"Amazon FBA Online Arbitrage" |
"Amazon'da FBA balamak iin gerekli olan tm temel bilgilere bu eitimle eriebileceksiniz. FBA i model kollarndan biri olan ONLNE ARBTRAGE ile balayarak, dk giri sermayesi ile Amazon dnyasna adm atabileceksiniz. Eitimde amazon satc hesabnn almas ve al suspendi konularna geni yer verilerek, hesap amanzn kolaylatrlmas amaland. Online arbitrage yaparak, giri sermayenizi ksa sre ierisinde katlayabilir ve Private Label yapmak iin gerekli olan sermayeyi toplayabilirsiniz."
Price: 279.99 |
"Bases Slidas Sobre Cadenas de Bloques y Bitcoin" |
"En este curso aprenders, desde lo ms sencillo hasta lo profundo, cmo funcionan las Cadenas de Bloques, la tecnologa que est detrs de Bitcoin. Al comienzo, daremos una mirada superficial a la tecnologa, evaluando el impacto que ha tenido en el mundo. Luego, nos adentraremos en el funcionamiento de la Cadena de Bloques, los motivos por los cuales la tecnologa detrs del Bitcoin es muy til y cules son los reales casos de uso que ofrece. Tambin, estudiaremos la historia de la tecnologa y terminaremos por sealar cuando no es necesario utilizar una Cadena de Bloques. Este conocimiento te va a preparar para el cambio que el internet va a sufrir en los prximos aos: la llegada de escacez digital. Tambin, sabrs cmo invertir mejor en proyectos de criptomonedas pues comprenders la tecnologa subyacence."
Price: 84.99 |
"Curso de Excel do Zero para Iniciantes" |
"O conhecimento Excel facilita o dia a dia do profissional, estudante, por isso um requisito para a maioria dos cargos dentro de uma empresa.Com esse curso voc aprender ferramentas essncias para o dia a dia da empresa que so pr requisitos para se contratar um profissional, bem como facilitara as atividades de qualquer pessoa que precise usar o Excel como ferramenta de trabalho, seja na escola, faculdade ou dentro de uma empresa.Na primeira etapa do curso ser apresentado o panorama geral do Excel, depois avanamos para as formataes de bordas , abas,tabelas,cores,nmeros, o curso seguir com frmulas mais avanadas (clculo de mdia, porcentagem entre outros).O curso est completo e didtico, no perca essa oportunidade.Boa aula!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Un Lder de Otro Mundo" |
"Aprenders herramientas prcticas para influir positivamente en los dems y convertirte en un lder de alto impacto de tu propia vida y de la vida de quienes te rodean, familia, compaeros de trabajo y sociedad.Obtendrs habilidades que te llevaran a ser un lder que transmite un ejemplo digno de seguir, podrs construir un mensaje para recordar y comenzaras a vivir de una manera que los dems quieran imitar. Aprenders que la mejor forma de influir en otros es apelando al corazn, y no a la presin ni a la coercin externa, pues el lder moviliza gente basado en convicciones.Ser un lder de otro mundo implica asumir el precio de buscar diariamente ser mejor persona, ms productiva y con actitud de servicio, por ello, estamos seguros que este curso sera de gran utilidad para quienes asuman el desafi de ser lideres!"
