"Transformando Conflitos nas Organizaes" |
"O Curso ""Transformando Conflitos nas Organizaes"" indicado para colaboradores e gestores que identifiquem conflitos interpessoais no seu dia a dia de trabalho e desejem transform-los em foras motoras de inovao e produtividade.Sero abordadas questes tericas a respeito dos conflitos, assim como ferramentas prticas para melhorar a comunicao e o engajamento."
Price: 29.99 |
"Espanhol Completo - Do bsico ao Avanado" |
"Seja bem vindo ao curso Espanhol Completo - Do bsico ao AvanadoNs somos a Academia das Lnguas, uma escola 100% focada em te ajudar a aprender uma nova lngua pra sair de qualquer nvel e chegar na flunciaNesse curso a professora Alicia vai te ensinar tudo o que voc precisa saber de Espanhol, do bsico at o avanado, independente do seu nvel atual pra voc se destacar no mercado de trabalho, dominar o espanhol pra usar em viagens, conseguir ler, entender, falar e se comunicar em espanhol, dominando umas das mais importantes lnguas do mundoA gente estruturou todo esse curso com a experincia de anos de ensino e centenas de alunos que a professora Alicia treinou pessoalmente, tanto em salas de aulas convencionais, como no ensino a distnciaEnto mesmo que voc no saiba ainda nada de espanhol, ou at j saiba alguma coisa, esse curso pra vocNo curso a gente no vai s ficar na teoria, mas vamos aprender como o espanhol funciona, exercitar, usar textos, vdeos e materiais da vida real, enfim, tudo o que voc precisa para aprender espanholSe voc quer:Aprender a usar o espanhol em qualquer situaoDominar uma das lnguas mais usadas no mundo e no mercado de trabalhoSer capaz de entender conversas, se comunicar e fazer i que precisar no trabalho, em viagens ou em situaes do dia a dia tudo em espanhol Esse curso pra vocEnto aproveita essa condio especial, clica no boto de inscrio, preenche o seu cadastro e vamos comear as aulas!"
Price: 279.99 |
"Francs Bsico - Curso Prtico de Francs Passo a Passo" |
"Aprenda o Bsico de Francs, mesmo que atualmente voc no saiba quase nada ou muito pouco, para poder:- Entender as conversas e situaes do dia a dia- Viajar com a segurana de entender e falar o francs sem dificuldades- Ser capaz de ler os textos comuns do dia a dia- Colocar Francs Bsico no seu Currculo sem medo de ser testado- Abrir um mundo de possibilidades com uma das lnguas mais faladas no mundoNesse curso Bsico de Francs, a professora Noemia vai te levar passo a passo, do zero at o nvel intermedirio de francs, te ensinando:- As palavras que voc precisa saber para entender e saber usar o Francs -> O Vocabulrio Prtico- Como falar de forma correta, como um verdadeiro francs, para ser entendido em qualquer situao e sem cometer erros -> A Pronncia Correta- Como construir qualquer frase de forma correta, para ter certeza que voc no est cometendo erros quando fala ou escreve em Francs -> Estruturas, Verbos e tempo verbais - A prtica real do Francs, em situaes do dia a dia -> Dilogos, textos e situaes do dia a dia- Exerccios Prticos e treinos especficos para te levar da forma mais rpida do zero at o nvel intermedirio de FrancsTudo isso, sem focar extremamente em gramticas chatas, mas focando na parte prtica do Francs, que voc realmente precisa usar em viagens, no mercado de trabalho ou em qualquer situao comum do dia a dia no Francs.Se voc quer aprender Francs, esse curso para voc!Com acesso vitalcio e Certificado Verificado"
