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"Kurs - Matematyka dla Informatyka - Relacje, Diagram Hassego"
"Cze, z tej strony Mikoaj! Jeli planujesz spenia si jako Informatyk, to za pewne spotkasz si z Matematyk Dyskretn. Jeeli chciaaby bd chciaby zgbi tajniki tej dziedziny, to zapraszam Ci gorco do tego kursu!A w tym kursie zajmiemy si tematem Relacji oraz Diagramem Hassego. Poznasz w nim definicje oraz rodzaje relacji poparte na przykadach z ycia codziennego. Poniewa, dla mnie najistotniejsze jest, aby ta wiedza bya zrozumiaa. Do tego, nie zabraknie rwnie skromnej dawki humoru, aby pokaza Ci, e nauka tego materiau moe by rwnie przyjemna. Ponadto, ten kurs bdzie skada si:- z 15 rnych zada powiconych tematowi Relacji,- 8 rnych zada z diagramw Hassego. - A do tego, rwnie przygotowaem dla Ciebie 7 przykadowych zada z omawianego materiau w celu utrwalenia wiedzy.- Za cao kursu zajmuje jedynie 3,5 godziny! Dlatego to skondensowana i olbrzymia dawka wiedzy, przekazana w naprawd bardzo przystpny sposb. Gwarantuj Ci, e po przepracowaniu tej lekcji, odczujesz niema ulg. A adne z tych poj, oznacze czy sposobw rozwizywania zada nie sprawi ju wicej Tobie problemw. A ciekaw alternatyw dla Ciebie jest rwnie zawarty przeze mnie Quiz, ktry pozwoli Tobie sprawdzi si w pozyskanych wiadomociach.No to co, startujemy? ;)"
Price: 69.99

"Exercises for Anxiety and Panic Attacks"
"Do you struggle with feelings of anxiety or panic attacks? Would you like to learn practical tools to cultivate more calmness, relaxation and well-being in your life? This 4-week Online Course with Exercises for Anxiety and Panic Attacks is a body and breath-based approach to dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. Guided by Serieke, who experienced and overcame anxiety disorder herself, you will learn practical exercises that you can apply in daily life.Structure of the CourseThe course is structured around four themes:The BreathGroundingReleasing Tension from the BodyAwareness PracticeCourse MaterialThe course material consists out of theory videos, exercise instruction videos, audio recordings and a 38-page downloadable Course Manual.Daily practicesParticipants are encouraged to dedicate approximately half an hour daily to the exercises and journaling prompts. Regular practice of the exercises helps to have the techniques readily available in situations of anxiety or panic."
Price: 49.99

