"CRUD com Bootstrap" |
"Nesse curso, voc ir criar uma pgina PHP e um banco de dados do zero e ir realizar manipulaes no banco por meio de formulrios e tabelas. Tambm ir aprender como funciona o Bootstrap, ferramenta que muitos frameworks utilizam para formatar pginas dos mais famosos websites.Primeiramente ser realizada a estruturao da pgina fazendo a simulao do CRUD, depois ser construdo o banco de dados. Com a estrutura da pgina e o banco de dados prontos, ser construda a conexo da pgina com o banco de dados e a real manipulao dos dados. Por ltimo, sero utilizadas algumas ferramentas como jQuery confirm e o jQuery Validation para aprimorar a experincia do usurio utilizando o sistema."
Price: 39.99 |
endtmzur |
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Price: 19.99 |
1-coinhw |
"- 50 ( , ). , , , . (JLPT5), , , ."
Price: 19.99 |
2-macvgu |
"51-100 , 50 . , , , . 100 , . - , , , ."
Price: 19.99 |
gmcebxiv |
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Price: 19.99 |
"SCRUM Fundamental: Completo para voc iniciar sua jornada." |
"O SCRUM a estrutura mais famosa e mais usada em todo o mundo para criao e desenvolvimento de produtos complexos. Sua fama reflete seus pilares: Adaptao, Transparncia e a capacidade de ter tudo inspecionado a todo instante. Alm de ser uma estrutura dentro do pensamento gil, com o SCRUM voc capaz de trabalhar com foco e entregar valor mais rpido para o seu cliente.Neste curso voc aprender tudo que fundamental para iniciar a sua jornada usando o SCRUM, seja no trabalho ou outra rea onde voc precisa realizar entregas rpidas com o retorno do valor para o cliente mais rpido. Alm de aprender os fundamentos, voc estar a um passo para alcanar sua certificao internacional, Professional SCRUM Master pela SCRUM ORG. Este curso a base fundamental para voc avanar seus estudos rumo a certificao.Para garantir a total transferncia de conhecimento, o Instrutor conduzir todo o conhecimento com base no Guia SCRUM, logo voc estar recebendo o conhecimento mais puro sobre a estrutura do SCRUM. Nossa programao passa pelos seguintes pontos:ProjetosO que um ProjetoTipos de ProjetoIntroduo ao Mtodo gilO que Origem (Manifesto gil)Ferramentas de suporteEstudo de casoMtodo Cascata vs. Mtodo gilIntroduo a ferramenta KanbanIntroduo ao SCRUMPilaresValoresPapisEstrutura do SCRUMEventosUso do Kanban no SCRUMSCRUM na prtica. Uma simulao de usoPrximos PassosSe voc procura aprender e entender o SCRUM sem o sentimento de tempo perdido, este treinamento para voc."
Price: 39.99 |
"Powerful Practices 4 Purifying & Clearing Your Energy Field" |
"Would you like to get rid of negative energy in your life and in your space? As an owner of a holistic healing business clearing negative energy is something I do daily for my clients and for myself. In this course you will not only learn powerful practices to banish negative energy from your body and your home, you will learn how to protect yourself and focus on living a positive life. This course will provide you with the tools you need to keep your energy balanced and positive. We live in a busy world where we are constantly absorbing energy like sponges. This course is a must have for anyone entering the energy healing business as well as anyone who works with the public. I look forward to sharing with you how crystals and aromatherapy can cleanse and protect you and your space. I will educate you on what tools and techniques you need to stay energetically clean and how to transform your home and office with love and light! You will learn how to utilize energy cleansing tools as well as how to raise your vibration using visual exercises and positive prayer. Step by step recipes for energy healing room sprays and body blends are included in this course. As a Reiki Master I have supported many clients on their souls healing journey and I look forward to sharing these powerful practices for purifying your energy field with you."
Price: 19.99 |
"Shamanic Alchemy A Journey To The Soul" |
"This course will introduce you to the fundamental aspects of Shamanism. This course will help you discover How to form a deeper connection with nature.What and who your spirit animal is and how to connect with them.What a spiritual relationship is.The four pillars of Shamanism. Why dreams can have a deeper meaning in life.What smudging is and how to perform smudging techniques.What the north, south ,east, and west represent.Preparation tips and tools for your Shamanic Journey.How to perform a full moon release ritualYou will also experience a Shamanic journey and have the knowledge on how to journey on your own to further your spiritual development!"
