"Bizcochos y Tortas Saludables desde la Nutricin Integral" |
"La Pastelera Saludable es un mundo maravilloso, donde la intencin es combinar el sabor, la esttica y la nutricin. En este curso vas a aprender diferentes recetas compatibles con los diversos tipos de dietas existentes, acompaadas de mucha informacin valiosa sobre nutricin holstica y salud Integral, consejos para reemplazar ingredientes y propiedades de los alimentos para que puedas escoger cules son los mejores para ti, entre muchas otras cosas ms.Cada da la tendencia de una alimentacin y un estilo de vida ms saludable crece ms, y esto es porque las personas ahora se preocupan ms por su cuerpo, por su salud y por su felicidad. Informarse bien sobre lo que consumimos es un requisito indispensable de este estilo de vida, y el curso est diseado para que t reconozcas qu es lo que te hace bien y por qu.En este curso especficamente aprenders todo sobre tortas y bizcochos saludables, cmo hacer la versin sin gluten, en algunos casos veganas, cmo decorarlos y aprovechar al mximo cada receta.Si decides hacer todos los cursos de mi perfil, encontrars: Ms de 60 videos y 80 recetas con el paso a paso de cada una de ellas. Material descargable e imprimible para cada receta con ingredientes, procedimiento, tiempo de elaboracin, porciones, dificultad, consejos para las variantes Vegan y Gluten Free e informacin terica sobre nutricin integral y propiedades de los ingredientes que usaremos. Lista de compras al inicio de cada Seccin/Mdulo para que te organices y optimices tu tiempo.Adicionalmente aprenders de la mano de Daniela Baena Aguirre, Chef profesional y Magister en Pastelera de Restaurante y Cocina Dulce con enfoque en Ciencias de los Alimentos. En la actualidad se desempea como Health Coach y asesora en consultas privadas a personas que desean cambiar su estilo de vida por medio de la alimentacin consciente y la salud integral.Al terminar los cursos sers capaz de dominar la elaboracin de las tcnicas fundamentales que se requieren para crear tus propios postres saludables. Adems, tendrs todas las herramientas para poder escoger t mismo qu ingredientes prefieres usar para el tipo de dieta especfica que manejas, y cmo adaptar tus recetas a las necesidades de tu cuerpo, de tus seres queridos, o de tus clientes."
Price: 54.99 |
"Tartas, Galletas de Molde y Crumble" |
"La Pastelera Saludable es un mundo maravilloso, donde la intencin es combinar el sabor, la esttica y la nutricin. En este curso vas a aprender diferentes recetas compatibles con los diversos tipos de dietas existentes, acompaadas de mucha informacin valiosa sobre nutricin holstica y salud Integral, consejos para reemplazar ingredientes y propiedades de los alimentos para que puedas escoger cules son los mejores para ti, entre muchas otras cosas ms.Cada da la tendencia de una alimentacin y un estilo de vida ms saludable crece ms, y esto es porque las personas ahora se preocupan ms por su cuerpo, por su salud y por su felicidad. Informarse bien sobre lo que consumimos es un requisito indispensable de este estilo de vida, y el curso est diseado para que t reconozcas qu es lo que te hace bien y por qu.En este curso especficamente aprenders todo sobre masas quebradas y crocantes para postres. Vamos a hacer masa para base de tarta, que podrs rellenar con lo que t quieras. Aprenderemos tambin a hacer galletas de molde y crumble para acompaar tus postres favoritos.Si decides hacer todos los cursos de mi perfil, encontrars: Ms de 60 videos y 80 recetas con el paso a paso de cada una de ellas. Material descargable e imprimible para cada receta con ingredientes, procedimiento, tiempo de elaboracin, porciones, dificultad, consejos para las variantes Vegan y Gluten Free e informacin terica sobre nutricin integral y propiedades de los ingredientes que usaremos. Lista de compras al inicio de cada Seccin/Mdulo para que te organices y optimices tu tiempo.Adicionalmente aprenders de la mano de Daniela Baena Aguirre, Chef profesional y Magister en Pastelera de Restaurante y Cocina Dulce con enfoque en Ciencias de los Alimentos. En la actualidad se desempea como Health Coach y asesora en consultas privadas a personas que desean cambiar su estilo de vida por medio de la alimentacin consciente y la salud integral.Al terminar los cursos sers capaz de dominar la elaboracin de las tcnicas fundamentales que se requieren para crear tus propios postres saludables. Adems, tendrs todas las herramientas para poder escoger t mismo qu ingredientes prefieres usar para el tipo de dieta especfica que manejas, y cmo adaptar tus recetas a las necesidades de tu cuerpo, de tus seres queridos, o de tus clientes."