Price: 19.99 |
"How To Talk To Strangers And Become Friends" |
"In this course, I'll show you the step-by-step Formula that I've been using whenever I change my environment (e.g. move to a different city, change a job, start University, etc) If you want to:Make more friends... but just don't know how Be able to start conversations... but you often don't have the courage Find people with the same interests as you... but not sure where to start ...then this will mean that...I Made This Course For You.After having a childhood mainly around computer games, from the age of 18 I started taking jobs in the customer service industry. Slowly starting as working on a parking lot and on an anchored ship in Alaska, I then took a job that demanded from me to talk to STRANGERS: Hotel Entertainment. For 6 years I was entertaining people from all over the world in hotels in Bulgaria, Greece and Spain. That helped build a system that I can follow whenever I speak to somebody for a very first time.How this course is different from the rest?When people close themselves in their rooms and talk in front of a camera for hours without moving... somehow you may not find this engaging. I don't!. And when something is not engaging, you will struggle to learn it. Think about the math classes or those long history lessons that you might not have enjoyed... much.So I created this online course with the thought ""I need to be able to finish my own course without getting board"". This is why I met with people, filmed reactions, give examples and share few jokes only so this course can become more interesting to you. Because more interesting = more chance to remember something.I'll show you communication techniques that you can start implementing straight away.If you are looking for techniques on HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY FLIRT, then this might not be the right course for you. Although there are tips that might help you in the communication in those situations, this is not the main subject of the course. Here's a sample of what you'll learn inside:How to deal with rejectionWho are the right people for youWhat to talk about with strangers How to break silenceBody language techniquesHow to keep newly built relationshipsWhat to avoid when speaking to strangers How to join a conversation in a group of people And much, much more...I can help you instantly talk to strangers. The very first step you need to take is to sign up for this course.I'll see you in class ;)To your success,Curious Pavel"
Price: 189.99 |
"Perimenopause Masterclass: Feel Like Yourself Again" |
"Perimenopause can start as early as your 30s and last until you reach menopause, which could be as late as your early 50s. That is a long time to deal with the unwanted symptoms or be put on habit-forming, ineffective medications. In this course, you are going to learn options to help bring relief and navigate through Perimenopause.The symptoms of Perimenopause are vastly different from menopause and can really affect a womans life. Perimenopause is not often discussed in the healthcare system. Leaving women suffering, without effective or safe treatment options.By the end of this course, you will have learned effective and safe tools to make Perimenopause an easy transition.In this video course you are going to learn:What it is and am I in Perimenopause?What are the symptoms of Perimenopause?What hormones are affected in Perimenopause?What are the best lab tests for Perimenopause?How do I read and understand lab testing for Perimenopause?What can I do safely to balance my hormones in Perimenopause?In this video course you will learn options to help you:Get back your energyGet rid of hormonal weight gainManage irritability and moodinessManage heavy, cramping, irregular periodsHelp with Perimenopausal acne and hair lossSleep issues such as staying asleep through the nightGet your short term memory backThe course is taught by Dr. Valorie Davidson, she is the co-creator of Progress Your Health, Inc and a graduate of Bastyr University. She has helped thousands of women since 2004 with hormonal issues including Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Dysfunction, PMS, PCOS, Perimenopause and Menopause.Medical Disclaimer: The information in this course is intended for educational purposes only. Dr. Davidson & Progress Your Health, Inc assume no responsibility to persons or property as a result of use or misuse of the information contained within. Always consult a health professional before making any changes to your health regimen."
Price: 64.99 |
"Transforma tu vida en 21 das" |
"Te identificas con estas situaciones?Te encuentras perdida o atravesando un momento de crisis personal o profesional?Ests buscando claridad y estrategia, conocerte con ms profundidad y romper con tus patrones automticos que te limitan?No consigues cumplir tus objetivos, siempre los dejas a medias, procrastinas y te sientes culpable?Te cuesta tomar decisiones en tu vida y eso te frustra?El Coaching es un mtodo profundamente eficaz y probado cientficamente aplicable a cualquier campo de la vida (personal, profesional, relaciones, que sirve para conocerte mejor, superar tus limitaciones y miedos , potencializar tus fortalezas, confiar ms en ti y atreverte a crear un plan de accin diferente, alcanzable y retador para conseguir tus objetivos.Contenido del curso:Este curso est estructurado en 8 lecciones que suman un total de una hora de video, e incluye lecturas adicionales y ejercicios prcticos. El mtodo desarrollado por Ana Pazos usa una metodologa prctica, dinmica y altamente efectiva, para ayudarte a lograr cualquier objetivo de vida, ya