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"Aprender las frases idiomticas francesas"
"Salut,  me llamo Pierre nativo de Francia, nac en Pars, este es mi curso de iniciacin al idioma francs durante aos he tenido la oportunidad de ensear mi idioma a hispanos.    Enseo el francs como idioma extranjero por 36 aos, ensee en muchos pases, mayormente en pases de Oriente Medio y Amrica Latina. En este curso encontraras prcticas bsicas de la fontica, los saludos principales, los nmeros, el tiempo entre otros temas que te ayudaran a comprender el idioma francs.Las frases idiomticas forman parte del modo natural de los franceses para sus conversaciones diaria con familiares, amigos o extraos, son muy importantes y fundamentales para llevar una conversacin normal y natural con los francfonos."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende el Francs con Pierre, modulo 2"
"Bonjour, bienvenus notre second moduleBuenos das, bienvenido a nuestro modulo dosEn esta segunda parte seguimos nuestro curso del francs bsico. En este modulo aprender ms sobre el idioma francs, gramtica y vocabulario, para incrementar de forma progresiva su conocimiento.Vern que todo es muy fcil, nuestro curso les va a llevar al ms fcil y simptico viaje hacia el idioma francs, con nuestro mtodo aprender con gran facilidad sin darse cuenta."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende hablar francs con Pierre, iniciacin al francs"
"Salut,  me llamo Pierre nativo de Francia, nac en Pars, este es mi curso de iniciacin al idioma francs durante aos he tenido la oportunidad de ensear mi idioma a hispanos.    Enseo el francs como idioma extranjero por 36 aos, ensee en muchos pases, mayormente en pases de Oriente Medio y Amrica Latina. En este curso encontraras prcticas bsicas de la fontica, los saludos principales, los nmeros, el tiempo entre otros temas que te ayudaran a comprender el idioma francs."
Price: 19.99

"Ventas Profesionales - Las Claves del Vendedor Millonario"
"Este es un curso de ventas profesionales (consultivas) a travs del cual aprenders las claves para convertirte en un vendedor lite. En Este curso aprenders conceptos poderosos en ventas. Este es el curso ms completo que puedes tomar para convertirte en un vendedor experto, aprenders sobre la motivacin, las aptitudes personales, las tcnicas de ventas, la persuasin entre otros muchos temas."
Price: 49.99

"Marketing y Ventas para Emprendimientos que Triunfan"
"En este curso aprenders Marketing de una forma sencilla y prctica para poder llevar xito a tu negocio. Aprenders a hacer un plan de marketing, definir tu marketing mix, garantizar que tu negocio produzca ganancias y enfocarte en lo ms importante para el xito. Es toda una gua de marketing para el xito. Bienvenidos!"
Price: 49.99

"Portafolio Docente 2019: Una gua paso a paso"
"La elaboracin del portafolio para la evaluacin y carrera docente, puede llegar a ser un proceso difcil, existe poca informacin disponible y la mayor parte de ella no es accesible para el o la docente que trabaja en zonas alejadas de las grandes ciudades.En esta linea este curso ha sido elaborado para guiar al profesor o profesora paso a paso para que puedan elaborar de una manera efectiva el portafolio docente de la evaluacin y carrera docente 2019 en Chile."
Price: 34.99

"Invaso de Redes Sem Fio"
"Nesse curso o aluno vai aprender a configurar o seu adaptador para fazer o monitoramento de ponto de acesso prximo a ele, tambm vai entender como funciona a segurana WEP WPA WPA2, os perigos de conectar a uma rede aberta, vai aprender a criar Fake Ap ap, Evil Twin, etc. "
Price: 99.99

