"Apprendre le Montage Vido avec Adobe Premiere Rush CC" |
"Vous voulez apprendre le montage vido ? Vous cherchez une application de montage vido multiplate-forme?Adobe Premiere Rush est une application trs puissante qui peut paratre complexe, mais il nen est rien.Avec cette formation je vous offre une instruction complte de toutes les bases d'Adobe Premiere Rush qui vous permettront de vous construire un niveau solide pour vos montage professionnels. Avec cette courte formation, des documents avec mes astuces de montage et quelques jours d'entrainement vous serez apte utiliser Premiere Rush en toute facilit et monter vos vidos depuis votre smartphone.Ce que nous allons voir dans ce cours :_Tlcharger l'application Adobe Premiere Rush_L'inscription Adobe ID_L'insertion des fichiers _Les coupures _Les pistes vido et audio_Les Transitions_Les Filtres / Effets_Le Son_Le Recadrage _L'exportation_Et bien plus encore !Tout cela accompagn bien sr de mon exprience et de mes conseils qui vous aideront apprendre le montage vido sur Adobe Premiere Rush. Pourquoi choisir ma formation me diriez-vous. Et bien en plus que ma formation soit rapide et bien explique, sachez que si vous tes membre de ma formation je vous offre la possibilit de me contacter via la messagerie Udemy de ma formation en cas de question ou de problme. De plus, je suis un membre trs actif et je rpondrai vos problmes dans les heures qui suivent.Le but de ce cours n'est pas ici de prsenter la totalit des fonctionnalits mais de vous donner les outils pour raliser un montage de qualit professionnelle et les connaissances pour aller ensuite plus loin par vous-mme.Alors dites-moi, qu'attendez-vous pour vous lancer ?"
Price: 24.99 |
"Guide Complet PicsArt : Tout Savoir sur la Retouche Photo" |
"Si je vous disais que vous pouvez modifier ou retoucher vos photos mieux que sur Photoshop, facilement, rapidement et tout cela depuis votre smartphone. Oui, depuis votre smartphone ! Ce cours vous aidera devenir un professionnel de l'dition et de la retouche de photos avec PicsArt, une application de retouche photo gratuite, disponible sur IOS et ANDROID. Si vous souhaitez diter et retoucher des photos comme un pro en peu de temps et depuis votre smartphone ou tablette, ce cours est fait pour vous !Ce que nous allons voir dans ce cours :_ Tlcharger l'application PicsArt facilement et gratuitement_Vous dcouvrirez les outils que PicsArt vous propose_ Les Effets_Embellir votre image grce des outils simples d'utilisation _Autocollant / Bord _Ajouter des textes / Images_Ajouter des masques / reflets_Des effets en plus_Crer des miniatures pour vos formations / vido YouTube_Et bien plus encore !Tout cela accompagn bien sr de mon exprience et de mes conseils qui vous aideront apprendre la retouche photo sur PicsArt. Pourquoi choisir ma formation? me diriez-vous. Et bien en plus que ma formation soit rapide et bien explique, sachez que si vous tes membre de ma formation je vous offre la possibilit de me contacter via l'adresse mail que je vous communiquerai dans les documents tlchargeables de ma formation en cas de question ou de problme. De plus, je suis trs actif et je rpondrai tous vos problmes ou question dans les heures qui suivent.Le but de ce cours n'est pas ici de prsenter la totalit des fonctionnalits mais de vous donner les outils pour raliser vos retouches photo de manire professionnelle et les connaissances pour aller ensuite plus loin par vous-mme.Alors dites-moi, qu'attendez-vous pour vous lancer ?"
