increase what you are able to handle playing as a lead guitar player. Learn To Practice- Learn To Play!After you get the basic forms down for the Am pentatonic scales and you are able to play the scale with 8th notes its time to start practicing scale sequences. This program series teaches you how to start practicing sequence I with the Am pentatonic scale with 8th notes.A Scale or melodic sequence is a fragment of a scale or pattern that when repeated, forms a continuous pattern up and down each form of the scale. There are numerous sequences made from simple patterns to practice and this is the first one that everybody starts with.IF YOU CANNOT PLAY 8TH NOTES YET PLEASE START WITH THE AM PENTATONIC SCALE VIDEO SERIES AND IT WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO PLAY 8TH NOTES WITH THE METRONOME!Directions are as follows:1. Download the PDF of the scale forms and then watch the Am Pentatonic Scale 8th Notes Sequence I Intro Video.2. Learn and memorize the scale sequence for the 5 different scale forms for Am pentatonic.3. Practice the scale forms for 10 to 15 mins a day ( or as much time as you can spare) for 2 weeks working on playing slowly and evenly until you can play the scale somewhat smoothly.4. If you are a beginner I recommend you watch my First Lesson Beginner Section Part I video program which in the first 5 chapters in that program I talk about the finger exercise and how to use the metronome.4. Once you are ready, the 2nd video starts you with a metronome at 80 beats per minute with eighth notes. I count us in 1 measue "" 1 2 3 4 "" and you will play Form I with sequence I with me and I will count us in for each form and play each one 2 times in a row.5. Practice with 80 BPM""S until you feel you have it consistent and strong enough to move to the 3rd video which is 90 BPMS. Play with 90 BPMS until you can play solid and go to 80, 90, 100 all the way to 200."
Price: 34.99 |
"Guitar Practice Skills- Learn Your C Major Scales For Guitar" |
"The Major scale is made up of 8 consecutive tones or notes that are arranged in a specific order of intervals from the scales root note ( in this case C is the root) to its octave (which is also C). The order of the intervals or formula for the major scale are as follows: W-W-H-W-W-W-H, so the notes in C Major are: C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C. Notice that the Half Steps occur between the 3rd and 4th degrees ( E to F) and the 7th and 8th ( B to C). The C major scale is a great one to start with because there are no sharps or flats so its a little easier to understand.This program teaches you all 5 shapes of the 3 note per string C major scales. I would definitely recommend if you do not know how to play scales with a metronome to check out my Pentatonics Course and Beginner Guitar Course to look at the finger exercise clips to get a handle on the metronome.Directions for this video series are as follows:1. Download the PDF of the scale forms and then watch the C Major Scale Scale Intro Video.2. Learn and memorize the 5 different scale forms for C Major.3. Practice the scale forms for 10 to 15 mins a day ( or as much time as you can spare) for 2 weeks working on playing slowly and evenly until you can play the scale somewhat smoothly.4. If you are a beginner I recommend you watch my First Lesson Beginner Section Part I video program which in the first 5 chapters in that program I talk about the finger exercise and how to use the metronome.4. Once you are ready, the 2nd video starts you with a metronome at 60 beats per minute with quarter notes. I count us in 1 measue "" 1 2 3 4 "" and you will play Form I with me and I will count us in for each form and play each one 2 times in a row.5. Practice with 60 BPM""S at least 2 weeks or until you feel you have it consistent and strong enough to move to the 3rd video which is 70 BPMS. Play with 70 BPMS until you can play solid and go to 80, 90, 100 all the way to 140, then we will cut back to 60 and learn how to play 8th notes, from there you continue to work on each video as the tempos go in increments of 10 and go all the way to 200."