Price: 29.99 |
"Snacks Energticos Saludables desde la Nutricin Integral" |
"La Pastelera Saludable es un mundo maravilloso, donde la intencin es combinar el sabor, la esttica y la nutricin. En este curso vas a aprender diferentes recetas compatibles con los diversos tipos de dietas existentes, acompaadas de mucha informacin valiosa sobre nutricin holstica y salud Integral, consejos para reemplazar ingredientes y propiedades de los alimentos para que puedas escoger cules son los mejores para ti, entre muchas otras cosas ms.Cada da la tendencia de una alimentacin y un estilo de vida ms saludable crece ms, y esto es porque las personas ahora se preocupan ms por su cuerpo, por su salud y por su felicidad. Informarse bien sobre lo que consumimos es un requisito indispensable de este estilo de vida, y el curso est diseado para que t reconozcas qu es lo que te hace bien y por qu.En este curso especficamente aprenders a hacer diferentes barras y bolitas energticas. Vamos a usar diferentes maneras de endulzarlas y de compactarlas. Vamos a hacer barritas de cereales, barritas sin cereales (Paleo), bolitas de chocolate y man, Tsampas Tibetanas.Si decides hacer todos los cursos de mi perfil, encontrars: Ms de 60 videos y 80 recetas con el paso a paso de cada una de ellas. Material descargable e imprimible para cada receta con ingredientes, procedimiento, tiempo de elaboracin, porciones, dificultad, consejos para las variantes Vegan y Gluten Free e informacin terica sobre nutricin integral y propiedades de los ingredientes que usaremos. Lista de compras al inicio de cada Seccin/Mdulo para que te organices y optimices tu tiempo.Adicionalmente aprenders de la mano de Daniela Baena Aguirre, Chef profesional y Magister en Pastelera de Restaurante y Cocina Dulce con enfoque en Ciencias de los Alimentos. En la actualidad se desempea como Health Coach y asesora en consultas privadas a personas que desean cambiar su estilo de vida por medio de la alimentacin consciente y la salud integral.Al terminar los cursos sers capaz de dominar la elaboracin de las tcnicas fundamentales que se requieren para crear tus propios postres saludables. Adems, tendrs todas las herramientas para poder escoger t mismo qu ingredientes prefieres usar para el tipo de dieta especfica que manejas, y cmo adaptar tus recetas a las necesidades de tu cuerpo, de tus seres queridos, o de tus clientes."
Price: 39.99 |
"Cremas y Rellenos para Postres Saludables" |
"La Pastelera Saludable es un mundo maravilloso, donde la intencin es combinar el sabor, la esttica y la nutricin. A lo largo de los 9 cursos que encontrars en mi perfil vas a aprender diferentes recetas compatibles con los diversos tipos de dietas existentes, acompaadas de mucha informacin valiosa sobre nutricin holstica y salud Integral, consejos para reemplazar ingredientes y propiedades de los alimentos para que puedas escoger cules son los mejores para ti, entre muchas otras cosas ms.En este curso especficamente vas a aprender a hacer muchsimas cremas y rellenos para tus postres saludables. Vamos a hacer las versiones veganas de casi todas las cremas, y todas son elaboradas con los mejores y ms saludables productos de la pastelera. Haremos crema Chantill, Curd de limn, cremas untables de coco, choco-avellana y pistacho, cremas de queso, cremas pasteleras de varios sabores, ganache de chocolate, diferentes tipos de merengue, pudines, geles de hierbas y coulis de frutas.Cada da la tendencia de una alimentacin y un estilo de vida ms saludable crece ms, y esto es porque las personas ahora se preocupan ms por su cuerpo, por su salud y por su felicidad. Informarse bien sobre lo que consumimos es un requisito indispensable de este estilo de vida, y el curso est diseado para que t reconozcas qu es lo que te hace bien y por qu. En el Curso Completo, compuesto por los 9 cursos, encontrars:Ms de 60 videos y 80 recetas con el paso a paso de cada una de ellas.Material descargable e imprimible para cada receta con ingredientes, procedimiento, tiempo de elaboracin, porciones, dificultad, consejos para las variantes Vegan y Gluten Free e informacin terica sobre nutricin integral y propiedades de los ingredientes que usaremos.Lista de compras al inicio de cada Curso para que te organices y optimices tu tiempo.Adicionalmente, aprenders de la mano de Daniela Baena Aguirre, Chef profesional y Magister en Pastelera de Restaurante y Cocina Dulce con enfoque en Ciencias de los Alimentos. En la actualidad se desempea como Health Coach y asesora en consultas privadas a personas que desean cambiar su estilo de vida por medio de la alimentacin consciente y la salud integral.Al terminar los 9 cursos, sers capaz de dominar la elaboracin de las tcnicas fundamentales que se requieren para crear tus propios postres saludables. Adems, tendrs todas las herramientas para poder escoger t mismo qu ingredientes prefieres usar para el tipo de dieta especfica que manejas, y cmo adaptar tus recetas a las necesidades de tu cuerpo, de tus seres queridos, o de tus clientes."
Price: 59.99 |
"Mermeladas Saludables: 4 tcnicas diferentes" |
"La Pastelera Saludable es un mundo maravilloso, donde la intencin es combinar el sabor, la esttica y la nutricin. En este curso vas a aprender diferentes recetas compatibles con los diversos tipos de dietas existentes, acompaadas de mucha informacin valiosa sobre nutricin holstica y salud Integral, consejos para reemplazar ingredientes y propiedades de los alimentos para que puedas escoger cules son los mejores para ti, entre muchas otras cosas ms.Cada da la tendencia de una alimentacin y un estilo de vida ms saludable crece ms, y esto es porque las personas ahora se preocupan ms por su cuerpo, por su salud y por su felicidad. Informarse bien sobre lo que consumimos es un requisito indispensable de este estilo de vida, y el curso est diseado para que t reconozcas qu es lo que te hace bien y por qu.En este curso especficamente aprenders a hacer diferentes tipos de mermeladas saludable. Vamos a usar hacer mermeladas gelificadas con 4 diferentes mtodos, y usaremos diferentes productos para endulzar. Al final, obtendremos mermeladas con texturas diferentes que sirven para diferentes usos a la hora de hacer postres. Haremos mermelada de Arndanos y Cha, Mermelada de Mora y Canela, Mermelada de Maracuy y Mermelada de Pera y especias. Si decides hacer todos los cursos de mi perfil, encontrars: Ms de 60 videos y 80 recetas con el paso a paso de cada una de ellas. Material descargable e imprimible para cada receta con ingredientes, procedimiento, tiempo de elaboracin, porciones, dificultad, consejos para las variantes Vegan y Gluten Free e informacin terica sobre nutricin integral y propiedades de los ingredientes que usaremos. Lista de compras al inicio de cada Seccin/Mdulo para que te organices y optimices tu tiempo.Adicionalmente aprenders de la mano de Daniela Baena Aguirre, Chef profesional y Magister en Pastelera de Restaurante y Cocina Dulce con enfoque en Ciencias de los Alimentos. En la actualidad se desempea como Health Coach y asesora en consultas privadas a personas que desean cambiar su estilo de vida por medio de la alimentacin consciente y la salud integral.Al terminar los cursos sers capaz de dominar la elaboracin de las tcnicas fundamentales que se requieren para crear tus propios postres saludables. Adems, tendrs todas las herramientas para poder escoger t mismo qu ingredientes prefieres usar para el tipo de dieta especfica que manejas, y cmo adaptar tus recetas a las necesidades de tu cuerpo, de tus seres queridos, o de tus clientes."
