"The Top 12 Basics of Personal Success and Happiness in Life" |
"Why take this class?All-In-One Course:Having life skills is an essential part of being able to meet the challenges of everyday life, and this course covers the fundamentals of the top twelve life skills that lead to success and happiness. And strangely enough, these skills are almost never taught in university nor discussed at length in homes. Do you recall ever learning how to use compound interest to quickly double your money, how to use sincerity to win the hearts and minds of others, the truth of what happiness is and how to apply it, or the best techniques to manage your reputation? If used, that information can have a dramatically positive effect on a persons life, your life, or the life of a family member.After all, the dramatic changes in global economies over recent years have been matched with the transformation in technology and these are all impacting on education, the workplace and our home life. To cope with the increasing pace and change of modern life, you need to have developed or be in the process of developing these abilities. So, if you are not confident in each of these twelve areas, can you really afford not to do something about it?This course is unique.Why? Because this course has curated and consolidated the best advice from experts and highly successful individuals over twelve of the most critical life skills necessary to make it in todays rapidly evolving and competitive environment. Along with this advice, this course also goes into the science of why these lessons lead to results.What topics are covered in this course?The goals of this course are for students to develop a basic level of knowledge and skill set within a number of practical areas to nurture personal and professional development throughout a lifetime. These goals are organized by content and class below.Goal Setting - Students will learn the importance of finding direction in life by continually setting, adjusting, and following a strategy to reach both long-term and short-term goals. They will also learn methods to create goals that provide focus, motivation, and measured progress.Time Management - Students will benefit from learning how to accomplish more with less effort, improve decision making, and develop a better sense of self-discipline. This section will address the time management steps of goal setting, time tracking, planning, self-monitoring, and time adjusting.Personal Finance - Understanding money management and preparing a financial future are subjects usually neither taught in schools or in homes although crucial to a persons well being. Students will learn the basics of money management in budgeting, accounting, and investing.Continuing Personal Development - The greatest asset one can have is the investment they make in themselves. By consistently developing and improving oneself, success and personal fulfillment are more easily attained. Self-development enables a person to serve and be more valuable to those around themfor their children, for their colleagues, for their business, and for their community. Here students will learn the importance of persistent self-development, which areas they should develop, and the steps needed to create a personal development strategy.Being Likable - It is important to know that success does not simply depend on a persons skill level. It also has a great deal to do with how others fell about that person. Being unlikable can be harmful to ones career just as being likable can open many doors to opportunity. Dale Carnegie (developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking, and interpersonal skills) was a pioneer in identifying what is necessary to win friends and influence people. In the course section, students will learn Dale Carnegies six principles to being likable.Networking - Most people are aware that a strong network can have a big impact on a person s career success. Networking will not only help someone land a job faster, but it will give them a competitive edge throughout every stage of their career. Students will find in this section steps to build and maintain a network of peers and industry leaders which will serve them as they develop their careers.Having a Mentor - A remarkable 75% of executives say mentoring has been critical to their career development, according to a survey by the American Society for Training and Development. This section of the course will teach not only the importance of having a mentor but also a 10-step process on finding, evaluating, and building a mentor relationship with the right person.The Right People Around You - Students will learn that surrounding themselves with the right people is essential to future success because a person is the average of the five people they spend the most time with. And when a student is goal-oriented, having the right people in their life can help them reach any target more effectively and efficiently. This section will help students identify personality types of both who they should and should not surround themselves with and how to build the right relationships.Embracing Failure and Learning from It - The most successful people have shown that the secret to success is having first gone through failures. The key lies in getting up when you fail and moving forward. Here students will learn why failure is okay, why it is important to put effort into learning from failure, and what steps to take in order to document this process.Happiness and Mental Health - A growing number of top universities such as Yale are offering courses that aim to put students on the path toward happier lives. Peter Salovey, president of Yale, said: I think students are looking for meaning. He believes that while students today are more sophisticated and worldly than previous generations, they seem to be much less resilient. This section of the course will help students figure out what it means to live happier, more satisfying lives, and teach them scientifically-tested strategies to achieve that goal.Resourcefulness - Unless information is processed, organized, and applied, knowledge can become a source of frustration rather than fulfillment. The section of the class will focus on helping students develop the ability to find and use available resources to achieve goals. Students will be better equipped to process information intellectually and emotionally by applying problem-solving knowledge to new situations and helping them know when to collaborate or work independently.Personal Branding - As society moves towards the digitalization of everything, one of the most valuable assets an individual can possess is a personal brand. It is advantageous for young individuals to build a personal brand because it helps establish credibility, build a network, and create job security in an evolving marketplace. Students will learn methods of building a personal brand and how to use tools to support that process."
