"The main objective of this course is to prove that lotto/lucky numbers are not randomly generated, that with proper studying you will always discover hidden sequences.After watching this tutorial you will be able to answer the following questionsIs the lotto/lucky numbers randomly generated?Are numbers predetermined?What is a stake?How should you stake?Can you predict more than one number?Is there anything like a regular winner?In order to make money you have to spend moneyDo not be a slave be a master, Join the winning teamW.E.B. Du BoisWhen you have mastered numbers, you will in fact no longer be reading ,any more than you read words when reading books. You will be reading meanings."
Price: 99.99 |
"Oracle Cloud" |
"*************UPDATE: Get 72% discount by using discount code ORCCLOUD*************This course will help understand the cloud deployment models, cloud offerings and the oracle cloud offering and bit walk-through on the Oracle PaaS. You will get to know at high level on the Oracle PaaS Cloud Services and using Platform as a Service from Oracle Cloud in the implementation of Oracle SaaS.I look forward to meet you in the courseThank you."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Classical Drawing" |
"Learn the art of classical drawing with this course dedicated to the drawing techniques of the Renaissance. The full curriculum includes 5 projects, designed to teach beginner or experienced students important skills necessary to gain proficiency in the Art of classical drawing. The course features over 7 hours in 37 video segments of easy to follow demonstrations, and lectures by figurative artist Luis Borrero. The complete course teaches students the following skills.Improve your drawings, with a friendly system that will help you understand how light and shade behaves.Discover the various historic materials and techniques used by Renaissance masters, such as Leonardo, and Michelangelo.Develop a better sense of volume in your drawing by using ovoids and overlapping form construction.Explore a value scale system designed to simplify the process of rendering your drawings.Discover the cross hatching technique used by the old masters.This course includes detailed exercises in Linear and Atmospheric Perspective.Improve your sense of proportion and scale in your forms and figures.Capture better compositions in your drawings by learning a classical system of organizing space.Learn to capture the exact proportions of your drawings by using time proven techniques such as Relative, and Sight Size Measure."
Price: 24.99 |
"Metodo Speeding Cords accordi veloci e spontanei" |
"questo metodo richiede che tu sappia gi cosa un accordo, infatti non un corso di musica ma un metodo ginnico mentale che ti permetter di raggiungere in pochissimo tempo sicurezza, spontaneit e velocit di esecuzione di tutti i tipi di accordi per chitarra.un principiante arriver a fare un intero giro veloce di accordi in meno di un mese."
Price: 24.99 |
"tude de march et comportement du consommateur" |
"Vous entendez le mot Marketing sur une base quotidienne, mais vous ne savez pas ce que le marketing est vraiment ou pourquoi votre entreprise en a besoin? Vous savez que le marketing est important pour votre entreprise, produit ou service, mais vous ne savez pas par o commencer?Couvrez les concepts et les outils dont vous avez besoin pour dvelopper avec succs une stratgie de marketing pour une entreprise, un produit ou un service. Commencez par comprendre les consommateurs et les principales techniques d'tude de march et du comportement des consommateurs , puis apprenez segmenter correctement, cibler et positionner votre produit pour atteindre le succs. Continuez en analysant les quatre domaines critiques de la commercialisation, les clbres quatre Ps de produit, prix, promotion et place. Enfin, obtenez le soutien que vos ides mritent et communiquez les actions par le biais d'un plan de marketing....... Chapitre 1 Principes fondamentaux du comportement des consommateursCe cours se compose de deux canaux: Recherche marketing.Comportement du consommateur. Tout d'abord, les apprenants verront les outils et les mthodes pour tre en mesure de mener efficacement (ou d'embaucher) et d'interprter la recherche marketing. Deuximement, ils apprendront les fondements du comportement des consommateurs et du processus dcisionnel des consommateurs et la faon d'utiliser ces connaissances dans la formulation de stratgies et de tactiques de marketing efficaces. Dans ce premier module, vous plongerez directement dans les processus de pense de votre consommateur pour vraiment apprendre savoir ce qui les fait tic-tac, et plus prcisment, ce qui les fait prendre leurs dcisions d'achat. Entrer dans l'esprit de votre client est la premire tape dans l'laboration d'une stratgie de marketing efficace. .....Chapitre 2Processus de dcision des consommateursLe deuxime Module vous guidera tout au long du processus dcisionnel des consommateurs. Vous y explorerez comment un acheteur potentiel recherche un produit, comment il prend sa dcision d'achat et son valuation post-achat. Vous comprendrez galement la diffrence entre les marchs de consommation et les marchs d'affaires ........Chapitre 3Principes de la recherche marketingDans la seconde moiti de ce cours, vous explorerez le monde de la recherche marketing. Dans le troisime module , le professeur Attigui partagera avec vous l'importance des tudes de march et de la faon d'acqurir des donnes. Plus tard, vous plongerez dans les diffrents types de recherche exprimentale et de conception.......Chapitre 4 Collecte de donnes de recherche marketing et analyseDans le dernier module de ce cours, vous apprendrez plus en dtails les diffrents types de donnes acquises au cours du processus de recherche marketing et comment l'valuer . La dcouverte de l'importance et de la faon de crer une enqute efficace sera galement aborde. Dans la seconde moiti de ce cours, vous explorerez le monde de la recherche marketing ."