Price: 29.99 |
"Mousses en la Pastelera Saludable" |
"La Pastelera Saludable es un mundo maravilloso, donde la intencin es combinar el sabor, la esttica y la nutricin. A lo largo de los 9 cursos que encontrars en mi perfil vas a aprender diferentes recetas compatibles con los diversos tipos de dietas existentes, acompaadas de mucha informacin valiosa sobre nutricin holstica y salud Integral, consejos para reemplazar ingredientes y propiedades de los alimentos para que puedas escoger cules son los mejores para ti, entre muchas otras cosas ms.En este curso especficamente vas a aprender a hacer tres diferentes bases de mousse y una de cremoso. Las mousses que haremos son de Chocolate y Jengibre (Base Tofu), de Mango, Menta y Albahaca (Base Yogur Griego) y De Lemon Pie (Base Aguacate). El cremoso ser de T Earl Grey, y sirve para hacer centros cremosos en tu tortas de mousse, para cubrir tortas o bizcochos, para decorar con manga tus postres o para hacer postres en vaso. Cada da la tendencia de una alimentacin y un estilo de vida ms saludable crece ms, y esto es porque las personas ahora se preocupan ms por su cuerpo, por su salud y por su felicidad. Informarse bien sobre lo que consumimos es un requisito indispensable de este estilo de vida, y el curso est diseado para que t reconozcas qu es lo que te hace bien y por qu. En el Curso Completo, compuesto por los 9 cursos, encontrars:Ms de 60 videos y 80 recetas con el paso a paso de cada una de ellas.Material descargable e imprimible para cada receta con ingredientes, procedimiento, tiempo de elaboracin, porciones, dificultad, consejos para las variantes Vegan y Gluten Free e informacin terica sobre nutricin integral y propiedades de los ingredientes que usaremos.Lista de compras al inicio de cada Curso para que te organices y optimices tu tiempo.Adicionalmente, aprenders de la mano de Daniela Baena Aguirre, Chef profesional y Magister en Pastelera de Restaurante y Cocina Dulce con enfoque en Ciencias de los Alimentos. En la actualidad se desempea como Health Coach y asesora en consultas privadas a personas que desean cambiar su estilo de vida por medio de la alimentacin consciente y la salud integral.Al terminar los 9 cursos, sers capaz de dominar la elaboracin de las tcnicas fundamentales que se requieren para crear tus propios postres saludables. Adems, tendrs todas las herramientas para poder escoger t mismo qu ingredientes prefieres usar para el tipo de dieta especfica que manejas, y cmo adaptar tus recetas a las necesidades de tu cuerpo, de tus seres queridos, o de tus clientes."
Price: 29.99 |
"Postres Famosos en su Versin Saludable e Integral" |
"La Pastelera Saludable es un mundo maravilloso, donde la intencin es combinar el sabor, la esttica y la nutricin. A lo largo de los 9 cursos que encontrars en mi perfil vas a aprender diferentes recetas compatibles con los diversos tipos de dietas existentes, acompaadas de mucha informacin valiosa sobre nutricin holstica y salud Integral, consejos para reemplazar ingredientes y propiedades de los alimentos para que puedas escoger cules son los mejores para ti, entre muchas otras cosas ms.En este curso especficamente vas a aprender a aplicar todo lo aprendido en nuestros dems cursos, poniendo en prctica las tcnicas de pastelera saludable como cremas, bizcochos, masas crocantes para tartas, ganaches, etc. Haremos postres elaborados basados en las recetas de los dems cursos por esto para muchas de las recetas que vas a aprender es necesario haberlos realizado previamente. Haremos Tiramis, Lemon Pie, Carrot Cake, Flan de Caramelo Vegano con ""dulce de leche"", Red Velvet, Galletas con Chips de Chocolate, Cheesecake de Frutos del Bosque y Brigadeiros, todo en su versin ms saludable. No te lo puedes perder!Cada da la tendencia de una alimentacin y un estilo de vida ms saludable crece ms, y esto es porque las personas ahora se preocupan ms por su cuerpo, por su salud y por su felicidad. Informarse bien sobre lo que consumimos es un requisito indispensable de este estilo de vida, y el curso est diseado para que t reconozcas qu es lo que te hace bien y por qu. En el Curso Completo, compuesto por los 9 cursos, encontrars:Ms de 60 videos y 80 recetas con el paso a paso de cada una de ellas.Material descargable e imprimible para cada receta con ingredientes, procedimiento, tiempo de elaboracin, porciones, dificultad, consejos para las variantes Vegan y Gluten Free e informacin terica sobre nutricin integral y propiedades de los ingredientes que usaremos.Lista de compras al inicio de cada Curso para que te organices y optimices tu tiempo.Adicionalmente, aprenders de la mano de Daniela Baena Aguirre, Chef profesional y Magister en Pastelera de Restaurante y Cocina Dulce con enfoque en Ciencias de los Alimentos. En la actualidad se desempea como Health Coach y asesora en consultas privadas a personas que desean cambiar su estilo de vida por medio de la alimentacin consciente y la salud integral.Al terminar los 9 cursos, sers capaz de dominar la elaboracin de las tcnicas fundamentales que se requieren para crear tus propios postres saludables. Adems, tendrs todas las herramientas para poder escoger t mismo qu ingredientes prefieres usar para el tipo de dieta especfica que manejas, y cmo adaptar tus recetas a las necesidades de tu cuerpo, de tus seres queridos, o de tus clientes."