"Instagram Schritt-fr-Schritt: Werde zum absoluten Experten!"
"Wenn Du ein absoluter Instagram-Experte werden mchtest, wirst Du diesen Udemy-Kurs lieben! Du wirst jedes noch so kleine Detail ber diese Plattform lernen und Strategien kennenerlernen, die Du garantiert noch nicht kennst, um Hunderte Follower pro Tag zu erhalten - und das Ganze komplett organisch, also ohne Einsatz von bezahlten Werbeanzeigen!Dieser Kurs ist der umfangreichste Kurs und der Einzige, den du jemals bentigen wirst, um Schritt fr Schritt einen neuen Account aufzubauen oder einen bereits bestehenden Account zu perfektionieren. Mit ber 75 Videos und mehr als 13,5 Stunden Inhalt inkl. umfangreichen Materialien und Erklrungen wirst Du keinen anderen Kurs finden, der so aktuell und detailliert gehalten wird. Bringe Deinen Account von 0 auf 40.000, 60.000 und mehr als 100.000 Followern in Rekordzeit und hole das Meiste aus diesem Account heraus, sodass Du Deinen Lebensunterhalt mit Instagram alleine verdienen kannst.Egal, wie viel Erfahrung du bereits mit Instagram machen konntest - dieser Kurs eignet sich fr Anfnger, Fortgeschrittene und Experten, die Methoden kennenlernen mchten, ohne Einsatz von bezahlter Werbung Hunderte von Followern pro Tag zu gewinnen. Hier wirst du alle kostenlosen Methoden kennenlernen, die dies realisieren knnen!Wie ist dieser Kurs strukturiert und was genau wirst Du lernen?Kapitel #1: Einleitung:Ich stelle mich zunchst einmal genauer vor. Anschlieend werden wir zusammenfassen, was in den folgenden Kapiteln auf uns warten wird. Was werden wir alles behandeln? Wie ist der Kurs strukturiert? Wie schaffen wir es, so schnell zu wachsen? Diese und weitere Fragen werden wir ansprechen!Kapitel #2: Das Wichtigste zuerst:Wir schaffen die ersten Teile unserer Grundlage. Wir werden gemeinsam einen Benutzernamen finden, ein Profilbild erstellen und eine Bio schreiben. Weiterhin werden wir das gesamte Layout der Plattform Instagram analysieren und ber das Branding sprechen!Kapitel #3: Das Grundgerst:Welche Nische funktioniert am besten? Welche Nische solltest Du meiden und welche Faktoren mssen hierfr in Betracht gezogen werden? Welche Arten von Inhalten gibt es und welche solltest du nutzen? Diese und weitere Fragen werden wir im dritten Kapitel besprechen!Kapitel #4: Alles rund um den Inhalt deiner Seite:Dieses umfassende Kapitel beantwortet absolut alle Fragen, die in irgendeiner Weise mit dem Inhalt Deiner Seite zu tun haben.Hashtags, Tools, Branding, Inhalte, Hufigkeit der Posts, Caption und vieles mehr. Egal, welche Frage du zum Thema Inhalt hast:Ich garantiere Dir, dass dieses Kapitel diese Frage beantworten wird - und noch viel mehr!Kapitel #5: Wachstum und Marketing:Was ist ein Algorithmus? Wie kannst Du Dich wirklich von der Masse abheben? Wie gehen wir mit Shoutouts, Nachrichten und Kommentaren um? Welche geheimen Tricks gibt es, um vom ersten Tag an Autoritt zu erhalten? Kapitel 5 liefert die Antworten!Kapitel #6: Fortgeschrittene Marketing-Strategien:Was ist die Explore Page und wie kannst Du sie fr Dich nutzen? Was sind Engagement-Gruppen?Wie gehst Du mit Stories und IGTV um? Wie genau muss Dein tglicher Arbeitsablauf aussehen? Dies und vieles mehr wird das sechste Kapitel beantworten!Kapitel #7: Analysen:Wie erhalten wir Zugriff auf die Instagram Insights und wie deuten wir deren Kennzahlen? Wie optimieren wir unsere Hashtags und Inhalte?Welche externen, kostenlosen Tools gibt es? Das siebte Kapitel beantwortet alle Fragen rund um das Thema Analysen!Kapitel #8: Verdiene Geld mit Deiner Instagram Seite:Welche Mglichkeiten gibt es, um mit Deiner Instagram Seite Geld zu verdienen? Welche dieser Mglichkeiten ist die effektivste? Wie genau gehen wir vor, wenn wir unsere Produkte und Services bewerben mchten? Dies und mehr klrt das achte Kapitel!Kapitel #9: Finale Gedanken:Was haben wir alles gelernt? Wie gehen wir mit den Informationen um? Wie geht es weiter, wenn wir alle Videos geschaut haben? In diesem Kapitel lassen wir alles noch einmal Revue passieren und klren zustzlich, wie es danach weitergeht.Kapitel #10: Extras:Was passiert, wenn Instagram Dinge ndert? Was ist, wenn sich neue Strategien ergeben und wie erhltst du allgemeine Updates? Hierfr haben wir das zehnte Kapitel. Hier wirst du alle nderungen, Neuerungen und weiteren Informationen erhalten, die auch in Zukunft mit dem Thema Instagram zusammenhngen werden. Du wirst also immer auf dem neuesten Stand sein!Bonus #01: LIVE-Beispiele:Wir werden nicht nur alles besprechen, was besprochen werden muss. Wir haben etwas einmaliges vorbereitet: Im Verlaufe des Kurses werden wir gemeinsam einen Instagram Account erstellen, der genau die Inhalte und den Verlauf der IG Universitt wiedergibt. Du wirst also Schritt fr Schritt sehen knnen, wie wir alles Gelernte sofort in die Praxis umsetzen werden. Somit wird dieser Account immer mehr an Struktur gewinnen, je weiter wir im Kurs voranschreiten!Bonus #02: Lifetime-Support:Ich biete Dir als Kursinhaber meinen persnlichen Support an - und das ein Leben lang! Als Kunde kannst Du mir jederzeit auf diversen Wegen Fragen stellen, Anregungen mitteilen oder einfach nur Kontakt aufnehmen. Egal, was du mchtest: Ich werde auf ewig Dein direkter Ansprechpartner sein und alles beantworten, was du wissen mchtest. Dies ist mein Versprechen an Dich!Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses wirst Du wirklich jedes Detail von Instagram kennen. Du wirst anhand des beigefgten Tagesablaufs genau wissen, wann Du was zu tun hast und wie Du das absolut Meiste aus Deiner Instagram-Seite herausholen kannst. Schreibe Dich jetzt ein und lerne von einem Vollzeit-Internet Marketer, der sich seit vielen Jahren auf Instagram spezialisiert. Du wirst meinen Support auf ewig erhalten und immer zu mir kommen knnen, wenn Du Fragen, Anregungen oder einfach nur den Wunsch nach einer Kontaktaufnahme hast.Also kaufe jetzt diesen Kurs und steige noch heute zum Instagram-Experten auf!Wir sehen uns auf der Seite des Erfolgs!Dein Coach und Mentor,Daniel Huppertz"
Price: 199.99