Price: 39.99 |
"Guitar Practice Skills- C Major Scale Sequence Study #1" |
"After you get the basic forms down for the C Major Scales and you are able to play the scale with 8th notes its time to start practicing scale sequences. This program series teaches you how to start practicing sequence I with the Am pentatonic scale with 8th notes.A Scale or melodic sequence is a fragment of a scale or pattern that when repeated, forms a continuous pattern up and down each form of the scale. There are numerous sequences made from simple patterns to practice and this is the first one that everybody starts with.IF YOU CANNOT PLAY 8TH NOTES YET PLEASE START WITH THE C MAJOR SCALE VIDEO SERIES AND IT WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO PLAY 8TH NOTES WITH THE METRONOME!Directions are as follows:1. Download the PDF of the scale forms and then watch the C Major Scale 8th Notes Sequence I Intro Video.2. Learn and memorize the scale sequence for the 5 different scale forms for C Major.3. Practice the scale forms for 10 to 15 mins a day ( or as much time as you can spare) for 2 weeks working on playing slowly and evenly until you can play the scale somewhat smoothly.4. If you are a beginner I recommend you watch my First Lesson Beginner Section Part I video program which in the first 5 chapters in that program I talk about the finger exercise and how to use the metronome.4. Once you are ready, the 2nd video starts you with a metronome at 80 beats per minute with eighth notes. I count us in 1 measue "" 1 2 3 4 "" and you will play Form I with sequence I with me and I will count us in for each form and play each one 2 times in a row.5. Practice with 60 BPM""S until you feel you have it consistent and strong enough to move to the 3rd video which is 70 BPMS. Play with 70 BPMS until you can play solid and go to 80, 90, 100 all the way to 200."
Price: 39.99 |
"Complete Android course for 2020" |
"Learn EVERYTHING that you need for a successful career in Android App Development.With more that 70 Hours of downloadable video tutorials you are going to become the master of Android app development.This course starts from the very beginning, from Java and Object Oriented Programming and will help you in every step of your journey to reach to the level of publishing your first application in the play store.Along the way you will learn about:Java LanguageUser InterfaceActivities and FragmentsBackground TasksDatabasesDebuggingYouTube and Google Map APIsWorking with FilesPHP languageFirebaseGitHubPublishingAnd so much more concepts and topicsI beleive the best way to learn is by practicing, So during the course you will have a lot of challenges to solve; beside these challenges you ill create 4 REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS, You can also include these applications in your portfolio.Beside learning Android App Development you will learn PHP Language as well. the reason for learning PHP is that when creating your applications most of the time you are going to need a backend to handle your requests to your database in a server. In this course you are going to learn PHP for writing your own backend.What other course teaches that?Beside PHP you will also learn Firebase for the backend. No worries if you don't know what Firebase is, we will talk about it in detail in the course.The Course has no prerequisite and as long as you have a computer with an internet connection you can start the course right away.Buy the course now and let's start a successful career in Android App Development.You have 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee, meaning that if for any reason you changed your mind you can issue a refund.But if that's not enough you can always watch the free preview and decide after that.See you in the courseSincerely,Meisam"
Price: 199.99 |
"How To Create and Manage SQLite Databases From Scratch" |
"Are you a Developer looking to learn how to create and manage databases using SQLite? Or maybe you're new to databases and you just don't know where to start... Then Our Complete SQLite Databases Course is For You! _________________________________________________________________________Welcome To How To Create and Manage SQLite Databases From Scratch Join 500,000+ Students Who Have Enrolled in My Udemy Courses! 10,000+ Five Star Reviews Show Students Who Enrolling Are Getting Real Results! You Get Over 3.5+ hours and 25+ Lectures of HD content! Watch the Promo Video to see how you can Get Started Today!Dont Delay! Click the ""Buy Now"" Button For Instant Life-Time Access!_________________________________________________________________________Here is what you will learn in our complete SQLite Databases Course: In our complete SQLite Databases course you will learn how to create a reliable SQLite database from scratch. You will learn:How to create tables and insert records into themUpdate and delete records in a databaseSQLite shell commandsUseful functions available in SQLiteDifferent Datatypes available in SQLiteAll of the complexities of Date in SQLiteConstraints on columnsAdvanced QueriesJoining tables togetherSubqueriesCreating viewsGroup By and Having clausesTransactionsTriggers on tablesYou will also learn how to manage existing SQLite databases and even do things that seem impossible in SQLite ...Like how to create views that can be used to insert, update and delete recordsHow to customize constraints so that you can apply them to your tablesAndroid Studio Specific Database Lessons And so much more!But thats not all you receive by enrolling in our complete SqLite courseWe have added multiple video lessons on how to implement SQLite in Android studio!We will also be uploading and adding additional content with practice activities to give you a hands on learning experience_________________________________________________________________________Who is This Course For? This course is perfect for any developer looking for a way to create a fast, light weight, and easy to use database in their applicationsSo whether youre an Android Developer, iOS Developer, Python Developer, or any developer in-between..This course is perfect for you!_________________________________________________________________________The benefits to our course are absolutely unlimited!We believe the best way to learn is by DOING. That is why we have multiple mini projects in each and every section of our course! These hands on projects will allow you to not only learn by watching, but by DOING as well. Check out some of the recent review from our students_________________________________________________________________________With the right mindset, understanding, and application, you will instantly begin learning how to create SQLite Databases from scratchWhen we learn something new - we add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life._________________________________________________________________________What I can't do in this Course..I can't guarantee your success this course does take work on your part. But it can be done!I am also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course._________________________________________________________________________It's time to take action! This course will not remain this price forever!Click the ""Buy Now"" button, top right, Today!Every hour you delay is costing you money...See you in the course!Sincerely,Meisam & Joe"
Price: 199.99 |
"Azure DevOps Boards for Project Managers/Analyst/Developers" |
"In this simple, easy to follow, fast paced video tutorial, learn to create Epics, Features, Product Backlogs & Tasks using Microsoft's Azure DevOps (VSTS / TFS) Boards. Learn to create queries, charts, custom work items and many other features. A full day lecture has been edited so tight, that what resulted was just 1.5 hrs of video."
