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"Learn Compiler Construction & Design From Scratch"
"This is the most comprehensive course available on Udemy touching on this subject matter and this course cover such a large portion of this subject . ( At the time of posting ) This course is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to gain or enhance the basic concepts of Compiler Construction. If you are taking Compiler Construction course in your university / College, this course will make sure that you pass with flying colors and stay at the top of your classWe'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know Why take this course ?Every Systems related course be it Architecture, Compilers or Operating System or any other, are difficult. But I would suggest you to take this course. If you will be going into the field of Systems, then Compilers is a must. Each and every Systems related course are related to each other.Don't expect that you can be an expert in Operating Systems without having good knowledge of Compilers and Architecture.Also, Compiler being a vast topic. Many problems in Compilers like Register Allocation, Data flow analysis, Global and Local Code Scheduling etc. make use of many complicated algorithms. Learning these algorithms will surely help you in the near future.Don't worry the Course will be very simple and Easy to follow through"
Price: 49.99

"The Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting"
"Hey Guys!My name's Ben Chai, the ""Dr. Who of Business"".Before we begin, I want to make sure that you're in the right place. Do you feel:Trapped in your current existence?Like you know WHAT you want but don't know HOW to achieve it?Like the amazing life you ALWAYS wanted will never be within your grasp?Most of my client's felt like that too.In fact, most of my client's seemed to be living the life of dreams. Business owners, property investors, and even millionaires have all come to me looking for ways for me to enable them to create the life they want.And a funny thing happened...As I built their businesses, investment portfolios, and introduced them to powerful networking opportunities, they started to change.They would tell me things like:""Most of the things we end up talking about aren't even Business related!""""Ben, I thought your crazy techniques were all woo-woo nonsense. Thank you for forcing me to do it""""I thought we were only going to do technical-stuff but your techniques have helped me in so many areas of my life""So, I asked my Son to help me build this course, which will enable you to:Sort out everything that you want to do in your lifeCreate daily actions to get you closer to achieving your goalsAvoid the financially and emotionally costly mistakes that you'll fun intoSee you on the course!- Ben"
Price: 184.99

"How to Network Your Way to 10 High-Paying Clients"
"Hey Entrepreneurs!Ben Chai here, the ""Dr. Who of Business"".One big challenge, small business owners face is how to attract and increase core clients that they LOVE working with. Clients, that you not only love to work with, but clients who also love to work with you and will return to use your service time and time again.This problem is typically due to:Not feeling good enough to talk to anyoneConstantly Networking and not feeling connected to anyone they talk toUnable to convert connections into high-paying clientsUnable to pay for a good sales personAs a result, their confidence in both their business and themselves hits rock bottom.Some lose all the investment they and their friends have put into the business.Some quit.Some feel humiliated that they ""failed"".It's tragic to see great businesses fail to take off when the people that start them are genuinely looking to change the world.Once you're great at networking, you're going to be able to:Make your own ""luck""Find opportunities AND be able to convert them into financial gainBuild amazing connections with potential clients that will keep buying from youCan't wait to see you on the course!- Ben"
Price: 184.99

"PineScript Indicator Development"
"In this course you will learn about the scripting language supported by TradingView called PineScript. From language basics to the creation of both simple and complex indicators you will build a firm grasp of everything you need to make your (or others') chart analysis and trading operations more efficient and accurate."
Price: 149.99

"Drop Shipping for the NORMAL Person IN 2019"
"Drop Shipping from Scratch - You don't have to know anything OR you're ready to AMP up what you already do with Drop ShippingLearn Various Options for your DROP SHIPPING style: Manual - Semi-Automatic - AutomaticYou should have a tablet/laptop/desktop computer with internet access.Beginner to Advanced Drop Shippers - People who want to make money online without their own products"
Price: 94.99

"Uso bsico de Wordpress"
"Aprende a desenvolverte con WordPress para tu da a da, gestionando tu web y tu blog t misma. Te cuento lo esencial que necesitas, al grano y de la forma ms prctica.Acceso a WordPress de tu web.Secciones bsicas del panel de administracin.Barra de administracin.Cmo escribir entradas en tu blog WordPress.Optimizacin SEO bsica."
Price: 24.99

