"Google AdWords Advertising Fundamentals Exam Practice Test" |
"Online advertising lets you target your ads to the type of customers you want, and filter out those you don't. When you advertise online with AdWords, you can use different targeting methods to reach potential customers right when they're searching for your products or services.To become certified, you need to pass the AdWords Fundamentals assessment and one of the additional advertising assessments that are available through Academy for Ads. The additional assessments are Search Advertising, Display Advertising, Mobile Advertising, Video Advertising, and Shopping Advertising.Exam Details:The Fundamentals assessment covers basic and intermediate concepts, including best practices of online advertising and AdWords, and best practices for managing and optimizing AdWords campaigns. Here are details about the assessment:Questions: The assessment is made up of 104 questionsTime limit: You'll have 60 minutes to complete the assessmentPass rate: You need to get a score of 70% or higher to passRetake period: If you don't pass the assessment, you can take it again after 1 day"
Price: 19.99 |
"SQL interview questions Practice SQL Interview Questions" |
"I still remember my first interview. I was so nervous, when i entered in a room so be confident and maintain eye to eye contact with interviewerNow come to our topic, Basically in this practice test we are trying to cover all aspects of questions that may be asked in the interview. You should attempt this practice test to make your chances more bright of hiring, as nowadays the competition for one job is quite high, many candidates for the same position, so if you want to get hired you cannot afford not being prepared to present yourself as the best fit candidate.I have used all my experience to put together this Practice Test.In this course you will learnThe basics of querying databases with SQLMain questions may asked in interview related to SQLSQL JointsI will shear all the SQL question that i have asked in interviewsTricky QuestionsThis course is for anyone whoLike to Learn SQLCrack a SQL round of Interview with great confidenceBrush up your SQL skills for your Job.So lets Join us in this Very best Test series"
Price: 19.99 |
"MASTER ELECTRIC GUITAR 1: KILLER vibrato like Gary Moore!" |
"It had to happen. It finally happened. A serious course that teaches what is, for the majority of teachers, unteacheable: a WORLD-CLASS VIBRATO. It is time to learn a WORLD-CLASS VIBRATO and use it to empower ANY phrases, licks, solos and riffs you play. This course will teach you not just a great vibrato on guitar, but a WORLD-CLASS one. FEW guitarist TRULY master this technique, most NEVER do.But YOU will!I am not saying a GOOD vibrato, a NICE one. Thats not good enough. I am saying a WORLD-CLASS VIBRATO. The kind that only players like Yngwie Malmsteen or Gary Moore can play. You will know things that EXTREMELY few players will ever know about how to achieve exactly that. A world class vibrato is THE most elusive technique on electric guitar, and it is the ONLY one that will truly set you apart from many, many other players who fixate only on things like speed. Well, heres the truth: you can put all the speed you want, but if you have a bad or a so-so vibrato (i.e. mediocre), Ill classify you as a so-so player. If you have a TOP NOTCH vibrato, I will classify you far, far higher, a superior player. A world-class vibrato is about DISTINCTION. It makes ANYTHING you play far more exciting, interesting, turning it into a far richer experience.This is an INTENSE and FAST PACED course. I don't want to waste a SINGLE minute of your time. I don't hit 'record' and fill my course with 10 hours of mostly ramblings, ifs, buts, maybes, fluff, um and ah. It's easy enough to fill in 10 hours if one doesn't edit out every pause, um and ah, which for most people occurs every few seconds. I do edit every second. It takes me up to 40 minutes to edit a video that will be only 2 minutes long. I am more about content and substance than how things look. Every single word I say must have tutoring weight. Also, I don't believe in 'learn everything guitar' courses, most of them are superficial and bland and will turn you into a MEDIOCRE jack of all trades and master of NONE. Learning a bit of this and a bit of that with no real depth will only turn you into a mediocrity. You need to focus on ONE specific thing at a time, step by step, LASER FOCUS style, and it takes more than a few minutes to cover a single topic in depth. This attitude changed EVERYTHING for me. Mastering this amazing technique takes a lot more than blindly shaking the string a little bit. Yet, the majority of guitarists do exactly that, and 95 per cent of the time the only result is a BAD vibrato, or a MEDIOCRE one at best. I see players EVERYWHERE having a TERRIBLE vibrato, even experienced players, even TEACHERS. A lot of them have a SHOCKINGLY bad vibrato, and the rest have a weak and insipid one.How do you develop, step by step, in an inexorably efficient method, a truly TOP NOTCH vibrato? How do you learn it, exactly? How do you practice it EXACTLY, with SURE-FIRE and POWERFUL results? How do you master a TOP CLASS vibrato such as that by Yngwie Malmsteen, Gary Moore or Tony MacAlpine, i.e. some of the VERY FEW true masters of vibrato on guitar?A world class vibrato is the art of instilling tons of excitement, energy, power, and expression, even IN A SINGLE NOTE. Isnt that strange? Speed needs a LOT of notes, vibrato works GREAT even with ONE. How neat is that? Speed is about playing a LOT of notes and probably saying little that is truly meaningful; vibrato is the OPPOSITE: say more with less. The tiniest piece of gold is far more valuable than a heap of lead. An