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"Core Java Concepts - Practice Questions - Set1"
"This course contains practice questions from Core Java concepts - Declarations, Access Types, Object Orientation standard techniques along with explanation of correct answers. Further assistance will be provided if students face any difficulty and/or need more clarifications on top of what is already provided. Different practice tests will cover more core java concepts in turn."
Price: 19.99

"Core Java Concepts - Practice Questions - Set2"
"This course contains practice questions from Core Java concepts - Object Orientation, Assignments standard techniques along with explanation of correct answers. Further assistance will be provided if students face any difficulty and/or need more clarifications on top of what is already provided. Different practice tests will cover more core java concepts in turn."
Price: 19.99

"PicsArt Full Guide:Basic to Advance In Photo Editing"
"Yes,Everyone know that  Photoshop is complicated . But If I Tell you , that you can even edit or retouch your photos better than Photoshop that too easily in a minute or two and most importantly in your smartphone . Yes you have clicked on the right course. This course will help you be a pro in editing and retouching photograph from PicsArt( a professional photo editing app) ........Requirements:- 1- A Smartphone (Android, iOS ) .2- No prior knowledge required.3-Internet connection (For better Editing)You will learn the following from this course:-1-People after purchasing this course would be able to edit their photographs from their mobile phones like a pro.2-Learn how to erase and replace background.3- Learn the secrets for retouching a photograph.4-Edit photographs like Photoshop from your mobile phone.5- Learn How to make professional Youtube Thumbnails.6- Know the process of creating a professional logo.7- Know the process of creating a professional Noen effect.Enroll Now!!!!!Sincerely Your Instructor-Sajjad Alithis course is for All Beginners to advance"
Price: 29.99

"Coup de Coeur Online - - . : 5 3 , , _______________________________Master class on macarons by Coup de Coeur online school is not just a recipe, it is a ready variant for business or additional income.With this course you will get:Working recipes and technologies for 5 macaron fillings and 3 recipes for macarons shells, according to which youll be able to create your own recipesThe ready-made pattern for macaron packagingRecommendations on how to create a selling in social media pageInstructions on how to set up the project on macarons selling in a minimal amount of time and with a minimum budgetSurpass your clients expectation suggest them the best macarons they have ever tasted."
Price: 109.99

"Business Statistics I"
"Welcome to Business Statistics IThis course has been designed from Scratch to Advanced level.Learn about Statistics including important statistic business terms.Presenting Data & Data Distribution  Central Tendency including Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode, Harmonic Mean, Geometric Mean, Winsorized Mean, Trimmed Mean, Quartiles, Deciles & Percentiles.Detailed Data Distribution Measures of Dispersion including absolute measures of dispersion and relative measures of dispersion , Range, Coefficient of Range, Quartile Deviation, Coefficient of Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation through Mean, Median and Mode, Coefficient of Mean Deviation Median Deviation & Mode Deviation, Standard Deviation & Coefficient of Standard Deviation, Variance & Coefficient of Variation. Learning Skewness and its measures & KurtosisLearn Correlation simple, Ranked and combined, Regression simple and Multiple.Regression, including scatterplots, correlation coefficientNumbers simple and composite including simple and chain index, weighted and un-weighted index & Consumer Price IndexTime series Analysis including semi average method, moving average, 4 quarter moving average centered, least square method, decomposition, ratio to moving average .YOU'LL ALSO GET:Lifetime access to Become a Data Science for Business Statistics IFriendly support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion available for download30-day money back guaranteeStudents, I hope you will enjoy the course as much as I have wile designing the course. Students if you have any questions related to topics mentioned above kindly leave in the comments feedback section below.Enroll Now to start the journey!Best RegardsIftikhar A."
Price: 179.99