"Financial Reporting and Analysis CFA Level 1 (2020)"
"This is a quick course on all the essential aspects of the Financial Reporting and Analysis subject of the CFA level 1 exam (2020), to help you ace it without consuming a lot of your time, hopefully with the least amount of effort from your part.If you do not want to spend a lot of time reading about Financial Reporting and analysis and - like me - you prefer to study with exercises and mock exams, this course is perfect for you.My goal is to equip you with enough knowledge to face mock exams and practice questions about this topic, only to fine-tune what you learn here."
Price: 39.99

"Whether youre a beginner or just want to step up your game, this course is for you. Best-selling author Huseyin The Brain Aksu makes learning fantasy football stupid easy... This virtual training will be like Brain will be there every step of the way for you, guiding you with easy-to-follow videos and actual examples of him doing what he's preaching. Brain will guide you from start to finish; from the draft, to managing your team in-season, to winning the 'ship!After you complete this course, you will be not only learn what NFL fantasy football is all about, but you'll be able to start playing in a competitive league right after you watch the last video. Let the training begin!"
Price: 19.99

"Corriger efficacement et durablement sa posture !"
"Le cour est ralis par Benjamin Brochet, kinsithrapeute et ostopathe. Ses comptences permettent de vous apporter des conseils prcieux pour corriger efficacement et durablement votre posture. Ce cours s'adresse celles et ceux qui veulent avoir une meilleure posture, que se soit dans leur quotidien, activits professionnelles (assis, ou debout), ou encore dans les activits sportives. L'objectif tant de mieux se tenir et de prendre soins de son corps, et d'viter tout problmes lis aux trouble posturaux, tels que les maux de dos.Le cour est trs complet, il va vous permettre d'acqurir la fois les connaissances thoriques et pratiques pour avoir une bonne posture. Benjamin ne s'en arrte pas la simple faon de bien se tenir, il traite galement, dans cette formation, des problmatiques d'checs les plus souvent rencontres. Ainsi cette formation est l'une des plus complte dans le domaine de la correction posturale, elle vous permettra d'optimiser au mieux votre posture et ainsi de prserver votre sant.A l'issue de ce cour vous serez en mesure de comprendre comment avoir une bonne posture mais surtout vous saurez comment agir efficacement, car vous aurez votre disposition un arsenal de techniques pour corriger durablement et efficacement votre posture.Une fois bien compris les fondamentaux d'une bonne posture, vous serez en mesure d'adopter une bonne posture en toute circonstance.L'auteur du cours reste accessible et  disponible pour vous accompagner tout au long  du cours, notamment si vous avez des questions ou des interrogations."
Price: 34.99

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Price: 1799.00

"Practical Time Management Course - 5 steps to success!"
"How much time per day does your work take? Have you ever the feeling that you are constantly busy with something, but do not notice any special results? How many plans and ideas are stored in your mind or planners?In today's world, we are increasingly faced with the problem of free time. Literally every second person lives in a hurry and does not have time to do whatever he wants. But is there really so little time? Or thing is how we use our time?5 simple steps separate you from calm and self-satisfaction. We will find out:- how to be more effective- how to include advice and practice in your life- we will make a clear plan of action for the future- learn how to use the plan and not move away from it- get rid of anxiety- find time and strength for new life"
Price: 19.99

"HTML sin conocimiento previo"
"Aprender la base de la programacin web es fundamental tanto para abrirte camino como profesional del desarrollo web, as como para afianzar los conocimientos bsicos que puedas tener.Deberas enfocarte en el font-end, back-end o full-stack? Cuando aprendo HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Sass, Grunt, Node.js, PHP, NPM, Django Python, Github, JSON, AJAX, UX, PWA, UI o Jquery?Cuando finalices este curso, tendrs la base para crear sitios web: HTML, y a partir de ah ya podrs ir ampliando conocimientos , adems de enfocarte en lo que ms te guste Front o Back.Si quieres aprender a crear pginas web, el primer paso empieza con este curso, los fundamentos de HTML."
Price: 19.99