sea personal o profesional, partiendo del hecho cientficamente comprobado que se necesitan 21 das para cambiar hbitos, patrones de pensamiento y actitudes.Podrs identificar los obstculos e impedimentos que siempre estn presentes a la hora de establecer un objetivo. Con los ejercicios prcticos, podrs definir claramente qu quieres conseguir y cmo especficamente lo vas a hacer. Algunos materiales adicionales muestran pequeos consejos que te ayudarn a ver lo mejor de ti y a dar pequeos pasos para acercarte a tus objetivos.Este curso esta pensado para:Ti que necesitas impulso para hacer un cambio importante en tu vida personal o profesionalTi que quieres poner en marcha un proyecto o tomar una decisin importante y por miedo no te atreves a hacerloTi que quieres arrancar proyecto pero no sabes cmo estructurarlo para ponerlo en marchaLo que aprenders:Te Conocers MejorAprenders a concentrarte en lo que realmente es importante para lograr tus sueos y ser ms feliz.Identificars y disears objetivosMuchas veces intentamos alcanzar nuestras metas tomando el camino equivocado: aprenders a disear mejor tus objetivos.Tomars el control de tu vidaCada persona tiene dentro de s misma las mejores respuestas. Esta agenda te ayudar a encontrarlas.Vivirs con ms equilibrio y felicidadEl coaching trabaja con todas las reas importantes de tu vida con una visin de 360 grados: familia, vida social, pareja, carrera profesional, salud, etc. Esta agenda te ayudar justamente a equilibrar las diferentes reas de tu vida, para encontrar armona.Identificars y eliminars obstculosLos pensamientos limitantes son la principal razn por la que muchas personas no alcanzan sus metas.Disears un plan de accin eficienteDe qu sirve tener la mejor meta del mundo si no tienes un plan para alcanzarla? Crears una NUEVA RUTINA, con metas diarias para jugar a tu favor, y acercarte a lograr tus sueos y objetivos.QUIN ES ANA PAZOS?Ana Pazos es una reconocida especialista en Life y Leader Coaching, PNL e Inteligencia Emocional.Coach certificada por la Latin America Society of Coaching (SLAC) y la International Association of Coaching (IAC) que sigue una metodologa avalada por la Universidad de Harvard.Certificada en desarrollo de habilidades (Professional DISC Certification).Certificada en Comunicacin de Alta Efectividad y PNL de Liderazgo por la Asociacin Brasilea de Programacin Neurolingstica (ABPN).Self- Coaching (Instituto Superior de Coaching-Barcelona).Participacin anual en el Annual Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare impartido por Harvard Medical School.Certificada en Inteligencia Emocional por la FEBRACIS.Certificada en Mindfulness y reduccin de estrs por el Instituto ESMindfulness.Miembro de la International Coach Federation (ICF).Columnista en Forbes, Vogue y Must Tech&StyleESTS LIST@ PARA TRANSFORMAR TU VIDA? Te espero dentro de mi curso! Cambiar tu vida solo depende de ti."
Price: 29.99 |
"Ceremonial, Protocolo, Etiqueta, Usos y Costumbres" |
"- Adquisicin de los conocimientos necesarios para la aplicacin empresarial y social del Ceremonial, Protocolo y Etiqueta.- Obtener las herramientas fundamentales que esta disciplina aporta para un mejor y correcto desenvolvimiento en el mbito empresarial.- Incorporar a los usos y costumbres mayor informacin en el arte de invitar y de recibir, de vestirse y de actuar en los mbitos privados.- Comprender los usos y costumbres, las formas, el trato. - Dominar el arte de la conversacin y el arte de regalar en los diferentes mbitos.- Ser un experto Anfitrin y un excelente invitado."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Complete Guide To FiLMiC Pro: Learn Smartphone Video" |
"FiLMiC Pro is the industry leading mobile video & filmmaking app utilized around the globe. This is the camera app regularly used by the BBC. Hollywood director Steven Soderbergh also used it on two of his recent movies! And the great thing is it's available for anyone and everyone to do the same using iPhone or Android.In this guide we'll start with the basics of getting to know the app, then learn how to use it to shoot professional quality video with your smartphone.Covers these topics and more:Choosing resolution and frame rateManually control white balance, exposure and focusUsing histograms, zebra stripes, and focus peakingSetting up and shooting slow motionUsing presets to quickly repeat different shooting setupsBest audio settingsHDMI and wireless video monitoringTimelapse settingsBest ways to transfer the video files from your phone for editingShooting with the Cinematographer Kit and log footage (plus a bonus color grading tutorial)Hands-on gear demos (suggested camera rigs, gimbals and third-party lenses)Overall Best Practices for before, during and after your FiLMiC Pro shootTop mobile filmmaking accessories (with direct links to Amazon and/or B&H)Also included are future key feature updates to the V6 app! So far we've added White Balance Auto-Lock and the iPhone 11 Ultra Wide lens compatibility.Student Feedback:- ""I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this course to anyone wanting to know how to use Filmic Pro properly and wanting to better their cinematography."" -Rico Y.- ""Extremely clear! The instructor clearly speaks at an excellent pace - not boringly slow or (worse) so fast that he cannot be understood."" -George B.- ""Best produced course on FiLMiC Pro I've seen."" -Eliot F.- ""Crystal clear! Great job. Thanks a lot for this course."" -Antoine G.- ""Finished the course in roughly a weekend and learned at least 15 new things (actually stopped counting) that will help my filmmaking. Would recommend to anyone, of any level!"" -Thomas M."