Price: 144.99 |
"Curso de Francs Completo - Do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Se voc quer:- Usar o francs em qualquer situao de forma natural- Ser capaz de entender, falar, ler e escrever em francs sem dificuldades- Viajar e conhecer os lugares que falam francs- Ganhar um destaque no mercado de trabalhoSeja bem vindo ao Curso Completo de Francs do Bsico ao AvanadoNs somos a Academia das Lnguas, uma escola 100% focada em te ajudar a aprender uma nova lngua para sair de qualquer nvel e chegar na flunciaNesse curso a professora Noemia vai te ensinar tudo que voc precisa saber de francs, do bsico ao avanado, para sair do seu nvel atual, independente de qual ele seja e ser capaz de entender, falar, escrever e se comunicar em qualquer situao em francs, seja para viagens, para passeios, para o dia a dia ou para voc se destacar no mercado de trabalho, enfim, usar o francs para o que voc quiser e sem dificuldades.Esse curso foi estruturado com a experincia de anos da professora Noemia e centenas de alunos treinados presencial e na modalidade online, por isso ele funciona para qualquer um, independente da sua idade ou do seu nvel atual de francs. Ento mesmo que voc no saiba nada ou j domine alguma coisa de francs, esse curso vai funcionar para vocNo curso a gente no vai ficar apenas na teoria, mas vamos te ensinar tudo do francs, vamos dar exerccios para voc aprender, situaes reais do dia a dia em francs, vdeos, udios, enfim, tudo que voc precisa para realmente aprender francsEnto se voc quer aprender Francs para chegar na Fluncia, independente do seu nvel atual, esse curso para vocClique agora para garantir a sua vaga e vamos comear as aulas"
Price: 279.99 |
"Edius Kurgu Program Hakknda Her ey" |
"Edius bir video editleme ve dzenleme programdr. Birok benzeri yazlm bulunmasyla birlikte bu programn ok deiik avantajlar vardr. Hem profesyoneller iin hem amatr video eken kiiler iin kullanmas olduka kolaydr.Bu eitimin ieriini oluturan edius program, kullanclarnn tm ihtiyalarn karlayacak dzeydedir ve baka bir programa ihtiya duymazlar, Edius tm kayt formatlarn destekleyerek sizi bu konuda snrlamaz, ekimini yaptnz tm kayt formatlarn montajlamanz, gerekli dzenlemeleri yapmay, yaratclnz neticesinde ihtiya duyduunuz tm gei efektlerini, videolarnz iin gerekli renk dzenlemelerini, elenceli ierik oluturmanz iin kullanacanz mzik dosyalarn sizlere sunar.Sizlerde bu eitim sayesinde bu zelliklerin tmn renerek videolarnzda kullanabileceksinizBu program sfrdan balayarak reneceksiniz ve gerek bir video editr olacaksnz. ster amatr dzeyde kendi videolarnz isterseniz de profesyonel olarak video dzenlemelerini yapabileceksiniz.Eitim boyunca karlatnz herhangi bir soruyu ekinmeden sorabilir ve aklamaya isteyebilirsiniz. Her zaman sizlere bilgilerimizi aktarmakta memnun olacaz."