"Compositing Photoshop - Mixer 3D et prise de vue relle"
"Dans ce tuto sur Photoshop et Autodesk fusion 360 (Facultatif !), vous allez crer un compositing, savoir un photomontage homogne d'images de provenance diffrentes (ici, un rendu 3D et des images relles).Pour raliser cela, vous commencerez par une initiation sous Autodesk Fusion 360 (gratuit !) afin de crer un objet 3D (les modules anti-gravit) ; en utilisant des techniques de modlisation HardSurface sans, toutefois, la complexit habituelle des logiciels 3D. Il ne sera nullement ncessaire de connatre le logiciel dans son intgralit pour cette formation. (Cette partie, pour les rfractaires la 3D est optionnel, le fichier 3D et le rendu final vous tant fournie !)  Dans un premier temps, nous paramtrerons l'image de rfrence (calibration de la taille au mm prs !)ainsi que les prfrences de navigation afin que tout le monde puisse partir sur les mmes bases. De l, vous commencerez la modlisation proprement parl. Fusion  360, va vous permettre de raliser celle-ci l'aide d'un minimum d'outils, en un minimum de temps (ici environ 40 minutes). Enfin, une fois votre modle ralis, vous lui appliquerez, matriaux, textures et lumires afin d'effectuer au final, un rendu.Et tout cela, uniquement dans Fusion 360. Enfin, dans la partie sous Photoshop, pour que vous puissiez votre tour raliser vos propres compositings, il sera ici question d'apprendre des bases : Comment dtourer rapidement votre sujet principal Incruster des textures et dtails, afin d'augmenter l'intgration Utiliser le contenu prise en compte (afin de retoucher rapidement un lment indsirable sous Photoshop 2019) Crer des lumireset bien d'autres choses encore !Tous les fichiers source ainsi que le montage final (au format .psd Photoshop) vous sont fournis pour que vous puissiez aborder cette formation dans les meilleures conditions possibles. De plus, je suis votre disposition, via la messagerie, pour rpondre vos questions, alors n'hsitez surtout pas.Fusion 360 Student :Pour terminer, sachez qu'une version gratuite de Fusion 360 valable sur une dure de 3 ans reconductible est disponible sur le site d'Autodesk. Une note explicative d'enregistrement et d'installation vous est fournie avec les sources.Bonne formation tous !"
Price: 19.99

"Falar em Pblico"
"Um curso 2 em 1. Aprenda a falar em pblico e supere o medo de falar em pblico. Descubra os caminhos para superar a vergonha, a timidez e outros limites e potencializar suas qualidades e habilidades sociais. Sim, este um curso para voc! Falar em pblico muito mais do que aprender tcnicas, um encontro com suas capacidades e motivaes mais profundas e aqui voc ver que possvel superar os limites."
Price: 39.99

"Ionic 4 - Crer une application de shopping"
"Etes-vous audacieux/audacieuse ?Actuellement dans le monde dInternet, il y a une application mobile pour presque tout : pour les Soins de Sant, pour les Rencontres Amoureuses, Shopping etc. Le dveloppement dApplication Mobile nest plus le mme quauparavant. Le processus comprenait jadis le design, les fonctionnalits, le cot et le temps ncessaires pour construire lApplication pour chaque plateforme. Il fallait la fois connaitre Java pour dvelopper pour Android et aussi Swift pour IOS. Chose qui rendait la tche difficile un seul programmeur.Jai commenc par la programmation web (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular) et trs vite jai eu envie de crer mon application mobile. Et lide dapprendre deux langages diffrents pour 2 plateformes diffrentes ne me rjouissait pas. Cest alors que jai appris lexistence de Ionic.Ionic est un Framework open source, bas sur Angular, qui permet de dvelopper en HTML, CSS & JavaScript des Applications mobiles multi-plateforme ( la fois pour Android & IOS ) pour le mme code source.Voil pourquoi jai cr cette formation : Pour vous permettre de crer vos applications mobiles grce aux connaissances que vous avez dj (la programmation web).Je suis dveloppeur web, jadore Javascript et ses Frameworks / librairies. Je matrise notamment JQuery, TypeScript, Angular, Ionic, React, React Native, Meteor, Electron, NodeJs etc. Et jai appris avec exprience quil est plus facile dapprendre programmer grce un projet qui nous plait. Voil pourquoi ce cours est orient projet. Nous allons apprendre utiliser Ionic en crant une Application de shopping du mme style que Vinted . Et en plus comme bonus la cl, je vous offre 2 Cadeaux : Une formation introductive Git et un Ebook gratuit qui rsumera toute notre formation (code compris).Grace Udemy, cette formation est garantie satisfait ou rembours pendant 30 jours et cela sans aucune conditions. Si le cours ne vous plait pas, cest simple, on vous rembourse. Alors inscrivez-vous Maintenant.Cette formation vous permettra de :De crer une application de shopping qui permettra l'utilisateur de vendre des articles et d'entrer en contact avec ceux qui vendent pour acheter.De matriser les composants dIonic 4 tels que ActionSheetController, ToastController, LoadingController, Pull Refresh etc.De matriser les plugins dIonic 4 tels que Camera, ImagePicker, DeepLinks, File Transfer, Social Sharing etc.De persister des donnes dans MongoDB laide de Loopback (framework Node.js).Jai eu la chance, ds mes dbuts en dveloppement web, dapprendre lexistence dapplication mobiles hybrides.Alors nattendez plus, cliquez sur le bouton et inscrivez vous maintenant et on se retrouve de lautre cot pour commencer. Bienvenue dans cette formation Ionic 4."
Price: 199.99