"Russir sur Pinterest en 2020"
"Dbutant ? Vous ne savez pas comment utiliser Pinterest ? Vous tes au bon endroit. Nous allons voir comment dvelopper son compte ainsi que plusieurs astuces pour russir sur Pinterest. J'ai cr un compte spcialement pour la formation o j'y appliquerais les conseils que je partage dans cette formation. Vous pourrez donc suivre en appliquant les conseils directement sur votre compte."
Price: 19.99

"Business Starter: avvia un business in modo perfetto!"
"Quando decidiamo di creare un nuovo prodotto o servizio, o addirittura di creare un nuovo business partiamo da due presupposti fondamentali.Quello che abbiamo creato, o il prodotto che offriremo,piacer ai futuri clienti.Ci sar qualcuno disposto a comprare.Ma quale rischio stai correndo se, una volta sul mercato, i tuoi clienti non lo apprezzano?Magari si aspettavano qualcosa di diverso... una funzionalit a cui non avevi pensato.Altre volte succede di lavorare mesi per preparare una funzionalit che ritieni essenziale, ma ai tuoi clienti non serve e non viene utilizzata (e a me successo tante volte).Qualcuno li definisce ""rischi imprenditoriali"".Ma oggi creare un prodotto perfetto e lanciarlo sul mercato un metodo obsoleto e INEFFICACE.Infatti, sviluppare un prodotto alla cieca spesso significa mesi di lavoro e soldi buttati.E quando linvestimento stato importante, le conseguenze possono essere catastrofiche!Per fortuna esistono tecniche e strategie che ci permettono di evitare tutti questi problemi, minimizzando qualunque tipo di rischio e aumentando le possibilit di successo.Ecco l'elenco degli argomenti pi importanti che imparerai in queste 10 lezioni:Come preparare il tuo piano correttamenteCome evitare la trappola delle tue convinzioniCome analizzare i numeri realmente importantiCome evitare gli indicatori inutiliCome migliorare il prodotto per renderlo davvero appetibileI due elementi essenziali per la crescitaI due tipi di crescita a costo zeroCosa fare dopo aver dominato il mercato"
Price: 44.99