Price: 49.99 |
"Implementing Data Warehouse with SQL Server - 70-463 Exam" |
"Perhaps this is your first step toward the certification, or perhaps you are coming back for another round. We hope that you feel this exam challenges you, teaches you, and prepares you to pass the 70-463. If this is your first study guide, take a moment to relax. If youve been around the block a few times, consider taking a moment and answering some questions from newer techies. The 70-463 or as its also known, the MCSA Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 20122014, like all tests, there is a bit of freedom on Microsoft's part to exam an array of subjects. That means knowing the majority of 70-463 content is required because they test randomly on the many subjects available. Be aware too that experience requirements often exist because theyve observed the average person and what is required. You can always push past that to succeed with the 70-463 but it may take some extra work.Design and implement a datawarehouse (10-15%)Extract and transform data(20-25%)Load Data (25-30%)Configure and deploy SSIS solutions(20-25%)Build data quality solutions(15-20%)"
Price: 29.99 |
"Querying Microsoft SQL Server - 70-461 Exam" |
"Perhaps this is your first step toward the certification, or perhaps you are coming back for another round. We hope that you feel this exam challenges you, teaches you, and prepares you to pass the 70-461. If this is your first study guide, take a moment to relax. This could be the first step to a new high-paying job and an amazing career. The 70-461 or as its also known, the MCSA Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012-2014, like all tests, there is a bit of freedom on Microsoft's part to exam an array of subjects. That means knowing the majority of 70-461 content is required because they test randomly on the many subjects available. Be aware too that experience requirements often exist because theyve observed the average person and what is required. You can always push past that to succeed with the 70-461 but it may take some extra work.Create database objects (20-25%)Work with data(25-30%)Modify data(20-25%)Troubleshoot and optimize(25-30%)"
Price: 29.99 |
"Sfr-Orta-leri Seviye Excel'e Dair Her ey Tek Kursta" |
"Microsof Excel kullanan kiiler genellikle Excel'in ok az bie ksmndan faydalanrlar oysaki Excel' in bir ok kii tarafndan kefedilmemi yzlerce zellii mevcut. Bu kursta Excel' in genel kullanmn, tm faydal fonksiyonlarn, tablolarla almay vb. renecek bilginize bilgi katacaksnz.Mehmet ERDOAN olarak ben srekli renme ve retme dncesi ile hareket etmekteyim. Bir bakasna bir nebze faydam dokunacaksa ne mutlu bana. Bu kursta elimden geldiince akc ve anlalr olmaya zen gsterdim. Sizlerin dncelerini yorum blmnde grmekten mutluluk duyarm ltfen deerli yorumlarnz kursun altnda belirtin. Sami ve iten puan vermenizi temenni eder imdiden teekkr ederim."
Price: 49.99 |
"Academic Business Research Methods: Strategy for Success" |
"For many students, academic research is one of the most unstructured endeavors they undertake. Due to the nature of research, students are often faced with ambiguous situations along their journey, where they must make decisions on many fronts, including the exact scope, set of models to be used as their theoretical bases, qualitative or quantitative approach, data collection strategy, types of analysis to conduct, etc. At the forefront of knowledge, researchers often feel they are looking into a vast empty darkness. These are just some of the reasons a large proportion, 90 percent in some institutions, of the students drop out of their postgraduate research-based program."
Price: 19.99 |
"Crie Muito Contedo Em Pouco Tempo Para As Redes Sociais" |
"Isso tudo o que voc precisa saber para desbloquear a sua mente e comear a gerar muito contedo, mesmo que no tenha grandes recursos tcnicos ou dinheiro para comprar eles. No se preocupe! Voc ser capaz de destravar essa parte do seu marketing, logo aps de entender o que est te bloqueando!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Editing short fashion promo video in DaVinci Resolve" |
"Short promotional commercial video content is becoming more and more popular on social media nowadays. In this course, we will look at techniques of editing 1 min fashion promo using DaVinci Resolve tools. You will learn universal concepts behind the commercial editing to make your videos more dynamic and impactful and you can apply them in every editing software to take your editing to the next level."
Price: 69.99 |
"The Complete Career Guide: CV, Linkedin, Interview (Arabic)" |
".. .. .. 3 CV cv cv cv cv CV personal brand"
Price: 39.99 |
"Introduction to Yinyoga" |
"This online course is mainly for you who is working in the health area (massage therapist, health coach etc) that wants to learn the principles of yinyoga. After the course you will be able to recommend simple yoga positions to your customers. You can attend this course if you wish to broaden your knowledge or get one more tool to use in order to help your customers to achieve a better health. YinyogaWhat is special about yinyoga is that the positions are easy and gentle so that most people can do them on their own. There are different variations to the yinyoga positions and they can be adjusted to fit every unique body and ability. Yinyoga helps the body to maintain its flexibility. When practising yinyoga you stay in every position for a long time which makes the yoga form a combination of stretching and mindfulness.Practical informationThe course is completely online based and you will go through the videos on your own and in your own pase."