"CSS Bsico + Introduccion a Flexbox + 3 Proyectos"
"Para entrar al mundo de desarrollo web, necesitas empezar por los cimientos, los cuales son HTML y CSS, en este segundo pilar del desarrollo web, aprenders lo fundamental para empezar en la carrera de desarrollador web.Aprenders a manejar la web sin ningn tipo de lmites, salvo los que tu te pongas.Empezars sin ningn tipo de experiencia ni conocimiento previo (salvo conocimiento en HTML puedes ver mi otro curso), y para el final del curso crears 3 proyectos que se vern perfectamente en todos los dispositivos del mercado, smartphones, tablets, portatiles y pc.No necesitas gastar dinero en software, ni tener una carrera en informtica, solo necesitas un ordenador, tiempo y determinacin, yo te ensear para que consigas tus objetivos."
Price: 19.99

"Bootstrap 4 Responsive Design profesional + Proyecto"
"Aprende a usar el framework de css ms usado en el diseo web,y en el que confan empresas como Netflix, Github, Reddit... y muchas ms.Con Bootstrap podrs disear increibles pginas web con efectos de manera fcil y ordenada, que adems de lucir bien, da una excelente experiencia de usuario, sobre todo porque est pensado para el responsive design, desde una perspectiva mobile first.Este curso de Bootstrap 4, es ideal para aquellos que quieren conocer y dominar el framework para aumentar su repertorio de tecnologas, como para aquellas personas que quieran incrementar y afianzar sus conocmientos sobre Bootstrap 4 y responsive design.Una vez termines el curso, sers capaz de afrontar cualquier diseo de forma profesional con Bootstrap 4."
Price: 19.99

"TRADING PROFESIONAL - El Mejor Sistema del 2020"
"** EL MEJOR SISTEMA DE TRADING**Por qu es el mejor sistema de Trading?Cuando diseamos un sistema de Trading lo que buscamos es tener la mxima efectividad, con el menor riesgo posible y que sea sencillo para poder ejecutar las operaciones. En Tradea hemos conseguido crear un sistema que tiene un 80% de Aciertos con el que en una Cuenta Auditada conseguimos mas de un 25% de Rentabilidad en tan solo 5 Dias."
Price: 199.99

"SAS Analytics"
"This course covers a range of introductory statistical topics and uses SAS software to carry out analysis. Emphasis placed on the interpretation of the results. It covers the skills required to assemble analysis flow diagrams using the rich tool set and predictive modeling. Ready-to-use procedures handle a wide range of statistical techniques.Learn how togenerate descriptive statistics and explore data with graphsperform linear regression and assess the assumptionsuse diagnostic statistics to identify potential outliers in multiple regressionfit a multiple logistic regression modelmodify data for better analysis resultsbuild and understand predictive models such as regression modelscompare and explain complex models generate and use score code"
Price: 12800.00

"SAS Predictive Modeling - Fun with Hypothesis Testing"
"This course is a path of a SAS predictive modeling. This program emphasis on deep understanding of  hypothesis testing using use case. You will learn a variety of statistical test with applied predictive analytics approaches using the most popular software  SAS as well as strategies to know how to apply the appropriate one to your specific data and question.  You will explore Mean, Median, Mode,  Normality checking, Chi-Square Test, One Sample T-Test, Two Sample T-Test, ANOVA. This course will guide you through Statistical principals to solve real life applications using the SAS software."
Price: 6720.00

"SAS Predictive Modeling : Fun with Regression & Time Series"
"This course is a path of a SAS predictive modeling. This program emphasis on deep understanding of  hypothesis testing using use case. You will learn a variety of statistical test with applied predictive analytics approaches using the most popular software  SAS as well as strategies to know how to apply the appropriate one to your specific data and question.  Participants will discover trained and best practices from the experiences of academic and industry experts. This program will help you to build a robust data science skills. This will cover the following topics:Build a regression modelCheck Auto correlation & Multi collinearityStepwise Regression processLogistic RegressionConfusion MatrixTime Series ForecastingARIMA modeling"
Price: 6720.00