"Maitriser React de A Z - Crer son propre NETFLIX"
"Es-tu audacieux/audacieuse ? Es-tu pret atteindre ta libert financire grace React ? Veux-tu apprendre utiliser le framework javascript le plus populaire ce jour ? Ou mieux encore tu as les bases mais tu dsires maitriser le framework ?  Tu as surement dj entendu parl de React. React est un framework JavaScript open source maintenue par Facebook. Soit dit en passant, React est aussi consider (par beaucoup) comme tant une Librairie javascript. Il permet de crer des applications Web monopage (single page application), via la cration de composants. A mon avis les problmes avec React, c'est : qu'il est tellement simple utiliser;il nous laisse le libre choix de dcider de tout ce que l'on veut pour notre application et cela de A Z. Voil pourquoi on s'embrouille facilement dans son propre code. Pour ma part, mes dbuts j'ai commenc par la programation web (HTML, CSS et Javascript). Et trs rapidement je dcouvre Angular (Framework javascript dvelopp par Google). Je dcide d'en faire mon framework favoris puisqu'il utilise Typescript, et qu'en plus Ionic utilise Angular. Alors lorsque j'entendais parl de React, je me disais ""bof, ce n'est qu'un framework javascript de plus... je ne suis pas oblig d'apprendre tous les frameworks du monde"". Mais j'avais tord de rfchir de la sorte parce qu'un jour j'ai lu sur le web que Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Whatsapp, Pinterest et j'en passe utilisaient tous React.  C'est alors que je me suis pos la question de savoir pourquoi tous ces grands noms ont-ils choisis React au lieu d'Angular (par exemple) ? Pour rpondre cette question je me suis dit ""Je vais apprendre React pour me faire ma propre ide..."" Et j'ai rapidement dcouvert les 6 tapes pour penser en React.T'es tu dj demand comment mettre en place les 6 tapes pour penser en React dans un Projet rl ? Voil pourquoi j'ai cr cette formation : Pour te permttre de crer tes applications web avec React et cela de faon structure (en suivant les conseils des crateurs de React).Je suis dveloppeur web, jadore Javascript et ses Frameworks / librairies. Je matrise notamment JQuery, TypeScript, Angular, Ionic, React, React Native, Meteor, Electron, NodeJs etc. Et jai appris avec exprience quil est plus facile dapprendre programmer grce un projet qui nous plait. Voil pourquoi ce cours est orient projet. Nous allons apprendre utiliser React en crant notre Propre NETFLIX et par dessus le march permettre nos utilisateurs de nous payer via PayPal pour pouvoir suivre des films en ligne.Grace Udemy, cette formation est garantie satisfait ou rembours pendant 30 jours et cela sans aucune conditions. Si le cours ne te plait pas, cest simple, on te rembourse. Alors inscris-toi Maintenant.Cette formation te permettra de :Crer ton propre NETFLIX (application de sevice de video en streaming) en React; Gagner de l'argent grce ton application en permettant tes utilisateurs de te payer, en intgrant le payment via Paypal;Faire le difference entre les differents cycles de vie d'un composant et dans quel cas les utiliser;Ecrire et crer des Functional Components, Class Components et HOC et dans quel cas utiliser chacun;Enrichir ton application grace ce aux clbres packages react-player, react-fontawesome, react-firebaseui, reactstrap;Rcuprer une liste de films partir de l'API themoviedb;Rcuprer les dtails de chaque film toujours grace themoviedb;Rechercher un film particulier en passant par themoviedb grace une barre de recherche...A la fin de cette formation tu seras en mesure d'utiliser avec aisance : Les composants ReactLes propsLe JSXReduxReact Router (React Router DOM)Les evenements onClick, onMouseEnter et onMouseLeavereact-paypal-express-checkoutles composants d'ordre suprieurreact-playerreact-fontawesomereact-firebaseuireactstrapl'api themoviedbun systme d'authentification via les rseaux sociauxla scurit dans l'applicationAlors nattends plus, clique sur le bouton et inscris-toi maintenant et on se retrouve de lautre cot pour commencer. Bienvenue dans cette formation React."
Price: 199.99