"A Beginner's Guide to Artificial Intelligence"
"In the last 2 years, do you in ads, product descriptions and vendor pitches see an increased usage of the word Artificial Intelligence? I did a quick Google search:intelligence engine uses AI technology to.. with AI technologylaunches with AI technology with AI solutions AI-enabledIve an honest question for you: Can you tell which one of those are legit references to real Artificial Intelligence technology and which ones are just marketing BS?Heres a hint to the answer: A study from MMC Ventures just recently found, that 4 out of 10 startups dont use AI - although claiming so. How much higher might the number be in traditional companies that could easily slap a hyped-up label on their product?Are you able to put these pieces of information into perspective? There might be very valuable nuggets of information for you in those articles!Introducing the Guide to AI - for busy professionals!The course presents an overview to Artificial Intelligence - without relying on any prior computer science or tech knowledge.Youll discover:What is Artificial Intelligence - in simple words? How is it different from normal computer programs and apps?Why cant a computer tell whether there is a bird on a picture?What is hype, what is only marketing BS and what is the real potential of Artificial Intelligence?What is the expected impact of AI on the economy in numbers? How much funding goes into AI? What other numbers are relevant and where can I find them?What are algorithms and why are they important? And what do they have to do with cake? ?How to assess whether something is an AI? Why is that important?What research fields exist in Artificial Intelligence?Where can I see real AI in my daily life?And why you dont need to fear for a robot-apocalypse any time soon (Spoiler alert: they are having problems telling whats in front of them).And all that through (currently and steadily increasing) over 20 video lessons with quizzes and assignments for you to deepen your understanding of the material without the need to learn computer programming plus tons of additional articles and book recommendations in a language everybody can understand - even if you dont have any computer science brackground taught by a nice dude that does not talk down to you and thought for over 6 month on how to provide this whole thing in a language people without a technical background can understand (and who also has a Phd in Computer Science - and gave lessons for a living) with new content added to the course on a frequently - yes: the course will receive more and more material and increase in price while it gets added (and you will therefore receive it for free by then!)Important note and disclaimer: If you are looking for a course that teaches you how to code or how to use certain AI frameworks and technologies (Keras, Tensorflow, etc.) - THIS IS THE WRONG COURSE!But if you want to take a fun and interesting look behind the curtain that some marketing people have drawn around these hyped up buzzwords: Get started!"
Price: 34.99

"Digital Photography for Dummies"
"This is the first class of a digital photography course designed to help a person that has no idea how a camera works, to becoming a master of photography. While other classes on this platform are mainly focussed on what certain aspects of photography are and do, very few have a real emphasis on the cause and effect as to why certain phenomena occur which is vital to gaining a stellar understanding.In this first class, we will focus on the basic fundamentals of photography.Please note: The wording ""Dummies"" is purely comical and is not meant in any offensive or literal sense."
Price: 19.99

"DESEN DERSLER, nite :1 Obje izimi"
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen Dersleri bal altnda obje izimi derslerimizde: 1. Blmde:  izgi almalar 2. Blmde: Oran Orant ve geometrik kurgu.  3. Blmde: Form izgisi.  4. Blmde: Ik - glge ve ak-orta-koyu ton deerleri. 5. Blmde: Kompozisyon almalar ve kada yerletirme konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. Desen derslerimiz balang dzeyidir. lerleyen derslerimizde desenin elemanlar , figr, portre, imgesel konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99

"DESEN DERSLER, nite :2 Desenin Elemanlar"
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen Dersleri bal altnda Desenin Elemanlar derslerimizde: 1. Blmde: Nokta, izgi, Doku. 2. Blmde: Form, Biim.3. Blmde: Valr, Leke. 4. Blmde: Mekan. 5. Blmde: Mas, Espas konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. Desen derslerimiz balang dzeyidir. Bir sonraki dersimizde; Desenin lkeleri , ilerleyen derslerimizde figr, perspektif, portre, imgesel konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99

"DESEN DERSLER, nite :3 Desenin lkeleri"
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen Dersleri bal altnda Desenin lkeleri derslerimizde: 1. Blmde: Oran, Perspektif 2. Blmde: Ritim, Hareket 3. Blmde: Denge, Ztlk 4. Blmde: Kompozisyon, Birlik-Btnlk 5. Blmde: Vurgu, Ik-Glge  konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. Desen derslerimiz orta dzeydedir. Bir sonraki dersimizde; Antik Modelden (Tors) desen izimleri. lerleyen derslerimizde figr, perspektif, portre, imgesel konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99

"DESEN DERSLER, nite :4 Antik Modelden (Tors) Desen izimi"
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen dersleri bal altnda antik model torstan desen dizimleri derslerimizde: 1. Blmde: Antik model torsta geometrik kurgu 2. Blmde: Antik model torsu n adan izimi 3. Blmde: Antik model torsu yan adan izimi 4. Blmde: Antik model torsu 45 derecelik n adan izimi 5. Blmde: Antik model torsu arka plandan izimi  konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. Desen derslerimiz orta dzeydedir. Bir sonraki dersimizde; figr , ilerleyen derslerimizde perspektif, portre, imgesel konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99

"DESEN DERSLER, nite :5 Figr izimi"
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen dersleri bal altnda, figr izimi derslerimizde: 1. Blmde: Figrde geometrik kurgu. 2. Blmde: Yan adan fir izimi 3. Blmde: 45 derecelik adan figr izimi  4. Blmde: n adan figr izimi  5. Blmde:  45 derecelik arka adan figr izimi  konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. Fir izimi derslerimiz ileri dzeydedir. Bir sonraki dersimizde; portre izimi  ilerleyen derslerimizde perspektif, firde hareket ve imgesel konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99