"Domina los temas Extra, Divi y el constructor Divi Builder"
"Con este curso te quiero ayudar a que seas capaz de crear o gestionar tu web con los temas DIVI o EXTRA, con el constructor DIVI Builder.Estos contenidos, pensados en servir de apoyo a mis clientas para encargarse por s mismas de sus propias pginas web, te ayudar tambin con tu pgina.En el curso, pensado para gente en que la tecnologa no es su fuerte, intento explicarte lo bsico para que puedas editar la configuracin, editar tu web o aadir nuevos contenidos y obtener unos buenos resultados.Adems, si tu idea es montarte una web por tu cuenta con estos temas, te incluyo en el curso temas hijo para EXTRA y DIVI con funcionalidades adicionales.Espero te resulte til!"
Price: 44.99

"Contratos: o passo a passo iniciante para criar o seu."
"Existem pessoas que entram no mundo do empreendedorismo com mais possibilidades e oportunidades, e outras com menos!Aqueles que iniciam com menos possibilidades, tem que se virar nos 30 para conseguir concretizar o seu sonho, atuando em todas as necessidades dele, seja do administrativo, da venda, ou do operacional, pois o cenrio econmico do Brasil duro, desumano, diria at predatrio!Por essa mesma razo, aqueles que possuem mais possibilidades no incio tambm no podem se dar ao luxo de simplesmente colocar o empreendimento para rodar e contratar pessoas para trabalhar e achar que tudo est resolvido. preciso estar por dentro dos detalhes do seu business, daquilo que mais importante para manter o negcio na linha!Ento, a nica concluso que podemos ter que, independente do seu negcio e das tuas condies, voc deve se PREPARAR!Mas em meio a tantas necessidades que se apresentam no empreendedorismo, como saber no que focar?Minha sugesto focar naquilo que pode ser fatal para seu negcio!Sem vendas, seu negcio no se mantm! Ento, necessrio saber as tendncias e as melhores tcnicas de venda para seu ramo!Mas se voc tem vendas, mas no tem operao, seu negcio tambm vai a ruinas! Ento, necessrio saber as tendncias e as melhores tcnicas de produo no seu ramo!Mas se voc vende e entrega, mas no tem uma boa administrao, seu negcio pode comear a dar prejuzos e te levar a falncia! Ento, necessrio saber tambm as tendncias e as melhores tcnicas de administrao para seu ramo!Faz sentido?E se eu te dissesse que existe uma ferramenta que voc pode utilizar em todas essas reas, e que vai te ajudar a crescer com segurana, mas que a maioria das pessoas negligencia o seu uso, voc acreditaria?Pois ! Existe essa ferramenta, e ela se chama CONTRATO!O contrato nada mais do que um acordo, e uma empresa simplesmente um aglomerado de acordos com intuito de se obter lucro mediante a entrega de algum bem ou servio! No a toa que utilizamos a palavra negcios como sinnimo de empresa!E justamente por isso que digo que o contrato a PRINCIPAL ferramenta de um negcio!Ento te pergunto: depois de tudo que te falei, faz sentido querer ter sucesso, ter prosperidade no seu negcio sem saber nada sobre contratos?Na minha humilde opinio, no! Por mais que voc tenha uma assessoria que te ajude a formalizar os seus negcios, voc, dono do empreendimento, tem que ter conhecimento a respeito, tem que saber o que est fazendo, pois o risco disso dar certo ou no todo SEU!Voc j viu uma empresa lder de um segmento celebrar negcios sem ter um contrato! Tenho certeza que no!E quanto antes voc adquirir esse conhecimento, te garanto, mais rpido voc diminui riscos, tornando seu negcio mais seguro, e mais rpido coloca ele no caminho do crescimento!O simples fato de passar a utilizar contratos escritos, por si s j te trar essa segurana!Mas se voc souber:detalhes de como estruturar;detalhes que deve cuidar na hora de escrever as clusulas;os limites e requisitos legais a se observar em cada clusula;um checklist para no verificar e no esquecer nada;Ai sm, sem sombra de dvidas, seu negcio vai se profissionalizar e alcanar um novo nvel, um nvel onde grandes empresas se encontram, mesmo que voc no tenha uma assessoria para lhe auxiliar em um primeiro momento!Essa a proposta deste curso, te dar o conhecimento necessrio sobre o mundo dos contratos, numa espcie de passo-a-passo, sem juridiqus ou palavras difceis, e de forma direta, sem enrolao!E para auxiliar voc, as aulas sero divididas por clusula! Assim sua pesquisa posterior vai ser bem mais fcil se tiver uma dvida pontual em um contrato. o seu primeiro passo para entender a lgica e comear a usar essa importantssima ferramenta no seu negcio, potencializando o seus resultados com segurana!Ele tem o essencial para esclarecer as suas maiores dvidas, mas se mesmo assim voc quiser um auxlio, ficarei a disposio para conhecer seu problema e ajud-lo a resolver! Afinal, meu propsito colaborar e te ajudar!E nas dvidas mais frequentes, gravarei novas aulas para respond-las e assim passar a informao ao maior nmero de alunos possvel.No entanto, no estou dizendo que voc no ter mais problemas em seu negcio, mas se voc realmente se dedicar a entender o que est no curso, e pra isso nem precisa muito tempo, te garanto que eles iro reduzir drasticamente!Ficou interessado mas ainda assim est com dvida de como vai ser o curso, se voc vai gostar ou no, ou ento, sobre como a metodologia dele?No se preocupe, voc pode assistir a uma prvia que est disponibilizada na pgina de venda.Vai l e aproveita o contedo!Te espero no curso! A hora de se preparar agora!"
Price: 54.99