Price: 19.99 |
"The Ultimate Course to Improve Memory & Double Your Reading" |
"Train Your BrainThe Ultimate Course to Improve Memory & Double Your Reading SpeedThe Memory Course Which will help you with Basics of Memory, to be a topper in your school & College, succeeding in any competitive Examination, to becoming World Memory Champion, to overcome absentmindedness and Doubles your Reading Speed.The Course is created by Squadron Leader Jayasimha, President World Memory Sports Council for India, Only Indian with Maximum Guinness World Records in the World, Author of best-selling books on Memory, Train Your Brain & The Ultimate Guide to Improve Your Memory.What you'll learnLearn the importance of MemoryLearn to Memorise List of Words, Long Answer Questions, Essay Questions, Speeches through Creative Visualisation MethodLearn to Memorise English VocabularyLearn to Memorise Scientific TerminologyLearn to Memorise Numerical Data using which you will be able to memorise Historical years, Constants, Constitution Articles, Penal Code, Income Tax Act, Mobile Numbers, Passport Numbers, Vehicle Numbers or any such dataLearn to Overcome English Spelling MistakesLearn to Read and Remember Scientific SubjectsHow to Remember any information for a long timeLearn to Memorise Periodic TableLearn to Memorise Vitamins and their Scientific namesLearn to Memorise Countries & Capitals, Countries & CurrencyLearn to Develop ConcentrationLearn to Overcome Examination FearLearn to Overcome Absentmindedness / ForgetfulnessLearn to Memorise Names and FacesLearn to Understand the Speed Reading ConceptsLearn to Overcome Speed Reading BarriersLearn Techniques/ Strategies for Speed ReadingHow to Double your Reading SpeedLearn to Memorise Binary NumbersLearn the Study Techniques for Smart StudyLearn the Practical ways to Remember whatever the data you want.RequirementsThe Participants should understand the basic English.For Whom this Course is Useful?Students attending School & College and Professional Courses.Teachers wanting to make teaching easy and fun learningAdults - Wanting to succeed in Competitive ExaminationsDoctors, Engineers, Scientists, Accountants, Businesspersons, ProfessionalsHome makersTrainers wanting to take Memory as their Profession.Any adult who would like to improve know the Secrets of Memory, Overcome Alzheimers, Dementia, Forgetfulness or Absentmindedness.Any one who want to develop smart mental faculties.DescriptionThis Course is personally developed by Squadron Leader Jayasimha, the President World Memory Sports Council for India and only Indian with Maximum Guinness World Records in the World.The techniques that have been taught are practically experimented and the results have been verified and all the techniques are Proven.The Course is easy to understand and follow.It is done in a lucid manner from the Beginners to Intermediate level and also for Professional Memory Athletes."
Price: 12480.00 |
"Become World Memory Champion" |
"DescriptionBecome World Memory ChampionMaster Ten Memory Disciplines of World Memory Sports Council to win National and World Memory ChampionshipThis Memory Course will help all the Memory Athletes, Students, teachers, adults, professionals and home makers those who are keen to take up memory sports seriously. Firstly to keep their brain active, develop phenomenal memory and also learn and master the Ten Memory Disciplines of World Memory Sports Council so as to win the National and World Memory Championships.The Course is created by Squadron Leader Jayasimha, President World Memory Sports Council for India, Only Indian with Maximum Guinness World Records in the World, Author of best-selling books on Memory, Train Your Brain & The Ultimate Guide to Improve Your Memory. He is also the creator of famous Memory Course ""Ultimate Course on Memory and Double Your Reading""What you'll learnLearn the importance of MemoryLearn as to why one should take up Memory sports seriously?How the World Memory Sports Council tests the Memory athletes?What are the Ten Memory Disciplines for the National and World Memory ChampionshipsLearn the Rules of all the 10 Memory DisciplinesHow to plan and prepare to become National and World Memory ChampionMemorise List of Random WordsMemorise Random NumbersMemorise Speed NumbersMemorise Spoken NumbersMemorise Binary NumbersMemorise Historic and Future datesMemorise Names and FacesMemorise Abstract ImagesMemorise Random Playing CardsMemorise Speed CardsFor Whom this Course is Useful?Those who want to become World Memory ChampionAll those who want to learn the Basics of MemoryThose Who want to take Memory as a serious sport and excel in the SportThose who want to become Memory trainers, coaches and make a name for themselves in MemoryMemory Athletes who want to Win the National Memory ChampionshipsMemory Athletes who want to Win World Memory ChampionshipsStudents attending School & College and Professional