Price: 94.99 |
"Native English Writing and Grammar Skills University Course" |
"Why take this class?Actual English University Course:As an English instructor who has been teaching non-native English speakers since 2007 at Sungkunkwan University, South Koreas second ranked university, I have taken the core elements from my Formal English Writing class and compiled those lessons here for you to learn. This is the same writing and grammar curriculum top South Korean students learn as a requirement in order to graduate, and now you, too, have access to this material.What topics are covered in this course?The goal of this course is for students to develop a basic level of knowledge and understanding of writing in grammatically correct English. You will start with the fundamentals of grammar related to writing, build up your sentence structure, and graduate to writing different paragraph styles. As you develop your writing ability, we will cover additional grammar points focused on each different paragraph style to help you better express yourself in English. Along the way, our video lessons will be reinforced with worksheets to help explain the details of the lessons and offer some practice and short quizzes at the end of each worksheet.You will learn the following: Paragraph Format Paragraph Structure Capitalization Topic Sentences Descriptive Adjectives Sentence Basics The 4 Types of Sentences Articles (The, An, A) Descriptive Paragraphs Plural Usage Prepositions Comparatives and Superlatives Signal Words Compare and Contrast Paragraphs Modals Conditional Sentences Persuasive Paragraphs"
Price: 19.99 |
"Personal Finance and Money Management for Beginners" |
"Welcome to the Personal Finance and Money Management for Beginners. Where, in this beginners finance course not only will you find out why it is crucial that you start controlling your money before it controls you, these lessons will show you how to get more money in the bank and how to build a brighter financial future. My name is Cal Hyslop and Ill be your guide through this course. I have an MBA from the United States, have lived and worked in the USA and Asia, and have been a University instructor since 2007 for the second-ranked university in South Korea. And this is one of many crucial lessons I have compiled for you to help you become more successful and happier in life.By the end of this course you will have your own budgeting spreadsheet and the ability to start controlling your own budget, a better understanding of how and where to save your money, and the ability to harness the power of compound interest which will make your money grow exponentially.The ideal student for this course is anyone either starting out in university or in their careers and wants to take control of their finances. If you dont have a financial plan and are not confident with how to make your money make more money, then this class is for you.Take a closer look at the course description and sign up to get started today. You have a 30-day money-back guarantee so theres nothing to risk and only something to gain. Sign up today."
Price: 19.99 |
"How to Set Goals for the Life You Actually Want" |
"If you don't feel that you have a clear direction in life and are on your way to a brighter future, then you probably haven't set clear goals and are not regularly tweaking them as you grow. If this is the case, then this course will help you immensely, guaranteed. A wise man once said, ""You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight."" And you can get direction overnight simply by starting this course and going through the steps to set and manage your own goals in life. The statistics dont lie and make a strong argument for getting good at setting goals and making a habit of it. A Harvard Business Study found that the 3% of graduates from their MBA who had their goals written down, ended up earning ten times as much as the other 97% put together, just ten years after graduation. So, can you afford not to set goals?By the end of this course, you will have a clear direction in life, goals that are S.M.A.R.T and written down, and a strategy to accomplish each goal. You simply need to be willing to put in the effort in completing each lesson. The ideal student for this course is anyone who wants to take control of their future. If you dont have a goals, especially goals that are written down, and are not confident with what your future holds, then this class is for you.Take a closer look at the course description and sign up to get started today. You have a 30-day money-back guarantee so theres nothing to risk and only something to gain. Sign up today."
Price: 19.99 |
"Mentors and Surrounding Yourself with the Right People" |
"Do You Have a Mentor?A remarkable 75% of executives say mentoring has been critical to their career development, according to a survey by the American Society for Training and Development. This section of the course will teach not only the importance of having a mentor but also an 8-step process on finding, evaluating, and building a mentor relationship with the right person.How are the People Around You Influencing Your Success?Students will learn that surrounding themselves with the right people is essential to future success because each person is the average of the five people they spend the most time with. And when a student is goal-oriented, having the right people in their life can help them reach any target more effectively and efficiently. This section will help students identify personality types of both whom they should and should not surround themselves with and how to build the right relationships."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Art of Likability: Open More Doors to Opportunity" |
"People give opportunities to those who they know, like, and trust.It is important to know that success does not simply depend on a persons skill level. It also has a great deal to do with how others feel about that person. Being unlikable can be harmful to ones career just as being likable can open many doors to opportunity. Dale Carnegie (developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking, and interpersonal skills) was a pioneer in identifying what is necessary to win friends and influence people. In this course section, you will learn Dale Carnegies six principles of likability."