"After Effects: Beginner to Pro In Editing and developing."
"Go from an absolute beginner to a Pro in After Effects, Ensuring you are able to create & edit the videos of your dreams.Are you just starting out with After Effects? Well then this is the perfect course for you. I go from the bare basics and teach at a speed that you may retain the information as well as I do my upmost best to explain each and everything we are learning.We may start off with the simple things, however we need to be comfortable with the basics before we move onto more powerful productions which we do cover in this course such as - Amazing Effects using adobe's awesome effects plugins- Tracking text over scenery or places- Tracking videos, images and text onto the sides of buildings and environments- Basic and Advanced 3D techniques- Creating amazing Intro templates and outro templates - Motion Graphic professional looking videos- Motion Graphic charts and loading bars- Blending mode techniques to change the style of your video- Green-screen- Make your own Audio Spectrum- Editing for Business videos- Animating Text for various occasions - Special Effects- More!Are you ready to take your ideas and create amazing projects?  Start today!"
Price: 99.99

"How to build a Weekly Passive Income with Dividend Investing"
"In this course, you will go through a step-by-step process on building a dividend growth stock portfolio in the best UScompanies that generates a weekly passive income stream that increases year over year without you doing a single thing and that pays you while you sleep.Once this portfolio is set up, we will show you how you can automate your investments and put your financial freedom on autopilot."
Price: 49.99