Courses.Teachers wanting to make teaching easy and fun learningAdults - Wanting to succeed in Competitive ExaminationsDoctors, Engineers, Scientists, Accountants, Businesspersons, ProfessionalsHome makersTrainers wanting to take Memory as their Profession.Any adult who would like to improve know the Secrets of Memory, Overcome Alzheimers, Dementia, Forgetfulness or Absentmindedness.Any one who want to develop smart mental faculties.DescriptionSquadron Leader Jayasimha is the President World Memory Sports Council for India.He had been training students and adults on Memory for the last 10 years and conducting National Memory Championships every year.He had trained many students to win medals and trophies at the National and World Memory Championships.This Course is personally developed by Squadron Leader Jayasimha, the President World Memory Sports Council for India and only Indian with Maximum Guinness World Records in the World.The techniques that have been taught are practically experimented and the results have been verified and all the techniques are Proven.The Course is easy to understand and follow.It is done in a lucid manner from the Beginners to Intermediate level and also for Professional Memory Athletes."
Price: 12480.00 |
"CHFI -312-49- V9 Practice Tests made Easy (500+ questions)" |
"500+ well researched past CHFI exam questions that will help anyone preparing for the Certification to pass the exam at their first attempt.Before coming to this material, I presumed, you must have gone over all the EC-Council course material for the CHFI exam and also must have completed the needed labs. # THIS MATERIAL IN NO WAY REPLACES THE EC-COUNCIL RESOURCES FOR THE CHFI V9. This practice exam is designed to help you practice over and over until you build the understanding and confidence that will help you take the exam with less anxiety in order to stay focused and answer the questions correctly. I gleaned various resources to put together this material while studying for the CHFI myself and I found tremendous help from what I was able to gather. I am certain that this material will greatly help any security professional or student that may be working to achieve their CHFI certification. It is what I used myself and was able to pass the exam. In my experience as well as the experience of those that have sat for this exam, it is not an easy one and the resources are indeed scarce as such I made it a duty to put together over 500 Practice questions that touches on every topic of the exam. Students are encouraged to refer back to the EC- council material for clarification of any concepts they might not have understood or reach out to me for directions. # Questions that contain images and graphs are not included as there csv format required to upload questions and answers to the Udemy platform does not support images. I have put together additional questions including those that contain graphs, tables and Images in shared folder accessible to students taking this practice course. Thank you and good luck."
Price: 124.99 |
"Consulting & Projects" |
"A practitioner's guide on how to navigate the profession of a consultant from sourcing a project to sustaining the business. Includes valuable mindsets to manage projects with greater comfort. Crafted using a diverse range of experiences in a professional environment. Absorb in an easy to consume, story format. Features cases, articles, assessments, assignments, videos and more."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Ultimate Product Guide to Jira" |
"Jira is the most widely used tool for Agile Development in the world but if you're new to it then it can be a bit of a pain to use and find your way around. That's where this course comes in, by the end of it you should be familiar enough with it to do both basic and more advanced tasks.Product Owners, Developers and Scrum Masters can easily earn 6 figure salaries and this is the most commonly used software for Agile development and experience with Jira can be a key to your success in interviews.I have used Jira for over a decade as a Product Owner and Scrum Master so want to share everything from the basics of using Jira through to some more advanced admin features.The key elements I cover on this course are as follows:Creating your first storyPrioritising the backlog and starting/ending sprintsCreating EpicsWriting Acceptance CriteriaAdding UsersChanging Agile Workflows in Jira and adding different issue types"
Price: 19.99 |
"Laravel create own engine, base for all your future projects" |
"You will learn how use GitLab, Composer, config server, and you will be able to jump in to the middle of any project and work like a pro. After this course on your GitLab account will be ready own engine as base to your future project. So next time when you start build web app for client in few second you can download this base app and focus on add new features."