"Your Guide to Start Freelancing Career (in Arabic)"
"Have you ever wanted to learn how to work as a freelancer, get work done and get paid for what you did ?Then, this course is for you. You'll learn- What is freelancing and other work models- Advantages , challenges of freelancing and how to overcome these challenges- What are the most in demand skills in freelancing- What are the skills needed to be a successful freelancer- What customers really need from you- How to market for yourself- How to win a job- What are the materials needed to apply for a job- How to define your hour rate- How and when to get paid"
Price: 19.99

"Authentic Japanese Cooking: How to Cook Japanese Home Dishes"
"Japanese cuisine is world famous for its healthy and delicious food. In this course, you'll learn how to cook Japanese dishes from scratch, but in a quick and easy way. Delight your family, friends and kids with these authentic Japanese dishes! A Japanese Mom of three young kids will show you the easiest way to cook Japanese dishes from traditional to fusion style."
Price: 49.99

"Pilates Comprehensive Course (from a Pilates Instructor)"
"What do Lady Gaga, Madonna, Cameron Diaz and Tiger Woods have in common? Pilates!In this simple course divided into easy to follow 8 week increments (lifetime access)  for all levels, you will learn:Pilates breathing techniquesProper body movementHow to train your core muscles Good posture Pilates exercises to promote healthInstructor Chika learned Pilates at the University of Nevada, and has taught Pilates in 5 countries over the last 13 years, and has helped students from 11 to 80 years old:Knee painBack pain & Sciatica Nerve PainStiff shouldersPoor postureToned body"
Price: 199.99

"DevExpress ile .Net ortamnda Kolay Programlama"
"Bu kurs ile hzlca ve pratik bir ekilde nasl programlama yaplr bunu reneceiz.Kursu alacak olan rencilerin c# ve mssql tarafnda balang seviyesinin biraz stnde olmas gerekmektedir.DevExpress aralarn kullanp, .Net ortamnda, MSSQL ile hzl bir ekilde programlama tekniklerini kavram olacaz.Sizin talep ve grleriniz dorultusunda, bu projeyi gelitirmeye devam edebiliriz. Anlalmayan yerler olursa, soru&cevap ksmnda iletiime geebiliriz."
Price: 49.99

"Read like a writer and write a short story"
"Learn how to read and write a short story by analysing texts from both international contemporary and classic authors as varied as Anton Chekhov, Richard Yates, Shirley Jackson, James Baldwin, Kurt Vonnegut, Flannery O'Connor, Katherine Mansfield, Margaret Atwood  and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.By the end of this course you will have:1. Learnt how to critically analyse and appreciate a short story for its technique in delivery;2. Prepared the first draft of your own story;3. Read a range of stories by international authors; 4. Been making notes of your own observations, experiences and emotions to help you write; and5. Experimented with different aspects of the writing craft.Sign up if you love reading short stories, have always wanted to be exposed to a more diverse range of authors and want to write one of your own."
Price: 49.99

"Overcoming Unconscious Bias as a Team Lead"
"If you believe yourself to be ethical and unbiased but still believe that someone who has a background of higher education is more intelligent than someone who doesn't - well that's an unconscious bias and this course is for you.Unconscious bias is much more than education, race or age, and at the end of this course, you will discover the broader spectrum it covers and how you can overcome it as a team lead.This course explores the types of unconscious bias that can be demonstrated in the responsibilities of a team lead, the impact unconscious bias has on the team and ways to overcome unconscious bias as a team lead.Unconscious biases in teams will exist unless we consciously overcome them. And with this course, you can."
Price: 19.99