Price: 49.99 |
"Smartphone Cinematography 101: Learn to Shoot Mobile Video" |
"Learn how to turn your smartphone into a professional quality camera and start creating amazing videos & films today.Indie FilmsYouTube VideosMobile JournalismTravel FilmsDocumentariesMusic VideosCorporate VideosReal Estate VideosSocial MediaPromo & MarketingAnd a lot more. Whatever you want to make.______________________________________________________Student Feedback:- ""Your training has greatly improved my quality of filming! And greatly shortened my learning curve!"" -Michel H.- ""Highly recommend this course!"" -Monty D.- ""Just bought the course and already loving it!"" -Michael G._______________________________________________________In this course you'll first learn the fundamentals of cinematography and visual storytelling that applies to using any and all kinds of cameras. Then we explore the technical aspects that make shooting smartphone video different than shooting with traditional cameras. And finally we tie it all together with apps, filmmaking gear and accessories that will help best tell your story.Covers these topics and more:Composition & FramingThe Rule of ThirdsStage Direction (The 180 Rule)3-Point LightingTypes of Camera Movement (with real-world examples)Aperture, ISO and Shutter (for traditional cameras & smartphones)White Balance & FocusSmartphone lenses (built-in and third-party)Video Camera Apps (our favorites)Third-Party Filmmaking Gear & Accessories (tripod mounts, gimbals, dollies, lighting, ND filters and a lot more)And please note this course will be routinely updated whenever there are new app & tech advancements that are necessary to include!The best thing is once you learn the basic principles of cinematography (composition, framing & lighting) those skills will stay with you forever and can be used regardless of the kind of camera (including smartphones) you shoot with in the future.Don't wait to create! Start today and unlock the potential of the amazing camera you carry in your pocket."
Price: 99.99 |
"Comment Choisir et Installer un Systme de Vidosurveillance" |
"Apprendre et matriser comment installer et configurer un systme de vido-surveillance, sous tous ses aspects, physique et logique et avec un mthode simple et accessible..Si vous tes un professionnel qui veut affiner ses comptences, ou un amateur qui aime s'initier aux diffrentes technologies, ou mme une personne qui sintresse aux systmes de vido-surveillance et vous voulez installer votre systme de scurit vido tout seul alors ce cours est fais pour vous et sur mesure."