Price: 49.99 |
"Como aprender ingls em casa (100% Prtico)" |
"Quer economizar uma grana do cursinho de ingls?Esse mtodo de curso de ingls duas vezes por semana + ficar estudando a apostila de gramatica do curso em casa j ficou para trs, hoje tempos internet e sries para aprender ingls, nesse curso vou ter mostrar de forma prtica e rpida as principais formas e os mtodos de aprender ingls em casa e sem precisar ficar gastando fortunas de dinheiro em cursinhos de ingls."
Price: 39.99 |
"Escola Austraca de Economia" |
"Nesse curso vamos falar sobre o que a to famosa escola austraca de economia e sobre o Libertrianismo e para isso montei o curso desde os seus princpios axiomticos, segundo da filosofia e mostrando como surgiram essas duas disciplinas de estudo.Com os princpios da escola austraca de economia e do libertariamismo ir te ajudar no seu dia-a-dia a compreender o mundo a sua volta e como os conceitos de livre-mercado e propriedade privada poder melhorar a sociedade em que vivemos.Veja tambm formas ajudar a prever crises econmicas que viram no futuro,como podemos ns proteger da inflao e como podemos nos defender do estado e de governados ditatoriais."
Price: 39.99 |
"Objetivismo de Ayn Rand para sua vida" |
"Qual o sentido da vida?Porque estamos aqui?Como devemos viver a nossa vida?Essas so perguntas que todos ns em algum momento da vida fizemos, mas nem todos encontramos a soluo, com esse curso de objetivismo vou mostrar a viso objetivista de mundo que ira de ajudar a como v o mundo, as coisas e a vida como um todo.Explicando o que o objetivismo criado pela filosofa Ayn Rand, e como essa viso de mundo ira de ajudar na sua vida.Porque o objetivismo no uma filosofia para filsofos sofisticados passarem horas debatendo e mostrando como a opinio deles estar certa, mas sim;Uma filosofia para viver na terra"
Price: 39.99 |
"Como publicar um livro sem gastar nada" |
"O curso publique seu livro uma ferramenta estratgica para autores interessados em compartilhar contedo, expandir pblico e lucrar com as vendas, especialmente vendas online. O curso auxilia empreendedores e autores a expandir seus pblicos e negcios. Totalmente visual e dinmico traz alternativas de publicao gratuitas e dicas prticas de como executar cada parte do processo. O compromisso do curso com a disseminao de conhecimento, contedo e expanso dos pblicos e, consequentemente, dos ganhos do autor. Atravs do ensino e do conhecimento de novas alternativas, autores se tornam cada vez mais capazes de seguir seus sonhos e manter um bom padro de vida.Por isso um curso mo na massa como esse te ajuda a entender o processo, publicar um livro de acordo com as suas possibilidades e particularidades da sua obra!"
Price: 39.99 |
"Gatilhos Mentais para vendas" |
"Tomamos milhares de decises sobre vrios assuntos diferentes ao longo do dia e, para evitar o esgotamento do nosso crebro diante de tantas escolhas, existem os gatilhos mentais.Os gatilhos mentais so decises que o nosso crebro toma de forma automtica, sem que precisemos parar para pensar e analisar durante um longo tempo antes de fazer uma escolha.Pare para pensar, por exemplo, em momentos nos quais voc fez uma determinada atividade simplesmente por fazer, sem precisar dedicar ateno ela. Um bom exemplo para essas situaes o ato de caminhar.Voc decide levantar da sua cama, no seu quarto, e andar at a cozinha para pegar um copo de gua. A primeira deciso consciente, vou at a cozinha pegar gua, mas, logo em seguida, o crebro assume o controle da situao e, quase que de forma inconsciente, faz com que seus msculos se movam garantindo que voc seja capaz de dar os passos necessrios at o seu to sonhado copo de gua.O nosso crebro capaz de filtrar quais so as decises que precisam mais da nossa ateno e quais podem ser tomadas de forma automatizada, sem esforo. Os gatilhos mentais so diretrizes do crebro para que no precisemos de um trabalho rduo de reflexo a cada tomada de deciso."