"Transformational Healing"
"The quality of your consciousness determines your experience of reality.Welcome to this experiential journey. It has a focus on expansion of consciousness and activating your vast creative potential.Let me take you on a series of Guided Meditations and Adventures in Consciousness with intention to activate your Ultimate Potential. The focus will be on the Sacred Heart Space, the Temple of Light, the Wellspring of All that is from which the Life Force flows out into your reality. From here you will radiate that power and perfection into your physical vessel and outwardly into your relationships, your work place, community, country and world.Allow all that no longer serves you to continue on its path of limitation, or to join you in the realm of higher frequencies of unlimited potential via the process of transmutation. The path toward the Light and the path spiraling further into darkness, have now come to a distinct point of separation. You are being forced to face, once and for all, the residual shadows of Self all the imbalances and restrictions that are holding you back from fully empowered Self-realization.Imagine, how it would feel to have access to an unlimited supply of Divine Creator Essence. Envision yourself as a great energy vortex, pulsating with power, sending out great rays of luminous color, radiating waves of energy and manifesting anything you can envision.True healing is simply the radiance of the self causing an environment in which a catalyst may occur which initiates the recognition of self, by self, of the healing properties of the self. - Ra, Law of OneAt the subatomic level, you cannot observe something without changing it. When you access the world at a sub-atomic level, your intention creates your reality. In this course you will learn about the power of thought, intention and conscious co-creation.Transformational Healing will assist you in becoming the best version of yourself.The journey of self-healing is a discovery about how you got to where you are and how to get back to the Authentic Self. As you let go of the need to be anywhere, other than where you are, as you let go of the need to be anyone, other than who you are, in those moments, you do become who you want to be and you do have the power to create what you want to create. Once you are in perfect alignment with ALL THAT YOU ARE, your bodys self-healing abilities are activated.This gentle work goes beyond emotional and mental healing, as the flow of cosmic energies will sweep through your subconscious and unconscious and wash away all the toxicity accumulated over lifetimes of living in duality.When you let go, an amazing thing happens; there is an abundant amount of room for growth and change! Allowing yourself the freedom to experience the joy of moving forward, you will wonder why you chose to hold onto it for as long as you have.In closing, it is not necessary to watch the videos in the given order and dont worry if you drift away while listening. Your energy field will open to new levels of awareness and your very own guidance will flow though. Expect the unexpected and be prepared to be blasted by Light. In these transmissions you will be running energies through your vessel that may be of higher frequency than what you are used to. Allow time for integration, drink plenty of water, rest and know that all is truly well! Healing crisis may occur, it happened to me while I was working on this course. Love what arises!Join me on this journey of personal transformation. Awaken your inner potential by accelerating your practice with the help of meditation. Step into your Mastery as a Conscious Creator of your reality!"
Price: 99.99

"API REST avec Symfony 4 et API Platform"
"Ce cours pour objectif de faire dcouvrir les grands principes d'une API REST avec Symfony 4.Je commence de faon progressive par une prsentation des concepts (protocoles, contraintes ...), puis je poursuit en vous montrant comment utiliser (consommer) une API existante publique par l'utilisation de vue avec un formulaire de recherche.Ensuite, je vous montre comment crer partir d'un projet de bibliothque construit de A Z, comment crer sa propre API REST avec Symfony 4 (on y aborde les notions de srialisation, dserialisation, normalisation, dnormalisation, dcodage et encodage ...)Enfin nous abordons l'application API Platform qui est une recette que l'on va intgrer Symfony afin de gnrer de faon trs rapide une API REST et sa documentation, le travail important sera alors de paramtrer sous forme d'annotations les diffrentes entity de votre application.Nous apprendrons authentifier nos utilisateurs l'aide du Json Web Token (JWT).Vous apprendrez utiliser les vnements doctrine et crer des controllers personnaliss.Je complterai l'avenir cette formation d'un partie front end (que je suis en train de travailler) qui pourra tre soit du VueJs ou du React ou du Angular ou encore du Ionic, vous bnficierez alors de ces vidos supplmentaires automatiquement !"
Price: 49.99