Price: 19.99 |
"Energy Boost System" |
"Ready to boost your energy so you can power through the day?This online system will walk you, step-by-step, through the process of how you can boost your energy and live your life to the fullest.Whether you are new to fitness and nutrition or not, I promise this will give you total clarity on everything you need so you can build healthy habits and boost your energy level!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Die Welt der Kommunikation" |
"Du bist auch nur ein MenschSicherlich hast Du auch als Kind gelernt zu gehen, zu essen und zu atmenUnd genau so ist es mit der Kommunikation auchVielleicht bist Du beim Gehen lernen, fters mal runtergefallen, bist aufgestanden und hast es wieder und wieder ausprobiertBedeutet:-Mit etwas bung und Willenskraft kannst Du alles erreichen-Du musst es nur wirklich wollen-Du musst bereit sein auch ber Deine Komfort-Zone hinauszugehen-Du darfst nicht aufgeben-Setze das erlernte Wissen auch um!(Wenn Du all diese 5 Punkte mit einem JA Beantworten kannst, dann wirst Du Dein Ziel GARANTIERT meistern!)Denn ich nehme Dich auf eine Reise mit, wo Du Schritt fr Schritt lernst Dein Eis zu brechen und am Ende mit etwas bung, Dein Leben mit deinen sozialen Fhigkeiten um einiges vereinfachen kannst.Dabei wirst du verschiedene Phasen kennen-lernen unter anderem:-Warum es wichtig ist zu kommunizieren-Wie du deine Reiseangst berwindest-Deine Kommunikationskompetenz drahtig steigerst-Interessante Gesprche fhrst und elegant beendest-Situationen und Gesprchspartner besser einschtzt-Worber reden und wie man spricht-Wie einfach es ist die Gesprchsstile zu brechen-Wie Du Dein eigenes Netzwerk kreierst-Und Freundschaften generierst...und vieles, vieles mehr..!!!!Und das ganze ohne viel hin und her Gerede, sondern auf dem Punkt gebracht!Wenn du jetzt also bereit bist, Dein Ziel in krzester Zeit zu erreichen, dann lass uns direkt loslegen!"
Price: 74.99 |
"Revit Bsico" |
"CONTEDOVoc ir aprender a criar um projeto (modelar) no Revit 2019Voc ir aprender os principais comandos do programa, fazendo a configurao, modelagem e detalhamentoVoc ir criar uma prancha com todas as vistas detalhadas para impressoAo final do curso voc ter um template (modelo) com todos os elementos e configuraes desenvolvidos no curso para usar como base em projetos futuros*IMPORTANTE*Voc receber uma apostila digital exclusiva com mais de 120 pginas (pdf) com todo o contedo do cursoCurso prtico e explicativo para iniciantes ou quem j tem alguma experincia com o programaSOBRE O CURSOConceito BIMConfiguraes IniciaisImportar ArquivosParedePropriedades da VistaPortaJanelaPisoParede CortinaEscadaGuarda-CorpoForroTelhadoMobilirioTerrenoVegetaoTabelas e QuantitativosDetalhamentoDocumentao e PranchaRenderizaoREQUISITOSConhecimentos bsicos de informticaInstalar o Revit no seu computador (no site da Autodesk possvel fazer o download gratuito do programa para estudantes)"
Price: 99.99 |
"My English Academy" |
"ngilizce renmeye balamak m istiyorsunuz,yoksa baladnz ama konuamyor musunuz?.Artk merak etmeyin.Endielerinizi ve kafanzdaki soru iaretlerini anlyorum.Trke bilen yabanc retmen olarak konuabildiim be dili nasl rendiime dayal bu kursun sonunda,size szm:1.ngilizce'nin dil yapsn reneceksiniz2.ngilizce'de akc konumann srecini ve taktklarn reneceksiniz.3. daha nemlisi,kursun sonunda ,rendiiniz bilgi ve taktklar uyguladktan sonra akc ngilizce konuabileceksiniz.Arkadalar,unutmayn balang seviyeyi getikten sonra skype speaking pratik olacak.Bu kursun ana amac ngilizceyi akc bir ekilde konuabilmeniz. come on,let's learn and speak English!"