Price: 39.99 |
"Mit Selbsthypnose abnehmen und dauerhaft halten!" |
"Du mchtest dich endlich in deinem Krper wohlfhlen und dein Wunschgewicht erreichen? Du hast keine Lust nach einer erfolgreichen Dit wieder in alte Muster zu verfallen? Du mchtest sportlicher sein und bleiben? Die meisten Ditprogramme funktionieren nicht, weil du es nicht willst. Weil dein Unterbewusstseins in alten Mustern / Gewohnheiten lebt. Doch du kannst dein Unterbewusstsein neu programmieren indem du dich hypnotisieren lsst. Von dir selbst! Die Selbsthypnose ist ein anerkanntes Verfahren, das dazu dient, dein Unterbewusstsein neu zu programmieren, in ein neues Lebensgefhl einzutauchen und so nach und nach dein Umfeld anzupassen.In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du deine Fitnessziele festlegst und in aussagekrftige Suggestionen umformulierst. Anschlieend zeige ich dir 3 verschiedene Entspannungs und Hypnosetechniken die du an dir selbst durchfhren kannst. Machst du das regelmig, nderst du die Glaubenstze in deinem Unterbewusstsein, deine Gedanken, dein Handeln und dein Krper wird sich deinem neuen Selbstbild anpassen.Bereit fr Vernderung? Dann bis gleich im Kurs!"
Price: 99.99 |
"Objection handling in sales" |
"Bradley Scheffer has spent over 30 years successfully handling objections. His skills in objection handling helped him to become the number one sales person at Yellow Pages, Canon and Pitney Bowes. In this course, Bradley will teach you the objection handling techniques that will get you more appointments, help you close more deals, and improve your average order size.People love the way that Bradley explains how to sell effectively. This is what Simon Scott, a sales professional says: Brad's outstanding sales training remains the best of all time. This guy is an impact player. He is fun, knowledgeable and empowering.If you are a sales professional, Bradleys course on objection handling may be the single most important piece of training you ever take. Why? Because when you are faced with an objection in sales, you have only got split-seconds to decide what to say. Choose the wrong words and you have lost the sale right there.If you have ever been in a sales negotiation, you will have heard people say things like this:I want to speak to my partner.It's too much money.I need to think about it.No Budget.These are all typical objections. And handling them is an essential skill.The time your prospect raises an objection is the most crucial point in time in the entire sales encounter. And when that happens, its commercial suicide to leave it up to luck or improvisation.The good news is that there are proven ways how to handle these objections.This course will teach you exactly what to say when an objection is raised, how to say it, and how to follow up the objection. The course explains exactly how to counter the most common objections you are likely to meet, and gives you the principles for handling any others.After taking this course, you will be able to handle any objection you will ever get.If you NEVER WANT TO LOSE an appointment again, take this course.If you want to INCREASE your sales income, take this course.If you want to be CONFIDENT in the most difficult sales conversations, take this course."
Price: 199.99 |
"JavaScript ES6 Course 2019: The Complete Developer's Guide" |
"ES6 released in 2015 gave a big change and gave a lot of new features to JavaScript and modern web development. ES6 targets the declarative programming approach which helps developer perform a quick development with a complete ease.ES6 with new keywords allowed hoisting and scoping of the variables whether they are local, block-level or global. The new way of creating functions being vastly used because of its simple syntax and impact on the JavaScript this keywordTill ES5 the old approaches for iterations, performing asynchronous operations were used. Such as callback hell had become a mess but ES6 with the promises gave a proper design for asynchronous functionsNot only JavaScript is capable of functional programming but also with the release of ES6, Object Oriented Programming has been introduced in JavaScriptA bunch of methods ES6 has provided to quickly solve problems increasing the efficiency of code. Instead of writing the whole logic behind a solution, various functions are provided to help solve the problemMany modern libraries like React are using most of the syntax and implementation of ES6. Thus providing an ease to the development. Although new features after ES6 are also being released but they dont have the complete detail and a big change which ES6 brought"
Price: 19.99 |
"Introduction to Microsoft SQL: A Complete Beginner Course" |
"The magic happens when you want to find something. Usually, youd have to look through the entire database if you didnt have some index (think like the index at the back of a large textbook) to tell you where everything was. Databases index a whole bunch of metadata so that looking for stuff is really fast.SQL is an exceptional reason programming language that is utilized to interface with databases. It works by understanding and analyzing databases that include data fields in their tables. For example, we can take a large organization where a lot of data has to be stored and managed. The organization has to collect and store all the information from the various departments. All the gathered information is organized and stored in a database, but it has to be valuable and accessible thats the place where SQL comes in. In such a situation, SQL is a platform that associates with front-end and back-end databases (computers and databases held on servers).The advantages of learning SQL are expanding and significant. SQL had a colossal increment in utilization during the most recent couple of years. Now, this tendency proceeds because companies gather more and more information that has to be stored and comprehended afterward.Data storage and management have always been the backbone for every field. Databases have become a vital part of many industries. The need to understand the concept and operations of databases has become critical with the evolution of big data, Data Science and Data warehouses.The foundation of the advanced topics of data management could only be built by learning the basics of databases and querying languages. Hence this course provides an opportunity to those who want to make their position in the technical market.Also, the world is shifting its paradigms towards computerized methods and ways of doing things. A lot of this includes data stored in databases, be it banks, stores, hospitals, e-stores, educational institutes or government operational offices all have shifted towards databases as their storage mechanism. SQL has the highest job postings and markets all over the world compared to any other programming language. Hence taking this course provides you with an edge and a better chance at scoring a job."