EXCEPTIONAL vibrato is that tiny piece of gold in your technical, AND musical arsenal in your secure MASTERY of the instrument: top notch rock and metal guitar.And the truth is that the majority of guitarists have absolutely no clue about how to TRULY develop their vibrato and making it OUTSTANDING. I will take you by the hand and show you EXACTLY how to do it. Why settling for a MEDIOCRE vibrato when you can have a TOP CLASS one that will make other guitarists wish they had?Don't be ANOTHER guitarist with a BAD or MEDIOCRE vibrato. Be the ONE with a MASTERFUL vibrato.By the end of the course, you will be armed with a knowledge that, in a few weeks, will get you where VERY few players ever get. Lets begin today and let me show you how to get there, and arm YOU with a highly sought after technique by every player around the globe. Your playing will sound FAR more special and soulful, without just adding a bunch of meaningless notes.Most guitarist spend YEARS trying to learn this. And most NEVER learn it. But YOU will!"
Price: 34.99 |
"MASTER VIRTUOSO classical-acoustic & PRO fingerstyle guitar!" |
"It's WAKEY-WAKEY time. Many classical guitarists perform the famous study no. 7 op 60 by Carcassi, so slowly that they put you to SLEEP. Carcassi was a true guitar VIRTUOSO, and he did NOT perform to put people to sleep. Let's WAKE UP and learn to play this brilliant study by maestro Carcassi the way it was meant to play: in a brilliant, effortless, and daring manner!If you are an intermediate classical or serious acoustic guitarist, here I'll teach you exactly how to master tremolo in 21 days, master Carcassi, and learn to practice like a top notch guitarist. Take your musicianship on guitar to the next levels with my course!It's time to learn WORLD CLASS skills on guitar such as classical tremolo, how to play a world class piece that is a mainstay of the repertory, and best of all, all the secrets on how to practice like a PRO once and for all! The latter topic especially no one teaches in great detail. But I do!Do you want to achieve an effortless and super accurate technique on guitar? Do you want to stop feeling that terrible and vague sense of mediocrity? Do you want to feel super confident when you perform on guitar? Ever felt like you wanted to improve noticeably but instead just wasted your time, or that it's taking too long and that any real progress it's happening at the speed of a SNAIL?Being a TOP GUITARIST is much more than just noodling on guitar for a few minutes a day. That approach was NEVER used by any of the great guitarists. Trust me....I have spent YEARS researching this stuff.How do you develop faultless accuracy? How do you develop brutally effective technique and speed? How do you learn a new piece well and in the fastest possible way?All these topics can seem complicated and daunting, but it does not have to be that way and this course will show you everything you need to REALLY know, step by step!We will learn how to develop an inexorably effective tremolo technique, which is a guitar texture absolutely essential to so many high level pieces from the masters like Giuliani, Carcassi, Tarrega, Barrios, Sor, and others. I will show every example and you will find it all written on staff and TAB, most of it directly on the screen, but also supplied in pdf format and Guitar Pro format too.We will be studying a brilliant, well known, top notch Carcassi study that if played really well, will take people's breath away. We will break the piece down BAR by BAR, and put everything under a magnifying glass so that you can learn a ton of very effective techniques that will serve you really, really well.By the end of this course, you will understand exactly how to develop technique, speed, accuracy; how to play brilliantly an excellent piece; how to practice like a COMPLETE PRO, which only complete pros know about!What you'll learn:1.How to develop a brilliant and accurate tremolo technique in 3 mere weeks. Most experienced teachers say it takes up to 6 months, but with me is 3 weeks. Not 4, 6 , 10 or 15, or 6 months. And most beginners never learn these techniques, ever, let alone in 3 weeks.2. How to play BRILLIANTLY a top notch etude written by a master of the guitar, Carcassi. A lot of people play this etude in a mediocre, boring, sloooooow way. You won't be like them, and you'll play it 7 times better with my step-by-step method.3. How to practice like a TOTAL PRO. I have not seen this being taught ANYWHERE, but every WORLD CLASS PERFORMER uses these brutally effective methods! I will show you EXACTLY how.Are there course requirements?Most certainly: you MUST be able to read TABS. That means, reading guitar music. This is NOT a washed down course of the type 'Learn to play without reading music'. These courses will ALWAYS fail. Always, always, always. If you want to be a top musician you MUST be able to read music. End of story!Who is this course for:Any intermediate guitarists who can read TABS. Acoustic, classical, etc, doesn't matter. All I teach is equally applicable to acoustic steel stringed guitar and classical nylon stringed guitar.Ready? Let's go! Let's start walking on the path of fire, passion, and emotion. The stuff that makes life interesting!My ultimate goal as a teacher is to have YOU succeed in YOUR musical endeavours and goals.To your artistic success,Luigi Pati"
Price: 49.99 |
"Harmony & arranging 4 classical, acoustic Fingerstyle guitar" |