Price: 19.99 |
"Faire face l'Addiction au Porno et la Masturbation" |
"N'ayez pas honte de vous payer ce genre de cours, le plus important c'est votre bien tre ! J'ai moi aussi tait victime de cette addiction et je vais vous guider dans ce cours pour que vous la quittiez votre tour.La pornographie et la masturbation sont entres dans notre quotidien depuis plusieurs annes avec larrive dinternet. Nous avons aujourdhui accs des millions de vidos caractre pornographique, en quelques clics. Nous navons jamais connu un accs aussi rapide et facile au contenu pornographique. Pourtant, la masturbation et le porno nest pas favorable notre panouissement et notre bien-tre.Alors comment arrter la masturbation et la pornographie ?Si vous allez vous inscrire ce programme, flicitations ! Vous faites le premier pas vers lamlioration de votre vie et larrt du porno. N'oubliez pas qu'abandonner le porno n'est pas une chose facile faire, il faut de l'engagement et de l'intrt pour agir. Les accros au porno utilisent quotidiennement le porno pour fuir les pressions de la vie quotidienne. Je veux que tu te rveilles tous les jours et que tu sois libre. Je veux que tu ne sois plus esclave du porno. Je veux que tu rencontres une vraie femme ou que tu vives une meilleure vie de couple. Que tu trouve le vrai bonheur. Et que tu atteignes ton plein potentiel.Dans ce cours en forme de srie podcast audio que vous pourrez couter facilement et quand vous le voulez, je vais vous apprendre diffrentes techniques pour garder le morale et affronter vos pulsions sexuelles. Je vais vous apprendre garder votre calme, votre patience. Nous allons voir des choses concrtes qui vont rellement vous aider comme cela a march pour moi. Car, OUI ! Moi aussi je suis passer par l, et aujourd'hui je vais mieux et je vis pleinement mes projets. Vous avez besoin de cette formation ! Vous le savez au fond de vous la masturbation et le porno vous gche la vie !Dans ce cours, je vais vous apprendre cesser de regarder du porno et cesser de vous masturber. Et cela inculquera les comptences dont vous avez besoin pour remplacer le porno par des habitudes qui vous feront prosprer. Je vais vous montrer pourquoi la dpendance la pornographie est un tel dfi et, plus important encore, comment ce programme contribue le changer. Devenez un homme nouveau capable d'entreprendre ses projets sans procrastination, rgler vos problmes de couple , amliorer votre cerveau et votre condition physique. Toutes ces choses que j'ai cit et plus encore, peuvent devenir possible si vous vous engagez dans le dfi.Et en tant qu'instructeur, je suis l pour vous aider. Si vous avez besoin d'assistance, contactez-moi je suis l pour vous. J'ai hte de travailler avec vous dans ce cours et je vous souhaite le meilleur en matire de cessation du porno."
Price: 19.99 |
"Guitare Pour Tous - Pack Apprentissage Dbutant" |
"Ce cours est une initiation la guitare en plusieurs tapes, sans solfge, destin aux dbutants !Dcouvrez travers plusieurs sries de vidos comment l'apprhender, vous amuser et vous faire plaisir avec ce magnifique instrument.De la pop au blues, en passant par les grands classiques du rock et des chansons du monde, de la guitare espagnole au reggae, ce cours est fait pour rpondre vos attentes!"
Price: 49.99 |
"eSocial - Retorno de Licena Maternidade Seguida de Frias" |
"Esse Treinamento Visa Solucionar dois problemas pontuais que surgiram em funo do maior rigor no cumprimento de regras trabalhistas, legais e tributrias fiscalizadas pelo eSocial, usando como base para a soluo regras trazidas pela Reforma TrabalhistaEsses problemas seriam:Retorno de Licena Maternidade seguida de friasFechamento da folha usando dois perodos de competncia"
Price: 39.99 |
"Departamento pessoal-imposto de renda na folha de pagamento" |
"este treinamento visa treinar o aluno para entender a tabela do Imposto de Renda afim de evitar erros que possam levar a multas e atuaes.visa ampliar conhecimento valorizando a mo de obra para que, atravs do conhecimento consiga crescimento profissional e melhores salrios.o curso apresenta, de forma clara e dinmica, o processo para reteno, na fonte, do Imposto de Renda a ser aplicada sobre os rendimentos pagos aos empregados pelas empresasAo fim do curso o aluno dever ter sanado todas as duvidas referente correta aplicao da tabela do imposto de renda,"
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de Google AdSense e SEO - 2020 (AdSense Survival 2.0)" |