"SAS Predictive Modeling : Fun with Cluster & Factor Analysis"
"Cluster analysis is a staple of unsupervised machine learning and data science.It is very useful for data mining and big data because it automatically finds patterns in the data, without the need for labels, unlike supervised machine learning.You will learn cluster and factor analysis with applied predictive analytics approaches using the most popular software SAS as well as strategies to know how to apply the appropriate one to your specific data and question. Participants will discover trained and best practices from the experiences of academic and industry experts. This program will help you to build a robust data science skills. This will cover the following topics:Euclidean DistanceK-means clusteringHierarchical clusteringFactor analysis"
Price: 6720.00

"R programming with Statistics for Data science"
"R is most popular and  the leading open source language in data science and statistics. Today, R language is the choice for most data science professionals in every industry and academics. This course is thoroughly described R programming, Statistics and Data Science for beginners using real life examples.Lets parse that. This course does not require a prior quantitative or mathematics background. It starts fundamental concepts of R  programming, introducing basic concepts such as the mean, median etc and eventually covers all aspects of an analytics (or) data science career from analyzing and preparing raw data to visualizing your findings.This course is an introduction to Data Science and Statistics using the R programming language. It covers both the theoretical aspects of Statistical concepts and the practical implementation using R. Real life examples: Every concept is explained with the help of examples, case studies and source code in R wherever necessary. Course material in the form for articles include in this program Data Analysis with R: Datatype and Data structures in R, Vectors, Arrays, Matrices, Lists, Data Frames, Reading data from files, Aggregating, Sorting & Merging Data Frames.Linear Regression: Regression, Simple Linear Regression in Excel, Simple Linear Regression in R, Multiple Linear Regression in R, Categorical variables in regression, Robust regression, Parsing regression diagnostic plots Descriptive Statistics: Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Frequency Distributions,Inferential Statistics: Hypothesis testing, Test statistic, Test of significance."
Price: 12800.00

"Machine Learning using Python : Learn Hands-On"
"Learn to use Python, the ideal programming language for Machine Learning, with this comprehensive course from Hands-On System. Python plays a important role in the adoption of Machine Learning (ML) in the business environment.Now a days Machine Learning is one of the most sought after skills in industry. After completion of this course students will understand and apply the concepts of machine learning and applied statistics for real world problems.The topics we will be covering in this course are: Python libraries for data manipulation and visualization such as numpy, matplotlib and pandas. Linear Algebra, Exploratory Data Analysis, Linear Regression, Various Classification techniques, Clustering, Dimensionality reduction and Artificial Neural Networks.This course is designed for Students who are pursuing bachelors or masters degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Economics or any engineering fields. The students should have a little bit of knowledge in coding and undergraduate level mathematics.Terminal competencies of the course, one would have learnt about tools to train machines based on real-world situations using Machine Learning algorithms, as well as to create complex algorithms and neural networks. During the latter stage of the course, learners will be introduced to real-world use cases of Machine Learning with Python for a Hands-On learning experience which would prepare them to create applications efficiently."
Price: 12800.00