"Stop trying to say 'ABC' faster and faster on guitar! Learn the art of HARMONY and HARMONIZATION. When it comes to music, this is the stuff that tells the men from the boys!It's time to learn harmony and the art of harmonization on guitar and use the incredibly effective techniques the best composers used for HUNDREDS of years! This is not a washed down harmony course like the generic, and MEDIOCRE ones you see around. I have myself learned these skills on CLASSICAL PIANO, not guitar. But don't worry, you won't have to practice gruelling hours at the piano, because I have done that part for you and I can now DIRECTLY translate all the best things I learned, ON GUITAR. You, my friend, are in luck.One can learn to play fast....but put him next to a real musician who plays real music by masterfully using melody and harmony, and the fast guy will shrink into insignificance. As the composer Schumann famously said: 'I don't understand these people. They say ABC faster and faster!'.Do you want to use the power of harmony and harmonization in YOUR own arrangements on guitar? Do you want to master harmony , the one thing most players never master, or learn in a 'unfinished business that will never finish' way? Aren't sure how to take any known (or your own) melody, and harmonize/arrange it EFFECTIVELY, without weaknesses or weird results? No unfinished business with me. Follow my plans and the results are guaranteed.Don't even know what to do, how to start, and especially, WHAT CRITERIAS to use in a PRO harmonization, NOT an AMATEURISH one?Join me in this FAST PACED, intense course. I have edited out any pauses, even the very short ones, so one minute from me is more valuable and packs more powerful info than 5 minutes from someone else. I am not here to waste your time, not even a minute. I am here to teach you what worked GREAT for me, because I never teach anything I haven't mastered myself first. EVER! Stop watching a million youtube videos a day believing the illusion that you will master music by doing that. You need to start and finish one thing at a time, step-by-step. That's the only way that really works, as I have found out at my expense.There are many things you have to consider when harmonizing or arranging.Harmonizing and arranging like a pro on guitar is much more than just blindly selecting some chords by ear and hope for the best. Yet that's EXACTLY what most players do. And more often than not, this only leads to weak, boring, mediocre, weird-sounding and ineffective music! AAAARGH!We do NOT want to be boring and mediocre musicians. And we won't ! How do you make your harmonization STAND OUT and instill meaning and emotion in it? Which chords should you select to harmonize with the melody notes above the bass? How do you know that this chord a great choice, and that chord a poor one, even before you hear it ? Yes. The study of harmony allows you to do things the fast ABC guy will never get. We will learn truly powerful music theory for guitar. Not the kind that you hear once and will never use because it is explained in a superficial and mediocre way and finds no practical applications, but the type that you hear once and makes you go: 'Wow. That seems pretty powerful!'; concepts you will use, very effectively, to do your own thing on the instrument, as a music creator, not just a music performer. I care about how I perform, too, but I don't limit myself to that only. I do my own thing on the instrument, and that makes me way happier. You will be happier too once you put all these powerful tools together.We will learn exactly which are the best chords to use, and why, and how to use them to make a neat harmonization of a melody. From then on, you are just a step away from making a full, professional arrangement. But, get your harmonization wrong, and your arrangement will NEVER be a good one. EVER. So it's vital you get the harmonization right, because that's really the most important step in your arrangement.You will see the TAB on screen as I explain everything and tell you what to do and what not to do. Because the latter is as important as the former, if not more important.You will be on a sure and well guided path on how to easily and effectively harmonize a good melody on guitar and make it YOUR OWN. This is a skill that often not even concert guitarists have at all! Most of them only play notes off a score. Sure, that's admirable too, and useful to master the instrument. I do that A LOT too, and as serious musician MUST learn to play someone else's great music. But if that is ALL you do, it's BORING. I don't know about you, but ME, I want to do my own thing and express myself, not someone else. Reading a great book is very instructive, but so is WRITING YOUR OWN. Playing the Giuliani Variations op. 45 is great, but being able to play Giuliani AND my own stuff is much better! More satisfying, you don't feel too overshadowed by the great composer whose works you learned. You feel superconfident as a guitarist. You don't feel mediocre like so many other players are, no matter how fast they play!I will break down each bar and tell you the secrets of effective harmonization on guitar. Trust me, I have seen only RUBBISH books about this on guitar, and so far I have certainly not seen video courses on this vitally important area for a pro musician, except very superficial ones. They are a mess. I am not going to waste your time with how clever my terms sounds; my goal is to have my student reach theirs, because that's what I believe a good instructor should do.At the end of the course you will have learned many secrets that take most players years (as it took for ME). And I am talking about the pro ones; the other ones will probably will never make it to that phase.Harmonization and harmony are incredibly rewarding for a musician: without this vital skill, your arrangements will always sound poor and mediocre. I am seeing all the time poor arrangements because the harmonizations are poor. Even from pros and teachers! It's shocking.This ends now. Let's begin today to learn the art of harmony and harmonization on guitar."