"Conhea a metodologia do Treinamento AdSense Survival 2.0, baseado em SEO e Copywriting o foco o cadastro de leads para no dependermos somente do trfego orgnico, mas de diversos canais de comunicao como: Chatbot do Facebook, Fluxo de Nutrio, e Trfego Orgnico.Voc ir aprender como o SEO poder lhe ajudar a ganhar dinheiro com o Google Adsense,e entender como funciona o comportamento do Bot do Google:Como procurar keywords e seus fluxos atravs de ferramentas.Copywriting e gatilhos mentais.Como criar contedos que gerem trfego orgnico mais rpidoComo monitorar suas keywords atravs de ferramentasMelhore seus contedos atravs do Search Console e aumente o trfego orgnico dos posts.Atravs do SEO voc ir aprender a capturar leads e ganhar dinheiro tambm vendendo infoprodutos que gerem valor para a sua persona atravs do Marketing de Contedo.Descubra como gerar valor atravs do chatbot e gerar dinheiro com AdSense e Infoprodutos. Aprenda como o marketing de contedo ir lhe ajudar a replicar essa metodologia em qualquer nicho existente do planeta.O que voc vai aprender, com a metodologia com SEO:Seja aprovado no Google AdsenseAprenda a montar um blog com todos os pr-requisitos necessrios para ganhar uma conta no Google Adsense.Estude e aplique a metodologia Adsense Survival e atinja os $100 inicias nos primeiros 30 dias.Atravs da captura de leads ser possvel entender a sua persona e vender infoprodutos usando fluxo de automao.Chatbot do Messenger x AdsenseAprenda a criar e configurar uma mquina do Messenger do Facebook e ganhar dinheiro com Adsense.Aumente o trfego do seu blog atravs do SEOMonitore os seus posts no Google, identifique melhorias e aumente em at 3x o trfego do seu blog.Crie contedos perfeitosChega de criar contedos que no geram trfego orgnico, aprenda a criar pautas e desenvolver um contedo que tenha um alto engajamento."
Price: 39.99 |
"Facebook Groups Master Course: Everything You Need to Know" |
"Thought about starting a Facebook Group...but still don't know where to start!Or you are not sure about the difference between a Fan Page and a Facebook Group?This FREE course is for you!The Facebook Groups Master Course will help you launch, manage and run your group.And launch a successful community!You can expect to learn about...What is a Facebook Group?What is the difference between managing a group versus a page?What are the different types of groups?How to build your community?How to increase your group engagement?What are all the hidden features about Facebook Groups?Where are we headed? What's the future for Facebook Groups?And why it's so important for you to learn about building a community around your business and Facebook Group!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Crie Seu Jogo Unreal Engine 4 #game multiplayer Aventura" |
" *****ATENO: USE O CUPOM NOSFERSTUDIOS E ADQUIRA POR APENAS R$19,99 (Oferta vlida por tempo limitado com quantidade limitada de cupons!!! Ento aproveite logo! Voc s paga uma vez e ter acesso para SEMPRE do curso e com direito as atualizaes)***** Um jogo pode facilmente se perde seu propsito novas ideias surgiram a cada passo.Descreva de forma clara seu jogo antes de iniciado para que tenha sucesso, a criao de um jogo uma possibilidade de criar um universo totalmente novo com sua viso, ento, armazene as informaes que deseja atribuir para seu jogo, para que se torne mais possvel acessa-las em um outro momento.Vamos atingir alguns temas descritos a baixo e em breve novos temas sero adicionadosIntroduoManipular Unreal Engine 4.Utilizar Blueprints de forma bsica para seus projetos.Criar um game para Desktop.Criar interfaces de usurios Criar um jogo novoMultiplayerUser Interface para multiplayersistema de menumodo de jogos diferentessistema de goldsistema de energiasistema de vidasistema de fomesounds effectssound ambientsistema de plataformascenrios e mapas*****ATENO: USE O CUPOM NOSFERSTUDIOS E ADQUIRA POR APENAS R$19,99 (Oferta vlida por tempo limitado com quantidade limitada de cupons!!! Ento aproveite logo! Voc s paga uma vez e ter acesso para SEMPRE do curso e com direito as atualizaes)*****A quem indico o curso:Programadores e Designer de jogos iniciantes e intermediriosQuem deseja aprender um universo totalmente novo de criao de jogosQuem deseja ingressar nesta profisso ou t-la como Hobby"
Price: 579.99 |
"Google Cloud Platform Associate Cloud Engineer Practice Test" |
""" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with GOOGLE in any way.""Looking to accomplish your Google Cloud Platform Certification Quickly. Don't have time to spend on expensive courses and want to avoid the extra marketing fluff. Pass the Exam in the first Attempt ...This is the only course on Udemy that offers you 3 practice exams comprising of a total of 120 Most Expected Questions with detailed explanations, that mimics the actual certification exam , which will help you get prepared for the main exam environment.Well, we are a group of professionals who have passed the exam .The questions here aren't framed by us but we have combined them from all over the web and these resources and materials have helped us in passing the exam.NOTE ALL THESE QUESTIONS ARE TIME BOUND WHICH HELPS YOU EVEN MORE TO GET ADJUSTED WITH THE REAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT.*** This course does not contain the study material. This course contains 120 UNIQUE questions ***I can UNDERSTAND you are a bit afraid in spending your money on a NEW course BUT---GUYS DON't WORRY !!! WE Have 100% REFUND POLICY ( and that too with a single click)So, What are you thinking?? The Google Cloud Certification is waiting for you.All The Best My Dearest Students :)"
Price: 39.99 |
"CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner(CASP+) Practice Exams" |
""" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with CompTIA in any way.""Looking to accomplish your CASP+ Certification Quickly. Don't have time to spend on expensive courses and want to avoid the extra marketing fluff. Pass the Exam in the first Attempt ...This is the only course on Udemy that offers you 2 practice exams comprising of a total of 100 Most Expected Questions with detailed explanations, that mimics the actual certification exam , which will help you get prepared for the main exam environment.Well, we are a group of professionals who have passed the exam .The questions here aren't framed by us but we have combined them from all over the web and these resources and materials have helped us in passing the exam.NOTE ALL THESE QUESTIONS ARE TIME BOUND WHICH HELPS YOU EVEN MORE TO GET ADJUSTED WITH THE REAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT.*** This course does not contain the study material. This course contains 100 UNIQUE questions ***I can UNDERSTAND you are a bit afraid in spending your money on a NEW course BUT---GUYS DON't WORRY !!! WE Have 100% REFUND POLICY ( and that too with a single click)So, What are you thinking?? The CASP+Certification is waiting for you.All The Best My Dearest Students :)"
Price: 34.99 |
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Price: 49.99 |
"Daz Studio para Iniciantes" |
"Esse curso para voc que sempre sonhou em criar personagens em 3D com esse curso voc vai com certeza realizar esse sonho. O curso vai demonstrar como instalar o software Daz studio, como baixar modelos prontos, objetos, acessrios, roupas de uma maneira ou modo que voc nunca viu antes.Mesmo que voc no tenha nenhum conhecimentos de modelagem, animao, mapeamento, composio de materiais, iluminao, efeitos de ps produorings e renderizao, integrao com engines de games e software 3d, sistema de renderizao, composio de vdeos finais voc vai conseguir compreender e realizar projetos incrveis com o Daz Studio."
Price: 69.99 |
"Crie seu personagens 3D Mixamo Fuse Completo" |
"Esse curso para voc que sempre sonhou em criar personagens em 3D com esse curso voc vai com certeza realizar esse sonho. O curso vai demonstrar como instalar o software Mixamo Fuse, como baixar modelos prontos, objetos, acessrios, roupas de uma maneira ou modo que voc nunca viu antes.Mesmo que voc no tenha nenhum conhecimentos de modelagem, animao, mapeamento, composio de materiais, iluminao, efeitos de ps produo rings e renderizao, integrao com engines de games e software 3d, sistema de renderizao, voc vai conseguir compreender e realizar projetos incrveis com o Mixamo Fuse."
Price: 64.99 |
"Desenvolvimento Web para Jogos" |
"Voc vai aprender a criar seus sites para seus jogos, esse curso para quem quer iniciar uma carreira como desenvolvedor web, para quem quer aprender as ferramentas mais utilizadas para desenvolvimento de sites e sistemas web?Com esse curso voc vai tirar o seu projeto do papel e coloc-lo na internet? Com ele voc aprender, na prtica, como transformar suas ideias em sistemas WEB."