Price: 44.99 |
"Curso de Git" |
"En este curso aprenders todo lo necesario para usar git en tu da a da.Qu es Git y cmo instarlo en tu mquinaClona un repositorio remotoCrea, modifica y elimina ramasHaz merges entre ramasTaggea para crear versiones de tu aplicacinGit Extensions y GitKraken. Editores grficos para GitAl finalizar el curso sers capaz de trabajar en equipo en repositorios Git con GitHub y GitLab. Dado que Git se utiliza para el versionado de aplicaciones escritas en todo tipo de lenguajes, no veremos un lenguaje en concreto. Usaremos archivos de texto."
Price: 59.99 |
"Curso de Go. Golang, API's y acceso a base de datos" |
"En este curso aprenders a programar aplicaciones multiplataforma con Go. Go es un lenguaje multiplataforma desarrollado por Google que utiliza el paradigma imperativo, es compilado y su sintaxis es muy similar a C.Por qu deberas aprender Go?Es fcil de aprenderGran velocidad de ejecucinFacilita el mano de hilos en concurrenciaFacilidad de despliegueAprenders la sintaxis del lenguaje, las estructuras de datos bsicos y a crear tus propias estructuras de datos. Adems aprenders a crear y consumir un API, a leer archivos de texto y a conectar con bases de datos MySQL."
Price: 79.99 |
steve-jobs |
Price: 19.99 |
"The Business Coaching Masterclass" |
"Welcome To The Business Coaching MasterclassLeadership and strategy expert Nick Harvey has designed this four-week course to teach you tricks of the trade in managing and growing your coaching business. Join now and learn development strategies, how to navigate inevitable challenges, and discover insightful techniques that will help you achieve your goals and create success.Answering Crucial QuestionsThe Business Coaching Masterclass answers a range of questions that are fundamental to the success of coaching businesses.How do I become a business coach?How do I grow and develop my coaching business?How do I attract clients?How do I retain and engage clients?How can I generate maximum results for my efforts?How do I scale my coaching business?Why Join The Journey?When you get started with The Business Coaching Masterclass, you will be learning alongside business owners, entrepreneurs, and future leaders alike. You will learn important skills that target three vital divisions of your work life;Growing and developing your own business.Growing and developing yourself as a leader.Self-growth and development, for relationship strengthening with colleagues, family, and friends.The skills you will learn include; effective development strategies, business execution, client retention, maximising your worth, and leadership expertise. Dont miss this opportunity to make game-changing moves with your business. Signing up to The Coaching Masterclass also gives you access to Nick Harveys Leadership Blueprint.Access the Leadership BlueprintThe blueprint is a carefully constructed development plan, built on years of experience, and refined to ensure successful outcomes. It features Nicks comprehensive expertise on development and leadership, and is encouraged to be implemented in both business and personal life situations.Your Passionate InstructorHis friendly, genuine attitude, and devotion towards helping others achieve success, makes Nick Harvey the ultimate course instructor. Learning alongside Nick is an insightful and effective experience, as much as it is enjoyable. He breaks the formality of course learning, and creates a personal face-to-face feeling. Nick will guide you through the four weeks with informational videos, and is available to contact via his website for any questions you may think of during the course.Course ModulesA breakdown of concepts that will be discussed and advised over the course.IntroductionYour Business's BrandGenerating LeadsClient ConversionCoaching SessionsClient RetentionKey Coaching ContentPaths to Additional RevenueTake A Step Towards SuccessStrap In, Buckle Up, Lets GoThe power is now in your hands to learn invaluable business strategies and change your philosophy on life. Nick Harvey dedicates this masterclass series to give you expert advice on running a coaching business. Gain insightful knowledge and explore the many ways you can maximise your businesss worth, and become a successful leader. Time is money, so what are you waiting for? Sign up to The Business Coaching Masterclass.Bonus: receive access to Nick Harvey's key resources that have been key in scaling his coaching business to where it is today."