"Mastering Data Science : Learn Hands-On"
"Welcome! If you're interested in the exciting world of data science, but don't know where to start, then this is the beginning for you.Data Science course description:Hands-On Data science and Machine learning course designed to impart the training to understand the scientific techniques to extract meaning and insights from data. A data scientist requires skill sets spanning mathematics, statistics, machine learning and knowledge of data analytics software like Python, R and SAS. This course designed to introduce participants to this rapidly growing field and equip them with some of its basic principles and frequently used tools as well as its general mindset. Participants will learn concepts, techniques and tools they need to deal with various facets of data science practice, including data collection and integration, machine learning exploratory data analysis, predictive modeling, descriptive modeling, Algorithm techniques, Linear algebra, evaluation, and effective communication. Emphasis placed on integration and synthesis of concepts and their application to solving real life problems. To make the learning contextual, case studies from a variety of disciplines used in this course.Machine learningTo automate analytical model building we use Machine learning. Machine learning is a field of research that enable computers to learn from data. ML uses to recognize objects in images, to identify meaning in text and trends in data involving a variety of useful techniques that can be applied to big data.SoftwareIn the field data science Python, R and SAS are the three most popular languages. Let me explain you about these three languagesR - R is the common language of statistics. R is a free and open source programming language used to perform advanced data analysis tasks.Python Python is very powerful and multi-purpose language, free and open source programming language which has become very popular in data science due to its active community and data mining libraries.SAS SAS has been the global analytics leader in the enterprise analytics space. It offers a huge array of statistical functions. Easy to work with a good GUI for people to learn quickly and provides excellent technical support.If you are looking to start a career in data science or to gain the skills to be able to transition to this field in the future. Then you are probably doing some research on which of these three programming languages you should learn first to maximize your chances of landing your dream job. Should you focus on mastering R? Or would be it better to make SAS a priority? Or should you learn Python?This program will help to develop all the required skill to become a successful data scientist."
Price: 12800.00

"SAS Predictive Modeling : Learn Hands-On"
"This course covers a range of introductory statistical topics and uses SAS software to carry out analysis. Emphasis placed on the interpretation of the results. It covers the skills required to assemble analysis flow diagrams using the rich tool set and predictive modeling. Ready-to-use procedures handle a wide range of statistical techniques.Learn how togenerate descriptive statistics and explore data with graphsperform linear regression and assess the assumptionsuse diagnostic statistics to identify potential outliers in multiple regressionfit a multiple logistic regression modelmodify data for better analysis resultsbuild and understand predictive models such as regression modelscompare and explain complex models generate and use score codelearn how to predict for future through time series analysislearn classification techniques using cluster analysislearn dimension reduction using factor analysis"
Price: 12800.00

"SQL for Advanced SAS Programming : Learn Hand-On"
"This course is designed to introduce to advanced techniques of SAS programming using Structured Query Language (SQL). This course will help you to prepare for advanced SAS certification exams (SQL part).SQL stands for Structured Query Language. According to ANSI (American National Standards Institute), it is the standard language for relational database management systems.SQL is one of the many languages built into the SAS System. Using PROC SQL, the SAS communicates with powerful data manipulation and query tool. Topics covered will include selecting, subsetting, sorting and grouping data--all without use of DATA step code or any procedures other than PROC SQL. THE STRUCTURE OF A SQL QUERY SQL is a language build on a very small number of keywords: SELECT: columns (variables) that you want FROM : tables (datasets) that you want ON : join conditions that must be met WHERE: row (observation) conditions that must be met GROUP BY : summarize by these columns HAVING :summary conditions that must be met ORDER BY : sort by these columnsFor the vast majority of queries that you run, the seven keywords listed above are all youll need to know. There are also a few functions and operators specific to SQL that can be used in conjunction with the keywords above. SELECT is a statement and is required for a query. All the other keywords are clauses of the SELECT statement. The FROM clause is the only one that is required. The clauses are always ordered as in the list above and each clause can appear, at most, once in a query. The nice thing about SQL is that, because there are so few keywords to learn, you can cover a great deal in a short duration. So, lets get on with the learning!"
Price: 4800.00

"Python Programming"
"An enjoyable filled swift course of Python programming, covering everything you need to know to start Python learning from scratch. This is the most sought after skill of the 21st century. In this course, you will be learning how to write program with Python language. At the end of the course, we introduce some of the advance topics in computing to motivate the passionate learner to pursue further directions.Python is a popular language with easy to learn syntax, it has powerful set of libraries. Python is an interpreted 3G language, with a well-off programming environment, with a robust debugger and profiler. Beginners can easily learn this language. it is widely used in many Industry, scientific, AI areas for data exploration. This course designed to introduce the Python programming language for students without prior programming experience."
Price: 8960.00