"DESEN DERSLER, nite:6 Portre izimi"
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen dersleri bal altnda, portre izimi derslerimizde:  1. Ders: Portre izimine Giri 2. Ders: Yan Adan Portre izimi 3. Ders: n Adan Portre izimi 4. Ders: 45 Derece Adan Portre izimi 5. Ders: Mustafa Kemal ATATRK'n Portre izimi konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. portre izimi derslerimiz ileri dzeydedir. Bir sonraki dersimizde; perspektif izimi  ilerleyen derslerimizde, firde hareket ve imgesel desen izimi konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99

"DESEN DERSLER, nite :7 Perspektif izimi"
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen dersleri bal altnda, Perspektif izimi derslerimizde:  1.Ders Perspektife Giri 2.Ders Tek Kal Perspektif D Mekan izimi 3. Ders: Tek Kal Perspektif Mekan izimi 4. Ders: ift Kal Perspektif D Mekan izimi 5. Ders: ift Kal Perspektif Mekan izimi 6. Ders Kal Perspektif D Mekan izimi 7. Ders Hava Perspektifi izimi konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. Perspektif izimi derslerimiz ileri dzeydedir. Bir sonraki dersimizde;  Mekan ve doadan desen izimleri  ilerleyen derslerimizde, Hareketli fir almalar, figr mekan nesne ilikisi,  lavi teknii, portrede ifade, imgesel almalar ve imgesel konulu desen izimi konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99

"DESEN DERSLER, nite:8 Doa ve Mekandan Desen izimleri"
"Mzeyyen Karaiftci Desen dersleri bal altnda, Doa ve Mekandan Desen almalar  derslerimizde:1. Ders: Doa ve mekan almalarnda k glge, 2. Ders: Doa ve mekan almalarnda doku 3.Ders: Doa ve mekan almalarnda leke 4.Ders: Doa ve mekan almalarnda hava ve izgi perspektifi 5.Ders: Doa ve mekan almalarnda n orta arka plan 6.Ders: Doa ve mekan almalarnda kompozisyon konular video ders olarak ilenmitir. Doa ve Mekandan Desen almalar  derslerimiz ileri dzeydedir. Bir sonraki dersimizde;  Hareketli figr almalar  ilerleyen derslerimizde, figr mekan, nesne ilikisi,  portrede ifade  ve imgesel desen almalar konularmza devam edeceiz."
Price: 259.99

"Klavier spielen in 5 Minuten lernen - Dein 1. Lied am Piano"
"Du mchtest Klavier spielen lernen, aber weisst nicht wie? Klavier spielen ist ein unerfllter Traum von dir? Du denkst Klavier spielen ist zu schwer und man muss es als Kind lernen?Wenn du jemanden Klavier spielen hrst, denkst du dir: ""Ich will es auch endlich lernen?""Dann bist du hier genau richtig!Ich zeige dir, wie du ganz leicht mit dem Klavier spielen starten kannst!Egal ob du unmusikalisch, zu alt, zu frustriert oder zu faul bist:Jetzt gibt es keine Ausrede mehr! Hier lernst du Schritt fr Schritt die wichtigsten Grundlagen am Piano und wenn es mal zu schnell geht, kannst du einfach zurckspulen.Das wichtigste um Klavier spielen zu lernen ist ein gutes System, das dir genau zeigt, was du als nchstes tun sollst.In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du sofort starten kannst, ohne dich berfordert zu fhlen.Wir sehen uns in deiner ersten Lektion!"
Price: 34.99