Price: 99.99 |
"Habilidades de Oratoria" |
"Con este curso podrs obtener una perspectiva diferente a la manera tradicional de aprender sobre oratoria, con el fin de manejar una oratoria de modo efectivo frente a cualquier tipo y tamao de audiencias.Cuando de oratoria se trata, muchos creemos que va referido a estrictas maneras de hablar en pblico, a cmo mover la mandbula, las manos, el rostro, a cmo impactar a los dems, a como parecer ms astuto, cuando la realidad es que la oratoria vamucho ms all de eso. La oratoria es un aspecto de la comunicacin y se trata de algo mucho ms complejo todava. La comunicacin no es solo hablar o decir palabras. Comunicacin engloba detalles, elementos y una sustancia que va desde el interior de las personas hasta que se manifiesta de alguna manera."
Price: 19.99 |
"Machine Learning Regression Masterclass in Python" |
"Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution is here! The technology is progressing at a massive scale and is being widely adopted in the Healthcare, defense, banking, gaming, transportation and robotics industries.Machine Learning is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence that enables machines to improve at a given task with experience. Machine Learning is an extremely hot topic; the demand for experienced machine learning engineers and data scientists has been steadily growing in the past 5 years. According to a report released by Research and Markets, the global AI and machine learning technology sectors are expected to grow from $1.4B to $8.8B by 2022 and it is predicted that AI tech sector will create around 2.3 million jobs by 2020.The purpose of this course is to provide students with knowledge of key aspects of machine learning regression techniques in a practical, easy and fun way. Regression is an important machine learning technique that works by predicting a continuous (dependant) variable based on multiple other independent variables. Regression strategies are widely used for stock market predictions, real estate trend analysis, and targeted marketing campaigns.The course provides students with practical hands-on experience in training machine learning regression models using real-world dataset. This course covers several technique in a practical manner, including: Simple Linear Regression Multiple Linear Regression Polynomial Regression Logistic Regression Decision trees regression Ridge Regression Lasso Regression Artificial Neural Networks for Regression analysis Regression Key performance indicatorsThe course is targeted towards students wanting to gain a fundamental understanding of machine learning regression models. Basic knowledge of programming is recommended. However, these topics will be extensively covered during early course lectures; therefore, the course has no prerequisites, and is open to any student with basic programming knowledge. Students who enroll in this course will master machine learning regression models and can directly apply these skills to solve real world challenging problems."
Price: 199.99 |
hazimetecs |
"Google PIXTALine PhotoshopSAI Photoshop photoshop Google Google"
Price: 16800.00 |
"Mastering Entity Framework Code First Approach" |
"Entity Framework Code First approach enables developers to work in an object-oriented fashion. Learn to leverage the EF code first concepts including EF conventions, data annotation attributes, code first migrations, CRUD operations using ASP.NET MVC, calling stored procedure and functions, handling output parameters and multi resultsets in the stored procedure. Further, learn to define database mappings using Entity Framework code first."
Price: 89.99 |
"The Wolf of Web Street" |
"? . . , , , . , , .... """" "" "", . - . , . : ? , , ? ( ), ... 20%? , . The Wolf of Web Street - , 153 . : - - (5-10 ) ; 25 ; 7 ; , ; ; , . !"
Price: 199.99 |
"Curso De Tarot Bsico." |
"Basado en ms de 27 aos de experiencia, 90 clases adaptadas para un aprendiz o amateur en la materia el mejor curso de Tarot en su nivel ms bsico donde el alumno al terminar de estudiarlo podr ejercer esta arte de la cartomancia sin dificultad alguna y sin necesidad de realizar ms cosas de las que necesita."