Price: 54.99 |
"Curso Bsico de Russo e Vocabulrio Para Turismo" |
"A Rssia um pas fascinante, tanto pelo seu tamanho, quanto pela sua rica histria e geografia. Atualmente mais e mais brasileiros abrem para si as riquezas que esse pas apresenta. Seja para fazer intercmbio, para viajar ou simplesmente por pura curiosidade, mais e mais pessoas se interessam pela Rssia. No entanto, elas sempre se deparam com o que parece ser o maior obstculo que a Rssia apresenta: o seu idioma. Esse curso foi feito especialmente para voc que se interessa pela Rssia, por sua cultura, histria, etc. Aqui vamos desmistificar o idioma russo e mostrar que possvel aprender russo de forma simples e fcil, e como bnus ainda iremos aprender juntos vocabulrio que pode solucionar certos problemas em uma eventual viagem para o pas. O curso composto por um processo de ""alfabetizao"" onde voc vai aprender a ler e at a escrever em russo, assim como aprender as bases do idioma. Com essa base voc ser capaz de continuar os seus estudos no futuro caso queira se aprofundar nos estudos dessa lngua. Alm dessa base, voc tambm vai aprender palavras, frases, expresses e at certas dicas culturais que vo ajudar voc a sobreviver na Rssia em uma eventual viagem para o pas. Veremos vocabulrio que voc usar no aeroporto, no hotel, no restaurante e fazendo compras, alm das expresses bsicas e dilogos simples que podem ser usados em diversas situaes. Espero que vocs aprendam muito nesse curso e que ele seja o caminho para que voc descubra e ""abra"" a Rssia para si."
Price: 44.99 |
"Curso de Russo Online: Escrita em Letra Cursiva." |
"Se voc j estuda russo, ou quer comear a estudar o idioma, j deve ter se deparado com memes que dizem: ""Letra cursiva no russo difcil"". Existe o mito de que a letra cursiva (feita a mo) no russo muito difcil de escrever, e mais difcil ainda de ler. Eu quero provar para voc que na verdade dominar a escrita russa em russo bem mais fcil do que voc pode pensar. Meu nome Dimitri Olegovich Bobrovnikov, eu sou russo e moro no Brasil desde 2001. H mais de 6 anos eu ensino russo para Brasileiros e sou o dono da Troika Escola de Idiomas onde ensinamos russo online. Nossos alunos j alcanaram grandes resultados, e alguns at mesmo se tornaram professores de russo. Quero que com esse curso voc tambm alcance seus objetivos no aprendizado do idioma russo. Ao longo do curso eu vou explicar o passo a passo de como voc deve escrever cada uma das letras do alfabeto no russo e como elas se conectam entre si para formar palavras. Voc no vai ter mais medo da escrita cursiva no russo, e vai conseguir ""desenrolar"" at mesmo as palavras mais difceis escritas a mo. Ao final do curso voc vai saber escrever, ler e entender a escrita russa a mo. Esse curso serve para alunos de todos os nveis que sintam dificuldade para entender a escrita cursiva no russo. No entanto, como ao longo das aulas eu vou explicar em detalhes cada uma das letras do alfabeto russo, esse curso tambm pode ser visto tambm como um ""curso de alfabetizao"" em russo. Muito obrigado por dedicar um pouquinho do seu tempo para conhecer esse curso, e espero muito que voc se torne o meu aluno. Nos vemos nas aulas! "
Price: 29.99 |
"Personal Organizer em 1 hora (com Certificado)" |
"Esse Curso te dar todas as ferramentas que voc precisa para comear a levar a Organizao Efetiva para sua casa, e tambm de outras famlias, pois te deixar apta para atuar e faturar como uma Personal Organizer. Contendo os temas mais importantes e mais utilizados na rotina de uma Personal Organizer. Conquiste o seu Certificado e comece a faturar."
Price: 249.99 |
"Detox do Lar" |
"Se o seu objetivo no ser uma Personal Organizer, mas saber como organizar a sua casa de maneira prtica e funcional, ento esse curso pra voc.Nele, voc vai aprender a deixar tudo em ordem usando tcnicas simples e prticas.Aprenda como muitas mulheres esto retomando o controle da casa, eliminando a baguna e tornando-se especialistas em ter uma casa organizada e feliz."
Price: 189.99 |
"Basic Virtual Assisting" |
"Jump into The Gig Economy as a Virtual Assistant and begin building your Professional Freelance Business. Learn what tasks you can do for clients, how to brand yourself as a VA and how to start connecting and working with clients. I will share exactly what has worked for me as well as help you brainstorm what will work for you. I hope you enjoy all of the extra resources in this course that you can download and use while you get set up as a Virtual Assistant as well as during your exciting new journey!"