Price: 149.99 |
"Learn Docker - own dev environment in few basic steps" |
"You will learn how use Docker in very basic rules. This is what you need when you start create web applications. You can create own environments, in quick and easy way. In this course i will attach example files for Debian and CentOS system. Please be aware this is only basic rules without explain all features. The best for beginners who never work with Docker as pro."
Price: 19.99 |
"Ich wei, dass Du lgst!" |
"Krpersprachexperte und Autor Claus Eckermann erklrt in seinem Online-Seminar Ich wei, dass Du lgst! in 12 Modulen von A-Z, wie man sein Gegenber durchschauen und Lgner entlarven kann. Sein 2020 erscheinendes Handbuch der Krpersprache und Emotionen, das auf den neuesten Erkenntnissen der modernen Emotions- und Hirnforschung basiert, dient dabei als Seminargrundlage. Lernen Sie, die Signale Ihres Gegenbers bewusst wahrzunehmen und richtig einzuschtzen. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Menschen durchschauen und Lgner entlarven. Das Seminar Ich wei, dass Du lgst! richtet sich an jeden, der die eigene Wahrnehmung und Wirkung schrfen will, und fr den gute Menschenkenntnis beruflich oder privat unerlsslich ist.Das Lgen gehrt zu unserem Alltag und jeder Mensch lgt dutzende Male pro Tag. Doch die Krpersprache zu deuten und Lgen zu erkennen das ist gar nicht so einfach! Es bentigt viel bung, eine gute Beobachtungsgabe und das gewisse Know-how, um die Absichten des Gegenbers zu durchschauen. Claus Eckermann Dozent, Autor und bekannter Krpersprachexperte erklrt in seinem Erfolgsseminar Ich wei, dass Du lgst! in 12 Modulen, auf welche Krpersignale man achten muss, um einen Lgner zu entlarven. Holen Sie sich Ihr Online-Seminar von Ich wei, dass Du lgst! und lernen Sie anhand von vielen praktischen Beispielen, Tuschungen zu erkennen und die Gedanken und Gefhle anderer zu entschlsseln. Fazit: Ich wei, dass Sie es wissen wollen!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Ich wei, was Du fhlst!" |
"Krpersprachexperte und Autor Claus Eckermann erklrt in seinem Online-Seminar Ich wei, was Du fhlst! in 15 Modulen von A-Z, wie man die wahren Gefhle seines Gegenbers erkennt und richtig versteht. Sein 2020 erscheinendes Handbuch der Krpersprache und Emotionen, das auf den neusten Erkenntnissen der modernen Emotions- und Hirnforschung basiert, dient dabei als Seminargrundlage. Lernen Sie, die Gefhle Ihres Gegenbers bewusst wahrzunehmen und richtig einzuschtzen. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mithilfe Ihrer natrlichen Emotionen Ziele erreichen. Das Seminar Ich wei, was Du fhlst! richtet sich an jeden, der die Gefhle anderer erkennen und richtig verstehen will, und fr den gute Menschenkenntnis beruflich oder privat unerlsslich ist.Emotionen sind fr die Qualitt unseres Lebens von elementarer Bedeutung. In keiner Beziehung, an der uns etwas liegt, kommen wir ohne sie aus am Arbeitsplatz nicht und bei keiner Freundschaft, nicht im Umgang mit Familienmitgliedern und nicht in unseren intimsten Beziehungen.Claus Eckermann Dozent, Autor und bekannter Krpersprachexperte erklrt in seinem Seminar Ich wei, was Du fhlst! in 15 Modulen, auf welche Krpersignale man achten muss, um die Gefhle anderer zu erkennen und richtig zu verstehen. Holen Sie sich Ihr Online-Seminar von Ich wei, was Du fhlst! und lernen Sie, wie Sie mithilfe Ihrer natrlichen Emotionen Ziele erreichen. Fazit: Ich wei, dass Sie es wissen wollen!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Ich sehe was, was Du nicht siehst!" |
"Krpersprachexperte und Autor Claus Eckermann erklrt in seinem Online-Seminar Ich sehe was, was Du nicht siehst! in 10 Modulen von A-Z, wie wir die Welt wahrnehmen und Entscheidungen treffen. Sein 2020 erscheinendes Handbuch der Krpersprache und Emotionen, das auf den neuesten Erkenntnissen der Emotions- und Hirnforschung basiert, dient dabei als Seminargrundlage. Lernen Sie, wie wir die Welt wahrnehmen und warum wir welche Entscheidungen treffen. Erfahren Sie, warum uns objektive Bewertungen so oft misslingen und unser Wille hufig alles andere als frei ist. Das Seminar Ich sehe was, was Du nicht siehst! richtet sich an jeden, der beruflich oder privat verstehen will, welche Voraussetzungen unseren Wahrnehmungen zugrunde liegen und wie es gelingen kann, selbstbewusste Entscheidungen zu treffen.Wahrnehmung und Entscheidungsfindung sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil unseres Alltags. Aber nehmen wir die Welt wirklich so wahr, wie sie ist? Und treffen wir unsere Entscheidungen tatschlich auf der Basis eines gesunden Menschenverstands? Oder widersprechen sich Intuition und neuronale Wirklichkeit? Claus Eckermann Dozent, Autor und bekannter Krpersprachexperte erklrt in seinem Seminar Ich sehe was, was Du nicht siehst! in 10 Modulen, wie wir die Welt wahrnehmen und unsere Entscheidungen treffen. Holen Sie sich Ihr Online-Seminar von Ich sehe was, was Du nicht siehst! und lernen Sie anhand von vielen praktischen Beispielen, warum Wahrnehmung und Entscheidungsfindung fr unseren privaten und beruflichen Alltag so bedeutsam sind - und wie es gelingen kann, selbstbewusste Entscheidungen zu treffen. Fazit: Ich wei, dass Sie es wissen wollen!