Price: 44.99 |
"Piano for GUITARISTS: music theory to advance on guitar FAST" |
"Are you a guitarist who wants to learn the piano? (This course is for guitarists only. In this course, I teach piano in the most beneficial possible way to guitarists). If you are not a guitarist, this course is not for you. The piano will offer INNUMERABLE benefits to ANY musicians, and it will make you a WAY BETTER guitarist that you will EVER be! Trust me, because that's exactly what happened to me. I have been practicing guitar seriously for YEARS, and I was learning a lot. But then I started learning the piano, and my guitar playing level shot through the roof.Sounds like fluff, but it's not. I never teach anything I have not learned really well, myself.Do you want to learn powerful music theory through the piano that most guitarists will NEVER understand? Do you want to be in TOTAL CONTROL about all your musical activities, whether it's playing in a band or writing and performing your solos and pieces, or performing standard repertory, or ANY combination of all this?Do you want to learn to be a fearless guitarist? There's a lot more to music theory than learning some boring bits in a confused and haphazard manner from most guitar players, and forgetting it. Most of them learn it ineffectively, and even more of them teach it ineffectively.We will learn powerful music theory at the piano, which, ironically, will be a HUGE boost for your guitar playing.I will guide you step-by-step. I will tell you not only exactly what to do, and how to do it, but also what to AVOID doing. These are mistakes that only guitarists will make. As I happen to be BOTH a guitarist and a pianist, I am in a very unique position to know every do's and do not's about the piano, as related to guitarists. A pianist doesn't know all this other stuff about the guitar, but I do, which means I can tailor-made learning at the piano, for the guitarist, and pick and choose what are the things that will serve them best as musicians.At the end of this course you will have learned powerful music theory that will seriously BOOST your musicianship on guitar.Let's start today. Don't wait. Let me guide you through the secrets of this beautiful and fascinating instrument: the piano."
Price: 29.99 |
"Cration des cartes interactives par Arcgis Online ." |
"Cration de cartes interactives par Arcgis Online.Voulez-vous crer des cartes sur votre site sur Internet? Ce cours vous expliquera comment crer des cartes interactives sur Internet sans apprendre programmer donc Assurez-vous le SIG Web en crant des applications SIG Web dynamiques avec ArcGIS Online.Juste besoin d'un peu de connaissance dans ArcMAP et devenir un pro ArcGIS Online .Partie intgrante de Esri Geospatial Cloud, ArcGIS Online vous permet de relier les personnes, les lieux et les donnes laide de cartes interactives. Utilisez des styles dynamiques intelligents et des outils danalyse intuitifs qui facilitent lintelligence gographique. Partagez vos analyses avec le monde entier ou des groupes particuliers."
Price: 19.99 |
"Social Media Marketing Practice Test" |
"Become a Social Media expert with this entirely updated specialization in Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram, Twitter, etc. Practice test design to get grips with the core essentials of Social media marketing, including Search, Social Media, PPC, Email Marketing, Analytics, Mobile, Strategy & Planning and more.Future-proof your employability and gain the latest and most up-to-date Social media marketing skills needed to thrive in todays digital economy. Its best suited for marketing and sales professionals, business owners, individuals and entrepreneurs who would like to embark on a new, exciting and in-demand career or business by Digital marketing."
Price: 19.99 |
"PowerPoint Animation: Make Animated Video & Explainer Video" |
"This course is for all levels, especially for beginners who want to explore new interests or learn a new skill. There are 6 projects in total and we will start with simple projects before the complex projects in the later stage. Never worry about buying expensive tools or software to create animated video or animation because we will be using different free tools to complete all projects together. Throughout the course, you will learn how to: 1. Create a cartoon character from scratch (or a basic animated explainer video), animate the hand, mouth, and eyes.2. Add and edit sound effect, background music and voice over, 3. Search for free images,4. Edit images,5. Add transition and animation,6. Export PowerPoint into video,7. Edit video before exporting and more!***Feel free to watch the preview video***Sharing:1. I believe some audiences may only interested in the images I used in these projects, but not the course content. Nevertheless, I am more than happy to share them with you. I already have the resource file (a zip file) ready, so please watch my preview video, sharing #1 section, to receive the download link. =)2. I made this course affordable to everyone by setting the price to minimal. Please do let me know if you still have any issues.3. I truly appreciate your time taking up this course. On the other hand, please seek a refund if you are unhappy with the course for any reason (while Udemy is doing a great job in protecting students' interest), though I hope you still learn something new or useful to apply in your career/study.4. Finally, I have a little bonus at the end of the lecture for everyone.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.""""Do what you love, and you'll never work another day in your life""""Best Regards,Dennis Loh"
Price: 19.99 |
"Upnext Rappers: How to Release a Hip Hop Video on YouTube" |
"This course if designed to help aspiring rappers, hip hop artist, or any genre of music artist set up a video launch to make them more discoverable and get the best results. Many rappers are making great music, and great videos, but no one is showing up to watch. This was first recorded as a private and secret training for some of my Instagram followers/students. It got such a great response that now Im making it available to everyone. This course will cover:Defining who you should be marketing toKeyword research so you can create the perfect title, description, and tagsWhy you should Stop Using Worldstar and Your Favorite Artist name in your tagsGet a competitive advantage over other artist with a thumbnailWhy you should upload it to YouTube but not release it immediatelyTo Buy Views or Not to Buy Views: That is the QuestionNow that its live: Marketing TipsFinal Two Extra Tips: Keep them on the platform and tracking trafficThis music video course is perfect for beginners or professionals. I show you simple techniques that dont require you to be a search engine optimization specialist but these techniques even the major labels are missing.There is a great opportunity for the indie artist in this internet era but making great music alone will not get you discovered. Everyday I watch great videos where people have clearly spent thousands of dollars in production but in 9 months they only have 179 views. The song is fire. The video is quality. Yet, crickets.There are over 300 hours of content being uploaded to YouTube every minute. Labels are putting big money behind their new artist to get them discovered. How can you compete? You need to have some business and marketing skills. My goal with this course, as with all my courses, is to help you quickly acquire those skills so your audience can find you. I GUARANTEE if you follow all these steps to the letter that your views will increase drastically."
Price: 19.99 |
"Hip Hop / Rap Video Hijacking: Appear on WorldStar Videos" |
"In this course, I show you how to ethically hijack other videos on YouTube to get in front of the perfect audience. You can pick your favorite channel (like WorldStar) or your favorite rapper (like Logic) and ride their coattails. Now you don't have to have a record label size budget to get on Worldstar."
Price: 49.99 |
"sap abap module pool programming for beginners" |
"In this course, students can learn sap abap module pool programming, this course is completely for beginners, who have basic abap knowledge. In this course following objects are covered :Table CreationScreen designingRadio button, check box and List box (drop down list)List Box/Radio buttons with user commandMake field editable non editable on the screen.-ve sign allowed for domain through screen/upper lower case control for characters Field value validation , chain end chain.Message Class I ABAPTable control single and MultipleTab stripLock objectChange Log ObjectSub screenNumber range object SNROCreate program using Type MPP and custom number range objectHandle Double click eventMake table control screen field non editable at run time.Field validation in Table control"
Price: 2240.00 |
"sap abap alv report for beginners abap freshers" |
"In this course students can learn creation of alv report starting from basic, then adding the features as Basic report ,Events in report, Interactive alv report, User command and custom pf status ,Colors column level/row level and field level, Editable report column level/field level, Dynamic output alv report etc, also they can download the code given in some videos, to upload and test in there system."