Price: 24.99 |
"Learning The Psychology Of Day Trading Penny Stocks" |
"Have you every been in a trade and you get butterflies in your stomach? Have you ever sold your position to early or to late?Do you hate missing out on big moves?Have you ever considered quitting?If you said yes to any of those questions then this course is for you! I have been Day Trading Penny Stocks for over 5 years now and I have made all those mistakes. Let me teach you with this course that's less than $35 so you can save Hundreds or Thousands in making the same mistakes that cost me Tens of Thousands.Penny stocks are exiting and can be extremely volatile some can even rise over 3000% OVERNIGHT!If you want to be apart of that 3000% move you must have the right mindset and be able to take control over your emotions!In this course, I'll show you the techniques and strategies that the 10% of successful traders use to control there emotions with my expertise and your willingness you will learn:Having The Correct Mindset To Day Trade Penny Stocks FearlesslyYou Will Learn What Trader Sentiment Is and How It Can Be Good Or BadYou Will Be Able To Trade Stress Free With A Special Formula That I CreatedYou Will Understand How Important Patience Is When Day Trading Penny StocksYou Will Learn How To Control Your Emotions So your Confidence Level Will RiseWhen you finally take control of your emotions your profits will sky rocket. I would love to have you as one of my students!"
Price: 199.99 |
"ServiceNow Certified CIS PPM Test Exams (Madrid Release)" |
"Hi ServiceNow ConsultantsThis course is to help every consultant achieve their certification as a ServiceNow Certified Project Portfolio Implementation Specialist.I have collected information from different points and structured the questions in the most challenging way possible. I hope the exams achieve the goal of preparing you to get certified.RegardsHugo Ruano"
Price: 2070.00 |
"ServiceNow Certified CIS CSM Test Exams (New York Release)" |
"Hi ServiceNow ConsultantsThis course is to help every consultant achieve their certification as a ServiceNow Certified Customer Service Management Implementation Specialist.I have collected information from different points and structured the questions in the most challenging way possible. I hope the exams achieve the goal of preparing you to get certified.RegardsHugo Ruano"
Price: 2070.00 |
"Marketing 101 for Groomers" |
"As groomers, it's difficult to break away and do something outside of grooming. In this course, you will learn simple marketing tips that are easy to implement so you can start today! Learn what makes you different, why pet owners should care and how to tell them to help grow your business and increase revenue. Free resources available to those that attend. Also, discounts offered for additional courses on Udemy and resources. Don't miss this opportunity...Sign up today!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Arabic Photoshop cc 2019 From Scratch" |
"Photoshop Adobe . . . : : 12 . : 2 PDF 504 . : Actions Brushes/Gradients/Swatches Shapes/Patterns Filters PSD Files"
Price: 39.99 |
"Arabic 3DS MAX 2020 Form Scratch" |
"3DS Max .. .. .. . : : 20 . : 3DS Max Materials . 3DS Max Blocks. 3DS Max Projects. 3DS Max IES Lights . 3DS Max BIP Files ."
Price: 49.99 |
"Arabic HTML 5 Ver. 2020 From Scratch" |
"HTML (CSS) (Bootstrap) HTML . ."
Price: 39.99 |
"Arabic Animate CC 2019 & Action Script 3.0 From Scratch" |
"Animate (Presentations) Action Script . : : 17 . : PDF 408 . : ."
Price: 39.99 |
"Arabic C# 2019 Full Course From Scratch" |
"(#C) #C "" "" . . : / : 16 . : PDF 658 . : ."