Price: 19.99 |
"Intro to Django for Web Development - A Crash Course" |
"Django is a RAD(Rapid Application Development) python framework. It comes with a lot of magic under the hood which makes it easier to learn and, to get up and running with, in no time. Its easier than the most when it comes to building basic applications but when the application becomes complex, it requires a lot of understanding and customizations. Django is fast, secure and powerful. It comes pre-built with an admin-panel which means that you wont have to create one for your web application.The website development market has grown exponentially in the past 7 years. There are numerous frameworks in the market but according to StackOverflow django is gaining more popularity than other frameworks like Laravel. Its getting better and the community has grown a lot more than expected. It hasnt stopped yet. Its still growing and this is what makes it perfect to learn."
Price: 19.99 |
"Google Analytics Secrets for Ads (+11 Remarketing Tactics)" |
"In this training you will learn the blueprint that took one advertiser from $39,260 to over $1 Million in 12 Months.Go beyond the basics, ditch the theory and work through real-world actionable examples, that you can apply to your business - today.38 HD Step-by-step Video LessonsReal-World Examples and Not Just TheoryRemarketing Tactics You've Never Heard OfBuild the Best Advanced SegmentsDeploy Quick-Fire Reports for Quick RewardsMine for Sales in Your Search Query GoldmineGo Big Fish Hunting for Bigger Average Order SizeMulti-channel Trend Spotting for Bigger ROIDeploy Retargeting Strategies That Just WorkAnd Many More Ways to Get Your Website Selling FasterTailor Google Analytics to your unique online business, or miss a massive opportunity for more sales.There's no quick-fix, one size fits all method, even though people try to sell you that all the time.Ill let you in to a secret...You dont have to keep spending more on marketing:Have you exhausted the bootcamps and basic training, and are you finding best practice old hat?Then perhaps you feel the only option is to spend more on your marketing campaigns.But, spending more on marketing is not the only answer.It certainly shouldnt be the first, either.This training will take your website sales performance to the next level. Youll learn how to better measure your marketing, so you know precisely where to spend your hard-earnt marketing budget.With a data-driven approach, youll put yourself ahead of competitors and other marketers.Dive even deeper and discover how to take your digital campaigns, online store and career to the next level.Massive growth (and not of the medical variety):Using just a few of the tactics revealed in this training course, we took this online store from $39,260 to $1,116,280 revenue, in just 12 months.A staggering 28x growth, and it's not stopping there either with a projected $2M in revenue this year.Notice how the cost to do business (website visits) remains constant, whilst revenue goes up and up?Like I say, you don't have to keep ploughing more money in to marketing to grow your sales.Now it would be dishonest of me to promise the exact same results for you - but if this training enables you to 'just' double your revenue, how would that change your business?Who Is The Instructor?Hi there, I'm Ed Leake, and I was one of the first 0.00001% of the worlds population to own a domain name and monetise a website.I dont say this to brag... well, maybe just a little.I say this because youre probably wondering who is Ed anyway?Thankfully, I'm no internet 'guru'.Okay, I built my first website back in 1996...That means I have a few decades of experience in this internet stuff.Ive managed over $50 Million in ad spend.I'm a business owner, ppc-nerd, investor and mentor.I've been running my agency Midas Media for a decade.I acquired Adboozter, the cost-effective alternative to Wordstream.And I'm launching AdEvolver - to help you level up your Google Ads performance.Nerds know stuff.I help people grow their businesses from little to large, using PPC (pay per click advertising) and Analytics. With a big dollop of conversion optimisation thrown in for good measure pun intended.Thats nerd (not guru) power!The stuff I share with you is what drives my own business strategies and client wins.Im a devout workaholic, coffeeholic and motorsportholic; but I refuse to admit my addictions. :-)"
Price: 199.99 |
"Python per la finanza" |
"Il corso ha lo scopo principale di insegnarti come usare Python, il linguaggio di programmazione attualmente pi usato e semplice, per costruire programmi per applicazioni finanziarie adatti a qualsiasi esigenza. Il corso rivolto sia agli studenti che non sanno programmare (avrai in qualsiasi momento la disponibilit dell'insegnate per chiarimenti e risoluzione di dubbi), sia a programmatori di livello intermedio, a cui baster semplicemente saltare le prime tre sezioni e passare direttamente a quelle relative alle funzioni per la finanza. Una volta acquisite le basi di programmazione in python diventerai autonomo per:scaricare automaticamente dati relativi a strumenti finanziari e indici macroeconomici dai provider Yahoo Finance, Quandl e FREDmanipolare con facilit i dati e costruire i propri programmi in modo sempliceeffettuare migliaia di calcoli in pochissimi secondiriutilizzare centinaia di volte i programmi da te creati per calcoli su strumenti finanziari differenticostruire grafici diversi a seconda delle proprie esigenzeIn ogni lezione del corso anche compreso un ripasso dei concetti finanziari utilizzati e, dopo aver familiarizzato con le funzioni finanziarie di base, queste verranno aggregate per la creazione di vere e proprie applicazioni finanziarie (rendimento atteso di portafoglio, rischio di portafoglio, beta, frontiera efficiente...).Imparare Python per la finanza davvero facile!!"