Price: 69.99 |
"You Have the Word: Speaking at Social Gatherings" |
"Ever thought public speaking is something you're either gifted at or not? That if you're not gifted you should just accept that? Or is this actually learnable?Welcome to You Have the Word. Ready to make a change? It's time to rise and shine!Speaking in front of others is something many people fear, yet secretly desire to get good at. The good thing is, just like any other skill, this one can also be learned and mastered, even if you start from zero. That is why this course was created. In it, we're gonna dispel some of the myths around public speaking, and learn some hands on strategies and hacks that can be used directly. By the end of this course you will know;How to organise your speech so it becomes enjoyable and easy to follow for your audience.How to get the most out of your time practising.How to better present yourself onstage.How to overcome your stage fright.This course is geared toward anyone with an interest for public speaking, absolute beginners included. Any prior experience with performing onstage, or even talking to others in a discussion group, is of course a bonus, but in no way necessary. With the skills you learn here, you can create a speech from scratch, and know how to deliver it to an audience. That being said, let's get started!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Dog Training: A Short Crash Course For Absolute Beginners" |
"Chances are, if you're considering this course, then good for you. The world needs more responsible pet owners who acknowledge that having a pet is hard work. If an owner wants their dog to be obedient and manageable, they must exert a lot of effort on their part to achieve this.This course is a short beginner's step by step crash course intended for absolute beginners who have zero experience in dog training. It is not intended for students who have prior experience in dog training as the material may be too high level and simplistic. This course aims to help you and your new puppy start off on the right foot (or paw, to be more precise!) before he or she becomes too much to handle. The methods in this guide are not limited to training young pups. The method is also applicable to matured canines as well. It is never too late to teach your dog how to behave. The old adage goes, ""You can't teach a dog new tricks,"" but that can't be more false. With enough effort, patience, and the correct technique covered in this book, any old hound can pick up a few new tricks.If you've ever considered shelling out a large sum of money on programs and trainers to get your dog to behave, you can do away with that idea. This guide will show you how to do all that and more, all in the comfort of your own home and for little to no cost. One of the reasons why pet owners are willing to pay so much for outside training services is because they do not believe in themselves. It is to help any and all pet owners with the straightforward and easy to follow content. You can get your pet under control in no time flat and you don't even need to be a professional trainer to get your pet to sit, stay or rollover."
Price: 19.99 |
"(Artificial Intelligence for Business)" |
Price: 199.99 |
"Gain Real Confidence = The Productive Confidence" |
"Do You Want To Live A Better Life? Do You Want To Achieve Your Goals?Do You Want To Solve Your Problems? Do You Want To Get Rid Of Frustrating Life? Then This Course Is Absolutely For You. Confidence is absolutely the most essential skill that we need to gain in our lives. Because with Self-Confidence, you can do whatever you want. Without worrying about what other people say or think about you. If you gain Real Self-Confidence, you will be able to expand your social circle, promote to higher positions in your career, become more successful in your professional life or even start your own business, and do all the things that you want to do in your life. This kind of Confidence is the Real Confidence, which we call The Productive Confidence.So you and everybody in this world need to be more Confident and more Productive.In this course, The Productive Confidence Course, you are going to learn the following things:Overcome your fears.Free your mind from all 7+1 myths and mental traps about confidence.The Pillars of Confidence (3 things that you ABSOLUTELY NEED to activate, in order to be confident + practical steps to activate these three pillars).Three phases of confidence and how to go through each one of them.The proven way to overcome your fear (I.C. formula)How to take massive action despite your fears, hardship, and pain.Three steps to overcome neediness and become a bold, independent, and self reliant person.Overcome Social Anxiety and the fear of saying NO to other people.Deal with your past experiences and use them in a constructive and useful way.Use Confident Body Language to look and act like a confident person in social situations.Be like an extrovert when you want.Perceive and use each one of your failures as a driving force towards your GOAL.The C & C formula that guarantees you success in anything, including becoming Confident and Productive.And several bonus files about confident language, body language, confidence killers, confident voice, confidence communication and so on, that you will get each and every month."