"Goal Setting: Achieve Any Goal with 3 Simple Steps"
"What are your wildest dreams? Let your imagination run free. Be brave.What if you can make them a reality and achieve the life you have always imagined? For some people this sounds impossible, because they have never learned how to set goals properly or haven't been brave enough to chase them.GOAL SETTING AND ACHIEVEMENT IS A SKILL AND THIS COURSE HAS THE GOAL TO TEACH YOU HOW TO PERFECT IT.The course follows clear structure with real life examples of professional and personal goals. We will break them down from definition to execution during the length of the course and you will be able to follow in real time with your own goals.""Set a goal that will make something of you to achieve it."" - Jim RohnIn addition, I want to show you how to enjoy the process of chasing goals, which by the way is called Life. The greater goals you set, the greater person you will become and better life you will live while achieving them.All videos get right on point and follow an easy to understand structure.THIS COURSE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO:- Turn your greatest dreams into actionable goals- Find goals that you will enjoy the process of achieving them- Transform your Bucket List into a To Do List- Formulate SMART goals- Create a detailed action plan for achieving any goal- Break down big goals into smaller ones- Link goals with emotions and why this is important- Visualize goals and send them to the subconscious mind- Create vision boards and thank you boards- Get out of dips on the road success- Overcome doubts & fears- Create a Goal Setting MastermindBONUSES:Templates for SMART Goal Setting, Vision Board and Thank You BoardAn audio version of the course to listen on the goPersonal stories of failure and successNo worries, there's a 30-day money-back guarantee. Try out the goal setting strategies without any hesitation.QUICK PRO TIP ON GOAL SETTINGEvery morning I spend around 10 minutes writing down my 2 most important goals for the next 12 months. I always write in present tense and imagine that I have already achieved them. This helps me stay focused on what's most important through the sea of distractions that we're swimming in every single day.Take the challenge to follow your dreams and I will see you in class!Zlatin"
Price: 119.99

"Universidad React : De Cero a Master + 5 Cursos de Regalo"
"El curso mas completo y actualizado de React Aprenders desde nivel cero hasta conocer y dominar en nucleo de React en profundidad con todas las caractersticas que no se tocan en cursos convencionales, al finalizar el curso podrs crear componentes de calidad de produccin ademas se incluyen 5 cursos de Regalo relacionados con el stack de React (Animaciones y transiciones, Redux, React Router, Styled Components y Testing con Jest y Enzyme):"" Nuestro compromiso es mantener el curso mas completo y actualizado de React en Espaol""En este curso aplicamos nuestra propia metodologa de enseanza LEAP, que nos permite crear lecciones efectivas, concretas y modulares.En este curso dominarasEl API de ReactTodo sobre React API ContextTodo sobre Hooks y componentes FuncionalesCrear componentes de alta calidadDesarrollar aplicaciones basados en ComponentesAprender a crear composicin de componentes y comunicarlos usando diferentes arquitecturasAprenders todo sobre gestionar formularios con ReactInputs controlados y no controladosRealizar solicitudes HTTP y usar la informacin en componentes de ReactAnimaciones y transiciones Curso de RegaloGestionar estilos CSS avanzados con styled components Curso RegaloAgregar un sistema de enrutado a tus aplicaciones con React Router Curso RegaloGestionar el estado usando Redux  Curso RegaloAprenders a realizar test unitarios usando Jest y Enzyme Curso Regalo"
Price: 199.99

"Dropshipping 101 Getting Familiar with Dropshipping"
"In this basic course from GrandSales, you will get familiar with E-Commerce and Dropshipping as business models. You will be taken through the different methods of working with marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, Bonanza, Wish, Aliexpress and more. By the end of this course, you should be ready to start your very own Dropshipping business and start generating money from online sales."
Price: 99.99

"""Needle Felting"" . . . ."
Price: 29.99

"AWS Certified Security Specialty (SCS-C01) Exam Pass = 100%"
"In this course AWS Certified Security Specialty (SCS-C01) we represent 187 questions are arranged in 2 practice test. All the questions are different, unique and identical.After solving this test your performance level of solving course related exams will be enlarge.After attempt this practice test you are capable for achieving your official certification of IT. This Course is helpful for that Students Which have idea about this exam.This Test gives the idea and increase in your knowledge or revisions about your concepts according to the certification.This Certification is important for you so i design this course for you and all  of students who want to achieve this certification by attempt this step.This practices build your confidence about this certification.Why should you take this ?Money back guarantee in 30 daysPerformance Level Increased High QualityFull Accuracyconceptual and understandingAlso provide explanation"
Price: 29.99