Price: 184.99 |
"Learn Spanish Basics with Maestra Michelada" |
"Be prepared to introduce yourself in Spanish whenever the opportunity comes up! I'll give you tips and tricks to make sure you're not overwhelmed with vocabulary and can get to the conversation with confidence! This course was designed to help those who are brand new to Spanish receive a warm self paced welcome to the language. It's also perfect for those who've learned some Spanish before and forgot pretty much everything, I'll help you get refreshed and feeling even more confident than you did back then!"
Price: 59.99 |
"Change Management Essentials" |
"Have you ever been caught off guard because of a major change in your life or organization? Maybe it happens often and it is impacting negatively on your corporate culture or you as a person or employee. Would you like to know how to better prepare your organization, yourself and your team? Then, this is the workshop for you.Change is Inevitable- Be Equipped, teaches how to systematically encounter changes that are happening in a workplace as well as outside of work. We are all living in a rapidly changing world, sometimes we are caught off guard with new changes and have a hard time adapting. This Change Management course will equipped you with the tools and actions needed to move forward or with the change.By the end of this workshop you will be able to:Ask & answer important questions that will help you succeed with Change (Personal AND Business).Identify what your role is in the Change Process.Work with F.A.I.T.H. the 5 building blocks of Change to identify the tipping point.Go home with an action plan on how to manage a Change you are experiencing (Personal AND Business)."
Price: 34.99 |
"How to Leadership Skills for Today's Environment" |
"Thank you for taking responsibility and choosing to learn with MJ, an award winning Las Vegas entrepreneur! After training over 1,000 managers, these are the practical lessons learned to build, maintain and develop numerous successful teams from New York City to L.A.By taking this course, you will have a toolbox built with over two decades of experience. You will begin to learn and develop Essential Management Philosophies that give you the framework to reach your fullest potential and deliver extraordinary value to your team, your organization, and the communities you serve.Essential Management Philosophies: 13 Skills to Success will bring you to the next level of your career! Whether youre a young professional or seasoned entrepreneur, this real-world course is a wonderful opportunity to deepen your leadership and management abilities, increase your personal growth and make a positive and lasting impact on the people you lead.With this course you will:Gain a better understanding of leading in todays climateTake responsibility for your team and its directionDiscover solutions for common management challengesEffectively communicate with a new work forceMaximize your personal effectivenessInvest in yourself and reap the future benefitsEssential Management Philosophies: 13 Skills to Success will get you started on the right foot in management! This course is based on the practical experience of owning and running multi-million dollar organizations with hundreds of employees, dozens of managers and hundreds of thousands of guests and clients every year.This isnt theory. These philosophies were in practice for years and have created wonderful work environments, strong team bonds, exceptional customer service and work-life balance for managers which is so often disregarded by many organizations. Youll gain impactful leadership insights and ESSENTIAL management tools. YOUR result? You can reach or exceed your career goals, become a more effective leader and feel fulfilled doing it.The course discusses some of the most common pitfalls that new managers can easily encounter and the tools to avoid them and prosper. The worksheets at the end of each video are designed to review the topic by challenging you to review your current position and create the action steps needed to reach YOUR desired goal.Management is a skill that can be learned. Essential Management Philosophies: 13 Skills to Success gives you the tools you need to begin your career on the proper foundation.Thank you again for working together!Who this course is for:New managers looking to successfully transition to a management roleExisting managers looking to improve their skills to better lead their teams and organizationsEntrepreneurs who desire to motivate their people to achieve exceptional outcomes with limited resources"
Price: 29.99 |
"PgMP Certification Exam Question Bank" |
"What you will get from this course:1.340 practice question for PgMP Certification exam2.crack your PgMP Certification exam in the first attempt3.30 day money back guarantee(if you do not satisfied with our course) Why Take this Course:1.Quality material & updated2. The PgMP Certification Practice Question course question banks available in this course is a sincere effort to present maximum questions for students to prepare for their certification3. This course is stand apart different from the others as it was created by our instructor who passed the PgMP Certification Practice Question course on his first attempt4. If you have subscribed for the course and are not satisfied, Udemy offers you 30 days money back guarantee and you can get your 100% money back.5. You can take the course from anywhere from home or workstation. You just need a computer & an internet connection."