Price: 54.99 |
shamelproonlinecoursenusaibadwaikat |
". . . :1. : : 2. : : 3. : : 4. : : 5. : : 6. : : 7. : : 8. : : 9. : : 10. : :"
Price: 99.99 |
"Microsoft Excel 2019 From Basic" |
"This course is specially designed for those students who are willing to start their career as Microsoft Excel. This course does't have any prerequisite and any one enroll in this course to get started. This course covers the very basic of Microsoft Excel 2019 and students will be able to learn much more that need to start a career.This course cover topics like:Creating a workbook, Add text and numbers, Formulas, Cell ref, Auto fillFormat Text, Format Numbers, Format Dates and Times, Manage rows and columns, ChartsSharing workbook online, Send workbooks as Email attachments and print workbooks.Get Enroll and start learning today."
Price: 19.99 |
"Algebra Basics: Functions" |
"Course OutlinesChapter 1.0 - Introduction Chapter 1.1 - RelationsChapter 1.2 - FunctionsChapter 1.3 - Composite FunctionsChapter 1.4 - Inverse Functions Learning Outcomes#1. Understand the concept of relations.#2. Understand the concept of functions.#3. Understand the concept of composite functions.#4. Understand the concept of inverse functions.Course Delivery MethodsLectures (Video), Tutorials (Video), Quiz. What is Functions?A function is a relation that relates two sets of values where each value in the first set is related to a value in the second set. Function = ""machine"".When a value is entered into the machine, only one value will be produced.The value that is entered into the machine is called input while the value that is produced is called output."
Price: 19.99 |
"Investissement locatif : La location meuble de A Z" |
"Bonjour,Si vous souhaitez vous initier dans l'investissement locatif ou que vous ne savez pas par o commencer, que vous voulez investir dans l'immobilier et gnrer des revenus, alors ce cours est fait pour vous !J'ai achet 7 parkings et 1 appartement en tant apprenti avec 900 de revenu par mois, cela me gnrait 1752 euros net par an et c'est ce que j'explique dans cette formation. Maintenant mon parc immobilier a bien grandi ainsi ainsi que mon cash-flow.Dans cette formation, nous allons aborder les bases connaitre pour que votre investissement immobilier soit une russite mais nous allons aller encore plus loin car je vais vous expliquer les avantages de la location meuble afin de gnrer un cash-flow ds les premiers mois. Vous connatrez toutes les tapes raliser, comme connaitre sa capacit d'emprunt, cibler son bien, savoir faire une offre et ngocier, calculer sa rentabilit et son cash-flow et bien d'autres points-cls qui vous permettront de franchir les barrires qui vous bloquent en un minimum de temps.Alors tes-vous prt devenir un investisseur en immobilier ?"
Price: 59.99 |
"Investissement locatif : la location de parking de A Z" |
"Bonjour,Si vous souhaitez vous initier dans l'investissement locatif ou que vous ne savez pas par o commencer, que vous voulez investir dans l'immobilier et gnrer des revenus, alors ce cours est fait pour vous !J'ai achet 7 parkings et 1 appartement en tant apprenti avec 900 de revenu par mois, cela me gnrait 1752 euros net par an et c'est ce que j'explique dans cette formation. Maintenant mon parc immobilier a bien grandi ainsi ainsi que mon cash-flow.Dans cette formation, nous allons aborder les bases connaitre pour que votre investissement immobilier soit une russite mais nous allons aller encore plus loin car je vais vous expliquer les avantages de la location de parking afin de gnrer un cash-flow ds les premiers mois. Vous connatrez toutes les tapes raliser, comme connaitre sa capacit d'emprunt, cibler son bien, savoir faire une offre et ngocier, calculer sa rentabilit et son cash-flow et bien d'autres points-cls qui vous permettront de franchir les barrires qui vous bloquent en un minimum de temps.Alors tes-vous prt devenir un investisseur en immobilier ?"