Price: 69.99 |
"Basi di Business e Marketing per Operatori Olistici e Coach" |
"Questo corso e' per tutti gli Operatori Olistici e Coach che sentono di avere un gran talento da condividere con il mondo, ma che fan fatica a rendersi visibili e ad esser ripagati per il loro sforzo.E' un viaggio attraverso condizionamenti mentali e strategie di comunicazione.Spesso si ha un'idea errata di Business e Marketing, pensando che siano ""trucchi"" o ""maniere sporche"" per fregare il prossimo e arricchirsi alle spalle degli altri.Niente e' pi errato di questo, per lo meno ti insegner con questo corso ad avere delle Solide Basi Commerciali per la tua Attivita' Olistica mantenendo la tua integrit e risaltando i tuoi principi e valori.Una cosa e' certa: Niente sar pi come prima :-)Ti ringrazio per avermi scelto come guida nell'accompagnarti in questo viaggioA presto,Andrea"
Price: 199.99 |
"Aumenta le Tue Tariffe Senza Perder Clienti" |
"Questo corso e' impostato per Operatori del Benessere e delle Discipline Naturali, Coach e Operatori Olistici.Ti illustrer: - Come ho aumentato le mie tariffe del 54% (da 58 a 89,5 per una seduta di agopuntura) da un giorno all'altro, senza perder clienti e quali son state le conseguenze della mia scelta.- La Teoria e la Pratica sui Prezzi: Definizione, come Determinarli e Aumentarli a cadenza Regolare- I 5 Condizionamenti Limitanti che ti Impediscono di Chiedere quello che Vali (E Come Risolverli):1- Desidero aiutare tutti... anche chi non pu permetterselo2- Il mio Lavoro... Non e' un vero Lavoro3- Nella mia Zona... Le Persone non hanno Soldi4- Ho appena Iniziato e Non me la Sento di Chiedere una Fortuna!5- Il mio Maestro Chiede Appena pi di Me- La Tecnica Principale con cui i miei Clienti Aumentano il loro Fatturato: Raddoppiare le proprie Tariffe Senza Perder Clienti"
Price: 94.99 |
automotivese |
"(18 10 ) , , . , (OEM) Automotive SPICE , ISO 26262 . , ."
Price: 110000.00 |
knoixdbj |
":- , , ;- ;- ;- , , ;- ;- , ;- , , ."
Price: 2799.00 |
"Learn to trade Covered Call Options for income SIMPLE &CLEAR" |
"What makes this option trading course different is that we take it step-by-step, will show you explicitly what is done to generate income regularly from covered calls. The focus is on Simplicity and Clarity. We start off with clear explanations and examples each step of the way, and then move on to show you step by step how we would actually do it live on a trading account online.We'll cover: *What covered calls are *How they work in practice and the type of returns that can be generated *The thinking process when one is executing a covered call *Actual cover called trades I have done and a review of the winnings*Step by step execution of a covered call LIVE in an online trading account*Pros and cons of trading covered calls *Investing tips when using this approach to generic regular income"
Price: 19.99 |
"cours de danse bachata dbutant" |
"Bonjour bienvenue dans ce cours de bachata un cours tous public qui a pour but de vous enseigner les base de cette danse de couple et vous donner des clefs qui vous permettrons d'allez en soire et de pouvoir changer avec d'autres partenaires.Formation de 2h.2 professeurs pro.Accs tous public. aucun niveau requis."
Price: 54.99 |
"Siemens NX 10 (UG)" |
"Siemens NX10.01.UG 2. 3. 4. 5.2D3D2D3D 6.UGGM 7.UG"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Affiliate Marketing System that works in 2019!" |
"We created the system for people who want to learn how they can generate automated sales on the internet. We show you how to create an account for an affiliate platform, how to find good affiliate offers & you'll learn how to use social media strategies to generate a lot of traffic to sell these offers. This includes:We'll show you how to set up an automated Instagram system that works without you touching it. Learn how to set up the right method to create a high converting Instagram account & fast account growing tactics.Create your first facebook advertisement and learn how to reach the right audience without having a database like an email list.Use Pinterest in your advantage and learn how to get accepted into group boards. On top of that, we'll show you how to set up an automated email system that works in 2019!Ps: You also get access to all the updates"
Price: 199.99 |
"1S MBA - Marketing Contbil" |
"One Skill MBA (1S MBA) um curso dinmico, com foco em resultados, com uma durao relativamente curta se comparado a outros cursos mais extensos e abrangentes. O objetivo permitir a aplicao do Marketing Contbil na prtica, independente do porte do escritrio. As prticas ensinadas no curso tambm podero ser aplicadas a profissionais autnomos da Contabilidade, e profissionais de Marketing que querem se aprofundar no Marketing Contbil."
Price: 39.99 |
"1S MBA - Marketing Jurdico" |
"One Skill MBA (1S MBA) um curso dinmico, com foco em resultados, com uma durao relativamente curta se comparado a outros cursos mais extensos e abrangentes. O objetivo permitir a aplicao do Marketing Jurdico na prtica, independente do porte do escritrio. As prticas ensinadas no curso tambm podero ser aplicadas a advogado(a)s autnomo(a)s, e profissionais de Marketing que querem se aprofundar no Marketing Jurdico."
Price: 99.99 |