Price: 19.99 |
"Program Management Professional (PgMP) Exam Dump" |
"Welcome to our Program Management Professional (PgMP) Exam Dump course.Why take this course:1.340 High Quality Question2.Current & Updated3. Answer are verified by expert4. help you score at least 80% on the main exam5. This course gives you the practice tests to help you crack the *** exam in the first attempt.6. can be taken from anywhere, whether at home or workplace.7.30 day money back guarantee by UdemyWhat will students learn in your course?1.340 Current & Updated Questions to crack your PgMP exam in the first attempt.2. This Practice test help you score at least 80% on the main examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?1. This is just a practice test so no prerequisites neededWho are your target students?1. Everyone who wants to increase knowledge in PgMP exam2.Who wants to crack their PgMP exam in the first attempt."
Price: 19.99 |
"PgMP Certification Exam Hands On" |
"Welcome to our Program Management Professional (PgMP) Exam Dump course.Why take this course:1.340 High Quality Question2.Current & Updated3. Answer are verified by expert4. help you score at least 80% on the main exam5. This course gives you the practice tests to help you crack the *** exam in the first attempt.6. can be taken from anywhere, whether at home or workplace.7.30 day money back guarantee by UdemyWhat will students learn in your course?1.340 Current & Updated Questions to crack your PgMP exam in the first attempt.2. This Practice test help you score at least 80% on the main examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?1. This is just a practice test so no prerequisites neededWho are your target students?1. Everyone who wants to increase knowledge in PgMP exam2.Who wants to crack their PgMP exam in the first attempt."
Price: 19.99 |
"PgMP Certification Practice Test Latest 2019 (Updated)" |
"Welcome to our Program Management Professional (PgMP) Exam Dump course.Why take this course:1.340 High Quality Question2.Current & Updated3. Answer are verified by expert4. help you score at least 80% on the main exam5. This course gives you the practice tests to help you crack the *** exam in the first attempt.6. can be taken from anywhere, whether at home or workplace.7.30 day money back guarantee by UdemyWhat will students learn in your course?1.340 Current & Updated Questions to crack your PgMP exam in the first attempt.2. This Practice test help you score at least 80% on the main examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?1. This is just a practice test so no prerequisites neededWho are your target students?1. Everyone who wants to increase knowledge in PgMP exam2.Who wants to crack their PgMP exam in the first attempt."
Price: 19.99 |
"PgMP Certification Practice Exam 2019 (Latest 340 Question)" |
"Welcome to our Program Management Professional (PgMP) Exam Dump course.Why take this course:1.340 High Quality Question2.Current & Updated3. Answer are verified by expert4. help you score at least 80% on the main exam5. This course gives you the practice tests to help you crack the *** exam in the first attempt.6. can be taken from anywhere, whether at home or workplace.7.30 day money back guarantee by UdemyWhat will students learn in your course?1.340 Current & Updated Questions to crack your PgMP exam in the first attempt.2. This Practice test help you score at least 80% on the main examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?1. This is just a practice test so no prerequisites neededWho are your target students?1. Everyone who wants to increase knowledge in PgMP exam2.Who wants to crack their PgMP exam in the first attempt."
Price: 19.99 |
"Latest CISSP Practice Exam 2020 (All Domains)" |
"Welcome to our CISSP Certification Exam course.Why take this course:1.300 High Quality CISSP Question (ALL DOMAINS)2.Current & Updated3. Answer are verified by expert4. help you score at least 80% on the main exam5. This course gives you the practice tests to help you crack the CISSP exam in the first attempt.6. can be taken from anywhere, whether at home or workplace.7.30 day money back guarantee by UdemyWhat will students learn in your course?1.300 Current & Updated Questions to crack your CISSP exam in the first attempt.2. This Practice test help you score at least 80% on the main examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?1. This is just a practice test so no prerequisites neededWho are your target students?1. Everyone who wants to increase knowledge in CISSP exam2.Who wants to crack their CISSP exam in the first attempt."