Price: 59.99 |
"How to Write a Marketing Plan in One Day- Save Your Time" |
"What this course is and What it is not:This course comes with 12 downloadable resources including my own project work example and ready to go templates.What this course is?This course will teach you in a methodical way to create the Best Possible Marketing Strategy Plan that will shine your Brand forever. The series of lectures divide the Plan in small pieces of Information that is easy to understand. Make your pen/pencil and note handy, so that your can write down the information that I illustrate. This lecture contains slides that is a brief information, which is further elaborated with the knowledge and experience, I have gathered in 10 years of my career. Make sure to understand the subject matter thoroughly, so that you will be able to write the Marketing plans for not only the Companies/Brands that you see in the examples, but also from any Companies or Brands of the market. I prepared these slides in the most simplest words that are easy to understand and remember forever.After finishing this course, you should be able to write, review or approve the Marketing plan for any assignments or professional work. If you are a student, this lectures will help you to understand the Marketing aspects of the products and make your life easier going forward, as you will be able to crack complicated information with ease. What it is not?This course is not a quick learning tool that will make you a Marketing Expert right away. This course will require a strong attention to the Keywords that are illustrated throughout the lecture slides, which will ultimately help to understand the subject matter and to prepare the Marketing Plan.A Marketing Plan is the Heart for your business. Without having a good Marketing Plan, a business is like a ""ship without sail"".A Marketing Plan is the roadmap that will:Tell you what to do, step-by-step, in your business until you reach all your goals.Help you identify the most important things you should be doing so that you don't waste your valuable time and money.Help you break up your key actions steps into small chunks, so that you can do a little at a time, until you eventually reach all of your business goals."
Price: 49.99 |
"Greenhouse cultivation traning course of saffron" |
"hello dear friend You can start your greenhouse saffron cultivation by going through this periodWith a search on the Internet you can see the price of saffronBecause of the price-oriented nature of saffron, saffron is known in the world as red goldYou can use any small place to get startedAnd produce high quality saffronWithin the training course, the benefits of this are statedYou are sure to see this course this course and performing itYou start by producing a strategy productThat you can appear in the powerful sales marketBecause this product is produced indoors because of its hygieneAnd the high quality that product is widely used in the food industry"
Price: 24.99 |
"Get Your Products into Retail Stores: From FBA to Big Box" |
"A 7 part course Coving the ins and outs of the retail system. We cover all the prep materials required before reaching out to reps and buyers.Show your products off Learn the key systems to make your product business retail ready.Learn techniques to find buyers Well show you the best tricks in the book to find buyers and impress them with your (newfound) knowledge of the retail market.Think micro and macro Well prep you so youre ready to talk the talk and walk the walk long before you receive your first order."
Price: 199.99 |
"Camtasia Studio 9 Masterclass - Become a Video Editing Boss" |
"This is the best course for anyone who wants to be Video Editor by using Camtasia Studio 9. Camtasia Studio 9 is a super powerful video editing tool. You will able to record your computer screen with this software and can able to edit those recorded videos. Not only screen captured videos, you will able to edit any types of video with this powerful editing software.This course is a course of complete video editing and screen recording with Camtasia Studio Software. It will take you from the very beginning to advance and you will become a Guru in Camtasia 9. Because I have cleared all the Concept of video editing with my best technique and analysis. I believe that Your Satisfaction is My Success. So, stay connected for your best result."
Price: 199.99 |
"Best T-Shirt Design Masterclass With Adobe Photoshop" |
"If you want to learn T-shirt designing from the very beginning to expert then you are in the right place. Even if you've never touched Photoshop in your life. Because I teach you How To Design Bestselling T-shirt Using Photoshop With Easy To Follow Step-by-step Videos.This course will teach you how to design eye catchy t-shirt that will catch the buyer's attention. Here I also share few cool tricks and by using these tricks you will able to design your t-shirt within a few minutes. And the most important thing I will keep this section constantly updated with new and interesting techniques regularly. Because I believe that Your Satisfaction is My Success. So, stay connected for your best result.Now, go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99 |
"All In One Adobe Photoshop Essential Course For Everyone" |
"In this course you will Learn 7 Types Important Work Of Adobe Photoshop With Step-By-Step Video Tutorial for your brand or business or for your personal use! This course is actually for anyone because this course provides 7 Essential practical projects Do you want to create your own social media graphics, business card, logo or something but you have no idea that how to use Photoshop or don't know where to begin? Do you want to control over of your branding but don't have enough time to learn the whole Photoshop? Have you already spent lot of time and energy for Photoshop tutorial but it never cover what you exactly need? Do you wants to Learn DesignIf you answered yes to any of these questions, you're in the right place!I will guide you every step of the way and are here to make sure you succeed in your ventures. I hope you are enjoying the course. Please contact me anytime for additional questions/support. I'm always here to help you to achieve your learning goals and looking forward to your success. Because I believe that Your Satisfaction is My Success. So, stay connected for your best result.Now, go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Credibility: How to Establish Credibility as a Speaker" |
"Building credibility is an important component of your speech or presentation. Without credibility, your audience members won't trust what you have to say! This course will teach you how to establish credibility as a speaker in a speech or presentation.Your ability to speak publicly is important in careers like management, teaching, coaching, marketing and many more. To command attention and respect, you must establish credibility. Preparation before a speech and techniques used during the presentation help you build credibility.Your credibility as a speaker is so critical that if you dont have it if the audience doesnt find you credible you might as well stop speaking.In this course we'll go over techniques that help speakers develop personal credibility. You'll learn how to earn the attention and interest of your audience right away by using key nonverbal and emotional skills."
Price: 19.99 |
"Crisis Management: Learn Crisis Communication Skills" |
"Every organization occasionally has a crisis, problems or disasters to manage. In this course learn more about how to handle press and public relations on such occasions.Crisis communication is a sub-specialty of the public relations profession that is designed to protect and defend an individual, company, or organization facing a public challenge to its reputation. Communicating during a crisis is one of the most important elements of a workplace crisis. ... Precise, timely and relevant information is critical during any crisis and emergency. It is suggested that crisis communication should be an integral part of an effective communications plan.In this course, you'll learn the process of preparing your organization to communicate with employees, customers, suppliers, media, and the public at large. We'll cover identifying audiences, assembling a crisis response team, crafting an initial statement, and evaluating your response once the crisis has passed."