"Crer un site PHP avec Bootstrap/PDO et MVC pour dbutant"
"Quand j'ai commenc dvelopper, j'aurais aim avoir une formation comme celle-ci, permettant d'apprendre en peu de temps, un site web (HTML + CSS) Dynamique (PHP+MySQL) avec les mthodologies et techniques actuelles (MVC et POO), manipulant une base de donnes (avec PDO) et le tout Design (Javascript et Bootstrap). Cependant j'tais oblig de passer par plusieurs formations (HTML+CSS, PHP, Javascript, SQL ...) longues et trs pousses. Dans cette formation vous allez apprendre tout ceci (je dis apprendre et non matriser) tous ces langages et technologies en quelques heures seulement en ralisant un site de gestion d'une bibliothque Design.L'objectif est de bien comprendre comment s'articulent toutes ces technologies en utilisant les bonnes pratiques. Vous pourrez alors ensuite choisir quelle orientation vous voudrez prendre pour vos formations futures (front-end ou bck-end ...)Formation idale pour les dbutants (avec tout de mme un minimum de connaissances en HTML, CSS et PHP requises) de type BAC ou BTS en informatique ou tout simplement pour les passionns d'informatique voulant dcouvrir ce fabuleux mtier que celui de dveloppeur ;-)"
Price: 29.99

"Organiza tu Mejor Version"
"En este curso puedes obtener pasos sencillos que te ayudarn a organizar los hbitos que quieras incorporar a tu vida, los proyectos y sueos que quieres ver realizados en tu futuro para que construyas una versin de ti de la que ests totalmente orgullosa. Tendras la oportunidad de evaluar y conocer realmente que quieres ver realizado desde hoy hasta 5 aos para que puedas cumplir cada una de tus metas."
Price: 44.99

"Master the Body Language of Attraction and Dating"
"Are you ready to completely transform the way you connect? Experience the Power of Connection. Tap Into Your Inner Body Language Expert. Learn the Secrets of Attraction. Prepare to WOW.Ever wondered whether someone was flirting or just being friendly? Or sat across someone and wondered what are they thinking? Would you like to know how to decipher body language, get the IT factor and learn how to look and feel instantly more confident, attractive and powerful, all through simple changes to your body language?Our bodies dont lie. In fact, we send out over 10,000 stimuli during every interaction that reveal what were really feeling. And first impressions stick. Within a fraction of a second of first meeting someone, youve not only made a decision on whether you like them or not but also whether you trust them and what kind of relationship youd like to have with them.The problem is that most people have lost touch with how to read it.What you will get from this courseAfter working with thousands of people I'm thrilled to share  this powerful, supportive and interactive program with you. In it I'll show you how to reconnect with your inner body language expert to truly understand and connect with yourself and others. You will learn the secrets of attraction, how to recognise and decipher nonverbal green and red light signals and experience first hand how tapping into your innate ability can transform your relationships. Based on the latest scientific research and over 18 years working in the field, this fun course will completely transform the way you attract, connect, and engage.This course includes a 76 page workbook (see step 2), practical tips and exercises to help you master the body language of attraction and get the love you truly deserve!!This course will help you to:Make a dazzling first impressionLearn the secrets of attractionKnow when someones interested or just being friendlyDecipher what your body language is really saying about you and how others perceive youUse power body language to boost confidence, reduce nerves and manage your emotionsUnderstand how your nonverbal communication can positively or negatively affect othersOvercome blocks and fears that prevent you from meeting and keeping your ideal partnerOvercome fears of rejection and embarrassmentLearn how to build instant rapport, trust and connectionLearn how to make yourself instantly more attractiveRead facial expressions, micro expressions and body languageUnderstand how you react verbally and nonverbally under pressureRead common red light behaviours including discomfort, doubt, resistance and deceptionUnderstand your body language tics and micro-gestures that give you awayImprove your relationshipsExperience the power of connectionUnderstand, Connect, Engage... and experience how mastering body language can improve your life and relationshipsAre you ready to connect? Click the button below and I'll see you in the course!"
Price: 179.99