Price: 1280.00 |
"Arapa Eitim Seti 64 Adet Video Ayrntl Temel Dzey" |
"64 adet video ile sfrdan balayarak Arapa temel dzey konular ele alnm ve her dzeyden rencinin anlayabilecei ekilde izah edilmitir. Konular, temel dzeyde bir rencinin bilmesi gereken basamaklara gre sralanm, gereksiz detaylardan kanlmtr. Temel dzey konularn bitiren bir renci, basit dzeyde cmle kurma ve gnlk ihtiyalarn ifade etme becerisi kazanr, orta ve ileri dzeyde kendisini nasl gelitirebileceine dair kazanmlar elde eder. Arapa temel dzey konular, Arapa hakknda genel bir yol haritas oluturmanza katk salayacaktr."
Price: 49.99 |
"Learn Ancient Sanskrit Mantra for Transformation" |
"Mantra Is A Wonderfully Effective Complementary Spiritual Practice That Can Enrich Your Life.Mantra Is A Sanskrut Word With Many Shades Of Meaning. Tool Of The Mind, Divine Speech, Language Of Human Spiritual Philosophy.Mantra Can Help You Deal With Material Concerns And Necessities Of Life.Chanting Of Mantras Work Directly On All Types Of Karma, Helping To Overcome What May Have Been Created Ignorantly In This Life Or Past Life.Mantra Combined By Intentions Increases Physical And Spiritual Benefits.When We Pronounce The Mantra We Initiate A Powerful Vibration That Corresponds To Both Specific Spiritual Energy And State Of Consciousness.The Practice Of Sanskrut Mantra Increases The Vitality And Energy Utilising Ability Of The Chakra In Our Subtle Body And Organs Of Our Physical Body."
Price: 74.99 |
"Mind Your Mind's Letting Go" |
"Our Body Is Tuned To Throw Out The Garbage On Daily Basis Which Creates In Our Body By Good Or Bad Eating, Body Knows Even Good Even Bad Needs To Throw Out After Certain Time, BUT What About Our Mind???Is Your Mind Know The Letting Go/Throwing Out? Learn this with me. Mind your mind's letting go workshop help you to understand why letting go is important and what exactly to let go for our better health of mind."
Price: 19.99 |
"The Basic Concepts of Chakra" |
"Each chakra is associated to our physical health and emotional health, know this connection, with this beautiful online program.What you will learn1.What are the chakras2.Importance of each chakras3.How to identify over active and under active chakra and effects of it4.Karmic connection with each chakra5.Many ways to balance the chakra through mantra, crystals, yoga, diet, mudra etc.6.7 different meditations to balance each chakra7.Special Grounding meditation."
Price: 99.99 |
10-quranic |
". . . ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Crea planes de entrenamiento personalizados" |
"En este curso trabajamos informacin esencial con la que aprenders a crear planes de entrenamiento personalizados. Esta informacin te ayudar a conseguir cualquier objetivo: aumentar masa muscular, mantener estado fsico o prdida de grasa.No entrenes sin un plan y sin un objetivo. Aprende a crear planes de entrenamiento que te ayudarn a progresar lo largo de toda tu vida. Todo esto con una adherencia y con una motivacin hacia el entrenamiento. Si entendemos como programar entrenamientos, trabajaremos de forma adecuada y conseguiremos nuestros objetivos disfrutando del proceso.Aprenders a tener un estilo de vida saludable debido a que sabrs cuanto, cuando y como entrenar. Sin excesos y sin carencias de entrenamientos, ya que sabrs cual es tu rutina ms adecuada.Podrs observar como realizo un plan de entrenamiento personalizado paso por paso, viendo as como se pone en prctica la informacin de todo el curso.Adems, podrs tener acceso a un documento en formato PDF en el que encontrars toda la informacin del curso."
Price: 199.99 |
"Aprende a hacer planes nutricionales" |
"En este curso trabajamos informacin esencial con la que aprenders a crear planes nutricionales adaptados. Esta informacin te ayudar a conseguir cualquier objetivo: aumentar masa muscular, mantener estado fsico o prdida de grasa.Olvdate de las dietas que tienen un principio y un final. Aprende a tener un estilo de vida saludable que te acompaar a lo largo de toda tu vida. Todo esto con una adherencia y sin dejar de lado tus gustos a la hora de comer.Aprenders a tener un estilo de vida saludable sin estrs y sin agobios hacia la comida, sabiendo que lo estas haciendo bien y sabiendo que cuando te das algn capricho no estas perjudicando ni tu salud ni tu progreso hacia los objetivos deseados, siempre que lo hagas de forma controlada y pautada.Podrs observar como realizo un plan nutricional paso por paso, viendo as como se pone en prctica la informacin de todo el curso.Aprenders a analizar productos para saber cuales puedes incluir en tu plan nutricional y cuales no. Entenders como leer etiquetas y que tipos de aditivos y edulcorante debemos evitar.Adems, podrs tener acceso a un documento en formato PDF en el que encontrars toda la informacin del curso."