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Ich wirke, also bin ich!" |
"Krpersprachexperte und Autor Claus Eckermann erklrt in seinem Online-Seminar Ich wirke, also bin ich! in 10 Modulen, auf welche Weise man Menschen beeindrucken kann und seine gesetzten Ziele erreicht. Sein 2020 erscheinendes Handbuch der Krpersprache und Emotionen, das auf den neuesten Erkenntnissen der modernen Emotions- und Hirnforschung basiert, dient dabei als Seminargrundlage. Lernen Sie, beeindruckende Botschaften zu senden und Ihre persnliche Auenwirkung bewusst aufzubauen. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie gesetzte Ziele sicher erreichen und Ihren persnlichen Zeit- und Manahmenplan erstellen. Das Seminar Ich wirke, also bin ich! richtet sich an jeden, der seinen Erfolg und seine persnliche Wirkung nicht dem Zufall berlassen will. Beruflich und privat.Wer Menschen beeindrucken und Ziele erreichen will, wird seine persnliche Auenwirkung kaum dem Zufall berlassen. Oft ist das eigene Auftreten oder die richtige Kontaktperson entscheidend fr den weiteren Verlauf einer Karriere oder eines Lebens. Auf was aber reagieren Menschen? Und wie knnen wir dieses Wissen taktisch nutzen? Claus Eckermann Dozent, Autor und bekannter Krpersprachexperte erklrt in seinem Seminar Ich wirke, also bin ich! in 10 Modulen, wie man individuelle Netzwerke aufbaut, Menschen mit seiner Persnlichkeit berzeugt und Ziele systematisch plant und erreicht. Holen Sie sich Ihr Online-Seminar von Ich wirke, also bin ich! und lernen Sie anhand von vielen praktischen Beispielen, auf welche Auslser und Signale Menschen beruflich und privat reagieren und wie Sie dieses Wissen erfolgreich fr sich nutzen knnen. Fazit: Ich wei, dass Sie es wissen wollen!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp in R Programming" |
"YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS & DEEP LEARNING IN R: This course covers the main aspects of neural networks and deep learning. If you take this course, you can do away with taking other courses or buying books on R based data science.In this age of big data, companies across the globe use R to sift through the avalanche of information at their disposal. By becoming proficient in neural networks and deep learning in R, you can give your company a competitive edge and boost your career to the next level!LEARN FROM AN EXPERT DATA SCIENTIST:My name is Minerva Singh and I am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I recently finished a PhD at Cambridge University.I have +5 years of experience in analyzing real life data from different sources using data science related techniques and producing publications for international peer reviewed journals.Over the course of my research I realized almost all the R data science courses and books out there do not account for the multidimensional nature of the topic .This course will give you a robust grounding in the main aspects of practical neural networks and deep learning. Unlike other R instructors, I dig deep into the data science features of R and give you a one-of-a-kind grounding in data science...You will go all the way from carrying out data reading & cleaning to to finally implementing powerful neural networks and deep learning algorithms and evaluating their performance using R.Among other things:You will be introduced to powerful R-based deep learning packages such as h2o and MXNET. You will be introduced to deep neural networks (DNN), convolution neural networks (CNN) and unsupervised methods. You will learn how to implement convolutional neural networks (CNN)s on imagery data using the Keras frameworkYou will learn to apply these frameworks to real life data including credit card fraud data, tumor data, images among others for classification and regression applications. With this course, youll have the keys to the entire R Neural Networks and Deep Learning Kingdom!"