Price: 34.99 |
"In 5 Schritten zur legendren Prsentation Der Meisterkurs" |
"In diesem Kurs bringe ich dir bei, wie du deine Prsentation unvergesslich und einzigartig gestaltest. Ich zeige dir sowohl wichtige Tipps und Techniken, wie du deine Folien designst, deine Krpersprache und Sprache optimal nutzt, als auch die richtige mentale Einstellung zum Thema und zu deinem Vortrag bekommst. Alles in allem bekommst du hier die Anleitung dafr, wie du deine Prsentation legendr machen kannst und allen damit im Gedchtnis bleibst. Das geht ber die normalen Standardtechniken hinaus. Hier lernst du wie du den Standard berwindest und einen eigenen, einzigartigen Prsentationsstil findest."
Price: 19.99 |
"ASQ CSSGB exam practice tests" |
"Each exam will be covering the ASQ BOK for CSSGB exam. Practice and familiar yourself with ASQ CSSGB exam. Confidently PASS your ASQ CSSGB exam from the first time.I. Overview: Six Sigma and the Organization (13 Questions)II. Define Phase (23 Questions)III. Measure Phase (23 Questions)IV. Analyze Phase (15 Questions)V. Improve Phase (15 Questions)VI. Control Phase (11 Questions)"
Price: 19.99 |
"Zero to Dance Floor Hero" |
"This course will take you from Zero to Dance Floor Hero. No matter your previous experience, IF you want to learn how to become a Dance Floor Hero THIS IS FOR YOU! We go through all the basics that you need to have fun with music and to make you keep dancing forever!GOOD LUCK and I see you at the first session!"
Price: 49.99 |
alenabodyworkout |
", ?1 - . . . , , . 30-35 .2 - . , . , .3 - . . - . . ."
Price: 3299.00 |
"Yeni Balayanlar iin Python 3." |
"Python; sistem programcl, web ve internet programcl, GUI tasarm, grafik uygulamalar, veri taban uygulamalar, adli biliim uygulamalar, pen-test uygulamalar, oyun gelitirme, veri madencilii, istatistik gibi alanlarda yaygn olarak kullanlmaktadr. Ancak tm bunlar yapabilmek, bu alanlarda uygulama gelitirebilmek iin ncelikle Core Python dediimiz Pythonn temel komutlarn, yazlm gelitirme konseptlerini, szdizimi (syntax) kurallarn ve baz standart ktphanelerini yani python nasl kullanacamz bilmeliyiz.Bu kursta;Python ile yazlm gelitirmenin temelleri ve Core Python,Pythonn temel ve standart ktphaneleri,Veri taban programlama ve grsel programlama dahil Python ile program yazma,hzl ve kapsaml bir ekilde retilmektedir.Kursu tamamlayan rencilerimiz, Pythonn temel ve standart ktphanelerini kullanarak gl ve etkin programlar gelitirebilecek seviyeye gelebileceklerdir."