Price: 149.99 |
"Professional Public Speaking & Presentation Skills (Formula)" |
"Do You Want To Kickstart Your Presentation and Public Speaking Journey Right Today?You Know? You don't need tons of Useless Information to be a great Public Speaker! YOU ONLY NEED SCARY (R) + STRESS (R) Formula to Kick Start Your Presentation and Public Speaking Journey. I tried these formulas myself, and I've been teaching these formulas since 2014. These formulas always work. Because they are backed with psychology and experience. So Enroll In This Course and Try These Formulas...You are going to learn The Following things in this course:SCARY R Formula:In this formula you are going to learn the stage fright and the public speaking anxiety in more details. Because Remember, you need to know your problems in order to solve them, right? So this formula is the summary of all the reasons for your stage fright and speaking anxiety...S. (2nd Fear)C. (3rd Fear)*** A. *** (Biggest Fear)R. (1st Fear)Y. (4th Fear)***** R. ***** (The Root Of All Of Your Fears)STRESS R Formula:S. The Keys To Have A Confident and Perfect First ImpressionT. How To Grab Audiences Attention And Keep Them Energetic Until The End of Your PresentationR. The Key To Be A Successful Public SpeakerE. The Only Bridge To Connect With Your Audience While SpeakingS. The Body Language Of A Successful, Charismatic, and Professional Public SpeakerS. The Key To Only Way To Keep Calm and Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking***R***: This Is The Main Characteristic Of The World Class Speakers Who Can Change The World.So are YOU ready to be a Real Public Speaker? Are YOU ready to give the best Presentation of Your life?Are YOU ready to speak up and share your message with the world?Life is too short to hesitate or procrastinate. Trust me, I will give you the most essential tools and secrets that you need to know in order to start your Public Speaking Journey. Don't hesitate, because the amount of money that you are going to pay to enroll in this course, is a tiny amount in comparison to what this course will bring into your life. So enroll in this course and Kick Start your Public Speaking Career..."
Price: 149.99 |
"How to Earn a GREAT Income in Real Estate-12 Critical Topics" |
"In this course I walk you through some of the most effective methods to get the BEST results on your Real Estate Journey whether you are a Cash Buyer, Wholesaler, Investor or Broker. I reveal to you some of my MOST SUCCESSFUL techniques I've used over the years to build a SUCCESSFUL Real Estate Firm and REI Academy. Whether your a Newbie or a Seasoned Real Estate Professional, there is something here from everyone with over 6 hours of Content that will definitely change your life and put you on a path to SUCCESS! If you Sign up for my Course NOW, YOU'LL GET 13 FREE BONUS VIDEOS FULL OF MY SECRETS ON HOW TO SUCCEED IN REAL ESTATE AND IN ANY BUSINESS!!!!"
Price: 34.99 |
"AS-level chemistry" |
"The course covers essential topics from AS-level chemistry. It fits all boards. If you are preparing to sit your AS-level chemistry test and need a quick brush up before the exam, or if you are an AS or A-level student who just started studying chemistry, this course is for you.Also, this course is the perfect fit for someone who is unsure about their chemistry foundations and needs to pass a school test or a university entrance test on the topics covered in this course.The course consists of a series of short video explanations and does not have useless information - I do value your precious test prep time! In the videos, I also show how to solve exam-style questions.Welcome!"
Price: 34.99 |
"Der menschliche Lgendetektor" |
"In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie ein Lgendetektor funktioniert und wie du dieses Wissen nutzen kannst, um zum menschlichen Lgendetektor zu werden. Du wirst lernen, welche Anzeichen Menschen beim Lgen in ihrer Krpersprache zeigen und wie du diese non verbalen Verhaltensmuster erkennen kannst. Anschlieend lernst du, wie du diese Informationen in einen richtigen Kontext einordnest und wie du dein Gegenber dazu bringen kannst, die Wahrheit zu sagen."
Price: 19.99 |
"Manipulation - Die 6 wichtigsten Beeinflussungswerkzeuge" |
"Manipulationskurs: Die 6 Werkzeuge der BeeinflussungIn diesem Kurs lernst du die Werkzeuge der Beeinflussung. In verstndlicher Sprache erklrtMit wissenschaftlichen Studien belegt und begrndetMit Praxis Tipps! Damit du das Gelernte sofort anwenden kannstMir ist dabei eine Sache besonders wichtig gewesen: Das Internet ist voll mit Pseudowissenschaften und Halbwissen. Ich habe daher besonderen Wert auf die Quellen gelegt. Du erfhrst in diesem Kurs Experimente von Regan (1971), Knox und Inkster (1968), D. Jensen, Glen & M. Leung, Calvin & T. Hess, David. (1970), Suedfeld, Bohne & Matas, (1971) und viele andere, die du 1:1 so nachlesen kannst! Denn alles in diesem Kurs hat Hand und Fu! Auerdem habe ich fr dich zwei spannende Case Studys mitgebracht, die echt nichts fr schwache Nerven sind."