"Clinical Data Management (CDM) is an important phase in clinical research, which leads to generation of high-quality, reliable, and statistically sound data from clinical trials.CDM assures collection, integration and availability of data at appropriate quality and cost. Clinical Data Management supports the conduct, management and analysis of studies across the spectrum of clinical research. SAS is the most popular software for clinical data management.This course designed is to make the candidates employable as Manager, Medical Advisor, Pharmacovigilance Specialist/Expert/Scientist, CDM Specialist, CDM Data Analyst, Clinical Data Coordinator, Clinical Data Manager, etc in BPOs, Pharmaceutical companies, Contract Research Organizations (CROs),Support Staffs for Clinical Data Management and Biostatistics services to various clients involved with Clinical Research etc. The Program also serves as a sound introduction to CDM and PV domain for other potential players in the industry such as medical practitioners, pharmaceutical scientists etc."
Price: 9600.00

"Python Interview Question & Answer"
"Python is the most popular language with its various attributes. If you want to be an expert in Python, join our Python courses and understand the simple and complex features of it. We teach students from the very basic level as well as develop them to handle complex tasks using this language.For the convenience of students, we have designed a question-answer section. Students can enhance both their knowledge and confidence by practicing them regularly. It is a great initiative of the organization to face interviews more confidently and easily. Students have a true help by this segment.The practice tests will cover the following syllabus. Variable Names, Operators, Data Types & Numeric Types Precedence and Associativity, Bitwise & Boolean Formatting & Decorators While and for Loops Lists & List Comprehension Tuples and Sets Dictionary, Functions and Built-in Functions Argument Passing, Global vs Local Variables, Shallow copy vs Deep copy and Recursion Mapping Functions and Modules Regular Expressions and Files Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation and Exception HandlingExam Pattern:Number of Questions: 950Questions Type: Multiple Choice."
Price: 12800.00

"Data Visualization with R Programming"
"R is most popular and  the leading open source language in data science and statistics. Today, R language is the choice for most data science professionals in every industry and academics. This course is thoroughly described R programming, Visualization and Data Science for beginners using real life examples.Lets parse that. This course does not require a prior quantitative or mathematics background. It starts fundamental concepts of R  programming, introducing basic concepts such as the mean, median etc and eventually covers all aspects of an analytics (or) data science career from analysing and preparing raw data to visualizing your findings.This course is an introduction to Data Science and Visualization using the R programming language. Real life examples: Every concept is explained with the help of examples, case studies and source code in R wherever necessary. Data Analysis with R: Datatype and Data structures in R, Vectors, Arrays, Matrices, Lists, Data Frames, Reading data from files, Aggregating, Sorting & Merging Data Frames.Learn how to plot using GGPLOT2"
Price: 12800.00

"Bitcoin e Blockchain - Fcil e Sem Enrolao"
"Assim como a internet revolucionou a forma como vivemos a 20 anos atrs, mudando nossos abitos, possibilitando o surgimento de  novos servios, gerando empregos e fortunas no caminho, o mesmo deve acontecer com o Blockchain, a tecnologia por trs do Bitcoin.E da mesma forma como aconteceu com a internet, aqueles que entendem como funciona essa nova tecnologia esto, de longe, muito mais bem preparados para aproveitar as oportunidades que j esto surgindo devido a essa inovao.Com este curso voc ir entender exatamente como surgiu e como funciona o Blockchain e sua principal aplicao, o Bitcoin. assim como ver tambm exemplos de aplicao e tudo o que est por trs desta tecnologia.O curso foi desenvolvido de forma a passar todo o contedo de forma bem objetiva, passando o que realmente interessa em cada tpico atravs de apresentaes ilustrativas e recheada de exemplos."
Price: 84.99