"Lounge/Cocktail Bar Piano Jazz Course"
"This course is designed primarily for those who already play to an intermediate or advanced popular style or are classical pianists who would like to access the world of Jazz repertoire in order to play solo, or accompany a singer. Iinclude PDF info sheets for those who like to see their music written down; however this is a paperless course, so you can learn jazz even if you do not read music very well. As a keyboardist or pianist following this course, Iencourage you to work out the suggested melodies by ear and play them back so that you gradually remove your dependence on written, fixed music. There are nine lessons, which cover:Jazz harmony - the basic additional notes and important intervalsJazz scales - the 'magic' scales that create the different soundsThe many variations of dominant seventhsBasic chord progressions and 'turnarounds'Simple Jazz impro techniques to 'fill out space'Quartal HarmonyStep-by-step examples in each lesson: how to play jazz standards by earGuide to being a lounge pianist/accompanistThe course requires:Unhindered access to a keyboard - even a small five octave one - or a piano, every dayDaily practice at working out tunes and learning chords and their inversionsA keen interest in Jazz (you do not need to know any jazz tunes!)Iam on hand to answer any questions and am happy to upload extra PDFs as required. I'll also be adding various 'bolt-on' videos soon in order to boost your knowledge."
Price: 34.99

"Keto Diet the beginners guide"
"Learn steps to start your Keto journey,  weight loss journey, or low carb journey today.  This step by step process will give you the tools to start on your journey today without fear. Dr. Roque DC, MS will share tips and tricks to successfully implement the Ketogenic Diet. These steps are kid tested and mother approved. After the conclusion of this lesson you will be ready to start on your own Keto Journey."
Price: 39.99

"How to Get Your Business on The First Page of Google!"
"In my course I  teach you how to setup your business for high-traffic on Google Search. How to create great business SEO.  I cover how to get your business content listed and ranked in Google Maps. I give you secrets on how local and general searches really work. We will go in-depth about reviews and how they directly affect your position ranking. How to geo-tag your business Images and video tags. We will explore the entire Google My Business Suite, search and web analytics tracking, setting up auto-messaging for your business. We will create an actual  company from start to finish on Google so you can see how the entire process from A- Z works. When completed your business of brand will be at the top of the search results in your category."
Price: 34.99

"Shaders in Unity with Amplify"
"Learn how to create real time, high quality, custom materials for your game. This course teaches how to use Amplify Shader Editor in Unity without the need of shader code to create dynamic effects. Covers standard lighting examples, cell shading, vertex manipulation, and shader math to bring your materials to life."
Price: 69.99

"What unites us & What makes us stay together?"
"In What unites us & What makes us stay together the results of 1-year research made on harmonious, authentic and happy couples are revealed.You will get useful information right from the field because they are closer to reality and more comfortable to be applied in real life than theories.We want a connection, we know how many beautiful gifts we have to offer, we know how much love we can feel, but still, we are tired of searching. And when we see healthy, beautiful, happy couples, we became a little bit envious and ask: What did they do to deserve that? Do they have a special secret or what is their recipe?After interviewing different couples, some of the interviews made it to a book, and the conclusions are mind-blowing because they bring light to this subject that seems so complicated The love scene.If you are tired of asking Why do I attract the same type of partner all the time, I am a wonderful person why dont I have a beautiful and harmonious relationship yet? these classes are able to provide answers for you and get you into a discovering journey that will be able to enlighten you and change your future interactions.But meeting people is the most natural part, to build, a long-lasting relationship is more laborious. The second part of the course will provide the conclusions summed up to 15 reasons why people stay together and can be happy even after 35 years of relationship. You will discover what brings them joy and how they make it seem so easy.As a spoiler alert, I will tell you that ""love"" is not enough and being ""soul mates"" neither, many other reasons make a couple last, and you will discover them all.Also, you will receive testimonials from my interviews, answers that brought light into my questions.A long lasting magic love story is what you seek? Perfect then! Come in this journey and discover how you can change some things in your soul and at the same time, modify the results in the outside world.You will have to ask yourself some questions, but you will like it, because you are discovering the most important person on planet earth for you You! And while doing that, you destroy patterns that ruled your life for to much time and build a brighter, more full of love future.Who is this course for?* If you want to meet someone right for you* If you are tired of meeting ""emotionally unavailable people""* If you are tired of the painful lesson on your love scene* If you are tired of trying* If you want to attract the right person for you* If you want to meet your ""soul partner.""*If you want to discover why you attracted specific people in your life and how you can change the situations to attract a different kind of people* If you are in a relationship but you feel that what is happening is not right.""* If you believe that your present relationship could get better* If you want to understand yourself and your partner better* If you want to dive into other people intimacy to discover how they can build beautiful relationships"" and how you can do it too."
Price: 69.99