Price: 19.99 |
"Pattern Design with the NEW Adobe Textile Designer Plugin" |
"The Adobe Suite of graphic illustration programs is an indispensable tool for surface pattern designers to translate their vision into a striking design and a printable, repeating pattern. However, even with the power of Photoshop, creating a pattern often meant repeating steps and careful calculations which could be time-consuming, and could cripple the creative impulse. In the past, the designer had to work on the foundational tile andthe overall pattern, simultaneously paying close attention to both. Yeesh! Changes to colors and shapes in the foundational tile had to be precisely reciprocated to each assemblage in the full pattern. A late change once meant starting from scratch. But not any more!You will be guided step-by-step through the process of producing a textural repeating pattern design, from initial brush creation and composition of the design in Illustrator and a review of creating a repeat pattern in Illustrator. Adding textural elements using masking techniques in Photoshop will lead to using the new Adobe Textile Creator (ATD) to create the repeat pattern layout. Finally, you will be guided through applying your lovely new pattern to mockups. You will use the Adobe programs Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop with that extra special plugin, ATD, and will get a wealth of helpful tips along the way!The verbal guidance and demonstrations will help you learn all the necessary core skills that can be applied to so many of your future designs. Whether you are new to surface pattern design, or a fairly seasoned designer who has been using Photoshop with calculations and measurements to repeat your patterns, the new ATD will change your life!The beauty of this course is you can pick JUST the lessons you need, so you can skip concepts you have learned previously. In this class we will go through specific concepts in 10 lessons that cover: Using calligraphy brushes in Illustrator for creating both art and scatter brushes. Creating a pattern tile in Illustrator and ensuring the repeat works. Using Photoshop group masks to assist in applying texture, the easy way! Using the Adobe Textile Designer to ensure your pattern is a perfect repeat. Working with mockups in Adobe Photoshop.You will get the bonus of over 60 minutes of direction from an instructor who has been in the graphic design business for over 30 years Photoshop importable Actions to speed up your workflow. A FREE brush set to play with in creating your first pattern in Illustrator. A project sheet with step-by-step written instructions to create your first textured pattern successfully. a list of helpful online sites to further your education into surface pattern design.Upon conclusion of my class, I encourage you to create this project and try out my methods. Feel free to participate in the free guidance I offer while sharing in the projects section. Get involved in the process and benefit from the constructive advice and support of fellow artists! Whether you are new to surface pattern design or an accomplished master, the Adobe Textile Designer is another must-have know-how. So, lets get the ball rolling! Start the Textural Floral Pattern Design with Adobe Textile Designer class NOW!"
Price: 29.99 |
"Automating Mockup Production - Create Hundreds Easily!" |
"Dont waste your time doing the same thing over and over in Photoshop. This tutorial will show you how to apply the same editing to thousands of images at once in Photoshop using your own Actions with the Batch automation or a Smart Object Replacement Script. Youll learn how to create a basic Photoshop Action and learn how to run it within the Batch Automation or the Script to quickly edit tons of mockups. This introduction will give you a quick overview of what we will be covering.In this tutorial well create a Photoshop Action that replaces images in a mockup with a Smart Object layer. Photoshops batch and action automation features will allow you to batch process your images using this technique! A more advanced step, using the Smart Object Replacement Script, will allow you to process a huge folder of images onto the mockup without even opening a file. It will have you scratching your head and wondering what just happened? until you check out your destination file and see that all of your mockups were created seamlessly! Who knew?This course gives you the power and knowledge you need to begin incorporating automation on a daily basis. Start now! You will not regret it!"
Price: 24.99 |
"Creating Killer Sell Sheets and Mockups for Artists" |
"As artists seeking to join the art-licensing game, we must always be considering different ways in which to promote ourselves and work on establishing new income streams. Making a living at art is a constant hustle! This course addresses a particularly useful marketing too, the sell sheet, used to showcase your beautiful patterns and pattern collections. It is a leap forward in establishing relationships with art directors, agents and manufacturers looking to find artists to license.You will be guided step-by-step through the process of producing a sell sheet, from learning initial terminology, to selection of art and applying it to mockups, and through to the layout and finalized sales sheet. You will use the Adobe programs Photoshop, Illustrator and inDesign and will get some helpful tips along the way.You will get verbal guidance that will help you be certain that your sell sheet style completely reflects your style and that the manufacturer senses they can add your art to their product line. Presenting your art and designs to manufacturers is part of the process for potentially getting licensing deals. Either you are submitting your work as an independent artist, or your art licensing agent is, and having a professional presentation is key. You will learn how product mockups made from a blank template can transform your art from a flat repeat pattern without context, to giving it tangible potential!You want to beguile a manufacturer so that they roll the dice, if they can visualize that their product with your art will sell in the current market.In this course we will go through specific concepts in 4 lessons that cover: The anatomy of a sell sheet The content and layout of a sell sheet Using Photoshop mockups to further reinforce the strength of your pattern Working with vector mockups in Adobe Illustrator A quick overview of working with InDesign to set up a master documentYou will get the bonus of over 25 minutes of direction from an instructor who has been in the graphic design business for over 30 years a template to use for preparing your final sell sheet to submit and instructions for its use a project to create your first sell sheet successfully a list of helpful online sites to further your education into art licensing"
Price: 24.99 |