Price: 199.99 |
"(AI Masterclass)" |
"10 (CMA-ES) AITensorFlowKeras"
Price: 199.99 |
"Artificial Intelligence for Simple Games" |
"Ever wish you could harness the power of Deep Learning and Machine Learning to craft intelligent bots built for gaming?If youre looking for a creative way to dive into Artificial Intelligence, then Artificial Intelligence for Simple Games is your key to building lasting knowledge.Learn and test your AI knowledge of fundamental DL and ML algorithms using the fun and flexible environment of simple games such as Snake, the Travelling Salesman problem, mazes and more.1. Whether youre an absolute beginner or seasoned Machine Learning expert, this course provides a solid foundation of the basic and advanced concepts you need to build AI within a gaming environment and beyond.2. Key algorithms and concepts covered in this course include: Genetic Algorithms, Q-Learning, Deep Q-Learning with both Artificial Neural Networks and Convolutional Neural Networks.3. Dive into SuperDataSciences much-loved, interactive learning environment designed to build knowledge and intuition gradually with practical, yet challenging case studies.4. Code flexibility means that students will be able to experiment with different game scenarios and easily apply their learning to business problems outside of the gaming industry.AI for Simple Games CurriculumSection #1 Dive into Genetic Algorithms by applying the famous Travelling Salesman Problem to an intergalactic game. The challenge will be to build a spaceship that travels across all planets in the shortest time possible!Section #2 Learn the foundations of the model-free reinforcement learning algorithm, Q-Learning. Develop intuition and visualization skills, and try your hand at building a custom maze and design an AI able to find its way out.Section #3 Go deep with Deep Q-Learning. Explore the fantastic world of Neural Networks using the OpenAI Gym development environment and learn how to build AIs for many other simple games!Section #4 Finish off the course by building your very own version of the classic game, Snake! Here youll utilize Convolutional Neural Networks by building an AI that mimics the same behavior we see when playing Snake."
Price: 199.99 |
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Price: 49.99 |
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Price: 79.99 |
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Price: 79.99 |
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Price: 79.99 |
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Price: 49.99 |
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Price: 19.99 |
"Social Media Pro Design" |
"Ol. me chamo Jonhy ramalho, desde os meus 14 anos trabalho com photoshop, hoje com 26 anos quero compartilhar um pouco do meu conhecimento com vc, nesse curso fatal para quem trabalha ou quer trabalhar com social media. Photoshop bsico , irei te passar varias tcnicas infalveis que utilizo para ter mais clientes e trabalhar em casa, alem de alguns arquivos que irei disponibilizar para melhorar o seu contedo e muito mais."
Price: 144.99 |
"Start a Profitable Amazon Store with NO Experience!" |
"A complete beginners blueprint to start an Amazon FBA store from scratch! This course will walk you through every step of the way and help you become a successful seller. You will learn:How to leverage the Amazon platform to create a full-time income or much, much more by selling physical products with high sales volume and low competitionUse a specific set of rules to uncover the easiest and most profitable items to sell with NO GUESSWORK! Know where and how to source these items at pennies on the dollar from US and International ManufacturersHow to create a fully optimized listing on Amazon for high organic rank and more sales!Know how to kick start sales the right way with a successful product launch!Understand how to create and optimize Amazon PPC (pay-per-click) Campaigns Be able to avoid costly mistakes often made by new sellersTake advantage of advanced seller hacks to increase sales and revenueUnderstand tricks and tactics used by the top 1% of Amazon SellersSave a ton of time by tapping into niches and products that have already been researchedKnow how to get approval to sell in lucrative restricted categoriesFollow a simple, proven step-by-step plan to fast forward the entire process"
Price: 19.99 |