"Brush Pen Lettering: Learn fresh, modern calligraphy"
"In this new brush pen lettering class, I'll teach you my personal favourite ways to vary your brush lettering so your work stands out when you post your favourite quotes and sayings on Instagram and social media! I'll show you my favorite brush pens to use, the paper that I prefer and especially how to hold the pen, your body position and getting ready for successful learning!I'll teach you a few different styles of modern calligraphy lettering along with bold, brush lettering and even mono-lined letters.We will then work on short quotes and sayings so that you can start lettering right after you watch this class.  Or better yet, follow along with me at your own pace and learn this fresh, modern calligraphy and lettering style today."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Modern Calligraphy Using a Dip Pen and Ink"
"Dip pen and ink calligraphy is very intimidating! You've probably seen loads of videos online showing pretty lettering and have been inspired to learn yourself! Well, instead of searching for the right videos, practice sheets and instructions, you'll have all you need to get started with this Introduction to Modern Calligraphy Using a Dip Pen and Ink class with me!  I've been teaching in-person and online workshops for years now and have enjoyed watching my students have success right off the start!In this class, you'll learn the very specific tips on everything you need to know from, how to form letters properly, how to hold the pen correctly to how to control the nib and ink! Video instruction along with printable tracing worksheets round out this easy & quick calligraphy class! Enjoy live demonstration on how to write the alphabet for you to start building your own variations of lettering."
Price: 19.99

"How to Advance your Modern Calligraphy Skills"
"So you've taken an interest in learning Modern Calligraphy and have done a beginner class or two? Now what?!This advanced modern calligraphy class has been designed to help you grow your modern calligraphy practice, help you develop personality and style with your calligraphy lettering and inspire you to keep exploring calligraphy! I've combined two classes into one to help better support your learning!What you can expect to learn in this class;Learn how to join letters to form words,Learn how to create bouncy, letters to really grow your personal style,Learn how to use guache or acrylic inks on cotton card stock paper,Be inspired with how I use Modern Calligraphy in my design work,Watch as I demonstrate alternate letters for you to try,Download an alphabet to work on your bounce lettering and joining lettersFollow along with me as I show you how to add personality and interest to the most common words that I get asked about all the time!Words to suit different occasions and industries: wedding, special occasions, holidays and even business.Be inspired with ways to incorporate it into your daily life or add it to your creative skill and grow a potential income from it!If you are serious about growing your skills then this class will help you with lots of instruction, tips and examples! This class is not suitable for beginners.  If you are new to calligraphy, then I recommend you check-out my beginner Modern Calligraphy class!I hope you enjoy this class with me!"
Price: 34.99

"Watercolor Brush Lettering for Beginners"
"Welcome to Learn Brush Lettering Using a Waterbrush / Brush for beginners. In this class, I will teach you how to use watercolor and a brush to create a variety of styles of brush lettering!I will be demonstrating multiple alphabet styles using a watercolor palette, along with a waterbrush and simple paint brush! I will be sharing my tested tips and tricks to achieving modern calligraphy style brush lettering as well as how to create bold brush lettering styles simply using the same tools!.This class is perfect for anyone who is interested in learning brush lettering and would like an easy, effective method to build your lettering skills and practice. This type of brush lettering is very playful and with the use of watercolors, can be very bright and colorful too.I will be covering essential tools and items you need to have on hand to letter with. I will also demonstrate how to use the tools, and how to achieve a variety of style of lettering as we work towards lettering a simple quote.If you are curious about how to learn modern calligraphy style lettering using a dip pen and ink, check out my other online classes.As with all of my classes, I have created a free lettering guide providing you with a visual and practice sheets so that you can grow you skill right along with me as you watch the class.I'm excited for you to join me in this class as we play with watercolor and brush lettering!"
Price: 19.99