"How to Move Past Your Experiences with Anxiety"
"This is a wellness plan based on cognitive behavioral science for overcoming anxiety and improving self confidence. In this course, students will be introduced to cognitive behavioral strategies for learning how to identify their triggers for anxiety, to include their anxiety related thoughts and feelings. Through the introduction and practice of cognitive behavioral strategies, students will learn how to respond with confidence and calm to their identified triggers for anxiety. Students will also learn how to replace their anxiety related thoughts and feelings with thoughts and feelings related to confidence and calm. Further, students will learn how to identify their core beliefs which influence their experiences with anxiety. Students will also learn how to adopt and practice core beliefs related to improved confidence.Lastly, students will be introduced to cognitive behavioral strategies for exposing themselves to situations they find anxiety provoking, with the goal of desensitizing themselves to these situations."
Price: 149.99

"Facebook ads -Marketing strategy : Guide complet de vente"
"Le cours sur le marketing facebook le plus complet disponible sur udemy France : Facebook ads - Marketing strategy : Guide complet pour raliser et dupliquer vos ventes.EXCLUSIF : SATISFAIT OU REMBOURS durant 30 jours !Ce cours a t construit afin de vous donner les moyens et la mthodologie pour raliser vos premire ventes, d'attirer de nouveaux clients et dupliquer ces ventes.Sans  termes techniques ou publicitaires, comment apprhender, comprendre la stratgie ""SCAL 2.0"" et mettre en place des actions simples pour obtenir des rsultats sur facebook.Les rseaux sociaux regorgent de futurs clients et de personnes qui s'intressent ce que vous faites, dcouvrez comment vous connecter avec et comment passer d'utilisateurs inconnus des clients qui promeuvent votre marque."
Price: 99.99

"Learn Cypress Framework for End to End UI Testing"
"This course will teach you how to install and get started with the Cypress framework. Cypress is a very powerful framework for writing end to end tests for your applications. Getting up and running with Cypress is fast and very easy. We will cover cypress and how you can write end to end UI tests to help test your application and catch any defects as result of new code or changes to existing code."
Price: 154.99

"Learn Test Automation for REST APIs"
"This course was designed to help you get started with API Test Automation in a simple and effective way. In this course, you will learn how to build simple APIs using Node.js and Express. You will learn how to test those APIs with Postman manually. You will then learn how to create your test project and write and run automated API tests that will help you verify the correct behavior of your API and help you catch bugs and defects as you are making changes to the code later on in the future."
Price: 154.99

"Trading Stocks using Technical Analysis"
"This course is your complete guide to technical analysis. In this course we cover what is techincal analysis and why you might want to consider using it. We will cover how to read and analyze chart patterns, identify trends and support/resistance areas. We will then learn about the most popular and widely used technical indicators to help us with our trade confirmations. In addition, we will bring it all together and use all of the concepts we have learned through out the course to identify good entry and exit points for our trading opportunities. Covering risk management will also help us minimize the risk and maximize our profit margins."
Price: 189.99

"Impress Your Boss by Making Compelling Presentations"
"Good presentations make an impact and persuade their audience. This online course quickly teaches you how to create powerful presentations that meet the specific needs of your audience. It will teach you how to build the presentations that put across the message that you want, in the way that you want, and in a manner that convinces the audience."
Price: 1280.00

"Trade to Win."
"Finally a course that allows you to identify trends and place trades successfully. ""For every winning trade there is a loser. Ensure that it's not you."" Every trader should have a firm understanding of fundamental, technical and advanced technical analysis. Without this knowledge, you are essentially lining yourself up for failure. This course will allow you to easily and effectively time changes and identify trends in the market giving you a advantage over other traders."
Price: 199.99

"Ar-Ge Projesine Hibe Alabilmek iin Nereden Balamalym?"
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