Price: 49.99 |
"Master Class: How to Open & Optimize Your Etsy Shop" |
"This Master Class will teach you everything you need to know in order to open and optimize your Etsy shop for success. Learn from a real Etsy seller who's in the top 1% of all sellers! Lectures include:Researching and figuring out what to sell on Etsy and how to create your products at the lowest cost possibleGoal setting and finding your ""why"" so you can stay on track How to open and optimize your Etsy shop including:How to open your Etsy shopSetting your shop up for successSetting up your shop sectionsSetting up your shop listingsSetting up your photosSetting up your descriptionsSEO strategies and best practicesAdditional best practices"
Price: 19.99 |
"Create A Professional Website Without Coding For Free" |
"In This Course ""Create A Professional Website Without Coding For Free"" I will walk you through step by step from very basic introduction to the advance level where you can finally be able to ""Get Approved For Adsense Without Any Problem"". After completing this course you just now be able to make a fully functional professional website for yourself but you can work as freelancer and make website for others. In this course ""Create A Professional Website Without Coding For Free"" I try my level best to teach you high-end and latest SEO techniques to get your website rank higher in all major search engines. You will understand what does SEO means and how it helps to get top position in search engines. I will teach you how to do complete SEO settings of your website and how you can write SEO friendly article. Special Surprise: In this course i will teach you a secret and tested method to Write 100% Adsense Compatible and Plagiarism Free Article With Total Guarantee Of Mine.Bonus Offer: Along With All this stuff i have a very special bonus offer for you and that is ""IF YOU BUY THIS COURSE I WILL PAY YOUR FIRST YEAR DOMAIN BILL FROM MY OWN"" means you don't have to spend any money on your first time domain purchase. I hope now you are excited to dive into this life changing course.In this course i have provide you ONE OF THE BEST PREMIUM THEM. This theme has a lots of features like it is compatible with all the devices means you can get traffic from all type of device users. It is Google Adsense compatible them, you don't have to do anything it has all the settings built in it. I am 100% sure that after completing this course you don't have to hire anyone that makes a website for you but people hire you to make their website :) So don't waste time and just grab the opportunity and change your life."
Price: 19.99 |
"Human Resources Management in Practice For Beginners" |
"This course introduces the management of the HR activities with some practical examples from experience -it addresses the beginners of HR and can be of support to the experienced or even managers that run an HR function in a company. Beside handling the relevant HR topics, the course also addresses the work self-checking, hinting at work control and readiness for audit activities."
Price: 24.99 |
"How to get a Graduate Job and into a Leadership Scheme!" |
"If you want to supercharge your chances of getting into your dream graduate or leadership scheme, then this course is for you. We will go through in detail, all the stages of a modern graduate scheme, including: Where to find these opportunities Walking through a good CV and Cover Letter Online tests How to pass competency interviews How to pass assessment centres How to handle group and individual presentations How to handle group exercisesAs someone who has passed dozens of assessment centres - even ones that allowed me to work in Downing Street and designed my own assessments for some of the largest companies in the world, I want to show you exactly how to approach it. I started with an average CV was very shy and had almost no connections and by approaching it systematically - I received more opportunities than I could have imagined. This course is for anyone whether you are just entering your studies and thinking of applying for a corporate internship for the first time, or a seasoned graduate that wants to apply for a new graduate programme, or perhaps a professional that wants to join a corporate leadership programme in order to seek more opportunities. Not only will you be able to get loads of video content in this course, but you will also get a free 45,000-word e-book called The Grad Job Game which goes into even more detail on how to pass graduate schemes."