Price: 39.99 |
"Curso de PlayMaker (Do Bsico ao Avanado no Unity)" |
"Voc j reparou que a cada dia, novas tecnologias surgem, e nesse mercado de games, ser produtivo extremamente importante para o sucesso?Meu nome Fernando Rafael, e nesse curso gostaria de te apresentar uma das melhores ferramentas de desenvolvimento de games da Unity, o PlayMaker.Mas para quem esse curso?Esse curso para voc, iniciante no Unity, que no sabe nada de programao e que est querendo apreender como criar seu primeiro jogo. para voc, programador um pouco mais experiente, que est buscando aumentar sua produtividade.E para voc designer, que no tem tempo para aprender uma nova linguagem de programao.Em todos esses casos, O PlayMaker uma excelente ferramenta para voc, pois destinada a designers e programadores que querem aumentar sua produtividade no desenvolvimento de seus aplicativos e jogos no Unity, pois por ser leve e fcil de se utilizar, ele te oferece tudo o que voc precisa para desenvolver um jogo de qualidade."
Price: 54.99 |
"ProBuilder 4 Para Unity - Modelagem e Texturizao" |
"O ProBuilder uma ferramenta gratuita onde voc pode criar, editar e texturizar modelos e geometrias diretamente no editor da Unity.Ao realizar esse curso, voc estar habilitado a criar prottipos, nveis, cenrios, modificar malhas de coliso e criar testes de reproduo.Alm disso, o pacote ProBuilder inclui um recurso de exportao de modelo, ou seja, voc pode criar um modelo nele e export-lo pra outros softwares de modelagem 3D, ou importar um modelo de um software 3D e modific-lo dentro da unity.Todo o curso foi pensando pra que voc possa usar a ferramenta em todo seu potencial, ento nos vemos no curso."
Price: 69.99 |
"Rubik's Cube - Basic Method" |
"You'll learn to Solve the Rubik's Cube 3x3x3, from less than 1 min to about 2:30 mins (according to your level and the shuffle of the cube)+ I give you downloadable pictures of Algorithms/Formulas that you can keep, to make it very easy+ 2 Bonus Tricks to enjoy and Challenge your friends with"
Price: 19.99 |
data_nyumon |
Price: 10800.00 |
"Networking para Advogados" |
"O curso ""Networking para advogados"" tem o desafio em contribuir com os advogados na formao, desenvolvimento e manuteno de sua rede de relacionamento profissional, tambm conhecida como ""networking"". Tempo escasso, por isso, de forma prtica e objetiva com aulas que no ultrapassam dez minutos, apresentamos as mais modernas ferramentas e metodologia disponveis para que voc advogado possa atingir o seu objetivo em desenvolver seu ""networking""."
Price: 99.99 |
"Aprende a programar desde CERO-Todo lo que necesitas saber" |
"Hola!, con este curso paso a paso aprenders los conceptos bsicos de programacin. El objetivo del curso es poder aplicar los conceptos aprendidos en futuros proyectos que tu desarrolles, siendo capaz de aplicar correctamente los conceptos y as crear tus propios algoritmos que darn vida a tus programas.Si no tienes experiencia previa programando y estas interesado en aprender que es lo que le da vida a las aplicaciones que ocupas todos los das este es tu curso!.Las clases se componen de una breve explicacin terica, seguida de ejercicios donde podrs ver aterrizados los conceptos de cada clase. Ademas, cada tema contara con apoyos en PDF's, que contienen la informacin explicada detalladamente, al igual que los cdigos fuentes de los programas realizados en clase. As cuando tengas alguna duda podrs consultar el material en cualquier momento!Que aprender en este curso?Que es la programacinQue es un lenguaje de programacinEstructura general de un programaTipos de datosVariablesConstantesOperadores aritmticosOperadores relacionalesOperadores lgicosCondicionalesCondicional ""if""Condicional ""if-else""Condicional ""switch""CiclosCiclo ""for""Ciclo ""while""Ciclo ""do-while""ArreglosFunciones"
Price: 270.00 |
"Adobe Dimension CC" |
"!! . . . ."