Price: 199.99 |
"Fast-track Growth Program for New Project Managers" |
"Learn the basic concepts, tools and skills that you will need to become successful as a project manager.Build a strong foundation by growing critical Project Management competencies.Develop technical project management skills like communications and planning skillsBuild your interpersonal skills like leadership, conflict resolution, decision making, emotional intelligence Fill your Toolbox with best practices to follow like how to start a new project, how to conduct effective meetingsThe main pitfalls for new project managers and how to avoid themThe Program is focused on achieving the outcome which is to take away uncertainty of a new PM role and to give you the confidence coming from knowing what to do, when to do it and how!The Fast-Track Growth Program for New Project Managers provides enough detail as part of a framework so that you will know what the essential things are that you need to do on projects. It gives opportunities to reflect on your learning and performance at work so that the learning experience will motivate you to complete the course.As a student, you will find value if you practice what you learn by applying it immediately in your work environment. In addition, you will take away a personalised development plan based on the opportunity to do a free personality profile assessment and SWOT analysis, to execute as part of your ongoing career progression.This course is built on more than 20 years experience with delivering projects and mentoring new and experienced project managers.Content and overviewI designed this course to be easily understood and applied by absolute beginners. Each section starts with a ""What to look forward to and expected outcomes"" lecture to get you up to speed right away.A total of 6 sections with 20 lectures filled with practical tips and tools, with quizzes at the end of each section to help you grasp the key concepts. The content is aligned with the Project Management Body of Knowledge, known as the PMBOK, an accepted industry standard from the Project Management Institute (PMI).The course format makes provision for easy consumption through listening as audios, as well as downloads for summary and increased comprehension of new concepts and tools. Through-out the online learning process, you will receive support from the Trainer, Linky Merwe.You will walk away with a solid toolbox of skills and knowledge that you can use to succeed in your new project management role.You will be able to communicate more clearly, to do planning, to lead the team and to manage conflicts. You will understand your own strengths and weaknesses better and adjust your development plan accordingly.Who this course is for:You are an accidental project managerYou are a business professional where project management is your secondary responsibility, but who is asked to do important corporate projects nonethelessYou manage projects for the first time, with no prior trainingYou are a competent manager finding yourself in the position of managing projects. Being a professional person who is motivated to be successful, you need guidance on how to become a successful project manager fast!You are a technical specialist of whom there are high expectations to succeed in managing a project, probably because you have expert knowledge of your industry, or you have specialised system expertise"
Price: 89.99 |
"Crochet beginners course learn basic stitches step by step" |
"In this course you will learn how to crochet using four basic stitches, also you will learn how to crochet a pattern, this course is full of resources and video tutorials as well as photo step by step guides, by the end of the course you will have the knowledge and skills to create your first crochet blanket.I hope you enjoy this course as much as I have making it, any questions please feel free to contact me."
Price: 24.99 |
"Online Client Acquisition System" |
"(1) As soon as you purchase, you will get immediate access (via username and password) to the Online Client Acquisition System training center.(2) You'll Get An Entire 3-Week Home Study Course...Complete With Video Training Modules + Action Plans Worksheets + Program e-Business Trackers + Google Drive Downloads For Each Week.(3) The course is structured much like a college class. We will be going through 3 sections together. Each section builds upon the next and I'll be there holding your hand each step of the way. ""No student left behind.""(4) Here is a quick look at the 3 sections we'll be covering. Week 1: Phase 1: How to Stimulate Your Market Effectively Week 2: Phase 2: How to Communicate & Structure Your Message Week 3: Phase 3: How to Convert That Prospect Into a Paying ClientBonus: Scaling & Automation"
Price: 64.99 |
Solidworks |
" ."
Price: 19.99 |
"Curso Previdncia Social" |
"Seja bem vindo a este guia. O que um livro de curso e um relatrio sobre os benefcios da Previdncia Social. Voc est ciente de conceitos de informao mais complexas. Informaes concretas e corretas que te permitem ter um tempo depois de procurar em outros lugares de um lado para o outro sem encontrar. Alm disso, um livro para tirar dvidas e aprender mais. Com uma didtica de fcil entendimento. As aulas esto em vdeo com uma inscrio em um e-book que crie, j disponvel na rea h mais de 4 anos e posso ajudar. Aprenda e descubra se est esquerda do dinheiro.Aguardar a sua presena e ser um prazer te ajudando!"