Price: 29.99 |
"Aprendizaje Perceptivo para Reconocimiento de Emociones" |
"Las microexpresiones faciales son un elemento esencial en la deteccin de mentiras y son una poderosa herramienta para el xito en ventas, negociaciones, reclutamiento, presentaciones y liderazgo.Las microexpresiones pueden ser tan cortas como 1/25 de segundo, son filtraciones emocionales y se consideran de los indicadores ms confiables de lo que alguien realmente siente.Es importante dominar las Microexpresiones?El ser Maestro en el Reconocimiento de las Emociones por la Expresin Facial te da ventajas en situaciones como:Ventas. En su presentacin en la Universidad de Harvard en junio de 2013, Patryk y Kasia Wezowski mostraron los resultados de su investigacin en Inteligencia Emocional. Cada persona que aprendi a leer expresiones faciales aument con precisin su Inteligencia Emocional (medida con la prueba MSCEIT ms resistente) con un promedio de 10% despus de 4 horas de entrenamiento.Negociacin. Dentro del proceso de Negociacin es importante reconocer las emociones de mi contraparte. SI por ejemplo doy una cotizacin por $100 y veo una expresin de asco, si es un cliente de largo plazo, puedo tomar una accin adecuada ofreciendo el 25% de descuento y as poder cerrar el trato.Mejorar las relaciones interpersonales. Al poder reconocer las emociones en otros puedo decidir mis acciones para obtener el resultado ms conveniente segn sea la relacin y la situacin. El material de este curso est basado entre otros en las investigaciones de: Paul Ekman quien desarroll el FACS, particip como asesor en la serie de TV Lie to Me y en la pelcula Intensamente.David Matsumoto, estudiante de paul Ekman ha continuado con la investigacin y aplicaciones de las Microexpresiones.Freitas Magalhaes, actualmente certifica en el FACS y es un investigador de la emocin en diferentes mbitos.#Mentira #LieToMe #TestifyToMe #LieSpotting #LieDetection #Intensamente #PaulEkman #Emociones #EmocionesUniversales #Microexpresiones #Microexpressions #DeteccionDeMentiras #Micro-expresiones #Mentiras #Mentira #EQ #InteligenciaEmocional #Nonverbal #NonverbalCommunication #Lie #Lies #DeteccionDeMentira #FACS #Rostro #Cara #Expresion #Expresiones"
Price: 69.99 |
"Shopify Dropshipping Complete Training in Urdu/Hindi" |
"Follow along with my all Videos step by step show you exactly how to build your own E-Commerce Dropshipping Business from the ground up. I have documented the whole process, from the initial idea, all the way through to the first sale through Facebook Ads!About Your Instructor:ZEESHAN RAZA has run E-Commerce ventures since just 18 Years Old. I started selling my online in 2008. I got my sale on eBay December 2008I'll be showing you all of the tools and tricks I used on my first store, as well as some bonuses that will your mind! To supplement the course, I have also created a dedicated Shopify Startups Facebook Group which I encourage you to Join and Participate in. You can add me on Facebook and Message me to Request an Invite to the Group.The beauty of a Dropshipping business is that it can be run from anywhere in the world. This year I aim to work remotely on my Dropshipping from at least 3 different countries....What's your Goal for 2019?The Topics and Areas Covered in this Course include:Niche, Product and Theme Research and Selection, using cutting-edge toolsSecret Extensions to get Cashback automatically on Domain Names - meaning minimal Start-Up costs!Access to an awesome Shopify 14 Day Free TrialRegistering and Linking a Domain Name to ShopifyFull coverage of Shopify Settings (Payments, Shipping, Checkout etc)How to Add ALL of the necessary Pages to your WebsiteHow to Create a Professional Navigation BarAdding an App that Allows you to Import 1000's of Products in just a few ClicksSetting up Collections, Product Pages and also some basic tips for Shopify SEOShopify Theme Editing*Special Note for Student: Coming Soon more video will update.What youll learnRun a Dropshipping E-Commerce Business from anywhere in the WorldRun a Business from a Laptop and become a Lifestyle Entrepreneur or Digital NomadEnjoy more Free Time while Owning an Online BusinessResearch Niche and Product Ideas using Free Google ToolsAlso available paid tools Like Zik AnalyticBuild a professional Shopify storeRegister Domain Names and Link them to ShopifyOptimise a Shopify store for conversionsAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Know how to use a Mac or PCA good internet connectionWho this course is for:This course is designed for people who want to start an DropShipping businessPeople who want to build a Business to suit their Lifestyle would enjoy this coursePeople who have never started an Dropshipping Business"
Price: 19.99 |
"Raising Leaders: Equip Your Children to Lead Themselves Well" |
"Leadership is about influence, nothing more, nothing less, (Dr. John Maxwell) and parents can be the most important influencers of their children. With this in mind, weve created the following workshops to help deliver valuable leadership content to valuable stakeholders. The objective is to deliver information on how parents can positively impact the lives of their children to become effective influencers/leaders."
Price: 19.99 |