Price: 29.99 |
"Trningsprogram til hjemmet: Fra begynder til avanceret" |
"Et super hjemmetrningsprogram uanset niveau, baseret p videnskabelig evidens. Uanset om du er begynder, letvet eller avanceret er du garanteret at f noget ud af programmet her.Du vil tilmed lre lidt om, hvad der skal til for at bygge muskler og hvordan du kan optimere din spise og din svn for at forbedre dine resultater."
Price: 24.99 |
"React Native en espaol - Native Base + React Navigation" |
"React Native - Curso - Espaol 2019. Empieza a desarrollar apps mviles para android e ios! Con react native podrs innovar, aumentar tus posibilidades de conseguir empleo, mejorar tu curriculum y portafolio y poder crear tus propias aplicaciones mviles que funcionen tanto en android como ios! React Native esta basado en React (El framework web ms popular de este ao segn encuestas en stack overflow) y Javascript (lenguaje ms demandado de este ao). Este curso fue creado originalmente en youtube y lo puedes encontrar visitando el canal CIAPFA, sin embargo ac en udemy tienes vdeos extra muy tiles, las ventajas que ofrece udemy y las actualizaciones que realice."
Price: 19.99 |
"React native en espaol curso completo" |
"React Native - Curso - Espaol 2019. Aprenders a crear tu primera aplicacin mvil, con los conocimientos, libreras y componentes necesarios para desarrollar proyectos reales de produccin para empresas. El mundo de las aplicaciones mviles es cada vez ms grande, desarrolla para android e ios, mejora tu calidad de vida, crece, innova y aumenta tus posibilidades de conseguir empleo. Quieres saber por que aprender React Native? Visita en youtube el canal ""CIAPFA"" y mira nuestros vdeos."
Price: 69.99 |
"Mern - Node JS + Express + MongoDB + React Native" |
"MERN FullStack - React Native - Node js + express + MongoDB. Crearemos un servidor, utilizando las libreras de javascript ms demandadas del mercado, para nuestro proyecto holaCiapfa desarrollado en el curso de react native. El cdigo del proyecto react native estar disponible y totalmente gratuito en el curso actualizado, con las ltimas modificaciones de react navigation y expo. Este curso esta pensando, para aquellos con conocimiento bsico de cada uno de las libreras, sin embargo! hay sorpresas para un aprendizaje fcil, rpido y efectivo :D!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Complete 6-Week Nutrition Bootcamp" |
"Well, with healthy eating!Weight gain doesnt only take away your self-confidence but also makes you frustrated. The real problem arises when youve been exercising for months with little to no benefit. You start feeling hopeless and accepting the fact that youll never have the same confidence at parties and get-together ever again!The thing is, trends have changed now and exercise alone cannot help you anymore. You need to develop healthy eating habits that will not only help you lose weight easily but will make you 10 times more energetic.Thats where Precise Portions scientifically-proven nutrition program comes in! In this 6-week extensive online training, youll learn healthy eating habits and get the following benefits:Get your lost confidence back by losing weight easily and effectively.Feel healthier and happier again.Reduce unhealthy food intake and sugar cravings.Feel 10 times more energetic by fueling your body with the right nutrition.Feel satisfied and never regret after eating again.Not just lose weight, but also maintain it in the long-run.Enjoy a higher quality of life by being healthy from inside out.Feel motivated by getting meal plans and goals throughout the course.Become part of a motivated group of people influenced by a top-class trainer.Get lifetime support even after the course ends and get answers to your health questions from our experts."
Price: 149.99 |
"Vray 3.4 Cinema 4D.Photorealistic Rendering" |
"This Tranning can be make by Begginer and Advanced user of vray, We are going to explaind everything in 5 simple steps (Framing-Lighting-Material-Rendering-Post-Production). this steps can be apply for any other interior spaces and it will help you to make a photo-realistic render. That even Begginer & Advanced user will be able to follow.As Trainer, If any of my student have a doubt ( You can request any extra video and I will make an update into the (EXTRA BONUS AREA) for all you to understand.At the very end, I want to any of you to take this course learn how to make foto-realistic rendering. This tranning will take you to real 3D Artist."
Price: 19.99 |