Price: 19.99 |
"Tips and tricks to help overcome Pornography for Christians" |
"Pornography is something that is becoming more and more common in our world, and its almost impossible to find someone who hasnt struggled with it or been affected by it in some way. So I created this course that helps others who may be struggling with it. This course includes 27 videos of things that I have found to be extremely useful in my own life and are things that I have done that has helped me to overcome pornography. As Ive seen this problem get bigger and bigger in the lives of those around me, I decided to make a course about the things I have learned through the process that may be helpful to others."
Price: 19.99 |
"Communicate with Confidence" |
"This course provides powerful techniques most skilled counselors and coaches know and use with their clients. Now you can use them too to communicate with anyone in almost any situation, especially the ones where you might feel awkward or uncomfortable. You'll even learn the exact words and phrases to use to give you confidence you need."
Price: 49.99 |
"Introduction to Procurement" |
"New to procurement?Get to grips with procurement including key objectives of procurement, the elements of procurement planning, going out to market with an RFQ , quote release and evaluation. Join this online short course today.What you will achieveBy the end of the course you will be better able to:Understand why it is important to undertake procurement in a particular way and establishing a good reputation as a buyerDemonstrate knowledge of key procurement methods, including panel purchases, Request for Quote and Request for TenderUnderstand Ethical Procurement and operating in a transparent way, adhering to standards and codes of conduct and be aware of conflicts of interest.Understand the negotiation process and how it applies to the nature of contractsApply best practice principles to the needs of your own organisation and job role.Present your certificate to claim CPD points to organisations like CIPS.Why join the course?Spending on goods and services comes with huge expectations, especially when youre spending shareholders or tax payers money. You need to operate transparently all while navigating a web of procurement legislation, policies and procedures. This online short course will help you get to grips with procurement essentials, specifically focusing on the legislation, regulation and policies. Learn the mandatory requirements plus helpful tips to make the whole procurement process easy to understand and less stressful.Who is the course for?This online introductory level course is designed for those new to procurement or for those who have procurement as part of their job either in a private or government organisation.100% online - 24/7 accessStudy when you want, where you want, to get the most from your learning. This online course is delivered in 9 videos. With 24/7 unlimited access, you can watch the videos as many times as you need. This online short course is non-accredited and there is no assessment. You will receive a certificate of completion once you have viewed all content. Present your certificate to claim CPD points with organisations like CIPS."
Price: 99.99 |
"Introduction to Contract Management" |
"Creating a contract can seem intimidating. Get it right and you can build rewarding business relationships. Get it wrong, and you can put your business at risk. Learn the vital skills to begin to deliver and manage good contracts in this online short course.What will you achieve?By the end of this course you will be able to:Define a contract and understand the importance of knowing the partiesUnderstand the building blocks of contractsIdentify the key elements involved in contract formationDemonstrate an understanding of common contract terms and conditionsIdentify potential contractual issuesIdentify and manage variationsIdentify key contract risksFinalise contractsGain continuing professional development points with the presentation of your completion certificate to organisations such as CIPS.Why join this course?Contracts are the lifeblood of most businesses in the private and public sector. Yet many people sign them without really knowing what they mean or having an understanding of what elements the contract must have to be considered a proper and valid contract. Understanding common terms used, the structure and being able to prepare good contracts are core skills for everyone involved in procuring good and services from business owners and project managers to admin staff.Who is this course for?This online introductory level course is designed for anyone, at any level of business, who wants to better understand what is involved in the contract management process and put this knowledge to work with confidence. It is suitable for people working in the public and private sectors. It is ideal for those new to procurement and contracts, or those in roles that have exposure to contracts and procuring goods and services.100% online + 24/7 accessStudy when you want, where you want, to get the most from your learning. This online course is delivered in 9 videos (8 hours total). With 24/7 unlimited access, you can watch the videos as many times as you need. This online short course is non-accredited and there is no assessment. You will receive a certificate of completion once you have viewed all content. Course can be used to gain CPD points with organisations like CIPS."
Price: 99.99 |
"Guitar and Beyond" |
"This course is designed to help the beginner, intermediate and advanced guitarist to develop or improve an understanding of various picking methods, increasing playing speed, and introduce the student to the music theory and techniques needed to construct their own innovative solos. Upon completion of this course, the student will be well versed in guitar picking technique and also have the tools to improvise over blues, rock, and traditional jazz progressions. Although shred guitar techniques are the emphasis, I designed this course for the complete musician and to prepare the student for any playing situation he /she may encounter regardless of style."
Price: 19.99 |