Price: 19.99 |
"CISSP Certification Practice Test 2020 (ALL CISSP DOMAINS)" |
"Welcome to our CISSP Certification Exam course.Why take this course:1.300 High Quality Question2.Current & Updated3. Answer are verified by expert4. help you score at least 80% on the main exam5. This course gives you the practice tests to help you crack the CISSP exam in the first attempt.6. can be taken from anywhere, whether at home or workplace.7.30 day money back guarantee by UdemyWhat will students learn in your course?1.300 Current & Updated Questions to crack your CISSP exam in the first attempt.2. This Practice test help you score at least 80% on the main examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?1. This is just a practice test so no prerequisites neededWho are your target students?1. Everyone who wants to increase knowledge in CISSP exam2.Who wants to crack their CISSP exam in the first attempt."
Price: 19.99 |
"CISSP Practice Questions (ALL CISSP DOMAINS 300 QUESTION)" |
"Welcome to our CISSP Certification Exam course.Why take this course:1.300 High Quality CISSP Question (ALL DOMAINS)2.Current & Updated3. Answer are verified by expert4. help you score at least 80% on the main exam5. This course gives you the practice tests to help you crack the CISSP exam in the first attempt.6. can be taken from anywhere, whether at home or workplace.7.30 day money back guarantee by UdemyWhat will students learn in your course?1.300 Current & Updated Questions to crack your CISSP exam in the first attempt.2. This Practice test help you score at least 80% on the main examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?1. This is just a practice test so no prerequisites neededWho are your target students?1. Everyone who wants to increase knowledge in CISSP exam2.Who wants to crack their CISSP exam in the first attempt."
Price: 19.99 |
"CISSP Certification Practice Exam 2020 (ALL DOMAINS)" |
"Welcome to our CISSP Certification Exam course.Why take this course:1.450 High Quality CISSP Question (ALL DOMAINS)2.Current & Updated3. Answer are verified by expert4. help you score at least 80% on the main exam5. This course gives you the practice tests to help you crack the CISSP exam in the first attempt.6. can be taken from anywhere, whether at home or workplace.7.30 day money back guarantee by UdemyWhat will students learn in your course?1.450 Current & Updated Questions to crack your CISSP exam in the first attempt.2. This Practice test help you score at least 80% on the main examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?1. This is just a practice test so no prerequisites neededWho are your target students?1. Everyone who wants to increase knowledge in CISSP exam2.Who wants to crack their CISSP exam in the first attempt."
Price: 19.99 |
"CISSP Certifications Exam Dump All Domains" |
"Welcome to our CISSP Certification Exam course.Why take this course:1.450 High Quality CISSP Question (ALL DOMAINS)2.Current & Updated3. Answer are verified by expert4. help you score at least 80% on the main exam5. This course gives you the practice tests to help you crack the CISSP exam in the first attempt.6. can be taken from anywhere, whether at home or workplace.7.30 day money back guarantee by UdemyWhat will students learn in your course?1.450 Current & Updated Questions to crack your CISSP exam in the first attempt.2. This Practice test help you score at least 80% on the main examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?1. This is just a practice test so no prerequisites neededWho are your target students?1. Everyone who wants to increase knowledge in CISSP exam2.Who wants to crack their CISSP exam in the first attempt."
Price: 19.99 |
"2VO-642: VMware Certified Network Virtualization Nsx v 6.2" |
"Welcome to our 2VO-642: VMware Certified Network Virtualization Nsx v 6.2 Certification course.Why take this course:1.300+ High Quality Question2. Current & Updated3. Answer are verified by expert4. Help you score at least 80% on the vmware main exam5. This course gives you the practice tests to help you crack the VMware Certified Professional 6 - Network Virtualization exam in the first attempt.6. Can be taken from anywhere, whether at home or workplace.7.30 day money back guarantee by UdemyWhat will students learn in your course?1.308 Current & Updated Questions to crack your VMware Certified Professional 6 - Network Virtualization exam in the first attempt.2. This Practice test help you score at least 80% on the VMware Certified Professional 6 - Network Virtualization main examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?1. This is just a practice test so no prerequisites neededWho are your target students?1. Everyone who wants to increase knowledge in VMware Certified Professional 6 - Network Virtualization exam2.Who wants to crack their VMware Certified Professional 6 - Network Virtualization exam in the first attempt."
Price: 19.99 |