Price: 199.99 |
"The Ultimate Landing Page Design & Conversion Rate Course" |
"***The Only Landing Page Course You'll Ever Need***This all-in-one course will teach you how to build beautiful landing pages with the same technologies and methodologies that the top brands in the world use!By the end of this course you will be able to build landing pages that convert 3X higher than average without writing a single line of code.Who this course if for:Digital MarketersEntrepreneursWebsite OwnersBusiness OwnersDesignersEcommerce ManagersSocial Media ManagersStudentsWeb Designers and DevelopersIn this course you will learn:Effective Landing Page DesignHow to build High-Converting Landing PagesHow to A/B Test Your Landing PagesHow to Implement Marketing Automation with Your Landing Pages to Increase ConversionsHow to Build Your Subscriber ListHow to Track Landing Page Traffic Using Google AnalyticsHow to Wireframe, Prototype, and Build a Landing PageHow to Add Web Chat to Your Landing PagesNo previous coding skills requiredYou Will ReceiveLifetime access to this course. I will continue to add to this course as time goes on!My personal contact information for questions and concerns throughout your marketing journey30 day, money back guarantee"
Price: 24.99 |
"B quyt vit v ng bi bo quc t ngnh Y Dc" |
"- Bn c tng th v nhng khng bit lm th no bt u v hon thnh c mt bi bo khoa hc?- i khi bn bt tay vo vit ri, nhng sau gp kh khn v sau li cho tng ca mnh vo qun lng.- Cng c th bn hon thnh c bi bo ca mnh, tuy nhin khi np cho cc tp ch quc t th b t chi v ri b cuc.Kho hc ny s gip bn hiu c cu trc ca mt bi bo khoa hc, cch vit tng phn lm sao cho y v chun mc nht, cch chun b, np bi v tr li cc chuyn gia phn bin. Hn th na, kho hc s gip bn c nhng k nng cn thit nng cao cht lng bi bo. Hn th na, kho hc cng s gip bn c thm nhng tng vit bi thng qua vic s dng rt nhiu b s liu c gi tr ang c chia s t cc ngun uy tn trn mng internet. c bit, kho hc s gip bn hiu c y mt quy trnh t khi hnh thnh tng n khi bi bo c ng ti. Sau kho hc bn s c nh hng ng v t tin hon thn cc bi bo khoa hc ca mnh v ng trn cc tp ch khoa hc v chuyn ngnh y dc quc t."
Price: 119.99 |
"Build your First AR application using Unity Engine and C# !" |
"If you are Newbie at Unity, C# and AR or you have zero Knowledge ? Just watch full Tutorial and Text me.You will Learn how to Create/modify a scripts.You will be able to Create AR application less then 1 hour.You will Learn C# with simple codes and good result.You will Learn how to use Animation in Unity.You will Learn how to use Animator in Unity.You will Learn how to Create UI (Panels/buttons etc ...) in Unity.You will be able to understand some tricks.You will be able to Build on Android devices.You will be able to Build on IOS devices.I will give a good devices !.After Finishing the Tutorial if you have any problem you can text me and sure i will help ;)."
Price: 199.99 |
"Unity 2D Game Development with C# for beginners: Android !" |
"After finishing this tutorial you will be able to create your own game alone not just Flappy Bird:-Learn how to Scripting with C#-Learn how to level design.-Learn how to make Score System.-Learn how to make Health & Gold functionality.-Learn how to Create Animated Main Menu.-Learn how to Build Game for Android & iOS.-Learn how to use Aniamtor and Animation.-Learn how to Create Spawn Managers.-Learn how to use 2D Colliders.-Learn how to use UI."
Price: 199.99 |
"Create Android and iOS Applications using Unity and Firebase" |
"This course is to make developer create his application so fast using our tools and Firebase Database.In this course you gonna learn how to use Brinis listing manager which is gonna make you surprised.We gonna make Unity more easy to you.in 15 minutes you gonna make smart Data Base.What you will learn in this course :instantiatingPrefab Scroll View Search Database FirebaseC# Unity Engine UI Smart database Key Brinis dll Which is for 72 $ in Assetstore for free !!"
Price: 199.99 |
"Android Game with Unity & C# -Create Your First Mobile Games" |
"If you are Newbie at Unity, C# and AR or you have zero Knowledge ? Just watch full Tutorial and Text me.You will Learn how to Create/modify a scripts.You will be able to Create AR application less then 1 hour.You will Learn C# with simple codes and good result.You will Learn how to use Animation in Unity.You will Learn how to use Animator in Unity.You will Learn how to Create UI (Panels/buttons etc ...) in Unity.You will be able to understand some tricks.I will give a good advice !.-Learn how to Scripting with C#-Learn how to level design.-Learn how to make Score System.-Learn how to make Health & Gold functionality.-Learn how to Create Animated Main Menu.-Learn how to Build Game for Android & iOS.-Learn how to Create Spawn Managers.-Learn how to use 2D Colliders.-Learn how to use UI.-Learn Firebase Database.-Learn how to use Brinis.dll.-Learn how to make scroll view -Learn how to make listing prefab.After Finishing the Tutorial if you have any problem you can text me and sure i will help ;)."