Price: 19.99 |
"ASP.NET Web API 2 Project with Database - Step by Step" |
"Learn to create a simple full fledged end to end application using ASP.NET Web API 2.2 done in an easy to follow step by step tutorial. You will create an Application with various Web API's, use Dependency Injection and connect to the Database using Entity Framework. You will also learn to create AJAX requests to access these Web API's. You will also learn to Unit test using MOQ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Azure DevOps Repos with GIT and Visual Studio for Developers" |
"Move your source control to the Microsoft cloud. This video is the quickest and easiest way to learn to use Azure DevOps Repos with GIT and Visual Studio. The step by step instruction will show you how to effectively use GIT for local version control. The video starts with introducing what is Azure Repos and GIT and shows you all the steps required from creating a local project to managing it in the cloud. No prior experience required. Quick reference guide included."
Price: 19.99 |
"A'dan Z'ye Giriimciliin Btn Detaylarn renin" |
"Giriimcilie veya kendi iinizi kurmaya nereden balayacanz ya da nasl ilerleyeceinizi bilmiyor musunuz? Byk hatalar yaparak zaman ve para harcamadan A'dan Z'ye Giriimcilik ailesine siz de katln! lk bir ay koulsuz iade hakk ile bu kez kaybedecek hibireyiniz yok!Bu kurs ile SIFIRDAN balayarak, giriimcilik yeteneklerinizi ileri seviyeye tayabilirsiniz. renmeniz gereken bilgiler, nasl pratik yapacanz, anlamadnz konular iin danabileceiniz donanml ve gler yzl eitmenlere kadar ihtiyacnz olan her ey ite burada."
Price: 49.99 |
"Instagram DM Domination System: How to make Hundreds on IG!" |
"I am going to teach you how I made over $75k in the first 12 months of my online brand just by messaging people on instagram! It is the exact system I still use to this day to earn between $300-$1500 a day! This course will teach you how to start doing this within a week! Now thats ROI."
Price: 49.99 |
"Ultimate Guide to Unity Multiplayer Game Development 2019" |
"The Ultimate Comprehensive Guide to Unity Multiplayer Game Development! Develop Multiplayer Games!Build your own .io game MMO just like Agar .io and Slither .io in Unity using Photon Networking!Learn to build multiplayer games by developing a Massive Multiplayer Online Game (MMO) in Unity. You will use Photon Networking (PUN) to develop a comprehensive MMO that can support over 250 players. You will learn about Remote Procedural Calls, Photon Views, Network Ownership of players and many other Photon concepts. You will use Unity to develop this game, and you will integrate the Photon Network into Unity. Developing multiplayer games is not hard! Developing an MMOis no where near as hard as many people on the internet would lead you to believe. This course will show the most important concepts of MMO Development."
Price: 199.99 |
"YouTube SEO (How to rank # 1 on YouTube in 2020)" |
"In this YouTube Marketing course or YouTube SEO Course, you will learn everything to get started!Its a proven fact that YouTube can help you to rapidly grow your audience reaching thousands of people per day. But the question is How To Rank # 1 On YouTube? There is so much competition, so in order to perfectly Optimize your YouTube Videos, it is really important to make a proper strategy. How can you Optimize your YouTube Channel? How can you target the specific keywords? How can you Rank your YouTube Channel higher in Search Results? How to Optimize the existing uploaded videos? All these questions are answered here with a basic concept of YouTube SEO Strategies. Here you will also learn how to target the specific keywords and how to make proper tags and description to Optimize YouTube Videos. If you have a YouTube Channel and you are not getting enough views, then you need to take a look at this YouTube SEO Course. Here you will get a basic idea of YouTube SEO and its strategies. Whether you are running your own business or you are helping someone else to grow their business, or want to learn a perfect Marketing Strategy for your business, this is the ideal YouTube SEO or YouTube Marketing course for you. It took me a few years to learn those YOUTUBE SEO strategies. Here you will learn all those YouTube SEO and YouTube Marketing strategies that will help you to grow your business and to achieve your goals."