"How to easily digitize your Calligraphy & Lettering"
"So you've taken my calligraphy or waterbrush lettering classes, you've practiced and you're hooked! What's next?! Learn how to digitize your lettering to maximize your new skill and open creative doors and opportunities!Maybe your goal is to see your calligraphy printed on things like notebooks, phone cases or even bedding. Maybe you want to print your own greeting cards or art prints that you can sell and earn a side income from.Whatever your goal is, I will take you step-by-step through my digitizing process using both Adobe Illustrator and PhotoshopWho is this class good for?This class is great for anyone who has an interest in learning how to digitize their calligraphy lettering and explore all the options that digitizing offers. You don't have to be a pro at either Illustrator or Photoshop, however, understanding basic navigation in the programs like where to find your tools etc is good to know. Otherwise, I will take you step-by-step and show you exactly what to know to digitize easily and quickly.I will take you through my thought process for deciding which method is best for your project goal and how to achieve the best quality finish. All of these decisions are made even before I start the digitizing process.What you need for this class is; your calligraphy project in mind, access to Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop ( I show you where to get a FREE trial), a scanner, your phone or a camera will help so that you can capture a digital image of your lettering before we create a digital file of it and lastly, a notebook to make notes from class! I do this with every class that I take, so I have quick reference to what I learn and can write the steps down. Writing the steps down also help you remember what to do when you are just learning! That's it!If you are looking to learn calligraphy or brush lettering or want to grow your calligraphy and lettering skills, go ahead and check out my previous classes where I teach you everything you need to know to get started or to grow your calligraphy skills!Click enrol and let's get started digitizing your calligraphy and lettering!"
Price: 24.99

"WATCHGUARD Network Security Essentials practice exams"
"Network Security Essentials This exam covers the content previously covered in Fireware Essentials, but also includes content on basic networking and new Fireware topics, including multi-WAN, VLANs, and more..Network BasicsNetwork Security BasicsFireware EssentialsFirebox Administration & SetupLogging & MonitoringNetworkingPoliciesSecurity Services & PoliciesApplication Control & IPSProxiesAuthenticationMobile VPNBranch Office VPN*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 153 questions ***"
Price: 34.99

"Gesto Estratgica de Plano de Cargos e Salrios - PCS"
"Qualificar os participantes a compreender e aplicar modernas tcnicas de gesto de cargos e salrios, atuando na arquitetura organizacional e gerenciando estrategicamente a remunerao dos colaboradores, otimizando recursos e fortalecendo a empresa frente ao mercado.Mdulos e Contedo Programtico:1. Introduo O PCS e a Estratgia Organizacional      - O que um PCS, suas funes e benefcios2. Arquitetura Organizacional      - Estrutura funcional e Nveis de Complexidade      - Estruturas de Carreira (Y, W, Multilateral e vertical)      - Cargos & Funes      - Organograma e Trilhas de Carreira      - Bnus: Desafios de Arquitetura Organizacional          a) Lacunas de complexidade          b) Carreiras Esquecidas          c) Headcount (Pirmide, Pote e Ampulheta)3. Descrio de Cargos & Funes     - Definies em descrio de cargos/funo         a) O que cargo, funo e tarefa         b) Senioridades         c) Definindo Template e Requisitos         d) Realizando uma a descrio operacional     - Planejando a descrio dos cargos e funes         a) Determinando o pblico alvo         b) Mtodos de Investigao         c) Comunicando a empresa e seus colaboradores      - Analisando e descrevendo cargos/funes          a) Analisando Resultado Situao/Ao/Resultado          b) Descrevendo o cargo/funo          c) Descrio Sumria         d) Nome do cargo/funo         e) Validao, Versionamento e Atualizao         f) Empresas auditadas e certificadas         g) Outras contribuies de descrever cargos para a organizao     - Contedo Adicionais Propostos          a) Entrevista simulada com cargos estratgicos, tticos e operacionais4. Gesto Estratgica da Remunerao       - Objetivos da Gesto de Remunerao       - Pesquisa Salarial       - Estratgias de Posicionamento de Mercado       - Matriz Salarial versus Folha de Pagamento       - Amplitude Salarial       - Composto de Remunerao       - Bnus: Modelos de Steps e de Regies de Remunerao5. A Implantao do PCS       - Fases de trabalho       - Aprovao e adeso dos colaboradores       - Formao do grupo de implantao"
Price: 174.99