Price: 199.99 |
"Unity3D Augmented Reality Game using Vuforia Android & iOS" |
"In this course we will learn how to :-Understand a foreign code of an other developer-Use vuforia-Analyse a problem-search on google the exact problem-Fix faced problems-prepare a game for augmented reality-Use best practice in unity3D-think when facing a new problem-build on android-fix android control problems-fix augmented reality control problemsUnity3D,Augmented reality,Android"
Price: 19.99 |
"Intro to Clip Studio Paint: Basic Beginner Interface Set Up" |
"*UPDATE 2020 January 14* I will be updating this course in stages to correspond with the updates to the Software (winter update) ! If you have the older versions, this is still applicable. The updates from the software changed the icons and design, but the functionality mostly remains the same.*ORIGINAL*This class is a brief introduction to the illustration program Clip Studio Paint (CSP). This class will deconstruct the user interface of CSP to focus on the essential tools needed to start drawing.This class is aimed at beginners new to Clip Studio Paint, curious artists that want to make the move from PS to CSP, or whoever wants to explore a new program in a quick and easy way.If you want to make manga, comics, doodles, lineart, paintings, this class will teach you how to set up your canvas and show you the essential parts of the program that will help you get to the hardest part of drawing: making that first brushstroke!This is not a drawing class, but there will be a class created for that soon. You must have CSP installed. A free trial version is available on their website.I will be making comparisons between PS and CSP, so if you have any questions, please ask them in the spaces below.CSP is a cheaper alternative to Photoshop and Illustrator that often goes overlooked, yet it is just as powerful with a little bit of elbow grease!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Build Undetectable Malware Using C Language: Ethical Hacking" |
"Would you like to learn how to Build Undetectable Malware Using C?Or Maybe You Would like to learn more advanced Cyber Security or Ethical Hacking for personal or professional development? You will be able to do all of this as so much more...By enrolling in our Advanced Course Where We Show You...How To Build Undetectable Malware Using C Language From Scratch___________________________________________________________________ This course is one of the Largest, Most Comprehensive Advanced Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking Courses on the Internet! Join 500,000+ Students Who Have Enrolled in our Udemy Courses! 10,000+ Five Star Reviews Show Students Who Enrolling Are Getting Real Results! You Get Over 75+ Lectures and 3+ hours of HD content! Watch the Promo Video to see how you can Get Started Today! Dont Delay! Click the ""Buy Now"" Button For Instant Life-Time Access!___________________________________________________________________In our advanced ethical hacking course our goal is to help you learn how to build your own ethical hacking tools using the C language. We recommend before you enroll in this advanced course that you have previous ethical hacking knowledge and programming training. If you are a beginner and want to learn more advanced ethical hacking techniques, skills, and programming, you can still enroll in this course. That being said, this is still a much more advanced ethical hacking course so please make sure you feel comfortable with some of the material before enrolling. The skills you learn in this course can help translate into the workplace and help you further your career as a cyber security and ethical hacking professional. Here are all of the benefits to enrolling in our Advanced Ethical Hacking Course Today! You will learn all of the following skills listed below! Learn How Hackers Make Their Hacking Tools!Learn How To Perform Socket Programming In C!Learn How To Connect Two Machines Over The Internet!Learn How To Hide Your Program Inside Of A Registry!Learn How To Capture What Target Inputs In Keyboard Using Keylogger Coded In C!Learn How To Create Backdoor For Windows 10!Learn How To Hide Your Malware Inside Of An Image Or Any Other File Type!Learn Basics Of Malware Development_________________________________________________________________________With the right mindset, understanding, and application, you will instantly begin learning how to Build Undetectable Malware Using C Language.When we learn something new we add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life._________________________________________________________________________What we can't do in this Course..We can't guarantee your success this course does take work on your part. But it can be done!We are also not responsible for your actions. You are responsible for 100% of the decisions and actions you make while using this course. _________________________________________________________________________See you in the course!Sincerely,Aleksa & Joe"
Price: 199.99 |