"AWS Certified Security Specialty (SCS-C01) Golden Plus Exam"
"This is the right  IT Knowledge Center which Helps you to get your Certification about this examThis is very Crucial for Students who want to increase their knowledge about this certification.This is also important for instructor to Design these kind of Courses for Students to Measure their skills and Achieving the Certification.Try this test and learn something more new about this certification.Learn and Learn increase in your knowledge is beneficiary for students This Practice Test gives the idea relevant to the logical and difficult part of exam.If you want to looking for how the questions are asking in exams These kind of Q&A helped you in real exam Because this practice is give you the kind of questions and answers and how the examiner or Official exam was designed and method of asking from same topic with different statements to make it more difficult Welcome here you can enroll and check your self knowledge about this certificationImportant Questions and Answers with some ExplanationThese are the latest and updated Q&A about CertificationTopics Covered by this test:AWS Certified Security Specialty (SCS-C01)An understanding of specialized data classifications and AWS data protection mechanismsAn understanding of data encryption methods and AWS mechanisms to implement themAn understanding of secure Internet protocols and AWS mechanisms to implement themA working knowledge of AWS security services and features of services to provide a secure production environmentCompetency gained from two or more years of production deployment experience using AWS security services and featuresAbility to make tradeoff decisions with regard to cost, security, and deployment complexity given a set of application requirementsAn understanding of security operations and risk"
Price: 34.99

"AZ-300 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies Latest&updated"
"This is the right  IT Knowledge Center which Helps you to get your Certification about this examThis is very Crucial for Students who want to increase their knowledge about this certification.This is also important for instructor to Design these kind of Courses for Students to Measure their skills and Achieving the Certification.Try this test and learn something more new about this certification.Learn and Learn increase in your knowledge is beneficiary for students This Practice Test gives the idea relevant to the logical and difficult part of exam.If you want to looking for how the questions are asking in exams These kind of Q&A helped you in real exam Because this practice is give you the kind of questions and answers and how the examiner or Official exam was designed and method of asking from same topic with different statements to make it more difficult Welcome here you can enroll and check your self knowledge about this certificationImportant Questions and Answers with some ExplanationThese are the latest and updated Q&A about CertificationAZ-300 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies ExamTopics Covered by this test:Deploy and configure infrastructure (25-30%)Implement workloads and security (20-25%)Create and deploy apps (5-10%)Implement authentication and secure data (5-10%)Develop for the cloud and for Azure storage (20-25%)"
Price: 54.99

"CompTIA SY0-501 Security+ (501) Exam Golden Test latest Q&A"
"This is the right  IT Knowledge Center which Helps you to get your Certification about this examThis is very Crucial for Students who want to increase their knowledge about this certification.This is also important for instructor to Design these kind of Courses for Students to Measure their skills and Achieving the Certification.Try this test and learn something more new about this certification.Learn and Learn increase in your knowledge is beneficiary for students This Practice Test gives the idea relevant to the logical and difficult part of exam.If you want to looking for how the questions are asking in exams These kind of Q&A helped you in real exam Because this practice is give you the kind of questions and answers and how the examiner or Official exam was designed and method of asking from same topic with different statements to make it more difficult Welcome here you can enroll and check your self knowledge about this certificationImportant Questions and Answers with some ExplanationThese are the latest and updated Q&A about CertificationCompTIA SY0-501 Security+ (501) Exam Golden Test latest Q&AAll the topics covered in this test---> Identify strategies developed by cyber adversaries to attack networks and hosts and the countermeasures deployed to defend them.---> Understand the principles of organizational security and the elements of effective security policies.---> Know the technologies and uses of cryptographic standards and products.---> Install and configure network- and host-based security technologies.---> Describe how wireless and remote access security is enforced.---> Describe the standards and products used to enforce security on web and communications technologies.---> Identify strategies for ensuring business continuity, fault tolerance, and disaster recovery.---> Summarize application and coding vulnerabilities and identify development and deployment methods designed to mitigate them."
Price: 29.99

"MB-900 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals Exam latest Q&A"
"This is the right  IT Knowledge Center which Helps you to get your Certification about this examThis is very Crucial for Students who want to increase their knowledge about this certification.This is also important for instructor to Design these kind of Courses for Students to Measure their skills and Achieving the Certification.Try this test and learn something more new about this certification.Learn and Learn increase in your knowledge is beneficiary for students This Practice Test gives the idea relevant to the logical and difficult part of exam.If you want to looking for how the questions are asking in exams These kind of Q&A helped you in real exam Because this practice is give you the kind of questions and answers and how the examiner or Official exam was designed and method of asking from same topic with different statements to make it more difficult Welcome here you can enroll and check your self knowledge about this certificationImportant Questions and Answers with some ExplanationThese are the latest and updated Q&A about CertificationMB-900 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals ExamUnderstand Dynamics 365 (40-45%)Understand cloud concepts (25-30%)Understand deployments and releases (20-25%)"
Price: 34.99

"MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams Exam Golden Latest/updated"
"This is the right  IT Knowledge Center which Helps you to get your Certification about this examThis is very Crucial for Students who want to increase their knowledge about this certification.This is also important for instructor to Design these kind of Courses for Students to Measure their skills and Achieving the Certification.Try this test and learn something more new about this certification.Learn and Learn increase in your knowledge is beneficiary for students This Practice Test gives the idea relevant to the logical and difficult part of exam.If you want to looking for how the questions are asking in exams These kind of Q&A helped you in real exam Because this practice is give you the kind of questions and answers and how the examiner or Official exam was designed and method of asking from same topic with different statements to make it more difficult Welcome here you can enroll and check your self knowledge about this certificationImportant Questions and Answers with some ExplanationThese are the latest and updated Q&A about CertificationMS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams Exam Plan and Configure a Microsoft Teams EnvironmentManage Chat, Calling, and MeetingsManage Teams and App Policies"
Price: 34.99

"Amazon AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty Exam QA"
"This is the right  IT Knowledge Center which Helps you to get your Certification about this examThis is very Crucial for Students who want to increase their knowledge about this certification.This is also important for instructor to Design these kind of Courses for Students to Measure their skills and Achieving the Certification.Try this test and learn something more new about this certification.Learn and Learn increase in your knowledge is beneficiary for students This Practice Test gives the idea relevant to the logical and difficult part of exam.If you want to looking for how the questions are asking in exams These kind of Q&A helped you in real exam Because this practice is give you the kind of questions and answers and how the examiner or Official exam was designed and method of asking from same topic with different statements to make it more difficult Welcome here you can enroll and check your self knowledge about this certificationImportant Questions and Answers with some ExplanationThese are the latest and updated Q&A about Certification"
Price: 24.99

"Amazon AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Exam"
"This is the right  IT Knowledge Center which Helps you to get your Certification about this examThis is very Crucial for Students who want to increase their knowledge about this certification.This is also important for instructor to Design these kind of Courses for Students to Measure their skills and Achieving the Certification.Try this test and learn something more new about this certification.Learn and Learn increase in your knowledge is beneficiary for students This Practice Test gives the idea relevant to the logical and difficult part of exam.If you want to looking for how the questions are asking in exams These kind of Q&A helped you in real exam Because this practice is give you the kind of questions and answers and how the examiner or Official exam was designed and method of asking from same topic with different statements to make it more difficult Welcome here you can enroll and check your self knowledge about this certificationImportant Questions and Answers with some ExplanationThese are the latest and updated Q&A about Certification Amazon AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Exam measured All skill."
Price: 24.99

"MS-600 Microsoft 365 Certified Developer Associate Exam"
"This is the right  IT Knowledge Center which Helps you to get your Certification about this examThis is very Crucial for Students who want to increase their knowledge about this certification.This is also important for instructor to Design these kind of Courses for Students to Measure their skills and Achieving the Certification.Try this test and learn something more new about this certification.Learn and Learn increase in your knowledge is beneficiary for students This Practice Test gives the idea relevant to the logical and difficult part of exam.If you want to looking for how the questions are asking in exams These kind of Q&A helped you in real exam Because this practice is give you the kind of questions and answers and how the examiner or Official exam was designed and method of asking from same topic with different statements to make it more difficult Welcome here you can enroll and check your self knowledge about this certificationImportant Questions and Answers with some ExplanationThese are the latest and updated Q&A about CertificationMS-600 Building Applications and Solutions with Microsoft 365 Core Services Exam Implement Microsoft Identity (20-25%)Build Apps with Microsoft Graph (20-25%)Extend and Customize SharePoint (20-25%)Extend Teams (15-20%)Extend Office (15-20%)"
Price: 29.99

"Starting a Business: a step-by-step guide by Slidebean CEO"
"Starting a business is not an easy task. There are plenty of steps to complete before beginning this very long journey. In this course, we talk from our own experience. Caya, Slidebean CEO, shares useful tips he learned throughout the years: from starting his first company, failing, getting back up, starting a new one (Slidebean) and succeeding."
Price: 19.99