"Gesto do Desempenho"
"Qualificar os participantes a compreender e aplicar tcnicas de gesto do desempenho, entendendo os requisitos para sua implementao e fortalecimento da organizao no ambiente em que se encontra inserida.Mdulos e Contedo Programtico:1. Boas vindas2. Introduo: Conceito de Desempenho (Comportamentos e Resultados) Gesto do Desempenho e o PCS Entregas e recompensas Viso Pedaggica x Viso Punitiva3. Estruturao do Fator Desempenho: Fixando os requisitos de competitividade e sustentabilidade organizacionais Convertendo os requisitos de competitividade em competncias Desdobrando as competncias em comportamentos de entrega Competncias e a Arquitetura Organizacional Dicionrio de Comportamentos e o CHA das Competncias4. Programa de Avaliao de Desempenho e Potencial: A importncia de uma poltica + programa bem estruturados e transparentes Comit de Avaliao do Desempenho Ferramenta de Avaliao (Modelo, Instrumento e Metodologia) Viso por Indivduo / rea / Todo Modelagem 09 Box5. PDI e Trilhas de Desenvolvimento"
Price: 174.99

"Supervised Machine Learning for beginners"
"If you are a developer, an architect, an engineer, a techie, an IT enthusiast, a student or just a curious person, if you are interested in taking on machine learning but you are not too sure where to start, this is probably the right course for you!!In this course, we start with the basics and we explain the concept of supervised learning in depth, we also go over the various types of problems that can be solved using supervised learning techniques. Then we get more hands-on and illustrate some concepts relative to data preparation and model evaluation with bits of code that you can easily reuse. And last, we actually train and evaluate several models based on the most common machine learning algorithms for supervised learning such as K-nearest neighbors, logistic regression, decision trees and random forests. I hope that you find this course fun and easy to follow and that it gives you the machine learning background you need to kick start your journey and be successful in this field!"
Price: 29.99

"Marketing Essentials 101"
"Market yourself or your products with full confidence of success by learning the marketing and negotiating secrets Mark J. Stoddard used to generate more than $700 million in sales of a huge variety of products -- everything from concerts, to vehicle transmissions, software, pearls, condominiums, health products, etc. Careers have been launched from those who have followed his marketing principles. 1,000s of free lancers and entrepreneurs mentored by Mark Stoddard found success using the principles you are about to learn. You'll watch this series again and again, finding new gems each time.Learn easy-to-use marketing principles in the context of the performing arts:MarketingAdvertisingNegotiatingMarketing expert Mark Stoddard, author of 15+ booksincluding Marketing Singershas helped coach hundreds of singers to artfully make money. Weve put together a succinct six episode course about applying proven marketing concepts so you dont have to be overwhelmed or afraid of the business side of art!"
Price: 44.99

"Kotlin: Backend sin sufrimiento"
"En este curso aprenderas como crear API RESTful con Kotlin, utilizaremos el framework Spring boot 2, Maven como gestor de proyecto y H2 como motor de base de datos. Abarcaremos los temas de:orientacin a objetos, divisin por capas, inyeccin de dependencias, test de integracin, documentacin, conexin a bases de datos, validaciones de entidades y manejo de errores."
Price: 19.99

"Build Courier Tracking System in PHP OOP -- 2019"
"Do you already know PHP and you've always wanted to develop something more advanced as a Courier Management System? By taking this course you'll learn how to develop a complete Courier Logistics Management System in PHP OOP from scratch where staff can sign-up for a new account, login, and be provided with personalized content. Users can track parcel and see the status and current location of parcel with indicators.This course will teach you how to add the following features to your PHP website or web application:User sign-up, including account activation and pass reset by emailLogin and logoutAutomatic login to systemProtecting content for non-logged in usersSuper-Admin FeaturesCustomer Waybill Tracking System Site maintenance mode featuresSecure password reset: let the users reset their own passwords when they forget themUser administration: create, view, edit and delete parcel information. and lots moreThe below will add a new feel and knowledge to your existing Javascript & Ajax Custom Component:-Custom Console DesignJson LoaderDate PickerTime PickerScroll To Object JavascriptForm Submit in Ajax (Supports File Uploads)Message Display PatternSweet Alert Custom DesignsBootstrap Notify Custom DesignBootstrap Toggle Custom DesignBootstrap Toggle Form SubmitAdditional lectures include improving the usability of the site with new HTML5 and JavaScript techniques.Taught by experienced web application developer and online educator Peter Fredrick, this course takes you in easy steps through the entire process of creating an advance company base website. This course will take you step by step through the project until all the principles have been covered.All the source code is included with the lectures, with clear comments in the code and all the guidance you need to create your own php application system."
Price: 49.99