Price: 19.99 |
"Complete SEO Course (Rank # 1 on Google) (2020)" |
"Welcome to the Complete SEO Course for Beginners (Rank # 1 on Google) (2020)If you are a beginner, you do not have a prior experience of SEO and you want to master Search Engine Optimization, then this course Complete SEO Course for Beginners (Rank # 1 on Google) (2019) is definitely for you. If you want to Rank Your Site # 1 on the Google and other search engines, then you have come to the right place. This Complete SEO Course for Beginners will help you to Rank Your Website # 1 on Google. Here you will know What is SEO? Why SEO is needed? What is Google Algorithm? How Search Engine Works and how to measure the performance of the site after implementing Search Engine Optimization. If you do not have a prior knowledge of SEO then there is no need to get worried about. This SEO Course will be a best choice as it will guide you step by step and will help you to complete your SEO journey in a planned and organized way.After taking this course you will be able to:Learn SEO step by stepYou will have a clear understanding of SEO as a beginnerYou will be able to do the keyword research properlyGet the proper and quality backlinks for your websitePlan and implement right SEO strategiesFinally this SEO Course will help you to Rank # 1 on Google"
Price: 19.99 |
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Price: 89.99 |
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Price: 24.99 |
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Price: 34.99 |
"Prtica Penal Advocatcia: Da Aplicao da Pena" |
"O ponto central do presente curso a prtica advocatcia no momento da aplicao da pena. Atravs de uma comunicao simples e direta, o curso aproxima o conhecimento terico ao campo da prtica profissional. Trata-se de curso predominantemente emprico, pautado em exemplos retirados do cotidiano forense, conectado legislao, ao entendimento da doutrina, bem como, ao posicionamento atual dos Tribunais Superiores. O curso permitir que o aluno identifique as teses defensivas adequadas e satisfaa os interesses de seus clientes, o que refletir positivamente na sua imagem profissional. O curso revelar algumas dicas preciosas na estruturao da argumentao defensiva. Ao final do curso o aluno compreender as principais discusses sobre a aplicao da pena, ser capaz de se insurgir com relao aos erros mais graves e comuns, ainda conseguir visualizar todos os reflexos causados por uma incorreta aplicao do direito. Enfim, o aluno ter encontrado inmeras solues para uma das temticas mais recorrentes na vida profissional do criminalista."
Price: 69.99 |
"Liberacin emocional y kinesiologia nivel 1" |
"Aprenderas 5 tecnicas para ayudar a tus clientes en sus procesos psicosomaticos liberando sus emociones.Podrs liberar las emociones atrapadas en el subconsciente de tu clienteAprenderas a reconocer y liberar las emociones limitantes y los patrones emocionales con los que actua tu cliente.Apredenders:Testaje de emociones con kinesiologia Aprendiendo a ser ( Regresin emocional)Cdigo de la emocinTestar y usar las terapias floralesEft bsico."
Price: 104.99 |
"Formation de Base de la PNL" |
"Vous souffrez dun manque de confiance en vous ou vous souhaitez juste dvelopper votre confiance en vous? Vous entendez chaque jour cette petite voix qui vous rpte que vous ne pouvez pas y arriver ? Vous avez peur de russir ? Vous ne vous sentez pas estim votre juste valeur ? Vous manquez de reconnaissance ? Je sais ce que cest. Avant de dcouvrir la PNL, j'tais comme vous. Je navais pas confiance en moi et subissais toutes mes relations. Je souffrais normment.Aujourdhui jai pleinement confiance en moi ! Je me sens en position haute avec tout type dinterlocuteur.Dans ma vie pro je suis devenu chef dentreprise puisque jai cr FCI, un cabinet de formation et de coaching et nos clients font partie des entreprises les plus rputes du monde. Dans ma vie personnelle, je me suis mari avec une femme magnifique et ai eu un super petit garon. Bref ! La PNL a chang ma vie !Mon devoir maintenant est de partager tout ce que jai appris. Cest la raison pour laquelle jai cr cette premire formation.Si moi jy suis parvenu, tout le monde peut y parvenir. Il suffit dapprendre quelques techniques simples et efficaces et utiliser les outils redoutables de la PNL."