"Ultimate PHP & Ajax Crash Course and Data Security Challenge"
"Do you already know PHP and you've always wanted to develop something more advanced as having to rewrite your entire php project extension to display other extension in the url web browser?. Do you want to be able to hide your ajax request URL from the user front-end before posting to server? Then you're in the right place.This course will teach you how to add the following features to your PHP website or web application:Simple use of htaccessRewrite all php extensions to:- html, htm, asp, aspx and more...Hide ajax request from the front-end web serverProtecting url file content from access using htaccess on apache serverThe below will add a new feel and knowledge to your existing jQuery & Ajax Custom Component:-Json LoaderForm Submit in Ajax Taught by experienced web application developer and online educator Peter Fredrick, this course takes you in easy steps through the entire process of creating an advance secured and well structured web application.All the source code is included with the lectures, with clear comments in the code and all the guidance you need to create your own secured php application system."
Price: 54.99

"Ultrasonic Testing Level 1 Training"
"This course teaches you how to perform ultrasonic inspection from beginning to end.The course provides you with Level 1 training in the fundamentals of Ultrasonic Testing methods. It will introduce you to the basic concepts and principles and includes hands-on training using Ultrasonic Testing equipment settings and functions.The Ultrasonic theories presented will provide the knowledge of Ultrasonic Testing required and enable you to work with individuals qualified and certified to gain needed experience for qualification as Level 1. While the practical manipulations will give you the essential steps that you will need to calibrate the ultrasonic testing equipment, perform the inspection, collect and interpret the data.This course consists of two handbooks: The first handbook made by the instructor is the official of the training. It covers all the topics presented through the 35 lectures. While the second one (offered as bonus) is the official one of the TWI (International Institute of Welding) training.In addition to that, the course includes 35 lectures alternating between the different lecture types, with regular quizzes and exams to enable you to check that your are following the topics covered.We'll begin by taking a closer look at the general concepts of ultrasonic testing, I'll then take you throw the fundamental properties of ultrasound starting with the generation of the ultrasonic wave and the mean physical phenomena that govern it.Next, we'll discuss the most famous Ultrasonic Inspection Techniques and the equipment used to perform them so that you be able to perform them effectively.We'll then take a look at the reference blocks used for calibrating the equipment, and how the inspected part variations that may affect the test result.Finally, we'll explore the types of defects, and the most useful evaluation techniques so that you can decide whether the flaw is accepted or it needs to be repaired.Having the proper theoretical knowledge of ultrasound is critical to running a successful inspection, I'll introduce you to this knowledge and how to practice them effectively in Ultrasonic testing level 1 training."
Price: 19.99

"Project Management Essential Training"
"Project management is a start-to-finish approach to getting things done and making projects more successful. It's a profession, but it's also a set of techniques that anyone can apply to achieve goals and manage project work more effectively. Project management can be used to guide small, simple projects as well as complex enterprise-wide initiatives.In this course you'll be fascinated by how things work and how to make things work better. We will explain the fundamentals of project management, from defining the problem, establishing project goals and objectives, and building a project plan to managing team resources, meeting deadlines, and closing the project. Along the way, we will provide tips for reporting on project performance, keeping a project on track, and gaining customer acceptance.Topics include:Defining the components of a projectWhat it takes to be a project managerUsing project management software like Microsoft ProjectManaging project scope, budget, and scheduleManaging project resources, including peopleManaging project riskInitiating a projectIdentifying and managing stakeholdersIdentifying requirements and deliverablesDeveloping a project planBuilding a project scheduleAssigning resources to tasksUnderstanding the critical pathRunning the projectManaging teamsMonitoring performanceClosing a project"
Price: 19.99