Price: 199.99 |
"Sfrdan Aktif Hacker Olma Kursu" |
"Bu kursta sklmadan ilerleyecek ve sonunda aktif, aratrmac bir hacker olacaksnz. Bilginin en byk g olduu bir devirde bakalarnn bilgisine ulamak kadar iyi bir kl, kendi bilgilerinizi koruyabilmek kadar iyi bir kalkan olamaz ve bu konuda klsz ve kalkansz kalmak istemezsiniz deil mi? yleyse beni takip edin! Bu kurs sizi sfrdan zirveye ulatracak! (Bu kurs uzman dzeyidir. Sadece bu kurs ile her eyi renmi olmazsnz, bu konuda renmeniz belki hayatnzn sonuna kadar srecektir ve bu kurs hayat boyu renmeniz iin size bilgiler verir ve belirli bir dzeye kadar da retir. Baarlar dilerim.)"
Price: 109.99 |
"Instagram'da Sfrdan Milyonlara! - Instagram Reklamcl" |
"Bu kursta ne mi reneceksiniz? Bu kursta Instagramda takip ettiiniz ve size reklam gstererek para kazanan sayfalardan biri olacaksnz!! Heyecan verici deil mi? Herkesin sadece fotoraflara bakmak iin kulland uygulamadan para kazanacaksnz! Bu kurs ile daha Instagrama kayt olmay dahi bilmeyen birisi bile ok yksek takipi rakamlarna ulaabilir ve reklam yapp para kazanabilir!!"
Price: 149.99 |
"Master Beginners Algebra - Introduction To Basic Algebra" |
"Topics covered - Linear and quadratic equations, cross multiplication, and systems of equationsThis beginner level algebra course is designed for students who want to focus on mastering the process of solving algebraic equations like a math guru! I go over plenty of examples in each section along with detailed solution guides, practice questions, quizzes, and notes. Each lecture covers examples in clear detail to help you master algebra problem-solving techniques. I methodically explain the process of solving equations without rushing to ensure students do not overlook any steps that could lead to confusion. When necessary, I have presented easier shortcuts to help you solve equations quicker. If you already have the theoretical understanding of algebra terms from in class lectures and books or background, this course is extremely helpful to you. If you are preparing for the GRE, GMAT, GED or other exams, this course has your back in helping you recall steps you might have forgotten. The six sections of the course include - sufficient examples with detailed solutions; comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to solve equations; additional practice problems and quizzes. I will continually add additional materials which might help you further advance your algebra knowledge. I have enjoyed working on this course and guarantee that it will help you tremendously! You are an important part of the course, I am always ready to assist you. It is a pleasure to have join the course! Here is what some of my current students have to say about the course:""Robel does a great job explaining complex concepts in a more detailed manner-- which def makes it easier to understand. He provides so many examples and supplemental material. I enjoyed watching the videos when learning new topics as well as reviewing familiar topics. This course certainly helped me master algebra equations through the various examples provided. Highly recommended!"" Elle ""This course is easy to follow, clear, and concise. I like how the instructor repeatedly explains every step after performing each step. He doesnt go to fast, but still keeps a good pace for me to follow along."" Puneet""I think the courses offered a great pace for learning and refreshing my memory on algebra for my GRE prep. Robel makes sure to clearly give many examples and draw out every step along the way in a speed that is easy to follow. The course is organized from simpler concepts on linear algebra to more complex formulas which is a great way to gain confidence for someone terrified of having to refresh their algebra skills all over again like myself."" Nery#algebra #basics #elementary #introduction #algebra1 #algebra2"
Price: 194.99 |
"Como criar uma histria em 7 passos" |
"J pensou em escrever uma histria to fantstica quanto as que voc j ama? No curso ""Guia do aprendiz de escritor"", eu vou te mostrar como ter uma boa ideia, e tambm planejar e criar uma boa histria do inicio ao fim! Muitas pessoas at possuem ideias para criar boas histrias, mas no conseguem termin-las, e isso gera uma frustrao muito grande! Descubra que voc sim capaz de escrever histrias fantsticas! Eu serei a sua Sensei nesse trinamento, te guiando nos seus primeiros passos como aprendiz. Acredite que escrever uma histria pode transformar a sua vida! COMECE PELO PLANEJAMENTO!"
Price: 39.99 |